The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1918, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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The Red Cross
Salvage Bureau
wants all kinds of junk and waste
material. These will be converted
to the benefit of our boys in the
trenches. Notify Red Cross Bu
reau, this store, Marshall 4600 or
Our Soldiers Want
Phonograph Records
Bring records to our Accom
modation Bureau, Basement,
whence they will be sent to the
soldiers at Vancouver; espe
cially those in hospitals. New
records or old ones accepted.
Victory Yarn
Hank 87c
Natural, gray, khaki and
white Service Yarns are
now sold only in Victory
Booths benefit American
Committee for Devastated
France. Main Floor.
this paper for news
of our great July
Sale Summer Home
furnishings. Participants in the
Float of the Nations
in the Foreign Born Parade, July
4, and girls taking part in the
Tableau of the Nations at the- Au
ditorium that evening, please re
port at once to the National League
for Woman's Service, Sixth Floor.
A Carriage
For Baby
Go-Cart, a Sulky, an Oriole
any of these should be se
lected from MEIER & FRANK'S
great new 1918 assortments.
If desired make your own
terms in reason. Fifth Floor.
iVie- Quality Stow op- poktlamo
PREPARE! PREPARE for the Glorious Fourth
The Quality Store Can Serve You Best -The New Summer Fashions Are Now at Their Finest and Fullest We Have a Plentiful Selection of Sea
sonable Apparel and Accessories for Men, Women and Children Everything for the Person and the Home and at the Very Lowest Prices
July Victor Records
Among the new arrivals for which there is sure to be big demand:
"From the North, South, East and West," eung by Harry Lauder (12
inch, 1.25. ...
"A Soldier's Day" and "Parodies of the Camp," sung by Geoffrey O'Hara
(10-inch. 85c).
"There's a Little Blue Star in the "Window," sung by Henry Burr, and
"Some Day They're Coming; Home Again," sung by Macdonough and
Orpheus Quartet (10-inch, 85c). Many new dance and band records.
v Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor, Fifth Street.
t $ FLAGS for the Fourth t
We have complete stocks of flags of all kinds for Independence
Day. Patriotic Americans will display a flag on this day and after
wards. A few of the many kinds of flags we carry follow:
Cotton bunting flags on sticks with gilt spears, 10c, 15c, 20c,
25c to 75c.
Cotton bunting flags with jointed poles and brackets, ready to
put up, $1.75 and $2. . ,
Muslin flags on sticks, dozen, 5c, 7c, 10c, 15c and 20c.
Wool flags in various sizes, all moderately priced. .
Silk flags in all sizes, with and without staffs. '
Allied flags in silk and cotton.
Service flags in silk, cotton and bunting, in stock and to order.
Meier & Frank's: Flag Shop, Fifth Floor.
New Summer Waists
At Little Prices
Waists that will commend
themselves to women by their
freshness and charm, as well as
their economy features. Of
good quality materials, well
styled and made, sure to give ex
cellent service. Buy them for
the Fourth and vacation wear.
White batiste, white and flesh
voile waists, others of these ma
terials in checked effects of rose
and white, blue and white, lav
ender and white and attractive
striped designs.
There are lace trimmed, em
broidered, hemstitched and tucked
models in tailored and dressy
Very special values at $2.50
to $3.95.
Meier & Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor.
An Expert From the Factory Is Here to Give a
Special Demonstration of
Kleinert's Dress Shields
Beginning tomorrow in our Notion Shop we will hold a special demon
stration of the well-known Kleinert's dress and garment shields. An
expert from the factory is here to demonstrate all the many advantages
of Kleinert's dress shields for Summer wear. We have complete new
stocks in all styles and sizes. Come in tomorrow.
Meier & Frank's: Notion Shop, Main Floor.
A Sensational Sale of
Bar Pins
Splendid values are offered in this
great disposal of good quality bar
pins. Bar pins, crescent and circle
pins of sterling silver and silvo (white
metal), set with liberty brilliants, in
white and assorted colors. Some
enameled filigree effects included. A
few illustrated.
A large special purchase at a great price
concession accounts for the sensationally
reduced prices.
$1.00 Pins, 65c.
$1.50 Pins, 95c.
$2.00 Pins, $1.45.
$2.50 Pins, $1.95.
Meier & Frank's: Jewelry hop. Main Floor.
Stop Winding Bobbins
In these strenuous times you cannot afford
to waste your time winding bobbins. Make
your sewing lighter and easier buy an
two-spool rotary sewing machine the most
modern sewing machine there is the only
family sewing machine in the world that sews
directly from two spools
of thread one above,
one below. Come in to
morrow and let our ex
perts point 'out to you
the many other exclusive features of these won
derful sewing machines. Pay only
Liberal allowance for your old machine.
qJJ Dress Form Club
Come in tomorrow and select a dress form front
our most complete stock of collapsible and ad
justable forms and pay for the same while using ,
it. Moderately priced $12.50 upwards. Fay only
$1 DOWN 50c WEEK
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street.
Whatever a woman's requirements in dress for the Fourth or for any "occasion of
formal or informal wear there is such a selection here as will insure her most complete
satisfaction. Our prices are invariably low, quality and style desirability of the garments
considered. Sale prices or regular prices value-giving supremacy in women's ready-to-wear
rests with MEIER & FRANK'S. We feature tomorrow
A Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits
All high-grade garments from leading manufacturers.
This extraordinary sale event represents a clearaway of
broken lines SAMPLES and MODEL suits in the best of
the season's fabrics, styles and colors.
High-grade tailored suits in serge, gabardine, poplin and tricotine.
Semi-fitted, loose and belted models, cutaway effects with silk or
satin vests. Some braid edged, others braid bound. Many have fancy
silk over-collars.
Handsome shades of navy, taupe, Copen, tan, rookie and black.
At these great reductions while any of a limited number remain:
for $26.25
for $33.75
for- $41.25
for $48.75
for $56.25
for $63.75
Serge Dresses $ 1 5
Styles for Misses and Women
A special sale of serge dresses in navy, brown,
Copen and plum shades. Straight line, tunic and
pleated models. Many have fancy gold embroidery.
Very special values, while any of a hundred dresses,
remain, at $15. Best selection of course for early
New Voile Dresses
In Plain and Figured Effects
We've just received a large new shipment of the
much-wanted Summer dresses in plain and figured
voiles. The materials are all of excellent quality,
the dresses are beautifully designed and made.
Large variety of styles and . colors. Priced
$12.50 to $25.
Hundreds of New Goats
For Street and Auto Wear
Such a selection as assuredly you will find in no other
one store between the moderate prices quoted for such high
grade garments. At $35 or at $75 or at any price in between
there is an ample selection for every woman.
Fine quality pom pom and velours are featured among materials.
Half and full-lined garments. With self belts and large collars. The
color range is broad enough to satisfy everyone. There are coats in
this assortment suitable for wear at all times.
Wonderful values at $35 to $75.
Sole Portland Agents Drezwellsley Dresses
Edward L. Mayer Model Gowns Milgrim New
York Tailoring Service Max M. Schwarcz Tail
ored Suits and Coats for Women
Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
Call Marshall 4600,
A-6101, and Ask for
"Fur Storage"
Our auto will call for your furs
or other Winter garments, and we
will store them during the Sum
mer months in our perfectly re
frigerated safety vaults on the
premises, where a constantly be
low freezing temperature is main
tained. Furs are protected against
moths, dust, theft, fire, loss or
damage from any cause. The cold
dry air restores the furs' natural
and repairing of . Winter furs
in coming styles done now at spe
cial Summer rates.
Summer Furs
Complete stocks of Summer
furs at lowest, priceB.
' Meier & Frank's:
Fur Shop, Fourth Floor.
On Center Aisle Bargain Square, Main Floor
Over 3000 Yards of Finest Quality Silks in a
Great Sale of Silks
iGk can. oo
Just received by express. On dis
play and sale for the first time to
morrow over 3000 yards of fine
heavy 40-inch crepe de chines. This
price $1.33 is wonderfully low for
the quality.
Crepe de chines in such fashion
able colors as pink, white, sky, lav
ender, garnet, flesh, ivory, Nile,
taupe, brown, black, navy, Copen,
royal, tan, sand, peacock, corn and
other desirable plain shades. Ma
terial that is splendidly suitable for women's waists, dresses, under
wear, etc.
Come as early as possible tomorrow for these fine new silks at $1.33 yd.
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Bargain Square, Main Floor,
Take Needlework on Your Vacation
The wise woman going on her vacation will take some
fancy work with her to do in her idle moments. Everyone
knows the desirability and attractiveness of hand-embroidered
garments make your own and you will pocket a hand
some saving.
Women's and misses' night gowns stamped for embroidery in pleas
ing designs on good quality nainsook or muslin. The material alone
in every one of these night gowns could not be bought today at this
price 98c. ....
Good quality luncheon sets
stamped in attractive French
knot patterns. Sets consist of
36x36 . cloth and 4 napkins to
match. Regular $1.50 value.
New bureau sets stamped for
embroidery on good quality crash.
Sets consist of scarf with pin
cushion to match. Regular 85c
Special prices are in effect on various needs for the baby. Stamped for embroidery on finest materials.
Princess Beth and dainty French designs. Infants' 85c dresses, 590; infants' 75c skirts, 50; infants
$1.25 pique carriage robes, 750; infants' 25c pillows, 190; infants' 15c bibs, 90.
Meier & Frank's: Needlework Shop, Second Floor.
Special Notice to Our Patrons
In Order to Release Men for Military Service
and Other Essential Win-the-War Work
We Have Discontinued
SPECIAL Deliveries
We ask the public to co-operate with us to the extent of allowing our
REGULAR deliveries to satisfy their demands. For your information
we desire to say that our REGULAR delivery service will, as always,
reach every home in the city not less than once each day.
Smart New Sports Hats
Here for the Fourth and Vacation Wear
We've just received a fine new assortment of sports hats
and we offer them to our patrons tomorrow at prices they will
consider surprisingly low.
A great number of the best and newest sports hats a most diversified
assortment in size, shape, color and trimming.
Peanut straws, Milan and pineapple combinations and leghorns.
Black, white and colors.
Large and medium droop shapes and plain sailors.
. Effectively trimmed with scarfs of fancy silk or Georgette, large rib
bon bows embroidered in silk and with plain ribbon bands.
A splendid selection from $4.50 to $13.50.
Meier Frank'a: Millinery, Fourth Floor.
Special Sale of Good 12c to 18c
Wash Laces Yard 10c
Here is an excellent opportunity to supply your needs in washable
laces for Summer articles at the extremely low price of 10c the regular
prices range from 12c to 18c
FIFTY PATTERNS in this assortment of washable laces the very
kind you will want for Summer sewing for blouses, house dresses, neck
wear, undermuslins, etc Piatt Val., Cluny, Filet, Venise and Shadow
designs in edges and bands. The widths range from 1 to 8 inches.
Meier & Frank's: Lace Shop, Main Floor
Just Received On Display and Sale Tomorrow
The New "Kiltie" Caps
We have just received the new Kiltie
caps that are particularly adapted for
women's motor wear or Service work, as
well as for any woman or miss who likes
natty headgear. Buy one for your
Fourth of July outing.
A good selection of these popular caps in
khaki color. Wool and cotton materials.
Come in tomorrow and see these new caps.
You will be charmed with their simplicity, at
tractiveness, smartness, and, above all, their
lowness of price. Moderately priced at $1.25
and $1.75. One illustrated.
Neckwear 81.25-S1.50
A varied assortment of women's washable neckwear, including flat
and roll Georgette crepe collars with trimming of embroidery and
Filet or Venise lace; net models with frill trimming in tuxedo style;
organdy collars with neat Val. edges, others show handwork; pique
collars and sets in plain and hand-embroidered styles; dimity roll
collars; organdy fichus with fluted trimming, many other styles.
Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop. Main Floor.
Universal Combination
The Range of the Hour
Kitchen floor space is an item to be
considered in the selection of a range.
Most modern kitchens have a small floor
area. The Universal Combination range
measures only 40 inches in width, and
yet it's two complete ranges a gas
range and a wood or coal range com
bined. The Universal Combination will meet
your every cooking need, no matter what
the weather. It may be used in all sea
sons with equally good results it is the
all-the-year-round range.
The Universal Combination is simple
to operate a turn of the key changes
from one fuel to the other. Built of cast
iron, it is substantial and durable. Com
pact, complete an ornament to any
On the Universal Combination, as on all other Universal ranges we
carry, you can, if desired, make your own terms in reason.
Meier & Frank'a: Sixth Floor. Fifth Street.