The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1918, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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French Military Expert Says
"Take a Chance" and Chase
Foe Are Best Policies.
General Milrabail Points Out That
General Diaz, of Italian Army, Is
Following; Defense Method So
as to Avoid Rear Attack.
Special cable to Chicago Tribune.
PARIS. June 29. General Milrabail.
who contributes to the Tribune's Army
edition the comment on the situation
in the Italian campaign below. Is an
eminent French military expert. In
the first year of the war he commanded
the 67th Infantry Division and is now
In reserve service:
"Since June 23 the Austrians. hard
pressed by the Italians, have recrossed
the Piave in disorder. The Italians
have not pursued them, contenting
themselves reoccupying their old posi
tions and strengthening them where it
was necessary.
Pursuit Danger Seen.
"In this connection an eager discus
sion has arisen in military circles over
the advantages and drawbacks attend
ing such a pursuit. There is no doubt
that, as in all war operations, pursuit
in this instance carried with it a cer
tain hazard and exposed the Italians
to certain risks. In the crossing to the
left bank of the Piave they would
leave behind them the armies of Gen
eral von Hoetzendorff, which occupy
the Asiago Plateau and the mountain
zone between the Brenta and Piave, and
if these armies, more fortunate than
on June 15, should succeed in reaching
the Venetian Plain they would cut off
or at least endanger the Italian re
treat. "Nor is this all; if the rainy spell
continued bringing a new flood of the
Piave, our allies would have found
themselves on the left bank of the
river in the same critical position as
were the armies of General Boroevic,
the Austrian, on the right bank, a few
days before.
Some Favor Pursuit.
"Finally, notwithstanding their forced
retreat and their losses, Austrian
armies have not been completely dis
organized. They have fallen back on
their old positions, where they could
put 'up an energetic resistance to the
attack of the Italian forces and per
haps, with the aid of fresh reinforce
ments, might even launch a successful
"These are the arguments advanced
by those who approve of the decision
of General Diaz not to take a chance.
The partisans of the pursuit plan, on
the contrary, lay stress on these argu
ments: "That pursuit alone would permit
the Italians to clinch the success they
obtained in throwing the foe to the left
bank of the Piave.
"That, in all wars, no treat results
have been obtained except by starting
the pursuit immediately after a suc
cessful battle and giving the enemy no
time to reform or to reorganize by
demoralizing him with successive at
tacks, by increasing his disorder, and
by turning his retreat into rout.
Defensive Is Opposed.
"Finally, they argue that, of all pos
sible choices, a defensive attitude is
the worst because it is an avowal of a
lack of power, leaves to the foe the
Initiative, and, sooner or later, takes
away the freedom of action.
"I share this opinion completely, and
I am a strong partisan of the prln
ciple of pursuit and movement ahead,
always and under any circumstances.
This disconcerts the foe and takes
from him his liberty of action and as
cures success.
"To sum up: It is that which we call
the "will to strike." We observe with
satisfaction that, in all the battles in
which they have taken part, and very
recently, at the Belleu wood, our Amer
ican allies possess to a high degree
this spirit of the offensive, which, is
Indeed a part of their nature."
Kcw Slide Near Vlento Blocks Scenic
Columbia Highway.
HOOD RIVER. Or., June 29. (Spe
cial.) The Columbia River Highway
between here and Cascade Locks will
remain blocked on July 4. Crews oper
ating a steam shovel on the Ruthton
niu cut were instructed today to bar
ricade this end of the highway. In
order to prevent inconvenience to trav
elers. The road will be blocked for
several days as the result of a slide
near Vlento.
The steam shovel operators wiil
cease work Wednesday noon, resuming
on me lonowing Monday.
ASHING TON, June 29. The Army
casualty list today contained 42
ames, divided as follows:
Killed In action. S; died of wound. 13:
died ot accident and other causes. 2; died
of disease, 2; wounded severely. 14: mlsslns
in action. 7.
The list Includes Private Carroll C.
Gates, Hillsboro, Or., died from wounds.
KILLED IN ACTION Privates Eugene M.
Connor, Wlnchendon, Mass.: Charles Du
buque. Nashua. N. H. ; Charles Roy. Lowell,
Mass.; Earl L. Severance. Topsneld, lie.;
Fred Sherman. Calais. Me.
DIED FROM WOUNDS Sergeant Chester
Monga, San Mazzaro, Italy: John R. Tippet.
Sosser, 111. ; Corporals Robert E. Goody
koontz. Columbus. O. : Daw White, Tanksley.
Ky. ; Privates William F". Bell, Cortland.
N. Y. ; Carroll C. Gates. Hillsboro. Or.; Louis
C. Green. Mlddletown. N. Y.; Henry J. Hes
sen. Brooktleld, Wis.; Adam V. Mixtackl,
Pulaski. Wis.; William H. Osborn, Troy,
N. Y. ; Oakley O. Traynor, Flint, Mich.;
Michael T. Wllman. Ashland. Wis.
DIED OF DISEASE Corporals Harold
Martin. Wlnnemucca, Nev. ; Harry A. Strand,
Princeton, 111.
CAUSES Cook William J. Bushlaw. Conoes,
N. Y.; Private John Urey. Laurel. Pa.
L. Baribault, Springfield. Mass.; John J.
Hogan. Syracuse. N. Y. : Corporals Emmons
A. Boynton. Augusta. Me. : Harry H. Chldsey.
Eastbaven. Conn.; Privates John W. Bresln
han. Rochester. N. Y. ; Frederlco D. Gavlola,
Massln. Philippines.; Jim T. Harrison, Whig
ham, Ga.; Owen McCammon, Springfield.
Mo.: Clarence L. McCormlck. Lodl, CaL; Allle
Mlchaud. Brownsville. Me.; Henry A. Mon
tand. Philadelphia. Pa.; Oreato N'igro. Sou-U-nono.
Italy; Frank Ruaen, Erie. Pa; A.
Monford, Wyckolt. Mattituck. K. Y.
MISSING IN ACTION Lieutenant Philip
W. Daris, West Newton. Mass.: Corporal Le
roy K. Congleton. Philadelphia: Privates
Arthur K. Drake. Bay Shore. N. Y. ; Ernest
A. French, New Haven, Conn.; Lloyd B.
Mapes. Akron. O. : Charles B. Reese, Spring
Hill. N. s. ; Joseph Slack, Springfield. 111.
Archie K. Comeau, Haverhill, Mass.; Private
Michael J. Powers. New Haven, Conn.
The Marine Corps casualty list to
day contained 39 names, divided as fol
Killed In action, 24; died of wounds, 8:
wounded severely, 7.
The list includes Sergeant William
J. McColm, Portland, Or.; Corporal John
4 British Destroyers Engage
11 Boche Torpedo-Boats.
Governor Visits Friends at Cove.
COVE, Or., June 29. (Special.)
Governor James Withycombe and Mrs.
Withycombe motored over from Union
to Cove Wednesday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Withycombe and Mas
ter Robert, and were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh McCalL The Governor
is very much improved In health and
said he would be ready to return to
Salem in a few days. The visit to
Cove was In no sense a political call,
as Cove is the war-Governor's town.
W. Bloomqulst, Cheney, Wash., killed
in action; Private Edwin C. Belles. Wal
lula. Wash., wounded in action severely.
KILLED IN ACTION Sergeants William
J. McColm, Portland, Or.; John C. Peggs,
Canton. N. Y. : William J. Spire. Nashville.
Tenn.; Corporals John W. Bloomqulst.
Cheney, Wash.; Michael Loftus. Cleveland:
Harold R. Kerr, Belief ontalne. O. ; Robert J.
Pomeroy. Baltimore: Privates Claud A. Babb.
Hampton. Ut.; Jack Bamforth. New York;
Charles Belk. Pittsburg; Walter 8. Blgley.
Pittsburg: Leslie Biglow, New York; Frank
J. Bokosky. Scranton, Pa.; Joseph B. Caylor,
Mount Houston. Tex.; Frank M. Costello, St.
Helena, Md. ; Oscar Cottrell, Tuscaloosa. Ala.;
James B. Deans, Middlesex. N. C. ; James I.
Bodd. Marietta, O. ; Paul W. Gall. Dolton.
III.; Leo T. Leyden. Denver: James J. Mc
Kenna, Brooklyn; Ralph J. Roehrlg. Detroit;
Sidney Croberta. Toledo; George Tomsk.
South Chicago, III.
TION Sergeants Fred W. Stockham, Belle
ville, N. Y.; Walter F. Duda. Chicago; Her
bert E. Green, Indianapolis; Privates Peter
R. Brolander, Lake City. S. C. ; Hogey
Brown. Rock Creek. Tex.; Harold C. Geiger.
Mount Vernon, Ga.: Edward L. Krelger, Buf
falo: Rexall J, Rawllngs. Washington, D. C.
Corporal Hiram B. Schuler, Milwaukee: Pri
vates Edwin C. Belles. Walluls, Wash.;
Fred Gordon. Jr.. Chicago; David W. Hamlin.
Oberlin. O. ; Abraham L. Ommundsen.
Brooklyn: Lowell F. Richardson. Salt Lake
City; Leon F. Skala. Chatham, N. Y.
Another list made public later an
nounced the following casualties:
TION Corporal Raymond F. Connelly. Rock
Island, III.; Privates Louis J. Downard. Ar
nold. Pa.: William E. Weeks. Waverly,
N. Y.
Private John M. Colhoon, McNary, La.
LONDON. June 29. British casualties
reported during the month of June to
talled 141,147. This compares with to
tal casualties reported during May of
The losses for June were divided as
cers, 3619; men, 17.404; wounded or missing,
officers, 3B19; men. 119.218.
The losses reported during the last
eight days, rounding out the weekly
reports for the month, were:
cers. 816 men. 17.4U4; wounded or missing,
officers. 653; men. 32.244.
United States Government
Takes Action Under Treaty
to Maintain Order in Zone.
English Ships Finally Break Off
Battle and Retire to Their Sup
ports, and Ko Damage Is
Done to Any of Vessels.
LONDON, June 29. Four British tor
pedo-boat destroyers fought a long
range engagement with a German de
stroyer force off tho Belgian Coast on
Thursday evening. . The action was
broken off before any decisive results
were attained.
An official statement issued today by
the British Admiralty recounting the
affair says:
"On Thursday evening four of our
destroyers while patrolling off the
Belgian coast sighted eight enemy
torpedo-boat destroyers. Our destroy
ers proceeded on an easterly course at
full speed, and engaged the enemy at
long range.
"After the action had lasted a quarter
of an hour the enemy was joined by
three more torpedo-boat destroyers,
whereupon our force fell back on their
supports. The enemy did not follow
and the action was then broken off.
No damage was sustained, by any of
our vessels."
BERLIN, via London. June 29 The
Admiralty today announced that Ger
man torpedo craft of the Flanders flo
tilla engaged British destroyers on the
evening of June 27 off Ostend. The
clash took place while the Germans
were out on patrol.
on books on airplane construction were
worth more to him than any others.
The youthful student grasped the
opportunity for experience when John
Kiddell, a Polk CoiMty stockman, re
turned from the California aviation
school in 1913 with a biplane in which
he made a number of fligMs on the
Eiddell farm.
When war was declared 2'owell was
anxious to join the aviation corps, and
he enlisted when he was yet under
draft age.
He was ordered to the aviation field
immediately after reporting at Van
couver Wash. He suffered from the
effects of vaccination and has spent
all his time in the hospital since ar
riving at Fort Sam Houston. Three
operations were performed upon one
foot, where the effects of the serum
Attempt to
Favor of
Well-Known Vocal Teacher Takes
Miss Marian Clark as Bride.
The marriage of Leo Sparks, well
known vocal teacher of Portland, and
Miss Marian Clark, daughter of Mrs.
Lillian W. Clark, who lives at the Mal
lory Hotel, was made known yester
day by Mrs. Clark. The wedding was
solemnized yesterday noon at Van
couver, Wash., and shortly afterwards
the couple left for an automobile wed
ding trip which will take them to
Montana to live for a time on Mr.
Spark's ranch.
Mrs. Sparks was frequently a visitor
in Portland the last several years, her
home, however, having been in Min
neapolis, Minn., where she attended
school and was active socially. She
is the daughter of the late George A.
Clark, of Minneapolis.
Postpone Elections In
Candidates Supported
by New Administration Cause
of Military Occupation.
PANAMA, June 29. Under orders
from Washington American troops be
gan policing Panama and Colon yes
terday. The action was taken under
the treaty of 1904, authorizing the
United States to assume this duty
whenever necessary to maintain order.
The Panama government has protested.
Because the former administration
had refused to correct conditions in
the two cities, soldiers in the canal
zone were forbidden to enter them and
the civilian employes boycotted Colon
and Panama until the mandate of the
military authorities was carried out by
the Panama Government.
Elections Are Postponed.
The new administration, under Pres
ident Urriola, began to clean up the
cities, but in connection with this
work announced that the elections
fixed for June 30 and July 7 would be
postponed for six months because of
the fear that serious disorders might
occur if held on the dates set by law.
The opposition party protested to
Washington against the deferment of
the elections, claiming that such a
move would serve no purpose except
to favor the candidates supported by
the new administration.
The American State Department ad
vised President Urriola to hold tho
elections, but. he replied that a fair
election could not be held now and
suggested that American commission
ers supervise, the making up of poll
books and assume charge of an elec
tion to be held late in July or early
in August, which the president said
could be held in an open and fair
Urriola Cables Wilson.
President Urriola has prepared a
manifesto to the country and yesterday
sent this cablegram to President Wil
son :
"Today at 11 o'clock I was informed by
the Charge d' Affaires ot the United States
in this capita! that at 2 P. M. the cities of
Panama and Colon would be occuplea Dy
the military forces of the canal lone on the
pretext of maintaining public order. I pro
teat against this Interference, mhlch violates
the sovereignty of Panama without any
Justification, inasmuch aa the government of
Panama has sufficient means to maintain
order In these cities and I decline to share
with your excellency's government ths re
sponsibilities which so grave an action im
plies. ' -
WASHINGTON, .une 29. Tho pro
test from Panama has not reached the
State Department. United States troops
will remain in Colon and Panama, ac
cording to present intentions, until
order is established and all elections
have been held.
H pc ii h i iiju.ui mm i .AbeAii iiluij n
li.ll tl 111 M n 1 HlliCFUl B-m-V R Hi I " 111 II Ta if ill
U 1L XkCrlsX.HY if liU -JU w 11 YrJ If IJ"-r fcS
- - J J -Z V
ruddOD sues sizcuurv:
MXiRVfnil HUH II II sssss SSSJ - wi.v
. - e 9 e . ;
Charles Powell, of Monmouth, In Hos
pital and Held Eligible Only
for Ground Service.
MONMOUTH, Or, June 29. (Special.)
The ambition of a Monmouth boy
who had longed to meet the Boche
via the airplane route cannot be sat
isfied. Clares Powell, who has been
in the hospital at Fort Sam Houston
fon three months, is seriously ill with
erysipelas. His father, Ira C. Powell,
president of the First National Bank
of this city, has gone to his bedside.
According to word received here, the
son will recover, but his physical con
dition will make him eligible only for
ground service.
Powell, before enlisting in March,
was a junior in the Oregon Agricul
tural College. So great was the lure
of the aviation "game" that he could
not wait to complete his school work.
Powell had long been an aviation
student and when IS years old built
a miniature monoplane in which he
"coasted" off the top of Cupid's Knoll,
the historic spot west of .onmouth.
This success led him to the study of
books on 'aviation, and from that time
Power Lines to Be Extended.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 29. (Spe
cial.) Construction will begin in a few
days and will be completed within 60
days of a power line connecting the
North Coast Power Company's line at
Mesklll with the Pe Ell plant of the
Central Light & Manufacturing Com
pany. A franchise for the line was
recently granted by the Lewis County
Commissioners. The new line will go
through Dryad and Doty, furnishing
lights to residents of those towns.
Mrs. Palrlck Griffin Dead.
BAKER. Or.. June 29. (Special.)
Mrs. Patrick J. Griffin, aged 69, resi
dent of Baker County since 1870, died
at her home at Bridgeport today. She
was a native of Ireland, but spent her
girlhood in Boston, where she was mar
ried. Her husband was for many years
engaged in placer mining and ranching
in this county. She leaves three eons
and four daughters, all living in Baker
and vicinity.
Alleged Slacker Is Held.
LA GRANDE, Or., June 29. (Spe
cial.) Denton Truax, of Kamela, is in
jail here pending investigation as a
blacker. The police officials take par
ticular pleasure in taking Truax out in
'the corridor where he can see hundreds
of soldiers drilling on the street.
By letting me care for your
eyes. You will receive the ben
efit of many years' specialized
efforts and scientific research,
assuring; you the greatest ease
and comfort.
207 Morgan Building.
Washington at Broadway.
Father Kane, Not Father Lane.
ALBANY. Or., June 29 (To the Edi
tor.) Permit me to say that I was not
present at the Eugene meeting referred
to in today s Oregonian, and have at
no time made the statement attributed
to me of exchanging the priest's cas
sock for the soldier's uniform. As I am
past the age limit to serve as a chap
lain. I will stay at home and perform
my patriotic duty here.
(It was Father Kane, of Corvallls,
not Father Lane, of Albany, who spoke
at Eugeyie. The error, as the item ap
peared in The Oregonian, was one of
Moss-Gathering Picnics Today.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 29. (Spe
cial.) Two big sphagnum moss-gathering
picnics are scheduled for Aberdeen
and Hoquiam tomorrow. Many hun
dred sacks of moss are expected to be
gathered by those participating. Aber
deen Red Cross workers are planning
to picnic near the sphagnum moss beds
at Glen Grayland. spending the day
picking moss, while Hoquiam moss
pickers will go to Carlisle. It Is ex
pected that at least 1000 bags of moss
will be procured.
Meeting Place of International As
sociation In 1919 Selected.
KANSAS CITT. Mo., June 29. Salt
Lake City was chosen as the 1919 meet
ing place for the International Asso
ciation of Rotary Clubs at a meeting
of the organization's- officers here to
day, making the windup of this year's
New Orleans and Chicago were elimi
nated early and the contest was nar
rowed down to Cleveland and Salt Lake
Secretaries Ieave.
TACOMA, Wash., June 29. (Special.)
Three Y. M. C. A. secretaries left
Camp Lewis today for overseas serv
ice. W. C. Moore, headquarters ac
countant who came to camp in October
from Portland; John H. Neville, busi
ness secretary of building No. 5. com
ing from Walvllle, Or., and Phil Warn
ock, formerly of the County Court
house staff of Everett. Wash., social
secretary of building No. 4, are the
outgoing secretaries.
Forest Grove Women Save Crops.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. June 9. (Spe
cial.) More than a score of Forest
Grove women put aside their social
duties yesterday, responded to the S.
O. S. call that came from the John C.
i v5
t i i ii i i -a i i. a - i r. i
h i is" ii -win ii in -mtm w-jra.. mini. s M
SLEEP in cool, outside rooms, with lots
of light and air, which bring ound,
restful sleep. Eat in the big, sunny
Then, after a day's sight-seeing or business,
you can relax with your favorite Havana
on the veranda overlooking a picturesque
Such is a Summer picture of the Portland
Hotel. Isn't it inviting?
Portland's Famous Dollar Dinner, 6:15 to
8:15. Music and dancing weekdays. Special
music Sundays. Mid-day luncheon, 50c.
The Portland
Under the Management
Richard W. Childs.
Us W",
i " A i.
s i' 1 f 4 .
!- NU V Tji
g ' c ' "X .i
voBxifiem are , ''f st
Buchanan loganberry fields just east of
this city, and are acquiring rosy cheeks
and fine coats of tan and at the same
time helping to save the berry crop
which was fast ripening with no pick
ers to gather the fruit. About 75 Port
land High School girls, who were to
have responded, having fniled to rome
at the last moment-, the women patri
otically donned sunbonnets and cover
alls and are gallantly helping to save
the crop.
Kriso Girl Enters Y. M. C. A. Work.
KKLSO. Wash.. Juno 29. (Speciel.)
Miss Margaret Hull, one of Kclso'a
school teachers last year, and a local
girl, qualified for Y. M. C. A. entertain
ment service at Fort Lawton this week,
and will leave next week for Camp
Lewis. She will spend the Summer
in the T. M. C. A. work. Miss Hill is
a tRlented render.
E 1
"Delightfully Different
and Musically the Most
Perfect Talking Machine
in All the World."
Designed to Play Perfectly
Any Record Made
InMncible Model
Pride of Possession
With the ownership of a Sonora there is a certain degree of pride,
because the Sonora is a quality instrument, bought solely for its tone
and beauty, not for its "easy-payment plan."
There are fourteen different models of Sonora instruments, varying in price
from $60 to $1000. Convenient terms of payment may be arranged.
We invite and will welcome your inspection. Made in America and represented
in this territory only by
Corner Twelfth and Washington Streets
have become inactive in your library, take them out and donate them to the boys. We will
accept and forward them to the various companies and hospitals in this country which are
without this much-needed source of recreation.
ItEH 104.2