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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1918)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 1918. 17 OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 Army casualties given out today by the War Department total 651, of wblrh number 139 were killed In ac tion, i3 died of wounds. 169 were ' wounded. 1S6 are missing;. have died I or disease and accident. The total cas ' uakiea to date are 33.179. ' Following is the tabulated summary: Deaths Rep. Bept. 15 Total Killed in action (Inclua- ln( at Krai 6.01(1 139 Died of wounds 1.809 03 Liied o accidents ana other causes . . 3.B2S Total deaths 10.500 TTounded 1T.4U3 M:sir.g (including pris oners) 4.42J 6.1V5 l.s! 4 3.668 45 100 BACER. victor F.. Bally Berks County, Pa BOLDKZAR. Lawrence J., Philadelphia. CLANCY. Iceland 8., Southampton. N. $ GL'ERKIERI. Joseph, Old Korgs, Pa. HARRIS James, McCol. MIsa JOHNSON. Ivan J., Chicago. MUGKL, Walter H Pittibur. 15 Total casualties ....32.32S !51 S:.J Pacific Northwest cauaitiss Included in today's Army list follow: WOODED bEYEBELY. CVI-'lV?n7 Frederick Puyallup wash. PriiUes . MA-ON, A I rtn. Jr.. Spokane. Wash. M.O.W. Clartoa. I-erdleton. Or. U.l IDTT. Mr foruana. yjr. il.oeph. The rUca. Or. U AK1), rnsuk, Kyofc Or. DIED Or DISEASE. Serjeant DANCEY, James A., Far Rocks ay, N. T Privates BIRCHF1ELD. Sam. VlRiit Sprint's. Ala, BROWN, Wiiliara H.: Byars, Okla. BLMPAfi, James, beQueen. Ark. -CHAMBERS, Johnnie. Bastrop. Tel. COPPINUER. Thomas D., Cottonwood. Tex. K VANS, William E., griade. O. iTvAUUNES. Wilile. Atkins. Ark. KOTZVM. William. New York. 4.561 I KUJAWA, Walter. Milwaukee. WIS. Miiii;r:. reroinana J., now. uj-ieaos, , ROBINSON. Philip A., Btoneham, Mass. IIOTH, William C, GuUenburs. N. J. KHCh'KI.W Plaa R . Llvsnnore. KV. VANARNUM. Charles Busent. Glen-eld, n. y. VINSON. Walter, Enfield, N. C. WEAViH, John. Osilnlnf, N. T. - DIED 1'BOX AEROPLANE ACCIDENT, DIED OF WOUNDS. Corpora- DE4.KER. Herbert X- Tacoaaa, Wash. KILLED IN ACTION. . Pritstr 0 . BALDK1DGE, Philip S. Osllax. Wash. ' ' WOODED DEGREE UNDETERMINED. 4 'orponsl . WELCH. Wlnfred J.. Portland. Or. MhMT, IN ACTION. J KEMRALL, Mm, Seattle, Wash. J MORTON, Belt Kelso. Wash. J svELLOM. Eiisar U, Seattle. V ash-- KILLED IN ACTION. 1 Captain iTKAejiBURGER, Julian XU Montgomery, f ' Ala. " ' I.Watenants - . DUNBAR. Donald H. Spring-field. Mass. RAYMOND. Kamuel William. Ottawa, lit ' WITH, Walter W.. tNo record of home .. j j - , rers;eants . i A DA M.S. uussie L, El Mont. CARLISLE. William 8, Clinton. Masa ' . VOLSOM. Henry P, Circleville. O. . KOWALKKL Adam W. Philadelphia. Pa. LEONARD. Matthew A. Astoria. I. X. , LINDY. Edwin H.. Lancaster. Pa. I ,' PATAR1NO. John. New York. N. T. . RKILY. Michael. New York. N. T. ' REICH A RD. Wilbur Lee. Chicago, III. -J XAZELL. Robert W Wallinford. y. a torpoiwJ'- t FALLON, William H.. Brooklyn, N. T. ' FASNE8. Earnest. Montevideo. Minn I LARSON. William, lshpemln. Mich. T I.ANOENSTKIN, Robert R, Dakota. I1L IIERS. Frank. Newlln. La: RAT. liRojr. Nashville, T.M. RYBARCZYK. John. Detroit. Mien. C-.ST. Allen D.. owensboo. Ky. MEYER. Oconto P., BaKmaw, Mich. JtC'BBINS. WiUie R- Lenoir, N. c. Ca'r'lisLbT William R-. PltUburth. Pa. BTONK. Hardin E., Belvldere, Neb. - AMiRlSANO. Wiiliara A. New Tork, N. T. MORTON, William H.r WalstonburS, N. C. NIOoM,'Be"rincbik. Blonlm Pro Grodno. GIAROO. Sam. Piute. Cat. "! MIfJOlNS. Thomas. New Tork. . SPEARS. Oeorse W.. Commons, a. C. HTZPATRKK. Glenn. Ht. Joseph. Mo. GETTZ Peter D.. Urand Porks, N. Dak. GKB.iOR. -rank. St. Paul. Minn. - HBESAKER. William, West Depero. Wis. KARKBI.A. Albert M-, Calumet. Mich. LA MONICA.1 Calagrers. New York. LI":zly; iloTris R. Wllliammet, Conn. McUOWE.V. Uorsby K.. Los Anieles. MALK'HIS. Constantino. Mobile. Ala. MARCH MAN, Paul L.. White Plains. On. MASTERS William H.. Kinderhook, 11U MEAPOR, Bernard. Glen Allum. W. Vs. . . i-l-;i l.k. f rr Park. N. T. .itod .V nt.itr.rA I North Columbia, Cal urcinv i hirln Edward. Dockport, W. X. BALDRIDGB. Philip f.. Colfax. W la. BBIVINS. Thomas P, Keystone, Iowa. PA KEN. Pete. Red Rork. Okla. PERKO. Andrew D., Drifton. Pa. KRBDMAN, Raymond. Milwaukee. Wla GALl,E4iOS. Hermlno. Ban MarclaU N. M. GAYNOR. John Joseph, Elizabeth. N. J. GRIFPIN, Ray, Nashville, lnd. , HOl'iiHTON, Wlllard C. Lee. Me. JAMLSZ. ilihael. Frankfort, N. T. JOHNSON, Robert T.. Lakewood. R. L JOHNSON, Rodner. Towanda. Pa. MAT1ITS, Clarence. Indianapolis, Ind. uati.uv Rav S . Laatle. Ga. REHFIELD. Harry, Mattesoo. Cook Co., lltinniM R1CKERP, Ralph Lester, Spring- Valley, Wis. ROZOSKI, Joe. BeSKbamton, J. i. RrCKKR. Eugene C Petersvilla, 'a. tiCHAFf.BIN. Chris W.. Chlcaao. WAGNER, David, Gillespioville. Ohio. WA5NER, John U, Battle Creek. WINDERS. Prank U. Maplelon. Iowa. WRJTANT, Otto. Garden City. Minn. Sl'TLBR, PearleT. Watrville. Maine. CHRIST ENS EN, James T., New York. COWAN. Charles E , Hickory. N. C. Cl'I.l.ETT. Rslph, Indianapolis. Ind. " HARDIN. Noah I... Linden. Tenn. KEMK1TE. John W., Nantlcoke. Pa. LiMONGELLI. Giovannt. Housdale, N. T. MADDRAH, James B . Winstaad, Conn. PIERCE, IRoy A.. Belmond. Iowa. BCAOiiS. Horbert. Portsmouth. Ohio. Bi.-HAIBI.K. Ernst P., Columbus, Ohio. SHEPHERD. Gordon. Uopklnsvllle, Ky. MDNEY. John W . Cohasset, Mass. SMITH. Clayton T., Media. Pa. SNYDER, A bell E., Alburtla, Pa. SNYDER. John A.. Toronto. Ohio. TEMPLE. John William. Center, Texas. CL1MER. Calvin C, Cleveland. Tenn. COM PANICS. Wasslll. Luzerne Co Pa. COZY. Hanlel, Msadvllle, Pa. PARRIS. Amler, U rover. Ind. DEAN. Bert W Mllo. Maine. DOWNING. Charles J., Rochester, N. H. UPWARDS. Lee. Concord. N. C USTES, Samuel L, Eldorado, Okla. G ROG AN. John L-. Tuckaho. N. T. LAMB. Prank B-, Oblong. 111. MEYER. Alf. Bingham. Utah. ML'I.LANBY. Patrick, East Carnegie Pa. PATTERSON. Elmer E . Philadelphia. Pa. RIERLING, George P, Germantown. Neb. 8ANFORP, Jasper N.. Three Locks, Ohio. BCHOBNER. Henry W., Gale ton. Pa. SEBASTIAN, Forest If.. Eldorado. IU. HKBEM. Niels. Nephl, Utah. SMITH. Joseph N.. Plymouth. N. H. SOFORTB. Gaetnae. New Tork. tttockwell. Burton. Ponatlac, Mich. VALENTINE. John, Confluence. Ky. DIED or WOUNDS. YJeatenant 43RAS30LD. Randolph B Chilton. Wis. Serweants BEAT Y, VlrglL Wilder. Tenn. CROWLKT, Timothy John. Island. N. T. MERRITT. Fletcher W- Rozboro, N. C Corpora Is . ROSE. Wiiber VeK.. Klehnatch. Va. Sergeant MEHK1CK, Hyde B, St. N. 1. BESKARSKI. WillUm Joseph, Chicago, YOUNG, John H-. BrookVn. HOPP, Meeh. Charles P.. New Tork. BAKER. Charles W.. Somerset. Ky. BEATTIE, Paul J., Lemoyne, Pa. CARTER. Jessa D.. Moreland. Ky. CASSELU Frederick. Oyster Bay, N. T. CON RATH. Lawrence. Athena. O. PITZGIBBON. Thomas, East Boston, Masa brcirrj.-t. -j nomas j ., nrtnson. Ga I.EDECET. Otto. Chicago. BRADY. Alexander M.. New Tork. BROWN. Rov. Pomona. Cel., BRYANT. Arthur C, Beattyyflle. Ky. CH.VSK. David T Romford Falls. Ma CLEMENTS. Martin J., Denver. Colo. DECKER. Herbert N.j Mrs. N. Decker, 6001 soutn m street. 'lacoma. wasn, DUN LAV RI. Frank 0 Chicago. IXLla. Roy. Saved ge, Va. Fl.UGGE. Frederick E Brooklyn. PREY. Frank' W.. Peterson. N. 3. . PROMBT, Leslie R.. Cadillac, Mich. H AUG, Adolph. Dalton. Minn. HAY'S, Andrew, Green Castle, Ind. HOPP, Frank W., Syracuse. HOWARD. Walter E-, Detroit. HUNT. Charles James. Mount TTnloa. Fa. JACOBSEN. Nels Nelson. Chicago. K FILEY. John U , Iwrence, Neb. KF-1L. I'harlee L., Chicago. KELLEY. Edward J.. Attlcbero. Masa LANCER. James J.. Buffalo. N. T. McClelland, wiiiiam n.. Toungwood. Pa MrDANIEL, Douglas, Cove. Ark. McSHANE. Isaao C. .Raadlng, Pa. MANNING. Walter. Falmouth. Va. MATT. Aloyslus, Hlllmao, Mich. MEHRTENS. Rudolph C. San Francisco. M1ERSCH. Herman. West Hoboken, N. J. MORR1SSEY. John A. New York. POPA. Frank M.. Magnet, Neb. Ql.'AIXS. Logan. Harlowton. Mont. Ttl'-HARDS. Louis, New York. SHEPARD. Frank M., Denver. Colo. ST 4. N DISH, James F., Minnapoua, SWORD. Leonard. Newell, pa. WAEHTER. Lovd tr. East Para. Iowa. WASHINGTON. Henry. Charlestowa, w. Va, WIN ANDY. Joseph John. Chicago. IOCXO, Charles A., Andover, Masa Private KELLEY, Sylvester F.. Hartford. Conn. LITTLE. Hermsn P., Manchester, N. H. LIVINGSTON. John R, Bedford. Is. NISTRUM. Caleb O.. Havre, Mont. PERRY, John 11.. Jr.. New Tork. RYAN. John. Wlnookl. VI SIMPSON. George. Plttsfield, Mass. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES. Pentesnt TOCXBURGER. Jacob C, A lien tews, ra, PHvate MCKNIGHT, William C Dawson, Pa. Allston. Masa MOUNDED BETEBIXT. CuI'!k!n7 Frederick J., Fuyallnn, Wash. Captnin KOSAK. Io a. Mllwankee, Wla Lieutenant . . . , . ROBAKT. Kalpt W., Arlington, Mssa M'KIN.NEY. Toeodore Bennett. Bault Marie. Mich. rAVAXAUGH, Thomas J.. Pittsburg. KIPP. Malcom i?.. tniiii LOR'JAN, Daniel J., Jersey City, HOSLKV, Harry, Howell. mic. WEBBER. Robert B-, Alexandrta. Va. J I RTC Joseph PeUr, Riverside. I1L MT.EARY. Daniel A, Pittsburg. B AGG.CnTrles B, Marlboro, Masa CHRISS. Paul. Vernon. Hi. ' KNAPP. Edward. Marouette. Mien. OSZUSOIK. John Frank. Chicago. ?WAB Nor.n Ea'glc.- Rush Cenjer. Kan. T E RR IAN, Elmer Janet Manistiquc. Mien. VIHKKKS George W.. GASlonvine, Johnson. John! "mechanic "r'iilPa: FITZCHARLE3. Samuel J.. FhoenlxYlHe, fa. CANDY'. Thomas G-. i-niiaae-l"" HELKANT, Murry. New ork M KEOWN. Henry H, f'i- -MAHAX. Bertram J.. Asplnwall. ra. POST. Jesse White. Newark. N. T. PROPER. William. MladlebuTg, N. T. RATH BUN, Earl Bauer, fcyraeuse. N. T. KF.NNEDT. Edward G, Morris. Minn. MILLER. Clarence W, SL Elmo. HL Privates l ' ARLES, John. Pittsburg. A VERA, Maaton E.. Nashville, Ga. V BECK. Willie P.. Menahga. Minn. BU7.AN, Clyde K., South Albany, Nea. COHEN. Louis, New Y'ork. COOPER, Llnxle. Pine Knot. KT. DESPER. Charles A.. Fishers MIIL va. Dl.NKEU Charles F, Columbia. PS. JOHNSTON, Welnert T., Mlo. aiitu. LEONARD. AXuls. i-iiiuui. LEWA, Celementa Phoenlxvllle, Pa. LOOKAMY. Coy. Hayne, N. C. McGRAW, Bartholomew E.. Cogswell. T.. v MacDOUGAIL, Dougall, Donora. Pa. MAI.LOUGH. Howard B.. Embden, N. D. MASON. Edison. Durango, Colov JIKAXS, Norman E., Horton. w. va. ASVDERSON. Carl A., Cromwell, conn. . Rl-ltvs John P.. Kingston. N. . pattkrsoN. William F.. Brooklyn. DAVIS. Joaeph'L., Walhalla, S. C DAY. John, Detroit. DEOSSIE. Paul, Roxbury. Masa , DOUGLA Oscar Lb. Iavenwortb. DYER. William .W.. Bralntree. Mass. t EDMONDS. DavM L-. Great Falla Mont. llALI.AGHER. George W.. Oakland, Cal. -GARCIA. Vlto W., El Toro. Cal. HITZMAN. Louis. St. Paul. Minn. HOGAN. Harry W., Dixon. 111. KELLER, William A.. Philadelphia K1EFER. Alfred C Fort- Wayne, Ind. LANGOSCH. Charles P.. Chicago. LEMAN. Herold. James. Buffalo. . , MCGREGOR.. Jesse, Mansfield. Ohio. MOHNKER. Charles Oris. Oil City, Pa. .. MONROE, Henderson. Uwrerte a NUSS. Charles N.. Norristown. Pa. PAYNE. Ernest E.; Dea Moines. PI.ATT. Harold Bertram, Rutherford, w. J. POMPINI. Angelo. New Haven, Conn. PYLE. Noel, Prosper, N. D. , RODGERS. John J., Bayou Goula. La. ROSCOE. Albert E., Dinckey. N. D. , ROUSE. Homer I.. Darlington. Mo. LARSEN, Ernest E.. Drake, N. u LEAHY. David J.. Dorchester, Masa LECKNEIl. Frank. Detroit. LYNCH. William J., Waterbury, conn. LYONS. Frank. Belleville. N. J. ,t , nui V 11 ... rl Crl.t. 1 N. D. M ASON. 'Alvln. Jr.. Mra U C. Mason, S09 Black street. Snoaane. asn. MASON. WIlliamiD. Dlbell. lenn. . M1CHEU Frank. LaCrosse, Wia MILLER, Bert C, Colusa, Cal. MYERS. William J.. Pittsburg. OLSEN. Dan J., Kenraare. N. D. 8CARLATE, Christ. Rochester, N. T. SCRIBNER. Earl -P., Minor. N. D. SHARP, Sullivan, Kenton. Tenn. MYREN, Adolph. Hillaboro. N. D. NELSON, Arthur Martlmus, Chetek. Wu. PUTTRE, Rudolph M., Brooklyn, N. T. RANDO, Felix L.. San Francisco, CaU RAPHAEL, Ray V., Barney. N. D. KESKE. George, Hamtramck, Mich. ROMERO, Pedro. Tucumcari, N. Max. SEXTON. "John, Saltville, Va. 8MITH, Wilton G., Barre. Vt. SULLIVAN, James W., New Haven, Conn. SWIVELY, David Daniel, Harilsburg, Pa. WALBY, Alfred, Regent. N. D. WILLEY, Orus G., Hlnton, W. Va. 1 WOLFORD, Charles T.. Wappocoma. W. Va. Y'ANCE. George H., Pine River, Minn. LEONARDO, John. Corona. CaU LOGAN, Roland L.. Altho, Fla. LONG ACRE, George. Shelby. O. LUTICH. Paul. New York, N. Y. MARTINI, Kanzo. Hamilton, 8. D. MILLER, Arnold L., Wabasso, Minn. MILLER. Russell W., Philadelphia, Pa. MITCHELI, William M., Clayton, Ala. MONK, Alfred. Saginaw, Mich. ONDERKO, John. Color. Pa. OTTESON. Alfred, Maddock. V. D. POSWAN8KI. Stanley. East Chicago, Ind, ROBERTS, William R., Lepanto, Ark. SALVATOBE, Kaggliino. Saint - Angela, JTovinee Caserts, Italy. TRAYLEK, Louis E..- Otwell. Ind. TUCKER. Will L., Harria Cal. ZYDEL, Lee J., Pittsburg, Pa AGOSTINO, Leone, Chicago. III. BAUER, Clarence C, Cleveland. O. BECK. Charles W., Butlervllle, Ind. BECK, James H.. Mason. N. H. BEHLING, Edwin Christ. Menominee. Wla BUM LING. Rudyard G.. Great Bend. N, I BELLM. Joe L.. FlhllllDsburr. Mont. tALiiAHAN, Thomas E., A'ew London, Conn. CHESTER. Nathan, Waterbury, Conn. CLAYTON, Francis A. Alberts, Can. EDISON, Austin W.. Clearwater, S. C. FLINT. Harry L.. Breckemidge. Minn. FOWLER. Henry L.. Victoria. B. C. GAINES. Clifford L.. Alameda, Cal. GLANZEU Carl A, Bernards, N. T. GIJNDERSON, Gunner 8.. Bowen. N. IX HORTON, Ben P., Mra. Alice Horton, Kelso, wasn. BUSTED. Dewer E.. Alnsworth, Neb. JORDAN, Charles P.. Chandlervllle, I1L KAHLE, Otla P.. Sigel. Pa. KARNOWSKT. Richard T.. Brooklyn. KELI.OM. Edgar l George Kellom, 1101 'Jentn ave. S.. Seattle. Wash. KEYES, Alfred, Cobb, Wla KING. Thomas A., Oakland. Cal. KNAPP, George F.. Hot Srrrlnss. 8. D. KONKEL, William, Milwaukee. Wia LACKEY. William I., Section, Ala. LANE, Melvin L.. Kvajisvllle, Minn., j LEB. Ellis W., Perry, Ark. LEWIS, Clarence W.. Columbus, O. LOCKWOOD, Joseph, Yates. N. D. LOPEZ. Maximo. Isadora N. M. LUCZYK. John. Chicago. McKAY. Kenneth S.. Delhi. Minn. McKlnley, Joseph H., Barnett, Me. McWHORTER, William A., Lafayette, Ala. MA EST AS. Louis, Santa Crux. N. M. MARSH. Claude A., Wllliston. N. D. MATHEWS. Max. Turtle Lake. N. D. ALBERTSON, Lieutenant Edwin -Russell prlsoneri Hillsdale, N. J. DESANDI, Argendlni. Bellmont Dee Banlo, Italy. ENO. Noah I... Snperior. Wla FARRELL. Charles F.. Fall River. Masa FLACK, Robert. Newark. GILBERT, Morton G.. Miles City, MoA. GRAVES. Earl L.. Livlnirston. Mont. haakkkso.v, Albert, Westby. wis. HARMON, Russell 6.. Berkeley. Cal. HELM US. Hendrlrk. Grand Rapids. Mich. HI BENTHAL. Edwin A., Otto Hubenthal, 8. 11O09 Grand ave.. Sbokane. Wash. JACOBONS. Jack. Brooklyn. .IODKU Lewis. Chicago. JUNUS, Frederick L.. Rosebud. Mont. KALBERG. Joseph M., Glendlve. Mont. KALPAYAN. Mike M.. SchenSctady. KECHAPOLIS. Thadore. Garfield. Utah. - KLIMEK. Frank J.. Arcadia. Wis. LANAGAN. Henry V., Alameda, Cal. McQUKSTEN, George H., Clncinnatt MALOLEPSA, Frank J.. Grand Rapida MANTUANO. Biaggio. FoJJio. Italy. MAURITZ, George, Athena Wis. MEMIC-Theophll A., Lebanon, Pa. LADEN. Mllos M.. Gary, Ind. NAGUZEWSKI. Stanslew. Baltimore. OWERUS, Anton, Indiana Harbor, Ind,- RARKHURST, Lester. Lyndon, 111. PORTA. Antonio. Aptos, Cal. RICE. Lewis, South Weare. N. H. ROGERS. Raymond, Pemberton, N. J. 8AMOSKA. John. Washington Park, III. SCHMIT. Reno, Hottonville, Wis. SCHUMAKER. Harry R.. Galesville. Wla SOBEZAK. Joseph. Chicago. VAVRA, Edward. Chicago. VIA, Thomas P., Ola. Ark. WOOD. Curtis. Jonesboro. Ark. YOUNG. Clifford, Miles City, Mont. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION, NOW REPORTED KILLED. Privates - . ' - Bl NET, Henry B., New Orleans, La, CHADDICK. George H., Honey Island, Tex. COMER, Clyde, Carmi. 111. FOREMAN, Wiiliara C Alma. Mich, GILSON, Caspsr 8.. Sheridan. Wis. HAMILTON. Ole, Viola. Wis. HANSON, Henry, McLeod, N. D. HARRT. Dave C, Mineola, Tex. HAYNKS. Walter, Winchester, Wyo. HUNTER. Wellman P., Spring Valley, Wis. Johnston, pinis E., Atwater, Cal, Here Are a Few Good Things Among the Many in Our Stock EXTRA SPECIAL TIRE PRICES! New, Fresh Stock TYLER. George R.. Waltham, Masa VK NOSTRA N D. Walter. Jjrooaiyn. wot vv.R William J.. Hoboken. N. J. MOODS. Joseph, Samuel Wyss. The Dalle. Oregon. . YDE Nikolai. Mercer. N. D. MIRAGIS, Chrlstos K-, Boston. v . MOORE, Charles, Kamlah. Idaho. MURRAY, Martin J., Humboldt. Kan, NIK1RK, Homer L.. Hioonungion. mo. NORR1S. William. Farmington, Wssh, O'BRIEN. Joe. Toledo, O. WEIMER. Franela P., Bpnngrieia. m. ZULKOWSKI. Joseph U, Chicago. PALDELBl'RT, Raymond. Syracuse. N. PI LA NA, Daniel. Vereshue. Russia. REPOZO, Joseph J.. Mlddletown. Conn. ROHLER. Melvin A.. Stoekwell. Ind. ROWE. James. Three Rivera Mich. SCHNEIDER. Frederick. Grafton, iv. a. SHARP. Albert R., Philmont. N. T. SKELTON. Walter V, East Orange, N. J. STui'ifnil.K. Paul T.. Waynetown. Ind. STOCK WELL. Gilbert Daniel. Detroit, MJeb. TV-iSMlRE. William,-Yonkers. N. Y. TF-irMRiKTZTiJ. Georre. Lowell. Masa WARD. Frank. Mrs. Ida B. Ward, Nysss. Or. ACKERMAN, Samuel, warren, k. j. ti , ijvhi pt oren. Carmichaels. Pa. BE H RENDS. Martin E.. Buffalo Center, la BUCK. Julius. Napa. Cal. CALNAN. Jermlah J- Cambridge, Mass. CASTER, Thomas P.. Duluth, Minn. DAVIS. Thomas D.. nttsDurg. EDINOER, John I. Phoenlxvllle, Pa. nttsDurg. Wla Otto H.. Seguln. Tex. SLOAN. Clayton. Mra Anna Sloan, 21 WIUIKLIPP, Algot L., Frederic. Wia low street. Pendleton. Or. iTS "arrv- ochranton. Pa. SMUK. Matt. Ely, Minn. I LOGAN. Robert K., Blaine, Wash. STEWART, Warner Ivor, Birmingham, Ala. I LUCKAK, Pete, Diamond, Ind. hiaiwi.i, luuwsra. Aiienaaie, ju. MICHALBKI. Stanley. Milwaukee. MORGAN, Joseph P.. Pittsburg, Pa, isii.snois. John, Kay. Minn. O'REILLY. John P., Rochester, N. T. PETERSON, Andrew, Cotton. Minn. ROBERTS. Ethlo Vt.. Bogata, Tex. SP1CKLER, Edward F, Columbia, Pa. SYKES.- Gomer, Philadelphia. THOMPSON, William P., Roundup, Mont. TIOHE. Harry, Worcester A Mass. ' TURNER. Donald E.. BufSrd. N. D. WEONER. Albert, Cogar. Okla. WYSS, John J.. Cleveland. - PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSfNG IN Slim, V v itrrilKIKD DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION. Private . WILLIAMS. Martin F., Brooklyn, West V. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN sun", .-sow itf.l'UKTKn DIED PROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES.' Ms ONWKKcrnfwyptaocmfwypJivujDU BERRY, HenYy 8., Long Beach, Cat PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN svnun, r, rr f r. t u kimi SEVERE LY WOUNDED IN ACTION. Privates BENNETT, Donald A, Idaho Falls, Idaho. iyt. r. I, nenry ., oummlt, MIsa BOYI-E. Eugene F.. Fargo., N. I. t'Avis, Bugene, lirunswlck, Ga, FEDERAL AND PORTAGE CORD TIRES Sold With or Without Guarantee 32x3 't Federal Non-Skid Cord 34x4 Federal Non-Skid Cord 34x4 Portage Non-Skid Cord 35x4 Vt Federal Non-Skid Cord 36x42 Federal Non-Skid Cord 35x5 Portage Non-Skid Cord. 37x5 Federal Non-Skid Cord.... ' A Limited Nomber of New, Clean, Fresh, Gnaran ' teed Automobile Tires at Greatly Reduced Prices. 30x3 Fisk Plain (3500 miles) ........ 30x3 Portage Plain ( 5000 miles) ................ 30x3 Victor Springfield (4000 miles) 30x3 Fisk Plain (3500 miles) 30x3 Firestone Non-Skid (3500 miles)......., 30x3 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles). 32x3 Fairfield Plain 32x3 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles)... 32x3 India Non-Skid (6000 miles) 3Lx4 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles) ..v 32x4 Fisk Non-Skid (3500 miles).... - '32x4 India Non-Skid ( 6000 miles ) . ... 33x4 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles) . 33x4 Fisk Non-Skid (3500 miles).. 34x4. Portage Plain (5000 miles).... .......... 34x4 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles).. 34x4 India Non-Skid (6000 miles) 34x4 Goodrich Plain. (3500 miles) 34x4 Goodyear Plain (3500 nules) 34x4 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles)... 35x4 Fisk Red Top (4000 miles) 35x4 Portage 'Non-Skid (5000 miles)... 36x4 Fisk Red Top (4000 miles) 36x4 Portage Non-Skid (5000 miles)... F-egular Price. . . .$45.20 .. 60.55 .,. 62.35 69.90 ... 71.50 ... 87.15 ,.. 88.70 Regnlar Price ...$16.15 ... 16.60 . . 18.00 . . 20.95 .. 23.00 . . 24.70 .. 24.75 .. 28.50 - J36.15 37.90 .. 34.40 .. 45.25 .. 40.65 3685 .. 36.15 . . 41.55 .. 48.15 ..'44.35 45.50 55.30 58.40 57.75 . 68.70 Our Price. $31.fl5 42.40 49.50 48.93 50.00 69.70 61.10 Our Price. $12.83 14.60 14.10 16.70 19.93 21.00 16.20 24.20 26.30 32.20 27.25 34.70 33.53 31.33 30.70 35.30 34.60 29.55 30.35 47.00 46.70 49.10 47.43 49.50 serrwsaiei' jjtiWin"jmr"ra" ''"W'iaiWtoieiiwajra; js."'e " j Anderson Patent "AUT0REELITE" Spotlight Trouble light Pleasure Light A Superior Searchlight When on the Road With or Without Rearsight Mirror S8. 158.50. $9 and $9.50 Each ANTI RATTLER FOB Ford, Dodge, Overland and Others INSTJRIN4S- 20 Decrease in Tire Wear. 30 Decrease im Skidding;. 60 Decrease ia Bushing; Wear. 100 Decrease In Rod Bat tling. . PRICE 65S SET. )l Steerinsr if , Steering Anti-Rattler ACCESSORY SALE! Highest Grade Inner Tubes of such well-known makes as Fisk, Republic, Lancaster, Norwalk, etc Fresh Stock. Every Tube Guaranteed. 30x3.. 32x3&.. lx. . . 32x4...- flray. Tied. a.7S $3.19 3.07 3.68 3.27 3.79 -t.OO 4.74 4.17 '4.98 33x4... 34x4... 35x4. .. 36x4.:. 34x4.. Gray. Red. S4.33 S5.08 4.48 5.34 4.65 5.40 3.78 5.55 5.49 6.55 J5x4t4 35x5... 27x5... Cray. Red. S5.59 86.73 5.63 6.S8 5.92 7.25 6.90 8.73 7.10- 8.44 Patented U.S. and Canada. Special Attention Given Mail Orders EVER SAFE Pressed Steel Emergency Brake Shoes for Ford Cars, with ad justing shims, allows lining to wear out entirely. Our Price $2.50 ALLEN & HEBARD CO. Cre "Metal Polish, erallon. .tjl.1 5 -Vt pt. Enamel, black or gray.,19? 1. pt.- Enamel, black or gray..30 1 qt Enamel, black or gray..48 Hig-hest-grade Sponges 75-f 1.45 Extra Quality Chamois 1(1.45 22x9x7 Quality Tool Box. . . .1 12.4 O Junior Motorineters S4.75 Midget Motormeters .$2.25 Assorted Lock Washers, box... 15 Hoover Cable Lock ,j..63tf 14 -inch Copper Tubing, foot. ...12 B-16-lnch Copper Tubing, ft....l4 Ball Pein Hammer, 8-oz. Ball Pcin Hammer, 12-oz 30 ' Maxwell and Buick C u t - O u t Outfit. 85s Fort Cut -Out Outfit. .65 -inch Steel Balls, dozen. 15(fi -inch Steel Balls, dozen -30? Radiator Compound, stops leaks aO George Goggles. .25 Dlma Glare Goggles -.35 Spring Oilers. . 20 Paeh Lamps, complete. .85 to $1 Electric Tall Lamps. 95 McKee No-Glare Lens S2.50 Flashlights 85 to $2.00 Cement Patches, box -.30 Hurley Adjustable Wrench. ... .90 1 gal. Monoblle Oil QSl.lO 5 gals. Monomobile Oil $4.35 Columbia Dry Cells 40 Ford, Foot Accelerator SJ..10 Step - Jotat Piston Rlngit all elzes 25 Ford Oversize Step-Joint riston Rings. . -....20 Fprd Lined Brake Shoes. .. j. . .$1.40 Special Gnease Gum 75? Ford Timer Wire, 5 75 Ford Timer Wire, 4 ....tfO .Ford Spark Plug Wires. . 40 2505 Ford Axle Shaft SI. 75 Ford K. W. Tale Switchloiik. .3.1S Ford K. W. Unit Colls $2.40 Ford K. W. Coll Points, piir...35 2687 Ford Roller Bearing;. .. .$1.30 Ford Bushing Reamers $1.95 2713 Ford Spindle Body Bush ing, -pair. 25 '2714 Ford Spindle Arm Bush ing. 5 Ford F-elt Grease Retainer 10 Ford Aluminum Timer. ...... $1.25 Ford Rear Curtain Light 5 "17-'l Ford Rear Curtain Light 300 Ford Steering Rod Lock. . ..$1.75 Ford Muffler Deflector 15 Ford Hub Caps ..15 Ford "Valves 16 2733 Ford Radius Rod $2.75 Ford Steering Anti-Rattler. .. .25 Ford Radius Anti-Rattler. ... .35 Ford No-Stretch Fan Belt 25 Ford Plain Brake Shoes 85 Ford Electric Tall Lamp 45 Top Dressing, pints 65 "WHERE YOU GET VALUE RECEIVED" 64-66 Broadway Between Oak and Pine Tel. Broadway 322a Misslns; Knlisted Men Tath.i bounded, n lianda or enemy Missing; .. 104 .. 066 ,.10.".0 .. 12 .. 151 ..3063 Total - Grand total 8172 ti,. fAiinwinr casualties are reported by the Commanding uenerai or xne America xpedittonary forces iinciuaea u s tut3l): Killed Inaction Died of wounds received in action.... Wounded in action (severely) AVounded ia action tdegree unaeter mined) .................. In bands of enemy ficient cash on hand to omit the tax levy, and it is believed to be the first time any county in the state has been in that condition. Newberg Educator Advanced. NEWBERG, Or., Sept. 21. (Special.) -Miss Addle E. Wright, head of the de partment of history of Pacific Colleg, has accepted the position of matron of Kanyon Hall, the dormlt&ry for girls. Miss Wright has had long- expe rience in the work in FalrmounQ Acad emy, the largest school of iua kind among Friends, and her acceptance of this position is gratifying to th col lege authorities. Dance CorrectVy Learn at DeHonej'a beautlf ni acad emy. Twenty-third and Washington. See our advertisement on pa f e 6, sec tion 1, today about new Fa 41 classes, private lessons, etc Thone M 7656. Ad. Total 19 KILLED IS ACTION. LMI'U W Jnhn W EIXIOTT, Jack M-.Mrs. Julia M. Elliott, 63TUHNKLE. Charles, Sharpsburc Ps- i-..,.ti .tr.,1. Portland. Or. FOBSTER. Joseph W. Royersford. Pa. nOt"DED DEGREE OfDETEBMIXED. Chleaco, IU. B....Tit STRKZESKWSKI. Edmund J. HOI.LERAN. Msrtln P.. Manchester, Prl rates . . . BROWKR. Chsrlss C. oaaiaao, vai. COURTNEY, Peter. Leadvtlle. Celo. KEARIN. Allie, Bsn Antonio. HANSKJf, Ianiel M-, rreosote. Wash. KEEVER. Uon H. v nite,. oa. KETROX. Clsreece. Ewlnf, Vs. LANG AN, Thomas A.. Philadelphia, Pa. MEGARO. Harry. Hartford. Conn. SMITH. Georss L., Haverhill, Mass. WAGES, Roy. Salt Wok, Ky. MISSDiO IN ACTION. Lieutenants , ' n.DDTW linn T Aniet. N . C. VAN fiCHAAK. John Jay. Hartford. Conn. CULLER. Henry H.. Mount Pleasant. Tex. JOHNSON. Elmer, Buffalo. N. T. LOW-EN. Imuim M.. Michisa City. In. Corporals . BRANSON, Elbert H.. Lake. Tenn. .divl-dii iiihnrr. Whitehaven. Pa. Vi KL 11. BuKler Wlnfred J.: H. C. Hundemp, 4 East Elehty-seventn str(, roru,nu. OIRABU, KrceU 1, 3300 Burke avenue, Se- JOHNSON, Harry B., Chesterton. Ind. KBNCH, John. Binshamton. N. V. LAMSON, Virgil, Vanwert, O. LAWRENCE, Ward O.. Carsvilie, Ky. LONK8, Thomas W.. Greenville, Tenn. SMITH. Leiehton P- Lebanon. P. WEAVER, Albert G.. Edinbura. lad. PBEVIOrSLT REPORTED MISIXO TV ACTION, NOW REPORTED WOCND. KI) DEGREE UNDETEBMLVKD). Privates . BISHOP. Harry V7- Lowell. Mass. BUDDBMETER, Albert Cincinnati BURNS, Gilbert. Mahanoy City, Pa. BTER, Calvin H., Llttlestown. Pa. HD WARDS, Fayette R.. Wakefield. Mass BLLHR. Jessie, Summervills. O. FAULKNER, Theodore F Dowllna Paeir Fla. . " MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES. Rnmmary of castialtiss to date: Officers Deaths ; '....... 8i Wounded , fu Cornorals . BECK. Marcus w. Jr., Atlanta, Ga. navlil KL. St. Ixiuia KLINGENSTE1N, Herbert W., drummer. New Tork. Privates . , ATKINS, Lonselo, Hartshorn. Okla. GREGG. Thomas J., Troy. N. T. HACKENYOS. Julius F.. Bt. Lours. JACOBS, Lester H., Medord. T-.,,rC. Ct.mmI R Rf-rwlrlf. MS. 11 Al FOT.k. Robert N., Nellie Walpole, 024 ki. liith street. Portland. Or. , DIE OF WOODS. Corporal CABELL, Edward E.. Fhllsdielphla. BAKTLETT, Emery A., Arthur W. Bartlett. Salem, or. CO.N'JiAD. Amos A., Boyertown, Pa, WOUNDED SEVERELY. Reixeanfc ROBINS. Howard V., WInnemucca, Nev, Privates HOWELL. Arcne W., Winnemncca, Njt. KOCH. Edwin H.. Cape Girardeau, Mo. RUDOLPH. Frank P., Kensington, Pa. SHICK. Elcnle M., Dayton,'Pa. WOUNDED DEGREE UNDETERMINED. Prisoner ef War in Germany, Previously Keponeu suseina; ia atuun. . Private R3IOHART, Elmer P., Philadelphia. NO TAX WILlBE LEVIED Gray's Harbor County Has Money Enough to Ran s Tear. ABERDEEN1, Wash., Sept 21. (Spe cial.) Grays Harbor county Is In the enviable position of having- enough in Its coffers eo there will be no levy this year for current expenses. The cash on hand in the current expense fund is roundly a quarter of a million dollars, the accumulation of several years, and unusually large tax returns this year, caused by J.he decision of large timber holders to pay back taxes without a tUIIIBOU This Is the first time In the history of the county that there has been suf- Mechanle John Home I GRANT LUND, Citv. Minn. RAZKAU, Joseph B.. Providence. OURTIsJ John J-. Chicago. HAEGLE. Joseph H.. Terry, Mont. HELP, Alois A., Milwaukee. JENSEN. James E.. Scofleld, Utah. JOHNSON. Arthur, Oswego. Mont. JUNGERS, Frank P. tt. Peter. Minn. ROK1CKI. Caslnlr T.. Milwaukee. BACK MAN. Clarence W.. Centenrllle. Utah. BARBER. David West. Knoxvills, BLACKBURN, William E., Durango, Colo. BONNE WELL, Carl F., Spencer. Ind. BOTTS, Harry R., Muncie. Ind. BRAVA. Antone. Providence, Masa CERVENY. George, Chlcsgo. CLARK. Arthur J.. Derry. V. IT. COOK. Harry E., Miles City, Mont. rORPER, Herbert. Nashville. COROLLO, John, Martissa, Italy. BANDONI, Gulseppe, Churchill, Nev. BARTOI Ales.. New Coeln. Wash. BERG, David I., Pawnee, Okla. B1ESCAR. Louis A-. Is Angeles, CaL RILL. Henry J.. Richmond, Cal. BONO. John, Detroit. Mleh. BORKOWF.CZ, Walter. Philadelphia Pa. BRANDLE Y, Clarenoe J., Salt Lake City, Utah. CASBY. Arthur T5., Garden. Ala. CHILDRESS, William E.. Jemison, Ala. CHIO. JsRies, Lathrop. Cal. GAYNOR. Raynnond V., Chleopee. Mass. GROOCI1. Bernard B.. Olive Branch, MIsa HARMON. Harold. Jit Carmel. ill, HOLU Harry. El Paso, Tsag. HOLVAN. Charles E.. Clsrks. La. , . KEMBAI.L. George, Seattle. Wash. MEJCHOWSKJ, Aston, Chlcsgo, Kbarfla)! ' For yry 1pom in the House . T last has come a rug to war. They a re made of Amer ican grown flax which no Go v- sive to linen the role for which it is preeminently qualified. Klearaax Linen Rugs utilize the 8trengthof linen wiere it finds the greatest opportunity to show its color on the floor. Made in the fashionable solid colors that you want rose, grays, blue, taupe, black, greens and browns. KlearfliX . linen Rugs save wool and cotton needed for ernment heed requires. Made in a factory where water power saves coal. 80 women work. ers'release men for service. Reversible, dust-resisting moth-proof, thick, flat-lying, and richly colored, Klearflax Linen Rugs are war-time, all. time rugs for every room in the house as well as for con tract work. . AT LEADING STORES KLEARPL4X LINEN RUG COMPANY, DULUTH, MINN. E3 si ti -. . 1-OPER WAN' PHONE ATOMS 3 11 i i i Telephone operating offers many, advantages to young women who are seeking employment at a good salary with opportunities for advancement . ' . Good Pay $9 per week paid beginners. Rapid and frequent increase in salaries. Permanent Position Work is steady 'and permanent. Many opportunities for advancement. Interesting Work Pleasant, clean, fascinating. Associates carefully selected. Pleasant Surroundings Light and well ventilated offices. Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms. Special Advantages Annual vacation with pay. Sick Benefits, Death Benefits, Pensions, without cost Good Character and Good Health are required. Young women between the ages of 18 and 26 are preferred. Previous experi ence is not necessary. Our employment office is located on the Sixth Floor, Room 601, in the Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets, and is open from 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. We invite you to call at this office and meet Miss Thomas, who will gladly dis cuss the matter personally with you. An appointment may be made by calling Broadway 12000. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY Hi Room 601 Sixth Floor Park and Oak Streets itiiifiiM