16 THE SUNDAY OREGOSTAX, PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 13, 1918. UNION IN TAKE HALF AGAIN CITY'S EXECUTIVE JOINS WITH FOUNDATION COMPANY OFFICIALS IN EARLY MORNING LAUNCHING TO ESCAPE FRIDAY THE 13TH. HOLIDAY Boilermakers in Steel Ship yards Repeat Saturday Walkout tof Week Ago. . ACT STOUTLY CONDEMNED Government Representatives Declare Men Have Violated Agreement. Examiner Montague Makes Statement of Case. Repeating: the action taken a week ago in refusing: to work Saturday af ternoon, about 80 per cent of the men In slue) shipyards who are members of the Boilermakers' Union walked out at noon yesterday, and of 2300 men cm- Moved at the Willamette Iron & Steel Works 39 quit work at noon. There were six more who failed to report for ' duty on the first night shift. A week ago yesterday it is said not a man left that plant. Government representatives condemn the action as a violation of the agree ment under which the men are work ing, and the Willamette Iron & Steel Works has ordered discharged the men who left their places yesterday. Though tho absence of the union men hampered other plants to some extent, all continued working with the men re maining. No other bodies among or ganized labor have followed the action cf tho Boilermakers' Union, and one. local No. 2. Operative Plasterers and Cement Finishers, adopted a resolution in favor of a full week's work and an offer to co-opera to in any manner with the Government. Chairman Mary Sends Telegram. Richard Montague, examiner -in Ore gon for the Macy Adjustment Board, yesterday made public a telegram from Chairman Macy. as follows: . "Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board considers action of boilermakers In refusing to work Saturday afternoon violation of decision and obstructive of ampouiiaing programme." Another message from Secretary Sea ger. or the board, to the effect the Doara Had communicated with Acting i-resiaent w yant, of the International ouiicrmaicra Association, said, re ferring to the men who had walked out: "The action of course is clear viola tion of derision and should be roundly condemned." , The understanding is that Mr. Wyant communicated directly with the union, ordering the men to work yesterday afternoon. Mr. Sloatane Issue Statement. Commenting on the situation yester day Mr. Montague made the following statement: "The action of the boilermakers in walking out Saturday afternoons was a deliberate violation of the Macy 'agreement and wholly unwarranted by any of the grievances of which the men complained. "The matter of wearing union but tons had been fairly considered and submitted to the board and put up to ine decision of the employes them selves, through their regularly elected shop committee. There had been, it I true, many vexatious delays and diffi culties In enforcing the Macy agree ment. but the labor adjustment board and Its local officers had continuously ana amgentiy Kept at work rectifying and adjusting these, having in mind a all times the welfare of tho men and animated by no purpose but to do full and ample Justice to them. Adjustment Board at Ha Best. "Not every disputed point has been decided in favor of the employes. As a matter or fact, the great majority them have, but no reasonable man can. expect to prevail In every controversy, nor will any fair-minded man contend that he is always right. The adjust ment board and the officers of the Gov ernment generally are continually Btudying means of improvement of the machinery by which grievances are ad justed, and if they can have the co operation of all parties they will cer tainly succeed In bringing about better results In adjusting disputes between employers and employes than has ever been known before, and in a way, too, men win give me employes a more lull and reasonable hearing. The action of the boilermakers. W'hlch it Is believed Is not approved by a great proportion of the well-disposed and thoughtful men among them, is calculated to make the judicious arieve. Such hasty and unwarranted breeches of good faith and plighted word do more harm to the cause of organized la Dor titan an its enemies." Plasterers Declare Loyalty. . The resolution of the Operative Plas terers and Cement Finishers, a copy of wnicn was sent to Mr. Montague, and won nis earnest approval, is as fol lows: From the Operative Plasterers' and Cement i-lnisners inion. Local S'J. to the Emergency fleet Corporation. Loral Board To this Government of the United States of Amer ica. Kir: Whereas. A condition exlats within this United states or America and outside of its borders, that asks for a co-operation, of all lovers of democracy, to destroy all attempts 01 ine enemr in ana ouisiae or its borders, whose sole aim Is' to establish autocratic rule and destroy the Ideals and aims and Uterttea or this United States; and n nerea, ji is only tnrougn a co-operation or ail the people In this United States , that we employ, assist and co-ordinate with all or our departments relative to. and di r"tlr Interested in. producing and con structlnir the necessary material that will bring- about a decisive victory for the United states ot America: and "Whereas. It la the wish of this Govern ment that organized labor shall co-operate toward supplying .said assistance, that is of essential need, in all or its aeparunents; therefore, be It Resolved. That we. the Plasterers and Ce ment Finishers or the city or Portland, Local Lnlon ej. orrr our assistance In co-operar lug In any way with this Government. t set aside cur by-taws and rules and regula tions relative to tints on Saturday, and work a full da Instead or hair time, and offer ourselves In any way that we may be or interest to this United States in its hour or trial. Uniform or a pair of overalls. w re with you till tho Red. White and Blue swings over the Reichstag. Tours for victory. J. FOLXEY, Business Agent local 82, 262 South Fourth street This stand Is taken In view of Influences that seek to work out a 44-hour week. (Seal attached as rollows: Local No. 82, O. P. I. A., Portland, Oregon.) Men Will Be Discharged. The Willamette Iron & Steel Works management caused a notice to be posted in the shops to acquaint th6 men with their attitude, it being as , follows: "The Saturday half-holidays, which have been in force during the months of June. July and August, have been discontinued until June, 1919. This action is in accordance with the agree ment entered Into with the Shipbuild ers' Labor Adjustment Board. It is our desire that no misunderstanding shall exist regarding our position in this matter. Any employe failing to work the required eight hours Satur day will be considered as having brok-, to" -,j" y i - I , I 'I- ic " " 4 ha :ik ,7r i f l.v ; -'.,;,;: . v Y?J f5. 2 Sv- k - - ' - - EX-GERMAN mAKES PLEA TO WORKERS Max Maximilian Urges Labor to Do Utmost in Speeding Up Production. KAISER'S DEFEAT SOUGHT t Photo by Angelus Studio. Left to Right Superintendent Thompson, of Foundation Company! Mayor Baker, Mrs. K. c. Cienereaux Mrs. Baker, Sponsor, and Captain Genereaux. French Representative. At 12:30 o'clock yesterday morning the hull of the Fsench steam auxiliary schooner Nancy went overboard at the Foundation Company's plant, her trip down the ways having been postponed until after midnight, so that Bhe would not be classed as having floated Friday, the 13th, for sailors consider the date more of an ill omen than those ashore. Mrs. Geore-e L. Baker christened the vessel, the Mayor also being present. Besides those on the launching platform were other guests, and the Foundation Band played, despite the rain and unseemly hour, "The Marseillaise" bursting forth as the ship started. The Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company launched the null or tne noKoma, a Ferris ship, at the St. Johns yard at 12:20 o'clock, also selecting the time to escape the "hoodoo" date. . . . n . . . . en the rules under which we are op erating, unless satisfactory evidence is offered that his absence was unavoid able. This shipyard is operating on i 48-hour-week schedule and absentees on other days than Saturday, unless satisfactorily explained, will be con sidered as having broken the rules. the same as those who fail to work' a full day Saturday." It is said to have been reported to the management that some of the union( men piannea to worK yesteraay atter noon and lay off one afternoon during the week, so as to make only a 44-hour week. At the headquarters of the union It was said that the officers expected to receive information from the Macy board by tomorrow that will govern their actions in thb future. Regarding the men having left the Willamette plant after the notice was posted, it was said they had obligated them selves to stand by a resolution adopted last week, in which the members agreed to work only four hours Sat urdays until the new Macy schedule was announced. BAND WINS PRAISE Foundation Musicians Lauded by Premier Oliver. PERSONAL TRI3UTE PAID CLASSIFICATION IS NIXESSARY Work of Getting Crews Slow Because of Draft Complications. Registrants included In the last draft registration up to 45 years are having no easy time casting their lot with the merchant marine service, because some of the draft boards decline to release them in advance of the classification being completed. Lieutenant Jones, in charge of the office of the sea service bureau of the Shipping Board, who is endeavoring to fill out crews for three ships in the harbor now, has experi enced considerable trouble along that line, but it is anticipated instructions will be forwarded from Washington as soon as possible that will clear the situation. Some boards have given the men certificates to Join ships. Captain Trauny, who arrived yester day from Seattle to assume command of the wooden steamer Boxley, received instructions last night to return to the Puget Sound city to appear as a wit ness in a legal action pending. It is not thought he will be prevented from agoing out with the vessel. British Columbian Compliments Showing Made at Launching Ceremonies In Victoria, B. C, Last Week. GRAIN OFFICIAL 10 ACT FOOD 'ADMINISTRATOR PREPARES TO MEET FEDERAL ORDER. News That Government Will Use Ten Vessels to Load Floor in Port land ot Confirmed Here Positive information that the Gov ernment will utilise 10 vessels to load grain and flour here and on Puget Sound during the next few weeks in an effort to relieve the congestion, as decided on at Washington. Friday, had not been officially conveyed yesterday to M. H. Houser, of the Food Admin istration Grain Corporation, but that did not deter him from proceeding with check as to the number of carriers that would be available during Sep tember and October. In wooden ships Mr. Houser esti mates . conservatively, 10 to' 12 being the total in Oregon, with six to eight steel ships. So far as his responsibili ties go he is prepared to start the movement at once. At Washington, so it has been intimated, the movement of cereals in wooden bottoms Is rated as experimental. On the Pacific Coast no such classification is recognized. Grain has come from Australia in old wooden Vessels during the past year. and. when the gralnwas in shipping condition as it went aboard, it was delivered satisfactorily. Also, says Mr. Houser. while there is abundant wheat at tidewater, " there is no reason why. more should be for warded from the interior to such extent the movement of other kinds of cargo interfered with. He points out that the shipments can be held in the coun try until more is required with which to dispatch ships. ... PRIORITY OF TRAVEL TTRGED Real Xeeds of Passengers to V. S. Asked by Honolulu to Be Criterion. HONOLULU, T. H.. Sept 3. (Spe- ial.) Due to the ever-increasing de mand for passenger accommodations from Hawaii to the mainland, as a re sult of the ever-decreasing number of hips available to meet that demand. priority of travel will be enforced as regards these islands, if the wishes of the local shipping circles and adminis trative offices prevail with the United States Shipping Board. - It is known that communications urg- ng on the hoard the advisability ot differentiating between essential and non-essential travelers has been sent to the San Francisco oflce of the Ship ping Board. Local shipping offices are booked months ahead and passengers leaving now have been booked since June. Praise accorded the Foundation Com pany's band on its pilgrimage to Vic torla, B. C. a week ago. to participate in important launching and keel lay ing ceremonies at the Foundation yards there, has been added to by the receipt of a complimentary letter from John Oliver, Premier of the Province of Brit ish Columbia. Premier Oliver made the principal address at the laying of a keel for the first French steamer to be started and heard the band there, as well as at a public concert Monday night. His letter to the Foundation Com pany is as follows: "I think a great deal of credit is due the Foundation Company for the splendid organization and excellent manner in which the events connected with the ceremonies of last Monday were carried out. I have in mind par ticularly your contribution to the fes tivities of the day provided by the Portland band, which arrived here for the occasion. Certainly, the members of your band acquitted themselves creditably, and their performances dur ing their stay in Victoria were the sub ject of repeated complimentary com ment. I wish to add my personal testi mony to the appreciation of the citizens of Victoria for your generous arrange ment in this respect. Yours truly, "JOHN OLIVER." The fact the bandsmen paraded through the streets to the shipyards in the garb worn while laboring at the Portland plant, overalls and jump ers being the style and decorated with ' paint, strongly impressed the Victor-1 ians. In the evening they appeared in the big lobby of the Hotel Empress irf their natty uniforms, creating still an other sensation. They were entertained at a banquet by the Victoria Board of Trade that night and Tuesday morning were the guests of the organization on an automobile teur of the city. To cap- it all Director Cioffi was presented with a platinum Elk's pin by Bayly Hipkins, vice-president of the Foundation Corporation, the presenta tion being in recognition of his work in bringing the band to such a high state of efficiency. And the bandsmen, unwilling to ac cept all the credit for the trip, have written P. S. Treloar, traffic manager of the Portland yard, thanking him for his chaperonage of the party and the arrangements he made for their com fort and pleasure. Former Teuton Soldier, Speaking at J Motorship Launching, Points i-uiiuecuon .Between snips : and Victory. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) The feature of the raising of the Emergency Fleet Corporation flag over the Motorship Construction Company at 4:30 o'clock today was a speech by Max Maxmilian, of the United States Ship ping Board, Emergency Fleet Corpora tion, wno in broken English made strong plea for every worker present to work every minute. He told of being oorn in Germany, though he said he Is ashamed of it and was four years in tne Germany army, an officer. In the German army, he said, "You get a nickel a day. a meal a dav and an tne nen you re looking for." He told of having eight brothers in Ger many now and that he is helping to beat Germany to free his brothers and the rest. of the German people. The German army, he said, Is beaten now, but they won't believe it, we've got to show them. He said the people in Germany ought to be glad that the Kaiser started the war, because now they have found him out. They did not know him before, and when the war is over, Germany will be a free people and the Kaiser will not have a 15,000,000 Job any more. Soldiers Dont Quit. Maxmilian pleaded with the men to realize that these are war times; that many things are coming up all the time that are not pleasing to the officers of the company, to the Shipping Board, to the President, but they don't quit. They just go ahead and get along the best way they can. "What would you think of the soldiers In France if they quit fighting just because they did not like something?'' "You should do your last bit so that when the soldiers come back from France that you can walk up to them and look them in the eye and tell them that while he did his duty in France you did your full share over here. Don't loaf on the Job. If you men all lost two minutes a day, that would mean a man's time for a full day and men are hard to get. Keep at it all day long and if you see some man in the plant losing time, don't give him hell, but go to him and tell him that you have a brother or a friend fighting in France and if we dop't get the ships built he might be killed. Life Boats Most Necessary. . 'A few days ago a big transport was sunk and the 2000 men aboard were saved because they had life boats, Just like you are building here. They are just as necessary as the big ships and we have to have them." W. P. Martin, a workman of the plant, was chairman of the meeting. and tirst called upon Mayor G. R. Per- cival. of Vancouver, to speak. He pleaded Tor the last ounce of energy in every man. R. S. Cleeve, chief inspector for the Government at the G. M. Standlfer Con struction Corporation steel plant, made few remarks, and Clement Scott, ex alted ruler of the Elks and chairman of the Salvation Army drive in Vancou ver, told what this city and country are expected to do. George M. Hyland, who recently ac quired the Columbian, made an impas sioned address eulogizing "Woman, telling of the many heroic things worn en have done tnrougn the ages and ending by introducing Mrs. Allie Bran- statter, who works in the plant and who ahen unfurled and hoisted the Emergency Fleet flag as the Standlfer employes band, under the leadership of Jack Smith, played "The Star-Span-gled Banner." A lifeboat was then launched in the Columbia River. The committee on arrangements In cluded A. H. Hamre, G. H. Boston, Pe ter Helser, E. A. Lund, Otis Riddle, J. L. Marsh and Allie Branstatter. , C. D. Bowles, vice-president, and James McKinlay. manager. PICTURES MrST BE CENSORED Navy Issues Strict Instructions Relative to Photography. Ensign Spauldlng, U. S. N. R. F, in charge of the Navy intelligence force here and also boarding officer, is in receipt of special instructions from the commandant of the Bremerton Navy-yard concerning photographs of objects and places. He is prepared to receive plates and films for censorship at the Custom-House. The instructions follow: You are Informed that ths taking o! photosraphlc views of scenes within a ntvj yard or naval camp and the photographing of naval and other - vessels belonging to ol under the control ; of the Federal Govern ment, is forbidden, except by specially au thorized responsible persons. In that event, the views taken by such persons must be submitted to official cen sorshlp before they can be made publlo or even regarded as legitimate private property. The purpose of this restriction is to keep valuable information from reaching . the enemy. Accordingly, you are requested to turn In to the Aid for Information tor censorship purposes, and before delivering to customers, copies of any pictures of which the plates or films may have been left with you for development, together with ths names of the parties leaving the same. This restriction does not apply to photo graphs which are merely likenesses of per sons, or of groups of persons. GASOLINE FAMINE IS ON GRAYS HARBOR GARAGES HAVE NOSE FOR PLEASURE CARS. OFFICIAL AWARDS OF SHIPS MADE Notification Sent to Northwest Steel Company and Albina Machine Works. VESSEL NAMES GIVEN OUT Twenty-Four Steel Steamers Turned Out by. Portland Yards Since Delivery of Third Hull, February 1, 1918. Supply Diverted Entirely to United States Army and Other Nec essary Purposes. ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) A serious gasoline shortage de veloped here today. Local garages have been compelled in most cases to refuse sale of gas to pleasure car own ers in order to keep sufficient to meet the demand of the United States Army and other trucks and automobiles em ployed in essential industries. The shortage probably will not be relieved until Tuesday,, the garage men said today. As a result of the shortage delegates to the Puget Sound Methodist Confer ence being held here canceled a pro posed trip to Pacific Beach this after noon. ' The conference will close Sun day night instead of Monday morning, and many delegates who came in their own machines and who have only , a limited amount of gasoline on hand will leave tonight and tomorrow. HOQUIAM, Wash., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Every garage of the harbor dis trict is out of gas. There is none at all to be had for pleasure cars, and only a very small amount was on hand for trucks and auto stages. Attempts were made to keep the trucks and stages supplied, but this evening it was indi cated this would be impossible. No indication of a definite date for the arrival of a new supply was given today by Standard Oil Company repre sentatives. It was reported that a new supply could not be brought in before Wednesday, though there were hope the gasoline would arrive the first of the week. If a stock is not received before Wednesday practically every car o every description in the harbor dis trict will be laid up. E WHEAT WANTED GOVERNMENT CALLS FOR INCREASE ITi FALL ACREAGE. Purpose Is to Insure Food Sapply In 1919 and to Create Reserve in Event Next Year's Crop Is Good One. COLUMBIA WILL EXPAND SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION TO BE LARGEST IN VICINITY. Big Concern Already Hsi Finished and Turned Over to Shipping Board Eight Steel Ships. Aberdeen Is Name ol New Ship. ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept 14. (Spe cial.) Aberdeen will be the name of the new ship building in Grays Harbor motorship yard, on -which an effort is being made to break the National speed record for wooden ships. The name has been sanctioned by Mrs. Woodrow Wil son, who has named the Emergency Fleet ships thus far. Word of the sanc tion has just been received here. Marine .Notes. . i Fred B. Pane, assistant supervisor of steel ship construction for the Emergency Fleet Corporation, returned, yesterday from Seattle . after a conference with Csptain J. F. Blain, supervisor of the Nortbwest. They both were at San Francisco a week ago in connection with steel ship details and Mr. Pape expects to return to California on a hurried trip In another week. Members of the Oregon Wood Shipbuild ers' Association are to meet at 7 o'clock Tuesday night at the Hotel Multnomah, the gathering being In the nature of a busi ness dinnes at which several Important topics will be discussed. Headquarters bave been established at room 302, in the North western National Bank building and in the future sessions of the organization will be conducted there. - All shipyards are buzzing these days with preparations for the fourth liberty loan drive and each - is striving to excell the showing made during the last campaign. First place promises to be contested for harder tban ever and every effort will be made to carry the per capita subscriptions to the highest point. "Foodstuff Prices to Be Fixed. BEND, Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) H. C. Hartrauft, Food Administrator of Deschutes County, has appointed a price-fixing committee for foodstuffs. The committee will hold its first meet ing for that purpose Tuesday evening. Unskilled workmen to the, number of 2800 will be employed by the Co lumbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, of Portland, to work on ships to be constructed on two new ways com pleted by the corporation at the yards at the foot of Mead street. Keels for two new 8800-ton steel vessels will be started there this week, according to officials of the company. The plant now has five ways. The Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, until the present time, has employed a total of 3200 men. The additional men on the new ways will make the Columbia the largest steel shipbuilding plant in this vicinity. The enlarged capacity of the yards will enable the company to turn over to the Government one S800-ton steel vessel every 20 days. The corporation has given to the Federal Employment Agency an order for 2000 unskilled workers. ,Two or three hundred of these will be fur nished every week until the total num ber is supplied, or, rather, until the officials of the company say they have sufficient. On account of the serious ness of the housing situation, local help Is preferred by the company. The men supplied by the Government will be imported from Middle West towns, and most of them will come to Port- land with their families. Men employed directly by the cor poration in Portland already have homes here or are single and can easily find rooms. The appeal of the yard for local help is regarded as an opportunity for men now engaged in non-essential Industries to find essen tial employment and also for men just returning from the harvest fields to spend the Winter working at good wages, in the city. About 80 per cent of the new work ers will' be inexperienced, when they begin work. They will be advanced as they become proficient. - They will be put to work as boltermetr, heaters, passers and so forth, mainly with rivet ing and ship-fitting gangs.1. - The Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation to date has finished and turned over to the Shipping Board eight steel ships, and holds contracts for 24 more. The corporation was formed after war was declared. The officers are: A. F. Smith, president; Farmers of the state of Oregon are called upon by George K. Hysloo. agri culturist at the Oregon Agricultural College, to increase the acreage of Fall-sown wheat, in order to assure food supply in the event of a short crop in 1919 and to create a reserve case next year's crop is a good one. The college is In receipt of a call from the Government asking that an increase of not less than 5 per cent over this year's acreage be planted and, if weath er conditions are favorable, a maximum increase of not less than 23 per cent over the 1917 Fall planting is desired The acreage has been divided among the counties of the state and the fol lowing table shows the minimum and maximum -for each: County Min. Baker 8,487 Union 2B.325 Wallowa 30.124 Umatilla 164.171 Morrow 41.1fW) Ollilam '. 60.624 Sherman 82.676 Wasco 4,432 Jefferson 20,622 Crook 773 Deschutes 230 Grant 2,410 Harney r6.t Klamath 2.2U Lake 1,675 Malheur 1,310 Wheeler 3.873 Benton 10.748 Clackamas 8.788 Columbia . 007 Hood River 100 Lane '8.031 Linn 15.2.14 Marion 15,040 Multnomah ................ 6.i3 Polk 10.246 Washington S.OOt Yamhill 11,808 Douglas 7,525 Jackson 10, .WO Josephine 1,395 Coos 161 Lincoln 23 Max. 31, 1143 32,300 34.205 170,fl31 52,700 79.043 04.776 40.204 28,003 1.6, 506 3.219 17 , 3.720 1.941 2.021 4.122 13.779 9.129 1,065 141 10,816 IS, 748 20.594 855 11.3S3 8.617 32.862 8,488 11.6X6 1.772 161 23 Totals 601.998 699,687 CLACKAMAS TOTAL IS 4157 Registration Six Hundred in Excess of Government Estimate. OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) There were exactly 4157 regis trations In Clackamas Cbunty Thurs day, according to final figures checked up by the local- board this evening. The Government's estimate was 3520, the county board figured an even 4000, but. the final showing exceeded all ex pectations. 11 The board has been busy since Fri day morning checking up outlying pre cincts and sorting over the cards ac cording to selective service instruc tions. This task will be largely com pleted ry Monday and definite instruc tions as to the mailing of question naires are hourly expected. Additional cards are coming in by every mail from those -who were away from the county at the time of registration and who registered in outside counties. Women Must Register With Bean. All women students who will enter the University of Oregon at Eugene will be required to register with the dean of women. Miss Louise Ehrmann, before making any definite plans for living. This regulation does not apply to those women students who previ ously had made arrangements for rooms in any of the hall of residence or in sorority houses or with relatives. Official notice has been forwarded of the awarding to the Northwest Steel Company of a contract for the con struction of 10 steel steamers of the 8800-ton class in addition to 32 previ ously placed, also four more given the Albina Engine and Machine Works. pThey were promised in July by Di rector-General Schwab, of the Emer gency Fleet Corporation. The names of 10 steamers, each of 9500 tons, the G. M. Standlfer Construc tion Corporation will build at the Van couver yard, three being already under way, are the Cokesit. Coaxet, Wabanv Wawalona, Nismaha. Olocksom, Weep atuck, Deepoiset, Pawlet and Bearport. Additional names for the Albina En gine .& Machine Works fleet, to be given hulls 11 to 15, 'are Glendola, Glen doyle, Glorieta, Glymont and Glyndon and No. 10 has been changed from Calamine to Jacox. Further Names Assigned. The Columbia Shipbuilding Corpora tion has been assigned names for hulls 11 to 32 as follows: West Cobalt, West Wauneke, West Imboden, West Mun ham. West Tolant, West Quechee, West Nosska, West Harchvar, West- Hard away. West Hargrove, West Harlan, West Harma, West Harqua Hala, West Harshaw, West Harts, West Hartland, West Hartley, West Hassam, West Hassayampa, West Hastain, West Has well and West Carun. - '- The Northwest Steel Company's hull No. 17, first named the West Yaquina, has been changed to the West Kyska. All names are selected by -Mrs. Wood row Wilson, wife of the President. In all the Northwest's contracts In clude 42 vessels of the 8800-ton class. Of 13 completed, 11 were for the Amer ican Government ' and two for Great Britain. Since the delivery of the third hull. February 1. 1918, there have been 24 steel steamers turned over to the Ship ping Board by Portland yards, 18 be ing of the 8800-ton type, four of 3800 tons and two of 3300 tons, in all ISO, 000 deadweight tons. The Columbia River Shipbuilding Cor poration built seven of the ships, all of 8800 tons, and the Albina Engine & Machine Works turned out the six smaller carriers. Several Ships Requisitioned. Immediately after the United States joined in the war against Germany 16 ships' at the Northwest plant were requisitioned, and the same action was taken with four at the Columbia River yard and six at the Albina plant, and direct contracts have been placed since. While the total ships built and to be finished by the Northwest number 42. the Columbia River yard has 32 and the Albina plant 19. DRAFT BOARD CRITICISED Yakima County Defense Council Asks for Dismissal.' YAKIMA, Wash., Sept. 14. The Yak ima County Council of Defense at a meeting here last night adopted a res olution calling on Governor Lister to remove the present county draft board and appoint successors. The council asserts that tne present board does not give proper considera- ion to claims or registrants lor ue- ferred classification. Sheriff Murphy, County Physician Connell and C. E. Fraser constitute the present board. The action of the County Council followed friction in the board, culmi natlng recently in the resignation of County Auditor Barrett as one of its members. DUTIES IN CONGRESS FIRST Representative McArthur and Sena tor McNary Not to Desert Posts. Oregon's representatives In Congress purpose to remain In Washington rather than desert their posts to look after political - Interests at horn1, ac cording to letters received yesterday by John L. Day, chairman of the Re publican county central committee, from Representative McArthur and United States Senator McNary. "I" do not believe the people are In any mood for the old-time 'Hip, hip hurrah, campaigns of former years, writes Representative McArthur. "I feel that I cannot make any plans for coming home, for I certainly do not intend to leave here while Con gress is in session." LUMBERMAN NOT POISONED John Kresk's Death Found Due to Edema of Lungs. The examination of the stomach of John Kresk. an employe at the Clark & Wilson Lumber Company, at Llnnton, who died last Sunday night, revealed no traces of poisoning. Dr. J. Earl Else, who performed the autopsy, re ported yesterday that Kresk died of edema of the lungs. The report probably will end an In vestigation of reports that employes of the Clark & Wilson Lumber Company had been poisoned by drinking an In ferior quality of liquor on Labor Day. Several of the men have been ill sines the holiday. F. H. DRAKE GETS POST Portland Man Made Judge-Advocate of Oregon National Guard. SALEM. Or, Sept. 14. (Special.) Frederick H. Drake, an attorney of Portland, today was appointed by Gov ernor Withycombe as judge-advocate on the general staff of the Oregon Na tional Guard, with the rank of Major. Mr. Drake Is United 'States Commis sioner for the District of Oregon, and by a coincidence his father was Judge advocate of the National Guard under Governor Pennoyer. The place had been held by Major John M. Williams during his incum bency as Acting Adjutant-General. Ma jor Williams is now in the regular Army service. ASTORIA MILLMAN DROWNS Motorcycle Ride Proves Fatal Chris Gelain. for ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) Chris Gelain, employed at the Ham mond mill, was drowned this evening. He, with Corporal Beither, was riding on a motorcycle, which Gelain was learning to operate. Losing control. Gelain turned the machine into the rail ing at the foot of Forty-second street and went overboard. The soldier managed to swim ashons. but Gelain sank and his body was re covered a few minutes later. He was about 20 years of age and had no rela tives here. We manufacture for Shipbuilder! BOAT SPIKES BOLTS SHIP RIVETS NORTHWEST STEEL CO. Portland, Oregon Eyeglass Supremacy : --- - : ' " 111 7 Years Have Been Spent tn Perfecting This Instrument, Which Mens-I ures) Astigmatism to an Absolute Mathematical Exactness. It is my business to help others see. It is a worthy work and I re spect it; and because I respect it I do my work carefully, conscien ' tiously ami sincerely. . I give the best expert advice and furnish all the different aids to sight eyeglasses and spectacles both single vision and Kryptok bifocals. Modal glasses, scientifically ground model adjustments, insuring comfort model shapes, giving dignity to the face model clips that hold firmly, but easily. In dealing with me "you are assured of the best service the benefit of twenty years specialized effort and the intelligent use of the latest scientific instruments for sight testing, giving the greatest ease and comfort and at a moderate price. DR. WHEAT SPECIALIST 207 MORGAN BUILDING Washington at Broadway Telephone Main 4300 nian. Main 7S70, A 6095. Phone your want ads to The Orego- SEE Our Full-Page Advertisement Saturday Evening Post Page 49, September 14th Issue Broadway Dye & Cleaning Works Portland, Oregon Member National Association Master Dyers and Cleaners t t i