The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1918, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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Bottle Campaign for Contribu
tions Makes Great Prog
ress in City.
Movement Is Headed by Mrs. A. B.
Spreckcls, of San Francisco, and
Is Promoted by Her Broth
cr, Gus dc Brettcville.
When A. B. Spreckels, of San Fran
cisco, capitalist, presented a check for
$10,000 to his wife, who was the pretty
Alma de Bretteville, with a smiling re
minder that it was their wedding anni
versary, he started a relief movement
for the orphans of France and Belgium
that already has sent between $30,000
and $40,000 from the Pacific Coast
since last April and within two weeks
has started $100 a day from Portland.
The 2000 unique milk bottle stands
that now dot Portland and catch coins
represent part of the good work done
by the $10,000 wedding anniversary
check, and Gustav da Bretteville,
brother of Mrs. Spreckels. has been In
Portland the last two weeks Retting
the movement started and turning It
over to the Rotary Club, the local or
ganization that has assumed the follow-up
duties and details.
In the fertile brain of Mr. de Brette
ville, who is the inventor of the auto
mobile telescope de luxe apartment, the
originator of the rice-growing idea In
California and a genius for numerous
other things that have made him wide
ly known throughout the Golden State,
the milk-bottle idea originated, and he
had little difficulty in convincing his
sister, Mrs. Spreckels, that it would bo
the best work she could do in spending
the $10,000 to make it do war relief
work. And, why the milk bottles?
"Because you can sell 'em after the
campaign is over," Mr. de Bretteville
Bottln In All Coast Cities.
Every city on the Pacific Coast of
any size is now a milk bottle station,
and the movement is to spread all over
the Northwest, and possibly the United
States. What Mr. de Bretteville doesn't
do himself he will turn over to organ
izations such as the Rotary Club in
Portland, or the committee for the re
lief of children in Belgium and France
for Oregon at large. The Oregon com
mittee, which has mapped out a com
prehensive campaign for general relief
work, is headed by Mrs. W. B. Ayer, of
Portland, and following, several confer
ences with the Portland branch of the
Council of National Defense, the plan
for using milk bottles to draw pennies
and dimes was presented to the Ore
gon committee by Mrs. Spreckels, who
is treasurer of the Commission for Aid
Civil and Military France and Belgium.
The Oregon advisory council of the
commission is composed of Mayor
Oeorge L. Baker, Simon Benson, C. B.
Waters. Dr. G. H. Douglas and K. H.
The part the $10,000 wei'1 ng anni
versary present check is playing is an
Interesting one in the light of the
quick return it is getting. Mrs.
Spreckels, following conferences, de
cided to spend the entire $10,000 in
working up the campaign to get funds
for stricken Belgium and France. To
date the campaign, started only last
April, has been so successful that at
the rate the movement has taken hold
on the Pacific Coast the entire coun
try can be covered and milk bottles
placed in all important centers before
the fund gives out. The return on the
investment has been astonishing, say i
members of the Rotary Clubs in various
cities who have taken hold of it. The
Rotary Clubs on the Pacific Coast have
been chosen to handle the campaigns
once the bottles are installed. Mrs.
Spreckels has made it a point to do
nate, absolutely, all materials and
work in placing the bottles, but the
campaign is then conducted locally.
Work Here Well Launched.
Mr. de Bretteville, still on the sunny
side of 40, has been in conference with
John K. Kollock, executive secretary
of the State Council of Defense, fre
quently during the last two weeks and
he has about completed his work here
and will move into Washington to
complete the campaign there, which is
being aided by Henry Suzzallo, presi
dent of the University of Washington
and head of the State Council of De
fense. In the last few days Mr. de
Bretteville, who prefers to be known
as. just plain Gus de Bretteville, and
who is a steam engine for work, com
pleted arrangements with the North
western National Bank to have the
money for the relief of the Belgian
and French babies cabled direct from
Portland. E. H. Sensenich, cashier of
the bank, is the authorized representa
tive for this work in Portland of the
Commission for Aid Civil and Military
France and Belgium. His remittances
will be made direct to Madame Poin
care, wife of the President of France,
and to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth,
of Belgium.
Gus de Bretteville has fought for the
milk bottle idea wherever he found
the Idea wasn't understood. Being a
i-ornell man, he learned the value of
detail early in life, and he apparently
caugnt tne secret or building big move
ments on attention to small detail.
"When I started a lot of my good
friends friends I met at the clubs and
in business laughed when they saw
me toting a couple of milk bottles and
a sign around. But one by one I got
them started in the big cities and now
they gather hundreds of dollars a day.
That's the answer," said de Bretteville
as he hurried through the Benson hotel
yesterday. "I got to get another bottle
over here dandy place. See you later."
Projector Is Widely Known.
Mr. de Bretteville is a personality
as well as an indefatigable worker.
Besides being an inventor, he came
into prominence in 1902, when he res
cued two men when the steamer
Progress exploded; he went through
the earthquake and fire at San Fran.
Cisco unscathed, and as a mere youtn
before, going to Cornell showed the
veterans how, to reclaim the stones
on the buildings that were apparently
ruined; he prospected for oil; set the
pace in handling real estate in Cali
fornia by selling lands which admin
istrators had had trouble in getting
even prospects for,
things he is one of
figured out that he
take time to get
education, although
to do it.
"Why, I can 'hire
trical engineer for
long other
the few men who
couldn't afford to
technical college
he- had the means
a mining or elec
so much a year.
and I can think up a lot of things for
bim to do in the time I would be
studying to be as good as he is," De
Bretteville explained. "I just couldn't
afford to get a technical education. I
can hire one when I need it
The milk bottle Idea came to De
Bretteville when he was working on one
of his mining properties in California.
It .was the product of long nights "Just
thinking things over," he said. Just as
bis plan to make California a rice-
growing state came out of "just think -
yK x p &
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K - 1 i ; in
I j - Oregon Chapter to Help Solve
LJl s 1$-''' Housing Problem.
iflr V 2Xir I "1 HELP PLEDGED
ing about things." Although quite
young yet, Mr. de Bretteville is credited
with having "turned the trick" that
changed California .from a rice import
ing state to a rice exporting state.
But de Bretteville and his milk bot
tles are not the first charity and war
relief work he has done. His methods
are unusual at least, for, although he
perforce has to give some time to his
family's social affairs in California, he
put on the gloves and boxed Kid McCoy
for a charity performance once and
drew the biggest gate for a society
function of this kind, and the dollars
literally rolled In.
Bra. Sprecltela War Work Y a rice.
Mr. de Bretteville's sister, Mrs.
Spreckels, has done a variety of war
work since 1914, being intimately ac
quainted with conditions in France and
Italy, where she lived frequently dur
ing her travels. She received in 1915
Pontiflcial blessing in the Pope's own
handwriting for the work she had
done, and by spending some of her
own money in arranging benefits and
working out ideas has drawn hun
dreds of thousands of dollars into the
war relief funds.
Mrs. Spreckels has tecently been
elected to honorary lif membership
in the San Francisco Indoor Yacht
Club, which holds for its cardinal prin
ciple "devotion to the greatest of all
work charity.''
The Commission for Aid Civil and
Military in Belgium and France has
many branches of work in hands, in
cluding, besides the milk-bottle cam
paign, medical and surgical attention
tor sick and wounded; precaution
against illness and epidemic; private
help for refugees and the saving of
valuable objects of art and furniture.
The San Francisco headquarters ar
306 Post street and at 1230 Market
street. The money raised is divided
equally In France and Belgium.
The money collected in Portland is to
be accounted for to Thomas B. Neuhau-
Ben, representative of the State Council
of National Defense.
"The beauty of our plan is that there
is no solicitation; it is all voluntary and
100 perfect efficient, becauso Mrs.
Spreckels sister insists on paying the
Initial expense of starting the funds
by placing the bottles.- This expense
is paid out of the wedding present,"
said Mr. de Bretteville.
William McColm Enlisted Soon After
Outbreak of War, and Has) Rela
tives In Thia Vicinity.
An item in The Oregonian yester
day morning announcing the death of
William J. McColm, formerly of Port
land, in action with the United States
Marines on the French front on June
6 and giving the information that no
relatives had been located, brought
forth E. F. Bennett, of 1475 Sacramento
street, the uncle of the boy and brother
of Mrs. McColm. He called at the
Western Union office early yesterday
morning and claimed the telegram giv
ing the news.
The lad s mother, Mrs. Ella D. Mc
Colm, died in this city about a year
ago. William McColm, who was a n
tlve of Nebraska, came to Portland
with his mother about 15 years ago.
After residing hers for about four
years he enlisted in the United States
Navy and served in that branch for
three years. He then took up his resl
dence in San Diego, Cal., where he
spent the next eight years in the real
estate business. At the outbreak of
the war he came to Portland and en
listed .vith the Marine Corps for the
duration of the war. He went to
France with the first contingent of
American troops.
Sergeant McColm is survived by a
younger brother. Lou, who came to
Portland from Berkeley, Cal , Friday
anxious to hear word of his brother,
who had not been heard from for about
a month. The news of his death on
the following morning came as a great
shock to his r. latives here. Besides
his brother. Lou, Mr. McJolm is sur
vived by another brother and a sister,
both of whom reside in Nebraska;
sister now in Saskatchewan. Canada
an uncle, J. M. Benne.:, and a cousin,
Dr. John D. Nash, both of Oregon City,
His brotner-in-law, a Canadian, was
permanently disabled by a wound re
ceived in action about a year ago on
I the French front.
Committee is Named to Gather and
. Present Information to Persons
Asking for Advice
Housing Matters.
The Oregon . Chapter. American In
stitute of Architects, has taken an ad
vanced position solving the housing
problems confronting Portland. In or
der to do all it can to aid the Govern
ment in the present stress, the local
chapter has appointed a housing com
mittee, and has pledged every possible
assistance during the war.
This committee is composed of
Messrs. Alfred Smith, Folger Johnson
and Kills F. Lawrence. This commit
tee has been instructed to prepare and
present all information at its disposal
to the public and organizations asking
for professional advice on housing mat
ters. The resolutions adopted are as
Whereas. The solution of the housinR prob
lem, as applied to the war workers, has
been recognized by all the warring nations
am a vital part of their war programme;
Whereas. The United States, appreciating
the need of efficient and contented work
men to speed up production of war sup
plies and ships, has appropriated $110,000,-
OOO for the purpose of building quarters
for war workers: and
Whereas, Statistics prove that Portland Is
confronted with a serious shortage of de
sirable quarters for workers In the ship
yards and other war activities, thereby
Jopardlsing the fulfillment of her duties to
the Nation in this crisis: and
Whereas. The Oregon CThapter of the
American Institute of Architects is. from
the experience of its members, keenly aware
of the difficulties existing to solve this
serious matter, in the way of increased
building costs, in securing skilled labor and
materials: and
Whereas, The Oregon Chapter of the
American Institute of Architects is desirous
of doing all in its power to aid the Govern
ment at thia critical time: therefore be it
Resolved. That The Oregon Chapter
of the American Institute of Architects here
by offers Its services in an advisory capacity
without cost, during the war. to all Portland
organizations interested in the housing prob
lem: and be it further
Resolved, That the housing committee of
the Oregon Chapter of the American Instl
tute of Architects be hereby Instructed to
gather and present any Information at its
disDosal to the public and to any Portland
organization asking for professional advice
on housing matters. Should - actual maps,
layouts and plana be needed at the minimum
cost for the success of any approved housing
venture, then the above committee la hereby
Instructed to report back to the chapter,
which will attempt to secure such maps,
layouts and plans at net cost of production;
and be it further
Resolved, That this offer holds good to
all other communities In the state of Oregon
and to environs of Portland.
For the Oregon Chapter of the American
Institute of Architects.
ALFRED H. SMITH. Secretary.
Is Held Not Probable.
Is Xot Meld Probable.
After making careful disposition of
his private affairs, Al Farrer. part
owner of a gasoline filling station at
333 East Eleventh street, attempted to
commit suicide at 7 o'clock yesterday
morning by shooting himself.- He was
removed by Motorcycle Officers Coul
ter and Tully to St. Vincent's Hospital,
where he was attended by City Physi
cian Zelgler. . Little hope for his re
covery is entertained.
That Mr. Farrer deliberately planned
to take his own life is tndicated by a
will he had made bequeathing his in
terest in the business to bis partner,
O. Bray, and the writing of a check
for 20 in favor of St. Vincent's Hos
pital. Some love missives addressed to
woman named "Lillian" also were
Moves City Office.
The city ticket office of the Union
Pacific system will move temporarily
to the southwest corner of Third and
Stark streets. Railway Exchange
building, where patrons will be served
as usual, commencing Monday, July 1.
and continue until the new Union
ticket office is opened about August 1.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and sympathy ex
tended to us in our late bereavement in
the loss of our wife and mother; also
tor tne many beautiful floral offerings.
r.. J. IVKAfc.MCK,
W e wish to express our heartfelt
gratitude and thanks to our many
friends for the beautiful flowers, the
Kind woras ot sympathy and the vari
ous acts or vaiuaDie assistance ren
dered during our recent bereavement
caused by the illness and death of our
Deiovea nusDana ana lamer.
Present Administration Comes
to End of Its First Year Well
Satisfied With Results.
Department of Public Works Com
pletely Reorganized and Central
ized With? Reduction of Force
by Commissioner Barbur.
Faced with countless new problems
dealing directly or indirectly with the
prosecution of - the war. with no set
precedents to follow, and confronted
with the task of paying far more for
labor, material and supplies, the present
city administration has come to the end
of Its first year In office with a war
activity record not surpassed, in the
opinion of the men at the City Hall,
by any other municipality in the United
Not only first In virtually every war
drive, but first la the solving and band
ling of difficult problems concerning
the safety and health of the soldiers
and sailors, is the recognition Portland
Is receiving from officials in every
section of the country.
Mayor Baker had hardly time to open
his desk in the Mayor's office on July 1.
1917, when he was confronted with
problems along new lines and through
out the first year of the administra
tion he and his colleagues have con
tinued to work out successfully new
and complete situations resulting from
the war.
Ordinances 'Are Enforced.
Upon taking the office of chief ex
ecutive of the city Mayor Baker rec
ognized the policy that a. law is a law
until either repealed by the people or
annulled by the courts, and has made
a strenuous effort to enforce all ex
isting ordinances without fear or favor.
With principal attention of the ma
jority of citizens focused on the great
war. so has it been with Mayor Baker,
whose chief accomplishments of bis
first year as Mayor have been along
the line of war activities-
The organization of a committee to
handle the Oregon boys' emergency
fund was one of his first steps along
this line. This fund was created
through a staging of a series of enter
tainments at the Auditorium, which
netted approximately $12,000. The
money was designed for the purpose of
providing for the comfort and needs of
the Oregon boys In the service, not pro
vided for by the Government. Colonel
May and Major Chaplain Ollbert. of the
Third Oregon, were given a portion of
this fund to expend in the interest of
the boys of the regiment. Each unit
of Oregon boys was likewise treated.
Labor Troubles Adjusted.
Whjn labor troubles threatened the
shipbuilding industry in Portland
Mayor Baker brought about an adjust
ment of difficulties between employers
and employes..
He also did much to bring some of
the present existing shipbuilding in
dustries to Portland. At a time when
the officials of the Albina Machine &
Engine works were considering an in
vitlng offer from Tacoma. Mayor Baker
secured the temporary vacation of cer
tain streets, which javed this industry
lor Portland.
Early in his- administration. Mayor
Baker began active co-operation with
Government officials. In some in
stances he did not await orders to take
certain steps. In the case of the
Women s Detention Home he took the
inltative and established a home at
Kelly Butte. Plans were made for
Duiiaing Known as .The Cedars, near
Troutdale, which Is now nearing com
pletion, for the housing of women suf
fering from social diseases. The de
tention home plan has been adopted
since by many other cities throughout
the country as a means of safeguard
lng health of soldiers . nd sailors.
Hotel License Plan Effective.
Later Mayor Baker, with his assocl
ates, worked out the plan of licensing
hotels as a means of anihllating social
diseases. This plan was placed into
operation shortly after the first of the
year and Federal officials declare that
it has done more to drive vice from the
city of Portland than any measure yet
adopted in the past.
Early in his administration Mayor
Baker took a firm hand in the exter
mination of the I. W. W. members con
gregatea in this city. Raids were
made by the police and after, a few
weeks of work under, direct super
vision of the Mayor the I. W. W.
members fled to other cities, and Port
land has had little trouble from this
Only a few weeks before General
Crowder announced his now famous
'fight-or-work" order Mayor Baker
introduced an ordinance dealing with
the habitual Idlers, and within a few
days following its passage the streets
were bereft of old-time idlers, who
had scurried to work to avoid arrest.
Auditorium No Burden,
Although tire Auditorium has been
requisitioned for use for patriotic ral
lies and benefits. Mayor Baker has
so managed this institution that these
free functions have been held without
becoming an added burden upon the
Complete reorganization and cen
tralization of effort has been accom
plished by Commissioner Barbur, of
the Department of Public Works. The
force of this department has been de
creased from 236 to 132. and. although
the department has not been working
on large contracts as in some of the
past years, maintenance work is abun
dant, and records show that with the
decneased force the department is ac
complishing virtually as much work
as had been done by the larger force.
All improvements not necessary are
frowned upon for the period of the war
by Mr. Barbur. On the other hand, he
Is Insistent that all streets be kept in
good repair, and has taken steps, which
in some cases have proven successful,
to force public utilities to keep track
area in the city. In good repair.
Paving Repairs Made.
The municipal paving repair plant
was established by Mr. Barbur and
began operation recently. R. S. Dulin
was placed in charge of the plant and
considerable repair work has been' ac
complished. The city charter does not
allow the department to lay new pave
ments, and no efforts thus far have
been made to do . more than general
repair work.
Equipment of the fire department
with motor engines to a large extent
and also of the street cleaning d
partment are accomplishments to the
credit of Commissioner Bigelow, of the
Department of Public Affairs. July 1,
1917, 92 horses were In the Ore depart
ment. At the present time only 29 are
In the service.
Mr. Bigelow solved the. problem of
"time off for the firemen by giving
them one day off in lour and yet by
readjustments, lessened the cost of
operation of the fire bureau over previ
ous years.
War conditions and the need of men
in war Industries have caused resigna
tions by the score in the fire bureau
during' the last 12 months. Fifty per
cent of the original firemen on duty
a year ago are out of the service and
some new men are filling their places.
The continual need of men to recruit
the companies to proper strength has
been a serious problem well handled
by Commissioner Bfgelow.
The number of horses in the street
cleaning department has been reduced
from 121 to 74 and by the addition of
two pickup automobile wagons and two
automobile flushers the man power in
the department has been reduced from
187 to 133-
Flre Bureau Efficient
Efficiency in the fire 'bureau during
the last 12 months Is shown In a com
parison of the fire loss during the
fiscal years of 1916-17 and 1917-18. The
fire loss during the last six months
of the fiscal year of 1918 totaled $140.
004.61 and during the first six months
of 1917 were tl5s.435.47. or a total of
$296,440.08. The losses for the last six
months of the fiscal year of 1917 were
$120,308.93 and during the first six
months of 1918 were $89,679.21, or a
total of $209,988.14.
One of the first steps taken by City
Commissioner Mann, in charge of the
water bureau, was for the protection of
the water system from alien enemies.
This protection has been given during
the last year at a cost of $45,000, which
expenditure of money has insured an
ample supply of pure water, as at no
time has there been an Interruption of
service and repeated tests of water in
all storage basins has been made with
gratifying results.
Water Supply Conserved.
Little money has been 'spent by Mr.
Mann in the Bull Run Reserve, but by
the partial construction of an impound
ing dam it has become possible to in
crease the storage of water in Bull
Run Lake considerably and also has
proved that the water in the lake can
be controlled. For a time it was gen
erally believed that tha waters in the escaped by seepage but careful
investigations prove to the contrary.
At the headworks above Bull Run
small power house has been construct
ed, providing ample lighting facilities
for ail buildings at that place, also
lighting the canal above the screen
house and the streets. A new screen
house has been constructed at the
headworks and the canal has been im
proved in such a manner as to make it
impossible for the screens or canal to
become filled with gravel or debris
In former times collected leaves, gravel
and debris have often required the em
ployment of 40 men to keep the canal
open but with the new arrangements
in vogue It is believed the regular
gatemen will be able to do this work,
Health Bureau Handle Problems.
The health bureau, in Mr. Mann's de
partment, under the direct supervision
of Dr. George Parrlsh. city health offi
cer, has accomplished wonderful results
In handling new as well as old prob
lems. More than 1200 girls and 300
men have been examined for social dis
eases and many of the girls have been
detained for treatment.
In addition Dr. Parrish has been sue
cessful in keeping contagion well in
check. Although there have been 36
more cases of typhoid throughout the
last year than in the year previous,
there have been 333 less cases of scar
let fever, 38 less cases of smallpox and
34 less cases of diphtheria.
Fish Market Success.
Establishment of a municipal fish
market ranks foremost in the years
accomplishments of City Commissioner
Kellaher. The market has been
operated without loss to the city, and
at the same time has increased the
consumption of fish tremendously. The
schooner Pulitzer was secured from the
Port of Portland and is now going on
fishing expeditions, returning to port
every eight days with a cargo of fresh
sea fish, which are sold at low cost.
Efforts have been made to close the
market and a suit is now pending to
test the legality of the operation of
the market by the city. Commissioner
Kellaher, In anticipation of ultimate
success In this suit, is making prep
arations to enlarge the market.
Sale of refuse at the incinerator
was begun by Commissioner Kellaher,
bringing a revenue of $1339.64 during
the first five months of 1918. This
Is the first time since building the
incinerator that the city has secured
a revenue from Its operation.
Other Bureaus Successf ully Operated.
Other bureaus under supervision of
various members of the commission
have been successfully operated, de
spite the extraordinary condtions of
the labor market.
The work of the Civil Service Board
has increased, but the board through
its actions during the past year has
established a record for fearlessness
Impartiality and efficiency.
The legal business of the city has
Increased, although the force working
under City Attorney La Roche has been
decreased. Among the most important
cases handled by the City Attorney's
office during the past 12 months has
been the test suit of the 6-cent car
fare, the defense of the legality of the
municipal fish market and the prose
cution of condemnation suits in con
nection with the Marquam Gulch play
ground. Gold Hill School Head Drafted.
GOLD HILL,' Or., June 29. (Special.)
Herbert H. Matthews, of Gold Hill,
who has been principal of the Phoenix
Opens July 4
The finest pleasure spot
around Portland.
A wonderland for young and old.
Pleasure features aplenty here.
Swimming, DANCING
PELZ and his wonderful orchestra. The finest MUSIC
you've heard in many a day.
SPECIAL Added Attraction
Mammoth ROLLER-SKATING Rink, with beautiful
maple floor. Splendid music.
Plan your outing and celebration of July 4th at Columbia
Beach. It will be the favorite place of thousands.
CLOSED Today Sunday
, We are getting everything ready for the Big Day July 4. You'll
find Columbia Beach at its best and better than ever.
War Time
Save Work1
The O-Cedar Polish Mop carries
war time efficiency into the home in
the saving of time, in the saving of
work and in the saving of money. To
waste any of these is unpatriotic.
First consider the
as a saver of work.
getting down on the hands and knees to
dust, clean and polish the floor. It saves
time by dusting, cleaning and polishing all at
one and the same time.
By saving time and work it saves money.
In addition the O-Cedar Polish Mop saves
money because it will not wear out like
bfooms do and in many homes it has practic
ally replaced brooms.
Prove it to your own
satisfaction: the time
the work the money
the O-Cedar Polish Mop
will save you. Prove it
at our risk.
Simply deposit the
price wi th your dealer and
get a Battleship O-Cedar
Mop on trial. He will
refund your money if
the O-Cedar Polish
Mop does not prove
its own worth.
Chemical Co.
schools the past three years, and en
gaged as superintendent of the Gold
Hill schools for the coming year, has
been drafted into the Army. The draft
has practically exhausted the regis-
trants in class
the county, due
1 in the north end of
to the havy volunteer
Economies .
O-Cedar Polish Mop
It saves the work of
enlistment, and at the recent registra
tion of the young men entering their
21st year only ten were registered
from Gold Hill and Rogue River, and
five of these were rejected for physical
defects when they applied to enter the
-. r v