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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1918)
4 DEMOCRATIC WAR RECORD ASSAILED : Early-Day Pacifism of Champ Clark and Kitchin Is Re called by Gillette. meree Commissioner, died at his home in Washington. D. C. at :00 o'cloc yesterday mornlnjr. Hla death resulted from pneumonia, following a brief ill ness and his condition was not regarded as serious until a few minutes preced tng his death. Commissioner Aitchison, who is presiding at hearings In progress at the Federal building in this city, re ceived news of the sudden demise of Mr. Leedy after adjournment of th freight rate hearing last night. Mr. Leedy was born in Canyon City and Is the son of Abraham D. Leedy, veteran lawyer who Is still residin there. He is survived by his widow and little daughter. Mrs. Leedy will leave Washington tomorrow to bring the body to Canyon City for Intermen Leroy D. Leedy, who was formerly of' flclal reporter of the Oregon Public Service Commission, afterwards becom ing assistant secretarv. waji. whil em nnP Pfll IPY I W nflWTRflST Ployed In these official duties at Sa w v wiwi wwi. . . . iem m jaw student at Willamette Uni I versity. Mr. Aitchison last night spoke ; In the highest terms of the late seers tary. Massachusetts Mrmbrr, In Hoise Speech. bajs Rooecvelt, Wood, Gardner Were leading Evan gels of Frrparcdneie. WASHIAGTON, Sept. 21. Represen tative Gillett, of Massachusetts, acting Republican leader. In a speech in the House today, attacked the war record of the Democratic majority, contrasting with It that of the Itepublican minority. v Speaker Clark. Democratic Leader Xitchin and Chairman Dent, of the House military committee, were singled out for comment and Chairman Kerris, of the Democratic Congressional cam paign committee, was accused of unfair criticism of the Republican record tor campaign purposes. "Would the support of the war have been any less vigorous If a Republican had brrn Kpesker instead of our hon ored Champ Clark, who opposed the declaration of war and went out of his wav to defeat the draft?" asked Mr. Gillett. Kltrhla'a Vote Mentioned. "Would the sinews of war have been any less ample or more sectionally pro vided if a itepublican had been at the head of the ways and means committee lnotead of Mr. Kitchin. who also voted gainst the wsr and against the draft? "Would necessary war legislation have been retarded any more If at that momentous Juncture a Republican had been chairman of the military commit tee instead of Mr. Dent, from whose lands the Administration programme of the draft had to be taken and car Tied through by a Republican! I might proceed with, the other com mittees. The next Congress, Mr. Gillett eon eluded, "will have to face the post war problems and. because ot inaustriai CHURCHESTO HELP LOAN ALL DKNOMIXATICVS WILL JOIX IX GREAT MASS MEETING. Programme Includes Addresses by War Workers, Mmlral Hnmfcers and Other Wartlsse Features. A mass meeting of the city churches of all denominations will he held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon Jn the Mo nicipal Auditorium. Soldiers will be- stationed at all places ot worship this morning to make announcement of this meeting. In the larger downtown churches buglers- will call attention of worship ers to tha big mass meeting for the afternoon. Indications point to a record crowd for the meeting, which is called to en able the church membership of Port land and vicinity to make a public dem onstration of its combined loyalty in the fourth liberty loan campaign. It will be unique. In that all denomina tions will be represented. Starting at 2:30 o'clock. F. W. Good rich will give an organ recital and later Jasper DCan McFall will lead a ape cial Junior chorus In songs. Captain R. Mulr Allan, of th British Army, will be the chief .overseas speaker. Dr. YV. C Covert, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Chi cago, is another speaker. The Right Reverend Walter Taylor And so J Sumner. Bishop of Oregon, representing the Episcopal Church, will preside. Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Pres byterian Church of Portland; Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, of Temple Beth Israel, and Rev. Father George F. Thompson. ITALIANS PRESS ENEMY HEAVY 1 ARTILLERY FIRE MAI. TAILED OS E.VTIRE FROST. Anstro-Hnngarlan Attacks Harled Back and Italian Assaults Produce rrtsonera and Material. centers being in the Northern states, fte Lo( the Church of the Madeleine, will argued that a Republican Congress in, three-minute speeches dedicate the could better solve tbese man a j-emo-1 membership of the city churches to the cratic House composed of many 6outh-l cause of the liberty loan. Dr. William em members. j A. Waldo, pastor of the First Baptist Mr. Uillett s aeciaration inai church, will deliver the invocation. three men wno were moat prominent evangels of preparedness were Colonel Roosevelt. General Wood and the late ReDresentative Gardner, all Republic ans, was greeted with applause from the Republican side. Republicans fer War. I'nder ReDUblican control, he said, . Congress would have willingly granted all necessary war power and passed all war measures, but it would not have been udder the control of the Adminis tration. As Mr. Gillett concluded, the Re publican members arose to applaud and ' cheer. -Charges that political Influence hi been brought to bear on Secretary Raker in making selections for .can tonment sites and for the location of other war activities were made in the House' today by Representative Rob' bins of Pennsylvania. Republican. Discrimination In favor of the South as against the North was charged by Mr. Bobbins who declared that to Democratic states the treasury is send ing a flow of gold to aid in meeting political exigencies. i The Representative declared that II Southern states have received from the Federal Government a total of $0.30.- 1 for camps and war plants, while Pennslyvania. he said, bas received only a little more tban $8,000,000 and other Northern states have received propor tlonately the same. Replying to Representative Bobbins, Representative Heflln of Alabama. Democrat, denied the charge. He said Pennsylvania had received from 150.- 000,000 to ((0,000.000 for every (LOW). COO spent in Alabama and that the North generally had enjoyed the ex renditure of I1SO.000.000 . for every 11,000,000 spent In the Bouth. . PLAGUE AT CAPITAL 13th of September, this year, not only was unlucky, but illegal as well. One Death From Influenza at . Washington Announced. BRIGADE BAND WILL PLAY Camp Lewis Organization, to Boost Fourth Liberty Loan. The Depot Brigade Band, of Camp Lewis, which arrives in Portland th morning, under command of Lieutenant William S. Chambers, bas a number of CnrDII OAMCIO urn IfTCn liberty loan engagements before it. OtltnHU UHlVirO HrruvILU Tne band has been playing at the Pendleton Round-up. and appears in Portland by permission of Brigadier General VanderbUt, of Camp Lewis, as nprifl 1 nttrnrtinn under thn Aii.xnine rtf epsanu imiucns visum v iu3 the epeaKers committee. Tonight at Liberty Temple the Depot Brigade Sana win give an open-air concert from 7 to o clock. Tomorrow at 1 o'clock the band will assemble before the Oregon building, rendering an hour's concert under the auspices of the members' council of th Portland Chamber of Commerce. From J:30 to t:Z9 o'clock toramorrow after noon it will present a concert at Lib erty Temple. Tomorrow night it will appear at Liberty Temple for a half- hour concert at C:45, proceeding to the mass meeting at the Auditorium. On Tuesday the band will give sev eral concerts, appearing at Liberty Temple at 11 A. M-, and again at 3:30 P. M. An evening engagement for Tuesday remains to be announced. I " ' ' ' in ' i Great Lakes, Boston and Pblla delphla Stations and at Qaantloo, Va. LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER IS SUES WARXING REGARD ING INFLl'EXZA. Spanish influenza, which is prevalent at points in the Ka9t, has not yet made an appearance in any Pacific Coast city, although there are several cases at Camp Lewis. However, as a safeguard. City Health Officer Parrlsh yes- rday Issued a warning mat peo ple should keep themselves in good health and take common precaution against colds. The disease is similar to the grip. It attacks the victim sud--denly, and is accompanied by high fever. Persons afflicted should go home and remain in bed. I te WASHINGTON, Sept 11. Spanish In fluenza has made Its appearance In the National capital. John W. Clore, a rail way brakeman, died today of the disease. Naval reports show Spanish Influenza Is prevalent at the training camps at the Great Lakes station, at the Boston nd Philadelphia stations, and the Ma rine training camp at Quantico, Va. BUFFALO, N. T, Sept 21-The health department here has been official ly Informed that more than 300 soldiers In training in the Polish division at Nl- gara. on the lake, are aunering irom Spanish influenza. - . BOSTON, Sept 21. Records of the health department showed II deaths among civilians due to lniiuensa ana pneumonia during tne last it noun, a light reduction from tne total ox pre vious days. In addition there were six deatns ot merchant marine apprentices In hos pitals here. 70 FISHERMEN IN CUSTODY Hen Just in From Korth Held to Be Draft Evaders. SEATTLE, Sept. ZI. Seventy em ployes of Libby, McNeil &. Co., Just re turned from the Alaska fishing grounds. were arrested here today by the Naval Intelligence Department charged with attempting to -evade the draft The men were taken from a steamer arriv lng from the north. Officers say the men held are mem per a of the- party which last spring escaped from San Francisco officials in a chase through the bay and out Golden Gate to fishing ships leaving for the north. PACIFIC WEATHER FAIR Nearly Normal Temperatures Are Predicted by Weather Bureau. "WASHINGTON, Sept 21. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday, issued by the Weather Bureau today, were: Northern Rocky Mountain and plateau regions Generally fair, with tempera tures near or slightly above normal. Pacific states Generally fair, with nearly normal temperatures. CHICAGO. Sept 21. Today's report from the Great Lakes station showed no alarming increase in Spanish influenza cases. About 2000 men have been affected. nt the attacks generally nave been light and only one death has been re- QD REGIMENT CELEBRATES NEW YORK. Sept. 21. The number Third Infantry, Organized by Wash. f Spanish, influenza, cases reportea to TAG SftLE NETS S7000 ROME, Sept. 21. Attempts made by Austro-Hungarian forces yesterday to attack at various points along the mountainous front in Northeasterly Italy were repulsed In front of the Italian lines, says the official statement issued today by the War Office. Harassing heavy gun fire prevailed on the entire front The text of the statement reads: "Along the whole front there were artillery actions of a harassing nature. Our batteries caused fire at Melette. fn the Asiago Dlateau region and blew up an ammunition dump near Grisolera on the lower J lave river. l . ' - Attempts of hostile assault parties failed in front of our lines south of Mori, at Mont Corno and Vallarsa, to the north of Grappa and east ot Salet- tuol. Our reconnoiterlng parties attacked and drove back irt the Ledro valley small observation post of the enemy who left dead and prisoners. Ammunition and various material were brought back from reconnaissance at Tonalesella and on the Inlets in the Piave in the Montella regions. One hostile airplane was brought down. West of Feeri and io tha valley nloa there were patro encounters the capture of some prisoners Jarmr of SOO Portland Wesea. Assisted by Aleasav and ttaker Players, ' i Participate In Campaign. BE.EFIT FOR CHARITABLE HOMES CLERKS FIT FOR SERVICE IS GREAT SUCCESS. Seven of 67 Limited Service Duly Are Eligible for Military. Of the (T limited service draftees who reported to Vancouver Barracks last week under tha call for those qualified for clerical work, aix have been found physically fit for general military serv ice. Captain John m. culilaon. comman der of this detachment learned of the holding of six men for soldier duty yes terday. These men. from the boards indicat ed, will be soldiers Instead of clerks: Forest Vernon Rycraft Benton County; Henry F. Caldwell, No. 1. Marlon Coun ty: Donald B. Lewis, Wasco County Raymond F. Ginrlcn. No. (, Portland Cyril Niedermeyer, No. T. Portland Chalmer Blair, No. (. Portland. The men will be sent to their respective as signments Monday and Tuesday to start work with the various draft boards of the state. Professional counters from the First National bank were literally swamped In a sea of dimes, nickels and quarters at the headquarters of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society last night as they took toll of the tag day returns for the Albertina Kerr Nursery and the Louise Home. The sale totaled more - than (7000. The goal set for the drive was (3000 and the committee had been discour aged In expecting to raise this amount as (3000 was the largest return they Jiad ever received on previous tag days, 3:arly yesterday the supply of tags was exhausted and before noon it was necessary to fall back on a supply printed five years ago. The tags sold at 10 cents. In many Instances they brought as much as (5, and one man gave (25. Under the direction of Mra R. E. Bon durant chairman of the committee on women's organizations, an army of (00 women sold in tha streets, assisted by .Miss Alice Fleming, of the Alcasar The ater. and Miss Betty Brice, of the Baker etock Company. W. G. MacLaren. general euperinten dent of the society, had charge of the general arrangements for the sale. the health department- in this city to- day showed a decrease compared with the previous two days, were Deing 20 new victims as compared with yesterday and (8 the day before. Only one death has resulted thus far. Tbese figures do not Include cases at the Marine or Army hospitals. NEWPORT, R. I.. Sept 21. The in fluenza epidemic in the Second Naval District resulted In five deaths today, with the development of 124 new cases. Eighty of the additional patients were from the Naval Training Station. ATER, Mass., Sept. 21. Two officers and 1( privates died in Camp Devens today as a result of influenza and pneu monia. The officers were Lieutenant ITraglio, an employe of the Grant Smith- William D. Cornish of Windsor, vt. ington, Observes Anniversary. EAGLE PASS, Texas, Sept 21. The third infantry regiment which was or ganized by General Ceorge Washing ton in 1792, and which claims to be one of the oldest if not the oldest unit of the American military forces, today celebrated the 136th anniversary of its organization. A field meet and regimental review featured the celebration. Liberty Statue Dedicated. With appropriate ceremonies, a statue of the Goddess of Liberty, cast by T. P, LIKLY COWHIDE BAG QUALITY CHARACTER DEPENDABILITY Buy this "LIKLY" Bag and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have the best there is. $12.00 Genuine Cowhide. Roomy, popular pattern, with select, high quality catches and lock. Construction through out extra good. Leather lined, with regulation pock ets. Your choice of either brown or black leather and 16 or 18-inch sizes II!: I Pnri.r nhlnvards. was unveiled yester day. Miss Beverly Traglio. daughter of the sculptor, releasing ine euro held the large American flag in place. The statue is 14 feet in neignt. ana four drinking fountains are set at inn he. Aririresaex were maae DT of the shipbuilding corporation and by CJaptain Hirscb, of tne j) rencn . HART IS AID TO MARINERS Bremerton Teomanette Assigned to Portland Hydrographlc Office. As an aid in the work of adjusting compasses for vessels leaving port Os car Schwarz, nautical expert in charge f the Hvdrographic Office here, has charted the position of Portland, which he says is latitude 4S:3l north; longi tude 122:4 west, and the variation from true 'north is 22 degrees and tq minutes east Astoria is shown as latitude 48:13 north; longitude 123:50 west, and the aration there is 23 degrees ana xu minutes cast Co-operation between Mr. Schwartz and the Chamber of Commerce has resulted In a measrued course being aeciaea on over wnicn vessels will be steamed to determine their sneed for a mile. Another Im provement arranged for is the estab- sbment of ranges for adjusting com passes in the river. Up to yesterday there had been 44 chronometers left at the Hydrographio Office so far this month for adjust ment and more are expected this week. There were. 10 deck watches delivered there a week ago. Navy Department Instructions are that a yeomanette is to be detailed from the Bremerton Navy yard person- el to duty at the Portland branch of the Hydrographio Office. As she will be the first woman saiior to stand a atch in that department, her coming being awaited by the force. Russia has the longest canal in the world, -extending from Petrograd to China, a distance of neslrly 4500 miles. chaplain, and Lieutenant Jacob Rosen berg of Fall River. Military authorities called 'attention today to the quarantine issued by the board of health of the town of Ayer against the camp and ordered that it be obeyed. No passes for men to go home over Sunday were issued today, CAMP LEWIS, Taeoma, Sept 21. "Influenza - has assumed the propor tions of a mild epidemic, especially among recruits." according to the weekly summary of communicable diseases issued today by the camp sanitary Inspector, Captain V. L. Bishop. One hundred and fifteen cases of Influenza were reported during the week. The influenza here is not the Spanish Influenza which has been found In some Eastern camps ana cities, accord ing to Camp Lewis officers. The Spanish type, they say, develops pneumonia among many surierers wnue mis rareiy occurs with influenza patients here. The disease here is usually checked and patients discharged from the hos pital in three days COMING SWEET. BELLS JANGLED Couple Wedded Friday, September IS, Find Marriage Is Illegal. They were married on Friday, the 13th of September. And yesterday they were in the di vorce court. They are William II. Porter and Clara B. Porter. The husband yesterday filed suit In the Circuit Court for the' an nulment of their marriage. He alleges his wife was given an Interlocutory divorce decree from Orvllle Taylor In California on March T, this year. Under the California laws, he says, she is not divorced until the final decree is granted one year after the Interlocu tory decree is signed. Therefore, he asserts, their marriage on Friday the WALTERS HAVE BAD LUCK Two of Same Name Land in Hospital With Severe Injuries. Walter Wheelock. aged 9. of 642 East Forty-sixth street North, was knocked down at Sixth and Oak atrects yesterday by an automobile driven by M. Dooly, whose office is in the Board of Trade building. He sustained a con cussion of the brain and was taken to kit Vincent's Hospital. Walter Harvey. 24. of 24 East Eighth sttreet North, sustained severe Internal injuries yesterday when his. abdomen was pierced by an automatic auger at' the Peninsula Shipbuilding Company's 3ra. h waa taken to the Good Sa inarltan Hospital. LEROY D. LEEDY IS DEAD Xate Secretary to Clyde B. Aitchison Born Jn Canyon City. Leroy D. Leedy. confidential secretary To Clyde B. Aitchison, Interstate Com- Fellow Americans! We, who first saw the light of day in a far country, have made your land our land your flag our flag. Here will we raise our children and our children's children to honor and revere both Land And Flag. Our people have cruelly suffered are now suffering from the hideous crimes of the oppressor. Outrage and murder have been ' their portion because, forsooth, they forsake not the faith that is in them because they believe steadfastly in the brotherhood of man and of nations. By All that is noble by all that is righteous for the sake of our country for the sanctity of our homes, we earnestly pray that you and we may do that which shall help forever to free Human ity from brutal, despotic tryanny that which shall enlarge and strengthen youi; faith and our faith in a just God! Pne thing we can do must do for the, sake of the heroes who are battlingwith the Monster of Autocracy for the sake of free America Buy Liberty Bonds! Cartozian Brothers jiii . 1 1 wiwwm. m.s luiem niMiBtnu j.iiiiiim,il,Jyjn' ' r f'mm -iniii' rtiii'iinr ii tnrinfMMiMirmiriTdSi " -i""' ,;--y-v- Sqn ID) Paying Jl jtMTL Now ! ; V Admission 20 Children 10 . . V."1 : . 1,. - i j -4, 1 ,.V5SJ 3 sew HTM ITS IP If H P1F IPHD Based Upon "THE THREE -THINGS" by Mary Raymund Shipman Andrews 100 American "THE UNBELIEVER" Throughout its seven action-packed, thrill-filled parts, tells a story that for sheer breath-taking, interest carrying suspense, can only be compared with the big drama row being staged "Over There." You'll live, hate, and fight with the story as it unfolds. It will make you proud of our boys and confident in the principles Old Glory stands for. PLAYED STRAIGHT WEEKS' CAPACITY SEATTLE WILL START PORTLAND'S FIRST SHOWING of his SENSATIONAL PICTURE PLAYED STRAIGHT WEEKS CAPACITY 5EATTLE ' 11 iTHEfl.T SATURDAY SEPT. ZS ' 1 " 1 """ IIIISMM n ' llllMlllllllll nlMilMsu,,, i HI