THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 8, 1918. 15 PEAGH SEASON ENDS Bulk of Oregon Crop Has Been Moved at High Prices. YIELD NOT HEAVY ME 1014...... 10. 950 :34 1613 13.416.171 1M2 13.743.903 1011 12.26i.895 1910 11.801.542 llt 9.1H5.287 18v8 7,407.178 12.641.020 14.558.589 12,332.381 12.622.688 12.284.791 W.2f.5.9)7 9.901.097 2.528.2S1 2.684.648 4.0S6.454 4.775.066 6.175.446 6.208.331 4.785,432 Owing to Absence of Late Varieties, Dealers Will Bring; Up Salways From California Tear Tear Also Closing. Ths peach reason la now practically an end, with dosa to 95 par cent or tea cron moved. There are very few late peaches In Oregon this rear, and the trade will depend chiefly on California Solwaya to supply the demand from now on. The eaaon. except for the email output, waa a good one for the growers, aa they allied higher average price than ever before. There wera no carlot errivale on the market yesterday, hut about 200 boxea came In by express and 400 boxea by boat from Oregon points; also a few crates from Washington " by express. The demand was rood, and with the falling off In the sap ply prices have become strong. Albertas sold generally at (1.2591.85, with a few alack packed lots going at 11.15. Late Crawfords were quoted at Jl.1531.25 and Heath dings at 31- The pear market has also strengthened with the decline In receipts. Good Bart letts sold at IL50SL75 a box, and In lugs sit 4H cents a pound. Shipments of Oregon Bareletts were 7 cars to Chicago and 1 car each to New York, Philadelphia, Des Moines and Montreal. Hums continue weak In the local mar ket, as home-grown receipts are heavy and the demand alow Italian prunes were quoted at 2$3 cents a pound. Oregon prune sales In the Eastern markets yester day were aa follows: New York. $1,300 1.65; St. Louis. fl.2091.30: Boston. 85c 3L2SJ Omaha. $1.2591.35. COAKSB CHAINS STEADY AT CLOSE Few Cbanrea is Bids as Posted at Mer chants' Exchange. Tha eearsa grain market was generally steady at the close of the week. Standard barley bids were posted $1 higher and clipped oats were up 00 cents. Other of fers ware the same as on Friday. Weather conditions In the Middle West, sta wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, clear; Minneapolis, clear, 55; Duluth. cloudy. 58; fit Louis, cool. 67; Chicago, cloudy, cool; Omaha, clondy, 44; Kansas City, part cloudy, 60; Topeka, clear, 58." Argentine weather continues very favora ble for the growing crops. Rains have proved beneficial. Loading of wheat la less active and the movement from the Interior has fallen off aharply. 8upply of tonnage continues to decrease slowly but steadily. It Is hoped that more freight room will be devoted to corn, as there are ample reserves in this commodity In the country. Baa Francisco stocks of grain on wharves and In warehouses on September 1: Wheat. $6,067 tone versus 22.094 tons a year ago; barley, 89.396 tons versus 26.570 tons; oats, 890$ tons versus 198 tons: corn. 435 tona versus 283 tons; beans, 90.779 eacks versus 63.927 - sacks. Receipts during Angust: Wheat. 9089 tons versus 11,824 tons year ago; barley. 9952 tons versus 7376 tons; Mts. 1571 tons versus 2166 tons; corn. 466 tons versus 460 tons; bran, 897 tona versus 1091 tons; hay, 11.879 tons versus 15,708 tons: beans, 80.401 sacks versus 86.602 sacks Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat.Barley. Fir. Oata.Bay. Portland. Saturday 44 Year ago 5 Total this week.. 610 Tear ago 89 Beaaon to date.... 1787 Year ago 382 Tacoma, Friday .. 82 Year ago ., 7 Seeeon to data.... 972 Year ago 824 Seattle. Friday ... 60 Year ago 3 Season to data.... 909 Year ago ail 65 2 1 1 77 21 5 6 198 S75 89 131 14 13 3 1 SI S3 13 6 87T 2S5 6 82 44 149 174 "3 87 32 3 109 81 107 7 131 58 796 326 7 2 220 SJ5 10 20 697 FORTLAXD MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon eeasioa: (September delivery: Bid. Oats. No. 2 white feed $60.50 Barley, standard feed .............. 53.00 Barley, standard A 53.50 Kastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats. No. 8 white HZ. 01 34-pound clipped white - 63.00 Corn. Ka 3 yellow 71.00 Com. N. 3 mixed 3.00 October delivery: Oats. No. 2 60.50 Barley feed 83.00 Barley "A" 64.00 Oats. No. 3 52.00 Oats, clipped 53.00 Corn, yellow 71.00 Corn, mixed 69.00 WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 per bushel. . FLOTJR Straights. $10.05 911.95 per bar rel; whole wheat, $1025; graham, $9,900 10.25: barley flour. $11611.30 per barrel rye flour. $12.50 per barrel; cornmeal. $11.70 012.70 per barrel; corn flour, $12.70; oat- flour, $12912.20 per barrel. MILLFEED Mill run. f. o. b. mill; ear- lots. $29.65: mixed cars. $30.15: less than carlots. $30.65; rolled barley, $65; . rolled oats. $69. CORN Whole, $75: cracked. $76 per ton. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland Eastern Oregon timothy. $31 per ton: Valley timothy, $30 per ton: alfalfa, $2S: Valley grain hay, $2C2S; clover, $28; straw, $9 10. rairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, S2e: prints. extras, box lota. 54c; cartons, box lots, 55o half boxes, more; leas than bslf boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1, 58o per pound delivered Portland. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, rota and cracks out, 4750c; selects, 53c per dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 28;: Tounx Americas. 20c: long horns. 29c Der pound: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, 274c: Young Americas, 2Sttc per pound; longhorns, Slavic per pound. POULTRY Hens. 2627e: Springs, -S7 30c: ducks. 230c: geese and turkeys. nominal. VEAL Fancy. 20 H 21c per pound. PORK Fancy, 2KU 27c per pound. Fruit and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, Valencies, $809.25 lemons, $709.50 per box; bananas, 808Ue lb - grapefruit. $3.5005; cantaloupes, 85c0 $1.75: per crate: watermelons. 2Ac per -pound; peaches, $ltipl.35; apples, $1,500 ?.'l. per pox; plums, -CS.5C per pounu; pears sl.DUGffl. 10 per oox; casaoas. oc por pouna grapes, $1.23:32.75 per crate. VEGETABLES Tomtatoes, 45 050c per crate; cabbage, 4&4tto per pouna; lettuce, $2 per crate; cucumbers, 300500 per box; peppers, 80 per pound; beans, 67o per pound: celery, $1.25 per dozen; eggplant, 039 10c per pound; corn. 20 0 30c per dozen. POTATOES Oregons. $2.75 03.25 Per hundred: Idaho. S3. 5003.75. onions walla waua. per sack; California Browns, $2.75. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing Quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry, $8.05; beet. $8.75; extra C, $7.65; powdered, in barrels. $8.75; cubes, in barrels, $8.95. NUTS Walnuts, 80c; Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts, 20c; almonds, 18023c; peanuts, 19c; cocoanuts. $1.60 per dozen. SALT Half-ground, 100s, $15.90 per ton; 5ba. $17.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 1L7O012C per pound; BEANS Jobbing prices: Small white, 13014c; large white. . 11 Hfi 12c; bayou, 10c; lima, 15c; pink. 10011c COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 17025c. Provislons. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice. 3X037c; standard. 35036Kc; skinned, none; pic nics, 26c; cottage roll, 84c LARD Tierce basis, standard pure. 29c; compound. 28c BACON Fancy. 40051c; standard 5Vs 047Sc; choice, 36044c DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 30 035c; exports, 29032c MORE STOCK LOADED Increase of 1.6 Per Cent Shipments During August. in SHEEP MARKETING HEAVY RAW rot MARKET IS IXRM Vex Series of Auctions at St. Louie Will Start on October 7. The for trade remains rood, according to trad circular from St. LouLs, with con tinued activity In skunk and muekrat. Re tailers report heavy sales and have reduced their stocks considerably. Manufacturer are cry busy and In most cases have larger advance orders than they enjoyed other years at this time. They will, undoubtedly, remain In the market for goods, which should Increase materially the consumption of present raw stocks. Present values are firm for practically all articles on the basis of the April sale. Skunk and muakrat. however, are bringinc advanced prices. Raccoon and opossum are somewhat higher and renewed Interest has been shows In American ermine lately. All northern roods are selling on the basis es tablished In the April auction, and in a few Instances higher, with the exception of beaver, which Is quiet and somewhat lower. The next St. Louis sale will start Octo ber T. CAOTALOCTES KEJLK AM) LOWER your Cars Arm Received From California and On From Washington. The cantaloupe market was weak and lower yesterday. Four cars arrived from California and one from Washington. At the same time the demand was lighter than usual. The best Standards generally sold at 11-74. ponies at and flats at 6 O90 cents. California has about reached the and ef Its shipping season. Grape prices were steady la the face of comparatively heavy rccel p la. Four cars ware received from the South. Potatoes and Onions Weak. There were liberal receipts ef potatoes yesterday, much ef them Inferior stock, which weakened the market. Oregon sold at a wide range ef 92.T503.2o. Fancy Idaho Rural were held at $3.M3.75. Onions were also weak with adequate sup plies. Washington Globes were quoted at ti:St)l60 and California browns at $2.73. Tomatoes were firm at 45 950 cents with e good demand for the large receipts. Egg Movement Is 'Slow. The egg market was unchanged at the dose. Supplies were ample and the move ment was not brisk. Butter was firm, both cubes and printa Receipts of cubes were light. There were moderate arrivals ef poultry and dressed meats and last prices were steady. Making ef Fraction Prints Prohibited. The Food Administration has promulgated a special regulation prohibiting licensed dealers and manufacturers of butter to sell or manufacture units of butter In print form that weigh less than one pound, pro vided, however, that retailers may cut a print weighing a pound or more, and sell a portion thereof to a customer. Dank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern dtles yesterday were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4.:'5,141 Sl.O2S.30 Seattle 8.6M.4S5 1,6.",UI'.' Tacoma 017.273 7S 820 Spokane Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and corresponding week 1 n former yea rs w ere : Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. JtlS $2,0Kyl2 $8.0J7,172 S4.643.J48 J17 14.TT,09 19.520.800 3.321.63S 191 11.844.-H6 14,414.3 l,fc05,179 1315.. ...ji 9t62.ZX 10,iuS,037 1,8.0,1538 Hides and Pelts. HIDES Government grades: No. X salted hides, 30 lbs. and up, 15c; No. 2 salted hides, 80 Iba and up, 14c; No. 1 green htdes, SO lba and up, 12c; No. 2 green hides. 30 lbs. and up. lie; No. salted bulls, 50 lbs. and up, 12c; No. 2 salted bulls, 50 Iba and up. 11c; No. 1 green bulls. 50 Iba and up, 10c; No. 2 green bulls, 50 Iba and up, Oc; No. 1 green or salted calfskins, up to 15 lbs., 32c; No. 2 green or salted -calfikina, up to 15 lbs., 804c; No. 1 green or salted kip skins, 15 to SO lbs.. 16c; No, 2 green or salted kip skins, 15 to 30 lbs., 144c; dry flint hides, 7 lbs. and up, 80c; dry flint calf, under 7 lbs., 40c; dry salt hides. 7 Iba and uo. 24c: dry salt calf, under 7 lbs.. 84c: dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stag or bulla 20c; dry salt stags or bulls. 14c: dry cull stags or bulla half price; dry horse hides, according: to size and takeoff, each Si. SO 2. 60; salted horsehldes, according to size ana taxeoxi. eaca ,3. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 40c: ory snort-woo. peits. per pouna, Zr3uc salted tons-wool 'lamb pelts, August takeoff. each, 2.503.50; salted sheep pelts, August take-on, ary sneep a near ling, each. 25$50c; salted sheep shearling, each. Hops, Wool, Etc. HOPS Nominal. WOOL Oregon. SSO710 per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, 60c; short staple. 40c: burry, auc CASCARA BARK New and old, 12ttc pet nound. TALLOW No. 1. 13e per pound; No. 12 hie per pound; grease. No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 9c per pound. Coffee Futures Firm. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. The market for coffee futures, which was open today for me ursi oaiuraay since iasi June, waa quiet but generally steady. The continued firmness of Brazil appears to have inspired some scattered buying of the later munths at prices sUgatiy below tne maximum, ana July contracts sold up from 9.G2c to 9,b0c during today's earW trading. Realizing caused reaction frh this level, and after opening 1 point lower to 5 points higher, the market closed net unchanged to 2 points hichnr with July ouoted at 0.02c while near months held up to the maximum figure! with December Quoted at s.uc. Closing bids: September, .ooc; uctoDer, s.odc: De cember. 6.a5o; March, aU7c; May, 9.47c; lu'y, 9.62c. Spot coffee irregular, Rio 7a, a5c; San tos is, 12-ac. Naral mores. SAVANT? AH. Gc. Sept. T. Turpentine firm: 61 He Sales, 103 barrels: receipts, 103 barrels; shipments, 12 barrels; stock, 28, 9b 6 barrels. Rosin firm, pales. 891 barrels; receipts. 810 barrels; shipments, none; stock 73.026 barrela Quote: B. D. . $12.25; F. SI2.50;O. 512.60: 11. S12.65; I. $12.75: K. $13.23: M. $13.50; is, $ia.7o: wo, i; ww. 14.20. Good Gain Also in Cattle Movement, bat Sharp Decline Noted in Quan tity of Hogs Sent to Slaughter. Northwestern Statistics. Dally telegraphic reports to the Bureau of Markets from railroads in the United States show 137,953 cars of cattle and calves, hogs, sheep, horses and mules and mixed stock -loaded In the various states during August, 1918. A comparison of the total loadings of July and August show an In crease of 2221 cars during August, or L6 per cent. Including mixed stock and horses and mules, total shipments In August were 2182 cars from Oregon, 804 cars from Wash ington and 3369 cars from Idaho. The loadings of cars of cattle, hogs and sheep in the, three states were: Cattle. Ca 1 vea. Ho gs.Sh ee p. Oregon .......744 124 1160 Washington 845 26 a8 Idaho 263 43 80ail For the country as a whole, cattle ship ments increased 9.6 per cent, hogs decreased -1.2 per cent, sheep Increased 44-6 per cent, horses and mules Increased 40.2 per cent and mixed stock decreased 18.9 per cent. Missouri took first place from Texas In loadings of cattle and calves with an in crease of 1320 cars over the number loaded in July, Texas loadings showing; a decrease of 163 cara Nebraska and Kansas, with third and fourth places, had Increases of S229 ears, or 76.4 per cent, and 2225 cara. or 40.4 per cent, respectively. Iowa con tinued to hold first place in loadings of hogs, but had 8535 less decks than in July Nebraska supplanted Illinois In second place the latter state dropping off 1805 decks and the former only 472. Nebraska's sheep load ings Increased 158.9 per cent. Idaho's 50.? per cent and California's 56.2 per cent. Illinois and Texas were first and second in loadings of horses -and mules, both state, having Increased. y In the Portland market yesterday hogs were firmer than on the preceding day and the top quotation was put back to $19.50. Cattle and sheep were fairly steady. Receipts for the day we re, J 17 cattle, 9 calves, 442 hogs and 100 sheep. Shippers were: With hogsJohn Ogburn, Cottonwood, CsX, 1 load; D. J. Balsley, Independence, 1 load; 8. D. Dalle, Albany, 1 load. With cattle J. M. Mc Fad den, Corrallis, 1 load; J. H. Carson, Myrtle Point. 2 loads. With mixed loads Frank Warren, Mount Angel, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; 8. I Overton, Brownsville, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; Tillamook Farmers Co-operative Company, Tillamook. 2 loads cattle, hogs and sheep; C. S. Lucke, Canby, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep. The days sales were as follows: authorized close control over call 'and time loans of its members. Prior to that deseiopment the market bore surface signs of a continuance of the pre vious week's advance. Gains of two to six points soon crumbled away, however, reduc ing many leaders to their levels of the pre vious fortnight. Conservative Wall street realizes that drastic action Is necessary If the financial, commercial and Industrial Interests of the country are to retain their present unassail able position. Advices from every section stress the increasing curtailment of loans, save for absolute essentials. News from abroad was the most Influen tial factor next to the monetary situation, the disorderly retreat of the German forces finding unmistakable response, not only in the strength of domestic Issues, but in for eign war flotations and rates of exchange to this country's allies. There waa a further weakening of ex change on the northern European capitals, v here latest political developments, as .viewed by international bankers, inclined more favorably to the cause of the entente powers. j STOCKS RALLY SHARPLY MARKET INFLUENCED BT FAVOR ABLE WAR SEWS. Wet. Price. I i steers.. 745 6.50 1 bull.... 843 6.00 2 bulls... 15 cows. 9 cows. 1 cow . . 4 cows. 1 cow.. 1 heifer 1 calf.. 812 050 703 660 8U0. 200 S.SOf 10 hogs. 8.u, a nogs... 4. sr.: 64 lambs. 4.00i37 lambs. li.00 2 ewes... 8.00 "Wgt. Price. .1280 8.00 . 870 S.50 . 75 17.00 , 70 16.00 . 71 13.00 . 10 14.25 . 1-0 .o0 Prices current at the local yards ar. aa toiiows: Cattle- Prime steers Good to choice steers .. Medium to rood steers ...... fair to medium steers ....... Common to zair steers ....... Choice cows and heifers Med. to sood cows and heifers. Fair to med. cows and hellers. Canners ..... .............. Bulla . . Calves liOKS Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough beavies f........ Pies w Sheen - Prime lambs Fair to medium lambs Yearlings VVeihers ............... Ewes ................... Prices. . .12.00 13.00 .. 11.00 a 1.00 .. 9.7o11.00 .. 8.75 jj 9.75 .. 5.75(S 8.23 8.000 8.00 5.75 7.25 4. 75 SI 5.75 S.O'Hf 4 00 o.oo a- s.oo 8.00412 00 19.2519.80 18.75I&1M.00 17.75fc 18.00 18.0017.VO 13.00914.50 11.00 4j 12.00 10.00 Hi 11.00 8.00 ip 10.00 4.504? 8.50 Short CoTerlns; In steel and Otaex Speculative Favoxitea-t-Exchansa As;alnst Neutral Countries. NITW YORK. Sept T- The stock market made substantial recovery during today's two-hour session from the shock sustained oy yesterday's announcement respectln control ol memoerr loans. Trading was naturally restricted, however, by reason of tnat condition, and the religious holiday alsc caused a reduced attendance of brokers. The steady progress- of the allied advance induced considerable short covering, notably Irr- United States Steel ana other speculative favorites. . Kails also were inclined to strengthen, al tnougn union rscific and St. Paul were somewhat backward, the latter forfeltin part of yesterday's gain. Coppers were again In demand. Sales amounted to 180,000 shares. 1 Dealings in exchange were nominal, but changes were significant in that they once more movea against neutral centers, partisu' larly Spain and Switzerland. The bank statement waa noteworthy for the large expansion almost (120,000,000 in aciuai loans, wun a resultant increase of almost 183,000,000 in net demand deposits. Investment bonds were steady on limited dealings, the speculative Issues evincing sugm irregularity. tales, par value. ag gresated $2,825,000. United States bonds. old Issues, were unchanged on call during uie we&a. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Am Beet Sugar American Can.. 1.000 8.000 5,000 7,000 G0RHGL0SESLOWER Order Against Beer Has De pressing Effect on Market. EARLY GAINS WIPED OU 46H eufi 70 1 88 45 86". 60-.. 71) 108 87 "67 86 102 oihk 7,000 162 16214 4,000 5,500 i'ooo 2,000 .3,000 8.000 1,300 i'.GOO 3,000 iisoo 2,000 58 54 !4 "26 " ?7 43 6114 'i" 15 128 92 Z 4,000 53 6,300 102 . 5,000 30 57 52 "28" 3t 4tiv. 42 V, 67 'iiii 15 124 a 92 '53i4 101 29 Excess) Beserre Is Increased. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. The actual "Con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week (five daya) shows that they hold $58,715,440 reserve In ex cess ef lees.! reauirements. This is aa In crease ef $3,387, C00 from last week. Money Exchange, Etc. NITW YORK. Sept. T. Mercantile paper, franca sulldera lirea and rubles. un changed. REGISTRATIONRULED ON Officials Slay Stake Ont Cards Where They Live or Vote. SAJLEM, Or., Sept. 7. (Special.) Men of draft age residing at one place but bavins their Toting residence at an- other may register next Thursday at either place they desire, according to a statement made today by Sheriff Aeed ham, of this county, but be would sug. gest that they register in the precinct where they actually live for their owrr benefit and tbe benefit of tee local draft board. This ruling Is or particular Interest to state officials who live here but who. In nearly every instance, maintain a vot- I Ing residence In some other part of the state. Salem Boy Killed In Action. SALEM. Or., Sept. 7. (Special.) Smith F. Ballard, IS years of age, whn enlisted from here with Company M. (2d Infantry, has been killed in action in France, according to a telegram re ceived from the War Department today by Mrs. lona Sheldon, his sister, who resides) hire. DESTINATIONS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to leading livestock Markets of the United States. Destinations of livestock loaded September 0. (Double decKs counted as two cars) : Cattle, Horses.Mlxed . iaives,uogs,eneep,aiuies,etocx. Boston ,. 10 81 Buffalo 3 Chicago 615 Cleveland 28 Cudahy, Wis .. Detroit East St Louis. Ft. Worth .... Indianapolis Jersey City ... Kansas City . .. Lancaster, Pa. Los Angeles . . . New York ..... Omaha Philadelphia . . Pittsburg Portland. Or .. Providence .... St. Joseph St. Paul San Francisco Seattle Sioux City .... Spokane .,... Tacoma Various 787 Totals 2298 One week ago. 1045 Four wks. ago. 2012 103 10 S 48 12 'si 18 86 47 18 5 211 S2 12 78 86 17 13 8 "ii 82 T 37 43 26 6 20 14 18 "" 18 54 ?! lit 4 23 a s a 78 7 879 1269 34 2 3 e l 46 6 19 1 2 377 648 804 487 10 1 153 178 165 11 127 133 6tate origins of livestock loaded fientem- h.r At For Portland- California 1 Oregon s S .. Ttla Portland 8 4 .. One week ago. 18 8 Four wka ago. $ 6 .. or Seattle- Oregon ....... 8 8 Washington 3 Ttla Seattle. 3 8' One week ago. 8 2 tor wka. ago. .... For Snokane Idaho t . H Washington ... .... Ttla Sookana A One week ago. 4 trot wks. ago. l Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Sept 7. Hog, Recelots 4000. unevenly, 10o to 20c higher, some 25o up. Butchers, 318.25910.85: light, 818.40620: recking, tl8.4019.10; rough, J17.75. 18.20; pigs, good and choice. $18.05919. cattle Receipts ouo, compared vrlth a week ago, good and best native steers, steady to strong: others mostly 250 lower. Westerns steady. Butcher cattle mostly 50c. lower, suns, off more and canners less: veal calves. 25o to 60o higher; stocksrs and feeders steady. Sheep Receipts looo, compared with a week ago, fat classes of lambs and yearlings, 25c to 40c lower. Steep stsady to 23e lower. Feeding classes of lambs steady to 25e higher and sheep 25e to oOo higher. Tear lings and breeders steady. Omaha Livestock Market, ' OMAHA. 6ept 7. Hogs Receipts S800. market 15c to 25o higher; heavy $ 19.30: mixed. sipi.zu: light. 318.2.1ft 19.50; pigs. 1170 18.50; bulk of sales, 118.85 10.20. Cattle Receipts 300, market steady. Na tive steers, 112018: cows end heifers, 37.25 Oil. 25: Western steers. 3100)16.60; Texs, steers. 39012; rsngs cows and heifers, 37 ll: oanners, lrji; stoexers ana feeders, 38.5010.45; calves. 39613.50; bulls, stags. etc.. $.50?1L Sheep Receipts 100, market steady. Wethers. $1112.45: ewes, 911; lambs, 315.4S817.25; yearlings. 313813, SPECtXATIOJi TO BE CHECKED. Control of Credits Will be Extended to Other Markets. KSW TORK. Sept. 7. Restraints upon speculative activity, which are assuming na tion wide propositions, were imposed thle week by the aciiod of the stock exchange. That institution, at the suggestion of the Federal Eesorve hoard and. local mouey pool. Am Car & i'dry American Loco. Am S & itcig. , Am Sugar Kofg Am Tel at Tel.. Am Z I, S S.. Ana Copper.... 3,900 6S Atchison 3,000 Stia All li 4 W I 83 6.3U0 102 Bait Sc Ohio... 6,000 5 Butte & bup Cop ...... ..... uai petroleum,. Canadian Pac. . Central Leather Ches & Ohio.. Ch 54 4 St Paul Chicago & N W C H 1 & P ctfs Chlno Copper . Colo Fl & It ., Corn Pdts Refg Crucible iiteel.. Cuba Cane Hug. Distil Securities Erie Gen Electric... General Motors Gt North Pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs Inspiration Cop Int M M Pfd.. Inter Nickel. .. . Kan City South Louis & Naih. . j Maxwell Motors 5.000 28 Mexican Pet.... 4,500 103 .Miami copper. . Missouri Pacific Mont Power... Nevada Copper ..... N T Centra. ..I 7,000 744 N T N H ft H 1,000 44 Norfolk ft West 8,000 105 North Pacific. . 4,000 90 Pacific Mail Pennsylvania.... 8,000 44 Pittsburg Loal. Ray Con Cop... Reading Reo lr & Steel Shat Ariz Cop South Pacific... South Railway. . Stude Cor Texas Co Union Pacific. . . U S Indus Al.. U S Steel TT s RtAl Pfd Utah Copper.... 4.000 84 Wab Pfd "B" . . 6,000 24 Western Union West Electric. 4,000 4.1 n.thl.hpm "R" 2.7O0 85 Total sales for the day 180,000 shares. BONDS. TJ S ref 2s reg.98 IPac T ft T 5s do coupon ....S IPa con 4fes ., V 3 8s reg U P 4s do coupon ....89:ilU 8 Steel 5s.. TJ S 4s reg....'108 Anglo-Fr 5s ., do coupon ...'lOeValU S Lib ZV,m. Atch gen 4s D ft R G ref 5s. '56 NYC deb 0s.. '98 N P 4s '81 N P Ss 68 8,000 34 Vt 84 2754 107 1,000 24 V, 24 74 H 43 103 o y, "43'i '24 811 fXf. "80 2T4 ir,fl 124 li'.4 111 "83" 24 '43' 84 7.000 5,900 2,400 ' "6,660 3.900 1,200 8,000 2.300 3,000 5S.500 ' i! 000 6,000 24 90 81 "87 47 157 125 120 112 S 88 6t IV 108 87 J6i 102 45 19 JHl 68 51 an 84 28 30 47 42 0 30 50 15 144 123 92 0 G3 101 29 18 31 V 115 27 107 i! 100 90 31 43 07 24 911 15 87 26 4ti 156 124 119 11 .-88 84 43 no do 1st cv 4s do 2d 4s .... do 1st cv 4'i do 2d cv 4a 84.40 do 3d 4s ... 85.02 .S7 .9 .8B . 9H . 85 101.84 95.04 84.48 85.10 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Sept. 7. Closing quotations: Allmt no mid Dom . 40 15Osceola 67 Qulncy 80 445 Superior 6 12 Sup ft Boston... s 47 Shannon 8 Utah Con 10 Ariz Com Calu ft Ariz.. Calu ft Hecla. Centennial ... Cop Range ... East Butte .. Franklin Isle Royalle . Lake Copper . MonawK North Butte . 8 25 IWinona 1 wolverine -o 5!Granbv Con .... 82 56 Greene Can 44 MONET IS IX STRONGER DEMAND Large Increase In Bills Discounted by Fed eral Beeerve Banks. ' WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. Stronger de mand tor money was Indicated by the Fed eral Reserve Board weekly report tonight showing an Increase of 3113,000.000 in bills discounted for members and reserve banks this week over last week. The condition of the 12 banks at the close of business last night wss as follows: Resources Gold in vaults and In transit... 8 388.228.000 Gold settlement fund Federal Reserve Board 496.531.000 Gold with foreign agencies S. 830,000 Total gold held by banks. ..3 835,589,000 Gold with Federal reserve agents II.OST. 760.000 Gold redemption fund 443.684.000 Total gold reserve ......32,016,883,000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc. .3 5S.811.000 Total reserves 32,070,494,000 Bills discounted for members and F. R. banks 81.841.898.000 Bills bought in open market... 233,741.000 Total bills on band. Larger Use of Barley as Feed la Con sidered Probable, Owing to Regn lations Prohibiting Brewing. Advance in Oats Recorded. CHICAGO, Sept T. Prohibition of ' the manufacture of beer beginning December had a decreasing influence today on the corn market. Largely aa a result prices closed unsettled c to lc net lower, with October 31.57 1.57 and November 1. 56 1.50. Oats finished e to o off and provision varying from 10c decline to 25o advance. An opinion became widespread that barley, when no longer taken by brewers, would be chiefly consumed as feed. Accordingly, mod erate price upturns in com. which hsd re sulted from week-end evening up of trades ana from lightness of receipts, were more than counterbalanced. Oats were governed almost entirely by corn. Covering by shorts rallied pork from severe decline caused by a lack of support. Higher quotations on hogs helped strengthen lard and ribs. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. October 31.58 81.56 November.. 1.57 1.57 1.55 OATS. October 72 .72 to Close. 117 1.58 November. . .74 -74 .72 .73 .72 .73 September .40.50 October ...40.70 September October ...28.65 PORK. 41.60 41.60 40.70 41.60 LARD. 27.00 . 28. 7 27.00 26.85 26.60 26.75 RIBS. 23.75 23.65 23.7S 24.05 , 23.75 23.80 September .23.70 October ...24.00 Cash prices were as follows: Corn No. 2 yellow, 3l.7: No. 8 yellow, S1.60&1.63; i.o. 4 yellow. Sl.6001.63. Oat! No. 3 white, 7070c; standard, Rye No. 2. 1.66L67. ' Barley 85eJ1.05. Timothy, clover and pork, nominal. Lard 27.10. Ribs 323.25(924. SA3T FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET. Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7. Butter, 629 0075 c. Eggs Fresh extras, 63; fresh extra pul lets. 62c per dozen. Cheese New firsts, not quoted; Young Americas, nuc per pound. Poultry Hens. larget 3436c; roosters. pigeons, 32.00; squabs, S33. o0; geese, 25 giec; turaeys, live, vaQ-oc, Vegetables Green peas, 8(??9c; Summer aauasn. uenaoc: eKgpiant. 50(o.85c: neooers. oeii, 4uo.ouc; ciuie, peu0'Ouc; tomatoes, oo toyiac; lettuce, ujjc; celery, nominal potatoes, white, 328503; sweet. 4&4c onions, 31.251.50 cental; yellow. 322.25 garlic, 16Gf17c; cauliflower, 75(ff90c; Deets $1: carrots. 75c(?rSl; turnips, 65&j75c: rhu barb, 31&1.20; cabbage, 80&90c; artichokes, S2.50&4: cucumbers. 50375c; string beans. o&5c; lima, 45c; okra, tia tc; green corn. s-.ooa?' J.zo. Fruit Cantaloupes. 31.50!. 75: water- melons, 312; rasabas, 311.75; honeydew radons. l.iiO-.;l. to; lemons, S4.ougi6.ou; lemonettea, $3U-4; grapefruit, $4(3't; oranges. vaenclas. Sl.oue.oo; Dananas, Hawaiian. 6&7c; pineapples, 34.50&5; apples, Uraven- teln. sim.zo oox: etrawoerries. afroa; blackberries. S63: raspoernes. S1UQZ13 peaches, 31.25&-1.50; loganberries,, nominal; huckleberries, iz'ffiae; apricots, nominal: pears, $1.25w 1.50; tigs, white 75c31; biack, HOcnSl.25: plums. 31.256)1. 75: nectarines. 50CSM1; cranberries, 31ffll.50; muscats, 31.23 1.50: avacaaoes, soa-i. Recelots Flour. 2855 quarters: barley. 1R.519 centals: beans. 443 sacas: potatoes. 4771 sacks; onions, 512 sacks: hay. 820 tons; hides, 1129; wine, 11O.300 gallons. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7. Flour. 31L20 Der barrel. Grain wneat. Government once, sz.zu pel bushel; barley, new crop, milling grades, 32.37 2.42; oats, white feed, nominal corn. California, vellow. 34.15. Hav Wheat and wheat and oats. 323 925: tame oat, 324G26; alfalfa, first cutting. 31flJ 020; second cutting, fiivi; nancy straw, 50 j! 80c. Meals Alfalfa, 33486: cocoanut, nomi nal. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minnespolls, Sept. 7. Barley. .86c 3L Flax S3.8S & 4.03. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. Sept. 7. Evaporated apples dull. Pruaes scarce. Peaches firm. Hops at New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 1. Hops unchanged. Chicsgo Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Sept. 7 Butter, higher. Cream ery. 44U4C. :lrsts. 3S&40c; at mark. Eggs firm. Receipts, 10,242 cases: firsts. oz-4c: ordinary iirms, cases included, 87&41c. Duluth Linseed Market DTJLTJTH, Sept. 7. Linseed, 34.08. ' Cotton Market. vw YORK. Sent. 7. Cotton Spot steady. Middling. 3.dc. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Sugar unchanged. SLAND CITY MAM ACCEPTS . R. Hunter, Democrat, Enters Race for Legislature. SALEM. Or.. Sept. 7. (Special.) A. R. Hunter, of Island City, has ac onnted tha Democratic nomination for Representative from the 26th Repre sentative district, comprising; Union County. Charles Alhert small, mem Der oi a former Legislature, received the Re nublican nomination, but attempted to refuse it on the ground that he was a conscientious objector to the war ana MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON BOND BTJLLETHI SO. 77 If yon mast SELL year Liberty Bonds, SELL to TTS. If yoa ran BIT'S mora Liberty Bonds, BUY from VS. We bay and sell Liberty Bond at the Market. The closing: prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New York Stock Exchange for week ending Friday, September 3. were as follows: Hs 1st 4s Ides 4s Saturday 101.62 84.05 34.14 95.03 Monday (holiday) Tuesday , 101.80 I4.S0 $4.44 95.03 Wednesday 101.84 94.73 94.40 95.08 Thursday 101.84 95.04 94.28 95.63 Friday... 101.84 95.00 ' 94.32 96.70 coTEBJiMErrr ad municipal bonds Rate Maturity Price Yield 2,000 Port of Astoria, Ore 6 J&J 1933 100.00 t.00 500 tCity of Carlton, Oregon, Imp.. ( J&J 1925-35 102.70 6.60 600 tCity of Carlton, Oregon, Imp.. ( J&J 1921-25 101.37 6.60 800 tCity of Cornelius, Ore., Imp.... 6 J&J 1920-23 100.93 5.50 462 JAstoria, Ore., Imp. Ser. No. 10.. F&A 1923 103.04 6.30 461 " " " No. 11.. ( F&A 1928 104.50 6.40 5,102 tCity of Astoria, Or., Im. Ser. No. 13 6 F&A 1919-23 To Net 5.00-10 8.472 " " " ' No. 14 6 F&A 1919-28 To Net 6.00-25 48,148 ' - No.15 F&A 1919-38 To Net 6.00-35 1S2 fWallowa, Oreson, Sewer 5'.4 J&J 1928-38 103.10- 6.10 1,000 'Port of Newport, Oregon 5 J&J 1928 96.94 5.40 8,000 'Seattle, Wash., Cedar Kiver Water Ser. No. 2 5 J&J 1926 101.25 4.80 26,000 'Gooding Co.Ida., High. & Bdge. 6 J&J 1926-35 102.87 6.60 7,000 Nex Perce County, Idaho J&J 1933-34 To Net 6. 60 5,000 'City of Edmonton, Alberta 6 J&J 1934 89.81 6.00 6,000 'Province of Manitoba 6 F&A 1920 - 98.144 3 25 15,000 tCity of Victoria, B. C 5 A&O 1919 98.24 6.85 7,000 Clty of Victoria, B. C 6 A&O 1934 87.13 6.85 7,000 " " " 64 A&O 1935 86.67 6.85- 8,000 " " " 5 A&O 1936 86.26 6.85 8,000 " " " 6'4 A&O 1937 85. S8 6.86 8,000 " " 6H AAO 1938 85.50 6.85 10,000 'City of Moose Jaw 6 J&J 1953 76.61 6.76 10,000tCity of Saskatoon ,. 5 J&J 1943 79.01 6.75 19,000 'City of Calgary, Alta 7 J&D 1928 100.00 7-00 44,000 JGreater Winnipeg Water Dist.. 5 J&D 1923 To Net 6.75 1C.O0O City of Prince George, B. C ,9 AAO 1928-33 To Net 7.00 2,000 'Province of British Columbia.. 4?4 J&D 1925 89.65 6.25 6,000 fProvlnce of British Columbia.. 5 A&O 1928 91.16 6.25 fDenotes fractional bond. TDenotes bonds o 3500 denomination. 'Denotes bonds of 51000 denomination. Denotes bonds of (100, $500 and $1000 denomination. telephone: main S40 $49,000 Daly City California 7 aSoocls Denominations $1000 Optional July 2, vis.: Whenever there Is $500 $250 $150 surplus In the improvement fund above requirements for paying bonds regularly falling due at the next maturity date the city is required to advance the maturity of a sufficient number of bonds to take up' the excess funds, giving not less than nine months' advance notice of calling for payment on July 2. Upon receipt of notice the holder is en titled to make Immediate presentation for payment and to receive full Interest to such advanced maturity (up to twenty-one months, but not less than nine months' interest) as a premium, L e.. up to 112.5. but not less than 100.55. 34000 4900 4900 4900 4900 Due. July.2, 1919, 1920. 10Sk - 1922, 1D2J, Price. - 101.75 103.30 1O4.10 10.1.30 1UO.U0 Yield. 5.254!00 5.25 4900 3.50 41100 5.50 4B00 5.625 4900 Due. July 2. 1B24. " 1025. - 1926.. " 1027, . 1928, Price. 106.00 107.10 107.10 106.90 107.45 Yield. 6.025 5.75 5.875 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Actual value, estimated . $4,664,520 Assessed valuation, 1917 1,554,840 General bonded debt $88,000 88,000 Less water bonds. Net debt NONE Daly City adjoins San Francisco on the south, the only direction in which San Francisco can expand, and is a residence suburb of San Francisco with a population ol 550G. These bonds are the general obligation of Daly City Protected by Municipal Taxes Exempted from Federal Taxe Call or Phone B'dwy. 961, A 2066. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS BUILDING FIFTH AND STARK Legislature where he would have to vote on measures connected with the prosecution of the war. It was gen erally held that Small could not retire i nledsre Drior to the pri maries that if nominated he would not withdraw. Chairman Tongue to Confer. Thnnm TT. Tonsrue. chairman of the rrrnn' state ReDUblican Central Com mittee, will arrive In Portland Monday from Hillsboro to confer with John Cochran, secretary of the committee. retarding matters pertaining to tne nnniicn. A lltue later oir. xooeue a. such was averse to serving in a expects to come to Portland, where he will remain until the close of the cam paign in November. The committee headquarters are located on the fourth floor of the Morgan building, where voters are welcome to call at their convenience. Head The Oregonian classified ads. United States Government lone term securities 3 United States Government short term securities All other earning assets ....... 31,775,740,000 29,738,000 28,030.000 75,000 Total earning assets . .81.833.813.000 Uncollected items deduct from gross deposits) f 842,377,000 Five per cent redemption fund against r. K. Dan notes.... 1.813.000 All other resources 12,076.000 Total resources Liabilities. Capital said in surplus Govsrnment deposits ........ Due to mem Dors, reserve ac count 1.45.102enn Collection Hems 481,040.000 utner oeposits inciuamg xor- slsa government credits ua.oso.ooe ...34.559,878,000 ...3 T8,859 000 ... l.iiie.uuu 197,323,000 Total rress deposits Federal reserve notes in actual circulation 52.180,379,000 Federsl reserve bank notes In circulation, net liebility. . . . All ether liabilities 31,710.000 Total liabilities 54.Bifl.973.000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal reserve note liabilities combined. 54.0 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to Federal reserve notes in actual circulation, after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit lia bilities, 89.8 per cent. . Jio Restrictions oa Mohair. DALLAS. Or.. Sept. T. (Special.) TJ. B. Grant, president of the National Mohair Growers' Association, has received tele graphic notice of the action on mohair by the War Industries Board. Secretary F. O. Landrum. of the association, wired that mo hair can be sold to the open market, prices ranging abovs 85 cents per pound. Recent sales in Kew York are verified at 95 cents. A Diminishing Supply of Municipal Bonds Federal Tax Exempt Buy Now While There Is Yet a Supply Available We Own and Offer Subject to Usual Conditions: To Yield J89.000 Gallup, New Mexico, Water 500 Portland, Oregon, Improvement , 82,500 Idaho County, Idaho, Highway District. 14,000 Othello, Washington, Water... 20,000 Emmett, Idaho, Improvement.... "7,500 Montpelier, Idaho, Improvement 17,000 Roosevelt, Utah, Water 15,000 Teton, Idaho, Water... 6's 5.50 6' 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.25 5.75 6's 6's 7' 6's 6's 6's 5.65 Keeler Brothers Capital and Surplus $750,000 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BLDG. OVERBECK & COOKE GO. Broken. Stock. Bonda, CotOa, Crnin, Kte. tl6-Ul BO AJiU Oil XOAPB 4SJLI0. MEMBr.BS CHICAGO BO ABB OF Correspondent of LormB Bryaa, Chicago and Notr York MEMBERS Kew York Stock Kxchanre Stock Bxchaitffe Boston Stock Exc bancs Cbicau Board of Trade New Vork Cottoa aEzchanr New Orleans Cottoa Kxchanre Vow York Coffee Excbannw - Kew Vork Produce Exchange Liverpool Cottoa Aae'a You Can Increase Your Income by purchasing leading listed storks which ths basis of pressnt prices yield from 10 per cent to SO per cent and abovs. News and Vleivs ot Stocks and Bonds which treats these and otaer Stocks aad Bonds In detail, giving lull - and un prejudiced Information, 3. I RANK LILLY CO., Stocks and Bonds ef All Markets, 33 Broadway, New York. T8ATttHts OriDB. AUSTRALIA M Honolulu. Suva, Nw Zealand CMOIAs 10STRJUSIM ECYJ.L Mill LIKE Largest, newest, rest-equipped stesmers, For fares and aaMTrgs anolr t an. Par. Kail, way, 33 Third St., Portland, or General Agent, 40 twYiaouj tew Vancouver, it, U