The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 37

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Judpe Iickln.ion was Secretary of War
duruwr President Taft'a Administration,
and be has been prominent and active
for a number of years in political af
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Cordner and baby
on. Carter. Jr., have returned to their
home In Chicago after a residence in
this city of more than a year. Mr.
Cordner Is preparing to enter Army
service and he Is to report at Camp
Pike after a week's visit in Chicago,
Mrs. Cordner, a charming and attract
ive youns; matron, was Miss Nan Corco
ran, a Dana Hall girl, and very popular
In Portland society.
For the benefit of the Franco-Belgian
Society a dance Is being arranged for
Saturday. September 28, at Laurelhurst
Club, and the affair Is creating a great
deal of Interest In the various parts of
the city. Proceeds will be sent to the
French and Belgian orphans and every
one is cordially Invited to attend and
help make the affair a success.
As the dance will be most Informal
and the tickets will be sold at very
small price, everyone is asked to buy
one. whether he attends the affair or
not. Kffort Is being made to have
everything donated for the affair, so
that there will be no expense, as the
society Is desirous of raising a large
sum for their orphan fund.
. Patrons and patronesses include: Mr.
and Mrs. Henri Labbe. Mr. and Mrs. J.
I'rouillat. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Folger Johnson. Mr. and
Mrs. W. V. Wheelwright. Dr. and Mrs.
E. F. Tucker. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Tamie
sie. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Holmes, Mr.
and Mrs. C B. Cooke. Mme. Lucie Va
lair, Mrs. Kelly Rees, Mrs. Donald
Epencer, Mile. A. Maille.
Mrs. Vincent Cook is leaving to
night for -Med ford where she will make
her headquarters for the next week
while ma-king a speaking campaign in
the interests of the fourth liberty
Miss Vema Barker will leave tomor
row for Berkeley to enter .the Uni
versity of California.
Mrs. Clara J. Bond, of Eugene, who
kas been visiting in Portland for the
past month, left yesterday for her
home. Mrs. Bond is a prominent Red
Cross worker in Eugene and she has
been attending several of the special
meetings held in this city.. She has had
a delightful visit with relatives and
friends here, by whom she has been
charmingly entertained.
Tr. and Mrs. Gustav Baar have re
turned from Oearhart and they have
leased rr. N. Coghlan's house at
Twenty-fifth and Johnson streets for
the Winter.
Miss Marguerite Bergh will entertain
Wednesday at her home oil Portland
Heights with an informal tea In honor
of Miss Amy Robinson, charming
Miss Mary Frances Isom. librarian of
Portland's public library, was the honor
guest at a breakfast Sunday morning
at the Hotel Portland. Covers were
laid for 70 of her close friends. Miss
Isom left on Tuesday for New Tork,
whence she will sail for France to es
tablish libraries in the American rest
camps under the direction of the Amer
ican Library Association.
A number of Portland folk went to
Pendleton yesterday to attend the
Hound-Up, among whom are Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Sharp, Mrs. C. H. Laraont. of
Seattle, who is toe house-guest of her
sister. Airs, xeiia iann isearin: clar
ence Sewall and Dwight Edwards. The
party Is being entertained at the home
of Dan P. Smythe, of Pendleton, who
frequently visits in Portland.
Mrs. Frederick A. Barker entertained
at her home in the American Apart
ments with a charming luncheon on
Wednesday honoring Miss Ruth Small,
who is leaving on Wednesday for Lane
Hospital. San Francisco, to take up a
course in dietetics. Covers were ar
ranged for seven close friends of the
honoree. and the afternoon was devot
ed to sewing. Miss Small has been en
tertained extensively since she. an
nounced Intention df going into hospi
tal training.
Miss Constance Piper, who will leave
Wednesday for New York to resume
her musical work, is being delightfully
entertained by a number of well-known
matrons fend maids. A number of infor
mal evening parties are being arranged
in her honor, and afternoon affairs, ,
knitting-teas and luncheons also have
a j
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Coats! Coats! Coats!
and still more of them, and all conservatively priced
There are many reasons why the Emporium is recognized as "The Coat
Center of Portland." The bigness of stocks the diversity of styles and
"popular prices" have won for us that enviable position.
Our "Portland-New York" buyers and our New York resident buyers declare that never before have they
been so pleased with coat stocks! "We're proud of them, too, because we know we have the very coat you want
and that it is priced within your purse. i ..
45 Coats Just From New York
have been priced for Coat Week
We were wonderfully fortunate to get such very good looking coats to sell for so little and so will 45 women consider them
selves mighty .fortunate when they see the coats themselves. Buy now and get the maximum of service from your new coat.
Another model is of cut Pom Pom, entirely of self material,
belted with cle"ver collar and novel cuffs. Sol lined.
At $25, $35, $39.50, $45, $49.50
and on up as high as you care to pay are coats of every
description, every material and every hue your heart may
wish for. You'll find them all very conservatively priced.
One model is of broadcloth, attractively belted and with
plush collar and cuffs. It is full Sol lined I
Distinctive Millinery
that is what every woman wants. A hat that is "dif
ferent" from anyone's else. You're sure to find your own
- particular model among the
hundreds and hundreds
we've assembled for you !
Jane Marsh
Moorehead and Jar
dine Bruck-Weiss
have all sent us of their handsomest models. Our own
designers have been turning out hats of unusual beauty
and charm. Street hats, dress hats hats for every type
of woman are here !
Hats on the 1st floor range in price upward from $10.
Hats lower than $10 in price are on our 3d floor.
Coats for
Stout Women
We're making just scores of new
friends every day with our "larger
size" coats. They're not merely
large sizes, but are models espe
cially designed for women who,
wear sizes to 53. Splendid style,
size and color ranges. .
Hundreds of beautiful models.
Whether you want a coat all of
plush or one richly trimmed with
fur, you're sure to find it here
at $29.50 to $125. Fur trimmed
models begin - in price as low
as $35.
Exquisite New Blouses $8.95
"Perfect beauties!" you'll exclaim when you see them. Round, square,
V, novelty and the cleverest of high-neck models of finest Georgettes
finished with dainty laces,' silk embroiderings, headings in a wealth of
ways. Select your new blouse from among them tomorrow.
For the
Younger Woman
and for the woman of small pro
portions, we've, coats that you're
sure to enthuse over. Assortments
are splendidly varied. Prices range
mnrio tha wli -fust pnrted interesting
Yesterday her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Bogart,
entertained a number of the young gins
ith a knittlnir-tea. in honor of the
popular maid.
The following from a San Francisco
papen will be of interest to many fort
Miss Priscilla Ellicott. daughter of
Captain and Mrs. J. M. Ellicott, of. Mare
Island, -was married to Captain Thomas
Eugene Watson in Santo Domingo on
Monda"y, September IE, at the home of
her sister, . Mrs. Boss Kingsbury,, wife
of Major Kingsbury. According to the
laws of Santo Domingo, a civil cere-
Keep White
Clothes White
Wash them with Fels-Naptha
soap. It's the thorough
cleanser. Fels-Naptha's
whitest of white suds search
out even the unseen specks
of dirt.
Fels-Naptha won't turn
white clothes yellow. It
cleans without boiling, with- -out
hard rubbing. It washes
while you do something
else. Let Fels-Naptha keep
your white clothes white.
At jmar mm grocer's
mony was performed in the morning
and in the evening the marriage was
solemnized by Archdeacon Wyllie in the
presence of friends and relatives.
"The bride wore an elaborate gown
of cloth of silver trimmed with rare
lace and pearls. A long train of lace
hung from the shoulders. A lull tulle
veil held in place with a wreath of
orange blossoms completed the cos-
tume. She carried a shower bouquet of
white and pink orchids. Mrs. Kings
bury was her sister's matron of honor.
She wore a gown of pink tulle over
pink charmeuse and earned a bouquet
of Cecile Bruner roses. A small cousin
and nephew of the bride acted as rib
bon bearers, and her niece and the lit
tle daughter of Archdeacon Wyllie act-
(fonttmiPrt on Page 4-)
THE Woman
who is looking for a tail
ored coat for Fall and Winter
wearing will find my stock of
garments pleasing in style, re
liable in quality, and thorough
in workmanship.
Coats Are Shown at
$20, $25, $27.50, $30.00,
$32.50, $35, $37.50, $40
Third Floor
Leading Clothier
September Brides
will be better pleased if they have their announcements, invita
tions, cards, etc., engraved in our shop. Here they will have
that careful attention to detail of stock and printing that marks
the engraving of the well informed. ,
Plan your engraved personal Christmas cards early
to avoid the rush of the last few weeks before
Christmas. Many new designs and styles many
to conform to war times and patriotism.
The J. K. GILL Co.
Booksellers, Stationers,
Office Outfitters.
Third & Alder Sts.
No Profiteering
It has been generally reported through the news
papers and through other means, that all Furriers
will raise prices
. The Hudson Bay Fur Com
pany beg to announce that
their prices on Furs will
remain unchanged.
Hudson Bay Fur Co.
GT1 106.2