13 TIIE SUNDAY OltEGONIAX PORTLAND, JUNE 9, 1913. LICK ASTRONOMERS GET GOOD RESULTS ISTRAHGE DUSK SEEH WHAT THE CAMERA CAUGHT AS PORTLAND CRANED ITS COMPOSITE NECK AT YESTERDAY'S SOLAR ELCIPSE. Eclipse' Envelops City in Pale, Mellow Light. Clouds Part 10 Minutes Before Totality and Frame Cen ter of Solar System. HOUSANDS PEER AT SUN : raw- W( life V t&fei. x ... .v.;;;- ; SUNSET EFFECT BEAUTIFUL Organization of Scientific Work at Station Impresses Wcllealcy Ob. eerver Goldendale Filled '. l With Eastern Visitors. l BY ROBERT BALLOT?. OOLDEyDAT.K, "Wash., June 8. '6peclal.) The total eclipse of the sun came at Goldendale today on schedule time and all the things that the mem bers of the Licit party of astronomers represented would happen, occurred ex actly as predicted. The first contact was announced by Dr. John K. Bra ghear, of Pittsburg, Pa., at 41 minutes and 30 seconds past 2 o'clock. Dr. Bra ahear operating a focus telescope at the Lick station. The contact was visible to people with their smoked glasses about five minutes afterwards. The hour following the denoting1 of the first contact was an anxious period for Dr. William Wallace Campbell, di rector of the station, his assistant as tronomers, and guests, as medium thick clouds kept rolling up over the sun until about 10 minutes before the period of totality occurred. Clouds Frame San. At this time a clear space was formed ' around the eclipse. At three minutes and 30 seconds before 4 o'clock all as sistants operating the 14 instruments in place at the station were ordered to their places and at 3:59 Mrs. Joseph J I. Moore started to count off the sec onds of the period of totality, which was one minute 57 seconds. Everything worked like clockwork vt the Lick station and Immediately after the observations were over three cheers were given for Dr. Campbell by the assistants and guests present. A number of guests who have been with other Lick expeditions pronounced the corona of the eclipse here today the most beautiful they had ever seen. Sunset Effect Beautiful. The shadow bands occurring Just' be fore and just after the eclipse were shown very distinctly on sheets spread on the lawn at the Lick station. The twilight effect was noticeable 60 minutes after the first contact. The sunset effect on the Columbia hills and the Slmcoe Mountains was most beautiful. The effect observed on birds and animal life just preceding the totality was just as has been described by people who have seen former eclipses. Dr. Campbell says that the eclipse today Is the darkest one that he has ob served In the six expeditions of which he has been a. member. Ten plates were used In the big 40-foot astronom ical camera operated by Dr. Campbell himself, the big camera being focused directly on the corona. About 35 other exposures were made of various phases of the phenomena surrounding the eclipse. Organisation la Perfect. Miss Leah B. Allen, assistant profes sor of astronomy, Wellesley College, Mass., who came across the continent to be one of Dr. Campbell's assisants in the Lick expedition here, says that the most noticeable features of the eclipse to her as seen from the Lick station was the manner in which Dr. Campbell had organized the work, in that every member of the party had a chance to get a perfect view of the eclipse as well as attending to the duties assigned to them. Miss Allen timed the expos ures of eight plates in a camera op erated, by her besides getting a view of the eclipse. For the most part Klickitat people sought the high points surrounding the valley for observation points, and about 30 automobiles made the climb to the summit of the high butte on the out skirts of Goldendale. The shadow bands were observed creeping up the Bides of the hills of the Klickitat Val ley by the people who sought the hitch points to view the shadow phenomena, but they were not as distinctive as 'the public In general thought they .would be. The town was filled up with the largest crowd that has ever been here after the eclipse. Many people ar rived today from Chicago and New Tork and other Eastern cities to view the eclipse at Goldendale. GRAYS HARBOR'S VIEW GOOD ! Clouds and Hazy Weather Interfere Some Witli Corona. HOQTJIAM, Wash., June 8. (Special.) ' Hoquiam and the Grays Harbor dis trict saw the eclipse of the sun this afternoon, despite the fact that the afternoon was cloudy and rain threat' ned. However, the clouds broke away eufficiently during the eclipse to get a good view or it. A good observation of the eoron . when the eclipse was full was obtain able, although the clouds and hazy weather Interfered to some extent with it, making it appear smaller than it would, had the case been otherwise. From the heights about the city the enaaow or the eclipse was clearly visi ble as It traveled up the harbor from - the ocean. The eclipse became full at 2:53.30 and lasted until 3:55.30 o'clock. While It lasted the darkness was somewhat similar to that just at dark in the evening, but characterized by a peculiar light, which was particularly notice able before and after the eclipse. VANCOUVER TURXS OX LIGHTS Many Autoifts Cross Interstate "" Bridge En Route to Eclipse Zone. ', .' VANCOUVER, Wash., June 8. (Spe cial.) All Vancouver gazed at the eclipse today. Hundreds of persons on the streets watched the sun disappear behind the moon, through smoked glasses, and while Vancouver was not in the zone of total eclipse, yet the day became so dark that electric lights were turned on everywhere. Hundreds of automobile parties, . bound for Woodland, Kftlama. Battle Ground and other points north of Van couver, where the eclipse was total. Tassed through here. The Interstate Lridge did a rushing business and the tolls received were nearly aa great as on the busiest Sundays. UNION PEOPLE VIEW ECLIPSE Totality Lasts 5 6 Seconds; Cove Conditions Equal Baker. LA GRANDE, Or., June 8. (Special.) Perfect climatic conditions this aft moon favored a clear view of the eclipse in La Grande. The totality last ed 56 seconds here and was witnessed by an Interested throng. - At a spot near Cove and 18 miles east the totality wu as long aa at -r . g, . 1 - -' 3-f XJ) P,iil . 0 (9) O O O O 15 1 . 4 Baker. Within six miles of La Grande, to the north, the line of totality ended. FIFTY PORTLANDERS AT HOOD Mighty Blasts Announce Arrival of Eclipse In' Fruit Belt. HOOD RIVER. Or.. June 8. (Special.) A thin film ot downy clouds, almost invisible until the sun's eclipse was total, fhthed forth in a brilliant color ing from the corona when the moon's shadow totally obscured the cunllght here this afternoon. Stars above and below the cloud patches became visible for the brief moments, and the eight was impressive. Night birds were brought from their retreats and swished through the air in pursuit of gnats. When the shadow contract was total a rooster crowed, and the call was taken up and sent back and forth over the valley by other rulers of barnyard harems. When the visible sun's area had decreased to a tiny crescent crews of men engaged on the Ruthton hill section of the Co lumbia River Highway fired a series of mighty blasts. They had been prepar ing for days to herald the event, and the opposite crescent marked the waning eclipse before the echoes had ceased reverberating up and down the Columbia's gorge. Many thought the eclipse was being accompanied by an electrical display. More than 50 Portlanders were here to witness the phenomenon. Preceding the eclipse the visitors were entertained by a motor trip over the valley. LIGHT CLOUDS AT MARSHFIELD Eclipse Observed by Hundreds; Sub Obscured Only Few Moments. MARSHFIELD. Or., June 8. (Spe clal.) The sun eclipse was observed here by hundreds of people through smoked glass and photographic nega tives. The degree of totality appeared to be much less than 92 per cent, which astronomers advised would be the situ ation here. The rim of the non. eclipse extended nearly half way around the orD. The sky was overcast by a light cioua eitect. put there were only a few moments when the sun waa not visible. TEMPERATURE FALLS 5 POINTS Immediately Prior to Eclipse Mer cury Registers 81 Degrees. Because of the clouds which pre i . ; . I " ; L : i 1 Giirn at Cunrll Crest Park. High Ahove the City. 3 Infant Aitroiomrr Contemplating tkc Goldea Pie. 3 Aa the Eclipse Posed for Its Picture When the Moon Was Two-Thirds Satisfied. 4 Of Interest Scientist and Layman Alike. 6 Thin Traffic "Cop" Couldn't Resist the Infraction of Planetary Ordlnnncea. Diagram Shewing Vnrloun Phnnea of the Eclipse. (Photograph ( Kcllpne Ae. St. Taken by Charles 1- Owenn.) vailed, the Weather Bureau is unable to say Just how much of yesterday afternoon's variation in temperature was due to the eclipse, but it is cer tain that the greater part of the marked drop in degrees at the maxi mum period was due to the phenem- onen. Immediately prior to the eclipse the mercury registered 81 degrees. As the eclipse progressed the temperature dropped until, when the eclipse was at maximum, it registered 78 degrees. As the eclipse passed the temperature rose slightly. SCIENTISTS RACE CLOUDS Photographs Secured After Dash of Over Three Miles. GREEN RIVER, Wyo, June 8. Clouds, appearing during the partial phase when today's eclipse of the sun neared totality, caused much anxiety to the many astronomers gathered here to make observations, but a sketch ot the corona and a number of photo graphs were secured by two assistant astronomers, who drove swiftly to a point 3Vi miles northwest of the ob serving station. These, it is thought, were the only photographs secured. . Among the scientists here to watch the phenomenon were Professors Frost, Hale, Barnard. Elleman, Parkhurst and Anderson. Citizens View Eclipse. ALBANY, Or., June 8. (Special.) Business was practically at a stand still in Albany for an hour this after noon while local citizens viewed the eclipse. Atmospheric conditions were favorable for splendid view here. OREGOX CITY MATT RECCRES NATIONAL EDITORIAL AS SOCIATION CONVENTION FOR NORTHWEST. K. E. Brodle. To the hard work and Influence of E. E. Brodle, of Oregon City, Is due the fact that the next convention of the National Edi torial Association will be held in the Pacific Northwest. With a representative of the Pacific Northwest Tourist Association, he fought for the convention on the floor of the convention at Little Rock, Ark. Many members tried to leave the choice of a conven tion city to the executive com mittee, but Mr. Brodle won, and as a result Portland, Seattle and British Columbia cities will be hosts for the editors next year. Mr. Brodie is past president of the Oregon Editorial Association and editor of the Oregon City Enterprise. ? 1, l: ftA ": SUN HIDES ITS FACE Obscuring Clouds Lift Like Miracle at Last Moment. OBSERVATION IS SUCCESS Company Gathered From All Quar ters of Globe to Witness Phe nomenon Fear Disapolnt znent, bn.t Clouds Shift.. BY DR. A. ESTELLE GLANCY. (Of the Argentine National Observatory, Cordoba, South America. GOLDENDALE. Wash.. June 8. Spe cial.) The great astronomical phe nomena has come and gone, and almost like a miracle the clouds lifted just long enough to reward the astrono mers who gathered In, Goldendale to Study It. For two weeks preparatlona were going on at the Lick Observatory eclipse station, which waa situated in the grounds of Mr. Morgan, of the Mor gan Milling Company. With each pass ing day new arrivals Increased the number of astronomers and visitors until there ha dgathered a company drawn from all corners of the earth, from Massachusetts, California, Canada and even South America, as well aa many people from other parts of the state of Washington. By Saturday noon everything was in readiness. Professor Campbell had drilled his. company of observers so that each would perfor mhis part with out possibility of failure. Only one contingency remained even astrono mers cannot control the weather. Clearing Sky Remarkable. At S o'clock the sky looked hopeless. At 3:45 there was a chance that It would clear. From 8:69 to 4:1 the re gion around the sun cleared and im mediately afterwards the clouds closed in. Remarkable, was It not? In that two clear minutes, 14 Instru ments performed with exactitude ac cording to a prearranged programme. Every observation was made aa planned. Numerous volunteers with ount instruments contributed by sketching on paper what they saw and still others watched for and marked on a big white sheet the shadow bands which can be seen Just at the begin ning of totality. With the first re turning llfht-rays of the sun the quiet and tense attention of the observers gave way to a hearty cheer, led by Dr. Curtis. The eclipse had come and passed and observers gathered from the four' cor ners of the globe had been rewarded for their long journeys. Distinguished People Present. In addition to the scientific knowl edge gained by being a member of the eleventh expedition sent out from the Lick Observatory. University1 of Cali fornia, Mount Hamilton, Cat., there waa great pleasure in meeting .the dis tinguished friends of Dr. Campbell. Among these waa Dr. John A, Brashear. of Pittsburg. Pa., a noted lens-maker. Ambrose Swasey, of Cleveland. O.. who has the honor of having designed the mounting for the largest telescope In the world, while not an acting mem ber of the party, kept up the spirits of the entire party during the critical pe riod when the heavy clouds were rolling over the sun. fir. tswasey lost a wager t a dougtsut wUb William li. Crocker, the Ban Francisco bankerf. made in a joking sally with the financier while the elements held the fate of the suc cess of the expodition In. the balance. ' LIQUOR BILL INTRODUCED Measure Aimed at Sale of Intoxi cants on All Railroads. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, May 24. Representative John son, of Washington, recently Intro duced a bill to prohibit the sale of liq uors on trains of all railroads under the control of the Director-General of Railroads. With reference to his bill. Mr. John son said that it has the endorsement of railroad officials and the traveling public. Officials claim that the carry ing of liquor for sale in the few states that remain "wet" Is a nuisance. Mr. Johnson expects to press his bill and will offer It as a rider to any railroad measure brought up on the floor of the House for consideration. Chehalls Stores Close. CENTRALIA, Wash.. June 8. (Spe cial.) A large crowd of visitors waa in Centralla today to witness the eclipse of the sun. Many of the stores closed during its progress. The period of totality occurred at 8:57 P. M. A FORMER OREGON WOMAN AT WORK IN CONNECTICUT. Mm. Bertha T. Voorborst. "War work and Federal suf frage" waa the cry at a recent conference of the political work- era of the Connecticut Woman I Suffrage Association. . Mrs. Bertha Taylor Voorhorst. J former corresponding secretary J of the Oregon Woman's Press I Club and still an active member, I Is taking active part with the I women of Connecticut as public- ity writer and field lecturer. Mrs. voorhorst has for some time been working In connection with the Yale law library at New Haven. Since leaving Ore gon she has been active In many Important movements and her pen, as of yore, has done serv ice In progressive measures She writes that "the Connecti cut women are out for suffrage aa a timely war measure. It is pointed out that the most vital basic things are the political and social fabrics of today and of the future, keeping the political life pure and clean aa possible at home." i I 2. v. HUNDREDS OP FIGHTING MEN EX- JOY DELIGHTFl'L PASTIME. Girls la Charge of Dance Will Torn Over Proceeds to Portland Fund for Devastated France. A large crowd assembled in the ball room of the Multnomah Hotel last night to attend the military dance for which Unit No. 1 of the Auxiliary the American Committee for Devas tated France was host. The hoft esses are a group of working girls who devote one evening each week to sew Ing for the refugees of Belgium and France at the University Club. Prior to Joining the auxiliary for the devasted France committee these girl were affiliated with the Red Cross So ciety, and have made a number of gar ments for that organisation as well as the refugees, and also have earned con slderable money for the Red Cross a one of thelr-earller dances. The committee for the dance will turn over all proceeds to the fund fo devastated France, of which Mrs. Rob art Treat Piatt is chairman for Port land. The girl have worked very hard and their efforts have been won derfully rewarded, as hundreds o tickets were sold, and the crowds at the dance proclaimed its success flnan cially and socially. Vancouver Bar racks has about 1000 new soldiers, and a large percentage of 'them were pres ent at the dance last night, in addition to the men who have been there a long time. This committee of busy women have been devoting all the Winter months to patrlotlo work. During the past month they shipped to the French and Belgian refugees 675 garments, sent through the Devastated France Auxil iary. The committee in charge of last night's dance was: Mrs. Tom Saul, wife of Captain Saul, now overseas; Mrs. Sidney Benedict. Miss Lola Stlnson, Miss Cora MUhausen and Miss Garcia Byers. OREGON GIVES UP FLOUR ELEVEN CARLOADS TURNED OVER TO FOOD ADMINISTRATION. Sanplte far Army la Prance Will Be Forwarded Early This Week. Eleven carloads of flour, returned by patriotic Oregon householders and dealers for shipment to France, had been paid for and taken in charge by food administration officials up until noon yesterday. The Government representatives were elated, since they had found a means by which this quantity of white flour may be forwarded early this week for almost Immediate consignment over, seas. They believe this shipment will be among the very first of flour re turned by cttisens of the United States to go to the American soldiers and the allies In France. The 11 carloads, or $500 barrels of flour already given back Into control of the Government represented but four days' collections. There are large quantities yet in sight that will be taken over this week. Statistically-Inclined members of the food administration force yesterday calculated that from the S500 barrels of flour 1,715.000 loaves of bread may be made for the men at the front, provided that it be mixed with substitutes in a reasonable proportion. Penitent Slacker Gets Off Easy. One day in jail was the penalty im posed yesterday on Bruce McDonald, held by the Federal authorities as a slacker. In extending leniency to the prisoner Judge Wolverton. of the Fed eral Court, made it plain that the young man Is to enter the military service this morning, upon expiration of his term of incarceration. Trans portation to Camp Lewis will be fur nished McDonald, and. he will entrain for there today. Portland's Share In Solar Event Scarcely Liberal, Awesome Rnsb. or Night Lacking. Vet It Is No Disappointment. Cfntlnud From First Pre proaching twilight. To the north, across the sone of totality, the hortson stretched in a brighter belt -s a token that the sun waa still In .'ts stride. Then the false evening came, and here and there the office buildings twinkled with electrics, while the cars and motors that crossed the bridges pressed their ways In the blase ot headlights. To the tick of the clock. this befell as foretold, at 3:58. when the maximum point was reached for rontland. Swiftly the hands crept t the hour, and, even as the twilight came, bo there grew a new dawn. Sol Nearly Blotted Ont. At Its maximum the eclipse was de nied to the city, for clouds obscured the spectacle Just aa the thin crescent of the tun wss waning to the 1 per cent of grace allotted it. The gazers did not take kindly to this and lifted their ex postulations In chorus. At the focal potnt nothing remained save a cerulean glow, with the drift racing across it. hereas they had last Been the eclipse with the crescent of the sun to the upper left if such laxness ot terminolocv be nermitted thev next beheld it, as the cloada passed, with tbe last phase of the spectacle under way and with the crescent at the bottom. Gradually as it came the moon retreat ed and the crescent of flame waxed greater. At 6:11 the sun slipped free and re-established his dominion. Portland viewed the eclipse from the roof of every office building in the city, from front lawns, back yards. bridges, car platforms and the streets. Though the street thronga bustled along for the first hour, with only an occasional neck craned heavenward here and there, as the twilight came on, the crowds halted. But at the senlth of the eclipse the downtown streets were black with halted throngs, heads tilted backward and mouths agape. nig PlaygToaud Is Thronged. Council Crest Park had issued an In vitation to all to avail themselves of the lofty advantages of that altc. and fully 10.000 people responded. They carried bits of shattered window-pane wlfli them and smoked their glasses at the outdoor fireplaces of the big playground. Modern cities make little of the ancient awe that once was attendant upon the solar eclipse, but at least one legend of the old days suffered a re crudescence yesterday In one Portland suburb, where It was currently be lieved among the neighborhood chil dren that the sun was to be devoured by an astral ogre this pleasing fabri cation having been circulated by an elder. Far from striking fear, the tale served to lend rest to the Juvenile In terest, and they contemplated the eclip.e with profound hopes for the worst. Thousands of Portland people Joined the exodus yesterday morning to near- by points of vantage within the belt of totality, many Journeying by auto up the Columbia highway to Cascade Locks, while others fared to varioua Oregon and Washington points, where . the eclipse was complete Many nt Caecade Locks. At Cascade Locks hundreds of motor ists parked their cars and either gained nearby vantage points or proceeded on foot further up the highway and nearer to the center of totality. At no time was the view of the eclipse perfect, ow ing to passing clouds, but at the mo ment of totality the clouds lightened, affording a brief glimpse of the cor ona. At least one stsr was visible as the heavens attained maximum dark ness. Similar conditions prevailed at Wood land, where several hundred motorists traveled to view the eclipse. For ob servation purposes they climbed a small hill east ot the town. The eclipse was Intermittently obscured by clouds, but at totality the view was good, with the corona well defined on the. eastern edge of the eclipse. Twilight grew to dusk at totality, and passed as it came. There were no stara visible. As the moon slipped away from to tality the motorists, for the most part, began the homeward trip. Much amuse ment arose as car after car passed two plodding cows on the road, evidently In tent upon reaching the farm corral and fodder before the unprecedented even ing should draw toward night. Numbers of the motorists who took the Woodland trip proceeded onward for some miles up the Lewis River road toward Cougar, and reported a better view of both the eclipse and the corona. Clonds Providential to Some. Though the presence of clouds hin dered the full beauty of the eclipse, it ts believed that they served to ward off many a case of solar blindness by softening the fierce glare of the sun. Hundreds of indiscreet observera. lack ing smoked glasses, looked at the eclipse as It approached the maximum, and the next few days will reveal whether or not their temerity is to be punished. Strange stories follow In the wake of all phenomena. Of these Portland produced at least one to accompany the annals of the eclipse. On a certain East Side lawn, the residents and neighbors assert, several hours before the eclipse there fell an unknown sub stance, fragments striking the garage. Specimens of the substance have been gathered for analysts, and the declara tion of the neighborhood is that it lit erally descended from the sky Reminiscent of other days to many of the elder residents of Portland was yesterday's eclipse, for on July Z9. 1878, the city shared a similar spectacle, though in lesser proportions. This eclipse, at totality, swept across Yel lowstone Park, Wyoming. Colorado, Texas, the Gulf of Mexi.co and Cuba. Files of The Oregonlan describe the Interest taken In the solar event and testify to the crowds which scanned the sky with smoked glasses, just aa they did yesterday. Amateur astronomers, for the most part, deserted the city yesterday for more favored spots and It remained for the Weather Bureau to take the only scientific data assembled here. Under the direction of Forecaster Wells, spe cial observations of temperature, hu midity, wind direction, barometer read ings, etc, were taken every half hour during the afternoon, and every 18 minutes for an hour preceding and an hour following the eclipse. The popular opinion of the lata eclipse, as gleaned from street-corner conferences and casual observation everywhere, seems to be that the heav enly forces should be commended for their consideration in selecting Satur day afternoon. For Portland caught a half-holiday from the grasp of time, whether enti tled to it or not-