The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 31

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and learn th
in Che Largest and Best
Trade School in Uie Weit.
SOnft Successful Graduates Established
14 1 ara. V offer practical courses la
u'o and truck repairing and drivtnjc. ad
vanced ignition, light in? and starting,
tractor engineering, machine work, oxy
acetyiene arelding. vulcanizing. A short
term course w)l qualify you lor war duly
or essential commercial work.
Write for FREE catalogue today.
Ftgueroa at Eighth. Los Angeles. Cal.
DECK OFFICERS U. S, Shipping Board
Free Navigation School at Seattle. Tacoma
and Portland. Trains deck officers for
the Merchant Marine. Short cut to license.
Native and naturalised citixens only. Deep
sea sailors. 2 years' experience. Lake and
Sound pilots and masters and graduates of
nautical school ships eligible. Course six
creeks. Address W. J. Grambs, bOO Stuart
building. Seattle, Wash.
THOUSANDS men, women, girls. 13 or over,
wanted Immediately by V. S. Government.
Easy office positions at Washington and
la every large city. Experience unneces
sary; $100 month and up, 7-hour day.
Your country needs you. Help her. Write
Immediately for free list positions open.
Franklin Institute, DepL 3S0G. Koch es
ter. N. T.
ATTENTION, law students; I have 1 Clark's
Criminal Law. 3d edition; Williston's
case on Contract. S volumes: 1 Clark's
Elementary Law. 1 loose-leaf notebook,
and one case fnr carrying law book: coxt
new together $22.0; used only about six
week: excellent condition: will sell for
fid. 303 belling bldg.
greater than ever. Our courses will In
terest you. Day and evening classes. Let
us help yon plan your course. Lumber
men bldg., 5 th and Stark. Phone Broad
way 844.
GRAPH OPKR ARTORS; many vacancies:
positions paying $100 tos$125 per mo.; we
co-operate with the War Dept. and pre
pare men for the SIGNAL CORPS. DAY
Railway Telegraph In mute, 1 Railway
Exchange bldg.
PRACTICAL tratning in gas, electrical and
team engineering, mechanical drawing,
machine shop practice. oxy-acetylens
weeding, automobile and tractor operating
and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se
attle Enciphering School. Seattle. Wash.
WE ARE co-operating with the Government
In the education of young women for Gov
ernment telegraph service. Day and night
class. Write or call for particular.
Panama L.dg.
MHa. DODGE, teacher of the Sagebrush
Orchestra. Burns. Or.. wi!l start a chil
dren's orchestra at Sunnyslde. Violin pupils
advance rapid ty under system. 100V t.
Morrison. Home Phone B-lskV.
W write music and guarantee pub
lisher' n acceptance. Submit poems on war.
love or any subject. CHESTER MUSIC
CO- 5vS So. Dearborn, suite 17." 5. Chicago.
Individual Instruction. Short practical
Course. Aitsky D.flc. aa ana Morrison.
pays yon while learning, give yoa a set
f tools, guarantees yea a position: snd
Tor catalogue 234 Curnsldo. Bdwy. 17 l.
. Piano, voire, saxapnone. violin, flute.
clarinet, banjo, drums, mandolin taught
by competent teachers, ol.i Coiirmnia Dig.
TUTOR, with auoesful teach ins; experience.
desire more pupils. Phone Mar. 1 1 50
Sanday afternoon or write Mis Estella
Weinmann. Park st.
Business .courses adapted to war need
Attention given to preparation for civil
service examinations. Personsl Instruction.
TEACHERS wan ltd for positions now open.
Call at once. Yates-Fisher Teachers'
Agency. Oil Broadway b'dg. .
LXFEK1 ENVED chauffuer and mechanic,
good reference, wishes to urlv party to
Los Angeles for expense. I'hone Tabor
MAN of 40. university education and family,
desire teaching position In mathematics,
Latin or English or princlpalehf p. Ad
d res AV lol. Oregonian.
HIGH SCH OOL boy, IT, de i res e m pay
ment after school and Saturdays: have
had experience In tto. retail drug bus
iness. Eaftt 230.
PRACTICAL lumberman, with office ex
perience, desires position In Portland. 83
years of a?e. Not liable to be drafted.
BF 61 Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by aarreiv. ener
getic business man. Would like position
In afternoon from 1 to 8. Call Main 7141
of Tabor 4.
"WANTED Position running electric or
steam crane; experlenre. Phone Last 7022
between 0:90 and 8 P. M.
0 nr jX 8 P. M
ny kind of wo
W ANTED Any kind of work, from 10 to :
o'oiock. Cull Kauffmanj bet. 9 and 12
any day. i'hone Main 1257.
SITUATION WANTED Experienced chauf
feur: good mechanic, good references.
Eroaaway jit 3. 4i Everett.
INTELLIGENT, energetic Amerlcwn of &0
wants position of trust; no solicltlnng or
collecting. oregonian.
INTELLIGENT and energetic man withes
, work evenings to pay for liberty bond.
Main 4 10.
WHAT have you for an educeted American
of 60 of neat appearanre and aood ad
dress? No soliciting. M 441, Oiegooian.
COMMISSARY manarer .open fr position
capable; best of references. Can come at
once. P. O Box 3, Ashland. Or.
GOOD stableman wants job; understands
care 01 corses; married. ' AC 10, Or ego
ANY kind of work; best of references; over
drsxt age: cnecaer or nigbtwatchman
married. D 4. Oregonian.
L'LDERLY man want Inside position.
watenman or tiring Doners, w ore
tNul.Ni.bR or janitur, hotel or apartment
nouse. uooa recommendations, j. b.. lilli
omana Ave. 9
LM PLOYED during day, desire work even
ings of Sundays, either clerical work or
manual laoor. k 9s, oregonian.
COMPETENT log scaler wlshea position In
a good cam p ; s ta te sala ry . N 1 a. Ore-
"WANTED By ftrst-cla machinist, work
In the evenings for two or three hours, or
other wora i can ao. t o-iv. orearonlan.
"WANTED Job of watchman or detective
work; can give bank reference CalJ
.Main net, or writ it eoroett bldg.
CAMP cooks, first and second cook and
good waitress, position in logging camp
reference. Phone Main 41.
POSITION as nlcht watchman: accustomed
to such work, steady and reliable; best of
reference. iain
WELL qualified graduate registered optom
etrist desires permanent situation; good
reigrencea w c im, rgonian.
WANTED By responsible mlddie-aged man,
6 to 8 hours' work evening. AC 1(,J. Ore
gonlan. V ANTE D By experienced bookkeeper,
a small set of books to keep evenings. Ad
dress B 590, Oregonian.
EXPERT wants Job teaching Inexperienced
men how to fall timber and save it. B
pox, oregonian.
PAINTING, tinting, etc.. day or contract,
reasonable; expert workmen. P. O. box
JAPANESE couple wish ' position In' private
family; man experienced cook, wife second
wora: city or country. j o.s. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires po
sition; will give references. AE 458. Ore-
YOUNG man. dental student, desires work
for s or 4 hours evenings, clerical work
preferred. A LM 9, Oregonian.
CLEVER Japanese boy wants steady position
In auto repair shop; no experience, AE
4.'. Oregonian.
MAN wlshe to work In photograph gallery;
has som experience. P. O. Box 1127.
WANTED Sunday watchman or Janitor
work. T 630. Oregonian.
RELIABLE man wants few hours' work
evenings. Sell wood 1 194.
WANTED Extra work from to 7 P. M.
P"okkeepln-r preferred. Tabor 4329.
BAKER. 2i years experience, bread, pa try.
wants situation. 22 East 2Rth St. 0
BOY, IS years, wishes wark after sahool
and Saturday. Call Tabor 33 AO.
BOY. age 15. warns work after school and
Saturdays. Call East 4.i.
JAPANESE want work In dentist' office;
Is oof a co ry work. AF s. Oregonian.
AMERICAN of 2W. active, alert dependable,
wants watchman's job. C 551. Oregonian.
"W A NTED A poeitiou a watchman. Phone
East AJtl.
LLDERLY man a janitor or houseman. G
Mt. Oregonian.
TOVNO man wishes bus work. Call Main
SSi). between 12 and 1 Sunday.
G00D milker want steady
K 54. Oregonian.
LINCOLN HIGH boy wishes work In after-
oon or evening. AH 11. Oregonian.
WANTED Stenorraphlc work after 8:30 P.
M. Marshall 61H0.
PAINTINO. paperhana-ln and tinting, day
cr contract. Phone East 70G.
HArXTTJO wanted for two-ton Federal truck.
plaUorm and stake body. WeeUiawn 4000.
tect and engineer. Just arrived, and
would like to connect with either new or
established shipyard. Many years' experi
ence In both wood and sreeL Any propo
sition offered will be given careful con
sideration. You aay you want shipbuild
ers? Let's hear from you. Addre H 502.
Oregonian. "
Have 10 years' experience, dailies and
country weeklies, a writer at all desks.
Can furnish all copy and manage office
work of b-page country weekly; highest
references Past draft age. A 578, Ore
gon i a n .
CREDIT man or assistant in that depart
ment, extensive office experience covering
period of several years with large company
In a responsible capacity; reasonable sal
ary ; result to determine worth,
POSITION in war Industrv. .Now employed
but wish advancement. Man of family,
education and ability. In cew draft age,
but not likely to be called. Experience in
accounting. No soliciting considered.
o05, Oregonlan.
THEATER MEN Tin vou need competent
man at front of the house? Experienced
in handling; box ofifce and ores work in
metropolitan city and high-class companies
on road: want local position at medium
salary; no traveling. v els, uregonian.
POSITION WANTED Have experience
. storekeeper, timekeeper in R. H. shops and
on construction, commissary ana time
keeper lumber camps and payroll dlstrlbu
tlon. Have references. Kindly state gala
ry. E 503, Oregonian.
WANTED Work as sawfiler. circular and
crosscut, and edre tool srrlnder. Al bar
rel sawfiler and all-around mechanic
Wages $45 per week; reference Address
Sawfiler, care Bell Hotel. Vancouver.
PRACTICAL man, capable of handling any
nranch or the automobile Dusines. wouia
take a working Interest with good, reliable
concern. H., care x. al. c. a., employ
ment department. Main 870O.
POSITION with reliable lumber or realty
firm who are In need of first-class land
and tlt man. Have had number of yearr
experiences with abstracts, land titles, and
taxes: references. AF 400, oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE man 50. 100 Per cent Araer
lean, long resident, property owner. Intel
ligent, alert, diligent, desire position as
watchman or custodian can give bond. G
f5o, Oregonlan.
MAN in a noo essential position with clerical
experience, out of draft age. wishes to
change, into timekeeper, checker, store or
stockroom ; reliable and not afraid of
of work. AB 072, Oregonlan.
WANT office work: understand principle of
accounts, us typewriter, can take dicta
tlon and meet men In business manner
some outside work If you wish. V oil.
MAN and wife want Place on dairy ranch.
man milk 20 to 26 cdVs. woman rook, two
children. State wages. R. Schoi. Am
boy. W ush.
HIGH school boy. 1 Clears, wants work
urdays. Has had grocery and soda foun
tain experience. .References curmsnea.
Main .4.
PRINTER Job or newspaper, with 13
years city experience, wants Portland sit
uatlon Oct. 15: union; operate Monotype.
a aureus av r, Oregon 1 an.
MAN and wife want position on dairy farm.
man good milker, wife good cook: wll
cook for 6 to 10 men. Address 41 i N.
..d at., room -6.
SHIPBUILDING superintendent on a visit
deal res a position of some kind in a ship
yard; wood or steel; any proposition enter-
taineitr Address II 50:!, Oregonian.
CLERK with 15 years' general office expe
rience, auditing and accounting, has open
several spar evenings per week. 15 023,
MAN. oO years' mercantile business experi
ence, past 4 years age. win consider
other work I may be qualified for; best
References. A V 02. Oregonian.
Bookkeeper. Htenographera, Office.
ACCOUNTANT Practicing: puts In systems.
aiwus your accounts, manes statements
ft'K Government and other purposes; takes
small sets of books or will do clerical
work at reasonable rates. E 547, Otvgo-
nlM n.
MAN. junt above draft age, with good
executive ability, long experience as clerk,
bookkeeper, treasurer, cashier and man
ager, will be open for position about
October 1 ; want Saturday off. but will
Tvork Sunday if deeired. Tabor 3uS2.
POSITION of responsibility by an active,
competent Duvinccs man with years
experience In retail and wholesale busi
ness; can furnlnh reference seronfJ to none,
any bond required. A 001, Oregonian.
MAN, 95, good education, wishes position
with good, permanent concern: expe
rienced In efficiency training, salesman
ship, storekeeping. timekeeping, etc. Ad
drv.f AB 67V. Orbgonlan.
BOOKKEEPER, accountant. 15 years expe
rience. 10 year aa cashier and office man
ager; at present temporarily employed;
desires permanent position. AM 0J, Ore
gonian. SINGLE man" of 4tl experienced bookkeeper
mm on ice man. laminar witn mac nine
shop and foundry line, desire position;
willing; to go anywhere.
B b.S, orego
WANTED Bookkeeping to do at home eve
nings by thoroughly experienced, middle
aged man ; will furnish references and
oono. Af wi'n, .regon)an.
BOOKKEEPER. S3, married. 10 veer-' x
perl-nce, best of references: can arrange
for interview after 6 P. M. AO asi), Orego
nian. CAN devote several hours each day assisting
wnn uooKs, aiao use typewriter. An 01
YOUNG MAN. 20 years, wants position as
stenographer and typewriter: exempt from
nraii. at. sr. Mnun, pnone k. o,st4.
RELIABLE girt employed during day wishes
10 stay witn c rum ran 10 tfio evenings. AH
ow. uregoman.
REFINED lady with reference would like
position as nouse mother In sorority house,
rhone evenings. East &04.V
WANTED A place to take care of chil
dren evenings while mother ia away; ref
erence Woodlawn 101 1.
LADY wishes to return to California: will
assist witn Children or sick party. 64&,
POSITION as private secretary. ExDerienced.
.ot a stenograpner. Make appointment for
interview. t- uregonian.
HloH SCHOOL girl will work for mom and
ooaro. leiepnone Alain 34S. Address 843
1 napman si.
COUPLE want apts. in exchange for wife's
won; no cniiaren. juts. Stuart. Phone
Main 7fto6.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants light work for
room and board and small wagvs: give
WANTED Care of children by responsible
party a lie moons and evening Broadway
UNINCUMBERED lady wants housekeeping
va m rumn a imr nji bh .tiaineur or Har
ney County. B 617, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday. Sell wood
GKAOUATB. piano teacher with experience.
wessons a: your noma t cents. Call Tabor
WANTED Position
exchange operator.
Can aiso operate typewriter,
H 5oa Ore-
LADY, experienced, would like work oh
ranch in ashinirton. M rs. Cauiey. 5 SO
Ml?siss1ppl av. Phone Woodlawn
EXPERIENCED exchange operator wishes
work from 0:30 P. M. to 10 or 11 P. M.
Call Woodlawn 8094. -
GOOD, experienced saleslady would like
position in su:ta or millinery. Dislike to
apply AM 037. Oregonian.
A WU1ET working girl wants place to stay
as companion rnr eideriy person or chil
dren. Tabor 33P1.
AN EXPERIENCED woman wants manage
ment of an apartment or rooming house
Sell 1345.
YOUNG woman student desires work for
evenings ana baturaaye. w &3L Orego
nian. CAPABLE mother end daughter would man-
, age ana run. rooming nous. A 500, Or igo
COUPLE want apart nents inexchana;e for
wire s wora; no ennaren. ai. a. Stuart.
405 Ftrnt. Phone Maiu 790a
A PRACTICAL nurse, with doctor's recom-
menaawon. can isoor eouu.
EXPERIENCED woman would like day
work. Phone Tabor 4873.
LADY wishes comforters to tie at home. CaU
v a:n. w. -
LESSONS given la grammar grade studies;
DacKwara pupus a specialty. Main 5721.
WANTED Situation as dishwasher from
11 O ClocK tO 0. i. Olth St.
WANTED By reliable girl, clerking in
grocery store. ast osto.
HaDY. with experience, wants work In
studio. ts o-i. uregonian.
POSITIONS by competent stenographer and
office assistant. v 0.4. oregonian.
WILL give vocal Instruction In exchange
for piano 1 eeson AL 8 40, Oregonian.
MBN I will no your washing: and mending
reasonaDje. nn m Atar. ouov.
uUNG lady wants work as office aaslst-
nt. Sell wood -.u'3.
KKFTNED woman wlshe evening work. AO
st 7, oregonian.
WoMAN wants day work. Woodlawn 4.LX
A BUSINESS woman, with college educa
tlon. culture and refinement, desires work
of some kind not clerical: buyer, seller o
assistant manageress to some wholesale
concern or traveling position. Years of ex
DfrlMtcA nf mf tnir the nubile and hand'
ling both men and women employes. J 200,
Ore go man.
UNCLE PA Xt needs mv bov only support
what have you employer to offer a woman
who can adapt herself quickly to any po
sition; prefer -clerking dry goods, bakery,
stockroom work, wholesale house. BD
604. Orcgottian. '
BRIGHT ambitious woman wants work,
Hav managed hotel and had various husi
nes experience Capable of overseeing,
meeting public or filling place of trust.
Kefereuces turnisneu. x o.
Kt:srvPis woman, exoerienced bookkeeper.
stenoaranher. cashier, desires posltioa
- other than the routine of office "nI"k.
best reference. What have you to offer?
AB J70, Oregonian.
WANTED By teacher holding Oregon State
paperv position as teacher in the home or
clerical position In office, not stenography;
best references. Address Box loo. Gresn-
am, Oi
VERY Intelligent, capable woman painfully
honest, desires position in stockroom of
wholesale house or some other business
where no Sunday work is expected. Ai
000. oregonian.
EDUCATED lady would like to oversee wid
ower's home, where she could give in
structions In vocal and instrumental mu
sic or any position of truat. Beat refer
ence. AL 03, Oregonian.
rnrr tiRtiP vm)nr woman desires position,
stenographer and assistant bookkeeper or
rlPTlral m-nrk! taiirh school education. V
040. oregonian.
t a nv ik rYrir of ant. or rilKn
class rooming-house; references flret class.
Main 6147 after 6 P. M. C 484, Oregonian.
experienced ladv would like to take
rhrA at a mail aoartment-house or room
Ing-house for apartment and some wages.
Btate partlculara. 1 mi, uregmwu.
EXPERIENCED office woman desires posl
tlon as correspondent or executive; accus
tomed to hiring and managing cmpiuM.
It 53S, oregonian.
VACUUM L'LhA..L, v iiyj o
BOR 8S3. . .
WANTED A home for school girl 15 year
of age, uoara ana room aim wmo T"
'one R ICHOOI QlSlXlCt, Dnsiciiou. ww,
A 'REFINED, educated woman will care lor
your children while you iravei, or
house for elderly person of mean, z 6o&,
WOMAN of education, executive ability, good
accountant, fine penman, oesc reierences,
wishes work, preferably In bank. A Gotf,
Yi ii-vri l-rt v A-l olanist. wants position
playing for private aances or aanc:n
classes, afternoon or evening". Broadway
CAN give excellent car to girl from 6 to 12
years in private no me. o ouiur iii'iu'cu.
Two blocks from school. Oive phone num
ber. AH 605, oreg-onlan. ,
GIRL 11 wants good home, to assist with
work or care of baDy lor room aua ooara.
Call Sunday or evenings after 7:30 at
E. Couch. .
EXPERIENCED laundress wants da y work.
Small WBollingB iir imw iouuiivo , m
hour. B 41J1. Oregonian
TYPIST, clerical work, no stenography. V
00S Oregonian
Bookkeeper. Br e no graph era. Office.
EXPERIENCED business woman, capable of
managing, buying, etc., is open lor en
gagement; also thoroughly experienced in
bookkeeping, typing. U 626; Oregonian.
EXPERT stenographer recently from New
York City desires a position, nana or
corporation work preferred. Agencies re
quested not to answer. E P3I, Oregonian.
WOMAN with good education, some expe
rience, wishes clerical worn, bbsibl in 01-fu-e
or store from 10 to 0 only. Y 640,
Oregonian. -
FICE EXFJtKlK.MJti, w ci'ii tiJUA 1 r-.L
AND ADAPTA ULri. U131K ruaiiiu.,
YOUNG lady stenographer, five year' ex
perlence desires pocmon . iuraoer pre
ferred. Phone Eaat 2075 Sunday and eve
YOUNG woman wants general office work
Keven veara' experience typing, iinna, as
istant bookkeeping, telephone exchange.
Phone Broadway 14W1.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced In
bookkeeping and - general oriice worn,
wishes permanent position. J 10, Orego
rtlan. .
WANTED Engagements by the day; e
perlenced In suits and gowns; ao remoaei
ing; will prepare to finish; terms rea
sonable. Phone Broadway UiOT.
Rnrik'KPKPKH Have had five years ex
peclence wttn larse printing omce, oti
of references. Salary ?!0 month. Phose
woodlawn 4044.
LADY, with some office experience, wishes
position. Willing to worn ror reueonaoio
sa'Ary to start if there is cnance xor aa
vancement. i 'regonmn.
Wom a.v r.f education with business ability,
f;ood penman, accurate In figures, good
n detail work, wishes position in bank
or office. AO 8n, I'regonian.
KDlVATEl) woman, some business experi
ence, quick with pen, wishes clerical work
or assist In office, shop or store; half days
prei'eire4. AC 110, uregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, 6 years in
general office worK, aesires position.
Phone Tabor 27C1, Sunday or week day
after 6:80 P. M. .
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist, now
emD ovea. wis ties ucuer jiuimuu, a. ujo,
YOUNG lady, experienced in office work,
with typing, would like position. Phone
Tabor 4501. .
EFFICIENT, trustworthy bookkeeper wants
position. Less than S130 not considered.
B 010, oregonian.
EXSRIPENCBD cashier-bookkeeper, three
years Tast position; Al references. Bdwy.
1 w 7 T. rtom 4 jm.
POSITION by stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper; win accept out-ot-iown oner.
Y 647, Oregonian. ;
vni-vn ltdv with anma knowledge of sten
ographle work wishes posltibn in office.
Taoor hisi. -
WOMAN bookkeeper, employed during the
day, would like similar wortc or otner worn
evenings, m OoA uregonian.
WOMAN Business experience, capable,
trustworthy, seeks clerical position witn
reliable una. ai ojo, ureronian.
STENOGRAPHER with some knowledge of
bookkeeping desires position, ap ot, ore-
goniiy. -
RELIABLE typist wishes dictaphone work
In aay city ta ore on or v uaningLon. a
519, Oregon I an.
STENOGRAPHER with law reporting and
Insurance business experience desires post
tlon. Good references. Phone East 23l'0.
YOUNG woman, 25 years, would like posi
tion for general unice or clerical wora.
Woodlawn 5131.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and cashier
desires position, prexerauiy in small oince.
AE 477. oresonisn.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires work,
evenings, 9 to v. reierences lumnncd.
Broadway 523!
WOMAN of education and refinement wishes
position as nousemotner in college sorority
or iraiermiy nouxc w r vrrguimi n.
YOUNG lady emplted would like some
stenographic or copy worn ior spare time.
o7 Wilcox bldg.,or Main 4480.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion at 0. x oi'J, uregonian.
DICTAPHONE operator desires
Room Bi'0. Main W47-J.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position;
month experience. Phone labor bsja.
YOUNG lady would like typing to do morn
ings or afternoons. iei. f.ast tt.ii.
WANTED Position as
and on ice
Tabor h364.
work ; experienced.
WANT situation as typist and bookkeeper.
H 600, Oregonian.
RELIABLE typist wishes permanent posi
tion. C 033. oregonian.
POSITION private secretary, salary $123. AL
647, Oregonian.
EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer;
best of reference. Main sii.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants perma
nent position. Phone x. liOj.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist
wants position. 1.1M .ast unsan st.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. AK 821. Oregonian.
WANTED Position stenographer! some
experience, references. A. Marshall 1251.
UNINCUMBERED lady wauts position as
housekeeper, widower preferred; country
or city. AC 75. Oregonian.
FANCY dressmaking and gowns remodeled.
East 47:17. '
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by day; $3 day. Tabor 2351.
UP-TO-DATE dressmaker wants da en
gagements DRESSMAKING, old clothing made over.
434 Morrison St.. cor. 12th., apt. 3.
I HELP mother plan sewing, children, S2
per day. East 6126.
Tabor 2113.
dresamaker; $2.50 day.
Woodlawn li-tf.
wlshe position.
srrrATTONs wanted female.
Refined and quiet. References.
IDA SCH REPEL, Estacada, Or.
PRACTICAL, experienced nurse wants- in
valid, convalescent or general nursing
East 473.
NURSE Quiet home, invalids, unfortunates.
References. Box 111, R. A. Gresham. Or.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes
forenoons. East 2G05.
Ca I
NURSE, hospitaj experience. Phone Wood
lawn 229, call for apt. 9.
REFINED lady with grown daughter, em
ployed, and bov '10 years old. desires
position In private home as housekeeper
lor board and room of self and boy,
daughter paying - own expenses; Couch
school district preferred. AM 621, Ore
MOTHER with young daughter wishes po
sition housekeeper In home of refined
widower. Out of town preferred. Refer
encea. AR 31, Oregonian.
EX PERIBNCED soung woman wishes po
etton as housekeeper In first-class hotel:
can furnish references. Phono Main 3X79
REFINED lady would like position as house
keeper in hotel or apartment-house. Phone
noons. East 5043.,
SITUATION, capable housekeeper, couple of
men witn good none, citv or larra; moa
erate wages. B.. 152 S. Church St.. Salem.
MIDDLE - AGED unincumbered widow
wishes housekeeping for working; man,
AE .499,. Oregonian.
WANTED By good strong girl, place in
good home as helper in general housework;
- wages $30. Mildred CarL -430 Prescott
et., cor. 7th.
EXPERIENCED girl desires housework;
wages .15 to 4o. T 649. Oregonian.
WANT washing for one or two daya a
weeK. I'none eenwood usa.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flat with
den nit o iniormation pertaining to each.
Newcomers In Portland will find this
bureau of great 'Value In helping; them ge
properly and quickly located.
In this war-time emergency and scarcity
of housing accommodations, we request
every natrlotlo citizen who ha a house
rent or rooms to let to mail Information
of same to Coiumhla R. B. Corp., box
Portland, or. .
.1 nn R.rnATn hnnaralow. bv resneotable. re
soonsib e couple. Take oest 01 care 01
property. Must have Immediately. Will
sign lease. Sell wood 280 1.
km I PA Snnrt vour vacant houses. flt,
and apartments, furnished or unfurnished,
to A. J. fc-ngiana, oriuneai 01001 v,.
or Phone Main iiUJ.
WANTED To rent by young couple with
no children, furnished modern house,, five
rooms or larger, in or north of Nob Hill
fbinity; permanent and will g-uarantee
het of care: would consider buying. G
54, Oregonian.
$3 REWARD to anyone informing me o:
modern o-room ounpaiuw mr rem, iivtiu
in d ace and terms satisractory ; ren
must be reasonable: responsible and per
manent tenant. Phone 'labor 7 J
FAMILY, three adults, want to rent for
winter nart of well-f urnlshed house, hea
iriiidrl in vicinMv of St. Helen's Hall
13th and Montgomery streets. Address
room 225. .Alexandria Court.
W A. NTED, by Portland buslnees man, on or
before October 1.1. iurmsnea or unrur
niehed hone in good location. Will lease
highest references. AG n4S. oregonian
WANTED 5-room furnished bungalow I:
good location, near cars; would like privi
lege of purchase after six months; refer
cure. Call Mr. tirown,
WANTED to rent by October 1; G or 7-room
modern house with furnace and garag
In good location, will sign lease for one
' year, pnone wooaiawn ihb.
unfurnished bungalow or flat, Piedmon
Alberta or w oodiawn district, will pay
up to :.. t:aii wooaiawn ia.
to lease for one year, rurnisned or un
furnished 5 or 6-roora flat or bungalow.
Marshall 6080. Mr. ureene. A' o4. Ore
WANTED C or 7-room Tnodern house, hy
small family or auuiL. uctooer i.; would
consider lease; will furnish references.
Marshall 3708.
WANTED 5 or 6 -roam house within walk
in distance of 23d and Lovejoy; reason
able rent; adults. N. A. Schumacher, 4DS
Magnolia ave.
wanted 3 to 5-room house or bungalow,
furnished or unfurnished, by couple; no
children. AK 023, oregonian.
WANT to leaBe 5-room bungalow; 3 to
months' rent in. advance, urego
nlan. .
WANTED- Unfurnished or furnished house,
fiat or apartment xor xamiiy oz tnree,
Phone Taltor a-ias. r
WANTED By two adults, unfurnished 4
aoom apartment, small house or flat.
5Ji", Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT Modern S or 6 -room
house. unfurniBhed. Call Alain U. Ask
for Mr. padden. 9
BY responsible couple with no children,
small furmsned nouse or nat Dy uct. 1.
References If desired. E G27, Oregonian.
WANTED By Oct. 1, 3 or 6-room furnished
bunaa ow; no children: host or care auar-
anteed. Tabor 1048 or J lil.'l, Oregonian.
3 OR 6-room modern house by Oct. 1; West
Sido prererrea; references iz aesirea. K.
540. Oresonlan.
WANTED Modern 5 or O-room house, East
Side, adults. Phone 9 to u. Main 420S
ewnlngs and Sunday Tabor 1408.
WANT 4 or o-room furnished bungalow.
reasonable aistance, responsible tenant.
Marshall .
THREE 4-room- furnished apt.or house.
Taoor netween 1 1 a. ai. -ana 8 p. At,
8 OR 0-ROOM furnished house. West Side
preferred. .Main arter y o clock.
NOW or before Oct. 15. modern furnished
flat over store, au e7, uregonian.
WANTED House, 5 or fl' rooms, modern or
partly modern. Woodlawn 5018.
8-ROOM modern house, on carline. Call Sell-
wood IOjo. (Sunday.
WANT to rent unfurnished house In or
near Montavllia. Phone Tabor 4115.
WANTED I or 5-room house, close in.
523, oregonian
OR 6-room bungalow. Tabor 210S.
RESPONSIBLE couple, two babies, anar
an tee oest or care. Kererences. win sign
lease. Must have Immediately. Sellwood
BT the flth of October employed couple
wants one large room witn Ded ana couch
small kitchenette separate. No attic. Per
manent if reasonable and convenient.
C 6lit Oregonian.
TV0 or throe-room furnished apartment
by young coupie; permanent. A i 00.
WANTED Three or four-room fiat, fur
nished or uniurmsnea. can Apu.o. East
OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms or
apartment. West Side. AR 854. Oregonian.-
WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished flat or
apartment; close in. lan Main 1445.
WANTED--2 or 3-room strictly modern
furnished apartment. Marsnan :M44.
WANTED 3 or 4-room Hat or house, close
' in; no objection to children. Main 1445.
NORMAL confinement cases given 2 weeks'
care, including drugs, dressings and phy
sician's services, for $40. Other cases very
reasonable. Call Woodlawn ICO. 1005 Will
lams ave.
LADY employed would tike room and board
In private Catholic family. AB 671, Ore
gon 1 ah.
WANTED By young lady, employed, board
and room In private family; references ex
ciianged. Woodlawn 22S4. Apt, 21.
REFINED couple wish two or more fur
nished hoi'sekeepln? rooms in private xam
' lJy. K 001, Oregonian,
To build ships we must have men. To
nave men we must have housings and
accommodations. We ask every patriotic
citizen who has a house or rooms for rent
'to phone or mall information to our em
ployment bureau. Wood lawn 66 HO.
WANTED 1 large furnished H. K. room,
with private family, by very neat and
clean workman, employed; must be In N.
W. Portland, handy to the Foundation
. shipyards; give particulars. C 520, Ore
goniun. . -
BY gentleman, a furnished room with gas
cooker and heating stove In small house,
where music practicing will not disturb;
W'est Side. W f24, Oregonian.
MAN and wife wishes 2 to 4 housekeeping
rooms, furnished or unfurnished, private
family preferred: near St. Johns carline
or In St. Johns. J 1S6, Oregonian.
LARGE unfurnished room, suitable for
music studio; also kitchenette; convenient
to Hawthorne car, below 23th. Phone Ta
bor 6S00. -
A NORMAN wishes to rent room of a Nor
wegian family, near the center of town.
AF 683, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY wishes home in private fam
ily, no other boarders. C o34. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants room In. pflvate family.
D 63. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED By young lady employed, wel
heated room and good board; within wal
ing distance on Weat Side or within wal
ing distance of Belmont and East Sfcth.
At; ass, Oregonian. .
WANTED, on or before Oct. 15, by cultured
v. s. lamuy, jcnuaren o and t respectively,
rooms and board in private home; yard
ana garage preferred; references. Jbi oao,
TWO business women want two rooms an
board strictly private family on Eaa
' Side in oulet locality : furnace heat an
first, das? in every particular. T 544,
WANTED In Irvine-ton school district
room and board for man and wife and girl
of 8; C. S. family preferred; atate price
ana telephone. Tabor 445.
BUSINESS man wishes pleasant room, close
in, with evening meal, in private nome,
fctate full partlculara. Reierences ex
changed. E &22, Oregonian.
WANTED In Irvinrton School distrlc
room and board for man and wife and girl
of 8, C. S. family preferred; state pri
and telephone No. AH 43H, Oregonian.
WANTED By lady, large, airy room,; ru
nlng water, modern home, breakfast, di
ner; good price- paid for good accommo
dations, au 70. oregonian.
WANTED Home for children. 6 and 8. I
nrfvate family, mod school diet.. Wes
Side,- where mother employed may have
room. Rer. req. B 604. uregonian.
YOUNG man wants board and room wi
refined family; must be reasonable; state
. price. iriace 10 aeep car yrieneu.
529. Oregonian,
WANTED By gentleman employed, room
. with or without board in a family of re
nnement; reference furnished. Koo
503 Worcester bldg. '
wa trtv-RnH and room between 20 (
32th, Hoyt and Savler; employed nights.
Address Art 00a, oregonian.
1 A V with threa children, over 8 years, wis
. es room and board. State particulars.
P 410 oregonian.
t ol'Pl.K emnloved want board with 2 rooms,
private family. M 377, Oregonian, or
Broadway 3445.
ROOM and board in private family by -man
and wife who wonc; garage space u. poa
sible. D 64", Oregonian. .
WANTED Room, board, some care for
rheumatic invalid, nrlvate home; reason
able. Call Tabor 2213, bet. 2 and B P. M.
tv a v t t? n Tttnm and two meals ner day
private family; by business man. AK 639,
Oregonian. -
WANTED, to rent garage for automobile I
vicinity of East 10th ana saimon si
Phone East JirtOl.
WANTED By a lady employed, room and
board in refined home. . au o-io, vrego-
HOME for an old lady, S25 per month.
618, Oregonian.
ROOM and board In private family; reason
able, close in. B 014, oregonian.
WANTED To rent small place 1 to 5 acres
close to carline. with chicken nouses on.
AV. 210. Oregonian. .
SINGLE GARAGES; newly built on Belmont
st near East 2-d. iast 1.
WANTED A garage. 60x100 or larger. Call
Tabor 2047.
NEW baby grand Kranivh and Bach piano
to rent to resuonaioie party. lauor
Furn Imbed Room.
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portlands downtown
high-class family hotel, rooms en suit
or single, with or without bftard, for fam
iiii an a business men and women. W
give you all the comforts of a home. Rea
sonable rates.
A Modfraie-Prlced Hotel of Merit.
TCamt Morrison and East Sixth.
Tnti rinfftird ia the nrinclPal East Sid
TTAtel and is a hotel of dianity and re
finement. Dally rates. $1 up; two la room.
91.60; weekly rates. ana up.
1S4 14th St.. at Washinaton.
Rates 94 per week up, 70o day. Fire
proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms,
close to amusement and shopping center;
catering especially to those desiring quiet.
Fifth and Waahina-ton tit.
ftleht lu canter of Portland's actlvltlea
Prices astonishingly low. Let us show you
our accommodations ana quote rates.
B48U Washington SC. Cor. 17th.
Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modern.
12 per weex up. free pnones ana oata
Transient and housekeeping . rooms.
Rooms -5c and up per day; $1.50 and up
per week. CBo1 f irst st. aaarsnan ia.,
STRICTLY modern, well-furnlshed upper
front room with porcn. una or two gentle
men. Nob Hill, walking distance. Refer
ences. AM 634, Oregonian.
for RENT Two large, airy rovms on Haw
thorne carline, iiyiu nouseKeeping 11 pre
ferred. Tabor ltdo.
HOTEL OClvLEY. Morrison street at 10th.
Rates Too per day up; weeaiy ss ou up;
running water; free phone and baths.
NICE, light, airy room In prlvatu family
with use or Datn ana teiepnone, west, oiue,
walking distance. Alarsnaii 401.
HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of
the East Side; modern, convenient, high
quality, low price. East 3d and Burniida.
HOTEL CORDOVA. 260 11th at. Strictly
modern, private baths en suite; rooms 93
Up. Main A
PALACE HOTEL 446-Wash. St.; downtown
location; respectable and strictly modern;
steam near; rooms large, clean.
ELEGANTLY furnished room In swell pri
vate home, suitable xor two men, im each.
71 Trinity place. ,
TWO quiet adults. In good district, partly fur
nished rooms or one lurmanea; privilege
of light housekeeping, laoor obz.
NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable, 308
NICE front room, furnished, suitable for 2
gentlemen. 5oO Kearney st. '
WO rooms on first floor for ladles. 910.00
and 910.5Q. Phone JEaM. MilO.
THREE furnished housekeeping- rooms,
water, ngnta, met. v jonnson bz.
NICE room In refined private modern home
near Multnomah Club. Phone Main 652.
ONE furnished room, near two carline. 73
fci. ath st.. corner or istaric st.
EWLY furnished rooms; reasonable. SOSft
Pine at.
COMPLETELY furnished 4 rooms for rent.
Call Monday, Montgomery.
Cnfnrnlrtnrd Rooms.
WO light,
liry, outside, unfurnished rooms
siu: no
hlldren. ee janitor, Waverly
Court. East iiUth
nd Clinton sts.
OR RENT Tw4 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, iree water, iignts ana gas. oU2
Mary stM Brooklyn. -
FurMshed Rooms In Private Family.
COMFORTABLE room adjoining bath, heat,
rumisnea. neaFonuuie, anting aistance.
3-SO E. 0th St. N. East 2800.
FOR RENT East Side, exceptionally neat
front room; sio per montn; rererences ex
changed; gentleman. Tabor 010.
EST SIDE, close In, 2 furnished rooms for
worklngmen. Call after 2 o'clock at 4-iS
Columbia st.
LKV'INGTON Furnished front room, bath.
teiepnone; two oiockb irom xsroauway
car, 912. Tel. t;ast osui.
TWO clean furnished rooms. 6 minutes' walk
postoffice. Rent reasonable. 203 Clay st.
CLEAN, alry room, with sleeping porch; no
other roomers; moaern nome. ji wuimoy.
FURNISHED room In Irvington;
distance. Hast . sou.
PLEASANT, quiet room to gentleman, 410
Salmon, near Aiorary,
ROOMS In private modern home for men or
business women, iou is. zxst st.
HOME in modern bungalow for lady em
ployed; breaKL-ist or cook own. h. as t 4370.
NICELY furnlsned room for two. 115
Stephen st Tabor 4I.-2.
NICE room for rtnt to lady.
&71 5th at.
Furnished Rooms lu Private Family.
HAVE two nicely furnished rooms; furnace
heat; one front with large alcove, pienty
of room for three people; in splendid lo
cality. West Side, walking distance, one
block from 23l-st. car, Vx block from
Depot and Morrison car. Telephone Main
PLEASANT, comfortable, well-located room
unn..liii Ko r -..Am all mnitiTn COnVell-
pmM : In a nrtvate home, with uss of
hath nnri tfltnhnne: within walking dis
tance and near two carlines. E. 03S or
Tabor 1-03. . .
HOW'S THIS? Nicely furnished room, large
enough for two. witn neat, eweme ukul,
nriviieeo of bath, breakfast If desired.
Small, congenial family. Come and see.
'529 Tillamook t. ,r,v-
WAR has taken mv roomers: must have
occupant for large, nicely furnished front
room, suitable for one or two. in modern
home: easy walking distance; reasonable.
Brerfkfast If desired. East 3277.
FURNISHED room to eentleman appreciat
ing privileges and congenial surroundings
In quiet home and select neighborhood;
Willamette Heights: references. Main
FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms, tieotrlc
lights, gas, furnace heat and bath, walk
ine distance from the shipyards ana post
office. Board if desired. 535 Johnson it,
corner 10th. Broadway 2010.
FOR RENT To professional or business
man, room with furnace heat, use of tele
phone; walking distance. East snde. Phone
.East 34 alter 1 1 . au aunaay, or 101c
noons. -
SUITE of two rooms, sunroom and private
bath, with outside entrance; prefer two
people: $40 per month. Also one single
room suitable for one. or two ladles.. 9-0.
Choice .neighborhood. Main 22B8. i
wn.i. enr n ut t fnl front room to gen
tleman interested in C. S.; Hawthorne
Park; walking distance; 9-0 month. East
TO ONE gentleman, large airy front room
with veranda, two in family, home-cooked
meals across street, walking distance. Call
evenings, 509 E. Main st. East 1,24.
FIRST-CLASS furnished room in modern
Irvington home; all conveniences; small,
pleasant family; business man preferred.
East 022.
FURNISHED room with home accommoda
tions, suitable for one or two women
employed, in exchange for some help even
ings. AF 6W0, Oregonian. .
MODERN well-furnlshed, steam-heated
room on Couch near 17th st., suitable for
one or two men; reasonable. Phone
Broadway 2720.
NICE furnished room and kitchenette in a
private family. Home privileges for lady
employed. 910 per month. Call 125 E. 20ih
N., one block from It. C. car.
Private entrance,
water in room.
room apartment hous.
Running hot and cold
Heat. bath. Phone A
ELEGANTLY furnished bedrooms In beauti
ful home, to ladies employed through the
day. Apply Sunday from 2 to 7. Marshall
A SPLENDID Toom in private physician's
home in Irvington district; ladles only; s-'u
er month ; references exchanged.
lancock it, corner 17th.
FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
"Half blVk to car, 15 minutes to down
town. 407 E. 17, S. Call before 10 or
after 2.
LARGE furnished bedroom with porch.
steam heated, electric lights, walking dis
tance; excellent neighborhood; very rea
son a b 1 e.tallMaUi52jroftf
FOR RENT A front room in lovely home;
spacious ground and veranda, west bine.
Gentlemen only. Main OuUl, or call 612
Marshall st. '
COMFORTABLE Tront room; furnace heat.
electric light, bath and pnone; 10 min
utes' walk; today until 12 M. and Monday.
415 Broadway.
FOR RENT One furnished room and sleep
ing porch, together or separate, modern
home, hot and cold water. 447 E. Sher
man sc
NICELY furnished room in modern home tn
business man or woman ; can arrange to
give breakfast. If so desired. I'hone East
n.flfiB.lK EAST SIDE.
A clean, airy, well furnished front
room, near Union and Williams-ave. cars,
Reasonable rent. 3.l Last Gllsan.
NICELY furnished front rooms, convenie:
for one or two gentlemen ; all modern,
with hot-water heat, electric npnt, iam
In refined family; reference. Main 2211
BEAUTIFUL large front room, connected
with batt, suitable for 1 or J, ladies em
ployed, 07 j Koaney ave., cor, a argo.
NICELY furnished front room. West Sfd
20 mi mi ten walk from POBtornce; Kitche:
privileges if desired. Broadwuy 1604.
NO advance In rent for two excellent room:
facing park blocks; private home; refined
men oniy. Mam -uvo.
A LARGE front room for
! gentlemen or
gentleman and his wife,
and Alder.
473, cor. 14th
PLEASANT, well-furnished room, first-class
apartment, central, reasonable, iuarana
FURNISHED front room, suitable for Ugh
housekeeping; 10 minutes from postortic
Phone Marshall 1258 before 12 noon.
FURNISHED ROOM in Private family; walk
ing distance. i e. gentleman preferred.
V 0-'i, uregonian.
FRONT room in modern Irvington home.
privilege of bath and phone; references
required. Phone East 230.
FURNISHED room, suitable for one or tw
gentlemen. 4w& E. 14th st. N., phon
Kast 7200. - One nlk. from carline.
FOR RENT 2 newly furnlwhed
private family, near shipyards.
807 Front st.
Apply at
NICELY furnished front room in privats
family- for two girls; rent reasonable
break iast if desired. Tahor 5 7 OH.
NICELY furnished room with -or withou
board, walking distance from, shipyard. 74
uijsan st.
NICELY furnished rooms in widow's bunga
low, piano, V ictroia, home privileges, pa
rage, near two canines. eiiwooa ,iu?i.
FOUR gentlemen, desirable room In home,
running water, waiKing aistance, near
Campbell Hill. 52 Lucretla st.
NICELY furnished room In private family,
good location. Gentlemen preferred. Jilal
310U. .
BY GENTLEMAN, with garage for car pre
ferred ; give full particulars. AO 800,
LARGE furnished front room for one or
two gentlemen, ciose in, v esc Dtae. 010
Savler. Broadway 4210.
LARGE, nlcelv furnished front room, suit
able lor two gentlemen. ery reasonaoie.
Call 705 Everett st.
NICE, laree. furnished front room, electri
lights, separate entrance, iu per month
60S E. Salmon.
FURNISHED room, one block to aood
service, walking distance, uul Ladu ave.
East 0300.
TWO clean, comfortable rooms for buriiiess
men. 2.0 S, Broadway, near Madison.
ROOMS upptaire. suitable for light house
keeping. o34 DOtn st. t. n.., at Lent a.
WELL furnished front room, walking dis
tance, East ii.
PLEASANT room for 1 or two gentlemen
641 E. Mainst.
320 W. PARK, a pleasant room for gentle
man; waiKing aistance.
1.50 WEEK, room, bath, phone; gentleman
close in. eoi jeneison.
FURNISHED 2 or 5-room apartment, 400 Vs
Jefferson can npi
ICELY - furnished room In modern home.
.tit.i lath rt. Main 37&S.
RY nicely furnished room, close in, very
iiisonable. Main 571)2. 7ol Hoyt st.
ONE large room.
Phone A 1347.
URNISHED rooms, young men and busi
ness women ; reierences. Mar. 44u.
FURNISHED room, walking distance North
Portland shipyards. pnone Alain oiui.
AN and. Wife to share private home; all
conveniences; lino view. v ood law 11 'dso.
FURNISHED room for gentleman, walking
distance; also garage ror rent. r,asi otjt;;.
ROOM in upstalrn, 7 blocki
ka to car, 9175 a
week. 15 w. oing et.
200 14TH, near Defferson; choice furnished
rooms; walking aisiance. Aiain an.j.
ONE furnished room. 773 E. Taylor. Take
Sunnyaide gar to zaa st.
P-TO-DATE furnished room. 12X7 Com
mercial iU v ooaiawn asuj.
WANT a nice refined young girl for room-
mate. Call 344 ytn sr.
TWO large sleeping rooms, sleeirtng purcli.
East 5003, 4i- nasgaio. cor, ntn.
ROOM In nice home, walking distance.
Schuyler st-
L.EGANT room for gentleman. 040 Cypress
st. Uadd's Add, a. ziu:y
ICELY furnished front room, suitable for
Close in. Marsnan .oik
SLEEPING " rooms for shipyard man. Mar-
hail 237 'J.
TWO large, light front rooms cheap.
E. Davfs st.
FURNISHED room for light housekocping
In modern home. 510 Clay st.
A LARGE douh;e bedroom in nice home,
suitable for two. 393 College st-
FURNISHED room, 235 Nartilia St., near
Multnomah Club. Main 4171.
Unfurnished Kooina.
3 ROOMS, unfurnished, for rent. 14th
S. ; good location and walking distance.
rnfurnlhhed Room.
TWO unfurnished rooms suitable for light
housekeeping, 9-0; walking distance. .
Eila st.
Rooms With Board.
One laie room for two; also single
rooms. Good board.
SS0 10th st. For business girls and sta
dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
ROOM and board for business girls; .l
modern conveniences; walking distance
$3.0 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th sU
BOARD and room for man in refined, pri
vate farni!j West Side, walking distance;
reierences. Call Main 1349.
itooiuVltb Board In Private Famlli .
YOUNG couple compelled to rent larger
home than needed can accommodate ft or
8 confTiinial young people for board and
room. U mutually attractive home, almost
new, all conveniences, near municipal golf
Ijnkd and Reed College; 30-minute cr
service. Will furnish to suit occupants or
may rent unfurnished. References ex
changed. T 547,- Oregonian.
NICELY furnished room In private family
for couple of refined gentlemen, board it
desired; convenient to St. Johna and Ken
top shipyards. Call before 12 or aftur 7
V. M. Woodlawn 2170. s
PLEASANT corner room, strictly modern
home. West Sid ; convenient to cnrlina.
St i ti bis f or two. Reasonable rates to
married couple, two ladle.- or two gen
tic me 11. Home cooking. - Marshall 27H1.
TWO Indies or married couple, employed,
will find pleasant suite of rooms In strictly
modern house. Laurelhurst ; break fust and
dinner If desired. Tabor 2843.
OLD lady, living alone, wants a little girl
10 or 1 1 yenrs old for company; will give
nor nice home, send her to fine school.
Phone Sellwood StW Sunday.
LOOM and board for a young couple or two
working girls with a young couple In mod
ern bungalow; refined neighborhood. CaU
Tabor :ioS.
ROOM with largo closet and bath, suitable
for two men, close in, meals if desired;
home life; nd other hoarders; St. Johns
and Williams cars. 5fl Williams ave.
NEWLY furnished front room, with running
- water, for couple or gentlemen, board it
deatred; close to St. Johna and Kenton
shipyards. Call Woodlawn 4014.
PLEASANT home for congenial people.
larue well-f'jrnUhed rooms, home cooking;
corner B. 24th and Broadway, Irvington.
Phone East ltU.
PRIVATES home for girl from 6 years to 12
yenrs; no other children; excellent care;
2 blocks from school. Give phone nuin
ber. A 13 40s, Oregonian
ROOM With' two meals, for one or two.
private family, splendid food, fine view,
sleeping porch. Main 511.
WELL-FURNISHED room with good board,
gentlemen preferred. 706 Flanders St., b
ttveen 21st and "2d,
PLEASANT steam-heated front room, fine
location, walking distance; reasonably
Marshall 47B0.
ROOM or room and board In private family;
gnod home; no other boarders. 04 K. tfiiu
st. Richmond car.
s.;i0 PER WEEK, in walking distance -f
Foundation shipyard;, men preferred, oul
Lovejoy. Phone Main 3811.
GOOD home for two boys or girls school
aee; modern home. -V 111, uregonian, or
Pell. :i4S.
FOR RENT Room for one or two gentle
men, w 1th board. Apply 100 . lst si.
Main 50SB.
NICK, well-furnished room, hot and cold
water, stcain heat, bath, phone, walking
distance. Call 4014 12th st
REFINED boy or girl between 6 and 10 yrs.
old, near school; best ox care, pnone eu
wood 2725.
WILL boiird and care for little girl; nice
home, two oiocks irom scnoui , ueofc ref
erences. Tabor 2743. ,
BOARD and room in private family. 71 J
Lovejoy. Marshall BHH0. -
ROOM, board, w ith sleeping porch ; tw
gentlemen. 67tf E. Ladd ave. East 2333.
FURNISHED room with bourd, sleeping
porch. 407 Clay st. Main 3H34.
NICE room, board if desired, reasonable.
240 McMillan st. Phono Kast 8048.
ROOM and board for couple, private family,
reaso'Tiable: East 2340.
FURNISHED room for gentleman, board f
desired; home privileges. Phone East 47W3.
ROOM, oBard, privato home, 574 Ladd ave.,
near E. 12th and Hawthorne. East M45.
WANT 2 men to room and board, private
home, hot-water heat. Woodlawn 140.1.
NICE room, furnished or unfurnished; bath.
telephone, close in. East 805.
ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen ; pri
vate family, walklngjllstnnce. 703 Hoyj.
ACOOMMobATIOXS or 3, 2 rooms and home
p ri v 1 1 c ges. Main 1530 or call 77 GUsau.
LARGE room In modern home; board op
tional 431 W. Park. Marshall 4410.
I7a ROE room with alcove; running water;
pood board. 701 Irving street.
GOOD room and breakfast for one or two
ladles employed. Sell. 34H,
Furnlsned Apurtments.
FURNISHED 2 end 3-room II. K. suite n
a remodeled dwelling, 922 50 to 92..50;
electric lights, hot nnd cold water in
cluded ; mparata entrances; walking dis
tance, West Side. 40 College St., 2 blks.
from PS-Hall car; no children. Marshall
343 office hours. 313 l'latt bldg.
NEW. modern, furnished 2-room apartment,
facing Park, 10 minut.-s' walk; rent 27.r01
month; can, bo had if you purchase my
furniture. A 577, oregonian.
3-ROOM apartment, furnished, inciuuing
IlKht and water; e-u. w
East 0532, -
ZUMBRO COURT, 20tll and Washington.
Name changed xrom wrianuo aihi, . .
Wheiean, mgr -
Unfurnished four-room apartment. Bdwy.
2127 and A 101 .
TWO and three-room apts.. modern con
veniences; auutts oniy. ntw-i
4-RooM furnished apartment, auuiia oniy
1 1300.
3-ROOM apt., price 90. Auditorium Court
Apts... 331 Tiiiru.
Lnfurulslied Apartment.
r.wim unartmemt. bath. dresltig-room, hot i
water heat; walking distance. 855 Chap
man st.
UNFURNISHED 2-roorn apts., Just no
vated, free electric ugni nkw i"1"""
427 Salmon St. ,
WblST APARTMENTS, 00 rt. zaa sireet m
6 large rooms ayu am y""n ywi.
2-ROOM apt.,
9:15. This is a nice one. Rex
553. .
ford. Mam
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment.
UN FURNISH ED apartment, modern, 4 or
5-room. walking distance to Reed College,
2 blocks from canine; no cmiuren -ai
Sellwood 21H. ..
3-ROOM front apt. Call Marshall 2610.
4 ROOMS and bath, fine view, walking dis
tance; adults; reierenies; n.m
St., Woodlawn louU, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
upper. . -
LOWER flat, three large rooms, $15. Apply
corner wth anu mum.
IMT HSth car to end, four blocksnurth,
one caft. ,
tt-ROOM flat, Mt. Scott line. Phone Mar
shall 3070.
FOR RENT Furnished with, bath. Adults
o n Ty. Phone D i:i'W. ,
FnrniMhed Mats.
SMALL furnished flat, or two or three fur
nished housekeeping roornw. ior umih
family. Must be clean, morlerately well
furnished and in rerpcctable place. Giva
location and rent. AG &55. ttregonlan.
NEATLY furnished flat for sale very rea-
soeahle. Call omre i:.o or uiieT
420 Clay st. No dealers.
,0 five-room furnished lower flat, fine lo
cation. 540 East. 27th. Richmond car to
27th, KO one block south.
FOR RENT Furnished flat.
4 rooms, $35;
no children. l.;s Maiiory
Hoose keeping Room
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Sts.
2 and 3-rm. unfur apt for light house
keeping; gas range, elec. light, hot and
co'd .water, use of bath, laundry free. Rent
$12 and $15 mo.; no raise In rent months
from Sept. 1 guaranteed. Take S or lth-
st. car, get on at aiarsuan. nuwy. wjp.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnace best, ga
range, bath, piionc, running water, fi.
107 10th st., near Morrison.
CLEAN, but plainly furnished H. K. rooms
at $1.5i to 3 per room.
Take WHh.inis-ave. car.
203 Stanton au
LIGHT housekeeping rooms- for rent, 1st and
Alder sis. akeiieiu-r ries vo., o
4th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent or sale.
near shipyards. t'o ruru'r. an quiiuhv.
HoneHkeeping Roomw In 1'rlvate Family.
LIGHT, clean housekeeping room, in private
family. 214 Montgomery.
ONE h. k. room, everything furnished;
adults; fi4. s:o uinii.
OR 3 light housekeeping rooms; H blo:k
north of Auditorium. Main 4500.
TWO II. K. rooms, nearly furnished, new
modern home; lady empioyea r.nst 4.1 1
CLEAN housekeeping roowa. m iUi W