The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 14, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 11, Image 59

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Sterling Takes Whole Load
' When Trailer Breaks.
: v f U :
Fire-Ton Special Sterling Truck
Hitches On to 18 Tons ot Air
plane Timber and Drags It
T."p Hill to Rollways.
Any person who would like a. first
hand recommendation of the Sterling
heavy duty truclc can get It by apply
ing to Cherry & Parker, who are haul
ing: out spruce for the Government from
the forests a few miles from Astoria.
And it will be a strong: one. They had
an experience with a Sterling: truck the
other day that has made them Sterling
boosters for life.
About a month ago, A. L. Denney,
manager of the Koehring: Machine Com
pany, N. "VV., at Portland, sold this firm
a 6-ton special Sterling- truck to be
used with trailer in hauling- spruce
logs from the camp in the woods to the
rollway near Olney. Mr. Denney got a
letter from Mr. Cherry the other day
telling him of the remarkable perform
ance of this truck when the trailer
broke down with a load of two big
spruce logs containing 4500 feet, which
Is about equivalent to 18 tons weight.
The accident to the trailer occurred
a little more than half way to camp.
When the trailer went out of commis
sion, the crew hitched the logs to the
Sterling, and the truck actually
dragged them, on second gear, nearly
two miles to the rollways, part of the
distance being up a 6 or 7 per cent
"You can send any one out here for
a recommendation of the Sterling,"
wrote Mr. Cherry. "We will certainly
recommend It."
The firm ordered an eight and a
The C I Boss Automobile
Company of Portland was the
leading Maxwell distributor in
the entire Northwest in the
fiscal year from July 1, 1917,
to July 1 of this year. When
Mr. Boss checked up at the be
ginning of this month he found
that, though he is distributor In
only three counties of this state,
and the Seattle Maxwell distribu-
4 tor has five Washington counties.
including: -tving uouniy, me Lt.
Boss Automobile Company sold
480 Maxwell cars in the fiscal
t year to 429 in the Seattle ter
t rltory.
half-ton Universal trailer from the Pa
cific Car & Foundry Company in Port
land to replace the broken trailer.
which was of another make. The TJnl
versal has now arrived, and with it
the Sterling truck hauls from 30,000
to 40,000 feet of spruce a day from
the camp to the rollways.
But while'walting for the new trail
er to be delivered, thanks to the
turdiness of the Sterling truck, the
work of hauling logs war not held up.
The truck carried and dragged a good
Quota each day to the rollways.
Oil Director Requa Makes Sugges
tions for Motorists.
"One more falsa alarm has received
an official quietus in the statement
Issued by the United States fuel com
mission on the subject of gasoline.'
eays F. W. Vogler, distributor for the
Dort car.
"Mark I Requa, director of the oil
division, says there has been plenty
of gasoline for all requirements and
will continue to be enough for normal
purposes, providing it is not wasted.
"Mr. Requa makes a few timely sug
gestions worth repeating and remem
"Do not use gasoline for cleaning
mechanical parts.
"Studiously avoid spilling, leakage
and evaporation.
. "Do not let engine run when car Is
"Have carburetor adjusted to give
largest possible mileage per gallon.
"Adjust brakebands so that they do
not drag; keep all bearings well lu
bricated and tires fully inflated.
"Keep spark plugs clean, have igni
tion correctly timed and drive with
spark well advanced.
"Do not accelerate and stop quickly;
avoid high speed; stop engine and
coast long hills.
"Avoid aimless and unnecessary use
of cars; do a number of errands In
one trip; carry purchases home in the
car to. reduce deliveries by stores.
"Combine with neighbors and friends
In use of cars.
i gSj' v-".tl m.tofZ.Z'X.S- ' I. ' - -
"f I , ,,ri J t
Coast Supervisor for Maxwell Organi
sation Explains New Reasoa for
Buying; Passenger Auto.
One of the most important features
of the Eastern selling campaigns, ac
cording to W. J. LaCasse, Pacific Coast
supervisor of the Maxwell Motor Sales
Corporation, who has Just returned from
a visit to the factory at Detroit, is the
superseding of the term "pleasure car"
by the more business-like and appropri
ate phrase, "quick transportation."
"In these days of war and conserva
tion," said LaCasse, "the word "pleas
ure has a sinister sound. It should be
avoided. The automobile industry is no
longer an industry depending on a
pleasure-loving class. It does not mean
'Joy-rids.' The manufacture of motor
cars Is now a business of importance
and as far as the war is concerned, is
occupying a place second to none.
"The selling atmosphere is different.
The demand for cars has increased, but
the reasons for buying cars are not the
same. There are new appeals. The
selling angle has swung from the friv
olous to the serious. Dealers should
speak the language of the present.
"With the entrance of the United
States into the war, the pulse of the
Nation quickened. Rapid transporta
tion on an economical basis became
public necessity. The automobile dealer
naturally is in the position to furnish
this very kind of transportation and
it is his patrlotio duty to apply his
ability to present-day needs.
"The Maxwell dealer is selling "more
time,' for that is what an automobile
will give to its owner. He Is conserv
ing energy,- because a man using i
motor car can accomplish, more with
less effort. '
"Automobiles have a great part In the
war. Doth -over there and at home
Both freight and passenger conditions
on the railroads are such that machines
will aid materially In the transporta
tlon of raw material and finished war
supplies. With the armies in the field
much of the ammunition and supplies
must be handled by auto. Ambulances
are all now gasoline propelled. These
and countless other ways are the rea
sons for what is practically a new in
dustry achieving a place of primal Im
portance in carrying on the war to
mam the world safe for democracy."
both motors. Two switch boxes make
it possible to run each motor separate
ly. The firing order of the double mo
tor is 1. 6. 2, 6. 4, 8. 3, 7. giving a
power stroke every 90 degrees, and Mr.
Cordes says he has already developed
50 horsepower with the machine. It is
also equipped with two separate units
Atwater-Kent ignition, which Cordes
claims has been proved superior to the
single unit.
The machine has 132-Inch wheelbase
and uses 30x3 tires. When completed
it will be fitted with a regular service
Seattle Man Builds Eight
Cylinder Ford Car.
Two Ford Motors Placed Tandem on
Regular Chassis Develop SO Horse
power for Service Vehicle.
Spare Parts Harder to Get, so Keep
Your Car Well Oiled.
Tour automobile is the most efficient
means of transportation at your dis
posal. Without it you lose time; you
lose money. The longer you keep it In
service the better It runs during serv
Ice. the more efficient it is as a trans
portation medium.
Did you ever etop to consider that the
life of the car's mechanism is dependent
on the correctness of the lubrication?
The more spare parts you need the
more attention your car needs from
outside mechanics, the more you are
using up efficient labor which might be
diverted to some other work building
more means of transportation. And at
the same time the lack of lubricating
attention compelling a "lay-up" means
a temporary loss of efficient transpor
tation to you.
Factories are not making spare parts
as they did. If the demand for them
frets too heavy you may find it very
difficult indeed to get those parts that
you need in a hurry. Every extra mile
of bearing service, every extra mile of
pear service, of brake service, of all
parts service means a direct saving to
ou. a saving in tune and labor, and
you are helping your country. Of
course, repairc may have to be made.
but do not hasten the need for them
and use up valuable time unnecessarily.
To Repack Gas Pump.
About the best material to' use in
xne nuumg ooi or a gasoline pump
is nemp siring ana soap. Gasoline will
dissolve practically any kind' of oil
used as a lubricator, but It has no ef
feet on soap, so that soap may be used
in place or grease as a lubricant or 1
place of red lead, in making screw
joints ugni.
Stock Touring Car Defeats Racers.
A model 860 stock tourinsr car en
tered by the Cole Eight dealer at Salt
Lake City, itah, divegted only of its
top and rear fenders, defeated a big
entry of some of the foremost racing
The building of an 'eight-cylinder
Ford" Is the novel accomplishment of
Martoin R. Cordes, a Seattle young man.
Young Cordes wanted a service car that
would be capable of doing heavy tow
ing- wnen necessary and he also wished
the machine to have standardized parts
so that he could replace them quickly
when occasion demanded.
He solved the problem by takln
standard Ford chassis and putting an
extra Ford motor in front, tandem
fashion, Joining the two engines with
a universal coupling. For cooling the
machine has two forced feed water cir
culators and an extra large fan. The
oil is forced into the rear motor by
magnets through a trough and then
into a 5-16 tube which carries it to the
front motor: a relief tube from the
front to the rear motor keeps the oil in
The machine is equipped with double
exhaust pipe and double muffler. One
Sure, Go to Hornbrook.
Motorists looking for the easiest
route to Crater Lake are advised by
the Chevrolet Touring Bureau to branch
off the State Highway nine miles south
of Hornbrook, Cal., at Ager, in prefer
ence to the roads that lead out of Ash
land and Medford, Or. The latter go
over some of the steepest grades in
the West, while the ups and downs on
the first named route are comparatively
Overheated Motor or Catrboa In Cylin
der May Also OeeasloK Trouble
some Symptom.
Listen to the "talk" of the engine and
of each part of your car so that the
slightest change will instantly strike
your attention. Some parts mane
noise peculiar to themselves and others
run silently. A squeak indicates lack
of oil. and a rattle shows wear or that
some part Is coming loose. Trace out
the cause and remedy the detect.
There Is a long category of knocks
which cannot be gone into thoroughly
except in a long article, aays a writer
in Motor Life. Spark too far advanced
is one cause. This usually occurs on a
hilL It is easily determined by retard
ing the spark. If the knock stops, the
spark was too far advanced.
Another cause of Knocking is glowing
carbon or soot in the cylinder head.
This is also most likely to occur on
hill on account of high compression
due to wide-open throttle. Retarding
the spark does not stop this knock. By
removing a spark plug the carbon In
side the cylinder may be seen.
An overheated engine will cause i
knock and the engine will run with
switch open. Steam at radiator identi
fies the trouble, which may be caused
by cooling system, failure of pump,
running car on low gear or other
The most troublesome cause is loose
ness in some part of the mechanism of
the engine. If allowed to run. the part
may come off and wreck cylinders.
crankshaft and crankcase. If you are
sure none of the other causes is re
sponsible for the knock get an expert
to inveetigate it Immediately. A few
more revolutions of the flywheel and
your engine may be ruined.
Fuel Line Repair.
There are many convenient ways of
making emergency repairs on the fuel
line, wrapping with tire tape and var
nishing, being one of the best. When
it is possible to make a more perma
nent repair, the pipe may be wrapped
with fine copper wire, which should
then be soldered over.
Time and Labor Saved by Auto Ea-
ablea Tkem to Plaat and
Harvest More Wheat.
After three and one-half years In the
war. Canada's attitude toward the au
tomobile and its many business uses la
particularly Interesting. Judging by
the sales of Willys-Overland cars In
Canada, the automobile has become
more necessary, than ever before.
At a recent meeting of Overland
dealers In Western Canada, a promt'
nent editor of one of the farm publics
tions voiced the sentiment when he
told of the numerous ways Canadian
farmers are making use of their auto
mobiles to help win the war.
Qive the Canadian farmer the alter
native of buying a S1000 car or a 11000
war bond, and he takes both." eald the
speaker. "Here is the way farmers
are figuring it. Take the thousand
dollar car. Today It represents about
600 bushels ot wheat or the result of
a fair crop from 25 acres. This repre
sents about one and one-half days'
work in actual seeding.
The motor car must save only
very little time to allow this farmer to
seed this 25 acres, which might other
wise lie fallow. The farmer figures
that there is a demand for every bushel
of wheat he can produce with the aid
his automobile givea him. But he
knows that there is no chance to sell
any wheat he cannot grow, so he buys
the car, cultivates extra acres with the
time he can save and buys war bonds
with the surplus, which you'll agree is
the best kind of patriotism."
This man gave many practical ex
amples of the ways in which the farm
ers of Canada are using their cars.
One of the incidents pointed out was
the shortage of horses, making the use
of automobiles imperative for the farm
er wno could not spare any teams
from the fields that could be saved by
using his automobile.
Another instance of its worth
brought out at the meeting was that
the wives and daughters of the farm
ers may be of greater assistance than
ever before by going to town In the
car for any necessary repairs or taking
care of other pressing affairs without
impeding the progress of the farm
work. "They enjoy these trips no
Moisture on the exposed part of the
porcelain will often'cause a spark plug
to fire irregularly. This trouble may
be obviated by greasing the porcelain
with vaseline or bard grease. A useful
bit of knowledge during i. protracted
large Zenith carburetor takes care ofspell of wet weather.
ftel Give It
?(f The Cure
90 of all serious battery trouble it caused
by broken down insulation.
We Use
We are now permitted to use Vesta Patent
ed Impregnated Mats in replacing insulation
(separators) in any make of battery. These im-
oresnated mats absolutely prevent Deems .
In many cases the repair makes a better battery than k
was m the beginning.
Our Large Stock of Rental Batteriem make it unnecessary o lay up your Car
A Minatm
Gibson Electric Garage & Storage Battery Co
Deliver on Time
For Long or Snort Hauls
There is a Sterling heavy-duty truck
designed and constructed especially for
every hauling requirement. Built in 24."
3, 5 and 7-ton capacities bodies of all
types for all uses.
Wood-Inlaid Frame Means
Long Service
Minimizes destructive
vibration prevents
crystallization in
creases motorpower
reduces noise length
ens life of the truck.
Permits the use of
bolts that stay tight
in place of rivets that
work loose and rattle.
name"Sterling.' Sim
plicity stirrdy con
struction thruout
over 300 less pelts
than most trucks.
Our well equipped
distributors and serv
ice stations in leading
cities properly repre
sent factory standards
and established ser
vice policy.
I feS? Kft ISM
ffllilpiifi Exclusive Sterling
Yfi-T: f features justify the
ij. & 'fe jSj ;-:
' "
BmiUmrm mf Malwr Trmdu exefufoeb' for It )H'I
Milwaukee, Wiacoaiia
Koehring Machine Co., N. W.
with the automobile."
pointed out.
the speaker
Federal Auto License Law.
Many manufacturers and dealers are
urging the enactment by Congress of
a Federal license law which will sweep
away the lack of uniformity In the state
laws that are now interfering; with this
form of interstate commerce.
Railroad rates are high, traffic
is congested, travel is difficult.
Use your car.
The car that goes "up and over" with ease Is the car with gas
tight piston rings.
Many motorists who have run their cars some distance begin to
notice lack of power, less miles per gallon, heavy carbonization,
sooty plugs, leaky valves, etc. and the main trouble is worn, leaky
piston rings. Piston rings are simply metal washers and should
be replaced.
See your garage man today and ask him about Inlands the piston
ring that cuts down the running cost of your car and the cost of
gas-tight piston rings saving you $5 to $10 per set over any other
type of gas-tight ring. The Inland is low priced because one
piece and its patented Spiral cut makes it mechanically perfect.
Absolutely gas-tight because there is no gap and the ring ex
pands in a perfect circle, making complete contact with the
cylinder walL Strongest and most durable, because equal width
and thickness all around.
Over 2,000,000 Inlands in Use
Inlands in your motor will make it run like new.
See your garageman today and learn how little
Inlands cost.
Ti PIECE vision
Dealers: The Inland is a money-maker for you because it is a
money-saver for the car owner. We carry a stock of Inlands get
in touch with us.
80-82 Broadway, Portland. Or. 1515 12th Ave, Seattle. Wash.
to I&oloFQSjbs '
The Bearings Service Company is the
national authorized service representative
for the manufacturers of Timkcn, Hyatt and
New Departure Bearings our service is
therefore genuine.
We render bearings service in a bis way through
22 direct branches and more than 500 distributors.
The following list of distributors operating under
this branch illustrates the scope of service we render.
Authorized Distributors in Portland Territory
Albany. Off. gow
J. U Irris Gens
Ashland, Oi tow
Mtttawe Orertand Caras
Amta-rim, OnrM
Bxwi-Cook Am
Bvrxi. 4
fMDd Qtni
CM-ffm!lt. OrtfMl
IUh. Fells. laVsK
TIM SUM Coif sy
Klamath Falls. Ore.
louUtera Orssoa Ail Ca.
La Grand. Vfos
Salta Csrac .
t.-t.ton. Idaha
Erb Hsrawmi Company
tiff 1. Fasoffff
C K. Oaiat aim Cmispsay
Psndslton. Ortfun
Tba Dallas. Oinua
lna a Sexton
Euaana. Off ag o.
B. r. Ooodpaswrs
Grants Pass. Oi HPS)
OktlBca Oaracs
PocataUa, Idaha
YaUowstoBa Motor Ca.
Twin Fairs. Idaha
Twbb Fans As Onaipaar
Authorized National Servicm
Hyatt New Departure Tlmken
I B3) B
24 N. Broadway
Broadway 1799 .A-2444
: J
t r.