The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1918, SECTION FOUR, Page 11, Image 63

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Saxon "Six" Touring Car
F. O. B. Portland
For a limited time,
immediate delivery at
present prevailing
.A Comparison of the Features of Saxon "Six" "With" Those of Highe?
Priced Cars Discloses a Big Credit Balance ir Favor of Saxon
The Wisest Buy A
GRANT Six Convertible Car
T"0 you expect to drive your car this
fall and winter? If you do, why not
look forward to the cold days and buy
the practical, convertible Grant Six.
that gives you -year-round use and great
est service? Because it is warm and pleas
ant now, don't forget that in this climate
you can be sure of many damp, chilly and
very cold days.
A Grant Six convertible, enclosed car
bought now is a real investment.
Higher prices for enclosed
cars axe a certainty. The
demand for enclosed
cars is rapidly increasing
and far fewer will be
built this fall than ever before.
Your convertible Grant Srx will give
you a cool, comfortable, fully-open sum
mer car and a warm, comfortable, fully
closed and luxurious car for fall, winter
and next spring. The change is made in
a minute or two by simply lowering the
windows into the body and completely
out of sight.
No other convertible, enclosed cars of
comparable price approach the Grant
' Six models in fine finish
and beautiful appear
ance. They are master
pieces of body building
on a splendid chassis.
I 5-Passenger Sedan, $1595 3-Passenger Coupe, $1575
Demountable Sedan, $1350
All price f. o, b. Cleveland
Manley Auto Co.
. Portland, Oregon
Cnstom-Made Bodies and Many In
dividual Refinements Mark Eight
Cylinder Automobile.
David A. Pepp severed his connection
last week with the Brunn Motor Car
Company, for which he has been sales
manager, to become Oregon distributor
lor the Daniels Eight.
He has already opened a salesroom
at 84 Broadway street, next to Ballou
& Wright. He expects to have a big
euccess with the Daniels in this terri
tory, as it is a car of great individuality
of design and with many refinements
that appeal especially to the person
able to afford a motor car in the high
price class.
The Northwest distributor for the
Daniels Eight is Mr. Henderson, of
"Walla Walla, who has sold a large
number of the cars in that territory.
The Daniels line Is also represented in
Seattle. It made its first appearance
In Portland at the Automobile Show In
the City Auditorium last February.
The bodies of all Daniels cars are
custom-made, and come in a large
variety of styles to accord with the in
dividual tastes of purchasers. The Dan
iels is equipped with the well-known
Hurshel-Spillman aeroplane motor.
One Just as Reasonable as Other,
Says Half-Sole Tire Dealer.
"You wouldn't think of throwing
away a pair of shoes just because the
first sole had worn thin," said W. E
Rogers, manager of Hutchinson & Rog
ers, distributors for the International
rubber half-soles for tires. "Far from
It, you would go at once and have them
half -soled and get as much wear again
out of them.
"The same Idea is being applied with
great success to automobile tires. If
you have been throwing away your
tires Just because they were tread
worn, then you have been paying your
share of an enormous yearly waste In
prematurely worn-out tires.
International rubber half-soles are
to the tire just what ordinary half-
oies are to the shoe. They double or
treble the life of the tire at a cost of
little more than half what you would
pay out for new ones."
Watch Spark Plugs for Soot.
When spark plugs habitually become
fouled with oil and soot, it is a good
plan to investigate and see whether
they may not be projecting too far
Into the combustion chamber, particu
larly when they are located in either
one or the other of the valve pockets.
If they are screwed into the valve
ort caps, the removal of the caps with
the plugs in them will be the best way
to determine the condition. The points
or the outer end of -the shell should
extend very little beyond the inner
faces of the valve caps. Anyway, ad
justments to the carburetor or lubri-
ating system should be made to pre-
ent excessive Ran or oil feed.
Plain-Non-Skid. Tubes.
28x3 $ 8.10 to $11.45 $2.65
30x3 10.10 to 14.95 2.65
30x3 't 11.90 to 15.85 3.25
32x3', 12.70 to 18.45 3.40
34x3 Vi 13.50 to 24.15 3.95
31x4 16.45 to 21.50 4.15
32x4 17.15 to 25.10 4.25
33x4 : 17.60 to 26.45 4.40
34x4 ..... 18.90 to 26.95 4.50
35x4 19.40 to 32.10 5.15
36x4 19.90 to 27.25 4.80
37x4 ...... 28.00 to 30.00 4.95
34x4'j..... 26.60 to 38.00 5.45
35x4 Vi 27.40 to 34.30 6.55
36x4 30.75 to 34.95 5.70
37x5 ..... 27.25 to 41.50 6.90
Guaranteed 3500 Miles.
We Specialize In Odd Sises.
Prices Subject to Change Without
Stop In and see them or write.
Ooods enippea c o. v., express or
parcel post. Money refunded on
foods returned to us intact within
0 days.
83 N. Broadway, Portland, Or.
Distributors for
Largest and Oldest Tire Jobbers In
Service Superintendent for C. I Boat
Provides Sleeping Quarters
Right In Hia Auto.
Travel in a Maxwell de luxe is de
lightful experience, according to' Carl
Olson, superintendent of the service
department of the C. L. Boss Aufomo
bile Company, who drove to Camp
Lewis last week with his family!
The de luxe feature of the car was
provided by Mr. Olson himself by saw
ing through the back of the frorit seat
at the corners and attaching hlnjres at
the bottom so that the back could be
turned rearwards onto- the floor. This
provided the Olson family with as com
fortable sleeping quarters when night
came a could be wished for, tho seat
cushions being turned around s that
pillows were not necessary.
To hold the back in place whllei trav.
eling a Bimple locking device is . pro-
Coatloesul Motor Tlmkea AIes Timkea Pearlnts Spiral Bevel Ow
AXON J11TB.OO SAXON I175.00 tAION 1175.0O (atom t 1175.AO
zPaKeSnt 1SO5O0 CadtUaa JS90 CO Packard SS50 OO CadUlas :v0 00
.LexluCtoa 1610.00 Peeruaa O90 00 6000 OO Cole. i52
Vol 1SA0.OO Hunan? tSSOOO Pleree-ArreW 4500 OO Frankus SO.S0 00
"stool criz . jssss r.i
Xsvts 1394.O0 MoUaOCs- JM0O0 Hudaoa M54 00 C. EXo 00
Jaraaa. irts.00 Suits' ?2S40 00 Coalman . iM.OO rlerrr ifrOO .04
IT.. . 17 on OO in j j S,WM Hupmoblla T J8 OO National lv& 00
lAbBott . 1894 00 H. A I f 5O0.00 .Minan 050 00V U ?ooo 00
Vaa MsswOS M00.0k Ovaa Wasaarjs Sa0O.OO"a. A. I IX SftOOOO X Walla . T 400.00
Feeders sUdlitflt XaH I t- g mliVwj'mm' ' v
: 7JSST tW L : 1 X) tv.Al - fyz- --, l&&Vt ; g v. -a
(thflDoer iaso.oo " l-ULfi -J'- 'Vi21?; VT-. . .!-..". -I
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Strombeyg Csrtmretor Remy Ignition -Exlde" Sfbrsje Banery
SAXOM y4tlTB.OO saxom f $llT9-a saxon I J1TB.OO iaxon A
Cbalaurs J&r IJ.W OO. Stats 51 1U0 Oo Pw-rt-Arrow r isoo OO hud-wa VI
5sss rxz-l ssts gag U
B,ui IMOM Aixxnaa 19HOO0 Oola 1WS.00 i-Crry
tlfta inM-OS Bajus ,1724. 00 .Auburn. 1446.00 aii4.
Scmt-Floatintf Axld
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This is your last chance to buy the Saxon "Six" at the price of $1175 F. O. B. Portland
Prices advance in a few days. Make Saxon "Six" your car at this price, $1175.
Twin States Motor Car Company
Broadway 494
Open All Day Sunday
vlded. Flaps of the same material as
the other, upholstering are placed
across the back and when buttoned in
Place ui marks or cieavengo are nui
visible. . .
Mr. Olson carried bedding and a
trunk attached to the back of the car.
together with enough cooking: utensils
for ramn onokinsr. The v camioed out
along- the route.
Roads leading- to Camp Lewis are
rood, except between Woodland and
Castle Rock, where they are rough.
For tho Woman Motorist.
The woman motorist, especially the
woman who is capable of climbing- out
of the driver's seat and making- re
pairs when repairs are necessary, will
find the Knickerbocker outing- ault
practical and extremely comfortable.
In town she may don a short skirt to
cover the knickerbockers and gro any
where in her trim-looking- Norfolk suit
of khaki oc dust-colored corduroy.
An Obscure Knock.
An obscure cause of knocking- was
recently discovered in a crank-handle,
which stuck so that the dog- at the
end touched the ratchet on the end of
the crankshaft. In this way the two
parts would strike as the crankshaft
turned over, causing- an annoying
mumim ii 1 1 ii in m 1 1 mnim iiiHiiiiini n n u m 1 1 ii i mm
"The Gem
of the Highway'
How about the "ancl so forth"?
Many motor car specifications read
"Continental motor, timlten axles, etc.
You know about the Continental Motor
and thejTimken axles; but what about
the etcj
Ay, there's the rub. What's burled In the
"And so forth"? Are the other features
just as good?
Has the car a Harrison Radiator with ven
tilating shutters?
Has the car Spicer universal joints?
Has it a Borg and Beck disc clutch?
Has it a T. W. Warner Transmission, (one
of the best and highest priced built)?
Is the rear axje equipped with a cushioned
torsion rod?
CD. McPhail, Mgr
Are the brakes equalised?
Has the caraT.W. Warner Steering Oearf
Detroit f Steel Products Company Springs?
Are thi front springs extra long?
Are th: rear springs extra long cantilevers?
Are thi: rear wheels embossed?
Has tlie car a Ward-Leonard starting and
lighjang system, (one of the highest priced
andj most carefully built in the field)?
Has it Atwater Kent Ignition? Has h a
Willard Storage Battery?
Has if a 8tromberg Carburetor or a Steward
va uum system?
Genuine Pantaaota to.f Jiffy Curtalna? Rain Vlaloo VanUlarlos
windahiald? Genuine machine Baaed No. 1 Icatbar apbolaterr
ever hair and eoilajd spiinsa?
Is the body finished I from the standpoint of pennaneaee as well
as beauty I
It the ear has all th aa featuraa in eonneetloa with an ap-to-the
minute toaataa Cowl body it Is a Columbia Six and the prtee is
nly S1430
r . a. ijetroit.
Itafoaa make a diffef enca what unit you put with the Tlnikaa
sales and Continalatml motor. That a why wa aay for roar own
sail protaetlon. ldoi further and what is buried la the ate,"
We believe the Colombia Six efTars you the sreateat array of altos-ether
hlh sra da features of anv car built. Will you eeaie
and ace for yourself?
Tenth and Salmon Streets,
State Distributors
C. W. Osborn, Prop. 1
Main 8237
i mi ii ni ii i in ij ii n u mm i imt i ii in mini 11 ij m U1U U ' mj n is
Meal for Spirting and
Muninrieir Toiaring
the Only Car
for A 11 Seasons
Solid comfort is what you get in a Buick Closed Car
you are protected from the Spring: shower or the
hot sun and dust of Summer. The amount of ven
tilation is subject at all times to your instant wish
the upholstery and body are the highest type of the
builders' craft the chassis is the famous Buick
combined in which is the Buick valve-in-head motor
than which there is no better built.
Portland Prices
$1335 to $2325
Fourteenth and Davis Sts.
Ainto Co.
Phone Broadway 1130 .
; it . z
x. i -
V. S.
Nfcji! tit j j l..l!.LLWAU.l.- Jl 1.1