THE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX, PORTLAND, .AUGUST 11, 1918.- CASUALTIES MEAN BIG LOSS OF LABOR exercise my prerogative of kissing the bride that is. If she la good-looking? TEAGHERHEEDSGALL Y-e-s-s. both these brides were good looking." Benton D. Kinsey, of Seattle, and Miss Bessie Brooks, of Portland, were mar ried by Dr. - Brougher, and will make their home in Seattle. The other nup tials over which ha presided were those of R. G. Olds and Miss Vida Ruth Castle Rock Girl Takes Broth er's Place at Home. Reeves, both of this city. 8 Economic Cost of AccidentsTEN YOUTHS ARE INDUCTED .Told by W. A. Marshall tO Jcowlitx Coonty, Wash., Boys Are Shipyard Foremen. Sent to Camp Fremont' CaI' KAT.AMA, Wash., Aug. 10. (Speeial.) Ten more young men from Cowllts County, all of them belonging to the registration class of 1818, having at tained their majority during; the past year, have been Inducted into the U. S. service, being sent to Camp Fremont, Cal. They are as follows: Arthur Fest, Toutle, Wash.: Orville I. Green wood, Castle Rork; James Peck, Oak Point; Perry Walker. Oak Point; Basil Boyer, Kalama; Charles Alexander Simpson. Woodland: Arthur David Burke, Carrolls; Marion Albert Lunce- SAFETY FIRST IS TOPIC Co-operation Between Employer and Employe Emphasized at Ban quet Attended by 100 Foremen. "Every man who Is killed or perma nently disabled represents a loss of f 000 days of actual labor service." said William A. Marshall, of the Industrial Accident Commission, addressing 100 foremen of the Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company, who were the guests last night of Charles C. Bcchtold. general manager of the National Hospital Asso ciation, at a "Safety First" banquet at the Multnomah Hotel. Matthew M. Lin nehan was toastmaster. "I would not minimize the responsl hllity of employers for accidents in the shipyards." added Mr. Marshall. "Many of these casualties are due to the lack of proper safeguarding by employers, but a large proportion also result from the carelessness and thoughtlessness of the employes themselves. Teamwork between employers and employes is ab solutely necessary if results are to be obtained and the number of accidents reduced.' Co-operatloa of AH lavlted. Sir. Marshall Invited the co-operation of all engaged in the shipbuilding in dustry In the movement that will be made this Fall to have Congress extend the provisions of the law providing for the rehabilitation of returned maimed soldiers to Include Industrial cripples. He predicted that such an amendment to this National legislation would be forthcoming if demanded by a major Ity of the states. Harvey Beckwith. chairman of the Industrial Accident Commission, in urg ing co-operation among employers and employes in the shipyards, said the fact that carelessness and thoughtlessness among the employes was responsible for tne bulk or accidents only emphasized the need for older employes to exert themselves In protecting the many in experienced workmen who are coming xo ine snipouiidlng Industry from the farm and other employments. Others Make Short Talks. Others to make short talks, in addi tion to Mr. Bechtold. the host, were: Erie V. Hauser. vice-president and gen eral manager of the Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company; 8. A. Stewart, safety engineer for the Emergency Fleet Cor poration; Dr. S. C Slocum and Dr. R. B. Xarkeet. of the National Hospital As sociation; Charles Matson and P. B. Jennings. LONG OCEAN TRIP MADE J S. Army Transport Used on Voy. age From Honolulu and Is Crowded With Italian Officers and Soldiers From Russia. FORMER ATTORNEY OF THIS CITY RECEIVES PROMOTION TO CAPTAI.V. U. 0. A, -" . A V V i - i Ik. J f J : If t 77 iLT i !,'. ij I fcaawiaiairtri.riiitii toiiMrtSwiiMnMitoiiiia' J Captain Lionel C. Mackay. Lionel C. Mackay, formerly an ! attorney of this city and also a member of the last Legislative I who has been First Lieutenant I of Company D. 62d Regiment of inraniry, u. a. a., siaiionea ai Camp Fremont, has been promot ed to Captain. When his company first went to Camp Fremont they hiked there from San Frsjiclsco, a dis tance of SO miles, over hard surfaced roads. At the end of the hike blistered feet were quite In evidence, but now. Captain Mac kay writes, they have become so used to hiking that blistered feet are a thing of the past. r.MDE.XTIFIED GIRL. OF ABOUT YEARS IS VICTIM. AeHdeat Oecnra Hear Iaterstate Bridge Police Get K Inquiries. While playing In the river on the beach at Hayden Island, near the Inter state bridge, late yesterday afternoon, a email girl, believed to be about 4 years old. was drowned. The body was recovered from the river at 9 o'clock last nlgbt by Patrol man Drake and Engineer Dempsey, of the harbor patrol, who were summoned to drag the river. The body of the child was taken to the morgue for Identification by the Coroner. At a late hour last night the body was not identified and. no parent re ported a missing child to police head-, quarters. According to information from the police, the child was playing on the beach and wandered into the river in company with several small companions when the drowning occurred. ford. Castle Rock; Clyde Wells Lowe. Oak Point; William Marion Blum, Yi oodland. On the 14th four mora men go to the Washington State College at Pull man for special work along mechanical lines, and of this number three have already volunteered, but the fourth is not yet selected. The volunteers are: John Tohill. Kelso; Adolph Peter Dem mer, of Kelso, and Harlan Russell Mer rill, of Castle Rock. ASTORIA MAN IS JAILED 'Waller Morgan Subject to Deporta tion, Say Officers. ASTORIA. Or, Aug. 10. (Special.) Walter Morgan, an I. W. W.. was ar rested by Immigration Inspector Gooch today on a Federal charge, and the chances are he will be deported. Mor gan is a Welshman, and a subject of Or eat Britain. He came Into the coun try illegally and was recently found guilty of advocating sabotage, either one of which charges Is sufficient to warrant his deportation. When con victed on the sabotage charge, Morgan was fined $200 or 100 days in jail. After serving for 15 days he paid the re mainder of the fine, which was $170, and on last Thursday was set at liberty. At present he is being confined in the city Jail, and he will be given the preliminary hearing early next week. TANK RECRUITING RESUMES Applications for Service Will Be Confined to Registered Men. Recruiting of men for the Army tank or vice, to be conducted in Portland this week by Lieutenant G. G. Garland. of San Francisco, will be confined to registered men. This Information was telegraphed by Lieutenant Garland yes terday to Alma D. Katz. chairman of the rommittee on military training. Lieutenant Garland comes "empow ered to Induct" registrants who seek admission to the Tank Corps, said Mr. Katz. He will seek to enroll at least 150 men while in Portland this week. His headquarters will be In room 420 Corbett building, being opened there tomorrow morning. The training camp of this branch is located at Gettys burg, Pa. LARGE AUDIENCE ATTENDS Dancing Follow Concert for Bene fit of Regimental Band. A large audience attended the band concert given by the First Provisional Regiment of Vancouver Barracks at the Auditorium last evening, bene fitting the regimental band fund. The concert was in charge of Lieutenant L. O. Smith and was followed by an evening of dancing. Sergeant Vivian Tilliston directed the band, assisted by Corporal C. G. Jones. The band of 40 pieces played a large reportolre of martial and classical music and afterward furnished a pro gramme of lively airs for the dancers. I CASTLE ROCK. Wash., Aug. 19. (Special.) Miss Inez Alden UnderhlU returned home from Honolulu recently, this being her 13th trip across the wa ters, having taught in the Honolulu schools for six years. Miss Underbill's 19-year-old brother gave up a fine po. sltion there and returned to his home a few months ago to enlist in the serv ice of his country and is now in France, and she will teach in the Castle Rock schools this year to be with her par ents, who reside here. Miss UnderhlU speaks of this trip as the most Impres sive and Interesting she has yet taken, having the good fortune to get passage back to the home land on the United States Army transport Logan. The big gray transport was crowded with troops and with officers and their fam ilies returning from Manila, when she boarded it on an evening in July, after first showing her passport with her photograph pasted on. There were several hundred Italian officers and troops on board. They had been torn from their homes in the Trentlno four years ago, forced to don the hated Austrian uniforms and fight Russians, surrendering promptly to the Russians In their first battle. They en dured privations and sufferings in prison camps and at last were being taken from Vladivostok to the united Slates, whera they would soon bo sent back to Italy, where they could fight again for their country. At a Red Cross entertainment given on board one evening, the Italians fur nished half of the music. They were especially fond of playing "Over There" and singing the English words, prac ticing, they said, to sing it some day beside American soldiers, on their own Italian front. And through the day Italian officers could be seen in vari ous corners, studying English gram mars, to become fluent In a few weeks. Miss UnderhlU says that the Red Cross work in Honolulu Is bigger and more of it than in the United States and natives and Orientals are working as enthusiastically a Americans to show the spirit of the native element. An order was received from Washington, D. C, for 1000 sweaters and was filled in one week, nearly all of the work being done by students of the normal schools, both boys and girls. The throne room formerly used by the Queen in Iolanl Palace, has been turned over to the Red Cross and Is crowded every day with untiring work ers, rolling bandages and making com presses. The room is usea entirely for that work. Miss Beatrice castle, a National Red Cross worker. Just re turned from the front, is head of the department of Red Cross work and has added enthusiasm. Every order for food conservation Is more than willingly followed. A chef originated the use of banana pulp in making war bread, thus utilizing a native product and making as good bread as any victory loaf sold here. Passenger Train Ditched. HURON. S. T Aug. 10. A Chicago Northwestern passenger train was ditched 30 miles east of Huron tonight. Engineer W. J. Withers, of Huron, and a number of passengers are reported to have been injured. A wrecking train was sent from Huron to the scene. Of ficials of the road gave out little in formation. Xew York Central Organizes. NEW YORK. Ausrfl 11. The corporate organization of the New- York Central railroad lines, embracing me new iom Central, Michigan Central and Pitts burg and Lake Erie railroads, was formed here Saturday for the purpose of caring for the company's affairs while the railroads .re under Federal administration. W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr., will be president. It was announced. PLAYING NOW POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY v. A corner of th wait In room Flnler Instltutieo. DR. BR0UGHER MARRIES 4 Minister Learns He Still Has Right to Join Oregon Couples. 4 The White Temple office was the cene Of two marriages last evening. "I was seriously in doubt about my right to perform a marriage ceremony In Oregon that is. until I saw the pret ty bride." confessed Dr. J. Whttcomb JJrounher. In reporting the nuptial events, "then I immediately got busy on the line with the County Clerk, and learned that since I was formerly reg istered in Oregon it was legal for me Jo marry the anxious couple." The rest of the confession could not denied the Inquisitor: , "Sure, didn't you guess that I always What the Finley Service Means THE Finley insti tution is unique for its complete ness. In planning it we inaugurated many new and exclusive features. Our whole aim in creating this beautiful residential establishment was to lend a new atmosphere to get away from old time ideas. Only suggestive of peace and relaxation are the beautiful flowers and shrubbery the homelike surroundings of the chapel and ad joining rooms. Many have accepted this as the ideal place for services. How much better, these new, methods, than the old. They take the services into new surroundings. There is no extra cost for our chapel. Regardless of the cost of materials the Finley service always remains the same. We want everyone to know of the Finley In stitution to know it is for all regardless of their means. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Montgomery at Fifth ti i it t? . ------- r " rt 'W'. v iafjr it i m 1 11. -vr c r y UI i m cii r "X. a f i r v ir... u l a i m m urn B I '11 f 3 I 13 I 1 I $ i f R t I R 1 I S I fj a in f 3 s i i i ii i i i i n t i t i s it i h Ik i j) -f f it if ll I ii K i l f l l 1 . ill n in v At lit w 1 r a F i ft i i st i u n h f w av ir- jrs. c -ii -,r r j a 77 7 u Ml Jf . I 1 l I li A "X. 1 3 X 1 .V JfJ". H w i If I is f W 13 I OCv J f j4 I V a y LAWRENCE GRANT j ! iwtr "71 0LIVE TELL 1 1 1 And a Cast of 12,000 U I II Capturing the Unspeakable Monster of fn - f the World, the Kaiser, With a Fleet 1 1 j of American Aeroplanes j EVERY HEART IN AMERICA WILL BEAT FASTER, EVERY HAND IN AMERICA WILL GRIP TIGHTER, EVERY MIND IN AMERICA WILL SEE CLEARLY THE SUPREME DUTY OF THE HOUR! SCHOLL MASTER PICTURE ORGANIST SCREEN TELEGRAM