The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1918, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital City Gives Warm Wel
come to Those Who Travel
Far for Event.
Days of Long Ago Recalled by Vis
itors and Those Who Stayed at
Home While Others Wan
. dercd All Over Globe.
SALEM. . Or.. June 29. (Special.)
This was the happiest day in history
for hundreds of Salemltes who turned
out to greet visitors from near and
far former residents of the citjt come
home to spend a day and renew old
friendships and acquaintanceships.
Nearly 200 outsiders, one coming from
as far away as Boston, Mass., gathered
together in Willson avenue this after
noon, first for a lunch and reminis
cences of old times, and later for a
!lendid programme with further remi
11 iscences.
Some shook hands and greeted one
another today who had been apart for
30 or 40 years. Many were the greet
ings of old friends who were born,
brought up and went to school togeth
er, but who had been absent for years
and who had never expected to greet
one another in this life again.
Fine Park Sew to Many.
Many were gathered on Willson ave
nue, now one of the beauty spots of
the coast, who had not seen that his
toric old paric since the days when
hay grew upon it as fodder for the
horses of Salem's first regular fire department.
Probably Salem has never witnessed
so genuinely a whole-souled reunion
a.i that which took place here today,
and some who ventured out are so old
that it may be their last chance to
visit with those who as children had
been their companions in pranks at
school in the dim and distant past.
Maria Campbell Smith,- of Portland,
was the oldest of the ex-Salemites at
the gathering. She was born in Salem
in 1S41, and it was vouched for by the
scores of old-timers who were gathered
here today that she is the oldest living
white child born in the city. Some of
the gray headed men and women at
the reunion she can remember as tiny
boys and girls when she was a woman.
Supreme Court Judge Present.
From "Washington came Judge S. F.
Chadwick and Judge Mark Fullerton,
members of the Supreme bench of that
state, while Justice George II. Burnett,
chairman of the day,, sits upon the
Supreme bench in this state.
A. B. Crosman, with his wife, of
Portland, was- here, and to him the
day was like a glimpse of his lost
youth. , He conducted a large store
here over "30 years ago, was one time
postmaster and a factor :ri this com
The three Watt girls, of -the-famous
Watt family, which founded, the town
of Amity, in Yamhill Cou-ty,,were all
here. ; They are no longer, the Watt
, girls to the world outside, trot- to the
hundreds in the park today' they were
still the Watt, girls. Now they- are
Mrs. Aurora Bowman, Mrs. Shan White
and Mrs,- Clara Morton.
Sanford Watson, another old-timer,
whor came here in 1849, but who lived
In Los Angeles from 1894 up to a short
time ago, was also here." His uncle
was one of the great stockmen of the
Willamette Valley in the early days,
Children of Patriarchs Return.
Ban Waldo Bass, of Seattle, was here
(with his wife. He is now one of the
Owners or a leading Seattle hotel. It
,was his grandfather, "Uncle Dan,". who
pave nis name to the Waldo Hills. John
Bolt, of Willamina, whose father was
a. patriarch of Salem, was also among
the visitors, with his sister, Mrs. Hue
lat. . ,
From Salem old-timers like Joe Ba
ker, whose father owned a donation
land claim abutting on the town of
Salem; George P. Litchfield, who for
years has been a living repository of
the story of Salem and of her sons and
daughters; John Wright, steward at
the asylum, who is more than 80 years
of age and one of the oldest of the Sa
lemites; Judge P. H. D'Arcy, who has
lived on lot 1, block 1, of the original
townsite of Salem since the early days,
and numerous other of the early-day
pioneers of the city were at the park.
Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, who was
born in this vicinity in 1851, was the
speaker of the day at the programme
presided over by Justice George H. Bur
nett, and his speech teemed with remi
niscences of the old days which held the
boys and girls of a quarter and a half
century ago.
George H. Himea Writes.
An interesting letter was received
from George H. Himes. of Portland.
who was invited to speak, but could
not come because of another engage
inent. He told of his first night in
balem on Monday, September 26, 1864.
He said he stayed the night before at
feam Browne s house at Belpassi, arriv
ing here to start work as a printer.
Henry L. Pittock, present publisher of
1 he Oregonian, was then state printer,
and was foreman of the shop, although
Mr. Himes states that, the late Judge
J. C. Moreland had insisted that he
was foreman at the time.
The state printing plant was then on
what is known as "Moore's Corner.'
and a hand press and a lot of type had
been hurriedly installed to handle the
work of the legislative session. It
happened at that time the state fair
was also in full swing and as a result
iMr. .Himes declared he was unable to
find a bed, "so he secured a blanket
purchased 25 cents worth of straw, and
spread himself out for the night on the
floor of Mr. Pittock's print shop. Work
ing there at the time were Joe Hender
eon. K. T. Grimm. F. F. McElroy, a Mr.
Clark and a Mr. Ballard.
Other reminiscences were told in the
letter, including one of Thad Welch
who was Mr. Himes' partner, while
Mr. Himes was working on The Ore
gonian. Welch wished to go to Salem,
but the round trip fare of SIS looked
pretty big to him on a salary ot $9 a
week, so he arranged for a loan from
Mr. Himes. Mr. Himes suggested that
he walk- which was the final result
of the affair. Mr. Welch now lives in
Los Angeles, states Mr. Himes. The
letter from Mr. Himes was read by Jus-
" tice Burnett.
Visitors Shown Around City.
Musical numbers were given on the
programme today by Mrs. Hallie Par-
rish.Durdall. one of Salem's best known
singers, by Mrs. Ollie Chamberlin Belt.
. . f Spokane, and Mrs. Lois Peebles
Junk, of California, who sang songs of
.her own composition.
Visitors were shown about the city
... - in automobiles today, but a large share
. of the time was taken up in a genuine
revel of renewing friendships.
.Those who registered, the dates
showing the time of their arrival in
" Salem, unless otherwise indicated, are
as follows;
Maria Campbell Smith, Portland, born Oc
tober 115. 1841; Aurora "Watt Bowman, Port'
land, came to Salem iiv 1867: Clara Watt
' Morton. Portland, I860; Lulu Gilbert Iterren,
Portland,' B. H. Bowman, Portland,
1887: Roxana Watt White, 1836: Mae Boise
Lauterman, Salem; ISmlly Pratt Solae,
Falem; Frank K. Hodsktns. Vancouver,
Wiih., 187'J; Angelina McColloch, Salem:
A. J. Herren. Salem; Charles A. Park,
Salem, 1804; Josie Parrish Stewart. Olive
Bowman Harbison, Salem, 1U15; Alice H.
Dodge, Salem, 1889; Mark A Fullerton,
Olympla. 1SSS: Emmett B. William. Port
land. 1853; P. H. D'Arcy, Salem. 1B5B;
Tereaa IS. D'Arcy, Salem: Cora Hopkins,
Albany. 1802; G. G. Hopkins. Albany, 18Si;
Nellie R. Pearce, Salem, ISoU;- Elizabeth
Whltlock Lamb. Dorothy Pearce, Salem;
Olive Stanton England Enrieht. Portland;
Lizzie Riley Braalield. Burkett. Cal.. 18!:
Charles B. Moores, Portland: Faran
Moores. Portland: Mary I Waller, 18.17;
Ellen Chambarlln. Salem. 1866; Lllli Rltch
fleld Shirley. MeVIlnnvllle. 1876: Julia
Chamberlain Schultz. Portland; James L.
Schultz, Portland; OUle Chamberlain Belt.
Spokane, 1870; Lenore Chamberlain Wsller,
Salem, 1870; Rose Weller Chamberlain.
Salem, 1874; Elma Weller. Salem. 1874;
Charles S. Weller. Salem. 1874: Dr.
B. F. Swlck. Dayton, 1853; Mrs. w. M.
Ormaby, Portland; Dorothy Ormsby. Port
land; Nellie Belt, Willamina: J. B. Belt.
Willamina; Mrs. Sarah- E. Huelat. Salem;
Louise H. Bickford. Portland: Miriam Lou
ise Blckford. Portland: Mrs. Edward E.
Weller. Salem; Ed M. Weller. Salem: Mrs.
L. W. Gray, Portland: Mrs. Miriam Burnett,
Salem; Mrs. Louise Gray, Portland: Jessie
Stump, Hamilton, Salem, 1877: M. K. Get
ter. Lons- Beach. Cal.; E. H. Mcuougan.
Dallas; Joseph Hoberg, McMinnville, 90
years old, came to Salem February, 1866;
Mr. and Mrs. George MlUlcan. Prlneviue;
C. A Sehlbrede, Corvallls. 1877; Glen O.
Holman, Dallas. 1873; J. K. Ferguson. Sa
lem; R. C. Bishop, Salem; Mrs. Ruth G.
Bishop. Salem; Charles Kay Bishop, Salem:
Pearl W. Geer. Boston. Mass.. 1873; Wylie
Boise. Jr.. Salem. 1830: Harry Clark Looney. daughters will be given the honor this
Jefferson: Norris H. Looney. .Jefferson : Dan year of commemorating the anniver
W. Bass. Seattle: Mrs. Dan W. Baas, Pe-1 sary of the Nation's independence. This
attie; miss Jessie L. Bass. Seattle; Mrs. is tne expressed wish of President Wll-
irances Looney Cornell. Salem: Lillian .on -nd ln portl,nA tha Fourth of
Citizens of. Foreign Birth Will
Figure Largely in Day's
Portland for participation In the Inde
pendence day parade on Thursday
'We appeal to all Irish and Irish
Americans to maintain our past patri
otism and loyalty to the great Amer
ican flag of which we have the pro
tection and honor to be under, so as to
show equal appreciation with our al
lied countries, England, Scotland,
Wales, Canada, Australia, France and
Italy, shedding their blood now for that
noble cause in which we are Jointly
'It is desirable that with the em
blem of Ireland attached to the Stars
and Stripes we assemble at 9 o'clock
Thursday morning at Eleventh and
Alder streets and march in a body to a
position assigned to us. Ladies and
children invited." J. M. Toomey and
L. Snannahan. committee.
All Nationalities In City to Be Rep- I twentieth
resented ln Pageant as Testi
mony o( Loyalty to Their
Adopted Country.
Members ( Distinguished Family Send
Greeting's to Ten Others In
Nation' Service.
lim. l .n.ha.M B,irfi July celebration will be carried out al-
anna Durbln Walker. Salem; Valleda most entirety Dy Americans or roreign
Smith Ohmart. Salem. ISsr,: W. R.
Hoyt, Salem, 1883; Sanford Watson, Sa
lem; W. T. Rlgdon. Salem. 185: Pau
line Looney. Jefferson. 1843; H. M.
Branson, 1888: Mrs. H. M. Branson, USS;
Mrs. Sadie McFadden (Chapman), 1836;
Mrs. Linnle M. Crosman. 1863: Mrs. E. E.
Waters. lSS2r A. B. Crosman. 1864: Mary E.
birth; by men and women from Occi
dent and Orient whose htarts are loyal
to their adopted country's flag 100 per
cent Americans, all of them.
Portland's remembrance of that mem
orable July 4, 1776, will find expres
sion in the patriotic parade to be held
?OXV,,!L03: ,M1- F- B' P"uthwck lSS2; Grace on the streets in the morn
lem; Mrs. M. E. Haas. 1837: Ida Pratt Bab-
cock. 1837: Margaret L. Folsom. 1862; Mary
E. Smith. 1830; Albert X. Moores. 1833; Cora
Dickinson Moores, 1857: Lillian Patton Me-
Cully. 1S57: Mrs. R. s. Wallace, Mary E.
f Murphy) Robnett. 1873; Dr. E. E. Smith.
Mrs. F. E. Smith. Robert Smith, Virginia
Smith, Kermit Smith. Portland; S. F. Chad
wick, Olympla. 1863; Emma Plummer Chad
wick. 1863; Miss Ella M. Hendrlck. Mc-
Minnvllle. 1876; Mrs. Millie Harris Bing
ham. 1887: Mrs. J, D. Sutherland. Salem,
1869; R. H. Leabo. Portland. 18S1: Lydla
Brook Leabo, Portland. 1873: Mr. and Mrs.
Gideon Stolz. 1873: S. A. Riggs. Salem. 1851;
ing. It is to be a parade in which
10,000 of more Americans of foreign
birth will take part. It is to be a
gathering of people which will typify
the United States as the great melting-
rot of peoples from all climes drawn
here to gain their Inherent right to
liberty and happiness.
Plana Are Worked Out.
Plans for this extensive demonstra
tion were considered at a meeting yea
terday of the general committees in
m, mal 1 - . . " . . . ,
f w. Durbin Salem. 1866: Mr., n t w- charge or tne rounn or juiy ceieora-
ner. Salem. 1873; Mrs. Emma Williams. I tion. A ne tentative line oi marcn was
Portland, 1RB8.
mapped out; the speaking programme
I at Multnomah field, where the parade
Sixty members of th, Kelly Clan
were present at the 20th annual re
union which was held yesterday at the
home of Mrs. Emily Kelly -Shaver at
Pine Knot Station. Penumbra Kelly.
i3 years of age. Is the oldest member
of the clan. .
During the afternoon cards were
sent to the ten members of the clan
who have enlisted -n the service of
their country. Following are those
who are ln service: John Wlllard
Shaver, James Clinton Kelly, Troop H,
loth Cavalry; Lieutenant J. R. Kelly,
research work in New Jersey; Wilbur
Clinton Kelly, U.' S. S. South Dakota;
1-loyd L. Kelly, on Sub Chaser 181:
Albert Loyal Groves, grandson of Laura
X. lurner, on way to trance; Captain
Howard Judy, 31st Company, Eighth
Battalion, Mass.; Lowell Kern. Am
bulance Company, 316 Sanitary Train,
A. E. F. ; Clarence Eubanks, Aviation
Corps; Lieutenant-Commander Rich
mond Kelly Turner ln U. S. S. Michigan.
Albert and Clinton Kelly founded the
clan in 1848 when they came to Fort-
land and settled here.
Albert and Clinton Kelly came from
Kentucky ln 1848 and settled in Port
land, where the clan was first founded.
S. C. Bratton, general chairman, pre
dicted last evening that, fully 10,000
people will march in the parade. At
least 10 bands will furnish patriotic
airs for the occasion, while the gor
geous floats representative of the na
tive lands of America's foreign born
will be features of the pageant. At
least 23- floats are expected in the line
of march.
Speeches. Will Be Heard,
At Multnomah field a short speaking
TACOMA. Wash.. June 29. (Special.) programme will be given. Representa
What Federal officials believe to be tives of the numerous foreign lands
one of the most remarkable cases of I from whence these loyal Americans
mixed-UD - nationality -on - record was came will speak briefly, telling why he
discovered and straightened out today and the people he represents came to
in the Federal Court, and Gustave this lana ot ireeaom. inn tit"'
will disband, was arranged, and details MB.U" ,"r
, .,. hii -t, imnt in th from Kentucky and settled ln the Pow-
evenlng at the Auditorium were fully elI..YaiIe.y' .lb2"t P.1,1 ?a7, here aTld
;.J1h settled in the Tualatin Valley.
International Law Threatens to Do
T.V S Ont of Perfectly Good Sol
dier, hut America Wine.
Washington Expends Large Amount
in Classifying Registrants.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. June 29. (Spe
cial.) The selective service law ad
ministration has cost the Government
$91,739 in this state since December,
1917, according to totals completed to
day for the last half of the fiscal year
ending July 1. Of this $21,000 was
claimed by board members as classifi
cation compensation. About one-third
l . . . . v..lvi .'"J iiiciiivcis uiauc i-iaimo. lUQ IV
crepin, sergeant in the 316th Ammunl- programme iv, mainder went largely for clerk hire and
tion Train, was hannv and readv to I impressive natures ui 1
leave with his regiment at Camp dence Day celebration.
T.owtx tn-r- iTronoa it nr. Tint di.Knv. The British empire will carry on
i-ri until th. too h- Cranio I in s. manner roost loyal. iieaaea Dy
bagpipes, tne people oi m jji uiou
Emoire and her colonies will marcn
several hundred strong. The English,
Irish. Scotch. Welch. Canadians ana
Australians will be in the line of
He came to march. Other foreign-born Americans
was not an American, but a citizen of
Germany, . according to international
law. -
Crepin was born In Germany, raised
In Antwerp. Belgium, . by a French
The first half of the past fiscal year
of draft operation cost the govern
ment $76,000 for the state covering the
preliminary perio'd of calling men for
the service. Today s total covers also
the cost of calling 4000 men to go to
Camp Lewis beginning July 22.
4tllp a.H r , 1 1 V .i n41,a.
the United States about six years ago who will do representee, oy
and went to San Francisco, where he floats and bands will include the
was foreman of a large transfer com- French. Belgians, Danes. Bohemians,
panv when drafted. He married an Chinese, Japanese, Swiss. Swedes. .or-
Amerlrnn trlri mnitins- hoi- a rtermon. wegians, Germans, Hollanders, ureeua,
and adopted an American baby, making Poles, Armenians and Serbs.
it German. I President to Send Message.
(japtain cabot and Lieutenant crest-1 An insnirinsr four-minute message
ner, of Company G, 316th Ammunition from President Wilson to the people of
j. rain, went to Seattle ana eniistea na i America will be read at the patriotic
B. Stevens, United States naturalization I exercises at Multnomah Field. This
officer, to straighten out the tangle. I message will be delivered by a per-
Brigade because he was not an Amer
lean citizen, was brought to the Federal
Court yesterday. He told Judge E. E,
Cushman he wanted to become an Amer
ican citizen and rejoin his regiment to
fight against the land of his birth. His
wish was granted and the papers filled
'I have been all over the world, but
this is the happiest " .y of my life:
said Crepin. "1 can go with the rest of
the boys over there.
His first thought after that was of
his wife, whose picture and finger
prints were registered among the alien
enemy women in a room downstairs. He
rushed down, got the identification card
and tore it up.
Raymond Tcmpleton Meets Death at
Michigan Aviation Camp.
ALBANY. Or., June 29. (Special.)
L. E. Blain, a prominent local mer
chant, received a photograph last
Thursday of Lieutenant Raymond Tem-
pleton, of the Aviation Corps, U. 6.
sonal representative of the President, Army, with a cheery message indorsed
whose name the committee has not yet
In addition to the many countries
that will figure in the big street pa
geant, a number of military ana pa
triotic organizations of the state and
Nation will be represented. Khakl
clad men of the spruce production di
vision will march, as will other mili
tary organizations. Men and women of
the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., mem
bers of the Women s Patriotic bervice
League, the young men in training at
the Benson Polytechnic tocnool, .Mult
nomah Guards, Military Police and
nurses in training for war work at
home and abroad will he Included ln
the monster parade. All of the ship
thereon. Today he read ln the news
papers of the young man's death
Lieutenant Templeton was killed yes
terday at Mount Clemens, Mich., In
teaching a student aviator to fly.
Lieutenant Templeton was reared
Brownsville and was widely known in
this vicinity. He leaves a number of
relatives residing in and near Browns
Jobs to Be Given Registrants.
OLYMPIA, Wash., .June 29. (Spe
cial.) Official instructions were given
local boards today to furnish names
and addresses of men called for re
classification under the work or figh
wise be reDresented. The general com
mlttee has asked that 100 men rrom
each of the shipbuilding plants take
part in the ceremonies.
Line of Marcn Indicated.
The narade will form, probably, at
the head of Sixteenth street, according
to the tentative outline given out yes
terdav bv Colonel Hibbard. of the Mult
nomah Guard, who will oe grand
Savage Criticism Embodied In Rnl marshal. It will march north on Four
teenth street to .Morrison, east to
yards in the Portland district will like- orJer tQ United State8 employment
agents and directors. It ia stated that
the Government labor bureau will ex
tend, all possible aid in finding pro
ductive labor for those whose employ
ment has recently fallen under the ban
as an exemption for military service.
of Former Ambassador Gerard's
AVIdely Known Book.
rams, June za. The Gazettn f
j-ausanne, Switzerland, again has been
warned by the Swiss Federal C!hanAi.
lory in connection with Its savage crit
icism oi tne termarm incorporated in
us review or iormer Ambassador r..
am s do ok, "My lour Years in Ger
The newspaper has been notified that
another article of the sort, character
ized as threatening to compromise Swiss
relations with uermany. will be mnr
severely punished. The warning cites
the tollowing passages in the introduc
tion to the review as objectionable:
una sees in the author of the me
moirs an absolutely honest man r.
quired to live four years among knaves
ana otner maietactors. ...
out uermany has alwava violator
divine right and human laws. Its lie.
its inexcusable savageries and the re-
lentiessness with which is has de.
stroyed the most beautiful monuments
oi tne eartn ana with which it has
luiiu fioLivua iioranea ana museums
have dishonored ,lt forever. The world
must aestroy it, or tne world is lost."
The Gazette received a similar warn
ing June i , iai.
K. P. Gilliam Meets Death' While
Bathing Xear Raymond.
RAYMOND, Wash., June 29. (Spe
clal.) fc,. Gilliam, private in the
4.58th bquadron of the Spruce Division.
was drowned last night in the South
Fork River, where he had gone bathintr
The body was found in less than four
feet of water. A doctor was summoned
and the lung motor used. Mr. Gilliam
had been in Raymond since April 26
His home was in Greenbriar. Tenn.
Arrangements have not yet been made
for the funeral.
License Revocation Is Asked.
Revocation of the hotel license held
by the Alder Investment Company for
the operation of the Alder Hotel was
recommended to the City Council yes
terday by Mayor Baker. The recom
mendation was made as a . war emer
gency as a result of recent raids on
the hostelry.
Broadwav. south to Taylorl east to
Fourth, north to Pine, west to Fifth,
south to Morrison, west to Sixth, north
to Pine, west to Broadway, south to
Alder and west on Alder to Nineteenth
street, where it will disband at Mult
nomah Field. This line of march may
be changed. Due notice will be given
bv the committee.
The evening programme at tne auqi
torium will be chiefly a patriotic dance
for enlisted men. Between dances
special entertainment will be given by
foreicn-born Americans ana otners.
The entertainment is open to the gen
eral public.
Appeal Made to Britons.
Every appeal Is being made to Brit
Ish-born Americans to take part in the
parade. Several meetings of the com
mittee. of which A. G. Brown Is chair
man, have been held to arouse enthu
siasm over the coming celebration. A
committee of women will take charge
of the work of getting the children
ln readiness for the parade. This com
mittee consists of Mrs. Arthur King,
Miss Elizabeth Stevens. Mrs. P. S. H.
Stevenson. Mrj. J. J. Panton and Mrs,
Petrie. The British have selected Dr.
W. T. Williamson as their speaker at
the Multnomah field exercises.
All Irish and Irish-Americans are
urged to take part in the programme.
ln a stirring appeal Issued by J. M.
Toomey and L. Shannahan. of the com
mittee. Those who will march In this
section are asked to meet at Eleventh
and Alder streets at 9 a. m. of July 4.
The general Fourth of July commit
tee for the city consists of S. C. Brat
ton, chairman; Colonel Hibbard. J. K.
Kollock, Charles F. Berg and Mrs. Alice
Benson Beach.
Some Will Go Elsewhere.
Many people of Portland will spend
the holiday in the country and at the
seashore, while a number of organiza
tlons will Hold their annual picnics on
that day. The Ancient Order of Hiber
nians will give a picnic at Council
Crest Park, where a patriotic address
will be delivered by Thomas G. Ryan.
The singing of patriotic songs will he
led by Monte Austin. There will be
dancing both ln the afternoon .and
evening, while lunch will be served at
the grounds. Special car service has
been provided and admission to the
grounds will be free.
German Docks Finally Taken Over.
WASHINGTON, June 29. President
Wilson by proclamation today formally
took over the wharves and dock of
the North German Lloyd and Hamburg
American Steamship companies at Ho
Irish Will Be in Parade.
The following appeal has been Issued
, to the Irish and Irish Americans of
My Timepieces are faithful com
panions throughout numberless
years of Bervice. They are fitted
with high-grade, perfectly jeweled
movements that insure accuracy
and satisfaction under most strenu
ous usage. Every watch is fully
Thin Model Watches for
Men, $14 Up.
Heavier Watches for
Mechanics, $8 Up. .
Ladies' Wrist Watches in
all the latest 6hapes, plain,
engraved, . carved others
with diamonds, every
movement guaranteed at
$15 to $400.
- Convenient Terms
Without Extra Charge
Lnrgreait Diamond Dealer In
334 Washington St.. Opp.
Owl Drug
If 'you saw a dollar lying in your path you'd
stop and pick it up, of course you would.
If you were going to buy a Suit of Clothes and
knew you could save from $5 to $10 if you bought
the suit at Gray's, you'd surely buy it at Gray's.
When we tell you we will save you half the
profit you must pay other stores if you buy your
Clothes of us you can bet we'll make you the saving.
Through our efficiency policy of selling for cash
and dividing the profit with you our business has in
creased enough to make the plan profitable for us.
Suits With Suits Sold by Other
Stores for $25 and $30
Suits With Suits Sold by Other
Stores for $35 and $40
Gray's sell men's fine furnishings and hats at moderate prices.
When you've made comparisons we sell you the goods.
Postponement Believed Calculated to
Help Froapeeta of the
"WASHINGTON, June 29. (Special.)
The National woman's suffrage pro
gramme remained ln uncertainty today
after the failure on Thursday to get a
vote on the Susan B. Anthony resolu
tion yesterday. It was generally
agreed, however, that action on the
resolution was far off, and probably
would not take place before August.
Despite the threat of Senator Jones,
of New Mexico, chairman of the suf
frage committee, to block the Con
gressional recess plan this Summer un
til the resolution was adopted, many
Senators fniendly to suffrage prepared
to leave the city on the disposition
of the large supply bills now pending.
In view of this situation, friends
and foes alike of suffrage regarded
it as Improbable that Senator Jones
would be able to make good his threat.
Althousrh theTe was no official state
ment from the suffrage faction, it was
the opinion of some of those support
ing the resolution that a postponement
miirht make possible certain nevelop-
ments increasing the
measure fon adoption.
chances of the
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