5 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 2, 1918. REAL ESTATE. For toale AlANAGER of estate must dispose of at- tiactive Irvington home, located 409 East Tenth North. Five rooms first floor; tour bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath second Tloor; three rooms attic floor. Modern in every respect. Large basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, beamed ceiling, pan eled walla, built-in conveniences. Bed rooms white eiiiimcl. This house is no old junk, but modern, up-to-date, bungalow type residence. Was only occupied by owner very short period and is in first class condition. Hard-surface street im provements paid for. Go out and look, at this place. If you are reasonable, will sell at your own terms. For further partic ulars, phone, evenings, Woodlawn 2:&. DIVISION ST. BUNGALOW. 5-rm., hdwd. floors, beamed ceiling, large attic, fine bath, large light basement, laundry trays, 3 blka. car. $400 down. 1'rice $-1900. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. ROPE CITY BUNGALOW, GARAGE. Htory and a halt', 0 rooms, 3 down, 3 up; hardwood lloors, furnace, fireplace, ail built-tns; neat home; will sel tor $3000 Air. Xhomat Main 7102. ROSE CITY, BELOW THE HILL. Pretty 6-room bungalow, built rustic style; hardwood floors in large living and d ining-room ; all built-lns; furnace, fire place ; this Is a beauty ; price $3760. Mr. Thorn a a. Main 7102. ROSE CITY, 6 ROOMS, $2300. This is a cozy home in good location of beautiful homes. The house is in the beat of condition and ready to move into at once ; only $500 cash. Mr. Thomas. Main 7102. BARGAINS ONLY. $2100 Foreclosed house, worth $3000; Glenn ave. Requires $1200 cash. fl300 5-roum bungalow, 3ist St., 50x100 lot, clear, $500 cash; snap. $ 1000 Fine Walnut Park 7-room house, nice lawn, garage, terms. 660 acres. Wasco County, near Maupln; $2000; state mtg. on it; some trade. KENNEDY & MILLER. 32J Salmon St. 2 4-ROOM flats, close in. Main 16fc4. 8-ROOM house, close in,. for sale. Main 1084. For Sale Business Property. 5-R. COTTAGE, $1700. Small payment down, bal. terms; lo cated near Union ave. and Alberta st. ; cuod lot. 5 fruit trees, berries and shrub bery. 127-R 5-R. MODERN BUNGALOW, $2000, $200 DOWN. Ko. 17 Colfax st near KllUngsworth ave.; full-size lot and a good buy at the price. 139-R A RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 717 CORBETT BLDG. SACRIFICE on terms, living-room and 4 stores, all rented, lots 100x100, on Htreetcar line, property pays over 8 per cent from rents. Price reduced to $4500 for quick ale and will give easy terms. Telephone owner. Woodlawn 4395. $17.000 MUST BE SOLD. two-story brick building near Yamhill st. market, rents for $100 a month. Price reduced $2 per day from April 1, 101S, until sold. In quire 202 Gerlinger bldg., or phona Main 4853. A $13,000 FINE little business property. Has been paying $130 per month for last 2 years. Hart. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Telephone Marshall 1585. Suburban Homes. HIGHLY IMPROVED COUNTRY HOME. 1 acres all in full bearing- orchard, r rapes, nuts and berries, modern colonial ouse, all city conveniences, on paved auto road, handy to electric car. Few animitea drive from Portland, Price i $l,00O. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldff. OWNER in the war zone instructs us te cell one and a quarter acre tract at Mult Horn ah station, with 3-room house, 24 fruit trees and all kinds of small fruit, garden truck already planted, automobile road to town ; city water, gas and elec tric light available. Will take $200o on easy terms. This Is only ten minutes' ride from South Portland shipyards on 5 cent fare. Go to Multnomah Sunday and ask for Mr. Prentiss or call at 404 Piatt bldg. week days. 1 Vfc ACRES, 5-room bungalow ; front porch, back porch screened, barn, houses and runs for several hundred chickens; 3-year cherry orchard (40 trees), pears, plums, berries, beautltful lawn and building site, corner, paved street, 10 minutes to car and school; garden and crop growing; deal with owner. Williams, Buckley ave., few blocks north Gilbert station, or ad dress Route IS box GiiO, station L, Pert land. Or. THREE beautiful places at Oak Grove, with modern, up-to-date houses, all kinds cf nearlng fruits, close to the car line. These places contain Ihi, 14 and 2 acres of land, and can be bought in either case for about what the houses alone cost to build. Good terms given in each case. Paved streets to all of these places from the business center of the city. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. OREGON CITY suburban home, on the Abernethy road, $4 mi. from Courthouse; 8-rm. brick house, all modern, nicely fur nlshed. with $450 victrola, $000 combina tion billiard and pool table; lot 100x100, fine large f rtilt trees; price $2800, terms. This is one of the best snaps in suburban homes. See Beamer, 502 Couch bldg., M:itn 4557, Sunday and eveninga Tabor 402. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. Four-flat building and good house, lOOx 10o corner, near Broadway and Union ave. Price $S5u0. WATCH Ol'R ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. If you want to get close to nature and have a beautiful park with streams of clear cold spring water, see my 12 acres 5 miles east of- Vancouver, on the river road overlooking the Columbia River. The price is right. Phone G. E. Schuele. Van couver, 225-Y. or address, care Standifer Steel Yard. Vancouver. VIEW HOME SITE. ONLY $400. On 9c commutation fare, close to station; fine view of Mt. Hood, overlooking nice body of water; swimming, boating, fishing, dogwood and cedar grove. Lights, phones, water. Can you beat It ? Easy terms. Call at fiOO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME AND ACREAGE Modern 7-room bungalow and 8 acres for sale at a reasonable price and terms; large living room, extra fine bathroom, 3 toilets, fireplace. Bull Run water, city gas, fruit and flowers, garage, hard-surfaced road. JOHN W. ALEXANDER, Phone Main 2000. 131)5 Northwest. Bk. Bg. 6 ACRES, all under high state of cultiva tion, at Bellrose station, about 30-minute drive from Portland ; good paved road, rood fi-room modern bungalow, completely furnished: cement basement, toilet, hot und cold water, stock and equipment. An 1'ieai nome. rice $.i;iuv, terms, jukuan, JJOl-2 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. ft ACRES only 4 blocks from Orenco deoot. on Oregon Electric R. R.. 14 miles from Portland. K. R. fare 15c. Fine house, barn, etc., city water, gas, electric lights, etc. Beautiful home place. Snap. See this. For quick sale only $50O0. B. A. Mitchell, Orenco. Or. WOULDN'T you like to own a nice llttla suburban home, where you can enjoy the neauLies 01 country me ana raise your own vegetables, fruit, chickens and eggs ? I have some nice suburban homes for sale and exchange. J. B. Hoi brook, 214-215 Panama bldg. NICE new bungalow with two lots, in Orenco. 14 miles from Portland on Ore gon Electric R. R. Fare 15c one way to or from Portland, 40 minutes' ride; city water, gas, electric lights, etc. See this snap. For quick . sale only $1500. B. A. Mitchell, Orenco, Or. CLASSY country place of 5 acres, ou good auto road ; 7-room modern house, hot water heating, complete water system; 2 splendid springs, majestic old oak trees, fruit, vines, berries of all kinds; good gar den; garage ; cement walks, etc. Price $10.00"; no trades. Tel. Oak Grove, 34 W. FOR SALE By owner, attractive 5-room modern bungalow, with all city conveni ences; acre land on the main street be tween carline and river; -hour ride P. o. of Portland. G. Nelson, Oak Grove, Sundays or evenings. FOR SALE 5 large hothouses, 2 residences, barn, etc., with 7 acres good land, near city: $3000 cash required; good for $50uU innome. See me noon hour only. Gruber, ft 27 Chamber of Corn. bldg. ONE or two acres, nice 5-room house. 5-cent fare, at Multnomah sta., Oregon Electric, lots of fruit and berries, a real suburban home. gas. telephone and light and a, grand view. Main 5430. 20 ACRES Clarke County; best prune land; two to three acres cleared, fenced; within easy reach of Portia nd ; only $,"0 an acre, with easy terms. W. W. Harrison, Bat- tlegrounu, wash., k. jr. i. it. l. . FOB SALE Two acres, fine 7-room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near carline, cheap. Call at third house north of Ha ley Sta ion. Oregon City car. 8-ROOM modern house : sleeping porch; Oak Grove Station: lot 90x100 feet; par ticulars see E. C. Warren, owner. Phone 17. ONE fine acre at Metzger. with small $90O. 2 a., $tl50: $50 cash, $15 per Main Main 5456. house. month. OSWEGO LAKE tent house, fine lot. near Lake Grove station ; wilt sell for $700 on terms, boo coacora omg. Alain 55. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. GOOD BARGAINS. IN SUB U RBAN HOM ES. 10 acres, 11 miies west of Portland and three-quarters of a mile from station on the 4th-btreet electric line; 7 acres cleared, balance very light brush, rich soil, on good road, new 4-rooro house and new outbuildings, gas. phone, stores and school convenient; price $2500, $500 cash, balance terms. 2H acres. 10 miles west of Portland and 15 minutes' walk from station on elec tric line, on good road, half cleared, rich soil, mountain water under pressure and gas; new 3-room house, storeroom and chicken house, price $1500, $300 cash, bal ance to suit. Two acres, 9 miles west of Portland and half mile from station, on electric line; gas and mountain water; price $750, $200 caah. balance on time. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. , 102 Fourth Street. "SUBURBAN HOME" (4 ACRES) "FORECLOSURE PRICE." GREAT 5A.JV?AIX- tESS THAN COST OF SklhUiytG- SMALL CASH PAYMENT XJ-Mt HANDLE. ALL CITY CONVENI E1(JHT TOWN. DESIRABLE FLACE," AT WOODBL'KX, OR., TWO BLOCKS FROM MAIN STREET AND ELECTRIC CAR. A CLEAN. MOD ERN SCHOOL AND HOME TOWN POPULATION ABOUT 3MJ0. HIGH CLASS RESIDENCE. 7 ROOMS. GOOD ORDER. BATH, FURNACE, ETC. ES PECIALLY GOOD BARN. ARRANGED FOK COWS. HORSES AND EQUIPMENT. THIS PLACE SUITED FOR FRUIT, GARDEN, CHICKENS, PIGS. ETC. OWNER OBLIGED TO SELL. $3950. EASY TEKMS. ADDRESS OWNER. WM. PATTERSON, 212 SELLING BLDG. PRUNE ORCHARD. NEAR VANCOUVER. 12 acres,, near paved road and car line: over one-haif In fine orchard, balance in wheat. Price $225". WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ACRE home on S. P. Red Car electric jine oetween Aloha and Tobias: house quite new, with 5 rooms, bath and sun porch first floor; two bedrooms, sewing room and attic second floor; electricity and gas, living-room has fireplace and li brary built-in bookcases; big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water sys tem with gasoline engine : berries and young orchard; balance of land under plow ; adjoining Is 5 acres free pasture. Price $tt5no, terms to suit. Ladd Estate Co.. Concord bldg. 10 ACRE3 AND BUNGALOW NEAR BEAVERTON. This Is a real place, modern bungalow, hard wood f loorn, fireplace, bath, electric lights, -good basement, etc. About 7 acres first-class commercial orchard, all kinds berries, very best soil. Price $0500, about one-half its real value. RITTER. LOWE r CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg., For Bale A crease. 64-ACRE farm. 4 miles south of Forest Grove, 18 acres under cultivation, lots of fine pasture, running water and good tim ber, house, barn and outbuildings; would consider Portland property in exchange. IO acres, 10 miles east. 4 acres in culti vation, balance good timber, near Base Line road. 5-acre Lewlston orchard tract In full bearing apples; will consider Portland property in exchange. Exclusive owners. BLANCHARD & CLE.MSON, 702-3 Selling Bldg. 10 ACRES SACRIFICED. Old price. $1000 per acre, new price, $400 per acre. All in cultivation; all clear. It lies west of 00th street and is absolutely the best buy in or near the city of Port land. Will be glad to show it any time. I have made a strong statement above and will prove its truth if you care to invesii gate. BJ 351, Oregonian. BARGAIN 7 ACRES. Well improved; fronts on good road, 1-3 mile to electric sta., Tigard district ; 6 acres clover, bal. timber; creek crosses place; 5-room house, barn, fruit and flow ers. Can sell for $350O and give imme diate possession. See us for terms. A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 North weaxern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. GRESHAM DISTRICT. Very beautiful 11 acres, all In culti vation, free loam soil ; fruit ; berries ; gar den ; modern 7-r. plastered and tinted house; fireplace: furnace: good view; all year auto road; close to pavement and car; 30 minutes from City Hall; only $4850. Terms. JOS. C. GIBSON, Gerlinger Bldg. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY BUILDING SITES. Thompson Villa acre tracts on highway and Sandy River, 1 mile from bridge after you leave Troutdale; from $100 to $6o0 per acre, easy terms. Office open on uact Sundays. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. WILL rent my beautiful $30. 000 home on Mount Tabor hill, completely furnished, to responsible couple without children, for $100 per montlv. Will not answer tele phone calls nor give house number, but will show property by appointment. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 acres, all in crop and garden ; comfortable 7-room house ; barn, chicken house and all kinds of fruit and berries; gas in house; close to Aloha, S. P. Electric station, on Hllls boro road ; sidewalk to house. Mrs. Lottie M. Paulson, Aloha. Or. IMPROVED ACREAGE. 8 1-3 acres, highly Improved; crops all In ; good house and barn, rlgnt at station on Oregon Electric, near Tualatin. Don't overlook this and make offer. W. R. KASER, Main 6173. 517 Corbett Bldg. FOUR and one-fifth acres at Tigard. all In fruit and the land is all improved. This place is only two blocks off from the highway on good road. A small pay ment down and so much a month will take thla plane. Price only $3000. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. TWO acres. $1500, near E. 82d st. and end of Hawthorne ave. car. Also 2 acres, $70O per acre, 4 blocks from same cars. About half price of adjoining land. Hart, 910 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Marshall 15S5. BRYANT ACRES AT OSWEGO LAKE. $200 for an acre tract; lies level, open second growth, close to station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 500 Concord Bldg., 2d and Stark. 100 ACRES. 6 miles from Molalla; 40 acres under cultivation, 40 more easy to plow; good building and fences, some timber, stream on place. Will accept Portland property $5000, balance cash or mortgage. Tabor 2245. 107S Hawthorne, Portland. ONE acre, with beautiful grove of trees close to Multnomah Station on automo bile road, city water, electric light, gas available. Owner will sell for $1500 on easy terms. An Ideal suburban homeslte. See owner at 404 Piatt bldg. 7 ACRES, all In cult., lies fine. mile from electric line, stores: rock road, all black loam soil, fine for onions, potatoes or gar den. 5 miles from city limits of Vancouver. Price $1250. $200 cash, bal. to suit. 411 Henry bldg. 64 ACRES near Gates. Or., all cleared; 5 room house, barn, woodshed, potato house, tool house, 2 wells on place, on county road, near school, R. F. D. ; in oats; halt crop to buyer; price $1200, terms. Address W. F. May. Redne, Or. 11 ACRE, Clackamas river, fine location. part cultivated, good house, small fruits, auto road, trout fishing. $15mi. Phone Marshall 3403 after Sunday. Owner 4 OH Hall st. 24 ACRES. Alberta district, city limits. small nouse. garage, gas and electric lights. 3 blocks from new sehooi house ; reasonable. 1111 Simpson, corner 30th. Al berta car. 3 ACRES at Orenco, with 5-room house. barn and out buildings only 8 blocks from station; sidewalk to place; a sacrifice buy at $1900. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bidg. COLUMBIA River Highway. 10 acres level land in cultivation ; running water; near Sandy River: small house, orchard; $2100, half canh: extra bargain. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. tt ACRES, highly improvea. near Forest Grove, on Oregon Electric for sale cheap and on good terms. Address L. F. Hender son. Hood River. Or 8 ACRES, mostly cleared. 3 blocks from station on Oregon Electric, within 9-mfle circle for $2900; best buy in district. See Mr. Atchison at 4Q4 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20-a. improved. 26 miles east of Tacoma. for improved ranch in WHlammette Valley. For pa rtlculars write r. i. w iimot, hnumrlaw, v awh. 80 ACRES land, 30 miles east of Portland 5 acres in cultivation, on Pacific Hlgh way. $50 per acre. William G. Beck, 215 Falling oiag. 7-A. ON main county road, near carline. heavy timber, balance high state of culti vation. Wlll take lot or auto. Owner, Main !wo coroett street. 15 ACRES. $575. 1 hr. from city, near store. school, good road, $50 down, easy terms on oaiance. . jepson, 010 wasn. st. FOK SALE 13 1-3 acres at Port Orchard. Wash.; good soil, with timber on; $S5 per acre. a - '. wrgonmn. OSWEGO LAKE acre close to Lake Grove Station $75 down and $10 a month. For particulars can at 404 latt Md g. FOR RALE S20 seres in coal district $30 an acre, w rite tj. rtooinsKy, pcappoose. 12 ACREiS at Vancouver. Wash., cheap. Easy t toiiua. ami iuuu HRAt ESTATE. For Sale- Acreage. CHEAP ACREAGE. 5 acrea $250;' $10 down. $5 per month, buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralia. on the main tine of 3 railroads. 1H miles from town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills : some partly cleared and some all cleared ; running stream, some bottom land and some bench; can give you any kind of piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. 9 ACRES WITH TROUT STREAM Located up Scappoose Creek and accessi ble by auto or train in 1 hours. 4 -mile from station. eeveraU Acres fine bottom Tand along creek, balance slight slope, no rock, good soli, no Vmrovement- Price $05o; minimum paymteat down and easy monthly payments. LU ED DEM ANN" COMPANY, 913 Chamber of 4'ommerce. COURTNEY. Oregon City Hne. H-acre home sites, cleared. $750; gas and elect. Oregon Investment A Mtg. CoU 170 Third at. Marshall 205. Hoinetstettds ; Kelimit ilshmenta. O. A C. LA-NDS. near Portland, open this month for homestead ingj Splendid land, well located ; wonderful ft pportunlty ; ar range NOW in advance for4 expert locating service insuring numerous 'f ine claims for inspection, early selection, utanost effici ency and perfect satisfaction. Total cost only $35, including auto Cor two days. Only limited number aoxefftted. Call promptly or write for particulars. G. S. ErI, GoVt Land Cruiser, 227 . EftuU- 49th at. South. GOOD homesteads. .25 miles from Portland; maps of the state of Oregon, showing the entire Oregon A. California land grant; laO.uoO acres in Cfetckamas. Columbia, Washington, Benton, Yamhill, Polk, Marion and Linn counties, cfw-ssified as farming and grazing land. Is tpen to homestead filing on and after June 22. Maps. $1, postpaid. Rowland Maip Co.. 411 Henry building. GOVERNMENT opens grafrit lands. Thou sands acres agricultural lands near Port land, on or near hard-suvrf aced roads. I made Govt's original maps; have com petent former Gov't cruisers to show these lands. County mapi showing only agricultural lands $1.00. , Open .Sunday. Anderson, 431 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. BLUEPRINT township plats orf O. & C. R. R. lands. $1 each. Map of lankl opening in Portland district, $1. Cowing & Cowing, Map PubliMhers, 318 Worcester bldg. FREE booklet, state and U. ri. land, maps; bargains. Write Joseph Ctaric. Sacra mento. at. 80-ACRE relinquishment for sale. For par ticulars call at 2b0 Clay st., between 2 and 5 o'clock today. For Sale -Fi BEAUTIFUL. COUNTRY HOME. COST $4.VM SELL $2500. I et nie show you where you can make $1500 on this great sacrifice. There are 5 acres, all in cultivation; about 70 fine fruit trees, all varieties; soil is A-l, deep and rich ; lts almost level, with a fine creek running across two corners; fair 7 rooni plastered houxe, good well, chicaen houHf s, etc. ; located Just off Foster road, which is paved and in one of the prettiest valleys around Portland; only 9 miles from Courthouse, near school and store ; will hhow Sunday, tiee it at once. Phone Sun day. Main 4547. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. REAL FARM HOME. fiO acres best prune land In Clarke Coun try, located in the famous Fellda district; 15 acres in bearing prunes. 40 acres In cul tivation; crop will bring over $3O0; good house, with toilet, bath, fireplace, barn, ello and other buildings; fine spring water piped to buildings1, , fenced and croes ff need, woven wire anil barb wire; on good auto road. 9 miles Vancouver. 1 mile school, extra fine home, nice lawn and flowers, i-ncluding stock, and implements: $ 16,000; terms, half cast), balance IO years at per cent. J, B. Afckinpon. 112 West Sixth street, Vancouver, fWash. Phone 832 J, Sunday. O ACRES. STOCKl'lU, $ WOODLAND. VVl A S H 30 acres under plow. tj ac $4500. Dlow. acres rolling. 20 acres level, some timbepr, 40 acres out range, fine assorted family rchard ; partly fenced, mostly wire; 4 Vfc mes R. R.. 1 mites school and church. It F. D., tele phone, four springs, 1 creek, good road, 1 well. good small house, barn 50x55, wagon and tool house 1 6xV, granary 10x30, all farm tools, three owi, crops, etc. Terms $2500 down, balance long as WATCH OUR ADVS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2UK-5-7 Board of Trade. RICH. DEEP SOIL. We have several hundred acres of land within five to 12 miles fro m Aberdeen and Hoqulam, two very prosperous and rapid ly growing cities, which we are selling at the remarkable low price of $15 to $40 per acre and your own terms. The soil is deep and rich, free from rocks' and gravel and produces enormous crops. Our settlers have schools, telephones, rural delivery and splendid roads. The wise In vestors are buying now. We will sell you a small or large tract. For further In formation write Washington State Coloni zation Co, Aberdeen. Waab. MUST SACRIFICE PRICE. Finest river bottom dairy farm, atocked, situated on beautiful stream branching from the Columbia, does not overflow ; near good town and schools, elegant foads. 337 acres, of which 90 are on the bottom; 31 cows, bull. head young stock, nearly all full bloods, heavy team and farm ma chinery. 10O chickens; crops can't be ex celled anywhere you go. A farmer who knows land will grab this quick : It's a snap: $11,000; only $500 cash, balance 4 per cent. D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Mara t -HIGHLY IMPROVED 110-ACRE TUALA TIN RIVER BOTTOM FARM All In cultivation and grain; land is tiled; prospect for big yield ; every foot the best of soil; family orchard; farm fronts on hard-surface road; water piped to good 7-room house, big barn, lawn and pasture; can have electric lights; 20 miles from Portland, hk mile from city of 3000; 20 electric trains a day to Portland; Hne auto road; price $18,700. good terms. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. 20 ACRES. Near Aloah. on 4-street electric line. 35 minutes out; 15 acres cleared, balance light brush, running water, good well, new 4-room house, chicken house and other outbuildings, gas and telephone; price $1150 per acre, part cash, balance easy pay ments. 60 acres, 10 miles from Portland, all good heavy fir timber, enough to pay for the land In cordwood. good spring water; price $100 per acre, good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street. THE BEST FARM BUT. , 150 ACRES $lO,0OC. Including tock. machinery and crop; located in Washington County, between Forest Grove and Gaston; macadam road, mail and milk routes; 0 acres in crop. 50 more in pasture that lies well to farm. 40 BCTt-s rolling and in timber, tine creek and three springs, good farmhouse, one new and one old barn. If sold at once will in clude all crops, 3 horses. 4 cows and farm machinery, as my health is such that I can't handle so much land. D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marn 7102. 1130-ACRE, EQUIPPED WHEAT RANCH GILLIAM COUNTY, ORE. 000 acres In cultivation, B50 acres In wheat. 00 acres In barley, goes with deal; balance pasture : good spring and well, good house, barn, 12 horses, two 3-bottom gang plows, 3 wagons. 1 header. 3 head er boxen. 6-sectlon harrow, blacksmith tools: $35 an acre. Some cash, long time on balance. 6' . See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. COMPLETE SHEEP RANCH. 8300 ACRES AT $11 PER. Fully equipped and fenced, too acres of It wheat land. Improvements first class, modern 6-room house, horse barn. 3 large sheep barns. 2 shearing sheds; fine water system. Well located for Winter range. Lease of 4 sections: also rights for mountain Summer range. No finer lay out in the state. Can sell 4000 head of nhMn and 250t Soring lambs. It is worth investigating. P. R. Clark. Rltxvllle. Wash. SOME SNAP. 38 acres, 3 miles from railroad, highway part door. Irt acres In cultivation, part crop, very nice 5-room bungalow, barn and outbuildings: river on two sides, with 10 acres bottom. You are buying buildings and land is thrown In. Price $75 per acre; half cash. (See Rand.) G. S. SMITH & CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. GREAT SACRIFICE. 70 acres, near Estaradu. H good tillable land, 16 acres under plow, family orchard, berries of all kinds. 12-room modem house, bath. 2 toilets, complete water system, windmill. 250O-gal. tank, fine barn ' and outbldgs. ; out range, very sightly, some farm 1m piemen ts; buildings art worth the price asked. Price $40O0; terms P. P. Osbuni, 610 McKay bldg. WHY PAY $150 to $200 per acre for a Valley farm if you can buy a place 10 miles from city of 15 acres, mostly In cultivation, fine buildings, no better soil, stock and Imple ments at $135 per acre? For particulars, a?k the man. 2o5 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE 90-acre farm: 40 acres of good wheat land, 3i acres good for hay and .other grain, pasture can be farmed : fine orchard of over IOO trees; good buildings, good water; price $6000. C. F. MORSE, R. F. D. No. 2. Halsey, Or. TIMBER for sale, cheap. Ed Cole, 024 Rich mond sL, St. Jouas, Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm a. CLARKE COUNTY. FTOCK FARM, NEAR PORTLAND. 13 acres, llo acres In cultivation, 240 prune trees, fully bearing; 200 apples, luo pears, cherries, etc; soil is A-l loam, no gravel; well fenced with woven and barbed wire; electric line and station on place; only 11 H miles from Portland, on paved . and macadam road; one-haif mile to .stores, postoffioe, etc; K. F. U. and tele phone; there are three good springs, one good creek, the roads are all level; one well, "fair 7-room house, painted and celled, in good condition; one barn atixiou, holds loO tons of hay; 70 cows, new silo 14x0; granary, henhouse, apple house, etc ; the personal property Is a harrow, plow and h Interest In a binder, one seeder, mower, uake, spring tooth harrow, manure spread er, cream separator, 8 milking cows, one bull, four yearlings, two small heifer -calves, three head horses, 40 chickens; lve acres wheat, 15 Acres oats, balance t imothy, clover and rve grau. Price 427,000; no mortgage; $0000 aown. balance long as wanted at 0 per cent. Will accept strictly modern residence. WATCH OUR ADVS. VE GET RESULTS. A. U. Bender, 1 RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH. 81 acres all tillable. 20 acres in culti vation, all fenced and cross-fenced, rich loam soil, the very best of water, 7 acres In bearing prunes, very heavy crop this year; 400 cherries bearing and loaded with fruit. 05 apple trees all bearing, and 40 Bartlett pear trees all bearing; two and one-naif prune dryer, six-room house with basement, good barn and necesaary out buildings, two cows, calf, two horses, two buggies, new back, three sets good har ness, mower, disc harrow, spring tooth harrow, cultivator, blacksmith outfit. Crop on this place will net $2(KM this year. The reason for selling is old age; all rural advantages. In thickly settled community. School across the road from the place and only one and a half miles from Columbia River town. This place will have to be seen to be appreciated. Price for a short time $5750; $30O0 cash, and balance to suit. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. -jJHIt IS ONE OF OUR CHOICEST LIST l.VS. SEE IT AT ONCE. IT WILL PLEASE. MOLALLA STOCKED DAIRY FARM. A PAYING 1 PROPOSITION. 12A acres, 40 acres under plow, 80 acrea level, 20 acres bottom land, 69 acres pas ture; small fruit, family orchard, Al soil, tail fenced woven wire. etc. Two miles railroad, R. F. D., telephone, church; two stprflngn. creeK, 7-room house, big barn, twio silos, all outbul Idings, all farm tools, rf.ps, etc., 20 milch cows. 15 heifers, 27 he ad hogs, good team, chickens. Price $15..'Ou, S500 cash, balance ternts. WAJTCH OUK ADS. WE GET RESULTS. . A. G. Bender. . RITTER. LOWE & CO., ' 2U3-5-7 Board of Trade. CALIFORNIA FARMS AND HOMES Busi ness calling me East, must dispose of holdings htre. They include 330 acres pro ducing orange groves in frost less section near Riverside, with tractor. 12 head stock, farming Implements, two attractive homes, seven employes' cottages; own pumping plant Irrigates 1 WO acres, balance mutual companies; big crop setting: worth from $400 to $2500 per acre, separate mort gages. In Los Angeles have $75.O00 busi ness lot, loan $25.0o; magnificent $35. Ooo 12-room residence, loan $ 14.000; also other properties. Will divide to suit and give good trade for clear income; submit full particulars; no commission. Walters, 1547 Manhattan PI., Los Angeies. Cal. X REDMOND. OREGON HOG FARM. All fenced, 30-Inch woven wire; 153 acrei. 140 acres under plow. 1M acres good growing wheat, some berries and fruit; R. R. through place, county road, R. F. D., school, church; three-room house, 1 barn, smokehouse, henhouse, tool-shed, fine ce ment cellar, three good cinterns; good farms all around. Price. Including every thing. $2700, some terms. WATCH OUR ADij. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldir 2S70-ACRE WHEAT RANCH IN EAST ERN OREGON WHEAT, BELT 1000 acres in crop, mostly Fall wheat; 20O0 acres In cultivation, balance good pasture; 2 sets of buildings,' penty of wa ter. R. R. warehouse on the ranch. Will divide Into 2 ranches if desired. 1040 acres In one ranch. 1S40 acres la the other; of crop goes wlrh sule. Price $23 per acre. Take $10,ooo cash, crop payments on balance, fcife Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 87-ACRE FARM, 36 MILES PORTLAND. Good, 7-room house, good barn and oth er outbuildings, 60 acres In wheat, oats and potatoes, crop ought to yield $3000. of which one-third goes to purchaser, fine family orchard, all-year running creek through the farm. 3 miles to good town, 14 miles to electric station, ou rocked road, one of the sightllest farms in that local it v with fine view of mountains and surround nig country. Yours for $11, 000. Good terms. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 35 N. W. Bank Bldg. SELLHOUSE AND THROW IN 40 ACMES OF LAND 40-acre ranch. 41 miles from Portland; modern new bungalow, all built-in con veniences, fireplace, bath, hot and cold water; splendid spring, water piped to house and outbldgs.; land lies well, fine soil, on main county road; partly hard urfaced; bungalow cost $25oo: U sell at cost and throw in land, $750 cash, terms on balance. See Sam Hewey at 1 i. hartmav COMPANY. No. 1 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. DANDY 10-ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. Eight acres cultivated, two acres wood and pasture, living stream, house 6 rooms, part old. part new, fireplace, white enamel finish, good barn, two chicken houses, orchard, grapes, berries, one Jer sey cow, work horse. 12 hogs. 40n White Leghorn chickens, brooder, farming im plements, growing crop; value $4500; U1 take clear Portland property for my equity. T 293. Oregonlan. 1C0 ACRES STOCK AND CROP. 27 miles from Portland, 85 acres In cult., good new 8-room house, large barn. 5 horses. 3 colts, 2 cows, heifers. I sow, 8 pigs. 2 sets harness, wagon, hack, buggy. 4 plows, 3 barrows, fanning mill, bean huller, gasoline engine, 2 cultivators, bind er, mower, rake, blacksmith tools, grapho phone, stove, sewing machine, cream sepa rator; all crops, lots feed, good orchard. Everything goes for $12, 000; $3000 cash, bal. to suit. 411 Henry bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 69 acres, 4 miles of Carlton; 20 acres In cultivation; family orchard, 25 acres pas ture, balance timber, suitable for woou; good fences, several springs, 4-room house, barn 35x4". milk house, including 3 cows, wagon, harness, mower, rake. harrow, plow, cream separator and other smaii tools; price $42irt. $15fM( cash, balance terms at 6 per cent: other good buys. "Write for price list. W. E. Kidder, Can ton, Or. 78-ACRE FARM. 36 MI. PORTLAND. 12 acres in clover, 33 acres In grain, famllv orchard, good 5-room house, good barn, ''spring and well water, on crushed rock road, close to good town, team of horses, farm machinery and Implements of every kind and description. Good neigh borhood and lies fine. Price $10.50. Will consider Portland property up to $3500 tn trade. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 35 N. W. Bank Bldg. -525-ACRE WHEAT RANCH CROP AND EQUIPMENT $30 AN ACRE 450 seres In cultivation, 100 acres In wheat 350 acres Summer fallow, 75 acres pasture; good water, small house, located In good section of Eastern Oregon wheat belt : $4500 cash, balance crop rent. See Fam Hewey at J. I- HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts FARMERS INVESTIGATE. If you have $40M you cannot Invest U to any better advantage than to buy this 10O-acre dairy ranch handy to Portland All complete about $20.nmi. You get 20 vfsars' time to pay for the rest, but In 5 years the farm should be paid off. We have all kinds of farms, small and large. If you want good value for your money and a square deal, see F. Fuchs, 420 Cn. of Com. U oO ACRES, good hooue. barn, 40 horses and mules. 12 head cattle, 25 head hogs. 6 brood sows, turkeys snd chickens. Mc Cormlck combined harvester, drills, discs, all kinds farm tools; 7 "o acre of grain; prospect good for 20 to 25 bunhels to mm I 150 acres in cultivation; price $5..ioO; small amount of cash will handle and some trade. John C. Weston Co., 630 North western Bank bldg. ; FOR SALE 33 acres with IS acres bearing Italian prunes, good prune dryer, fine 6 room house, barn, team good horses, Jer nev cow, farm tools, fine neighbors, about Ri miles to electric ry. and good market town, daily mall, good auto road; $12.on0 buys It on essy trms. At noon hour only see Gruber, 127 Chamber of Com. bldg. WHEAT RANCH. POO acres. 5 miles to Ores Valley, nothing better; boy goes to front, can't run It; small amount down, bslance crop payments. See owner. M. C. Davis. 4dl Rd of Trade. Main 57Q. 561 ACRES. 18 miles Portland, on .1 auto road ; 5-room house, old barn. on .good fine orchard, berries, grapes. 2. acres In crop, only $4000. H cash. See Ott. G. 8. Smith A Co.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. 146 ACRES wheat and alfalfa land. Irrigat ed, under W. L. I. Canal; 100 acres now In wheat; sell cro and all for price raw land; owner enlisted. cannot harvest. George C. Howard. Wheel don. M. 6641. $2000 5 ACRES. Clackamas River, good house, bearing orchard, streetcars, auto road, big bargain. ery sightly home. Main 3672. McFarland. 6o3 Yeonbldg. SEVERAL small ranches for sale. L. A. Daughsrty. MyrUs Creek. Or., box 173. REAL ESTATE. For Hale l-ariu . FINE 6HEEP RANCH. River r?nVn the of Columbia m lM,if,ShlnlleBTWMJi ?f Spokane and 6 miles south of Trinidad, a town on the orthern R. R.. in KittitJJ County! with more leased at a w nTw:l11: "J1 wan woven . rtTnr free grazing- runse linr.S.r -djolnlng. he cuwKSS y, ? ,"lVr.',w creB in alfalfa, rich. nHWhe5u 10 fiiow lnd and son acres capable of cultivation. loO of which is oushbutn0.mHUnd; amp: wwr wuhihoi! i VP-to-date water system having 6000 5nPiplne "d 13-horsepower eng.ne; domestic water, ice cold, is supplied from wMnffLP.a ePrtiy to all building.; well finished, modern dwelling house and E?ih; uW. lo,d8- larKft new bam. will hold t,5 head of stock snd 75 tons of hay; large feeding shed, steel granary, large bouihouse. engine and pumphouse. 16-foot steel motorboat and large barge; com plete farming implements and tools, first class, nearly new. This entire property Y1 . head of stock must be solo, and is offered at a great sacrifice. Will consider a trade of good real estate, un incumbered, as part of purchase price, ror full Information apply to DONALD MACLEOD, 553 Pittock Block. CHOICE DAIRY PROPOSITION ON LAND THAT WILL DISCOUNT BEAVER DAM. DIKE LAND FARM. THIS IS A BARGAIN. If yoa are looking for a real farm of the best soil, see this: 153 acres, tHi acres under plow, tki a.-rrs pasture. 48 acres brush and stumps; family orchard, fenced. 1 here are iM acres or tide land, all diked. A 1 shape; 3 good springs. miles R. R., school on place, telephone, 6-room houe, - barns, heu-houaea. tool-house. mtlk hou. l good team. 9 cows. 2 yearling heifers, 7 calves, chickens; also one gas launch. Dike land cannot be beaten and sells for $3im) to $1mh per acre. Price $24.iOU. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 2Q3-5-7 Board of Trade. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 42 acres. 4o a- r tillable. 16 acrea seed to meadow, wood for family use. 3 acres in cultivation, balance seeded to pasture, spring stream through th piste, family orchard of assorted fruits all bt-anng. small fruits and berries of all kinds, 4 room house, good barn, neceasarv out buildings together with 5 cows, 2 heifers, registered Jersey bull, mower.- rake. plow, harrow, disc, manure spreader, hay ted der, disc drill, wagon, feed cutter, good separator. 5 miles from railroad town on good macadam road. 2-room school house mile with all rural advantages. Price $375(. half rash. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. nw EASTERN OREtloN. PLEASANT VALLEY FARM BARGAIN. 25o ACRES. $0500. Don't overlook this; llo seres under plow. 40 acres level. IOO acres pasture, thoussnds acres outran ae, Al dark soil, all fenced, 3 and 4 barbd wire; 3 miles R. Ii.. posioffice, 1 miles school, church, t springs. 1 creek, good road, good ainait house, barn Ux26. two ben houses. loO acres wheat. 1-a crop; terms $4ouu down, bmanrp to unit. WATCH OUR ADVS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 20;t-5-7 Board of Trade. 3 GOO-ACRE EQUIPPED STOCK RANCH, $10 AN ACRE. Some In cultivation, etc., and alfalfa, balance good pasture; 40o acres open ptne ' timber; extra well watered. 2 creeks, number of springs, good bldgs., water In bouse. Personal : 15 good horses, wagons, harnesses, complete set of farm imple ments: an Ideal stock ranch, away bc.ow Its real value; located tn Gilliam County. Or. : part cash. trm on balance. 0 per rent. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark sta. Main 2u, A 2050. 40-ACRE FARM. 3S MILES CAPE HORN. WASH INGTON. Good, 3-room house. woodshed, good barn, chicken house and cellar, water piped from a spring to house and barn, 3d fruit trees, 7 acres under cultivation, 1 acres well fenced, 2 young mules. wgon. harness and implements, some kitchen utensils. Price $1050. Terms, E. A. LINDGREN. Savon land Co.. 35 N. W. Bank Bldg. 101-ACRE FARM. ALL UNDER CULTI V ATIO N ON LV $7500. Located In Marlon County, 3 miles from 2 railroads, on county road; land Ilea line, good soil, no rock ; most ail in crop ; very fair buildings, good muter: land across road sold for $JJ5 per acre; half cash, terms on balance. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. THE BEST bargain in a wheat ranee that can be had today. SK0 a., Sherman Co., 30 a. summerfallow wheat, all goes Will, from Indications, make WO00 bu. Sell for $1H.oX10. fnrmlng outfit, good buildings, running water. Owner expects to go to war. Price $40 per a. dooo cash, bal. crop pay men ts. Option holds good only a few duvs longer. L. K, MOORE. 3 17 Board of Trade. 70 ACRES FOR SALE 35 in crops. 7 r 8 acres In prunes and apples, a new fruit dryer, two large barns, all the Imple ments and some stock; all fenced; some timber; I may take some trade; 12 mlis from Oregon City; my boys are all in U. S. Navy. For more particulars. In quire at 5b5 E. Ash st., Portland. Phone East 3433. 81 ACRES. 27 acres under cultivation. 4 acre fine timber, all fenced and croos fenced; good 7-room house, large barn, ail outbldgs.. all kinds fruit and berries and walnuts; crop all In : on good county road. 2 miles elet trio station, 15 miles Portland ; terms. Rummell A Kummel, 274 Stark st. 160 ACRES NEAR SALEM. All in cultivation and crop; tlrst-clasa home In pretty grove; another smaller house, large barn, silo and outbuildings; mile Rv. atstion, convenient to schools and college: $20,OoO. Including crop and some personal. D. McCheanev. 3:12 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 102. $2o DOWN, S10 MONTH buvi 40 acres of logged -off land, located between Portland and Centralis. 14 miles from main line of three railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch. Plenty of out range. Price $1" sn acre. "1H Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Good 7-room house, barn, well and running water; h7 acres land. 0 cul tivated and In crops; fruits and berries: near 3 miles from electric station and good market town; good auto road, near church, school, grange hall: price $11. 000. easy terms. At noon hour only see me. Gru ber. 27 Chamber of com, niag. 640-A STOCK ranch, plenty outrange. 4-r. house all kinds of outbuildings, over IOO a. In cultivation. 40 a. In crop. Will take some trade and cash. MR. J. BOBBINS. 3"i Railway Exch. Main 7P81. FOR SALE Hv owner. 324 acres. 20 miles from Portland, on two electric roads; mnt clear, good location: have been asking $7ooo- will sell for fA5nft: this price wl' Include stock and Implements; for quick aiile. terms on purt. AH 32:t. Oregonlan FOR SALE Baruain. 50 acres, partly im proved H mile from school. church, postofflce; good roads, creek and springs: $500 cash: 5 yeaers for balance. Kennedy A Miller. 329 Salmon at. f6r-PALE By owner, 0 seres adjoining Dallas. Or.: acres bearing prunes, 20 acres new pmnea. balance grub oak; land all can be cultivated. Price 2n per acre. Good terms. U P. Prawn. Dallas. Or. 200 ACRES, highly Improved land, on Wanh 011 gal River, value $27.5oo: will accept $7..t0 cah. balance on mortgage at 7 per ent. ft years. V 333. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 53 acrea. all In cult I vat ton ; dwelling, barn, lena than one mile from Albany. Oood terms, but no trades. Ad dress Oeo. W. Wright. Albany. Or. 10 ACRKS of land: good orchard. houe . all outbuildings. Hull Run mater: located Just sout h of Lents; 6131 2d st. B. E Thomas Allen. 212 ACRES Well Improved and located farm. 4 - utiles from Corvallls. Beat bar gain In Benton County. Write for full in formation. M lllcr A Wal ter. Corva Mis. or. STOCK RANCH c.ood range, water. 4 stork barna. lota of hay. 40 head of cattle, homes, machinery, hogs, bees, $7500. No trade. 7-11. Harlan, or. Zii IC KEN, FRUIT. OA R DEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $75 to $:Mn per acre; easy terms: best soil; farms for sale, all sixes McFarland. 83 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOR fiAl.R 0-a. relinotilshment. 20 a. till able, second-growth fir: good buildina. good water. Apply 36 Graham ave. 340- ACRE farm for sale by owner: deep, black loam soil. If lnterented, call at 111 E. S2d st. N., Portland. Or. 40 ACRES, near college campus. Mr Minn -vllle. a bargain. John Bain. 607 Spald ing bldg. 40 ACRES. 22 acres In cultivation. $55 pr acre: $75 down, long time on balance. Se Draper. 4U Board of Trade. Main 570. 16 ACRES, Okanogan wheat belt ; housa and barn; 40 cultivation, rest yellow plna; $2tH0; fenced; RD 27S, Oregonlan. $1800 5 OR 10 ACRES, house, orchard, 200 each; other good placea near city. Main 3072. McFarland. 6ott Yeon bldg. S40-ACRE farm for sale by owner. Dp, black 10am soil. If Interested call at 111 E. 82d st. N. . Portland. Or. 381 ACRES Cropa. machinery, stock: $100 per acre; terms. Oravtty water; Pacific Highway. R. 2, box 135. Albany, Or. 5 ACRES, lvel. fenced, ciea red. good soli, house: employment; nesr Wiilamina: $25 cash. $lo mo. Jease R. Sharp, 83 v 3d st. 40 ACRES Fine location for country Vo m e"; good roads, nna scenery. Owner, BJ 375. Oregoman. 12 ACRES for sale. Central Oregon, Address Airs, J. A. Doan, caxa St. Nicholas, 15 wife. REAL KSTATK. For Sale -Farms. IOO-AC RE FARM SNAP. ALL STOCKED. NEWBERG DISTRICT. This la one of the best buys In the Wil lamette Valley, and If seen will please; 70 acres under plow, 30 acres pasture, 20 acres beaverdam. ait rich bottom land. 10 acres timber: all kinds small berries, or chard, etc.; fine clover and timothy land; fenced and cross fenced, woven snd barbed wire; 2S miles R. R.. good town; 25 miles Portland ; R. F. D. and telephone: good creek, A-l graveled road; one well. 5-room house, fine condition ; 1 large new barn ; all outbuildings and farm tools; 1 1 head first-class mi.ch cows, o milking. $100 in come now; 7 heifer calVfS. 25 hogs, 7 brood sow. 30 young pigs. 25 head goats. 1 boar, 3 head good work horses, chickens, geese, goslings, turkeys, bees, etc All household furniture: everything goes, price $15.ooO: $0OO0 cash, balance long as wanted at per cent. WATCH OCR ADVS. WE GET RESULTS. A. O. Bender. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2ut-5-7 Board of Trade. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 87 acre on fine comity road near Hope well, 12 miles to Salem. 3t acres culti vated, gocd 6-room house, barn, frutthouse and other outbuildings; all fenced and cross-fenct-d ; some beaverdam : mammoth never-falling spring of splendid water piped to house and barn. This ia an old. highly Improved homestead. Age and in firmity bos gone compel owner to sll. All splendid soil; few acrea timber on hill land; lota of big bearing fruit trees; cher ry, apple, pear, prune. 2 mammoth black wainut trees ( enormous yieldi. English walnut. 5 different kinds of plums. 17 peach trees, great variety of berries, grapes, etc. Splendid home environment. Most beautiful lew of a beautiful valley. The tuy-r of this farm will get the bar gain of hla life. Priced only m) per acre. It'a worth $150. Terms. $4000 cash, bal ance as may b arranged. THE CROSSLEV-VIGARS CO.. S7Q Ftark St. Main 3052. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. WASHINGTON COUNTY. You cannot beat this; if you see It you will aaree. A beautiful 61V -acre tract with 4 acres under plow; almost level; family orchard ; soil is A-l black loam, mostly fenced, woven wire, etc.; R. R., near postofflce. school, etc. ; good roads, good creK. well. etc. ; two -story, 6-room house, harn 40x51. hoghouse. chirken house; there Is sonie cleared; 50 acres ad joining can be routed cheap: location near Mountatndale. Or.. 20 miles from Portland, adjoining land $250 per acre. Price $150 per acre; one-third cash, balance 6 per cent. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RE SULTS. A. G- Bender, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2Q3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. -$45oil FOR IGo-ACRE EQUIPPED WASH INGTON COUNTV RANCH. 3S MILES FROM PORTLAND 4 miles from R. R. sta., of a mile to srhool: good soil. 3i acrs In cultiva tion, 40 pasture and t In timber; creek and springs; water piped into 4-room bouse; good-sized barn, other outbuild ings, f a mlly orchard ; crop consists of clover, timothy, oats and spuds; 3 rows, call. 3 hordes, hogs. llM) chickens. 40 ducks, a .1 farm Implements ; casli and terms. Sam Hewey at J. I. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark sts. DAIRY FOR HALE. Here Is' a splendid opportunity; am fur nishing milk for growing town; trade is getting too big for me to handle; will sell at reasonable price : 1 50 acres of land. 75 now in rye; a good modern 8-roomed house, barn, dairy herd and 3 head of horaea. This is a paying propos.tlon worth Investigating. For further information call on or write to Josephine Huff. Arlington. Or. FOR SALE 0O arrep; 4 arrea under" culti vation. 20 acres pasture, 23 acres slashed, rest good wood, fenced on two sides and cross fenced, unlimited outrange, small house with modern plum bin g. fixtures, large barn and all other necessary out buildings; fine apnnfr water, two good cows. I small horif. 43 head of goats. 2 - miles from town. Price S25O0; $5tM dow n, rest easy terms if desired. Address F. F. Streller. Eddvuie. Lincoln County. Or. CHOICE Willamette Valley farm near In dependence, 011 Pacific HI ah way : good black -soil ; lott acrea In crop; 4(1 acres goon obk t miner ; l . acres in lo-y ear-old walnut and almond treea: H-vear-old com mercial orchard; also old orchard; best of water; 1 J -room house in good condition, Inrge barn. srrarmrv. a I no ou t build in ir- $.tooO cash, balance yearly payments ; no n gents. rnoiifl bast .. Hnttie Yott. t-eid-nce l2o7 Foster road. Tabor 1 130. ldo-ACRE stock farm, near McM inn vllle, i-a cultivation, nay. (train, garden, plenty wood anti pasture, several springs; 25 bead cat tie, 4 horses, 37 hogs and pigs, geese and chickens; modern house. 3 barns, water piped to house and barn; outside range adjoining, mall route, phone, all farm Implements. Price $10.nou. Would consider small farm up to $4000 In trade. Mrs. A. ii. Prat her. McMlnnvilie. Or., Roue No. 4. AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. 60 acres, with modern buildings and conveniences, furnac?, hot and cold water, lighting system, land flrnt-ciass. near Wec tric line, on R. F. !., cream route; phone In house; 25 acres in cult, and pasture. 3 miles to Oregon City; ail stock and farm tools included. Price 12.ood: take city property for . bal. terms: a snap. Ad drcsi owner. AV 804. Oregonlan. :4U ACRES, near (ioldendaie. 40 acres Fall grain, J5 acres Spring grain. '.". acrs al falfa. 50 a res pasture. 10 acres under irrigation. Fine large stream: good, large house, modern hog barns, general barn. All fenced hog tight. Mill for grinding fd. Price $:in.oiMi, including personal property. Wilt take Willamette Valley property as first payment. Edward Abeling. Lioiden dsle. Wash. FOR SAL.E J40 acres, good clay subsoil. OO a. open land. 25 a. alfalfa; alfalfa started all over place: good range, two small houses, barn, henhouse, granary, smoke houxe. blacksmith shop and tools: enough lumber to build two houses ; live milts from town; good level road. Enough wood on tiac to n v for it- A snap. Box 81 Wlneaap. Wash. FoR SAI-K 10-arre farm. Waahinirton County, near railway, all undr cultiva tion, fair bldgs., orchard, berries, run ning water, beat of soil, easily Irrigated If desired ; price $75hi; terms. Wli sell part of my other farm, Irom lo to 150 acres. 15 miles from Portland, rinse to electric line, right price. H.. HiLsboro, Route 1. bo 30. HAVE some highly improved Willamette Valley ranches, hne soli, good road a, close to shipping points, for sale and exchange; also two wheat ranches snd one line iruit ranch in Hood River district. I can quote very reasonable prices and terms on eorne of these. J. B. Hoibrook, 214-U15 Pan ama bldg. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheap land. remarkably eaay terms. Landseekers' fxcumlon party leaves Port land for Calgary, A I her t a. Saturday. June 8. Reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Railway Co.. -OS Railway Exchange building. L. P. Thorn ton, district rpi t.Ftntu :i . loO ACRES. 4 mllea from Uoldendale, U0 acres under plow, 40 In crop. 35 acres bot tom land, large creek and irrigation ditch, free water right: house, barn and out buildings. Price $l".non. Will take $4tmo clear Portland or Willamette Valley prop erty aa first payment. Edward Abeiing, Coidendale. Wasiy. 175 ACRES. mlle north of Independence, on S P. Electric. Place la divided by Dallas County road ; either place will be sold separate ; 71 acres with no improve ments at $i5 per acre ; I04 at $loo per acre with house, barn and orchard. W1.1 sell all for $17.OO0. Adruss P. o. Box '77. Monmouth. 4r. 30 ACRES, all tillable. 6 acres in cultiva tion, ba lance easily cleared ; ran be had for the small sum of $.'ooo. This property Is a bout S mile east of Jennings Lodge leleetrlc line). This is the best buy in the state. If you do not believe it. make us prove iU Ki. S. Smith A Co., 4.12 C. of C. bidg. 40 ACRKS. 1 miles out of Portland, rich soli, no w tate ; hard surface road and Mt. Hood Ry: am going to sell to the first one that sees it; cost me $hihm-. i need money; will take $5ooO; there Is nothing like it for the price, owner. 366 E. 53d st. N., Portland. Or. Call evenings. Tabor 4uu7. 65 ACRES, level, every foot In cultivation. Small orchard. A-rown house, outbuild ing. A snap at $H5n). $150U cash, balance $5oO per year. one-ha If mile from iiva valley town and railroad. F. K. STEARNS, 2i2 Wilcox Bldg. 80 ACRES, 60 in grain, balance pasture; orchard, good house, water piped and bath; J Vi mites herry Orove. Stock, rrom. machinery, all go, 'l.".mi. Take half Port land, Seattle clear property, owner. Bull pit t. Cherry tirove. Or. A SNAP at $13 per acre, on eaay terms: 240 acres Improved wheat land. near Madras. Or.. 5-year lease on 160 acres adjoining. Improved, good spring water, some ' irrigation; close to school. Owner, J. M. Olson. 165 Adams Place. Bend. r. 5oO ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. W E Y E R H A K U S E R TIM B K R CM M P A N Y. Tacoma Bidg., Tarorns, Wash. 5 AC RES on Oregon Elect rU. modern cot tage, poultry-houses, other improvements: was mortgaged for $-M0. 1 foreclosed firit mortgage on $l5tK. You tska It lor that. Mtlwaukle, R. 1. box 243. 40" A.. 12 MILES west of city, all under cui tt vat ion ; good building ; ,'a mile from S. 1". electric. On a macadam road. $5ihh caah, balance to suit. Owner, AM 370, Oregonlan. HAROA1N For sale or trade. 15S-acre dairy farm. 40 acres under cultivation, with or without stock ; 5 miles from A! sea post of f ire. For particulars, writ to owner Christian See.lg. A Isea. tr. 40-ACRE highly Improved farm; beat of soil, level, orehard, beautiful home, five miles southeast of city limita, bunny tide road; good terms. Ceo. AlouUon r05 Majji si. Vancouver, WasU, JBEAL ESTATE For Sale Farm. 640 ACRES of the choicest land in North west; 5oO acres plowed. XtO acres in grain, rest fine Summer fallow; ;iJd acres of this la ftue bottom land, good for oats or barley, or wheat; does not overflow; the) other choice hill land, best for wheat or alfalfa; euy to pasture. Hog-tight fences, good building, fiut water ; $5u per am ; fsoiHt vaMi. lMlatae long time. Very beet buy in Northweat. Will bet price of f here and back you will admit la worth more than $75 jer acre, only 4S iuilo from Uoideminle In best wheat belt m country. Fine roads. IOO acres. 8 miles from Goldendale, 60 arrea in cultivation: good fences. 1 a era fruit, one fcuod bungalow, other old house; 3 barns, 2 large aprings on highest point on place, can irrigate 40 acres easily ; 7 acres in aU.iila, rest good timber. A dandy buy at $5ooo, $luou cash. Wng time vn balance. Other good buys from 20 to 20o0-a tracts. SMITH A NELSON. tioldendale. Wash. FARM. 207 H acres. 1m acres level, 27 acres rolling. 55 acres under plow, 15 acres pas ture, some outrange. 1 acre prunes. 1 acre apples; A-l soil, good fences, board and wire; two springs, good creek. -5- foot falls for power; good road. 12 miles Ore gon City; fine new W-room house, plas tered with beamed ceiling, paneled dinmg roOTn. but.t-tn effects; barn 4ox0o, big ma chinery barn, chicken house. etc. ; 3 horses. 6 cows. 3 heifers, 1 brood sow. 8 pigs. ii0 chickens, all farm machinery and household goods. Also fully equipped and operating sawmill, steam and water power, 2.5u.uimi feet Al first growth fir. Just think of it! Owner going lo California. Everything Included at 15.5oo; half casU balance five years at .S per cent. WATCH OUR ALVS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Render, R I TT K K. LO WE CO. . 2o;t-5- 7 Board of Trade. REAL FARM BARGAIN. 120 ACRES. "ALFALFA RANCH." SL'RB CROP. LOCATION: IN FAMOUS "EAGLE VALLEY." RAKER COUNTY. (NEAR KICHLANLM.' "PARADISE OF OKEfiOV FOR HEALTHFUL. PROFITABLE, DIVERSI FIED KARMLNO." NEARLY 1H) ACRES IN CROP. ETC. ALL FENCED. FAIR BUILDINGS. PLENTY SOFT WATER. 2 SHARES WATER STCK FOR IRRIGATION. PRICE $5S.5d PER ACRE. IT'S WORTH $ldiO. INCLUDE CROP AND EQUIPMENT. FARM IMPLE MENTS NO LIVESTOCK. 11 to 4j CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS. ON ACCOUNT ILLNESS OBLIGED TO SELL. ADDRESS PETERSON. OWNER, P. o. BOX 222. PORTLAND. EQUIPPED STOCK FARM. 140 acres, 5 acres und'-r plow, 4 acres beaverda m, some rolling, some level. 3 arrea orvhard. plent v small fruit : all fenced; 1 mile to R. R. station: R. F. D.. telephone, etc. : on Pacific Highway; two good aprings; barn 44x2, new alio, wood ahed. blacksmith shop and too:, hog and mtlkhouse. a complete set of farming tools, plumbing and carpenter tools. 1 truk. harrow s. cultivators, wagons, gas engines, separator, fanning mill. silo, cut ter. - J erey cows, three horses. 5 sets harneaa. 1 sow. 1 boar. 1 beifer. 1 steer, chickens. iJ sheep and lamus; a-l fields seeded to wheat, oats, rye and hay. Price $i:t.aoo. about half caah. balance long term. 5 per cent. WATCH OUR ADVS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Render. RITTER. LOWE & CO., o:4-5-T Board of Trade. A FINE Yamhill Valley farm. 15d acres all under cultivation, 5o In orchard. 7 years old. 50 In Winter wheat, about -5 In oata, h In vetch and oata, S in barley. House, barn, fine granury and potato houw. Large bog houses. 5n a. bottom land. The fineHt of soil, no rocks. A fine tubular well at the houae, with water piped to barn and hoc houses, with large hog cooker. Located mile from r. r. station. - miles from town on main road : tills farm com mands a fine view of surrondiug country; $loou worth of hogs, $PJ(H of sheep, cater pillar tractor engine, with gang plow ami 'J4.I1. p. engine for pumping purposes. If Interested in a farm look this up. Owuers. BLANCHARD CI EM SON, 702-3 Selling blag. WASH INGTDN COUNTY FAR M. READ THIS THOROUGHLY, o.t acres. 5 mres under p'.ow. 55 acrea bottom land. S acres ro.Iing. A-l Mark loam soil, small fruit for family ufe. small orchard, all fenced, rail and woven w ire; MS miles R. R.. post. ff tee. S mile school, church. It. F. D., telephone, 1 spnnv. I creek, good road. 1 well; --story, lu-room house, good condition ; t wo big barns, two silos. woodshed. milk house. hay and chicken houfeen, farm machinery of avery description, separator. 1 goJ team. 1 cows, all crops, etc. Price $1S.000; $SkM) csh. balance five years. WATCH OUR ADVS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 'Jii i-.'i-T Board of Trade. 7 ROOMS, HAWTHORN E $ - 50. This Is a large 2-story hoime, well built, with full cement basement, attractive electric fixture; house tn eleicant paint In nlde and out. with a pretty lot; one glance at this house will convince you that you would not contract to build it for t ha m.m'v ufked. only $500 cash. Mr. Thomas. Main 71ti. . DI HKt'T from owner. 5-H-room bungalo. loae to car. AJ 101. Oregonlan. WANTEO KKAL ESTATE. WANTED A modern, up-to-date bungalow. Will My as hiKli as $4iHu. It niuet h close In, with full lot. a corner preterred. In 'his deal will pay all canh over and above the price of a corner iot. which Is deaired 10 put in as a part of the pur chase price. This corner is located oil :iJd st., between Ent Madison and East Tuvlor. M. J. CL'JUESSY. 415 Abington bldg. 3o-ACRE improved siock or sheep ranch, with unlimited outrange; wni to ex change for house up l $5mi value, t iu nar, 615 Chain, of Com. bldg. Mala ii;o. I HAVE some cash to Invest in Portland Income property. Consider business or apartments from $5tMH to $-'0.(hm. Want anawer from owners only. AM Ore gonlan. HAVE buyer for modern home in Gregory Heights, make large payments. FRANK. L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. Phone Main loW. HAVE YOU A BARGAIN? COME RIGHT IN AND LIST IT. We have good people wanting to buy. SM 1TH-W AGON ER C .. STOCK EX. WANTED On lot 5oxl."0 feet, or two lots 50 x loo feet, reason a ble, close in. Rosa City Park or Mt. Tabor. Give ail details. B D 2 ores on inn. WA NT from owner. 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne or Rone City; will pay up to and have $500 cash. Main 7107. or A R 4oS. Oregon iaru Yol Nii attorney, just married, would buy a little bungalow amid good urroundln g ; prefer Rose Ot v. H : wthorne. Piedmont district. Address DC 17. Oregonlan. WANTED Best bungalow, $:uhm cash, by Iturelhurst. R. C. P.. Hawth.. Mt. Tnbor. Sun. S.; no agent. A K 374. Oregoniati. WANT modern bunaaiow In Hawthorne t!ia trict. only a snap conaldered. AO C34, Dregonian. V ANTED O-room bunaaiow lit Rose City or Hawthorne ; reawnable, hard-surface Htreets; half cash. A J :t4. Oregonlan. CAN sell or trade your property now: coma and see us. Henkle A Harrison. 512 Gr I inner hbig. WANTED Building lot in Laurclhurt. munt be good location and cheap. Tabor 54s;t. WANT nungalowa, hounea and cheap homes. Can sell if priced right. Chas. Kingl-T A Co.. -'S Henry bldg. 1 WANT t he beat modern home I can get with $Jhi or $.;oi cash and good monthly payments. AP Oregonlan. WANT bungalow: will exchange 3-tn auto truck; Income $15 per day; all Summers work. Tabor lrj. ACREAGE or reiuVnee for f'JtMHi equity In Improved farm purchase contract. Box 457. Philomath. Or. CHOICE apple orchard, scientifically planted and cared tor; m or exchange for home In city. Main 700 or 34. nth L WANT equipped dairy around -5 cows, wit hi leaned land around 40 acrea. C -07, Ore gonlMii. HoUSE wanted, exchnnge or 2.1 acres in grain, suburbs Htllsboro. this side, $-35 acre. THO M Si N. M ohawk bldg. WE want cot t ages and bunga lows to sell. All sold out. C. Do Young A Co.. 514 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy R or -rom bungalow. What can you offer? Give description, lo cation and price. AJ 3-1, Oregonlan. MODERN 5-roorn bungalow, not over ?2500; bn vr watt ing. J no. 11. Gibson. phone Marshall 15-5. IF YOU WANT TO SELL QUICKLY Just phone ine description of your house, B. F. Kelly. Msln 14.14. WANTED The bet lot ca.-h will buy lo. Roae Citv park or Alameda. Call Wood lawn 2rtrt. WANTED West aide 6 or 8-rom house, north of Cw rut hers st. Price. $5oo or less. E. J. GE I SER. 4 17 Ch a m bro f Co na. WA NT modern bouse on Portland Heights about $tKt; not on carline: must be bar gain; will pay caah. N5TO, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy 6-room colonial ho ma In Irvington or Alameda; $4500. Call Ta iM.r 77.-..H. Monday. WE can sell your house if you have on to elL Geo. T. Moor Co.. Abiugtoa bldg.