TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, SEPTEMBER 13, 1918. ' 11 FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CABS. FORDS FORDS FORDS. The rayt complete- line in city. All In nrsi-caas xnecnanicai conaiuon. EAST TERMS. 1917 Ford touring-; Hunler shock ab sorber, storage battery, et.ewa.rt speea omeier, cutout and otner extras; very rca aonr.ble. U17 Ford touring-; lots of extras; car jooks like new. ' lyl Ford touring; Hssaler shock ab or -r and other extras; a bargain, ll6 Ford touring with extras. Ford touriog with extras; A-l eon- - slition. lv4 Ford touring; with extras. 1913 Ford bug; very classy. Open evenings and one-half day Sundays. PALACE PARAGE CO., Authorised Ford Dealers, 12th and Stark sts. ' Bdwy. 1572. A 244i BARGAINS. and her they are: Ford. A food one ....$375 Ford, never has had to be worked on. vot even scratched up, all In fine ahape 191 Maxwell automobile: this sma! snodern car overhauled ana repainte Something food 191T Maxwell aotomoblles; a few to M?M-t from: fine llttia cars: now over- hauled and repainted $6t0 to $650 ioia vrBxwil automobiles: lust Ilk Bw; owner in draft and left it here Cor amis. irmsrtv ptper STX. 191T Hudson Super Six automobile that Has been run only a utile, upon wmca w wir m,m Ton m rrular factorr sua ran tee of 90 days. Here Is your chance. .$1500 C. L.BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. C13-C17 Washington Su Portland. T-PASSEVOTTR PAIGE, FAIRFIELD MODEL $830 PORTLAND USED CAR STORH. 23 North Broadway. a mr SV1P9 IN AnTOMOBILES. 1917 Dodge Cord Urea. Car practically Bew. 1018 Dodge 4 new tires. In the best of mechanical condition. 1P17 Studebaker 4 Newly painted and In first-elas ahape. $0.10. 73 R CNN MOTOR CAR CO., 444-6 Stark St. Lexington Minute Man Six. REAL SACRIFICE. New 7-nassenrer Super-Six Hudson; real fine car. wire wheels, five new tires, bumper, spot light, non-glaring headlights, only alishtgf used In city, In perfect me chanical condition ; owner drafted, must sell at once. Your price may get iu tail Marshall otmi. CADILLAC 8 4-Pass. Speedster Typo Like new. Bargain price. 354 Burnside. Broad. 2. HI'DSON SUPER-SIX. 1917 Hudson SuDer-Slx. looks like new nlendid mechanical condition: three cord tires. New Hudson now cost $2615. Price of this one, $1C0: $V)0 down, balance monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder. TWIN SIX NATIONAL. 'Will ee!I 12-cy Under, Ute model Na tional. perfect condition, all new tires with two spares, at an extremely low price. Phone Broadway iOs. FORD accessories, tires, spot lights, skid chains, ciocas, noma, speedometers, lap' rones, cushions, tops, side curtains, radia tors, late Ford bodies, all kinds, at sell- litg-out prices. l-J iownsaaie. UL'ST !! my Paige cabriolet, specially equipped better than new; no more man ufactured' until after war, so act quickly. Main 54S4. lnI7 FORD touring car with lots of extras car must be seen to bet appreciated : easy terms. Pnone Bdwy io&, ask ior ir Kirk. iai7 HUDSON Suner Six. classy appear ance, newly reftnlshed, cord tires, for " $1450, $1000 cash, balance on time. 517, Oregon lan. HA RLE Y motorcycle, fully equipped; new IDlS sidecar In Al condition. Call Sun day, between 8 and 12. 3d Trinity Place, apt. -3. Uuring woes; stax service onop. 1016 MAXWELL, run less than 11.000 miles xtra bargain. Owner. 4219 27th ave.. block from end of Richmond carline. Tabor 6470. BUICK roadster, 4-cyIlnder. Dalco starting and lighting system; j-xa'j-incn ures extra rood condition. Call between 1 and 9 P. M. at 45Q4 42nd ave. southeast. GOOD strong car. very cheap to run, climb any ntn; Durns aisti:iate; a car tor ser vice and economy; fine shape; snap, $-03. Call 158 3d. LlHT four Studebaker, fully equipped, elec tric lights, starter. live tires, perieci me' chanlcal condition ; drafted, must sacrl flee. $500. Wdln. 2056. APPERSON touring car, nearly new tires, every-ready starter. In fine condition, $375. Howard Auto to., ntn ana uavis. LITTLE Studebaker Flanders bur or deliv ery, $90 or offer. Bargain. 123 Lowns- caie. OLDSMOBILQ. Model 43, good as new. first clas condition, $900. 430 Williams ave. E. 253. 1917 FORD, like new; first class condition; good tires; one spare, other extras. Bar gain o Jo. lbl'J. li16 DODGE, first class thane: aood tires one spare. Bargain at $623. Terms IX desired. AO Ml) Oregonian. 1017 FORD, demountable rims; special brakes, other extras; good tires, one extra. $575, terms. E. 1&U2. I0 DG E tour in g car. run less than 6000 mi.", in perieci conoilioa, SOU. H B. Carlson, Greahaxn. Or. BUICK light six. left with us by drafted man to oe soiu at a sacrifice. 630 Alder. Bdwy. 717. xit-iu.N bier.ing; isss tbatf a year old and like new; ail new ures; terms. The White vompiny, rtra anq toucn sta. COUNTRY CLUB Overland, excellent condition; five wire wheels; fully equipped; terma Marshall 214J. JttUST sell my Overland. Model 90; in tip top condition. Can be seen at 630 Alder. Bdwy. 2717. 11. i,L 1CK 6. run lrss than 50i0 mijes; cord Urea, per: act running order; $lu3. terma Call E. "174. FOR SALE 101S Overland model 3; will take Uoerty bonds or i-sih, Vnone Tabor 7yd. 4V-PA6S Ford la good condition; owner going away; $430. VI 6 Calhoun St., E, Su Johua ltfld HUf MOBILE; bargain; hrst-c.ass con d;tlon. Call Bdwy. ystt week days. Tabor 215 Sundays. Ask for Gouid. 131S MITCHELL SIX. four months old. per fect conaitioa, for sale cheap if cash. Sell wood 272S. 11 7 FOKD touring, with extras; car Is as good as new and looks like new. Phone Bdwy. 1.172. Ask for Mr. McKern. 116 MAX v ELL in good condition, good tirea. electric lights and starter; $430 cash. Tel. East 480S. Cl.?6V Hupmobile bug, top, etc Will sac rifice If taken at once. Price $300. some terms 1S16 Siskiyou st.. cor. E. 71st su FO R SA LE 5-pass, model 79 Overland", electric lights and starter, $300. 126 Flor ida st. Main 1139. lilS GRANT SIX Like new. run 30o0 miles; Srice i90. Phone tallwood 7:5 between and 12 A. JL or 7 and 10 P. M. BY owner. Ifll7 Olds 8, 7-pass." $1250. Ad- dress. BD 600. Oregonian. FINEST bug chassis74-cylinder. 4 'speeds, wire wheels. $-ixX 125 Lownsdale. ' GRAM two-ton truck. 1914 model. Albina Garage. Sitf Garfield ave. Woodlawn 1114. LATEST 1S!3 Ford touring. $50oTil, $350; several laie bodies. 125 Lownsdale. liflfc CHEVROLET, run 200mMes. am per fcctcond;;ion. $750. East 1213. BEST Chevrolet touring; car in town ' for $450; dandy buy. 125 Lownsdale. FOR SALE 1&15 Studebaker, 5-pass. 405 Stark st. Broadway 772. A UXi 5-PASS. Mitchell Six. run 3000 miles; owner drafted; must sacrince. Tabor 4264. ISIS FORD business car. inclosed $H00. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. body; 1913 OLDSMOE1LE roadster, rood condition. $500. Ca.l Sunday A. ju.. h0i 10th st. S. FOR SALE F!at bug in good condition: bar galn. Call Main 77. tiUDSON 6-40; a bargain, call 190 N. 21st st. Bwdy 2S9a r CADILLAC delivery car. East S6&5. FOR SALE ACTOMOBJXF.S. r3ED CABS. Oldsmoblle Eight $1700 00 uiuniuuuiie, u- puna . . . . v . 1917. 3-pass. Maxwell . Chandler Lieht SIX Saxon-Six. 5-pass. . . . Bulck, 5-piM... . . 5-pass. Studebaker Chalmers bus r.so ooo 600 3.10 200 200 600 300 3.10 800 600 7.10 775 673 8."0 1914, 5-pass. Overland Ford bug .... , Knox speed car ltfla, 5-pasa Overland P.eo. newly painted 1917. 5-pass Overland IMS Chevrolet 1916 Grant Six MitrhpIK like new ::::: 1U17 Hupmobile 1-30 Terms to Suit. MANLEY AUTO COMPANY, 11th, and Oak at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. PRICES on our used cars have been revised downward and if you are looking lor a real snap you'll find It here. Here's some of them: Reo 4, Chevrolet. Grant. Mitchell. Cadillac Reo t - Nash. National Oldsmoblle. Stearns, Stearns-Knight. Cole. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Broadway at Couch, Open Sunday. APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 Mitchell Six $1200 1917 Overland Six 1300 ID 18 Studebaker Four ...... 1913 Michigan 1918 Apperson, 4-pass. .. ; 1917 Haynes, 12-cyI I860 APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO., 60 Broadway. TeL Broa&way 1490. WESTERN AUTO COM PANT. USED CAR SALE. 1918 Chevrolet 5-pass,. 99 new. ....$ T' 1917 Chevrolet 5-pase.. fine condition 590 1916 Chevrolet 5-pass., splendid buy 4W 1918 Studebaker Roadster. UU'i. new tt'x) VMS Chalmers 5-oasa. Demonstrator 12 1917 Chalmers 7-pass.. Al condition 1050 1916 Chalmers 26B, 6-pass. fine shape 750 1916 Chalmers. 32. 5-paas.. newly painted 700 191 j Chalmers. 26A. 3-Das 9.. see thla one 600 1916 Overland. 5-Da?s.. fully eouiDDed 5o 1914 Overland, 6-pass.. S. & L 373 1912 Chalmers 36, 5-pass,, good tires 350 One-ton Stewart truck. Two-ton Truxton Truck attachment, new. WESTERN AUTO CO.. Distributors Chalmers - Fageol Motor Trucks and Farm Tractors. Broadway at Burnside. Open evenings. Phone Broadway 536S. SEVERAL bargains In used automobiles taken In on new Daniels a cars. Our used cars are. all in first-class running con dition and the prices are right. See us first. Terms If desired. DANIELS SALES AGBNCT. ' 48 Broadway. Opposite Benson Hotel. Tel. Broadway 2994. $373 5-PASS. CHAJLMERS $373. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. PORTLAND USED CAR STORE, 23 Nort-h Broadway. 4-CTLINDER Studebaker, good shape and urea. 4to. . . Four-cylinder Studebaker, good shape sma ures, s-fuu. 1917 Chevrolet roadster? $430. 1917 six-cylinder Studebaker, right new, evuu. Two-cylinder Indian motorcycle. $75. Make your own terms on any of these. Union & Davis. fc.. 7717. 1917 HAYNES. This car Is in perfect shape and good aiue. a. ;. Stevens, smx w ashing ton. .oroaaway ioi. 1917 APPERSON, 4-pa.sa. roadster, 6-cyUn- der; a high-class car at a bargain, 40 per cent discount irom new pence. A-l AUTO WORKS, 525 Adler st. 'OR SALE Five-passenger Apperson tour- ia ;u.r tu una cuauiuoa a oig sacrince for cash; selling on account of going away; a bargain for a quick sale. Roy McDonald, 64 a 13th at.. Sunday. SEE THESE One Smith Form-A-Truck at tachment, one rora truck, absolutely new; also one Ford roadster chassis practically new; one lot new extra ird pari. Phone Main 9i7, Monday. BEACH COTTAGE FOR AUTO; if you have taie inouei auto 10 exenange as part pay ment on beach cottage with sightiy loca tion and modern conveniences, write J 163, Oregonian. CHEVROLET Royal Mail roadster. In per- ieci run urns; oraer. ivn moaei. electric lights and starter, demountable rims; $73. AN 4S6, Oregonian. BUICK Light Six 1917 touring car, newiy painiea; iwo new ures, two cor a ures, motor overhauled and runs like new. Call Frank Smith. Broad way 11 J u. SPECIAL. 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet roadster. Just broken in; save $123. Call East 5062 after 1 P. M. IS BABY GRAND CHEVROLET: oerfect: cost now as equipped over $13o0; for quick anle $1"H. Inquire Cigar Stand. Perkins xio;et. din ana v asningcon. APi'iiKSON, good motor, chassis, cord tires; just tne car to maae a oug lor speea ana power; has a five-passenger body; $275. Call Frank Smith. Broadway 11J0. V ERLA N D, 5-passen ger ; looks like new ; lour almost new tires, one spare; best buy offered in a used car in city. Call Howard Auto Co. GRANT Roadster, wire wheels, small Ures, a classy u tue car, sjou. A-l AUTO WORKS. 625 ALDER ST. DODGE Run 7500 miles. Just overhauled and new tires all around. Am going Into the service. Phone Tabor 1854. FORD touring. 1915, good condition; good tires; a snap for $350. Call Frank Smith. Broadway 11S0. NEW 1W1S Ford touring: going to war; must seil; terms to responsible party. T 633, O re go n tan. DELIVERY car, just overhauled; good top; for quick ivtle $250 or liberty bonds. V 644. Oregonian. litis FORD sedan; lots of extras; must sac rifice: will give terms. X 7U. Oregonian. FORD for sale. 290 Fourth st. 4. Marshall 2322. From 12 to SNAP Second-hand car for sale, $2 Phone Tabor $60 from 8 to 12 Sunday. CHEVROLET 4-90, all new tires, must sell. 530 Alder. ldwy.2717. 1918 CHEVROLET, run 2XM) miles. In per fect condition. $750. East 1213. A-l 1938 f'ORD with delivery body on; will sell cheap. 45 N. 6th st- or Bdwy. 2168. FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadster, 1st -class condition. Phone Wdln. 3534 or C 2317. AN opoprtunity 191S Dort, 5-pass., with - extras, like new, $k)50. Phone Tabor 570. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. PACKARD Twin Six 5-passenger phaeton; all cord tires. New Maxwell 5-passenger; never run mile; brand new extra, Ure and tube; liberal discount. 1917 Mitchell 7-passenger: all nearly new tires. Including extra. 1917 Chandler 7-passenger; only run very little; extra tire and bumper. 1917 Bulck Little Six newly overhauled and painted; splendid shape. 1916 Chalmers Little Six; newly painted and overhauled; very cheap. , 1914 Hudson 6-54 7-passenger; all cord tires; bargain. 1913 Cadillac 4-cyllnder 5-passenger; like new; fine tires. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Broadway 32L 10th and Burnside Sta. Not Open Sunday. USED CARS. 191S Bulck touring, Cadillac touring $13M 1917 Cole sedan 1373 Chalmers touring 430 191S Dodge touring 930 191S Ford delivery Ford roadster ......,.... 440 Ford touring 323 1916 Hudson T-passenger Locomobile 4-passenger .. .700 3917 Aiitcneu touring Oakland touring. 6-cy Under. ........ 1914 Overland delivery Studebaker sedan 1917 Studebaker Six. looks like new, A-l condition 1917 .Mitchell Club roadster. Terms and exchanges considered. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington Sts. . Main 6244. 700 330 500 FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS. FORDS Open evenings until 9 P. M. Sundays until noon. 1917 Ford tourine. practically new. $575. 1917 Ford roadster, finest condition, $475. 1916 Ford touring, like new, snock aD sorbers and seat covers. $-195. 3 910 Ford roadster, 39.j. 1916 Ford touring. $.193. 1915 Ford roadster. $393. 1914 Ford touring, lots of extra equip ment, newly painted. $293. 1914 Ford tourinr. SU93. 1916 Ford delivery, finest condition, ex press Dony with roil curtains, s-t3. lit! 6 Ford delivery, panel body, $475. 1916 Ford chassis, finest condition, $325. 1914 Ford chassis. $295. 1016 Ford chassis, like new, $375. Open evenings until 9 P. M. Sundays until noon. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 8770. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. . STUDEBAKER SIX. Jnst overhauled and painted. S cord Ures; a dandy buy $950 PORTLAND USED OAR STORE, 25 North Broadway. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of cars. All our cad labors are carefully gone over ' and made tight nerore soin. BURN ESS & MARTIN. 15th and Alder sta. We have a speedy Robin's Egg Blue Road ster in great mechanical snape, goo a looking, well shod, that cost built to or aer mat we win sen ior a rout one- fourth Its original value. AUTOREST GARAGE, 209 10th. Stutz Distributors for Oregon. AUTO WKECKERS. We wreck most ail makes of cars ana sell the good parts for less than haif pries. We have alt kinds of used bodies fey sale. Highest pries paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 232 Front St. MAIN 4763. 1914 AMERICAN, electric starter and lights. vvii. trade ior light car, or x-ioo cash. 1916 "Scripps-Booth 8," cloverleaf body and "Houck" wir wheels. Will sacrifice for best offer to Sept. 15. Prigge & McFar land, 333 Hast 11th ot. ALMOST-new Ross. S-cylinder, 7-passenger car; must sell at a sacrince; no reasonable offer refused. Will take a small car, as part payment. Car and owner at 334 Cook ave.. near G'0 Union ave. N. Call after 6 P. M, M. J. Klaseman. FORD touring car, mode 1917; Dodgjs tour ing car, moaei jio; oom in cunuiuon and good lookers. 4th-st Garage, cor. 4th and Lincoln. Phone Main 910. CHEVROLET .touring, 1918, same as new; will sell cheap; some terms. dO brand ave N., near Burnside. DOkT 5-dasi.. like new. will sacrifice, with terms. ;u urana ave. JN.. near uurnsiae. i Auiomo biles V anted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at fialtalr station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroads; face the Pacific Ocean; size 25 by about 140 feet, suitable for business or for cottage; will pay some difference. Addrass A 402 Oregon ian SNAP TRADE FOR THE AUTO MAN. I will trade In a good running condition auto, from a bug to a 5-passenger; I have a Remington typewriter, slightly used, special miide, 18-inch carrier, one of the best, si in. ana many otner tnings, nrst ciaes goods. Address box 177. Wood burn. Or.' WILL trade my equity in the house and lot at 503 East Grant st. ilot 2xl00) mortgage $1200; house renting for $15 per month, could be rented for $20; will taae iwis r ora, jaaxweii or any gooa used car in exchange. C 606, Oregonian. LONG A S1LVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save joj 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you neeu ana we win aupucaie mem. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 0840. 102 Hawthorne ave. WANTED to buy. a light automobile, suit able for war camp activities, wo thing but a late model In perfect condition will be considered. Will pay cash. See Mr. Mc Phail. 209 Tenth st. WANT late model sedan Ford. Maxwell or Dodg-e for Series 17 six-cylinder Stude baker. S-passenger roadster or 1918 Olds m)bi!e 5-passenger six. Give or take casta for difference. AB 604, Oregonian. ILL pay $100 down and $25 per month for a five-passenger Ford ; must be in good condition; no Junk. N B. Lesher, 487 E. Ankeny st. ANTED Ford one-ton truck, worm drive. I have a Ford roadster or touring car to trade for Ford truck; will pay cash differ ence. Phone gast zn. WANT good light late model roadster; will trade baxon &ix touring in spienaia condi tion, driven less than 4000 miles. X 642, Oregonian. WANT good second-hand car In exchange; will otter vaiua me piece or. iana near Portland. M. J. Seymour, Multnomah HoteL S0X1O0 CORNER lot for Ford or any light car. Will buna tentnouse ix wan tea. oas. etectricity and water; 2 blocks R. C. car. Tabor 7S14. ANTED 6-cylinder, 5-passenger. 1918 car; must be in A-l condition. Address Auto Garage, 6th and Main. LET me repair your machine In your own garage, sarvtce car aay ana night. King S-iliwood 3735. PROPERTY In Marshfleld, Coos Bay, to ex change for Portland or automobile. AV 256, Oregonian. WANTED Automobiles of all kinds. Have plenty of customers can sell quick at reasonable prices. Call 851 1st St. WANTED S or 12-cy Under car. Prefer King, Hollier, Oakland or similar car. AN 471, Oregonian. THREE-TON truck wanted; must be in good! repair; prefer White or equal. Railway Equipment, 2d and Stark. FORD roadstex, late model, good condition; price reasonable for cash; from owner only. K 505. Oregonian. WANTED Light touring car in exchange for Aiameda Park lot; mut be in good condition. A J 732. Oregonian. HAVE number of fine lots,' all Improvements paid, will trade for auto and pay dif ference in cash. K 621, Oregonian. WANTED By salesman, machine In city; drive myself, not over 25 miles per day; state price wanted. K 492, Oregonian. MECHANIC? and experienced driver will keep your car cleaned and repaired for oc casional use of same. AC 73. Oregonian. Al MINING stock, a good Investment, to trade for auto in good repair. AC 64, Ore gonian. " WANTED 3918 or '17 light 6 touring car; good condition, at right price for cash. y: f62. oregonian. WILL pay cash for 1918 or '17 Chandler; must be good condition and priced right. AO 8S2. Oregonian. . Wanted lius or '17 Buick light e for cash. In good condition; priced right. T 531. Oregonian I PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED CARS. L. E. OB YE, Grand Ave. and E. Stark. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. FOUR or six-cyL car.. $100 down, balance $50 month. P. O. box 501. RIDE A CLEVELAND to work; get home early. Easy terms. Immediate delivery. STTKER & STRINE, 833 Oak St. Cleveland Agency. BICYCLES AND TIRES. Special Bale on bicycle tires for a few days. Regular $3 Rollfast chain cup tire, $4, Regular $4.50 Ho 1 If as t Uamaco tread, $3.50. Regular $3.75 Rollfast disc tread, $2.75. Better attend to your bicycle tire needs now. These are all guaranteed tires and new stock. We will not sell more than one uair of these to each rider. BICYCLES. SUXDKIES and REPAIRING DATfTON CYCLE CO., 68 tith SU BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES ON EASY TERMS. Motors, clutches, carburetors, etc, Fiyiug Merkel Farts . Cylinder grinaing, acetylene welding and general overhauling. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44 Grand Ave. EXCELSIOR AND CLEVELAND AtiENCY. 1918 3-SPEED Indian $300 1914 Indian, 2-speed, presto and lamp ion 1913 Harley-Davidson, equipped 85 8 -6 peed. Drab Excelsior, fully equipped 175 1917 Indian, electric equipped 225 1917 Indian, 3 -speed, fully equipped.. 2G0 Big lot of second-hand parts; also dream tandems are in. INDIAN AGENTS, 273 3d St. Main 6139. MUST sell toduy at a sacrifice my Twin In dian 3914 tandem, presto light and horn. In first-class condition all around; $S3 takes iu N. B.Lesher, 487 E. Ankeny6t. 191S HA RLE Y, take bonds, trade for ma chine or anything of value to me. Tabor 1 907. . 1918 HENDERSON motorcycle, with side car, fuily equipped, good condition; sell for $U50. Call 2 to 5 P. M.. 89 5th N. BARGAIN Indian motorcycle, A-l condi tion, $130. Richmond Repair Shop, 103 W. Richmond st. 1915 FLYING MERKLE, Just overhauled; new tires; 2-speed. $ i & casn. owner going to France. Phone East 2277. FOR SALE 1915 two-speed motorcycle, fully equipped: riddsn 6 months, Al condi tion; $125, terms. Tabor 9a48. Twn.sPEEn KTfifiiAior twin, motor just re built: meato lite ana tanuein: I&.11 1 Tabor 3J3. m TWIN Indian, good condition ; tandem. Prestollte, new tires ana wnistie; w cash. 1902 E. Morrison st. Tabor 8250. 1937 INDIAN, fully equipped; been drafted, must sacrifice. $200. 118 Macadam road. DAYTON, 2-speed, fully equipped, fine con dition; $140. 309 uiay. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, in good condition; $90. 5o2 Ainsworth ave. . 17 HARLEY. equipped; $300". Tabor 3506. Auto Tires and Accessories. CROLIDE COMPOUND G0O0 and 7500-mile tires; read about them, last page Auto mobile Section. ALLEN & HEBARD COMPANY. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. 64-06 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE BROADWAY 8223. FOUR new 32x4 S. S. Silvertown cord tires; be quick, they are nara 10 geu Thompson, 1001 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main SS93- . FOR SALE Extra good used tires. Most 7 sizes. fcaturaay, cunaa; auu. amnuaj. .. lirana ave. FORD starter; no battery necessary; will sell half price it ttiKen at ouce. a , Oregonian. ' GOOD TIRES CHEAP. 37x5. 32x4. 61x3 30x3H. 30x3, 29x36, axj. ia ijownsumc. 1 SET Burgess shock absorbers for Ford car. Call at 3S8 N. Otn St. USED otf by AVi tires for sale, 13S3 Di vision. Tabor S603. Anton. obites for Hire. 2 CAR LOADS new Overland automobiles to lease to responsioie parties wimoui drivers. Broadway 09. 121 North 3d, cor. Glisan'st. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV- EivS. G. In. bill 1M. lnixtu uiua.i STS. A 2629, BROADWAY 2629. FORD 1-ton trucks to lease without driv ers. Broadway -Uy. J-i. ona m, turner Glisan. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 80 10th st. Broadway 840. FORD, competent driver, $1.50 an hour; go anywhere. Tabor 1028. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, 6 po'.s. funeraia calling, chopping. East 4532. CLEAN, classy Hudson, careful, experienced driver. Marshall U329. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. WANTED MISCEIXANEOUS. WANT a few machinist's tools; must be bargain for cash ; give particulars and price; also second-hand trunk. T 529. Ore- gonlnn. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy genu' clothing and we pay full price and ovec We buy shoes and hats. Call Main 1923. . JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, rubber, second-hand goods. Call Main 734. . t WE WANT four heavy lumber vaprons, suit ablo for hauling wood. Phone Broadway 492. or call- Watkefield Music Co., 4427 Was-hington sL WE WANT a good gasoline circular wood saw. Phone Bdwy. 492, or call Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Washington st. WANTED A good heavy spring wagonj must be reasonable. Call East 5389, be tween 9 and 12 Monday. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need tho clothing and we pay all It Is worth. -Call Main 724. 201 1st St. WANTED Used hot water plant suitable for heating 600-ft. radia ton. Must be In good condition East 218S. WANTED Piano for number of months; good care. Call Tabor 7173, or 550 hi. 40th North. - Va.nTKI) Diamond, one to two carats, as nrst payment on lot in spienaia residence section Portland. AB 654, Oregonian. SUITCASE or traveling bag; must be rea sonable, rnone xaoor ua mis morning or Monday. WANT good shotgun, automatic or double barrel nammerless; must be a real buy. AC 53, Oregonian. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring or mail. 323 H Wash.bet. 6th and Bdwy. WANTED Small gasoline woodaaw. In good condition, jl. w. joraan, aiu nooa, Or. : . A BOY'S second-hand bicycle. .Phone after 6 o ciock Manor ot:u. U. a LIBERTY BONDS. Will nay cash. 553 Pittock Block. WANTEED A sidecar, must be cheap for cash. Roy, 446 Sixth st. WANTED To buy second-hand fireleas cooker. 1395 Aibtna ave. SINGLE buggy or buckboard and harness. Phone Marshail 2423. WANT BICYCLE, SHOTGUN OR RIFLE, TRADE YOU GOLD WATCH. MAIN 4495. WANTED About 2-horsepower electric mo tor, D. C. W 529, Oregonian. ONE sink, with or without back, large size, for cash. EF 503. Oregonian. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 85 3d. WANTED 9x12 rug, Broadway 753. also old chiffonier. WANT All kinds trunks, suitcases, grips. Main 4495. 12S First, near Aldr. ALL KINDS OF TOOLS WANTED. NEWMAN'S BARGAIN STORE. 12S 1ST. WANTED 0-h.p. automatic engine. Opera Houy Laundry, 45 Everett st, CASH paid for postage stamp collections. Southwick, 420 Morrison. Main 1756. OLD clothing, furniture, stoves, carpets, tools, trunks; very good prices. Bdwy. 355. WANTED 12x14 uy for tent; must be cheap. Main 786. BOY'S suit, age 14; shoes, size 5; 8-day alarm clock. BJ 571, Oregonian WANTED Violin for small child. Phone Main 4449. afternoons. 3030 WINCHESTER RIFLE. 10-shot, $13.50. Main 9563. DIAMOND wanted, to carat. Marshall 5 -"46. WANTED Goats, any kind and age. East 764. 530 E. Stark St. WANTED Second-hand Vaughn drag saw outfit for cash. Phone East 6389. WANTED mSCKXXANEOrs. WANTED. TIME CLOCK. For manufacturing institution, capacity 50 to 100 men. State manufacture and type. Western Reduction Company, 24 and Nicolai streets. WANTED SECOND-HAND MEAT BLOCK, 30X30. ANSWER 1117 YEON BLDG. 57.50 AND UP $7.30 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays .he highest price for suits, overcoats, shorts, etc. We call anywhere in the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 or 229 Madison st. WANTED. TWO SCALES. Capacity each. 1500 lbs. and upwards; good condition. Give description and price. Western Reduction Co.. 24th and Nicola! sts. BEAUTIFUL LARGE RED FOX MUFF, SATIN LINED, FOR SALE, OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR GRAY OK BLACK 'UA FUR. CALL AFTER 6, TABOR 6536, OR S 132, OREGONIAN. ARB YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates on household goods to all points; fast, through service. Pacific Coast Forward ing Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Bdwy. 703. oUj; (specialty is buying ladies' and gents' caai-off clothing. Hgnest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshal; 325. or 200 Madison HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy al! second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suitu and evening gowns,etc Npw buyer. Try me before yeu calt otherg. Phone Broadway 3932. WANT VISIBLE TYPEWRITER," PAY CASH. 1U0J USEFUL ARTICLES TO TRADE. NEWMAN'S BARGAIN STORE. 12S FIRST. WANTED 12 to 15 H, P. stationary gas en gine, in good order. Call Woodlawn 4526. Address Poplar Grove Dairy, Columbia blvd. and 43d st. ' ONE adz, one flick: Broadway 3&00. Furniture Wanted. GE v UKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First SL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED ' ' . ' FURNITURE. - Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocats; nothing too big or too email for ua Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 598L A 8224. READ IMPORTANT- READ We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. Thero is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialise in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, househo'd goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or selL call or phone MAIN 0072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO-221-3-5 Front St., cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY Er. WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpels, stoves, ranges, of fice furniture, eta Phone Marshall 5S7 and our buyer will cu.il at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURU STORE, 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE Co., 106-168 1st st., requires second-hand furniture. Best prices paid. If you have any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4J33. WANTED Second-hand gas or wood range; must be in good condition, and reasonable. Also a kitchen cabinet wanted. Write, giving full particulars. Box 44, R. F. D., No. A, Portland, Or. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful anu ft competent, courteous buyer will call. Mar. 269S. FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value for your second-hand furniture, beds, dressers, carpets, stoves and house hold goods. Call Main 193. 193 Front st. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. Cash or trade you musical Instruments, typewriter, store or office fixtures, etc. NEWMANS BARGAIN STORE, 12S 1ST. BARGAIN Oak dining-room set, genuine leather chairs, 3 rugs, library table and piano; fine condition, cheap. 312 Wor cester bldg. Monday. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE 'of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL FAT CASH, MAIN 3332 WANT a good 9x12 office rug. Frank L. Mc G uire. Main 1068. HEATER, cookstove. range and some furni ture wanted. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. USED furniture bought and sold. M. H. Calef. 540 Williams. East 6417. ONE Columbia cylinder phonograph with 60 records, $15. 172 3d st. Payments. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man with dragsaw to cut timber Into cordwood, 16-Inch lengths, large tim bers, two miles from town; steady work; $1.75 a cord. Phone evenings. East 389. WANTED Young man with some electrical knowledge who would like to learn that end of the automobile business. Bolton Servl ce Station, 404 D avis st. WANTED First-class machinist; one who can operate cylinder grinder; also do lathe and bench work; steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. TAXI drivers wanted; good pay and steady work; men not in draft preferred. PORTLAND TAXI CO.. 201 12th St. HAVE opening for an experienced and capa ble hardware man; preferably one with pricing and office experience. AM 617. Oregonian. WANTED Young man to work in stock room; good chance for advancement. Ap ply Chanslor & Lyon, Broadway and Couch. REPRESENTATIVE to sell made-to-order raincoats; good sideline, for someone In shipyards. Main 1782. WANTED Young man to drive Ford deliv ery car and work in grocery store. Call 321 Third st.. Monday morn!ng: WANTED First-class machinist for lathe and bench work; steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. WANTED Boys over 16 to work in grand stand at Salem Fair. Inquire of A. E. Peters in Liberty Market. CHAUFFEUR to drive Pierce-Arrow car; good- pay to right man. AK 615, Orego- 7i lan. . WANTED Elderly man to do chores in city ; room and board and small salary. 509 McKay, Monday. WANTED First-Class counter man, $20 per week Call today, 11 to 2, Beacon Lunch, 67 Third st WANTED Man to assist on lunch counter, must understand hot cakes. Beacon " Lunch, 67 Third st. WANTED Men for machine room, also cab inet makers. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Ma cadam. WANTED Man over draft age to work In grocery store; state experience and salary expected. AR 703, Oregonian. WANTED Japanese janitor. Jackson Apart ments. 51Vfe N.- Union. Call Monday. JANITOR, single man. Lam brook Apt a.. East 4062, after 10 A. M! SHIPPING clerk: one, with experience pre ferred. Call 1S4 Second st. PORTLAND Hotel; elevator man wanted; $70. See porter. WANTED Man for warehouse, steady work. Carman Mfg. Co.. 1214 Macadam. WANTED Boy to board, age 4 or 5; good home. - 5310 39th ave. S. E. BOY Not in school, apply Monday morning Portland Machinery Co.. 62-66 First st. COMPETENT girl for general housework, enquire 334 E. 16th. north cor. Weidler. A first-class man on papier mache work. AC 89, Oregonian FIRST-CLASS presser wanted on ladles and men's work. 110 Broadway. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman. ary. AE 4o5, Oregonlaii. TEAMSTER with or without team, yarding wood near city. Morgan. Main 6479. AUTO truck driver with meat experience; good wages. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder. WANT party to help drive Ford car to Los Angeles. A-E 444, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor, and Main. . Hotel Lenox, 3d WANTED Good coatmaker. The Dalles. Or. J. S. Jensen. WATCHMAN for duck lake. Inquire J. E. Forestel, 23 Gllsan st. SHOE salesman wanted. Staiger Shoe Co. BOY wanted Wm. Ktumpp Co.. 149 30th st WANTED A carpenter. Phone Sell. 1274. EXPERIENCED porter. Washington HoteL HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. WANTED TODAY. MAN AND WIFE, COOKS, log camp, $210 and board; man and wife for shingle mill camp, $135.50 and board, woman cooks for 12 men snd the man to work around mill or woods; man and wife for camp, woman to help in kitchen at fOo and board and the man Ior mill or -iog camp at $4.50 to $5.20 per day; man and wife for Central Oregon, the wife puts up lunches and helps in cook house and the man works in the woods, good climate, work all Winter, $130 and board; man and wife on farm. Eastern Oregon, no other woman on the place, the man does general farm work and the wife cooks fur four or five men, $15 and room and board; milkers 475 and $80 and found. 4 machine shop helpers, right here la the city, $4.24, 8 hrs. ; helpers in store dept., $4.32, 8 hrs., etc., etc. Loggers and mill men wanted, North, South, East and West. Open today all day! pacific Employment co 235 Burnside Street. Call at office in person; don't phone ot write. MEIER & FRANK CO. require the services of an EXPERIENCED STOVE CONNECTER Apply at Superintendent's Office. Basement Balcony. WANTED Several men. by local shipyard. for .positions in shop; office men preferred who have some experience in mechanical arts, in order that they Qualify for ad vancement. The salary will be nominal to start out with: a very rood oppor tunity for advancement to right kind of men. The oniy applications waicn win vt given attention are those giving throno- lofficai account 01 eaucation, experience, age and salary expected to start. AB 649, Oregonian. WAKTRTl Married man to run modern 40- acre ranch. All improvements, good house and $30 per month. Call at once. H, Morehouse, Beaver Creek. w a v t vr fvncrinr,vl rlprk for account ing department, must have knowledge of station accounts. Salary $123 per month; also clerk stores department. Must have knowledge of methods of handling ana accounting for material. Salary $1-3 per month. tooa opportune meht to right man. No boomers or in experienced clerks need apply. Av to, Oregonian. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive con trol of good territory in Oregon and Wash ington; money advanced weekly, outfit and special training free, experience un necessary ; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean, hardv. guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTEDEXPERIENCED HOIST MAN WITH CLAM SHELL EXPERIENCE; .v-Tc Wit t. RP ANKWKRED. .STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, SALEM, OR. WANTED One experienced storage battery man. une auto wwuei. -",c r - night work, Gibson Storage Battery Co, 144 12th. WANTED AT ONCE Overalls cutter, or young men who have had some experi ence running cutting machine on clothing goods, chance to learn trade, wod wge ana gooa nours. wl3 " ' corner 5th and Everett. MARRIED man to milk 20 cown; .teady po sition, house and vegetables, milk Iut nished; good wages to right man. W. Johnnon. route A, box 240, Portland, Or. Tabor ob4. MAN above 46 year. Xor eneral work In paint and wall paper ,tore and iary putting up orders; state salary and ex perienie; i got.d chance to learn a trade. WANT man to milk 20 cows; wages s.a mSnth. "om and board; no '"mwork. V. Johnson. Portland, route A, box 4U. Phone Tabor " WANTED MILKERS Wanted, a family competent to mllK 65 to 70 cows. J. H. Kichter, Washou gal, Wash , . WANTED Man over 36 or exempt from draft! general experience, good sa ary steady employment; stale age and phone numuer, jv ,s, Writer, or clerical work; Permanent and Opportunity ior ,uvo.uv.o. 6. -Me Aiaer bu YOUNG man over 18 wantea iv- no . tain helper; no VeV""rT.," liS oad Sunday work. Ca n' I iddle, 14j uroaa way. . T. 1 1 1 ohilltV "fa : work in .hop d drive about 2 . hour, a day. 235 btarK- WANTED Experienced washman, fmau uinTryVlper week.. Address City Hand Laundry. APerqeen, w vted Automobile mechanics, none oi" Al need apply. Beaver tiarage, ave, orin. WANTED Good man to -work In store and sTiippTnVdepartment. Trl-Stat, Terminal Co., 4th and coucn sts. ONE-jSiTtir for day work; one elevator TT1UII. n-VViJ - - and OaR, CARPENTERS wanted, $6 8 hour. 14th ana oiju ,"" Turner. UN-?RJA?n?'dfd.P?entchoo,l f rii,f. Vancouver. Wash. Vancouver 101. WANTED Two men with some sales expe-w-.t,..ii 317 Oreaonian bldg., between g and , ana o. COOK Good dinner and short order cook for restaurant. Call at Savoy fcteak House. 187 4th St., city. Union nouse. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale h?"8?' . ,"" T"" , rte full particular including M- Balarv. age. AF 874, oregonian. Capable Ford driver Ior grocery oe Uverfr state age, phone number and .al " '' r.in Oreeonian. ri F iVER dver and spotter, ior wen C efui?ped plant French Electric. Dye Wks. Yakima. Wash. : FIVE men over 50 years old with some salesmanship ability. S3.50 per day 6 hrs. R oil WANTED Reliable man. past draft age. Apply iTfactory, East 8th and Oak. Pun- tan Manuitm' a -BOOKKEEPER and eneral office man. state expenwito - Oregonian. wanted Boys over 16. to set pins; also high school boys to work short hours; gold payreXonlleyC Broadway. WANTED Day clerk in hotel, who under- andswltchboard; give phone number. C523, Oregonian. a tTTttTr to take care of small office build J Ataa Appy !o Monday. 506 Gerlinger building. ; - ifuJeplhlngNk WANTED Janitor In hotel; give phone number, ao ou. WANTED Day elevator man in hotel; give phone number. C 524, Oregonian. WANTEDOffice boy at once. Apply Northwest aieei wu. DELIVERY boy wanted. Co., 205 Selling bldg. K. F. Ervin & EXPERT adding machine operator, tempor ary WOrK. AJ MEN wanted lor pacains " a1' '7' , ' . George Lawrence at .u., V--TZZT PAVTS -ooerators wanted at 309 Peoples Bank bldg- Seattle, Wash. WANTED An office boy for architect's office, can niuau a.j WANTED Man to do chorea around hoteL "Woodlawn 2915. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanics. Serve- U Snop, wr" . WANTED -First-class ladies coatmaker; good pay. o "1PU" ov- W ANTED Warehouse men and packers. Marshall wens -o., nuvcju. BARBER wanted; steady position. Morgan Bldg. uamer prop. BOY to learn good, clean trade. Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co., 621 Thurman st. GROCERY delivery clerk, must know how to run Ford car. 175 N. 21st st. MAN for wood working latne. Mfg. Co., 600 E. Lincoln. MAN to put in wood, start furnace, exchange for room, 655 Flanders. WANTED A janitor for dental office. 125 6th st. WANTED A baker; steady Job. Coyvallis Bakery, Corvallis. Or. YOUNG man for general work for ma chine rylious C"alin0FIrstBt. WANTED Boy to run elevator; experience not necessary. Palace Hotel. 446 Wash. at. FIRST-CLASS beef killer; highest wages and board. Frank L. Smith, 28 Alder, HELP WANTED MALIC A LARGE manuturlng concern has open lng for office boy, position will pay good vags at outset, with unusual opportunity to obtain business education; position will - be permanent with chance of advance ment as rapidly as deserved; reply in own handwriting, stating age, experience, schooling, list of former employers and reference. AB G30, Oregonian. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS FOST. This u no ttine to shirk; every man should do his utmost; middle-aged men can now "come bak"; boys are needed at once to fill solulers' ptaces; ti Y. M. C. A. Employment an-i Advisory De- fiartment is able to givs priceless sdvice; t puts you into the largest place you are able to fill succe;siully A special membership of $3 has been devised to aid those who ned It; don't miss this modern, scientific and tnor oughly business-like way of securing a position. Phono Mtin 8700. A 656L Call at once In personif possible. HAVE YOU EVE R WORK E D IN PAPER AND PlLP M1LL8? Come and try It. There are thousands of men who think it the most agreeable Job they ever held. lleeinners' hourly wages are 4i'c a-nd all Jobs are eight hours. The company furnishes the best meal in Oregon for 30c If derdred, and beds may be had for 10c a night. Tou may board . a.id room in Oregon City If you want to. Come along don't write. There is a Job for you in this essential war work if nut now ao employed. Apply free employment office. West Linn, across river from Ore gon City. Strike on. WANTED Fallen for logging camp; good country, maximum Government wage paid. Wilson Btos. Logging Company. In dependence, Washington. Take CAW. Railroad. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive control of good territory in Oregon and Washington; money advanced weekly, out fit and special training free, experience un ntcessary ; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenish, Wash. HTGTT School and Reed College students looking for paper routes during the com ing school year will ao well by applying to Room 203 Oregonian bldg.. at once. STRONG, capable man for foreman In fac tory producing essential food, must be neat and systematic; should be under 50 and have a general knowledge of op erating steam boiler and be able to make minor repairs in piping. K 506, Oregonian. nlan. MINERS WANTED at Homestead Iron Dyke mines. Home stead, Or., muckers, f 4.7S; machine men, $5.25; good air, working dry. On Home stead branch, Oregon Short Line; alti tude 1000 feet. The most modern mining .camp In the world. WANTED Station operators for hydraulio plant. Addrt'ss Supt. of Power, Pacific Power & Light Co., Pasco, Wash. In an swering, state past experience, draft status, references, if employed how much notice would present employer require, and sniary expected. AV 67, Oregonian WANTED Young man for newspaper work. good chance of advancement; in answer ing giye phone number. AG 501, Orego nian. MEN wanted by Portland Gas Jk Coke Co., at uasco, on Linn ion road, steady employ ment; pay 3.50to $3 per day. Take fre bus at garagf. Front and Glisnn sts., 6 A. M., or 23d and Savier at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas piant office BOY, about 16 years of age, reliable and active, living with parents preferred, wanted for an old established Insurance and real eetate office; excellent oppor tunity to gut good office training and learn business. M 400, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED vulcanfzer and auto tire re pair man wanted. Also assistant ta miliar with changing tires and tube repair. EDWARDS TIIIE SHOP, 331 Ankency St. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from tr ucks to basements or cur consumers; average wage, M.U5 to $4.75 for t hours. Inquire N. E. cor. -d and Plunders. Port land Gas 'A Coke Co. WANTED Salesman with !!i?ht car for es tablished coriee ro-iKe, piuirantee Jo a week and commission. Boyd Tea Co., 3d st. WANTED First-class machinists; others need not apply; small shop, good position - for the right man. Cutler Mfg. Co., 851 East 10th at. WANTED Man for small factory; one not subject to draft; must be handy with tools and steady worker; wages $J.' AB 637, Oregonian. BOYS WANTED Apply at factory, 84 1st su North. WANTED 2 CAR TALLYMEN. ONE LUM BER MARKER ON SORTER CHAIN. ONE CHUTE TALLYMAN. NORTHERN PACIFIC LUMBER CO. WANTED Two men accustomed to meeting the public who wish to connect with growing concern with a future. Call 25 E. 12th after 4 P. M. WANTED Man for out of town, capable of doing plain window trimming and ign writing in dry goods store ; state salary and experience. Address AV 69, Oregonian. BOY for general store work, $30 month. Lennon's, 300 Morrison. .MEN WANTED Conductors and motormen wanted. Call room sio Electric ouuaing, or di vision superintendent's office at the carbarns. P. R., L. & P. Co. WANTED By wholesale house, stock clerk ' for automobile accessory department; one experienced in above lines; state age and experience. X 59, Oregonian. WANTED today for woodwork. 5 choker setters, 5 rigger rustlers. Firm will fur-. nish automobiles to the work. Apply to the, superintendent. 2S N. 2d st. WANTED Combination porter and bellhop. A middle-aged man not being liable to be called In the October draft. Rainier Hotel, 128 North 6th st. MAN" wanted to work in general merchan dise store in a country town. Call Sat urday from 4 to 6 or Monday A. M. 948 Garfield ave. SHIPPING clerk and packer; state age. ex perience, salary expected and references. Apply by letter In own handwriting, Port land B-oom Co.. 346 East Burnside pt. TWO good men for general store and ware house work, near ortiana : gooa wages. Apply ta W. J. Walfoort. 395 E. 83th St., from 9 A. M. till 2 P. M. WANTED A first-class all around cook for relief man. Salary $i'o per montn. worn six days per week. Apply to chef, Broad way Hazelwood, 127 Broadway. WANTED An intelligent eiderly man to make himself generally useiui arouna wholesale house; give age and salary de sired. D 598, Oregonian. BELL BOY wanted with some snap and en ergy, good cnance ior ngni do. -u i on-e. University ciud. 75 6th st. near J ef f erson. WANTED For kitchen, hotel, two Chinese cooks and kitcnen netpers, oa-y ana hirhs shift; steady work, good pay. S 131, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED porter for men's clothing store; permanent position; laiiij io tuu. C. J. Mathis. & Co.. 5th and Morrison. 1 WILLING roan under 30 to do inside and outside work in grocery; reierencea. Mam 8495. m LINOTYPE operator, small daily, speed not essential; permanent job, good pay. Call or write Enterprise, Oregon City. RAILROAD blacksmith and helper, six bridge men. Apply 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED A cleaner and presser. or bushel man; $35 per week. Frank Nixon, Ray mond, Wash. WANTED Man or boy for helper; no ex perience necessary. Apply Hoover Bakery, 597 r-ast i itn. Sellwood 1616. WANTED By large corporation, bright boj who likes mechanics. Steady posltioa and advancement. A 529, Oregonian. . HAVE a few good routes open; chance e earn money for school expenses. Call to day. Room 203 Oregonian bldg. WATCH M AKE R wanted. Thoroughly com petent watchmaker at F. FriedJander,o., 310 Washington st., bet. 5th snd 6th. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $70 per month and board. Apply WaSb- mgion-Bi- A HELPER in stockroom, not in class 1. Apply Flrstone Tire A Rubber Co., 65 Park tS N. PRINTER and general assistant in etudlo. Ca! Calvert Studio. 6th and Ankeny. DELIVERY boy wanted. Se foreman. Rem ington Typewrite Co. A GOOD COLLECTOR AND SALESMAN for City W orn. l,ail r . .".l-. twj ii aaiiiiifltyu. TRIPE cU'aners and casing men; good wages. 228 Ader st WANTED Baker's he:per; steady position. Apply to Bonemiaa restaurant.