The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 11, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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CoLLEGB graduate, mchanlct) engineering.
10 years with large beet sugar factory as
chmiit, 4i yrs young), experienced In men, practical la several linos
f construction work, an adept with any
kind of tools or machinery, not fdlHng but
looking for still better opportunities with
Portland firm which wishes service, of a
)'K per cent American who will work for
you same as a partner in your business.
Address Box 77. R. 4. Beaverton, Or.
A man. middle a f . who bas been on
the road 17 years, wants to make a change
on account of war conditions; has been
accustomed to handling big propositions
nd can give the best kind of local ana
-tern references. Will take on any kind
or a legitimate proposition where a man of
ability can make good. Would be pleased
to call on you, A 412, Oregon Ian.
XJP3CAX. WOLFE ft cdl requires the services
or two thoroughly experienced sales
women for their candy department. Must
ry the catidr business thoroughly. Ap
ply superinteDdegt's office, se Tenth floor,
between, 9 and 10 Monday morning.
TRAFFIC manager experienced, now em
ployed, desires change. Thoroughly under
stands local and transcontinental freight
rales, preparation of overcharge and l"s
or d.image c aims, application of tarlfis,
etc Exempt from draft. In these days of
embargoes and changing rates you need
an expert to look after your transporta
tion Interests. AV ir.J. OreRonlan.
PRINTER First-class combination man.
good adv. and job. speed about uOOO on
machine, and f ini-c.afcs care of same:
understand cylinders and platens, any kind
f binding; open Sept. 1. Only first-class
shop In good tovn. .Make beat offer. C ii.
Taimafo, Kttzvtiie. wasn.
WANTED By a practical man, position as
superintendent or manager of some busi
ness requiting brains and technical skill;
experienced in the manufacture and sale
of lumber, paper and iron products. Above
draft age. Open for engagement now. Ad
dregs K. T. Webb. Camas. Wash.
sxELIABLE youug man. aged SOH years,
with a 3-year high school education, la
desirous of obtaining a position in .an
office; applicant does not come under
draft regulations; those that mean busi
ness, snswer AE 37, Oregonlan.
2ii" miiidiO-aged man. position as coliector
or order taker for good house; nave my
ewn business which requires only hail
my time; wil'l be glad to use my spare
time with some good firm. Have my own
car. Main 7M). 4Q3 rtaiiwsy fcxenange.
WANTED Position by married man. 46;
whose present business is non-essential
and about wiped out. Excellent business
and office experience; capable and intelli
gent; best of references. N 611. Orego
nlan. WANTED Employment by man past mld
d.e age: have had various experiences In
clerical work, salesman etc.; familiar with
machinery: would accept position as
watchman. AR K7, Oregon is n.
liL'clNESS man. long experience In office
and selilng. disengaged Sept. 1, seeks po
sition of responsibility at moderate salnry;
bank and other references. J 86, Ore
gon tan.
TRAVELING salesman desires position as
city salesman for reliable concern or will
enter new hue work If same offers good
chance advancement; five years In present
P'jsi tio a. Add reus P. Q. box ." 3. Po r t ld.
fclNOLE man with widowed sister with boy
9 and girl 11, wishes work on ranch with
separate house; have own furniture; ex
perienced ranchers and good workers. AO,
RK, Oregonlan. j
Bookk ec pers. Stenographers. Office
HIGH-GRADS man, 34. married, university
graduate. 6 years' banking and mortgage
loan experience, wide general business ex
perience, executive ability, capable taking
entire costs;? ornee or ofpnruneni. aeur-s
position with concern offering rood fu
ture. Enjoy nara wort rive years wnn
last employer. Best references. u 4iK,
Oregonlun. " .
MR. BUSINESS MAN If you can ue
capable, efficient bookkeeper and general
office man. possessing executive ability,
married and over present draft age, write
tj me at once. t 4!-. oregonlan.
.ACCOUNTANT wants small set of books,
auditing, or any clerical work: thorough. y
competent ana expenencea; rates reason
able. BD 4s, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by experienced office
man. cashiers worn prererrea; can give
high-class references. Address AB 451.
Oregon. an.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires po
sition: will give references. AR 702. Ore
GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at
your home, lessons 60 cents. Phone Wood
lawn WANTED A small set oC books to keep or
clerical work for evenings and Saturday
afternoons. N 5W), Oregonlnn.
FITTER, expert, would like position in de
pat tment store or specialty shop. Miss
Hrt. 443 Taylor st.
FIRST-CLASS, all-around cook wants work,
hotel, cafeteria or bakery; will serve din
ners city; best ref. J 76. Oregonlan.
LADV wants plain sewing or to take care
or children by hour. Phon. Marshall 1420.
Call room 8.
WANTED Place for bright girl of 10. In or
near Portland or Oregon City. BD.402,
Oregonlan. -
TOUNO lady, college education, wishes to
do addre&slng or typing, no shorthand.
Phon, Columbia 1141 be:ore 4 or C 1533.
I'OCXO woman, housekeeping, small hotel
or rooming-house; experienced. S.U. 1870.
785 E. 34th st
LN EXPERIENCED woman will work by
day, canning fruit and fancy ironing. Ta
bor 3.115.
YOUNG woman, good cook and worker,
wishes situation, two or 3 adults. West
Side. 83.1 to 140; references. Bdwy 733.
JOL'NG woman, with son 10 yra. old desires
housekeeping position; must b respecta
ble. BC 339, Oregonlan.
Al EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition with responalbi. firm. AM 01. Ore
gor.lan. LADV of expertenc. would like charge or
housekeeping In apartment house. AF &13,
WANTED Management of apsrtment-house
by competent and experienced -woman;
references exchanged. M 300, Oregonian.
DT wants housecleantng or other work.
hour or day; satisfaction guaranteed.
Bdwy. 60S.
WOMAN, .first-class cook, wants position,
city, cafeteria or restaurant. G 443, Ore
gonian. XPEH1ENCED, strong woman wants cook
ing in camp; good cook. AO 815, Ore
gonlan. CATHOLIC woman desires position as house
keeper, near Portland, by September 1. AO
Ms. Oretfonlan.
AUSTRIAN" -GERMAN girl wanta position
general housework. BC 337. Oregonian.
GIRL wants general office work. Wood
lawn i:v6d.
WANTED Position as cashier; can glv. ref
erences. AF 616. oregonian.
GOOD cook and housekeeper wanta work.
WoeditftD 4.121.
tol .NG woman wants porttion In grocery
or confectionery store. P 327, Oregonlan.
WOMAN desire, cleaning by day.
shall 2K37.
EXPERIENCED switchboard operator wanta
position. AK 513. Oregonian.
HAIR dyed at horn, treasonable by experi
enced lady. Main 3S70.
WOMAN wishes housework; two or three
aouts. M 31.. oregonian.
DRESSMAKER, experienced all
fancy work. 42. Main 3462.
kind, of
OFFICE girt, with experience, want, posi
tion: reference. Tabor 47 .".
WoMAN wants work by the hour, house
clearing or other work. Tabor 5739.
FIKST-CLASS laundress wants day work
or place a. resident laundress. Col. vto.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day-work
Mon.. Tues. and Thurs. Sellwood 1U32.
VOl'NG lady with some experience would
like office work. Phone Sellwood 2934.
BIEN'CED fitter wants position.
ltj'CSi couple would Ilk. small child to
board In their own home. Main 7043
YOUNG woman wishes position as second
c ok or kiu-aen work. B 43. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes employment.
Phone Columbia 777.
KXPERIBNCED woman wants cleaning half
Cays only. Tabor 330a.
Competent woman
Woodlawn 44nS.
want. day
WOMAN wants day work, 35o per hour and
carfare. East Hl'
work. Tabor 4S73.
rould Ilk. day
TOUNO LADY wishes position for .levator
work. Woodlawn 2371.
WANTED Day work. 35c hour. Phon. Sell
wood 3170.
WOKK. by experienced woman: Ironing
preferred; 6 hurs. Broadway 1S42.
EXPERIENCED won, an wishes day work. S
to T hours. Main 1451 after 4 P. M.
EXPERIENCED woman want, day work.
6 to 8 h-s; laundress. 35c hour. Main 1140.
WOMAN wishes housework: no car. children.
East 6SJi4. after 10 A. M.
YOUNG girl wishes evening work playing
piano or other light work. W'dln. 239.-
J a 1 1 v iuu day work. Main Vlui.
I hal a fc-,r. 17 ya:s and a boy 14 years
mai win attena ran nun inch school,
that wiah to get a cbnc to work their
way tor board and room and small wages,
aftur Spt. 4. They are from a good fam
ily aril will put them against anyone us
to wlllinrness for work or character. B
4.fl. Oregnian. ' -
DOMESTIC science graduate. wix teaching
experience, whose husband la in the aerv
Ice, wishes executive work along domestic
Mines. Would consider desirable nouseKtrp
Injf or position. Telephone Tiuor
1Xl$X or writs 1403 Wistaria ave,
DESIRED Light housekeeping, iteadypo
sitlon. moderate salary; town preferred,
not distant, by neat, capable lady past
middle aire; unincumbered. HHea Bow
m&n, general delivery, Salem, Or.
WANT E D L'n married woman, experienced
in bookkeeping, shorthand, office man
agement, etc.. wants a worth-while posi
tion in Portland or elsewhere, F 4a L
VOU."G lady wishes a -position as asst.
bookkeeper; good at figures and a good
scribe. Have had S months training In a
business col.ejr. also 3 months' offioe
practice. A R tft. Oregonlan.
WIDOW with 3 little girls wishes to keep
house for lone man or man with one child.
- Wishes to keen her children with her.
Mrs. D. U. Marshall. 019 Mill St.. Salem,
ore iron. ,
WANTED Typist., neat and accurate, wants
position; well experienced, nest or rerer
ences; also 4 years' switchboard exp. Sal
ary around $Cx Phone Main ai'ti-.
YOUNG woman with 1 child, wants work as
housekeeper In widower s or bachelor
home, who Is able to pay good wages.
it'tx ..... ione, ur.
UouD, strong, experienced woman, can do
man's work in shipyard or sawmill or
any outsiae worn; mans wages, soi.
LADY with 2 children and husband wishes
care of small apartment-house for apart
menta and some wages. Call Sunday. 206(4
1st st., room 20, Portland, Or.
ill' sister In East; would accept any good
position here If suitable, with telegraph
company; 10 years as wire chief: capable
renaoie, una reierences. ttaat toov.
WANT work as housekeeper In widower
home who is able to pay good wages.
Airs. Delia Rose, General Delivery. Port-
land, or.
GIRL, 11 years, wishes place to care for
small child for good home, small wages
or ciotnea. bee mother, 2004 iai sc., sun
day. Room 20. Mrs. C. J. W., Portland,
LADY, congenial, good traveler, would like
to accompany Invalid or as children s
nurse, for traveling expenses to California.
Phone Main 31 S3, room o. -
HOUSEKEEPER, by business woman, who
has alris 2a and S years old: light work,
good permanent home; wages $16 month.
Address w 4 J, oregonlan.
LADY, congenial, good traveler, would like
to accompany invalid or as children's
nurse, for traveling expenses to California.
m ars hat j a i j. room a.
LaDV going East wilt travel as nurse or
companion for part of R, K fare. W 440,
oregonlan, ,.
EXPERIENCED cashier wants work, will
furnish reference. Call Sell wood B77 any
time Sunday and after 3 P. M. week days.
WILL, travel to Washington, D. C. as com
panion or nurse girl. AO SIX Ore-
0iHikkeepere. Stenographers, Office.
CAPALLE stenographer and dictaphone
operator desires position, preferably as
head stenographer or private secretary.
Experienced in invoicing, filing and gen
eral office work. Rapid- in typing and
transcribing no tea Any first-ctaaa post
tmn considered. F 482, Oregonlan.
WANTED Clerical position by young
woman wbon husband is In Army; em
ployed at present at Walla Walla. Wash.,
but wishes employment In or aoout Port
land; have had 1(5 months' experience;
nest of references. N 4.0, Oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL girl wants position In of
fice. Can operate typewriter. AK 630,
WANTED by married couple and girl, mod
ern 5 -room furnished bungalow with sleep
ing porch ; will take occupancy crept. 1;
permanent. Keply. stating full particu
lars, to R 325, Oregonlan,
EXPERIENCED young lady In office work
would like work evenings; good at cler
ical work; good on typewriter. AJ 675,
Oregon lan.
OUT-OF-TOWN position as bookkeeper or
ziguring aesirea oy woman ok i-j years
business experience; knowledge of stcnug
raphy. B 473, Oregonlan.
LEG INN EH In stenography wishes a po
sition, doctor's or dentlst'a office pre
ferred. Call Tabor 4KU after Sunday.
A DEPENDABLE lady will care for chil
dren evenings or afternoons; experienced
wan the sick.. Keierencea .marshal! 84V.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires post
tlon; good references and moderate wages,
mono .larsnaii juio.
1ul.U lady wishes stenographic or. typing
position, some experience,, au 4,0. ure-
YOUNG lady desires position In doctor's or
dentist s office, bellwood li0.-
YOUNG lady wishes position, clerical work
or Ddtaaecper. AJ tj.s, oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion, call forenoons. Woodlawn 4H6L
YOUNG woman desires position doctor or
dentist a office. Tabor 41o3.
DRESSMAKING In families by first-class
dressmaker, any gowna made, remodeling
satisiuction guaranteed; price right. Phon
dressmaker. Main 4tfi0.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring by
tne aay. jiarsnau vio.
5-0 HOURS, day work or sewing.
RELIABLE dressmaker. S3 per day. Mar
snail 23Ud.
N urses.
Confinement cases taken care of for less
than one-half the usual charges. Normal
case, including drugs, dressings, physl
ciaus' services; two weeks' hospital care
for S4U. pnona woodlawn 100, 10'Jb
vt imams ave., city.
EXPERIENCED nurse, capable of taking
full charge of patient, want, engagement.
cast ou.
EXPERIENCED, practical maternity nurse.
with reference; csn take full charge of
nome. fnone labor auis.
WANTED Position by practical nurse; best
oi reierences. rnone Cast 44.19.
PRACTICAL nurse, capable of taking full
inarge. wants case. cast SIU'J.
WANTED Any kind of nursing by middle.
agea nurse. labor V34.
NURSiS. quiet home, invalids, unfortunates;
e:j. n . . ,,, All, uiranaio, Kjr.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse,
erencrs. East 0708.
Best ref
NL'HSB. open for engagement. East 3335.
lOLNG lady, refined, dependable, truat-
worthy, splendid cook and housekeeper,
wishea position In nice home; like family
oi two or gentlemen; reference, the best
wages reasonable. M 800. Oregonlan.
UNINCUMBERED widow wishes position as
housekeeper in nice, clean home, very
neat and clean, good cook, more for home
than wages. Widower or bachelor pre.2
lerre-i. vail ?j A uungswort n.
BY RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman
position a. housekeeper and clean, eco
nomical and trustworthy. Widower's home
preirred. vt iu go anywhere. B 408.
WANTED Position by widow with girl of
five In refined modern home where neat
ness and good cooking are appreciated; quiet
home more desired than high salary. O
34J. oregoman.
HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged lady, good
cook and housekeeper, wants position In
widower's home; city preferred. Box 184,
vt isit a position as housekeeper in modern
home or apt., fur widower; care of one
sman cniia uesirea. - call sergeant Hotel,
271 Grand ave.. room 210.
Rl.ilNKD American widow, 29, with girl
6, wants housework for couple men or
respectable widower; best of references.
am -tfin, uregonian.
Hol'SK KEEPER. capable of taking full
charge nf home; can manage well; best of
ref. Mrs. Anna McElwain, Hotel Valley.
2d sni -Main. Portland. Or.
it a 1 1 u uy m!aaie-&gea lady to care
lor pieasaru nome of widower with, one
or two. children. Mrs. Delia Forbes, 314
Mill st.
HOUSEKEEPER Capable, refined lady
with child, girl 8 years, wishes position In
small family to take entire charge. AO
SIS. Oregonlan.
BUSINESS woman, with girl years old.
would like board In private home where
-child will be well cared for during day
Address W 441. Oregonlan.
WANTED By capable middle-aged lady, a
position as housekeeper for widower or
bachelor only. AL 6l7. Oregonian. '
LADY wishes' housekeeping position In
widower's home, good cook; references.
BD 4.-irt. Oregonlan.
YOUNG women, good cook and worker,
wishes situation, two or 3. adults. West
Side. 835 to 840; references. Bdwy. 733.
MIDDLE-AGED lady of refinement, position
as H. K. for elderly person. B 476, Ore
gonlnn. EASTERN lady wishes position In refined
widower's home. X 4.s. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
practical nurse, & 7338. - -
NEAT, refined, capable lady,' good house
keeper and manager; best of references
t If required; must be modern plaoa; am
alone; widower's home preferred, or man
ager of apta or hotel. Am experienced in
hotel, or would take charge of linen la
hotel. V 300, . Oregonlan.
L N I - C L" MBEKcD widow wishes position us
housekeeper io nice clean home; very
neat and clean: good cook: more for home
than wages; wiaower or bachelor pre-
- t erred. Call 44 Vs Killing! worth. Wood
lawn 5750.
WASHING and Ironing for Monday. Tues
day and Wednesday. Phone' Woodlawn
731. Mrs. Beck. -
EXPERIENCED girl deslreg housework, city
or country; wage. 140. AL Orego
nlan. .
EXPERIENCED girl would like position In
small family of adults. D 44, Oregonlan.
COLORED girl would like afternoon place.
Phone East 64&S.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants genl. house
work; good cook. AL 802, Qreg onlan.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants few steady
places for nice families. 8 65, Oregonian.
Ton can genre your country by helping
shipbuilders locate, '
List your vacancies, furnished or unrur-
BJineu nouses, ruuou or i' i"BUl ,
Write or phone. A. J. England. Mala
watr hatln. .VMt.m. h.rdWOOd flOOr.
k.iu. .u.t., h.rri-nnd floor.:
Portland H.lKhU or Wllianaetl. Beigbu
120 8l.v.n Bld(.
WiVTRfta-Ta nnt ft or A-roora buncalow.
with ood neatinr lacmtiea, proioraoiy iu
a.. T.aurAlhur.t: creful Of PT0P-
erty and likely permanent BD iS. Or-
gonian. or emu T.oor
WANTED Sept. 1, nicely furnished 0-or
six-room nungaiow lor y-r or mi
elderly couple; must b. In desirable neigh
borhood near transportation; may buy. AF
67, . Oregonian.
wiktrd to, nut amall or medlum-slied
modern house on romano r
Westover Terraces; marriea coupi-
Slain 6168. between 9 and 10 A. il., betor.
Cl'nviCHPn HOT7SE.
t or 10 rooms. West Side, about i mln.
walk trom r, u.; garage, iu
WANTED By responsible coupl. without
children, small furnished aoua. or is-
low, attractiv. .neignoornooo, wnveuicm
to canine, r-none lhh
WANTED to rent. 4. C or 6-room modern
house; convenlt-nt to i. a. car, 03 o.
family. Permanent tenant and will give
beet of cars to place, vyooaiawn
WANTED To rent 8 or 7-rooro modern
hou. with sleeping porcn. irvinsmn m.
trict preferred; give lull parilculara.
M 1117. Oregonlan.
TO RENT Pour rooms with bath, with prl-
.vata family, or amaii nouse iu.duu.ui.
possible, near waaningtoa tiigo. n
WANTED Furnished cottage, eear Haw
thorne; inexpensive, wua gas "
fenced yard preferred. C. L. A.. 601 Hood.
WANT 4 to T-room furnished house; nave
children, perfectly tame; can -lurnisu ref
erences. r.ast
FOUR or e-rm. modern furn. .r partly furn.
bouse, adjacent to ampyarua. . a tj,,
AUGUST 19, by adults, furnished 2or8-room
modern, cottage or suit, wimuui mi ,
or suburb: reasonable. P 8H9. Oregonian.
BV Kept.
4 or B-room bungalow, with if nosslble: tiawtnorne or xvoc
City district. X 437, Oregonlan.
wAN.-ncn tionmlnw nf .bout 14000 value.
Have fine o-paasenger car an xjiiw
as first payment. AJ 673. Oregonlan.
WANTED Small furnished flat,' cottage or
bungalow, wun piuuo. xauor
10 and 11 A. M.
THREE adults want 5-room bungalow, un-
rnrnish.d. attractive, near canine, r...i
Side, by September 1. Woodlawn 3948.
WANTED Small bungalow or house, not
later than Oct. 1. will lease, -aii x.. i-ig
after 1 o"clock Sunday
A four or five-room houso.
furniture. Call East 2544.
Will buy
MODERN furnished flat for 8 adults by
August 15. P 840. oregonian.
WANTED Modern house, Irvlngton: will
pay 875 to l0 month. K 411, Oregonlan.
WANTED TO RENT l-room furnished
house or flat- Woodlawn 1169.
' . Apartments. -
WANTED 5-room furnished apartment.
modern building, must b. reputable; or I
furnished house or bungalow in dosirable
community, near canine: garage and
sleeping porch desired; will glva any rea
sonable guarantee regarding care. BJ 512,
Oregonian. - "
LADY with 4 daughters would Ilka modern
5-room furnished apt., walking distance
to Lincoln High School. Call by phone,
room 420 Portland Hotel, not later than
WANTED By refined young couple (no
children) 3 or 4-room furnished flat or
apt. by Sept. 1. Call Sunday 9 to 2 or
evenings alter u. a. tjoj.
WANTED A 4-room flat, near Jefferson
High school, w 44T. oregonian.
WANTED To sub-rent furnished nine or
ten-room rooming house, west siae. v 111
buy later If satisfied. Broadway zotz.
WANTED Small 2 or 8-room. furnished.
apartment, close to Lincoln School. AM
520, Oregonlan.
2 OR 8-room furnished apartment by offlc.
man and wife; no children; by Wednesday.
Must oe reasonaoie. Marshall 3Z8.
WANTED Unfurnished room or .mall apt.,
close In. ah o'J'J, oregonlan.
WANTED Nice llpht housekeeping room for
neat, elderly iaay. aione; would ltke use
of piano. Prefer west bide, but win con
sider good location elsewhere. AO 817,
Oregon la n -
WANTED By Sept. 1, by clean, congenial
business man, nice room in apartment, or
with private ramuy, witn garage nearby.
Please state price and full particular. AO
819. Oregonlnn.
WANTED at once. 2 or 8 heated, unfur
nished housekeeping rooms, walking dis
tance: must oe reasonaoie, price. l.aay
and 2 girls. 8 and 12 years; best of refer
ences. Home phone B 2426.
WANTED On Aug. 15 or Sept. 1, modern fl
or 7-room furnished house In Irvlngton
for Winter. Adults. Reference.. Phone
room ' roa, oampoeli Motel.
WANT 3 or 4 nioe, reasonable housekeeping
rooms wun furnace neat, west side pre
xerrea. Aiar. -o. ask tor Mrs. Hamilton.
BY Sept. 1, 3 or 4-room furntsned flat, or
apartment; a bedrooms; walking distance.
cast 1100.
TWO OR THREE furnished H. K. rooms,
near v-atneorai gtcnooi. rnene Main 12Z,
TWO H. K. rooms by week, 1 child. BD
409, Oregonian.
, Room. With Board.
REFINED msrried woman with 16-months-
old baby girt would like room and board
and home privileges In nice home with no
other small children or many other board-1
ers; must be good location; husband home
week-ends. Call Tabor 0750, between 10
A. M. and 2 P. M. Sunday.
WANT room and board for two, private
family, separate room, and no other board-
era; prefer within four block, of St. Johns
car ana norm 01 anavor au AJ Of 4, ore
gonlan. CONGENIAL, respectable man wants room
ana ooara; norm ana west, oir washing
ton at. Homelike main Item. H 414, Ore
gonlan. A'AXTwO Board and room In private fami
ly, by youn-g marriea couple, both em
ployed. Reference, exchanged. O 800.
BOARD and room. In private home, by re-
xmea young mameu coupie; ootn em
ployed; references exchanged. R.402, Ore
gonlan. SINGLE man of 88. working In th. .hip-
yarns wants room ana ooara in private
family. D 40. Oregonlan.
COUPLE, employed, would like board and
room in private larauy. Ai' &24, orego
nlan. MAN, wife and 2-year-old daughter w-lsh
room ana ooaxa in rennea iamlly. L 481.
ROOM and board by young man In good
family, walking aistance. Reference, fur
ntahed. C 430. Oregonlan.
BOARD and room wanted by 2 men. within
walking aistance r-eninsuia shipyards;
prefer private family. F 479, Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room, private family.
west Mae, w.ib.mib aisiance; use 01 piano.
Marshall 4200.
WANTED By young man student, a good
home. so, oregonian.
WANTED A davenport bed. golden or wax
oak: must oe in gooa condition. AK 517,
WANTED Used golf clubs, give descrip
tion ana pww j, wtegoaiaa
Alder St., Corner 11th, " -New
management. -Thoroughly yen
vated: handsomely furnished. Kates rea
1'nrnlshed Xooras.
Absolutely fireproof, loth St. at Oak.
Under- new management; nicely fur
nished throughout: rooms singe or en
suite, with or without private bath, popu
lar prices, nrst-ciass uoie service, aso
cial weekly rates to permanent guests.
A. Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit.
Morrison and East Sixth.
Hotel Clitord Is th principal East Side
Hotel and is a hotl of dignity and re
. finemenu Dally rates, $1 up; two In room,
$1.50; weekly rates. $4-C0 and up.
Absolutely Fireproof. 10th H. at Oak.
Under new management; nicely fur
nished throughout; rooms single or en
suite, with -or without private -bath, popu
lar prices, first-olas hotel service; spe
clal weekly rates to Permanent guests.
124 14th St., at Washington,
" Hates $4 per week up. Toe day. Fire
. proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms,
. close to amusement and shopping center;
catering especially to those desiring quiet.
NORTON! A HOTEL. Portland's, downtown,
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or
single, with or without poaru, ror lamines
and business men and women, wa- giv
you all the comforts of a home, Reason
aoie rates.
and Washington Sta.
' Right In center of Portland's activities.
Prices astonishingly low. Let us show you
our accommodations and quote rates.
or IS tor two. hi North Hia Bt.
E48U Waahlnrton Hi.. Cor. lTth.
Clean. coo:( oomfortab!. rooraa. modern.
,2 par ween up. u re. pnonei ana pbici.
TWO .desirable furnieh.d rooms, new and
clean, private family, good location, sear
iteel bridge; on. or two a-enuemen. o.i
Multnomah St.
MAKB th. Bushmark your horn. Large
llant rooms. 12.011 weals ud. iricK diuk.
running water; olos. In. otiS Washington.
HOTEL, OCKUST. Morrison street at 10th.
Rates 75o per day up; weekly up
running water; ire, phona andbatha.
URGENT HOTEL. 271 W Grand ave.. lur
mahed room, hot and cold water. laie
phon. and elevator service. East 201.
HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of
th. East bide;, modern, convenient, nign
Quality, low price,, feasted ana .tturnsiue.
FOR RKNT Furnished or unfurnished rms.
10 minutes' walk Irom business enter,
60 n. lath t.
THE WEAVER, 710 Waah. St., Marshall
0170. Keaidentlal hotel, private Data ana
phon. In every room. jKelerences.
A LARGE, nloaly furnished sleeping room on
first floor, walking omtance; gentlemen
only. SJ IS. Ash, la. na.
ADENA HOTEL In heart of shopping dis
trict; all modern conveniences. 1 u j-ar
rell St.. San Franoisco.
PALACE HOTEL. 44S Wash, iu; downtown
location; respectable and strictly modern
steam heat; rooms large, clean.
BCCKINUHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash.
All outside rooms, cool, clean and airy
rates ti and up a week.
FURNISHED ROOMS in modern home. 235
Martina, st., pear Multnomah Club, main
HOVEL CORDOVA. 2011 11th St. Strictly
modern, private baths en suit; room .J
up. juatn v-ttt. a tiea.
Newly renovated, large, airy reams, $3.30
ana up. jtn ana btark sts.
HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, Phone, 18 mo.
up; without bath. 14 up. 733 Washington,
I SLEEPING room for rent. B4o Grand ave.
N. Phone E. 610U.
WANTED Refined young man - to share
room with student. AR COS, Oregonian.
FOR RENT Furnished room. 8 unfurnished
rooms, no children. r4o 4th st.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
4 ROOMS, bath: Dutch kitchen. 2d floor,
partly furnished; large back yard; walk
ing distance. 41 Chapman su, cor. Clitton
sc. council vrest car.
i'OR RENT In private family, one or two
unrurnisnea rooms witn alcove; may oe
. used for .housekeeping; working people
prei erred. .ant
i'OR RENT Nicely furnished bedrooms in
private nome: furnace neat, pas and elec
tric llgnts. Dam anu pnuiie, oiu.e in. iuune
East oS2f. 401 Honaciay.
WEST SIDE, 5 minutes' v,alk from post
office: room ana moaern iiat. gooa loca
tion, patn r adjoining; to lauy erupioyeu.
855 H th st-
SEVERAL large, clean rooms, suitable for
two in room; close in, convenient rur
. shipyard worker.. 8 East 0th st. N., be
tween Burnsiue ana A-nkeny.
PLEASANT, nicely furnished room for gen-
tleman: modern home, close in. East Side:
.1 block from cart private family, no other
roomers; breakfast, cast 4Uoi.
FURNISHED rooms for .rent, two blocks
from carllne: employed lady preferred. 435
N ewton st., w lilametto rieignts.
TWO furnished room, reascnable. 425 E.
Burnside. caat 0018. Call sundaya of
WILL rent 1 or 2 room, to gentlemen In
modern home; use of garage if desired;
home privileges. L 300, Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished rooms: .lee, phone, bath.
reasonable. n.v Montgomery, pnon, Alain
S3UI5; ' -
NICELY furnished cool sleeping room S3
per month. Call afternoon at 743 ft cast
PLEASANT outside room, private family;
modern apartment, ' walking . distance.
Broadway 4745.
SLEBPIN'G-ROOM suitable for one or two
gentlemen; electrlo Light, heat, bath, and
phon.. 34T lth St.
FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman. In pri
vate home, with bath ana phone. 413 c.
FRONT room, $2 week; between Broadway
and Steel bridge. 240 ciackamaa at. c.
7529. .
FURNISHED .room for gentleman in pri
vate zamuy; walking aistance. uroaaway
4741. - -
A BRIGHT, cozy room; heat, light, phone
and bath; walking distance. 41s vt est
2 LARGE connecting rooms, fireplace, suit
able for 4 bachelors; private entrance, too
21st st. S. Marshall 2Mb.
NICELY furnished room, gentleman or lady
employed, in refined home, call c. ooui
between 8 and 12. '
HAVE furnished room for lady, in private
family, with ail nome conveniencea. inn
and E. Ankeny, Call "East 652
LARGE, light room, suitable for one or two
esnuemen, monern conveniences, ottf -n.r-
rlaon. Main S015. " .
SLEEPING ROOMS, suite of unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. 188 21st N. Broad
way 2483
NICELY furnished room, $12 per month. 751
Hoyt. Marshall nut.
TWO furnished rooms on car line, private
home. 51 Shaver St.
BOOM and board, use of piano.
829 Broad
way. Main 8901.
CLEAN room for man employed; electric
lights, running water. 372 6th St.
TWO furnished room, for shipbuilders. Main
FRONT room suitable for two; $10 per
month. Phone Broadway 2333.
SELECT room, hot and cold water, business
.men. west side, mi Nortn st.
NICELY furnished front room, close in. East
6277. .
WALKING distance, large room, fine loca
tion. Call evenlnits or Sunday. 353 12th st.
NEAT furnished room in private family at
404 Clay st. Main 67S2. Rent reasonable.
2 LARGE front rooms, nicely furnished. 100
N. 21st. .Broadway zoai.
NICE, clean, airy room, $2 week. 454 Tay
lor at. '
CLEAN room, good location, bath, phone;
come see. $S mo. RK7 12th, close in.
FURNISHED room for housekeeping, dress
maker preferred. 529 Kearney at.
269 14TH. near Jefferson, choice rooms,
walking distance. Main 8893. t
NICELY furnished room in private family,
all conveniences. 347 Montgomery.
LARGE furnished front room,
bath. 629 Thurroan st,
lights and
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, private
family. Main 1901.
LARGE, light front room, cheap.
Davis. Ankeny car.
NICE front room, suitable for man. Main
. 8729. 743 Everett.
TWO large, clean sleeping rooms, telephone.
Sellwood 17S.
TWO nice, sunny front room, for rent. 205
6th and Taylor.
PLEASANT room In private home; furnac.
heat. AL 599. Oregonlan.
$15 LARGE front room. In prlvat. flat,
close In, West Side. Marshall 2536.
CLEAN, airy room, gentlemen only. G50
Hoyt st. ;
NICE, large room, suitable - for two, close
In. 414 Market, corner 11th.
FRONT BOOM for rent. 104 E. 11th St.
' - - ' '.--,"''"''
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
LOVELY, big, light room, white enamel fin
ish,, larce cedar closet; well furnished,
fireplace, furnace heat, hot and cold run
ning water in room; very best location.
161 N. Cad Bt.. Marshall 47&3.
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished steam-heated
rooms with bath and porch; with or with
out privilege of kitchen; private entrance;
reference. Call Main 4869. 780 Irving su,
near bi. Vincent's, Apt. 5.
TWO business girls would like to rent
furnished front room la flat to one or two
other business girls. Kitchen privileges
il ueairuu.. x'uone Between, u ana 7. ast
2 -ROOM apt., light, heat, telephone and
s. eo. .nun st.t pnone -Main sjm.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO unfurnished rooms, bedroom and sit
ting room, fireplace and furnac. heat, nri-
vate home, walking distance. Main 2750.
TWO large, light front, unfurnished rooms
reasonable. In private family. 420 K.
r-tanton st.
2 BEAUTIFUL unfurnished rooms,
st. Marshall 251fi.
IV6 iilat
UNFURNISHED rooms, centrally located at
suft tm St.
Booms With Board.
Th. Camobsll. 28d and Ravt. " Mar. 88t.
The Campbell Hill. 741 Wash.. Main 7581.
1 person. 4, a month and up.
2 persona, 8s0 a month and uo.
Elevators, phones In all rooms; many
rooms wun private natna,
S80 Tenth St. For business girls and stu-
oeuts. neasonaoi. rates. Marshall 1201.
PAKKVlliVV r'a.nlly hotel, 880 Montgomery
St., in ooum caraway; walking distance;
excellent taule; reasonable rates. M. 8783.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences: walking distance
83.50 per week. E. 47S2. 12 E, Tib, SU
PRIVATE horn, for children from t. 11
years, 714 Everett at. Mar, 2182.
ROOM and board for 3 young man. 302 East
W'oodlawn GSG.
868 Delay st.
THE MANITOU, 261 13th Pleasant rooms,
double or single, with good board.
WIDOW will give child from 2 to 4 the best
oi ooara ana care, main oaou.
Kooni.JW'ltb. Board In Prlvat. Farotlte.
LARGS, pleasant comer room, large closet:
suitable for two; West Side; home cook
ing; close to canine, special rates 10 mar
ried couple, two ladle, or gentlemen: also
room for one gentleman willing to share
room, twin beds. - with rsflned oongvniai
young man." Marshall 2781.
TO RUNT Front room adjoining bath, suit
able for two men; noma privileges; moa
ern; walking distance; twin beds. Call all
day Sunday and Monday. East 1147.
PLEASANT room for rent, with board, on.
block city park, Vt block from car, pri
vate family, all modern conveniences.
Phono Main 427S.
1 OR 2 children can have exceptionally good
nome, best ot care, szu per ma ea. ; nave
own cow and chickens, large yard, near
school. Woodlawn 1506. - - .
A CONGENIAL home to board boy 3 years,
place where mother could room, mother
employed. Call 8:80 P. M. week days,
607 E. 40th N. "
WANTED Sum. on. to occupy room va
cated by young man wno ennatea in ma
rines ; board if desired; easy walking dis
tance. East 1J27T.
AMERICAN workingman to room and board
In small congenial home; walking distance
to Foundation yards. Main 608.
WILL board and caro for Infanta 'and small
children in my home. - References Sell
wood 2973.
ROOM, suitable for 2, with sleeping porch;
nome privileges, ousiness people prexerrea.
East 1S6.
ROOM and board in private family by gentle
man and little boy of six. Address 10hu
E. 11th st. N.r oily. -
IF YOU have a room near 2lst and Gllsan.
call 0S1 Ollsan for table board; men only.
Marshall 1248.
ROOM and board In private family; suit
able lor one or two. can at U4 c. urn
si ie.
FOR lady, room, board and washing, every
nome privilege, no other boarders; 82u.
Sell. 3248.
FOR RENT Boom or room and board in
private family; walking distance from Al
blna yards. 5 E. Shaver st
CLEAN, neatly furnished room with board.
In widow'a home; suitable for one or two
gentlemen. Broadway lliSft. 5W Hoyt St.
LARGc1 front room, suitable for on. or two,
homelike, good board, ?ob Hill district.
Marshall 843.
GOOD board, nice room, homo privilege
liuvs jonnson. Main OAVi.
ATTRACTIVE front room In beautiful home
across from Multnomah Club. Main 7720.
ROOM, board, sleeping porch. 2 gentle
men. 01O l.sda ave. Knst J3H3.
GEVTLEMAN can have room and board in
privat. family. 808 Third st, apt. C;
ROOM In mod, home; home privileges: good
table, suitable tor two empioyca. c 109.
FURNISHED room with board.
40T Clay
st. Main 8534.
WANTED To board 2 boys on farm. Call
E. 1042 lstn st. n., room
PLEASANT room with two meals; gentle
man oniyt one block from car. Main 407 1.
29 V.'. PARK A very pleasant room.
location: walking distance.
SUITE of front rooms, private family; suit
able for two. EaBt 723. 003 c. Madison.
BOOM and board for man, $6.50 a week, or
$25 a montn; warning aistance. 02a viay.
SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms.
s.'s ciay st.
PLACE to board 2 boys, 7 and 9; country
preferred. Mrs. Long, 729V Williams.
Furnished Apartments.
Twelfth and Taylor.
Moat modern apartments on the Paclfl.
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof Garden In Connection.
Walking distance. References,
LADY, employed, would like to hear from
lady willing to share her apt. Phone Broad
way itiuo after 0 p. m.
3-ROOM furnished apartment; desirable lo
cation, close in; $32.50; adults only. Call
Marshall 18o7 between 9 and 2 o'clock.
3-ROOM furnished apartment; desirable lo
cation, close In. $32.o0; adults only. Call
Marshall 105T between t ana - o Clock.
FURNITURE! of 4-room - apt., everything
complete for housekeeping. Bargain, $150.
N 471. Oregonlan.
WANTED Lady to share my apartment.
52314 Division. Apt. 4.
$16 2-ROOM furnished apartment, ground
floor, Jtlirmingnam. mar. 4. 8u ii:tn sc.
apartment. Marshall
Cntumlshed Aoartmenta,
Seven-room duplex apartment In .fire
proof bldg., mahogany woodwork, fire
place, 3 bedrooms and .maid's room.
KINGSBURY APTS., 188 Vista ave.. 23d and
Washington; very oestraoie s ana 4-room
with outside baicony, furnished and un
furnished. . .
BRUCE APARTMENTS. 25th and Northrup;
0 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood
floors; modern. - Main 499.
THE MARLBOROUGH. -21st and Flanders,
5 and 6-room, .reasonable. Main 7516.
WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street
6 large rooms apt, and private porch.
FOR RENT 5-room unfurnished, nice flat.
modern, on Sellwood carune, Milwaukie
st. Phone Sell. 320S.
SMALL flat, newly painted, electric lights.
bath, suitable for two people, walking dis
tance. 344H Montgomery, near Broadway
MODERN 5-room flat, Al condition, light
and am. fcavler st. phono Broad
way 5157!
NOB HILL, Lower flat, six rooms. 775 John
son street, near 23d., $40. Inquire of owner
at address.
MODERN 3-room flat, 383 Cable St.; $15.
Chapman car, rnone Main 3410.
DESIRABLE 6-room single flat. 849H 6th
t., near Market; adults only. Key at 849.
3-ROOM FLAT, near Wlllbridge. East 6914.
FOR RENT Lower floor. 1150 E. 19th N.
6-ROOM flat. 435 llyi; $25.
Famished Flats.
FOR REXT To responsible party with ref
erences, newty zumishea 5-room xiat with
sleeping porch. Sellwood 3604.
FUIVLY furnished 4-room flat. Including
water, player piano, garbage removal and
phone. East 4708. Adults only.
$10 TWO large rooms, partly furnished. 561
Powell st. Key 284 Oak- st.
FURNISHED 4-room flat in private home.
East 4245 Monday A. M.
Pomitttieti Flats.
7-ROOM modern upper flat, after Sept. 1,
furnished, hardwood floors, sleeping porch,
fireplace, fine view, 5 minutes' walk S.
Lincoln H. S. all outside rooms, garage if
wanteU. with heat, j5. . Also & rooms
, same as above, after Aug. 15. V
; 4NB, Oregonian.
FURNITURE FOR, SALE Flat for rent,
something good. 3f0 Nartilla st near
Chapman and Madison.
GIRL empit'yed. to share nicely furnished
fi-room Hat, walking distanoe; state where
employed. G 42'J, Oreguiiian.
2u FURNISHED flat, 3 large rooms and
private hath; walking distance; block to
par; adults. East fi04U.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; walking
. aistanue, furnished for housekeeping; ln-
- eluding gas ranges, electric 1 1 flu a. hot
water, bath, laundry, all free: 815 month
- up. Take "S" or JOth-st. car North, get off
at Aiarsaaii st. uroaaway 0030.
FOR RENT H, K, rooms reasonable; 1-rm.
apart., suitable for bachalor: hot water,
free hath and telephone, at J tio Stout St.
W at 30ta and Morrison.
MAKHi the Bushmark your home. Complete
furnished housekoepUig rooms; modern;
close In; reasonable. 505 Waahlngtonst.
Taka Sellwood car. Call Sunday.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
1734 N. 21st.
LIVING room, bath in connection, with fiueiy
equipped Ice cream parlor, excellent lo
cation. Tailor 3000,
.INGLE and suit, housekeeping, also sleep
ing rooms. .. The Mslvln, 353 ' Yamhill,
corner Park,
FOR KENT 2 clean, furnish. d houaekeep
. lng rooms, 10 minutes' walk from ship
yards. 301 Broadway W.
fWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
Call 31)1 West Broadway, walking dis
tancs to shipyards.
NICK single rooms, also sleeping poruli, 10
to $18 monthly. 605 Flanders.
ONE housekeeping suite, also on. singls
) Housekeeping room, aaa aiorrison.
Housekeeping Hovra. la Prlvat. Family,
HOUSEKEEPING room. In private family,
p; large casement rooms; fine location,
yard, water, electricity, bath, wood. Suit
able for respectable wurkingmen. 504 East
6th strset.
9 VERY desirable frout housekeeping rooms,
connecting; closet, clean, light, modern;
walking distance; reasonable. 082 Flan
dars st., phone Bdwy 2200.
IF unable to find H. K. rooms, come and
tak. on. of our pleasant, reasonaoly
prlcad, striotly modern sleeping - rooms.
You'll like them. Klickitat. 32k Vi Holladuy.
A SUITS of 8 clean wall-furnished house
keeping rooms; adults; first floor. 00 E.
30th st. N near Davis.
ONE or 3 room, with a kitchenette, 2 blks.
trom aiorrison it. and Grand ave.. in pri
vate family.- 154 Grand ave. East 370.
TWO unfurnished rooms, with bath, heat.
light, in private family. 673 K. 10th and
Mark sts.
TWO front housekeeping rooms, electric
iiKnt, sin, gas range.. - is. Zlst St. Aauus.
fnone Mar. 4un3.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent.
-n. ,-.ia st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.
one single il. K. room. 306 1st st.
TWO nice, clean housekeeping rooms, 41
NICE), pleasant room, completely furnished.
housekeeping, 8- East 8430;
83.5(1 PLEASANT slnals H. K.. suitable
single person; kitchenette. U2Sft Holladuy.
Moving to Idaho: musr sell at once: hot-
water heat; A rooms, fireplace, bookcases,
beautiful electrlo fixtures, tapestry pa-
fered, - hardwood ' floors, buffet, Dutch
ltchen, cement basement, laundry trays.
Terms to suit most desirable purchaser.
Take nuerty bonds.
' Close to cars for shipyards on Peninsula
and Vancouver; o rooms. lull line plumb
ing, garage for 2 machines, cement floored
find runs; electric and gas; walls painted
In delicate colors: lawn, roses, flowers.
Terms to suit responsible purchaser. Take
HDerty nonas.
MODERN 7-room bouse, lots of fruit, fine
Modern 7-room house, lots of fruit,- fine
residence district; will leasa for one or
two years.
, 283 Alder St.
Marshall 2200.
6-ROOM house. Falling St., near Williams
ave.. newly renovated, equipped with gas
and wood ranges, instantaneous neater,
linoleum, furnace, hardwood floors down-
stairs. Will lease for year at $27.50 month.
Phono Woodlawn 4i4.
Peninsula, terms to suit: St. Johns I
car and Peninsula shipyards; five-room
bungalow, corner loi. oenutllul lawn.
choice roses and flowers, garden; terms!
to suit the most desirable purchaser.
Phone Columbia 595.
Comfortable Home 2 mocks to car.
Call at 301 Panama Bldg.
HOUSE with 6 bedrooms, two "bathrooms.
I. other rooms: suourban. close In. Pos
session Sent. 1. Thoroughly modern.
Might rent furnished or partly furnished
. to suitable t.nant. A rt .on, oregonian.
RARGA1N Furniture fof 4-room modern
cottage for sai, siuu, inciuuing sewing
machine, and cottage for rent with lease
$6 a month. 4304 66th su S. E. Mt. Scott I
$30 BROADWAY near Burnside. old 8-rm.
residence, liowor lioor can uo useu ior c.i-
penter shop, plumber, paint or auto tires.
Rent only 2 per mo.
W. H. WEBB, Main 4013.
U ACRE with 2-room cabin, barn, fruit
house, chicken runs, free running water,
convenient to ship yards. $0 per month.
Ask for Allen. Lake Grove. Southern
Faclflo Electric, near Oswego Lake.
iron S!XT New modern bungalow. 30 min
utes out; car passes the door. 5 rooms and
hath, basement; every convenience. Call
Tabor 7'iS
rnzv a rooms and big sleeping porch, bsth.
tn .1 water. Ms-nts. acre 01 ground. v 111
lease for year. Main N5. Monday. 000
Concord bldg., 2d and' Stark.
a n,-inufi and hath, modern excebt fur-
n.ce and fireplace: quarter block, with
fruit and garden; renovated throughout.
Inquire 127 E. 28th st.
Tcort SALE Five-room bungalow, now va
cant, for sale. $2400, terms: corner Kelley
and Rowo St.. West Side. If not sold by
Tuesday evening for rent at 820.
rnnvv von MOVE
Broidway SSO. A 6T4T.
Semi-modern. 100x100, family orchard,
berries, etc., nlca garden spot.
3-ROOM cottage with 2 large screened
nnrches. furniture for sale: $0" cash re
quired. 643 Insley ave., cor. of E. 17th st.
9 rooms, 40x100 lot, strictly modern;
will lease.
5-ROOM modern house for rent, newly paint
ed and kaisomined, -u a montn. vvoou-
lawn 2638.
O-ROOM house. Interior end exterior Al con
dition. Can see at H4' 'inurman. 10 to i-
Sunday. . Sellwood 3031.
LRVINGTON HOMES $45, $50, $00, including I
R. T.
EAST SIDE 7-room home, one block from I
Catholic and Highland scnooi. Rent, sj.j.
Broadway 2ob0.
B.ROOM modern house. $32 a month. 225
Monroe. Owner 02a commercial sr, c
FOR RENT 2 acres with house, just off
Base Line, on electric Mt. tiooa line. i;us
Garfield ave. Wdln. I21'3.
FOR RENT 5-room modern house, ground
100x200, 1150 Steele ave. a. c., 2.1 per
month. 'J. Schuff, Castle Rock, wash.
7-ROOM HOUSE. 400 E. 54th st. N.. 2 rooms
reserved -for owner to live in. tali bun-1
day before 1 P. M. or Monday A. M.
MODERN 6-room house. 790 Kearney, near I
24th. Rent for small family, 530. c. ivoreii,
207 Railway Exchange.
4-KOOM plastered jhouse, chicken,
water, gas, 100xll,; 9i"th St., Lents: $lli.u0
Including water, owner. Main xi.j.
ING. -
8-ROOM house, all modern, walking dis-
tance; East Side; ?4o. 414 East Stark.
5-ROOM cottape near Foundation shipyards.
Broadway 4jv.
4-ROOM modern house, partly furnished.
6&14 82d at. S. E., 14. Tauor 47UO
FOR RENT 3-room plastered house; must
buy furniture. tou r.. outn i. .n. v, car.
5-ROOM unfurnished house, down
$20 a month. 718 East Morrison.
749 FRONT ST. 9 rooms, gas, electricity, 2
4 ire pi aces. Marshall 4440.
BUNGALOW. $30; 6 room's. 2 sleeping
porches, fireplace, furnrrce. PR E. 19th st.
A MODERN 7-room house with sleeping
porcn. furnished, $30. Woodlawn 2718,
Here yoq have choice of th. combined
lists of all desirable vacant houses, apart
ments and flats In the city, with definite,
reliable Information pertaining to acu.
Records are kept up to dts, aW listings
being added each day.
There is absolutely no obligation or
charge for this service, it Is maintained
solely as an accommodation to the public.
Newcomers in Portland will find this
bureau of great belp in getting properly
located quickly.
WEST SIDE Modern 8-room horn, at
Willairtotte Heights. House In excellent
condition. Reasonable,
EAST SIDE Fine large 8-room house,
over two lots, near MT car, garage. Ready
to occupy.
A. H. B1RRELL CO., JIT Northwestern
Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118.
Furnlnlicd Houses.
I WILL rent my magnificent home en east -slope
of Alt. Tabor, fully furnished, ready
for housekeeping, every modern conveni
ence, large attractive ground with plenty
of fruit and shrubbery; a splendid place
for particular people. Place is valued at will lease for one year to re.
sponsible party who can glv. bond, for
875 a month. For particular, call at 404
I'latt bldg.
LAUKKLHURST home, 8 rooms; .leaping
fioroh and breakfast room; every conven
enee; hot-water furnace, garage; fur
nished beautifully; baby grand piano; 75.
G 420. Oregonlan.
NlNli months' lease 10 strictly modem five
room bungalow, with furnishings, coin
plete; party desiring must take furnishings
or substantial part. Price reasonable Ta
bor UJI'S.
FOR RKNT 6 months, furnished, new sub
urban house, A bedrooms, 2 baths, all con
veniences, one acra ground, excellent lo
cation, tlOO per month, li 43L Orego
nian. HOL'SB with 6 bedrooms, two bathrooms,
six other rooms, suburban, closa In. Pos
session Sept. 1. Thoroughly marlom.
Might rent furnished or partly furnished
to snltnble tenant, AB 400, Oregonian.
WANTED I'unUshed house In good resi
dence section of Portland by business
man, small noun, well furnished pre
ferred; will pay rent In advance. Would
like option to buy. AK 405, Oregonlan.
A STRICTLY modern bungalow, completely
.furnished, $43. 107T Woodward ave. Rei
erences required. No children. Call Bell
' wood 584 after 0 o clock A. M. Sunday,
Tabor 0406 after Sunday.
LAUItiCLHURST home, 8 rooms, sleeping
fioi-uli and breakfast room, evury gonvsn
ence, hot water furnace, bsuy grand
piano; furnished beautiruiiy; garage, f'o. .
Tabor 5024 Sunday, or MalnOU07 Monday. .
6-ROOM house, completely furnished, all
modern conveniences. sleeping porch,
hardwood floors; In Alameda Park; par
ties leaving city Wept. 1. Woodlawn 8137.
4r COMPLETELY 'furnished cottage, pl
uno, Victrola; no children, walking dis
' tanre. Cull uftarnootis. 858 13th. Phone
Murslisll gill S.
Furnished 8-room house, sleeping porch.
Oriental rugs and grand piano fur rent.
110 Mlrlmar Place.
FOR 1 year, large house, furnished, clo.
in. on West Side, 3 bntns, (u
per month.
See owner,
L. T. Newton,
501 Plttock
BUNGALOW house tent for sale, en rlvar
frunt, reasonable. Call at .tore, Oak
Grove Xieach.
ATTRACTIVE T-room house, best Irvlngton
district, sou per mo. r. K. nowman as
Co.. 213 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 8020. -
$15 Two furnished H. K. rooms; prlvat.
oatnroom. ian suar oununy, uo . .vim
St., 2 P. M.
FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, good location,
rent 835. or $40 with garage; adults. 25i
N. I'gd St. lei, aiam ,n in.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; 10 rms.
completely furnished for housekeeping. 03
N. 2"tll St. .
FURNISHED, one of the nicest homes In
the city. AR nH4, Oregonlan.
0 OR 8-room house, modern, partly fur
nished. Marshall 5750
MOliKKX Willamette Helghta home, six
rooms, :o. Marsnau jiu.i,
$15 SMALL furnished house; 1287 Orient
s t. aw d. ilP, aner u J. m.
FOR RENT, in Mofitnvilln. 8-room furnlBhed
house, after Aug. u. isnor in").
FOR RENT Well furnished house on Port-
land Heights. Phone Main i4 'i.
MODERN, cement. West Side home 12
nooms. 2 baths, lurnisnen, ,ioo. main ong-'-IRV1NGTON.
7H2 HANCOCK, $75.
FURNISHED. one of the nicest homes In the
city. AL Oregonlan.
Summer Kmnrtfl.
. Modern house, 8 rooms nnd sleeping
porch, excellently furnished, front, on
golf links, for balance of season at rea
sonable rent.
A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank
Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118.
Completely furnished, o rooms, urepmce.
water, etc. Very convenient; near surf,
lakes. P. O.. Munhattan Beach, Phono Ta
bor 523, or Main 2173.
WANTED Desirable fur. cottage at sea-
view, irom Aug. J.: niusi "O neur uem
and have running water. Phone Mar. Jo54.
BJ 408, Orejjonitttu
CANNON BEACH cottage. Ideally located.
for rent, completely iurnisneu c(i imc
and silver. Aug. 23, one week $15, 2 weeks
$25. Sellwood 1025.
WANTED To rent at Gearhart for the last
two weoks of August, sman couase or
4-room flat. Tabor 9053. 1535 E. Taylor,
Portland, Or.
PLEASANT rooms, private home, modet t
conveniences; kitcncn n ue.neu,
from beach; reasonable terms. Lock it;
5, Seavlew, Wash. .
WANTED At Seaside, room in privat, fam
ily by two gins; musL o. ne.r un
reasonable; references. Main 4349 or ad
dress AR OSlt, Oregonlan.
4-ROO.M furnished beach cottage, Oearlian,
for rent by September x, rat. v.j
sonable. Call Woodlawn 834.
FURNISH KD 6-room house on tha ridge.
lieach Center, wean., imin-m-e u. -
son, $:!. Phone Marshall 8H8.
CANNON BEACH Furnished camp from
August 1H. rjpecini rates uuimx ooifich.
ber on cottages, M. B, McKay. Brola. Or.
NEAH-KAH-NIE cottage, completely fur
nished, not ana coia wi, ur.uu.i.,
September. Call Monday. Main 4057,
CANNON BEACH cottage, 3 rooms, sleeping
accommodations ror nvr. uwi tu.rt
17. Address Mrs. John Gerrltse. Ecola. Or.
FOR September, completely furnished cot
tage, convenient to ueacn ana (011 nuaa.
, oearnart. jiqr.iiau mm.
BOOMS H. K. rooms. H. K. tents, camp
ground near aniumri i.i nwuiu. -Austin.
Seaside, Or.
COTTAGE furnished for four at bargain.
Address Mrs. D. T. Van Tina, Bay-
oce-an, Or.
SEAVIEW One-room furnished cabin, con
venient, running water, so wees, main
C-ROOM furnished cottage, cheap rest or sea-
son: Ocean l-arn. vqan. .ii. oio.
Morrison St., corner W. Park, 2Sx5f,
with basement. Will rent witn or witnout
two upper floors. 50xSn
the: last STOKE IN THE
144 Park St.., wun u.aemeni. i.
available. This i fine for ladles tailor.
milliner, hair goous or any uusiuva.
ooMnce. rnnniR. Can be remod
eled and used for carpenter, plumber or
automobile accessories. Rent only $2J
per month. .
East uroaaway. cor. ,i,in at., m vu.
tore, 3.1x50, or will divide to suit.
tnr hiillrtlner. etc.. see
W. H. WEBB. Yeon Bldg. Main 4913.
Light, roomy store. In brick building.
newly knlsomlned. In fine condition: gooa
basement, excellent location, ,ej.w'w
rent. .
A. H. BIRRELL CO., 211 w. nana
Bidg. Marsnall 4114, a .lie.
FOR RKNT Idal location for sanitarium
or maternity nonpnai, ciu. m , a m..
rooms, ttreplact'. hot water heating system,
larce. lovelv K"ound. shade trees, ros
and lawn, garage; per montn,
time lease. See joraan. wun r. r. isyiur
Co.. 83 Fourth st. Marshall W2.
Good location, near O. E. depot, nlca
lijfht store in bricK ouiiatng. rent very
A. H. BIRRELL. cu -'ii . w. cans
B I d g. Jiarsnau a ma. ,
40 ROOMS, above, below store and larfra
restaurant, equippea wun dkb oven anu
counters. -' ijurnsiue. laisnaii t-MU.
FREE" STORE RENT for one year. Good
location lor procery. mono f. i, uisnop,
Broadwny 4J.3.
STORE for rent, 484 Washington, $20, new
ly painted ana -papered.
501 RALEIGH BLDG.. ofrics for rent, tlt
and vv asnington. Alain 6U18J
PART or all of three-room suite; two-year
lease, can sia is. W. Ban biog.