The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 22, 1918, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Militarists Make Pretense of
Yielding Control to Repre
sentatives of People.
Officials at National Capital View
Piscnsslons of Parliamentary
Reforms in Ton (on Papers
With Cynical Interest.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21. fn the gen-
ral discussion by tba German news
papers of parliamentary reform and
cabinet changes, officials here think
they see the beginning of another phase
of the German peace offensive.
As in 1917. when the prospects of
German success were dark and it ap
peared that some concessions would
have to be made to meet the demands
(Br the Associated Preu.)
IX months ago the great German
offensive began. For weeks vic
tory seemed about to perch upon
the German banners. Today the allied
star is in the ascendancy,
Anxiety and encouragement. denres
slon and Joy. have succeeded each other
since, at dawn on March 21. the area
est battle of history began. It has been
a period of almost incessant fighting
ana or bewildering changes in the sit
uations that developed from day to day
ana rrom week to week.
The allies knew they faced Germany
mightiest effort last March, but they
siooa unaxrald. Released by the abso
lute collapse of Russia, vast numbers
or oerman veterans had been rushed
to the western front and been give
intensive training for the offensive.
Germany made no secret of her inten
tton. It was known that great bodte
of men and tremendous stores of muni
tions had been concentrated at stra
tegic points. It waa even known where
the Germans would launch their firs
attack and for weeks the eyes of the
allies bad been fixed on the lonr curv
ing line from Le Fere to Arras, the
stage where the first act of the great
arama would be enacted.
Moving with swiftness, the German
forces swept ever the British lines in
Picardy and rolled west like a tidal
wave during the closing days-of March,
until at last the British reached posi
tlons where they could stand at bay
and the French had come to form
living wall before the gray-clad host of
tne uerman Emperor. Then the 'of
fensive stopped.
Hardly had its rush been checked
arations were made for a new phase of
the struggle. ,
. . . . 1 ; .. ,1 , m .ri i t
ia believed the German government it- n b'tw"n Ln Ypres
elf is again encouraging the Socialistic I - -"-Y lu u"""
and Liberal parties to agitate lor sucn
chanae In the form of the German
government as will make it truly rep
resentative of the will or tne people.
Officials here are viewing the pres
ent discussion with cynical interest,
convinced that there Is no real inten
tion on the part of the militarists to
yield thear control to representatives
chosen by popular wllL
Uae 'Will Be Feled.
It is believed that -the fact will be
eo apparent that neither the German
the British lines swayed backward.
inis advance of the enemy went on
until It reached the high ground south
wesi or xprea and then it. too. was
stopped by the stubborn fighting of
me aniea armies. A pause followed
for nearly a month and then on May
7 the Germans suddenly broke
through the French lines north of the
Aisne River and smashed their way
southward until they had reached the
Marne over a wide front east of Cha
teau Thierry. No sooner had the mo
mentum or this drive been take.n up
people themselves nor tho entente by tne yielding; defense of tho French
allies can be deceived into regarding
this movement as anything more than
a development in a Geiman peace of
AMSTERDAM. Sept. 21. A political
crisis that has the appearance of men
acing the autocratic power of the army
appears near in Germany.
This crisis is near the decisive stage,
according to the Leipzig Tageblatt. A
troops than a new assault waa made
by the Germans, who, this time, tried
to break the French lines between
Montdidier and Noyon and link up the
ricaray and Marne sectors,
It was hereathat the world had the
first intimation of the allied armies,
which, since late In March, had been
under the supreme command of Mar-
maiorltv of the parties are firmly re- I shal Foch. had been pursuing a definite
solved to form a parliamentary govern-1 poncy ana nan conserved tneir strengtn
ment without delay a government I until it might fre used with good ef
which in entire independence of main I feet. The German attack east of Mont-
headquarters will pursue a policy madeldldier came to a pause after six days
necessary by the seriousness oi tne lot terriDie r-snting In which the Cer
hour. I mans suffered frightful losses and the
The Socialists have declared their I French, for the first time since the
readiness to enter the new government I German offensive began, struck back
under certain conditions. (at the invaders. American forces had
German newspapers are seriously dls-I taken part in the final Dhasrs of the
cussing the participation of the Social I battle along the Marne and had been
Democrats In the government. Ger-1 Instrumental In stopping the Germans
mania reprosches the Socialists for fail
ing to utilise the opportunity of gain-
at Chateau Thierry. In this battle
came the first notable contribution of
lng Influence through the selection of j America to the military fortunes of the
one of their leaders In the government.
COPENHAGEN. Sept. 21. A meeting
of the Independent Socialists in the first
Berlin district was dissolved by the po
lice, according to the Berlin Vorwaerts.
Hag Haaae Mauled.
allies. Since March, however, there
had been a flood tide of khaki-clad
men crossing the Atlantic and during
May, June and the first part of July
they rapidly moved up to the battle
The sanguinary cheek of the German
Hugo Haase. leader st the Socialist of,1'"8'9 eat of Montdidier gave the
minority, was refused permission to
apeak and the police arrested Adolf
Hoffman, chairman of the meeting.
GENEVA. Sept. 20. It Is learned from
Basle that American bombardment of
Metz caused an enormous sensation in
Germany. Many of the inhabitants have
left Hets. but neutrals are prohibited
from departing. It is the -first time
since ls7e that Meta has been
artillery Ore.
allies hope that the German tide would
be safely stemmed, and this feeling was
heightened during the succeeding three
or four weeks by a serleet of local ac
tions along the front from Soisson to
Chateau Thierry by which the Germans
were driven back steadily from points
of tactical value. 'What was not known
by the lay world 'was that, by these
very actions. Marshal Foch virtually
under I forced the Germane to attack some
where In the Marne region, where prp-
On Jhly 15, the Germans made a new
drive, called by them "the offensive of
peace," from Chateau Thierry eastward
far into the Champagne sector. No
sooner had the news of the attack
reached ' the world - than the tidings
came that the French, Italian and
American lines - subjected to assault
were standing firmly in every -, vital
part of the front and that it was only
by the greatest effort that the Germans
pounded tneir way ahead in the region
southwest of Rheims and astride the
Marne west of Epernay. The allies had
solved the German system of offense
and were able to hold their ground.
On July 18. Marshal Foch launched
an attack which has changed the whole
complexion of the situation. From
Fontenoy on the Aisne west of Sols
sons, to Chateau Thierry on the Marne,
the German lines were torn- to pieces
and the Marne salient threatened to
collapse. It was only by the most
savage fighting that the Germans suc
ceeded in saving their army from dis
aster, and retreated -across the Vesle
On August 8. the French and British
stormed the German lines in Picardy
from the Ancre River to Moreuil, north
of Montdidier, and sent the enemy reel
ing back toward the Somme. The next
day the French crushed in the German
front south of Montdidier and then
linking their lines with those of the
British farther north, forced the in
vaders back. Less than two weeks
later the German lines southwest of
Arraa were attacked 'and these gave
way and the forces holding them joined
their comrades farther south in a re
treat which has now virtually reached
tne oerman lines as they were on
March 21, from Arras to the Chemin des
The Germans then began a with
drawal from the Flanders salient and
today they are nearly back to the
lines from which they sallied late in
Thus far the allied drive might have
been considered in the light of defen
sive operations, but the work has not
paused with the mere repulse of the
enemy. His positions along the Hin
denburg line east of Arras have been
wrested from-tiim, while farther south,
near St. Quentin. the British, have, in
recent days, fought their way Into the
enemy's lines where ha had planned
to atanrt on the defensive.
The First American Field Army has
obliterated the St. Mihiel salient and
straightened the line east of Verdun
and now stands before Metz. into which
American shells are falling.
Before the allies there now stands the
great lines conetructed by the Germans
during four years of warfare. These
vast field fortifications which
treten from the North Sea, with few
nterruptlons. to the Swiss frontier.
They are constructed with all the sci
ence at the command of the German
generar staff, and present a formid-
ble barrier to further allied attacka.
Moscow Reports Explosions in
City Recently Occupied by
Turkish Forces.
Allies Operating Along- River Dwina
Report Progress Norway Ad
vices Say TJ. S. Consul
General Poole Safe.
Six months of warfare of motion haa
taught the allies that a trench is no
stronger than the troops that man it.
n this ract lies the hope of the entente
ations. .New methods of attack, -the
employment of tanks and a. higher
morale tmn ever before in the history
of the war will be relied upon to force
new retreats.
Germany has lost her chance to force
peace upon tne allies before American
.rmies enter tne fight with all their
trength. This waa her hone in Mreh
iosses or a serious nature were mif
fered by the allies during the long bat,
tie, but they have been more than dou
bly offset by the ' inflowinar Amtrw.
legions. Germany's losses, on the othur
ana. cannot oe made rood.
divisions broken up and
column victories turned Into defeat.
lave sapped the morals of th. r-r
inca ivoay are on tne defensive
AMSTERDAM. Sept. 20. Reports that
Vlce-Admiral Eduard von Capelle. Ger
man Minister of the Navy, has been re
tired, seem to be confirmed by tele
grams from Berlin announcing that
Vlce-Admiral Behncke has been ap
pointed to represent Admiral Von
Capelle, who is on leave.
War Department Summarizes Avis-
tlon Casualties.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21. Twelve
deaths from airplane accidents at Army
aviation fields during the week ended
September 14 are reported In a War De
partment summary.
LOS ANGELES. Cat. Sept. 21. Two
soldiers, members of balloon companies
at the balloon school at Arcadia, near
here, were Instantly killed and three
others were Injured when a quantity of
flash powder exploded late yesterday.
The dead are Privates Guy Weylaad.
of Nebraska, and Bailey Thompson, of
New York.
.Agricultural Appropriation Bill Is
Passed fcy House.
WASHINGTON. Sept. Jl Without
the provision increasing the Govern
ment guaranteed price of wheat from
JI.S a bushel, which once caused its
veto by President Wilson, the agricul
tural appropriation bill, carrying $27,
800.000, was passed late today by the
House without a record vote. 1
Ex-Albany Youth Die.
ALBA NT, Or, Sept L (Special.)
Kenton B. Merrill, died Thursday at
Mount Morrison, Colo., according to
word received in thla city. Mr. Merrill
resided in Albany for 1J years, leaving
here three years ago. He waa 25 years
of age and la suvlv'ed by a widow
and two children. He was a brother
of Dennis W. Merrill, of Albany, and
a son-in-law of Mr. and Mns. William
1 Pfetffer. of this city.
Adjustment Board Proposed.
ALBANT. Or, Sept. 21. (Special.)
A community board to adjust any dif
ferences between capital and labor that
may develop In this section of the
state will probably be named in Albany
soon. A meeting will be held here
next Tuesday evening for the pur
pose of recommending three men to
the United States Department of
Labor to serve on such a board.
Criticism by Partisans
Not Justified.
Former Oregon Banker Uoaarad.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Sept 21. Ap
pointment of E. C Bellows, of Los
Angeles, as commissioner of corpo
rations was announced today by Gov
ernor William D. Stephens. Mr. Bel
lows was United States Consul-General
to Japan under President McKinley and
President Roosevelt. He waa for many
years engaged in the banking business
in Washington and Oregon.
Xew Yorker Named Counselor.
WASHINGTON. Sept. Jl. J. BuUer
Wright, of New Tork. has been selected
as counselor of the American Embassy
at London to succeed Irwin B. Laugh
lin. The latter has arranged to take a
long leave of absence as soon as he
turns over the Embassy, of which he ia
row In charge, to the newly-appointed
Ambassador, John W. Davis.
'Jfet . Investment' Provision Orlg.
1 Dated by Clyde B. Ailchison
x and Indorsed Toy Secretary
of Interior Lane. .
ington, 8ept- 2L Apparently for purely
partisan purposes, the effort la being
mad to convince the people of the
country that the water-power bill as
passed by the House of Representatives
is a measure in tha interests of large
capitalists and against the Interest of
the Government ana the piople In gen
Because Representative ferns, or
Oklahoma, who is chairman of the
Democratic Congressional Committee,
and who boasted that there was no
water power in his district, fought the
bill and enlisted the President in bis
favor, without the President being tn
possession of all the facta, the Demo
crats cress has taken up the fight
against the bill and misrepresented its
Net much partisan advantage can he
secured in this manner, however, for
ti.e reason that the bill was reported by
a committee a majority of whose mum-
ers were Democrats, and waa passed
by a House in control of the Demo
crats. It ia true that the greater part
if the support of the bill came from
Itenublicans. but it could not nave been
reported or passed without large Demo
cratic support. The vote wu not on
party lines, some Republicans opposing
tue bill.
The chief criticism of the Mil is di-
tected against that clause which pro
vides that at the end of the itl-year
lease of a water power developed by
private capital, the Government may
take the project over upon payment of
the "net Investment" that is. the in
vestment lees any excess profits that
may have accrued to the operating
That the Interests of the public have
been safeguarded is shown by the fact
thaU the) bill provides for a state or
Federal regulation of rates that can be
charged by a power-development com
pany, thus preventing exorbitant
The "net investment" provision was
originated by Clyde EL. Aitchison, of
Oregon, whom President Wilson ap
pointed a member of the Interstate
Comerce Commission. It was studied
and expressly indorsed by Secretary of
the Interior Lane, formerly a member
of the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion. Both Aitchison and Lane have for
many years given extensive study to
problems of valuation of property of
public service corporations, a subject
to which the President probably has
not given a week's study. The provision
was also studied and indorsed by Sec
retary of Agriculture Houston and Sec
retary of War Baker, the latter known
to be a conservationist and predisposed
toward extra precautions in guarding
... rv.r,.u ...tcresis against corporate
The support for the bill came chiefly
-' - .Mciuuer. m uongrees who
u.mnu water powers In their dis
tricts and who want a law passed in
such form as to induce men of capital
and enterprise to Invest in water-power
development, at the same time guard
ing the people against extortionate
charges for service, and providing a
means by which the Government may
eventually take control of the power
projects-by repaying the investors the
ret amount of money they have put
into them.
h rlends of water-power development
reahxe it is a waste of time to pass a
law that will not induce capital to In
vest. They -want a law that will pro
duce water-power plants not merely
la,W ',nat TTm " eecurely guard the
publio interests that no one will ven
turo an Investment.
Un and Benton Growers Decide- to
Build Plant Next Tear.
ALBANT. OR, Sept 21. (Special.)
Enthusiastic over the results t th
past season s work in handling fruits statements win De answered,, n inese
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 21. An attempt
haa fceea made at Knrsk to asaaaslaate I
Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevik: Minister
of War and Marine, according to a dis
patch sent from Kiev by the corre
spondent of the Lelpalg Abend ZeltaniT
The correspondent aays a soldier
fired twice at Trotsky, bat missed his
AMSTERDAM. Sep'i. 21. The city of
Baku, center of the great petroleum
district in the Caucasus, is on fire, I
according to Moscow advices to the I
Russian Embassy in Berlin.
The same Moscow dispatch an
nounced that explosions were taking
place in Baku.
This news follows closely on the
reoccupation of the city by the Turks.
British and allied forces recently!
evacuated the place.
LONDON, Sept. 21. Entente naval
units and allied troops operating along
the River Dwina. in Northern Euro
pean Russia, have Bunk two enemy I
ships and have captured jthree guns, 1
tne uriusn war urnce reponea ioaay.
Heavy losses were Inflicted, on the
Bolshevik forces by the entente allies.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. The Nor
wegian Foreign Office advised the
State Department today that American
Consul-General Poole at Moscow had
not been arrested by the Bolshevik!,
as recently reported, and that direct
communication had been held with
Moscow as late as September IS.
"Brazen Forgeries" Are Documents
From Russia, Says Bureau Head.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. The authen
ticity of the documents brought hack
from Russia by Edgar Sisson, special
representative of the committee on
public Information and given out by
the committee as proof of Bolshevikl
intrigue with Germany, was challenged
here today by S. Nuorteva, head of
the Finnish Information Bureau.
He declared that the documents are
"brazen forgeries" and were issued by
"certain counter-revolutionists" who
were Interested in discrediting the
Trotzky-Lenine regime. The docu
ments, he eaid, were secured by Mr.
Sisson from Raymond Robins, of the
American Red Cross, to whom they
had been eent by the counter revolu
tionist and who had established that
they were forgeries. Mr. Nuorteva
said that at the time January, I91S-
Mr. Robins, with the consent of the
American Ambassador, waa keeping in
touch with the Russian government
According to Mr Nuorteva, Mr. Robins,
aided by William B. Thompson and
Mavor T. Thatcher, also of the Amerl
can Ited Cross, conducted an investiga
tion which convinced them that the
documents were forgeries. Then, Mr.
Nuorteva declared, Mr. Sisson while in
Mr." Robins' office, "got hold of the
above forementloned "forged docu
ments." and later cabled them to Amer
lea. Before he had cabled them, how
ever, Mr. Muroteva sain air. oisson
agreed with Mr. Robins that they "were
auite unreliable.
Further belief that the documents
were forgeries, Mr. Nuorteva declared,
is found in the fact that none oi tnera
was used against Trotzky at his trial
in July and August. 1917. "at the time
when the Kerensky government was
vitally Interested in convicting Trotzky
and Lenine as German agents.
According to Nuorteva, fli. Haipern,
who conducted the trial or Trotzky,
told Mr. Robins he did not produce the
documents, some of which then were
in Kerensky hands, because it had been
learned that they were forgeries.
After Mr. Sisson had cabled the docu
ments to America, jar. i jui lc de
clared there was a meeting between
Sisson.- Robins. Thatcher and Arthur
Bullard, of the committee on public in
formation, at which Thatcher criti
cised Sisson for the manner in which
he had handled the matter.
When shown Mr. Nuorteva s state
ment late tonight, Mr. Sisson said:
He tells nothing of his own knowl
edge, but epeaks as for others. Any
In this wonderful cabinet "convenience" is
almost perfect. Every want, every move,
every necessity in preparing the heaviest
meal has been anticipated.
Conveniences never before combined In a
single cabinet are included.
Automatic Lowering Flour Bin.
White Porcelain Work Table.
Full Roll Open Front.
Automatic Base Shelf Extender.
Commodious Kitchen Linen Drawer.
Roller Bearing Extension Work Table.
White Enamel Interior, Upper Section.
Dovetailed Joints and Rounded Corners.
False Top in Base Dust-Pronf.
Hand-Rubbed Oil Finish Withstands
Steam in Kitchen.
At last! The unwelcome work of lifting
flour sacks to the top of a cabinet in order
to fill the flour bin is gone!
Study the Illustration to your left. It shows
the now Nationally famous Automatic Lower
ing Flour Bin positively the most important
improvement ever made in a Kitchen Cab
inet! See how it operates. See how it eliminates
climbing and heavy lifting and the danger
of falling or straining.
You can have this Beautiful Cabinet, with
all Its modern conveniences, in your home
now 'cause it's-easy-to-pay-the-Edwards-way
45 -Pound Felted Cotton
Sleepwell Mattresses
$2.50 Gash $1 Week
Tour fatigued muscles are entitled to the "vigor
recuperating rest" given most efficiently on a
Don't blame Edwards Co. if you oversleep the first
morning because sleeping on a SLEEPWELL is like
floating o a cloud. v
Sleepwell Mattresses are built up in layers (like so
many small comforters) similar to the illustration.
They are guaranteed not to lump. Try ono -for 60
Those odd pieces need not be thrown into
the discard Edwards' exchange nun will
make you a very liberal allowance. Call and
select the kind of furniture you want give
the old as part pay and balance will be ar
ranged to fit your convenience.
Designed Seamless Brussels
$5 Gash $1 Week
YES colors for any room blues, greens, browns, tans,
reds, all blended with warm and cold colors as needed to
perfect harmony. The designs are not loird and undesir
ablerather, they are neat and modest. Take note these
rugs are SEAMLESS, no wearing in streaks. They were
and berries the directors of the Linn
and Benton Growers' Association have
decided to erect a, cannery here in
time to take care of next season's crop.
During the past season a barrel can
nery was operated, the fruit and ber
ries being received. barrelled 'and
shipped to the Paulhamus canneries
at Puyallup, Wash.
W. R. Scott, who has managed the
local plant, will report to W. H- Paul
hamus, general manager of the com
pany, that the volume of this year's
business Justifles the erection of the
cannery and it is fully expected that
the plant will be built during next
Klamath Touth Is Ensign.
(Special.) That bis ' son. Theodore
Case. Jr.. has Just won a commission of
Ensign in the United States Navy is
the word received by Mr, Case, a well
known rancher In the Mount Lakl dis
trict. Ensign Case graduated from the
Klamath Falls High School two years
others speak for themselves.
"I can say at this time, however,
that aside from the appendix docu
ments no American other than myself
ever handled or even saw the great
mass of material before It came into
my 'possession."
Net Loss ls$000 In Addition to
1600, Bushels of Fruit.
ALBANT. Or.. Sept. 21. (Special.)
A prune dryer on the farm of S. A.
Lasselle, about two miles southeast of
Albany, was entirely destroyed by fire,
this morning, causing a loss of 110,000,
partially covered by $4000 insurance.
Sixteen hundred bushels of prunes
were burned with the dryer.
The fire is believed to have started
in the furnace room. It broke out
soon after the men started to work at
7 o'clock. The building was so dry
there was no chance to save It .
Northwest War Board Proposes lo
Develop Plants, Says Carey.
Positively no bolts, "every Joint riveted." All sheet
metal parts are made of Keystone copper - bearing
metal plate. The body and high closet have the
Wellsvllle polished finish, which never requires the
use of stove blacking.
See this wonderful kitchen helper the first time
you are downtown. Tour old etove will be taken in
exchange. Balance arranged to fit your individual
A Time Saver.
A Labor Saver.
A Foci Saver.
v A m
Big Cleanup Sale
65c to 85c Vals., Yd. 49c
$1 to $1.25 Vals., Yd. 79c
The"Stay SatisfactorRan
u u
Solid Oak Dining Suite of Seven
Pieces Finished in "Hand
Rubbed" Golden Wax
Tou are invited to see this euite the first time you aro
down town. You'll like it, as the table is of six-foot tsizo
and each cnalr was built to live indefinitely. You are
privileged to select any single piece or
take the suite for
1 l I J . Ull Hit)
II u
which It is peculiarly fitted, stated
Judge C. H. Carey, on his return yes
terday from a conference in Seattle.
Judge Carey is chairman of the re
sources and conversion section of the
War Industries Board for this district.
Herbert Witherspoon, regional ad
viser, will shortly proceed to Wash
ington to take up the matter of de
veloping war industries in the states
of Washington, Idaho and Oregon.
A big problem which monopolised
much of the time of the district chair
men in the conference, reported Judge
Carey, was that of changing over in
dustrial forces from non-proaucuve ip
approved productive lines. Non-essen
tial Industries, he considers, win icci
constantly increasing loas or lapor-
ers and some will be obliged to shut
Pig Club's Exhibits Expected.
SALEM. Or Sept. 21. (Special.)
Probably there will be fully 100 entries
in the boys' and girls' pig club exhibits
at the State Fair next week, according
to G. W. Eyre, who has charge of that
interesting feature at the fair. A large
number of these entries will be from
the United States National Bank Pig
Club, of this city, which has founded
and has been fostered by Mr. Eyre.
A rich deposit of manganese lias been
discovered In Honduras, within two
miles of a railroad.
Rev. John Ovall Going to Spokane.
SALEM. Or., Sept. JL (Special.)
Rev. John Ovall. who for many years
haa been a pastor of the Scandinavian
Church here and in other parts of the
Willamette Valley, haa been appointed
pastor of the Temple Methodist Church,
formerly the First Swedish Methodist
Church at Spokane, and will deliver falsi of the Northwest to have developed in
farewell eermon here tomorrow. this region the industrial plants for
Strong effort will be made by the
War Industries Board representatives
A few applications of Santlseptlo Lo
tion will instantly relieve stop
the Itching, irritation, swelling and in
flammation of mosquito and other
insect bites. Santiseptio la indispen
sable for skin comfort and for relief
from prickly heat, heat rash, chafing,
hives, sun and wlndburn. Unlike any
other preparation. Neither sticky nor
greasy. Keeps skin cool, soft and clear.
U Is a remarkable soothing and healing
lotion. Men use It after shaving and
women for the complexion and for
baby's skin.
Santiseptio is easily procured at
drug and department stores, a good
sized bottle costing but 60c. If
your druggist cannot supply it, send
his name and 26c in coin or stamps to
the manufacturers, the r,encott Lab
oratories, Portland, Or., for large intro
ductory, bottle postpaid. Adv.
VA. Is.
Dr. B. E. Wright
that prevents you having necessary
dental work performed?
If it's money xou place small value
on health. If it's negligence prob
ably it will take a severe sick spell
to wake you up. Money spent for
necessary dental work is your best
Investment. -My
prices are reasonable and my
work unexcelled.
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
20 Tears' Active Practice.
Northwest Corner of Sixth and
Washington, Raleigh Hlilg.
Phones! Main "11 9. A 2110.
Office Honrs 8 A. M. to P. M.
Consultation Free.
Opea Evenlags. Sunday 10 to 13 A. H.
Modern Dancing
taught at DeHoney's beautiful academy.
Twenty-third and Washington. See our
advertisement of new Fall classes, pri
vate lessens, etc., on page 6, section I,
today. Phone M. 7656. Adv.
The Oregon Dairy Council
airy Day at the State Fair
Tuesday, September 24
Entertaining and Educational
Dr. E. J. Labbe
One of the West'a leading specialists on Child
Nutrition. Just back from France with a grip
ping: etory the effects of war foods on French
Every parent should
hear him. ' ,
Everyone should learn the
value of milk as a food.
-v- 'Sit .jy--