The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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6 SHOEMAKERS, tew saddletrees, good
i 0 express baggage truckers, $91 month.
1 machinist, gas engine work, scale.
4 machinists, scale.
? 10 laborers, shipyards,' S3 day.
2 steady laborers, pick and shovel, $3.75,
8 hours.
1 steady laborer, trench and sewer, $4,
o nours.
t 2 teamsters, street cleaning dept., $3.75,
8 hours.
U. S. Government Co. operating.
247 Davis St.
i. This is no time to shirk; every man
- should do his utmost : middle-ased men
can now "come back"; boys are needed
at once to fill soldiers places; the l. Al-.-.
C. A. Employment and Advisory De-
partment is able to give priceless aavice
it puis you into the largest place you are
-' able to fill successfully.
A special membership of $5 has been
devised to aid those who need it; don't
rr.lsi this modern, scientific and ttaor-
oughly business-like way of securing a
Phone Main 8700, A 6361. Call at once
In person if possible.
IIPMA"N. WOLFE A CO. require the serv
ices of two experienced hardware sales
men. Must be able to furnish the best of
references. Apply superintendent s omce,
, . seventh floor, Monday morning, between
i aud 10 o'clock.
ABSTRACTER, man not subject to draft,
or competent lady abstracter, position per
4 manent. right party can get interest in
business. See Hoy McClailen, Lawyers
- Title & Trust Co., Portland, Or., or write
"'Ianlel Boyd, Enterprise, Or.
W ANTED First-class cheese maker, to take
charge of good plant running 2 vats in
.-flush and operating throughout the year.
State salary expected and give references.
: Address George A, Anderson, Battle
Ground, Washington.
RANTED Thoroughly experienced office
man, over military age. Must be good
- bookkeeper and capable of handling
stock books, inventories, etc. State ex
perience, give reference and phone. C
ail, Oregonian.
XI EN wanted by Portland Gas & Coke Co.,
at Gasco, on Linnton road. Steady employ
ment; pay $3.00 to $5 per day. Take free
: bus at garage. Front and Gllsan sts., 6 A.
M or 23d and Savier at 7 ;15 A. M, Apply
at gas plant office. '
WANTED Thorough, first-class man to
take charge of monotype caster. An at-
i tractive permanent position to the right
; man. H. S. Crocker Co., -30 Brannan sU,
" St. Francisco. Cal.
WANTED Man for office work. Need not
be an experienced bookkeeper, but should
' be able to operate typewriter. One not
' k subject to draft. Give age and references.
N 401, Oregonian.
.WANTED Young man under military age
for bill clerk and city cashier in whole
sale house. Permanent if satisfactory.
Give reference and phone. J 300, Ore
gonian -
L"a THE HAND Increasing machine shop
- crew. Strike on. West Linn mills. Wages
65y.c for eight hours. Can worc 10 hours
if desire. Address B. T. McBain, West
- Linn. Advancement assured right man.
MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from
v trucks to basements of our consumers;
average wage $4.2o to $4.75 for tt hours.
- Inquire N. K. cor ad and Fianders. Port-
" ' land Gas & Coke Co.
WANTED Man with general business ex
perience, mercantile or otherwise, capable
T manual labor; steady position; references
required. State experience, age, phone.
W 301, Oregonian.
OFFICE man who is over draft age, must
be quick at figures and absolutely trust
worthy and reliable. Right salary to the
" one who can qualify. Answer with refer
" ences and experience. R 260. Oregonian.
1 first-class fitters. Standard wages, up,
according to ability to satisfy customers.
Hedpecock Artificial Limb & Brace Co..
1412 Hi Commerce. Dallas. Tex.
WANTED Experienced night clerk for
.. small hotel; also house porter. Main 136.
Help Wanted Salesmen,
ITGH-C LASS man under 40 for outside col-
- lecting and selling. Sales department
strongly established, educational institu
tion, whose business has greatly Increased
"as result of the war. Previous sales ex
perience not absolutely necessary, but
' must possess unusual energy and deter
mination. Permanent position with splen
did future. It will pay the right man
-from $125 to $250 per month, the first
lx months, and earnings will increase as
i he becomes established. Bond and refer
ence required. No investment. S. P. Sny-
-der, 0o4 Veon bldg. ,
SALESMEN calling on the country trade
... to handle as a side line a staple article
not having been previously introduced and
In big demand. Little time required and
"does not Interfere with any other line.
Call in person at East Alder st. and
Union ave. (Old p. Q. building.)
EXCELLENT position, established concern ;
atrong proposition, staple line : big de
rt mand. Man capanle to earn $4000 this
' year for Oregon. State experience. G. R.
- Williams, 1020 Euclid ave., Cleveland,
'Ohio. Dept. 17020.
SALESMAN by lace and embroidery Impor--'
ters. work established trade, Oregon and
adjoining territory; excellent opportunity
' for right man with established trade,
smaller towns. Fuld, 1140 Broadway. New
- York.
COUNTY managers, industrious and de
pendable, to supply enormous wartime de-
mand for article recommended by Gov
t ernment officials. Yields an average of
. $20 dally. Main 1308. 701 Board of
SALESMEN who want opportunity where
. . growth and permanency equals being m
business for yourself. Attractive percent-
: age. Superior quality guaranteed. Box I.
1 tax I o nE. C 1 e vtja nd.
SIG money spare time, refinlshlng chande-
liers, brass beds, autos. New method,
without capital or experience. Free sam-
pies. Write today, Gun metal Co., 42 Elm,
- Decatur, 111.
SALESMEN wanted; laces, embroideries,
"r side line; 12Vb per cent commission; 8am
plea light; only men with trade row trav
, eling need apply.
-Meik & Co., 416 Broadway. New York.
.CAPABLE specialty man for Oregon. Staple
line on new, exceptional terms. Vacancy
now. Attractive commission contract; $35
"weekly for expenses. GlUett, 22626 Carlin
j:'blcig.. Cleveland. O.
SUCCESSFUL salesman. experienced any
line ; new merchandising plan. Excellent
- commission contract ; $35 weekly for ex-
pen sea. Continental Jewelry Co., 17926
Continental bldg., Cleveland. O.
SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced,
city or traveling. Free employment serv
- ice for members. Send for full particu
lars. Address Natl. Salesmen's Tr. Assn.,
- Dept. 311, Chicago, 111.
EXCELLENT, permanent position capable
salesmen in Oregon. Vacancy July 1;
" staple line for general retail trade. Lib
eral commissions. $35 w eekly advance,
Rice Co ., 701 Williams bldg.. Detroit.
WANTED Two first-class specialty sales
t nu'ii; one with auto. 507 SLock Exchange
SALESMAN for clean city dye works;
steady position, good pay; a man exempt
.. from draft and reliable. 2S3 Grand ave.
WANTED Two experienced city salesmen,
.v Call Congress Hotel, . Sunday, 10 to 12,
ask for J. K. Wood.
COLLECTOR-saltesman, city, with or without
rig; liberal contract. Call A. M. 402 Wash.
WANT salesman, young or old; steady work,
gcod pay. AK 457, Oregonian.
'SALESMAN wanted for splendid side line.
"Morgan Raxor Works, 1st and Salmon.
$30 WEEKLY and automobile furnished men
" everywhere placing samples wonderful fuel
' product with automobile owners: 3c worth
equals galbm of gasoline; outfit furnished
free. E. Ballwey, 621 tita. F, Louisville,
PATRIOTIC pictures; we have them all;
' Chicago prices; agents coining money;
" samples (10) $1; particulars free. Patri---otic
Pub. Co., (room 16) 253V& Washing
ton. Portland. Or.
$T5 A WEEK for 2 hours work a day.
brand-new hosiery proposition that beats
Jthem all. Write for terms aud free sam
- pies if you mean business. Guaranteed
Hosiery Co., 3108 Round st., Dayton, O.
ORD auto free, 14 other grand prizes, him
dreds cash rewards. Something for every-
, body answering this.. 25 "Over There'
postcards free. Address Auto, Stevens. 545
- N. LaSalJe St., Chicago
PATRIOTIC pictures, best sellers. 25 new
- subjects and lowest prices; samples free.
1,1 Address N. M. Friedman & Co.. manu
facturers, box 82, Martinsburg, Mo.
QUIT COAL Our burner makes gas fine in
ny coal stove; iret our agents big money
making ofTer. Wonder Burner Co., Dept.
IMt. Columbus. O.
WANTED Two more live-wire magazine
men to work in city or country. Applv 8
' to 10 A. M., or 3 to 6 P. M., Daily. 311
. .Globe bldg.
WANTED, to sell fine soap, perfumes, toilet
articles, extracts, spices, creams, etc. .Sam-
pie free ; write quick. LacasMan Labora
tories, DepL 1-G, St, Louisi, ilo.
AGENTS make $500 per month selling
Stransky's new patented Fuel Vaporizer
for Ford cars. It ie new. it is different,
it Is patented. Guaranteed to save 25 per
cent to 50 per cent of gasoline: ',4 kero
sene can be used with splendid results
at a saving of over CO per cent in fuel
cost. 15 days' free trial. I don't want a
penny of your money uTitil you have used
it 15 days and are satisfied it will do
all I claim for it. Greatest money-maker
on earth today. Local county and state
agents wanted everywhere. Stransky Va
porizer Co.. Pukwana. S, D.
tion t:at wil Imake a handsome income
for wide-awake, energetic salesmen is of
fered by an old-line life Insurance com
pany that can ehow the publlo the best
results of any company in the United
States and therefore easily sold. All com
munications will be held confidential. If
interested address AV 955. Oregonian.
1 MAKE $50 to $200 weekly in small, per
manent business. Man or woman start
anywhere. Materials cost 78 cents, re
tails for $43. Big demand needed in every
home, hotel and restaurant. Craycroft.
Fresno, Cal.
WANTED Representative to organize local
field. Experience unnecessary. Splend id
pay besides share of profits. Wonderful
future. Nothing to sell. No Investment.
National Realty Clearing Association, File
f, Lo n 6TB each. Cal.
$30 WEEKLY up. selling Mexican diamonds.
Exactl yresemble genuine: same rainbow
fire; stand tests; sell at sight. Repeat
orders. Write quick for sample case, oiler
free. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
255, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
AGENTS at once; sell 50c per month hospi
tal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg.
Handling parts.
Mechanical work.
Due to shortage of men, leading auto
mobile firm will favorably consider ap
plications from young women in above
departments. AK. 441, Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged women to run ele
vators; experience not necetary; perman
ent positions with good pay. Apply Mon
day morning between 0:30 and 11. Chief
Engineer's office. Selling bldg.
from house to house; salary
and commission; "only those that had
former- experience in canvassing, for a
well-known line sewing machines. 172 3d.
WANTED More young women to prepare
for telegraph service; many positions open
now for women telegraphers. For par
tieninrM wrim or call telesranh dept..
room 21S, Railway Ex. bldg.. 3d and Stark.
GOVERNMENT WORK Opportunity for a
lew women to learn io w o nu of"
Army goods. Preference given to those
living on the Peninsula. Apply Portland
Woolen Mills, St. Johns.
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oak sts..' will furnish information, give
protection and assistance free to woman
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
. permanent position with largsj publishing
nouse; state age. education, experience,
phone number. E 216, Oregonian.
WILL give small sulary and music lessons
to young lady to do office work In music
studio a few hours each week. Call Mon
day afternoon, 602 Filers bldg.
WANTED Middle-aged lady with photo
graphic experience; $25 per week to right
party. Answer in own handwriting; give
experience. N 303. Oregonian.
WANT competent reliable woman to take
management of down-town confectionery
store: must be experienced. AC 376. Ore
gonian. HOUSEKEEPER by working man in town
near Portland, with small home and girl
school age ; wages $15 a month. AJ 60S,
C UMPE T EN'T bookkeeper and stenographer
for substitute work for July, August and
September; references, give phone num
ber. M 450, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced a la carte wait
ress, $30, single room ana meais. ixins
have use of laundry and dry room. Hotel
Marion, Salem, Oregon.
WANTED Young lady as collector; $10
week to start; good chance for advance
ment; give phone. Address AP 324, Ore
gonian. GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good
wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. IS. 10th
and Pine streets .
LADY collector for credit store; state age.
references and salary expected. AM. 440,
WANTED A lady to clean house. Call
Sunday afternoon or Monday after T P. M..
at 407 E. Grant st.
WANT experienced binder girl ; steady po
sition. Welsh-Richard Company, Aber
deen, Wash.
WANTED Capable woman for general
housework; must be good trained cook;
good wages. 725 Sherwood drive.
BOOKKEEPERS, $75, $!0. $100; blller, $05;
stenographers, $75, $U0; dictaphone opera
tor, $M. 301 N. W. Bank bldg.
WANTED Woman to go on camping trip
of two or three weeks to cook for young
man and boy. AC 377, Oregonian.
ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the
alVatlOn Army nencuc numc, "
15th st. N.. or phone East 123.
WANTED Experienced saleswomen for do
mestic section. Apply after 10 A. M. Rob
erts Bros., Third and Morrison ste.
GIRL or woman for kitchen helper; good
wages for good woman. Riverside Hotel,
St. Johns. Phone Columbia 200.
WANTED Girl to assist with light house
work; good home, good wages. 230 N.
24th. Phone Marshall 1321.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced cham
bermaid, wages $50 month. Hotel Frank
lin, 13th and Wash.
WANTED First-class waitress, good salary
with pleasant room and board. Alexandra
Court. 53 Ella st.
WANTED Reliable young lady to look after
8-year-old child part of day. 2 P. M, Mrs.
Cllva Ufa 11 or V Hotel.
WANTED at once, handsewers and oper-
invor machines. Metropolitan
Hat & Cap Co.; 131 Vfe 2d st.
WANTED lcperieiiceu aieuue'i'i"'.
. 1 . v. nil anri fflAMti niiKiness:
iar wiiii itiiui, v r.
.tnt experience. T 336, Oregonian.
W A NTE D An experienced chambermaid.
FT- . 1 U1WV "U01.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Pal-
WANTED -Dishwasher and kitchen helper.
Ken t on Hotel. 1751 Derby. Wdln 2015.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 2606 East 43d st.
Take R. M. car, can alter o ?. .M.
GIRL wanted for confectionery store. 301
Burnslde, Broadway 1357.
GIRL wanted for light factory work. Ap
ply A. Cahlli, 2Ui jNortn itn.
WOMAN as cook's helper in logging camp.
Y 435, oregonian.
YOUNG ladles to work In concessions. Oaks
Park See Mrs. Steffens.
WOMAN for tray work in small institution.
Apply 742 Overton st.
WANTED Experienced waitress. Call 11
M. 347 Morrison.
WAITRESS wanted. The White Restaurant.
24 h 2d st. N. Broadway 385. $13 week.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; calfaftef
11 A. M. Mandarin Cafe. 302 Morrison.
WANTED A waitress at 163 12th st. The
Norton. Phone Main 941.
CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en
gag e mntiiotrareJingCasir
EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be
obtained by calling Main 102. A 2667.
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 year
01a; jlo years exp. (it Everett. Alar. 2162.
WANTED A waitress, Martha Washington
Phone Mar. 1251.
WANTED Registered lady pharmacist. Ad
dress W 260. Oregonian.
WANTED A bus girl. Globe Dairy Lunch.
567 Washington st.
WANTED Chambermaid in hotel; give
your phone number. BF 840, Oregonian.
GIRLS for counter work. Apply Beam's
Dairy Lunch. 145 H 6th st.
YOUNG woman for part time, work in noon
luncn. can wonaay. 104 r. Htn st.
PANTRY woman afternoons only.
oen niu noiei.
WANTED Experienced body lroner. Oregon
Laundry. E. 6th and Oak.
WANTED Marker and body lroner.
GIRL wanted as elevator operator.
way 137S.
WANTED A kitchen helper. 303
WANTED Chamber maid,
way 11 SO.
Phone Broad-
WANTED A good cook, institutional. Call
Main f7.
YOUNG girl wanted as helper, to
Gearhart. Marshall 3922.
WANTED Chambermaid.
6th and Hoju
Hotel Hoyt,
wsnted by engineers designing and super
vising construction of large shipbuilding
Apply In writing only
410 First National Bank Building,
Oakland, Cal.
EXPERIENCED 2 needle operators; also ex
perienced girl to put on cuffs. Good pay.
233 Couch st. Ml Hood Factory.
With typing experience preferred.
Office Positions
Apply to
Chief Operator.
Western Union,
6th Floor Worcester Bldg.,
Third and Oak Sts.
LIPMAX. WOLFE A CO. require the serv
ices of an experienced cook for their res
taurant. No night or Sunday work. Per
manent position to- the one who can qual
ify. Apply superintendent's oftlce, seventh
floor, between 9 and lo A. M. Monday
Prefer -those who have had some previous
telegraph schooling.
5th Floor Worcester Bldg.
DANCING assistant teacher warned; good
ballroom dancer. A chance to become a
ruai teacher and professional exhibition
dancer; eve. work if desired; free instruc
tions and good salary ff capable. If you
have ambition this is a good opportunity.
Call this afternoon. 1 to 4, DeHoney s
Academy, 23d and Washingtcn.
that can take care of house and get
breakfast and dinner In evening for fath
er and son. Good home. Location on
East Side, close in. Muat have good ref
erences. Party could work part of day
if she wanted. In answering give refer
enrcK, etc,. AH 335, Oregonian.
WOMEN wanted; splendid positions; no ex
perience necessary; good wages to start,
with good chance to advance. Apply In
person. Crystal Laundry Co.
WANTED Two women with experience
in pa u try work; part day-work and part
night work as lute as 12 P. M Salary
$55 and board first month, $60 per month
the second month and after; six . days
per week. Apply to chef before 10 A. M..
The Broadway Haselwood. 127 Broadway.
JANITRESSES Apply superintendent's of
fice, basement balcony, Meier A Frank Co.
WANTED Middle-aged lady with girl 4
or 5 years old fur light housework ; a
good home rather than wages. Del-Mae-Joe
Hotel. Call Sunday forenoon. J.
To call houses about their Insurance.
Experience in this line not absolutely
neceHsary. One with soliciting experience
preierred. In answering give former exp.
a nd salary wanted. V 80. Oregonian.
FIVE more ladles to join our sales force,
house to house work, $5 to $10 per day
easily made, if depending on number of
hours at work. Apply b to 10 A, M. 3 to 6
P. M.. daily. 311 Globe bldg.
OREGON corporation formerly employing
men only has opening for women on Its
sales force. Work clean and dignified.
Call Monday at 2S4 Oak st. Ask for man
ager. References required.
AMATEURS ambitious for real stage experi
ence to Join dramatic club. Write accom
plishments and personal description. AN
316. Oregonian.
WANTED Strong lady with mechanical
ability to do repairing In the grafonola de
partment. Columbia Graphophona Co.,
420 Washington St.
WANTED A first -slass cloak and suit sales
lady, one who can do alterations. Address
with reference and salary expected in first
letter. The Parisian, Bend. Oregon.
12 GIRLS wanted, between ages of 21 and
SO. as apprentices to learn molding and
coro, making. Answer Oregonian, stating
height and weight. K 800. Oregonian.
TEACHERS and salesladies, get a vacation
trip while earning big money. Refined,
pleasant work. Give phone to arrange for
interview. T 325, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly competent and ex
perienced woman as stenographer and
bookkeeper; state experience and salary
desired Y 442, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper In
Catholic family of three adults, good
home, plain .cooking. Apply Monday 373
E. 3d North.
WANTED By a waitress, a girl for chum
and to share a sleeping-room. Prefer a
waitress. Address Room 16, Hotel Norris,
17th and Alder.
WANTED Stenographer who knows some
thing of fire Insurance, to substitute in of
fice for two weeks, beginning July 15. W
82T, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for a dairy lunch; no Sun
day work. Apply on Sunday bet. 10 A. M.
and 12, or Monday morning. Shamrock
Dairy Lunch, 439 Stark mt.
WANTED Experienced marker and sorter,
steady position, good pay. Apply in per
son Crystal Laundry Co.
MILLINERY MAKER. good wages and
steady position to an experienced milliner.
3fe5 Alder st.
WANTED Stenographer and typist; must
be rapid and accurate; permanent position.
AC 299, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
- housework; good wages. 66 Lucretia st.
Phone Main 1721.
GI-RLS wanted, steady employment, at good
wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th
and Pine sts.
WOMAN for general housework, one who
ran cook for hotel. Box 36, Long Beach,
WANTED Experienced girl for confection
ery and soda fountain work. 275 Burn
slde st.
WANTED Girl for suburban drygoods
wore; state experience and salary expect
ed. C 306, Oregonian.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Tele
phone East 2390. or call East 10th and
Hasnalo; I rvjngton car.
SOLICITORS to sell dresses. Good oppor
tunity to make big money. 301 Globe
Theater building.
LEARN business course, few hours work
dally. State education and age. Fine op
portunity. X 292. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced lady for alteration
work. Fashion Suit & Cloak Co., 394 Wash
" lngton.
ONE experienced lady to work in dark room.
Apply 207 Manchester bldg.
WAITRESS wanted; also dishwasher. Co
lumbla Restaurant. 102 6th st.
CANDY girl, $9 at start; experience not nec
essary. Harris, 120 5th st.
WANTED Chambermaid for residential ho
tel. 332 10th. Main 6361.
WANTED Experienced rook for residential
hotel. 332 10th. Marshall 6381.
WANTED Experienced shirt press operator.
Apply Crystal Laundry Co., 21st and Sandy.
v ANTED Chambermaid, at International
Hote i.
HOUSEKFEPER Month, 6 weeks; man and
child. E. fi:!32.
WANTED Eoeren ?ed pantry woman. Es
tes Grill, 12S Park et.
WANTED Experienced retoucher. C t
Multnc man Studio. 801 Dekum bid g.
2 CHAMBERMAIDS wanted. Coast Hotel,
232 Burnslde.
WANTED Young school gir! to help with
light housework. Wdln. 3142.
PROFICIENT law stenographer, fine future
for right woman. AC 367, Oregonian.
Help Wanted advertisements In
must state explicitly the nature of
employment and the basis of com
pensation, salary or commission.'
The Oregonian rejects misleading
and -objectionable advertising and
any advertisements round to be mis
leading tihould be reported Immedi
ately to The Oregonian office.
Main 7070. A 6093.
At Salem, Neal, Newberg. Waconda.
Gresham, Woodburn, Estacada. Gervals
and Sprlngbrook, l'c to 2c lb.
Cherry pickers at The Dalles. lHo per
lb. Some furnish housing as well as
camp grounds. .
Woman's Division
U. S. Government Co-operaLlng.
305-300 City Hall.
ver vices 01 a woman cook and three
waitresses; good pay. no Sunday or night
work. Apply Superintendent's office, sev
enth floor, between 0 and 10 A. M. Mon
day. WANTED High-grade experienced office
woman ; must understand accounting and
stenography; an excellent opportunity for
one qualified to take charge of office de
tail; give full details retarding experi
ence and references. Y 430, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced laundry help, both
nana ironers and mangle girls; also as
sistant ntarcher and finlHher; good wages;
fare refuntled after WO days' service. Kla
math Superior Laundry, Klamath Falls,
LADY dishwasher. 63 North Sixth su
WANTED Nurse maid. Call Mar. 1921.
Wsvii ted -Domestics.
WANTED Girl for light housework and
neip witn care or 2 cnuaren; no cook
lng; good home. Located at Jennings
Lodge, on Willamette River. $13. Phone
Oak Grove 13HX.
STRONG woman or girl on ranch; heavy
washings sent out ; smai 1 tami ly. 000a
pay and treatment. Call on Mrs. Potter,
333 13th st. cor. Market. Phone Main
WANTED Young girl for general house
work, or to assist with nouseworg. bmaii
family, small house: good wages. Wrue
or call 525 East lth st. N or call East
327. irvington ear.
WANTED Lady to cook one meal a day
for board and room. Call Sunday between
9 and 2, or Monday evening. Tel. Tabor
WANTED Young girl for general house
work. Small family, small house; good
wages. Write or call 525 East lttth St. N.
or call East 327, Irvington car.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework ;
no cooking or washing; good home; $20
a month. Phone Mar. 1456.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework ; good salary and home. 375
East 1 1th North, near Broadway.
WANTED Good -housekeeper for small fam
ily; good wages; no washing. Phone East
GIRL wanted for general housework, three
adults, no furnace to take care of; good
wages .791 Northrup st.
WANTED A middle-aged woman as house
keeper for working man ; have own home ;
give particulars. N 4Q4, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; no washing; adults only. Main
2647. -
YOUNG woman wanted for housework ;
good home and good wages. 411 Broad
wav. West Side.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. Two adults. Call 628 Everett,
near Twentieth.
CAPABLE woman for general housework:
small family, excellent wage-, permanent
position. Call up Main lo79.
WANTED Cook and general work, wages
$45; no wash; four adults. Call Main 521.
MAID to assist in general housework; fine
home and pleasant room. 14H N. lHth st.
YOUNG girl for light housework. 147 Stan
ton st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Phone Sellwood 2539.
WANTED Girl for general housework: ex
perience not necessary. Call Main 9376.
YOUNG girl for general housework ; good
wages. Phone forenoons East 761 4.
WANTED An experienced woman for cham
ber work. Me. I lory Hotel. 171 Lownsdale.
DEPENDABLE girt or woman for light
housework ; good home. East Son9.
GIRL wanted for general housework, family
of S, small house. Phone Main 5128.
GIRL wanted for general housework, mages
$40. East 6301. 595 E. 14th N.
EXPERIENCED maid; small family in
apartment, $40. Mar. 5910.
MAID To assist with housework; no laun
dering; pleasant position. Main &094.
HANDY high school girl wishes carsTof ch!f
dren afternoon or evenings. Sellwood 4tibl.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. Phone Tabor 492.
A GIRL for second work, good wages. Main
WANTED Girl for housework! 641 Wash,
st. Take Wash, -at. car.
GIRL for general housework, cooking: 2
adults Main n5S8.
WANTED A girl to help with housework:
no washing or cooking. 295 W. Park.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. 265 2d st.
WANTED An operator for Vaughan drag
saw machine; foreman's position ; steady
Government work. Don't apply unless you
are experienced saw and capable of
handliug men. Apply Vaughan Motor
Works. Inc.. 475 E. Main st. Phone 110.
WANTED Man or woman to take charge
of orfice; must be competent bookkeeper
and understand double entry. Apply Royal
Wash. Phone 406.
WANTED Man and wife for ranch in
Idaho, woman to do cooking, man to
work on ranch. Inquire Dr. ConnelL 1203
Selling bldg.
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted at once at
Waconda, Or., I. M. Bales. For particu
lars, call H. C. Bales, phone Main 71oL
local 7. or Marshall 241.
WANTED Man and wife cooks, railroad
boarding camp. Western Commissary Co.,
814 2d ave. South. Seattle.
WANTED Assistant and registered drug
gists, either sex. Apply E. Struplere,
Mgr. The Owl Drug Co.
CHERRY pickers wanted Monday. 11 E. &2d
st.. near Stark Bring buckets.
WANTED Reasonable mandolin teacher
for beginner. Phone Wdln. 1346.
WANT a janitor or Janitresa at Rainier
EXPERIENCED spinners and weavers want
ed to work on Government goods. Good
wage. steady work. Apply Portland
Woolen Mil la. St. Johns.
YOU may not yet realise the great de-
you help meet th;a demand? uur courses
will Interest you. BL'RSELL PRIVATE
BUSINESS SCHOOL, Lumbermen's bldg..
5th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 5601. Miss
F. Buraell. principal Cool study rooms,
day and evening classes.
U. S. GOVERNMENT wants thousands
clerks, Washington, men, women, 18 over;
war work ; $lO0 month ; quick increase;
easy work; common education sufficient;
your country needs you; help her. live
Washington during these stirring times.
W rite immed lately : free list positions
open. Frankl in Institute, Dept. 360 F,
Rochester. N Y.
Individual Instruction. Short Practical
Course, Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeep
ing, Spellingi Dictaphone, Mimeograph
ing. Office Training. Adding Machine, Fil
ing. A lisky Bldg. 3i and Morrison.
MEN, WOMEN, learn the barber trade;
shortage of barbers all over the country ;
big wages; $5 to $10 per week earned
while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL. Phone
Broadway 1731. MOHLER BARBER COL
LEGE. 234 Burnslde st.
PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and
steam engineering, mechanical drawing,
machine-shop practice, oxy-acetylens
welding, automobile and tractor operating
and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se
aitle Engineering School, Seattle, Wash.
G J R LS, women wanted. Government war
positions; $lu0 month; promotion; 50.0m)
vacancies; experience unnecessary; easy
work: list positions free. Write Imme
diately. Franklin Institute, dept. 704 F,
Rochester. N. Y.
pays you while learning, gives you a set
of tools, guarantees you a position ; send
for catalogue! 234 Burnslde st. Phone
Broadway 1731. .
GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts;
personal attention, practical work: heavy
demand for operators. $75 to S5 to start.
Fuller's Telegraph School, Panama bldg.
Business courses adapted to war needs.
Attention Riven to preparation for civil
service examinations. Personal instruction.
LEA RN French in 8 mont hs by conversa
tional method. 3'l Corbett bldg. Main
MISS MATTINGLYS Shorthand. Typewrit
ing School, day. evening. $3 month. 269
14th, near Jefferson. Main 393.
exceptional opportunity for nurses. Iron
Hide Institute, 327-8-9 Pit toe k block.
TELEGRAPHY, stenography. Bkg. Hoard,
rm. ami tuition may be earned. Muckay
Bun. Colleges. Los Angeles and Fresno.
men and women the barber trade free.
Paid while learning. 234 Couch st.
Fret registration. 911-12 Broadway bldg.
Main 674
MEN, WOM EN. learn barber trade free;
wages while learning; position guaranteed
On gon Bfirher College. 233 Madison st
ELOCUTION, .public speaking taught In
your home ; professional coach. Woodlawn
EXPERIENCED teacher will tutor gram
mar grade pupilr. East 2S7t.
WANTED Private shorthand teacher who
teaches Gregg system. Y 447, Oregonian.
Arnife trong-llolmes Business College. Filed
ner bldg.. day and evening. Broadway 121.
TEACHERS Ali kinds ot teaching post
tloiw. ' Main 435. Kiik Teachers' Agency.
301 Corbett btdg. Main 336
With full set of tools, 20 years' experience,
able to take charge end handle any kind
. of work. Will consider position with
shipbuilding company. Scarcity of ma
terial only reason for this offer. Position
at regular scale of wages not considered.
X 330 Oregonian.
MARRIED man wishes position as sales
man with well established wholesale or
manufacturing firm, 10 years experience
behind the counter In groceries and gen
eral merchanll. Would consider other
work it there in a future. Best of ref
erences. A P 329 Oregonian.
LOOK Competent married man wants posi
tion as private chauffeur; 10 years' ex
perience; beat of references. V 855, Ore
gnnlsn. or Sellwood 3070.
POSITION ss mill superintendent or fore
man or yard foreman, experienced and
can rive. Best of references. T 323, Ore
gonian. ,
EXPERIENCED kitchen man wants posi
tion nights in restaurant. Will be steady,
year around. If given good wages; 6-day
house preferred. AB 386, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, cooks, desire position In
camp; state salary and number of men in
camp. Y 449, Oregonian.
BY A reliable man past draft age as chauf
feur or truck driver. Address L. E.
Ernest, 22 Front at Broadway 1665.
WANTED Charge of electric, steam or wa
tei -power plant, motors, etc.; 20 yrs.' exp..
A1 ref. No. 124. Dryad, Wash.
f MIDDLE-AGED man wants light work; had
reverses; let, me iai iu juu. m. to.i,
MAN over draft wants steady or permanent
work or position; good worker and willing.
AM 404. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires po
sition; will give references. AP 315. Ore
gonian. O. A. C. MAN. 40 years old. will bring your
ranch to a high state of efficiency for
a share in the profits. W 307. Oregonian.
MAN wants position ss stationary engineer
or watchman or elevator operator. Main
571 H.
GARDENER Thoroughly competent In all
orant-hes of the business, wants situation;
single: references. K 3Q6. Oregonian.
SALESMAN with 15 years' experience in
Oregon and Wash., exempt from draft.
wis h es to make change. M 458. Oregynian.
WANTED By an honest Japanese, a posi
tion as chauffeur to drive private car in
the city. T. Tana. 41H N. 3d at.
MAN and wife, cooks, desire positions In
camp. State salary and number of men.
P 1171, Oregonian.
MA l; RIED couple want to cook for harvest
crew or in small camp. AL 459 Oregon
ian. WANTED by man with auto, position de
livering or collecting. No soliciting. AN
327 Oregonian.
WANTED by reliable man beyond dmft age,
ponition with business house. X 847 Ore
gonian. STEADY man of good habits would like to
drive private or delivery car. Y 453. Ore
gonian. 6TT. W1LLARD. nalntinr and tinting. Paint
Is going up. No estimates given after
this week. PhoneNow. Main &4.3.
CIVILTeoginer. 34, open for Immediate en
gagement. Hroad experience, fluid and of
fice. AB 3. oregonian.
DELIVERY position for light parcels, drive
auto, a hustler If you make it worth
while. Phone Tabor 6573.
MEAT cutter, good man, wishes position,
east of the mountains In shop. AJ 604.
LANDSC A PE gardener and florist, expe
rienced. . first class, wants employment.
AC 341. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wlnh work; capable of run
ning a ranch. 600 Front st. F. A. Ram-
COLORED bov, 14. wants work of some
kind. Broadway 1303. ;
RELIABLE msn wants any kind of steady
work. AL 503. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as. watchman. Phone
Main b521.
CEMENT finisher wants work; contracts
preferred. S. Dalva. Tabor fe2.
F1RST-CLAFS hotel Janitor, above draft
age. desires position. AC 346. Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND cook or chef would like po.
si t ion, any place, colored. Home. C 22 43.
POSITION wanted as night watchman,
phone Main 939 or AC 369, Oregonian.
GARDENER wants work afternoons; good
references; 40c hour. P 273, Oregonian.
MONTHLY work for two-ton truck. Broad
way 183.
SH INGLE RS Reshlngllnr on old roofs a
specialty. Mnrshall 1072.
DRIVER, mechanic of long experience, wants
position. 451 10th st- Marshall 1101.
MAN wants painting, tinting, by contract or
day. Main 4Q. room 6,
JAPANESE wants few hours' Job after 5
P. M. PD 348. Oregonian.
PAINTING, tinting, clean wrk. reasonable
prices, day or contract. Benson. Est 25p.
YOUNG married man wishes factory work.
HIGH-CLASS specialty salesman open for
engagement July 1. Exempt from draft;
10 ears experience on Pacific Coast; re
signing present proposition because of In
aollity to secure goods; can satisfy you if
your proposition is right. K. 304. Orego
nian. ARM HAND, experienced, clean, active,
Al teamster and good with stock. Hurt
this Spring In shipyard and temporarily
unuble for vry heavy work, but no crip
ple; better than an old man, and getting
stronger every day; wiahes steady place
on iirst-class farm, and room to mself.
Room 61, Amsdon Hotel, Portland.
THOROUGHLY trustworthy and reliable
man, past draft ae. good business (juall
ficattona, with road, store and office ex
perience; good in looking after accounts
and collections ; good buyer ; good refer
ence; employed but wish to better condi
tlon. AL 519, Oregonian.
HAVE capita! to invest in a manufacturing
or mercantile business requiring the serv
ices of an office manager; 15 years gen
eral manager wholesale firm doing large
business, now retired; Portland bank and
business references furnished. AR 619.
Oregonian. -
A LUMBERMAN of 22 years' experience
In fir and spruce on Pacific Cost re
quires position as supt.. shipping clerk
or yard foreman; will furnish best of
references and can get results; open
July 6. Y 431. Oregonian.
LOGGING supt. wants position as supt. log
ging camp; 10 years' experience railroad
ing. 6 years logging; would prefer two
slue camp ; can furnish complete crew in
short notice; will be at liberty about July
15. AB 3b 4, Oregonian.
TOURING parties for Southern California,
notice; First. I am a regular chauffeur,
know city of Los Angeles and Pasadena
and all roads and points of interest about
there; will furnish local men as references.
K 3O0. Oregonian.
WANTED Steady position by printer who
is up-to-date Job and ad compositor,
makeup and pressman ; capable of taking
charge, age 89 years; state wages paid in
first letter. Address AV 80. Oregonian.
WANTED By man and wife, position, any
kind where interest and skill are appre
ciated. Write full particulars. We are In
earnest. Are you? Address C. L. Barsee.
R. 2. Gervaia, Oregon, care W. H. Egan.
POSITION wanted by married man. age 37.
Wide local acquaintance and Al refer
ences. Experienced in general business ;
capable of meeting and handling ail
classes. Phone mornings. Mar. 2797.
BRIDGE, concrete, stono or plastering work,
thoroughly experienced with either, as
worker or foreman. Wish position at once.
Wages reasonable. Address room 20 is
Mania Hotel, city.
ACT I V E, middle-aged man. experienced
farmer, some experience in business, car
penter work, logging and lumber. nd as
camp cook, wants light work. Address 90S
Ht;h St., Hlllst.oro. Or.
JOB WANTED Engineer, steam, stationary
or traction, gasoline; practical experience;
recommendations. I will keep It running
20 hours per day If you are willing to pay
the price. R. E. Condit. Turner. Or.
ANYONE contemplating to build see me be
fore commencing to build. I build low
priced, modern build in es of all kinds.
Thos. Shuler. 51 H North 6th su Phone
Broadwawy 3272. Portland, Or.
WANTED By married man, with 2 big
boys. Job on alfalfa and sheep ranch ;
want house and garden patch; go any
where If suited. Best references. AJ 61 S.
RE LI ABLE mn desires clerical work, ex
perienced In bank, county o races, ab
stracts, real estate. Insurance; exempt
from draft; references. AO 730, Ore
gon inn.
MAN. 23, employed, wants typewriting or
bookkeeping, mornlnKS and early after
noons. Steady work. Business ability.
AO 731. Oresonlan.
CAN give you estimate fur building garage
at reasonable price; seven years experi
ence cement work. alo carpenter; refer
ences. Call Tabor 3005.
PRINTER All-around, competent, steady,
wants permanent foremanshlp country
shop; former publisher; nothing less than
$24. AV 935, Oregonian.
TRAVELING salesman, for Portland whole
sale house; can handle A -1 aide line on his
Oregon territory for reliable house. K
2is, Oregon ian.
MAN with executive ability In manufac
turing or prod uot Ion work desires respon
sible connection with local Industry. V
37i. Oregonian. -
POSITION wanted; carpenter work, ele
vator operator or any other Job that I
can make a living; 6 years old, but able
to work. Main 9S3.
ENERGETIC man and wife past middle age,
would like to care for home during own
er's absence; best of references. Main
04 S3.
YOLNG man, with two baby girls to care
for wants position in country, high alti
tude, where babies can have mother's
care. BC 244, Oregonian.
WANTED By strong boy, nearly 14. work
on farm during vacation; can milk, care
for ctock, etc Address AB 863. Orego
nian. MAN AND WIFE want position where wife
can do cooking in hotel, restaurant or
hospital. Can also do waitress work. AC
844. Oregonian
A GOOD, reliable man would like work in
garage or machine shop; can drive any
make car. AH 881. Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wishes light work for room
and board. 2PO Jefferson.
Book keepers. Stenographers, Office,
ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, high-grade man
with college training and 25 years' ex
perience, open for position: unuaual wide
experience in mercantile lines, wholesale
and retail; lumber, automobile, hotel and
hospital experience;, highly recommended
as to integrity, industry' and ability; over
draft age; country position acceptable. J
303. Oregonian.
SEVERAL years experience In the handling
of credits, collections and accounting, and
in capacity of office manager. Thoroughly
capable correspondent and an energetic,
conscientious worker. Prefer credits and
collections, if available. V 364. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, capable, well educat
ed, several years experience in steno-
graphic and secretarial work, now ein-
pioyeo, aesires permanent. connection
where tact. Initiative and progressiveneas
will be appreciated and sesult In promo
tion to a mora responsible position. AR
615. Oregonian. -
BOOKKEEPER Experienced In general of
fice work and accounting, rapid and ac
curst Want permanent position. Use
tyiewrlter and Burroughs Adding Ma
chine. Can make your income tax report.
Over draft se. First-class references and
bond. If desired. W 823. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED accountant and auditor
will handle set of books on spare time,
make up monthly statements of operation
or supervise and audit your bookkeeper's
work ; can furnish satisfactory evidence
of ability and reliability. AP 820. Orego
nian. OFFICE position wsnted; man. 29, class 4
in orart. newspaper ana clerical experi
ence, university training, free about July
8: moderate salary acceptable If place
offers suitable chance for advancement.
AV H9. Oregonian.
YOUNG man exempt from draft, capable, ef
ficient, steady and reliable, desires posi
tion requiring executive ability. Capable
handling detail or superintending work.
Prefer part time outside. Soliciting not
roniidered. AK 451 Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPING or accounting position le
sired at once by hlgh-grsde man with
3 years experience In office of large cor-
ftoration. Call room 7-0 Y. M. C A., for
Bookkeeper, office men. credltman. of
ripe experience open for hard Job at $150
month or better. Willing to show you. AL
515 Oregonian.
IXPERIENCKD accountant, credit man. of
fice manager; responsible, efficient, with
executive ability. let ires position with
progressive establishment. T 321, Orego
nian. .
BOOKKEEPER, credit man. office manag
er, thoroughly experienced general mdse.,
hard mare, furniture, stoves. Implements,
reliable, with ability, deslrsa position. AR
614. Ore gon la a.
ACCOUNTANT will post your books every
day or evenings, also make monthly finan
cial statement. Rea onab;a. AK 452 Ore
gonian. PRINTER-ED I TOR. all-around man. mar
ried, exempt, understands machine presses,
good advertising man. capable taking
charge, wants position. AP 826. Oregonian.
WANTED a position by a competent sales
man beyond draft age, prefer gents fur
nishing good department. Phone Tabor
8711. call for Mr. Dolen.
BOOKKEEPER andall-around office man.
reliable, efficient, qualified to handle any
department, desires position where a live
man Is required. AH 365, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER with general business abil
ity wishes to inset with reliable firm;
exempt; references, from good family. AP
333. Oregonian.
RELIABLE, experienced bookkeeper with
best references, wants books to write up
evenlnss. A P 827 Oregonian.
GENT LR MA N, 44. with a thorough knowl
edge ot bookkeeping and lumber desires
po. I tlon. AC 872 . Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man.
stenographer, wishes position In city. D
899. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wishes position
in private isrouy. 1 02. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position.
Phone AUrshall 49&6.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants place In
family or board ing house to earn board
and room for self and husband, convenient
for getting to bis work at Grant -Smith
shipyards. Call Col. 272.
REFINED widow wants place as housekeep
er for bachelor or apt -house ; 1 ine cook.
Would accept any position of trust. Phone
Coi. rio.
YOUNG woman desires position In doctor's
office: capable of answering phone intel
ligently and operating typewriter. Wood
lawn 4S72.
CAPABLE moman wants light work. 5 hours
every day. or uill cara lor home ail day
while parents work; no Sunday work. Call
after 0 A. M.. Broadway 256W.
KKSPONSIBLE and experienced lady
will care for children evenings or after-,
nouns, or will take care of the sick, Ref.
Mar. 34.
GIRL wants chance to care for one or two
children for Summer vacation. Call E-ut
YOUNG lady, high school graduate, wishes
position in office, or will tutor children.
Tabor 50u5. mornings.
WANTED Position, lady bookkeeper. !
years' Chicago experience. V 366. Orego
nian. WANTED By experienced young woman,
position as assistant pharmacist. Ad
dress A. Z.. R. 1. Forest Grove. Or.
WANTED Place to take care o?chlldrea
evenings while mother is away; relereuce.
Woodlawn 1611.
WORKING girl wishes place to do light
housework or act as companion lor room
and board. AC 370. Orego man.
GOOD girl wants place to assist in house
work. State particulars. BF 320, Urefio
nian. COMPETENT laundress wants work Mon.,
Tues. and Thurs.; references. Woodlawn
RELIABLE girl, cara of children; beach
preferred; reference. AG 866, Orego
nian. COMPETENT laundress wlshss work Mon
days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays; refer
encys. Woodlawn 1611.
Ml uDLE-AGED, unincumbered widow
wishes housekeeping for widower -or bach
elor on ranch. T o30. Oregonian.
WOMAN of 40 with two children war.tft
place on farm as housekeeper. AV 77,
Vol'NG woman, good driver, would like po
si Mon as oiier or washer In garage. P
25, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined middle-aged lady to
share apartment, close in; reasonable rent,
AL 510, Oregonian.
REFINED lady to be companion to mother
ly old lady in her own home. BC 242,
EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady wtxhea
charge of apart men t-houte. Call Broad
way 344 8 to 5 1. M. Monday.
LADY employed, will care for children av
eral nights a week; room and use of bath.
In return. V 365, Oregonian.
TEACH ER in Portland schools win tutor
children backward in school work ; rati-
onattie terms. Call East 3Q23.
WOMAN wants housekeeping, washing or
other work. rhone Broadway 5Q6.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants perm-
pent position. Tabor 324.
EXPERIENCED woman would like day
w o r k. C a I la 1 1 week . Bdw. 201.
A WELL ' educated, competent young wom
an wants clerical worn. Tabor 4ol3.
EVENINGS, hih school graduate. Wood
lawn l53i
G1KL -4 would like work in country or
beach. AR 611, Oregonian.
VERY experienced woman wants all-round
day w or k. Expert laundress. East 1 is7.
YoU NO lady wishes position in office with
typing; have experience. Tabor 4M1.
WOMEN want work, washing, ironing, clean
ing. 4Qc hour, carfare. La t 77 2V.
EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position ;
best references. Broadway 322, apt. 20.
EXPERIENCED young woman wishes ele
vator work. Tabor 61 77.
Bookkeepers, Ft e nog rap hers. Office.
AN experienced educated woman wants of
fice work or anything requiring appli
cation and good Judgment; capable of
meeting the public in any capacity; thor
oughly experienced In office work, as
sistant bookkeeper, etc ; a place wanted
where efficiency will eventually place ma
In a good paying position. BJ 445, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED office woman want posi
tion as secretary or manager's assistant.
Use any standard typewriter and mimeo
graph. Will take entire charge corre
spondence if desired. posss executive
ability and experience, Waa a teacher.
Tabor 821.
CAPABLE, experienced business woman,
stenographer, asst. bookkeeper, slightly
out of practice, open for engagement after
July 10; reasonable while regaining speed.
Y 446, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and competent stenogra
pher would like extra typing, record or
copying work to do. Can devote six houra
ad a y M 4 56. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER. general office experi
ence, with executive ability, would Ilka
rosition of trust and responsibility. AO
20. Oregonian.
LADY, experienced typist, student of sten
ography, desires employment ss attend
ant in professional office or other of flea
work, rhone Broadway 2936.
YOUNG lady with some axperlance. deslrea
position as stenographer. AK 460, Orego
experience, thoroughly qualified for posi
tion of trust. AR 810, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, 12 years'
experience. Executive ability. V 376, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE young lady, typist, wihs posi
tion In office of doctor or dentist- AO
602, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographer or
secretary, six years' experience; expect
about $100. Ms In 6600.
A COMPETENT stenogrspher desires per
manent or temporary position, bix years
experience. Phone Tabor 1512.
WANTED Office position, college gradu
ate, some knowledge of stenography. AB
5, Oregonian.
part of day; best of city references;
char ges reasonable. Broadway 2732.
YOUNG lady of experience desires steno
graphic position. Call Tabor 7665. 9
A. M. to 12 Monday.
YOUNG couple want room with break fsats
and dinners near Reed College, Phone
Broadway 3512 Sunday.
EFFICIENT stenographer, ft yr. experience;
best of references. Main 2M7.
BOOKKEEPER. 6 years' experience, best of
reference. AL 617, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED and efficient stenographer
de ires position. Marshall 3521.
BOOKKEEPER. 10 yrs. experience; one
firm 7 yrs. MalnJtolT.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes posi
tion. V 377, Oregonian. '
EX PERI ENCED stenographer desires posi-
tlon. Woodlawn 12QQ.
A-fSLSTANT bookkeeper; filing, billing.
Marshall S5.
1 AM now prepared to take orders for
making your coat, suit, skirt or gown.
If preferred will cut. fit and pin up pre
paratory work at moderate prices. Make
overs my specialty. Phone Main 1356.
&03-04 Goodnough bldg.
FIRST-CLASS experienced dressmaker
wishes engagements out by day, remodel
ing and making suits specialty. Summer
rate. Reference. East 6UT6, ail day Bun
WANTED En gagementa by day; years of
experience In suits and gowns; will re
model; terms reasonable. Phone Broadway
1 567.
WANTED Position as dressmaker's helper
or work in first-class shop by young col
ored woman. Call Tabor a66.
WANTED Plain sewing. Call between
hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. 406 13th
st. Marshatl 23V.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable,
horns or day. 204 fc Fourth, room 2, Main
FIRST-CLASS dreesmaker wishes work at
home or $2 per day. 66 E. lwth at. N. East
LKKSSMAKEH, milliner; no patterns, Ts
bor eoV
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable
home or day. Phone Marshall 5859.
PLAIN sewinr.
mending, during cara of
children. Phone B 2143.
DRESSMAKING by day; work first cla
Marshall 297T.
DRESSMAKER, experienced, all kinds fancy
work; $2. Main 3462.
GOOD home and mother's care for baby dur
ing Summer. No other children. Woodlawn
lingaworth ave., cor. E. 12th N. Reason
able rates. Phont Woodlawn 3641.
PRACTICAL nurse desires position.
445. Oregonian
TRAINED nurse,
lawn 4019.
S21 Michigan ave. Wood-
BY middle-aged nurse. mternity or any
kind of nursing. Tabor 6i24