t o o SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 10 Dramatic, Photoplays Automobiles VOL. XXXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1918. NO. 32. In Accordance With U. S. Government Rules, This Slore Will Make Only ONE DELIVERY A DAY To Each District In Accordance With U. S. Government Rules, We Can Accept No Goods FOR CREDIT OR EXCHANGE Unless Returned Within Three Days - Merchandise ofc Merit Only" Our Optical Department Is Equipped With , tlie Latest Lens Grinding Alachinery Kryptoks and " Other Invisible Bifocals Oar Specialty Second Floor Have Your Kodak Work Done at Our, Kodak Department Developing, Printing and Hand Coloring Done by Experts Bring in Your Films Tomorrow Main Floor. . 'This Store Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often Untrue STAMPED GOWNS Special 95c Semi-made gowr.s of excellent quality nainsook, stamped with dainty designs for simple cm broidery stitches: all with neck and sleeves to be scalloped. VERY SPECIAL MONDAY AT 95c Learn to knit. Free in structions daily from 9 to 5:30. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. We Are Pleased to Announce the New Fall Arrivals in , Pacific Package Goods Beautiful gowns, dresses for children, kimonos, combinations, dresser sets, scarfs and many other pieces, stamped to be em broidered in dainty stitches. Priced 35c to $5.00 Fifth Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co. Clean-up Sale of Staple and Novelty Laces at Brassiere Laces Special, Yard C Laces that are worth double and more than doubl this sale price. Venise allovers, Venise edges, meta all-overs and beaded trimming. Special at $ I a yard. Fine Venise and Beaded Trimmings 45c "olored allover laces. Venise bands and edges and bead trim mings. , Very special at tie 35, First Imitation crochet, filet lace and edgings and insertions, in' all the newest effects. Floor Lipman, lolfe & Co. Exceptional Values in LINENS CLEAN-UP OF SATIN BED SPREADS $2.50 to $6.50 Finest quality imported and domestic satin finish bed spreads, for single, three-quarter and full-size beds. Slightly soiled from handling, but wonderful values at $2.50 to $6.50. HEMSTITCHED HUCK TOWELS, 35c Extra quality hemstitched towels, with neat borders; good, generous size. Special 35c $3.95 a dozen. REMNANTS OF TABLE DAMASK $1.40 to $7.50 Remarkable values in all-linen and union table damask, in 1 Yz to 3Yl yard lengths. 81x99-INCH BLEACHED SHEETS, $1.75 Full bleached, seamless, extra fine quality sheets. This is about present wholesale cost. Monday only at this price. Limit of four to a customer. EXTRA LARGE BATH TOWELS, 40c Big. heavy towels. Only a limited quantity at this price, so come early. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. COLONIAL RAG RUGS In yellow, brown, pink, blue and gray, with striped borders. 1 8x34 inches. 98c 25x50 inches, $1.47 30x60 inches. $2.25 2 7x5 4 inches. $1 .73 36x 72 inches. $2.95 CRASS RUGS Brown, green, blue and gray, in Oriental designs. 9x12 feet. $12.95 6x9 feet. $7.95 8x10 feet. $10.95 4:6x7:6. $4.45 Fifth Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co. Special! CARD TABLES $1.95 M a h o g a n y fin ished tables with leatherette covered tops. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Table and Floor Lamps In a Special Sale What adds so much to the welcome, the good cheer and real beauty of a home as softly shaded lamps? And we are now offering a quantity purchased so as to enable us to sell them at the most attractive special price. All are artistic, practical and most desirable, and very specially priced. Tall Mahogany Table Lamps Are Special at $10.50 Fitted complete with handsome 1 6-inch silk shade. A good assortment of shades for selection. Tall Hand-Painted Japanese Lacquer Lamps, $12.50 Beautifully designed table lamps, complete with I 6-inch hand-made shade of Cheney silk. Mahogany Finished Floor Lamps, Spe cial $18.75 Complete with 26-inch silk shade. A large variety of shapes and colors. Tall Floor Lamps in Lacquer Design at $11.50 An assortment of handsome lamps in Jap lacquer designs, without shades. Tall Lacquer Design Floor Lamps, $12.50 Many styles, in Jap lacquer design. These without i i shades. Sixth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 9 A They Have All the Charm of the New These Five Models in Tailored FROCKS at $32.50 THE color? are subdued, the lines are straight, the styles are exceed ingly simple and can you im agine a more delightful combination for new Fall frocks? As for materials there are fine wool serges, satins and combinations of satin and serge. Some have those new shallow round necks that are so tailored and smart, many have straight panels front and back, and not a few have clever bits of embroidery discreetly placed to give the best effect. - . . The new Mandarin frock of black satin with heavy silk cord girdle and silk embroidery on tunic is very smart ! The colors are Navy, Plum, Black and Pekin. And New Fall COATS . -' - In New Fall COLORS g3 7.50 Are Priced Coats made of wool velour in the popular 48-inch length half satin lined. Some have two narrow belts across the back with a wide belt in front, others have deep fur collars and fancy buttons add smartness to others. The colors are Taupe, Brown, Dark Green, Reindeer, Plum, Navy and Burgundy. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. SILK JERSEY SLEEVELESS SWEATERS & SWEATER COATS-Now At HALF PRICE Those pretty coats that are so becoming and comfortable for house and garden wear. The' sweaters will give just the right touch of color and warmth under the Winter suit or coat, and they will prove a real acquisition all through the Fall and Winter months, as well as now. LOVELY SHADES OF ROSE. COPEN. EMER ALD. WHITE. PURPLE, CORAL AND GRAY. WITH SAILOR COLLARS. POCKETS, BELTS. REVERS AND SASHES. Priced Regularly at $10.50, $12.50 to $25.00 AT JUST HALF PRICE Third Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Fine 40-Inch Crepe de Chine Very Special Monday Only at $1.25 Yd. Splendid quality, extra finish crepe de chine at almost half price. All the most-in-demand colors white, ivory, flesh, pink, maize, apricot, Copenhagen, taupe, nickel, navy blue, black, etc. . Second Floor Lipman,Wolfe&Co. SHETLAND DRAPE VEILS Special 79c - -Very smart for wearing with sailor and small, close-fitting hats. These have scroll design and come in black, brown, navy, taupe, ma roon, purple. Main Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Clean-Up Sale of Odds and Ends of Neckwear 65c Colored organdie neckwear, roll or flat collars, collar and cuff sets, vestees and fancy Georgette collars. Main Floor Lipman, Wolfe cr Co. The Daintiest GOWNS Are Offered at 'Old' Prices . Though prices on undermuslins have gone sky-high, these lovely nightgowns are still priced moderately. FINE LONGCLOTH GOWNS in pretty slip-over models, with yokes of fine embroid ery and lace ; sleeveless or with kimono sleeves $1.29, $1.49, $1.69 to $2.79. FLESH COLORED CREPE GOWN in plain colors or with bluebird patterns; some with hand embroidery $2.00 and $2.49. FLESH PINK BATISTE GOWNS, dain tily trimmed with hemstitching, tucks or hand embroidery $1.49, $1.59 to $2.49. CREPE DE CHINE GOWNS in flesh shade, in slip-over styles, with lace yokes or tailored $4.95 to $5.95. PHILIPPINE EMBROIDERED GOWNS of fine lingerie cloth, with the most exquisite hand embroidery edging and trimming '$3.39 to $6.95. Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Such Fetching NEW HATS You'd Never Imagine They Were Priced So Low as $7.50 The cleverest of new shapes and shades. Large hats that are always becoming, small, snug-fitting turbans and brimmed hats that have wings and tassels and fringe and ostrich novelties used most effectively. THE COLORS ARE BLACK. PURPLE, TAUPE. BROWN AND BLUE ALL NEW AND SMART. Other Tailored Models Priced $8.00 to $15.00 Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. The Old Prices Have Been Maintained on These New Models in C. B. Corsets At $3 Low, High and Medium Bust Models There are styles and models for every figure and type. Splen did corsets of fine coutil or bro cade. Priced $3.00. Let our expert corscticrcs find the models best suited to your individual require ments. Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. CREPE TOILET PAPER Special, 11 Rolls for 50c Good quality paper, in 5 ounce rolls. Drug Section, Main Floor Lipman, Wolfe 6r Co. Special Offerings in Infants' Wear BOOTEES in all white wool or white with pink and blue trim ming 29c. SHIRTS in soft finish, button down front style; sizes 2 to 5 39c. WRAPPERS of white daisy cloth, edged with pink or blue 39c. GOWNS of white daisy cloth, with drawstring at bottom 49c. PINNiNG BLANKETS of daisy cloth on muslin waists; finished with shell edge or plain hem 39c and 49c. DRESSES of fine lawn, with yokes of embroidery, lace and tucking; sizes 6 months to 2 years 6Sc and 98c. LA-LA-BYE SWINGS that can be hung from tree, porch, doorway, etc. ; keep baby safe, happy and clean $1.25. Fourth Floor- Lipman, W olfe 6r Co, New FALL DRESS GOODS in a pleasing variety of colorings and fabrics, are now on display. Broadcloth, Tricotine. Poplins, Serges, Coatings, Suitings, Tweeds, Velours, Suede Cloths, Wool Duve tynes and Priestley's Black Dress Goods all wool and from 44 to 56 inches wide. Priced $2.50 to $7.00 Second Floor Lipman,Wolfe&Co. Boys' Wash Suits $1.29, $1.49 to $ 1 .98 Clever suits of galatea, repp, per cale and madras. Many different styles, for boys of 3 to 8 years. Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. New Fall HATS of Unusual , Smartness at $4.95 Clever new Fall styles in velvet hats. Large, small and medium sized. Dome with chenille flowers, in bright contrasting hue; others with a single fancy ornament, and many with color introduced by way of brim facing. Hats that will delight you for early Fall wear at such a moderate price. Economy Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Two-Quart Aluminum DOUBLE BOILERS $1.39 ood heavy aluminum boil ers of Viko brand. Utensils that will give the very best of service. ON SALE ONE DAY ONLY AND LIMIT ONE TO A CUSTOMER. NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED AND NONE SENT C. O. D. Household Section, Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co. MODEL WAISTS HALF PRICE or LESS Monday at $5.75 Beautiful models in Georgette waists; some with genuine filet lace and touches of hand embroidery and others with beading and tucks. These are Show-Room Samples; some of them slightly imperfect, but with the imperfections so slight that they do not mar their looks or wearing qualities. NEW COLLARLESS BLOUSES, HEMSTITCHED BLOUSES, BLOUSES WITH TUCKED VESTEES AND BUTTON TRIMMED BLOUSES BUT JUST ONE OR TWO OF A KIND IN SUCH DESIRABLE SHADES AS WHITE. FLESH. ROSE. COPEN. BISQUE. LIBERTY BLUE AND GRAY SIZES 36 TO 44 WAISTS WORTH EVER SO MUCH MORE ON SALE MONDAY AT $5.75. Positively none reserved, no telephone orders filled, none sent C. O. D., and none exchanged. Economy Basement Lipman, W olfe & Co. O i' X I j f I I JO