5 3200-MILE JOURNEY TO CRATER LAKE IN A BUICK SIX- MITCHELL BRINGS IDE 111 BUIGK GAR JORDAN LINE HERE j j . THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAJT, TOKTLANU, JULY 14. 1913. FREE to motorist readers of The Oregonian, detailed strip road map covering the 2-day run over the Pacific Highway from Portland to This road map has been specially prepared by the civic authorities of Vancouver to meet the great demand for an authoritative and correct guide for motorists taking this truly magnificent run across the international boundary into British Columbia. George W. Dean and Family Portland Dealer Closes Con Enjoy Vacation Tour to California; tract as Distributor for the Entire Northwest. r i CRATER LAKE VISITED, TOO Xosemite Xational Park, Bijr Trees at Mariposa, Los Angeles and Pasadena Among Points on Route of Ijong Trip. , How Is this for an automobile vaca tion trip: Drive from Portland down the Pa cific Highway to Oakland and San Francisco; from there take an over Sunday spin down to Santa Cruz and back; then drive to the Yosemite and through that beautiful National Park, thence motoring to the Mariposa big trees, and on to Los Angeles, returning to San Francisco via the Coast route; and then, on the way back home, de touring to Crater Lake. This is the vacation tour completed last week by George W. Dean, manager of the Portland branch of the Howard Automobile Company, in a 7-passenger Buick car. With Mr. Dean were mem bers of his family and guests. Total distance traveled. 3200 miles. Time, three and a half weeks. Just to indicate how Mr. Dean liked the trip, he would start out tomorrow morning to repeat it if he could take the time. As it is he returned from his vacation sun-bronzed and rested, and full of zip for another year's work. lllKhway Good Moat ot "Way. Mr. Dean brought back a compre hensive report of conditions on. the Pa cific Highway south as far as San Francisco. He says it is in excellent condition for most of the way, the only bad place in Oregon at present being about 10 miles from the top of the di vide in rass vjreett anyuii iu iuuwu. It is rather rough and quite dusty on this stretch. Between Dunsmuir and Redding, in Northern California, there are about 61 miles of dirt road, says Mr. Dean, some of which is good and some of which is not. For 30 miles between Dunsmuir and Antler, it is very poor. At Delta, where new highway -construction work is under way, there is a stretch of several miles of very rough, very dusty road, filled with loose rock under the dust that is mighty hard on tires. The grades, also, are stiff on portions of this section, and in places where blasting is going on, motorists are routed over sharp rock. Without going into minute details, however, there is no part of the Pa cific Highway that cannot be traveled by any experienced driver without great difficulty, Mr. Dean says. And there are many miles of splendid high way in both states. Driving by Night. Mr. Dean made the run from Port land to San Francisco in three days. Roseburg was reached the first night, and Dunsmuir the second night. The party didn't leave Dunsmuir until noon next day, but drove all night and reached Benicia on San Francisco Bay at 5:45 o"clock in the morning. They were too early for the ferry, 4n fact, and had to wait until 7 o'clock for a boat. They were in Oakland at 8:30 A. M. In Mr. Dean's party on the trip south were himself, his son. Revel, his father-in-law. Dr. George L. Voorhees, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maeder. Mrs. Dean had preceded them several days by train, and met them in Oakland. The Sunday following their arrival in San Francisco, Mr. Dean drove down to Santa Cruz via San Mateo and Half Moon Bay, and returned by the inland route, a round trip of 200 miles which was made easily in the one day over wonderful roads. The following day the party headed for Yosemite National Park. The scen ery of that great natural wonder-place they enjoyed greatly. From Yosemite they drove to the big trees at Mariposa, spending a day there, and then to Los Angeles via Madera and Fresno. They put in three days in Los An freles. Venice and Pasadena, enjoying every moment of the time, then re turned to San Francisco up the Coast Toute by way of Santa Barbara and Sa linas. Crater Lake Road Good. A couple of days in San Francisco, and then began the return trip home. The two weeks intervening had dried the roads very much and there was plenty of dust. Dr. Voorhees remained at Oakland, to return later by train, and Mrs. Frank Ellison, of Oakland, a friend of Mrs. Dean, returned with them to make an extended visit with the Deans in Portland. At MeUfoid. Mr. Dean took the road to Crater Lake. This 80-mile drive he made in six hours, and found the road better than any time he has been over It. After leaving Prospect, about half way to Crater Lake, the road for miles runs through the forest, winding be tween the trees. This road has become considerably rutted, with a high center, making it difficult to turn out should another car appear, but it is not very rough. Mr. Dean and his party arrived at Crater Lake on July 3. just at the right time. The smoke from forest fires in this vicinity which for some weeks had settled in the bowl of Crater Lake and hidden the lake from view, had been dispersed that very day by a stiff breeze and the air was clear. The fires In this region, Mr. Dean says, are not nearly as serious as has been reported. They were mostly confined to an old burn and are well under control. Fireworks For the Fourth. - After spending the night at Crater Lake Lodge, Mr. Dean drove for three miles around the rim road to where it was blocked by snow, then to the lower rim road at the south of the lake and went to Pkell Head. The scenery repaid them for all the time it took. They left the Government camp at Camp Anna at 5:30 o'clock the after noon of the Fourth, were in Prospect at-S, where they had a wonderful din ner at the hotel, were on their way again at 9 and in Medford at 1. Incidentally, they stopped a short distance out of Medford and fired off some rire crackers and rockets Mr. Dean had bought in Oakland. Alto gether, it was a fine, full Fourth of July for them. The drive to Portland from Medford was without particular incident. They made Eugene the first night, and Mr. Dean was back at the Howard Auto mobile branch in Portland the next af ternoon. Saturday, in time to accept orders on two Buick cars and wire San Francisco for another Buick coupe, as all coupes in stock here had been sold. Then he consulted his statistics, care fully kept on the trip, and found that for the whole 3200 miles, including all kinds of road and much monctain driv ing, the big 7-passenger Buick car had averaged 14 miles to the gallon of gasoline. r t .-... - . - ... . . - - i r . ..... Is' rfTJrv ii'V T", s " " " If" , a I f " j&vW. Am3,:- -Hvrir II 1 The Buick at the Edge of Skell Head, Near Red Cloud Cliff. Overlooking Crater Lake and Four Blilea la a DIreet Line from Crater Lake Lottge. Aa the Road Goea, However, the Distance la Nearer 18 Miles. 2 Here la a View of Skell Head Taken by George W. Dean, of the Howard Antomoblle Company, Who Drove the Buick on the Trip. The "X" indicates waere tae itnick stanoa In the Preceding Photograph. 3 In Front of Crater Lake Lodge. DURANT MAY RETIRE Famous Cliff Actuated by Love of Auto Racing Game. HIGHEST HONORS ARE WON By Putting His Chevrolet Special in First at Tacorua in Grand Speed Contests, Dnrant Achieved Chief Ambition. Will "Cliff Durant ever race again? asks William A. Simonds, in the Seattle Times, apropos of Durant's sweeping victory in the Tacoma car. Is the busy automobile manufacturer, sales director and institution-builder ready now to forego the lure of the speedway and center his attention on cold, hard busi ness? Has Thursday's victory in Ta coma brought him the satisfaction which he has demanded ever since he first whirled about the oval and saw other cars flash by him to first place? Many times have these questions been asked after the different contests in which the California millionaire sportsman has participated, with seem ingly no answer; but after the July 4 races they recurred again this time with more assurance than ever. Those who know "Cliff" Durant best know that his participation on the speedway has been always actuated by a genuine love for the sport. With this has been coupled a desire to write the name "Chevrolet" high among the fa mous racing cars which have made history. Luck Vafavorable. In past years the mounts which he brought to Tacoma, while high-class, were not of the standard which he in sisted, and luck seemed unfavorable. One year ago, in fact, on the night after the big meet, he began laying plans for taking the laurels this year without fail. During his spare mo ments he studied cars and engines and finally completed the wonderfully beautiful blue Special which made good Independence day. When the car went into the race it had only been driven slightly more than 600 miles. After the first race "Cliff" remarked that a couple of miles per hour had already been added to the speed, and indeed it seemed to grow better as each lap was rbunded. There was no disputing the fact that things came his own way in all three heats, although in the last he lost first place through his pit visit. Coupled with the performance of the car was the consistent driving of the pilot, and even Durant's worst enemies, if he has any. would admit that his manner of handling the car. his sportsmanship and his generalship were never sur passed on the Tacoma track. Through winning two firsts and one second, he annexed the greatest total number of points, giving him the grand prize of $3000 in addition to a possible (3500. Eddie Hearne, who nosed out Durant for first In the third race, took second money: with Earl Cooper and his Stutz third. Dave Lewis and his Deusenberg fourth and Eddie Pullen and his Mercer fifth. Victory Sweeping One. With such a complete. sweeping victory. Durant's friends were hoping to hear some announcement from him that his days on the Speedway were ended, except perhaps as proprietor of a racing stable in which his cars could participate. Few automobile manufac turers have ever personally driven cars at 100 miles an hour or better, and it is almost proverbial that sooner or later something happens, some slight accident which might change a course or events for the future. For that reason Durant has been urged and almost begged at times to cease his personal participation, be cause of the weighty business affairs depending on him, but thus far he has turned a deaf ear. He has said that in time he would stop, but Jufat how soon that time will come is not known. Hence it was that after Thursday's races, the question recurred again, with more assurance than heretofore. Some claim that when another year rolls around, the fascination will be too much for the manufacturer; others de clare that the last race has been driven. After all, probably time alone will tell which is correct. TIRE DOHT'S ARE TOLD RACINE DEALER EMPHASIZES NEED FOR CONSERVATION. Mileage Can Be Greatly Increased, Says Charles L. Wright, If Motor ists Will Vse Care. "Don't drive in car tracks!" "Don't let your tires scrape the curb!" "Don't drive over wet stones!" "Don't drive on under-inflated tires!" "DorTt neglect small cuts or bruises!" "Don't drive with wheels out of alignment!" Here are six vital "don'ts" Issued to automobile owners of this locality by Charles L. Wright, of Ballou & Wright, dealers in this locality for Racine Country Road and Multi-Mile Cord tires. "If automobile users will observe these don'ts," the dealer asserts, "tire mileage will be greatly increased. The carelessness of tire users is appalling. Often an automobile owner shortens the life of his tires- by 50 per cent merely by carelessness. "In these days of top prices .tire 'don'ts should be carefully heeded. Racine Country Road and Racine Multi-Mile Cord tires are carefully built and extra tested at Racine Rub ber Company factories to yield maxi mum wear under all conditions. Max imum wear, however, is merely a com parative phrase and the total mileage depends largely upon the care which the user exercises." By observing the six "don'ts" listed above, the car owners of this locality will find that they obtain a fuller measure of service and a greater de gree of satisfaction than heretofore. TRUCKS SAVE PEOPLE PIERCE-ARROWS COME TO AID OF MAROONED TOWNS. Sturdily-Built Trucks Bring In Meats and Other Foods In Face of Awfal Weather. Battling against conditions which vanquished trucks of other makes. sev eral Pierce-Arrow trucks came -to the relief of towns last Winter when rail road embargoes and storms isolated them from civilisation. During a peri od of two weeks at one time the Pierce-Arrow trucks carried practi cally all the meats received by the ma rooned towns. The trucks were operated by the Pittsburgh Provision and Packing Company, which owns eighteen Pierce Arrows. The triumph of the truck fleet gained such local fame that the townspeople of Connellsville, Smithton, Brownsville and oth:r places served by the trucks, dubbed the fleet, "The Pippco Express," a corruption of the initials of the com pany's title. "While much credit is due the drivers of the trucks, who remained at the wheels for stretches of 24 hours at a time, had it not been for the faultless construction of the trucks the feat could not have been accomplished," said C. H. Ogden, general manager of the company, in telling of the event. "We would not have attempted the trips un less we had been fully confident that the Pierce-Arrow trucks would survive the test and their performance com pletely justified our confidence." Connellsville. one of the towns par ticularly relieved by the packing com pany, is about 60 miles distant from Pittsburgh. Once a week, no matter how furious the storm or deep the snow, a five-toner would grind and churn through the long drifts, up and down hill, so that the inhabitants of the town would not be deprived of food. The driver and helper at times would have to shovel a path for the truck. It sometimes would take 24 hours to make the trip. Cost did not count. It was a question of getting food to the marooned people at all costs. FIRST SHIPMENT ARRIVES Model Include Famous Sport- Ma rine and Suburban Seven, In Two Optional Colors and With Complete Equipment. Still another new car has come to town. H. W. Mitchell, of the Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Company. Mitchell Six distributor in this territory, has closed all arrangements to handle the Jordan car not only in Oregon, but in the whole' Pacific Northwest, including Oregon, Washington and Western Ida ho, as well. And still more, the Jordan Is already here. The Jordan factory at Cleveland. O., demonstrated its ability to deliver cars directly after Mr. Mitchell on a recent trip Fast signed- up as the Pa cific Northwest distributor by ship ping immediately several carloads to the Coast. More are to follow. The first Jordans are now on dis play in the Mitchell West Side sales rooms at Broadway and Oak streets, abross from the Benson Hotel. They Include the famous Sport Marine model and the new Jordan Suburban Seven. The Sport Marine la a five-passenger car, while the Suburban Seven, as its name implies, is a seven-passenger ma chine. Sport Marine Handsome. Every motorist who looks over the Jordan line is bound to be enthusiastic bout it. The Jordan is one of the most stylish cars made today, and it is built throughout 6f the most ap proved units. The Jordan Sport Ma rine, particularly, is a strikingly hand some car. The new cars have not been here long enough to be worked out yet. but despite their newness, they give every Indication of fine performance. The power plant is a Continental Red Seal six-cylinder motor, which runs with a truly surprising smoothness and ab sence of vibration. And when the driver steps on the throttle there is an instant and powerful Impulse. One of the features of the Jordan the aluminum custom-made body. which Is much lighter than the cus tomary ateel body and is free from rumbles. The paneling is In Honduras mahogany, with special hand-buffed genuine leather upholstery. Car Fully Equipped. The Jordan Sport Marine comes com pletely equipped for the purchaser. This equipment includes Macbeth lenses, tailored top with bevel plate glass, an extra Goodrich Silvertown cord tire, rim wind and set clock on the dash, tonneau light, motometer and traffic bumper. Both models come In two optional colors. Briarcliff green and liberty blue. Among the units used In the Jordan are Borg & Beck clutch and Brown-Llpe transmission. The car sells in the medium high price class. Mr. Mitchell will handle both the wholesale and retail distribution of the Jordan, which, although now brought to the Northwest for the first time. Is very popular In California. Already Mr. Mitchell has received orders from his dealer in the Seattle territory for 30 cars. TIRES Special Bargains Direct From Factory 2xS 10x3 S0x3 S2x3V t4xs tlx4 8tx4 13x4 34x4 85x4 Sx4 14x4H 36x4 6x4 17x5 37x5 Our Regular Price Price Tribes Plain $ 9.75 $15.0S 1 S Plain 10.10 IS. is 110 Non-Skid.. 15.60 30.20 I 5 Non-Skid.. 18.30 23.90 3 30 Non-Skid.. 21.15 28 40 S.S Non-Skid.. 20.90 31.35 4.15 Non-Skid.. 25.10 81.45 4.26 Non-6kld.. 16. 4S 32.85 4.40 Non-Skid.. T6.95 J3.T0 4.60 Plain 20.90 30.00 4.(5 Non-Skid.. .27.25 36.85 6.95 Plain 29.90 47.20 6.45 Non-Skid.. 34.30 47.40 6.00 Non-Skid.. 35.60 48.30 COS Non-Skid.. 41.60 67.35 S.90 Cord 67.90 84.00 6.90 We Gnaraatre ODD SIZE A SPECIALTT Never toss burning matches or to bacco into the dry grass along the highways or roads. It Is a crime. Stop in and see them or write. Goods shipped C. O. D. express or parcel post. Money refunded on goods returned to us intact within 10 days. Malcom Tire Co. 82 North Broadway, Portland, Oregon SO Braaehee Big Buyers Small Expense Little Profit Large Sales. HAVE YOUR GAR WASHED and POLISHED We sell Oils, Grease, Gasoline and Tires. We Do SImoniilng. City Auto Laundry lOS Eleventh St. Between Washington and Stark. Under New Management. The Finest Touring Trip Of. T fered in the Pacific Northwest Accompanying the map will also be sent illustrated folder describing the wonderful natural attractions of which Vancouver is the center and a road map showing the magnificent system of auto highways radiating from the point. Send Today for This Literature iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Inflate Tires Properly. Incorrect inflation is one of the most frequent and perhaps the least under stood causes of tire deterioration. REGISTERED U S PAT OFF Cast unYyXz As Much Save Yon V3 to V2 On Yonr Tires AND ARE Pcnctiire-Proof for 3500 Miles Local affidavits show from 000 to 7000 miles HUTCH'S TIRE SHOP Vulcanlzers. ST. -J. REGINALD DAVISON - City Publicity Commissioner, Board of Trade Bldj., Vancouver, B. C. 1 AUTO DIRECTORY ((HANDlilfl TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 514-516 Alder St, at Sixteenth. Phone Broadway 494 Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and want in an automobile." BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880, A 3881. 19th and Washington Sta. International Motor Truck ,B A Track fr Every IBraoe Manufactured by teraattonal Harreater Com nay f America. Kor Sale by Hrntaia Motor Trark CompiiT, Broadway &4. lnth and fowrh 5treeta. IM ' I IU OTa, MAN MINUTE MAN SIX Brunn Motor Car Co, 444-46 Stark St. Phones: Broadway 2958, A 2958 MACK Trucks Capacities, 1. ltt, 2, Stt, 5, 6 Tons. Complete Stock Repair Parts. F. C. ATWELL. Sales Agent. Washington at 21st. Tel. Mar. 440 SIXES New Light She. $1250 Factory Mitchell. Seven-Passenger, $1525, Factory MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway at Oak Oldsmobile Distinctive High Grade. Light Weight OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway and Couch Phone Broadway 2270 la ready to serve your requirements with suc cess. Touring 1 2 3 0. Roadster S2140. D. C. Warren Motor Gar Co. ss-eo x. ssd st. maiv rso. BIGHT CAPACITIES TO S TONS lavratlaata Oar Tractor aa Trailer Praawalttaa ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Inc. Park at Everett St. aiiuiiiiiiiiuiuuiUiuiiuuiiiuuiiuiiuuiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuuiiiiiiiuiiiiir; AUTO ACCESSORIES -AND PART J AUTO ACCESSORIES AND PARTS ARCHER & WIGGINS Distributors of High -Grade Automobile Accessories SIXTH STREET AT OAK GASOLINE and OIL TANKS HORACE YSTKMS FOR PCBtlC AND PRIVATB GARAGES. S. D. Stoddard. District Snpt BOWSER Sales. 71SJ-20 Corbett Bids;. Mala 147a. (LP-KiU4-BAXTERY co Broadway and Glisan Phone Bdwy. 546 The oniy battery with a definite guarantee. All makes of batteries charged and repaired. David Hodes Co. N. Broadway and Flanders. AUTOMOBILE GEARS. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES AT REDUCED PRICES. ENGINES A SPECIALTY voir worn- tires MILLER AD-ON- A-TREADS 5TBETCH1.ES5 INSIDE TIRE CO, 12 Norta Broadway. tAnzxr mnif cno THIS SIGN There's an Exide Battery For Every Car THE STORAGE BATTERY CO. 348-350 Couch St. -y sssss-ssss-sssasissssssa-isss-sssaiss ssasnBassjsssasn-si 7500 MILES CIARAX TEKD OS rORD SIZES Perfection Asbestos Tires K Loom Treada. Ita Saad Bllatera. Tabea Kept Cool by Aabeatoa rabrte Protection. Come ta aad V T." Eipl1- Aareata aad Dalera W aated. Sead (or Descriptive Folders. Price. Etc TBI - STATE TIRE CO, trlstrlbatara. Tel. Broadway 141. 3 Slatk St, Port lead. C Willed 3 We Stock Them. We Repair Taoaa. We Ckarae Them. Pree Advice aod IapctlAa. ATJTO ELECTRIC Kill IP !M K JIT CO. Sixth aad Baraaldo Strecta. 9