14 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, 21, 1018. JULY Br SIN ESS OFFORTCMTIE9. JiERE is a list of some of the very beat business opportunities to be found on the , mark ft touay. It will cost you nothing: to , investigate. 1 MR. GROCERY MAN. J ; A first-class stock of groceries at ln J oice price, less lo per cent. Well-estab-J llhed business with high -class trade. J "White pressed, brick buildrng. 9 living : rooms above and a lO-year lease at $lu0 rter month. Let us convince you that this s a REAL bargain. fnco lor all about $5Xi0. Sr-SH AXD DOOR FACTORY. General woodworking plant, located In ffood town on Coast, where a large amount of shipbuilding Is going on. Running full capacity at all times, doing $40,oo0 to $V.tjor business per year. Good reasone Itr selling. Would consider some trade or vill sell. Price $7200; terms. - TEXT AND AW'XLN'Ga "On of the oldest and best established businesses of this kind in the .Northwest. Clearing about $s00 per month. Good lo-eatio-n on West Side; brick building; lease vt $100 per month. Will trade for city i property or farm. Price $MHjO; terms. LAUNDRY. 3 T. Well-established business In good town J rear Portland. One-story building-. 40x J 160, lot 70x20. fully equipped with all up l io-date machinery, a lit of which can be liad in this office. Will consider some real estate. Price $05-00: terms. , .GENERAL M EKCHA.NDISU STORB. ; Located at small station near Portland t in Tualatin Valley. Business well estab- ji.hed, with some good opportunity for increase. Frame building; rent $20; lease , tor two years. Price $-400. COUNTRY STORE. ) Eastern Oregon, on highway And rall , road, in good farming and atockralslng ,- district ; doing $ 1000 business per month. , Vill sell at invoice, or price for &U about t 3rt0. , - GARAGE. - Located close in on East Sldei is quipped with lathe and all tools that go to make It a first-class place. Large num er of cars in storage. Price $2000. KOK RESIDENCE OR FARM. ; A general store located close to Portland n a a eiectrio line, two acres of ground (" with residence 'and store building 20x7O. , "with hall above ; also five livi-ng-rooms in rear; $2i00 gross business last year. Will , trade all or any part. Price $13,500; ; terms. , WEST SIDE GARAGE. ; Brick building. Tease for 214 years at , 100 per month. Open day and night; 38 cars In storage at $6 per month. Owner in draft; must sell. Price $1000 and $30O : stock at Invoice. , SMALL GROCERY. , Two living-rooms in connection, con f Crete building lease at $2Q per month. Place , cleared over $10 last month. Nice place for a lady to run. Stock and fixtures will 1 invoice about $"0. , .fMALL RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. , - One of the best little places in the city , is on the market for half price; West Side. ; fcrlck building, rent $50. Clearing $200. : iPrlee $375 cash. ! CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH. i ""Good town. 2000 population, in Wll , Jamette Valley, 45 miles south of Portland; . concrete building, rent $5. Fully equipped , and doing good business. Best reasons for eelllng. Price $lb50. i - These and many others. See us before " VTATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. . - H. M. Niles. -X RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 10 ROOMS. Excellent furniture, snap at $530. . i 30 ROOMS. -WeII located, rent $100; monthAjr Celpts $300, only $25oo, half cash. ;. V 40 ROOMS. ; t Center of business district, rent $150; i knonthly receipts $M50, only $2000; terms. , - 57 ROOMS. ""Mostly transient rooms, rent $75; month ly receipts $doo; $3,100, half cash. TUGGLE-YOUXG CO. 4.14 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 4543. INVESTING FOR PROFIT Free six month, worth $10 a copy to anyone intending to invest, v. ho has invested unprof itably, or t "fcho can save $5 or more monthly, but Wasn't learned the art of Investing; ex- 1 plains how large fortunes are made; how , $1000 grows to $22,000. To introduce my magazine I'll send it six months abso lutely free. H. L. Barber, Pub., 019-22 W. .Tack son blvd., Chicago CASH GROCERY. One of the best paying little groceries In the city; 3 nice living rooms in connection; rent onlv $2.1 ; average daily business about $7: will invoice stock and fixtures, about $3000. HAGERS REALTY CO., 825 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 2330. ilEAL ESTATE BROKER with local experi ence and ability would affiliate with capa ble, honest man In the conduct of general real estate, specializing in home selling. Ko money wanted, but party should be equipped with into; references exchanged. Replies treated strictly confidential.' H 353, Oregonian. CASH BUSINESS. Pool, soft drinks and confectionery for sale cheap ; good shipbuilders' location ; would consider real estate in part pay ment. A. ,T. DeFOREST. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. h .independent ; c hiropractic doctors earn $:vooo to $0000 yearly ; work for yourself; this good - paying profession quickly learned by correspondence; low rates, easy terms; illustrated books and charts free. American University, 157 Manierre build ing, Chicago. I'OR SALE Furniture store in a good hustling shipbuilding town of 7O0O, with it payroll ot $300, 00O per month. Stock will invoice at $0000, but can be reduced to suit buyer. For Information address C.a S. L'nna, care Hexter &. Co., Portland, Oregon. WANT grocery stock and fixtures, or resi dence property in Portland. Have SO acres No. 1 saw timber on Santiam River, 1 mile to small town in Linn Co., Or. Price $50 per acre. TUOGLE-YOUNG CO. 414 N. W. Bank Bldg. r Main 4543. ON account of draft, 50c on dollar takes fixtures of cigar, fruit and candy store located In theater building on one of best corners in city ; stock goes at in voice prices. Wildman & Co., 8-30 N. First st. C HAVE patented article of universal demand, both office and residence. Great future possibilities. Will give interest to party or parties for $1250 to manufacture and market 10.0O0; monev back from first lO.OOO. No triflers. H 3 5 5, Oregonian. "BEST BUSINESS." Owing to draft, must be sold at once, downtown grocery doing $500 per month. You should investigate this. Goldschmidt's Agency, 205 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yam hill. WANTED An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph & Co., Dept. 8l0. Washington. D C. &IEAT market at invoice price; this Is one of the best markets on East Side, clearing $350 to $4f0 per month; one of the best residence districts; new fixtures; good op portunity for right party; no competition; going to war. BP 303, Oregonian. MEAT market for sale. An excellent op portunity for a good butcher to acquire a well established business at a reasonable price. Just the right time to start in now. Address A 3S0, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Reasonable. Six-machine shin r!e mill with dry kiln, located in Portland. For further particulars, .address 603 Couch building. Long-established cleaning and press ing business for sale, reasonable; doing a gooa nusinesa ana weu locate a. ?. o. Box 204. $500 WILL put you in good business that 9riu give you $400 salary; money secured. ; I MILLERSHIP. 431 Chamber of Commerce. CALLED TO SERVICE. - Must sell my drug stock and business at a Bacriiice price at once. be Mr. Iryei 510 Lewis bldg. "LET US" find you a business. Goldschmidt's Agency, 205 Stock Exchange, Sd and lam- WILL give part or all of $3000 worth of property as part pay for Impro-ved farm. near Portland. Describe fully. 412 Fourth et., Oregon City. TRANSFER BUSINESS. . Old-established business at a sacrifice. T ill stand closest Investigation. Good rea son for selling. X 359, Oregonian. "GOING" Into business? Consult us about It. Gold echmidt's Agency, 2u5 Stock Exchange, 3d and l amhlll. fcEI.ECT rooming-house, 12 rooms, best West Side district; all new, high-class furniture and rugs; now clearing s0: sel at cost, part cash. Phone Broadway 3044 STORE with living-room. Also small house on lot 80x100. opposite large school, $29 00, uy owner, rnone rast i-jo. WANTED State agents for 10 states, good for $;00O year, sioou investment required, City salesman, a oregonian. 20.000-CAP. sawmill, in first-class condition and IOO.O00 ft. lumber. Right price to right party. j su, oregonian. EHOE repairing shop, with machinery, must lie sold at once on account of sickness 423 th St. WEST SIDE garage and shop; splendid pay if-r: other interests demand attention S15Q0. See Mr. Graham, 267 H Oak st. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS ? Ir SO. SEE HAGERS REALTY COM PANY, 325 RY. EX. BLDG. MAIN 2330, PARTNER wanted, mfg. agency, money, maker; must have help. BD 410. Ore go man. WANTED A party with. $5000 to $0000 for a fuel proposition. .Money secured. It 27, Oregonian. T account of HI health, small Job print. lng office for sale, au 410, oregonlan. WHAT am I offered for 60 Astoria lota. V01U1 $1000 7 4-L- JTouxtH ttt Oregea City, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE CHEAP Garage- with u and distillate pumps and Maxwell car; owner must sell on account of Injury received In an accident. This tm a money-maker. Phono Tabor 9183. CONFECTIONERY BARQALV. $500' lets you In a store clearing $400 a month profit; in health necessitates quick action; reason for selling on such easy terms. A. J. DFOREST, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. DON'T LET YOUR WAGES BE AT TACHED. Take all the time you want to pay "back bills." We stop the pressure of creditors, give you a chance to clear yourself and live without worry; keep your present job, avoid attachments, satisfy your creditors, all on the money you are now earning. Our plan and services are free. We don't loan money or ask you for one cent. If you need help, address box 192. city. WE HAVE a hauling Job of five million feet of logs over two miles of good plank road. Logs will be loaded on truck. Will pay $2 per thousand for 16-ft. logs, and $3 for all over 16 ft. Bank reterences and guarantee will be given. If you can finance purchase of truck, see Mr. Good feliow. at Northwest Auto Company, Broadway and Couch. LADY In Seattle offers1 five-year lease and furnishings of an 81 -room apu-bouse, Se attle; choice location; modern; snows good net income; lady has business in Port land and wishes to reside there; $5O0O cash will handle, balance easy; would consider balance in trade of apu-house or hotel of equal value. Act quick. Address Mrs. B 1115 14th ave. BEST West Coast small town, general tink er shop, full modern equipment. Good money made for six years. Equipment, stock, $loOi. Big home, shop, $loo cash, or $15tn will swing. Can show you the goods. Bank references. Fine fishing, hunting, climate, money. Am sick, but w-ili break you in. AV 313. Oregonlan. - FOR TRADE Up-to-date little weekly newspaper and job office in Southern Oregon town of 700, on main line South ern Pacific; not a dead office; fine town and climate; will trade $700 equity for town Iocs or acreage any place in Ore gon. Office invoices $1150. Address News, Glen dale. Or. I WOULD like to sell my poolroom, lunch counter, soda fountain and confectionery store all combined; I am doing a good business; In a good county seat town; but must leave on account of poor health. Anyone Interested, write to . A. Harris. Oaknogan, Wash., for full particulars. GROCERY M EN, A TTENTION . Will sell right, family grocery store, staple line of goods, two-thirds cash sales: $500 month business; rent $20. tock and (fixtures about $25uo. A. J. DeFOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. WANTEDPartner, lady or gentleman, active working partner; $400 required, fully secured; legitimate, permanent busi ness; $500 to $7uo net profit per month; experience unnecessary; will teach busi ness. AL 555, Oregonlan. CASH-AND-CARRY STORE. Doing a cash business of $175 per day, no delivery, 2 people can run it; good, clean stock, best location in city of IO, 000 pop.; sell at invoice. K. B. Madison, Oregon City, both phones. A- WELL paying greenhouse business, with good retail trade; 7500 feet of glass, good 6-room house, barn and workhouse, on 200x2O0-f t. square; have to go out of business; make me an olf er. M. A. Schus ter, 1287 E. 14th N. $300 PER montn profit, combination cash store, pool, cigars, tobaccos, soft drinks, ice cream and confectionery, for sale or will trade for clear, improved real estate. No agents. See owner. 121 Grand ave. Portland. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Niles. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. SAWMILL Party with $5000 to take half interest and management. Large suppiy of timber. Contracts let for logging. Lum ber contracted at good prices. Good money maker from start. Auto Specialty Co., 02 Sixth st. SAWMILL I desire to get In touch with purchaser- for a going sawmill on the Co- luinoia itiver; capacity about joo.uuu; ae slrably located for rail and water ship ments. Hart, 910 Ch. of Com. Tel. Mar- shall 1585. WHEN WANTING to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. FOR cook or baker, man or woman, to buy cheap, a bakery, restaurant, fruit and veg etable titan d, doing big business ; small town ; no competition ; will exchange for Portland property. Box 76. Brownsville. Oregon. CONFECTIONERY and grocery, across st. from school. If looking for good business, must see to appreciate; modern living room, reasonable rent; must sell this week. 357 Lombard St.. Wdln. 3704. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, set advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. WANTED Somebody who understands res taurant business to take charge 01 a res taurant with option to purchase the busi ne&s if satisfactory. Write Box 101, Prlne- vitie. Or. WILL sell my pool hall, barber shop and sott drink parlor;.' am engaging in other business. This is located in the best re sort toa-n in Washington. Box 16&. Car son, W ash. WILL you pay $2000 for a confectionery that is worth $3000? Poor health Is the cause of this sacrifice and It will pay you to .investigate. A v 317, oregonian. FOR SALE General mdse. business In Val ley towni doing $2000 per month. Will in voice $3oOO. Expense very light. No fix tures. BF 886, Oregonian. GOOD, paying hotel, with restaurant in connection, close to shipyard, no opposi tion; terms if desired; must sell by Aug. 15. Phone East &150. WILL sell or exchange for good securi ties, my general mdse. stock, ell or rent store; fine business. James O'Neil, Mary vine, wasn. WANT someone with a small amount of money to invest with me in a very profit able business; win stana rigia investiga tion. AO 764, Oregonian. BARBERS We have an exceptionally good buy in a 8-chalr barber shop and pool room. See us for particulars. Portland Cutlery. 86 6th St. MILLINERY store, $600. A real snap; good business, good location, rent $o month; no camouflage. If you mean business write us. AV 320, Ore gonian. ST. JOE. IDAHO, restaurant for sale: tran sients, logging ana mm traae; rooms tor 12 steady boarders; $350. I- W. Timmer- man. WANTED Man capable of taking charge of smaii oox piant ; one preierrea wno can invest small amount; state references and experience. AV bl t, Oregonian. THE ONLY electrical wiring and supply nouse in a gooa iown 01 uuu tor sale Invoice of stock and fixtures; $600 will nandie. a v w. oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE Grocery store. averages about $00 per day; 5 big living rooms bl rear. uuu aenwooa x . I WANT to sell an interest in an invention that cures snoring, call Monday at lm perial Hotel. Room 537. FOR SALE at bargain, general mdse. store at Seaview, wasn. ; established 20 years. Terms. Seavlew Merc. Co., Seavjew, Wash, r UK fiALt. t eea, ouuaing material, coal and transfer business; good location, r none 1 aoor no or nan. LADY with means can secure interest In war essential of merit. For particulars write to J. frneeny, rseppacn House, city, FoR SALE Sash and door factory, with modern macninery. ror iuu particulars ad dress inquiry to a v aia, Oregonian. TAILORING BUSINESS A well established business In a large city on the Coast; price reasmmmc. m rug t ioj, uregonian. BEST BUY in city, money-making picture tneaxer; win smiia investigation. Ad dress owner, AR 679, Oregonian. WANTED To lease unfurnished anartment house, 75 rooms or more; must be modern, Jrl Z t Z, oregonian. A FINE, small grocery. If you want a bus! ness; no reasonable offer refused. Phone Sell. 143. LM in the market for a good-paying restau rant. E. K. Lumadere.3S5 East Morrison street. FOR SALE Or rent, newly equipped lunch counter, liberal terms. J 0. Oregonian. 2-CHAIR barber shop, cheap if taken once. AV 147. Oregonlaru COFFEE and lunch business In a flrat-cls location. $500. BC 320. Oregonlan. PATENTS obtained, low as $17: patents for salt), latent isew. w asxxington. D. g BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DISTRICT MANAGER. NEEDED AT ONCE. A wide-awake business man, who can appoint dealers, supervise the distribution and selling problems; this is a nationally advertised line of motor trucks, trailers and automobiles; we furnish leads and un usual sales aids. Ideal opening for sales man who wants a business of his own; $-"00 Investment in the Pacific Coast Sales Organization necessary, with guar anteed share in the profits, in addition to a good salary with traveling expenses; will pay expenses to San Francisco If you are man- we want. Address J. M. Wright, 723 Chronicle bldg., San Francisco, CaL FOR SALE Grocery business located upon the most busy street in Portland; good stock and first-class fixtures; this busi ness is the best and most successful on the street; all cash, no credit and little delivering; the stock and fixtures will run from $6000 to $8000, but can reduce; can give you reference to bank and wholesale houses; I will not sell on a great reduc tion, but will give you a well-worked busi ness, with customers in all states this side of Rockies. If you understand and have the cash you can make money. The same ,as I have. If you mean business answer, as my time is well taken up. AM 500, Oregonlan. COUNTRY STORB BUSINESS. For sale or trade; located In good farm ing community, about 18 miles from Port land ; well-established business; ground, buildings, feed-grindmg mill and about $180O general stock of merchandise, all go for $7500. A J. DeTOREST, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER for a contract to purchase 100 lots in the Aqueduct City Tract, Kern County. Cali fornia? $10 payable on each iot; can be taken up 10 at a time; contract price $15 per lot. 100 to 5000 Luclle Gold and Cop per. &OO0 Vail Copper Company's organiza tion share receipt, 10 cents per share. C. M. Frye, 158 13th ave. East, Eugene, Oregon. FOR SALE Exclusive meat market in small town in Eastern Oregon, In best grain growing section of the state; nice shop, well equipped and slaughter-house; long lease at low rent; better investigate this; it's a money-getter; best of reasons for selling. For particulars address AV 116, Oregonlan. CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY AND SOFT DRINK. Nicest, cleanest place on Washington: swell fixtures, doing $30 dally. Owner joinea Army, so win give away tor xts'.t.v half cash. Place will Invoice $1300. To see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. A GOOD paying general store for sale at discount: stock invoicing $9000. Annual sales $60,00O. In good payroll town and fine farming community. Will consider $4000 trade for income property, balance cash and terms. Can show this to be profitable business. E 842, Oregonlan. RETAURANT FORECLOSED. Will sell at 10 o'clock Monday at No. 1 rsortn 3d at., the contents to highest bid der, to satisfy mortgage. Has mahogany front and back bar, cash register, every- ming complete ror rirst-ciass restaurant. 1 eters, io 5th st- LATTRY FOR SAF.ff Up-to-date steam laundry, in center of best town in Oregon, population ttOOo. for sale; $12,500; part cash, balance terms or trade. Includes fine town lots and cot tage. Over $500 profit per month. Inquire a. j. Jtoore. iena, or. $30O0 A MANUFACTURING business, all ready to start, needs $5000 more capita x can give you half interest or let you control me wnoie ousiness. it win pay s good salary and large dividends. John P. Weston Co., 630 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE or trade, best location In city for restaurant now doing big soft drink and lunch business; near new shipyard; long lease, large room, fiione hast ft: Sunday, or call st 3V2 East Stark after 6 P. M., ask for J. K. Lowe. FOR SALE Garage business, good location, on Yellowstone Trail, only garage in town. $2000 to $30O0 per month business. Will take good work team in trade. Address AV 30'-, Oregonlan. AUTO garage, sell supplies, do repairing, ana sts cars steady storage at $0 month good lease and profits large ; owner In dratt. will sell for only $1200. Call room 403. Dekum -bldg. ONE of the finest bowling alleys and billiard and pool halls in a city of 2O.000: cost new $6500; what have you? Might accept some clear Portland property. Address 402 HifDtxird bldg.. Salem, Or. GARAGE Brick bldg, rent only $40, at invoice price from $1400 to $1600 on this deal you don't pay one cent for the good will. For full information see McClure- Schmauch, 300 Railway Ex. bldg. $1000 TAKES fine grocery doing very large cash business; no delivery ; good fixtures nice, clean stock; two living rooms. In the heart apt. house district; close In; big snap. 20o4t Morrison. Room 2. DELICATESSEN, with light bakery and groceries; good West Side location; money maker. Dandy proposition for man and wife. About $2000 required. N 429, Ore- gonian. PARTNER WANTED. $3000. services required, unusual oppor tunity, competent party make $30,000 this year, handle own money; secured by real estate. Ai btT. oregonlan. PARTNER with $300 to $500 to open up confectionery on transfer corner. Someone experienced to take charge preferred. Hare like amount myself. Answer fully. No agents. AR 607, Oregonian. A CASH store business, Yamhill district; clears $lo0 to $200 month after all ex penses are paid; closed nights and Sun days; a bargain at $u50. Call room 403, Dekum oldg. COUNTRY hotel doing good business; owner nas otner ousiness. must sen. ror partic ulars write owner, J. J. Si mas. Monument, Oregon. GOOD opening for active man in established wood and coal business, profits good and very little money la required. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. $5400 STOCK of dry goods, furnishings and snoes ; no iix tures; invoiced at old prices for sale at a big discount. Store closed. Invoice may be seen at 333 Plttock block. LAUNDRY for sale, sawmill town, doing good business; modern machinery. Other Interests require attention. Write Kalama steam Laundry, Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE Millinery store, up to date, clean stock, fine location; also button and nemstitcning macninery. 3A.ru. a, L. Field, Williams ave., city. A CASH business for steady man able to drive auto truck or willing to lesrn; can ciear too weetc; soo required, fully se cured. Koom ueKum bldg. A GOOD OPENING for a good acetylene we-mer. x-anicuiars at zto xawtnorne ave. AMERICAN HOG SYNDICATE wanti 'w more parties to Join Its money-making ji m k ' 1 h 1 hi n k lyuaicait, ou crocker bldg, San Francisco EXPERIENCED office man with $2500 to invest can secure position with solid mon ey-making con ;ern in Portland. Salary xouir jmr y TO.r. XT o 1 x, oregonian. PRACTICAL lumberman with exoer1nr I mining, ouying ana seinns has, aom mnn to Invest in gilt-edge lumber business with active services. a ju oregonian. GROCERY and confectionery, established l years, moaern living rooms, will stand In vestlgationj might trade for house in can trai iast sine. A J mo, Oregonlan. v .cm 1 tine equipped cabinet shot, ma enmery ana tools included. Must sacrl xice. oaxi jju xentn st. r OK SALE Picture theater. In town of jiui, paying proposition. A V 123, Ore gonian. NORTH BEACH cottage, comfortably fur- nnu, ocean 101, city water, Xor SSl cneap. Aiarsnau 4947. INTEREST simple, -valuable Invention house noia specialty xor small patent fee. N 426, oregonian. k HAVE an excellent, good car to trad tnw wen-equippexi snoe snop. What hays you FOR 8ALE Established beauty parlor, rea son a Die. it tauten at once. L 436, Orego nian. AUTO garage, partner wanted to sell gas v- 11 ne, supplies, etc.. ana neip in shop prouiB gwu. xtoom too jjeKum oiag. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sale bargain. W. Butler. Skamania. Wash. MA to tsae cnarge ot motor truck, sma amount of cash required. Call West Side r uei v o. cor, mm ana insan sts. TAILOR shop for sale in good suburb, with . Dig pay ron; no competition, AO 772. Ore gonian. A RESTAURANT, beautifully equipped, cen tral and a good trade; $950 casn. will nanae iLrioom o, Dexum bldg. CASH grocery store. Just the place for man 1 ana wire; no aenvery; no agents. J, Bassett. 58 Union ave. N. Business Opportunities Wanted. SHOW MB" WHERE INVESTMENT $2000 TO $10,000 W ILL 'A X tSU- l irJrt THAN INTERES V 1 1 ti I UK W I IMUUTJ J- 1; K VICES. HIGH-CLASS BANK REFERENCES EXCHANGED. STATE NATURE OF PROPOSITION. ADDRESS D 439. OREGONIAN. I HAVE $10,000 to $15,000 to Invest in som rirsT-ciass manuracturing concern; in an s we ring, state nature of the business an ail octane, al do, oregonian. I HAVE S2000 as first payment on hotel give full particulars. H. C Lucas, 11 uta sw . . . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Bunliietts Opportunities Wtnted. WANTED STOCK "GENERAL MERCHAN DISE" (COUNTRY STORE). PAY YOTJ IN CASH, CITY AND FARM PROP ERTY. LIBERTY AND R. R. UTILITY BONDS, GIVE FULL INFORMATION. LOCATION. ETC . ADDRESS OWNERS. P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. SHOW ME" WHERE INVESTMENT $4000 TO $20,000 WILL PAY BETTER THAN INTEREST WITH (OR WITHOUT) SERVICES. HIGH-CLAS BANK REFERENCES EXCHANGED. STATE NATURE OF PROPOSITION. ADDRESS BD 416, OREGONIAN. GROCERY STORE WANTED. Have dandy 7-room house and 2 fine lots near car; cash value $2250; equity $ 1 400 ; ass u m e m t g e. only $ 950. W ha t have you ? X 402, Oregonlan. WE HAVE cash buyers for apartment- houses, furnished or unfurnished; buy the furnishings and lease the building. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Hotels and Rooming-Houees. MARY E. LENT. I Exclusive Hotel and Apartment-House Broker, 723-724 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 560. Eleven years In this business In Port land enables me to locate you In the right place. Free information on any house in the city to all prospective buyers. APARTMENT-HOUSES. 19 8 and 4 -room apartments, beautifully furnished, 5-year lease at $200 per month; one of the best arranged and clearing $300 per month; first time offered; price $6000; some terms to desirable parties. 30 APARTMENTS PRICE $7500. Rent $35, 3-year lease; netting over $400 per month, always full; owner In draft; 24 apartments furnished; some terms to reliable parties. This is a close-in corner brick building, high-class patron age; Just listed. 48 APARTMENTS RENT $600. 80 apartments, furnished, all modern ap pointments, private balconies, automatic elevator, near Washington; this place is netting $3O0 a month and you can increase rentals; best buy of this size in the city; part cash and terms. Come in tor par ticulars. HERE TS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. FINE PLACE FOR LADY ALONE Arranged in small apartments. 40 rooms, corner brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water, garbage and Janitor service Included in rent, which is only $175. First time on the market; present owner been here 4 years; illness forces immediate sale and you can't make a mlstaas on this; clearing the year round $200 net and is offered at a sacrifice price ; $2500 cash required. SMALL PLACES. SO rooms, housekeeping, rent $60; price $1800; only $1200 cash. 15 ROOMS PRICE $1000. Near Morrison; rent $40; this is a good buy. LARGE HOTELS. 60 rooms, corner brick building, rent $250; lots of private baths. Northwestern heat, easy to manage, very clean; prioe $0000, about $4000 cash, balance terms. 90 ROOMS PRICE $15,000. Here la a chance of a lifetime to get Into the right location; gets the cream of this part of the city; best rooms, all large and airy, all furnished with Seely mattress s, large lobby, no bus; taking In over $2000 every month; will sell about half cash, balance as you make it: owner retiring. 86 ROOMS RENT $123. Corner brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; price $3o00: has 8-year lease; this is a nice small place and worth the money. Phone Main 8560 for appointment. A "MONEY-M AKER. NET YOU ABOUT $200 PER MONTH (AND YOUR ROOM AND BOARD). FAMILY HOTEL. POSITIVE BARGAIN. FINE LOCATION. OWNER OBLIGED TO SELL. tSUITABLE FOR SAN1 TRIUM.i INOOME $650 TO $00 PER MONTH. CHEAP RENT. 5 BLOCKS TO P. O. FULL NOW (GOOD PEOPLE). PRICE $22O0: ABOUT $500 CASH. BALANCE $75 PER MONTH. ADDRESS OWNER D 420. OREGONIAN. LARGE APARTMENT-HOUSE). Well furnished, modern and clean: 48 apartments, 2s and 3s; first class, excep tionally well-built brick building, at a rental of only $300 per month ; six-year lease. Located within easy walking dis tance to any part of downtown business center; house clearing $500 per month net; $5000 cash handles It. A. J. DeFOREST. 018 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. HOTEL AND APARTMENTS. FOR SALE 50 rooms, apartments and rooms, all occupied; Wanhington st.. close in; brick building, modern; profit $500 monthly, leawe 5 years, $225 per month; fine for woman or man and wife; will pay for itself in a year; sacrificed for cash, owner called away; no phone In formation, nor agents need apply. Swope. 800 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE. 9-rm. house, completely furnished, all full; 2 rooms for own use; rent only $15; price $650, cash. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Ablngton Bldg. A SHIPYARD BOARDING-HOUSE For sale at a bargain; 75 rooms and large dining-room. A. J. DeFOREST, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. 36-ROOM hotel, modern brick building, fine furniture, low rent, close in. west nme; owner must ipII: bargain price S3200, terms. Call 163 A West Park su Weils & Anderson. 2S ROOMS $550. T nesr Union DeDOL rent $30 worklngman's place, always full, clears over $100 Per month. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. Easy terms. RM ALL APT-HOUSE. 20 rooms; a little seauty; $1000 cash handles It. A. J. DeFOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. FOR SALE Commercial hotel, only one In live Eastern Oregon town; 500 population, on the Columbia Highway, best country location In the state. For information write or call E. C. Maddock, Arlington, or. 72-RM. corner brick apt. -house, practically all new rurnlture, making une money ; about $3000 will bsndle. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Ablngton Bldg. 82-ROOM hotel, one of the best West Side locations, low rent ana a gooa money maker; price $1750, terms; bargain. Call 103 ". West Park street. Wells jfc Anderson, 16-ROOM housekeeping, good location, fine furniture, very low rnt; owner must sell; price $00O. Call 163 s West Park st. Wells Anderson. 44-ROOM. STEAM HEAT, HOT and COLD WATER In every room, clearing $2000 Long lease, low rent. Cash $2000. Fred S. Williams. 1st. 48-ROOM hotel, brick, well located, fine fur niture, very low rent; bargain price $320O, terms. Call 163 H West Park iU Wells 4 Anderson. 9-ROOM rooming-house. West Side location. gooa rurnlture. moaern nouse: owner must "ii; price $500. call 103 Vs west Park iu V ells 4k. Anderson. 24 -ROOM rooming-house, brick bldg., steam neat, ail on one rioor, rent 4o; transient location. Price $i75. $300 cash win handle. Peters, 13 N. 6th st. SNAP For sale, 20 furnished housekeep ing rooms, close in. cheap rent; a money maker; steam heat, electricity and gas. Phone E. 8225. FOR SALE Furniture of 9 -room modern house: six roomi rented: low rent, with lease; nice home and Income; snap for cash. East 4504. AM compelled to dispose of my 40 -room ho tel ; furnished, enjoying a full house cheap. James O'Neil. Marysville. Wash. 8-ROOM house at No. Broadway, near Burnside. Rnt onlv $:t0. W. H. WEBB. Yeon bldg. Main 4018. SELL my rooming-house, one lot tn garden, cheap. Called to service. 201 16th at. cor. Taylor. 16 ROOMS, all housekeeping. Owner retir ing; good location. Price $050; $000 cash, terms. Apply 2oS 33th st. FOR SALE A boarding bouse doing a good cash business. Phons A 705L Address 1054 Macadam st. FOR SALE by owner, 10-room rooming house, good location, 21 1 12th st. ; a bar :aln if taken at once. Call Broadway 5H5. JAPANESE sgent for selling and buying hotel and restaurant and .land. Insho Takemura, 82 N. 5th St. A 1539. FOR beat bargain In rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. 15 H. K. RMS. I must sell at once. Call early for a real bargain. 414 Columbia st.; no agents. 10 ROOMS. $495. Best transient street in city, rent $20. a sure money-maker. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. ROOMING-HOUSE wanted. 20 to 30 rooms, for cash and secured note; no agents, D 443, Oregonian. FOR quick sale, lWt your hotels, apartments and rooming-houses with Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ablngton bldg. 10-ROOM house, well furnished, cheap for cash. 128 14th 'st. IS ROOMS, los la. J. J, Oeder, East 6L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Roosninsj-Hsases. WE HAVE one of the best hotels In this city, which can be bought for $tt0,0oo. The place is clearing $3000 to $4 000 per month. Full information- will be furnished to parties capable of handling a proposi tion of this kind. 60 APARTMENTS. Located south of Washington street and west of Broadway. 5 minutes walk to the P. O. ; completely and nicely furnished; brick building, with lease for 10 years at a very reasonable rent. The lease alone Is worth half the price asked. See thlr at once; price $12,000, terms. Will accept a residence up to $4Oo0. 18 APARTMENTS FOR FARM. Frame building, lease at $150; cicely furnished, excellent location on West Side Clearing over $2o0; will trade for farm and assume; pries $3!iOO, terms. 10 APARTMENTS. Completely and nicely furnished, fire proof building, located close in on East Side, very agreesble, lease for three years at $i0 per month; dandy place for a wom an to run. Price $2500. , 70-ROOM HOTEL. Close In on West Side, brick building, hot and cold water in all rooms: lease for two years at $300; good furniture and clearing $400 per month. Pries $4500. VERY CENTRAL LOCATION. 61 rooms, nicely furnished, ground floor, lobby and lounging-room ; brick building; rent $235; cross income $2000 Price $0250. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. Without a doubt one of the very best furnished small hotela In the city; brick . building, good lease, hot and cbid water in all rooms: has 34 rooms and In an ex cellent location on West Side. Pries $4ouo, terms. 22 HOUSEKEEPING. Close In on East Side, very neat and clean, rent $40 per month; clearing $100; good money-maker and a snap for $1500. 20 HOUSEKEEPING. Nob Hill district, rent $40. clearing $100. Newly furnished and very neat; price $1500, $800 cash, balance $2$ per month. 10 ROOMS. All on one floor, concrete building, lo cated near City Hall; rnt Pries $6oO. SMALL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. Close In. near Morrison St., on West Side; gross Income $85, rent $20; price $550. terms, WATCH OUR ADSj WE GET RESULTS. H. M. NUes, HITTER. LOWE CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trads Bldg. lttO-ROOM apartment; West Side modern brick corner, very close in; hardwood floors, private balconies and all modern essentials: extra well furnished ; big money-maker. For quick sale, price $7000, easy terms. 51 -room hotel with lobby. lounglng-room, elevator. Individual phones, private baths, etc.; furniture and carpets mostly like new; most attractive place In town; can not be duplicated; wilt sell for less than value of furniture account stcknetts. 55 modern rooms in two snd three-rm. apartments; beautiful entrance and hall ways: all built-in effects: unusually well furnished and showing big profits. Price $5000, easy terms. 16 H. K. rooms, very close In, West Side; furnace, electric lights, gas, etc.; extra good furniture; absolutely clean. Price $1200. easy terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th St. APARTMENT-HOUSE FOR A WOMAN. 28 apartments, all 2s and Ss: all with Tthnne. bath, dresstnar-room and built-in bed; every apartment Is light snd has sn outside kitchen; rent 2uu, z-yar lease; Wmi id cIoaa In. brick building; Income $678. Here's a good house. ell furnished and clean; $3000 casn nanaies it. A. J. DeFOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A BAR GAIN IN KO0MlO-rlOLM!a, WE HAVE IT. 8 rooms. West Fide, price $325. 40 rooms. West Side, price $500. 80 rooms. West Side, price $..n. 9 rooms. West Side, price $550. 20 rooms. West Side, price $750. 26 rooms. West Side, price $Jo. 82 rooms. West Side, price $IGo0. SS rooms. East Side, price $1200. i j rnnn. ir.-r filrm nrii tiOIXI. They are well located for doing a good business and money-maaers. C. J. Culilson Co., 205 Vs Morrison Bt. th I! nMtMt and most modern commercial and tourist notei in gooa iown i i between Portland and T acorn; concrete bldg.. hot and cold water, electric lights, .1.. m Via r 25 rooms, large lobby with beautiful view, neat cafe. f!rat-clas trade only; will clear over $250 month year around ; bargain for man with wife or family; $loOO down will handle. Address AV 00, Oregonlan. an-ROOM HOTEL In heart of citv, brick building, running in rooms. N. W. heat : rent only 10 per moiiLii, - . nm mat vrv month. A snap 1 for a woman to care for; $20OO cash han dles it. A DeFOREST. fUS Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. REAL BARGAIN. 48 apartments. 2 and 3 rooms each, furnished; automatic beds, steam heat, fine brick building, corner location; will E. F. GRIFFITHS, 401 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. HOTEL BEOGS. Canyon City, Or., county seat Grant Co., Chrome center; stockmen s headquarters; 44 rooms, well furnished, doing good business, good ressons for selling, terms. For particulars, write Mrs. Virginia Beggs, owner. Canyon City, or. ' ROOMING-HOUSE SPECIALS. 44 rooms, clearing $".00 per month. 2J rooms, clearing $320 per month. 18 rooms, clearing $1'H) mo, 15 rooms, clearing $ mo. MILLERSHIP. 431 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell -or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming -houae of sny kind, anywhere, see H. M. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bid. BUSINESS blork with apartment and offices, first-claas condition. 5 bstha. 9 lavatories. 8 toilet a, sinks, steam neaung piani ; everything rented $20O per month. Price $15,0Oti, terms if desired, J. D. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Wdln. 2Q2. BIG SNAP. 70-room hotel, well furnished, fins loca tion, clearing above all expenses about $500 month. Must sell on account of sick ness. Price $4500, See GEO. T. MOORE CO., Ablngton Bldg. MODERN CORNER. 12-rm. house, beautifully furnished, clearing $02 month; rent only $22.60. with lease; price $750. GEO. T. MOORS CO.. Ablngton Bldg. 18 ROOMS, close in. J. J. Oeder. East 61, LOST AND FOUND. LOST Near Portland P. O.. gold and plat num fob, tan ribbon; lock hair and red ribbon Inside. O. D. Eby, Oregon City. Or. Reward. LOST Probably at Oaks, 2 folder note book containing $100 note and some cur rency; registration card in one: reward. Phone room 28 Netherlands Hotel. lost Idv'i brown hand purse, between 14th and Columbia and Broadway bridge, containing about $4. Reward, Call Mar- shall 13Q4. FOUND On Thursday, a lady's hat with several photos; owner msy recover same by claiming snd paying for sd. Tabor 1716. LOST A small grip, containing fishing tackle and license, identifying owner; re ward. L. A. Williams. Phone Tabor 9273. LOST Purse containing roll of bills; llbersl reward. Return to Oregonlan business office, LOST A Theta XI fraternity pin. ruby center, clustered with pearls; hesvy re ward. Mrs. Msrion Thearle. Hotel Mallory. LOST By worklngmsn, a pair of glsssea, last Sundav, between 6th and 16th st. b. Reward. 605 Karl st LOST Puree, Macadam, Taylor, Boone's Ferry road. Box 147, R. 1. Oswego. Re ward. LOST Book containing registration card snd union csrd A. C Kinder. Return to Oregonlan of flee. LOST At Laurelhurst "park concert Sunday night, mink neck fur. Reward. East 2S4U or address 891 East Pine. BLACK leather handbag, Friday afternoon : some money and key. Reward. Main 7055. LOST Keys; hsd brass tag No. 9. Finder notify W. Mayo, 605 Ivon it.; or Sell wood 855. Reward. LOST June 1. fox terrier, tan face, ears, two tan spots on back; last seen 50th and Flanders. Reward. Tabor 253. LOST A small gold bar pin. Initials M. A, A. on back. Phone East 5851. Reward. LOST Montana automobile license. Finder please call Tabor 2189. LOST Green box containing pink and. white ailk. Room 406 Mallory Hotel. LOST Royal Neighbors lodge pin. Please call Woodlawn 1587. Reward. A PACKAGE containing blue silk. Please call Woodlawn 4838. LOST Saturday, Delta Gamma Snrwrity pin, anchor shape. Reward, Tabor 6664 LOST AM) FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of tne Portland Railway, Llgnt t Power Co, Juiy 20: 4 purse. 1 child's wrist watch, 1 Unite, 1 ball, money. 1 pr. glasses, 1 savings book. 4 pr. g.oves, 1 kodak. 6 packages. 2 bags, 7 lunch boxes. $ suitcases. 2 traveling bags, 1 hat. 1 hook, 1 plane. Owners may obtain prop erty at Klrt and Alder sts. station. STRAYED From Charley Ho'.tgreaves pas ture on Columbia Slough, 1 bay mare. 1350 lbs.. 8 years old, Percheron strain: 1 bay mare, about 1350 lbs., 11 years old. Shire strain; 1 brown gelding. 135u lbs,. 8 years , old; 1 sorrel gelding. 1450 lbs., 7 years old. A liberal -reward will be given for infor ms t ion leading to the reco ery of the same. Frazler & McLean. 240 E. Eighth. LOST Theta XI frat pin clustered with pearl and a ruby. Tuesday night between Morrison and Alder en Lownaoale; heavy reward, Mr. Philip Thearle, Hotel Mal lory. $15 REWARD for pair of 8-power Zeiss prism field glasses In brown leather case marked "D. A. M.' Lost Monday after noon. July 15. Return to Dayton Cycle Co., 63 6th st. No questions asked. LOST A purse with $5 bill and some change In sllx'er, somewhere between Lennon'a and M. & F.'s block; leather; reward. Call Tabor 6572. LOST Scotch collie dog. yellow and white, about year old. license No. 2273. Re ward. Marshall 4852. or address G. R. Palmer, 84 o Thurman st. SMALL boy lost war savings stamp book with 8 stamps and full book of thrift stamps; name Kenneth S Bisstrll. l22o Wetdier st. on books. Reward for return, ONE dark-brown hair switch, on 64th ave. S. E.. between 77th and soth sts. Finder please return to 7733 65th ave, S. E. Lib eral reward offered. LOST Pointer dor; black head, white and black spotted body, acar on right front foot. Phone Sell wood 23S8. LOST Crocheted bag containing money, key, tickets. Call Broadway 2726, FINANCIAL. LOAN FOR SALE $7O00 note and mort gage, secured by land worth $20, 000. George M. Reed. Main 1976 or Mala 105. Spalding bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loan a. lowest rates. . 13. lick. Fstllng bldg. Phone Main 8407. LOANS, notes, contracts, mlgs purchased. Lewis Co.. 4 Lrwl bldg. Main 6S. Money to Loan en Real Katate. OUR Installment plan la the best snd sureat met nou ot paying a 10 n. $32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $ 15. 1 7 for in; months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In propotitlon. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission churned. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AESTN 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS' TO SUIT THB BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. 831 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate acurlty; any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm prop- 'iy,TUB LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. M. 6915. A 2318. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. Bl K H ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. $4000 TO LOAN ON FARM. 6 PER CENT. arious amounts to loan on cvty or suburban real estate; submit security. BUY MONTHLY PAYMENT CONTRACTS. SM IT H - WAGON E K CO.. STOCK EX. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 6' 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bidg. $200. $400. $500. $750. $K0o mod up St low est interest rates. liberal prepayment privileges; ME. NT CO. no delay. GORDON IN V UST- 31 Chamber of Commerce. EDWARD K. GOUDEY CO.. 2d floor United States Hank Bids. Mortgage Moans and bond issues, espe cially in targe amounts o per cent up. $250 TO $200. 6 and 7 refund old mort gages; no bonus. Ward, attorney, Spald ing WiUg. $300. $400, $5O0. $750. $1000 snd up at low est rstea. quick act ion. Fred W. German Co.. 72 en. or com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Oito Ac Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash for any amount. Plttock block. 653 $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate, favora ble terras ; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $500 TO $5000. on Improved city or farm property, reasonable rate. Kast 6320. SEE US today; loans any amount. 6-7. CELLARS-M CRT N Co.. 725 Gasco bldg. mortgage loans. 6 and 7 per cent. LOUl SALOMP N & Co.. 40S Se 1 . i n g bid g . MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property, tv. tv. tiaxter, tu-i paiding bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent. up. r. rueni, -tu cnam. ot Pom. $1500 TO LOAN. 7 4-. first-claas security only. AF 4S0, Oregonian. .Money to Loan Thattefct and Salaried. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction st rlctly conf ident ta I. NO .MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 21S Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. PEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. loana made to persons on salary or fixed Income ; on houae hold f urn It ure. pi anos, diamonds and other ' peraoual prop erty; lea; al ratea. Bun in ess confidential, private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. Licensed. 3O0-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL L AN ASSOCIATION Estab liahed by Portland buaineas men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers lierrman. mar. 304 Stark st. Money loaned on diamouds. jewel ry. MONEY lo loan on anything of value, iesal ratea; all articles hc.d one year. Panama Loan Office. 4 Third, near Oak. MONEY to Ioj n on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all artirlea held 1 year; established since lb S Da n M a rx 2n Wa shln g u n. Losins Wasted. WANTED From private party. $ono, three years at 6. on highly improved subur ban farm U0 ares, near I v new modern Improvements, coat over $l0.ooO. I; ace valued at $ 1 7,5m and free from Incum brance. Address R S. Thompson, 2d and Main. Vancouver, Wash. OWNER with 4-5-room flat, all rented, wsnta $5oO0 loan: good location, walking distance to busineiw center and ahipyarda. Call Mon. Tabor 854. $SOO WANTED at ft per cent on 1 acre Im proved with good dwelling, fruit, berries, etc., suburban to Portland. Occupied by Owner. Value $2500. S 34, Oregonia.n! WANTETW$3000 Lsure"lhursT $250i Ala meda. Park. $2t50 River Bank, all 7 per cent : $3000 6 per cent Irvlna-ton. C. J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg.. Main 5 SI 2, fpESIRETo borrow $23O0 on myRose City Park home; 6 per cent, no commissions ; security snd morsl risk excel. ent, AN 364. Oregonlsn. LOAN of $16,500 on Washington-street cor ner for 2 to 6 year: Improved 8 -story brick; big revenue. Owner. O 816, Ors gonlsn. $15O0 WANTED on lOOxlOO corner, close In on East Side. Value $10.0oo. Moral risk good. Pay 7 per cent to private party. S 33. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY responsible party wants $lo,000. three years, high-class city prop erty. Deal with principals ouly. N 427, Oregonlan. $2000 FIRST mortgage for sale on 100x100 comer lot and 6-roora houae; drawing 7 Ser cent. Owner, 724 Northwestern Bank uildlng. , STRICTLY modern 8-rm. house and garsge. beat part of Laurel hurat. $60 per mo. Ruthfleld, 6l8Fonton b 1 d g. Brdwy 637. $1000 3 YEARS AT 7". SoxlOO lot and 5-room house. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX $L-tio THREE years on 7 -room house. Woodstock Way. Owner, L 2iK. Or gonian. WHO will take $4200 mortgage on $14.ooo suburban home? Good Interest. G 5, Oregonlan. $3300 OR lens wanted on fine residence In restricted dlstrtct; Income guarantees in terest. Tabor 6176. or T 876. o regonia n HAVE good 2-flat bldg. on close-in cor.. want $3000, 3 yrs 7; private money. X 403. Oregonlan. WANTED $3750, 8 yrs.. 6H. no commta slon ; Improved. X 404, Oregonlan. $2500 TO $3000 on modern home. Laurel hurst. 7 per cent. X 419, Oregonlan. $Gu4H LOAN on first-class equipment. Bonus offered in addition. R 289, Oregonian. $2500 WANTED on improved property. Just sold for$6000! Call 426 Henry bldg. WANTED $t?oo, new 4-room bungalow. Phone E. 1863, Principals only. FINANCIAL. Lous Hinlei. NOTICE, INVESTORS. REALTORS. ETC APPRAISEMENTS AND SPECIAL RE PORTS ON REAL ESTATE t OREGON, W A S H I NO TO N AND CAL1FORN I A . TIMBER LANDS. COAL AND MINING PROPERTIES. HIGH-CLASS SERVICE. "PRICE RIGHT." 85 YEARS IN THE WEST. REFERENCE, NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BAN si tMEMHEKS REALTY BOARD). OKEGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., (WE BUV AND SELL REAL ESTATE ETC.) 212 SELLING BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. $Hoo on modern home, val $ 50v $jooo on Beaumont home, val.... fooO $2000 on West Side home, val.... 6500 8250U on Sunnystde home, val 6500 $45O0 on five acres, close In, well Improved, val 16.000 $S000 on improved valley farm val. 25.UOO DESHON t HAWK. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $15O0 WANTED on IS large lots on Utiloa ave.. value $80o0; will pay 8 per cent quarterly. $7oo wanted on small house and 4 lots near 62d and Hassalo sts., 8 per cent. See Mr. Graham, THE BRONG CO., 267 Va Oak St. WANTED $2500 7V. 3 TEARS. Offer large S-room new borne Rose City Park, on Sandy blvd.; $7500 also on busi ness bldg. to be built In Vancouver. Wash, Tabor 73S. BK 3t4. Oregonxtn. PERSONAL. GET WELL, FREE. FREE. FREE. Every day. from lu A. M. to 4 P. M., and eveniiiKS on Monday. Wednesday and Fri day, trora 7 to it, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to rt relief in any other way are Invited to investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundreus every uay. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a com plete diagnosis of your case and direct our treatments. WITHOUT ANY COPT TO TOTJ WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC la the safe. sans, sura snd modern science of curing and prevent ing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently curs 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The sbos service is all free to you at the college building and may be had la private it desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also bs had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park and YamhiiL Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with cnUegs. Will hand's out-of-town patients st a most reasonable rate. In order to show what Chiropractlo can do, Addreas all communications to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President. 10O PER CENT CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg., Portland, a chiropractor of experience, s past ama teur, a loO per cent chiropracito ape cialinl. with big heat testimonial f rora patients from Eastern aiate. familiar with the beat ; a; from Western and local patients having unfortunately had leas than IOO per cent chiropractic else where, with, of courae, corresponding dis appointment in delayed relief. These different osxses of patients srs fully satisfied with my 100 per rent chi ropractic philosophy and experience and superior skill, demonstrated in consulta tions, exami 11s Uona, adjustments, rates and Anal results. Recommendation on file for yeara; eight h year in thia cit y ; rental Eaat and West Side office, ysnd a month; credit good. All caaea per sonally exsmined and adjusted by my se'f st ail times. Phone, call or write, Si phones installed. Day or evening treat ments 50c rste. 31 adjust menu. $15. 4TH AND WASHINGTON, 21PT AND HAWTHORNE AVE. IF your ailment Is asthma, goiter, rheu matism, lumbago, neuritis, neurasthenia. Insomnia, indigestion. liver. stomach, bowel, kldne r, bladder, female, rectal or groatatic troubles, akin dlseaaea. paralyeis, 1Kb blood pressure or other chronic dia easea. my Physical Therapeutic Methods mill accomplish more lor you than any thing else. Investigate, it wili cost U nothing. Always giad to explain. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, ;05 Broadway Bldg. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy switch, 2 sep $1 50 24-inch wsvy switch. 3 sep l.0 All-around transformation 1.45 Halrdr-sslng. shampooing, face massane. hair bobbing, manicuring, 2c. Hair re moved by e.eclnc needle, switch made of combings. y.c. We buy your com lungs. Sanitary Parlors. 40"-412 Dekum bldg.. d and Washington. Marshall 1762. RHEUMATISM of all kinds positively cured; no cure, no pay; 172 cures without one miss. I never turn down a case no mat ter how bad vou are; can give the very best refrencea in the country. Kings Health Bath, 326a st.irk st. Uvntismea oniy. . WRINKLES REMOVED No managing, creams, lotions or plaster. Send 2-ie for packuge NATUREZONE. garauteed to re move every wrinkle and line line from fni'-i by nature's own method, or money refunded. Ru.sell Cummlngs & Co., DupL to. 750 East47thst..ChicaB. m AN ElT KC TH 1C CABINET BATH, a tub and a aclentif tc massage reduces hiKh blood pressure and softens the arteries. Iron side Institute. 327-S-tf Pittock OIock. Nurse attendants. Phone Broadway 312. Open 9 to 7. Sundays by appointment. t LAD I ES, come in and get both your fet fixed up good for $1 oy Dr. Eaton, the chiropodist, that doesn't hurt you: 5 years In Partland. Examination free. Olohe 1 h a tor bldg.. 11th and Wash. Pdwy. 224. ALL the latest remedies sold st the Ciern enson Drug Co., 2i'0 Morrison St.. St. Chtr'n Hotel corner. At this drugstore you set Just what you call for. We have no substitutes. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. I. LA MAR, 233 5th St.. cor. Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also le health and success. sous in of FKBVKT HANK BUT, leading wig and una makers, l.ncil hock huumi. ha goous; lisirdressing. manicuring. fce and scalp treat mem. :4M Alder. M .mi .4. CONTRALTO and tenor to Join baritone and supra iio. profecsionaia. for peruisiient lo cal work, business proposition. Phons J. Houston. Broadway - WANTED present address of AL Kinney, left Willows. CbK, lor Portland In June lust: const ructural worker. Addi ess E. Kinney. Vernslls. Cal.. carekjfne. REYNOLDS MONEY-HACK. HA IK lPi Satl:acilon guaranteed Itarlr 'P have it or adureaa Migs. Mail orders hli-d. P. O. box 2. ,M MAN alone, having modern 5-paasenor auto, wishes to meet party having camp out f,:. or someone contemplating a trip. C ST2, Oregonin. WILL William Kauflman. SeHtvw Kauff man. Nathan Kauffman write to Mia. Nancy J. lUrdwick. Luon. Cal. 15-PASSENGER aut- bus for rent, day, night, picnickers, sightseeing. an-thin. Broad way .(i. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL teacher Tru4h Reading, daily circle. Sun. and Thurs 8 1. M. . 4"6 Jefferson. A 8M-. SI PEKFLUol S hair destroyed forever. Dr. Huron's multiple needie met hod Indorsed by physicians. 5u4 Shetland blf.g. Wli.L John Bruha please communicate with his folks at Davenport. Ia.. on matters of much lm port a nee to himself. , GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Main 104 f at - S0S Hd' - GTJlTRE. enlarged glands, scientific proeess; cure yourself. A- K Strschan. R, 5, H i 1 Is bo ro.t r. WILL some kind friend send me the address. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Shipman? Mar. 2427 FACE massage, dandruff. Itching T'V moles removed. 5 Fiiedner b.dg. Broad way 16H5. SOPHIA B fcEIP. mental, spiritual psyeno metnst. Reau nss daily. Circles Tui., FrL 8P M 605 Goodnough bldg. Marsh. 25.. M- vtf I l V Moved 409 Fitedner b dg 10th and Wash. sts. Scalp snd facial treatments, manicuring. Broadway 325S. RHEUMATISM. constipation. nerve and stomach troubles cured. Druglesa Dr. E'.ma Soreneen. 60 Panama bldg. El LA CACKETTE. scientific face, sca'p treatments. manicuring, shampoo. 4td Broadway bldg. Main 137. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed bv 10-need.e method; trial free. Josie Kin lev. 614 Eilers bldg. Main 6:i6S. PROF SM IDT. 212 S wetland bidg. Main 1041 Mineral steam baths. reler.tlMo m a ss a ge by one understanding the nrty. BEST steam bath snd massage in city, chi ropractic, vlbrstion and, electric. Dr. Mar garet Haynle. 517 Pwetland bldg. Mn. 1 T 5. fbixd Violinist wishes to practice with, lady pianist in private family. N 437. Ore gonian. , , . MH.- S STEVE NP, 25 years Portland s r owned palmist snd spiritual reader. 375 Taylo r st. . cor. PR I MED A BALM, formerly called Balm of F i'ss. 844 K. 33d. Sell. 2213, mornings. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. IX H 111. 420 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 3473. WANTED Knitting socks or garments. Mre Bowen. 87 h RuaeelL WANTE Girl. 3 or 4 years old. for adop tion. Call Mon. C47H Williams ave. LADY BARBERS Shave 15c; haircut 2 Sex fa; massage 35c 825 Gllsan, cor. 6th,