5 TIIE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 30, 1918. HIGH WATER HURTS Motorboat Club Changes Plans for Fourth Cruise. MAGOON'S PARK PLACE SET Paradise Point, on Lewis River, Xot to Be Visited This Year Owing to AVater ConditionsGames and Contests Planned. The Fourth of July cruise of the Portland Motor Boat Club, scheduled for .Paradise Point, on the Lewis River, has been postponed on account of high water conditions. As there is little likelihood of the river dropping enough before the Fourth to make this place available, the cruising commit'ce aas decided to hold the festivities at Magoon's Park, Just below Oregon City. " Many of the members . will go up on Wednesday afternoon and evening and spend the night, the others leaving on the morning of the Fourth. There is a dancing pavilion at the park and Ice cream and ref resnments aloo are served, making it an ideal place to spend the day. The entertain ment committee plans to hold games and contests in the afternoon., the commodore furnishing the prizes out of the galley of the good chip Artisan. For those members or their friends who cannot go up with the fleet, notice Is given that the launch Dix will be running all day and they need not mis& the good time by not being able to get there. Captain Ray Neirberger is to be the admiral of a eurf board-riding contest, with as many fair riders on the boards as can be reached. Captain Parham, with the Neverin; Captain Ross, with the Mima Boss; Captain Boone, of the Disturber, and the runabout Spear III will furnish the motive power, with the cruiser Peggy II detailed to run around and kick up a swell to make the art more difficult. Admirers of classy bathing suits are urged to attend. NAVY SEEKS OPPONENTS LACK OF STRONG OPPOSITION FACES AXXAPOLIS ELEVEN', Financial Difficulties) May prove In surmountable! West I'oint Game Probably Off. ANNAPOLIS. Md., June 29. (Spe cial.) The matter of proper opponents for the Naval Academy football team is being- given a great deal of consld eration. by the members of the naval cuniinscni. xne solution depends en tirely upon financial considerations. Strong teams can be brought to An napolis if a sufficient guarantee is of fered. If It is not. they say frankly they will not come. Under present conditions the Naval Academy cannot offer large guarantees, so that means of procuring more money for the pur pose are being considered. The matter is of particular moment ar tnts time, because there is no rea eon to believe that the game against the West Point team vill be played Text season, and, further,' many nava people believe that they will have the sltongest team in the country next season it tney can only have a . suf ficient incentive in the right kind of opposition. West Virginia Wesleyan -is, at present the only team on the schedule that looks as If it will be able to give the midshipmen a hard game. No games have been obtained lor the last two Saturdays in Novem per. The last is being kept with the dope tnat somenow tho Army game can be played, and the management still is hoping that one of the big teams may fill the other date for the final local games, though there are no prospects now. The revenue suggestions have been ttues In number: A direct appropria tion for the purpose by Congress; per mission to play In one or more games a year where gate receipts may be charged, and an admission charge on the home grounds. Congress now makes an appropriation for the equip ment of tho teams, and it is thought that it might be willing to provide a sum for guarantees when it is demon strated that games' of the right kind cannot be played otherwise.' Two definite suggestions have been made in the way of games away from home with gate receipts. One of these ia that a portion of the money re ceived for admission to the Army-Navy rame be turned over to the two teams. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. MILLER-NUSS Alexander Miller. 20, 930 Karby street, and Martha Sum; lb, 32i Mason street. NEl'BAU.ER-BOSELLINI John N e u bauer. 41, Jefferson street, and Mary Koselllnl, 33, same address. FULLER-BELL Samuel Fuller, 25, 853 First street, and Laura Bell, 17, same ad dress. FBECERICKSEN-riKKELSTEIN Csrl A. Fredericksen, ot. Trinity Place apart ments, and Blanche C. Flnkelstaln, 20, 170 Vista street. TUCKER-HYDE John W. Tucker, legal. Prairie City, Or., and Jennie B. Hyde, legal. 87 North Fifteenth street. DOTY-JAM.V Richard C. Doty. 23, 1022 Vernon avenue, and Carrie K. Janin, legal, same address. STEIM1ETZ-GATES Joseph Stelnmetz, S., 629 Larabee street, and Catherine C. Gates, legal, B20 Broadway Drive. ROWLAND-WOODS Albert W. Rowland, 22, 1010 Kelly street, and Mrytls E. Woods. legtU. same address SCHUMACHER-NEIL!, Alfred Schu macher. 20. JOiS Corbett street, and Hazel Nelll, 2?, same address. T1LTO.V-FOWLER Charles F. Tllton. 44. v Ashland Or., and Lulu E. Fowler, legal, 44 x.m.1 i ni i Ly-imi in eireei. KATHBL'.N-HOifKOHD Emmett Rathbun, 2J. lra East Fifty-fifth street, and Cora H. 11 osforci, 23. 54 East Sixty-second street. bUHU'i 1-BB.N( ILISBB.N A. Otto SChOtt. 88. 475 Jefferson street, and Bertha Senft- leoen, legal, same auaress. DEAN-HASKELL Iva A. Dean. 4S. Rid die. Or., and Flora Haskell, 47. 20U East Aweniy-.rat street. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. TINGLlY-BURTON James C. Tinglsy, 26, of Purtland, Or., and Edna F. Burton, iil, of Portland. SOKE N SON -BROOKE Clauds Rorenson 34, of Seattle. Wash., and Mn. (Gertrude Brooke. 34, of Portland. LOUTT1T-CRAWFORD Charles H. Lout tit. 31, of Portland, and Miss Marian E. Crawford, 27, of Portland. Mc DOLL-FISHER William P. MeDolI, 20. of Ooldendale, Wash., and Eva il. Fisher, IS, of Portland. ROGERS-BELMONT Oscar C. Rogers, 28, of Cornelius. Or., and Miss Vivian Bel mont, 21. of Camas. Wash. CLAKK-WELLKK Davine Clark, 78, of Portland, and Mrs. Elizabeth Weller, 70, of Los Angeles. Cal. CRL'MBLEY-HEARD Clarence F Crum bley. legal, of Portland, and Miss Edith F. Heard. leRJil, of Portland. HAM1LTOS-SOCKETT C. E. Hamilton. 66, of Pasadena, Cal., and H. Josls Sockett 45, of Pasadena. Cal. LAYMAN" -CUNNINGHAM Lawrence Em ery Lavman, 11, of Boring, Or., and Miss Nellie H. Cunningham. 2i, of Portland. GRAHAM-WILLS Ernest L. Graham 22. of Portland, and Miss Lsna B. Wills. 13. of Portland. WELI.S-BASSEY Emory H. Wells. 45. Of rprtland. and Mrs. Mary R. Bassey, 3S, of Portland. CLARK-MARTIN Frank W. Clark, legal, ef Portland, nd Anna P. Martin, legal, of Portland. Births. ASHLEY To Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Ashley, IKS Hals"y. June 23. a daughter. LE MOM To Mr. and Mrs. R- L. Le Mon, Hi East Forty-seventh, June 20, a da UK liter. SIMCOX To Mr. and Mm. William A. Bimcox. 071 East Twenty-sixth, June IT. a daughter. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charles Miller. 44 Magnolia. June 18. a son. PETERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ludvlg Peterson, Bend. Or.. June 25. a daughter. ANORlt'H To Mr. and Mrs. Chriss And-; rich. B02 Sumner. June 18. a daughter. . BLliHM To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blubra, 4608 Fifty-first street. June SO. a son. - , REMLINGER To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I,. Rumllnger. 1125 East Thirty-first. June. IS.' a daughter. MCLAUGHLIN To Mr. and Mrs. Chat ham E. McLaughlin, 847 Cleveland aveaue.' June '1Z. a son. LARSON To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larson. 527 Skidmore, June 20, a daughter. PEARSON To Mr. and Mrs. HJalmer Pearson. llcro Kellogg.' June 23. a daughter. BRADBURY To Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bradbury, 8 East Twenty-eighth. June 27. a son. "VVHITF To Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White. Capitol HIM. June 24. a son. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. 244 Vi Killlngsworth avenue. June 16. a son. Building Permits. E. V. NEWTON Repair residence, 267 Eleventh street, between Jefferson and Main; T. C. Relchle. builder; 30O. A. N. STANTON Erect residence. 4200 Fifty-sixth avenue Southeast, between Forty-second and Forty-third; builder, same; 12.-.U. MARTHA R. DeVENET Repair resi dence, ISO East-Eightieth street North, be tween Gltsan and Hoyt; $10. J. CAN By MORGAN Erect garage. 403 Myrtle, between Fourteenth and Lounsdale; builder, same; $tHK EQL'ISE WEGMAN Erect residence. SOS East, Eighth -street North, between Thomson and Brasee; builder, same; $UOOO. L. C. FONES Repair residence. 419 Hart- man, between Gilbert and Smith avenues; builder, sums 1400. ana. H. A. VAN rlORNE Renalr resi dence, 1053 Alberta, between Thirty-fifth and Margurlte; H. A. Tawney, builder; S10O. w. i. EV EHKTI Repair residence. 61 East John street, between Chlcaao and Charleston; builder, .sams; fl50. n. vj.liw x.reci garage, sad eAinerta between Ninth and Tenth; Stokes 3c. Zellor Co.. builders; H. J. WARE Ereot garage. 1T1S East Nineteenth street, corner Sherett; builder, same; 995. JOHN MOTJDT Erect residence. 1651 Bandy boulevard, between Sixty-third and Sixty-fourth: builder, same; S2000. HENRY FAILING ESTATE Repair of fice building. 120 Third, between Washing ton and Alder; F. Hulles. builder: S10OO. PETER KLAUSS Erect garage. 876 East Thirteenth street, between Beech and Free- mont; builder, same; 160. DAILY METEOROLOCICAL REPORT. PORTLAXD. June 2. Maximum temDer- ature, SI degrees; minimum temperature, u'i degrees. Kiver reading. 8 A. M., 1H.0 feet: change In last 24 hours. 0.1 foot rise. Total ralnlall (5 P. M. to S P. M ), none: total rainfall since September 1 1917 38.01 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1, 4:1.00 inches; deficiency of rainfall since Sep tember 1 1017. 5.89 Inches. Sunrise. 5:1M A. M.: sunset. 9:00 P. M. ; total sunshine. 12 hours 54 minutes; possible sunshine. 15 hours 43 minutes. Moonrlse, 12 midnight; moon set 11:40 A. M. Barometer (reduced sea level), 5 P. M., 80.02 inches; relative humid ity at noon, 57 per cent. THE "WEATHER. Wind O State of Weather &TATIONSL Baker Boise ...... Boston . . . , 160. 00' 7x10.00' iw Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy W 78i0.0010SW 7410.001. . BW 74i0.01..N i fiOlO.OO 12, N 70iO.Ol . . B I eOiO.Ofl . . NW 8810. 00112 S 68;0.0fljl2 W . . 0.401. .ISE Calgary .... Chicago Denver . . . . Des Moines Eureka .... Galveston . . Helena .... Juneaut . . . Clear Clear Clear Rain Rain Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Kansas Pity... RfvO. 84:20 NW Los Angeles. . Marshfield .. Med ford ..... Minneapolis . New Orleals. New York . . , HiO.OO 10 SW 600. 00 flO'O.OO NW NW 6S.0.O0 l4!0. 00 W SW esio.ooi R40.O0 . .IKE 22;NW North Head... North Yakima, Clear Clear 82'O.nol SE W Phoenix Pocatello Portland .... Roseburg Sacramento . . St. Louis .... Salt Lake . ... San Diego . . . San Francisco Seattle Sitka' Spokane . . . . . T. fnm looio. oo! Clear Clear 740.00 7410.00 8410.00 NW NW Clear Clear Clear lOjN OOllll'J'O.OOilOiS 70 OOiO.OOl. . SW 381 72IO.Oo:iONW 021 8tilo.no(. .isw 541 2 0.00122 SW Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Cloudy 54 76 O.OO10IN Wl n-ii . mi . . w 48l 80 0.001121SW 50 74'O.OOI.IN 48 58(0.001. . W U O.OOI . . N Tatoosh Island Valdezt Clear Clear Cloudy Rain W alia Walla.. utt 8410.00 . . W Washington ..I 06 S10.OH.. E Winnipeg 1. ) 54 0 . 081 N 84 O.0O . .IW Was Wl tA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; gentle west- erlv winds. , , Oregon and Washington Fair; moderate westerly winds. Idaho Fair. . FDW BP T. WFT.T.S Met-Tolnrlt. TOO HTB TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Bmall modern laundry, mak ing good money, well equipped, good lo cation, owner's health forcing sale. To any one looking for a well-established, good-paying business, this will bear the closest Investigation. Call Sunday P. M., between "5 and o, room o, imperial no tel. FOR RENT Modern 5-room house in gooa condition on west siae. iesirauie hcisu borhood. good car service, convenient lo cation for any one connected with ship yards: reasonable rent. Main 0308. WANTED Loan of 2000, second mortgage. or goooo first mortgage on quuncr uiwn, improved. E. 10th, near Broadway; will take liberty bonds and pay 7 per cent. W 330. Oregonian. .WINCHESTER 6HOTCUN. ALMOST NEW. 18. WRITE "AM 44S, ORKOONI AN. WANTED Husky young man to learn auto- .,!. lira nnainpia ir i ixi salary. Allien can Tire tfe Rubber Co., Broadway and Oak sts. hpivtf.h wanted for Dermnnent position good town near poriiana; inowieusc ui machine desirable but not essential. Ad dress AV 0!. Oregonian irnR SALE One four-cylinder air com pressor; 2 ten-horsepower marine engines; one four-horsepower anchor hoist Bdwy. 880. WANTED Experienced typist or stenogra pher, one having some knowledge of of fice work or bookkeeping preferred; state salary required, w 331. oregonian. STORE for sale, stock now being sold et cost, fixtures for sale with lesse; call and see us soon. This Is best proposition In Vancouver. Allen Bros., 701 wash. St. FfiR sai.u Gentle oony. weight about 900 lbs., gentle for women, either drive or saddle. Elrod farm. Barkers road. Tabor 4451. lost ut PeoDles Theater, purse contain Ina money and railroad tickets. Reward. Phone A 6358. t.-n TtP.NT 3 eomDletelv furnished house keeping rooms, on the main floor. 22 per month. 731 Rodnay ave. Phone Bust 71. Y vnrt SALE. 8S00. 6 rooms and sleeping- porch; a real home in Irvlngton. 740 Mult- noman st. mono uui. WANTED A first-class city salesman by wholesale produce houfe. apply in person. The Savtnar Co., loo nont St. EPMA Apartments, very desirable, new apts.. furnished and unfurnished, all In white enamel. 28th and E. Burnslde. LOST in business section, a smsil purse cortainlng small change and Itlooss pin. K. 7512. FOR SALE 20-inch power drill press, new. at a liberal discount: one 20-H. P. and ono 70-H P. boiler. Phone East 4075. FOR SALE Bungalow, modern, up to date. snno. shoo cash, Dai. terms, bee it. iom c. eth st. K. PIANO lessons. 75c. expert for besinnrs. Call Main 3901 between 13 M. and 2 P. M. WANTED Girl to keep house for one while family is at beach. . Call Main 3140 on Monday. 20-KT. MOTORBOAT, canopy top, 3-H. P. engine, first-class condition; tS5. W 332, Oregonian. ONE G, E. 12-inch oscillating fan, 418. Phone Woodlawn 140. BRAND new Bx8W view outfit, costing over $100; a bargain. W 81!B. Oregonian. IBVINOTOV barrsln. ractive. 7-room home. Owner. East 2R8S. . FOR SALE Canaries, and young singers. pairs, also females 66 N. 14th st. YOUNG man wishes position driving Ford. Call Tabor 4107 todsy. DRP'-'SMAKIJiG, out.' by the day. Phone East 44RS, room 8. FOR RENT Modern cottage ut Bay Ocean, coi.-.pletely furnished. Ca'l Ml. 4S. WANTED Ship adz. .VJS. Oregonian. mallet and slick, tv FOR FILE Best qusllty 2d-hand bricks at 2SS Harrison St.. cheap. TOO tATE TO CI,ASSrFT. . CAMPERS. ATTENTION. Good ramping at Columbia .Beach, "By the Sea." Tentu furnished completely; very reasonable, by week or season. Every convenience and a very Rood place to spend- your vacation. For particulars and, reservations -lor tents call Columbia Bear. Company, il: Lumbermen bid. Broad way TWENTY years a specialty salesman; know how to handle and place lines. Leave July, 3 for San Francisco, Los Angeles, return- inp via Halt Lake. Ogden, Butte,- Spokane 'arid way points ; can handle another good line. Phone Broadway 673 for interview.. FURNISHED FLAT. j Modern 4 -room lower corner flat, well! furnished, will be vacant July 8. open for inspection by present occupant during 'week at 220 18th lU N. ; rent, $32. Call Tabor 4871. WIEPRBCHT In this city, July 29. Mrs Elizabeth Wieprecht, ae 77 years, at her late residence. 094 Corbett street. Mother of Mrs, C. A. Rosin. Announcement- of funeral later by the Ericson Undertaking Company. ACCOUNTANT, thoroughly competent In every department. 10 years experience, 4 years' secretary work, stenographer, cost accountant; open for permanent poi- -tton. AN 3;tS. Oregonian. FINE acre, situated in St. Johns, with two small houftfcM near shipyard and school, on easy terms, cash or liberty bonds on first payment, balance to suit tenant. 727 Smith ave. Columbia 844, OWNER offers Smith & Wesson, police requirement .T.8 pistol and holster, $20. Call between 10 and 11, Monday, Room b2l. Chamber of Commerce. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like a position as housekeeper in widower's home, good cook; have furniture for 5 rooms. BC z.iti, oregonlan. BABY BUGGY, collapsible: sulky, refrig erator, peanut warmer, ladles' low shoes, two pairs, size 5 and 6: crepe kimono, pink sweater. 4637 Both St. 8. E. FURNISHED room in lovely apt., all mod ern conveniences, ror two ladies, with or without board; S mln. -sralk to P. O. Main r1 5. WANTED Young girl . as apprentice on hemstitching machine, wages while learn ing, steady work and a good chance for advancement. V 384, Oregonian. CANNON BEACH, opposite Post Office. roomy cottage, adults only; month or season. See R. W. McKeon, BJackstone Hotel, Stark st. SHADY trees, fresh air, easy walking dis tance, small, medium, large bedroom: so. $7. $12 monthly; housekeeping if desired. 433 East Harrison. MODERN furnished house. Irvlngton: nine rooms. f75 per month; with one room re served 145. Call at 483 E. 28th N. Broad way car. 10-ROOM house. 2V4 acres. 4Sth st. and 47th ave. s. E. ; 80 fruit trees: fnooo. Will take up to f2000 in exchange, $1000 cash. Sell wood 1218. WILL RENT our 7-room. - well furnished home for 8 months to right party with references. Call Mr. Wintermut, Monday morning. Broadway 3878. WANTED Man with light car to make trip through country with me to write healtn and accident Insurance. Aak for Mr. Hoge, New Perkins Hotel. WANTED Experienced - man to ' work in grocery store; man 4. to o years pre ferred. Apply In person, D. C. Burns Co., 203 3d St. 5-ROOM furnished .house, no linen: for 4 months or longer. Call between 12 and 2. 85o Mississippi ave. cor. Monroe. PLATE work plea by experienced man at tne state ientai meeting ai tne rtortn Pacific Dental College, Monday, 2 P. M. "BING," "Royal Ann" and "Lambert" cher ries for sale. L. P. Llndgren, 1449 Penin sula ave. WANTED To buy or lease 13x14 donkey engine with cables; also 1000 feet of rails. AF 400 Oregonian. - FOR SALE or trade Lunch counter doing good business; running night and -day. Best reasons for selling. B 1493. FOR SALE Finest Royal Anne cherries, 7 cents. 31 E. 63d St., 5 blocks S. of Vlon- tavilla carline. FOR SALE Furniture of two rooms, rooms for rent. 3o04 Morrison sL,. room -04. Phone Main 304. - FOR SALE or will trade for aereatre. 320 acres of Eastern Oregon timber land- Sell- wood 3440. WANTED Experienced flatwork ' washer. Monday morning. Portland Laundry c-o. 9th and Couch sts. 4-ROOM spartment, partly furnished. Cor ner 15th and Alberta, upstairs. No. 1042 )4. THOROUGHBRED Fox terrier puppies, 5 each; 7 weeks old. Phone Col. 401, 814 N. Kelly. St. Johns. FOR " SALE by owner, seven-room house, close in, on East Side; reasonable; no agents,- AO ay. regoniart. WANTED Competent nurse for 2small children; ref. required. Apply 233 Cornell road, or phone Main aoo. 2 FURNISHED rooms.-lights, water, gas, for Janitor work In amall apt. -house; no chil dren. 3MB Hall st. MIDDLE-AGED woman for chamber work. experience not necessary. Harrison Hote. Front and Harrison sts. ROSE CITY PARK bargain. 6-room bunga low. furnace: S2750. East 2H38. WANT a grammar teacher to give private lexeona fj :;(, uregonian. FOR SALE: 1914 Oadlllac In good condition. A -V 834, Oregonian. " HAIR dyed at home, reasonable. by rlenced lady. Main 387U. LOST Hand-painted round belt pin Phone Broadway 723. 11)12 OAKLAND roadster, must sell at once. a iv J. oregonian. BELLBOY wanted. Arlington Club 209 Park. 73 NICE amall cottage at Seaside. ocran. for season. East 2409. FOK SALE One Monarch range and other household goods. Csll C 2. !.. WANTED Experienced wrlngermnn. Port land Laundry o., 9th and couch sts. AM GOING East and wish to sell my or gen. pnone fc.. nn.m. WC'MAN for .ianltress, cleaning work. 40S Lewis oiag. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. 40c an hour ana carfare. Broadway 5089, FOR RENT Modern bungalow, garags desired: Went Side. Main nil 4. 3-KOOM house for rent or sell: a bsrgaln. Call Woodlawn 5419. after 9:30 A. M. DIPH WASHER, short hours. no Sunday work, good pay. call e-eiiwood gn8. MAN for lanltor work. Call 408 Lewis bldg. WOOL auto rugs. tlO. 842 E. 47th St. S, MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION, MOOSE Co lumbla Legion 170. Moose- heart Legion of the "World A ceremonial session will be held In the new Moose Tern pie. 4th at Taylor St.. on Tuesday evening. July X com menclng at e P. M.. when th charter of Columbia will b Closed. All Moose are ellglbe to membership. Can- oiaaies must nave tneir petitions in tn Herder's offica by 7:30 P. M. Brine you friend In now. Wear your fes. Visiting Le glonalres cordially Invited. By order of tne Aorta Moose. 1. F. JtNOWLTON. Herder. THE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE SOUL. INC., will hold services today as follows: 11 A. M., lecture and messages by the pastor on the subject, "The Law of Spiritual Unfoldment"; at 3 P. M., sym posium; addresses by Mr. J. Medcalf, Mr. Norres and Dr. Angus, followed with mes sages by Mrs. M. Barber, Mrs. Lyons and Professor Murray. At 5 P. M. there will be circles in the church, conducted by the lo cal mediums. At 8 P. M. Dr. R. Angus will lecture on the subject "Where Is Hell?" following with a seance. 203 ft Third su EUREKA COUNCIL. KO. 204. K. AND L. OF S. At home meeting Monday even ing. July 1. East Side W. O. W. Hall. East eth and Alder. Programme and dancing after council meeting. Members and friends Invited. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE FATHERS OF SOLDIERS AND SAILORS will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock In th Forssters' Hall. 120 Fourth street. At this meeting of- l fleers for the ensuing six months will be elected, and all members are urged to be present. 8ANFIELD MACDONALD. Prea BIG patriotic dance, given by the Port land Star Homestead, No. 42. Brotherhood of American Yeoman, at the new Moose Temple, corner 4th and Taylor sts.. Thurs day evening, July 4. Proceeds to be used tn taWa care ot the boys st the front. Ad mission '4Zv. Dancing at M:30. Union music REA card party. W)0. 83 M Sth st.. every Mon. and Fri.. 2:8" P. M. ; Tuts, and Sat. eve.: two parties Saturday eve.. 8:30 and lO::;0. Merchandise prlz-a. All welcome. A dm., 2.'c. Tues. eve. and Frl. P. M., gro cery prises. OWING to next Thursday being the 4th of .lulv. tne rortiana counsel oi jinignts ana Ladles of Becurlty have postponed their card party until rnuraaay. July AS. H. C. L. CLUB Last of series Frldsy Bth. M. W. A. Hsll, 11th and Burnslds. bpeclal grocery prizes, capital prise. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designs Jaeger tiros., ajj-s out su rRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. Kates for Classified Advertisements r: fat The Oregonian - ' s laU j and touadajr TerUn. One time its Tv consecutive timet ............. S,e Three consecutive time. .. ........ sue six or seven colisecuttte times. .... 6 be t'lie fullowln,! classifications excepted, the rate on whirh is 7c per line per da. situations M anted Male. Siiuatieas Wanted Female. For Kent ' Mooint prl.sl Families Board mud Uums t'riiate families, aieuseneeplna- Koma i'rivate- families. No to taken - fer iesa USD l:ntn. iCoODt six word, to tus line. Advertisements (except "Firm, ale") will us taken ovsr tuo telephone U the advertiser la a subscriber t dtber phone. Mo pries will be ciuoted over tbs phone, but statement will be rendered tbs following da. , Advertias oteats are taken far Tbs Daily Ore conlan until 8 f. a!.: tor Tbs Boadsor Orcssnlan on til P. at aturday. DIED. OLSEM In this city, Oscar Olsen. Re mains are at Dunning & McEntee'i await ing trace of reliM Ives. Tacoras and Se attle papers please copy. . FINER AL NOTICES. GILLSON In this city. June 28. at her late residence. &J H Russell-St.. Minnie P. Gill son, aged 3.r years, wife of Clarence R. Gillson. mother of Ruby E. and Bertha A. Glllsun. late of Oregon City, Or. Funeral services will ba held tomorrow tMondayi. July 1, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the First Baptist Church. 9th and Main sta.. Oregon City. Or. Friends Invited - Interment at Mountain View Cemetery. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & lion. Montgomery at 5th. WORTH At the residence. 6S35 43d ave. S. E.. June 128, Lenna Worth, aged 52 years, beloved wife of David Worth, mother of Charlea F Henry W. Worth and Mrs. Minnie Biltner, all of this city. Funeral services will be held tomorrow ( Monday i, July 1, at 1 P. M. from the chapel of Miller ec Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. ALLEN At Seaside. Or.. June 38. 1018. Alfred Allen, aged 57 years V mas. 6 days. Friends invited to ttend the funeral serv ices, which will be held at the family residence. 258 18th St.. at 1 P. M. tomor row tMonday). July 1. 1918. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Services at the grave private. FUNERAL services over remslns of Alfred Allen will ba held at family residence. 25 13th street, at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Mon day), July 1. Friends invited. Services at grave will bo private. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOIaMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main s7. A 1611. Lady Assistant, Perfect Funeral Servlcs for Less. Mii-XEK & TKAUEY Independent Funerai Dlrecurv eraeh. St., bet. 20tk it Hist. Wssi Fid Main 2tlWL Lady Assistant. A flSA J. P. FIN LET A SON. Progressive io'unerai Directora private unve V omen Attendants. kuSi'IUOl-aal Af 1TAFTAL Main 9. A 15a WLLSON & ROSS il'T-isVJL" East 04. c aitss. llUNNl.Su 4t MclvNTEkl. funeral directors. Broadway uu puia atreaM. Aruuua 4 u.- A. saaa. Aauy auino ihl F. S. DUNNING. INC THE GOLDEN UULbi UNDM.KTAKERS. 414 East Aider St. East ix. B ill-:. BREEZE & SNOOK J,6Vb"V. MR AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON fu neral service. 1U73 E. Gllsarr. Taior 4la. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady atts no ant. East 761. B 138a. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Far.'ors. lith and Morrison sta, Aiawy ioj. a iuu. A. R. ZELLER CO. BJf Wll.lams ave loss, c loss BKaWKK UNDBKTAK1NO COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Main 415X A Ha-tL Lady aasutaac. CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL fllOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Perpetual care assured with every purchase. No expense afterward. Price lower. Courteous treatment to all FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. lorista. 237 Morrison St. Main or A 1S05. fine flowers and flora designs. Ne branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists. S54 Washington. Main 269. A 12A. Flowars for all occasions artistically arranged. TONdETH FLORAL CO., 1.H5 Washington st. bet. 4th and Bth. Main B102. A llol MONUMENT. PORTLAND HAKB1.K WOKKS. 204-JOS 4ta su. opposite City Hall. Mala . fOlu liieu a Son for mvmorlala fcTbSLACSIiNci GttMur OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Offlc. Room tan Coartboofte. 5th St. Kntranc. Phone from 8 to B, Main SIB, Home 1hone A 15-' 5. TStK.it call after office lioun. Alain X10. Report ail ciaet of cruelty to the above ad drera. Electric lethal chamber for email ani mal. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desir ing a dosT or other pet communicate with us. Call for all lot or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding1. There la no more city pound, just Oregon Humane Hoclety. NEW TODAY. FOR RENT TWO-STORY BRICK WAREHOUSE 40x90 FT. ON PAVED STREET WITH ALLEY IN REAR WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. BARGAIN Brick Warehouse No. 9 and 11 S. First Street 3-story and basement, 50x100, electric elevator. opp. 1 Lang & Co. W. H. Webb YEON BUILDING. 51AIX -4913 BIG SACRIFICE Half Block, With Trackage, on Fifteenth ejtreeL CHEAPEST WEST SIDPi WAREHOUSE 81Tb. 1SI TIIE CI TY. MUST BH SOLD. R. F. Bryan 509 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE, CflD CAICExtra- fancy Elng-, Lambert run OKLXand Koytl Ann Cherries. Call Columbia 1139. Phone your want arls to Th Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOKUIO.N 1-l.ivA 1 LNO. UEUS'IITCHINO, rLtATl.SJ, ALL LAT EST fcTLVhia. KAblbKN NuVELT X CO, S5 'y, FIFTH, h.A.l't.KN NOVliLlV CO.. E.'ARK ST. BttOADWAY tDWl. . K. AEPlAN. hsmstitcning. scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered, mall orders. 21 Pillock block. Broadway lUtfM AGATE Cl'TTEKS AND MFG. JtWELEKS. JEWELRY ana watch repairing. Miller's 856 Wash St.. Majestic 'A healer blag. ALFALFA MEAL, GROUND FEEDS. MAY WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M bi7. ASSAYEKS AND ANAL1ST. MONTANA ASSAY OFFlCiv 142 fcscond Gold, stiver and platinum bouanC ATTORNEYS MORRIS A. courts. bu2 GOLDS A KIN, prattles la Northwestein Ban bldg. REYNOLDS MONEH-BACK. 1'uNlC Bar bars exclusive; sold on ecu p. O. Box '. OREGON BARBER bL'1'Pi.Y CO. Me buy and seil ail kinua barber supplies. to0 u. O. K. BARBER SUPPLY HOUSiv Ws S..I all kinds cl baruer supplies, ail IS. id. su BEAUTY SPECIALIST. SUPERFLUOUS AAA I It deslroel lorever Bl Multiple Needle Method. ao4 auretlanq bldg- CARPET CLEANING. NOKTHWEof HtU CO.. eslaOlisned lvol. Fluff rugs and rsg rugs woven, a. I sises. East 8tu ana Tsyior. iiias. toBU. B 1AU. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. LI. CANCER TREATED. Blt Moigan biog. Maisnau Ql4d. CtLLtLOlD BUTTONS. THE lKWIN-HultoON COMPANY, S87 Washington. AAroaaway 4J4. A 154. CHIKOPODIsTS AND AKCH brEtULISTH. W11JJAU, Estelle aud Florello DeVeny. the only scientfio chuopodists and area ctailsls In the city. i'ax.ora 02 cierllager bidg.. southwest cornsr bscosu ana Aiaer. Phone Main AJUL DR GARTNElt, Chiropodist. Ilunions, specialty, only place in city loot arches maue to order. .li Aiuer. .Main lUbl. DR. B. LOUISE COX. aseptic chiroooOHL. successor to Dr. Owen. office Jouruai Uarber Shop. Phone Main 71'iS. CHIROPRACTIC PHV8ICIAN. DR. McMAHON, Macleay bidg.. loo clUra- pracuc World's best. Adjustments uisdi asy Obstinate cases 50c rata. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 010 N. W. bldg. Mar. ObJ. loo letters muitigraphed. IL&a COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH CO.. Worcaester bU'g. Main i;ws. ISo colloctlons. no cnarga; establisUed ltfou. DANCING. MRS FLECK'S ACADEM i Social and stag dancing, private instruction; claasrs lug., rl.. o io to. low iia au. oet. Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. Learn to dance Summer classes, private lessons, mngier s Acta., AStn. orr w asn., leading school; 10 lessons s. Buwy. dooo. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, lead ing school, bos ritth; o private lessoua so. 11 A. 31. to w r. 31. Asroaaway 2327. DOti AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. G. L HUTHUAN, veterinarian, hosnl tal -lift E. 7 th st. East 1647, B ISsZ Dogs and horses clipped. EYE. EAR. NObb AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Caaseday. speclailat; glasses fitted. too E. urr.iae. cor. 2utn. n iaa. E 4734. FLl'FI RIG AND RAG RUG lAtTORV. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1B0J. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all sixea East 81 n and Taylor. t-ast gaou. a 12SO. IHON rOO'DKlES. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, machinists, boller vnakera. boiler aud blacksmith shon. Of fice and works. AAawtnome avs. aud East Third st. VHOLESALERS AND auto Torn. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 8th and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Hoard of Trade Bldg. DRV GOODS NOTIONS LDlNrCELSPlELCO.4. Stockroom and office North 6th street HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 63-S5 Front Bt, HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA PARK KAHN HHPS.. lBtt Front Bt. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. P. FUI.LKR aV CO. 12th and Davis S ' EW TODAY. Rental Estimates We have unequaled facilities for furnishing estimates on all rental properties. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth Street FOR RENT 25,000 Feet Storage Trackage CENTER OF SH1PPISO DISTRICT. I.arKe. Llsrht Office. Steam Heated Sprinkled Buildlna;. Ixot Insurance. Clay S. Morse, Inc. 42S Flanders Street. BARGAIN HOME EAST FORTY-NINTH AND TAYLOR STS. OVER QUARTER. BLOCK. NINE-ROOM HOUSE FINE LARGE TREES AND SHRUBS FIREPLACES AND FURNACE. SEE I. G. Davidson 81 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. To Close an Estate Ten-Room Modern West Side Residence, Sob Hill District, terser too x lOO $12,500 J. C. Corbin Co. a0S-T Lewis Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS OH BUSINESS AND RKSLDU.NCB PROPERTY. ROBERTSON A EWING. 307-B) Northwestern Bank Blda JNO. B. COFFEY alORTtsAOE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds S01 WILCOX ASLUIA. Mala 702. A. S70X tm 1 1 I .-. - m ill! RT1T1 ILllK KltiS Al HAU HIU3. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS lncriLln. tsrusia. fcmyrn. A at minster rag rutfa. all ax.a. mit order prompt, oooklau WxlU rusa, m. cam or dry cleaned. $1.6. CAitl-fcl ULhAMfiG, REfilllNli, tTC, WEhTLItN ILttF RIG CO.. 54-50 L'niun Avs. N. Essl. teoltf B 1475. TEllUiK OF MLftlC. MRS- E L. 11ACO.V, mandolin, steel guitar, banjo. uiAuAa. SOa aicax&ut biog. Maia 61sa MUSIC. OKEGcN Coiiberv Atory tschool) of Music 2d floor Russell uiug. lover the "Lion"). Entrance ia 4th St.. cor, of Morrison. EM1L TH1ELHORN, violin teacher. P' upU bevel a. 207 Fliedner blug. lid wy. 1. Ol-TOMLTIilsTS AND OPTICIANS. . ULAbsLS AT A SAVING. -7v 1 solicit your patronage on the KJ bas.s ot cap.Oit service. Thou ' m . sauus ot SatiSllud pations. A trial will cuDvince. Clias. w. lAooumaa. opio nietrtst. 2uw Morrison. f AAENTa. (ATEMS that protect and pay. advice aad books free. hlgLest reterencea, best re suits, promptness assured, seaa sketch or model for search. Watson E. coisinaa, Dsieat lawyr. tt F au. V astslr.gton. U. C. K. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. and roreign yatanta eAJl jicnum bldg. I'HVsIClANS. DR. R. A. PU1LLIPS. W05 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, leuxale aiaoruera. akla trou b.s. stoniacli. iiver. kiuneya. boweia throat, goitre, scalp, high biooo. prgasare. PLLMOING Ml'PLIEK I'LL M LING bUfi-Utd at wQolesais prloea, btara-Davis Co., 212 Tntrd. Main 77. PRINTING IvEYSTONE PHElu J. E, Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. tot s'ront au. wr. biArs. Main or A 141a. ULlMlllui.- F. W. RALTEd tm COMPANT. I lllit I lilU 1st and oak ata. Main liX Alltts REAL EsTAlE D LA LEU 4. CiTlL R. JONES. 404 Wllcog bldg. BttOND-ilAND CLOflilNG. 2D-HAJHD clothing. Wa pay hlsttst prtcaa Lor ni; n inu iaiv cioiniog. tiooa. tc W a buy iurmtura ana tvery lMin of value Main 4?7jV .6 flrat atraaL g ECO N 1-HA.NU 8TOR Etj. MAIN Htcyclea tKmsbt. aold and ax- bPUKAliE. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. US PINE gl'OKAbE AM) TRANSFER. OREGON TKAMSFEK CO.. 474 Gllsan St., corner lotli. leiepnona sruuwij iea. or X lld9. We own and operate two largs class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks Lowest insurance rates in the city. llAWSON-oT. DOCK WAREHOUSE. Of lice lew Madison. Gsneral merchandise and torwarcing agents. Phone Main mat. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGES. SECURITY STOKAGt; & TRANSFACR CO, 105 1-ark BL Main ulti. A 103L b'lUKAbt AriU IHANtH CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 42 FLANDKa STREKT. bWEnl.SII MASSAGE. C. J. liassclstrom. Swedish masseur. lck, gymnast. Cure rheumatism, luuibago and siomacn trouble, til. Uekum bidg Xl.iin :7o. WOOD. ORDERS taken tor Bummer delivery, flrat class pole oak woou- Broadway 2a3. " WOOII AND COAL. SHORT GREEN SLABWOOD Mnltnomab Fuel Co. M K.VIO. A 2118. uVV, dry wood. sV and $J.iO per load delivered, stove length. Phone Droadway lMAIN UFAC1JJKEUS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSdliN CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE H1T1NGS AND VALVLB. M. L. KUNK. S4-SO Front St. Pl.l.MBING AND HTKAM St 'PPL1ES. M. L. KLINE, t4-btf Front St. PRODUCE COMMiatlON MERCHANTS. EVLKU1NO si FARRELL. 14U Front SU lUII'E AND BINDING THINE, Poitland '.'ordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. HASH, POORS AND tiLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis Sta WALL PAPER. MILLER Wll Paper Ac PI Co.. 172 1st at. MORGAN WALL PATER CO.. ;30 8d St. NEW TODAY. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 160-171 SECOND STREET. Near Yamlilll. RPr.1l.AR SALE DAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY ALWAYS A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF MEnilM-PRICED SECOND - HAND . FURNITURE AT Olll AUCTIONS. Included In Monday's Sale in u Cheat of CARPENTER'S TOOLS. It Will Par You to Attend Our Salea. WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE If you are looking- for the best, coma In at your convenience. e sell pianos. organs, furniture, carpets, rugs, steel and gas nnges, refrigerators; also OFFICE FURNISHINGS STORE FIXTURES EQUIPMENTS GROCERY DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL GOODS OFFERED FOR SALE . J. T. WILSON, PROP. WE PAY CASH FOR ISED FURNI TURE. ETC. Call Main 1626 MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. NO COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster 331 V. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. PORTLAND, UK. NEW TODAY. EJTABUiHED 18C3. WE II1IK BEE FAVORED WITH I.STKIIT105 TO JELI, THE VERY FIK KIRMTVRE. 'W ILTON R 1' O S. ETC FOR A mETLEJUX WHO IS (i I V I X (i IH HOVSEKEEPIXtl. WE HAVE MOVED THESE tiOODS TO THE RAKER AVCTIOS HOISE FOR CONVEXIEXCE OF AlCTIOS SALE On Tuesday Next C o m p r I Ins: overatuf fed Ilvlns;-room rockers and chairs In wool tapestry, al!o mahogany and Jacobean rockers and chairs In t a p e a t r y and brown dnlm. The above rockers and chairs are equal to new and soma are of tha celebrated Karpen & Son makes. THE LIBRARY FVBXITIRE Is the well-known Peters make. In solid oak. vis... desk table, larare easy rockers with auto cushions, oak phone stand and stool. CARPETS AD RI'CSS. Rest qtmltty Wilton Rugs, like new. In 9x1! and 8-3x10-6 sizes, bodv Brussells bedroom carpet and about 65 yards of Axminster carpet in blue shades. niMG-ROOM. Quartered oak suite, vis., table, chairs. colonial htrrret and china cabin et, white and pold chinaware. table linen, silverware, chaflna: dish, etc BEDROOM FURNISHINGS consist of massive brass bed. brass costumera and two white enameled Iron beds. All beds are complete with very best sprlnsrn and rood mattresses, pil lows, blankets and bed linen and linen dresser scarfs, mahogany and nuarter nwed oak dressers and chiffonier, rockers and chair and rattan rocker and chair. ROYAL ELECTRIC VACltM t LEANER. Also some odd pieces of furniture la the antique. Office Furniture We shall sell for Devlin Flrehausrh roll-top desk, stsndins desk, sunitary flat-top desk, revolving chairs, offica chairs, typewriter chairs, electric In verted fixtures, desk lamps, card innex files, file cabinets, check protector. two volumes Portland block hooks, maps and other useful office fixtures. These poods are beinir sold on account of the death of the late W. A. Firebaugh. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. Asraln we wish to say that if you are looking for real hls;h-grade f urnishinjra for the home, don't overlook this auc tion. You are welcome to call tomor row and look over the above g-oods at your leisure. AUCTION OX TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. THURSDAY. JULY 4. WE ARE CLOSED AND WILL RE WITH YOli TO CELEBRATE. WE PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD tioon. OUR PHONE NUMRER IS MAIN 3332. W. C. RAKER W. II. DEAN. Fnrsltsre Dealers and Auctioneers, Maaoalc Temple Rnlldlns:. Yamhill and W. Parle Streets. Will Sell or Exchange I own one of the most beauti ful 25-acre honiesltes on the west side of the Willamette and must sacrifice it. This property is part of the old Morey Homestead, lo cated thirty minutes from the center of Portland and one mile soirth of Oswego. There is absolutely no finer building site in Willamette. Val lev. "It sets hiph. overlooks both Portland and Oregon City and five great snow-capped peaks are in plain view. Eight acres at the highest point of this property are cleared and in apples. My business keeps me perms nently in L.os Angeles. California, and requires the concentration of both my time and my money. This property, at a low esti mate. Is worth $15. ono. but I will take less and. In case of a pur chase. $7500 cash will handle the deal. I would consider a trade for property in Los Angeles or vlclnit v. Inquiries from parties concern ing this land will be held in con fidence and promptly replied to. L. M. MAYNARD, Care Continental National Rank. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. This first-class seven-room horns at a sserl flea, with flreplsce. furnsce. full cement basement. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln conv.ol encea, four bedrooms, ons with cassment windows serosa one side; located on cor ner, in good district, near car and school: hard surface to city. Price only $8000. ons half cash. Telephone owner. East 607 Sam Connell Lumber Co. Bdwy. 140. as Ankeny St. Portable and Ready-Cut Houses and Garages Call for full particulars and details re garding our houses and enrages. DON'T PAY HIGH RENTS. WEST SIDE OVER lOO FEET RIVER FRONT. Artistic Bungalow Eight Rooms, Bleeping Porch: Grounds Very Highly Improved. TWO ACRES $8500 WILL TAKE UP TO 30OO IN TRADE. BF 33. OREGONIAN. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city a ad farm property la ..tall meat repiyarit privilege ff pre (erred t prompt, reliable aervlee. A. H. BIRRELL CO. :i7-3it Northwestern Hank Building. A 4IIS. Marshall -4114, FOR Mortgase Loans see Oregon In vestment Mortsrafre Co.. Stock Ex change, Bldg., Third and Yamhill Streets, -'.