The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 21

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Athletic Association Runs
Away With Meet, Scoring
Total of 49 Points.
Charles Pores Lowers National Sfark
Held by Himself, Covering Long
' Distance' In 24:3 4-5i . For-'
zner Time Was 25:23 S-5.
GREAT LAKES, 111, Sept. 21. West
ern athletes made a clean sweep in the
senior championships of the National
A. A- V. outdoor track and field games
at the Great Lakes Naval Training Sta
tion today, completely iwamplng the
Lastern entries. The Chicago Athletic
Association team, which won the junior
honors yesterday, carried off the
seniors with a total of 49 points.
The Great Lakes team bagged 31
points for second place, and the Illinois
Athletic Club 25 for third place. The
best .the East could do was the per
formance of the Pelham Bay Naval
Station team, which tied Camp Fre
mont, Col., for fourth place with 11
points. The Royal Air Force, of To
ronto, OnL. was next in the list of point
winners with 9. Fifteen other teams
divided the rest of the points.
Lieutenant Matt McGrath. of the New
Tork police "force, partly redeemed the
showing of the Eastern teams by land
ing the highest individual scoring
honors. McGrath, competing unattached
because of the decision of New Tork
clubs to abandon competitive athletics
until the end of the war, scored 10
points, with victories In the 66-pound
weight and hammer throw. McGrath
won the hammer event with a heave
of 173 feet. 1114 inches, and hurled the
66-pound weight 35 feet. 9 inches.
Compared with the Junior games yes
terday, which developed close competi
tion until the last event, the perform
ances today were mediocre. Only one
record was shattered. This was in the
five-mile run. which Charles Pores, of
Pelham Bay, the National "champion,
won in 34:36 4-5. beating his old mark
of 25:23 3-5. made at Sc. Louis a year
ago. Pores triumphed over Earl John
son, the Baltimore negro, now stationed
at Camp Upton, who won the Junior
five-mile yesterday.
440-yard ran Won by Shanirhnessy, Pel
liam Bay: Guttafson, 'Meadowbrook Club,
Philadelphia, second: Hauser. Federal Ren
dezvous, Brooklyn, third: Peuarsieln, Illinois
A- C. fourth. Time, :49.
loo-yard dash Won by Henke. Great
Lakes; Loomla, Chicago A. A., second: Hot-
xtns. Chicago A. A third; Ganxemuller,
.Meadowbrooit Club, Philadelphia, fourth.
Time, :10.
Uu-yard hardies Won by Thompson,
Royal Air force. Toronto. Canada; Frank
Loumls, Chicago A. A., second; Kmlth Chi
cago A. A., third; Keldel. Great Lakes,
fourth." Time. ;J5 2-5.
Oni mile run Won by Rar. Illinois A. C;
Goron. Pelham Bay, second; Stout, Car
mthera Field, Fort Worth, third; Brown,
I'elham Bay. fourth. Time. 4:UO.
hot put Won by Lieutenant Richards.
Camp Fremont. Cal., 4- feet. 34 inches;
Brundage. Chicago A. A.. 41 feet. 4H Inches,
second; Bronder. L. S. School .Military Aero
nautics. 40 feet. TH inches, third: Allman,
Gr-at Lakes. 40 feet. 3 inches, fourth.
Hammer throw Won by MctirMh. unat
tached. New Tork. 173 feet. 11 '4 Inches;
Hooker, Chicago A. A.. 138 feet, 2V4 inches,
second: Brundage. Chicago A. A.. 132 .feet.
Si inches, third: Benson, Chicago A. A.. 132
fee:. 5 inches.
Three-mile walk Won by Remer. unat
tached. New York: Zeller. Chicago A. A.,
second: Mertena. Hlllslda A. C Toronto.
Ont . third: Schuitx. Ferguson A. C-. Buffalo,
lotirth. Time. 22:17 4-6.
Running high Jump won By Rica, limp
Zachary Taylor, 6 feet, 1 Inch: Jo Loomis.
Chicago'" A. A., S feet, 11 .Inches: second:
Thompson. Royal Air Force. Toronto, and
TUcharda. Camp Fremont. Cal- tied for third
place at 5 feet, 5 inches. Thompson ron
Jump-off for third place.
440-yard hurdles Won by Hause. Great
Lakes: Sailer, Chicago A. A., second; Ta
runs. Swedish-American A. C Brook'yn,
third: Schmonn. Meadowbrook Club, Phila
delphia, fourth. Time. :5.
Fifty-six pound weight Won by McGrath,
unattached. New York, 35 feet. 9 inches;,
Allman. Great Lakes. 27 feet. 11 Inches,
second: Shanahan, llllnoia A. C. 27 feet.
10 Inches, third: Brundage, Chicago A. A.,
27 feet. 5 Inches, fourth..
Running broad Jump Won by Polltser,
Mohawk A. C New York. 22 feet. 4 inches;
Aheam. Illinois A. C. 21 feet. 10V4 inches,
second; Anderson. Pelham Bay. 21 feet, 4
Inches, third: Hosklns. Chicago A. A.. 21
feet. 1 Inches, fourth.
Five mile run Won by Pores. Pelham
Bay; Johnson. Camp Upton, second : Gille
spie, unattached. Chicaeo. third: Kochanskl.
Illinois A C. fourth. Time, 21:56 2-S. tNew
National record.)
220-yard dash Won bv Murchfaon, Great
Lakes; Whyte. Salm-Crescent A. C, New
Tork. second: Feuersteln. Illinois A. C.,
third: tihaughnesaey. Federal Rendezvous,
Brooklyn, fourth. Time. :22 2-3.
Pole vault Won by Buck, Chicago A A.
32 feet. 2 inches; Knourek. Great Lakes,
12 feet, one Inch, second; Bean, Los An
reles. 11 feet, in Inches, third; Lieutenant
Harwood, Scott Field, Belleville, III- 11 fcut.
I Inches, fourth.
Discus throw Won by Muller. Great
Lakes. 136 feet; Gllflllan. Great Lakes. 132
feet 144 Inches, second: Richards. Camp
Fremont. California. 12D feet 8 Inches, third:
Brundage, Chicago A. A, 125 feet 8 inches,
220-yarcI low hurdles, won by Frank
Loom is, Chicago A. A.: Lieutenant House,
Camp Fremont. California, second: Smith,
Chicago A. A., third: Meanlax, Camp Zach
ary Tavlor. fourth. Time, :24 l-.V
Javelin throw Won by Bronder, United
States School of Military Aeronautics, 19
feet 10 Inches; Thompson, Illinois A. C.
16S feet 10 inches, second: Fritts. unat
tached. New Tork, 148 feet 044 Inches, third;
Helium. Pastime A. C New York. 148 feet
4'i inches, fourth.
SSO-yard run Won by Campbell, Uni
versity High. Chicago: Ray, Illinois A. C.
second: Lieutenant Balestire. Royal Air
Force. Toronto, Ont- third: Sellers, unat
tached. New York, fourth: time, 1:56 4-5.
Hop. atep and Jump Won by Aheam,
Illinois A C. 46 feet 24 Inches: Overbee.
Chicago A. A- 43 feet 9 inches, second:
Landers. Chicago A. A- 43 feet 6 Inches,
third: Hoskins. Chicago A. A 43 feet 54
Inches, fourth.
Rowing; Club Notes.
Billy Ball, a former champion scul
ler, who has been absent from the
city for several years, recently re
turned to Portland. Billy, when paired
wit! Julius Gloas, won both the Junior
and senior doubles at the N. P. A. A.
C. regatta, held at Indian River, B. C.
in 1911.
Swimming is still good In the old
Willamette, even at, this late date.
The Rowing Club float is a popular
place for a number of the club swim
mer 3.
Mel Ogden. secretary of the Rowing
Club, spent his vacation on the Colum
bia River in bis motorboat. "Ick." He
made the trip to Astoria and back and
had a fine time. Rough weather which
was encountered part of the way, once
nearly finished "Ick." but Mel was
seaman enough to pull her through
without losing any of the crew. He
came back with a deep coat of tan
and enough oxone in tfils lungs to last
Lim another year.
Swimmer to Try for Record.
TACOiLA. Wash.. Sept. 21 (Special.)
George Cunha will endeavor to beat
bis own world's 15-yard swimming rec
ord and lower the mark for 50 yards
at American Lake next Sunday. The
60-yard record is held by Duke Ka-
hamamokn. Cunha's record for the 2S
yafd dash is 19 2-S seconds, and it has
stood for mora that a year.
5f . Sim" nii ,',!' n itif..iMaafp Cults' - - & y
. VANCOUVER' BARRACKS. Wash., Sept. 21. (Special.) Seventy-two games of football will be played in this post this season, opening today with games
between the Sixth Squadron and Fifth Squadron and the Third Squadron and the Eighth Squadron, First Provisional Regiment. The last game will be played
between the Third Squadron and the First Squadron, December 11, and each of the nine teams in the regiment will have played every other team.
On the post athletic field every Wednesday afternoon one game will be played, and every. Saturday two games will be decided, unless war duties interfere:
The teams are well supplied with rfecessary paraphernalia and it is predicted that some fast teams will be developed here this season. .
The gridiron will be marked off on the post athletio flejd inside the racetrack and in front of the grandstand. It is surrounded on all sides by trees and
buildings ana is covered witu gret
National Tennis Champion Has
Difficult Game to Block.
Californlan Plays Every Ball and Is
Rarely "Accd," So That Onl
Points He Loses Are Result
of HIs'Oivn Mistake.
R. Lyndley Murray, the new national
tennis champion is one who upholds
the Californlan tradition of "Jazz" as
an essential for athletes of any kind.
It was Maury McLoughlin in 1912
and 1913 who startled the East with
his whirlwind play on the courts and
made "California" synonimous with
"tennis." They called McLoughlin the
"Comet" and he was well named, for
never had the game seen such an as
sortment of smashes and drives as that
with which McLoughlin overwhelmed
the crack players of the Atlantic
coast. . The experts frowned and said
such a style of play was impossible,, too
replete with errors and therefore not
scientific. But their estimate of the
"Comet" was consumed in the '. bril
liance of .his play.
Fighting Game Played.
Lynn Murray, the new. chamnion,
plays that same hard fighting game
that marked the work of McLoughlin.
His service is not as severe as the for
mer champion, it Is not as unplayable
as that of Strachan or Cliff Herd, but
coming from a left-handed player it Is
most bewildering. His strokes are not
In themselves the equal of such an
artist as Williams or Mel Long, and
many of the Parrets and Dohertys
who write on the scientific side of the
game would criticize his foot work as
faulty and ill-timed. Where lies the
secret of Murray's wonderful record?
A close analysis of the matches in
which Murray has figured since he en
tered tournament- competition will
show that he has rarely been "aced."
He plays every balL The points he
loses are only on his own errors. He Is
a wonderful court coverer, probably
the best in the game today. He plays
at top speed all the time. He has the
spirit that will not admit defeat.
Champion Is Popular.
There is no champion more popular
than Lynn Murray, as his sportsman
ship is known wherever tennis is
played Taking up tennis as a side
line seven 'or eight years ago at Stan
ford University, he played as second
singles man In 1911, ranked about
equal to Morgan, the varsity captain
of 1912 and began' his tournament ca
reer in 1913. His rise has been rapid
and his regular training for the. half
mile has stood him in good stead. It
takes a great spirit and a powerful
physique to stand up under the strain
of tennis as Xynn Murray plays it.
When Murray is playing every muscle
of his body is concentrated in the
stroke and under perfect control.
Sportsmen, However, Are Now Taking
Greater Interest In Propagation
and In Preservation Measures.
The wild game of west-central Min
nesota is limited mostly to wild ducks
and prairie chickens. The many small
lakes and outlying marshy sloughs are
ideal places for ducks, and large num
bers nest here every summer, which
affords good hunting at the opening of
the hunting season before the north
ern ducks arrive. While prairie chick
ens are not as common as the wild
duck, they will doubtless become more
abundant In the future. Foxes and
small predacious animals are a seri
ous drawback to the. natural increase
of game birds In this section and some
effective means is bound to be takes) to
reduce this destruction.
At present little is being done along
the line of game conservation on the
part of the hunters, although a senti
ment along this line is growing which
is. hoped may result in a united ef
fort to -Improve the natural conditions
and aid in the propagation of wild
game. However, the state game de
partment Is doing a great work
throughout the state towards the In
crease an protection of the game, and
game refuges are being established
which will mean much to the hunter
in years to come. Gefese and brant are
seen here in fair numbers In the
spring, and it is probable that game
reserves and better protection may In
duce them to remain here for a while
during the Fall hunting season.
Practically all the lakes In 'this
state are well stocked with the best
varieties of fish and considerable at-
... ....
More Than 9000 Fight Fans Witness Bout and Receipt Total $17,000vv
. Swimming Golden Gate Commonplace Affair.- ;
AJJ FRANCISCO, Sept. 19. inot
since the old days when we had
ZO-round fights and championship
matches has there been so-much talk,
so many disputes and such an after
math as- what followed the Meehan
Dempsey battle' of last week.
The fans, are not yet done, talking
about it and they are not likely to fin
ish up in a hurry. Of course, the un
expectedness of it all, together with, a
decision that has been commended in
certain quarters and challenged in
others has been responsible for all the
excitement. -
Nobody expected Meehan to win. As
a matter of fact, they were betting
10 to 8 that he wouldn't last the limit.
And so, it was all the mr a surprise;
all the greater a sensation.
Eddie Graney handed down the de
cision -and to my way of thinking it
was the only thing to do. I reckoned
that the first round was fairly even.
The second must be given to Dempsey,
who scored a knockdown, while ' the
third and fourth unquestionably figure
for Sailor Willie, the Phat One.
And if that doesn't spell a win then
I miss my guess. .
ls experts were somewhat divided.
Bu t-whereas -a majority picked Meehan
as (he rightful winner nobody thought
Dempsey entitled to any more than
draw. .
This Is how the San Francisco papers
hsd it doped:
Meehan decision a good one Chron
Icle, Examiner and Daily News.
Draw Call-Post and The Bulletin.
Graney, criticised In certain quarters
for his fuling, chiefly by people who
said it was a shame to rob Dempsey of
his reputation and all at a benefit con
lest, has seen fit to answer.
Eddie pauses to remark that sent!
ment can't cut any figure where there
is a- decision to be awarded and then
goes on to say that. Meehan, in the
service of Uncle Sam, is Just as much
entitled to consideration as Dempsey
who was donating services but figures
to make a lot of money for himself
Just the same. ' V '
Eddie is quite right. That's no argu
ment at all.
The' Dempsey alibi and the one for
which Dempsey must he given a hear
ing is that he had a bad left hand. In
a bout with Terry Keller about two
weeks before he came here, Dempsey
broke a small bone in his hand. He
refused to offer that as an excuse prior
to the fight..
When he appeared for the match it
was noticed his hand was ttghtly taped
with bicycle tape. It is strictly against
local police ' regulations but when it
was explained why this had been done
and since Meehan withdrew his own ob
jections. Captain of Police Dan O'Brien
said there would be no protests.
Graney, hearing of this, suggested to
Kearns that it would be as well to
have a no-declsion bout; that he
thought it would protect Dempsey's in
terests far more.
But Kearns insisted.
"We must have a decision," he de
clared. "That was the agreement and
we want to go through with it." ,
So the decision had to be given. Now
there's no gainsaying the fact that this;
decision hurts Dempsey. Graney Is ai
referee of National standing. When he
gives an official ruling of the sort the
fight fans are going to Jay some atten
tion to it. l
It will damage Dempsey in the big
houses he was hoping to draw. Most
of all, it's going to stop his demanding
a match with Jess Willard. The cham
pion can say (and with a lot of argu
ment) that Dempsey must get a repu
tation; must beat Meehan before he as
pires to the title.
Naturally if Dempsey was to be pro
claimed as champion Meehan is now
the holder. But in spite of all the
talk Willard is regarded as champion
of the world even though a non-
fighting champion and somebody will
have to beat him to be considered next
in line.
Dempsey didn't stay long after the
match: He was booked for a ten
round bout in Reno Saturday "night
and left early in the morning. Evident
ly he wasn't feeling mild tempered for
Moran, the unknown heavyweight who
faced him, was knocked out as you have
been told in 70 seconds, or little more
than a minute.. .
Also. I have it on good authority.
tentlon is being given to replenishing
the supply. Fishing, like hunting, is
a popular sport in this section, and one
s almost certain of a good catch at the
proper season.
University - Coach. Receives Offer
From Vancouver Army Post.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 21. (Spe
cial.) Coach Hunt, of the University
of Washington, may take "the position
as athletic director of the Vancouver
(Wash.) post.
The Seattle mentor has received an
offer to teach athletics at the camp,
and he has "-not yet acted - upon the'
matter. He will wait until word is re
ceived from the War Department by
Dr. Suzxallo, president of the univer
" "
..... ............
Kearns sent out wires' to Eastern sport,
ing editors from Reno, advising them
that he had been robbed and -declaring-
the San Francisco papers, one and all,
stood by him. ' -
But that's not going to get Kearns
anywhere' or anything. He still has a
remarkably good scrapper In Dempsey.
I am rather inclined ,to the. opinion
that In a long-distance battle say 20
rounds Dempsey would beat Meehan.
But that's neither here nor there so
far as the benefit number was con
cerned. ' i
The attendance and the enthusiasm
were rather surprising. There were
9000 spectators in the house and the
receipts were Just $25 shy of $17,000.
There were no speeches" allowed and
no donations asked. At the time of the
Leonard benefit show, there were dona
tions to the tune of $4000 so the crowd
the other evening was Just about the
same size. i .
The funds will be used for the pur
chase of athletic equipment for naval
organizations and to a certain extent
for the Army. Jimmy Cof froth be
lieves the Navy should have the first
call. Inasmuch as Camp Fremont got
all of the Leonard benefit' funds and
that is quite likely the disposition that
will be made of it.
When you Northerners who attended
the Portland benefit show that Bobby
Evans staged saw Knockout Kruvosky
In action, you watched one lad who
has beaten Meehan. Fact is. the last
time these boys met, Kruvosky peat
Meehan and to the minds of a lot of
folks almost stopped Cute Willie. -
Just about that time Aleehan had s
divorce suit on tils hands. Further he
was in bad condition from lack of
training and really had some legitimate
excuses to offer. ' .
But what a tangle all this makes.
Dempsey had been hailed by some as
tile champion heavyweight, of the
world. Along comes Meehan to .win a
decision from Dempsey.
And going back over the , past
we recall that Kruvosky beat Meehan
and quite recently Fighting Billy Mur
ray, long ago consigned to the discard
beat Murray. And so it might go on.
There's apparently no clear right to
the title anywhere along the line.
Incidentally, you can thank Captain
of, Police O'Brien for Having Kruvosky
n Portland. The Kayo person had
about decided that he wouldn't make
the trip North.' Then you folks got
busy with telegrams to the San Fran
cisco police.' O'Brien busied himself,
called Kruvosky into conference and
the latter agreed that he would make
the trip.
Frankle Farren may be able to with
stand punches In the ring but there are
other things that get his goat. He had
to take his "shot in the arm" on Mon
day last. It was too much of a blow
and the pride of all the lightweights
keeled over. He was out for a full
five minutes and even after he re
gained consciousness was more or less
'First time I was ever out for so
long," he remarked to the Navy sur
m m m
Swimming the Golden Gate Is get
ting to be quite a commonplace affair.
The Dolphin Swimming and Boating
Club had its second annual swim of
the gate last Sunday. Twenty of the
members essayed the seven-eights mile
swim across the bay and 18 of them
finished. The test time was 31 minutes
which is some six minutes lower than
the time of last year and ten minutes
behind the best performance established
by Walter Pomeroy.
One of the contestants was a chap
named Cronln. Cronln Is 60 years old
but that didn't bother him in the least.
He used the breast stroke, and though
he moved up and down like a. bobbin,
he made progress and finished about
in the middle of the bunch.
The annual DIpsea race, a cross
country Marathon of about seven miles,
is set for Sunday. September 29. The
race is sponsored by the DIpsea-Indians
an organization within the
Olympic Club. It has been run for
some 12 years-and Is a popular event.
Indications are there will be in the
neighborhood of 75 runners. Which
will be a good showing, considering
the war and all that.
sity, regarding the football situation.
Hunt will continue as Washington grid
coach if -it is decided to play out the
football schedule.
Hunt believes that he will be given a
commission should he accept the Van
couver proposition.
Joe Gnyon In" Service.
Joe Guyon, one of the greatest half
backs In America, is going to smash
the lines ot the Huns Instead of those
of rival football teams this fall, 'hav
ing Just been commissioned a Second
Lieutenant in the National Army, and
will probably leave for France In the
near future. Guyon's enlistment makes
the 10th regular Tech player of last
year's great Georgia Tech eleven that
is now in the service, and when Coach
Helsman assembles the gang this Fall
the great machine will be but a shell of
its former, self,
;-... ..
Unusually High Act ;e Characterises
Competitions iu .5 Sections;
: -v woman Gets 0.. I'er Cent.
,. NEW TORK. State trapshooing
tournaments have been shot and won in
45 different sections or states this sea
son, with an unusually high average
score. In no case did the winner's total
fall below 90 out of a possible 100, and
in two instances perfect scores were
turned in by the new champions. In
the California-Nevada shoot Fred Blair,
of Eureka, made a possible, and the
winner of the Massachusetts champion
ship, G. L. Osborne, of Brookline, also
shot out a perfect strong of 100 targets.
In the women's division fourteen
state titles were competed for, the high
score being made by Mrs. C. M. Eu
chanan, of Sioux Falls, who captured
the South Dakota championship with
S5 per cent. The complete list of state
champions of bothsexes in state trap
shotting championships, together with
their scores, follows:
1818 Men Winners. - I
State, champion, home-1 Score.
Alabema, W. A. Leach, Godsen... 88
Arizona, D. E. Morrell, Phoenix I'H
Arkansas. J. -K. Chatfleld. Texarkana. .. . f
California-Nevada, Fred Blair, Eureka.. .100
Colorado.-New Mexico. R. A. King. Delta. ftS
Connecticut. Dr. B. F. Bishop, New Haven lA
Delaware. V. M. Koord, Wilmington.
Florida, J. A. Haneborough. Tampa ..
Georgia. J. M. Barrett, Augusta
Idaho, Guy Cnefsman, Lewiston
Illinois, C. M. Powers. Decatur
Indiana, G. R. Shuck, Kcmpton
Iowa, Charles Hummel, La Porte....
Kansas, K. W. Arnold, Lamed
Kentucky, V. H. Hall. Maysvllle .
Louisiana, no state tournament .....
.Maine. O. P. Weymouth. Portland....
Maryland-District of Columbia, R. D.
.Moraan. Washington
Massachusetts, Oeorge L. Osborne. Brook-
- - line 100
Michigan, J. L. Bryant, Ceresco ......... t)3
Minnesota. F. A. Allen. Staples t7
Mississippi. G. M. L. Key, Meridan P4
Missouri. George Nicholai, Kansas City... 07
Montana. E. W. Renfro. Warm Springs... 119
Nebraska, J. A. Nelson. Boelua US
New. Hampshire, Elmer E. Reed. Man
chester j... 95
New Jersey, F. S. Tomlin. Pennsgrove. .. i8
New York. H. . J. Pendergast. Phoenix... 99
North Carolina, C. C. Batest Charlotte.... U7
North Dakota. A. R. Chezik, Portal 97
Ohio. J. E. r'aln. Dayton . 97
Oklahoma. W. H. Heer, Guthrie 99
Oregon, Frank Tenxpleton, Portland 97
Pennsylvania, C. H. Newcomb, Phila
delphia 7
Rhode Island. W. J. Weaver. Edgewood. 93
bouth Carolina, K. G. Mccants, Ninety
six :
South Dakota, E. T. Myers, Mitchell
Tennessee, B. F. Duncan, Lucy
Texas, H. E. Woodward, Houston
utan, l. L. JSecker. ogden
Vermont, D. M. Barclay, Barre...:
Virginia. R. A. Hall. Fisherville
Washington, F. M. Troeh. Vancouver ....
West Virginia, G. H. Mead. Huntington..,
Wisconsin, i rl. Larson. .Waupun..
Wyoming. W. R. Tarrant, Buffalo
Women State Champions, 1918.
Connecticut, Mrs. C. H. Beere, New
Haven 58
Delaware, Miss H..D. Hammond, Wil
mington 40
IJlinoia, Mrs. A. H. Winkler, Chicago 92
Indiana. Miss D. J. Dalton, Warsaw 84
Iowa. Miss Emma Wettleaf. Nichols 89
assachusetts, Mrs. Margaret Parks. Bos
ton .' S3
Michigan, Mrs. L. G. Vogel. Detroit 92
New York, Mrs. H. G. Harrison, Roch-
ster fit
Oregon. Mrs. Ada Schilling. Portland.... 91
Pennsylvania, Mrs. John Atlee, Erie 75
South Dakota, Mrs. C. M. Buchanan.
Sioux Falls n.t
Tennessee, Mrs. Curtis King, Memphis... 80
Vermont, Mrs. A. H. Harmon, Morria-
vllle 6
Wisconsin, Mrs. C. D. Moon, Eau Claire. 87
The Delaware event waa at 50 targets.
Big Double Bill Will Be Offered at
Arena Smoker.
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 21. (Spe-"
ciaL) Frank Farmer, Northwest heavy
weight champion, vs. "Knockout" Kru
itpsky, of San Francisco, and Johnny
McCarthy, also of California, vs. Mike
Pete, the Seattle welterweight. Is the
double main event which will be of
fered Seattle boxing fans at the arena
smoker to be held a week from Tues
day. . , i
The heavywelghrbattle was cinched
after Kruvosky .took the eye of Port
land fans in his... fight with Jimmy
Darcy, and after" Frank Farmer had
decisively defeated Joe Bonds the night
Local fans have always liked the
work of Johnny McCarthy, who boxed
several times here. His quick knock
out of Lux, the Eastern welter, whom
he met in the Portland show,' proves
that he still possesses the old wallon.
Mike Pete is lacking in experience, but
he Is a strong- rugged boy.-who has
been coming alotfg at a fast clip.
Woman Lands Biggest Specimen
Taken In -Seven' Tears.
Mrs. John H, Vail, of Los Angeles,
CaX, has set a new world's record for
king dolphin. The fish was taken on
regulation tackle of the Tuna Club and
weighed 31 pounds, being 5 V, pounds
heavier than the previous fish taken J
by Dr. r . C. Jfi. Mattison, of Pasa
dena. Cal.
Dr. Mattison was so proud of his
record king dolphin, weighing 25hi
pounds, which he took in 1911, that he
offered a silver cup for the angler ex
ceeding his record. Thj cup has been
in the possession of the Tuna Club at
Los Angeles for seven years.
Mrs. Vail was 'angling from1 the
launch Ethel, off Catalina Island, tost
week when she made her record catch.
She was trolling for marlin"swordfish
at the time. The dolphin as subdued
in 20 minutes. ,V
Describing the hooktnat, playing Jid
eaffinar of the fish. Mrs. Vail said:
"Oh! it was a beautiful fish. It
fought as hard as a 60-pound tuna, and
made three complete leaps, showing
gold, . purple, silver and many' other
colors as he came out of .the water each
time! ...-.,
"We were trolling for marlin sword
fish and never thought about dolphin
until it made a leap for the flying fish
on the kite line and I hooked it.
"Each time it came" to the surface It
looked so graceful and beautiful tht
I almost wished it would escape.
"It made several long runs and then
disappeared like a tuna, but came up
much more quickly and spectacularly,
I fought it for 20 minutes before Cap
tain Goulding could get hold of the
leader to gaif it. -
Guvligbts Clips Off Mile in 2:14
Before Large Crowd,
EUGENE, Or., . Sept. 21. (Special.)
uuyiignt s performance in trotting a
mile in 2:14, lowering the track record.
was the feature of the races at the
Lane County fair today.
Hemlock, who will start In the races
at Salem, next week, paced an exhibl
tion mile in 2:11 y,. The horse is owned
by C. W. Todd.
Today's summary follows: -
Free for all trot, half purse $300
Hallle B 1
Guylight ( 2
Ruth Hall , J
Time 2-.20. 2:16. 2:14.
2:20 Pace, purse $250 '
Hal Norte 1
lva Zlnn 2
Bonnie Antrim 3
Teddle Ham 4
Time -2:18. 2:17. 2:16i.
Half Mile-Running, purse $50
Blllie Mayo, Howard Mann and Dr.
finished as named.
Time 0:B1.
Schedule' of "Big Ten"
Games f or 1918.
OcteberJ2 Minnesota at Chicago.'
October 19 Iowa at Chicago..
October 29 Chicago at Wisconsin
November. 2 Purdue at Chicago.
November 9 Michigan at Chicago. "
November 18 Chicago at Northwestern.
November 23 Illinois at Chicago.
Mlchlran. .
October 2 Cose at Michigan.
October 19 Michigan Aggies at Michigan.
. uctooer no Michigan at Ohio State.
November 2 Northwestern at Michigan.
November 9 Michigan at Chicago.
November 16 Michigan at Cornell.
November 23 Minnesota' at Michigan.
October 5 Ames at Illinois.
October 12 Great Lakes at Illinois.
October 19 Illinois at Purdue.
.October 26 Illinois at Minnesota.
November 2 Iowa at Illinois.
r November 9 Illinois at Wisconsin.
November 16 Ohio State at Illinois.
November 23 Illinois at Chicago.
October IS Belolt-at Wisconsin.
October 12 Rlpon at Wisconsin.
October 19-t-Indiana at 'Wisconsin.
October 26 Chicago at Wisconsin. .
November 2 No gamea to be played.
November 9 Illinois at Wisconsin.
t November 16 Minnesota at Minneapolis.
' November 23 Ohio State at Ohio State.
October 12 Ohio Stale at Evanston.
October 19 Iowa at Iowa. ,
October 26 Michigan Aggies at Evanston.
November 2 Michigan at Ann Arbor.
November 16 Chicago at Evanston.
November 23 Nebraska at Lincoln.
Ohio State.
October 5 Ohio .Wesleyan at Columbus.
October 12 rDenlson at Columbus.
October 19 Northwestern at Evanston.'
October 26 Michigan at Columbus. .
November 9 Case at Columbus.
November 16 Illinois at Urbana.
November 23 Wisconsin at Columbus.
Iowa, .
September 2S Great Lakes at Iowa City.
October 5 Nebraska at Lincoln.
October 12 Northwestern at Iowa City.
October 10 Chicago at Chicago.
October 28 Grinnell at Iowa City.
November 2 Illinois at Urbana.
November 16; Ames at Ames.
November, trrrlndlana at Iowa City,
September 23 North Dakota at Minne
October 5 South Dakota at Minneapolis.
October 12 Chicago at Chicago.
October 26 Illinois at Minneapolis.
November 2 Indiana at Indianapolis,
Noveipber 16 Wisconsin at Minneapolis.
November 23 Michigan at Ann Arbor.
' ' Indiana.
October f. Detroit at Bloomlngton.
October 12 Wabash at Bloomington.
October 19-Wiseonsln at Madison.
November 2 Minnesota at Indianapolis.
November 9 Army Camp (home coming)
at Bloomlngton.
November 1 De Pauw at Bloomlngton.
November 23 Iowa at Iowa City.
October 5 Franklin at Lafayette.
October 12 De Pauw at Lafayette.
October 19 Illinois at Lafayette.
November 2 Chicago at Chicago, a
November 9 Northwestern at Evanston..
November 16 Wabash at Lafayette.
November 23 Notre Dame at Lafayette.
Catcher Appointed Athletic Director,
WASHINGTON. The appointment of
Fred Jacklitsch, former catcher for the
Brooklyn National League nine, to the
post of athletic director of the Brooklyn
Armed Guard, is announced by Walter
Camp, head of the athletic division of
the Navy Commission on training camp
activities. Jacklitsch has for more than
20 years been engaged jn various ath
letic pursuits. Besides playing pro
fessional baseball for more . than 16
years, the newly-appointed director is
regarded as a top-notch basketball,
football, volley-ball and . handball
Smoker Is Planned Friday.
Webfoot Camp 63, W. O. W.,' will hold
a smbker next Friday evening in the
W. O. "W. Hall, 128 Eleventh street. W.
F. Woodward, chairman of the Council
of Defense, "will speak on "Our Selec
tive ServiceiLaw the Story of Our Na
tion's Loyalty and Sacrifice." There
will be boxing, wrestling and plenty of
Add to the Pleasure of
To get the most out of trapshooting
Military Work Demands Animal
of Utility Character.
Canadian Artillerymen Partial- to
Trotters, While French Cavalry
Officers Incline to Irish
Hunting Types.
,J i . BT W. H. GOCHER.
The American trotter Is the utility
horse of the world. His even tempera
ment, vigor, soundness,, courage and
size equip him for any place where a
horse can be used or for any emergency
where a change of equipment must Be
made at a moment's notice. The trot
ter can do any kind of work on A
farm. In the woods, on the road, race
track or battle Held from whirling a
limber into position on the firing line
to carrying a General In a review.
While the pasterns of the trotter may
not be as long and springy as the gal
loper's and their forehand may not suit
the critical, as a horse the trotter is up
to any weight and is as sure footed on
a shell-torn field as any hunter that
ever raced across country or took -timber
in a steeple chase.
In a recent interview a member of
the French High Commission set forth
how the farmers in France about 40
years ago began using trotting' stal
lions to cross on their mares. After
i0 years the cavalry officials decided
that they . were not producing what
the service demanded. These officials
then took up the thoroughbred and
fixed their standard on the lines of
the IriRh hunter. Also in order to
make-the change effective they offered
liberal premiums at fairs for f6als that
were by thoroughbred sires or out of
thoroughbred mares. This was a clever
way to bring the farmers over to their
viewpoint, as if a breeder could not
show at the fairs he was almqpt barred
from the market.
Furthermore anyone who is familiar
with the trotting families of KrSnice
could scarcely blame the cavalry of
ficers for making the change. The
Percheron was the first French trot
ter and when M. W. Dunham began
Importing tliem to the United States
he laid special stress on their trotting
records, although at that time the breed
was being shifted from the track and
road to the heavy harness of the draft
Major McKinnon, a field artilleryman
In "the Canadian army since the be
ginning of the war and a horseman of
note,, wrote me from France last
March that his command had a num-.
ber of Canadian and American-breu
trotting horses in the service and that
in his opinion the trotting bred horse
was very much superior to the thor
oughbred for war purposes, the latter
being too nervous and excitable. This
testimony from the battlefield" speaks
volumes for the trotter, while It Is
also known that a horse from an estab
lished breed is more desirable for any
purpose and can be bred more uni
formly than a half bred, which is very
apt to be front end galloper and hind .
end farmhorse, or vice versa.
The thoroughbred horse is the sport
ing horse of the world. The 'breed was
established for racing and has been
maintained for that purpose In En&jland
and other countries since the days of
Charles II, who was restored to the
throne in 1660. Certain strains have at
times thrown out -"sports" that have
shown other qualities which were in
tensified and developed by clever
breeders who established saddlers.
hunters, coachers and the trotter. Mes
senger being the foundation stone in
the , inheritance " of the last named.
These "sports" csme from the thor
oughbred-' family before the breed was
thoroughly established and carried with
them the characteristics of an ancestor
whose form or way of going came to
the surface after a lapse of years. The
day, however, has gone by when a cross
of thoroughbred blood can improve any
of these families unless it is burled by
top crosses of the breed with which it
is blended.
. Johnny Tillman in Army.
Johnny Tillman, the Minneapolis wel
terweight, who recently enlisted In the
Minnesota Training; Detachment, No.
2, which is stationed at the University
of Minnesota, turned down a salary
cf 11800 as boxing instructor, in hopes
of getting a chance at the Huns. Till
man may be matclied with Ted Lewis,
the proceeds to go to the Army and
Navy Club or the French Babies' Milk
222i Union Street, Berkeley. Cal.
Sporting Editor, The Oregonlan. Will
you kindly inform me if Newman was a
regular on the1 Aggie football squad
the year they played Nebraska? Please
state in how many intercollegiate
games he started.
Tes. Seven games.
Shecpshcad Bay Speedway Closes-.
Harry S, Harkness, owner of Sheeps
head Bay speedway, has announced
that the annual Harkness Gold Trophy
race will not be run this year, and also
there will be no more automobile races
at the speedway for the duration of
the war.
the Patriotic. Sport--the sport that has
helped so many to better fill their positions
in Government Service
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The fuzzy-like nature
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Rapid Ignition High
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Ask for Shells Loaded
with Schultze.
DuPont and Ballistite are
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Powders loaded in every
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E. I. da Pontde Nemours &Co
Seattle, Washington