The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1918, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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Oregon and Washington Asso
ciation Meeting Will Be in
! Joint Session First Time.
Convention AVill - Open Thursday
Morning at Imperial Hotel, Which.
Has Been Designated as Head
quarters for 3Iembers.
Portland is host to the members of
the Oregon and Washington "Veterinary
&Iedical Associates this week.
During the latter part of the week
the Oregon and Washington veterinary
physicians and surgeons will meet- in
joint session for the first time in the
history of the two associations. For
three days, beginning Monday, exami
nations will be held In the Morgan
building by the Oregon State Veter
inary Examiners for all men who de
sire to practice in this state. A class
of 15 Is anticipated.
The convention will open Thursday
morning at the Imperial Hotel, which
has been designated as headquarters.
Governor Withycombe will address the
delegates, welcoming them to the city
and state.
Bray of Mule Doomed.
The annual banquet will be held in
the Imperial Hotel Thursday night
with the Oregon Veterinary Associates
as hosts.
One of the features of the session
will be an attempted operation on a
mule to remove the bray. French vet
erinarians have succeeded in a similar
operation and it has proved to be of
extreme value in connection with army
In the first place, it was pointed out
that the braying of the animals dis
turbed the rest of the soldiers and it
also resulted in giving the enemy in
formation of the location of troops.
The Oregon and Washington veterinary
surgeons are confident they will be
able to duplicate the successful work
of French scientists.
Clinic Will Be Conducted.
The session will be devoted mainly
to papers and addresses of interest to
the profession. A clinic will be con
ducted at the hospital of Dr. G. H.
lluthmaii at East Seventh and Grant
Or. 12. E. Chase, chief meat inspector
for Portland, will take the delegates
on a tour of the packing-houses and
to the city abattoir, where those as
sembled will witness the killing and
inspection of horses for food purposes.
A trip over the Terwilliger boule
vard and the Columbia River Highway
have been arranged for the entertain
ment of the visitors.
Convention Procramme Outlined.
The complete programme follows:
Thursday, June 13 0 to 11 A. M., regis
tration at Imperial Hotel (headquarters tor
business and social sessions); 11:30 A. M.,
address of welcome. Governor James Withy
combe; 12:30 P. M., luncheon; 1:30 to P.
yi.. papers and discussions; "Importance of
Meat Inspection." Dr. E. E. Chase, chief
meat inspector, city of Portland; "New Zea
land and Australian Meat Inspection Sys
tem nad Its Possible Adoption by the Pa
cific Northwest States," Dr. E, C. Joss,
t'nited States Federal Inspector in charge
of the Western Division; "The I-ntra-Fal-
liebral Mallein Test," Dr. C. W. Lassen,
Pendleton, Or.; "Electro-Therapy and Its
Application to Veterinary Practice," Dr. E.
K. Spaxks, Portland; "So-Called Walking
Diseases in Horses," Dr. W. H. Lytle, State
Veterinarian for Oregon; "Investigation of
a Disease of Cattle." Dr. C. H. Schultz. Se
attle: '.'Salmon Poisoning" in Dogs," Dr. R.
J2. Hunt, Roseburg, Or.; "Diarrhoea in
Horses." Dr. J. W. Cook. . Brownsville, Or.;
"Avian Tuberculosis." Dr. Peter Hanson,
meat inspector, city of Portland; "Retained
riacenta," Dr. G. H. Huthman, Portland;
"Hog Cholera," Dr. W. F. Richter, Portland,
representing Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley,
Cal.;-, "Milk Inspection." Dr. D. W. Mack,
chief milk and dairy inspector. Portland; "A
Paper on the Eradication of Tuberculosis in
Accredited Herds," Dr. Sam B. Foster, in
charge of the eradication of tuberculosis in
OreKon and Washington; "A Ten-Minute
Talk on Bacteriology," Professor E. F. Per
liot, city bacteriologist.
Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Banquet, Imperial
Hotel, to veterinarians and their wives and
Friday. June 14. 9 to IS A. M., clinic.
Dr. C. H. Huthman's hospital. East Seventh
and Grant; 12:30 P. M-. luncheon. Union
Stockyards. Xorth Portland; 1:30 P. M., tour
of packing-houses on meat inspection at
T'nion Meat Company; 4r30 to 6:30 P. M.,
at city abattoir, witnessing killing and in
spection of horses forfood purposes; 7 P.
M.. viewing city from Terwilliger boulevard
and Portland Heights: 8:30 P. M., dinner at
Imperial Hotel; 9:30 to 12 P. M., smoker.
Saturday. June If.. 9 to 12 A. M.. case
reports, discussions, - election of officers and
transaction of business; 12 noon, luncheon:
3 P. M.t leaving hotel, trip over Columbia
Highway. - -
Classes AVill Open Jane 7 and Con
tinue Until July 31 Intensive
Training la Planned.
In line with the recommendation of
United States Commissioner of Edu
cation Claxton, the Portland Y. M. C.
A. Educational Department has ar
ranged for a vacation school for boys,
operating from June 17 to July 31, -with
one session daily, 8 A. M. to 12 M.
Plans for this school include fea
tures for the strengthening of boy
AVhile in the classes, which will be
arranged so that . .personal attention
may be given each pupil, the boys will
be under the supervision of teachers
experienced in grade work, thus offer
ing a continuation of school courses by
men who make their teaching personal
and intensive. It is the aim to provide
for those who have just' moved to the
city or who, for sickness or any reason.
are out of adjustment and who by a
few weeks' study may be enabled to
take their place in the regular school
In addition to the regular school
work, the boys will enjoy outings and
hikes, arranged by experts and under
proper supervision, as well as the use
of the gymnasium and swimming tank
under the association's physical direc
F. J. Tooze, superintendent of the
Oregon City schools, has been selected
as principal of the vacation school. He
will have as assistants, Charles H.
Boyd, principal of Highland School
and W. A. Petteys, principal of Penin
sula School.
Jail Sentence Given Alien.
Sentence of 30 days in Jail was pro
nounced yesterday by Federal Judge
C. E. Wolverton on George W. Harrell
for violation of the President's procla
mation- in entering districts proscrib
to aliens.
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Svr , f . ACT vJ
The engagement of Miss Mary Stuart
Smith, of this city, to Lieutenant Curtis
was announced yesterday by Mrs. Vernon A. Cartwright at the home of the
tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Malarkey. A small informal knitting party
was arranged to make known the delightful news and only the bride-elect's
close friends were asked to share in the gayetleB. Owing to the fact that the
91st Division, of which Mrs. Bailey's battery is a part, soon will leave Camp
Lewis, it is probable that the wedding will be solemnized in the next few weeks.
Both Miss Smith and her fiance are very
this city. Mr. Bailey is a son of Mr. and
and a brother of Meredith, Jr., of Sisters,
Public Reception Will Be Held
in Honor of Old Mariner.
Man Who Sailed Willi Perry Will
Tomorrow Kveniiig Tell in Pub- .
lie Auditorium About His
Two Trips to Japan.
They called him the "grandfather of
Japan," all those little boys and girls
of the land where the cherry bloom
blows, and even the Mikado delighted
to honor the hale old hearty who
sailed with Perry and who is last of
that company of American bluejackets
who roused a slumbering empire to
might among the nations.
It seems but fitting, then, that Port
land should extend recognition to Cap
tain W. H. Hardy, in observance of his
return from an extended visit to Japan
the first he had made since that
morning when he pulled the bow oar
in the Commodore s barge across Teddo
It is for no other purpose than that
the city should honor a citizen whose
years are many, and whose life chap
ters are of more than usual historical
significance, that a public reception is
to be tendered to Captain Hardy to
morrow night at the Auditorium, when
all Portland will be given an oppor
tunity to pay its respects to the last
of . Perry's crew.
Patriotic Note to Be Struck,
The reception has the sanction of
civic officials and will strike a key
note of high patriotism, at a time when
the Oregon country is rife with the
spirit of the cause. No ordinary even
ing this, promise the committee in
charge, but one to be remembered long
Invitations have been sent to Gov
ernor Withycombe. various state offi
cials, officers at Vancouver Barracks
and in Portland. Consuls of the allied
nations and city officials to lend their
f: 1 19 A I
1 wi )f - f m
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Bailey, 348th Field Artillery, U. S. A.,
popular in the younger contingent in
Mrs. Meredith Bailey, of Philadelphia,
presence to the deference of the occa
Friends of long standing with Cap
tain Hardy are the Spanish War vet
erans, and it is from this organization
and from their members enlisted in
the Oregon Military Police that the
ushers of the evening have been cho
sen. They will appear in their blue
service uniforms and will serve both
as ushers and as guards of honor.
When Captain Hardy returned from
Japan he brought a wealth of rare
Japanese art and curios the gifts of
citizens and cities during his progress
through the empire. The finest of
these tokens will be on exhibition at
the reception.
Treasure to Be on View.
There are ancient samurai swords,
one more than- five centuries old: ar
mor such as the knights of the Orient
wore when Christianity, was young,
wondrous vases and silver work, and
huge collections of coins minted by an
cient emperors.
Preliminary speeches will be brief.
for the evening is to be given over for
an hour to Captain Hardy a own ac
count of the Japan that he knew more
than half a century ago and the Japan
that welcomed him when he sailed
back again as the guest of the Japanese
Never before has this story been
told to a Portland audience. Friends
who have heard it assert that the
great-whiskered old sailor has a gen
uine message to America and that his
recital of the trip brings with it a
flood of light upon modern Japan, her
attitude toward America and the real
heart of her people.
Some time tomorrow morning the
committee in charge will bear to Cap
tain Hardy, at his home on Kings
Heights, a hand-illuminated invitation
to be the guest of the city at the re
ception in his honor. Whereat the
Captain will expand his aureole of iron-
gray whiskers in a smile worth seein
Woman Serves on Kalama Board.
KALAMA. Wash.. June 8. Special.)
Because of the failure of the two re
maining members of the Kalama School
Board to agree upon who should fill
the position on the Kalama School
Board left vacant by the death of M. H
Royer, according to the provisions of
the law in such cases, the vacancy was
filled by Miss Lucia Jenkins, County
Superintendent of Schools, who ap
pointed Mrs. A. B. Chapman to the
board. This is the first time a .woman
has ever served on the Kalama Schoo
Board. Mrs. Chapman always has been
very active in the life of the town, and
her appointment is considered a worthy
oreign-Born Residents . Will
Express Loyalty to America
at Great Mass Meeting.
President Wilson's Request Will Be
Followed and Committee of Rep
resentative Naturalised Citi
zens Will Be Selected.
Plans are being formulated for a
monster Fourth of July celebration in
An opportunity for foreign-born resi
dents of Portland to express their loy
alty to the United States and its cause
will be given at a great mass meeting
planned on the evening of the Fourth
in the Auditorium.
Secretary of War Baker and Secre
tary of the Navy Daniels recently
transmitted a letter to Mayor Baker
stating that leaders of the foreign-born
citizens of the Nation had requested
President Wilson to formulate Nation
wide plans for a great meeting, where
the representatives of each foreign
horn body might express the loyalty
that members of each set have for the
United States.
President's Wishes to Be Followed.
In accordance with the wishes of
President Wilson such a meeting will
be held in Portland. A committee com
posed of the representatives of foreign
born bodies will be selected to carry
out tne plans of the meeting.
A parade, which will include every
military organization in Portland and
probably a large representation of
troops from Vancouver, will be held In
the morning. Shipyard workers will
be asked to co-operate, and in addition
a large number of floats of a patriotic
nature are expected to be entered in
the pageant.
The afternoon of the Fourth will be
devoted to competitive athletics at Co
lumbia Park. Every shipyard in the
city will be asked to enter their various
teams, and the plans are for an "old-
fashioned" Fourth of July programme
of sports. A baseball game will prob
ably be included in the afternoon's pro
Soldiers Dance Arranged.
Following the evening's meeting the
city, plans to conduct a dance for the
soldiers. The dance will be held in the
two dance pavilions of the Auditorium,
with the use of two orchestras. Mem
bers of the flying squadron of the Na
tional League for woman's service will
serve as partners for the soldiers, and
list of prominent patronesses will
also serve as chaperones.
Charles M. Schwab, director-sreneral
of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, is
expected on the Pacific Coast In the
early part of July. Should Mr. Schwab
visit Portland on the Fourth of July
some change will be made In the pres
ent plans In order that the chief of
the shipbuilding industry In the United
States will be properly entertained, and
so mat Portland citizens, and narticu
iariy tnose engaged In shipbuilding.
may have an opportunity of seeing and
neanng air. scnwaD.
7000 Acres Near Woodland to Be
Diked Kelso Acreage Increased.
KELSO. Wash.. June 8. -rSnecialA
organization of diking district No.
of Cowlitz County. Washington, com
prising 7000 acres of Columbia River
and Lewis River bottom lands In the
vicinity of Woodland, was completed
this week by the Board of County Com
missioners at KalamV
The plans and estimates, prepared bv
G. J. Poysky, of Kelso, who Is also en
gineer for the diking projects at Kelso,
show that the completed cost will be
about $225,000, and construction will
Involve building more than 10 miles of
dike - along the Lewis and Columbia
Rivers. Nearly all the property owners
favor the improvement, although three
or four of the large holders have been
fighting it and threatening litigation.
Unless court action Is started construc
tion will be started this Summer.
On Wednesday the first step was
taken toward organizing the seventh
diking district in the vicinity of Kelso.
wnen petitioners representing about
1000 acres between diking district No. 7
and the Matchette dke west of Kelso
afjked organization of a district. The
board ordered Mr. Poysky to investi
gate the feasibility of the project. Com
pletion of this project, which can be
diked by the construction of a low and
inexpensive dike along the bank of the
Columbia, and of the work already
started in diking districts Nos. 4. 6 and
7, will increase the total diked area
djacent to Kelso to 11,000 acres.
3Iysterlous Malady Affects 200 in
Districts Along Coast.
MARSHFIELTJ. Or.. June 8. (Spe
cial.) A mysterious illness has
gripped Powers for the past three
weeks and its cause is laid to various
origins, from poisoned water to la
grippe. One report is that alcohol of a
very bad quality is being manufactured
and sold in the neighborhood. People
who do not indulge in intoxicating
drinks are being stricken as well as
The illness is painful for a few days
at the start and cramps frequently ac
company it. All the victims soon re
cover, however, and show no ill ef
fects. A. II. Powers, of the Smith-Powers
Logging Company, says the Illness
Is simply grippe. About 200 cases have
occurred In Powers and the logging
camps near by.
Kggert Leaves Large Estate.
The board of appraisers yesterday
filed with the County Clerk an inven
tory of the estate of Frederick Eggert,
showing an aggregate value of $359.
193.68. Included among the personal
property were $70,000 of the second lib
erty bond issue. With the further
exception of stocks and bonds to the
amount of $35,000 and real estate ap
praised at $4200, the remainder of the
estate consisted entirely of notes and
Officials to Boost Stamp Sales.
Federal employes of .Oregon have
been called to meet tomorrow evening
at the Central Library to consider ways
and means of promoting sales and pur
chases of war savings and thrift
stamps. Speakers at the meeting will
be Lieutenant ' J. D. Plamondon. who
has seen five months' service in France;
Captain T. Templert Powell, of the
British Army, and United States
Marshal George F. Alexander. Musical
numbers have been arranged.
14th Year
. t - ,
DR. R. C. Al SPLl'ND. MR.
My Practice la Limited to IBIan-ClaBa
I ten tlx try Only. -
The survival of the fittest will always be the law of
nature. If you don't succeed in business or your profes
sion, nine times out of ten it's your own fault or, rather,
weakness. You may be too sparing of "the midnight oil"
when others are studying and perfecting themselves for
the battle of life.
You may be bright, ambitious even brilliant and
You may be TOO EASILY SATISFIED or too easily
discouraged and give up without a struggle for su
premacy. Somewhere in your makeup there's a weak spot that
you must locate and overcome.
I can honestly claim, without a trace of egotism, that I
am a competent Doctor of Dental Surgery and entitled to
the respect of the public and profession YET THERE
ing their lives and talents in dark, obscure offices, eking
out a bare living, because they have not found their
"weak spot,"
Some of these dentists are still causing their patients
unnecessary pain some are still "making caps over
teeth" and calling them crowns; some are using inferior
materials, others are incapable of giving their patients
artistic, durable dentistry and many are charging
entirely too much for their services.
My success in building up so large a practice has been
due to forsaking the path of custom and striking out over
the rougher and less certain road of originality.
I found a way to lessen pain; I found a system that
enabled me to save over half the waste in time and mate
rial in my office ; I found that hard work, hour after hour
and day after day, enabled me to handle double the
number of patients satisfactorily.
These had all been "weak spots," common to the pro
fession, and as soon as I overcame them I took the public
into my confidence, showed them how I could give them
better dentistry for less money, how I could save them
time and pain and risk. It sounded true because it was
It does not take the public long to beat a path to the
door of the man who deserves patronage.
Electro Whalebone Plates. . .$15.00
Flesh Colored Plates $10.00
Porcelain Crowns $5.00
Fillings, from .$1.00
22-K Gold Crowns $5.00
22-K Gold Bridge work $3.00
Electro Painless Dentists
Corner Sixth and Washington Sta Portland. Or.
rrofeoaor Iteddle Bil!e4 la Title Role
With Mlas Maraaret Croaby In
' trrprttlDK Woman's Iead.
Classes in dramatic Interpretation at
the University, of Oregon are training
Intensively for the great event of the
year, the production of Rostand's "Cy
rano de Berfcerac" outdoors on the eve
nins; of June 14.
The play, to be produced under the
direction of Professor Fergus Reddie.
head of the department of public
(peaking, will be one of the most am
bitious efforts ever undertaken by the
department, which has put on in the
pant such plays as i'eer Oynt and
King; Lear.
The part of Cyrano will be taken by
Professor Reddle. The part is exceed
ingly taxing and requires the memoriz
ing of 90 typewritten pages of manu
The woman s lead. Roxane, In which
Margaret Anglln made her early repu
tation 20 years ago, will be in the
hands of Miss Margaret Crosby, of Rid
dle, a senior who has made nearly a
perfect record In her work In the de
The comedy part or Ragueneau, the
pastry cook, has been given to Norvell
Thompson, of Portland, whose work as
O'Flaherty, V. C. a Shaw one-act play
recently put on here, delighted two au
diences. Other important speaking
parts are taken by Robert McNary. of
Portland, as L.C Bret; Henry Foster, of
John Day, as Christian; Miss Ltllie
Miller, as the Duena. and David Lloyd
Stearns, of Portland, as Carbon de Cas-
tel-Jaloux. The play contains more
than 40 speaking characters.
Particular Interest centers in the pro
duction at present, from the fact that
the fourth act Is placed at Arras, In the
heart of the present battlcfront in
Clatsop Growers Say Fruit Color Is
Improving Kach Year.
ASTORIA. Or., June 8. (Special.)
Renewed interest Is being taken In the
black sands at the mouth of the Co
lumbia River. While the peculiar mag
netic quality of these sands has been
known for many years. It was only. re
cently that they proved their value to
the horticultural development of the
The new cranberry industry is the
beneficiary. Iron, as is well known,
produces the desired color in apples
and other fruits. In their natural state
the peat in the marshes of the Lower
Columbia River district Is covered with
a layer of black sand consisting of
miniature particles of iron. Such is
Its purity that it has resisted the ac
tion of the elements for ages and still
exists In its original state.
It Is a noticeable fact that the cran
berries from theee bogs have been
in Portland
Let us all try to
find our weak
spots. If we try,
we can make them
strong points in
our favor
There's usually
something wrong
with people who
don't make good
Improving In color each succeeding
year since they were first planted.
Foresters Convene Totlay.
Delegates from all parts of the state
will convene this morning at 10 o'clock
in the triennial state conclave ot the
Catholic Order of Foresters, the largest
Catholic fraternal Insurance order in
The convention will be held in Greg
ory Hall. Officers for the next three
years will be elected and two delegates
to attend the international convention
of the order in Duluth, Minn., in August
will be named.
Stop Corn Agony
In Four Seconds
Use "Gets-It" See Corns Peel Off!
The relief that "Gets-lt" gives from
corn-pains the way it makes corns
and calluses peel off painlessly in one
piece is one of the wonders of the
world. The woman in the home, the
"Get Ma CatJt'
Quick! It Eaiae Cora
Pains sad Makaa Coma
Pact Richt Off!'
shopper, the dancer, the loot traveler,
the man In the office, the clerk in the
store, the worker in the 'shop, have to
day. In this great discovery, "Geta-It,"
the one sure, quick relief from all corn
and callus pains the one sure, pain
less remover that makes corns corns
off as easily as you would peel a
banana. It takes 2 second to spply
"Gets-If; It dries at once. Then walk
with painless Joy. even with tight
shoes. You know your corn will loosen
from your toe peel it off with your
fingers. Try it, corn sufferers, and
you'll smile!
"Gets - It." the guaranteed, money
back corn-remover, the only sure way,
costs but a trifle at any drug store.
M'fd by E. Lawrence &. Co.. Chicago,
Sold In Portland at all stores of the
5wl Drug Co. Adv.
Stubborn Concha. Weak Longs and Colds
Eckman's Alterative
For many years this Calcium preparation
has maintained an ever-In ere a I n reputa
tion fo- accomplishing- good, and often re
markable results.
St Sis ' $1 Six
FT lea Includes War Tax. All Drug-s-tsts.
Eckmtn Laboratory. Philadelphia.
All Work A
Guar- Upen
v is , Nights
As Redeemer and Savior of
the Race.
Of the Couaell of the Twelve. Church of
Jesus t'brlat of Latter-Day Salatsi
Salt Lake City, Utah.
To hosts of earnest and thoughtful
people, comprising many who devoutly
believe in the efficacy of our Lord's
atoning death as a means of redemption
from d-ath and salvation from sin. It is
a matter of surpassing wonder that the
sacrifice of a single life could be mailt
an effective means of emancipation for
Scriptures ante-dating the Savior's
earthly life plainly aver that the Atone
ment to be made by Him was to be &
vicarious sacrifice, voluntary and love
tnsplred on His part, and universal in
its application so far as human-kind
would avail themselves of its beneficent
means. These conditions were con
firmed by the personal affirmations of
the embodied Christ, and are attested,
by Scriptures post-dating the tragic
consummation on Calvary.
The concept of vicarious service, in
which one may act or officiate for and
In behalf of another, is as old as the
race. It is, however, fundamentally op
posed to the unscrlptural assumption
that the merits of one man may be ac
counted to the cancellation of another's
sins. Scriptures both ancient and mod
ern, the traditions of the human fam
ily, the rites of altar sacrifice, and
even the sacrileges of heathen idolatry
Involve the basal conception of vica
rious atonement. This principle, of
Divine establishment In its original and
uncorrupted form, was revealed to
Adam Pearl of Great Price, Moses
5:5-8), who offered sacrifices In the
similitude of the then future death of
the Lamb of God. and was taught and
practised by later prophets down to the
time of Christ.
The Scriptures relieve us from the
assumption that any ordinary mortal,
by voluntarily giving up his life even
as a martyr to the best of causes, could
become a ransom for the sins of his fel
lows and a victor over death. Jesus
Christ, though He lived and died as one
of the human family, was of unique
nature. Never has another such as He
wslked the earth. Christ was the only
Being among all the embodied spirit
children of God suited to and acceptable
as the great sacrifice of atonement, t!i
these definite and distinct respects:
1. He was the One chosen and fore
ordained in the heavens to this specific
2. He was and is the Only Begotten
of the Father In the body, and therefore
the only Being ever born to earth who
possessed In their fulness the Inherent
attributes of both God hood and man
hood. 3. He was and is the one and only
sinless Man who has lived in mortality.
Concerning our Lord's foreordinatlon
as the Redeemer and Savior. He has
given us personal testimony with which
the utterances of prophets who lived
before His birth and apostles who
taught after His death are In harmony.
Twenty-two centuries before tae merid
ian of time, the then unembodied C hrlst
revealed Himself to a Book of Mormon
prophet, saying "Brkald I ana ne wao '
was prepared, from the foundation of
Ike world to redeem my people. Benold
I am Jeaua Chrlat." (Book of Mormon.
Kther 3:14). Unto Moses the Father
spake, saying: Thou art la the simili
tude of mine Only Rearottea. and mlno
Only llesrottea In aad shall be the
Savior." (Moses 1:6). These Scriptures
are In accord with Peter's testimony of
Christ as " Lamb without blemish aad
without spot, who verily wan foreor
dained before the fouadatloa of the
world." (I Peter 1:19-20).
As the Eternal Father's Only Begot
ten Son In the flesh. Christ possessed
the inborn power to withstand death
Indefinitely, and this just as naturally
as that He, being the offspring of a
mortal mother, should derive the abil
ity to die. Jesus Christ Inherited
through the operation of the natural
law of heredity the physical, mental,
and spiritual attributes of His parents
the Father Immortal and glorified,
the mother human. He could not be
slain until Ills hour had come, the hour
in which He would voluntarily give un
His life, and permit HI owa deeeaae as
an act of will. How else are His defi
nite asseverations concerning Himself
to- be construed? Consider for example
this: "Therefore doth my Father love
me. because I lay down my life, that I
might take It again. No man taketh It
from me. but I lay It down of myarlr.
I hnve power to Iny It down, and I have
power to take It aaala." (John 10:17-18).
And further: "For as the Father hath
life la hlmaelf. so hath he clvm to the
Son to have life in hlmaelf." (John
Christ died, not as other men have
died or Fhall die, because of tnabllity
to escape death, but for a special pur
pose by voluntary surrender. Thus, the
atoning sacrifice was no usual death of
an ordinary man, but the decease of
One who had the power to live. It was
a sacrifice, indeed!
As a sinless Man Christ was exempt
from the dominion of Satan; and 'was
sublimely conscious o His own per
fect probity. He challenged assailants
with the pertinent demand "Which of
you eonvlneeth me of alaf" t.Tohn 8:4:
and in the hour of His entrance Into
Gethsemane solemnly averred: "The
prince of thin world rometh. and hath
nothing In me." (John 14:30).
Had our Lord died as the result of
Satan's power over Him through trans
gression. His death would have been
but an Individual experience, expiatory
in no degree of any offenses but His
own. His absolute freedom from spot or
blemish of sin made Him eligible, His
humility and willingness rendered Him
acceptable as the propitiatory sacrifice
for the sins of the world. In these re
spects, as In that of His having life in
Himself and therefore power over
death. He was of a status absolutely
unique among men. With this knowl
edge spake the ancient Hebrew prophet,
saying: "An the lrd God llveth. there
la none other name aivea under henven.
aavp It be tain Jeaua t'hrlat of which I
hnve apokeu. whereby man can be
anved." (Book of Mormon. 2 Nrpht
For the works ciled herein, and other
Church literature apply to booksellers
or address Northwestern States Mis
sion. 810 East Madison St.. Portland.
Ore., or Bureau of Information, Salt
Lake City, I'tah. Adv.
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