THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 14, 191S. WAR GARDENS ARE WELL CARED FOR BY SEASIDE COTTAGERS 8 SEASIDE, Or.. July 13. SpectaL' From a distance the gardens sur rounding many of the cottages bere are a solid mass of beautiful blooms, but closer Inspection discloses the fact that the erstwhile gardeners are patri otic women who are using every inch of space. Forming a substantial back ground for the fragrant roses, sweet peas. Sweet William, phlox, delphinium, and foxglove are the table necessities, which grow in abundance at Seaside. A solid carpet of greenery hides luscious strawberries, tomato vines, beans, beets, peas, crisp lettuce, potatoes, car rots and all the other fresh vegetables which are more carefully tended by the gardeners than the rare blooms for which many of the homes here are noted. In addition to these war gardens, residents and cottagers have gone into chicken-raising for their own use. It is not an uncommon sight to see the draymen unload crates of baby chicks with the family trunks and bags, and the crate is given first attention. Out trots a fussy hen with a brood of chicks, and the cottagers are very proud of their war duties and conser vation. On all sides, ct knitting bees, discussions as to the methods of sweetening are of paramount impor tance, and it is astonishing to find that the majority of women are really get ting on with very little sugar, using syrups as substitutes. A benefit is being arranged by sev eral local women, assisted by some Portland matrons, for the Red Cross chapter of Seaside. The first meeting of the "Welfare League was held Thursday at the resi dence of Mrs. Julius Louisson, and a number of comfort kits and house wives were completed. Many of the members summering in Gearhart were In attendance. July is bringing Its usual quota of motorists to this section of the beach and ail are unanimous In suggesting that prospective motorists use the high way all the way down. They say the roads are good and the trip comfort able. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "W. Wilbur were among motor parties arriving last week. They spent a week at the Moore Hotel, returning Wednesday to town. Mr. and Mrs. John R- Latourette and baby daughter, Luclle, motored over from Wheeler and spent the week-end at the Ferguson cottage. They are due here today to pass the balance of the season with Judge and Mrs. Latou rette in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Wager and baby arrived last week to spend the Summer in their cottage on Broadway. Miss Leah Cohen, Portland's well known vocalist, spent the week In Sea side with her mother. She plans to re turn here in a couple of weeks. Miss Cohen left Sunday for Portland to at tend to musical matters for the Winter. Miss Lola Senders is the house guest of Mrs. Wrighton in the Smith cottage. Jay Hamilton passed the week-end with his family. Mrs. Herman Metzger and Miss Ma rian Bauer are house guests of Mr. and Airs. Max J?leischner. Mr. and Mrs. William Cake, Jr., and Mrs. Carter were in. Seaside over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Boone, and Mr. and Mrs. John Clemson have leased the La. France cottage for the season. Mr. Boone and- Mr. Clemson spent the latter part of the week here. Mrs. Anna Newman, of Fresno, Cal., arrived Tuesday to spend the Summer with her daughter, Mrs. Julius Louis son. Friends of Judge Fenton In Seaside and Gearhart are rejoicing over his im provement in' health. He is seen almost daily entering into some of the diver sions at the beach. He is an ardent golfer, enjoys dancing in the downtown pavilions, and also does considerable motoring. Adolph Salomon was the guest of his fiister. Mrs. Clarence Samuel over the Fourth. Mr. Samuel also spent the week-end with his family. Miss lone Dunlap, of Portland Art Museum, is visiting Mrs. Griswold. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Louisson enter tained with an informal dinner, honor ing Lieutenant C. R. L. Schagel, Royal Flying Corps, of the British army, Sun day. Additional guests were Mrs. Hen ry Metzprer and Miss Marian Bauer. I. N. Fleischner and Max Fleischner left Tuesday for a few days' visit in Portland, and are expected to return today. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shainwald and family are in the Risley cottage for the sea eon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank and baby are occupying Murlark cottage for the eeason. Dr. and Mrs. George D. Peters have leased the Bates cottage for the season. Miss Parker, of Portland, spent sev eral days as the house guest of Mrs. Iva Whiting in Shady Pines. Mrs. Alice Benson Beach arrived Fri day niifht for a week-end visit with her family in Shamrock cottage. Mrs. Dean Coovert is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lillian Plymale, for the Summer. Lieutenant Coovert left with his regiment recently. Another charming military hop was given Saturday night by the officers' club at the Moore Hotel ballroom, and It was attended by a number of their civilian friends from Gearhart and Sea tide. These dances will be held every Saturday during the season. Mrs. Eskridge, wife of Major Esk ridge. stationed In Portland, was a guest last week of Major and Mrs. R. C Hill. She is a charming matron and very popular in the Army and social Bets. Lieutenant Pert Elmiiler, U. S. A., spent the week-end in Seaside as the bouse guest of Colonel and Mrs. D. M. Dunne. Mrs. George McMath and son are es tablished in their cottage for the sea son. Mrs. Ralph E. Williams arrived Sun day and spent -several days as the house guest of Mrs. Otto Windfeler while attending to the opening of her recently remodeled cottage in Gear hart. Amos Benson spent the week-end in Seaside with his family in the Oates cottage. Mrs. A. A. Whitmer and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brix and baby have opened the Whitmer cottage for the season. Mrs. Ralph Hurlburt is expected to join them soon. Miss Virginia Drake is spending the Slimmer in Seaside with her family. Julius Louisson was one of the week end visitors in this little city. Captain William Patterson was an other week-end visitor. Mrs. Mischa Pelz arrived Sunday eve ning to remain for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Early have arrived to spend the season. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Pricket and fam lly. of Spokane, are recent arrivals who will summer here In their cottage. Judse and Mrs. John B. Cleland have opened their cottage for the season. Miss Eva Yates is visiting the Charles T. Earlys for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer and chil dren are established for the Summer in their cottage on Tenth avenue. Miss Catherine Dunbar has opened the Dunbar cottage and has as a house truest Miss June Carroll. Andrew R. Porter arrived Monday evening for a few days' visit to the spruce camps in and around Clatsop. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allen and family are summering here in fceaslde. Mis3 Hortense Bleker is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allen for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Marks and chil dren are occupying apartments in the Delmar for the season. Mrs. Frank Cordner was & house . I - - - - - . A : I - ' - k I' - ' t$J. tri , Jrs ... . . Hi aer Cottasa ar: Mn. Dan Martin. James Elwood. A..De V'arner. S. J. May wood, of Portland, tad Miss Pauix Te en. of Manitowoc. Wis. BAY OCEAX HOTEL XOW OPEX can do their bit whllo taking; their va- I for l days, returned homo Uo last catlona i or the week. Among tho Portland people Tisiting at this point an the Misses Jean Link later and N. Lrnklater. who are at the Damon. Mn. A. W. WHirkt. of Portland, has been visiting at Nye Beach during tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bays and family, of Portland, aro numbered among tho lat est arrivals in Newport. Mra. E. T. Clarke and family, of Sic Minnvillo. hav arrived in Newport to P tho balance of the month. Joseph Patterson, of Pittsburg. Pa., who has ba visiting; In Newport for 10 days, left for bis home on Wednes day. Mr. Patterson, who served with tho French Red Cross In a dressing station at tho front for a year, has but recently returned to America in guest of Mrs. Williams for a fortnight, returning a few days ago to Portland. Mrs. Katherine Moss and sons. Paul and Joseph, are spending a few weeks George Otten and his daughter, Ada Otten, are summering in their cottage. They have as house guests Mr. Saling and Miss Ruth Ralston. Mrs. Ruth Schweitzer is the house guest of Mrs. William H. Ehrman this week, and next week she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lowengart in Gear hart. Mrs. Louis Stark and daughter, of Boise, Ida., are spending a few weeks at Necanicum Inn. Mrs. Lynn E. Hew itt, of Corvallis, Mrs. J. R. Humphrey and Edward Humphrey, also are at Necanicum Inn for a few weeks. Mrs. Gertrude McElfresh, a school teacher of Corvallis, who has been vis iting in North Beach, is also at Neca nicum Inn for a brief stay. Mrs. A. H. Fuller, of Portland, is registered at Locks ley Hall. A, M. Eppstein and Hellem Eppstein are sojourning at Locksley. Mrs. T. N. Marlowe, of Great Falls, Mont., is a guest at Locksley Hall. Mrs. George Young, of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lane, of Shoshone, Ida., Walter Tiedeman, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Douglas, of Portland, are also recent arrivals at the Hall. Mrs. Frank Peterson and daughter, Geraldine, are recent arrivals in Sea side. Adolph Wolfe spent the week-end In Seaside, at the Moore hotel. Mrs. Leroy Fields and her guests, Mrs. H. R. Robertson, Mrs. Charles Ross and children from Seattle, spent a few days at the Moore hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Calderwood, Jr., also were visitors at the Moore. Captain C. H. Searcy and his bride, who was June Fiske, spent part of ineir wedding trip at the Moore. David Hughes. C. W. Tebault. and Lieutenant C. R. D. Schagel. R. F. C. who are members of the Emergency Fleet Corporation committee, were in Seaside at the Moore, going on to Till amook later to the shipyards. Mrs. James Redy has returned from Portland to the Moore for another visit. Paul C. Bates has been a visitor dur pg the week at the Moore. Dr. Raymond E. Watkins and Mrs. Watkins were at the hotel during the week. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Kalb. of Spokane. enjoyed a brief visit at the Moore. Miss Katherine D. Madigan, of Port land, and her guest. Miss Betty Bren nan, of Ontario, Can., spent several days at the Moore- Harold Hurlburt was a beach visitor early In the week, stopping at the Hotel J&loore. CRABS AND CLAMS PLENTIFUL Golf, Riding and Motoring Chief Diversions of Gearhart Visitors. GEARHART, Or., July 13. (Special.) Golf, riding and motoring are the chief diversions of Summer visitors to this point. New cotages and remod' eied cottages bespeak the constant ar rival of new families, ana with the reinstallation of the "Daddy special' on. caiuraay aiternoon, week-end vis itors were greatly increased. All this week Gearhart residents have been abundantly supplied with crabs and clams, quantities of the delicious shell fish being secured with little effort daily on the beach, which is considered quite a novelty in this section at this season of the year. Mrs. Ralph E. Williams arrived early in the week to attend to finishing work on her recently remodeled cottage, and to open It for the reception of her fam ily who will arrive here tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ranney Munro and children are established for the balance ofthe season in. the Warren cottage. Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Kistner and family have leased the Fouilhoux cot tage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cookingham Lve had as guests the past week Mr. ar d Mrs. Cooper, of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Irvig Webster are oc cupying the W. J. Burns cottage for tne summer. Miss Esther Tucker arrived last week-end to spend several weeks with her sister. Mrs. Spencer Biddle. Mrs. James A. Dougherty and son Jack, have opened the Kinney cottage for the Summer. Mrs. W. A. McBride, and daughter Agnes, motored down from Portland in IVt hours, and will occupy their cot tage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cooke and family have arrived and plan to spend the Summer in their pretty cottage. Mrs. C. H. Davis. Jr., and son Charles Henry, joined Mr. Davis on Wednesday and they will spend the balance of the season in their cottage. Mr. Davis connected with the railroad work in the spruce division in Clatsop. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grossraayer and family arrived to occupy their cottage for the Summer. Mrs. R. L. Sabin and Mrs. Fletcher Linn were visitors in Gearhart las week. Mr. and Mrs. James P. O'Brien and Mrs. Coe A. McKenna and children, are established in the Nome cottage for the balance of the Summer. W. J. Burns, Frank Robertson. J. A. Dougherty. J. P. O'Brien, Thomas Rob ertron, Walter M. Cook and Edward Greile were among the week-end visi tors. Dr. and Mrs. James C. Zan and chil dren, arrived in the Beckman cottage Sunday, to spend the season. Mrs. Samuel Dittenhoefer and chil dren. of St. Paul, are visiting the for mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lang. Miss Judith Lippitt is the guest or Mrs. Gustav Baar. Mrs. Julius Lippitt will be the guest of Mrs. Charles Ros enfeld next week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ottenheimer and family are visiting Mrs. Frederick Sillers. Mr. Ottenheimer. Joseph Good man. Frederick Seller, Sanford Lowen Kurt and Max Hirsch motored to Port land Sunday after a week-end visit here. Mrs. Simon Wolf and son Alfred are occupying their cottage for the Sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Letter and family are in their cottage. Dr. and Mra C L. Chamberlain and children, who were among the cottage colony lor two months, closed the house and spent a week at the Moore, In Sea- 1 side, returning today to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Beckwtth and family arrived last week and they are in their cottage adjoining the links. Mrs. Henry Ottenheimer and children were guests of Mrs. Max Hirsch last eek. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hirsch and fam ily are established in the Walker cottage. Dr. James Whitcomb Brougher's fam ily have come from Los Angeles for their usual Summer at Gearhart. Mr. and Mra Hallett Maxwell -were visitors here last week, the latter pre viously visiting her mother, Mrs. Leon Peters, in Seaview, Wash. INDUCEMENTS OFFERED MANY Woods and Sand Make Wonderful Playgrounds for Children. ECOLA. Cannon Beach, Or., July IS. (Special.) This attractive resort of fers many varied inducements to the Summer vacationists. The shady woods and the wide stretch of clean sand make wonderful playgrounds for the children, and the grown-ups enjoy fishing, berrying, surf bathing and numerous other pastimes. The Fourth was an ideal day, and tho net sum of $162 was raised to add to the Red Cross fund. Captain O. Kellogg and wife have opened their residence here for the Summer. Other members of the fam ily will arrive later in the season. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Smith and three children, of Portland, motored down Sunday for a brief stay at the Warren Hotel. with Mrs. Gamble In the Smith cot tage. . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Warner, of Sa lem, were at the Tavern Friday. Mrs. Lloyd Wentworth and daughters and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart, are at the Cain farm house for several weeks. Launch Henrietta Makes Rrxra'ar Trips to All Trains and Motors. BAY OCEAN, Or, July 1J. Special.' Bayocean Hotel la now open under the management of lira, H. J. Marten, of Portland. Howard Hutchinson, son of the former hotel hostess, will be greatly missed. Congratulations and best wishes of his friends here go with him to Annapolis, where he was ap pointed by Senator McArthur. Bungalow City never looked better. according to statements or some ot tne r order to enlist with the American Red guests. It is under the management I Cross for service at the front. of Mr. and Mrs. wan Hawkinson. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beat and sons. t he launch Henrietta makee regn-1 avtd and Robert, of Portland, who lar trips now to all trains and motors. I hare been at the Nicolai at Nye Beach The Bayocean poatortica is open. ! rrr Francis Mitchell has been annolnted ' assistant postmaster to George j. Bur chard, who Is now in the service at Bremerton. Mrs. J. L. Bellmer and family, of Portland, are occupying; the Swank cottage for July. Dr. Gertrude Gates Is much Improved in health since her arrival at her Pa goda, where she has come to recuper ate from a critical operation. Mra R W. Kern and family. of Rose City Park, will enjoy Shady Nook for the season. Mra Marcellua, wife of Major Mar cell us, now "somewhere in France," is in her cottage, Skookum on The Ridge She Is accompanied by the Major's mother. W. Enler and family are their guests. Council Crest, the Johnson cottage. is occupied by Arthur Morris and fam ily. Miss Potter, dean of mnsle at Mc MinnvlUe College, Is the guest of Dr. Gates. Miss C. Crook, of Spokane, Is enjoy ing her annual outing in her study at Bungalow City. Mra J. D. 0Donnell and son, Robert, of Portland, are Summering in their cottage, Bayside Avenue. Palmer Schlegel. son of Attorney Frank Schlegel, of Portland, is the guest of Mra May Hutchinson, who is at her cottage for the month. Professor D. T. VanTlne and wife are in Bungalow City for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Eastley and children. of Portland, were week-end guests at Bungalow City. Fred Pratt and family are enloving the beach. Mr. Pratt is now champion clam-digger. R. L Wenger. of Yakima, with Mra. McJerry and child, of Portland, are among those enjoying the attractions nere. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Orr. of Port land, are listed among the season's guests at this resort. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cobb, of Portland. are enjoying; their vacation at Nye Beach at the NicolaL lr. and Mrs. David Jones, of Port land, arrived recently for a short stay at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Coy. of Portland. are numbered among the latest vis itors here. Mr. and Mra Robert K- Smith, of Portland, arrived here recently and aro at the Nicolai at Nye Beach Rocky Mason, son of D. P. Mason, Democratic candidate for State Treaa urer. is in Newport for a brief vaca tion. Volt and Maurice Selir. of Falls City, came to Newport last week for their vacation aVd are at the New Cliff House. Mr. and Mra C E. Hill, of Eua-ene. tOom-lu.11 on I'ac STMMEK KKSORTS. SHELBCKNE STATION. NORTH BEACH Mrs. M. J. Shea and daughter Ruth, of Cherokee Isle, with Miss Alice Williams, of Portland, are occupying one of the Shaffer cottages. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Brown and Charles Brown. Jr.. are spending the Summer at Brownie Court. Mrs. Underwood and daughter Bar bara and Mrs. Winber, of Astoria, with Miss Hattie Allen and Miss Annie Wick, of Coos Bay, are also at Brownie Court for the season. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stone, who re cently purchased an attractive home on the highway. 8per a week in Elk ureek far. W. H. Britts motored down from Portland for a brief stay at thelrr Summer home on the beach front. W. B. Allen and family, from Walla Walla, arrived yesterday and will spend the Summer in their very at tractive home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chapman, of Portland, are at home on the north side of Elk Creek for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Powell are occu pying their pretty new bungalow on the ocean front, and have as their guest Mrs. Guy D. Johnson, of Port land. Miss Thereser Harding Is spending two weeks in Miss Ella Rumelin s at tractive Summer home. Sam Holbrook and wife and Will lam St. George, wife and son. are guests at Elk Creek for a brief season. Finley Mctiercner ana daughter, miss Ethel McKercher, are guests at the Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Wleneke and family are occupying one of the Schuber tent cottages. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agnew and son will spend the Summer in Elk Creek Park. Mrs. J. Copeland, of Winlock, Wash George E. Brailller and wife, and Mis Hendrickson, of Astoria, are members of the Frank Brailller household for short time. LONG BEACH WEATHER IDEAL Rain Brings In Quantities of Clams, Crabs and Fish Along Shore. LONG BEACH. Wash.. July 13. (Special.) Residents and cottagers of this section have been enjoying ideal beach weather, the customary high winds for which this resort is noted. having been replaced the past week by balmy, sunshiny days and glorious sun sets. One day of rain brounght in quantities o clams, crabs and fish all along the shore, furnishing ample sport for the fishermen as well as an abund ance of sea food for the vacationists. The restroom has not been oponed as yet in its usual capacity, but the Red Cross Auxiliary uses the room twice weekly. Tuesday and Thursday even ings. for sewing and making knitted garments. At the meetings last week entative plans were made for a Red Cross benefit to be given In August. Airs. i. isicnei and son Martin, are occupying their cottage at Beach Center. Mrs. J. McBride. Mrs. W. C. Brown, Mr. and Mra R. P. Spencer. Mrs. Nellie Beall. Mrs. W. C Brown, of Portland. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Demons, of Port Orchard, and Mr. and Mra George W. Jones, of Raymond. Wash., are among hose who were at the Long Beach note this week. Mrs. R. Stewart and son Charles, the latter a high school boy, acting as mail carrier from the postoftice to the train at Long Beach, are occupying their cot tage in the meadow. Mr. and Mra L Gratton and family arrived Thursday to spend the Summer n their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Somo are summering n the West cottage. Dr. Flint, of Portland, and a Dartv of friends are camping In the trove. Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Donnell. of Uma tilla. Or., are spending a few weeks in the Greta cottage. Mrs. A. J. Meacham. of St. Paul. Is visiting relatives at North Beach Inn. li. Cook and children and T. J. Hammer are recent arrivals at Newton Station. NEAH-KAH-NIE STILT POPULAR Bunch of Portland People Are Stop ping at the Tavern. NEAH-KAH-NIE. Or.. July 11 (Spe cial.) Recent visitors at the Tavern are: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Watt, Miss Georgia Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watt, Mr. Palmer Nelson, Clarence and Bert Nelson and Mr. Hiatt, of Brighton R. H. Savage. Roy Wessels, Mr. and Mra F. A. Rove, Mr. and Mra R. II. Cady. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Madden. Mra Vosberg and Lieutenant and Mrs. Mac- Kenzie, all of Wheeler; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lature, Dr. Merner, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Woodruff. Mrs. C. H. Hepburn Dr. R. Shoemaker, C. J. Kinzel. Hop kins Jenkins and S. E. Rehnstrom, all of Portland. Mr. Norman Hall, or Portland, is a guest of Henri Wentz for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Augur, of Portland, are camping for a few days in the meadow before continuing on to Newport and other resorts. Col. Gardener, of Portland, has joined Mrs. Gardener and daughters for the remainder of the month. Miss Vivian Tohl is visiting her cousin. Miss Hazel Christensen, for the season. Mr. J. R Gamble and Mr. Hall, of Taunton, Mass., ipent the week-end The Shelburne A quiet and restful Summer hotel justly famous for its service and appoint ments. In sight and sound of the ocean. Long-distance phone in hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Station. Address T. J. HO A RE. Prop, Seaview. Wash. BAYOCEAN PARK Beautiful Seaside Resort Expansive orach. Pacific Ocean on one side, beautiful Tilla mook Bay on lb other. So rf bathlns. anal hunting, clam dlKKlna. lihin. exploring; wondarful cavva of Cape Meara. Nauturlum. awlmmlnic ami iporta irnlBhl bunnalowa, store. Hotel Bayocean. popular and well known, best on orcron foaat. under manaire- ineui vi un. n . j. Mmnm ano co-operation or Mrs. W. K. Hutchlnaon. Seaaoa round trip tickets from Portland. 13.72. Send for rlreu'nr. Mike vo-ir rrserationa now. KtttlVEKS tUR BIVOTMM PRO PFRTT. TelrpboM Mala TITS. 3-' chamber of Coamerca Hide rorUamd, Otisaav. Seaview rash. The HACKNEY COTTAGE S Located on NORTH BEACH, universally conceded to be the finest beach in the Pacific Northwest splendid s jrf bathing within a few hundred yards of the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. For rates, wire or write Hackney Cottage, Seaview, Wash. -U IU JiMuuJ SCORE OP GIRLS HIKE 2 3 MILES Group Camped at AVillapa, Nahcolta, Walk, to Seaview, Wash. SEAVIE'W. Wash.. Julv IS. Sne- ciai.) A group of 20 girls, who are camped at Willapa Camp. Kahcotta, walked to Seaview. a distance of '11 miles, on Wednesday to the Thomnson C. Elliot cottage, where the greater number were -put up" for the night. The girls were chaperoned by the lead ers of the camp. Miss Dorothy Elliot, manager; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Douglas and Miss Louise Huntley, all of Reed College, and Miss Gertrude Talbot, of Portland. Mrs. Elliot took care of 28 for supper and furnished sleeping ac commodations for them, Mrs. Henry K. failing took two and Mrs. Frederick G. Wheeler also sponsored two. The merry assemblage picnicked on Thursday to Beard's Hollow, near Sea view. returning to Camp Friday. The personnel of the camp Includes girls ranging In age from 13 to 18. some of whom are from Walla Walla. Portland and Seattle. .They are enjoying the rigors of a strict daily schedule, simi lar to Army camps, with kitchen police, reveille, taps and systematic discipline. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and daughter. Mrs. Alan Green, have arrived to spend several weeks in their cottage at. the Willows. They have as house guests Mrs. A. J. MuCully and daughter. Miss Sara McCully. Miss Elcena Greene and her guest. Miss R. C. Danielson. of Chicago, opened the Greene cottage tast week. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Greene joined them this week to remain for the season. H. K. Plank, from Washington. D. C. who is investigating cranberry lands for the Government, spent a few days at the Shelburne. Mr. and Mra A. Fulton and daughter. Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. McKenzle. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Barker, Mrs. George Conway, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pugh. of Chicago and W. R. Tipton, of Los Angeles, are also at Shelburne. Miss Oritae Willeford entertained a group of 30 young people at an infor mal dance at the Hackney Cottage Tuesday night, when plans were made for a bonfire party for Friday night. In vitations were extended to the college boys seining at Sand Island to attend. The Red Cross Auxiliary will hold Its dinner and sale on Wednesday. July 24, In Michael's store, on the track. Among the week's arrivals at Back- ELMORE PARK DRAWS MAN Y Tourist Parties From Neighboring States Visit Oregon Resort. ELMORE PARK. Or.. Julv 13. 'Spe cial.) The Hotel Elmore, under tho popular management of Mrs. c. L. Lind say, is enjoying a tourist run from neighboring states, notably Montana and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jacobs and daughter, Isabelle, of Portland, are spending a few days at the Hotel Elmore. Miss Mae McNeill and Miss Elisabeth Toth. of Portland, have engaged tho Wilson cottage at Elmore Park for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hibbard. of Spokane, have leased the McKinley cottage, at Elmore Park, for an extended stay They are accompanied by their son. Harold, who is to sail for France shortly. Mrs. B. Kennedy and Mra G. Ken nedy, of Portland, accompanied by Miss K. Ahem, are domiciled In the Ever green cottage at Elmore Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris, of Portland, motored in from the city to spend the Fourth at the Summer home of Mra Rose Marie Hornschuch, at Elmore Park. Arrivals at the Hotel Elmore this week are: Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Petxel. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Fife. Miss Veda Bell man, W. Lawett, B. C. Scovell. H. M. Reiser Carl Linamon, Mr. and Mra Earle Latouch, C. F. Kinsel. D. R. Shoe maker. Mra J. H. Bryant and daughter, Mr. and Mra O. Jacobs. Isabelle Ja cobs, Harry Drullus. all of Portland: Lee Goar, Lester Sorenson. Kenneth Crandall. Hillsboro; Mrs. E. Wagy. Til lamook; Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson, L. H. Stone. Floyd Surey, W. J. Ford, Brighton. Arrivals at the Ocean Crest apart ments are Mr. and Mrs. George Weber and two sons, also Miss Florence Isles. all of Portland. COD AXD KELP FISH PLENTIFUL Xnmber of Portlanders Register at Villa Camp Daring Week. BAR VIEW. Or.. July IS. (Special.) George N. Hampson. of the U. S. Naval Reserve, has Just returned from I France, which he left June 6 and where he reports seeing entire trainloads of captured Hun guns and ammunition. Mra Hampson is with her husband for a brief stay here. Cod and kelp fish are being caught in gnrat numbers from the Jetty. Mr. Mc- Elna, of Portland, is one of the luck iest of these fishermen. The following have registered at Villa Camp during the week: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Crane and family, of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wight. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tulay and Miss Arnet Meagher. George Resler and family and Mr. and Mra. O. J. Nelson, of Portland; H. S. Cltne and family, of Cottage Grove. Mr. Cllne has temporarily left his quicksilver mine and is now gath ering balsam for the wholesale drug market. A merry party from Cornelius occu pying houses at the camp last week was composed of William Mlsklmmins. Birdie Mlsklmmins and Dean, Ray and Harry Mlsklmmins. Mrs. C. Stevens, F. W. Heints. Maud Heints and Gwen dolyn. Irene and Georgia Heints. Registered at the Hewitt House dur ing the week wre: M. H. Kirk, of Wheeler; Mrs. L. M. Jones, Miss Theresa Flanery. Miss Lor a Booth. Mra T. Framdlener. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Flanery. Hugh and Velene Flanery, all of Wllla mlna. Or.: Fred Brown, of Portland; Dick White, of Portland, and A. M. Whyte, Portland. Leave RIU TI.KUl.K SKKD L FLORAL CO., 143 SECOXD ST. (Phones Main 172, A 3S11). dally. 8 A. M.. except Saturday 7 A. M. and 2:30 P. M.. for Arrah Wan- nah. Welch's. Tawney's and Rhododen dron. Round Trip t. Government Camp $8. 5ft. Owned and operated by 1KY1.VUTOX ;.It.tE A ALTO Co, J. L. S. Snead, Pres.-Mirr. Phones: East 135. C JISS Kaat Koarteeatli aad Broadway Make Reservations in Advance. THE DAMON The Mont Popular Family Board ins Ho one at .rlmirh. Lrocated on Coast street, one block from the ocean. Home cooking and sea foods a specialty. Tenta and cottages are available for sleeping. RATES MODERATE. WEBEACH, AEWi'ORl, UKEGOV Sea Crest Cottages Newport, Oreacon. Furnished, two, three and four-room cottages, fronting the beach. Write for rates, reservations or further information CHRIS ARNES. Bar View Grocery Toortat Headqaarters for STAPLE AMI FAXrr OROCERrES. FRESH FKI'lTS A I VEGETABLES, FILTERED tiAOLI.E AXD LtBRlCATiX; OIL. ORECOMAX AGENCY. I C. ROBlSO.. BAR VIEW, OR. The Hewitt House BAR. VIEW, OR. The Best Place to Eat. Clams and Crabs a Specialty. RIGHT OX THE OCE A V BATHING. HO.tll.NU. USHl.Vti. FI'RMSHEU COTTAGES FOR RENT. Write for Reservations to SIRS. C J. HEWITT. BAR VIEW. OR, That Restful. Homelike Beach Hotel. The Hotel Elmore Jut a step from the ocean, off rm you qurft relaxation amid cony surround. nm. Comfortable room, ainttle or en suite. European plan. Good retaurnta adjoin inif. Summer cottage for rent in connrc tio.x. For reAerval.ona address Hotel El more. Kockaway. or. COZY CAMP Two Blocks From Beach Furnished Tent Houses and Cottages for Kent. T. J. KERR. Newport, Oresjoa. ECOLA INN (Cannon Beach) Near Seaalde. Moat attractive beach on the Coaat. Everything- new and clean. Full ocean view. Home cook I n K. 8ea food a. All trains met by auto at Seaside. Rates reasonable. Write for reaervationa Kcola Ion, Ecola. Oregon, NEWPORT ACTIVITIES MANY Summer Visitors Begin to Arrive to Pass Time at Seashore. NEWPORT. Or.. July 13. (Special.) With the influx of Summer visitors to the hotels and cottages, recreational and aocial activities are abundant at this resort. There has been a danclna; party each evening; of the past week and other commercial amusement places are more popular than ever. The natatorlum haa had a bis attraction in the person of Miss Anna Mayhall, formerly of this city, who is the North west champion s;irl swimmer. Miss Mayhall, who is an unusually graceful and clever swimmer, recently gave an exhibition at the Sutro bathhouse in San Francisco. In addition to- tho more frivolous methods of passing; time, the Red Cross room Is not slighted, for each day finds a corps of willing workers sewing on bed box. pajamas, etc., un der the direction of Mra. William Os borne. Women who are here for the Summer are co-operating with the local chapter generously and find that they Arrali Wanna, ML Hood Fnlendld mountain vacation. No finer place on Coast ; mountain trail-, biff treea, clear utreim. good fiahina-. table unsurpassed. Hates 4 day, $JU week. Auto atna-e daily. Irvlngton sraraa-e. 672 K. Broadway, phone K. 135. or Kuutldpe Seed Company. 145 Second street. Phone Ion (r di Fiance for reser vations to Mr. and Airs. oo. bpencer. proprietors. NICOLAI HOTEL 7nder New Management of Agate Beach inn l'roprietora, RIGHT AT OCEAX AT NYE BEACU Write for Rates. MRS. KATHKRINB UEORGE. VILLA CAMP VAL.L. AMERICAN" On Bar View Bfurh on t he TiHnmooTc Shore. One. two nnd three-room cottira. completely furniehtMi for li(nt houtekerp Fure mountain waier. elctric UsUia. sanitary toilet a. Protected from sea breexa, eIo to barh. Clams, crahs. trout fishing, overlooks Tillamook Bar. Ideal Summer va cst!on spot. Fcr reservations and rates, ad dreir I J. Tolls A Sn. Pr Vie-. Or. LANE'S HOTEL M AMANITA BEACH. A delightful place to spend your Summer vacation near ocean and moun tain. Scenics and climate unexcelled. Beautiful camping; grounds. For fur ther information and rates write MRS. K. H. LANK, Maazaalta. Oreioa. HOTEL GULER J. E. Reynolds. Prop.. Goler. Washington. Id the picturesque j rout uue alley, bids trip by auto or horseback to Lava and Ics caves, Indian racetrack. Steamboat Lak. et c Mount adanit aut a roaa to Morrioa Valley, at tne. wry ttaso oi me mountain. Good trout fifth in. Tennis and croquet grounds and wimmlnR' pool In connection. Aniurement halt with danclnjr, bowline and bihtaroa. near tne note, rtatea: itooin ana board, eH.S0 by the day. tlU by tba weak. Rhododendron Inn Beautiful mountain resort, between Hunchback and Zigzag- Mountains on ZiKiaa; River and Still Creek. Ltria ce mented swimming; pool, modern dance hall saddle horses, tennis and croquet (rounds. Headquarters for fishing. For auto stages, call East 1st. Mrs. AOmil Kraaaetti. Zlajaas;, Or. Tawney's Mountain Home On the Salmon River, near Mount Hood. Home cooking, pleasant sur roundings. Fried chicken on Sundays. An ideal place for your vacation. Large individual bungalows for those that prefer them. Dally auto stage, East 135. . II. T.waty, Prop. Welches. Oresroa MAIL THEM TODAY Films Developed FREE When Prints Are Ordered We Pay Return Postaare Eight-Hour Expert Sfrvice Largest Photo Supply House in the Northwest. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Wood-Lark Bldg Alder at W. Park. Grenada Kleerrle Llarhted. City Water Ante) Meets All Boats. ' TENT CITY A. J. VaiWuHikm, Prop. rnraUlied Tents and Cottnaea. Three Hlacka From the Bnca, p. O. Box No. 3. Newport, Or. Main Ittt. Astoria and Way Landings. A 1423 STR. GE0RGIANA r.v.. aider-St. Dock at T A. M. dally ex cept Sunday. Beturnlns. leavea Aatorla 3P.ll. UNDINE, dally except Sunaay. at 7:43 A. M. Returning, leavea Aatorla at 7 F. at. LVRLINE. dally, except Sunday, at S:30P, M. Returning, leavea Astoria at 7 :30 A. M. Fare S1.6J Each Way. HotelMoore ovrtti OOKTNO THE OCEAN. American Plan. SEASIDE. CLATSOP BEACH. OR BOO X. Host delightful spot an the south shore, situated at the water's edge; reached via 8. P. A 8. By. and steamer Georgians A O.-R. A N. boats to As toria, where tba A. J. Auto Company make connections for Hotel Moore; au tolsts take the beautiful Columbia River Highway, which terminates at Hotel Moore: golf link and fine trout tuning near hotel; ratea on appllcattoa. DAN J. MOORE. Prop. Specialties FOR THE CAMP. PICNIC, CRUISE, AUTO TRIP KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Send Us Your Films Prompt Service Paper Picnic Plates Paper Napkins Lunch Seta, Ice Blankets Thermos Bottles and Holders Gill's Third and Alder. Portland. Or. Phone Your Want Ads to THE 0REG0NIAN Main 7070 A 6095