TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 22, 1918. 11 FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES, ATTENTION. MECHANICS! WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD BUTS rnoii J ioo to $200. ALSO A DA.DT T-PASS. STtDEBAKER. . f 600 UAXWELL BCO CADILLAC BCO. saxon snc 119 6 STUDEBAKER SHAPE - IX FIND 11501 PORTXAXD USED CAR STORE. PHONJ5 BDWT 42 65 N. BROADWAY. USES CARS. Oldrmobn Eight. Ilk new $1700 Cidsmobiie. 6-pass. ................ 700! 1917 S-pass. Maxwell 650 Chandler Light Six 6001 Enon Six 5-pass. ................. 6"0 1917 3-pasa Grant Six 700 Bulck 3-pas. 3.".0 6-pass. Studebaker ................. 200 t-.naimers oug zuo i 1916 5-Dass. bus. Ilk sew 1150 Ford bug Ron I Knox speed car ..... .............. 350 1 1918 5-pass. Overland .............. C00 1 P.eo. newly painted 600 1 1917 5-pass Overland 750 1918 Chevrolet 775 Mitchell, like new .................. 8501 1917 Hupmoblle 1250 TERMS TO SUIT. . MANLEY AUTO CO, 11th and Burnslde. Phone Broadway 21 T. WE DI63IANTTJB CARS FOR THEIR PARTS For All MakelTof Cars at ONE - HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. Auto Parts. Auto Supplies. Brake Lining. Whaeis and Kims. MOTOR PARTS MFO CO, 823-S27 Burnslde St.. Portland. Or. P. H. Mark-worth, Mgr. Phone Bdwy. 3238. 2 1316 MODEL Fords, perfect condition, with demountable rims, new tires, other extra equipment. 1 late model 7-passenger Overland. Con tinental molar, cord tire equipment. 2 ex tras. 3 1917 model Vellea, practically good as stew; bargain. 1 S-ton Standard truck. Continental mo n. a'l k'imnt.n bearlnrs and axles: 93 per cent new; perfect condition; reasonable I price. B. C WAR FN MOTOR CAR CO, 5i N. 23d St. Main 7 HO. COMPELLED to sell Maxwell touring family car, completely overnauiea. oraiia uew battery, new urea, guaranteed ouuu mnes. $50 shock absorbers, bumpers, etc; if you IF you wsnt a real bug see this one: Just want a car there will be no further ex- I thoroughly overhauled and in Al eondl pense on for a long time for $mo cash. I tlon: wire wheels and tires In good shape: terms if desired, call at t67 Tabor 4084. E. Main. J 1916 SAXON ROADSTER, like new. me chanically couldn't be better; newly painted and new seat covers; a genuine snap, s i DU. lexms. Al AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO, 323 Alder St. FOR SALE Light live-passenger auto for $200; Is in first-class mechanical condition ; has electric lights, generator and storage battery, new tires snti recently psinieo- 8ee M.-Call at 658 Gllsan or phone ASroaa way 972. lal STUDEBAKER. 6-pass.. good shape; good tlrea This la the small model. $375. Terms A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO, 625 Alder St. CADILLAC 8 4-PASS. SPEKDSTER. 334 BURNS! DE. BROAD. 82. laid FORD, with all accessories, good me chanical condition. $425. Chevrolet deal ers. Grand ave. at E. Burnslde. ask for Jsck Herslnger. East 92. Open Sundays. 1917 FORD touring car with demountable rim, shock absorbers. Perry lock, gen erator and storage battery: $450 cash. 1214 South rnnceton. et. jonns. laift 7-nsss. studebaker 6, De Luxe model: 95 per cent new; $15no. or will trade on . , IfiutA B . DUDCUD. Dot " ,uvuu,- ... v. u i ... Phone East 3249. 1917 HUPMOBILE. 8a f. new, must sell; an excellent buy. Al AUTO WORKS PATNTTNO CO, 625 Alder St. FOR SALE Ford coupe body, new, com- lets with curtains and tank: cost $250; I fc or auick sale $10O casa. Call Main 8401 I Sun and evenings. I Bi-ICK. model 23, 5-passenger. $365: good condition, nearly new tires, one spare and nm. spot light and extras. D 626, Ore gonlan. 1918 FORD, run a short distance, with all accessories. $610. Chevrolet dealers. Grand ave. at E. Burnslde. ssk for Jack Herslnger. East 92. open Sundays 1817 BCICK SIX roadster, reflnlahed. looks and Is 95 new; $1100. A-l AUTO WORKS FAXNTINO CO, o-o Aiaer bi. CHEVROLET touring car; first-class me chanical condition: aoTne bargain; only $450. 125 Lownsdale. OVERLAND, 5-peeenger. driven SOOO miles, by owner, best of care, splendid condition; $700 cash or liberty bonds Tabor 444 FOR SALE 1918 5-pass. Bulck light 6. spot light. Wioer and extra tire. Phone Oak Grove 1813 FORD roadster. Just overhauled, with 82x44 metal delivery box; price $400. 701 Savler st. O. M. C. I-ton truck with body: like new. (1750. terwia. The White Company, Park and Coucn sis. FOR D. 191S, PERFECT CONDITION; GOOD TIRES, rXTRAS: SACRIFICED FOR fsH TABOR 5091. FORD side curtains, cushions, tops, lamps, t!rs, skid chains, Klaxon horn, clocks, radiators. 123 L.-wns.iale. HATNES. late model car, bought new by party now selling: bss had best of care. Ca:l Mar. 1'3 a?ter 7 A. M. Monday. 1917 CHEVROLET In Al condition: 4 brand new tires that have never been run; $o00, terms. Call Tsbor 630. 191S VELIE car. S rood tires; $1400: terms. Call East 1902. Ilka new. A CAR bargain Roadster 30, all good tlrea $240. D K39. Oregonlan. STVDEBA KER 6 In floe condition, cheap. Main 4i'3. 29 Salmon st. , FORD bug In good eondltion; owner in serv Ice. Call Main 676 FOP.D touring car. run 6000 miles: cheap. Tabor 8148. Bt'tCK -ton delivery. $4nO for quick sale. The White Company, Park and Couch ata FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. COVET IS THE PIONEER AUTO DEALER or this city. He has continued to grow through square dealing. Following is & list of good buys: 1917 Cadillac touring, good condition. $2500 1913 C&'illlac touring, fine shape .... 14O0 1917 Mitchell touring 1250 1918 Pittrce Arrow, fine condition ... 1250 1915 Franklin roadster 1030 1916 Hudson 7-passenger. good condi tion 1550 1818 Oakland touring 700 1B17 Studebaker touring 900 1917 i-Vlnton touring , lO0 1916 Ford roadster 1 440 1914 Ford touring 325 1914 Chalmers touring ; 450 1917 Coie Sedan 1375 1W16 Dodge roadster 7.10 ll17 Dodge touring 6S0 1915 Ford delivery 400 1914 Ford truck 65U Terms and exchanges considered. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPAN 1. Washington St., at 21st. Main 6244. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS , Open evenings until 9 P. M. Sundays until nooa, 191T Ford touring, practically new, $575. 1017 VarA rnArister. finest condition. $4(5. 1916 Ford louring, like new. shock absorb ers and seat covers, 1916 Ford roadster. $305. 1916 Ford touring, $393. 1915 Ford roadster, $395. 1914 Ford touring, lots of extra equipment, newly painted, $-95. 1914 Ford touring. $295. 1816 Ford delivery, finest condition, ex press body with roll curtains. $475. 1916 Ford delivery, panel body, $4o. 1(118 Ford chassis, finest condition, $325. 1914 Ford chassis. $293. 1916 Ford chassis, like new. $375. Open evenings until IF. U. Sundays until noon. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. S770. E. 13. h and Hawthorne Ave. USED TRUCKS. We have on hand some very rood ber ralna In used trucks. The sizes range from -ton to 3 tons. In all .standard makes. The majority of these trucks have been thoroughly overhauled and are In first class condition In every respect. If In the market for a used truck, see us. WENT WORTH IRWIN. INC We will give very liberal terms. Truck Headquarters. Second at Taylor. USED TRUCKS. 1 1-ton Republic 1 3-ton Reo. 1 IH-ton Indiana. 1 Ford with truck attachment. All with good rubber tires and In good condition Have a good wood contract worth $20 a day that goes with the Reo. KOEHHINO MACHINE CO.. M. w. 254 Hawthorne Ave. East 64S2. TRAILERS. If von are interested In trailers, any size from 1000 pounds lo tons capacity, for any kind of work, see us. We manufac ture in Portland a complete line of trailers. WENTWORTH IKWIM, LVU Truck Headquarters. Second. at Taylor. TKfONKTRATOR. LIKE NEW. Carefully handled and run Just enough to properly work It In. The same guar antee as with a new car. Will discount considerably. A U TO K1S5T UAKAUfi, TENTH AT SALMON. SPECIAL model 1911 Cadillac will go any where. Machine in spienaia conamon throughout: full equipment, good tires: will sell for $375 on terms of $150 cash and $25 per month, or will accept liberty bonds. Phone East 4!o sunaay. or srosa- way 750 Monday. BARGAINS IN USED CARS that cannot be equaled. Let us show yon whst we hsve. we give easy terms ana guarantee every car to be as represented. Bdwy 2610. Broadway and Everett. AUTOS OF CLASS. We have two models, condition guaran teed, of the low. racy type, the car thai Is going big here. Prices way below value. AUTO 111. 1 UAKAuEi, -"H lUlO. Stuts Distributors for Oregon. 1918 CHEVROLET. Looks good, runs good, good tlrea Will take Just $100 less than the cheapest 1918 Cnevrolet tor sale. See It Monday at 275 Union ave. orth. corner Wasco. CHALMERS BUG, in excellent mechanical condition; a rare Bargain ior a real oug JL-1 AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO. S23 Alder street. must be sold at once; come quick. Fred Dundee. Broadway and r land era 1316 REGAL ROADSTER In fine shape throughout: latest and best electric equip ment. s4lo. terms. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO. Aider street. 1U17 GRANT. 6-cylinder. 5-passenger, ei cellent condition and very cheap. Terms, LXMJUL V U1L.L, UU. Bdwy 2no. Broadway and Everett. 191A MAXWELL, 6-pasa., In exceptional nice condition. uu. terms A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO., o.'j Aider street. 5-PASS. car In excellent shape; good buy at $000: will cut price In two Monday; $300; nice looking, cheap upkeep. 188 Third St.. near lamniu. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN: Late model Chevrolet In good running order. $475. - Fred Dundee. Broadway and r landers. $700 WILL BUY 6-cyllnder Chalmers in ex cenent conaiuon tnroughout. cokd TIRES, chains and extra equipment. 2uu Tenth. . BALANCE of $730 on terms; 1918 Maxwell. a new tires: lire, tneit ana naoiiity ins. extras; $1075 value. Broadway 2828. CHOICE building lot. cost $800. cement walks, high park, and some cash for late model car. woocuawn etHL $300 BUTS electrically lighted and started car. v ouia make a great bug, as chassis Is in great snape. zo Tenth. WILL take $625 for my 1918 Ford, run only miles: .o of extras. all Monday, 121 Grand ave. North. PULLMAN touring, starter, elec lights: a snap at wu; some terms, su urana ave. North. FOR SALE Two-ton truck at a bargain and a Job goes with the truck. W. F. HankeL Vancouver. Wash. Phone 144. POR SALE New, 1918 7-passenger, 6- cyllnder studebaker. Phone Woodlawi 6G08. CHEVROLET TOURING. 1917, fine condl tinn: must sell: 1333: some terms, so Grand ave. .. near Burnslde. 1917 DODGE. 6-passenger, good mechanical condition, owner caned tor service; $700. Bert dressier uarage. du norm 2utn at. OVERLAND touring. 'In good condition; owner must sell; $275. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. OLDSMOBILE 8. runs like a top, will trade for Rose City bungalow. Very reasonable for cash. K. R. Smith, 25 Broadway. FOR SALE Hupmoblle. by private owner; excellent condition. Write K 540, Orego nlan. FOR SALE Ford delivery car, first-class condition. Make me an offer. Call at 983 Tillamook su HUDSON Super Six. in fine condition: must sell this week; terms, or will accept small er car. part payment. 1249 E. 19th St. 1817 DODGE, 5 passenger, fine condition, 2 cord tires, extras. East 8209. ONE 1918 Dodge- Sedan, as good as new. Call Tabor 617. 5-PASS. car. good Urea $250. worth $350. Phone Wdln. J4S1. East 411. MI ST sell Immediately. 1918 Bulck 6-pasa touring car, almost new. 867 Stark St. 1915 FORD, all good condition, good tires, $330. Tabor 7416. 1D14 FORD. $350. Phone Sellwood 820. E. 4sih st. 832 1918 FORD business ear. Inclosed body. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock b'.dg. 1917 CHEVROLET, good condition; will sac rifice. Tabor 2954. "DON'T BURN GASOLINE." 100 miles for 50 cents. 28 N. Broadway. 1918 CHEVROLET run 2O00 miles, per fect condition. This Is a snap. East 1218. 1915 5-PASS. Ford In Alaoepe. soma extras. A330. Tabor 6390. F6B BALE: AUTOMOBILES. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIALS. 1918 Chevrolet touring ........ $ 775 1918 Chevrolet roadster ............ 750 1917 Chevrolet touring 625 1916 Chevrolet touring ............ 473 1818 Ford touring E00 1916 Ford touring 450 1916 Ford touring 850 1916 Reo touring 600 1918 Hupp, new 4 .1550 A 11 cars In fine shape and real bar gains. We want no profits or commission. Bring us your old earn we supply the new. REGNER A FIELDS, INC., Grand Avenue at East Burnslde. Phone East 92. THERE'S no use waiting any longer; you'll never (et any better bargains than these. Th prices are awmy down: Ford Overland Reo 4 Nash Cadillac Grant Mitchell Stearns Reo 6 Oldxmoblle SOME GOOD USED TRUCKS, TOO. NORTHWEST AUTO OO, Broadway at Conch, and Alder at Chapman. USED AUTOMOBILES, TERMS GIVEN. 1917 Chevrolet, $ -pass..... v. ........ .$ 675 llo Ford, o-pass '" 1917 Mitchell. 5-pass. 6-cyl 1250 1916 Mitchell, 5-pass. 6-cyl. .......... . 900 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass. 4-cyl 600 1915 Stearns. 2-nass. 6-cyl ... 1200 1912 Rambler, S-pass. 4-cyl 200 Two-ton truck with top 1250 Several others to select zrozn. Used Car Dept. MITCHELL, LEWIS STAVER CO, , East Morrison at First St. Phone East 7272. B-1216. 1918 T-PASS. KINO EIGHT SEDAN. AL- i MOST NEW. WILL TAKE CAR IN EX CHANGE. PRICE $2500. - 8TAIGER GARAGE. Phone Broadway 564. Uth and Couch. 1917 MITCHELL, 6-cylinder. 7-passenger; guaranteed first-class eondltion; only run little ways 1917 Little Six Bulck. newly painted; new top, A-l mechanically. Studebaker Four, 5-passenger, all new tires, extra and bumper. Chalmers Little Six, very cheap. 1-48 Packard. 6-cylinder, 7-passenger. 1913 Cadillac, 5-passenger, run ver little. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th and Burnslde Sts. Broadway 521. APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 Ford $ 475 1917 Haynes, 13-cylinder 1SJ0 1917 Overland, 88-6 1300 1I7 Franklin 1918 Apperson Chummy 2450 1917 Hupmoblle 1100 1913 Apperson 350 1914 Apperson 450 1913 Michigan 400 APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO. 60 Broadway Tel. Broadway 1490 191T FORD bug, first-class s'nepe....$ 400 1918 Chandler roadster, very good condition 1750 1918 Chandler. 7-poss, run 2000 ml, 16-0 1-ton truck. Republic, good order... 1000 PORTLAND GARAGE CO. Phono Marshall 600. 6th and Taylor. . 1916 NATIONAL. Circumstances compel me to sell my new 6-cyllnder 7-passenger car; finish battle ship gray: Kelly-Sp.-inglield tires, extra tire and cover, complete set of tools and other extras; this car cannot be told from new; anyone wishing a high-class car should not fall to see this Call owner at Serene Court. East 5300. FURNITURE, NOT SECOND-HAND, BUT NEW, FOR AUTOMOBILE AT ALLEN & HEBARD COMPANY. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES, 64-66 BROAD WAY. TELEPHONB BROADWAY 3223. BUY sn Olsen Unit complete, good ss new snd make a ton truck ot your rora car. $10 will take it. I don't need it. Will also sell a light truck, body in good con dition. Phone E. 3oS8. 24 Union ave. FORD touring car In fine condition, equipped Wltn rianier shock, sosoruors. iroui iigui, storage battery and mohair top; can ar range terms. Beaver Garage, 209 Union ave. N. FOR real bargains In used trucks call at PORTLAND MOTUrl L AIi uuaraAX, 10th and Burnslde Sts. Broadway 521. FOR SALE or trade for larger car, classy 80-norsepower bug; eiectric ngnts, top ni windshield. Phone Mar. 4400. Apt. No. I 35. Alroira Apts. 1917 7-PASSENGER Mitchell, Al condition; nnest or upnoistering, new cora ures, t looks practically new; must sell immedi ately at a sacrifice- Call Main 2237. LATE 1917 Power Plus electric Indian mo torcycle, equippea wun speeaomeicr, dream tandem and tool; $225. K 528, Oregon lan. CHEVROLET Royal Mall roadster. In per fect running oraer. ibu moaei. eiotin. lights and starter, demountable rims. $750. AN 40, Oregonlan. 1916 CHEVROLET In fine condition; best buy In portiana. -eeaver oanue, -v Union ave. N . DELIVERY truck for sale cheap or trade for horses or cows.. -n at o t uiau stone ave. Woodstock car. BRAND NEW, latest type Maxwell, 5-pas senger. wltn new extra ure aau tuoe, ai a bargain. Tabor 769. FOR SALE 5-passenger touring car. In dally use, siou casn or uoeny ounas. i.hii 254 Chapman Sunday or evenings. FOR SALE! Ford touring car. fine condi tion, new tlrea lots oi extras, r-nce reason able, can be seen st Russell at. garage. FOR SALE Light trailer to go back of Ford tor aelivery or naming. Ai snaps. Yale Laundry. 500 E. Morrison. 191 S 5-PASSENGER Ford, equipped with spot light, good tires; soau casn. tj. n. Ale Glrr, Troutdale, Or. FOR SALE One Reo bug, $350 cash. 1004 Commercial st FOR SALE One 1017 Bulck small six. Call woodlawn ooi. 1818 DORT, 5-pass.. like new. a bargain. Call Monday. labor o7u. OVERLAND. 1912 model 39 running con Phone Tabor 4715. dittos, for lioo. METZ TOURING, finest condition: sell or trade ior larger car. "labor 0023. HAVE a lVs-ton Republic truck for sale; new tires all around. L 486. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Cadlliao delivery car, cheap. SAXON SIX. 1917 car. $700; terms to suit. l-tl .1. so st., comer 01 otifan. CARTER CAR. in fine condition, $300; terms to suit. 1-1 ja st.. corner or u:isan. CHEVROLET. 1918. run 2300 miles, $ti50. caii isoor ado axter tr. at. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. A GOOD USED CAR AT THE PRICE OF THE CHEAPEST NEW CAR ON WHEELS. You can choose here a dependable used ear. which will be running long after to o.ay new, cheap oar is in the Junk heap. 1918 Ford touring, run about 1000 mI.J25 1917 Ford touring, full extra equipmt.$t75 1917 Ford touring, whjle it lasts $405 1917 Ford touring, self-starter, full equipment $6O0 1918 Ford, full extra equipment $673 We have a few more Fords in good shape at any reasonable price. 1916 Chevrolet, bumper, special lens.. $00 Overland touring, late model $075 Five Studebakers. all models, from. $400 to $1000. Briscoe touring, late model $ 725 .lackson tourinn. best or shn.ne S 600 Htoddard-Dayton lisht delivery $ 35) I .uaxwen touring, late model. ...J f too Cadillac touring, cord tires $ 60 1017 Franklin, runs like new. Maxwell special, needs some work $ 275 Liberty Chummy, 5 cords, new paint. $1450 xriscoe acuvery, 'jit per cent new, overslee tires $ 950 W. H. WALUNOFORD, Broadway 2492. Distributors Liberty Six. Premier Six. Briscoe Cars, .rarreil Tractors, bzz Alder. TRYING to clean up on used automobiles ana pncea to ao so. 1915 Ford, a good one, $375. 1917 Ford, a good bargain. $425. 1917 Ford, without a scratch on It. $500. 1916 Maxwell automobiles, overhauled and repainted, bargain, j-5 to ioia. 1917 2 Maxwell automobiles. good, small, modern cars, in fine shape, $625 and 1918 Maxwell automobiles, two bargains like new; one le't for sale by a man In the draft, the other a demonstrator; $750 and $sd. Model 80 Overland. $475. Dodge, a bargain, $625. 1916 Hudson Light Six, fine light quality car, only $S00. ' Hudson Super Six. a grand buy: run only a little; guaranteed by us the same as a ractory guarantee tor vv aays; urea uue, car looks like new; $1550. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 .Washington St., Portland. 1916 DODGE touring. In splendid shape, upholstering needs retouch ing here and there; as it is $650. 1917 Studebaker. S-pass. roadster, from the standpoint of usage this car la practically new; bargain, $850. Chalmers, model K, In splendid con - dltlon; $350. . 1917 Willys Continental Six. This car Is especially finished with French plate in rear curtain, has cord tires. Will be sold at par ticularly low price. 1918 model Metx, owner drafted; car is practically new;. $850. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO, 614 Alder St, Broadway 494. RIDE A CLEVELAND TO WORK, GET HOME EARLY. EAST TERMS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. STYKER As 6 TRINE, 833 OAK ST. CLEVELAND AGENCY. FORDS FORDS FORDS. 1918 touring .8533 1917 touring 500 1916 touring . 400 1915 touring- ........ . 883 1914 touring 800 THE UID CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnslde meet. . USED CAR SNAPS. 1917 Ford touring car, cheap. T.116 Ford touring car, cheap. 191 S Ford roadster, new. 11M6 Ford chassis, rebuilt. Cole-8. t a bargain. Studebaker roadster. Renault delivery and body. Ford. 1-ton truck. m-ton Federal truck. , White. Rellan;e and many other good WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO,. Broadway and Davis TeL Broadway 321. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. See our cars before purchasing. 1918 Ford touring, good as oef ....I 050 Ford roadster with truck 4.0 Oakland 5-passenger ; Chalmers 5-passenger f-J Mitchell roadster ,5 Chalmers "ou We buy snd sell used- cars Try us. Expert repairing-, work guaranteed. ACME GARAGE. Under New Management Bond Mumma. Kill Alder. Phone Brdw. 2796. 1917 MITCHELL 7-pass. ; a line, nuiuj r, Sllvertown cord Ures and otherwise 95 per cent new. I will guarantee this car against defects of any character; see It. for a bargain. $1200. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO, 525 Alder Street. 1914 FORD. NEW TOP, IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, TERMS $350 COLUMBUS AUTO TOP CO. Phono Bdwy 2470. 857 Burnsida HimsON SUPER SIX- 1917 Hudson Super Six. excellent me chanical condition, good tires, looks like new. New Hudsons cost $2695; price of thia one S16UU. SOOU aown, uaia-iive iiiuuui- ly. E. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder. No trades. 191 S OAKLAND, 6-cylinder. 5-passenger. n-t.t - I. knv fhnronehlv overhauled In our shops and Is an exceptionally good buy at 813. lerms. COOK & GILL CO. Bdwy 2610. Broadway and Everett. GRANT ROADSTER, nice running shape, wire wheels and small tires; 30 miles to a gallon of gas; .jo, terms. Al AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO, 525 Alder St. MAHOGANY rocker, $10; period mahogany tAble. $18: settee. mahogany. $9; oak rocker, $10. 249 Grand ave. N.. East 697 Automobiles Wanted. WANTED 3-ton truck or equal; must be in first-class conaiuon; win pay casn. nail way Equipment Co.. cor. 2d and Stark. WILL pay $100 down and $30 a month for o-passenger ruru. 11. -d. jjoiici , iai pi, Ankeny St. WANTED White truck, lhi to 2-ton, in good condition. AV 264. Oregonlan. WANTED Light auto: some cash and bal ance security. AE 463, oregonlan. WANTED 8 or 12-cylinder car. Oregonlan D 631, WILL PAY CASH FOR 1918 BUICK LIGHT SIX. AG 545, OREGONIAN. WANTED A LIGHT RUNABOUT. TELE- PH ON E WOOUL.A vy.N 5-07. WANTED Motor truck 1 to 2-ton: Ford preferred; must be cheap.- Tabor 2017 HAVE model N, Hupmoblle, A-l condition, to trade for Super Six. Tabor 4296. EXCHANGE 1B0 acres land for Ford truck. Some cash. AV 85, Oregonlan. I PAY S-'POT CASH FOR USED CARS. I- E. OBYE. Grand Ave, and E. Stark. WANTED Roadster: must be in good con dition and reasonable. P 416. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Two lots in Bremerton" for good used or new car. BP 607. Oregonian. WANTED A LIGHT RUNABOUT. TELE PHONE WOODLAWN 5207. WANTED Light 6-cyllnder roadster; will pay spot cash. Address AV 89, Oregonlan WANTED Ford roadster body. Tabor 1928. FOR SALE! AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles anted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltalr station. Tillamook Beach, near depot and bote), adjoins board walk, county road and railroads; face the Pacific Ocean; slse 25 by about 140 feet, suitable for business or for cottage: will pay some difference Address A 402. Oregon lan. LONG 4 8JLVA. auto w ranters. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 0840. 402 Hawthorne ave. WANT TO BUY, ton or 1-ton, White or G. M C. truck with trailer. Geo. La tu rners. Hotel Helvetia, or Cottage Grove, Oregon. WANTED A SECOND-HAND DODGE iiOAUSIER. 18 Uft 17, EASY TERMS, -GOOD REFERENCES. A 085, OKEGO N IAN. WILL take piano as part payment on 1911 Cadillac in good condition. Price $375. Full equipment, good tires and always ready to go. Phone East 4l'3S. Duy automobiles of ail kinds If prices are ngnt. juurraymeaa tiaxaite uo.. ?Li Hawthorne ave. WANTED Ford or" Chevroetas first" pay ment on lot in splendid residence section. -a. oui, uregoman. A GOOD lot and partly built house, E. 82d and Clackamas st. ; will trade for light .uyv- ow- Altai i-djcji st. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent out- ooara motor tor iu aays. write at once. ijumiim were. t,o., juctjieary, wash. HAVE 24 acres of land, eight In bearing iruji, win exenanse ior moael car; vttiuo i-vw. , uregonian. PROPERTY In Marshfleld, Coos Bay, to ex- cnange for Portland or automobile. AV sou. uregoman. W ANTED Light touring car- In exchange tor Aiameaa I an lot; must Da in good condition. AJ 732. Oregonlan. WANTED A sedan. 1917 or 1918 model, oil easy terms; Dodge or 4-cyllnder Bulck preierreo. ft. oa8. oregonlan. "V ANTED Auto, late model Franklin or Bulck Six; must be a bargain. Dr. Vwall, 415 Morgan bldg. Main 7423. MODEL 490 Chevrolet 6-passenger, $650; would take good piano as part payment. V-14, JJregonlan. BARGAIN Regal roadster, good running conamon, gooa tires ana tup, $250, 1637 Curtis ave., Wdln. 4218. WANTED A LIGHT RUNABOUT. TELE PHONE WOODLAWN 6207. WANTED 1918 CHANDLER TOURING; WILL PAY CASH. T 641, Oregonlan. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. Two S-speed electrlo Harley-Davidsons. fully equipped. One 2-speed Dayton, fully equipped. One 1914 single-speed Indian. One 1914 Merkel, equipped, Al condition. New and used bicycles Bicycle tires and sundries. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 Sixth st 1018, 3-SPEED INDIAN $300 iyi4 Indian. 2-speed, Prest-O-Lite and lamp $100 1913 Harley-Davldson, equipped $ 85 1917 Indian, electric equipped $225 1917 Indian. 3-speed. fully equipped. .$260 rrices advance September 1. The above will be sold at original prices. INDIAN AGENTS, 278 Third SL Main 613a BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES ON EASY TERMS. Motors, clutches, carburetors, etc Flylns Merkel Parts Cylinder grinding, acetylene welding and general overnauimg EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44 Grand Ave. EXCELSIOR AND CLEVELAND AGENCY. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. Late 1917 Cleveland. A-l shape, cash or liberty bonds..... $150 Home pnone B-o2tf. 626 E. Pine. ONE 2-speed Thor motorcyefe. $125; one 1913 Twin inaian, too. iasy payments. 353 N zsra st. Broaaway sooo. 1917 ELECTRIC lighted Excelsior and side car tor sale; aood condition. 4o6 East tturngiae. BARGAIN 1917 Indian, fully equipped, in tine conaiuon; wilt sacrifice, $-00. 1128 juacauum roaa. NEW and second-hand bicycles, Joe's Bicy cle anop, -u-i 4in St. FOR SALE Indian motorcycle, first-class conaiuon. uau za tturnsiue. TWIN Indian motorcycle. 2-speed, new tire; sio taites iu i-o Lownsaaie. Auto Tires and Accessories. COMBINATION PRICE. FORD OWNERS, SPECIAL FOXi YOU. $12.00. SUN DERM AN VACUUM CARBURETOR, HU1L1S Bl-lSUlAli MOTOM.ETER, K-W AUTO LOCK, 12.00. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY WE ARE OFFERING THESE THREE ESSENTIAL. FORD ACCESSORIES AT A COMBINATION PRICE OF $12.00. ALLEN & HEB.WD CO. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. wh-66 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE BROADWAY 3223. AUTOREEHTE. DIRIGIBLE SEARCHLIGHT. AUTOMATIC EXTENSION INSPECTION LAMP, TROUBLE LIGHT, , PLEASURE LIGHT. COMPLETE WITH REARSIGHT MIR ROR. SWITCH AND WIRE AT PRICE np dot r inuT rvT v ALLEN & HEBARD COMPANY, AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. 64-06 BROAD WAY. TELEPHONE BROADWAY' 322 OKTE R2t4 ROODYEAB TIRE. NEVER BEEN USED $26.50 COLUMBUS AUTO TOP CO. Phone Bdwy 2470. 357 Burnslde. CKOLIDE COMPOUND 6000 AND 75000- MILE TIKES, READ ABOUT THEM, LAST PAGE AUTOMOBILE SECTION. ALLEN & HEBARD COMPANY. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. 04-68 BROAD WAY. TELEPHONE BROADWAY 3223. MUSIC IN THE HORNS YOU BUY FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE AT ALLEN & HEBARD COMPANY. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. 64-60 BROAD WAY. H.LfcrhU.Ii HHUAUVlAt 2 34 BY 4 practically new Kokomo non- skid and tubes. Beaver uarage, -tow Union ave N. FOR SALE One used 30x416 cord tire with tube. $30. 244 2d st. GOOD tires, cheap; 87x5, 82x4. 81x3, SOx Shi. 30x3, 29X32A, Zoxa. l-t lyownsaaie. TWO brand new Goodrich 134x4 Goodyear tires. . cheap. lj oza. ureRonimu Autouiobiles cor Hire. NEW three and one-half-ton truck, open for contract ior general iiauuut. w t u win drive. W 644, oregonian. AM LEAVING Portland for Los Angeles In sutomobile. wouia like tnree or lour pas sengers. J 206. Oregonlan. ' NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN 6YS. A 2829. BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates City Garage, 80 10th st. Broadway 840. - TOURING to California about September 25th. Would like to take 2 or 3 passengers L 474, Oregonlan! OLDSMOBILE, EASY RIDING CAR: SERV ICE DAY AND NIGHT. EAST 2S3. 5-PASS. Codes for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. HAULING wanted for two-ton Federal truck, platform and stake body. Woodlawn 496Q. FINE 7-passenger Hudson; careful, exper ienced urlver.MarshalI2329. FORD, competent driver. $1.50 an hour; go anywhere. Tabor 1028. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WINCHESTER. Remington sutomstic snd pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 85 8d WANTED Violin for small child Main 4449. afternoons Phone I PAY each for old gold. Solomon's Jewelry store, aJo jiorrison st. JUNK, rags, bottles, sacks, old clothing. tools, trunas. uooq -prices. caat WANTED Good overcoat, size 40 to 42. 545, Oregonian WANTED Good used adding machine. 640 Williams ave. East 0417. OLD clothing, furniture, stoves, carpets tools, trunks: very good prices Bdwy. 355. WANT GOOD BICYCLE, PAY CASH OR TRADE. NEW.VIA.-M l-'S, 1st. Jir. ALDER. WANTED Watchmaker's bench, flat or rolltop. Phone Sell. i30. WANTED Sanitary couch and gas plate cheap. Phone Woodlawn 1255 after 7. DONKEY engine wanted, small, any condi tion. A 000. uregonian. - WILL pay cash for good piano. If bargain. iuy Aiartin, ceaverion. -tr. rt. rc. 1. WANT set of electrical engineer books and diamond ring; pargain. uau ,ast 6302. LADY vishee use of piano for 1H hours K 554. Oregonlan. daily. DIAMOND wanted, around hi .to lk, there- abouts; no dealers ah. oregonlan. WANTED Sheet or plate glass. Tabor 70S2. WANTED Ruud heater, small. Mar. 6080. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LOCOMOTIVE CRANE WANTED. Profer 8-wheel. but will consider 4 wheeL Address AY 253, Oregonlan. CHARCOAL. Wanted Charcoal. large or small quan tities and experienced men to burn same. Also tracts of timber any size suitable'for charcoal, near Portland on a road good for Winter hauling. Western Reduction Company. 24th and Nicolal fits. " $7.50 AND UP $7.50 for second-hand suits J. Meyer the tailor pays .h highest price for suits, overcoats, shoe, etc. We call anywhere in the city, day or evenings Call Marshall 129 or 220 Madison St. OCR specialty is buying ladles' and gents' cast-off clothing. Hghcst cash price paid. Will call duy or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshal: 3225. or 209 Madison St. HIGHEST PRICES PAD. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc New buyer. Try me before you call otnert. fnone nroaaway jajj. WANTED A rood home for 2 babies. years, 5 months; $25 a month; references required. Woodlawn 2932, 135 Killings- worth ave. WANTED Boiler and engine, 10 or 20 H. P.. surface planer, cutoff saw, band saw, drill press, emery wheel and grind stone. AG 521, Oregonlan. MR. DRAFTED MAX, ATTENTION. NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE WE BUY 1TT, PAY SPOT CASH. NEWMAN, 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. WANTED Detz dry hot air apparatus, gas connections, how long in use, present con dition, lowest cash price. Bdwy. loul AP 527, Oregonlan. BEYOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTaiD. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and over, vte buy snoes ana n:a Call Main 1923. JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, ruober, second-hand goods. Call Main 734. WANT about -ln. and H-ln. steel cable. any amount; hoisting gear. is. m urego nian. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUTER. We need the clothing and we pay all 11 Is worth. Call Main 734. xOlhi 1st st. McCASKEY Account Register wanted. Send details and quote price to Geo. cusller, Silverton. Or. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring or maiU 323Va Wash.,bet. Uth and Bd. WILL exchange new Brunswick. Grafonola, Victrola or Edison for plumbing at store. 850 Alder. Hyatt Talking MachineCo. WAN TE D One tent and fly; 12x14: must be in good condition and reasonable; no war prices. Phone Col. 136. DIAMOND WANTED PAIR EARRINGS OR SOLITAIRE; CASH FOR REASO.N ABLE BARGAIN. .MARSHALL 3240. WILL BUY your potatoes on road. Write. - giving location, amount and price. 701 E. Richmond. WANT to buy or lease work launch about 12 H. P., also derrick. K 547, Oregonlan. WANTED Pair real pigskin puttees. 553, Oregonian. U. a LIBERTY BONDS. Will nay cash. 353 Pittock Block. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. ' Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooining-houaei, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing, too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5981. A 8224. READ IMPORTANT READ We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. Thero is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your nsed furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of fice furniture, etc Phone Marshall 587 and our buyer will call at once. GEVUKTZ FURNITURM STORE. 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTE1N FURNITURE Co.. 106-168 1st St., requires second-hand lurnltura Best prices paid. If you have any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4633. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates on household goods to all points; fast, through service. Pacific Coast Forward ing Co., 9th and Hoyt sts Bdwy. 703. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves ana ranges ana all sunas ox household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Mar 2693. FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value for your second-hand furniture, beds, dressers, carpets stoves and house hold goods. Call .Main 1923. 193 Front SL WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURH of any description; hate the ready casn. Phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO. needs used furniture, rugs and stoves. Highest prices paid. Marshall 1S22. USED furniture bought and sold. Calef, 640 Williams. East 6417 WANTED 9x12 rug. Phone Brdw. 2753 also chiffonier. WANT davenport; must be bargain for cash- Phone C 13S9. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH MAIN 8332. HELP WANTED HALE FOUR laborers to tear up track. $4 per day. Free Job, ii . za t. WANTED Soda dispenser or voung men to learn business. call 341 Washington St. CLAYTON Hotel, janitor work. 1051, 12th sL Boy fot BOY to work In candy factory and capable of driving Ford machine. 341 Washington. GOOD COLLECTOR AND CITY WORK. CALL A. M., SALESMAN 402 WASH BOOKKEEPER and cashier wanted; salary $125. x 11a. uregonian. HANDY man to learn sheet metal business. 493 Alder St. BOY about 16 years for store work. Clothing Co., Morrison at 4th. WANTED Office boy. of Trade bldg. Apply 610 Board WANTED First-class porter. Board of Trade Barber Shop, 4th and Oak sts NEAT appearing man. Apply Service Co., 24 N. Broadway. Bearings A LOGGING camp baker. $130 and board. 21 N. 2d St. KITCHEN porter from 9 to 3 P. M. bell Hotel. Camp- WANTED A young man for timekeeper. Phone Sell. 8441 WANTED Janitor. Warren Motor Car Co, Main 780. EXPERIENCED truck driver snd helper, also teamster. Tabor 1742. MAN to Are furnace In mornings for room and small wages. 5Ialn 40S0. ADVERTISING solicitors at once; commis sion basis. 401-2 McKay bldg. WANTED A man to work around hotel. Woodlawn 2915. WANTED A wrlngerman, Portland Laun dry Co.. 9th and Couch. W ANTED Man to help In flour room. Royal Bakery. Uth and Everett sts. TAILOR on ladles' suits, steady work. Patt. 511 Eilers bldg. " M. BOY One with wheel preferred. Apply Rice & Phelan, Front and Oak. WANTED Position as salesman, have Ford car. w oou, tiregontan. WANTED All-round cook. Woodlawn 2915. HIGH school student, sslesman. 231 Stark. ' HELP WANTED MALE. LIPMAN, 1 WOLFE CO. require the serv ices of two experienced salesmen far their boys' clothing department; must be able to furnish the best of references. Apply superintendent's office, seventh floor, be tween 9 and 10 Monday morning. WANTED TODAY FOR KARREY TIMBER CO.. AT KARREY. OR.. FARE AD VANCED, NO FEES CHARGED TO MEN: 1 SET OF FALLERS, YARDING FIRE MAN. HANDY MAN, 4 PICKMEN, HEAD LOADER, SECOND LOADER, 2 WOOD BUCKS. 2 Bl'CKERS, HIGH CLIMBER. 25 STATION MEN; WE PAY THE MAXI MUM SCALE. FOR FURTHER INFOR MATION, INQUIRE 28 N. SECOND. BROADWAY 728. LIPMAN, WOLFE CO. require the serv ices of three day Janitors; must be able to furnish the best of references. Apply superintendent's office, seventh floor, be tween 9 and 10 Monday morning. ACCOUNTANTS NEEDED. Ambitious men who recognize the tre mendous sliortaKe of "specialized brains' and who have some accounting ability, will welcome the Information that a prominent firm of certliicd public accountants has made available a scientifically simple and Intensely interesting home study training. The shortage of accountants to fill $30t0 ' to $10,000 positions Is regarded as a Na tional deficiency which can only be rem edied (as were our military and naval shortcomings) by intensive training. Ac cepted applicants guaranteed satisfaction. In replying give ezperlencv. draft status .and telephone number. Write or call C M. Lvons. Portland Hotel. LIBERTY LABOR AGENCY, 434 North Sec- ona street, wanted today in the city for essential Industries: 5 laborers, no skill re quired, $4, 8 hours. Inside lactory work; 10 laborers, no skill required, for inside factory work, $4.45. 9 hrs. ; clean-up men. nights, in foundry, $4.25, 8 hrs.. time and half for overtime; mill yard laborers, $4, can get good board and room near the mill: 6 laborers for building construction, new Job and a long one. $4.50, 8 hrs SPECIAL. ' One man. Inside work In warehouse, to bundle sacks, etc.. $1.50. MONEY for your spare time. Increase your income 50 and still hold your present Job. Our new method of reflnlshlng brass beds, chandeliers, automobiles re quires neither capital or experience; plenty of work In your own neighborhood. Poatal brings free particulars and proofs. Write today. Gunmetal Co., 33 Elm, De catur, III. MANAGER WANTED FOR EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH. One who is practical, sll-round msn: must have references, some cash and not subject to draft. Picture and full infor mation at office of THOMPSON. SWAN 4 THOMPSON, 3d and Main Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. LIPSHUTZ REQUIRES SERVICES OF 4 TAILORS, GOOD PAY. APPLY AT ONCE. 409 CENTRAL BLDG. STRONG BOY. ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD, FOR WORK IN STORE and delivering: wheel furnished; good pay and chance for advancement; apply Monday morning. THE 3EEBE CO., 182 Morrison St. WANTED Stock clerk; experienced In hardware and house furnliuilng lines pre ferred. Apply M. Seller St Co, 6th and Pine. WANT man and wife for Hood River, man to na!) boxes or work In warehouse, woman to sort apples; also want some extra women to sort apples; men, $3; women, $2.50. Sunday. 781 E. Main. Monday and after. 4os Cham, of Coin. CARD WRITER and salesman, salary $156 month; best position to right man. Ad dress full particulars to 51 432, Oregonian. WE WANT 10 men to work In sawmill, mat ried men preferred; house and fuel free, pay Government wages; good school at mill. Devitt Lumber Co, 517 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or, YOUNG MAN with fair education, alert and good character, to commence as bellboy in University Club, 275 Sixth street, near Jef ferson; a positive opportunity for prefer ment. Apply at once. MAN, above draft age or of deferred class ification preferred; steady position for right man; desirable location and pleas ' ant work. Address E. M. Duffy, Corvallls, Oregon. WANTED Married couple for valley farm, sepernte house furnished, fuel, milk and garden. Man accustomed to general farm work, honest and relluble. M 429, Orego nlan. WANTED First-class machinist to work In cleanest and lightest shop in city; up-to. date tools and equipment, good wages, steady work. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. RELIABLE old man wanted to care for an elderly gentleman In the country. Must do own cooking. Address 1004 5th st., Oregon City. Home Phone A 97. PRESSMAN Competent on both cylinders and platens; must be able to Invest $500; fine opportunity for the right man to get In business. V 616, Oregonlan. WANTED Strong boy, 17 years or over, to operate press machine at Pheasant Dye ' Works: good wages. Call 1224 Sandy boulevord. SHEET METAL WORKERS. Experienced Jobber; one used to hotel and restaurant work preferred. A. C. Piper, 493 Alder. BUSS BOY wanted st University Clob, 275 Sixth street, near Jefferson. Call between 8 and 10 A. M. or 1 to 8 P. M. WANTED Assistant crockery and hardware packer. Apply M. Seller A Co., 6th and Pine sts. STOCKROOM man snd salesman for gro cery department. Simon's store, 1st snd Alder sts ALL AROUND farm hand, good with horses, no milking, steady Job if competent, $3 per day and board. 228 Alder street. WANTED One or two men to work on drug Seln. Must understand mending. Write H. Pllghrln. Cughman. Or. WANTED First class Japanese cook; steady Job, $25 per week. Hawkins Rss taurant. Walla Walla. Wash. LADIES' tailor wanted, steady Job, good wages for first-class man. Apply 316 Pittock block. ONE hooktender, one high climber for Phil ippine Islands; fare advanced. Apply 21 N. 2d st. . GOOD opportunity for live wire advertising solicitors. Robinson, 207 Stock Exchange bldg. BOOKKEEPER, cashier and goneral office man; state experience and salary expected. AC 113, Oregonian. WANTED First-class barber to go to Rose burg, Or. Guarantee $20 per week. Apply to Lewls-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED Boy to work in shop snd learn mechanical trade, meaay employment and advancement. 402 Washington at. WANTED Shop foreman for garage and two mechanics Call W. t. tisnatel. Van couver. Wajh. A STEADY" man not afraid of a little dust to assort and Dan cement sacks, ronisnt Sack Clearing House, foot of E. Alder. WANTED City salesman familiar with hotel and restaurant traae. au im ure gonlan. mm. WANTED Truck driver, one and one-half ton truck; state experience ana pay wa n ted. WANTED Janitor and wife for flrst-clasn apt. house; extra gooa salary, ab it, Oregonlan WANTED Men for light work In furniture factory. Doernoecner juanutaciunng com pany. . WANTED Flrst-clat-s machinist for loco motive repair work. Railway equipment Co.. 235 Stark. PRESSER wanted. Japanese preferred. 423 Jefferson st. A DISHWASHER, room and board snd waires. East M30. WANTED Experienced night clerk for smalt hotel. Call Main 136 between 12 snd 1-only. JANITOR WANTED FOR OFFICE BUILDING. T 540. OREGONTAV. PANTS presscr wanted, 6814 3d at.