.THE, SUNDAY" OREGONIAN, . PORTLAND, . JUNE 30, 1918. YJ.C1 BUSY AT jThe Living INDUSTRIAL FIELDS LONG HELD SACRED TO MEN ARE INVADED BY WOMEN IN HOUR OF NATION'S NEED AND BOTH WORKERS AND EMPLOYERS ARE GLAD and the Dead Both to Hear the Gospel. In Shipyard, Machine Shop and Pattern Shop, Portland Women Do Men's Work With Smile on Their Faces and Prayer in Their Hearts That Their Work May Help Native Land Win Freedom for All, Forever. WORKERS BARRACKS fThree Huts Occupied by Men in Olive Drab at Van couver, Wash. ACTIVITIES AR VARIOUS Athletic Smokers Much Enjoyed hy Soldiers Secretaries of Camp Are Hard Worked but Be , salts of "Work Large. Vancouver Barracks is the scene of much activity these days. A word as to the activities of . the Y. M. C. A. may not be amiss. There are three buildings occupied by the association. These "Huts" are occupied by men wearing the olive lrap. Building Number 1 is situated In the heart of the cantonment. The "T." now housed in a huge tent, will soon have a splendid building, with equipment sufficient for the needs of the thousands of men quartered west of the garrison. The attractive build ing amid the oaks in the garrison is busy meeting the needs of the men quartered in the different barracks there. Religious, social and athletic pro grammes keep secretaries and soldiers keyed to a wholesome pitch. Noteworthy In recent days have been the athletic smokers enjoyed by the men through "Y" activities. At Number 1 building a thousand casuals, accompanied by officers, sat or stood about a ring in which six box ing and a like number of wrestling bouts were pulled off, a "Y" man of ficiating. Officers and men alike par ticipated in the manly exhibition. Perhaps the most exciting exhibition was one between two top sergeants. It was an evening of good-natured, en tertaining sport. On Thursday evening of last week the athletic director of Number 2, in conjunction with the director of Number 3, prepared an entertain ment for the barracks men, which was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed. Some fast boxing and wrestling was witnessed by the hundreds of men who gathered at the ringside. The secret aries of this camp are a hard-worked lot. Kifteen men comprise the staff. Camp Secretary Bolt recently surprised his secretaries by appearing at the dif ferent "Y" buildings and presenting an assistant in the person of his bride. The real "surprise." however, waB sprung by the "boys" of the "Y," who gave Mr. and Mrs. Bolt a good old fashioned serenade at their apartment on Eighteenth street and kept up an unorthodox din until the groom re sponded with a speech. Later the secretaries presented the newlyweds with a silver service set. Hospital Secretary Earle Feike making the presentation speech. The present staff is comprised of 15 men and the accumulation of work indicates the need of a larger force in the near future. Besides Camp Secretary Bolt, there are the following secretarial forces: Ben Schmidt, camp director of athletics; Building Secretary Roberts, Religious Secretary Sprague, Educa tional Secretary House, Social Secre tary Jasper. Athletic Secretary Ackley, all of Number 1. Building and Re ligious Secretary Poling, Hospital Secretary Feike, Social Secretary Stewart, Athletic Secretary Katherenes, all of Number 2. Building Secre tary Darks, Religious Secretary Put man, Educational Secretary Immel, Social Secretary Minton, Athletic Sec retary Webber, all of Number 3. LINN COUNTY TO SEND 20 Draft Contingents Leave Today for San Francisco and Vancouver. ALBANY, Or., June 29. (Special.) Linn County will send two more draft contingents tomorrow. Five men will go to San Francisco for special train ing In mechanical work and 15 limited service men will go to Vancouver for spruce division work. The contingent which will go to San Francisco consists of Eugene S. Shea, Albany: Ray Realto Wallace, Lebanon; Everett Edward McClun, Crawfords ville; Willie F. Price, Halsey, and Early Phillips, Scio. Eugene Shea has been named leader and will be in charge of the contingent until it re ports. The contingent to go to Vancouver consists of Joseph Newton Slyvester, Lebanon; Wilbur R- Devine, Waterloo; David Davidson, Albany; George Fitz water, Berlin; Lloyd Wade Kimball. Scio; William Henry Kirk, Halsey; Fred H. Vaughn, Lyons; Sidney Bayard Altermatt, Tangent; Frank Bishop, Lebanon; Allan Guy McQueen, Holley; Everett E. Payne, Lebanon; Ernest Ed ward Bodwell, Lebanon; Spencer Ran dall, Portland; Arthur M. Parsons, Al bany, and George Martin Stone, Browns ville. Arthur M. Parsons will lead this contingent. 23 IN H00DRIVER DRAFT Pioneer Families Well Represented in National Army. HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 28. William John Paasch. son of a prominent East Side orchardist, German-born, whose number was 10, will number first on the list of Hood River Class of 1918 under the selective draft. Young Paasch is married and the father of a baby Frank Rosterolla, number 17, is the second man on the local list. Charles R. Brown, whose number was 22, will be twenty-second on the Hood River County list. The order of the remaining 23 of Hood River County's 26 registrants of the 1918 class is as follows: Cecil Lewis Jackson, 4; John Marnch, 16; Alphonse Kollas, 13; Lionel W. Sexton, 3; Wilfred King, 11; John P. Nelson, 18; Uel Elbert Parker, 2o; Berlyn Mc Kinney Webster, 12; John Bryon Campbell. 2; Wilbur R. Greene, 8; Al fred R- Neal, 7: John Bartel Britton, 1; Lawrence S. Hershner, 6; Warren J, Mayer, 24: Walter Newell, 14; Lester H. Everingham, 19; James E. Steele, 15 Henry Erntson. 26; Aalto H. Annala 23; Earl C. Koberg, 21; Elmer L. fames, 20; and Alvy A. Andrus, 5. William J. Kirkland Dies. ALBANY, Or.. June 29. (Special.) William J. Kirkland, resident of Albany for several years-, died today at his borne in North Albany, aged 64 years. He was a native of Missouri, but came to Oregon many years ago and before coming to Albany resided at indepen dence and Corvallis. He was a member of the local lodge of Woodmen of the World. He is survived by his widow and one son, Curtis Kirkland. of Port land . . !T?T I " 1 "1 i T II I I ill ill i II ill in' i i ii i in. I -I -1 1 H ft I I M ' " : f'" Y-7 wd r" i i . ,f JSffht Mm m i t I lMfc A y ? ,rj: oVlj : .?radJ f jm vg w - t i h.jfi?! ' w PiV & irri' v r---"4!- AZ2l? rtS BY LEONE CASS BAER. i Not only is the female of the species proving every hour that she is more deadly than the male, but right here in Portland she is showing that in the endurance tests she can outlast a man. We know that as a soldier she would be his equal, if not his superior, under the severest physical strain if she had a chance to fight. s Nineteen women Interviewed for the purpose of learning how they regard themselves, from . the standpoint of physical marvels, agreed modestly, however, that pound for pound, any average woman in good health can en dure more pain, discomfort and fatigue and can expend more muscular energy than any average normal man of simi lar conditions. Mind you. this is a comparison of the same types. It would hardly be fair to compare a small, frail, physically weak woman with a huge, athletic giant man. or little, weak, delicate man with an Amazonian girl, which Is done so often by people making comparisons between the sexes. This is a fair balance. We are taking them pound for pound. Need Provea Woman's Equality.' Everything else being eaual there isn't a doubt in all the world that women rank 50-50 with men insofar as physical endurance is concerned. Had i doubted it, or If anyone else doubts it, take a little trip out to the Co lumbia Engineering Works at Linn ton and when you get your eyes and ears full of the splendid work women are doing in holding down men's jobs. ii you sun nave even a smattering of doubt lingering in your make-up, go over the Broadway bridge to the J. M. Leach Iron Works on Flint street and see the girls and women at work as molders. The managers at both places are unanimous in their praise of the work done by women and unhesitatingly go on record as saying that 9 times out of 10 the woman's work and her atti tude toward her work is more sat isfying to her employer than that of men. A talk with all the women em ployed in these two places will revise the opinion of even the most ardent doubting Thomas regarding the phys ical status of women. Home Not Only Sphere. It is, after all. rather idiotic to dis miss one-half the race in choosing peopie ior nazaraous ana arduous work in this war simply on account of an antiquated and mistaken theory based upon a wrong conception pf sex. There are thousands of women every day proving" that they are able to carry out so-called man's work, and they should not be relegated to only woman's work, just sewing and cook ing and baby tending and knitting and nursing and the like just because they are women. If people were chosen for physical courage, strength and stamina, many, many women would be in places now held exclusively by men and many men would be in places that are today re served ior women. Fifteen interesting wholesome girls and women are employed in the ship block department or the Columbia En gineering Plant. Their work is all indoors in a big machine-filled shop, where all day long the roar and whirr of pulleys and belts and huge machin ery reverberates. Twenty-five minutes of the noise and I'd be a raving drivel ing maniac, but the girls say they've got used to it. I guess you can get used to anything. Girla Used to Koine-. They told me that at first the noise bothered them, but that they became so fascinated by the work and in being integral parts of the tremendous unit that now the noise is like eating marsh mallows to 'em. The girls are from all ' walks of work-a-day life. Two are school teachers, some few had been engaged in clerical work, one is a matron and mother who seeks to broaden her use fulness in this world crisis, two are farm girls, ambitious to be out and a dolng their part, a few had worked in logging camps and in. factories and other people's homes. Every morning .they meet at 7:15 o'clock at Second and Stark streets, trim and attractive in their own' femi nine fripperies, for they are all intense ly feminine and love their fineries the same as any woman under 96. Company Provide Cars. Two big motor Jitneys, belonging to the Columbia Engineering Works, are awaking their fair fares and whisk them along that smooth winding river edged road to work. The ride to and from work is free, and the company is glad to furnish transportation to Its women employes. . Its like casting bread on the waters. for it all comes back to us a thousand fold In the smiling, happy faces of our women employes when they tumble out or the jitneys, all ready for work and inspired by the lovely morning triD along the river," said Manager Steele. The girls do not tumble right into work, however, when they tumble out of their limousine. FlrBt they go into a big. commodious dressing-room and divest themselves of their street attire, getting into comfy overalls. Some wear caps to protect their hair, others say a cap heats the head and don't wear one. The dressing-room is fitted with mlr- FROHINENT ENDEATORER IS CALLED BY DEATH. rr ! r Mill Helen Orr. The Christian Kndeavorers of Oregon lost one of their most faithful and beloved members In the death of Miss Helen Orr Sun day, June 23. In 1916 Miss Orr was elected state expert superin tendent and supervised classes in Christian Endeavor efficiency all over the state. Last year she held the office of state secretary. This year she was .entering into the work of life recruit chair man. Her unselfish devotion and faithful services in the upbuild ing of the Oregon Endeavor Union won the admiration of all Oregon Endeavorera. t ' k - - - ! " v r 1 A - , 'I 1 Two former School Teachers at Work Tnrnlns; the Lathe la the Columbia Engineering: Works. 2 Mrs. May Torrence, Patriotic Woman. Klnlahlas; I p the Mold. 3 Tnmplns; the Mold. 4 Flttlns; Ball Bearlnsjs In Pulleys. 6 Pouring; Hot Metal Into Casting Molds at J. M. Leach Iron Works. rors, dressing tables, wash basins and plenty of hooks on which to hang gar ments. The girls fetch their own toilet requisites and there's a couch and chairs and a truly homey air. Ready for the days work they re port to the foreman and are assigned their places. Two girls work con stantly at the lathe, cutting cold iron bars into small ball-bearings. Another girl then polishes the bits of iron and the next girl smooths them to perfec tion against a revolving emery wheel. The next two girls adjust the ball bear ings into a pulley, confining six of them with a wire around their middles and a small ring inside. This must be done with a keen eye to the perfect manipu lation of each ball, and a girl in spector passes on them to see if they revolve properly. All of this work requires accuracy and skilled hands, attention to minute detail and a steady, cool head while working amid the rapidly whirring belts and machinery. Over in another part of the big room, while the girls already mentioned are getting the ball bearings ready for the iron pulley, an other group of women are making the wooden frames that hold the pulleys. Adaptability Amply Proved. On long boards a girl holds an iron pattern and traces around it. Another girl busy at a machine cuts the board into pieces, each bearing a pattern. Another girl drills holes into each pat tern, another nails . rid bolts them to gether, and another cuts their edges into a round or oval shape. Another machine girl polishes them by pressing each frame against a whirling sand paper wheel, and still another grooves out the place for the ropes with a chisel. Another girl polishes them again and then the varnish girls take the finished pulley frame and make it a shining success. It is interesting t know that these girls are making the blocks or pulleys for use in ships, in rigging and tackle for a contract calling for $35,000 worth of such material which the Columbia Engineering Works will provide for the British Government. The fact that they are helping win the war actuates the women to a fine enthusiasm when they discuss their work. They know they are helping. Women Moulders Make Good. At the J. M. Leach Iron Works on Flint street. Just off Broadway, four women moulders are kept busy and more will be given work. A new building is being planned and the em ployment of women in other depart ments. They pour the hot metal into moulds for castings used on vessels the Supple Ballln Shipbuilding Corporation is turn ing out. Besides this the women make the moulds, putting the iron patterns on a board, covering them with sand which they pack tightly by tamping and then reversing the frame and lift ing out the pattern, leaving the im press in the tight-packed sand. They take a great pride in their ar tistry and the perfection of a. mould means as much to them and is as ten derly watched in development as the making of a dress, or a pie. or a poem. There's a fine friendly rivalry to excel. and a genuine patriotic impulse back of every bit of work. Work Declared Fascinating:. They make wheels of all -sorts and sizes, they do bridge work, the small component parts needed in the big work, they make brake shields and do stove repair work, casting and orna mental work and find it fascinating and absolutely within their realm as that realm develops. "This class of wo'rk belongs, or rather has always belonged, to men," said J. M. Leach, "and until I found it Impos sible to get men I had believed it was work that only men could do. I know now, after three months' trial, that women take greater pains with the work, they are neater and quicker. Their hands seem Instinctively to do the right thing. They get about more efficiently and they mind their business better. I can use more women workers as moulders. I give all my help a half holiday on Saturday on full pay. "It means a great deal to them that half day on which to shop or va "THAVE used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and find it a most effective and pleasant laxative one that is worth recom mending to one's friends.' I know that my health has been greatly improved since using it." fFrom a letter to Dr. Cakiwell written by Miss Alice Lombard, 22 Boylston St., V Springfield, Mass. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (i) $1.00 A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin- Brings relief without griping or other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton Street, Monticello, Illinois. cation and I get my returns in their appreciation and better co-operation work." One of tho women Mr. Leach employs is a matron who Is helping her hus band buy liberty bonds. When her work Is done she goes home a lid cans fruit from her own little garden and looks after her White Leghorn hens. Another is a young widow with a Boy Scout son who has a liberty bonds and is buying war savings stamps. That is another thing that impressed me. Every one of the girls and women I talked with are real, earnest patriots and are buying war savings stamps, and helping members of their families to buy them. A great number of closely linked in the great conflict by reason of sons and brothers and sweet hearts overseas. They show courage and willingness and are splendid, magnificent. Philomath Goes "Over the Top." PHILOMATH, Or.. June 29. (Spe cial.) All business houses In Philomath closed yesterday afternoon and a large committee of solicitors for pledges for war savings stamps quickly covered the city and school district. The objective was attained in four hours. Philomath going "over the top" with a nice raar sln. Read The Oregonian classified ads. By Dr. JAMES E. TALMAGG Of the Council of the Twelve. I karrk of Jeans Cbrlat of Lmttrv-Dmy lnt; Salt Lake City. L tah. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the means by which salvation has been placed within the reach of all maaklnd poor and rich, bond and free, and. be it added, llvlns; or dead. We have seen in the light of scrip tural demonstration that, except through compliance with the laws and ordi nances of the Gospel as enunciated and prescribed by the Lord Jesus Christ, no man can attain a place In the Kingdom of God. What then of the dead, who have lived and passed without so much as hearing that there is a Gospel of salvation or a Savior of the race? Are they to be hopelessly and forever damned? If so. the phrase "eternal justice" should be stricken from Scripture and literature, and "infamous injustice" substituted. Think of the myriads who died be fore and at the teluge. of the hosts of Israel who knew only the Law and died in ignorance of the Gospel, and count In with them the millions of their pagan contemporaries; tlwn think of the generations who passed away during the long dark night of spiritual apostasy, predicted by prophecy and attested by history: and contemplate the heathen and but partly civilised tribes of the present day. Are these, to whom no knowledge of the Gospel has come, to be under eternal condemna tion in consequence? In the hereafter the saved and the lost are to be segregated. The Scrip tures so avouch. Therefore, were there no salvation for these who have died in ignorance of Christ's Atonement and His Gospel, these benighted spirits could never associate with their de scendants who have been privileged to live In an age of Gospel enlightenment, and who have made themselves eligible for salvation by faith and Its fruitage, obedience. 1 have read of a heathen king. who. through the sealous efforts of mission aries whom he had tolerantly admitted to his realm, was inclined to accept what had been presented to him as Christianity and make it the religion of his people. Though he yearned for the blessed state of salvation which the new religion seemed to offer, he was profoundly affected by the thought that his ancestors, the dead chieftains of his tribe, together with all the departed of his people, had gone to their graves unsaved. When he was told that while he and his subjects could reach heaven, those who had died before had surely "gone to hell, he exclaimed with a loud oath -Then to hell I nlll go with them." He spoke as a brave man. Though, had he been more fully Informed he would have known that the Gospel of Jesus 1 hrist entails no such dire cer ' tainty: but that, on the contrary, tho spirits of his noble dead would have j opportunity of learning, in the world of the disembodied, the saving truth which j in the flesh had never saluted their ears. The tionpel In being prenrhed to the dead. Missionary service In the spirit world has been in progress since Its Inauguration by the disembodied Christ while His crucified body lay in the tomb. (John 6:25). Christ's promtse from the cross to the penitent thief dying by His side, that the man should that d iv be in paradise with the Lord, tells us where the Savior's spirit went and ministered during the Interval between death and resurrection. Paradise is not heaven. If by that name we mean the abode of God and the place of the supremely blessed: for In the early light of the resurrection Sunday the Risen Lord de cisively affirmed that He had not then ascended to His Father. tiee John 0:17). Peter tells of the Lord's ministry among the disembodied: "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that he might bring icmo, out QuicKenea ny vne spirits ny which nlMO he went nnd prenched unto the spirits In prison. (I Peter 3:1S-19). The terms of salvation are equally binding upon the quick and the dead: "For this cause nan the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be Judged according to men In the flesh, but live according to tiod In the spirit." (I Peter 4:6). The Atonement would be shorn of Its sublime import and effect were its pro visions limited to the relative few who have complied with the ordinances of the Gospel in the body. But the Scrip tures abundantly show that the Atone ment is of universal effect, reaching every soul, both in the certainty of resurrection from death and In the op portunity for salvation through indi vidual obedience. With particular ref erence to redemption from death Jacob, a Nephite prophet, thus spake: "Where fore It must needs be nn Infinite atone ment snve It should be an Infinite atonement, this corruption could not put on lneorruption.n (Book of Mormon. 2 Nephl 9:7). Obedience to Gospel requirements is likewise of universal application. It follows that if any man has failed, either through neglect or lack of op portunity to meet the requirement, the obligation is not cancelled by death. For Book of Mormon. and other Church literature apply to booksellers or address Northwestern States Mis sion, 810 East Madison St.. Portland. Ore., or Bureau of Information. Salt Lake City. Utah. Adv. HE WAS CALLED A LOAFER BUT HE WAS SICK Thousands Are Sick, but Get No Sympathy or Help Because They Are Not Bedfast. A healthy man or woman simply cannot loaf. When you lack energy and vitality you don't feel like work ing. All the organs of your body are sluggish. You are not keen for either pleasure or work. You eat plenty perhaps but your stomach and digest ive organs do not build up your strength. Dissipation In one form or another may have caused your trouble. Nature needs the help that Cadomene Tablets will afford anyone suffering with that tired feeling, with headaches, body pains, restlessness, sleeplessness, despondency, loss of energy, etc Try taking Cadomene Tablets Instead of using strong stimulants like whisky or wine. They will give appetite, aid digestion, enrich your blood, strengthen your nerves and make of you a real live, healthy, energetlo person. All druggists can supply Cadomene Tablets In sealed tubes. For sale by the Owl Drug Co. stores and all other druggists Adv. Tobacco Habit Cured Not only to users of pipe and cigars, but the vicious cigarette habit Is over come by using the "NITIUTE" treat ment. Price, complete, postage paid. $1.50. Laue-Davis L'ruT; Co.. Third and Yamhill. Dept. 1, Portland. Or. (When writing mention this paper.) Phone your irant ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070. A 6096. 4