The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 33

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Standifer Plant Housing
. ' Own Workers.
Big Hotel About Half Plastered and
Bungalows- for Families of Ship- '
yard Workers Being Rushed
Rapidly to Completion.
Tn the rush to care for more men in
various departments of the O. M.
Standifer Construction .Corporation's
ateel plant 'at Vancouver It Is prom
ised tbere will be accommodations
added by Thursday for 240 workers at
barracks being constructed . near the
river and between the main plant and
the railroad bridge across the Colum
bia River. There are now 350 men
residing: in quarters there, and the
employment of more men necessitated
the camp being: extended.
The Standifer interests are al.'O
?er !- lying tfeer tattlnj rid of th
shipments, which Are In bulk and will b
moved Lajt In cars without being sacked
First of the tanbark cargoes discharged
at Portland Jn months was received yes
terday. The material Is brought from ft
coast port -tor use by on of the tanneries.
of the Supple-Baiiln fleet, was inaugurated
yesterday under the direction of United
Elates Smmviml Inspectors Edwards and
Four youthful bathers leaping overboard
from a dock Just south of the east ap-.
p roach of the Mtwthorn-! venue oriole
found their pleasure hort-llTed yesterua"y,
when one or tha Narbnf Petrol force nap
pened along and discerned that -their bath-
in rear was lacking as provided by ordi
nan ca. They were escorted to headquarter.
Salmon 1 the name of the first ihip of
the fleet built at the McKachem plant
for the Government to come to Fort. ana.
she havlnr arrived ud Friday for dry-
dock In g . Tha. McEachern force turned out
.v U..M Inifal loflnn
and general rutin out wss done at the California Will Supply Barley for
piam OX IOC ASiont nnniiwiruu i via.
Government fs Likely to Pur
chase Only Mixed Article.
Accessary Substitute Thjs Cereal
Is In Large Supply and
Prices Are Cheapening.
Tbe mixed floor proposal of the Govern
ment Is suil pending. It is understood a
delegation representing American- millers
New Rate. Expeete by He. . Operate 1 Sl.rration'
were 200 boxes by boat and 40 boxes by ex
press. There was a good demand at 6060
cents tor the best stock and 35 cents up tor
California .cabbage Is about finished for
the season and dealers are filling their or
ders with Oregon grown. Local cauliflower
is also on the market with the trade asking
$2.25 a crate (or the best. A fresh car ot
sweet potatoes was on sale at 536 cents
a pound.
Monday, bat Other Side Propose
Matter Be Arbitrated.
shows a disposition to put It through the
millers will support it as a wartime meas
ure. They are opposed to the repeal of the
mixed flour tax law, but would, under the
n.v.lnnm.nt. TMtuMir tn a altna- circumstances. Indorse the steps proposes m
tins , AmanA ) the suspend it for the durstion ot the war.
Gralnhandlers' union for an advance in lu tbs grain trade the opinion prevails
... . . - . . 1 t h f Iff Hnn.M will mtmnA hv hla nrODOSSl
hniMi., . h.if of which la Bce "om iv to sv ""-""
T?.7.r.A ..Trf w,"i h. rVlrfv for r,n.'6tralght time and from $1.05 to $1.20 w ouy tor tne uovernment oniy
Plastered and w .1 "". ready for occu- prlln. consisted chiefly of containing 80 per cent wheat 1
pancy soon, wnue oungiow in mo
same tract srlll soon be finished.
In the hotel the men- will have
warm, airy and attractive quarters.
Rooms for two will, be rented at about
$1S a month to each man. Hot and
cold water will be in each room, and
means of taking: care of clothing: the
game aa In any hotel, with a lobby,
lounginr-room for reading- and writing
and all features that will tend to af
ford the shipbuilder comforts.
The corporation operates three yards,
the steel and wooden plants at van
eouver and a wooden yard on North
Portland harbor, with a total of 10
ways for building- wooden steamers
and five ways for steel ships. As fast
as unskilled laborers can be had the
force at the steel plant will be in
creased from 1300 to 2300. and aug
men ted lates as operations warrant.
Largo Addition 3Iade at Seattle to
Government Tonnage.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept 21. Seattle
shipyards today slipped three more bis
steamships Into the water for the Gov
ernment programme, a fourth vessel
for Norwegian interests and a tug:,
making- a total of 28,900 deadweight
tons ot shipping1 launched exclusive
of the tu?.
The Skinner and Eddy plant cele
bra ted the second anniversary of. Its
first launching- with a triple launch-v
tiz. the 8S00-ton steel freighter west
Loquassuck. built In SI days, and the
ISOO-ton freighter est Creasy, built
In S3 days, and a tug-.
In honor of the occasion President
P. E. Skinner of the company an
nounced that he had taken out a
blanket Insurance, policy of 11000 for
each of the concern's 13.000 employes.
The other vessels launched were the
SSOO-ton steel freighter Westpool by
J. F. Duthle Shipbuilding Company,
and the wooden motorship Trolltint,
JiOO tons, by the Elliott Bay Ship
building Company, for Norwegian In
18,000 brattle inion Jiexai tiomerj
Quit Work at Xoon.
SEATTLE, Sept. 11 Union metal
workers, numbering-, according to their
leaders, about 13,000, today at noon
left their posts In Seattle shipyards to
take a Saturday half-holiday which the
shipyard and shipping board officials
claimed they were not entitled to under
an agreement covering working hours.
The men said they would be at work
According- to the yard officials, the
agreement says the men should work
Saturday afternoons at regular pay.
The men'clahn the "agreement Is void.
The Seattle Metal Trades Council early
today Instructed its members to work
only four hours Saturday unless given
overtime for Saturday afternoon work.
.The council voted to take the Saturday
half-holiday until the ilacy board re
ports its findings.
Schooner Maes Fastest Run of Sea
son From South Pacific.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21. (Spe
cial.) One of the Walter S. Scammell
schooners, commanded by Captain Peter
Larson, arrived at a Pacific port today
after a 70-day passage from a South
Pacific port. This is the besttime
made by a sailing vessel this season
and the skipper will receive a hand
gome bonus which will be shared by his
Officers and men. The schooner brought
a big cargo of copra, cocoanut oils and
hardwood lumber-
mixed flour
flour and 20
' Marine Notes.
Boilermakers and their affiliated breth
ren among the shipbuilders labored in all
plants yesterdsy as naturally and easily as
though tbere bad not been any contention
over the Mscy board's new scsia er Saturday
afternoon holidays, .Their action Friday,
In voting again to take up their work yester.
day for an eight-hour stretch, instead of
stopping at noon drew favorable comment
. about the city. .
Inspectors et draft sges employed la steel
plants ef the district who are under the
direction of tbe Emergency Fleet Corpora
tion, gathered yesterday at the office ot
Fred B. Pape. assistant supervisor, to re
ceive Instructions in furnishing the Phila
delphia officials with data relative to the
character of service they would prefer if
called away from the yards. The under
standing la that such men are to be placed
en the deferred list until war conditions ne
cessitate their being Inducted.
Henry Cave, assistant te P. B. Papa, la
the steel construction of the Emergency
Fieet Corporation, reported on deck again
yesterday after having taken unto himself a
wife. Mrs. Arameila Windrow consented to
share his lot. The office staff showered
Tony J. Zimmerman, formerly clerk In the
office ef Superintendent Warrnck. or the
17th lighthouse district, called en old col
leagues there yesterday In the garb of a
Navy man and holding a rating as first-elan
machinist In the radio division, lie studied
at the t'niverelty of Washington and h:s
first assignment will be one of the steel
ships bul.t here, the Western Comet. ,
P ane are under way for the construction
ef mo.-e boue aboard the tug Akutan. of
the Alaska-PertJand Packers' fleet. The ves
sel Is to be held In Winter quarters at
Coble, where the new work will be per
formed. Federal officials and clerks at the Custom
house went delving Into records yesterday te
establish for their own satisfaction the time
when all clocks are to be turned back one
hour and gave the date aa October 27. That
Is provided In the daylight saving law.
which fixed March SI as tbe date when the
nocks of the country were to be turned
ahead. V
Dous'aas Wood hem a. ef a well-known Lon
don shipping firm of Douglas Woodharas A
Co. leaves the city todsy for Puget Sound
and British Columbia In the hope of being
able Co piece contracts for the construction
ef steel steamers, aout 10 of them, for de
livery after the war. lie waa unable to in
terest heads of Portland yards in the pro
posal. One ship tsdea with Alaska salmon. In
rases, reached the harbor Friday and
another reported yesterday. Because of the
large amount of frelsht on storsse
st Municipal docks It baa not been de
termined where 90.000 rases of salmon, to be
brought by both vesseis, will be accommo
dated. Two copra cargoes being unlosded at
the same time Is an unueual sight at the
fast Washington-street terminal. Fore and
a nrnnnail Ihil . rnmmitte of tne 1 Per ceni suosutuies. in U1K caso M"
union would meet the employers at 4 of the Pacific Northwest will have to
o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Mer- tint thsTmeans for making this mixed flour
rkinit' t-rrkinn tn HiiriiM iria sub- I or suffer the loss of closmg down. The big
lacL In their letter to the emDlovers. Institutions that depend on export trade,
a few days ago, setting forth the it Is believed, will adapt their plants to the
schedule of pay they sought. It waa new grind, and It is said some of them are
made plain "that the new wages were already taking such stepa .
expected to go Into effect tomorrow. The most logical substitute for them to
The" employers proposed. In answer- I use will be barley, as It can be handled much
Inst the demand for more Pay. that in I easier than corn and is oeciaeoiy cneaper.
view of increases granted during the
past year, the entire matter be sub
mitted to arbitration. No answer had
been received to that offer yesterday,
other than an oral request that the
employers meet with the union com'
mittee tomorrow afternoon.
Aa to the Justice of the demand for
increased compensation, the employers
say they are now paying's cents more
an hour straight time than is allowed
As the Northwestern barley crop Is .small,
the California crop will have to be drawn
upon. California has a normal, barley crop
this year of about 800,000 tons, and as her
requirements for home consumption, Hawaii,
eta, are only. 230,000 to 300.000 tons, she
win hsvs a large surplus to dispose of. The
Export Company has made no barley, pur
chases In California yet, and it Is posslbl
no bsriey exporting will be done from -that
stats this season. Tbere Is no chance of
Cantaloupe and Pear Receipts Are Light
Cling Peaches Coming. .
. Two cars of California grapes arrived
and 80 boxes of Oregons by express. There
wss a good demand and prices were steady.
Oregon Concords were quoted generally
st 81 per lug and 25 cents per basket.
Tokays were held at 2.25 per crate, Mus
cats 82.25 per lug snd Malagas Btt cents
per pouna. .
There were no fresh arrivals of can
taloupes and prices were unchanged at
82.50 63 for Yaklmas.
Pear receipts were small and prices
steady, Eartletts bringing $1.5031-75 per
box and 6 cents a pound bulk. Oregon
pear shipments were three cars to New
York, two to Chicago and one each to
Washington. Denver, Kansas City and Grand
Island. ,
Limited Quantities of Balway and Craw
ford peaches were on the market. Two
cars of California Levi Clings are due and
are quoted at $1.75 a box.
Three-Cent Lift Is Announced in Local Print
Prices Butterfat Also Up.
Butter prices sre again moving upward-
Monday morning there will be a three-cent
advance In print quotations - by . the city
creameries to CI cents for plain wrapped and
611 cents for cartoned butter in box lota The
buying price of butterfat will be raised tnree
Cube butter was a scarce article Yester
day and extras were Quoted firm at oo cents.
There was no change in the egg situation.
The demand was slow ana .(.prices uaroiy
Poultry and dressed meats cleaned up at
unchanged prices.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland .' $4,95.:!13 S1.029.P26
Se.ittle B.124.331 ' -1.071,052
Tacoma S02.438 " 240.570
Spokane 1,548,444 489,507
Clearings ot Portland, Seattle and Tacoma
for the past week and corresponding week in
former years were:
Liberty and Foreign War 'is
sues Are Higher.
on Puget Sound, the scale there being-1 California barley going East, as the Esst
65 cents and SI. The straight time has a larse eroo. and .the brewers sre out
wage here was 65 cents an hour and In I of the market proba'oly for all time to come,
April of this year .was boosted to 5 I The East Is, In fact, shipping barley to tbe
cents., while In July, say the employers, I Western states.nd some ot It has already
the men asked for a further increase 1 reached Oregon.
and 70 cents waa fixed.
Pacific Coast Sh
On the local bosrd 853 was bid for milling
barley yesterdsy and 830 for feed barley.
Notes. I The market Is wesk and dealers look for a
I further decline of about S3 a ton.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cel.. Sent. 2L (Spe
cial. ) Tbe local monopoly ot the tugboat
business enjoyed by the Redatsck Company
since tbe organisation wss taken over by a
local syndicate Is a tnlng of the past, com-
oetltlon In the form of a slnsle tuaboat
owned by another concern has already made
appearance and according to popular
rumor there may be a considerable fleet
of comnetinr craft In the nar future.
Althoiixb there has neen nothlnr taiiglDie
about the new competition. It became known
iml, tlmt ih Mtnn tu lnrrtlrt which
was shifted to this port from Honolulu of wheat and oats Is going on actively. Crops
some time ago, has already bees Injected generally presented a fine appearance. In
some parts oats are light In bulk, while bar-
British Crop Reports Are Favorable Italian
Harvest Completed.
Crop conditions abroad are summarized In
Broomhall's cable of yesterday as follows
United Kingdom Crops of the midlands
have been very favorably reported. Cutting
Into the local field. This occurred whan
one of the salmon packers was towed into
port oy tne lormer island tug. it is Be
lieved that the rnovemvnt has been started
because of the fact that the Redetack Com
Dior has notified Ita patrons that a rise
of 25 per cent in rates is now in effect.
Aecordlne- to sdvlces received here todsy,
the commandeered ship Star of Poland.
whtrh waa thrown ufien the beach on th
m.,1 rtf lioin A,ni,mh.F lit B hi, bound
for a Pacific port. Is fast becoming a com- i oeen requisitioned oy toe government.
nl-te wreck and there Is now little pos- nrnmlilnr -
the Alaska Packing Company's ItliKl.n.H)
craft. Tne cablegram said mat tne veane
areahtlnt; ud raat ana a lot ai ill
million-dollar Oriental cargo was being
strewa upon th sea and beach.
ley Is fair and wheat good.
Italy Harvesting is now practically com
pleted with the outturn generally satisfac
tory. Large quantities of wheat will have
to be Imported during the current sesson. as
the requirements of the army have increased
consldersbly. Tbe corn crop, which has
France Weather has favored harvesting
In the north and this operation Is making
rapid progress. Results of threshing are
fine for wheat, rye and other grains. Many
of the samples of new wheat are fully 82 to
Colombia River Bar Report. 64 pounds per bushel. Corn crop hss lnv
NORTH HEAD, Sept. 2L Condition at S I proved, but fair outturn cannot be expected.
P. il. tie a, smooth; wind, northwest eight Oats are very scares, being absorbed by
"Red Line" Motor Oil Turns Ont to
Be Sunnybrook Brand.
ASTORIA. Or., Sept 21. (Special.)
Two barrels of booze masquerading" aa
lubricating oil arrived in the city this
morning, but were seized by the police.
W. H. (Doc) Maple, owner of tbe con
traoana, was convicted in tne x-ouce
Court of bringing liquor into the state
and was fined 8300, which he paid.
The barrels, which came from San
Francloco, via Portland, were part of a
shipment arriving a few days ago on
the Hose City, some of them being
marked "Havoline medium" and the
others "Red Line neavy" motor oil.
Thirty quart bottles of Sunnybrook
were tightly packed in each barrel In
na. me oarreis were perieciiy ary ..v h,rt. t. r.(K.,.t n ..h
anu cican un m. uuia.uo, BUWwiiiB no whu, bulk oats were-down 80 cents.
Sacked oats, bids were unchanged.
Weather conditions In the Middle West.
the army.
Spain Harvesting Is now finished and re
ports confirm that wheat is a maximum
North Africa Algeria has reported that
threshing Is active, but yields are somewhat
disappointing, though the harvest on
whole Is a good erne.
Ukraine Reports thst the harvest would
be above the average and there would be
available for export 1,700.000 tons of grains
transport problem Is difficult.
Argentina Weather Is now clear and crop
outlook is favorable. Abundant rains have
relieved praotlcally all dry sections Offer
ings of wheat are increasing, with prices
declining, on temporary absence of export
Cora Bids Are Reduced SO Cents te 81-30.
White Oats Down.
There was very little interest In the grain
market yesterday. The undertone was rsther
trace of ordinary seepage, and thie fact
aroused the suspicions of the authori
Justice Fisher Resigns."
MANILA. P. I., Sept 21. Justice
Frederick Charles Fisher, of the Phil-
pplne Supreme Court, has resigned to
enter private practice. He was ap
pointed in 1917 by President .Wilson.
PORTLAND, Sept. 21. Maximum temper
as wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis cloudy,
45 degrees; Duiuth clear, cold; .Winnipeg
part cloudy, 45; Chicago clear, cold; Peoria
part cloudy, 40; St Louis clear, light frost;
Kansas City Toggy, 46; Omaha clear, 40,
heavy frost; Ohio Valley -clear. Forecast
Entire grsin belt shows forecast of fair anl
warmer for. tonight, Sunday and Monday.
Canadian forecast Manitoba, fins and a lit
tle warmer. 'Saskatchewan, fair and mod
erately warmer."
Terminal receipts, la cars, were reported
attire, 63 degrees; minimum, -51 degrees, I by the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
River reading. 8 A. M . 5 9 feet; change in
last Z4 nours, u - loot isn. Total rainfall
(5 P. M. to 5 P. M.K none; total rainfall
since September L 101S. .64 Inch; normal
rainfall since beptemoer l, inches; de-
. , f , r. nf r.lnf.ll llnp. U.n,. T-n u. 1 tQlfl
.40 men. eunriee, 0:07 a. l; sunset, 7:11
P. M. : total sunshine. 3 hours 00 minutes:
poselble sunshine, 12 hours 14 minutes.
Moonrtse, 8:82 P. M. ; moons t, 7:84 A. M.
Bsrometer (reduced to sea level) 0 P. M.,
Portland. Eat....
1 uar aso
Total this week.,
Yoarito.. . . .
Season to date...
tear aso
Tacoma, Friday.
year ago
Season to date..,
Year ago
Wheat Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay.
30.01 inches. Relative humidity at noon, I Seattle, Friday!
81 per cent,
Year so. . .
I Season to dais.
1 ear ago.
. 80
. 420
. ioe
. 645
.. 17
. 10
,. 437
,. IS
. 24
. 311
7 12
3 3
71 27
S 21
28 sn3
64 167
3 29
7 12
20 100
72 54
197 1018
2S 443
. 67
103 1507
State ef
No Allowance Caa Be Made fer Shrinkage
la Cutting or Storing.
The United States Food Administration
wires that ail handlers ef butter, fresh or
cold storage, must confine themselves to ths
margin ef profit provided for different quan
tities; that the maximum margins allowed
Baker ......
Boeton .....
Calgary ....
rhicago ....
Iea Moines
Kureka ....
Galveston ..
Helena .....
tjuneae ....
Kansas City
Los Anveles
Marshfleld .
Med lord ...
New Orleans
New York .
North Hesd ,
Ysklm .....
Phoenix. ....
Pocalello ...
Portland ...
Rose burg
St. Louis ...
Salt Lake .,
Han Dteso .
Fan Francisco.
Spokane ......
Tatoosh, Isl'nd
Wslla Walla .
Washington ..
Winnipeg . ...I
O.Oo;. . IN W Cloudy
HIDES Government grades: No. 1 salted
hides, 30 lbs. and up, 15c; No. 2 salted
hides, 30 lbs. ana up, i4c; ji 1 green
I hides. 30 lbs. and ud; 12cj No. 2 aWen htrioa
are considered by them ss more than normal 1 30 lbs. and up. 11c; No. 1 salted bulls, 50
..832,201.313 16.II92.4.S4
. . 14,031.981
.. J0.338.R71
.. 11,101.792
.-. 13,937.870
.. 12,038.783
.. 11,400.424
.. 11.2JS.JS4
.. C, SO.".. 414
.. 7.8r.3.lil3
.. 6.30(1,047
.. B,2257
1 943.718
11.6S7.980 -4.332.223
10,755.260 4,489,204
Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc.
Merchants' Exchange, aooa session:
September delivery Bid.
No. 2 white feed oats ...860 50
Standard feed barley 50.00
Standard "A" barley 62.00
Eastern corn and oats In bulk: .
No. 8 white oats 53.00
33-pound white clipped oats.. 65.00
Ne. 3 yellow corn ..... 67.30
No. 3 mixed corn 67.00
No. 2 oats ...t : 60.30
Feed barley 50.00
"A" bsriey .'..... 62.00
No. 8 oats 53.50
Clipped oats 35.00
Yellow corn 06.50
Mixed corn 65.50
WHEAT Government basis. 82.20 per
FLOUR Straights. 810.05 11.93 per bar
rel; whole wheat, S10.25; graham, 89909
10.25; barley flour, $11 per barrel; ' rye
flour. $12.50- per barrel; cornmeal, SiK-30
Sf 11.80 per barrel? corn flour, 812; oat
flour, S11.2011.40 per. barrel. ' '
MILLKEKD Mill run, f. o. b. mill; car
lots, $29.65; mixed cars, $30.15; less than
csrlots. $30.65; rolled barley, $65; roiled
oats. $09. -
mRMmWhrita ITT.- .n.l,, ft7 na , n
U i V . . . -1 . v. T) .1 .
Eastern Oregon timothy,' $30 per ton; Valley
timothy. $29 per ton; alfalfa. $27; Valley
grain hay, $26ij27; clover, $2S; straw. $9
Dairy and Country Produce,
BUTTER Cubes, extras, 65c; prints.
extras, box lots, 61c; cartons, box lots, 62c;
half boxes. He more; less than half boxes.
le more; butterfat No. L 65c per pound.
delivered Portlsnd.
EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, rots and
craoks out, 48Q50c; selects, 54355c per
CHEESE Tillamook. L e. b. Tillamooke
Triplets, 30c; Young Americas. 81c: Ions-
horns. 31o per pound ; Coos and Curry, f. o.
b. Myrtle Point; Triplets. 2S'4c; Young
Americea, 29Hc per pound: lona-horns.
28 Ho per pound.
POULTK1 Hens, 26827c; Springs, -27a
30c; ducks, 25 j, 30c; geese, nominal; turkeys,
live, 3-'c.
VEA1, Fancy, 21c' per pound. '
POKK Fancy, 25c per pound.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Local jobbing quotations:
FRUIT:) Oranges. Valenclas. $9.2."iirfl0:
lemons. $67.75 per box; bananas, 88c
per pound; grapefruit, $6.50; cantaloupes.
S2.5OI03 per crate: watermelons. 2U ne
per pound: peaches, $1.401.75; apples, $10
2.25 per box: plums, 2H 6c . per pound;
Dears. S1.5U&1.75 box. Dluma. 2l4i:le nr
pound; casabas, 3j!ic pound; grapes 8.
Jii per crate.
VEGETABLES Tomatoes. 33&80c per
crate; cabbage, 3H4c per pound; lettuce,
$2 per crate; cucumbers, . 30 & 30c per box;
peppers, Mc per pound; beans. 607c 'Der
pound; celery, 90c per dozen; eggplant
0'aiiic per pouno; corn, zog3oo per dozen.
POTATOES oregons. $2.5ou3 per hun
dred: Idahos. $3&3.25; Yaklmas, $3.25.
cjNiu.NB uresons, u.ouic a per Sack: Cal
ifornia browns, $2.73. ...
Staple Groceries.
Local Jobbing quotations:'
SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and herrv.
$9.55; beet $9.25; extra C, $9.13: powdered.
in barrels, siu..; cubes, in barrels, $10.45.
NUTS Walnuts, 30c; Brazil nuts
filberts, 20c; almonds, 18fi23c: peanuts. 19a:
cocoanuts, $1.69 per dosen.
SALT Half-ground. 100s, $15.90 Dar ton:
aps, Slf.zo per ion; -vairy, so per ton. '
RICE iJiue -Kose, il. iolc per pound.
BEANS Jobbing prices: Small whits.
13tt&13c; large white, llji12c; colored.
w8c; lima, ioe
COssiJ itoastea, in drums, 17w25o
Provision. f
Loesl Jobbing quotations:
HAMS All sizes, choice, 38S37Ue:
standard. 35&31o; skinned, none: mo
nies, 26c; cottage roll, 34c
LARD Tierce oasis, auinaard pure. 29e:
compound, 23c
bacon rancy. raic; standard, SM
47 He; choice, 80 44c
DRY SALT Short clear backs. 30 e 35c:
exportsi 9 to 32c. -
Hides and Pelts. ,
Resumption of Outside Buying for
Investment Is 'Indicated; Money
Conditions Are in More
Favorable Shape. ,
NEW YORK. Sept 21. Continued strength
.in the stock market today, illustrated by
rurtner upward -Ise In prices, was held tn
some quarters to reflect a stronger invest
ment position.
The opinion was emphasized by the weekly
bank ' statement. Issued after the. market'
strong close. The statement showed the
expected improvement in monetary condi
tions, the surplus reserves having increased
$40,380,950 during the week. This condition
operated t the advantage of stock -exchange
borrowers, funds being more freely supplied
during the week, which caused an expansion
of $72,648,000 in the losn sccount
The scope of the buying movement wss
interpreted ss Indicating some accession o
outside orders, which contributed to a com
prenensive advance in specialties of 1 to
points. 1 Dealings, however, wars larealv
a professional character, with more general
baying lor the long and short account Sales
amounted to 140,000 shsresi
Liberty bonds strengthened sfter an early
Interval of heaviness, while foreign Issues
uiou uijner, rans as again breaking Int
new ground for the movement at 96H.- Th
general bond market was steady. Total
sales, par value. $3,975,000. United 8tates
Doncs, old Issues, were unchanged on call
uu iuo wees,
Am Beot Sugar
American Can..
Am Car & Fdrv
American Loco..
Am s & Ketg. .
Am Sugar Keiff .
Am Tel & Tel . .
Anaconda Cop..
All U a W I 8 8
Bait & Ohio..
California Petrol
Central Leather
Canadian Puc. .
Ches & Ohio. . . .
Ch il A St. Paul
Chicago & N W
O R i A P ctfs
Chlno Copper. .
Colo Fl & Ir. ..
Corn Pdcts Refg
Crucible Steel..
Cuba Cane Sug..
Distil Securities
Erie . .
General Electric
General Motors
Great North Pfd
Gt Nor O ctfs. .
II inois Central
Inspir Cooper. .
Int M M Pfd. ..
Inter Nickel" ..
Inter Paper. . . .
Kan City South
Kennccott Cop..
Louis A Nash..
Maxwell Motors
Mexican Petrol.
Miami Copper. .
Missouri Pacific
Nevada Copper
N Y Central
Nor A WeHtern
frrthern Pac.
Pacific Mail....
Pennsylvania.. . .
Pittsburg Coal.
Ray Con Cop. .
Rep lr A Steel
Southern Pac.
Southern Ry. . .
Studeboker Cor
Texas Co
Union Pacific. .
U S Indus AI. ..
U S Steel
U S Steel pfd..
Utah Copper. ...
West Electric.
Bethlehem 33..
High, .Low.
65H BO
4,300 68 67
400 86 86
200 105 4 105
700 5BH 53T4
'1,206 'HM "63"
,b00 104 163
- 44
400 25 "4 23 2514
, 200 39 H 3SH 39 'i
200 46 4U 46
..: 8014
2.700 54 537s 54H
' 1314
400 118 117 117
89 Vi
1,400 31 31H 31 H
, 95
900 54 53 H 54
12.500 104 "4 103 10414
'700 0i 30H 30V
, 32
-..'... ..... 17
200 33 33 Vk 33
6,9O0 105 5, 104 104
. 100 28 28 23
200 24 24 24
300 2041 20 i 20
1,100 7H Z 73 i 72
1,700 39 39 39H
103 Vi
'. 87
200 32 32'4 32
900 44 43 . 44
200 23 23 1 23
6.100 SS 87. 88
900 91 91 ill
200 86 S3T4 86
HOI) 26 i 26
3,400 47 48 47
1,700 163- 101 162
9O0 124 123 13
800 116 116 116
44,700 111 110 110
- 300 110 110 110
. - - -JL 81
300 43fs .43 43
2.500 62 82 S2
Total sales for the day 140,000 shares.
n R rf 2s rex.... 98 IPac T T BS....SS
do ref 2s coup.9S Penn con 4s ..93
U S 3 reg u f s '80
do coud 83 U S Steel 5s 97
Dfiil reg.....,106!S P cv 5s 90
docoup 100 :AnR10-f Tench 5S. 94
Atchen gen 4s... wi,u j-is ss....iuo.i
n R G ref 5s.
V Y Cent deb 6. 93
Nor Pac 4s SO
Nor Pac 3s .....67
do 1st 4e.
2d 4s
do 1st cv 4s. . .
do 1st cv'4s.
do 3d 4s
Money, Exchanges Etc.
NEW YORK. Sept 21 Mercantile paper
Sterling unchanged, demand $4.75 T-l
cables 84.76 u-16. iTancs demand 5.48
cables, 5.47. Guilders, demand 48: cables,
48. Lire, demand 6.37; cables 0.33.
Mexican dollars unchanged. ,
IL Money and discounts
. .'n.ont. .
36 u.ooi . .
so o.uoj..
Pt cloudv margins, and that handlers must not add " nd "P' 1201 2 bulla 60 lbs.
t& "" 'l':0' b"' "pS rgreWuWlb6,0 lfn"d upl
COO. 01 S:NW!CIoudy
70 0.00 . . nb Clear
72 O.OO . .IXW OIiiF
84i30 ( . Clasp
44) 4 o.ool. .ISE Clear --
Ooj 7 0.00:10 BE Pt. cloudy
48 04 0.01 2 .V Cloudy
42 72:o.0o . .iS Cloudy
34 62 0.00 10 SB Clear
r. 4 o e . 00 . . t iciear
46 62 u.ooi. fiNW'pt. cloudy
521 i; 0.00 . .I.vw cioudy
52, - 0.00'.. ISE Pt cloudy
1 i"- o. v" . : ir r. lesr
66 fc O.Oo 14iSV
O.IMt . ..MS
7CM.00.. NW
72 O.U2 C SB
60 0.00 . .Ink
s o.ool. .fs
o.txy . .iw 1
Pt cloudy
PC cloudy
381 70 0.O0 1S.W
. . 64 O.OOI. . . .
S2f 74 ii. 0i . . E Cloudy
eoj ww.uv . . ijv v, , Cloudy
52 56 O.fiO 18 ,W Clear
3l 40 0.66;.. IN" . Rain
81 74 0.00 . . W Cioudy
4-t 80 0.40 16 NVr Cloudy
441 68 0.00 12S 'Pt. cloudy
tA. XI. today. "P. M. report preceding day.
Portland and vicinity Probably showers;
Wsahlngton and Oregon Probe sly show
ers; cooler.
Idaho Unsettled weataer, proDaoiy show
ers; cooler.
EDWARD L.-WELLS. Meteorologist
an unreasonable profit on the investment.
No allowance can be made for shrinkage
la cutting butter nor feu- shrinkage In weight
In storing butter, as margins are believed
sufficiently wide to cover shrinkage. In-J
terest may be charged while butter is In
storage, but not on delayed payments after
Local Receipts, for Day Are Light Onions
I in Small Supply.
There was a fair movement la pdtatoes
yesterday and no Important Changs in prices
Receipts were light Eastern conditions for
the day were summarized by the Bureau
ot Markets: 'Minnesota sacked white stock
again declined 6c in Chicago, ruling $2.50
per ewt, earlots; New Jersey Giants were
strong at shipping points snd ruled about
steady In distributing markets; Maine white
stock ruled nearly steady In distributing
marksts and sold $3.40$ 3.6 per barrel,'' bulk,
trackslde, at Presqus Isle, Colorado and
Idaho shipping points were about steady.
Total shipments were very hesvy." " e
Onion supplies were light and local prices
very firm at $2.8003 for Oregons and S2.75
Ci for California Two ears were shipped
from California for Portland on Friday.
Good Demand for Tomatoes.
Tomato receipts, aside from home-grown,
9C; ro. 1 green or aaitea csitSKlns, up to
15 lbs., 32c; No. 2 green or salted calfskins,
up to 15 lbs, 30c; No. 1 green or salted
kip skins. 15 to 30 lbs. 16c; No. 3 green or
salted kip skins, 15 to 80 lbs., 14 c; dry
flint hides. 7 lbs. and up, 30s: dry flint calf.
under 7 lbs.. 40o; dry salt hides, 7 Iba and
up. 24c; dry salt calf, under 7 lbs., -,84c;
dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stags
err bulls. 20c; dry salt stags or bulla- 14c-
dry cull stags or bulls, balf price; dry ho roe
hides, according to size and takeoff, each
$1.502-60; salted horse hides,-according to
size and laaeou, eaca,
PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound.
40c; dry short-wool pelts, per pound,
30c; sslted lojig-wool lamb pelts, August
tskeoff. each. 1 2.30 8.50; salted sheep pelts,
August takeoff, each, $28; dry sheep
i hearling. each, 25tiSuc; sailed sheep shear
ling, each. SO g75c.
Hops, Wool, Ete.
HOPS Nominal.
WOOIi Oregon, 864$ 71e per pound.
MOHAIR Long staple? 60c; short stanle.
40c; burry, 80c
CASCAKA xJann. 11 ana old. 13 013
per pound.
TALLOW No. 1. 13o per pound; No, 2.
12 c per pound; grease. No. 1. 10c: No. 2.
8c per pouno.
GASOLINE Bulk, 21c; engine distillate,
bulk, 12c; kerosene, bulk, lOo; cases, 20c
LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, $2.01: cases,
$2.11: boiled, barrels,- $2.03; cases, $2.13.
TURPENTINE In tanks, 84c; cases. Mo
Stock Market Is on Sounder Basis Since
Recent Liquidation.
NEW YORK. Sept. 21. A situation wholly
Inverse In character was reflected by the
movement 01 prices in tne stocK marxet
this week, as compared with the previous
week. instead 01 daily . nquiaation. im
pelled by the wish to respond to Govern
ment desires thnt speculation be reduced
to a minimum, constant buying was in evi
dence, particularly after, the mid-week. The
v,tv strictness with which - Wall atreet
abided by the Fedecal mandates had what
waa described .as a nouee cleaning eiiect
heavy reduction -of speculative accounts.
with lack ot inclination on tne part ox pro
fessional interests to borrow money from
banks, even had this capital been available.
This progress served to infuse the more
healthful atmospnere sougnt oy me uev
ernment and- to leave the way clear for in
fluences of the customary' bullish character
to exert tnemseives witnout oeing oppoeea
by the artificial restraint ot the previous
These' favorable Influences were diversi
fied. Trade- conditions were improved,
money supplies were more abundant; tha
prospects OI tne mrtntouiiiin nueriy luau
were considered excellent. Moreover, sup
port wss stimulated by the progress of the
allied armies on both the western and east
ern fronts.
END OF WEEK. . ...
latiet Part of Recent Arrival Have
13 re-si of Common to
Median Grade.
c(l at
There was a small run of stock at the
yards on the last day of She week and
In general was light. Prloes are hold-
in. n,iit ateadvsliroushout the list. Only
a small portion of the recent arrivals have
been of the quality oesirea oy- Duyars.
n.rointa were -67 cattle, ' 81 calves. 294
hogs, and Sl sheep. . Shippers were: C.
GruaEcup, Orosscup. Wash., one load cattle;
B. R. Danielson, Monitor, one load hogs;
R. Gray, Terrebonne, two loaaa aneep; J.
Jacobson. Plymouth, one load cattle and
calves; C. E. Lucks. Canby. one load cat
tle, hogs and sheep; C W. Lyster. Tilla
mook, one load cattle and hogs; J. & Flint
Junction City,, one load cattle, hogs and
sheep; B. F. Norwood. Lebanon, onefjoad
cattle, calves, hogs and sheep.
The day s saies were imiowi
27 cows . . . 9S8
1 cow 1200
9 cows.. . . 765
1 ft 1 ci turn . 974
ecows.... loss.
6 cows... mJ
"Scosa... 840'
15 Cows.... 978
25 cows..,. 1008
2 cows. ... 825
7 calves... 325
13 heifers. . 762
1 heifer... 610
5 heifers. . 684
9 hull. 1873
lbull..... 1440 A25 40 yearlings 103 11.00
Prices current atthe local yards are as
follows: ..
Csttle ' Prices
Prime steers 12.O04pl3.00
$8.50 3 bulla... 1373 $5.0'
8.00 3 bulls... 1010 4.50
4.00 1 bull.... 1080 6.75
6.35 1 bull.... 1040 6.73
7.00 2 bulls... 1380 6.50
8.50 80 hogs.... 248 19.80
6.00 27 hogs.... 198 19.60
7.50 26 hogs.... 160 19.25
6.00 3 hogs.... 347 17.50
6.50 73 hogs.... 162 19.50
9.00 144 lambs... 74 13.001
KI25 6 lambs.. 95 14.00
9.00 5 ewes... 160 8.00 1
6.50 9 wethers. 173 9.50!
-6.60 4 yearlings 10) 11.50
Do Your Best
VXHAT would TOTJ say 'if you thought our Oregon boys
YY "over there" were only half trying; were shirking f
what will THEY say if they think we "Stay-at-Homers"
are not doing ourlbcst to put the 4th Liberty Loan over the top in Jlult
nomah County aniT Oregon State (tUCRER BIGGER, and HARDER than
If you should GIVE all your DOLLARS you wonld
not return one-thousandth measure of their sac
rifice. And yon are only kto LEND on tbe
best Security t substantial Interest. v
Go to yonr bank or the Liberty Loan Committee TODAY
and VOLUNTARILY pledge your- quota.
:This space contributed by Morris Bros.;
Good to choice steers 11.00912.M
Medium to good steers 9.75 11.00
Fair to medium steers 8.73 9.75
Common to lair steers f.75tfy 8.25
Choice cosrs and heifsrs 8.00 S 9.00
Med. to good cows and heifers.. 5.75 "7.25
Fair to med. cows and belters.. 4.75a -6.75
Canners .00& 4.00
Bulls 6000 8.00
Calves 9.00S 12.00
Prime mixed t 19.604J19.73
.... iw.uuiw.aj
18.00 18.23
16.00 17.00
Medium mixed
Rough heavies
Pigs ... . . ..........
Prime lambs
Fair to medium lambs.
yearlings . .............
Wethars A.
. .., 13.00 3 IS. 0
.... 11.00W12.00
.... 10.0011.00
.... 9.00110.00
.... tt.50tf 9.0(1
Shipments to thr Leading Markets .of ttie
, Pacific Northwest
State origins of livestock loaded Septem
ber 20, 1918: "
Cattle,' Horses,Mlxed
Calves Hogs.Sheep.Mules. Stock.
For Portland-
Waahlngton. '. .. .
T'fl Portland
One week ago. .
Four weeks ago
For Seattle .'
Washington . ..
Tt'I Seattle..
One week ago. .
Four weeks ago
For Spokane
Montana Washington ...
Tl'l fthokane.
One week ago..
Four weeks ago
7 1
2 2
10 3
18 4
. 7 ,8
5 2
5 6
. 3 1
4 1
5 1
1 1
Chicago Livestock Market
. CHICAGO, Sept 2L Hogs Receipts, 6000;
10c to 13c lower;, butchers, $19.858 20.40;
light $20820.40: packing, $l8.0ijf 19.05;
rough. $1818.75; pigs, $18.50iffl9.
Cattle Receipts, 4000, compared with a
woek ago; top natlvo steers 25c higher, me
dium to choice, unevenly, 60c to $1 lower;
cheaper grades. 15c to 25c lower; tuilk West
ern, 26c lower; cows and heifers, mostly 25c
to 40c lower; canners and bulls, 15c to 25c
lower; calves, 25c higher: ' best feeders,
strong; common stockers, 10c to 15c lower.
Sheep Receipts,' 9000, compared with a
week ago: fat lambs, mostly 50c higher;
feeders, strong: fat and feeding sheep,
steady to 25o higher.
' ' Omaha Livestock Market
OMAHA. Sept. 21. Hogs Receipts. 2900:
market 15c to 25c lower; heavy. 1919.45;
mixed, HO.lSjjlSS; light, $19.26 M 19.85;
pigs. $188-19.75; bulk of sales, $19.10(6 19.30.
Cattle Receipts. 100; market steady; na
tive steers, Y12W19; cows and heifers, $7.50
12; Western steera, $10(817.45; Texas
steers, $912; range cows and heifers, $7(0
11; cunners, $04r7; stockers and feeders:
$6.50fq15; calves, $3&13.45; bulls, stags, etc,
Sheep Keceipts, 3uu; market sieaay;
wethers, $10 12; ewes, $9 10: lambs, $16.60
617.60; yearlings. li..-o tua.o.
. Seattle Livestock Market. 1
SEATTLE, Sept 2L Receipts of cattle,
130 head. Offerings exclusively secondary
and common cows, the bulk of which went
over tbe scales at under 7c against a top
of 88c. Hog receipts 833 head. Mar
ket steady. Packers brought in a special
tralnload of finished South Dakota hogs
from Mitchell to maintain local require
ments. - -
. Hogs Prime light, $19.75a,20; medium to
choice, $l.50(ai.6o; medium neavy, ia.iio
19: rough, 17.60teis: pigs. i7.soria.
Cattle Best steers, 111 w 13; meaiuro 10
choice, $10.5011.50; common to good. S3
trtr.TiO; .medium, 5'J '.ao; nuns, so a i.iiu;
calves, $5&10.
Sheep Sprine lambs, Iian 10; yearlings.
$9i&12; ewes, $69
Farmers Are Letting Go, Now
That New Crop Is Assured.
Lowest Prices Readied Since Trad
ing In Present Deliveries Began.
Country-Requests for Shipping
Permits Broaden Out.
CHICAGO. Sept 21. Lowest prices yet
for corn, since trading In present deliveries
begsn resulted today chiefly from prospects
of sustained liberal receipts here. The mar
ket closed unsettled, le to 2c net lower,
with October $1.4S&V4SH and Noveipbcr
$1.45 1.45. Oats fiaixhed c off to
o up and provisions varying from 17c de
cline to 10c advance.
Llkeilhood that the movement of corn to
market would increase from now on aeemeil
clear. Inasmuch as the number of requests
from the country for shipment permits hsd
brosdencd out and In a great majority of
cases had specified corn. other evidence,
too. was at hand indicating tlmt an unusual
amount of old corn was fctlll held 011 farms,
anil now that the new crop had become as
sured was pressing to be disposed of.
Relative strength displayed by oats came
principally from continued export demand.
Sales to exporters were estimated at 750.000
Provisions averaged lower In consequence
of breaks In the value of corn and hogs.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. lileh.
Oct $ 1.5l $l..'.o
Nov. 1.47 1.47
... .74'. .74 .74
Oct 41.00
Nov 41.23 41.25 41.10
Oct .-. 26.40 26 .36
Nov 23.82 25.72
Oct 23.07 23 27
Nov 23.12 23.23 23.12
Cash prices were:
Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.62 1.63;
yellow, $1.53'tfl.38; No. 4 yellow.
Amounts So
Held Reported
Reserve Board.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Of the $1,650.-
000.000 discounted bills held by. lederal
Reserve banks at the close or mildness iam
uivht. tl. were secured by Lib
erty bonds and certificates of Indebtedness,
it was shown today by the f ederal neservc
hnurri', wirlv financial statement. Here
after this segregation will be a regular fea
ture of the statement, tne report uui.
. - TtRourrea.
Gold In vault snd in transit. .$ 307,660,000
Gold settlement fund F. R.
h,,rd . 439,(197.000
Gold with foreign agencies.... 5,S9.000
Oate No. 8 white,
73 &73c.
Rye No. 2. nominal:
Barley 90c SI .04.
Timothy $7rrf 10.
Clover Nominal.
Pork Nominal.
Lard $20 SO.
Ribs $2323.75.
No. 3
73 73 He; standard.
No. 3, $1.69.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 21 Barley, S4&9ttc"
Flax, $4.13.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN. FRANCISCO, Sept. 2L Flour. $11.20
per barrel.
Grain Wheat,- Government price, $2.20
per bushel; barley, nww crop, mil ling grades,
S2.37 2.42 ; oats, white feed, nominal;
corn, California, yellow, $4.15. '
Hay Wheat and wbeat and oats, $23lU 25;
tame oat, $249 26: alfalfa, first cutting. $16
620; second cutting, $22&24; barley straw,
50 'n 80c.
Meals Alfalfai $34&30; cocoanut, nominal.
Total gold held by banks... .$ 833.4S6.0O0
".-!iih Fe,le.,'"., . . .Re":re$
Gold redemption- fund 44.122,000
Tnt.l 1,4. vpservea $2,023,558,000
Legal tender notes, silver etc.$ 62.481.000
Total reserves .....$2,070,039,000
Bills, discounted, secured ...,.... .i
Govt, war obligations ...;'-'
All other ' ""2'n'nnX
Bills bought In open market.
Total bills on hand .$1,910,178,000
U. S. Govt, long term securi
ties .
U S. Govt short term sccuri-
29,022. OoO
All other earning assets
t.1,1 ..mlnei assets $L80l. 162.000
Uncollected Items (Deduct irom
ernss deoosits) 651,843.000
Five per cent redemption fund
Sgalnst F. R. bank notes....
All other resources
2 112,000
Total resources
Capital pild in
Government deposits
Due to memue. 1 SS 528.000
.-n.n.i I. am . ai),.W,UW
Other deposits. Including foreign .
govt, cream
Total gross deposits
H. notes in aciu.
' tR bank'n'otes' in 'circulation
All other liabilities
Federal Reserve noto u"""" .
-R.troi fgoio reserve, to Federal Besesv
Kid. 3? per cent against net deposit lia
bilities 63.6 per cent.
Prices Current en Esre. Vegetables, Fresh
5 Fruits, Etc, at ray vny.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 21. Butter. 55
63EgW Fresh extras, 59c; fresh extra puN
"cKees'e-New firsts, 29c: Toung Ameri
c!;.?i0., TTens. S436c: young roosters
39c broilers. 45c: fryers, 87S8c; plgeena,
$2; squabs. $33.50; geese, 28c; turkeys.
live, S44P80C
r...tuhi Green peas, 89c; aspara
gus. 8035c: eggplant, 90c $1.15: bell pep
ners. 60 75c; chile peppers, 60 75c; to
matoes 75C$1: lettuce. 90c-3$l; celery,
nominal: potatoes, river $2.232.75 Sa
linas 13 28 3.50; onions, Australian brown,
SLSoVlTO: yellow. $1.752; garlic. 154110c;
cauliflower. $1.101.13; beets. $1; carrots,
7cc4i$l' turnips, OitaiM:: rnuoaro, i(s-i.25;
cabbage. 75c&$l; artichokes. $2.304; cu
cumbers. 50C&S1: string beans, 8c; lima
beans 78c; okra, 5Si6c per pound.
fruit Cantaloupes. Turlock. 1.251.50;
watermelons, $12; cassabas, $1L75; non
eydetw melons, $1.50L75; lemons, $4(3)8;
grapefruit, $46; oranges. Valenclas,
hucklea.rrles. 16&18e; pears. $1L75; figs,
white, 76c$l; black. 90c$1.25; plums,
$L251.50; crabapples, $11.60; , grapes,
Thompson seedless, $1.503 2; muscats, $1.30
2; avocadoes, $5 7.
Recelpts-Flour. 83S8 . quarters; barley.
600 centals; beans, 88 sacks; potatoes, 7999
Coffee Futures Market Steady.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Very little change
was reported in the coffeo market today.
After opening unchanged to 5 points lower
the market closed net unchanged to 4 points
lower. The only business reported In De
cember was at the full maximum price of
8.93c, while July sold nt 9.31c- Closing
bids: September, 8.30c; October, 8.65c; De
cember, 8-U3c: January, 9.07c; March, S.iOc;
May, 0.34c. July 0.50c.
Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, 9c; Santos 4s,
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH, Ga Sept. 21. Turpentine
steady, 58c; sales, .168 barrels; receipts,
119 barrels; shipments, 11 barrels; stock,
29.626 barrels.
- Rosin firm; sales, 834 barrels: receipts,
631 barrels; shipments 195 barrels; stocks.
60.16S barrels. Quote: B. $13.50; D. $1365;
E, $13.70:13.75; F, $13.95; G, II. I, $14.10;
K. $14.30: M, $14.40; N, $14.50; WG and
WW, $14. 75j 14.80.
California Dry Bean Mnrket.
LOS ANGELES, Cel.. Sept. 21. Ship
ments very light. Demand and movement
slow. Prices practjcally unchanged. Ware
house, cash to growers, new crop, recleaned
basis, sacked per hundred, llmas, $lt.50r
11.75; Teparys, very few sales, $7rfl 7.50;
black eyes, $0;26.30; small whites, $m.23'
ltj.60; large whites (Lady Waahlngton), $lll
Kxccss Reserves Increased.
NEW YORK. Sept. 21. The actual con
dition of ' clearing bouse banks sua trust
companies for tneweek shows that they .
hold $63,533,170 reserve in excess oflegai
requirements. This Is an Increase of $40,
580,950 from Isst week.
' Chicago Dairy Produce. .
CHICAGO. Sept 21. Butter, higher.
Creamery. 5159c.
Kggs. lower. Receipts, 6923 esses; firsts, .
42 43c: ordinary firsts, 4142c; at mark,
cases Included, 4Ug42;
Cotton BInrket.
NEW YORK. Sept 21. Cotton, spot quiet.
Middling, 32.65c.
Brokers, Slocks. Bonds, Cotton.
Grain, Etc.
Correspondents of Legan Bryasw'
Chicago and lies York.
New York Stork Exchange
Chicago Stock Exchange
Boston Stock Exchange
Chicago Board of Trade
hew York Cotton Exchange
New Orleans Cotton Exchange ...
tew York Coffee Exchange
New York Produce Exchange
Liverpool Cotton Ass'a
J Y Honolulu. Suva, Now Zealand
Ltrrat newest beat -eauit oed
sVU .altlne-e snnlii STss. K.. Ei.ll
sacks; onions, 2000 aack; hay, 50 tom; hide-, ' may, 55 Third t.. I'orttaod. or lirneral
4oJ; wine, u,atv sauon. . At cat. w bejmour oi- an court, a