8 THE SUNDAY OREOONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 15, 1918. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY AMONG US MORTALS Giving the Boys a Lift W. E. HILL mm. mm mm 1 Aft The big car which doesn't bother to stop. is' wbi:- a? . - ,-1 it ytavsira'i -v. vj. r,v. 9 1 -. . . i Lady whose ear went a block out of the way to drop a ailor and then'' wasn't properly thanked wondering if it would do any good to drop a line to Mr. Daniels on jhe subject of manners, etc "1 do think -it so queer that we haven't once been stopped by a sol dier who wants a ride," observes Cousin Paula, whose flivver has "Men in Uniform 1 Welcome as far as we go" pasted on the windshield. ? t -7SV - s sis a 1 J Jmmm r m m mi mn SIP I Jf' 1.:!.. Vi 3 rJW J? "4r rJ i rr iimthJ'i iiiiir i t3 4f K, r rx-xt 3P r to. II si ''Don't stop this one. Harry, it's a fliwer. There's a Rolls - Royce just behind ; , wait f CMt that" I know what boyt like! I've got two at home I" say Mrs. Tuppy, who has presented Cor poral McMurfe with some lolly pops. Corporal McMurfee is hop ing they won't pass a balloon vender, before his cornet is reached. v -"? . ..,-;:iv-.iie- M7 The c-. oelongs to Private Clutche's rnother. but Captain Bin ney. who has hopped onto the step for a lift into town, doesn't, know it . Private Clutche is beginning to feel slightly "da trov.7 The ffuv who exolains with tears in his e5rci how crazy he is to eet ovd there how he longs for the front line trenches, and bow. he'd-go pyen in a minute if only ' - - ; - . , ' - " : ; J