8 THE SUNDAY 0X1EG0XIAX, PORTLAND. AUGUST 11, 1918. KKAL ESTATE. ESS, IN- ! Sobarb i Hmom. Garden HOME Acre with g room modern house, only $1730; worth $2000; Krmi. Hi x-room bout with 2 acres, city con Ten lences, only $2300. easy terms. Viree acres with good 4-room shack IWse; only $2700. $.100 will handle, Juodera f-room bungalow with 1 's acres highly Improved. $4.u0; $1000 cub. Will consider a clear city place to 30oo. 1 1-6 acres wltb 2-rm. box bouse, only u your ow" Wms. ACttSAUB Kins cultivated acre, close to station, only $1050: your own terms. Beautiful half-acre, full bearing or Cbsrd; tor Quick sals $730. Good terms. 7-roonm bouss wltb S acre, highly Im proved. 2 blocks from station. S1.-U0. Oarden tracts. 53x117. with water, a-aa. lectricity. pnone: only $300; $25 down. lo mon'li. For sale by owner. Take )reon Electric to Garden Horn. Tc commutation fare: 44 trains dally. Ask for McCormlck at station. Fhon ap Tointment. Main 31S. DESIRABLE "SUBURBAN H0MK' A "MONET-MAKER" IX CROP (ABOUT COMFORTABLE HOUSE, BARN, ETC FRUIT. FLOWERS. V CITT CONVENIENCES, FIREPLACE; Hath, h a. n wati-h MiAR CAR AND H ItiHWAT, ETC. SACRIFICE ACCOUNT ILLNESS, CLUDE CHOP- $4oi. ONLY $1000 CASH REQUIRED BALANCE LONO TIMS a PER CENT TH!S PLACE WORTH STirOO. ADDRESS BIRLEY. OWNER. P. O. BOX SHIPBUILDERS. BUBURBAN 6-ACRE HOVB Toeated on Oregon E.ectrlc south of ? . 11 trains a day each way. Good A -room houss on concrete founda tion. 3 bis chicken houses, chicken run. leocefl with wire netting, other outbuild ings. 2 fin wens. Splendid soil, all In imu stare or cultivation, ramry orchard, oerrlee of all kinds, fins garden, only 6 minutes walk to school. Buy this, keen your cow, pigs and chickens, raise your ow food, and at the same time hold your I fcown. mce. lu; $1200 cash, en balance, per cent. See Sim HAHTJ1AX COMPANY. I 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WELLI WELL! WELL! Uh,i v about this 7 Listen: One big acre of land, all In full bearing fruit of all varieties, right la tbe heart of "the cltv. right on the canine, only 13 minutes' ride from the I center. Now. listen: On this acre tww very suostantiai modern houses. city water, gas. electric light, cement side walks well, what's the use. to and look . for yourself. Noa. 833 and Ml E. SUth St.. near the corner of Gladstone ave, and then come to tbe office and we will give - . m tun via- acre wnicn will TO" wonder where you have been all Sufnmr- J- c,oiy. 1- Ablngton "J? 'ir w"ted something on the Colombia Hlchway and couldn't find Itf Now. listen: Here Is one right on the nirnway where yon can see less than 11x10 automobiles pass every minute. Only 11 100 Tor a seven-room bouse with more than : cr all la full bearing fruit of all varieties down to tbe fig tree. All of the , conveniences, such as electrlo light, run- -....m water ana near to tne canine, with REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 20 ACRES. $1378. miles from Astoria; 200 feet from raved highway; 3 acres Id cult.; 4-room ouse. barn, good well, fine creek, close to high school: $000 casb. bal. to suit. 63. 20 ACRES. $1800. . 23 miles from Portland. 2H mile from town and electric line; 4-room house, email barn, root-house; 3 acres In pota toes and garden, balance pasture and tim ber; everything goes. One-half cash. AO A.C:uh:A. sitooij- 33 miles from Portland. 8S mile from electr.o line; 1.1 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; fair bouse, barn, orchard; mower, barrow, plow, cart anil buggy; $000 cash, balance to suit. 40 APR km 1 1 1 00 24 mile from Portland. Stt miles from town and electric line; Ilea good. Al soil, all seeded to grass; $360 cash, balance $0 per year, 6 por cent. 20 acres. 8 miles from Courthouse, all In cultivation: good 6-room hou.e. good orchard; V mile to store; lies fine; Al solL Price $4000, JIUuO cash, balance to suit, 0 per cent. It AHHEft 11250. 6 acres lust outside city limits, fine soil: 600 feet from paved road; price $1250, $430 cash, balance to suit. per cent. B TJ N D T. 411 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Snle Acreage. Its ACRES, near the city of Lents; good five-room bungalow, barn, well on back rorch, young fruit trees, berries; price 2100; small amount down. - 10 acres, 10 miles from center of city: paved road most of the way, part under plow, small bouse, good barn, fruit, stock and furniture; price $4200; terms. O. 8. SMITH Ac CO., 433 Chamber of Commerce Bid. xtJKAL ESTATE, For Kale Farms. , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. LIVE RIGHT. HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT. JUST OUTSIDE PORTLAND. Mr. Workingman. llstsn to this: Here Is a beautiful tract of land, located right here on the Base Line road. It consists of 2 acres highly Improved, all under plow. 14 acre raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, currants, grapes, gooseber ries. 60 young fruit trees, bearing. All fenced, about 1000 feet from eleotrio rail road station, and a good paved road to door. Tbere la one of the finest wells, cemented from the bottom up. that 1 have seen. Small house, chicken and hog house. Small stable. Personal property: 1 extra fine cow and heifer calf. 120 chickens. S tons hay. 1 acre wheat, some garden and potatoes. Price for everything $2600. Don't overlook this. It is wortn your while. You can have everything you want and live right. WATCH OUR AD3. WE GET RESULTS. A. O. Bender, RITTER. LOWE A CO-20S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS farm has merit and must be seen to be appreciated. It Is all stocked and equipped and ready to make money A lady owns this farm and cannot look after It. It consists of 247 acres, with 10 acre under plow, 117 acres pasture, IliO acres almo&t level, some timber. Taere are tbousanda of acres outrange. All small fruit, three acres prunes, 3 acres family orchard, different varieties. All fenced with wire: miles from R. R.; Albany district. One mile school, ehurch and nost- bfflce, telephone, two fine springs, 1 creek, fine level graveled road, 1 good well, two story 8-room house with hot and cold water, bath, etc 1 wo oarns. one ouxw, one 30x00; fruit dryer, blacksmith shop, chicken-house, hoghouse, pumphouse and wash house. Personal property: Binder, hay rake, two plowa. cream separator, 2 cultivators, drill, disc 2 harrows, disc plow, engine, woodsaw, feed mill, bone grinder, gas washer, anvil, three wagons, buggy, mower, garden seeder, grass seeder. 10 cows, 4 heifers. 1 bull, 1 calf, 8 head horses, 9 brood sows with pigs, 20 young hots, 1 boar, 125 chickens; price $20,000; $5000 cash, balance terms, will consider small, clear place sear Portland or closer hou&e to $7000. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. Q. Bender. RITTER. LOWE It CO., 20S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. O 1A .4PRPS 1H A. In cultivation. 8-R. house. ch!c bouse and ouiouiiaings. -'"'" Multnomah station; nne sou; prise e-vv, $000 cash, Dal. to suit. 2 ACRES 4-room hoouse. bath, tolled and gaa. lo cated on Capital Hill: price $1330, $300 cash. bal. $10 per month. . lo ACRES. I'A A. In cultivation. 7-R, house, barn and outbuildings, cow. horse and all farm tools: located about 4 blks. from , M. Maryls School, en a P. R. K.; price $4300. terms. ACRE. All In garden; 88 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit. S-R. house, 8 fine chick-houses, located Just outside of city limits. blks. to earllne; price $1300, 8U0 cash, bal. to suit. JORDAN A GARBADE. 408 Chamber of Commerce. good service. All yoa need Is $400 to buy! HERE Is one of the best propositions to this place. The balance Is moathlv ov menta M. J. Cloheasy, 413 Ablngton hlg. I.N PARKROSE $700 DOWN -A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME rooms, hardwood floors In living, din-I ana one Dearoom; rireplace and built-in effeetM. M.m 4,,., i.k, Chicken house and cow barn. Fruit trees I muM wrrie. iocs or snrunDery. comer tract 3 . T. ' 7 1 ' rnce only 4uu. I . L. HARTMAJ COMPANY. Chamber of . rc" " Stark. Main 208. A GREAT BIG SNAP PARKROSE ACRE TRACT 1 block to SanAy B1t and car line, ground H Cleared except a few trees left standing where vou would build the f t?9- ,r'c onlr 1'0 down and -v mnntn, interest 6. J. L.. HART HAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com nierce Bldg 4th A Stark S:s. w- k.rf in iti. wnv of a suburban noma. It adjoins the city limits and is M l fine road. Is near the Powell Valley road: ride Kick and forth and enloy life: LISTEN TO THIS: B acres all under plow and in crops, win a fine plastered 8-room house, with sleeping porch, all newly painted and tinted, good barn, woodshed, chicken house, Al well. Personal property: 1 extra fine cow. 75 chickens. 20 Belgian K -. rahhira. 1 new 0-passens.er ivwrw n.ohin. with S new cord tires. Price, only $.-00 $2000 0TO cf, l"m" " FAB1IEB3. ATTENTION'. suit. Aon i i .i - .,.- . -- It you will buy. This Is the way to live. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. Don't be hampered In the city. A. O. Bender, FITTER, LOWE A CO 203-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. KTA f.ADA FARM. This is a dandy farm for ratslnr cattle or nogs, or a uairy proposition, iwu win be messed with tne place it you see it. ronKists of mi acres, about 80 acres level 70 acrea under plow. Some timber, bal ance pasture. All kinds small fruit, 1 acre family orchard, Al sandy loam soil. All fenced, barbed wire and boards. Two miles electric R. R. station, only 23 miles Portland, 2 miles postofrice. 2 miles school and church, R. F. D.. telephone, 8 sprinirs, 1 good creek, good gravel road, 2 fine welis 2-story 7-room house, painted, good condition, one barn euxwi, nognouse lox.n, cookhouse, workshoo 14x18. aranary 14x20. henhouse 10x16, woodhouse 16x22. Price 110.000. (3000 cash, balance terms per cent. We show these farms to all pros pective purchasera. See us first before buying. We have many farms not ad vertised. WAXOH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. U. Bender. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-0-7 Board of Trade Bide. EQUIPPED STOCK FARM. DON'T OVER- 1inK THIS. This Is one of our choice listings. We have many others not advertised. See us before buying. It means a saving to you. 140 acres, 00 acres under plow, 4 acres beaverdam. some rolling, some level, 3 acres orchard, plenty small frulf: all fenced. 1 mile to R. R. station: R. F. D.. telephone, etc: on Pacific Highway; two good springs, barn 44x02; new silo, -wood shed, blacasmltn snop ana toois, nua aim mllkhouse, a complete set of farming tools, plumbing and carpenter tools, 1 truck, harrows, cultivators, wagons, gas nrines. aenarator. fanning mill, silo, cut ter; 2 Jersey cows, 3 horses, sets harness. 1 sow, 1 boar, 1 heifer, 1 steer, chickens, 13 sheep and lambs; all fields seeded I to wheat, oats, rye and hay. Price $13,300, about half cash, balance long term. 6 per WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. O. Bender. RITTER, LOWE CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTENTION This Is a real bargain, direct from owner, a beautiful home of two acres: m acres cleared, balance heavy timber, abundance of fruit, splendid well f water, new. well-nalnted house and gooj) garage. Situated 8 miles from Port land, leading out over Terwinlger boule- ';. oi our nest scenic btghwavs nna near Oregon Electric: price $240. good terme. See owner. 4o3 Oreconlan bldg. PARKROSE $200 DOW7 $23 Month Acre tract and new Bungalow. 4 rooms and modern bath room. Sidewalks to car Bungalow located Just 200 ft to Craig E.'S'-S- IMacadamlred Roa1 Price only $2fl0 J L. HARTIIAN COMPANY. No 7 Chamber of Commerce Ring. 4th A Stark St- Main 208. A goso ACRES extra nice, fruit and berries, gar aen. 6-r. cottage, at R. Sta.. Oregon . pavn rean: g.rHKi. term a near coiumnia River: 2e minutes ' ' . ucr, sunw, easy. J ". ! fare, tood land, fgsn S acre. -r cottage: $looo. terms. Bcrm, small hnw. nc fare: $b00. R. la. GATEWOOD CO, . ltH 4th St 6TTBURBAV HOME. ratr.ZiJ,". '1vm" cultivated: 8-room i 2?!? 'Si nd hrtes: close te Huber iSVC.,'lflM- t0 cash, balance H. A.' DRTETt, . The Acreage Man." 810 Lewis bldg. wTTMT-ST B po,-f; two-story brick ."I'.'S "mr To'H - market rents for $150 a month. Price riui t4 ZlZ ay from April 1. mis, Mntll sold in-1 quire 302 Gerllnger bldi i Ti2- 4SSS. lino.ooo. -"V block with modern apartment- n . ' iae: o;a rents pay M?nZ?Jeam "rthrup. M r. inmcin, n r irst. Ma etewds; ReltnqolbmeeT. OOT HAT FOR BALE ZPNS OAT HAY 25 TONS RTE) ON R- NEAR EUGENE E OFFER IN STACK OR BALED. ADDRESS "HAT OWNER." P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. O. A C HOMESTEADS mJi. Z tar ! n- I can lo- I rate , yn , pn a good claim. 301 Worcester I -, ujifiiuaw government Lead Office. I O. C HOMESTEADS." Ton can file direct We can sho-w you tbe beat claims Full mformatloa. A1L.VOT A McHARDY, WHY live In town when you can buy a fine modern home, with nearly an acre of ground, on the river roaa u Grove, close to car. all In cultivation, flow ers, fruit trees ana oerrieei umr ue. i. another: 1 acre, all In cultiva tion. 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, elec tric lights, spring water pipm w n-. ilea hif h and siahtly. with a wonderful vletvr nrlre s?DOO: $300 will handle. lit acrea, 1 mile from Damascus, fine going place, all In cultivation, woven-wlre fences, family orcnaro. gooa i-mom nu, ( barn and large, expensive modern chicken bouse, farm Implements and part 01 crop, a $45w place for only $2500. John E. How ard, 813 Chamber oi commerce va- ONE-HALF MILE TO LOGANVILLE STA TION ON ELECTRIC 15 acres. 8 m rul.. 12 In pasture and fir timber: lH-storr bungalow. rooms, part completed: a good barn. 600 to 800 Cords of wood on place: owner now getting out ship knees: M mile to graveled road, v mile to school, land gently rolling wltb 2 wells and living spring; s cows run in cast are: can lease adjacent land. Price X2000. 1 1000 down. S years' time on bal. at 7 per cent; a bargain. Owner subject to draft. Realty A .vttg. CO., oi uubsii of Comerce, Main 2O01, a pre age bargains. Choice 10 acrea, Beaverton district, one fourth mile Oregon Electric station; fine Improvements, very desirable and cheap: $0000: 13 acres two miles Newberg. plenty fruit and berries, good buildings, stock and equipment, also household furniture. only $2m0l Also many otners. , o, iv, 20 and 80 acres and up; soma will ex change; see us about them. TALLMADGE REALTT CO., 819 Henry Bldg. Marshall 8.15. 7 ACRES. NEAR 6TCAUORE. A fine piece of acreage, all la crops. 4- I room house, oern, wooasnea. cnicxen house, hog house. 1 horse. 2 cows. 2 hogs. so chickens. Implements, tools, etc on good road. 4 mile from paved road; one I mile to elect, station, mne to scnooi; nrice. including crops, ntock and Imple ments, jaoou. soil Is of the best In Oregon. OKI SSI A DOWNEY. 218 Board of Trade. Main T45X IMPROVED 5 ACRES NEAR TUALATIN. 4 acres In cultivation, balance In brush, good 4-room house wltb basement, good woodshed, large chicken house, fine well water, 80 fruit trees In bearing, half tulle from station on 8. P. electric line; price i $23O0. liberal terms. Pee Brown, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street. MUST BE SOLD. 21 acres, all In cultivation. 8-room bun galow. city water, 2 chicken houses, fam ily orchard and berries. 20 cords wood, located In small town on 6. P. electric line, about 40 miles from Portland, Price 8140O. See Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COVPANT. 102 Fourth Street. (PREFER LANE COUNTY.) . WILL CONTRACT TO PLOW TOTR TAX r lort TCk lOOO Af RES. WITH HIGH-POWER TRACTOR. FIRST-CLASS NEW OUTFIT. iDRirc 1 tj K4 T TT? A ORE 1 OR WILL SELL OUTFIT. 6TANDARD HIGH-GRADE TRACTOR. with tvmE vkw IMsr? SEEDER. TRACTOR PLOWS. SEEDER. HARROWS. TEAM. H .VltNEPS A.NU AW., x-iv., AT NEAR HALF VALUE PART CASH. BALANCE E.-ST PAT- ADDRESS OWNER. J 98. OREGOVIAy. 30-AC RE FARM STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 27 MILES FROM PORTLAiND. vpir r,7"Tin STA. aa a in hiffh state of cultivation. fine soli, balance pasture and timber. iKiml.tiM of ffooA water, creek and well. 1 mile to school. Good 6-room house, big barn. 8 chicken nousea. otner ouiouuuiugs, in milk cowa 4 calves, cream check $02 a month. S good horses, about 20 tons hay, 19A or hu. wheat, some oat hay. pota toes. 2 acres turnips, all kinds farm Im plements. Price 5P000, some cash, bal ance 8 per cent. See Sam Hewey, at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Chamber of Com Blag.. 4th A t-tark Kt. i PRICE $13,500. cpr rvmn ni iprf; MILES OUT. Here Is as good a farm as there is east of the cttv. 32 acres, practically all cleared : very choice Bn loam, no rock; Just 8 miles from the city limits: a modern bun galow that would do credit to any part of Portland; all modern conveniences, large barn and outbuildings: fully stocked end equipped; price for everything $13,300. Crops always good In this location, re gardless of season. See us for the best to be had In the farm line. HARGROVE REALTT CO.. 122 North Sixth 6t. Broadway 438L STOCJiED AND EQUIPPED FARM. W1LLAMINA Here Is a fina nroDositinn fn the vn I of a stock and general farm. You can't 1 wcai wus piace, ana n you see it you win agree with mc We show these farms. We I sre selling one to two farms every week. I " ' .Because we get action, and please. m.s larm consists of 320 acres. 300 acres I level. 20 acres rolling. 213 acres under plow. 60 acrea oak timber. SO acres fine uonoin una, small lamiiy orchard soil I good and deep; all fenced, board and wire; only 2 miles to R. R., 60 miles to j-orusna. x miles postofflce, 1 mile school, 2 Anllei church, R. F. D.. telephone, etc., 1 fine AnrinF 1 .rub trnnA r.'i.i. 1 good 4-room' house, 2 barns. 40x58 anil I L hoghouse, garage, smokehouse. etc reraonti property, 3 wagons, ouggy, binder, mower, rake disc harrow, sorin?- tooth harrow, drill, disc plow, gang plow, 2 walking plows. cream seDarator. S I horses, 2 colts, 8 cows, 2 heifers 2 heifer calves, S5 shoats, 4 brood sows, 70 chick ens. Price $23,300; terms $7500 cash, bal ance to suit. Don't fail to see us for fine farms. We save you money. A trip to our I otiice sv m convince. TAMHILL COUNTY PARK. This is a real opportunity fdr raising nogs ana cattle, and IX you look an over the state you won't find another farm that will surpass this. Just think the cleared land is worth the price asked, to say nothing about the buildings, fences and the rest of the cleared land. This is a fine stock proposition, and the price Is way under value. It Is only 33 mues from Portland, on a good graveled road. Consists of 413 acres, with 273 acres level land and 275 ..acres In cultivation; 133 acres rolling, which Is used for pasture. There are 10 acres of timber for home use. There are 40S 15-year-old prune trees, 1U acres In family orchard, con sisting oi apples, cnerries. etc Ane son Is Al, good and deep. It Is all fenced, only 3H miles from railroad, poatufi'ice. and 1 mils from school and church. Rural free delivery and telephone. There are springs and one creek; spring water piped to buildings. There Is a 2-story, 8-room house, painted snd In good condi tion. There are 3 good-sized barns, wood shed, smokehouse, fruithouse. hoghouse, machine shed and big chicken houses. The price of this place Is $27,000.,. A payment of $5000 will handle this, balance long as wanted at 6 per cent. This Is a listing Just received and If you want to get a real snap it Is up to you to act quick. For we are selling one to. two farms every week, we sell them wltnout oeiay. ivtn: Because we get action and the 'bargains. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 303-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 114-ACRE well improved farm, in Melrose, Douglas County, 12 acres oeanne orcnara, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, etc. ; good buildings; water- piped to house; good place for diversified farming; all fenced; will aell very cheap; $0500; will take in trade Portland property up to aauuu; reason for selling, my wife died and my only son has been drafted into the Army. Stock and Implements will be sold with place if desired; everything Is first-class. Address owner, N 4tfl. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Attractive suburban property ten miles I from' Portland, OS acres, West siae. near river, adjoining live town. Finest soil, good roads, city water, electricity, fine schools, 2 houses, barns, fruit. Magnifi cent views, elevated and gently rolling. Stock and equipment may be bought or lease continued. Reduced price, $13,000, easy terms; cash discount. Owner, Main I SOU or 1042. FOR SALE 20 a. land, 4 miles from gooa town. columDia county; xour-room nouv, woodshed, chicken house, toolshed, well; 2 a. plowed and seeded, 10 a. partly cleared; garden tools and some furniture. Fine location, near neighbors, school. Sell Cheap and take small car, roajtater pre ferred, part payment. H. A. Lad. Camus, wash. H ACRES AND 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. . ALL IN CULTIVATION: FINE WELL. VRICE 13 AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE AND COSTS. One "mil of Canby. fine cisterns, 300 fruit trees. Property is wortn sauu. um price Tor a few flays. auu ana lemin. . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheap land, remarkably easy terms", landseekers' excursion party leaves Port land for Calrary. Alberta. Saturday, Au gust 17: reduced rates. For further partlo-I ulars see Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany, 208 Railway Exchange mag. r. Thornton, district representatl e. A DANDY BUY. 83-acre farm, 15 a. cult., about 10 acres beaverdam. bal. brush, all tillable: good set bldgs., stock, equipment and crop goes wlttr place; close to tnerwooa ana man- this Is a snap; only ssttou. part caau. For Sale Forms. L A REAL FARM. NEAR PORTLAND. ' PRICE $183,000. This farm Is located miles east of Portland. Paved road and electrlo car runs through the place; 663 acres, about half In cultivation; plenty water, good fences. Two sets of buildings. Some or chard. This Is one of the best buys In this country. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 208-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARMS AND STOCK RANCHES. 96 acres, all plowed disked and ready for Fall seeding; good, level, productive soil, one-half mile from Oreon Electric station, between Junction City and Eu gene upon a main county road. Simi.ar land la this well-improved agricultural section Is valued at $123 per acre; our price, $80- per acre. 415 acres, 100 In cultivation, 60 acres slashed and burned and ready for culti vation, 20 acres In commercial orchard V years old, balance In pasture, five million leet oi ping ana tie tnnuer thousand. Farm located two and one-hall miles from Cresweii. Or., one-half mne from school. Two sets farm buildings. Price $22.0U0. . 520 acres, 2H miles from Glenwood, Klickitat County. Washington: 200 acres In hleh state of cultivation. 200 acres now used as pasture but can be made ready for the plow at little expense, ana 120 acres excellent pasture in timber, i crip, nil in can be farmed wnen ciearea. boh very ""5 firoductive being at one time bed of oia ake, now 'drained: drainage canal cross ing place. Creek crosses farm with P'o'Y - of water for stock and Irrigation, vveii fenced; on creamery route; an excellent dairy farm. Near large outrange and Just the place for handling sheep. Bulldinss new, 0-room bungalow, large barn witn other farm buildings. Price $22,000. Very liberal terms on all these prop- POKTLAND MORTGAGE CO.,242Stark. THIS farm is owned by parties that cannot look after same, and they inform me this Is one of the best farms In the valley. The railroad is at the door. It consists oi 233 acres, with 180 acres fine rich bottom land, in cultivation, balance Is fine pas ture. S3 acres scattering timber. Ail Kinus of fruit and berries. Completely fenced with woven wire. Is only S2 miles from Portland, near Albany, on fine auto road. R B D.. telenhone. school, etc Good KEAX ESTATE. For Sale t aruia. WE are Instructed by the owner of this ranch that this Is a fine cattle or hog proposition and that she cannot handle aame owing to pressure In other business ha. cut the or.ee R! creek." good well" a good two-story 10-room stock and Implements; It consists of 108 ??od 6iiZ-;nntTMni 50 acrea unrt.r nlow. I " "" -v,i shed, personal property, mower, umi.-. rake, disc, harrow, drill, wagon, bugsry, plows, and small tools, I horse, 2 cows, 3 calves. 1 steer. 2 brood sows. 3 pigs. acres, 25 acres level, 50 acres under nlow. 70 acres gently rolling; all kinds out range, all kinds small fruit, family orchard, Al soil, all fenced ' with wire and rail, .7 miles McMlnnvllle. 1 mile scnooi, it. jr. u., telephone, water piped to buildings. 6 springs, good road. 5-rooni uuuoc, Euuu conuition; o oarns. 2 chicken bouses, 3 hog houses, rood Ior enhin woodhouse. Personal property: One new drill, cultivator, mower, rake, plow, cream separator, wagon, hack, buggy, set harness, 9 cows, 4 Spring calves. 14 year ling steers and heifers, 1 bull, 14 pigs 7 shoats, 3 sows, 1 boar, 50 chickens. 7 geese; price for everything $10,300; $3000 wqi,i,vo Lcrms to suit. I WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. a. ,ut. jjenaer, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Prir. nnn which Includes everything If you are looking for a farm and one that will please, this one can't be beaten tniino down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. we cannot advertise all the farms that we have. This Is only one or tne many u.r gains. We can and win please you. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A MANY A MAN'S EXPERIENCE. I have tried the city life And found It but continuous strife. From day jo week, from month to year. I always lived In constant tear. Should children, wife or I take 1IL How to 'pay the doctor's bill. Believe me. we w.r. h,nn. whn receiving a letter from Wiley's That he will assist us with means By digging In his old, worn Jeans. We bought a farm right away To protect us for a rainy day. And avoid the bills that ev9ry day Were presented and I had to pay. All you readers who are wise, I hope you win take my advice And buy a farm on easy terms From SAVON LAND CO., the best of firms; Dealing with them you'll take no chances. Aney sell equipped farms and stock rancnes. E. A. LINDGREN. SAVON LAND CO., 835 N. W. Bank Bldg. tin Main 6173. W. R. KASER. 617 Corbett bldg. FINE LITTLE HOME. 17 acrea on gentle rise overlooking town. tt.ii. awav: beat of Boll, ill In cultiva tion; family fruit; first-class Bouse ana hsrn that win suit tne most particular. $3500. TV VcOHESNIT. 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102 I 5.CACRE FARM WITH 6TOC1S. AND 13 MTLES FROM PORTLAND. 40 acres In cultivation, fine soil, lies well, 10 acres timoer. some pasture, iiu- IMPROVED 20 ACRES.--Fourteen In cultivation.. 6 acres pas ture, timber, Al soil, well, building, fruit I and berries; good auto road to Portland; 17 miles out on uregon rJiectno, ad min utes' walk to deDot. stores and school; $6000; some cash, balance to suit; might trade. L 37Q, cregonian. FuU SALE or trade, my 100 acres Improved I ranch In Arizona; win trade tor coast or Portland city property. Ranch la finely located, close to good town. 70 acres fine rich bottom land. All clear of debt. Value $3000. flyman J. Brown, 853 E. 11th st. Marsnriem. or. Uv orchard, berries,' 6-room house, new 3 FINE farms for sale, located In the choio bsrn with IS steel stanchions, outbuild- .st part of Polk Co. all In cultivation; lngs. 2 good wells, 2000-gallon tank, gas angina. . J ion waj. .- - horse, potatoes, cream separator, all farm Fee Sam Hewey at J. l hakiiiaj wji PAN Y, I Chamoer oi commerce u.un. HERB IS A CHEAP FARM. tan acrea in Washington County, some fine beaverdam. fair ounaings. tamiiy or chard, springs and creek; Sii miles from ranroaa ano town; e cows, one iiuibv, hoes and chickens, all machinery, 15 tons hay and 3 acres of potatoes, etc., all tor $30 an acre. I also have other farms and ranches, Improved and unimproved, with and with out stock and machinery, on which I can quote very reasonable price and terms. J. B. HOI.BROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. one 300 acres, one ITS acres. Party leav ing and wishes to sell at once. Prices are I low, terms if aesirea. jyiignt take some Portland trsde In good residence district. AH 30. oregonlan. S0-ACRE FARM Adlolnlng tow on Red Electric! all In cultivation, except small pasture at back1 of piace; o-room nouse ana utu u , iuvu son ana line loration. jiiav. D. McCHEiSEI. . 822 Chamber Commerce bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT. One of the best 45-acre farms In the i tnainvuo vitcj, biul, miiv. ma chinery for sale; will take close-In bun- ataIow: must De clear, r. l. nenenop. apartment 411 Villa St. Clara, Portland, Oregon. , dairy farm for sale at a bargain by own er; Columbia Kiver bottom, containing 400 acres; 70 cows, young stock, norses, fully equipped with good machinery, i alios: income $1200 per monta. write 11 Interested. C. E. DeLong, fit. No. 3, box 132, Vancouver, wash. 1, ) i V TT L V M . . ' rmum ZOT e-speed motor- .KitsatVy ukle. Or. sal I I ?J1a ? homesteads adjoining, county nt2-t?."J,bo' rood school. $luo each If taken quick. 320 Morgan bidg. i HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale. Call .-wv Amci, TOrn a y -rent land. 2H mllei .,,. .anta. at. f rands Apta. ' For Sale Acreage. $S0- LOCATES TOU ON 8 ACRES. RlAht at two electric stations, land leys nice, covered witn eec-ond-a-rowtA trees. price l2wi. terms month. LUEDDF.MANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. 224 ACRES. $80 ACRE. 10 Acrea In cultivation, balance easy to clear. 2 miles Newberg. fine spring and creek. Beet buy In Oregon at J60 per acre. No buildings, or 324 acres fine set buildings, electric-lighted and running wa ter In house and barn. Fine orchard. 21 ,v,va 11 31 hove A mjtrefe A colta all farm machinery, nay and grain, lor 135H ACrtiS of gooa orusn iana, per ONE acre and 8-room house. In Multnomah Station district, lots of fruit: a snap at $1200, oa easy terms. See Mr. Prentiss, Sunday, at Multnomah Station Real Estate orrice. or ran at ii4 r-iatt Q'ig. 6 ACRES CLOSE TO KING'S HEIGHTS, SACRIFICE FOR $1200. All In cultivation, some fruit. This Is a big snap for someone, out must be all cash. orewley et. C100 ner acre. Part caeh. balance easy. Consider trade smaller farm. G. S. Smith A Co., 43a Chamber or commerce. FOR SALE 100 A., 14 In cultivation, box house, barn, family orchard, 2 springs county road, telephone, mall route. 4 mlies to station, 4 neaa or stocic, venicies, rarm Implements, and crops go with place. $5000. terms. WIH take small place near Portland In part payment. Also SO acres. 4 In cultivation, box house, barn, 2 springs. Joins the 100 A. $2250; C120O casn; terms on balance Address Box 64, R. R. 3, Banks, Or. CHEAP ACREAGE. T tWO- HA .1 . . fctrrs 8 acres of land , -HS ?n' Jt". the mala line of three railroads. 1 miles from a town f oo iropuiaiion. sawmills and shingle mill.- I so Af-RF.S X.1000. 43 acres In cult.. 4VA acres In prunes, gooa oam. line water across ONE aore. 600 feet from Multnomah station. a beautiful building site: city water, gas and electric lights available: a fine buy at $1300: H acres close to this selling for $700 each. See owner at 404 Piatt bldg. jonie of this lend Is partly cleared; run- - isno is rooa onion ill-,.?rU, " k' ' !" BELL REAL ESTATE CO 1 Railway Exchange bldg". riOO CASH BUYS 10 ACRES. acre, under cultivation; 4-room celled . . " " iiiiiKn.nnnM road; good school, fine auto road. 10 miles Vancouver. Williams Loan A Inv. Co, 112 West 6tn st, Vancouver, wasn. 80 A. LOGGED-OFTr land: lies good; no ptones or gravel; on good road. 1 2 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Price $30 per a. W. W. Wilson Co, 611 Wash, st, Van couver, W ash. chool and station: $1000 M.h . JTrl I ACRE and 8-room cottage only $Sf0. Water, clear deed and abstract to alL lncluriin. i light, plumbing: mostly cultivated. You furniture, tools and chickens. I will not pane this up If you see It. 600 Main as. LUEDDEMANN COMPAVT 1. 1 -i . . . " ir in -ommfrce. Concord bldg, 2d and Stark. CHOICE WILLAMETTE Valley farm near Independence, on memo Highway: good black soil, 109 acres in crop, 40 acres rood oak timber, 15 acres In 10-year-old walnut and almond trees. 8-year-old com mercial orchard; also old orchard: best of water, 12-room house. In good condition; large barn, granary, also outbuilding: $3000 cash, balance yearly payments; no agents. Phone East 836. Hattle Yott, residence 9207 Foster read. Tabor 1189. BO ACRES KIVER BOTTOM LAND. Located near Eugene; 70 acres culti vated, balance pasture ana timber; sou very rich and productive : good new 7 room house and barn; spring and well wa ter. This Is a good farm and a bargain. Price $10,800; terms, $3000 cash, balance reasonable. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. ACRES of good agricultural land near Orstei-vlll-, easy reach to Newport and Waldport. Summer resort. Ideal to live. Plenty of fishing. Good markets. Great activity In this district. Cash $050 W H BurUy. 6S3 Irving st. Phone Marshall 20 ACRES, near Sherwood. 16 acres In cul tivation. acrea In 4-year-old prunes- 4 room house, fine spring, about $500 worth of rood fir timber for cord wood; worth SSOOfli oar price $2206. $1000 cash, bat 8 yra. G. 8. Smith at Co, 432 Chamber of inmierfs. FuH AiALE OR TRADE Rv owner 20 acres fronting Willamette River. 26 miles ra Portland: te 10 acrea beaverdam -also lot $0x116 Hawthorne district, east facing. Phone Tabor 8301. or T 41 L Oregon lam. FOR SALE 6 acres, cleared) asodern trn--u-ovemeBts: one block from Oregon Elec tric station and highway; to minutes from jerterson-etreet station. Terms. Address owner. BO 834. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES, with house, barn, chicken house, berries and rrult trees: 85 miles from Portland; er will trade for acreage i close In; l-'uo. J ow. uregoman. BETTER see this splendid 40 acres, 21 under cultivation; good soil, IV acres big timber. good roaa; soutn or ureenam, $3200. Krlder. 2S4 Oak st 18.26 ACRES, 13H miles Portland. H mL to electric line, some Improvements, fine standing timber. $230, terms. E. 7764 or addreea 6sg E. w ash. SU FOR SALE By owner. 6 acres at Tirarri all la crops, bearing fruit trees, running water. A very pretty place and the very oest una, E.asy terms. - co agents. M 803. Oregonlan. 44 ACRES, partly cleared. 8 miles from Oregon city r. v. Address Mrs. c Smith, 67l 2d St. N. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 aera up; running water, good soil. H tillable, employment. easy terms, jeew iv. onarp, sa ma et. ONE-FOURTH acre on the boulevard, with 2 -room shack, at Multnomah Station, for $. on terma For particulars, cH at 404 Piatt bidg. ATTRACTIVE 6-acre home, out Gresham way. modern bungalow, like new; barn, chickea houee, crop and Winter's wood: f.nn. Krlder. 2S4 Oak st. $, ACRES of hllUlde. creek on place, good soil, or 2S acrea level land, near O. W. P. earllne. at Bellrose sta. Ask for Clarks. FOR SALE At Tirardvllle. 6 acres all Im- provemenis, siivtuj. y 441, oregonlan. 1 ACRES at Tlgard station, cheap for aash. jaoor iiba FUR SALE 10 acres, near Goble, Or.; two- room house, gooa spring, easy terma L. M. Tnorsrn. i.innton. yjr. MARION COUNTY 68 1-6 acres, 58 clear, balance in pasture: 3 miles east from Sll- verton. Or, on good macadam road; 7 rooro modern bungalow, hot and 00 Id water, bath and acetylene lighting plant, larere hay barn, horse barn, hog and chicken-bouses, two brooding and an In cubstor house; Ideal ,p;ace for home; $13,009, half cash and balance at 8, per cent. Jno. B. Coffey, 802 W'llcox bldg. 680-ACRE STOCK RANCH. Eastern Oregon, all Improved with mod ern buildings, part of land has free water right, also creek and springs; all "tools and Implements go in bargain, tractor, grain separator, plows, harrows, binder. cream separator, also small complete saw mill; all goes tor spuuu, nair cash. A. ri. A rlfc.rtu:v ouq stock x. Bldg. FOR SALE Wheat and stock ranch near Goldendale. wo. ; 1020 acres. 600 acres under plow, all lies in large fields. Good 6-room house, large new barn and out buildings. Well watered, land Ilea well black sandy loam soil, produces 80 to 40 bu. of wheat per acre. Price $.14 ono $14,000 cash, bal. good terms. Edward Abeling. uoiaenaate, Wash. acre. About 20 bottom, 20 bench, balance too steep to farm, but good grazing. On Coos Bay Railroad and Sluslaw River: 13 miles from ocean, 3 miles town, 50 miles west of Eugene. Might consider small car or livestock. N 4tio, oregonlan. MY 160-acre alfalfa farm In Central Ore gon, fully paid-up water right for the 160 acres, gooa ounaing ana wen lenceu, on highway, close to school; want 40 acres well-Improved In Santa Clara county. California. B 409, oregonian. NICE 20-acr English walnut ranch, IB acres lrv English walnuts and prunes as filler all bearing, for sale at 80o on the dollar for what It would cost to put it In Its present stste. aeu jteai .estate Cti, 318 RyExch. bldg. 6000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per sere and up Write for map snowing location, wi ins, WETERHAUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg, Tacoma, Wash. YVTLLAMINA 100-ACRE FARM SNAP. iou can t arford to overlook this. If you want a real snap see this. Everything goes. Including crops, stock. Implements and i:vubbiiuiu gooua, mere are 50 acres in fine wheat and oats, hiar rn.miiv nharti no waste land, 45 acres pasture. 30 acres oLuiiiii pasture, sou is Al, on good grav eled I road, 2 miles R. R, 66 milss to j-vrtianu, ouu yaras scnooi, 4 good springs J well, good 6-room house, 1 good barn, 18x32; lean-to shad, 17x32; grain bin, holds 1000 bushels; henhouse 9x32. store house 12x14, woodshed, double-wall cel- Jar, 12x14; all buildings new; riding plow, hand plow, orchard plow, harrow, two j.iu.1Uiii, garuen seeuer, two wagons, buggy, separator, two young mares, 1 ". ou. young milk cows, 1 heifer, 1 BOW. 4 ShOAtfl 7.', uhl.lr,,.. tTuiill. J3500 cash, balance long as ' you want at WATOH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER, LOWE CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM AND STOjr iV ' Nine miles from Eugene (30 minutes by auto), one mile from Coburg: 770 acres 450 acres rich bottom land, 320 acres up- . iauu, u aues in cultivation, balance ex cellent Pasture (150 head of 4-vnar-nlrl steers being pastured on this place this summer,; zuu acres or tnn pasture can easily be cultivated: nlace well wnrereri by two creeks; abundance of oak and fir I timoer tor tencing and cordwood; 500 acres fenced with woven wire, with barb on top, remainder renced with two and three wires: this farm adjoins a large out range; there Is a modern 9-room -farm house, with hot and cold water and bath (water piped from spring); three -usable oarns ana otner small larm buildings; price $40,000; very reasonable terms. PORTLAND MORTGAGE CO., 242 Stark Street. FARMS FOR TRADE. 120 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 100 ACRES, STOCK -AND EQUIPMENT. 600 ACRES. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 70 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 92 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 150 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 320 A., NO STOCK OR EQUIPMENT. 40 A, NO STOCK OR EQUIPMENT. 89 A, NO STOCK OR EQUIPMENT. 80 A, NO STOCK OR EQUIPMENT. 720 ACRES. WHEAT FARM. 10 ACRES, CLOSE IN. If you want a- farm, call or writ us for particulars. HENKLE A HARRISON, 512 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE 640 acres, wheat ranch, 860 a. Summer fallow, 260 a. In wheat. Just har vested. This land Is 6 miles west of Hat ton, in Adams Co, 8 miles from railroad spur; modenn 6-room house, barn, room for 16 head of stock. The ranch Is equipped with a Best 40 h. p. tractor, plows, drills and other machinery needed In farming; six mules, two cows and also equipped to handle bulk grain; $23 per acre for land, Including Summer fallow. The machinery will be sold at a discount: everything is practically new. Cash for machinery, but terms given on the land. On account of the draft, this land must be sold. Young Bros, Hatton, Wash. FOR SALE IMPROVED 100-ACRE FARM. 13 miles from Portland on good road, 1M miles from town of Damascus. Rich, productive soil. 63 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture and green timber: 3-room house, barn wagon shed, mllk house. chicken house, vegetable cellar. hoghouses and ftO-ton silo with cutter, all completely equipped with up-to-date Im plements, tools, etc. Some livestock can go with the place or not. Life Insurance Company holds mortgage for S6SC-0; this can remain, ?nan based on appraised value of $18,000. Will sacrifice for $6200 cash or terms. Address AV 157, Oregonlsn. 180-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM WITH $4000 EQUIPMENT 18 MILES FROM PORTLAND OXI.Y II 11! AN ACKi 120 Acres in cultivation, Tualatin River bottom land. 7000 ft. or tiling, periec: drulnasn Into river, does not overflow can be irrigated with small expense. 00 acres upland. 35 of this pasture. 25 tim ber. 60 rods hog-tight fence, good water at house, stock water at river. 5-room house, 2 barns, room for 70 tons hay, 18 or 20 steel stanchions, plenty room for horses, 18 cows now milking, some regis tered; 13 head of young stock, 10 or 20 hogs, chickens, geese, one-haif of 1918 - crop goes with sale. You will find every thing you need on this farm. It is the big gest money-maker we have for sale, one- third casn, balance terms, u per c-nt. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HA HTM AN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. THESE ARE WORTH INVESTIGATING: 2074 acres. Coast farm, good buildings. stocked, well equipped, close to rail and water transportation and this year's crops for only $0000. 160 acres, 10 miles from Redmond, Or.; all fenced, 40 acres under cultivation, under Tumalo Irrigation project; $10 per acre. 1 320 acres, 10 miles from Madras, Or.; all fenced. 2 small houses, barn. 2 wells. 2 springs, on main county road; sickness forces the price down to $iu per acre. When buying stocked and equipped farms, dairy and stock ranches, you will save time and money by calling on and dealing with E. A. LINDGREN, SAVON LAND CO, 835 N. W. Bank Bldg. MY PRETTY 40-ACRE HOME MUST GO. I am In the hospital; must sell my pretty country home; I have 40 acres Just 20 miles out, apionaia roaa an tne way. 35 acres in high stato cultivation: not a prettier-lving nor batter piece of land In the state; splendid 8-room plastered house, four til fireplaces, bain and out buildings, very choice orchard, including lots of bearing English walnuts; my home is verv attractive, pleasant environment, and offering It stocked for only $7000. Fol lowing partial list of personal property: Good team, 2 cows, chickens, wagon, har ness, full SBt Implements, barn full of hay etc. We know that we can show you something better than you have seen and at a better price, too. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th at. Broadway 43S1. 160 ACRES. STOCK AND CROP. 9Vi miles from Hlllsboro, 23 miles from Portland; SO in cultivation, balance pas ture; good house, bsrn. big tilo. good outbuildings, good fence, barn full of hay, wheat, oats; 10 acres fine corn, good or chard, 20 fine cows, 10 head young cattle. 10 fine hogs, fine team, good harness, wagon, binder, mower, plows, cultivators; fine creek, also fine water system; V mlle to school, talephone, mail and milk route. Everything goes out - tne iuim ture.' Price $16,000, half cash, balance BUNDY. 411 Henry building. THIS beautiful home place la only 27 miles from Portland, on good road; If you realiy want a good buy, don't tail to see this one; the buildings are great and this place is ail stocked and equipped and reauy to make money; it consists of 72 acres. 86 acres level, balance roiling, 30 acres In cultivation, 10 acres Umber, 20 acres stump pasture, ail kmds outrange, ail kinus uemes and family orchard, fcix walnut trees In yard, all fenced;, this piace is east on eiectrlc carline; three miles postofflce, 1 miles school and church. R. F. D, telephone, four springs, one creek, one well, fine 2-story b-rooia house, excellent condition; all plastered ana painted; water piped to bulidings; Al barn CuxiO, woodshed 16x24. hoghouse, chicken-house, smokehouse, personal prop erty: Two seta h.rnrisi. one Inn burrv. S good wagon, disc, drill, plow, harrow, roller, mower, rake, two cultivators, huy fork and rope. De Laval cream separator, cream cans, milk cans, etc, all household goods, 2 horses. 7 nil. king cows, 2 heifers, 3 2-year-old heifers. 2 2-year-old heifers, 1 calf. 1 brood sow. 4 pigs, io chickens. Just think! The price of this piace. every thing included, only $i)uou; tbe buildings wouid cost $0000 today; terma. $4500 cash, balance 6 per cent. WATCH OUR AD3. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER, LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bld THIS Is a dandy farm and Is located In the Willamette Valley: If you are look ing for a real farm of the best soil and one that you can pay for, It won't pay you to pass this proposition up; 284 acres, 123 acres under plow, 40 acres level, 60 acres timber, 25 acres bottom land, all good Al soil; all fenced; one mile from ral.road station. 100 miles Portland: all kinds of fruit; good graveled road, three miles postofflce. two miles school and church. R. F. D, telephone. 8 springs, 1 creek, good well, 1 4 -story 8-room house, plastered and celled, good condition; three . ,r.ni,rnd outbuildings. Personal prop erty; flows, harrow, mower, binder, rake, two- wagons, etc. ; four cows, three heifers, ? team "ares, one colt; price 14, .i,r l"11' sale, which is far below adjoining land: J0000 down, balance 6 .1v.C-?PtJ,W.,na.v,-rnan' other ''mm not buyfng. : n ' a" 10 u betor WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER. LOWE & CO, -03-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IDEAL "RANCH HOME" (OWNER DRAFTED), BVFATJF.UiLu.r"2LLALLA VALLEY" NEAR ELECTRIC LINE- 47 ACFF-S N'J2 'ST. GOOD4 BUpLDlN GS, AND JiAHX R1I1I1 Df,.-..- soc1n w?$p::&ovrz 't!'?trL'-N;V.1;, ARilY DKAFT MUST BE t-OLD (CONSIDER TRAnm rir.-,r ACREAGE. ETC '. u SMALL H tVifiPp Ar?A i48,3' 500 CASH WIH, r-V,'.BAU i-ONG TIME. SEE 1HIS A N r M a u c ,,l.tct 20Im1f,NPOArafW OWNER, 1UA,iC?E1 well improved; good buildings! f hou'i,a,0d ?S"o1' ''" neighborhoods A hour's auto ride to Portland Owner Term?"' 'r "'000' Worth oJo. ierms can be arranged. .vu. 110 w . . ? LOAN ft INV. CO, 113 West 6th st, Vancouver. Wash. FOR north of .Mabei. Or. "Srk Snff. "J" Un 111- larl . . tlon r. ?rter,m "n further descrli tlon' D- . Marks, Mauel. Or. v 20stocCkRnri 'i,ea,r rZa City- xcellent"da7r7, make br,ci',Hr?"c1:. !' "i will . 0 ui, ciregonian. SA,LB.or'ra.ds- "ores of Montana 1, Wen233 E. rW. 11" P0"Und- F' WANTED REAL EST TP WANTED All kinds of cl, k 777 rTht bwrsonldi0,.bU-- " your pric."i: '. FVCHS 20 CH. OF a MORE HOUSES WANTEdT rv e nace nn, ....... k to buy. """"" u clients ready P0D DA RD & WIEDR1CK. 243 Rt.'rl, n. WA:f.T lot or small houso on Ea.t i,,.. HAV.f 25oo to. pay on first paymenT" "io,. rrhlf?iL.wlTH mwo cash end A CO &1rh?& KJSALTi- & MORTGAGE CO, bjjchamber of Commerce. Alalni iSf3' ? r-rm. in re.trloted'dTT. 50x100 pay M, lot in Irvlngton te 781 m? Cl,S!'y bulld'ng or ap Juu corer. 2 blocks fro as first DArtman, Broadway. AH eils'o " a Wl". nl.,l., t .T nrnv. , 'i.'"" " Improved or unln7. mr. i: " real " need answer H?I-rS5..waKn'f.dJ "Cengs' 6 T- .-;-- o rt ounaings. 13c fare, let- acres prune. r, .... . - - .ww.i.a piasterea, out- THoiibuN. Mh.T;'i.,;."a",v"i IRVINGT0N HOMES Having Just R. T. STREET, lrvirnrtnn H..n... ICIB. sold need VALLEY FARM BARGAIN. 14 ........ to a i cultivation, bal. fir and cedar 'limber; running water, good family orcnara, o-room oau i. barns, other necessary outbuildings: dark loam soil; 1H miles to R. R. sta, 20 mllra Portland; this good, up-to-date farm can be bought for $110 per acre, $000 cash, bal. long time. 6 per cent. CLACKAMAS CO. 160 acres, some timber, fenced, small houte; good land; only $10 per acre: cheaper than you 1 can homesjead; terms. R M GATEWOOD CO, 105 4th St. wa.va nouse and lot in Pixiinnnr - m.A. lawn diet, preferred. .Must have cherrv 2fiAfRF-. FARM? STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. NEAR ELEC TRIC STATION SOUTH OF PORTLAND? wine soil, lies well, good house, barn outbuildings, spring and well. 20 acres in crop, balance pasture and timber, family orchard, all kinds of berries. 6 good cows. 1 heifer S horses, hours, farm Implements. Price. 14750; taks 12730 cash, balance 6 per cent, see Sam riewey at .1. l.. haki MAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg $3000 EQUITY in 7-room house; win take lot in good neighborhood with cash 5? nian!0"""9 t""UJ"- woer- " S". Or" WroInEdaff& ISf,? OreeS(!nlaT"W- bala" 100-ACRE FARM ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. ONLY S74 AN ACRE. Located south of Portland. 3 miles from railroad, on county road, land lies well, grood soil, no rock, most all In crop, very fair buildings, good water, some stock and equipment, one-third cash, terms on bal ance See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th & Stark Sts. Main 208. A 2030. HIRE IS ONE OF THE BEST FARMS offered for sale In the county, contains 117 acres, nearly all In cultivation, located on main county road five miles from Mc Mlnnvllle; good farm buildings, plenty of fruit, plenty of timber, fine running spring I oreek in pasture, cnoice location; the iana 1 lies well; nothing better to be had In the way of fine farm In th county, loca tion, quality soil, considered; will give liberal terms. McMTNNVTLIB LAND CO., llMlnn.llll. 0,.,n. FOR SALE Combination wheat, dairy and I - - , hay ranch. l acres. 2 mnes rrom town:lu Av rtr.a. an level ana excellent land: 18 60 A, ALL In cultivation; lies rolling; well fenced and cross-fenced; 7-room. good house; large barn and all necessary out buildings; 3 miles from town, on hard surfaced road; 26 miles from Portland; 10 good milk cows, 8 head of good work horses, harness, 15 head of pigs, 100 chick en, 40 tons hay, 10 a. of spuds, and all farm tools. Price for all $11,000; one half cash. bal. 5 years at 6 per cent. W. W. Wilson Co, 311 Wash, st, Vancouver. Wash. C'LlfcXT In orrice Monday for neat 5-m," G. C.GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg WnE'D1i:,N'TS LIST W1H US. e will handle your house, lot or land m "V" k XZr MORTGAGE CO (i33 Chamber of Corn. Main 2001 WANTED Strictly modern 6-room home' r- " viouu aowQ. d 4i:, Oregonlan. WANT suburban acreage home to $4000 Ote gon Uly carline preferred. In exchange for Hawthorne-ave. home, equal value ulear for clear. o; Charber Commerco.' WANTED At once, house In Piedmont or Alameda Pa; k, about $4000. BD 480 Ore gonlan. - - ASK TOUR NEIGHBOR. WE SOLD HIS HOME, WHY NOT YOURST - v-'"'Ji v-o, A.SW18 Bldg. Wa.nT the best house I can buv In Rose City Park, not over $4000; $1000 to $150u cash: owners only. BJ 479. Oregonlan. SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES WANTED Price must be right and terms easy! . Fred W. German Co, 732 Cham, of Corn. I HAVE $1T50 for a 5-room bunealow in good locality, on paved st.; prefer Haw tnorne. No agents. Tabor 8509. I WILL sell my 60 acres of good land In I Molalla Valley at very low price; email 1 payment down and balance to suit, or will take 5-room house in trade or lots In Alameda or Alberta district. See owner I at 994 E. 29th st. N. toad buildings. 6 horses. 4 cows. hoss. chickens and Implements; $18,000. 1-8 cash. Evans Bros., Lexington, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland; $13 to -'uu per acre, easy terms: beat soil; farms for sale, all slses McFarland. 1408 Teon bldg, Portland. 160 ACRES stock ranch, unlimited outrange. 40 acres tiuaois, stock ano implements I with place. Price $6500. Address Box 121, Brockwsy, ur. $3500 ON TERMS. 14 acres 4 miles W. of A.lnnton; some genuine Deaveraam; gooa bldgs, stock, tools ana crops; a sacrince. Ruthfleld, 518 Fenton bldg. Bway. 637. STOCK RANCH Good range, water, 4 stock barns, lots or nay, eu neaa or cattle. hornes, machinery, hogs, bees; $7300; no I trade. 7-11 Harlan, Or. 10 ACRES Rich soil. 12 miles from Port. land, lit acres in cultivation, some fin timber. frice, sa.'htu. terms, ioo cash E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Com. acres In cultivation, more eealiv ...- - BOO cords of first-class wond. good house bnrn. well, orchard snd outbuildings. Lo cated on Pacific Highway, only 7 miles from Vancouver. Owner Is a non-resident and wafiTs to sell at once. Price only THOMPSON. SWAN THOMPSON. Third and Main sta. Vancouver. Wash. THIS IS A BARGAIN 1S acres of good land. 80 acres in crops, orchard, good 9-room house, hot and cold water, good barn and other buildings: all reneea; on main roaa. s miles from Yam hill: rolling hill land: rorxi. An anil Will take. If sold In the next 30 days. SDOtiv. nan casn, oai. long time. E. F. Magoon, Yamhill, Or. 71 ACRES NEAR FOREST GROVE. Best part of Willamette Valley; all fine soil. In cultivation except small wood lot; running water and spring piped to buildings; land slopes Just enough to drain well; good 7-room house, barn and alio: family rrult, school adjoins rarm miles to town, main road, mall, phone and milk routes; 8 head registered Holstelns ana some machinery, siu.ouu. D. McCHESNET, 832 Chamber Commerce bldg. WANftD -3 or 4 lots direct from owner, not over $300 each; N. E. Portland. Car2 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. car LIST YOUR HOUSE WITH FRANK L. McGL'IRE. For results. He gets results. FINE FARM. VERY CHEAP. 98 acres fine land; 50 acres In cultiva tion; all fenced and cross-fenced: family orcnara 01 assortea xruits; nice spring and stream: 6-r house, large barn and all necessary outhldgs.; some tools and ma chinery go with place; near school and 6 miles from good town, on good road; 30 mlies rrom r-ortiena. frice xor quick sale only iino: gooa terms. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON. Third and Main sts, Vancouver, Wash. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. No matter how small or large or what kind of a farm you want, see us. We give you K " " u miu - Bouare neai. F. FUCHS, 420 CH. OF C. ONE acre, garden, fruit; city limits; five I rooms, garage; takelot, little cash, bal ance time. 809 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE Improved 10 acres, close In, siiKM) casn or noeny oonae. w 440, Ore gonlan. ; A REAL SNAP. 13 acres, all fine soil, no i-nrV or . el; most all Cleared, well fenced and cross fenced; small house, barn, etc.; located on rine main auto road, right at school and station. Price, If sold at once, only $2000 verv easy terma THOMPSON, SWAN ft THOMPSON. Third and Main sts, Vancouver; Wash. 5 ACRES at Garden Home. $2000, running 20 ACRES, IS In cultivation, bal. pasture stream. $11)00 cash ba'ance long time. No improvements. AO. oja I'regoninn. OSWEGO LAKE acre, close to Lake Grovel Station. $30 down nd $10 per month. I fee .Mr. Atcnuon i"t riatt Olag. BEST and cheapest water frontege oa xoungs cay, Astoria, a sis, vrsgOBlao, I nne o-u. new nouse. gooa barn, water piped lo house and barn, fed bv spring; all kinds or outbuildings, food young or chard, all kinds of small fruit, 2 good horses, cow, cream separator and all fann tools; a bargain at $.1730, terma JUHU..-I at bAKtlAUrl, 408 Chamber ef Cemmerc. $10005 ACRES, houee, well, orchard.. 14 mile electric depot; $200 c?sh. Co. road. .Main ftoil. .-vicr arianu. hub I eon Blag. EASTERN Oregon stock ranches and wheat farms. If Interested write Mathews at iienaricKS. roasu,aor. BARGAINS Oklahoma farms and proper ties. Write G. W. Myers, 1420 West 1st st, Oklahoma City. Okla. FOR SALE Redemption right. 80-acr Im proved rarm. ii mnes back Vancouver. Clarke County, on Lewis River: house, barn, etc.: good orchard. Address owner, AN 3S0, Oregonlan. SALE or trade. 320 acres of marsh land fo smali fruit farm near Portland. F. R. Weeks. 2233 E. Pine st. FOR SALE 8 acres 1 H ralles east of Mll waukle; on paved road; house, barn, bear Ing orchard. Terms. O 370. Oregonlan 17 ACRES, diked land, new house and barn, on Columbia Highway, near Clatslcanie; price $0000, half cash. I. Holmen, Clats kanle. Or. (0 ACRES, rich soil, near Grants Pass; good buildings, some fruit, grain and pasture land, with farm tools; positive bargain. Owner, Wm. Jeffera. Murphy, Or. I $2000 5 ACRES. dandy ranch, Tualatin Val ley. Adam fton. nicrariana, 1408 xeon bldg. FOR SALE 200 seres, near Oregon City will make a splendid dairy ranch. AM C35' Oregonlan. ' SO A, Lewis River, some bottom land, $3000; near town, good house, barn, timber. Main 8672. McFarland. 1408 Yeon Bldg. GOOD paying farms, sizes and terms to I 6S ACRES, first-class Palouse land, near . pavea nisnway, gram inu peas; modern house. Box 19, Fairfield. Wash, suit, witn stock inn implement, c, j. buiiiiua i.iii Avuia avuuvA st. 240-ACRE FARM. $3800. 240 acres near North Bank Koad. East. rn Washington: practically all good and nearly level; 160 acres cultivated, good fences, good buildings, with water piped to them; school across the road; will In clude all farm machinery. 2 brood sows, 30 rhoa's, 100 cnickens. 40 tons hay. Price for evervthing 3h00. LLEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE IMPROVED FARM FOR FLATS OR INCOME. 61 acrea 30 under cultivation: 6-room modern house, with bath and fireplace; good outhouses, tank-house, etc.; com pletely stocked and equipped. Price $U000. Want good flat or store building. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE & CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. GILLIAM County wheat farm, 1276 acres on Shutter Flats, 5 miles from Olex, Or ; all level; now in wheat, good Tences house, barn. 2" large draft horses. Jersey cow and all farm equipments; should pay for itself In two years; sons gone to war reason for selling: part cash and balance at 6 per cent, Jno. B. Coflev, 302 WUcox bldg. 53 ACRES of land near Tillamook City, on gooa county roaa. mostly level, good bulld lngs;'will sell or trade for acreage with good buildings near Portland. For further particular phone Mala 9408, WANT a strictly modern bungalow. Haw. thorne district, to $8730i owner only. T 847, Oregonlan, WANTED Two modern bungalowa, 5 room or more. Rose City or Hawthorne. Pay 1 ... ........ ..o... ..-t.j-i .van. et, room 14 . WANTED West Bide. 6 or 8-room house north of Caruthers St. Price. $3300 or less.E. J.jGEISER. mhamberjof Com. WANT house for own use up to $3 000, spot cash; want good location. X 470. Oregonlan. WANT house and lot; will near Lents as part payment. 210 Lumber Exchange. five 8 acres alance cash. WANTED 1 or 2 acres near Portland. Must have some fruit on and ay tarm. All - 700, Oregonlan. WANTED for sll-cssh. 2 or mors acres. "elos in; must have 6-room house; mean buai ness. Rummell A Rummoll. 274 Stark st. WA.NitvD 10 exchange cash, vacant lot or suburban acreage for good home F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock Bldg. HAVE client wants nice home. West Side, for about $3000. REALTY & MORTGAGE CO, 6X3 Cham, of Com. Main 2001. WANTED To buy or trsde a home within warning aistance ox Jefferson High. BD 410, Oregoniun. WANTED 2 or more acres, cleared, near carline. Call Adcox. East 7443. DIRECT from owner, d-6-room bungalow. LOT and shack on Tilltimook Bay; give price ana location, ai 3.1.1. oregonlan. I HAVE $SOO cash and 0 good lots: will traetor tair nouso. sku juorgan bldg. G. C. GOLDENBERO TO SELL YOUR HOME. 2111-11, AOington ping Alain 4MI3. IRVINGTON property our specialty. Be Neuhtiusen at co. xor irvington bargains. WANT t-heap 6-room house; easy terms. IDiiLj 4th st. $2000 0-room bungulow. Pay cash. nan 01-ti. Mar- W'ANT 5 or 6-room home, good locatlon. about $.100 cash. AJ 6S2. Oregonlan. I HAVE buyer for small 'bouse and tot, at ana n,B,nni.. ,