The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, SECTION THREE, Image 35

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Pages 1 to 12
Editorial, Society
and Music
NO. 38.
Exclusive Portland Agency for Gossard,Nemo, Bien Jolie, Bon-Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Carter s Knit Underwear Richardson's Quality Linens Men's, Boys' Dutchess Trousers
Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies, 4th Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2d Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and D raperies, 3d Floor Public Telephone Booths on the 2d Floor
- y
Save Peach
The War Department needs
them in making: Eras masks for
our soldiers. Deposit stones in
barrels near the 6tore entrances.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Kid Gloves
Our new Fall stocks are now
ready. All popular styles in
French kid, lambskin, suede and
mocha. Prices range $1.75 to
$3.75. Dept. on First Floor.
Double S. '& H. Trading Stamps Monday
With Cash Purchases in All Departments Except Groceries
Women's New Fall Suits
$27.50 to $225.00
Second Floor There are so many beautiful new .models that it is
impossible to describe them in detail suffice to say every new
and popular style for Fall and Winter is represented. Suits of
burellas, serges, velours, velvets, broadcloths, poplins and novelty
mixtures. Braid and fur-trimmed models, some fitted at waistline,
others with belts. Don't decide on your new suit until you have
seen these attractive new models. Prices range $27.o0 to Jj:
New Fall Coats
Second Floor At prices rang
ing from $25.00 up to 38.50
we show a splendid assortment
of Coats in velours, Meltons,
cheviots and novelty mixtures.
These are good, practical models
with large collars and belts.
Second Floor At $42.50 up to
$200.00 you may choose from
any number of beautiful new
Coats, made up in pom pom,
Bolivia, wool velours, velvet and
plushes. Many have large fur
collars and novelty belts.
New Serge Dresses
Second Floor Serviceable Dresses for school or business wear,
made up in standard quality serge, also many of serge snd satin
combined and the popular wool jersey Dresses. Basque, Russian
Blouse and , straight-line effects, trimmed with the new braids
or embroidered. Full range of sizes. Priced at $20.00 to $55.00
New Silk Dresses
Second Floor At $20.00 to
$32.50 there are beautiful new
Frocks made up in crepe de
chine or satiA. Straight-line or
basque Effects with tunic, draped
or ruffled skirts. Sizes for
misses and women. 2d Floor.
At $35.00 to $87.50 w&
show new dresses of high-grade
satins, Georgette crepes, velvets
and taffetas. They are beauti
fully trimmed with wide fringes
and braids. Very latest models,
and the latest Fall colorings.
crV, V -r
Silk Petticoats $4.49 to $15
Second Floor Women's and
Misses' Dress Skirts in a great
range of smart styles from the
neat tailored models to the
dressy . effects trimmed with
fringes and buttons. Wool ma
terials, silks, satins. The prices
range from $7.95 to $32.50
Second Floor Jersey Top Petti
coats with taffeta or messaline
flounces, also all -taffeta and
messaline. . Many attractive
styles to select from. Colors to
go with Fall suits and dresses.
The prices start at $4.49 and
range as high as to $15.00
Women's Fall Waists
Second Floor At $3.75 to $9.95-rnew Tailored Waists of full
quality crepe de chine and taffeta Net $5.95 to $42.50 beauti
ful new models made up in Georgette crepe trimmed with fine
laces at $10.00 to $25.00 we feature the famous "Bryn Mawr"
Waists in exquisite styles and materials. Make it a point to see
these new Fall Waists. Double Stamps given with cash purchases.
Women's Sweaters
Second Floor New Wool Sweat
ers with square or roll collars,'
sashes and belts. Shetland, mo
hair, "mohair - Georgette," and
other weaves. Ask ,to see the
new model with Tuxedo collar
and belt. Also many other styles.
Prices range $8.75 to $20.00
Second Floor Pure Silk and
Fiber Silk Sweaters in plain and
fancy weaves. Many, different
styles, with or without collars.
Shown in all the bright new
and popular" shades for Fall.
Silk Sweaters $27.50 to $45
Fiber, $12.50 to $29.75
House Dresses at $1.29
Center Circle, First Floor At this special price Monday only.
Women's House Dresses of excellent quality percales and ging
hams; checks and stripes in light and dark colors. J- OQ
V or round necks. Good full style. Priced special at DAi
Buy More Liberty Bonds!
T7VERY patriotic American should
consider it a great privilege, in
stead of a duty, to loan his dollars
to Uncle Sam. Remember, that
United States Liberty Bonds are
The Safest Investment
in the World
Bar none! Will you back up the
boys in the trenches and do your
part to win the war by subscribing-
for at least one bond of
the new Fourth Liberty Loan?
Oregon First!
Portland and Oregon must not
fail to go "over the top." Every
citizen of city and state must help!
We have double our subscription
for this loan. Olds, Wortman & King
New Trimming Laces
New Tassels, Cords, Fringes
Main Floor JUST IN new Metal
Laces in bands, flouncings and
edges. Beautiful designs on fine
white and black nets. Gold and
silver gives the ' military touch
consequently metal laces will be
used very extensively in combina
tion with other material or alone.
New Metal Lace Bands widths 4
to 9 inches 750 to $2.25 yard.
17 to 40-inch Flouncings in beau
tiful designs 750 to $4.50 yard.
NEW CORDS, Tassels and Fringe
of all styles and wanted colors.
narrow widths, also new imitation
real hand-made Crochet Laces and
new wide Cluny Laces. 1F
Priced special, the yard, at A til
Crepes in a full range of the new
Fall shades. This is the crepe that
never fails t give satisfaction to
the wearer. Our price, yard $2.25
NEW PRINTED Novelties in
Voiles and Chiffons, $1 to $3.95
All-SILK Chiffon Cloth, Ji
all staple colors. Special at
New Fur Trimmings
Main Floor Skunk, mole, squirrel, nutria, opossum, ermine and all other
popular kinds- for trimming of new Fall garments. Widths 1 to 10 inches.
We sell only Furs of best quality obtainable. Priced 650 to $22.50 yard.
Table Linens, Sheets, Towels, Pillow Gases
Note These Low Prices
Main floor Seamless Sheets of
good heavy quality; 3 sizes:
Bleached Seamless Q- Ppr
Sheets; 54x90 inches O-L.tltl
Bleached Seamless (J1 ?K
Sheets; 63x90 inches DJ-Utl
Bleached Seamless J- rjfT
Sheets; 72x90 inches 3-L I J
Pillow Cases
SPECIAL 500 dozen Pillow
Cases, size 42x36 inches. OO
Sale price Monday, each
PILLOW CASES of fine qual
ity, linen finish pillow AQf
tubing, priced special only 0
72-inch Heavy Bleached CP
Sheeting, special, the yard
81-inch Heavy. Bleached (Qg
Sheeting, special, the yard "OU
Buy Here and Pay Less
ALL INDICATIONS POINT to higher prices on cotton goods of all
kinds, therefore it is the height of wisdom to replenish your needs
at once. We have a plentiful supply, bought many months ago
and you will find our prices invariably the lowest in the city.
Honeycomb Towels
Size 18x36 inches fine, bleach
ed, soft, honey-comb cotton. Splen
did values. - Specially priced at
220 each. $2.50 per dozen.
22 c
2 Specials
Main Floor Full size hem
med Crochet Spreads. d0 Pf
Specially priced at &&0J
Scalloped, Crochet PO rjfT
Spreads, special at J
Headquarters for Spreads of
all kinds Get our prices first.
Quilted Batts $150
Main Floor Extra large size rolls
pure white Comfort Batts. Only
a limited number of C(
these. Special at D-LOl
Heavy Gray Outings
Special 32c Yard
Main Floor Mill ends good heavy
quality Outing Flannels for night
gowns, pajamas, etc .OO
Special, per yard, at dl
Mercerized Damp sk
Special 75c yard
Main Floor 72-inch pure white mercer- FJTZn
ized Cotton Damask; satin finish. Special t
Table Cloths
of good quality mercerized
damask. Size 54 x 54 inches.
Extra values now at $2.00.
Beginning Monday Great Sale
Electric Reading Lamps
Our Entire Stock Reduced
' VI Tlii! t'lnf rVY Ti -Tf v cTinrmArQ will talro origan fa era nf V its cala arA
jtm. tfiTTT-n r: r. ; ' "T" .... r, . , . .
save consiaeraDie Dy so aoing. many amerent styles to select irom.
Electric Lamp, Wood Stand
and Square Shade. (JO fTfT
Complete Special at DOlt)
Stand Lamp, 21 inches high,
17-inch shade, two lights. An
assortment of finishes. (jQ CC
Specially priced at bOt)D
Electric Lamp with Silk Shade,
ebony finish' base. I?" O fif
Sale price only 5J-.VU
Electric Lamp with Silk Shade,
two lights, gold finish QQ if
base. Special price 0OUl
Electric Lamp .with Art Glass
Shade, bronze finish. fT ff
$22.00 value. Special 3-L I .OU
Electric Lamp with Art Glass
Shade and fancy QOA ff
finish. Special at WU.UU
Floor Beading Lamps with Ad
justable Shade that can be
.raised or lowered. (1JO pr
..Very special at DO.UO
Mahogany Floor 1- Q Qf
Lamp, silk . shade D-LO.iU
Double Stamps, cash purchases.
Men's Winter
Main Floor Two new lines just
received. Specially designed for
Winter weather. Extra heavy
oak outsoles and middle sole of
water-proofed fiber. All sizes.
Men's Shoes $930
Cherry-colored, storm' calf
Shoes, Blucher cut, beautiful
straight last with round toe and
regulation heel. In all sizes.
Men's Shoes at $10
Of "high-grade Norwegian tan
calf, Blucher cut made on medium
round toe last with flat heel and
a broad shank. A splendid
walking Shoe. In all ' sizes.
New Arrivals in
Girls' Fall
Second Floor The Girls' Shop
extends a cordial invitation to all
mothers to come and view the
new Fall and Winter styles in
Girls' Coats, Dresses, Skirts, etc.
Corduroy Coats
At $18.50
Second Floor Girls Winter Coats
of splendid quality wide wale
corduroy". Plain styles or with
fancy belts. Sizes 8 Q (TA
to 14 years. Special 3AO.t)U
Smart New Coats
For Little Tots
For little girls 2 to 6 years of
age there are many pretty styles
in all the wanted fabrics. Prices
range from $5.98 up to $18.50
Girls Petticoats
' Special $3.98
These have heatherbloom tops
and taffeta silk ruffles. Attrac
tive styles and well made. Shown
in various colors. Our (PQ QQ
special low price only 300
Women's Fur Collars
Main Floor The Neckwear Section directs your attention to an attrac
tive showing of women's new Fur Collars. Latest styles, shaped to fit
the shoulders. These come in black, brown and gray $8.05 and up.
Fall and Winter
Fall and Winter
New Coatings and Suitings
In the Seasons Wanted Weaves
Main F 1 o o r Dressmakers and
women who have their garments
made, are cordially invited to come
and inspect our superb new stocks
of Suitings, Coatings and Skirtings.
pendable qualities in all the new
for suits, skirts and coats NEW
TRICOTINES, one of the season's
popular fabrics leading colors
NEW Moonglo Crepes Moonglo
Satins, Moonglo Meteors new
Satin- Francaise Satin Etoile, Satin
de Luxe, Satin Messalines and
Crepe de Chine new Taffetas in
the desirable shades for dresses.
Beautiful New Silks
NEW BOLIVIAS, Burellas and
Silvertone in a great range of col
Poplins, Batistes, Wool Velours,
French Serges NEW CHEVIOTS
in weights for suits, coats and
skirts NEW MELTONS, one of
the very popular coating materials
for Fall. We have this fabric in
the wanted shades. NEW MIX
TURES in good range of colors.
-NEW Boulevard Velvets and
plushes for capes and throws new
Velours and Corduroys. No mat
ter what you may have in mind for
that new garmenty-you are sure to
find it in this complete stock.
'.. Skin Bleach
Second Floor One of the most
successful skin-bleaching prepara
tions on the market. Relieves oili
ness, reduces the pores and refines
the complexion. Second Floor.
'Nestle' Waving
We have re
cently installed
a Nestle Per
manent Hair
Waving ma
chine in the
Beauty Parlors
: Second Floor.
J All work done
J by experts
who know how.
Children's Hair
We make a specialty of this
work and employ only thor
oughly . experienced operators.
Art Models
Yi Price
Table Scarfs, Pillow
Cases, Lunch Sets, Doy
lies, Laundry Bags, Etc.
Bargain Circle, First Floor This
is a clean-up of Embroidered , ar
ticles that have served as models in
the 'Art-Needlework Department,
Second Floor. In the assortment
there are table . scarfs, Center
pieces, pillow covers, tie racks, col
lar bags, tea cdzys, doilies, lunch
eon sets, children's dresses and
miscellaneous items of various
Icings. Pripps fnrnnrlv 1 00 nn in
$18.00, Monday just HALF PRICE.
On Sale Monday
At the Bargain Circle
Main Floor
Ho tpoint Portable
Electric Heaters
$9 Complete
Third Floor For those who need the room slightly
heated chilly mornings and- evenings, one of these
Hotpoint Electric Heaters will come in handy. Light
in weight, easily ' moved, handsome in flQ A A
'appearance. Price complete, with ' cord DUl
Liske's Blue Enameled Ware
On Sale at Vz Off
$1.55 Deep Preserve Kettles, 8-
quart size, priced special at $1.04
$1.50 Covered Sauce ' Pans, 2
quart size, priced special at $1.00
$2.15 Seamless Stove Pans $1.44
$2.55 Seamless Stove Pans $1.90
$4.40 Seamless Double Boilers,
priced special now at only $2.95
38c Pie Plates, 9-jnch size 25
280 Seamless Tea Pots, 2-quart
size, priced special Monday $1.40
45c Pie Plates, 10-inch size 30
60c Pie Plates, 11-inch size 4o
$4.25 Seamless Tea Kettles,
priced special for Monday, $2.84
75c Tubed Cake Pans at 50
90c Seamless Strainers at 6o
$1.35 Water Dippers at 9o
. Other Lines Blue Enamel Ware at l2 Price
The Drapery Section Announces a Notable Sale
3500 Yards New Cretonnes
TJRESHEN UP that room a bit! You will be surprised what a
vast difference inexpensive draperies will make. This sale 'W jaJ
presents the opportunity to buy beautiful new Cretonnes at nrfli:
i , , 1 - ct i J nAtMmffC rt Colopt.
suDSiantiai savings, ocures ox pdncino ouu i. .so
from. Light, medium and dark. Department, Third Floor.
35c Cretonnes at 29c
75c Cretonnes at 64c
Standard 45c Cre
tonnes, special at, yard
Standard 50c Cre- A Op
Standard 60c Cre
tonnes, special at, yard
Standard 75c Cre- CtAn 'fp - 'i P ull1: '?
I tonnes,' special at, yard TV ZZ:t?y
Third Floor 27-Inch Silk Mulls in an attractive as
sortment of patterns. These are used a great deal
for both comforters and draperies. Regular OAp
35c grade. Priced special for Monday, yard r'
Third Floor Very effective for curtains and .drapes
of all kinds. Shown in blue, brown, green, rose and
gold. Beautiful new designs; 36 inches CQ
wide. Regular 75c material. Special, yard
Sale Printed Linoleums
Special 79c Yard
Third Floor Monday we shall place on sale in the Carpet Sec-
tion a special lot of Printed Linoleums at a reduced price. As
the quantity is somewhat limited, we advise early shopping.
Good,' plain patterns such as are used for kitchens and bath
rooms. No telephone or mail orders accepted for this Q
special. Printed Linoleum priced very special, the yard w
Price Does Not Include Laying
Double. Stamps pw2hcaasse'I