TIIE " STJXDAY - OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 30, 1918. 7 RUSSIAN SITUATION WATCHED BY FINNS Hood River Orchardists Send Sons to Fight Against i Kaiser in France. HUN CONTROL IS OPPOSED Santcrl Nourteva, Representative of Peoples' Republic of Finland, Reviews Events of Rus- sian Revolution. Tschano, Budd C. Wanless, Charles Sitt- ner, Victor II. Hill, John Kram George K. Rice, Edraond Arthur, Glenn Amos Sweet. Edwawrd Talbot. T. W. Johns, Russell IT. Searles, Frank - L Hoeh, Orville Owrey, Frank A. Meuler, Emmett Andrew Tucker, Lewis Kapus, Jaul Hermans, Ralph R. Weeks, James D. Schuerman, Chester A. Powell, Harry C. Mason, Leslie V. McCollum. Mike Bruner, Albert C. Flemming, Gustave Villing, Harry S. Miller, John H. Cook, Robert C. Carson, Merl Eades, Warren Kittel. Holland Rasmussen, Carl A. Kallgren, Kdmond Searles, John 15. Beaston, Alfred Ray Arcutt, Ray S. Wood, Arthur E. Kallgren. Phillip I. Weeks, Dan M. Curtin, Dan Matthew Curtin. Fred E. Bottemlller. Adolph Ny- berg, Thomas Houston, Harry A. Web ber, William Richardson, Elmer E. Thorsness, Walter H. Johnson, Harry Leon Hickey, Raymond W. Brothers. William Wheaton. Merritt .T. Tillotson. John J. Whitfield, James A, Munsell, Howard r. Gardner, James D. Idea nopulon, Fred Merldan, Jonn F. Bur gess, Georg H. Freeman. The alternates are: Howard J. Smith, B. A. Wier, Rasmus E. Mose, William Brooks Jamison. Clarence B. Goodnight, Charles W. Bobson, Elden D. Hart. Charles H. O'Dell will go with the HCLASS IS LARGE Mount Angel Graduates More Than in Past Years. : will be a baseball game between teams In the Inter-City League and a big aquatic carnival in which many of Portlands best swimmers and divers will enter. EXERCISES TAKE PLACE Alovhlus Konnert. of Portland, Is Chosen President of Graduating: Class Honors Won by Many Members of 1918 Class. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE, St. Bene dict. Or.. June 29. (Special.) Aioy eius Koppert, of Portland, was chosen OFFICERS OF MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE GRADUATING CLASS. HOOD -RIVER, Or., June 29. (Spe cial.) No residents of Oregon are looking with more interest on the situ ation in Russia, than the Finnish colony of Hood River, composed of several orchardists, who have sent five of their sons into the American army, In explanation of the struggle in their homeland, local Finns have re ceived .n article written by Santerl Nuorteva, representative in the United States of the Peoples' Republic of Finland. This communication follows: "There seems to be considerable mis apprehension about the significance of the so-called 'White Guard' and "Red Guard' struggles in Finland. Our Gov ernment has been temporarily defeated by the Finnish aristocracy in conjunc tion with the German Army. But the fight is not ended. The great majority of the Finnish people awaits the first opportunity to drive out the German invaders, and the day of reckoning will come soon. Social Conditions Reviewed. "It is impossible to understand events in Finland without considering the social and political bacKground. Up to 1905 there was no popular repre sentation In Government. The great mass of the people was totally without political rights. Under the old feudal constitutions most of the producing population were in a condition of virtual serfdom. Tenant farmers were compelled to yield the wealthy over lords payment in labor. The inherited Swedish-speaking aristocracy, with feudal class privileges, were able to continue under the old constitution mediaeval forms of oppression. "In spite of this the Finnish people are perhaps the most literate in the world. Ninety-eight per cent of the population can read and write. The revolution of 1905 established a single diet in Finland, based on uni versal male and female suffrage, with proportional representation. In the first diet elected nnder this democratic franchise the Socialists secured 40 per cent of the members, by far the largest block among the various parties. This strength was increased in successive elections, and in 1916, the labor party secured a clear majority in the diet. Aristocracy Vetoes Laws. 'Most of the laws designed to relieve the feudal oppressions under which the great mass of people suffered were vetoed by the Czar, through the Influ ence of the aristocracy, which was in close contact with the Russian Bureau cracy. Finland was a grand duchy of Russia. The Czar meantime was at tempting the Russification of Finland through a system of military terrorism, which was being opposed by the strong Socialist organization. "At the time of this revolution the White Guard' was formed, composed mostly of hired thugs and strikebreak ers, armed with German weapons and officered by the Finnish 'Chasseurs,' trained in the army of the Kaiser. "For many weeks there have been etories in the papers about the "Red Guard' atrocities. Many of these have been exaggerations and many down right lies. They have come mostly from German sources and reactionary Swedish sources, and from pro-German White Guard leaders who up to a few- weeks ago seemed to be able success fully to camouflage . their real pur poses from many honest American representatives with whom they were in contact. -, Huff tail Element Deplored. "That there have been killings by the Red Guard that should have been avoided I do not deny. In any coun try in revolution a certain ruffian ele ment, devoid of principles, inevitably bobs up to take advantage of the situa tion for plunder. Tha provisional gov ernment leaders have taken stringent measures to put down such persons. But there is also another element of honest persons who, in the heat of revolutionary passion, sometimes see red. "But from the start the forces of my government have been under strict or ders to give 'White Guard' captives all the rights of organized warfare, though the 'White Guard' leaders have openly boasted that 'Red Guard' captives were to be slaughtered like 'bandits. "The producing classes of Finland, strongly organized and trained in more than 10 years of parliamentary achieve ment, desire to establish in Finland a co-operative commonwealth, without special privileges or political or eco nomical exploitation of any kind. They are opposed by the aristocracy, leading the junker forces of Finland, willing to accept German vassalage to perpet uate their feudal control and keep the mass of people in chains. German Control Opposed. "The 'labor movement in Finland which welds the great mass of people together, is the only organized demo rratic movement opposed to mediaeval junkerism and German control. It is the form the democratic movement takes in Finland, as well as in Russia, and a necessary form. In Finland and Russia the ideas of social and economic democracy are just as vital to this democratic movement as were the ideas of political democracy to the demo cratic movement in America in 177$, "Surely the tolerant American people -will be patient with the democratic movement in Finland and Russia. "The American states, after they achieved their independence, wen through six years of political chaos before they achieved stability. The much more far-reaching economic and social readjustments which the great mass of the Russian people desire can not be accomplished throughout that great population in that huge territory in a few months. In Finland our task is somewhat easier, because the foun dation has been laid in over 10 years of parliamentary organization. BOARD MAKES DRAFT CALL Vancouver to Send Large Delegatio to American Lake. VANCOUVER. Wash., June 29. (Special.) The names of 59 Clarke men called to leave for Camp Lewi on July 24, were announced by th local draft board today. They are: Antonio MerlettI, Christ r , cW Hit j same contingent, to replace one man who was sent back from last month's call. FRANCS FOR FIGHTERS CREGOX SOLDIERS CAX CASH CHECKS ANYWHERE IN" FRANCE. Northwestern National Bank Arranarea Accommodation for Its Patrons In Overseas Service. Patrons of the Northwestern Nation al Bank of Portland who are with the American expeditionary forces in France may now have their checks ashed in that country through the Eank of France. This accommodation for enlisted men and others in the ervice has been arranged by the orthwestern National in co-operation ith the Guaranty Trust Company of ew York. Clients of the Portland bank will be nrovided with a credit form confirming the amount of credit to which they are ntitled during periods of 60 days each. With this authorization they will be enabled to draw from any ranch of the National JJ escompte De Paris to the limit of the amount to their credit. The service was designed to meet tne exigencies of war conditions by elim- nating the danger oi loss or currency gold. No expense to tne patron is entailed, either for service or ex change. ' THREAT STIRS SEATTLE OFFICIALS ACT TO PREVENT FED ERAL STREET RAILWAY RULE. . Agreement May Be Effected Between Mayor Hanson and President Leonard of Traction Company. SEATTLE. Wash., June 29. (Spe cial.) The threat of Government con trol and operation of all street rail way lines in the City of Seattle, held over the heads of city officials and traction magnates by Captain 3. X . Blain. Bf the Shipping Board, has re sulted in progress being made in the nea.ee parleys conducted Jvriaay aii- ernoon and today between .Mayor Han son and President A. W. Leonard, of the Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power Company. While, no definite agreement nas been reached, there is every prospect that a "peace treaty" embodying tne following terms will be signed be tween the city and the company. Mon day: Company to collect one cent ad ditional for each transfer issued; com pany to have common-user rights over city's new elevated; cny to nave com mon-user rights over xnira avenue line: comnanv to increase wages, so as to secure sufficient trainmen; com pany to operate all of Its cars; "skip- stops to be inaugurated to speed up service; company to pay gross earn ings taxes now due; city to clear iri. Second , and Third avenues of all parKea auiomooues. It is understood that the threat to commandeer all lines means that unless satisfactory conditions are established the railroad administration will take over the lines of the municipal system, as well as those of the two privately- owned companies. president of the graduating class at Mount Angel College at the recent graduating exercises. Mr. Koppert also was editor-in-chief of the pacinc star, the college graduating paper for June, Francis Walsh, of Salem, was vice president and Ralph Classic, of Port land, was secretarv-treasurer. Twenty-three students accepted their diplomas this year. It was one or tne largest classes ever graduated, from Mount Angel College. The following are the graduates: Academic department Aloyslus Kop pert, of Portland; Francis Walsh, of Salem; William P. Terhaar, of Mount Angel; Karl Barr, of Salem; Guy Mat teuccl, of Portland; Alphonee Terhaar, of Mount Angel, Peter Lesmeister. of Portland: Francis Lebold.of Salem Peter Koroll, of Beaverton: Victor Weiss, of Beaverton; John Zollner, of Mount Angel, and Walter Moffenbler, of Mount Angel. Commercial department Ralph Clas sic, of Portland; Herman Henscheid, of Rupert, Idaho; Johnson Graham, of Vic toria, B. C; William Noon, of Corvallls John Dooley, of Baker; Mark Hanna, of Portland; Elmer Moritz, of Portland Louis Wllhelm, of Vader, Wash.; John uraser, of Xangent. The principal address of the exer cises was given by John P. Kavanaugh of Portland. Judge Kavanaugh is one of the oldest graduates of Mount Angel College. Francis Walsh gave the salu tatory, while Aloyslus Koppert, of Port land, delivered the valedictory. John Engerstberger, of Portland, re ceived the gold medal for general ex cellence in the serior department. This medal was donated by the Most Rev. Alexander Christie, D. D., of Portland Mr. Engerstberger is well known In literary and athletic circles here. Vin cent Ryan, of Portland, captured the cnristian doctrine gold medaL Leslie Smith, of Aurora, received the elocution medaL Among the juniors Aloysiu Terhaar received the general excellenc medaL Herman Henscheid, of Rupert. Idaho, was awarded the gold medal for general excellence in the commercial department; Louis Wilhelm, of Vader, wish., received the medal in ehort nana. Three athletic sweaters were sriven to Ralph Classic, of Portland; Bernard Kropp. of Portlanc". and to Alois Meechan, of Ney Plymouth. Idaho. BEACH OPENS Ofl FOURTH NEW ATTRACTIONS AND OLD TO BE ON PROGRAMME OF DAY. EARLIER CLOSING IS AIM Women Would Ban Amusement Re sorts After 10:80 P. M. Appointment of a. committee of five women was made yesterday by Mrs. George W. McMath to investigate the advisability of asking the City Council to require all amusement places to close earlier at' night than at the pres ent time. The plan - approved by the Portland women's committee of the Council of National Defense probably would re suit in closing amusement places at 10:30 P. M-. Including dancehalls. bit Hard halls. The Oaks. Council Crest and similar places. - . The committee consists of Mrs. G. L. Williams, Mrs. Millie R. Trumbell, Mrs. ward fawope. Mrs. C. D. Simmons and Mrs. G. J. Frankel. TWO SENTENCED TO PRISON Men Caught in Act of Robbing Store Get Quick Justice. VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 29. (Spe cial.) James Blackwell, 33, and Arthur Thomas. 34, caught in the act of burglarizing the Sparks hardware store last night, were this afternoon sentenced to serve from ix months to 15 years in the penitentiary at Walla Walla. Fred Bailey, age 26, who was caught with the men, has not yet been arraigned. Sentencing of these men sets a new record for quick justice. The men were beard to enter the store by chlldren sleeping over the Mazoretsky junk shop shortly before midnight last night. They called the police and the men. armed with 12 revolvers, were surrounded by the police and arrested. LANE FARMER GOES LIMIT Eugene Postofflce Exhausts Supply of War Savings Stamps. EUGENE, Qr., June 29. (Special.) The supply of war savings stamps at the Eugene postofflce was exhausted today when sales representing $20,000 were made over the counter. The large sales are attributed to the influence of the war savings campaign just closed and the fact that the stamps in crease 1 cent in value Monday. Lane Morris, a prosperous farmer, re siding in the vicinity of Springfield, visited Springfield today, declared his hearty support of the Nation and the war. Invested $1000 in stamps for him self and $200 for his wife. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats " a . - . an FETE PLANNED FOR FOURTH Irvlngton Club Will Hold Commun ity Sing and Dance. Irvington Club is nlanntnsr a commu nity fete for the Fourth of July cele bration. A community sing will be held outside the clubhouse. Twentv- second and Thompson street, at 8 P. M., after which, at 8:30, an open-air dance will be held on the concrete tennis courts. Mrs. Frank E. Smith is chairman of the programme committee and Mrs. John F. Logan chairman of the com munity sing committee. The Royal Ro sarians and their families will be the guests of honor. FALL OF 8 FLIGHTS FATAL Mitchell Drops to Death In Ele vator Shaft. C. Mitchell, a trueVcer, employed by the Union Meat Company, was Instant ly killed yesterday afternoon when he fell from the eighth floor of the plant through the elevator shaft to the base ment. Most of the bones in his body were broken. The body was removed to the morgue. Deputy Coroner Goetsch made an Investigation and no inquest win De neid. Mitchell was about 70 years old and unmarried. He started to work at the plant about two weeks ago. FARM HOSTELRY BURNED The White House Near Kelso stroyed Wtttt Contents. De- KELSO, Wash., June 29. (Special.) The White House, a well-known stop ping place on the Upper Coweeman, which has served as a hotel for many years, was destroyed by fire Thurs day. William Davey, the aged pro prietor of the roadside hotel, and his son. Ellis Davey, had great difficulty saving the barn from the flames. None of the contents of the house was saved. Mr. Davey settled on the Upper Coweeman many years ago, and his house was a landmark in that section of the county, and was popularly re ferred to on all occasions as the White House. The cause of the fire is unknown. manager wnu Heady lor .'Numerous Picnic Parties and Outing W hich Will Be Enjoyed. ew attractions and old, togethe with the natural advantages and a SDe clal programme to fit the occasion, will be offered at Columbia Beach on the Fourth of July. The resort will be closed until the Fourth. For the past two weeks the beach has been closed to the public because of the high water In the Columbia River. A remarkably successful pre-season was enjoyed and thousands already have learned the charm of Portland's real beach. Manager C. H. Lewis announced yes terday that the beach would positively be opened July 4. Numerous picnic parties and outings are being planned for the day. The new roller skating rink, f-e Fer ris wheel, the Shetland ponies, the wa ter chutes, the 110,000 carrousel, the huge outdoor dance pavilion, Philip feiz and his orchestra, and the beach Itself are only a few of the induce ments. While the high water kept the nat rons away for two weeks, its visit was fortunate in a way. It packed the beach firmly, settled the new walks and even brought loads of driftwood to conven ient places along the beach for outing parties. Manager Lewis started a large crew of-men to work yesterday clear ing away tne undesirable debris that the Spring freshet washed in and when the beach is again opened It will be spick and span. Philip Pels and his concert orchestra will give a special'af ternoon concert on the Fourth, centering his programme on patriotic music. The evening con cert will be at 7. Both will be fol lowed by dancing in the pavilion, which contains one of th3 most extensive dan cing floors on the Pacific Coast. One of the features on the Fourth Vancouver Man -Stricken. VANCOUVER. Wash., June 29. (Special.) John H. Fagan, of 610 West Twenty-sixth street, suffered a stroke of paralysis and is in a serious condi tion at St. Joseph's Hospital. He is an employe of the North Bank road and for a number of years was employed at the Alhina shops In Portland. -i i x V-,-. I i J z. "- I V-lvJn mm J v The Style for You A' Varsity Fifty-Five Dixie Weave IF YOU'RE one of the men who can't get off to camp or trench and won't get the chance to wear the "olive drab," you'll be interested in these new military models for the home-fighters. Here's one brisk and new and just mili tary enough to make you stand erect and feel well dressed. It's made by Hart Schaffner & Marx. It's a Dixie Weave; made of light, cool all-wool because wool wears best: keeps shape best and looks best. Most Summer clothes are shapeless and wrinkle badly. Dixie Weaves save you from such annoyance. Better get yours now. $25, $30 and $35 Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Store for Quality and Service Gasco Building Fifth and Alder Coprrlcht Hart BchaflMr A ilmix POPULAR COUPLE MARRY CHARLES SPARKS WEDS -MARIAN' CLARK A -VANCOUVER. Bride Is Daughter of Mrs. O. G. Clark, of Minneapolis Couple Leave for Auto Trip East. VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 29? (Spe cial.) From Munich, Germany, to Van couver, Wash., Is a long span. It is generally conceded little good comes out of Germany, but Professor Charles Leo Sparks, well-known singer. Is of a different opinion, for the reason that he met Miss Marian Clark there 14 years ago, and the romance culminated here today In a wedding. Rev.. R. H. Sawyer, of the East Side Christian Church, officiating. v The wedding took place at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the home of Mr. Sparks' mother. Mrs. Priscilla Sparks. Professor and Mrs. Sparks will leave for an auto trip to Montana. Miss Clark Is a daughter of Mrs. O. G. Clark, of Minneapolis. Mrs. M. R. Haack. auditor of Clarke Coimty, and Mrs. Mabel Baoon. deputy auditor, are sisters of Mr. Sparks. County. Pledges and cash purchases I approximately $20 for every man, amount to more than $140,000. or woman and child in the county. Logging Railroad Purchased. YAKIMA, Wash.. June 29. (Special.) Officials Of the Cascade Lumber Company, of this city, have announced the purchase from A. Guthrie & Co., logging contractors, of a logging rail road and equipment in the Teanaway district. Guthrie Co. built the road about two years ago in connection with a contract to furnish the Cascade company with logs. The lumber com pany hereafter will operate the road and get out its own log supply. The price involved in the sale was not made public. Tillamook Scores Trlumpli. TILLAMOOK, Or.. June 29. (Spe cial.) The war savings stamp drivel has proved . a success in Tillamook I You'll Think Daughter's Fiance Killed. MEMPHIS. Tenn., June 29. Robert L. Temple, of Chicago, was shot and killed here today within an hour of the time set for his marriage to Miss Lena Gra ham, of Meridian, Miss., by her father, J. R. Graham. Graham surrendered and, according to the police, claimed that he killed Temple in self-defense. Miss Graham was standing within short distance of the men and one of her fingers was shattered by a bullet. According to a police statement, Gra ham declared that Temple, when the hour of the wedding approached, ad mitted that he had an undlvorced wife living. Over the Top and Then Some "I never felt better In my life than since taking the first dose of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. I had a bad case of indigestion and bloating and tried all kinds of medicine. Mayr's Wonder ful rceraedy is all and more than it claimed for it. On my recommenda tion our postmaster's wife is using it with good results." It is a simple harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, including ap uciiuiuilis. uuc auee . win convince or money refunded. Sold by The Owl Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Paid Adv. SUNDAY DINNER HAZELWOOD a real treat! A splendid feature of our table d'hote service is its variety. . may have the finest kind of 'Vegetable Dinner at 35c ' an exceptional ' Plate Dinner at 50c or a - Hazelwood Special Dinner at $1.00 Complete a la Carte Service. Tou 127 BROADWAY, Buy War Savings Stamps 3KS WASHINGTON. Music Brings Real Relaxation To the tired business man, to mother and to the kiddies a good Player Piano is a source of never ending pleasure and joy. To play one's favorite melodies, weaving into them one's own interpreta tions, thrills and satisfies the Player Pianist just as does the perfected efforts of the skillful manual player. The Euphona Player Piano $550 is unlike any instrument at or near its price in that it offers more in real musical quality, a much wider range in interpretation and a wonderfully simplified method of control. Besides the piano is better in tone, better made and better finished than any we have ever known at equal cost. Because of its quality it merits confidence, and because it is sold on very modest payments it is logically the Player for your home. See it. , PIANOS PLAYERS MUSIC llgB Allen -MASON AND HAMLIN PIANOS- 1 VICTORS 1EDISONS JRECORDS MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY Stores Also at San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, Los Angeles. Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliy r HOTOGR APHS speak louder than words, truer, f" ' and more effectively. Your customers may be 5 skeptical. Show them. Use PHOTOGRAPHIC CARDS. mm 5 Remember that the quality of your goods is judged E E by the character of your advertising, and that the PHOTOGRAPHIC CARD has that character and is E also efficient and economical. H E Phone or write for our salesman, to call. The Photographic Card Co. E Broadway 82 302 Oregon Bldg. lljlillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllilllllllllllillllllllilllllilintil Old Herbal Remedy Used Successfully in Relieving Diabetes The most satisfactory results have been obtained in coinballnir Diabetes by observing certain dietary rules and the judicious use of Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy, an herbal preparation of 40 years' successful sale. Following Is a letter from a grateful user: "This letter is the best proof that I am still alive. Your medicine is a mira cle to me. My weight was reduced from 15? to 114 pounds when I left the hospital. I left there Auk. 6th in de spair. Hundreds of people that knew me said I would never live to return to my studio. After leaving the hospital. I saw your "Ad." in the paper. 1 betian its use and at once commenced to improve, ami now everybody is kaying ti me that 1 f look better than ever before. I tip the scales at 132 pounds and I am bick working again to the astonishment of all. I feel splendid and people say I am looking better every day. I must tell you that every word I have written la true, and I can prove it by hundreds that knew or my condition. Jules Frl quet. 511 West First Street. Los An geles. Cal." Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy Is made from herbs and other beneficial ingredients and has been on the market 40 years, a true indication of Its value. Get a bottle today. Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of ten cents. Warner's Sxfe Remedies Co., Ojt. 265, Rochester, if. 1'. Adv.- i