THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 15, 1918. KZW TODAY. For Sale or Exchange Income Properties NEW MODERN BRICK AND STUCCO APART MENT HOUSE 100 occupied with large waiting: list according to owner's statement should pay 10 net on asking: price of $75,000. Will consider ex change of other properties in part payment to $45,000. . We have a very select list ing of Income properties for sale or exchange, ranging from $13,500 to some of Port land's larger retail properties. I Inside Property Dealers Ground Floor, Henry Building GOOD INVESTMENTS FROM $4500 UP tfA CfA Pressed brick, first floor sZrOUt stores, eight rooms, large porches, large grounds. Reasonable value $S000. Our sacrifice price $4500. 7CA Flat building, two apart 0T I JJ ments. five rooms each; E. 24th and Davis. tC AHA Two flats, six rooms each, OOlUUU 50x100 lot: East Salmon; walking distance. $1 ft ftftft Four lata, five rooms A J iJJJ each, and good bungalow, 28th. near Sandy blvd. 1 C ftftft Large flat building. Fif 9 lOjUUU teenth street, near Main; team heat; income $00 per month. 4 F" Eight-flat building. lOOx OlOiUUU 100; high -class location; restricted residence dis trict. Piedmont. - tOf ftftft High-class Irvington dst'rlUUU flats, modem from A to Z. Good income. qn aha Six-flat building, on OOUlUUU Sixth street; walking distance. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 203-5-T board op trade: bi.dg. pOR MORTGAGE LOANS see Oregon X investment & Mortgage Co, Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d & YamhilL Three Bargains in Laurelhurst No. 1. Good as new. 9-room house on sightly lot. close to car. 2 fire place. 4 extra large bedrooms. Price, only $3500. No. 2. Feren rooms and sleeping porr-h. In good condition, thoroughly modem, large living and dining room, and kitchen and library downstairs. Three fine bedrooms and bath, with extra fine sleeping porch upstairs. Close to car. Good gaxag. Price, only $4750. Oott owner $rrOO. No. 3. Extra large living room, den with fireplace. Dutch kitchen and 2 fine bedrooms. This la a pick up at $4150. Remember those prices Include all street and sewer ssnepsments. $".00 rash. Your rent money and a few extra dollars wilt secure any one of these bargains. Come out today. Keys at office. E. 8"th and Gllsan St.. or phone for appointment. Tabor 3433. MR. DELAHl'NTY, Evenings, ast 206. IRVINGT My Large Home 315 E. 16th No., Corner Halsey Never Offered for Sale Before Caroer 100110. with Flint Shrubbery. Trees) smd Hswrn la Irvlnirtosu Second floor: Five bedrooms, large sleeping - porch, two baths, two fire places. There is complete third floor. Hot-water heat. Whole house hnrd wood floors. L'itra desirable location, tiarage. I built this home for my own use, and it is built right. Price $16,000 See Mr Amrrnt, R. T. STREET, Irriaatea Realtr Office. Kaat rlfteeath BrMdwar, I WILL BUILD IN KENTON AND SELL ON REASON- ABLE TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE BUYERS 3, 4 OR 5 -ROOM HOUSES TABOR 2490 FOR LEASE Will Kreef Batldlaa- to Salt Iaaor oa All er Air Portloa of 100x200 Feet Locate ai 9veateatli Street, Near Tkiraas Mreet. F. V. ANWEWS A CO- A areata, Slxta Hoar Piatt Bnlldlns;. Telepaoae Marshall 6USS. To Lease, Building H OR H BLOCK. Suitable for warehouse, manufacturing, k a rage, laundry or most any hirg-e con urn which needs lots of space. This is a pood downtown location. Track age, docks, depots nearby. WATCH Ol'R ADS. WE GET RE9TXTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Boat-A mt Trade Bal I dims;. ON NEW TODAY. GRUSSI & DOWNEY'S SNAP LIST $ I Oflfl -Tom cottape, bath. electricity; 9IUU iot 46x116, No. 1001 Macadam, near Bancroft. $100 cash. $ I 800 B rjm hou8e' 144 30tn near t9nfin5"room nice cottage, S30 Fre 0UUU moot. nr. Rodney av., $500 cash. tOOCfl 5-roora bungalow, 10S1 Division JU St., near 34th; J500 cash. tOJCn 6-room house, corner lot, 00 ltUU Skidmore. cor. Grand ave. Very easy terms. fOCnn 5-rm. bungalow, 100x100, 97 Ver PdUU mont-st.. nr. Virginia; $500 cash. t9Rf)fl 5-room modern bungalow, oak 'JUU floors, fireplace, 563 Reynolds a v., nr.Mllwaukie av.;easy terms tOCnil 4-room bungalow, 86 B. 19th, 'UUUnear Washington. $500 cash. t97Cf1 5-ftoom fine bungalow. 992 E. ttl JU Caruthers. near 34th; $500 cash. tinnnNlce 6-rm. house, 328 Fremont. UUU cor. Rodney ave.; $750 cash. Oflflfl 5-room cottaze on Broadway, 40UUU near Jackson, West Side; $300 cash. tQfini 5-room bungalow, 100x100 lot. vvvww 1289 Wilbur St., near Alns worth; $500 cash. t9ICn-roni nice house. No. 325 E. Ul WW 44th. near Hawthorne. "1 jicn 6-room swell bungalow, garage, vdtUU 1243 E. 31st N Irvington Park. tQRfin t-room bungalow,, 50x100 lot. fvuwu 1279 Belmont, cor. 44th. tQCnfl'ne 6-rm. house, cor. lot. 1094 4uuuu Michigan ave., cor. Sumner. fOCnriNlce 7-rm. house, 50x142. 451 vuuww jesaup, nr. Union ave. fQ7Cfl 8-room modern bungalow. 402 0J aU E. 48th. nr. Hancock. Rose City. tfUnnn S-room house, walking dis- tpt-UUU tance. 326 E. 6th N near Hal sey; $500 cash. eQCf 7-room. nice house, 330 Grant V-ruuu st. near 6th; $750 cash. trnfinF,ne -rm. modern home, 450 E. 18th N.. nr. Tillamook, fine part or Jrvlngton; iuu caan. tKOCfl Swell, modern, 7-rns. house. 890 VOs-OUK. Yamhill, nr. 28th. ffCCpfl 8-room modern borne. 60x100, auUL 330 E. 8th. near Broadway, walking distance. GRl'SSI DOWNEY, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. BIG GASH SACRIFICE! ' ""I ... W &-.::., F3 MT. TABOR HOME Beautiful City View dlf)AA cash will handle this nine iDIOUU room house, two fireplaces, furnace, full cement basement, wood lift to upper floor, ground I4sxlo0, abundance of fruit trees and shrubbery; hard-surface streets. Now vacant: can take posession at once. This is one of the Diggest Dargains ever. Price $4800 Watch Our Ads. , We Get Results C. A. WARRIXER, Ritter, Lowe & Go. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Rnlldlnsr. HOTEL FOR SALE BUILDING AND FURNITURE One of the best constructed and most modern of the smaller hotel buildings in this city Is now offered ror sale with the furnishings if desired.. The building Is a handsome four-story, pressed - brick structure In first-class condition, covering 100x100. There ara six store rooms and hotel lobby on ground floor; 96 clean, light rooms In hotel proper. Hotel Now Doing $2000 Per Month Business W1I.I. SELI. THE REALTY FOR LESS THA.N THK III II. Ill V; WOI LD . COST TOUAV. $50,000 Cash Required, Balance on Mortgage For Interview address BJ USD, Orearonlaau A R-E-A-L HOME In Laurelhurst No. 154 E. 39th No. Oae Bock North of lanre1hnrat Tract Office. Beautiful solid brick home, best brick in Portland. Solid mahog any finish In dining-room, hall and large living-room; French doors to wisteria-inclosed con crete porch: hot-water heat, three' firepluces. tile bath, four bed rooms and sleeping porch on sec ond: commodious third floor. Never offered for sale before. The last word in a sightly corner view home, tit: hi It then see my agent, R, T. STREET, Kaat 84. Kaat 430. FINE BLOCK INDUSTRIAL STOCK Permanent factory having lx years' contracts for output; capacity over $100,000 per month. Large profits and lucrative position for capable man hav ing $75,000 cash to invest. Address AH 510. Orcsoalaa, for personal In terview. MORTGAGE LOANS Issprcrd eilT ..' frm property j la sl.llmr.t R,i)msl prlTllrice If pre ferred! prompt, reliable aervice. A.H. BIRRELL GO. 517-219 Biortbwfstern Bank Building;. Marshall 4114, A 4118. vtCAI. ESTATE. WANTED To glvo Immediate possession of 1 mcrtu 8-room modern house, barn, chick en run. pigeon fly. all kinds of pasture for cow. 40 rruit trees b years 01a. grapes, berries, etc. One block outside of Mty limits off a good county road. J. F. Cas ldy. MUh ave, and 67th st. 8. E. FOR SALE by owner. xl2o, 5-room house, about 1 bearing fruit trees, also small frn It. 1 QQ. Broadway 732. LOTS S. , block 6. Westmoreland, B. T. Burnett, Eugene, Or. rcr t,aff REAL E8TATK. BEFORE purchasing: property caution sug gests an Impartial report on its value and condition. Get your moa.jrs worth. We five you the facts. Reasonable charges proportionate to service rendered. Mac- Kaugnton A Raymond, valuation pens. Corbett bid. CRANBERRY LAND. $100 per acre for one of the best bops in Washington. Pet. South liend and Aber deen near ocean and on bis drainage j ditch with running water the whole length I or the land. This la a snap, investigate. uwner moving to the lasc BLANCH A RD & CLINSOrf. ilolJEKMlZfc: your buildings; all kinds of repairs; see my designs ior new nomas. Jdax 14. Merer. Concord bide Main Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Builders. GOOD Metzser acre, near car: cash terms; price reasonable. Woodlawn 2205. For Eale Lots. ACRE TRACT $15 DOWN. $13 MONTH PA R K ROSE Nearly all cleared, some f!r trees, nice I homes on either side, sidewalks to carllne I and bandy Blvd., pressure water, gas, J. L. HARTMAX COM PA-NY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., 4th. and Stark. I TWO LOTS (BREXTWOOD). OWNER HAS ENLISTED; MUST SELL. WILL SELL HALF VALUE ($230 UK 2. TKfiMa OR LIBERTY BONDS. OR MAKE OFFKR DESIRABLE FOR HOME SITE. CLEAR. NEAR TREMONT (MT. SCOTT) CAR. AUUHESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 222. $750 ALL ASSESSMENTS PAID ROSE PITY PARK 60x100 ft. lot, half block off Alameda .Drive, loot ion good. J. L. haktma.n tu., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids., 4th ana star. Main 20S, A-2iuu. PAYS OVER 20 PER CENT. This 4 -flat building pays over 20 per cent on wnat you nave to invest, a new, modern building, double constructed, east iront, Dest location and car service in city. Income $1020 a year. Price $7000. Phone owner week days Woodlawn 1069. bun day woodlawn 1149. A GREAT BARGAIN. Two good city lots In Tacoma, Wash., very close to business district on northwest corner of South 13th and I sts.; streets are paved on 3 sides and all assessments paid for. This Is & great bargain. Call me up at East 6874. BY OWNER 200 acres of unimproved rolling land, about 10,000 cords of wood on the place, fjrst-claaa soli, 22 miles east of Portland, one mile south of Columbia Highway. Good roads through the center of place. S. A. A rat a. Phono Main 480. Address U 595, Oregonlan. FULTON PARK corner lot for sale. 60x100, near school, with small store, barn, fruit trees; cash $650, terms $750. Take 4th at. car, stop 3d mile right on property, owner. awu .bast lutn at- soutn. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden into Income. We desicn and build anything. furnish the money If desired. Eight years I in fort land. 1 11. Bailey Co., contracting architects. Northwestern Bang blag. BY owner, 12 acres of land, located at I Troutdale. on the Columbia Highway, the I making of a very beautiful country norne; acres clear. Balance in ttmoer. a. A rata, I'hone Main 460. L. 455. Oregonian. I LAURELHURST VIEW LOT, OPP. PARK. I S1350 50x100: AH Imnrovements Paid. Save $750; October 1 contract expires and 1 owner does not care to sell lot; cost iiiou. i CHA& RIXGLER & CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. IP you wish to build, look at these lots. 2 lots, 3J i-3xiuo it., on frinceion street, In Peninsula district, for only $lo00. good terms, for sale by owner, 213 Gerlinger bldg. aiain 7325. MOST desirable one-fourth block. Fulton) Park, northeast corner Corbett and Cus ter; ideal location for shipbuilders cot- f tages; reasonable; owner. 249 Bancroft. I ONE-HALF acre in Brentwood near Tre- I mont station on Mt. Scott carllne; will sell cheap lor casn. ,3 iast w lncneu iventon car. Soph a Evenson. FOR SALE or exchange. 100x105, Derby st,, Kenton; equity in good improved; will I assume. A is B45. oregonian. TWO lots. Rose City Park, University Park; paid $1600. take $700 if taken at once. Oeo. Colebrook, Aider Hotel. TREMONT lot for sale cheap, lot 6. block 35. else 40x120; earn $354). terms $400. Owner, bvu bast lutn st. too u in. $500 LESS than assessed value, hi block warehouse or factory. Trackage. AC 70, Oregonlan. LOT on Tillamook, near East 33d, by owner. .r none .cast ow or aaarecs Ats tkto, ore gonlan. NICE lot in Alameda Park, free and clear. Price, $:iuu. owner. 406 Ky. Ex. Bldg. -Main 7WM. 50x100 LOT. close in. East Side, on car line; improvements in ana paia ; 91UUO. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. LADY going East. Cheap for cash, 2 blocks to car, with lots or fruit. Owner, 1901 rirst st., room d24 after 3. FOR SALE Lot 50x100, 1 block off Union ave. Call Sunday at 1570 E. 6th st. N. woodlawn 4;ili. Reasonable terms. VERY desirable 50x100 lot in Piedmont. corner Holman and Delaware ave., $650, terms. cast 4.;. IRVINGTON 100x100. S. E. corner lfth and Thompson, bnap. Offsets building costs. n. t. hireet, irvington agent. FINE lot on East 15th street, in Irvington Addition, xor sale cneap. x 643, orego nian. FINE building lot. corner Moore and Mor gan, $650. terms. J. K. Sharp. 83 3d st. WILL sell for $150 cash two lota. Call Mar shall 3it7. SACRIFICING fine 50x100 lot in Loveleigh, oo. Aiatn HOSE CITY PARK LOT, 3d at. N., two blocks off Sandy blvd.; clear. Main 3761. 7 LOTS. $170 each, all In bunch. St. Johns. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton Bldg. ONE acre fruit land, well waten, with small house. Call Mrs. c smith, 3:tl J. Uavis at. LOT for sale on 52d st.. between Hawthorne and Lincoln. Phone Tabor ISO. ALAMEDA PARK lot, 50x100. for sale cheap. owner. io agents, woodlawn 4314. EQUITY 100x100 on corner, for sale or trade. I eiiwooa i3. ONE of the best view lots on the Alameda Drive for sale cheap. Phone Wdl. 356. For ISale-Bcach Property. SALT A IK. TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots, 25 by 140, at Saltalr station. Tillamook Beach. Near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroads, faces Pacific Ocean. Suitable for business or residence. vanie $o00; will consider trade for auto, property or mer chandise. Address A 401. Oregonian. Flat and Apartment Property. HATFIELD & CRABTRBE'S BARGAINS IN HOMES. 6-room modern $2150; o-room modern 1 6-room modern - 1700 These are near 20th and Tibbetts sts. Small payment, bal. $20 month. 5-room, partly modern, St. Johns dist. Your own terms' $1700 o-room moaern, 1 itn ana onaver. $500 cash, bal. terms $2000 4th St.. room 39. Phone Main 9323. CONTENTS of 28-room apartment-house. good location ami business, for city prop erty. 10 acres improved. 2 acres in fruit and berries, 6-room hard-finished housu at outskirts of good town. 120 acres of land with 2uH cords of wood on. R R, sidet-ack to iind. 614 Panama bldg. For Sale House. ' tout in ruKiLA.M' n.tuo buys 1 - room house at your own terms; $2000 for full lot and o-room house; $300$ for 2 flats. walking distance; several houses from $1100, to $1700, easy terms. Goldstein & Co. s Agency, Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. "West Side sacrifice, seven rooms and nursery, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, fireplace, furnace, thoroughly mod ern, house cost $7300. lot. $25o; price $immi0, terms. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1 9 W ; e venin gs, M ar. S6j. MADRON A HILL. Nearly new 6-room bungalow; has not been occupied yet; witn an modern con- ventences built in: double constructed and well built. Call evenings, Woodlawn &40. 227 W. Sumner. FOR SALE, by owner, an extra well built, fine 7-room house; lot 50x100; fruit trees, ' berries; fine location, walking distance, on East Taylor. 1'rice only JoOU, terms. I'hone East 440H. STRICTLY modern 7-room bungalow, ga rage, sleeping porch; reduced price, quick sale, best bargain, Lauremurst. Owner, Tabor G02. tSHft HIGH-CLASS modern bungalow. rooms, paved street, full lot, clear, block to car; terms. Kennedy & Miller, 329 j ' Salmon. HAWTHORNE line. 6-room bungalow, sev eral lots, beautiful lawn and view; If looking for "a reasonably priced home, see this, owner, Af ;-., uregonian. IRVINGTON HOMES Ol'R SPECIALTY SEE NEC HAL" SEN A CO. FOR EXCLUS IVE BARGAINS. $2(,-0 5-ROOM modern bungalow near Sandy, improvements In. Easy terms. East 6329. $14041 5-room bungalow. $300 cash, balance Installments, block rrom Montavilla car. Phone Woodlawn 134B. PARTLY furnished 6-room house, garage. Rose City Park. Tabor 5203. 32500 ELEGANT 6-room home; $500 cash. $23 monthly. 416 E. Bdwy. KJAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE; six rooms, cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace; some built in features, fine garage and cement run way. Close in near iioth. st, $3000; $GOO caan win nana l e. JUST WEST LAURELHURST. A 5-room bungalow, good basement; laundry trays; iioored attic, etc.; in paved district; corner lot; newly reno vated; like new. $000 cash will hanate. Location ideal. ROSE CITT PARK BUNGALOW. Six-room bungalow, ail on one floor; furnace; fireplace; oak floors; built-in conveniences; cement basement; laundry trays; cement fruit closet. $3500. terms easy. BUNGALOW WITH 100x100 GROUND. A six-room bungalow; some built-in effects; furnace; fine cement basement; all kinds fruit and berries; near car line and school. $3250; easy terms. "VANCOUVER SHIPBUILDERS, ATTENTION. A 6-room modern home; good basement, bath, etc Large pantry and large front porch; near Union avenue, south of Dekum. Only $J50; $500 down, balance terms. A GOOD BUT 10 Minute's Walk Car. A 7-roora house; good basement; bath, etc.; 4 lots 50x100 each; 30 bearing fruit trees and garden. $2500; $400 cash will handle. BUNGALOW PIEDMONT DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow; like new; full base ment; laundry trays ; furnace ; Dutch kitchen; bath, etc.; on paved street, 13 minutes this office; Immediate posses sion. $2you; terms easy. See R. W. Gill. $2400 FURNISHED BUNGALOW $2400. A 5-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in eirects, good basement, corner lot; furnished complete. $500 down, bal. terms, see R. W. Gill. $2300 BUNGALOW, CLOSSi IN $2300. A 5-room bungalow, oak floors in 3 rms., good basement, bath, etc; paved street in and paid; $500 down, bal. like rent. R. W. Gill. $1600 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $1600. A 3-room bungalow, full basement. Dutch kitchen, white enamel bath, large clothes closet, full lot, 1 block car; easy terms can be arranged. House in first class condition. ; IRVINGTON IRVINGTON IRVINGTON. An 8-room mnriorn hnmo hnt nart I Irvington. furnace, fireplace, oak floors. newiy renovated, like new. 75x100 lot, fine garage, etc Price right; terms eaey, $3500 IRVINGTON PARK $3500. A 6-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, every outit-in effect, fine cement baso ment, laundry trays, etc; garage. $1000 m in unnuie. $4200 ON IRVINGTON CAR $4200. A 6-room vjueen Anne bungalow, full cement casement, laundry trays, furnace fireplace, oak floors. vtrv built-in f- ture. beautiful flower boxes and well-kept u. easiest terms. RUMMELL A RUMMELL, 274 Stark SU IRVINGTON. For $5500 we have a 7-room house strictly modern, that we have yet to sell one to equal It for price. Don't hesitate io can us up lr you are looking lor Dare-am, e nave our own auto an willing to take you out. Don't phone for location, ror we.are not giving tnis out to other realtors. THIS IS POSITIVELY A WONDERFUL BUY. See BATTIN, with intJ I" . h U A. JAUUH3 WMfA.Nl, 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. NICE BUNGALOW $3000. Close to Union avenue, hard-surfaced street. 6 rooms and modern. Terms easy. C. DE YOUNG & COMPANY, 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN. Large 8-room house, modern, with ga rage, fine large lot, 150x165, over half an acre, all planted to fruit and berries in full bearing, lots of holly and ornamental flowers; price, for Immediate sale, $4o00, with verv liberal terms. Prooertv lo cated at' 15 E. 53d st. Owner will be In Portland Monday and Tuesday at 610 Henry bldg. HAVE YOU THE PUNCH? Jf so. here your ooenin?. An unused church, close in. East luth. easily con verted into residence. Enough lumber to build two homes. Lot 50x100. For auic sale. $19O0. easiest terms. Great chance for man who can use tools to get a good noma cneap. J. H. KEATING. 203 Falling Bldg. Main 26. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7-room house good neighborhood, all paved streets and walks. 3 blocks from carline, 20 minutes from business center. Living-room, din ing-room. kitchen, bathroom and two bed rooms on lower floor. Two laree bedroom: and closets on upper floor. Full basement. wen ngnrea, stationary tubs. Price $3o ti . uregonian. SPECIAL. I HAVE A REAL HOME at a REAL BARGAIN, located not too far out, and on very -easy terms, modem in every respect, and the price is only $2i00 tsee K. ai. s i A 1 ha. with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S69. $2500 WALKING DISTANCE TERMS. Attractive 6-room house; modern plumb in sr. electricity and gas, good basement pavedstreet included in this price: on E. Stark st., near 16th; price $2500; only S300 down. See FRANK Ij. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG, To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. WHY PAY RENT. WHEN YOU CAN BUY A six-room house with hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, writing desk? This oroDertv Is located between 2.1st and 22d hiast Everett: streets paved and naia for; price only $3x00; will make attrac tive terms. For particulars phone Mr. Blair, at Tabor 6939. BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM bungalow Suitable for couple, bath, gas, electricity, cement ttdewalk. liens paid to date. Look this up today at 367 East 76th North. Montavilla car; $225 down, balance $15 Monthly. Snap at si. -). MILLER. 210 Oregon Bldg. Tel. Brd. 165a Tel. Sunday Tabor 29I. IRVINGTON. For $6000. 7 rooms, near Knott st.. ultra exclusive neighborhood; client left town. Immediate possession given. Not for rent. See BATTIN, with - THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. IRVINGTON-ALAMEDA On account of owners leaving city we have three most desirable moderate-priced horas for sale on easy terms. nouses almost new ana modern in every respect. I'rices rrom $50no to $6500. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Ch. or com. iiag. iiain 302. ROOMS and sleeping porch. Rose City Park district, lust off Sandy blvd.: nice living-room, dining-room, kitchen, bedroom and Dam downstairs; -i nearooms upstairs bearing rruit; only 3Uh; terms, iiitch- cork. SO 4th St., Main 113. BY OWNER 8-room house, well built. In o-ood condition, all modern conveniences. Lot 100x100. Fine fruit trees. berries. grapes, figs, garden. Accommodations for 100 chickens. Price $2850. Call 1519 East 10th st. North. I'hone woodlawn 808. FOR SALE! My equity In new Colonial home, bunt one year, cheap, one block from cars. 4 from high and grammar Lhool : with or without furniture. Call Tabor 7611. EASY HOUSE TO BUY: . On sale Monday morning, flight rooms. close In, East Side, near Broadway bridge. I191K). mait payment, easy installments. J. H . KEATING. 203 Failtn g BI d g. Main 26 5-ROOM modern home on East Washington street, near 43d, for $lhO(), on easy terms. I do not live in Portland and must unload. Place cost me over $2200. For particulars call at 4 04 Piatt b Id g. I AM holding a responsible position and want to purchase direct irom owner a five-room strictly modern bungalow; state your terms and price and answer at once, am anxious to locate. V BS4, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE DIST. BUNGALOW. fi rooms, bath, full coment basement. good neighborhood. 2 blocks to car. Im mediate possession, $2 UK). THE CROS.LEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark SL IRVINGTON 376 East 2."th st. North; Dutch colonial, 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace. mahogany paneled dining-room, hardwood floors, la unary May do seen any time. Owner leaving city. Terms. Main' 3u .. FOR SALE By owner, modern 7-room bun galow on paven St.. an hunt-ins, cement basement; lot 50100, l block from car in Kenton. 18 bcoiieid st. Call Woodlawn 812 or Kenton Bank. $2O0 CASH, 2.'"mO.. PRICE $1050. Vacated Saturday; move right in. 7730 65th ave.. S. E.. Mt. Scott car to Wood- mere Sta. Lot sftxloO, 4 large rooms down; upstairs unfinished. Call Barr. Bdwy. ai2;"j. PIEDMONT HOME. 6-room modern house, full cement base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace. etc, near high school. Woodlawn 3150. SUNNYSIDE'S best bargain, $2100 with $600 down, good modern o-room cottage, near 34th on E. Taylor st. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. Phone week days Tabor 219. TWO BUNGALOWS at 402-494 E. 36th. near Division, $2wk each. S2i-u down, balance same as rent: representative at property Sunday 3 to 6 P. M.. or call Main 94S. THREE-ROOM modern cottage. cement sldewalK; diock orr paved street; gar den and rruit : 1230. 1-3 down. rest monthly. Phone East 3902. 4-ROOJt house and 2 lots, nr Kern Park price $1250. Station, Mt. fecott carline; Percy Ottaway, Aurora, Or. REAL ESTATE. L-O-O-K T-H-E-S-E O-V-E-R. ROSSMERE. $3800 7 rooms, modern In every respect, hardwood tiooBg, fireplace, furnace, 2 blocks from ear; ctear of incum brance; terms it desired. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $3750 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fire place, cement basement, furnace, built-in bookcases, garage; high, sightly, modern home; splendid view of Mt. Hood and western hilis; this is a bargain; terms if desired. ALBERTA. $3300 S rooms, hreplace, cement baser ment, furnace, 2 toilets, large, airy rooms, splendid house; iot 5oxl00; line fruit, berries, lawn and roses; lVt blocks from carline; terms. Fur niture for sale if desired. ' DIVISION. $3000 5-room modern bungalow; hard wood floors, hreplace. cement base ment, laundry trays; lot 110 feet deep; fine fruit and garden. This is a bargain. ALBERTA. $2300 7 rooms, full basement, piped for furnace, bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water; a very modern home. 1 6 blocks from car; im provements paid ; $350 cash, bal ance to suit. HAWTHORNE. $21506 rooms, cottage; hardwood floors. fireplace, full basement, bath, toi let, lights, hot and cold water, street paved and paid for; $350 cash, balance monthly. MT SCOTT $2000 5 rooms, bath, toilet, gas. hot and cold water, laundry trays, fu.l basement, lot 80x100; fine frui and berries, chicken-house and yard; $500 cash, balance to suit. And many others that we would be glad to show you, ranging in price from $S00 to $25,000. See W. W. Jordan. . Manager House Dept., T. E. TAYLOR COMPANY, Inside Property Dealers. Ground Floor Henry Building. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. OOCli" CITV -PARK" f!AR. unno' tn TrioVin- tniiot m at once: hot water heat; 6 rooms, fireplace, bookcases. beautiful electric nxtures, iapwj haxriurnn! floors. buffet. DutCl kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays. Terms to suit most desirable purchaser. Take liberty bonds. PHONE TABOR 4562! r-v- . v. - t n..r.lh..r.t Hletrlnt. 527 E. 42d St,, 'a new six-room modern house, up to date, j . i s!ii' v. A.",th at., a bun- galow, new and modern; both of tnese places we will exchange for a nice subur ban home of from 5 to 10 acres located on a good road. If you have anything ou desire to exchange ror tnese V V-r A -an without delay. M. J...CLU; HESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. WUY NOT HI! i L.L) -. .eiiitio hninA accordlnc to you' ewn Ideas by responsible firm. Prices art some nigner man ui mm, and build residence apartment, anything. Assist to iinance samo . w c ' ; - L R. BAILEY CO.. INC Contracting Architects. 24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. T T.-T V1 niSTANTE. 7-room modern home, just vacated by wrier- who instructs me 10 unci or t-uwio- mieht consider givmi a lease. Location. 3Wi Victoria St., just north of Broadway. See tnis. inen can c rrv nffir for the key. C. M. Derr. 304H Oak st. Broadway 2G6. GREAT BARGAIN! 6 rooms, bath, attic liohta o-:i newiv decorated ; neai r,nu,wf HtrftPt Oretron City car every 30 minutes to Sell wood. 10 minutes from heart of city; beautiful river-view ride 6c). also near Sellwood car; price only $1550. terms. 1685 E. 9th. Owner, Mam 7129 forenoons. 4I.RRRTA. hniic. on hard-surface street, bath, gas and electricity; price $2500; $300 down, balance monthly payments. MRS. OTT. Owner. FWQ Mnnl enmcrv Stl Marshall 6013 after 5 F. M. and all day Sunday. FOR SALE BY OWNER. IRVINGTON a H A R(tA1X. ct...m aii modern home, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage; $500 cash balance like paying rent; no agents. 3 n.. J.otn st. N., phone East n.-o uTUTHnT'Ti! T.TRTTMCT. I will sell my cozy 5-R. bungalow for $400 cash payment; it has a full Dase ment, fireplace, laundry trays; is in flrst-c-i condition: paved street. Call owner. Tabor 8743. ROSE CITY PARK. fivn.rnnm huncalOW. Well lO' . hinrk from the Sandy blvd Owner, non-resident, has made a price of $2500 for a quick sale. $500 cash. Broad way 2t6. JU. J-Jerr. out 72 ot" ri nvr A T. T-T RIHHTS. On East 22d sU 8 rooms. 1-story bun galow; oak floors throughout; two com oiete bathrooms: Btrictly modern; price OODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ern 6-room duhbhiuw, want cash or liberty bonds for equity; must be seen to be appreciated; no agents. Tabor 63. EXCELLENT 7-room house, near Franklin high school; 101 ouiw, 11 6." flowers. Price $2S50; no mortgage; can be bought for $500 down and $30 per month on balance. labor 4J. I HAVE lot near Holgate st. and the rail road shops, on which 1 " .CB, hiiiLtincr for resDonsible party on terms. See L. R- Bailey Co., Contracting Architect-, 924 Northwestern Hank Hltig. -ROOM house in good condition, $1350, cor ner lot; (-(Hi aown, -o per mu. . i uik. from car. Must be sold to settle estate. Phone Tabor 1418. pooms Bleeping porch, sun porch. baths, garage; lot 75x135; restricted dis trict; view property. $10,000. Owner and buyer only. Caii Main 2268 for particu lars. Terms. r.RnnM bungalow. Multnomah station. V block, irom car, eiftuiu "s"'. ea, ouu Run water: cheap for cash. Inquire Thomas store, or pnone Main HAWTHORNE district, 0-room modern bun- irn ;nw. ail DUlll-111 cun vciiieni ea, bi. 1111- irovsmen's paid, immediate possession; a snap at $2850. xanor out?. OWN lots in the Kenton district. To move them will build houses of moder ate price and sell them on easy terms. Owner, AV 40. Oregonian. -T-.n Rw owner. 6-room. modern house. cement Liastuiu -, 1 " - a.. i.o, street, near car. TsO Williams avenue. Wood" 426. IRVINGTON bungalow at sacrifice; owner going riast ; cost over oiw, win nei t lor $.t".ju moaern. ium ccuii auu wuuu 111, ga ra ge. 621 E. 10th N. FOR SALE Bi OW nkr (-room modern house, lot fcuxiau, steeping porcn, newiy tinted, furnace, wash trays, fruit trees, garage. East 7626. MAGNIFICENT 8-room home, best location. Irvington; cost 9 1 -,-;;, wm iaae per cent less for quick sale; very reasonable terms. This is fine. East 273. ATTRACTIVE strictly modern home, 6 rms. and Sleeping porcn, uiock. ana nan irom Rose City Park car on 48th; $4150, $1000 cash. Owner, Tabor 3 638. FOR SALE or exchange, dandy five-room bungalow ana two 101s, restrictea district; this is your chance, Prentiss, 404 Piatt bids. ; FOR SALE 9-room house and 1 block. sleeping porcn, garage ior i; cars, large orchard, fine chicken park; vacant Octo ber 1. Tabor 5664. SIX-ROOM cottage, partly furnished, and 2 lots at woo a me re station; uu; easy terms. Harold S. Gilbert, the reliable piano merchant. 3S4 Yamhill st. BUY THIS QUICK. P-room residence, 2 blocks from Missis sippi car; full lot, pavement paid ; prino $3300. Goddard & W led rick. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE 7-room modern house and two lots, $50"u; or win iraae ior smaller place. Tabor 4371 WILL draw plans and build houses to suit buyer, on ttutrc si., jaomavnia, or ;(tn st.. Woods tQCK a 16 trict. rtroaaway 0 0 1. SPLENDID 8-room house, cost $11,500, will take 40 per cent less; son in Army; cnoice location, Irvington. E. 2.3, E. 2530. ROSE CITY PARK 2 new bungalows, strictly modern, iou ana so.ou. labor 4477. FOR SALE By owner, 4-room house with 2 lots, fruit trees; pan casn, rest easy pay ments. 14S6 Oneonta st. Woodlawn. IRVINGTON 7-room fine home, $5500; best location, uwner. 1 010, uregonian. FLAT for sale; a snap; makes home and . an Income. 1 ;n-', uregonian. 8-ROOM, modern, Mt. Tabor district, fruit, ga rd en. 90x140; terms. Tabor 8621. FOR SALE 5-room house, near school and carline, $900. Call Tabor 4779. PARTLY furnished houseboat. 1884, Willamette moorage. GOOD house for sale, modern, terms. Owner only. Wdln. 2457. Cash or PIEDMONT 7-room bungalow, modern. In quire 1185 Cleveland ave. IRVINGTON SfAP ; TERMS; $5750NO AGENTS, OWNER. EAST 8015. REAL ESTATE For Sale Houses. IRVIXGTOVS BUYS. Easy Terms. $5000 721 Weidr st, near 22d, among fine homes, very large living room, oak floors. Ivory flnisn, 3 bedrooms and attic; fruit trees and ' shade trees and shrubbery; near Broadway, double-car service. Va cant. Immediate occupancy. SOME BUY. $6500 Near 542 E. 19th N., near Knott, wonderfully well-built home, very large living room; has extra bed room and toilet on first floor; sec ond floor, 2 very large bedrooms, 1 smaller and sleeping porch; garage. beautiful trees and shrubbery. Im mediate possession. $6500 Comer bungalow, with garage Ivory finish. larce living room. Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms; also attic room. $6300 7 rooms, 535 E. 2tst st. N., near Knott ; best location in Irvington; best possible construction; better than you could build it today. : ' foot living room. Vacant. $5500 184 East 12th st. N a beautiful near-new nouse, i Dearoom aown. several upstairs; large living room, every modern convenience ; handy to school, vacant in week. A non-resident wants to sell quick at $500. No. 529 E. 23d North. See it today and make me offer tomorrow afternoon, R. T. STREET, Irvington Agent, East 894. Res., East 4260. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY, WILCOX BLDG. Main S517. Sixth and Washington. LOOK at 718 E. Madison st., one block from Hawthorne ave.. about 2uth street. In positively the best section of the Central East Side. You can move in this house as soon as deposit is made. This is high class residence property and the bunga low has ile rooms, up to date in every respect, and we will sell it to you with a full lot for about the price of the lot alone. M. J. CLOHESS1. 415 ABINO TON BLDG. FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY. Splendid 5-room modern home at 926 E. Davis st. Lot 50x100. Ideal location; 4 blocks from Laurelhurst Park. Full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc. Walls ''newly papered throughout. Woodwork old ivory. Price $2900. Terms. 5O0 down, balance $23 month. See owner on prem- ' ises this week. 2 to 5 P. M.. or phone Mil waukie S5 M, for appointment. $J7."0 BEACON HEIGHTS. 8 RMS., full cement oasment. ana iurnare. urepiaue, gas range, laundry trays, double construc tion; built for a home by the owner, who is now a non-resident; 4 bedrooms and bath, very conveniently arranged, on 2d floor; large porch, fruit, roses; 3 bl. to school and 2 carilnes, 10 minutes to 1st and Morrison. Terms. KEA1.TI & MTG. CO., 633 Ch. of Com! Main 2051. VERY ATTRACTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK HOMfJ, t JUST COMPLETED. CORNER 41 ST AND TILLAMOOK STS. Large living and music room, with French doors, large" plate-glass window s, swell bevel-plate 7-foot .buffet, breakfast room, sleeping porch, solid brass hard ware; Eastern oak doors. Tabor 1900. LAURELHUR"srEUNGAL SNAP. Classy, nearly new, modern 6-room bungalow, near Laurelhurst Park, French doors, den, breakfast-room, all In old ivory, large attic, room ior garage, uik snap at $4700, including everything. Terms. R. H.. Torrey, Tabo- 407. Also 2-story. 6-room house, with sleeping porch, best section Laurelhurst at snap. ROSSMERE BUNGALOW, GARAGE. $4000. Cozy modern 6-room bungalow, with large sleeping porch and garage, near car, fine neighborhood, lots of trees and shrub bery. Terms. 530 East 41st st. North. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. Also 2-story modern 6-room Laurelhn-rst home in old Ivory at snap. 100 FEET OFF UNION AVE. $2200. $300 down, 20 monthly, ouys tnis six -room thoroughly modern house with furnace and ali modern conveniences. Place in ftrst class condition and ready for immediate oc cupancy; located at 370 Monroe St.; lot 35 x50; street work all paid for; a real snap. Fred W German Co.. 732 Cham. Com, bldg. GROVELAND PARK Modern 7-room, bungalow type, large rooms and well arranged; full lot, east front. Walking distance to both high and grade schools, one block to Hawthorne car. This Is a dandy home and the prit:e is $4500. Terms can be arranged. Bread way 266. C. M. Derr. 304 Oak st. $0800. $2500 AND $40 MONTH. ON EDGE OF LAURELHURST. 3Sth and Tillamook; an elegant home; modern, hot water heat, 6 rooms and fine sleeping porch, garage, luoxioo; all paved streets; worth the money. See it soon. REALTY & MTG. CO., 033 Ch. of Com merce. Main 2o51. . ' BEAUTIFUL HOME $6500 8 rooms and sleeping porch; large living room ; white enamel finish ; thoroughly modern; large grounds with trees and shrubs; on corner 100x100 feet on E. 29th st , near Mt, Tabor carline. Full particu lars upon application. Price $6u00; terms but no trade. ' Main 8699. $150 AND YOUR KENT MONEl buys this lt-siory n-iu. nuu -south of Hawthorne ave.; living-rin.. din-ing-rm., 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath 1st floor. 1 rm. and attic for storage above; lot 50x116; price $3000. REALTY' & MTG. CO., 633 Ch. of Com. Main 2051. LOOK at SS7 E. Franklin St., near --tn, 11 you want a new, moaern seven-ruum uuubk with full cement basement; everything in perfect order and then call at the office and we will tell you how cheap you can buy It M. J. CLOHESSV, 415 ABING TON BLDG. WILL sell my cozy 4-room house, just being completed; eiecinc wmim, V1""1-'" ing, including hot-water boiler; uOxlOU lot Price for quick sale, $1450; terms, $030 cash, balance $40 a month with in terest. No agents. Address owner, AG 518, Oregonian. IRVINGTON". Handsome home, 7 rooms, living and ,n in. mnhneHnv. dining-room In white. trimmed in mahogany; 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porcn. naiuw- $6500. East 3o4(. REAL bargain, only $1750, cash, fine 1 invl lot 2 b'nrlrs from carllne East 76th street North; cost $3600 ,,. rtwrter leaving city. C. R, De- Burgh, 724 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1434. , Tr-.u sii.p bv owner1, house, 6 rooms and thmrhnnt nil modern conveniences Eastmorela'nd, near Reed College, price . 1 1 , tt" Oft, H TJ i!Ui Mar. 655. ' HAWTHORNE. Modern 6-room bung., fireplace, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, cioaK room, reception hall, bookcase, buffet, plastered attic cement basement, trays; 2 blks from far. S.iUW". icriiia. j-r-j. T 1- vnn PLANNING A HOME? Will build any style of home or bun galow you desire. Assistance cheerfully b . . ' 1- vmir Skn.-n ifta s ('nil given 10 "rrTrnh ;V iTR,,Tiri. Up. MOy nuuvi.o, 114 E. 28th st. East Ju33. era. fWI.V TIKI UKAltiU tami balance monthly; 5 rooms, one flrr. elec tric lights, toilet, sink, good neigh hor oH Kern Park. ML Scott car. 6834 44th ave. MODERN 6-room house, full basement, with furnace: DiOCK lrum n""'"""" street' street paved, all assessments paid. Price '$2850 if bought direct; easy terms. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen's bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Fine Horn Unobstructed View. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, garage; strictly modern: lot .xiuo. ooaaaru at Wieririck, 243 Stark st. ROOMS, sleeping porch, sun poreh, 2 ra: lot 75x135: restricted dis trict- view property. $10,000. Owner and buyer only. Call Main 2268 for particu lars. Terms.' CORNER. Alberta st. ana Vancouver ave., 8-room' moaern iiuuoc. sw ,, .Ail fuel and furniture also. Ready to move in your own home. Owner, 244 Al- berta st. $25 0 0 MODERN Troom house, with full lot, full basement, bathroom, electricity, gas, one diock 1 1 " . uis, half cash Owner, 663 Harold ave. IRVINGTON HOME, SOMETHING SWELL, new. up-to-date, nothing lacking; not ad vertised before. See this SURE before buying. Neuhausen & Co. BUNGALOW Mt. Tabor car; S lots: fruit, garage, all built-in conveniences, gas, elec tric a snap from owner; no trade, no commission paid. AJ 7N2, Oregonian. BUY from owner, 5-room bungalow, Haw thorne district: save agent's commission. K 507. Oregonlan. NEW and modern 6-room bungalow, waJking distance. 48'J East 7th st. North. Phone East 3684. MODERN 8-room house with garage, near shipyards; tot 100x105, fruit trees, berries. Call Col. 576. tYsoO Artist ic 4-room bungalow, near Haw thorne car. 1006 Fourth. Main 1293. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 4021 42d sL S. E. Take Woodstock car. Sellwood 3090, REAL KSTATB. fur Sale Houtte. IRVINGTON" BUNGALOWS. The following bungalows are strietlj modern, having hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchens and other mod ern conveniences. The lots are 50x100. and streets are paved. 4!2 East 7th su North $3500 4.6 East 7th sL North 350v 500 East 7th st. North S504 506 East 7.h St. North 370(1 507 East 8th st. North -40011 511 East Mh st. North 375J These properties are in first-class condi tion, having been newly painted. Go out and look them over Sunday and pick out the one you want. Terms, $800 cash, balance monthly. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams Ave. East 26S. LAURELHURST residence for sale $l0O0 be low value; owner entering service of Oov-ernrnt-nt in East; eight-room, two-story dwelling, spacious and elegant living room and dining-room, sun parlor, three bedrooms and sleeping porch, fireplaces on each floor, billiard room In attic, built in conveniences, hardwood floors through out, full basement and full lot; can be handled for $1500: price $(1750, and a bar gain. E. A. BAKER. 630 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 3002. $2350 ARTISTIC R. C. P. bunga low; 5 nice large, airy rooms, fire place, cement basement, best plumb ing, choice electrical fixtures; beau tiful lot. Some terms. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. SAVE CARFARE AND RENT. Nine-room house, 45x90 lot, sightly, close In. all improvenfi'nts paid, concrete wall basement, plumbing, gas, electricity, convenient to shops. Rooms would rent out easily. Price, $1900; $500 cah, bal ance good terms. This Is a snap. In vestigute it. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Building, Marshall 4114. A 411S. EAST S3D ST. NORTH. $2500. TERMS. 5 rooms, fireplace, very attractive little home. Modern in every way and the terms can be made right. See R. M. STAYSA, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S(iS. $1350 WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Here is a two-story house that wa taken in on mortgage and you can have it for $1350; the lumber under old prices cost more than price asked; on corner lot; garage; property Is clear. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main BMW. WHY pay 30oO for 5 or 6-room bungalow when you can get an S-rooni house ar ranged in 2 four-room apartments; also 3 unfinished rooms jn attic and good base ment? Part cash. Rent of one apartment helps pay balance. Good Interest on In vestment. Near C. C. car. Telephone Marshall 52Q!. EAST 84TH NORTH. $2500. 5 rooms, fireplace, bath, laundry trays. large attic, good cement basement. A dandy place on easy terms. Lot 50x100. See R. M. STAYSA, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S69. FORECLOSURE. Piedmont ; 8-room fine home; 100x100 corner; snap; $6000; terms. MARCUS DELAHUNTY, East 1347. " $4500 BUNGALOW 13650. Attractive 6-room bungalow, 15 minutes', ride; granite fireplace and porch piers.' plate glass windows and bevel plate in buffet and bookcases. Inlaid floors and full cement basement; 119 Florida. Mar shall 1600. IT'S not a bungalow with oak floors and plate rail. It's a well-built 8-room house, large enough for two families, plenty of fruit, basement and bath. Lot 100x100, east front, H block from car and paved street. Price, $2 loo, terms. B. S. Cook, 002 Stock Ex. bldg. ARTISTIC 6-room California bungalow, large reception hall, den. Dutch kitchen, com plete built-in fixtures, two toilets, choice lot, on nice avenue. North Albina district, near car and school; reduced to $2500 for prompt, sale; $5oo caah, balance easy. Owner, Woodlawn 1843. READY TO MOVE IN. ,New 6-room house, siceplng-porch, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, beautiful grounds, garage; near Broadway car. Pries $S500, terms. E. J. GE1SER, 417 Chamber of Com. $1500 A NEAT 4-rooni attractive little bungalow; electricity and gas, while enamel plumbing fixtures, bearing fruit trees; $300 will handle. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main lrnjH. ATTRACTIVE corner with garage. 7 large rooms, bath, furnace, ceiled attic, cement basement, hard-surface paid, including all carpets, inlaid linoleums; fine condition. Very close In. block to school. ' $52(K). Owner. 326 East 4!tth st. " DRIVE BYNO. 727"'CLACKAM A S. If you like outside, will arrange to show you the house. 8 rooms, furnace, bath, electric lights, gas, garage. Lot 160x100. Bargain. n50. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $1700 $300 CASH. Four rooms and bath, two bedrooms, nice kitchen and pantry, garage; street paved and paid: fine lawn and shrubbery; eaty terms. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. A COSY little 3-room home at Dosch Sta tion, on the Red Electric carline, for $1 100; city water, bath and toilet snd( electric lights; easy terms. For particu lars call at 4 04 Piatt bid g. HOUSE A.ND LARGE GROUNDS. Four lots, garden soil, abundance fruit, Woodstock carline. $2500. and other three lots, six-room house on each, ;isy terms. Haap, Itoit Chamber of Commerce. FINE home. 8 rooms. R. C. P. district, cor ner lot. garage. Price, $4S00; $2000 less than cost. Leaving city, will take clear lot or land as part payment. Easy terms. Owner. Woodlawn 410. A MODERN bungalow on East Alder, near 32d, at $2000. You will have to hurry If you want this, bh it wilt not last long at this price. See Multnomah Develop ment Co.. at 404 Piatt bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE, near Union ave.; full plumbing, garage, on 100x100; fruit, ber ries, fine garden place: price $2100; easy payments. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W.' Bank bldg. - BEAUTIFUL nearly new 4-room bungalow; modern. 50x1 00 lot, really worth $2100, for $1650: $300 rath; near S. P. shops. 94-1 E. lHth. ; southwest corner. 7-ROOM, modern Hawthorne residence, A I condition : choice corner; garage, frui c. Value $(1500; for good farm. Warwick, 435 Marguerite ave. IDEAL home for two; beautiful river view, large yard and garden space; conven ient to two car lines. 494 Rex ave.; take Sellwood car. BY owner; have decided to sell my beau tiful all-modern 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park; free of incumbrance; going Eat. Price $.000. Main 7055. HAWTHORNE bargain; 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcase, buffet. Price $250; $800 cash, $25 month. Gibson, 20 Stark. Marshall 12. $2051 1 Five-room modern bungalow, lot 40 xioo, on d-tm. one uioi-k iium ear, -ti im provements paid; $650 down, balance terms. John Singer, 42 Chamber of Com. SUNN V SIDE $2000. with $400 down, good modern o-room cottage near i.aureinnrsi Park. A bargain. H. H. Staub. JM27 Belmont. Week days, phone Tabor 219. ALAMEDA PARK G large rooms, sleeping porch, attic, newiy papcrea ana ueeoraieu, very attractive. Open tomorrow, 10 to 3. 869 E. 2!th North. . RESIDENCE In Vernon district; 6-room house at dm c. oi ft. muuern, rea sonable. Phone Bdwy. 1476 Monday. $1500 5-ROOM house. 20-minuty walk to Kawtnorne oriage, .easy terms. . u. Urfer, Canby. Or. SUNNY SIDE $1550, with $250 down, good 5-room cottage, - diocks neimont si. ji H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. C-ROOM house. 544 East 36th St. $JW'Hi, easy terms. m. j. ftiarKweatner, ouu Broadway bldg. NEW 4-room house on a full-size lot ox 100; $1100, only ?;u down. See uraper, 401 Board of Trade. 671 EAST SALMON, walking distance. 7- room modern; fine iot. i-nce. ...; mmhi cash. Haas. 3o9 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMS and bath, one block from car; full lot; $1475; $15(1 cash, rent terms 011 balance. MAIN 3h0. fi TO 7-ROOM modern houses. SunnvAtdi; $2500, $3500, $3000; all bargains; terms. Main 3H72. MrFARLAND. 1408 Yeon bldg. MODERN 6-room house, Vi .acre. In city, on Highway; fruit, berries. garage; $3000, terms. 2078 East Stark,