The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1918, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Grit Injected Into War Stamp
Drive Two Big Objec
tives Sought.
War Conference or Campaigners Re
sults in Plans for Irresistible
to Make Vp City
County Shortage.
W. S. S. means "we shall succeed."
The spirit of this slogan gleamed
from the eyes of thousands of leaders
and workers in Portland's war stamp
drive yesterday.
No obstacles encountered In any pre
vious fund-pledging crusade had one
tenth the effectiveness that the slow
response of subscribers has had in gen
erating in W. S. S. leaders and solici
tors pure Yankee "grit" the undefeat
able determination to win.
Out of the state quota goals are fast
Ijcing attained. Portland will not quit
until it has pledged its J6.000.000, too,
vowed the workers.
Karly estimates last night indicated
that Portland and Multnomah County
are still $1,500,000 short of the goal
of $6,322,280.
War Conference la Yield.
At a meeting of colonels, lieutenant
colonels and captains of the third lib
erty loan with General Guy Talbot it
was unanimously agreed that this en
tire organization is to be in the fore
front as the campaign sweeps forward
this week. At 4 o'clock city drive
hr-ads were called into conference by
Manager Frank McCrillis, at the Lib
erty Temple. Here also plans for an
irresistible sweep of the city were
Two big objectives will be the aim
as reinforcements, the maximum of
strength, are hurled into the campaign
tomorrow morning. The solicitors are
going after 1000 members of the Limit
Club, each pledging the purchase of
etamps of the maturity value of $1000.
At the other end of the list, among the
average subscribers, the aim will be to
double previous pledges or purchases.
It was estimated that to date 300
members, taking stamps of the value
of $300,000, have been inducted into the
Limit Club. Right vigorously S'ill the
flying squadron get on the trail of
every wealthy slacker whose bank ac
count would hardly feel the with
drawal of the sum needed for Limit
Club membership.
Wealthy Men Responding.
Large numbers of these persons
"were yesterday made to feel the im
portance of joining in the cause. With
the emergency rightly out before them
the citizens of means displayed loyal
patriotism and there was a constant
stream of these to Liberty Temple
headquarters to be enrolled in person
or by proxy in the select circle and
receive the coveted club button.
Kfforts toward influencing small
purchasers to double the number of
stamps being taken were launched in
some seci.oiis and with gratifying
success. At a meeting of 150 employes
of the Meier &. Fraak store, at &
o'clock, this message was presented by
State Manager C. N. Wonacott and
City Manager McCrillis. Scores of
those present gladly doubled previous
"Get your name on a blue card" will
be a rallying cry, beginning tomorrow
morning. Quite fittingly it has been
arranged that new pledges of the "true
blue" patriots who double or increase
their purchases will be recorded on
cards of blue. The sales clerk who
has promised to take but a single $5
war savings stamp will be asked to
pledge for a second. The man who is
purchasing five stamps will be urged to
take 10, and so on through the list.
RccaiTua to Be Made.
So long as necessary this "double
your pledge" crusade will be pushed
In all sections of the city. In short.
there win De virtually a complete re
canvass of downtown and residence
districts alike.
Developments have shown that many
districts have been poorly canvassed.
An instance in point came to light yes
terday. From one district the solici
tors reported $500 as the aggregate of
pledges. Manager McCrillis was cha
grined, but quickly threw a crew of
competent solicitors into this same ter
ritory for a re-canvass. The result
when the workers reported yesterday
was that the more expert workers
turned In pledges and purchases
amounting to $2245.
"The etate at large is putting the
drive successfully across: there is no
doubt of that," declared Mr. Wonacott.
"In some counties more work will be
necessary, but our leaders understand
this and will bring their districts up to
the goals. They'll not quit until
they do.
More Coantles Over Top.
Five new counties yesterday joined
the three which had previously achieved
their quotas. To the list of Curry, Clat
sop and Deschutes were added on the
honor roll Baker, Clackamas. Crook,
Lake ana Linn.
"Overwhelmingly over," was the sub
stance i f the brief report from Lake
County leaders, following the figures
showing that the quota of $512,520 had
been run up to $525,000.
Clackamas sent word of "big victory
predicted." Deschutes has thrilled
state headquarters by reporting $126
COO plainly in sight, where the quota
was under $71,000. Forty districts
which have reported In Jackson County
average so per cent above their allot
ments. The north end of Gilliam
County is "over the top." All districts
which have reported in Columbia have
similar records.
Linn People Depressed.
Out in Linn County the residents
are depressed because of prevailing
drouth. But for this the county would
have doubled its quota, telegraphed the
chairman. As it was the county is well
over its goal.
Hood River is the only county to
have reported unsatisfactory results, as
a whole. The canvass is said to have
been completed and to have left the
county far short of its $140,000 quota.
In issuing a call to the public and
another to members of all civic socie
ties late last night City Manager Mc
Crillis gave the hope that the campaign
may be speeded to successful conclu
sion tomorrow.
The Liberty Temple will be kept open
today, the doors being unlocked at 1
o'clock, that any who have not had op
portunity to make a pledge or purchase
may do so. Canvassers also will call
upon some persons they could not see
during the week. Yesterday was a tre
mendously busy day at the Temple,
clerks and workers having all they
could do to handle the cash subscrip
tions and check returns pouring in
from canvassers.
Stamp Sale Large.
Stamp sales at the Temple counter
during the day aggregated $54,000. At
the same time it was announced tha
..the Portland postoffice bad Just re
MER, SEATTLE CHAUFFEUR. t fjl iliimwn .fiMinwinrnoc"-" ill w J1irt-'""' Hr n 1
; "
ceived $10,000,000 in war savings and
thrift stamps.
Figures were not compiled last night
to show further achievements in indus
trial plants of the city, but some good
reports were turned in. Notable among
shipyard reports is that of the Grant
Smith-Porter Ship Company, where the
employes over-pledged the quota by
10 per cent. Subscriptions aggregate
$200,659. The quota was $180,000. Five
of the employes have taken the limit
of stamps, and eight others are taking
amounts of $500 or above.
One of the best precinct showings
disclosed was that of the Lents-Sell-wood
sector, where Colonel F. R. Fos
ter is in charge of the canvassers. The
per capita average of the district is
Samuel LaBue, 550 Kast Seventeenth
street, a vegetable peddler, joined the
Limit Club with a purchase of $1000 of
the stamps. Mr.' LaBue was a Captain
in the Italian army 14 years ago. He
has been in Portland five years.
Iris Hewitt, 4210 65th street South
east, lost stamps of the value of $50 in
the Liberty Temple. He had just pur
chased the stickers and laid them and
the certificate on a table while he
stepped across the room to speak to a
friend. When he returned the stamps
had disappeared.
Every local Japanese track worker
of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle
Railroad signed a pledge to buy seven
war savings stamps during the month
of July.
Portland Residents to Go Limit in
War Stamp Campaign.
Fellow Citizens: Our beloved city is
$1,000,000 below its war stamp quota.
We have never yet failed in our duty to
the Government and we must not fail
now. The drive will be continued on
Monday, and I call upon every loyal
citizen who has not taken the full limit
to increase his pledge as much as pos
sible. Remember you are not asked to give
money only to loan it to tne uov-
rnment. It will be returned to you
January 1, 1923, at 4 per cent interest,
compounded quarterly. Every $4.18
you lend brings you $& In tour ana a
half years. Help save the lives of our
own soldiers help win the war. In
France and England they are selling
their jewelry and unnecessary articles
at a sacrifice to help you are asked
only to lend a part of your savings.
Let's put Portland "over the top" Mon
day. Colonels, captains, precinct and in
dustrial workers are directed to con
tinue their work until every one has
Officers and members of the Port
land Ad Club. Rotary Club. Progres
sive Business Men's Club, Realty
Board, Salesmen's Club, City Club,
East Side Business Men's Club, or other
club having the good name of Portland
at heart, are requested to come to Lib
erty Temple at 8:30 Monday morning.
The downtown districts have not been
thoroughly worked and the entire sec
tion is to be re-canvassed Monday. We
must have $1,000,000 more in war sav
ings pledges. We can get It easily
with your aid. Plans are completed;
come and help our city to retain its
unsullied position in war activities.
Manager City Campaign.
Marshfield Away Over Top.
MARSHFIELD, Or., June 29. (Spe
cial.) Marshfield, with a quota of
$170,000, has subscribed $250,000 in war
savings stamps. This announcement
was made today by the local committee.
Most of the towns in the county have
raised their quotas, but North Bend
was $26,000 short yesterday, with all
promises and prospects included. Ban
don was said to be behind as well. Co-
quille was over the top, as was Powers,
and Myrtle Point finished with a 100
per cent record last night. North Bend
will re-canvass, according to a state
ment by Chairman John G. Mullen.
Y. M. C. A. Renews Appeal to Own
ers of Automobiles.
Because the appeal, "Fill that empty
seat with a soldier," was overlooked
last Sunday, several hundred soldiers
waited in vain for Portland autolsts
who went on their Sunday excursions
forgetful of the lads In khaki, to whom
a trip over the Columbia Highway or
other roads near Portland would bring
rare pleasure.
The appeal, therefore, has been re
newed by the Y. M. C. A. The soldiers
will be waiting at the association
building. Sixth and Taylor streets, until
2 o'clock. The only thing necessary for
autoists to do, if they desire to make
the day pleasant for the soldiers, is
to call for as many as they can pro
vide seats for.
(Continued From First Page.)
ket, at Sixth and Pearl streets, an
swered the telephone. He says that it
sounded like Harp's voice. Efforts
were made to cut through the back and
reach the Imprisoned man. A hole was
cut through the icebox in the rear of
the establishment, but the , debris
blocked the entrance to the office.
Rescuers could not reach the im
prisoned man.
More Money for Housing Asked.
WASHINGTON, June 29. One hun
dred million dollars more for housing
war workers in industrial centers in
addition to the $60,000,000 already ap
propriated for shipyard workers has
been asked of Congress by Housing
Commissioner Eidlitss,
Alvin Adams Confesses -to
Slaying Seattle Chauffeur.
Youth Tells Police That Desire
Return to His Parents Prompt
ed Him to Commit Deed.
Officer Is Coming.
(Continurd From First Pane.)
face the consequences. An officer will
arrive this morning for the prisoner.
Chief Inspector Clark received notice
earlier in the day from the Chief of
Police of Seattle to keep a lookout for
Adams. With the description of the
murderer and the car, Inspectors Goltz
and Howell were assigned to the case.
Intuition prompted them to keep in
touch with the Oakland car agency on
Upper Alder street and the Oakland
service station on Burnside street.
They arrived at the latter place a
few minutes after Adams had driven
there in the car and waited only a few
minutes, when Adams ca.-i? back. The
youth did not offer resistance and ad
mitted he was the one sought by the
The .32-caliber revolver, with which
he shot the driver, was lound in hi
hip pocket.
Milton Raymer Survived by Widow
and Two Children.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 29. (Spe
cial.) Milton Raymer drove a "for
hire" car In Seattle. He was murdered
and robbed by men, presumably three
of them, who had engaged his services.
The murder was committed Thursday
night, the body having been found yes
terday morning behind some logs and
brush on a lonely crossroad near Red
Carl Anderson and Joe Smith, alleged
to have been seen speeding away from
the scene of the murder, are being held
in Seattle as suspects. It is thought I
that Adams. If he is one of the party. I
escaped with the car. Mr. Raymer was
34 years of age and is survived by his
widow and two children.
Multl-Mtlllonatre Held Several Positions
of Trust and Promoted Number
of Substantial Projects.
SPOKANE, June 29. Daniel C. Cor
bin, multi-millionaire railroad builder,
died here today of pneumonia, which
developed after an operation. He was
83 years old.
Mr. Corbin went to Denver in 1862
and there executed contracts with the
Government for supplying quartermas
ters' stores o Fort Laramie. Shortly
afterward he moved to Helena. Mont.
served as cashier of the First National
Bank for a short period and then lived
in New York City for the next six
In 1882 he returned to Montana and
upon the discovery of the Bunker Hill
and Sullivan mine in Idaho he became
associated with a group in the erection
of the first concentrator. Mr. Corbin
built a railway to Wardner, Wallace
and Burke.
Mr. Corbin came to Spokane in 1889
He began the construction of the Spo
kane Falls & Northern, from Spokane
to British Columbia. Subsequently he
extended the line another 40 miles to
Nelson and built a branch from Ross
land to Northport. He sold this road
to the Great Northern in 1898.
Seven years later. In 1905, Mr. Cor
bin began the construction of a rail
road from Spokane to Kingsgate, Can
ada, a distance of 140 miles. This road,
the Spokane International, is the con
nection link of the Canadian Pacific
between the Canadian boundary and
Spokane, in I9i he organized the
Washington State Sugar Company,
which has been operating an extension
beet sugar factory at Waverly.
The (Joroin coal & Coke Company,
owner of 1 oOO acres of coal lands in
British Columbia, also is a Corbin en
terprise. The Corbin estate is esti
mated at from $10,000,000 to $12,000,000,
It consists of railroad securities, bank
stocks, coal lands, beet-sugar land and
a number of other investments. Con
siderable real estate also is included in
the estate. Mr. Corbin was the first
Spokane man to whom the Chamber of
Commerce gave an honorary life mem
Mr. Corbin is survived by his widow
and two children, Austin Corbin, of
Spokane, and Mrs. Mary Balguy, of
Stanford University, Cat
"ew VS. S. Conrt Clerk. .Named.
TACOMA. June 29. Frank L. Crosby
resigned today as clerk of the United
States District Court at Seattle, and
Frank M. Harshberger, of Tacoma.
deputy clerk, has been appointed by
Judge C C cushmaa to succeed him.
Government Turns Back to
Private Ownership Many
Diminutive Carriers.
New Railroad Division to Be Cre
ated for Uic Purpose of Insur
ing Fair- Treatment of
Little Roads.
WASHINGTON. June 29. About 1700
short-line railroads were turned back
to private management today by the
railroad administration, a few hours
before Congress passed legislation in
tended to prevent the relinquishment
of many of them. Between 300 and
400 of the roads relinquished had
sought to remain under Government
About 400 short lines were retained
as part of the National system.
Time Limit Up,
Announcement of the action was
withheld by the railroad administration
until less than an hour before the leg
islation which would have stopped it
was finally enacted. It was explained
that the course was made necessary by
the railroad act's provision requiring
the Government to decide before July
1 which short lines would be retained
and which relinquished.
Railroad administration officials also
explained that since the legislation was
not taken up by either house of Con'
gress until about 4 o'clock this after
noon, they could not know whether it
would be enacted. The legislation.
tnererore. is virtually nullified.
Protection Assured.
More than 1200 of the roads turned
back to private management were in
dustrial or plant facility lines, or oth
ers which did not seek to remain under
Government control and over which no
issue existed. Many of those relln
quished may be taken back later, it was
announced, and all will be given fair
divisions of Joint rates, insured a rea
sonable car supply and protected
against undue disturbance in traffic
routing. Special study will be given
their problems by a new shortline sec
tion of the railroad administration.
Short lines represent about 30.000
miles of track in the United States, or
about one-seventh of the total rail
way mileage.
The legislation of Congress was in
the form of a resolution extending
from July 1 to next January 1 the
period in which the railroad adminis
tration would have been forced to de
cide its course affecting short lines,
with an amendment providing that
lines in competition or in physical con
nection with railways operated by the
Government should not be turned back
to private management against their
McAdoo'a Request.
The original resolution was intro
duced by request of Director-General
McAdoo, on his representation that the
railroad administration had had insuf
ficient time to consider its policy to
ward many short lines. The amend
ment was added by friends of the lines
which have insisted that they could not
operate profitably in competition with
Government-owned railways, consider
ing re-routing and other practices
initiated by the railroad administra
The names of short lines relinquished
will be announced Monday by the rail
road . administration, although tele
grams notifying the presidents of these
roads of the action were sent out to
President Approves.
The railroad administration's state
ment announcing its action, especially
approved by President Wilson, said:
So far as it has been practicable
In such a complicated matter to develop
the facts up to the present time, it has
become apparent that there are large
numbers of the shorter railroads whose
Federal control is not needful or -de
"The railroad administration has
therefore, provided that all such rail
roads be relinquished, except in cases
where it has already been ascertained
that it Is needful and desirable that
such railroads shall be under Federal
"In taking this action the railroad
administration is mindful of the para
mount Importance of preserving unim
paired the local public service per
formed by the railroads which may
thus be relinquished and is also so
licitous that no injustice shall be done
to the owners of such railroads.
"It may be that the creation of Fed
eral contral, over railroad systems In
general will tend to change unfavor
ably the situation of many of these
smaller railroads, unless special care
shall be taken to avoid such unfavor
able results, with consequences detri
mental both to the local public serv
ice and to the just interests of the
railroad owners.
Fair Rate Promised.
"To avoid these consequences and to
preserve in every reasonable respect a
status for the railroads so relinquished
as lavoraDle as that which they en-
Joyed during the three-year test period
(the three years ended June 30, 1917).
great care will be taken to see that the
railroads so relinquished are given fair
divisions of joint rates, are insured
reasonable car supply, circumstances
considered, and are protected against
any undue disturbances in the routing
of traffic.
New Division Created.
In order to make sure that a con
tinuing study and supervision shall be
provided for the carrying out of the
policy thus outlined, there will be ere
ated at once in the railroad admlnls
tration's division of public service and
accounting a shortline railroad sec
tion, the manager of which will be
charged with the special duty of ascer
taining what is necessary in order to
give as to these matters reasonable
protection to the railroads relinquished,
It may be that instances will ap
pear where Federal control of rail
roads now relinquish is in fact need
ful or desirable. In such cases there
will be ho hesitation In taking the ac
tion necessary to put such railroads
under Federal control.
"In general, it is the definite policy
of the railroad administration to see
that all shortline roads receive fair
and considerate treatment."
No Disrespect to Conjcress.
Officials of the railroad adminlstra
tion said they hoped the action would
not be regarded as defiance of Con
gress. Members of Congress declared
it would have been possible to delay
sending the messages of relinquish
ment until toihorrow.
The attitude of officials opposed to
keeping all short lines is that it would
constitute an unnecessary financial risk
for the Government, since many short
roade were organized for financial or
tactical reasons rather than because
they were needed as carriers. Some now
are losing money for reasons not con
nected with Government operation.
Attractively Priced Offerings in
Seasonable Merchandise
Delightful New
Irresistible Values
at $3.95
These are quite the prettiest
Waists you could ask for! the
sort that lend an unusual amount
of charm to wearers. You'll look
prettiest in one of these. Made
of fine quality Crepe de Chine in
white or flesh. All sizes 36 to
44. Do not fail to profit by this
A Special Showing and Sale of
Gowns and Chemise
of Fine Muslin and Nainsook
At $1.19 Each
Women who pride themselves on possessing dainty
undergarments will be delighted with styles dis
played at this sale and values will be found out of
the ordinary. Included are both Gowns and
Envelope Chemise in scores of styles lace, embroid
ery, hand embroidered and smocked effects. All
extra well-made garments of fine Nainsook, Muslin
or. Batiste and all on sale at SI. 19
With Each Purchase of 50c Jar of Palmolive Face Cream.
With Each Purchase of 25c Can of Palmolive Talcum Powder.
Store Opens
at 8 -.30 A.M.
Hungarian Premier Says Of
fensive Cost 112,000 Men.
Rome Communication Recounts
IiiTely Artillery Fighting on Asi
ago Plateau and Bombing by
Airplanes of Foe's Forces.
nisr.n June 29. Admission that
.hmir 12 nnn men In nrisoners were lost
by the Austro-Hungarlan forces In
their recent drlvft on tne nave ironi
was made by Dr. Alexander Wekerle,
!.,.. PmmUr. in a SDeech
to the Chamber of Deputies, according
to a alspatcn toaay. ir. ntucim mwu
. i i i v. untlp InuR In nrtson.
Litis wwoicu L . . ...... .
this covered the entire loss In prison-
having been lell lO cover mis icmc
ment over the Piave.
Dr. Wekerle. apparently treating
on the question of the Austro-Hun-garian
losses in the recent fighting on
the Italian front, said he would not
attempt to disguise the fact that the
casualties were heavy, totaling about
100.000, but he declared that a large
Are the
of Your
This Is admitted by the medical
fraternity everywhere.
Diseased teeth and gums are re
sponsible for most of our Ills.
Replace missing teeth or decayed
stumps with bridges or artificial
teeth that are easily cleaned and
sanitary. I will give you highly
skilled work at very moderate
Painless Extraetloa of Teeth.
20 Years' Active Practice.
Df .B.E.Wright
Northwest Corner of Sixth and
Wahlna-ton, Raleigh Building.
Phones Main 2110. A 2119.
Office Hoars i 8 A. M. to P. M.
Consultation Free.
I Saturdays !&SjffFDp a xsn??SQpl Saturdays
! at 9 A.M. Juiimi.HL.iii.ii.Ji i. .. - at 6 P. M.
j! The Most in Value The Best in Quality ,' j
A New Shipment Just Received of
the Celebrated High-Grade
Goetz Satins $2 Yd.
In the new South Annex Silk Section we have arranged
a special showing of the celebrated high-grade Goetz
Satins. They come full 36 inches wide, are yarn-dyed,
firmly woven and have a rich lustrous finish. They are
shown here in all popular colors, as well as black and
white. In quality, durability and price you'll find them
to be unmatchable!
Four Great Lots of
Flags Undervalued
3 for 25c
10c Each
Cotton Bunting Flags, 8x
12 inches, mounted on
spear staff.
4 by 6 Ft.
Flags, $2.48
Heavy Cotton Flags, made
with stitched stripes, com
plete with holder, rope and
8-foot jointed pole all
for $2.48.
percentage was due to sickness. He
denied, however, that there had been
a single case of death due to lack of
ROME. June 29. -The artillery
struggle, which remained moderate on
the remainder of the front, was some
what lively yesterday on the Asiago
plateau," says the official statement
Issued by the Italian War Office. "Our
patrols with their usual activity ef
fectively harassed the enemy and dam
aged his defenses at several points.
"Railway centers and enemy troops
in movement were bombarded by our
and allied airmen. Three enemy ma
chines were brought down."
Chairman Hurley Says Launchings
Will Be Heard Round World.
WASHINGTON, June 29. Chairman
Hurley, of the Shipping Board, in a fi
nal message today encourages all ship
yards to exert every effort to carry out
without fail the July 4 launching pro
"Nearly 100 ships overboard in one
day will be a new Declaration of In
dependence," says Mr. Hurley. "It is
great, vet it is only Americas stride,
The big splash will go around the
world, lour employes are behind Per
Council Crest
Free Picnic Grounds, 1200 feet
above the city. Scenic Railway,
Carrousel and other rides. Games,
Refreshments. Dancing every even
ing except Sunday.
Sunday Concert
Nelsen's Orchestra will play in
the Old Orchard from 2 until 10
P. M. today. Monte Austin will
sing the latest popular hits. Come
early and bring your lunch.
K. of P. Tuesday
Oregon Knights of Pythias and
Auxiliaries will hold a patriotic
meeting in the Old Orchard, open
ing with the "Star-Spangled Ban
ner," by Nelsen's Orchestra at 8
o'clock, followed by songs by Monte
Austin and P. E. Holmes, and a
recitation by Miss Jacobsen, grand
Leslie E. Crouch
will deliver a patriotic address.
Hop a CC Car to
Council Crest Park
oCLLo tUK Cslbtl
35c Each
Cotton Bunting Flags, 24x
36 inches most excep
tional value.
Silk Flags
35c Each
A fine lot of Silk Flags, 12
xl8 inches, mounted on
spear staff. Priced this
sale at 35c each or 3
for S1.00
Neckwear 50c to $1
All new patterns in four-in-hand and
styles with large open ends.
Men's Khaki Sox 45c
Good, durable socks, especially' desir
able for outing wear.
Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c
A Handkerchief of good size. Every
man should have a supply for outing
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
thing's men: behind the faith of Franco.
the dogged courage of Knglan.i; the vim
of Italy. They will douse the Kaiser.
After that, these ships mean service to
our neighbor nations ranged on de
mocracy's side in Latin America.
Thanks and hearty good wishes from
Mr. Schwab and myself."
Deep Curve Lensna
An Better
(Trademark Registered)
EE Eyes carefully examined and EE
EE properly fitted with glasses EE
EE without the use of drugs, by EE
EE skilled specialists. EE
EE C Our examination shows EE
EE the kind of glasses needed
E and how they should be
EE adjusted to give the best EE
results. EE
J Being unable to deter- E
EE mine for yourself the kind EE
you need, it is evident you EE
E cannot adjust the glasses E
E to meet those needs.
EE J Complete lens grinding EE
E factory on the premises.
EE Portland's Largest, Most Mod- E
EE ern, Best Equipped
EE Exclusive Optical
E Establishment
j 209-10-11 CORBETT BLDG. E
SINCE 1908 E