17 MASTER OF OREGON GRANGE PLEADS FOR GREATER UNITY Mr. Spence Charges That Good-Roads Movement Hag Suffered Beyond Estimation From Incompetency and Extravagance of Highway Commission. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JUNE 9, 1918. FOLLOWING Is the text of Master' C. E. Spence's address at the open ins of the 45th annual session of the Oregon State Orange: "It Is is 16 years since the . State Grange met In Salem, the capital city of our state, and in looking; back to that time we find that thle city and our state have made treat progress, such as could be accomplished only In a new state and by a progressive, en ergetic people. " ' "We are '.pleased to meet again In this, the original home of the State Grange, and trust that this session will be as pleasant and profitable as was that session 16 years ago. "In looking over the proceedings of that session I And that some of the problems that were under consideration have been solved, while many more re main to be worked out in a practical way. "Great progress has been made In our methods and system of farming. With tbe assistance of the agricultural col lege and through the experience of in telligent formers natural obstacles have been overcome and we are better able to take advantage of the oppor tunities and advantages offered .in the state. "On the other hand we find many acres of good agricultural land unde veloped, waiting for( some sturdy hand to clear off the stumps, drain the land or prepare It and supply the water for Irrigation. "We find that the population of towns and cities is Increasing at a much greater ratio than that of the country and that there Is a greater dif ference in the rate at present than there was 16 years ago. "In order to carry out our declara tion of purposes it Is necessary that we make a purvey of the conditions which cause this unnatural growth of the cities and the undeveloped condi tions In the country. Farm Products Increase. "It must be admitted that by the Increased use of improved machinery and more scientific methods of farming the production of farm crops per man Is greatly increased, but on the other hand we find a condition of gradually decreasing production of farm crops per capita, of all the population, with an Increase in the cost of production and in the cost to the consumer. "Even in this comparatively new state we find farmers, both young and middle aged, moving to the cities for what ttiAV rlftim to be firreater social. educational and economic advantages. This situation is more apparent In some Eastern states where good farms are abandoned and are on the market for laan than thA huilrilna'-i rnst "With the coming of good roads and the automobile the social and educa tional part of our problem will be largely solved if the roads are built so as to connect the farming communi ties with the marketing and shipping . points, while on the other hand if the ' rmm fnr scenic hi&rhwavs and Dleas- . ure boulevards continue to absorb our . dltlons will only be agravated. "In Eastern states as well as our own ; the determining factor which exerts . the greatest Influence in keeping peo- pie on the farm or in driving them to the cities is that of economics, or dol lars and cents. "If 'there is no money in it," no amount of persuasion will keep people on the land. If other vocations have better Incomes and shorter hours and more entertainment, there is where people will go, and Who can blame -ham 7 - "The fault is not all the farmer's, for he often gets less for a bumper crop than he does for half a crop, and fre quently his produce rots on his hands for want of a market, while people not many miles away are suffering for that very product, or the price which they are required to pay is so high that they oannot afford to buy. Producers' Share Is Lnr, "Then a large part of the fault lies In our system of distribution. A Gov ernment report- shows that when' the consumer pays II for farm produce on the average. 65 cents goes for distri bution and 35 cents to the producer. In other words, it costs nearly twice as much to handle farm produce as the farmer gets for it. "There is no more Important service rendered society by any class of people than that of producing the necessary food and clothing required for the pro tection and sustenance of mankind. If those who are engaged In that impor tant service are not as well or better paid than any other class there Is some thing wrong with the farm, with the farmer or with the system under which he is working. It nas Deen sccwn auuve s n rule It Is not the farm nor the farmer as a class, but the marketing system that is to blame for the economic con dition of the farmer. "If this be true, it Is the duty of the Grange to do all In its power to find a remedy for existing conditions, claim ing as it does to be the oldest and most Influential of all farm organizations, or. failing in that, to at least assist any other organization that proposes a practical remedy. Is Co operation the Remedy? "National Master Oliver Wilson. In speaking of co-operation in his address at the last session of the National Grange, said that 'this vital question has been discussed in all its Its phases since the organization of the Grange and yet it remains an unsolved prob lem.' "We believe the Grange in Oregon has made a good beginning towards a practical system Of co-operative buy lng, but as yet co-operative selling of the diversified crops of the Oregon farmer 'remains an unsolved problem.' Co-operative Struggle Falls. "The Grange and other farm organi sations have tried time after time, at great sacrifice to Individual members, to sell co-operatively, but It has always been an uphill fight with many failures and but few isolated cases of success. Inexperience and sometimes dishon esty contributed to the failures, but more often the true causes were the united opposition of the business and financial world and the fact that the consumer was not taken Into consider ation. "The farmers of Denmark have made notable success in co-operative buying and selling. In fact they practically control that business in that country and have agents for their co-operative - society in other countries. They are substantially the controlling factor in politics, in fact it was only through politics that they were able to get con trol of the marketing situation. "The Australian provinces have ac complished the same results by using the machinery of the state to establish markets, warehouses, cold storage and packing plants. "The following resolution was passed Without a dissenting vote at the 1917 Session of the National Grange: " "Whereas, too large a portion of the agricultural products of the coun try go to waste at the present time for want of proper means of conservation and distribution: " 'Resolved, That the National Orange In 51st annual session assembled In dorse the proposition of the creation of municipal food warehouses, where prac ticable, to contain a cold storage plant, creamery, dehydrating plants, canning ' factories and potato evaporators, so that the consumer in the city may re celve the necessities of life at a more reasonable cost and the producer be assured a market for his products.' "The resolution was Introduced by Brother Chapman, master of tne Massa chusetts State Grange. "The marketing problem, next to that of the war, overshadows all others. It is my opinion that a. proper solution of it will do more to promote the gen eral welfare, establish Justice and in sure domestic tranquillity, and create a united, contented and home owning. home loving, patriotic people than any thing else that can be done at this time. "Nothing can do more to unite the people in support of the Government and insure domestic tranquillity than an equitable marketing system that will abolish the unnecessary middle man and profiteer. "This is our opportunity. Will the li range lead or will It fonowr Co-operation. "Co-operative buying through a stats purchasing agent seems now to be firmly established and it Is believed that with proper encouragement from the State Grange for another year the business will be able to take care of Itself and pay its way. "It is gratifying to note the co-op. eratlon of the Granges with other or ganlzatlons in the war work, such as Red Cross, liberty bond and thrift stamp drives, and I would suggest that the Grange take a more active part aa an organization In order to get the credit due as a patriotic body. Agricultural Lime. "Many people have been disappointed In not getting lime for this year's crops from the State Lime Board, but the board has been sadly handicapped for want of sufficient funds with which to secure a suitable deposit of lime, were compelled to purchase secondhand equipment, and now have no 'funds available for the operation of the plant. Trus State Grange should adopt resolution requesting that the unex pended part of the $45,000 appropriated by the last Legislature to advertise the state to tourists be transferred to the lime board, as it is now generally ad mitted that the corn crop will be more potent in the winning of the war than the tourist crop. Rural Credits. "In the matter of state rural credits is another instance where the tourist receives greater consideration In the state of Oregon than the farmer. "When the Land Board received bids below par for rural credit bonds they decided that the honor and credit of the state would be impaired If stats bonds were sold below par. "But when bids were received as low as 92 cents on the dollar for road bonds, evidently the honor nor credit of the state were not Involved, for road bonds were sold at about that price. Good Roads. "During the road bond campaign the farmer was told that It was all In his Interest and it would get him out of the mud, but when It came to the ap pointment of a Highway Commission there was no farmer in the state who could be trusted with the expenditure of the highway funds. A timber baron. a banker and a politician were given the job. Again the tourists interests scored over the farmer. "Practically every condition predicted by those opposed to the bonds are as sured at this date. "War conditions have caused a scarcity of labor and paving costs are higher than predicted. The patented paving has been favored almost ex clusively and the price is high enough to Include royalty and profit. . "A second-hand paving plant was purchased at a good price last Fall but as yet has not been used by the High way Commission. "The good roads movement has suf fered beyond estimation from the In competency and extravagance of the commission. "On the other hand, many counties are doing creditable work and at the same time keeping the cost within rea sonable bounds. Clackamas and Lane counties deserving special mention. Hydro Electric Power. "There are increasing demands for the use of hydro electric power to take the place of coal and oil, so much needed In the war, but much of this cry is made by corporations that al ready own much undeveloped water power, and desire a monopoly of the hydro electric power of the country. It Is Important that the state and Federal Governments retain control of all water power not already owned by private interests and that ownership and development of water power by municipalities and states be encour aged as an effective means of prevent ing monopoly and trust prices. The War, 'No matter what were the direct causes or excuses for this war, no mat ter what issues were at stake in the beginning, it has developed Into a con test for industrial and political free dom on the one side and military slav ery on the other side. If one side wins Industrial freedom will advance more rapidly that it has for generations. If tne otner side wins civilization will be turned back centuries. In the beginning our revolutionary fathers did not aim at independence, neither did the people of the North aim at the abolition of negro slavery at the beginning of the Civil War. but as President Wilson said: 'This has be come a war for freedom. It has become WELL-KNOWN PRIEST TO CEL EBRATE 2STH ANNI VERSARY. Northup Photo. Rev. J. II. Black. Rev. J. H. Black, pastor of St. Francis' Catholic Church, will be honored next Thursday by some of his co-workers in the priest hood and by members of his par ish, who will attend a gathering that will celebrate the 25th anni versary of Father Black's - or-, dinatlon. As pastor of the large East Side parish he has had a remarkably successful leadership and the church has grown steadily- . ' r. i Kir inn ,.,-.,..,, Mil L X a war for freedom for us too and with nothing but economic freedom will we be content.' Financing: the War. 'The last session of this State Grange passed strong resolutions in favor of paying a large share of the war ex penses with taxes levied on incomes and excess war profits. 'A law was passed levying an aver age of 32 per cent on excess war profits, but now President Wilson fa vors a measure that will collect 40 per cent of the war expenses from excess profits and the payment of. 60 per cent from the sale of bonds. "Senator McNary, of Oregon, was one of the few Senators who voted for as high as 80 per cent tax on war profits. "We should support our president and Senator McXary In this matter and urge all other members from Oregon to give their support to this measure. "This Is a war of sacrifice on the part of all the people and that man makes no sacrifice who gives only a part of the profits he receives because of the war. All war profits should be taken by the Government and this Grange should reaffirm Ha action of last year, that all income and profits over $100,000 should be taken. Or if no profiteering were permitted, the people could pay all the war taxes and be money ahead. Importance of Grange Work. "Oregon has been spoken of by those who oppose her political activities i the fool of the family.' But Oregon has been the leader and not the fool, and her habit of leading is demonstrated in her war work. "She is first with volunteers, first in the liberty loan and first in Red Cross subscription. Like the father of our country. 'He was first in peace, first in war and nrst in the hearts of his countrymen. "Much credit la due the Grange for the position occupied by the state In the Nation today and at this important time the Grange should not consider for a moment the proposition of laying aside its worK till alter the war. "The farmers of the state cannot af ford to allow this organization to cease its activities. 'This period in the his torjr of our Nation will stand out as one of the most important of its ex istence.' "President Wilson has said: We must learn, we freemen, - to meet as our fathers did,' somehow, somewhere, for consultation. There must be discussion and debate, in which all freely particl pate. "Where is there more suitable place than In the Grange for consultation and discussion? "This is a time for calm deliberation and judicious action and not a time for hysterical speech or mob leadership President Wilson has well said that he who goes into a mob Is not fit to live In a democracy. "Any person or publication that sua- gests mob rule by word or picture Is i a worse enemy- to the country than tbe n$ ... fe v ft i--i l r 1 moBt outspoken pro-Hun In the coun try. "It is by this calm deliberation and consultation that the members of the Grange are prepared to assume the leadership in a crisis like the present. 'Every dollar expended and every hour given for the work of the Grange s a good investment for the futlre of our state and our country and, like bread cast upon the waters, will return after many days. After the War. "When this war is over thousands of our men will come back to us, many of them handicapped in various ways and practically all of them without financial resources. Provision should be made for their employment In use ful industries and land should be avail able for those who wish to engage In agriculture. But it would be the height of folly to give them a lot of stump or sage brush land and expect them to clear it off and make a living while they are doing it. "Under modern conditions capital and some machinery are necessary, live stock is essential. The men who have fought our battle at the front deserve something better than to be turned loose on a piece of brush land. "The men who are able to work will need employment. Extensive road build ing should be delayed till the war Is over, then those men should be em ployed In building roads and In pre paring land for agriculture. "Provision should be made for homes or farms for any who are without, on terms that are reasonable and Just. Speculation and profit should be elimi nated and our rural credits laws should be amended to meet the conditions. "Tbe stability of all nations depend upon the home owners and especially upon the proportion of those engaged in agriculture who are shareholders In the commonwealth. "Steps should be taken and prepara tions made to meet this emergency now. "The first patriotio duty of th Grange is to aid the Government to the extent of our ability by raising the crops most needed to supply food and clothing to our soldiers and our allies. "Red Cross and liberty bonds must be taken care of. but all will fall un less food is provided. "Second, we should do all in our power to assist the Government In the elimination of speculation and profit eering In the necessities of life and in the tools necessary for their produo tion. "Third, we should be willing to take any political action necessary to get the desired results. "President Wilson has said that: " The reason that America was set up was that she might be different from all the nations of the world is this: that the strong could not put the weak to the wall, that the strong could not prevent the weak from entering the race. America stands Tor opportunity. America stands for a free field and no fivnr. America stands for a Govern pient responsive to the interests ot all.' r - " PTOMETRIST and Vision cialist is Dr. De Keyser, and in his offices you will find the most modern scientific equip ment obtainable, combined -with professional skill and accuracy of detail in examination and fit ting of lenses. The accompanying illustrations convey, in a very modest way, an impression of the mechanical perfection of Dr. De Key sets instruments, and the thoroughness with which he has equipped his offices for utmost service to his patients. 1. Dr. De Keyser occupies the entire front of the second story. 2. A charming place, in deep blue and cream, with . wicker furniture. Ladies are invited to rest and read the magazines, or to use the desk for writing. - S. Dr.' De Keyser making an examination for external . diseased conditions. ' - 4. Magnifies the Interior of the eye so that any disease may be detected. 6. Latest improved model; It is used to determine the visual sensitiveness of different areas on the retina. 6. Measures the exact curves of the cornea for astigmatism. 7. Only one on the Coast north of California. Dis covers variations from normal vision up to one thousandth of an inch. Without it Punktal lenses can not be fitted correctly. 8. Measures the strength of the exterior muscles that keep the eye in proper balance. By its use for certain gymnastic exercises the muscles can be strengthened so that often glasses may be laid aside. 9. Grinding Kryptoks and other lenses. 10. The assembling of glasses and their automatic edging. All this work is done under the direct . supervision of Dr. De Keyser. Clip thi$ coupon and mail to us. marking tvith X the booklet desired. They are FREE. l"The Road to Health Through YouTl I t Eyes" ( ) "The Eye and the Lens" ( ) I N""e Street Address j City and State Phone Main 9587. "We of the Orange owe it to our selves, to our families and to our pos terity to make this country what it was set up to be. Gooa of the Order. "As stated before. Orange work should not be allowed to decline. We should exert every energy to make the organisation strong in order to meet the emergencies that are to come. We should support the Grange for the good It can do now and tor the good It must do in the future. "The co-operative work should be brought to every subordinate grange. A dollar saved is as good aa a dollar earned and the work of the past year has demonstrated that many times the amount of our dues can be saved In co operative buying alone. Patronise your own business. "Subordinate ana Pomona oranges should make a special study of eco nomic Questions so that they can act Intelligently upon Important matters that will come to them for solution In the near future. "These are stirring times and the Grange should be on guard ready to lead out In tne estaDiisnment oi pro gressive policies that will make this the best country on earth." Mosler Man Aids Red Cross. HOSIER, Or., June 8. (Special.) Ar thur Kuhn. who lives three and one- half miles east of Mosler, reports that FREE TO. ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Kw Home Core Tnat Anyone Can TJoe Without Dtoeomfort or Loss of Time. We have a Nw Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your caee Is of lons etanains or recent development, whether It la nreeent a Hay Fever or chronic Aathma. you should send for a free trial of our rietnoa. no matter in wnat climate you live, no matter what your ase or occupa tion. If you are troubled with aathma. our method should relieve you promptly. We esoeolally want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all fnrrns of inhalers, aounnes. opium preparations, fumes, "patent araokas." etc.. have failed. We want to show everyone at our own ex pense, that this new method Is deslc-ned to end all dlffloult breathlnr. all wheeslnc. and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free offer Is too Important to nea-lect a single day. Write today and Per In the methoa at onoe. oena no money. simply mall coupon oeiow. lo ii xooay. FBEE ASTHMA COCFOX. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 44$T Niagara and Hudson Bts.. Buffalo, N. V. Send free trial of your method to: Spe . " sV .,J.-..i--j"'' :1 he Is raising a Red Cross garden. He expects to realize $200 from the produce raised on tha one and one-half acres of land employed for this purpose. The garden is totally without weeds, be cause of Mr. Kuhn's persistent labors of from 16 to 17 hours dally In the effort to do his "bit." Burglars Enter Barber Shop. The Oregonlan bar shop, 112 Sixth street, was entered by burglars Friday night and a quantity of cigars, a pair of Army shoes and a suitcase were stolen. Entrance was gained through a door In a restaurant adjoining the shop. Read The Orea-onlan clnsslfled ads. 5 HAVE YOU BEEN 5 ; OVERWORKED? - J Do You Want Help Until Na- ture Catches Up? Are Z Tour Nerves 111? Cadomene Tablets Help Nervous Z Men and Weak, Impoverished X Women Back to Strength, Z Health and Vigor. Z In these strenuous, exacting times, many men and women overwork their nerves. They do not take enough rest. They are not careful when and what they eat. Soon they get nervous, ir ritable, suffer from aches and pains, are tired all the time, have no ambi tion, lose strength and vigor and then become sleepless, worn out and sick. Never take to drink and false stimu lants they are temporary makeshifts. But do act wisely, and begin the use of Cadomene Tablets, which act as a powerful tonlo for digestion, nutrition and elimination. They help nature to perform the functions of the organs. oi the Dooy ana nature win in turn restore strength, red blood and vigor. Sold by druggists everywhere and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every sense by the manufacturers. For sale by the Owl Drug Co. stores and all other druggists. Adv. DRUGS BY MAIL WI5 PAY THE POSTAGE. If In need Of Pore Drugs and Chem ical. Phonlder liraeea. Arrk Sup. porta. TKUSKS, Klaetlo Sterklaacs, Andomlnal Supporters. Suapesmory Baadagea for Alem, and all other rubber goods of every description LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. TRrJS ETPKIITS, DKPT 1. Third and Yamhill, Portland, Urrxon til! j " ' , ,vr s If 1 . i - V. ,v.'y 4V 3)W . FREE TO Pile Sufferers Don't Bt Cnt I'otJl Yot Trr Thin Nw Romt t urt That A 07 on n t Wit bout U.4V romfort or Lo- of Time. Him ply 1 bow up I' I m . laailnf loblri lccoionoiL7 ond Kid YouroeU Fenxxmticmi.lT of llim. LET ME FRO TIC TUTS FBEE. My Internal method for tbo trootmont nd permanent euro or piles la tbe correct one. Thousand upon thousands of cured caee testiry to thia, and I want you to try taUa method at my ex pen a. No matter whether your cae la of k&r atandlnir or recent dereiopment whether It ia chronic or acute whet her tt la occasional or permanent you ahouid aend for thia freo trial treatment. No matter where you live no matter what your an or occupation If you axe troubled with pile, my method will relieve you promptly. 1 especially want to aend It to thoee ap parently hopeleen case where all forme of ointments, salves and other local applica tions have failed. I want you to reallsa that my method C treat in- piles Is the one Infallible treatment. This liberal offer of free treatment Is too Important for you to nealect a single day. Write now. Send no money. Pimply mall the coupon but do this now TODAT. FREE FILE KEXEBY. E. R. Peare, P4T Pane Bl3. Marshall. Mich. please send free trial of your Method te; Headache-Depression? FROM KIDNEY DISORDERS Headaches and depression may be duo to several causes, l'erhaps yours mys tifies you? Maybe kidney and bladder disorders is the cause? If so, you surely want relief and restoration. Indiscretions in eating' and drinklng brlns; on such troubles very gradually, sometimes at other times Quickly. will bring; the desired benefit If sach. symptoms are present as these: If th secretion that passes is hisrhly colored, strong of odor, insufficient or too co pious, followed by pain, burning;. Irri tation, smarting, etc. If chills or fever come and go. If the head aches, the eyes burn and rheumatic pains, freneral dis comfort and nervousness besles; you. Balmwort Kidney Tablets ARK NKEDFD BY TOTJ Not secret, not new, just right and true. For sale by the Owl Drua; Co. stars and all other druggists. Adv.