The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 15, 1918, SECTION THREE, Image 37

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Editorial, Society
and Music '
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Double Trading Stamps
Double Trading Stamps
TFith Cash Purchases in All Depts. Except Groceries
With Cash Purchases in All Depts. Exbept Groceries
Women of Portland and Vicinity Are Cordially Invited to Attend Our Fall Opening Beginning Monday of the
New Season's Fashions in Women's Wearing
We have put forth our utmost endeavors that this might be the most complete and representative showine of Women's
Apparel ever seen in Portland. ' Monday and following days the new garments will be on display, giving everyone an
opportunity to see the correct modes in suits, coats, gowns, dresses, waists and skirts. Garment Salons, Second Floor.
Women's Suits
Second Floor Our showing of the new Suits is now complete with
the season's very smartest models many of them shown ex
clusively at this store. Blue serges, gabardines, homespuns, ve
lours, silvertones, velvets and novelty mixtures in every desirable
shade. There is a wide range of styles many are plain tailored
with long coats others in novelty belted effects with tailored or
convertible collars. Fur and braids are used extensively as trim
mings on many of the new suits. Black, navy and all the newest
Women's Gowns
Second Floor America's foremost designers have worthy repre
sentatives in this showing and there are many exquisite creations
that are exact reproductions of imported models. Gowns for
afternoon and evening wear, made up in the wanted materials
crepes, satins, nets, velvets, etc -One very attractive model is of
silk tulle and is silk-embroidered another is of Georgette crepe
and velvet combined. Many of the new gowns are also trimmed
with fringes. Make it a point to see this attractive showing of
beautiful new gowns. Prices range from $55.00 to $155.00
Portland's Largest Showing of Winter Coats
Utility -Coats
Second Floor For street, school, and motoring we have
an excellent range of Coats all designed not only for
service, but also for looks. Smart Coats with wide
belts, large collars, pockets some trimmed with fur or
plush Coats with pleats at back or with gathers.
Dozens of . new styles. Meltons, bolivias, cheviots,
burellas, mixtures. Priced $20.00 tip to $67.50
Women's New Fall Dress Skirts
At Prices Ranging $7.50 to $35.00
Second Floor The great popularity of the separate skirt bids fair to extend through
out the Fall and Winter seasons. Every new and correct style is represented in our
large stock, including tailored, pleated and gathered effects. Materials are serges,
gabardines, tricolette, Georgette crepes, wool velours, satins. Plain ' eolors, plaids,
and stripes. Ask to see these new Skirts. Prices range from $7.50 up to $3o.00
New Silk Petticoats
Second Floor The new Petticoat to match that suit is here! Scarcely a shade you
can think of but what will be found in our splendid new stock. Petticoats of taffetas,
messalines, jerseys plain colors, changeables, plaids, "stripes $4.49 to $15.00
New Fall Veils
and. Veilings
Main Floor Women's Drape Veils in cir
cular, square and straight effects. Plain
or with dots, figures, scrolls and fancy bor
ders; black and colors. Priced 650 to $5
NEW VEILINGS-rHexagon. ianline and,
fancy meshes. Prices from 350 to $1.35
New Ribbons
Main Floor Latest Fancies for Millinery,
Bags, and other purposes. Extensive as
sortments in plain colors, plaids, checks,
stripes and floral effects. Reasonable prices.
HAIR BOW RIBBONS in plain colors
and fancies 350 up to $1.25 a yard.
Sale of Felt Mattresses
Full Size Imperial Roll Edge
Third Floor The Bedding Section will sell a limited number ol nign-grade ielt
Mattresses at special low prices, beginning Monday morning. Filled with best grade
size, tret your order -in early I
I Silk Waists
At $3.29
Center Circle; First Floor Georg
ette Silk Crepe Waists in white,
flesh and other good colors, also
colored crepe de chine WaistsJ
This lot is made up from several
broken lines formerly selling ' at
much higher prices. Great many
different models in the showing.
I These are priced, for a CQ OQ
quick clean-up, at DOAU
Dressy Coats
Second FloorBeautiful new Coats made up in wool
. velours, velvets, velvet bolivias, Meltons, silvertone and
various other materials, including the serviceable tweeds.
Fur, plush and braid-trimmed models many of them lined
throughout with fancy or plain satins. Women interested
in Coats of the finer grades should see these attractive
new models. A wide range of plain colors; browns, blues,
greens, etc., also many in plaids, stripes and mixtures.
Very best tailoring throughout. All sizes $75 to $210
Stout Women's
Women who wear the large sizes
will be interested in knowing we spe
cialize on garments of this kind and
are now ready with becoming models
in new Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses
in the new, and most wanted materials.
Little Women
Particularly . misses and juniors,
will find here a splendid showing of
the new Suits, . Coats and Dresses in
latest modes. Reasonably priced.
Silk and Serge Dresses
$15.00 to $68.50
Second Floor New Wool Jersey Dresses in the leading colors,
trimmed with sutache braids in fancy designs new Dresses
in beautiful models made up in satins, messalines, crepe de
chine, -satin, 1 Georgette crepe new Dresses of wool serge or
velvets. Our stock is large and varied no matter how critical
your taste, there is a sjfyle here suited to your individuality.
Many of the new Dresses are made up in combination of silks,
crepes and serges. Russian blouse, ' surplice, basque and
straight line effects. - Prices range from $15 up to $68.50
New Betty Wales Dresses
Second Floor Ideal Frocks for college girls, for business wear.
Charmingly youthful in-- design.. :Made .up in serges and
silks. See these. Prices range from $20 up to $32.50
New Bryn Mawr
Second Floor Exceedingly smart are
these new Blouses. Made up in fine
quality Georgette crepe, in the new
brilliant shades some in combined
colors, others trimmed with yarn em
broidery. Priced $10.00 to $25.00
Silk Waists
Second Floor Georgette Crepe, Crepe
de Chine and Taffeta Waists in new
tailored styles. Full . range of the
latest shades to go with Fall suits
and skirts. Many are also shown in
stripes. Priced $3.75 up to $9.05
Double Stamps With Cash Purchases
Charming Autumn Millinery in a Notable Exhibit
Trimmed Hats $7.50 to $50
Tailored Hats $5.00 to $25
cotton felt, covered with fancy ticking.
0 Full Size Mat-CIQ QC
tresses, priced special, at wJ-Ww
Wilson "Restgood"
Third Floor We are Portland agents
for this famous make. Finest grade
curled hair filling. Priced at $45.00
Full Size Mat- P- r rjr
priced special at I O.
18-Inch Pedestals
At $2.48
Third Floor Round and Square Top
Pedestals, oak or mahogany PO AO
finish. Priced special this week vJ&rxO
Reed and Willow Furniture
, At y4 Off
CLEVER NEW SHAPES of velvet, and satin frequently combined with crepe
and other fine fabrics. Graceful Wide Brim Hats that droop and sway so
becomingly smart little turbans and tricornes trimmed with ostrich, novelties,
wings, etc. new Hats with velvet crowns new French felts in tailored effects
trimmed with grosgrain bands and bows. Hundreds of beautiful models on dis
play Monday. - Prices range from $5 to $50. Millinery Salons, Second Floor.
Misses' and Children's Hats
Girls of high school age and their younger sisters will like these new Fall Hats.
The styles are just what they demand. Felts in all colors." Priced $1.50 to $5
Women's Neckwear
Main 'Floor New Collars, Sets,
Vests, Vestees, Fichus, Tailored
Stocks, Guimpes and Jabots. Imita-..
tion and real filet, Georgette crepes,
satins, ' nets, organdie, piques and
silks. Priced 650 up to $14.95
NEW PLEATLNGS in widths 2
to 10 inches yard, 45 to $3.Q0
NEW Marabou Scarfs - in black,
natural and mole. Lined with satin.
Also new Scarfs in combinations of
marabou and ostrich. Latest styles!
Prices range from $6.95 to $25.00
NEW Plush Capes and Throws
lined - with satin. Very stylish.
Prices range from $7.50 to $21.95
MlJMItl IfftftntfltfHlftttl H I
Third Floor For a short time you may take
your choice 'of any piece of Willow, Reed or
Wicker. Furniture in our stock at just off
the regular price. Chairs, rockers, tables and
various other pieces latest 19J8 styles. As
supply will be very limited next year and
prices much higher, this sale offers splendid
opportunity to save. Double Stamps tomorrow
with cash purchases in Furniture Department.
Women's Knit Underwear
Monday Specials at Bargain Circle, 1st Floor
AnticiDate vour needs, net only the immediate future but for next
well, for -there is certain to be advances in prices
goods in the very near future. BUY NOW
Knit Vests
Bargain Circle Women's Swiss ribbed
sleeveless j Vests of pure white OfI
Women s
Gloves, also
New Fall Gloves
"Chateau" French Kid
many other well-known
All the very newest' styles and
Priced $1.75 to $3.75 pair.
Latest Novelties in
FUR TRIMMINGS of dependable
quality. We do not handle inferior
grades. Skunk, opossum, mole, er
mine, nutria, squirrel and all other
popular kinds widths 1 to 10 inches.
Prices -range from 50 to $32.50
NEW FRINGES of silk and chenille
for trimming of the new dresses.
Black and colors. 650 to $3.25
SILK CORDS, Braids, Tassels,
Drops, Fur Fasteners, ' Soutache
Braids, Metal Lace Flouncings, Bands,
Rosebud, Trimmings and Ornaments.
; New Grepes
quality in all the new light and dark
colors. Priced, yard $2.00, $2.25
Printed Indestructible .Voiles and
Printed Crepes in attractive patterns
for party or street dresses. Prices
range from $2.75 to $3.98 a yard.
New Colored Silk Dress Nets in
every wanted shade. 40 and 72 inches
wide prices range 950 to $2.50
New Metaline. Cloth in 36-inch
width; all colors yard, $1 to $1.75
cotton. Extra good values at
Women's sleeveless, low-neck Vests;
Swiss ribbed and spring needle styles.
Perfect-fitting and nicely fin
ished. . Priced special, garment
Double Stamps With Cash Purchases
season as
on practically all lines or cotton
AND SAVE. Mail orders filled.
Union Suits
T-Women's Union Suits, low neck, sleeve
less style with tight knee. Nicely CQp
finished. ' Special, per garment Uy
Band top Union Suits. Medium Or.
weighV Priced special, per suit Ott
Extra quality lisle Union C" (f
Suits. Specially priced at only
in All .Departments Except
Great Sale of Lisk's Blue Enameled Ware
New Fireplace
Third Floor Fire Screens and
Irons, Fire Sets, Spark Guards
our new 1918 stock is now on dis
play. Complete that bungalow
with a. set of Fire-Place fixtures.
Dozens of styles here from which
to choose. Very reasonable prices.
New Bathroom
Towel Bars, Toilet Paper Hold
ers, Tumbler Holders, Soap Hold
ers,. Medicine Chests, white enam
eled Seats, glass Shelves every
thing for the bath room, at lowest
prices. Department, Third Floor.
Third Floor Lisk's Turquoise Blue
Enameled Ware, with white enamel
inside. Heavy steel base. Strictly
high-grade ware. Below is a par
tial list of articles in this sale.'
$1.15 Deep Preserve Kettles, 5-qt. . 77
$1.27 Deep Preserve Kettles, 6-qt. 85
$1.55 Deep Preserve Kettles, 8-qt. $1.04
$1.90 Deep Preserve Kettles, 10-qt. $1.27
$2.20 Deep Preserve Kettles, 12-qt- $1.47
$2.70' Deep Preserve Kettles, 14-qt $1.80
$3.35 Deep Preserve Kettles, 16-qt $2.24
$4.00 Deep Preserve Kettles, 18-qt $2.67
$1.50 Covered Sauce Pans, 2-qt., at $1.00
$1.75 Covered Sauce Pans, 3-qt at $1.17
$1.95 Covered Sauce Pans, 4-qt, at $1.30
$2.15 Covered Sauce Pans, 5-qt at $1.44
$2.40 Covered Sauce Pans, 6-qt., at $1.60
$3-40 Seamless Double Boilers, at $2.30
$2L80 Covered Convex Kettles at $1.87
$1.55 Seamless Stove Pans, special $1.04
$1.90 Seamless Stove Pans, special $1.27
$2.15 Seamless Stove Pans, special $1.44
$2.53 Seamless Stove Pans, special $1.70
38c Pie Plates, 9-inch size, special at 25
$4.40 Seamless Double Boilers $2.95
'$2.20 Seamless Tea Pots, 2-qt $147
$2.35 Seamless Tea Pots, 3-qt. $1.57
$2.80 Seamless Tea Pots, 4-qt. $1.87
$2.20 Seamless Coffee Pots at $1.47
$2.00 Seamless Coffee Pots at $1.34
$1.95 Covered . Convex Kettles $1.17
$2.15 Covered Convex Kettles $1.30
Quantity of . many articles in i
the following list is limited, there- i
fore early shopping is advisable.
45c Pie Plates, 10-inch size, only S0
60c Pie Plates, 11-inch size, only 40
$3.75 Seamless Tea Kettles at $2.50
$4.25 Seamless Tea Kettles' at $2.84
$2.50 Deep Seamless ish Pans $1.67
$3.00 Deep Seamless Dish Pans $2.00
$3.50 Deep Oval Dish Pans at $2.40
$4.00 Deep Oval Dish Pans at $2.67
75c Tubed Cake Pans, special at 50
I Large Oil Heaters $7.50
Third Floor Save coal and wood get one - of these Oil Heaters instead of
making a fire in the furnace or stove. Will warm bedroom, bathroom, etc, in
short time. at small cost. Good large size; all parts nicely finished.- - Don't
delay order your heater at once. Limited number only,' to sell at, $7.50
Double Stamps Monday with cash purchases in all Depts. ' except Groceries.
Featuring New Fall Flannels
For Bath Robes, Night Gowns, Pajamas
New Velour Flannels 'and new Fleeced--Back
Flannels, in a great range of pat
terns and colors the yard, 25, 35
New Bath Robe Flannels in latest 1918
patterns. Great assortment from which
to choose. See these. Priced at yard 75
New Outing Flannels in checks, stripes,
plaids, plain colors 'and white. 'Priced
special Monday at, yard, 25 to 400
New Eiderdown Flannels . in 36-inch
width. Great range of patterns in this
great showing. Priced at yard, $1.00
SILK-EMBROIDERED Baby Flannels 1-yard pieces. ' Special, each, $1.5,0
Linens and Sheetings
REMNANTS of Table Damask, several
hundred pieces, in lengths 1, 2 and 2
yards, to be closed out at special prices.
LUNCH CLOTHS This is a special
lot bought underprice. Extra good wear
ing quality. Size 54x54 j0 A
inches. Priced special at, each DdmJf
PILLOW CASES, hemstitched ,jand
embroidered with initials. Made of
standard quality 'muslin. - Spe- HtZn
eial for Monday's, sale, at only
BLEACHED and Unbleached Sheetings,
2 large cases just opened up, but we can
not duplicate this to ' sell at anywhere
near these prices, so take advantage of
this opportunity and supply future needs.
Bleached Sheeting 63 inches
wide priced special Monday, at
Unbleached Sheeting, 63 inches
wide Driced SDecial Mondav. at uJv
Heavy Huck Towels, 75 per
cent linen. Priced special, each
Women's Footwear
In Latest Fall Styles
Ar Q1 9 Beautiful . new Laced Boots f gray
lL OlAl or mahogany calf.. 8& inches high.
Mannish ' militaire last with narrow toes, medium
heels. A very durable and dressy street boot. All
sizes. Widths AAA to D. . Excellent values at $12
A j Q Women's Laced Boots of Field-Mouse
uXO kid. Neat pointed toe, imitation stitched
tip, hand-turned soles; full Louis heels; 9-inch top.
Glove-fitting. ! Very .dainty boot. The, pair $13
Double ,Stamps With Cash Purchases.