THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST If, 1918. SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7 WELL-KNOWN PORTLAND PRINTER AND HIS NEW JORDAN SUBURBAN SEVEN. work, commercial trucks could not stand up under the strain." BAKER CLUB AIDS TOURISTS Camping Site and Signs on County Roads Are Among Improvements. BAKER, Or., Aug. 10. (Special.) Immediate Delivery for the first time within 60 days on Chandler Cars The Baker. Commercial Club is making two improvements here for the benefit of auto tourists who pass through Baker. . One is the Improvement of the ground given by the city for a camp ing site for tourists who stop here for tha nlrht wh.,. oUv nrtt.. will K In. Big Event to Be Held on 250 Acre Tract on Cotton and r i I stalled and fuel provided and other ar-' I I ". ...... . . w , L. nuegg nancnes. rangements made for the comfort and convenience of visitors. The other is the establishment of sign posts tm the county roads, direct ing motorists to the various parts of the county they may wish to visit. At present only the through highway, fol lowing the old Oregon Trail, is so EUGENE SMITH MANAGER I ' marked. 4 ' OR TRACTOR SHQV ---j ry: fcsl j fa f s x i ta' paUfornla Han, Who Put on Suc cessful Tractor Show at Darts, CaL, to Handle Coming North V west Erent at Portland, Preliminary arrangements are rap- Sly being- completed for the hig tractor how to be held bjr Portland farm Imp lement and tractor dealers here next ponta. The (hew Trill be held on Thursday, rtday and Saturday, September 6. no 7, tinder the auspices of the Port kind Implement and Tractor Assocla .on. The official name of the show 111 be the great Northwest Tractor nd Implement show. It Is to be the largest show of Its ind ever held In the Northwest Al kady entries have been made of 25 fferent makes of tractor, and before fie entry lists close on August 15 It the expectation, that 30 or more actors will be represented. A tract comprising- nearly 250 acres as Been obtained for the show on tha :otton and Ruegg ranches, near Lin- eraann Junction, on the Oregon Water ower division of the Portland Rail ay, Light A Power Company, a short Istanc beyond Lenta This site Is "ry accessible, for the Greeham cars f the Portland Railway. Light & ower Company pass to one aide of It, hlle on the other side Is the Powell alley road, giving a paved highway U the way Into the city. Demonstrations Big Feature. Ample space for demonstration por oses is provided in the tract selected. he demonstratloas will comprise one tne main features of the show. There will be no exhibition building r the tractors, but each Individual actor entered will be housed in a tent , be erected by the exhibitor. These rnts will be placed at one end of Ion racts. marked out by furrows, which ill belong to the individual tractors r demonstration purposes during the pree days of the show. Private demonstrations of the tract rs will be held from s o'clock until 1 eh morning. From 1:30 until 2:20 ill be devoted to a public demonstra on by all tractora. The time after at will be devoted to private demon ration, special tests and the like, as e exnioitor may desire. Eugene Smith, of San Francisco, tractor man of wide experience, has een elected manager of the coming now Dy tne Portland Implement and ractor Association. Mr. Smith is now i Portland, with headauarters at the ritchell. Lewis tc Staver Company. 346 .asi Morrison street. Mr. Smith was manager of the recent Ig tractor show in Davis. CaL. one of tie most successful events of its kind ver held. The total attendance at this now, which had a much smaller ter tory to draw unon than the Portland now will have, was 46.000. Mr. Smith ild yesterday that he fully expects tie attendance at the three days of tie show here to total 75,000 persons. Special Rail Rates Sought. He is now taking up with Federal .11 chiefs in this territory a plan to rant special round trip rates from oints throughout the Pacific North est to Portland for the show, so that Prmers and ranchers, and others In rested In tractors and farm imple ments, may attend. "The coming tractor show will be the iggest event of Its kind ever held In he Pacific Northwest," said Mr. Smith. expect that fully 30 different makes tractors will be represented, and erhaps more. I am much gratified at the great .terest being taken in the coming low. though the decision to hold It so recent. We are receiving letters inquiry every day from all parts the Northwest asking about what actors will be shown, and what ar ingements can be made for special in rates tor visitors. "The present is a time when every reliable acre that can be tilled should a put into cultivation to increase the od production of the country. The rirm tractor is making possible istly Increased acreage, and that with ss man power, and as such it has the ery warm approval of the Government. All tractor shows which tend to h crease interest In farm tractors, and hus directly to work for increased od production, are particularly de- red by the Government. "The tractor industry Is Just In Its igicning. Only the more advanced armers aa yet have added tractor luipment. One of the purposes of e coming show will be to demon- .rate to the farmer how greatly the tractor will add to his farm efficiency." H. W. Mitchell, of the Mitchell, Lewis - Staver Company. Is president of the ortland Implement and Tractor Asso- atlon; W. EL Wilson is vice-president nd W. O. Munsell, secretary-treasurer. Look out fon children dodging from behind a trolley car which is stand ing and which came from the oppo site direction. At tkat Wkeel Is) H. 43. Bra was. Publisher ef the Raral Spirit. Who Bought This Jordan Suburban Seven Last Week From the Mltckell, Lewla Jk Staver Compaay. ' I 1HEJI TRAVEL FAR Boston Girls Circling Country In Overland Roadster. ARMY PICKS TRUCKS White and G. M. C. Light Mod els Are Chosen. DATA ON ROADS OBTAINED BEAR CATS SELL FAST HERE ortland' Gaining Reputation High-Class Cars. for Though he has been Stuts dlstrfbn- or here only a few months. C. D. Mc- f hail, of the Auto Rest Garage,, looks ack over the business he has handled la that time with a lot of satisfaction. Ke is especially pleased with the fact hat he has not only sold all the Etutx ars that he could obtain from the fac- ory, but that the demand for more of iera is so great that he has advance rders for several cars to Oe delivered rhen they arrive. The Stuts "bear cat model is prov g especially popular. Mr. McPhail as been informed that a couple of car loads of this popular model are on the ay from the faotory and should be ere in a few days. The Stuts also omes In a five-passenger which Is uurh In demand. - - - When I first took the Stuts line. I if as informed Dy a lot oi persons mat never could put It over here.' because Portland was not a high-class car own." said Mr. MePhalL The reaults rove that this was an entirely lncor- ect diagnosis, and the numbers of tuts cars now on the streets show retty conclusively that all that was eeded was for the public to become cquainted with the merits of that lgh-class car." Miss Florence) M. Petteo and Miss Mabel lu Bishop Writing Inter esting Experiences on Tonr for Motor Life Magazine, When Miss Florence M. Pettee and Miss Mabel U Bishop get oaca ton. Mass.. which. If all goes well, -i onnttiitr three months, BUUUAU " . they will have a pretty good general knowledge of road conditions in the T-i..ri states. Also, they will think ..hi.. r .iich a little thing as chang ing a tlra on ths road, knee deep in mud. of locating a short in the elec .,.t.n without the aid of any mechanic, and like emergency repair work. . . . They Tiave done . an -these Turner. and many more, in the course oi automobile tour from Boston to Port-, land, on which they started three months ago. They have not been try ing to set any new road records, or .nvthina- of that sort, but are out to . . , . a ir.Ua! Ct a at a vhir. inn k rem. v uun. of which they had heard so much. are like, iney are unums having a fine time in the process. Miss Pettee ana miss nunop traveling in an Overland roaaster, model 90. They and their car have been through some hard experiences together in the course of tneir long tour. Not once has tne car iancu them. They are enthusiastic Doosiers for the Overland, and particularly for their handy little model 90 car. Chlckea Wire far Mad. Just as an example of the ktnd of traveling: they have experienced at times, when they went through Illinois it was raining sd hard that moat of the roads were bogs or marshes. They passed many a car that was stuck in the mud. but they and their Overland went through all the mud in sight. though at times they were in mud up to the hubs of the wheels. Touring like this on their own re sources, with no man arouna to xm the responsibility, has made them very resourceful. Miss Pettee has a device of her own Invention, which Is sim plicity Itself, for getting through bad mudholes or over sand where the wheels are unable to obtain traction. This device Is Just plain chicken wine. It is the best thing In the world for mud troubles, says Miss Pettee. The chicken wire, placed under the rear wheels, quickly gives them trac tion and enables them to pull out of almost any kind of mud or sand. While Miss Pettee and Miss Bishop are traveling to see the country, they are also making the trip as special correspondents for Motor Life, the motoring magazine published by the Automobile Blue Book Company. .Re cent Issues of Moton Life contain In teresting articles from them on the progress of their trip, their experiences and the roads they have braved. To Visit Overland Factory. When they return to Boston they xpect to have circled the United States, and to have taken side trips to such points of interest besides as Yellowstone National Pank, Tosemlte National Park and our own Crater Lake National Park. They visited Crater Lake on their way north from San Francisco, and declare with en thusiasm that it is one of the most beautiful places they hare seen on their whole tour. The'trlp West the two y6ung women and their Overland have made over the Southerm route. They will return East via Seattle. Spokane, Butta and the Northern route. Incidentally, as they pass through Ohio they will make a side trip to Toledo to go through the big Willys Overland factory by personal Invita tion of John. N. Willys. He learned of their trip and himself wrote the letter asking them to visit the fac tory. They are anticipating this visit with Intense interest. While in Portland Miss Pettee and Miss Bishop went to the Wlllys- Ovenland-Pactflo branch here, where kw ma Man.... TClfnor hrhn hftri their car overhauled. They had kept! SEVEREST lb ULt in C UUIL Kuuti VUIIUIWUU win.. only a few minor repairs were neces sary. Eves Catch Fish. While they are not camping out, as White Truck Selected Sot Only on I a rule, on their trip, but stopping atl . I hotels en route. Miss Pettee and Miss snowing, Dut on Bishop are fully equipped for camp lng in the open, and have done so several nights on their toun. They even have fishing tackle, and, what Is more, they know how to use It. They have an automobile tent of their own design, which they pack In a small bag; a complete camping outfit, including a small stove, "grub and a "duffle bag," in which are stowed their sweaters and clothes. All this equipment they stow under the deck of the roadster behind the seat. To see the car one would never suppose tbey are on a tour of the United States, for all this equipment is hidden under the deck; and by having the car washed at the principal cities it looks almost like new despite the hard usage to which It has been subjected. The two young women reached Port land from California, having stopped at Crater Lake en route, early last week. They left Portland for Seattle Friday over the Pacific Highway. TESTS - niVFW Takes the Rise Out of Hills and Bills The greatest factor in rais ing your gasoline bills, and been Issued by the War Denartment IOWerinff VOUr HlOtlVe DOWer. commercial trucks for Irmv It is leaky piston rings. These Basis of Fine Performance in Mexico and France. An interesting official statement has specially designed light result in pitted valves, sooty plugs, heavy carbonization, and wasted energy, which means wasted gasoline. To L SENSIBLE SIX IX BIQ DEMAND IV AUSTRALIA. INLAND 1 -Piece Piston Ring all (or Oakland Cars aa Island Con tinent Is Larger Than Dl trlbotor Can Supply. There are countries other than the United States where the automobile has proved Itself an essential and in' dispensable factor in the national transportation system. In the island continent of Australia, for example, thousands of the lnhabl tants place a greater dependence on the automobile than do the motorists of the United States. The railroads have developed slowly In Australia, and in many sections of the island the auto mobile Is the only means of speedy travel. "Without mo.tor cars our country's activities would stagnate, so necessary have they become in our system of transportation," writes Howard Nat- trass, governing director of the Nat- trass & Harris Motor Company, of Wel lington, New Zealand, who made a trip half-wy around the world, this Spring to obtain American automobiles for re lieving the wartime car famine. "For the past three years, due to the increasing demands for economy and tho shortage of gasoline, we have adopted the Oakland as the car which Army trucks. 'Of the four trucks selected." savs the statement, "two are after designs woraea out by special boards of auto motive engineers. The other two are commercial trucks which have changed to meet the special require- Save gaSOlhie and increase ments of military work. I , . . "The three-quarter to one-ton truck V0Ur HlOtOr eillCienCV, VOU -electee alter exhaustive tests of a np.J rrflc.ticrhf- TlltnTl rinP number of cars, including a model de- nG6U gaS-Ugnt pibUJU rillgb. vised under the supervision of a sne cial board of engineers, is the 'Q. M. C trucK, wnicn is now known aa Arm v Type AA. Changes have been made in the model used by ' the Government, ins principal cnange Peine sunerior spring development. About 7600 of tnese trucks have been ordered. Choice Narrows to Three. "The Hi and 2-ton trucks selected. - - w. .,u luuuuaaiiuus iBInM , . . . now kr.own as Army Tyrje -A- Is the mere IS JUSC One PeneCl TJlStOn &iTA?cgl ring-the Inland. Gas cannot adv"ory stw'Jft wUhth'ref eSC& Er0Und 1111 Inl&Ild be trucks. cause it exDands m a rierfect miiis ine Doara reported mat these I j. -a three trucks were equally serviceable Circle, IOrming- Complete COHKICI from a strictly technical point, the o V. -.Troll floe board of officers which received the findings recommended the adoption of cannot escape through an Inland wiu hub who luiiuw ing reasons: I . . . , Lower gasoline and oil consumption, I ring, because ItS Spiral CUt (a M?co8aandaFrILSerandmbensCte adaptiS patented feature) leaves no gap. tor high-speed work with pneumatic Being of equal width and thick- reconnaissance car and truck. "After competing with a ""ow .m!i,.!J5"!.."5 on the market. Army truck of this class, known as type B, was selected as the standard truck of this class with the recommen dation that certain minor changes be adopted by the engineering department of the motor transportation service. , New Tractor Truck Designed. "For about a year the Engineering I Ordnance Department has been working on an improved four-wheel drive type of truck. Several models were com pleted and two of these were tested high-speed ness all around, it is the strong number of est and most durable piston ring And with all these advantages, it is low priced, costing $5 to $10 per set less than any other type of gas- tight ring. Twin States , Motor Car Co: 514 'Alder St. Phone Broadway 494, AUTO DIRECTORY TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 514-516 Alder St, at Sixteenth. Phone Broadway 494 Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and wast in an automobile." BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880, A 3881. 19th and Washington Sta. International Motor Truck A Truck for Every Purpose. Manufactured by laternatiooai Harvester cosa-j panx ok America. For Sale by Henneman Motor Track Company, Broadway 664. Ninth and Courh street. MINUTE MAN SIX Brunn Motor Car Co 444-46 Stark St. Phones: Broadway 2958, A 295S MACK Trucks Capacities, 1, VA, 2. 3, 6, 5tt Ton. Complete Stock Repair Parts. F. C. ATWELL, Sales Agent Washington at 21st. Tel. Mr. 440 SIXES New Light Six, $1250 Factory Mitchell, Seven-Passenger, $1525, Factory MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway at Oak Oldsmobile Distinctive High Grade. Light Weight. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway and Couch Phone Broadway 2270 is "ready to serve your requirements with sue-d cess. Touring 2ou i. o. o. laciury. Roadster $2550. D. G. Warren Motor Gar Co. 68-60N. 23d St. . MAISf 780. AUTO ACCESSORIES AND PARTS EIGHT CAPACITIES 54 TO .5 TONS tnvMtlKate Our Tractor and Trailer Proposition ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO, Ine, Park at Everett St, More Than 2,000,000 in Use More than two million Inlands are savins: money and increasing engine meets wartime needs better than any I in arriving- at the recommendation that efficiency for motorists all over the "the proof of the other. Our experience has proved to us that the Oakland is the best alf-round car on account of Its light weight. Its general economical features and its moderate price. , "That our choice was a wise one Is shown by the enormous demand for this car on the part of New Zealanders. who were quick to recog-nlze its economy and unusual value. In fact, we created a demand for the Oakland that we were unable to supply, due to the unusual shipping- conditions." . At present there is such a soarcity of automobiles in all parts of Australia that dealers are flooded with orders that will require months to fill, and used cars are commanding almost fab ulous prices. tiniltrri fnr tht Armr. WOrld. That's "This truck is known as Army Type pudding! IT, as it is reaiiy a tractor truck, it is especially suitable for the hauling of great guns over rough stretches of road or over open country. In many ways:lt has the ability of a tank to go over places generally considered im passable to vehicles. It is one of the distinct contributions of automotive en gineers t the war. ' In rejecting many trucks, the ex aminers stated that in no way was their act a reflection on the commer cial value of these vehicles. The ma jority of trucks are made for city work, and as Army trucks are called upon to do exceptionally heavy, rough BOSTON GIRLS TRAVEL FAR IN OVERLAND ROADSTER. Cliff Durant'a new Chevrolet racing reatloa will receive Its speed oap- rm at Tacoma on July 4. and Chev- olet and othen engineers are eagerly waiting the verdict. The car Is saia to e good fon 130 miles an hour.nd was onstructed along Chevrolet designs the big factory at Oakland. Mayor "avle. of that city, was to have cnrls- ned ths machine, but the Tacoma peedway management requested Its hlpment north before the ceremony uld be sta. so. , ' - '.r-.-V VM fiOr h 1 s Xt " - i " y JL mi 17 1 v-.. , -y . - . " i. Railroad rates are high, traffic is congested, travel is difficult. USE YOUR CAR. See your garage man today. Have him give your engine the "once over," and ask him how little it will cost to make it gas-tight with Inlands. - . I' Mla Floreaee M. Pettee (at Wheel) aad Miss Mabel I. Bishop and Roadster la Which They Arrived in Portland Last Week. Three Months Oat From Boston. They Are Writing Their Experiences for Motor Life Magaalne. Lnder the Rear Drek Are Stowed Tw Snltrasea, Two Suit Boxes, One Typewriter, a Tent, Blankets, Touring Coats. Type writer Paper, Manuscript File, aad a Complete Aatomoblie Blue. Book, Touring Library. y Dealers : The Inland is a money maker for you because it is a money-saver for the car owner. We carry a complete stock of Inlands get in touch with us. Ballou & Wright 80-82 Broadway Portland, Oregon 1515 12th Ave., Seattle, Wash. ARCHER & WIGGINS Distributors of High -Grade Automobile Accessories SIXTH STREET AT OAK WE ARE GOODRICH TIRE DEALERS AUTO REST GARAGE 209 TENTH STREET Up-to-the- Minute Touring Information Free. Call Main 3237 BOWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE! SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC AND PHITAH Sales. 718-20 Corbett Bid. Slain 1476. ff j foot atTX N CO Rmnrfwav and Glisan Phone Bdwy. 546 The oniy battery with a definite guarantee. All makes of batteries charged and repaired David Hodes Co. N. Broadway and Flanders. AUTOMOBILE GEARS, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES REDUCED PRICES. ENGINES A SPECIALTY AT YOUR WORK TIRESA1TT T piJ ADON-A-TREADS M a w ttrn wrinw With A "Z. . . .-rco qaa mii tra. A1 MAI. STRKTCHLESS IMSIDB5 24 North Broadway. TIRE CO., Opposite New Postoffles. LOOK FOR THIS SIGN Mn xa in 7500 MILES GUARAN TEED ON FORD IliJII J SIZES There's an Exide Battery For Every Car THE STORAGE BATTERY CO. . 348-350 Couch St. Perfection Asbestos Tires No Loose Treads. No Ssad Blisters. Tabes Kept Cool by Asbestos Fabric Protection. r,, in and let Us Explain.. A-ents aad Dealers Wanted. Send for Descriptive Folders. Price. Etc TRI - STATE TIRE CO., Distributors, Tel. Broadway 1641. 73 Sixth St.. Portland. I We Stock Them. We Repair Then. We Charge Them. Free Advloe and Inspection. AUTO ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO Sixth and Burnaide Streets. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE j OREGONIAN, MAIN 7070. A 60 jj