The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 11, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 42

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MOKE than a billion dollars of lib
erty bonds were sold by women
In the last campaign.
Now. before we realise It. the fourth
liberty loan will be here and the women '
of Oregon will be called upon to do
their part. The committees are lined
up and the names of women who are
good workers are card-indexed. Har
mony prevails and patriotism is the
first consideration.
Mrs. Vincent Cook Is chosen city
chairman for the fourth loan and will
be assisted by an able board, among
whose members will be Mrs. Dallas
Bache, Mrs. William U. Wood. Mrs.
Iaura Cavers-Brogden. Mrs. Harold
Sawyer. Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, Mrs.
Kelly Rees, Mrs. Isaac Swett, Mrs. Holt
Wilson. Mrs. D. A. Shindler, Mrs. With
row. Mrs. Elliott Corbett. Mrs. Fred
erick EBBert. Mrs. Donald Spencer,
Mrs. C. B. Simmons and Mrs. E. H. Mc
Collister. Mrs. H. B. CartlldBe Is Oregon City
chairman, Mrs. W. W. Calkins is vice-
chairman for Southern Oregon and
Mrs. G. T. Cochran, for Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Sarah A. Evans is state chair
man. She returned recently from Chi
cago, where she attended the meeting
of the women's committee chairmen of
ail the states.
The Federal reserve banks in 12
districts were consulted and all con
sented to put women on their commit
tees. It was found that a notable fea
ture of the third loan was the fact that
the women sold a large amount of
bonds at a very email expense.
Preparations for the coming liberty
loan campaign will not In any way stoD
the wheels of progress In other patri
otic work. The woman's committee of
the Council of Defense at their head
quarters, sixth"-floor, Meier & Frank
building, will continue to register
nurses. Young women between the
ages of 19 and 33 who wish to be of
great eervice to humanity are regis
tering to train to be regular nurses.
Some of Portland's most prominent
girls have taken the step and others
are considering It seriously.
In the League for Woman's Service,
activities go on that prove the effi
ciency of the organization. The women,
headed by Sirs. C. B. Simmons, did a
great work Tuesday at the Oaks when
over 500 served thousands of visitors,
and all the money went to the Red
The women of the league also are
busy getting rooms for the U. A. It-
ln addition they have been registering
girls to train as motor drivers and
mechanics. Now. also, they are work
ing In the Kanning Kitchen and In
ever so many lines that are all for the
one cause, helping to do their part
toward winning the war.
The P. E. O. Sisterhood will keep
right on making the aviator jackets,
which are formed from the kid gloves
deposited in the barrels outside the
larger stores and at the hotels. Mrs.
A. M. Gray is chairman of this work.
She has the assistance of a large num
ber of loyal women. The sisterhood is
famed for its efficient work and for
the social service and charitable ac
tivities that have claimed its interest
In the past and now it is doing its
hare of the work of the day.
The War Auxiliaries are all busy and
11 doing well, interested in their boys
and working for their benefit. The
auxiliary to Company F. ISth En
gineers. Railway, will give the largest
lawn fete of the Summer next Satur
day at the Henningsen place at Mount
Tabor. Captain Kenneth Hauser and
his boys of the company will be re
membered by their relatives and by
Hundreds of friends who will attend.
man & King's. They helped the W. C.
T. U. get electric fans for the hospitals
and provided 250 workers . for . Red
Cross day at the Oaks.
Mrs. Philip Gcvurtz was general;
Mrs. E. F. Mullay was colonel. Majors
were Mrs. T. J. Mendenhall. Miss Viola
Ortschild. Mrs. H. E. Chipman, Mrs. M.
H. McClu-ng. Mrs. J. E. Bonbright, Mrs.
D. M. Watson, Mrs. James G. Ogden,
Mrs. Alice C. Cowell. . Captains, each
having a large corps of assistants,
were Mrs. P. L. Lurch, Mrs. D. M.
Davies. Mrs. R. C. Nelte. Mrs. W. R.
Gradon, Miss Helen Petsch, Miss Edna
Young. Miss Alice Matlock. Miss Edith
Young, Mrs. J. C. Hare. Mrs. Robert
Miller. Mrs. J. E. Bryant, Mrs. J. Emil
Nelson. Mrs. Thad Graves, Mrs. H. C.
Rinehart, Mrs. B. H. Hickox. Mrs. W. P.
Muffley. Mrs. Jesse G. Bennett. Mrs.
Charles Fenton Jones, Mrs. A. Tisdale,
Mrs. G. T. Eastman. Mrs. U. G. Smith,
Mrs. Anton Gierblsch. Mrs. A. G. Wat
son. Mrs. Richmond Kelly, Mrs. R. H.
White. Miss Carrie Moore. Mrs. W. H
Monroe, Mrs. H. G. Chickering. Mrs. M.
K. Hedge. Mrs. C. J. Wolfgang.
Scientists Ready to Mend
for Boys in Service.
Any Soldier or Sailor Whose Cloth
ins; Heeds Repair Welcomed. .
The Portland Woman's Research Club
has been busy doing patriotic work this
Summer. Every Thursday the members
take full charge at the Kanning
Kitchen. The club assists In the draft
luncheons, with Mrs. Philip Gevurtz as
chairman of their committee. The
women have a Red Cross unit that
meets every Wednesday at Olds, Wort-
THE comforts forwarding committee
of Christian Scientists is now
equipped to do mending for the boys In
either Army or Navy and any soldier
or sailor who wishes buttons sewed on
or wearing apparel mended will find a
welcome at the work rooms on the
second floor of the Journal building on
any week day between the hours of 10
and 4:30. where the work will be done
free of charge. A cordial invitation is
extended to all the boys in the service
to visit these rooms, and see what is
being done there.
Any cast-off clothing that can be
used for making children's garments
or that can be repaired for adult refu
gees in the war zone will be gladly re
ceived at the committee rooms, and
persons having such clothing will con
fer a favor if they will bring It to
headquarters or even let the commit
tee know that such Is available. There
Is also a need for leather postcards,
which can be used In lining sweaters
for aviators.
Those desiring to do sewing at the
workrooms will come on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On
Wednesdays and Saturdays the cutting
Is done by persons especially trained
for this work. Mending, knitting and
so on continues every day in the week.
Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock
the workrooms are open in order to
accommodate those occupied during the
day at their regular vocation. A large
supply of yarn has recently been re
ceived and any one desiring to knit for
the comforts forwarding committee can
make arrangements for securing sun-
plies and instructions by calling at the
committee rooms.
zens. All committee work is to be di
rected from there.
W. M. (Pike) Davis will head a com
mittee that will call on auto owners
until the required number of cars have
been pledged. The veterans have been
promised a trip over the Columbia
River Highway.
The most cheerful note sounded
connection with the encampment came
from the parade committee, of which
W. J. Hofmann is chairman. Five bands
and a huge drum corps already are
ine programme committee has ar
ranged for a daughter of Corporal Jim
Tanner, of New York, to christen
wooden ship that is to be launched the
first day of the encampment.
The parade is to be held Tuesday
morning, and the big c ampfire on
Tuesday night at the Auditorium.
Among those who are active and
energetic in all war work are the mem
bers of P. E. O. Sisterhood who have
charge of the making of aviators'
jackets from kid gloves. The chapters
represented today are: C, Miss Kather-
Ine Davis; E, Mrs. R. F. Feemster; F,
Mrs. Ora Bess Seeberger: A, Mrs. S.
H. Morgan; N, Mrs. R. C. Hulbert; gen
eral chairman, Mrs. A. M. Gray. The
gloves are all cleaned and sorted. The
white gloves are made Into all white
jackets; the tan ones into tan jackets.
Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt took 45 jackets
to New York with her to hurry their
transportation to points where they
are needed. Albany P. E. O. members
sent in 19 jackets. Eighty have been
completed so far.
The executive board of Multnomah
County W. C. T. U. will meet In room
G, Central Library, at 1:30 Monday,
August 12. All members of the board
are requested to be present, as mat
ters of importance are to be discussed.
the onlr two remaining- walls of her dwell
ing. Over the top of this place she placed
planks. One side was open to the weather.
The cold, raw weather made it difficult to
exist in such a place. I myself have lived
in a little wooden building near the front,
similar to the barracks in which the soldiers
live, and 1 know the cruel "Winter weather
of these parts of Krance.
The hardship has been greatest on. th
little children. Oh, the poor children! They
no longer play. They have forgotten all
their games. They do not know what it
means to run and laugh and be gay. As
they walk along the streets you will see
them start suddenly and look over their
shoulders in a frightened way, so great has
been the terror instilled Into them by the
It is to relieve such conditions the
committee is working and the Countess
will speak in their behalf. Following
are the local officers:
Northwest chairman, Mrs. Robert Treat
Piatt; state chairman, Mrs. William H.
Skene: first vice-chairman, Mrs. J. D.
Farrell; second vice-chairman. Miss Cornelia
Marvin; secretary, Mrs. W. B. Mackay: act
ing secretary. Miss Katherine Cook; treas
urer, Kohert Treat Plait.
executive committee Mrs. William H.
Skene, chairman; Van W. Anderson, Mrs.
J. D. Farrell, Miss Cornelia Marvin, Robert
Treat Piatt.
Victory-yard-booth committee Mrs. Will
iam H. Skene, chairman; Adolph Wolfe,
Julius Meier, H. C. Wortman, Robert Treat
Piatt. I
Directors Mrs. John C. Ainsworth. Van
W. Anderson, Mrs. Alice Benson Beach.
Mrs. Charles F. Beebe, Mrs. Margaret Biddle,
Mr, p. u. Campbell, Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor
beU, Mrs. Charles E. Curry, ilrs. J. D.
Farrell, Miss Henrietta B. Failing, Miss May
Failing. Mrs. Forest Fisher, Mrs. S. Frank,
Mrs. George Gerlinger,. Mrs. Thomas Kerr,
Miss Sarah Lewis. Mrs. W. B. Mackay. Miss
Cornelia Marvin, Salem: Mrs. Robert Treat
Piatt, Robert Treat Piatt, Mrs. Andrew R.
Porter, Mrs. Lewis Russell, Mrs. William H.
Skene, Mrs. W. T. Sumner, Mrs. Joseph N.
Teal. Mlns Todd, Monmouth, and Mrs. Mor
ris H. Whltehouse. ,
Work at the Kanning Kitchen goes
on merrily and daily many Jars of
fruit are put away for the use of the
soldiers and sailors In. the hospitals
tnis coming Winter.
Here is a sample of the reports made
for the daily work, although space
cannot De given to all of the ma ray
scores of loyal women on the complete
list for the week:
Workers Daughters of the American
Revolution. Kappa Alpha Theta.
Lieutenants Mrs. L. J.. Albaugb, Mrs.
M. J. Lynch, Miss Hazel Strief.
Assistant lieutenants Mrs. William H.
Thomas, Mrs. Dick Hathaway.
Daughters of the American Revolution
Mrs. L. Li. Albaugh. Mrs. St. George Evans,
Mra. G. M. Shaver. Mrs. W. H. T. Green.
Mrs. T. W. Sharpe, Mrs. W. C. Wltzel,
Mrs. James N. Davis. Miss Flora Park
hurst. Miss Fannie Parkhurst, Mrs. J. W.
Murphy. Miss M. R. Guppy.
Kappa Aipha Theta Miss Mary Hutching
Thomas, Miss Jane Webb Knox. Miss Maude
Mckelvey. Miss Louise Manning Miss
Phlllna King. Miss Hazel Strief. Miss Alice
Cornwell, Miss Adelaide Mohan, Miss Gene
vieve Shaver. Mrs. F. C. Greeve, Mrs. Dirk
Hathaway, Miss Ruth Chambers, Miss Mary
Other workers Miss Ellanor Woodward.
Word done Cold pack plums, 32 Quarts:
plum sauce, 13 quarts, apple sauce, 25ft
quarts; blackberries, 12 Quarts.
Donations Dr. R. T. Spurrient. apples:
Mrs. Henry L. Corbett. five large baskets
of blackberries, two sacks of apples: Mrs.
D. A. McMetzre. nine boxes of plums. Oak
Grove Housewives' Club: Mrs. J. LIndsey.
four quarts of fruit; Mrs. M. Little, two
quarts of fruit; Mrs. Eva Robinette. two
quarts of fruit: Mrs. Felax. two quarts of
fruit: Mrs. Benvie, two quarts of fruit; Mrs.
rorvler, two quarts of fruit; Mrs. J. B.
Evans. 12 quarts of fruit.
Pickers George Fullman, Faul Krlegor,
Mark augle.
Autos Mrs. Kruse. Mrs. Sevier.
Workers Pilgrim Unit of the Red Cross,
Overlook Club.
Lieutenants Mrs. R. H. Sawyer, Mrs. C.
W. Hoogland.
Assistant lieutenants Mrs. J. H. Dobbins,
Mrs. N. C. Pederson, Miss Melinda Stackle.
Overlook Club Mrs. C. W. Hoogland, Miss
Lota Stone.
Pilgrim Unit of the Red Cross Mrs. R.
C. Benler. Mrs. C. Zigler, Mrs. J. H. Dob
bins. Mrs. W. A. Black. Miss N. Stickle,
Mrs. N. C. Pederson Mrs. Gray Stevens.
Delta Gamma Mrs. W. G. Keller.
Work done Plums, 135 quarts: apple
sauce. 31H quarts; sugar used, 15 quarts.
Donations Mrs. A. W. Lambert, 14 quart
jars: Mrs. F. E. Matthews, two baskets
plums; Miss Winnie Rankin, one dozen jars,
three baskets.
Workers Chi Omega.
Lieutenants Mrs. Kate Kelly. Mrs. J. H.
Markham, Mrs. Joseph Keho, Miss Mildred
Pegg. Miss Margaret Casey, Mrs. W. H.
Clearance Sale of 99 New 1917 Models and Re-Sale of 95 New and Used Pianos
Last Fall we ordered more carloads of pianos and player pianos than then required to avoid advance in prices
twk- 15.17 Th fAiina-inir renresents the unsold balance of the more expensive Instruments $a00 to ba0, 191.
December 15-17. The followinir represents the unsold balance ot tne more expensive instruments auu to
models, that will now sell quickly at ?356 to 435, to which we have now added the used pianos and organs.
L seii i a K ijt lie UHii.t uriginni
ADSill'ARKPlA08 Price.
Camp & Co.. high mirror J-85
Schulz Co., high, mirror 123
Chicago Cottage, 6-octave 150
Gardner Co. Square Piano 300
t'ollard & Col lard, walnut S275
A 850 1017 MODEL' FOR S43S, $25 CASH, SIS MONTHLY.
Including SIO In Player Rolls and Combination Bench.
A French department will be added
to the Portland- Woman's Club, with
Mrs. M. H. Lamond as chairman. This
department should be very popular in
clubdom. Mrs. Grace Watt Ross Is
chairman of the literature department
and Mrs. A. M. Brown chairman of the
current literature department. The art
department will be discontinued this
coming season. Other committees ap
pointed by the president, Mrs. C. B.
Simmons, are:
Calendar Mrs. Frank M. Taylor, Mrs.
Helen Ekln Starrett, Mrs. James Reeves,
Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Philip Ge
vurtz, Mrs. Charles L. Boss, Mrs. M. H. Mc
Civics Mrs. G. M. Gline..Mrs. C. S. Jack
son, Mrs. E. T. Demlng, Mrs. Cora Puffer,
Mrs. John Manning, Mrs. O. W. Olson, Mrs.
Charles Richton.
Educational Mrs. Frank McCrillls, Mrs.
M. Baruh, Mrs. Julia Marquam, Mrs. L. G.
Herren, Mrs. Charles Cochran, Mrs. U. G.
Smith. Mrs. N. U. Carpenter.
Public health Mrs. R. E. Bbndurant, Dr.
Mabel Akin, Mrs. J. Francis Drake, Mrs.
Elton J. Steele, Dr. Brown Tynan.
Patriotic Mrs. John Van Zante, Mrs. M.
H. Lamond, Mrs. A. G. Dayton, Mrs. O. E.
Runyon. Sirs. A. H. Schmld.
Resolutions Mrs. Caroline Dunlap, Mrs.
A. H. Breyman. Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull
Legislative Mrs. Lucia F. Addtton, Mrs.
R. D. Cannon, Mrs. George W. Coombs. Mrs.
T. J. Mendenhall, Mrs. J.. Schwlnd, Mrs. A.
King Wilson.
Press Mrs. Frederick rl. wnitrieia, Mrs.
Ellen R. Miller, Mrs. Bert Denison.
Visiting Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare. Mrs. I. M.
Walker. Mrs. F. C. Whltten, Mrs. Elmer
Shull, Mrs. W. S. Hidden, Mrs. J. Durk-
Co-operation with Juvenile Court Mrs. A.
R. Mattingly.
Social Mrs. Henry W. Coe, Mrs. W. B.
Hare, Mrs. Ora C. Baker. Mrs. Cora Bonney,
Mrs. Frederick A. Krlbs, Mrs. F. H.
Thatcher. Mrs. T. H. Snead. Mrs. M. D. Man-
Icy, Airs. C. C. Lowe. Mrs. A. D. Frost.
Airs. Roseoe Giltner. Mrs. Murray Manvllle.
Portland to Hear Countess
Madelaine de Bryas.
Talented Woman In Charge of Re-
construction Work in France.
At the meeting of the auxiliary to
Batteries A and B. 147th Field Artil
lery, room 520 Courthouse, a vote of
thanks was extended to the mothers of
boys In Batteries A and B who reside
in Linnton, who, by their efforts, made
the picnic at Glen Harbor. August 4, a
success. Between 350 and 400 people
were on the beach, and all seemed to
enjoy the sports.
The Oregon chapter of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy will as
sist at the Kanning Kitchen on Tues
day, August 13, and all members are
requested to attend. Those who have
not already registered and desiring to
do so should communicate with Mrs. F.
of kid gloves.
National Reception Feature
of G. A. R. Reunion. '
New York Girl to Chrlntea Ship
. . First Day of Convention.
tion Senior Aid of Woman's Relief
Corps, Is chairman of the National
reception which will, be . given. August
21, In the ballroom of the Multnomah
Hotel, In honor of Commander-in-Chiet
Orlando B. Sommers.
Mrs. Hendee will be assisted by, the
National aides. -
Beginning this morning Secretary
Frank McCrillis will be at the head
quarters of the committee in Liberty
Temple, and will 'counsel with-all clti-
THE American committee for dev
astated France and the Council of
Defense are interested in the appear
ance here of the Countess Madelaine de
Bryas, who will be in Portland August
29 and 30. The committee, of which
Mrs. Skene is head, has charge of
large amount of reconstruction work
In the area devastated by war.
The .Countess has written of condi- j0plin, phone East 141.
Hons: I . . -
Tne conditions under which most of the I v V. n Sisterhood women who work
kI,V,- .en "v'n "re on alternate weeks representing vari
You cm hardly beir chapters are headed by the fol-
which the Germans proceeded to d. lowing leaders: Mrs. J. P. Jaeger, Mrs.
troy their dwellings. A bomb was thrown F. W. Bronn. Mrs. M. A. Zollinger. Mrs.
nto every house along the line- of mnrch I tr nfflM onH Mra H W Dnnhim
fru!tr?;en..UwereabowkenandP W. mak'n vit0r3' -lacke" u'
utea. jet. when the Invading tide was
wept oacK, tnese villagers came back
once to their former homes. This devotion
of the French peasant to his little home is
something wnicn Americans can hardly ap
preciate. He loves It ardently; it is almost
a part -of him;, he cannot - bear to leave lu
. During the time when they were strug
gling to rebuild their shattered houses, these
peasants naa live in cellars and dugouts.
Of course, these places were most unhealthy
and not fit to remain in. I once went down
Into a, cellar In which an old couple was
living. ' The roof ot the cellar was so low
that, when I was seated on a little plank
talking to the old people, I had to stoop.
The floor was entirely mud and the water
seeped in through the walls and trickled
down in -tiny streamlets; In the corner was
the straw bed which had been furnished the
couple seven months before. . It was In
describably filthy and so damp Viat one
could- twist it and wring water -ot of it.
Yet the chief desire of the old woman was
for a plate- to eat orr. The Germans had
destroyed- their .crockery - and household
utensils' and they had only one old metal
skillet In which .-they cooked and .from
which they ate.
In one village I saw a mother who had
gone back to live In a little shelter she had
built' for" herself 'in-the- corner - formed by
Hord Co.. Paris 300
Hal let & Davis, ebony ."ISO
Kroeger, large, oak 4fiO
Bennett Co., mahogany 450
Kimball, mahogany 4.i0 2 111
Kurtzman. mahogany 410
Kneisel, mahogany 375 2C15
Thompson, oak 375 'Z 3
Thompson, oak '. 39h
Thompson, mahogany .'I!5. 2Ki
Davis & Son, mahogany 375 UKO
Kneisel. mahogany 3; 2H1
Thompson, walnut 425
Thompson, mahogany 475 VJ!
Mendenhall. mahogany 425 l0t
0r,'r KKW 1017 MODKI.S
find Ke-Sale O.V. ftrw I sen1 Pianos.
Thompson, mahogany S375 JS2 I
Davis & Son, oak 3!5
Thompson, walnut 395 'ZH'Z
Kneisel, mahogany 375 U4
Thompson, mahogany 425 !!!
1 hompson, mahogany 450 ;lO
Singer, mahogany 525 il'2H
Singer Piano Co.. mahogany 45 TIL'S
Singer Piano Co.. oak 525 JI5G
Steger & Sons, mahogany 550 JM5
Steger & Sons, mahogany 550 3SO
Steger & Sons, mahogany fi;iO ;S!.
Reed & Sons, walnut BOO 39
Reed & Sons, mahogany 500 Il!)."
Steger & Sons, mahogany 550 -1
Weber, in mahogany 750 20,"
Thompson, oak 650 -135
ll To KV 1917 MODKLS
Steger & Sons, walnut S50 -19."
ThomDson. mahogany 50 -lf5."
Thompson, mahogany 650 -187
Singer Piano Co 750
Steger & Sons, mission 950 Uti'i
Steger Electric 1050 69a
X. Y. Piano Forte Grand 1000 iff.
Steinway & Sons 1100 49J
f',o NKW 1917 MODKI.S
Steger & Sons 1050 B95
Steger & Sons 1150 797
Player Pianos during this sale, as also your old
Piano, Organ, Phonograph or city lot by our Real Estate Department.
4! Ann tfl 1 1 was ne Price Paid for a mere piano by our parents or grandparents after the Civil War. Prices
wuuu in w i. vvu on pianos are coins up by leaps and bounds now some local piano stores have already raised
prices $50 to $150. Will you wait until you need pay $600 to $1000 for your piano and $750 to $1500 for your pla yer-piau
nQnCD YftllD DIAMn RY MAII Rend, study and compare onr qnallty. prices and terms, as advertised, and you will
UIIUi.ll IUWII I innu Ul lliniL. learn why we have hundreds of mail-order buyers.
miles, and the piano will be shipped subject to exchange within one year, we allowing the full amount paid. This
virtually gives you a one-year triai of the nlano vou order.
Every piano or player-piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as also the
usual guarantee irom eacn manuiacturer or tnese new musical instruments.
$5 in Records Purchased Sends $20, $30, $55, $85 Phonograph to Your Home, Balance 50c, 75c and $1.00 Weekly.
f -. -M .L J, iBgwl
X- m M mmm
A $523 1917 MODEL FOR 3S6, 20 CASH, S MONTHLY.
RrHUMv or oiner securities taken in part or run payment of Pianos or
Coast Distributors,
lit Fourth Street
at Washington.
Schwan Piano Co.
T a concert in Ocean Grove. N. J.,
Enrico Caruso, billed as "the
world's famous tenor," sang recently
before an audience of 12,000 people,
and won a big triumph. Many of his
solos were gems from grand opera.
But if is stated that the song with
which Caruso made the biggest hit
was George M. Cohan's patriotic con
tribution, "Over There," sung first by
Caruso in Italian, and then, for an en
core, in. English. Caruso's supporting
artistes were: Carolina White, soprano,
and Winston Wilkinson, violinist.
In the New York Musical Courier of
August 1 there appears the reproduc
tion of a photograph of Dr. William C.
Carl, the eminent concert organist
but minus his once-famous whiskers.
The general effect is startling.,
Edith Mason, recently of the New
York Metropolitan Opera Company, is
the new prima donna ' of La Scala
which had won for him an imposing
and astonishing array of medals, the
most notable of which were the Bee
thoven Gold Medal from the Royal
Philharmonic Society of London, and
the title of "Chevalier of the Legion
d'Honneur," a rare distinction con
ferred upon him by the French gov
ernment in 1913. To hear this su
preme artist in Oregon is quite a priv- '
liege. Pablo Casals, however, is only
one of a list of ten great artists who
will be presented in this city this Win
ter under the management of thep
bureau, including among those al
ready most favorably known in Port
land, Louis Graveure and Morgan
The fifth concert in the series of
Tuesday evening pipe organ recitals by
Lucien E. Becker will be given August
13 at 8:30 P. M., in Reed College Chapel.
These organ recitals are open to the
public. The programme on Tuesday will
be made up entirely of American and
English compositions: "Star Spangied-
up her duties with the Y. M. C. A., has
left for Paris.
Miss Rose resigned her position with
the Huntley Drug Company as book
keeper to take up her war work, and
when assigned was one of the happiest
of girls. Her home Is on Prince Ed
ward Island, Canada, and she has re
sided in Oregon City for the past eight
years. While here she was active in
Red Cross work and was a member of
the Girls' Honor Guard. Her work for
the Y. M. C. A. In France will be on the
same lines as her occupation here.
Miss Rose has a sister, Mrs. Hugh
SandMrom, residing near Gervais.
Opera Company, directed by L. E. Behy- i Banner"; ".March for a Festival" (Best);
mer and Sparks M. Berry, of
Los An-
Iloquiam Postoffice Shows Steady
Gain Since Last December.
HOQUIAM, Wash., Aug. 10. (Spe
cial.) Postal receipts for the Hoquiam
Post Office are growing faster now
than at any time in the history of the
city, according to figures compiled by
Postmaster C. A. Morgan.
The July receipts from stamp sales
were $3,691.03 and the December re
ceipts were $3,577.92. Every month of
the year has shown an increase over
the corresponding month of last year.
and each month of the first seven of
this year has shown an increase over
the preceding month. The total for the
first six months of the year was
greater than that for the last Bine
months of last year.
Innocenzio Sillngardi, an impresario,
who in August, 1917, signed contracts
for the appearance in concert at speci
fied dates of Ignace Paderewski, the
pianist, in the West Indies and Cen
tral and outh America, has brought
suit for $50,000 for breach of con
tract. It is asserted that Paderewski
failed to keep these concert dates. In
defense, Paderewski says he was too
busily engaged in raising money in the
United States for relief of distressed
Poland to play in far-away concerts.
In Trinity Episcopal Church last Sun
day morning Mrs. Donald Lamont, con
tralto soloist in that choir, sang with
sympathetic effect the solo, "He Shall
Feed His Flock." from Handel's ora
torio. "Messiah." Her son. Master Don-
Id Lamont, 15 years old, at present
soprano soloist in St. Mark's Episcopal
Church choir, was loaned to Trinity
choir for the occasion, and he sang
with beautifully clear voice the so
prano aria of that solo. His manage
ment of his head register was excellent,
so much so that all his vocal registers
were skillfully blended and seemed as
one. His mother has been his in
structor. Master Lamont is one of the
best boy soloists in this city, and his
singing reminds one of the admirable
work done by other boy sopranos In
he recent past In Trinity choir. Master
Tom Dobson, Raphael Geisler and
thers. .
Carl Denton is visiting Camp Lewis
nd Bremerton. Wash., in connection
with the concert branch of the Y. M.
C. A. war service work.
The patriotic luncheon and musical
of the Monday Musical Club, held in the
home of Mrs. Frances Moreland Har-
vev last Monday, was ouite a pleasant,
successful affair. The musical and lit
erary programme was a finely selected
one, and was participated in by Mrs.
R. A. Thompson, soprano; Miss Ida
May Coak, pianist; Miss Marion Bauer,
composer and lecturer; Mrs. Percy W.
Lewis, reader; F. H. Whitfield, speak
er; Miss Fritzi Eppenstlne. violinist;
Miss Leah Schas, dancer; Miss Mae
Ross, pianist; Mrs. M. Moore, cornet
soloist, and Mrs. Lota Stone, whistler.
Mr. Whitfield gave an inspiring ad
dress, and Miss Marlon Bauer," of New
York City, gave an interesting, in
structive account of "The Relation of
War to Music." Mrs. Thompson sang
with fine effect three songs composed
by Miss Marion Bauer.
Among the many interesting an
nouncements already made by the
Ellison-White Bureau, concerning its
musical activities in this city during
the coming winter, one which should
arouse widespread enthusiasm is tne
appearance of Pablo Casals, the rec
ognized master of violin-cellists in the
world today.
This is Casal's third season in Amer
ica, where the young Spanish musician
arrived on his first visit, backed by
tha full " Blory " of a " European record
"Evensong" ( Kasthope-Martin) ; "Bur
lesca e Melodia" (Baldwin); "Angel's
Chorus," (Scotson Clark); Sonata in
the Style of Handel." ( Wolstenholme) ;
"A Day in Venice," (Nevin); Pomp and
Circumstance" (Elgar).
Fay Fosters "The Americans Come,"
also Mrs. H. H. A. Beach's "A Song of
Liberty," were sung by Mrs. Harry Mc-
Quade to the Progressive Men's Club
and their friends in the Benson Hotel
last Thursday. Mrs. McQuade's songs
were well sung.
She Is a soprano soloist In the choir
of the First Christian Church, duslng
F. X. Arcns, the New York vocal
specialist, has set aside Saturday,
August 31 for voice examinations. His
third annual vocal course begins Sep
tember 31, and singers from different
portions of the Pacific Northwest, i
eluding Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana, have made applications. Mr.
Arens has two sons in the Army, Cap
tain W. B. Arens and R. Waldo Arens,
until recently agricultural expert for
Clackamas County. Owing to the ab
sence of his sons from his ranch (both
are graduates from O. A. C.) Mr. Arens
is personally superintending the work
of the ranch. He expects a fine crop
of apples this Fall.
Surplus Friil tto Be Saved for Use
In Military Camps.
I .'iiitiimMimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiiiiiumiiiimitiiKiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiM',
Classes I
Limited I
ALBANY. Or.. Aug. 10. (Special.)
A canning kitchen, which will can sur
plus fruit for use in military camps, is
to be established in Albany and the
domestic science room of the junior
high school will be used for tbe pur
pose. The women's committee for Al
bany of the National Council of De
fense will have charge of the work,
and a committee consisting of Mrs.
Mary Bllyeu, Mrs. P. A. Young, Mrs.
G. T. Hockensmlth, Mrs. L. L. Swan
and Mrs. C. B. Winn has been named
to supervise the canning work.
Mrs. Harry B. Cusick, captain of the
motor corps of the Ladies' Home De-
fense League, will be in charge of the
collection and delivery of fruit to the
kitchen. The officers of the women's
committee of the Council of Defense
which is arranging the matter, are
Mrs. R. E. Mason, chairman; Mrs. Wil
lard L. Marks, secretary, and Mrs. F. G.
Franklin, treasurer.
Miss Mollie Rose, of Oregon City,
AVill Work for Y. M. in Paris.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Aug. 10 (Spe
cial.) Miss Mollie Rose, who recently
left Oregon City for New York, and
from there to so. "overseas" to take
Aug, 26
Sept. 21
For terms and details write
William Robinson Boone,
Managing Director,
Broadway Building, Portland.