The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 09, 1918, Section One, Image 1

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    80 Pages
Section One
Pages 1 to24
in se s
Sun Extinguished
by Luna's Dead Mass.
Wonderfully Beautiful Solar
Corona Marvelous and
Weird Spectacle, .
Multitudes Gather Along Line
of Celestial Shadow That
Crosses United States.
BAKER, Or., June 8. (Special)
When the moon this afternoon on
schedule time darkened the face of the
sun for a period of one minute and
53 seconds persons in the path of
. totality of the eclipse enjoyed or suf
fered all the many thrills and sensa
tions which tradition connects with
the heavenly spectacle. In the weird
darkness of mid-afternoon, observers
marveled, feared or experienced a
combination of emotions indescribable,
as the phenomenon affected them.
Despite knowledge that nature was
merely doing the' expected and looked
for, it was impossible to throw off a
feeling that it was a solemn occasion,
that the weird darkening of the sun
was the working of a supernatural
power and that the end of time had
come. It was overpowering and awe
inspiring; it was an experience none
privileged to pass through will ever
forget. '
Birds Seek Their JsTests.
Expectant and eager only to see the
spectacle, previous to the passing,
people were excited and talkative. As
the eun's light began to darken and
birds sought their nests and chickens
their roosts and the chill of twilight
descended, the feeling changed, con
versation ceased and all felt the in
fluence of the impending demonstra
tion of nature as something of grave
portent, of mysterious meaning.
The nerves tightened and expect
ancy rose, yet, with all, there was
feeling of awe as if disaster was at
hand and as stars began to twinkle in
mid-afternoon it was fearsome. '
Corona's Beauty Incomparable.
Then as the face of the moon began
almost completely to cover the sun's
surface, the tense feeling seemed to
relax. The wonderfully beautiful so
lar corona began to appear and as its
pearly light radiated from behind the
dark shadow of the moon, an over
powering feeling of witnessing a di
vine revelation took hold of one. Its
beautiful tints and colors, radiating
from the scintillating mass of light,
was a marvelous spectacle and a sight
which burned its details into the mind
of an observer never to be forgotten
and, to the ordinary person, almost
For brief moments it -remained, and
Concluded on Page 13. Column 1.)
Lick Observatory Receives Report of
Complete Success of Observa
tion at Goldendale.
A telegram to the Lick Observatory
from Director W. W. Campbell, reports
the entirely successful carrying: out of
the ' full ' programme " planned for the
station at Goldendale, Wash.
There had been threatening' clouds
up to near the time of totality, but an
unexpected break In the clouds crave an
absolutely clear sky at the critical
The eclipse was an unusually dark
one, with less diffused light than has
often been seen at totality. The type
of the solar corona was Intermediate,
at this eclipse, between those observed
respectively at the maximum and nxlV
mum of sun spot activity. '.
Notably fine groups of sun spots
were visible on the surface of the sun
wherever observations of any phase
of the eclipse were made. "
The first and last oontcts were A-
BAM.rAj A . II IT. . 1.
eclipse was partial. Jr J
At the station at Goldendale the J
serving party includinw Astronor.
Campbell, Curtis and Moore of lj
Professor Lewis of the University)
California, and several volunteer I
" Thin la thii olov.nth f ntol pl1nBA
which 13 expeditions have been s
from Lick Observatpry. Only thr
failures, those of the Japan, Labrac
and Russia expeditions have been 1
countered, all due to storms at
apex of totality.
Woman Surgeon Gets Army Office
Rank and Pay.
CAMP GRANT. Rockford. IlL. June
Dr. Isabelle Gray, of St. Louis, said to
be the first woman admitted to Army
service with the status of an officer,
reported for duty today to Division Sur
geon James M. Phalen. and will be
assigned as an anaesthetist at the base
She has practiced medicine 14 year.
She has the standing in the United
States Army of a First Lieutenant, but
under the special order- of the .War
Department admitting women to the
medical division, is not permitted to
wear the insignia f the rank, though
she draws the salary. .
Astronomer Olivier Finds Bright
Blue Heuvenly Body.
WASHINGTON. June 8. A new star,
the brightest discovered in several cen
turies, was detected tonight at Leander
McCormick observatory at the Univer
sity of "Virginia by C. T. Olivier, pro
fessor of astronomy. He described it
in. a telephone message to the Asso
ciated Press as a bright blue star of
magnitude 0.5 degrees, located In the
constellation Aqulla, a size that makes
it nearly the largest and brightest in
the sky during the present months.
Its location is astronomically de
scribed as right ascension 18 hours and
14 minutes, declination plus 0 degrees
and 43 minutes north.
Food Official of Berlin Says There
Is No Rosy Future.
LONDON, June 7. A dispatch to the
Central News eays that at a meeting
held in Dresden the secretary of the
war food department of Berlin declared
there would not be enough potatoes to
last until the next harvest, and that the
outlook for meat and fats was worse
than at the beginning of the year.
He added that he was unable to point
to a rosy future for them.
Strange Twilight Glow
Spreads Over All.
Clouds Somewhat Interfere
With View . Here.
Portland's Share in Solar Event
Scarcely Liberal, Awesome Roth
of Night Lacking, Vet Xt
Was No Disappointment.-
Neither Vulcan the mythical planet
which sweats at the gates of the sun.
nor the corona, the enchanted light
that leaps In aureole about the solar
nody, were visible to Portland gazers
yesterday afternoon, though the city
smutted its thousands of noses with
moked glass and gaped in wonder at
he long-heralded eclipse.
Lower Jaw dropping, and cheek by
owl, with necks that declined to admit
heir cricks, tnere they stood that
concourse of citizenry, in backyards
and on high roofs utterly absorbed in
the lunar repast. Bite by bite, with
the immutable laws of eternity pressing
it on, the lady moon finished off the
sun as neatly as a sorority girl cleans
up a sundae.
From the astronomical view, the
city's share in the ' solar event ' was
scarcely liberal. It lacked the "awesome
rush of night from the Pacific,' it was
sans the waving, indescribable color
weave of the corona, and the flickering
shadow-bands were a minus quantity.
But it sufficed admirably for those
people of Portland who stayed at home
though. It must be confessed, they
met the spectacle with the levity of a
holiday spirit.
Sua Peers Through Clouds. - -Lofty
clouds, of smoke or moisture.
raced over tbe sky. Through them
the sun peered redly a highly in
flamed, irascible party who didn't ap
prove. Ten thousand fragments of
clouded glass and as many used cam
era films and plates, more or less,
had been trained upon him for an hour
in the high hope that, maybe, the
learned astronomers had flunked their
predictions and the eclipse would ar
rive ahead of schedule.
And, then. In a matter-of-fact man
ner, at 2:38 the moon slipped in be
tween, and " the grudging sun had
given its firef bite to the fair one.
Technically this period is known as
first contact, but to the wandering
fancy of the uninltiate it seemed as
though some utterly remote and Invis
ible diner had. nibbled at a golden pie.
The smoked glass gazers multiplied.
The used-film brigade gathered re
cruits with a rush. The eclipse was
on. But the crowds went their ways
unperturbed along the ' streets, the
streetcars clattered busily, and the
city at large refused to admit that
aught out of the ordinary was to the
Pale, Mellow Light Diffused.
Later it was different. Intermit
tently obscured by the swift cloud
vapors, but reappearing with a daz
zle that dimmed the eye and set the
head whirling the sun gave evidence
that tbe maximum period of obstnuc
tion was approaching.
Over the city there crept a pale mel
low light, subdued and softened, such
as heralds a Summer storm. Trees and
buildings and the street crowds took
on the unreality and vagueness of ap-
Concluded on Page 12. Column 7.)
1 . - . "
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 81
desreea; minimum. SO decrees.
TODAY'S Fair and partly cloudy; sentle,
variable wliida.
Solar eclipse viewed by scientist with great
ucceae. Section 1, page 1.
Clouds defeat eclipse observers at Denver.
Section 1. page 1.
Eclipse unusually dark at Goldendale, Wash.
Section 1. page 1.
Portland people have Intermittent slirapeea
of eclipse. Section 1. pace 1.
Lick astronomers set good results at Golden
dale. section l. page 12.
Obscuring clouds lift at crucial moment. Sec
tion 1, page 12.
Stanford astronomer not disappointed. Sec
tion , page .
War. I
Allies .continue gains. Section 1. page 1.
Correspondent Gibbons' wouods received in
rain of machine-gun fire. Section 1,
pane '2.
Navy - Department plana to guard against
further . submarine raids. Section 1.
page 2.
British and 1 German seaplane squadrons
' fight off Dutch Coast. Section 1. page B.
Pershing admonish soldiers to write to folks
at home. Section X page 3. -Ship
spends week dodging U-boats between
West Indies and an Atlantic port. Sec
tion 1. page 5.
Franco-Americans gain. Section 1. page .
Paris sees danger of close-range Intensive
Hun bombardment. Section 1. page 4.
Japan disclaims assumption of undue au
thority in China. Section 1. page 0.
American merchant marine gains 629 ships
In five months. . Section 1. page 6.
Statesmen play baseball for benefit of Bed
Cross. Section 1. page T.
Buckaroos appear at home today. Section
2. page 1.
All-star high school nines picked. Section
2, page 1.
Annual Hunt Club meet Saturday. Section
2, page 2.
High school nines finish successful season.
Section 2. page 2.
New golf links open June 16. Section 3.
page 2.
Foundation boxing show to be hummer.
Section 2, page 3.
Anglers' Club arranges casting sche&ule.
- Section 2. page 3. ,
Five boxing titles decided at Camp Lswls.
Section 2, page 3.
Shipyard nines fight for title. Section 2.
page 4.
Track game failure past season. Section
2. page 4.
Seattle golfers worry over Portland team.
Section 2, page 4.
Michigan wins track meet. Section 2,
page 5.
Pacific Northwest.
Eighteen promotions In O. A C. faculty an
nounced. Section 1. page 8.
Portland boys help in' Hood River Valley
harvest. Section 1. page 10.
Mrs. Elmer Amldon suies for divorce. See
tlon 1. page 10.
Eastern Washington looks for banner wheat
crop. Section 1. page 22.
Commercial and Marine.
Liner Beaver returns to old route. Section
2. page 10.
Women employes of Foundation shipyard
adopt French ws,r orphans. Section 2,
page 16. -
Federal drydock for Portland planned. Sec
tion 2, page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
All Northwest to protest new freight rates.
Section 1, page 1,
Survey of State Government t be made.
Section 1. page 6.
Carl S. Kelty goes to San Francisco In Gov
ernment service. Section 1, page 7.
Operation of Jitney buses in Portland prom
ised this week.' Section 1. page 11.
Milk prices soar one cent a pint. Section
1, page 11.
Children's Industrial clubs In Portland are
doing excellent work. Section 1. page 13.
Extension course clssses visit war garden.
Section 1. page 14.
Floral exhibit to open Thursday. Section 1,
page 14.
Fire loss record lowest for years. Section 1,
Woman's Technical Department at Library
is proving its worth. Section 1, page 16.
Portland is host to veterinarians this week.
Section 1, page- IS.
Portland plans monster t Fourth of July
. . Section 1, page 18.
Fubltc reception to Captain Hardy will be
held tomorrow evening. Section 1.
page 18.
City viaduct nears completion. Section 1.
page 19.
Reed College to start Summer school. Sec
tion 1. page 19.
Red Cross duties curbed by Nation. Sec
tion 1. page 20.
Portland to observe Flag day June 14. Sec
tion 1. page 20.
Adventist camp meeting most notable yet
held. Section 1, page 20.
Portland V. M. C. A. workers on torpedoed
transport are rescued. Section 1. page
Portland pastor pays tribute to character
of late Charles W. Fairbanks. Section
1. page 21.
All Oregon active in war savings stamp
drive. Section 1, page 21.
Al Kader Temple, Mystic Shrine, initiates
class of 172. Seotion 1. page 22.
Lawrence "Larry" Sullivan dies. Section
1. page 22.
Two boards name registrants for service.
Section- 1. paga 22.
Address to President circulated among West
ern Union employes. Section 1, page 5.
Mr. McFaul candidate for school director.
Section 1. page 8.
Aircraft representative in city. Section 1.
page 8.
Weather report, data and forecast. Section
1. page 22.
Producer and Shipper
to Air Views.
Coast .Penalized Because of
Fair Treatment.
Meeting Will Determine Step Nec
essary to Protect Northwest
Enterprises in Face of 25
Per Cent Rise.
For the purpose of considering; the
steps that may be advisable with ref
erence to the 25 per cent increase in
freight rates, the Oregon Public Serv
ice Commission has called a conference
of producers and shippers to held at
room 253 Courthouse. Thursday. June
13, at which all persons interested are
invited to be present.
It is the consensus of opinion of the
Public Service Commissioners of Ore
gon. Washing-ton and Idaho that united
action should be taken In behalf of the
industries, producers and manufactur
ers of tbe Pacific Northwest to en
deavor to secure some amendments of
the freight rates to be placed In ef
feet June 25. under the order of the
Railroad Administration. It la seen
that a serious situation confronts many
districts because the proportional rates
as applied place a heavy burden upon
the Pacific Coast territory.
Ilatra Declares? lajnart.
The effect of cumulative charges,
where local freight charges must . be
combined with tbe through Joint rates,
and the Increase of 25 per cent applied
In each instance becomes a cumulative
charge greater than the traffic can pos
sibly bear. Frank J. Miller and II. H.
Correy, Oregon Public Service Commis
sioners, attended a conference held at
Tacoma, Friday, with the Washington
commissioners to discuss phases of the
new rates that will seriouUy affect in
dustrles and the public
"It was the sentiment of the men
with whom I have discussed the pro
posed Increase In rates that the
Pacific Coast should not be penalized
because we have dealt liberally and
candidly with the railroads in the past
and have established and maintained
rates that enabled our railroads to be
in better physical condition than are
the Eastern roads." said Mr. Miller
last night at the Imperial HoteL
Pacific Coaat Penalised.
"The effect now gems to be that
owing- to the adjustment of rates that
had previously been made here we
are penalized by having- proportion
ately greater increase at this time.
"In my investigations last year I
found that the Eastern roads v-ere in
much worse condition than the West
ern roads, and asking for financial
help. Their track, roadbed, equipment,
power. buildings. everything- of a
physical character was not in as good
condition as on our roads out here.
"Judge Lovett. of the Union Pacific:
Mr. Kruttschnttt. of the Southern Pa
cific; Mr. Wlnchell and other heads
of large systems said in their testi
mony when the hearing was given on
the so-called 15 per cent Increase of
rates that their roads had established
a credit and laid by a sufficient sur
plus to tide them over any extraordi
nary condition and that they did not
need the 15 per cent increase asked for.
"Time has justified their statement
and the Western roads last year
earned from 10 to 17 per cent on their
capital'zation. which proves that there
is no necessity for an Increase in rates
f Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)
Study of Color Effects Resulting
From Approaching Darkness Is
Only Thing Accomplished.
DENVER. Colo.. Jirne 8. Astrono
mers from the staff of the Yerkes Ob
servatory of the University of Chicago
and other observatories who gathered
at the University of Denver Observa
tory today to make observations of the
total eclipse of the sun. found that
their elaborate preparations went for
naught as a result of heavy clouds
which covered the sky during the
greater part of the eclipse.
The cloud bank arose shortly before
the eclipse began and the sun did
not break through until 50 minutes
after the eclipse had passed totality.
The scientists swallowed their dis
appointment and. deserting their in
struments, gathered in the observa
tory yard to observe the color effect
on the clouds of the approaching dark
ness. When the eclipse was total and a
sepulchre-like pallor epread, deepening
Into such darkness that automobile
headlights were turned on, a brilliant
electrical storm was visible in the
mountains many miles to the south
When, the aim finally broke through
the clouds at 6:05 P. M.. only the upper
left-hand corner of the sun was ob
scured by the moon, and telescopic
photographs were taken.
Dean Herbert A. Howe, of Denver
University, who directed the work iere.
said, however, that these observations
were of little Importance, as the princi
pal data sought could be obtained by
observations made only when the
eclipse was total.
Father Receives Word of Casualty to
Douglas Campbell In France.
GOLDENDALE, Wash.. June 8. (Spe
cial.) Dougiaa Campbell. American ace,
has been wounaed In Prance. His In
jury is not serious. The news was re
ceived here today by his father. Pro
fessor William Wallace Campbell, head
of the Lick Observatory party, which
studied the eclipse from this point.
The cablegram said:
"Your eon. Douglas Campbell, slight
ly wounded. Everything all right.
(Signed) "MAR."
Professor Campbell supposes, al
though he does not know, that Mar 1b
an American officer.
"I am glad the boy is not badly
hurt." was Professor Campbell's com
ment. Dougiaa Campbell is a daring aviator.
He has downed five German airplanes
and has been decorated for bravery.
He was 22 years old yesterday. June 7.
Way Open for Autos as Far as
Headquarters Camp.
(Special.) Word has been received
from Assistant Superintendent H. E.
Momyer that the Crater Lake National
Park road on the Klamath Falls side
is now open as far as the camp at head
quarters for autos a date much earlier
than for several years past.
The headquarters camp is four, miles
below the rim of the lake. The road
above is fast drying out and it is ex
pected that autos can go to the en
gineers camp, a short distance from the
rim, by ue end of the month.
Ambassador Francis Reported to
Have Reached Petrograd.
WASHINGTON. June 8. The pres
ence in Petrograd of Ambassador
Francis was reported to the State De
partment today.
Other dispatches to the department
said conditions in Petrograd were bad,
especially as to food supplies.
Americans and French Ad
vancing Steadily.
Teutons Bombard Line Heav
ily From Noyon to Montdid
ier, Presaging Onslaught.
Huns Concentrating Troops in
Region of St. Mihiel. as if
Intending to Attack.
PARIS, June 8. Heavy counter-attacks
launched by the Germans around
Chezy and Dammard, to the northwest
of Chateau Thierry, broke down un
d?r the French guns, according to the
War Office announcement tonight.
The enemy suffered serious losses.
tBy the Associated Presa.)
In the battlefield of the Marne,
where a week, ago the Germans wen
hurling their masses of troops against
the western side of the wedge which
they had driven into the allied lines in
the battle that began on March 26,
the Teutons are now standing vir
tually on the defensive in the Chateau
Thierry sector.
American and French troops art
participating in a reaction on the ex
treme tip of the salient and are mak
ing: progress in this important region.
The British are engaged on the
other side of the wedge between tbe
Marne and Kheims.
Germans Forced Back.
While the operations take the na
ture of local attacks, they have had
their effect in driving the Germans
back from the points they rttched on
the crest of the wave that carried
them far on the road to Paris.
The attacks, which began just to
the northwest of Chateau Thierry, are
spreading northward along the line
and everywhere the allies report
ground recovered from the enemy.
The rush of the American marines
and the French on Thursday afternoon
has not continued to gain ground as
fast as it did at the inception of tbe
movement, but it is still going on. In
the meantime they have withstood two
violent attacks by the Germans and
have repulsed the enemy in decisive
Boche Artillery Active.
There has been renewed activity on
the part of the German artillery in
several sectors of the front. Notable
among the regions under , bombard
ment is the line between Noyon and
It is along this line that a heavy
enemy offensive has been expected by
military experts since the momentum
of the German advance from the
Aisne has died away. When the Ger
mans pushed west from St. Quentin
late in March and early in April, the
Oontinud on Fa 4. Column 2.