12 THE SUNDAY OltKtiOMAN. rOUTLAND, JUNK 30, 1918. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY 41 AMONG US MORTALS , t7 THE VAUDEVILLE j&m m06k :iM SHOW -x mSmm BmSI JteWSTN IN WAR TIME$fC fft?,., 5YTi If, I . I A war fund drive is on. and Queenie Pullet "The LittlA fiflW& , iVlW'SSWVI M3fy& A MiAjT"'''-. 1$ m - ! Stalactite of Ragtime and an ardent war worker, auc- tM WtZi J-f 5? vMffl VS M' 1 mil I H f ! l- i ff . . V.fllli iMfl iLmmkmfi liiL U-iii' p- 4fe4V fe Illiil lllll Edna May Hoag. Americas Joy Girl, in her "somewhat different mono IJtJIL wSTV V ' jlttFivt ' logue of college girl life." putting over with great success the one about her fciWi ir ' CjII'PV r- '-"j brother who ought to make a fine soldier "He s had so much practice fighting Bggjr V- if' Thc DeVinnes. Fred and Vera, presenting the latest ballroom dances with bis mother-in-law!" JfSViiVSlrW -f ' finish the act with a number symbolic of the present times. The spirit of '. a (TfT Sair? 1 Joan of Arc comes back to earth on New Year's Eve and toe dances with ' ' ' l -j SOldiCr fr0m tTenCteS . - laJ;i'l S1VV' - Members of an Austrian brother act converted since the , W"?5l I- 'S k x war into the 'Xitatoy. Duo Novelty Gymnasts." Sff; '' I.Jfi,' -'f t-viVw Ragl:v Ij, The vaudeville cartoonist, who used to finish with rA 4't 2 jj . rU-HK i t With the ushers getting the subscription lists, and Christy Mathewson or Ty Cobb (upside down to 5--' MM fi 1 horrible the twc-four-minute men waiting in the wings. Mr. Slay. i make it harder), has substituted General Pershing The prop- f MIsUi A . T"Wh'lCff German army ftc n9 jt B good time to go out for a smoko, . ierthe big climax of his act. ganda playlet ' '-K SLf sfT can be. All ' " " "7 ' with a message. Wlt MjQiVf ' FjSiXSbst I1 if U wan 1 J