The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 39

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I are to be used in the welfare work In J J
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Mrs jfarS Myers SfaryJteJ
ttfor&j'jxQ CAurclr iServ,Jc Jiiscfazs:
Mr. and Mrs. J. TV. Bow."o and she ia
an accomplished pianist. Mr. Carlson
Js associated with Langr & Co. No
definite date has been set for the
"W. M. Cake, son of Judge William
nd Mrs. Cake left for Boston Wednes
day night of this week where he will
nter the Boston School of Technology
Charles Holbrook Schnabel. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schnabel, leaves
or Philadelphia tonight where he will
enter the Hahnemann Medical College
and at the same time join the students'
training camp in connection therewith.
Mr. and Mrs. John Randall Flynn, of
alia Walla, both of whom are well
known n this city, are being felicitated
upon the arrival of a baby daughter,
heir fourth child.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCarthy
(Irene Klynn). of Pueblo, Colo., also
are being showered with congratula
tions upon the advent of a son Tues
day morning.
Mr. Flynn and Mrs. McCarthy are the
children of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Flynn,
of this city, and brother and sister of
Miss Mamis Helen Flynn. the well-
Juiowa pianist.
TACOMA. Wash., Sept. 21. (Special.)
k-Mrs. Merritt Williams and infan
daughter of Portland, are in the city
as the guests of Mrs. Williams' parents.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilpin. Mr. w in
lams has enlisted in the Navy, and
while he Is in the service his wife will
remain with her parents.
Mrs. G. W. Burdick and eon. Dunbar,
tof Metollus. Or., are to be the guests of
lieutenant and Mrs. Earl J. Klngsley.
Mrs. Burdick is Mrs. Kingsley's mother.
Mrs. V. Dakoshl. of Portland. Is the
sruest of Tacoma friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I Jaeger, of Aber
deen, are in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Hellls entertained at
their home on Saturday evening. They
were assisted by Mrs. J. T. Dahlgren
and Mrs. F. P. Rigney. the occasion be
ing a surprise birthday party given in
honor of Miss Xavier Rigney, who was
the recipient of several beautiful pres
Musie and five hundred were diver
ions of the evening. Prizes were
awarded as follows: First honors to
Miss Nelson and F. Bertram: second
prizes to Mrs. M. Peterson and Alvin
Supper was served to the following
friends who called during the evening
to offer best wishes and extend con
gratulations to Miss Rigney: J. T.
Pahlgren and sons Clement and Theo
dore. C B. Peterson. Mr. and Mra Rose-
well and children. Mr. and Mra F. B.
Peterson and children, Mra Jones. Mra
Xiolburg. Mrs. M. Peterson. Mr. and Mra
Alvln Uouden. Mr. and Mra W. I Pe
tersen. Mra lloyer and son. Mr. and
Mra F. Bertram. Mr. Murphy and
daughter. Mr. and Mra J. C Wallner,
Mra Nelson and daughter, and children
of the host and hostess. Bobby, Carl and
lna Hellis.
Miss Josephine Grigg. daughter of
Mra Leonard Broock. was entertained
with a surprise party, in honor of her
12th birthday on Monday, at her home
in Delahunt Court. Twenty-eighth and
Sandy boulevard. The party was given
by her mother and her school com
pan ion. Miss Audrey Jensen. The chil
dren enjoyed Barnes, music and sing
ing. They were served with a delight
ful luncheon. The house was decora
ted with the National colors, red.
white and blue. Those present were
Iorothy Boland. Grade Boland. Delia
Duffy. Helen Duffy. Gertrude Harbin,
Audrey Jensen. Florence Cohen. Dor
othy Bleecker. Lou Ann Strong. Jean
Macqueen. Leah Anderson. Mae Cudde
back, Kmma Fleming, Nellie Boland,
Mrs. M. J. Boland. and Mr. and Mra T.
J. Duffy.
Miss Mildred Hurd entertained at a
delightful dinner party Thursday even
ing complimenting Miss Frances Clarke,
a bride-elect. Those present were: The
Misses Frances Clarke. Hazel Crox
ford. Edna Crozford. Harriot Staley,
F.lsie Braun, L'ra Casey and Mildred
Hurd. .
Miss Hazel Crozford entertained with
a miscellaneous shower Monday even
ing, complimenting Miss Frances Clarke,
Miss Croxford'a home was decorated
with hearts, darts and cupida In the
music-room a sprinkling pot with a
ahower of ribbons and gifts at the end
of each was gracefully arranged. The
dining table was adorned with kewpie
dolls, dressed In soldier's and bride's at
tire, with two as flower gtrla
Dr. and Mra W. E. Slater were agree
ably surprised Saturday evening when
about 75 of their friends invaded their
home on Church street, the occasion
being a farewell to the doctor, who is
taking- a trip to Honolulu. Mra Eliz
abeth Conaway. In her gracious man
ner. In behalf of Gordon Granger Post
and Corps, of which Mra Slater is pres
ident, presented the doctor with a beau
tiful leather traveling bag. He also re
ceived a silver loving cup from the
State Association of Chiropractors, of
which he is a member. Cards and danc
ing were the pastime, dainty refresh
ments were served and all had a splen
did time.
Ben Butler W. R. C No. 61 tendered a
reception Thursday afternoon to the
visiting National junior vice-president,
Minnie Horseman. Other visitors pres
ent were Margaret Becker, president
Geo. Wright W. R. C. No. 2; Mary Sim
mons, president Thompson W. R. C. ;
Mra Hendershott. president Lincoln-
Garfield Corps No. 19; National Senior
Vice Commander-in-Chief J. G. Cham
bers.' Refreshments were served and
an enjoyable programme of instrumen
tal numbers by Mra Bowman was
given. Vocal numbers by two young
women, and addresses by Comrades
Chambers. Terry. Hendershott and
George were given. This was another
f the very enjoyable meetings of the
corps and a number of visitors were
present from other corps.
The Ladies' Auxiliary, Ancient Order
of Hibernians, is preparing to resume
its social activities during the Fall and
Winter months. An open meeting is
scheduled for Monday evening in the
Hibernia Hall, at which time a cam
paign for new members will be
Members of the Ancient Order of Hi
bernians and Ladies' Auxiliary are re
quested to attend and bring, their
friends, only those eligible for member
ship being granted admittance.
A musical programme followed by
dancing will be added attractions. Mrs.
W. A. Elvers, state president of the
Ladles' Auxiliary, will, be chairman of
the evening.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Grant
Smith-Porter Ship Company will give
a benefit dance at the Community
Clubhouse at the shipyards Wednesday
evening. September 25. The proceeds
are to be used In the welfare work In
the shipyards. The committee in
charge are: Mrs. Elmar A. Hanson.
Philis Anderson. La Verne Miller, Alice
Doty. Mrs. A. M. Hfmes, Mrs. Himel
wright, Mra J. W. Quinn, Mrs. Gladys
Price, Mrs. Mayme Barry, Mra J. H.
Hargreaves and Miss Crockley.
Members of the St. Lawrence War
Saving Stamp Society are planning
complimentary dance to enlisted men
on Wednesday night In the assembly '
hall on Third and Sherman streets. The
women of the auxiliary to the Oregon
Catholic War Council will assist. Re
freshments will be served and there
will be good music. The patronesses
for the occasion are the relatives of
the members of the parish who have
enlisted in the service.
Scout Toune Auxiliary. No. 3. United
Spanish War Veterans, will give a card
party Tuesday evening, September ,
1918. at their headquarters, 55 court
house building.
A complimentary dancing party will
be given by St. Lawrence's W. S. S.
S. at the assembly hall, 3 Sherman
street, Wednesday. The patronesses for
the event are .the mothers and rela-
(Concluded on Pae T.
"All the New
Fall Styles Are In
at Cherry's, Ho."
"You'd never believe how pretty they
are very simple, but wonderruny styl
ish. And even if it is war times, you
can wear decent, cheerful clothes by
buying thero the Cherry way. You just
imply pay a small deposit and the
whole stock is yours to choose from.
When you've made your choice, you
take the garments home and then pay
them off in easy payments every week.
Some of the best dressed girls in our
church buy ALL their clothes at Cher
ry s you know they handle suns, coais,
blouses, sweaters, skirts, petticoats ana
furs: oh. yes, and men's clothing, too.
389-91 Washington St., Plttock block.'
f. a
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists
and Petticoats at Peterson's Up
stairs Sample Shop. S0.1 Plttock;
Hlock, ror. Washington and Weat
Park Stn.
Professional Dancers
conduct DeHoney's beautiful academy,
Twenty-third and Washington, and
teach all ballroom and stage dances.
See our advertisement of new Fall
classes, etc., on page 5, section 1, to
day. Phone M. 7656. Adv.
Ladies' Tailor Suits, Gowna, TValata.
Broadway 1170.
550 Everett St.. Near Sixteenth St. I
The Red Feather Label on a package signifies that the pp
aratlon it contains was made under this guiding slogan : "Nothing
is good enough if it can be made better." This means un
questionable quality of ingredients; formulas and processes based
on tested and approved scientific principles.
Red Feather Complexion Powder
Supreme in Quality, Effect and Value
THIS, the perfect powder, contains ingredients which have a tendency
to slightly contract the pores of the skin"producing that "velvety
softness." It. has peculiar, distinctive transparent and adherent qualities
which cause it to blend with the skin. The result is a natural and genuine
effect. In hinged-cover boxes white, natural and brunette 50 cents.
Sent postpaid anywhere in the U. S.
Red Feather Complexion Powder is an American Product which has the
endorsement of thousands and thousands of American women of discernment.
Red Feather Rouge
Another Quality Product
Produces a nature-like tint and gives no
suggestion of a "make-up". Contains nothing
of a harmful nature and will not irritate the
most delicate skin. In hinged-cover metal
boxes with mirror and puff. Dark or Spanish.
Price 50c. Sent postpaid anywhere in the U. S.
The Parisian Eyelash Darkener
.So far war conditions have not hindered the
importation of this famously good and most
effective French product, which is sold to you
under the protection of the Red Feather Label.
In hinged-cover. boxes with mirror and brush.
' Price 65c. Sent postpaid anywhere in the U. S.
The Remiller Co.
230 W. 17th St., New York City
Sold in all Owl Drag Stores, other good Drug Stores and Department Stores
64 Years.
Q Established
54 1'eara.
149-151 Broadway-
Monday the Last Day of Our
Special Offering m
New Fall
We have, added dozens of
beautiful Frocks for, Mon
day's selling. Come early.
A "f 0 array f e loveliest new DRESSES for all occa-
JrL )y.jJ sions from the tailored street frock of Jersey or
braided serge to the dainty dinner dress of silk or georgette. All the
most fashionable colorings in styles that are as becoming as they are
new and lovely. ' ,
At $39.50
Most distinctive models in street and afternoon
DRESSES. Handsome braided effects in serge nd
serge combined with satin. Jerseys in the most charming new styles and
beautiful silk and satin dresses richly fringed and embroidered. The
newest colorings.
Exclusive Suits and Coats
For the New Fall Season
Never were suits and coats so altogether charming as now! Trim
skirts, many of them belted and pocketed go with smart jackets in
the new finger-tip length. Coats with novel belts and sleeves and
made more becoming by their cozy Fur -collars. ALL THE NEW
$35.00 -$49.00 $55.00
Fur Coatees
Specially Featured in a Most
Unusual Showing and
Specially Priced
A most unusual assortment of high-grade
fur coatees and coatees are the last word
in Fashionable Dress this season.
These prices will not re
main for very long, for the
cost of furs is continually
Hudson Seal Coatee S150
Hudson Seal Coatee S200
Hudson Seal Coatee S245
Hudson Seal, Ermine trimmed $275
Hudson Seal Coatees
(Seal Dyed Maakrat.)
Hudson Seal and Gray Squirrel $275
Hudson Seal and Chinchilla
Squirrel $200
Hudson Seal and Mole $195
Nutria Coatees
Nutria Coatee.
Nutria Coatee.
Nutria Coatee with Muskrat
Collar $225
Nutria Coatee : $150
Natural Gray Squirrel Coatee $195
Natural Gray Squirrel Coatee $300
Moleskin and Gray Squirrel Coatee. . .$275
7-1 fnntQ In a beautiful collection in all the most favored
J? XI I KiOCl'To styles. Hudson Seal and other exquisite Furs
143-151 Broadway
J? TJ Ti O Established '
rUlViJ Fifty-four Year.