The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 26, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 36

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llAGAZINE and newspaper men and wom
en wanted everywhere with successful ex
perience, and especially those on Collier
and Leslie's, will find the easiest and big
, gest money-maker they have- ever ban
. d.ed by tatting orders ior the banaeomesi
, Illustrated weekly In the U. S. Nothing
i but pictures and all beautifully executed
i by the new rntagravure process. Sey- at
sight. For terms address "The New York
Times M id-Week Pictorial, 52 i Market st-,
yan Francisco, Cal."
l To travel during Summer vacation,
j Work is modified form of salesmanship
along school lines; offers fine vacation
j -while earning good income. Salary to
start, all railroad fare paid. Apply im
: mediately, giving age, education, experi
ence. Address Dept. 6, F. E. Compton &
Co., 58 E. "Washington, Chicago.
BELL greatest cutlery bargain ever offered
for $1.95. Valuable premium to every cus
tomer. We make all deliveries to your cus
, tomers, sending you big commission check
j every Saturday. Get busy now and make
biff profits. No money required. Cascade
Merchandise Corporation, L, C. Smith
bldg.. Seattle, Wash.
X MAKE $50 to $200 weekly In small per
manent busiaess. Man or woman start
anywhere. Materials cost 78 cents, retails
for $45. Big demand, needed In every
home, hotel and restaurant. Particulars
free. Cray croft, Fresno, Cal.
EELL Mexican diamonds spare time. Beau
tiful pocket sample casa makes sales on
sight. Have rainbow fire, genuine dia
monds; xooi experts; stand tests. v rite
today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
2"5 Las Cruces, New Mexico.
HEN or women. Birgest moneymaker ever
orrered. Wonderful new pearl painting en
titled, "U. S. Star of Liberty." Appeals
to every mother. Reasonable price. Ex
clusive territory. Big profits. Write
quick. Culver Art Co., Westervllle. O.
fiUO PER. cent profit. Wonderful little ar
ticle; something new; sella like wildfire.
Carry right in your pocket. Write at
once for free sample. E. H. Feltnian, Sales
Manager, 1006 American bldg., Cincin
nati, O.
a UGE manufacturer wants representative
to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, t'lrect to homes. Write for
free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad
way, New York City.
AGENTS Patriotic pictures. Selling by
million. "Duty Calls," "Pershing In
, France," "America." "Kaiser's Finish,"
"Colored Man No Flacker." Sample free.
Ken each Pub. Co., 6-25 Ellis eve., Chicago.
00 PER month selling Stransky's new pat
ented fuel vaporizer for Fords; saves up to
AO per cent of gasoline. No drilling neces
sary. Money-back Kuarantee. J. A. Stran
sky. Pukwana, S. Dak.
1AGENTS Big pay and automobile furnished
hustlers introducing wonderful econom
j leal fuel product to automobile owners,
t Cample outfit free. D. Ballwey, 021 sta. F,
, Louisville, Ky.
''AMERICA and the Great War." Greatest
! seller In years. Every American wants it.
Lavishly Illustrated. Low price. Will pay
$-25 to distribute it. Sample free. Inter
nailonal Press, Philadelphia.
WAKE $10 dally applying owners Initials
on automobiles and putting up "Liberty"
emblems on store and residence windows.
i Samples free. Order from Globe Decal
Co., Jersey City, N. J.
ftUICK seller. Big profits. No license re
quired. Swell, flashy samples get the
money. Agency open, write toaay. Mis-
. slon Bead Co., i actory 21, Los Angeles,
kGEN'TS make big money. Free samples.
catalog. New goods, oulck sales, big prof
Its. No experience or capital necessary.
vruver Co., Jackson and campoeii, cm
cago. 111.
fcUIT coal Our burner makes gas fire In
any coal stove; get our agents' big money
making offer. Wonder Burner Co., Dept.
ir, coiumous, o.
-30 TO $100 WEEK. Free samples. Gold
sign letters for stores, office windows. Lib
eral offer to general agents.- Metallic Let
ter Co., 4.tri r. Clark, Chicago.
WANTED, to sell fine soap, perfumes, tol
let articles, extracts, spices, creams, etc
Cample free. Write quick. Lacassian
Laboratories, Dept. 126, St. Louis, Mo.
BEND no money. Learn of big profits sup
plying perfumes to families. Write Lef-
flar Co.. 723 Walton, St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS, at once. Sell 60c per month hos
pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg.
GROCERY saleswomen.
Girls between 16 and 20 for apprentices
In selling, various departments.
Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., Super
intendent's Office, Basement Balcony,
Meier & Frank Co.
LN opportunity for capable-housekeeper who
will be considered member of family of
four, or girl attending school, or elderly
lady cnpuble of assisting; C. S. preferred.
East 803-1.
COl'I'LE employed desire refined. Intelligent
young girl to take care of child and as
sist with housework; will give good home,
treat as one of family and pay good wages
to right party. Woodlawn 170.
WANTED Person desiring board and room
and small pay In exchange for light
housework; 2 adults; no washing. Phone
Sunday. 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. Tabor 2701.
WANTED A kind, motherly woman, ex
perienced with children, as nurse and com
panion for a, little girL BF 222, Ore
gonian. RESPECTABLE and Christian middles ged
widow for housekeeper by reliable man;
references required. AR 392, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED surgical nurse for a 15-bed
out-of-town hospital; $75 a month. Call
Tabor 17S3.
WA NTEI) Experienced marker and sorter;
good wages; steady position. Call Port
land Laundry Co., corner 1'th and Couch st.
ATTENTION Women for box factory work.
3ti cents an hour and up. Fare advanced.
2t North 2d st.
WANTED Experienced switchboard oper
ator; business experience preferred. BF
a. JL"-t, Oregonian.
ii i ur f or soda fountain work ; must thor
oughryv understand the business. Call at
once. SSO Washington st.
WA NTED A lady dish washer for small
waffle house. Call Monday morning, 301
East Morrison St.
WANTED Experienced finisher for ladles
coats. Apply A. Llpman. 107 Broadway,
Liberty Theater bldg. Mar. 4022.
"STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers, please
register with ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO.,
GIRL as wrapper and cashier; experienced;
references required. Lion Clothing Co.,
Morrison and 4th.
EXPERIENCED insurance bookkeeper; state
salary, references and experience. N 367,
Qregonlnn. "
JIOTHERLY woman to care for girl 7 years
old; no housework. Mrs. Morgan. Main
fvst;i, a 43vo .
BOOKKEEPER, one familiar with type
writer. Apply between 9 and 12 A. M 46
N. 2th.
CIRLS wanted; good chance for advance
ment. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry,
East 21st and Sandy blvd.
WANTED Experienced body ironer; steady
work, nest pay. Appiy in person, crystal
Laundry Co., East
and Sandy blvd.
C 1 RL for kitchen help. Shamrock Dairy
Lunch. Stark. Apply today between
10 and 12.
ELDERLY gentleman
must be clean. AB '.
wants housekeeper;
'3. Oregonian.
;Hi iRT-HOUR waitress. K lees' Sweet Shop.
21 S Morrison.
WANTED First-class millinery makers.
Hoffman Millinery Co., 357 Morrison st.
Phone M nrshall SSI.
WOMAN to cook, mornings only.
COOK'S helper, 3:30 to 8:30 P. M. Marshall
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
work. Phone Columbia 470.
ETA NTS finisher wanted. Apply SSS
A. Schubener.
WANTED Experienced chambermaids. Tel
ephone Main lot..
WANTED Manicurist
Ttlrlg. Barber Shop.
and porter. Henry
I'ANTS finisher wanted. Apply fcS Sd St.
A. Seheibener.
.APT partner, to manufacture toilet articles
AB 79. Oregonian.
Experienced girl for
store. Call East 27S5.
WANTED Experienced waitress for Olym-
pia Cafe, litn ana v ssnington sis.
ANTED, experienced chambermaid, wages
$12 per week. Palace Hotel. 446 Wash.
W A NTED Good lady to attend maternity
case. i aoor t--o.
fTOVNO lady to work In confectionery store.
., East Morrison st.
ANTED Experienced- waitresses at the
Portland Hotel.
VANTED Experienced waitress; good
wae. 101 6th st.
:XPERT laundres
Broadway CS13.
private family. Phone
NE hnnd-ironer, good wages. Portland Ho
tel Laundry.
k esseks on
Dv Works.
ladies' work. Enke's City
OMEONE to pick gooseberries on shares.
Phone sMtwood 304.
A A1TKLSS wanted, .03 Morrison st.
LIPMAN. WOLFE ft COMPANY require ths
fololwiag help for their restaurant;
. One assistant cook.
Four waitresses.
No night or Sunday work; good wages
are offered to those who can Qualify; must
be able to furnish the best of reterences.
Apply superintendent's office, 7th floor,
Monday morning between 9 and 10 o'clock.
240 Ankeny St., Cor. Second.
North to Grays Harbor, Wash.
Bee Mr. Beach, company representative.
In office today. Free office fee. Fare ad
vanced. Women for light work In box factory.
8-hour day.
Company has arranged suitable boarding
quarters. Fare advanced.
Come today. See Mr. Beach.
services of an experienced saleswoman for
their kodak department; permanent posi
tion and good salary is offered to the one
who can qualify. Apply superintendent's
unlike, bccuui noor, Jionaay morning Be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock.
25 women to do light work in box fac-
i.ui jr, bp rue e production ior government;
wages jve hour; women have separate
uouse; you win neea to take your bedding
transportation advanced.
309 City Hall.
Picking begins about the 29th at Hood
River; wages are 10 to 12c per carrier;
you should have tents, cooking equipment
rn.ii u ueuumg.
A good outing and make money.
A line trip for families or groups. -PUBLIC
247 Davis Street.
SALESWOMEN for shoe department.
saleswomen ior crockery department
Apply between 0 and 11 A. M.. Super-
uiLonueni s oziice, xtasement xsaicony,
Meier & Frank Co.
WANTED By wholesale house, young lady
for office work, one who has had office
experience and can operate a typewriter
picierrea. Appiy in own handwriting,
giving experience and phone number.
306. Oregonian.
WANTED A young girl apprentice to learn
fur sewing and fur machine operating and
fur trade. Good opportunity for learning
a trade for bright, ambitious girl. Apply
office, 9 o'clock. H. Liebes & Co., 149
A GENUINE lady, preferably of mature age,
can secure pleasant home, without charge,
by giving some light assistance in small
iamny wnere there Is a motherless school
ooy. f oregonian.
WE HAVE opportunity for a few women and
girls over 16 to learn to weave Army blan
kets and cloth; preference given to those
living on the Peninsula. Apply Portland
v ooien jiii is. j-1. jonns. .
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oak sts., will furnish Information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
PRACTICAL nurses with some hospital
training for general duty; position per
manent. In city; In reply give references.
N 305, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady with office experience, able
to check invoices and other similar work;
answer in own handwriting; good chance
for advancement. D 296. Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer; must be experl
euceu, rapia ana accurate; state age, ex
perience, salary expected and telephone
WANTED Neat appearing woman to wash
dishes. $3:0 to 8:S0, Saturdays and Sun
days. Rogers Candy Store. Broadway and
Yamhill sta.
MATURE woman of good appearance for
permanent position if satisfactory; not
office work; business experience not nec
essary. AB 204, Oregonian.
stands vvani adding attachment. Apply
superintendent's office. 9 to 10 A. M. Olds,
Wortman & King.
COLLECTOR wanted, young lady, $10 week
io atari ; good cnance ror advancement.
Give phone. Write X 254. Oregonian.
GIRL wanted to answer telephone and re
ceive orders. Portland Kosher Market
Co.. 641 1st.
WAITRESSES for soda fountain lunch. Ap
piy a to iu a. Ai.r superintendents office.
Olds. Wortman A King.
EXPERIENCED insurance stenographer to
suosLiiute aurmg Bummer vacation, w 247,
JANITRESS for half-day work;
Broadway tress oy montn, a-hour work.
WANTED Two girls, living with parents,
to learn telephone operating. Apply Mr.
Myers, Perkins Hotel.
ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the
baivauon Army nescue nome. avz c.ast
15th st. N., or phone East 128.
EXPERIENCED hands, dressmaking depart
ment, permanent, worn, zuu roadway,
across from Helllg Theater.
GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good
wages. Appiy iroy jauiiury io., i. luth
and Pine streets.
EXPERIENCED corset sales woman; give
references and salary. Knettle Corset Co.,
132S 2d ave., Seattle.
FILING clerk to take charge in large busi
ness; win pay rignt saiary xor experience.
AE 247, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call af
ter 11 A. M. Mandarin Cafe, 362H Morri
son. GIRL to learn rrlnting business; experience
preferred. i!tie-Horman, ZU4 btarx st.
WANTED An ei perlenced cook for hostess
house at Vancouver. can bast 1704.
GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper
Box Co., East 25( u ana noiiaday.
GIRL for wrapping foom.
ML Hood Fac-
tory, 23d coucn st.
SHIRT operator on custom shirts at once.
Mo Macieay oing.
FOR RENT 2 furnished arts. In Stevenson
Court. oir Mill.
GIRL for office work. ML Hood Factory,
233 coucn St.
WANTED Experienced cook.
169 3s. The
unch Box.
WANTED Registered Lady pharmacist. Ad'
dress W 260, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shirt presser.
ML Hood
Factory, 233 Couch st.
GIRL or woman to take care of dining-room
as head waitress. v oregonian.
GIRL for all-around work in small restau
rant, .tio tLzv, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be
ibtalned Dy caning Main hl-, a 2667.
PRIVATE home for children. 3 to 12 years
old; lo years exp. i4fc.verett- Mar. 2162.
wai tress w .n ted. 4o5
W Washington.
CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long n-
gagements, no uateung, casino i. neater.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; call after
II A. 31 Aianaarin caie. on Morrison.
FILING clerk for ship company; good salary
for rignt person. At, oregonian.
WANTED Girl or
woman for general
Hoyt st. East 6648.
housework; 929 E.
WOMAN for janitor work in office bldg.
lock r-xenange uiur. jionuaj.
-Nurse girl. Baby Home. Main
MAIDS wanted. Apply Ash-street entrance
Muitnoman iotei.
WANTED Lady barber; can make $25
week. The Vandyke, Gi 6th st.
Campbell Hill Hotel.
WANTED Chambermaid. Apply 13 N. 3d.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. Wdln. 2flS.
DINING-ROOM glrL Wdln. 2yi5.
LIPMAN. WOLFE 0P4XT' rnnlr. t
services of several experienced sales peo
ple for all departments; also several young
ladles between the ages of 16 and 18 yrs.
to act as cashiers, wrappers and Inspec
tors; experience not necessary ; must be
aoie to i urn is n the best of references. Ap
ply suprintendent's office, seventh floor,
oeiwen tf ana iu o clock Monday morning.
A COMPETENT secretary and stenographs
wanted for a loan company fashioned
arier rural credit system; must writ
goo a nana and be willing to work on
commission oasis until company is estab
lished; splendid future for right party
reterences requirea. uz spaiaing oiag.
WANTED Collector to take chans of th
collections in the city of Portland; this is
an exceptionally good opportunity for one
wno nas naa experience ana knows city
xnorougniy; give pnoae number. u zui,
ACTIVE, reliable woman, aged 25 to 30. re
quired by installment houxe. Make col
lection and trace defaulters. Must know
city thoroughly. Good pay and chances
for advancement. Call 42i Northwestern
aa-nK a:as., Monday, 9:30 to 11.
GI kl stenographer, wholesale house; must
De experienced and rapid In both short
hand and typewriting; give references, if
any. age, and wages expected. X 264.
4 GIRLS or women for liaht work: start
you at 112 week. Girls for big shops for
uij; iic-utrnsorieB ; gooa pay.
11 North Second Street.
WANTED Two women, with some know!
edge of baking, to help in bake shop. Day
worn; six auys per weeK, &unuays orr.
Salary, $4." per month and board. Apply
x ne nazeiwooq, aaa wasningron st.
HOUSEKEEPER, 25 to 40 yrs. old. for
father and two vmatl children; reasonsble
wages; a charming home for someone who
is interested in children, flowers and out
oi poors. Ats 2 1 oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, In law of Ice; furnish
machine, pay for attending phone and so
much per folio for work done; opportunity
ior a student or a puduc stenographe
Main 44S6.
LADY of good understanding and presence
to can on professional men In city to bo
licit business for local corporation. Call
4.10 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Monday,
o to :ju or z to a:ju.
THREE bright, capable women to travel
$25 to $50 per week, weekly advance for
traveling expenses. uooaricn JJrug Co.
uept. i iuu, tnnana, reo.
WANTED A first-class cloak and suit
saieslady, one capable of doing alterations;
a gord, Meady position for the right party,
AQurtss ine Parisian, nena, or.
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position with large publishing
nouse; siaie age, education, experience,
P"onn nii.nner. as mo. oregonian.
WANTED Neat-appearing young lady, cap
able of operating elevator. AddIv at nf
fice of H. Liebes & Co., 148 Broadway, at
if O ClOCK.
MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light house
work and some sewing; pay weekly or
jiiuii tiny. 4.iii ounuay, tuoa uranu ave.(
room 10.
GOOD, willing girl would like co to beach
vr mountains as nurse gin with Christian
iamny arter July i; will call for Interview,
j m ii in ii icitreni;ea. Aft. .i-u, oregonian.
TO learn to be nurse in private hosoital.
j"uu(s, eirong, neaitny, witn lair euuea-
non ana oi gooa cnaracter; lair wages.
.1 o i ry, urtgonian.
WANTED Woman for general housework :
small hotel at beach ; no cooking for
guests, cau aionaay forenoon. Ockley Ho
EA14NEST young school teacher wishes po
ii-ioii as oiuce girt, or ciencai wpra; good
at figures; has own typewriter. S 00,
TRUSTWORTHY, middle-aged woman.
take charge or home: plain cooking; work
not heavy. East 5580 all day Sunday,
aiier weeKaays.
WOMAN with some experience candling
eggs or wrapping nutter can get perma
nent position.
4 Front st.
GIRL apprentice In ladies' tailoring shop;
goon wages to rignt party, oos tilisan st.(
near 21st.
WANTED Mangle help, with or without
experience ; gooa wages, .fa l ace laundry
co., Hi. mtnjana Averett.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper for wholesale house.
oive experience and salary wanted; some
ijpewnung. j ..j, oregonian.
WOMAN collector, one who can ride wheel
preferred, fcjtate age, ret., and. salary ex
pected. M 3S3, Oregonian.
GIRL or woman to assist with housework
and take care of children; wages -0 per
montn. Apply jji jn. -jq sc.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower and father.
Plain cooking. State wages In answering.
a oregonian.
MANICURIST and hair dresser, experienced.
Apply hair dressing parlors Portland Ho
WANTED 2 girls, one dining-room work.
6 hours; one two hours In kitchen. Call
Main 6u, after t A.. l. Monday.
MILLINERY apprentice; bright girl, to learn
the Dusiness; 7 per week to start. 3oo
Alder st.
Depot Restaurant.
loth ana Hoyt.
EXPERIENCED law stenographer with ex
ecutive anility. -fins Morgan Didg.
Wanted Domestics,
GIRL or woman for general housework, on
rancn; smaii nouse wun conveniences
small family. Call at Nortonla Hotel Tues
day. Mrs. Porter.
A WOMAN to do housework; no washing, no
ennuren; no lirncn to get; an ea?y home
like place, with room on ground floor.
For particulars, call Wld. 4210.
YCUNG girl to assist with light housework
and care or one child, near Peninsular
rtirK. one wno can go nome nights.
Phone C 1433.
WANTED Competent girl for housework.
smaii iamny, gooa wages, no bun day din
per. Maln4207. 403 Montgomery drive.
SCANDINAVIAN girl for general house
work, wanted by elderly couple; good
nome ana wages. rnone laoor vj.
MIDDLE-AGED lady to keep house for fam
ily of three; no washing. A. fa oily, 030
Union- ave. N.
WANTED Girl for general housework; must
oe gooa. piain cook; in iamny; no wash
Ing; wages $25. Sell wood i6tf.
WANTED Capable girl or woman for gen
eral nouseworic in imaii nome near oeacn.
Phone Tabor 5041.
WANTED Refined young lady who would
appreciate a good home ana imail wages.
Call Monday after 10 A. M. 228 2d st.
WANTED White or colored experienced
cook; references; good wages; family of
two. Phone East 4."i2.
GIKL with experience, or woman of mid
dle age; Scandinavian preferred. 845
Haight ave. Woodlawn 3400.
WANTED Young girl or school girl to as
sist in nouse work, small place. Call Mar
shall 3237.
LADY for second work in private family.
Wages $30; references required. F 337,
' Oregonian.
GIRL to assist with housework after school
and Saturday and go home nights. 29
North 17th.
GIRL, or middle-aged woman, for light
housework, 3 In family. Good home for
right party. Tabor 3265.
WOMAN 'or girl to assist with housework;
good wages; can stay at home nights If
desired. Phone Main 3222.
EXPERIENCED girl or middle-aged woman
for housework and cooking In 6 -room flat
for 2 adults; good home. Call East 830.
WANTED MilMj-aged woman for house
work Address TiJ 835. Oregonian.
WANTED A good painter and paper hang
er Call Tabor 4720, after 5 P. Bl., today.
EXPERIENCED second girl la desirable
home. Main 773H.
WOMAN or girl for light housework. Phone
Main 2415
HOUSEKEEPER for widower.
6th. Columbia Optical Co.
Apply 145
WANTED A girl for general housework;
wash ing or Ironing. Main 7220.
WANTED Chambermaid
204 Columbia
DINING-ROOM girl in logging camp,
ply 602 Couch bldg.
WANTED Woman for light housework; for
couple. 409 First sL
YOUNG girl to asslrt with housework! Main
Gr16. 5J5 West Broadway, comer Lincoln.
COM PETENT cook, fsmily of two. West
Side. Call Sunday. 653 Johnson et.
COMPETENT nurse to care for two chil
. dren. Marshall 3063.
Wanted Domestics.
WANTED Girl for. general housework In
family of four, to go to beach for Sum
mer; best wages; only first-class cook
need apply. Phone Bdwy. 3611 or call
. at apartment 3. WlcMersham, 18th and
WOMAN for general housework on farm
near Astoria; good, steady position; mod
ern conveniences; no washing; $25 a
month. Mrs. William Schoenebeck. Sven-
sen. Or.
WAN T E D Intelligent girl for second work
In small private family; good wages; none
but capable need apply. Mra E- C Shev
lin. 184 North 20th st.
C O M P ETENT girl for housework. ilnaTl
family, good wages; no washing; no Sun
day amner. Marshall 141 L b26 Kearney.
near 2Tth.
WANTED Day or resident governess
itocotch or English preferred) for two giris
of 12 and 10; French and music essential.
S 2tf5. Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl for housework, small
fsmily. good wages; no washing; no Sun
day dinner. Marshall 14L bo6 Kearney,
near 2."th.
WANTED School girl, not under 15. to as
sist with general housework. Washing
sent out. Wages during vacation, $li;
during school. Set. W ood.awn 2233.
WANTED Competent child nurse for 18-month-old
baby. Mast be thoroughly ex
perienced and have best reference ; good
wages. Marshall 2560:
WANTED Loganberry pickers for 43 acres
of berries located mile from carilne at
Salem Heights. 15-mlnute service. 5-cent
fare to Salem. Fine camp grove, free wood,
potato patch and straw for bedding; water
piped on grounds; no tents or bunk houses.
Telephone on camp grounds and free daily
delivery of groceries. Picking will start
about June 17. B. Cunningham, route 3.
box 121. Salem. Or. -v.
S T R A W B E RRTpickera wanted: White Sal
mon straw berry -pic king season will begin
about June 1. A large number of pickers
and packers wanted. Have increased
wages. Bring camping outfits. Write for
further Information. Apply to the White
Salmon Valley Growers' Association. White
Salmon. Wash.
WE are giving a special course In auto
mobile repairing, electric starting and
lighting system, rebuilding of storage bat
teries, vulcanizing and retreading of tires,
acetylene welding, etc, for $50. Life mem
7Q7 Hawthorne ave. at-2oth st.
MAN and wife, woman for family cook
ana man for garden and yard; must be ex
perienced, reliable help. Wages $50 each
with board and nice place to live. J. L.
. Bowman, 645 Knott street, or call at the
aiowpiviiie wooien aim store, city.
WANT men and women under 55 and boys
16 or over to work as laborers and helpers
In stores of Southern Pacific Railway Co.,
Brooklyn shops; steady work. Store
keeper. EXPERIENCED bookkeepers and stenog-
1 upners comoinea ; must have references;
good salary to those with the qualifica
tions. S 2S7, Oregonian.
WANT man and wife to take charge of
uairy 01 a cows ciose to oaiem; Dane pre
ferred. Communicate with K. Catiln, Sa
lem. Or.
TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi
tions. Main 4ttoo. 1-ink Teachers' Agency.
SALESMEN of ability always command the
nignest compensation. Tlio best and most
consistent salesmen are not BORN but
MA DP;. We are not a school, but a busi
ness -house, with offices in the principal
cities of the Pacific Coast. If you are
honest, energetic and determined, we will
place you in our instruction department,
where we will develop you into a highly
efficient salesman, without cost to you.
Most men earn from $20 to $60 per week
during training. We will then give you
permanent employment 011 a clean, dig
nified proposition of exceptional merit
where you can earn from $itoO to $600 per
month. Give telephone for appointment.
V all, Oregonian.
BE KhAUi to respond to the present
demand for trained workers. We can
help you plan the course that will ex
actly meet YOUR requirements, and at
hours which will not conflict with the
work you are now doing. No vacations.
All commercial branches; also dictaphone.
Enroll before advance in rates. Lumber
men's Building, 5th and Stark. Phone
Broadway 6661. Miss F. Bursell, Principal.
Individual Instruction. Short Practical
Course. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeep
ing, Spelling, Dictaphone, Mimeograph
ing, Office Training, Adding Machine. Fil
ing. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
Founded in 183. Trade taught in eight
weeks: tuition earned during the course;
get you a position, furnish tools, scholar
ship transfer card Write for free cata
logue. 234 Burnside st.
PRACTICAL training In gss. electrical and
steam engineering, mechanical drawing,
machine-shop practice, oxy-acetyiens
welding, automobile and tractor operating
and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se
attle Engineering School, Seattle, Wash.
MEN. WOMEN, learn the barber trade;
shortage of barbers all over the country:
big wages; $5 to $10 per week earned
while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL. Phons
Broadway 173L MOH1.EK BARBER COL
LEGE. 234 Burnside st.
OLD hats made new; reblocking. i0c; trim
mine, ac up, nemsLitcning. lUc per vd
button making: first-class work. We give
. xx. green irauing stamps, aisck Mil
linery, 542 Union ave. N., near Russell.
caic .'.8i.
LICENSED" TEACHER, Lincoln High School
nignc classes, teacner or French by con
versation, topics or tne aay : classes now
being formed, day and evening instruc
tion, private lessons. 301 Corbett bldg.
.'lam juo.
GRAPH .SCHOOL Conducted by experts,
persona! attention, practical work; heavy
demand for operators. $75 to $S5 to start.
Fuller's Telegraph School. Alisky bldg.
W ANTED More young women to prepare
ior teiegrapn service; many positions open
now for women telegraphers. For partic
ulars write or call Telegraph Dept.. room
218. Railway Ex. bldg., cor. 3d and Stark.
462 Hawthorne Ave.
Special reduced rate until Juna 15; only
day and evening classes.
Just two more days to enroll at the
Adcox. Auto & Gas Engine School for half
price, union ave. and Wasco st.
F RENCH conversatlton taught quickly; les
sons In English branches, topics of the
Say and general Information. Phone morn
ings. Miss P erriss. East 3334.
PORTLAND Government clerk examina
tions May 25; thousands wanted ; $lo0
month : sample questions free. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 7t)4 E, Rochester, N. Y.
DRAFTSMEN Opportunities .unlimited;
young people with ability may qualify
with few months' private Instruction. Par
ticulars East 4205.
874 Wasco St.. Cor. Union Ave,
Call, write or phone E. 7445 about free
trial offer. Day and night classes.
aay anu mgnu xuiamooK ana tianten
bein. East 3860.
MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free.
wages while learning; position guaranteed.
Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st.
men and women the barber trade free.
Paid while learning. S34 Couch st.
Free registration. vix-LZ Broadway bldg.
Main 6274.
TEACHERS needed for 1918-lft. Clark
Teachers' Agency. 412 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.. Spokane. Wash.
ARMSTRONG-HOLMES Business College,
Fliedner bldg.; day and evening. Broad
way 1821.
TELEGRAPHY, stenography, Bkg. Board,
rm. ana tuition may oe earned. Mackay
Bus. Colleges, Los Angeles and Fresno.
MISS M ATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit
ing ocnoui, a a y, evening, montn. 26
1 4th, near Jefferson. Main 3893.
FRENCH and piano lessons, European
teachers, highest references. 166 Lowns
date st. r
sons. $o.00. AM 3."ju, Oregonian.
FORD owner to teach driving and slight re
ps inn g. v uregonian.
SPANISH lessons, day or evening; ladles'
af lernoon c:ass. 493 Montgomery st.
LOOK Violin lessons, 0c; beginners only.
Woodlawn 32V4. Broaaway 1000.
Sni Corbett Bldg.
Main 1026.
TINTING neatly done: paperhangtng.
painting. 1S6 First at. Main 35. A 7043.
WANTED Position working mornings as
salesman or collector A3 431, Oregonian.
L HIGH-GRADE specialty salesman, who
has Just completed a, trip covering the
entire United State with a Nationally
advertised specialty and with a marked
degree of success, is anxious to make a
local connection, either inside or outside
ort. win not take anything that 1
not high grade and must have uierlc Ca
give local or bank references. Would be
pieasea to call on you. AL 324. Oregonian.
A Job that will make me extend myself
and use all my ability and capacity far
nru wur.- am a aepartment store ex
ecutive. 10 years as superintendent
present position , age 45; experience! in
handling men and women and in detail
work, nelerencea Turnir hed to those in
terested. Address AV 73, Oregonian.
We can put you in touch with such a
man. our uustness is ruling positions to
your satisfaction not merely connecting
up unemployed men with Jobs. A number
of well trained men have listed with us
recently. Come in or phone us your needs.
Main oou.
EXPERIENCED lumberman, thoroughly cap
able in the lumber trade, as foreman
am familiar with all grades of Coast luin-
00 r. nave had 1 years experience; can
lu'i'inn uce c ui iris. . ui ivreinaa Ul t
lumber yard at present; personal inter
view on request, evenings or Sunaays. AV
vji, oregonian.
designing and detailing, or other drafting
work, wanted to do in spare time. Best
local reference. P 2m. Oregonian.
IS there an opening with any of the shiji
ounaing companies ior a man who can
iiii tne position of superintendent of eiec
trical work? One who can estimate the
necessary purchases. lay out the work and
take charge of the Installation. Advise
s4ry and opportunity for advancement.
a vzt. cregomnn. .
1 KNOW every buyer In shipbuilding indus
try In Wash, and Oregon by their first
name; If you hae a superior article you
want sold to them and really have an at
tractive proposition, t can interest you.
Address AB 2b7, Oregonian. Phone CoU
HAVE been engaged In business In country
town for 15 years. Have always been very
successful. W ish to connect with some
substantial business in ciiy ; can fill po
sition of responsibility. W hat can you of
. fer me ? References furnished to satisfy
tne most exacting. AV 5t4, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. exempt from draft, well edu
cated, steady and reliable, desires execu
tive position, preferably one necessitating
some outside work ; capable handling detail ;
best of references furnished. AE 246,
CHIEF clerk In traffic department of "rail
road. Just re eased, daeires position of re
sponsibility; work contributing to war
service preferred; lniustrial and steno
graphic work considered. AN 203, Orego
nian. ABLE, commercial salesman with a wid
and successful experience desires live
account for Montana and adjacent ter
ritory; understands business requirements.
Will produce satisfactory results. liefer
nces. Address V 333. Oregon! an.
COMPETENT married man wishes to take
full charge of furnished ranch, on salary
or shares. Would preir wages first year.
Write Pi H. Jensen, G res ham. Or., R, 3,
box 350. -
POSITION wanted by a man who under
stands abstracting, loans, real estate and
conveyancing ; been In charge of ab
stract and title company; will accept out-of-town
posit ton. AV 7!H, Oregonian.
POSITION by chief erecting and stationary
engineer; 31 years' experience. 52 years
old ; familiar with handling lare gangs
"and modern machin shop practice; preler
city. Address 70S Willamette blvd.
EXPERT timekeeper and Isber distribution
cle'rk, past draft age, severalyears' expe
rience in railroad, industrial and logging
work, seekb re-employment; Al references.
M 806, Oregonian.
BY MAN with family and good references,
to care for or to oversee the enre of a
city, suburban or near-ln country home or
estate. Desrlbe pluc-e and give terms in
first letter. A B 285, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS meat cutter and shop man
ager wants work, country preferred; mar
ried, and has first-class references; age 33.
F 2i8. Oregonian.
COMPETENT gardener (single) wants
steady work on private place, city or coun
try; witling to batch; references. M 4ol.
WELL educated, middle-aged American
wants employment in forenoon. Address
c. K. Trowbridge, 430 Rodney ave. East
SALESMAN, with lots of pep, 9 years' ex
perience In Northwest territory, over draft
age. wishes position June 1; have had ex
pen f n r o 1 n buying. HJ Oregonutn.
YOUNG man, going on 20 years, exempt
from draft, desires to associate with law
firm : will start from the bottom; fair
education. Address W. M. Y.. 535 Savlerst.
CITY salesman, 12 years experience, desires
several good lines, commission busia; can
f urninh references, bond. M 402, Ore
gonian. MEAT CUTTER and sausage maker wants
work in country town; elderly married
man; steady and reliable. Box 63, Marcoia,
WANTED A position by a young man who
has had 7 years' experience In gas engine,
pumps. Implements, etc.. with A I refer
ence s. AV 745. Oregonian.
B V STEADY married man, 45, with family,
light employment where honesty and
promptness count; references. F 34, Ore
gonian. BY steady, prompt married man. 46. posi
tion as day watchman on boat. F 335.
TEACHER. 42. married, not strong physical
ly, wants steady, light work; no uiiciting
1 1 wn. urcgonun.
PAINTER, experienced, wants painting, etc.,
day or contract, large or small Jo us.
38, Oregonian. '
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants work
part day, small salary. AP 208, Orego
nian. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving,
Steady and reliable. Phone East 7442. Ask
for Johnson.
GAKDENER who knows his business in full
detail wants situation; single. S 2t!t, Ore
SALESMAN would like position either in
city or country territory; could go to work
at once. AJ 3ni, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires po
sition. Will give references. AN 247. Ore
YOUNG married man. experienced stock
keeping and shipping, would like good
position. M 4Qtf. oregonian.
MAN wants work of any kind from 1 1 A. M
to 3 P. M.; have some shop experience.
Address E. Petroff, 4i 6th st.
GOOD mechanic wishes truck driving or
shover. Address Pete Anoff, 450 V Wash
ington. Broadway 4o.
MAN and wife of 33. experienced farm hand
and cook, want work, in eastern Oregon.
O 26'J, oregonian.
GOOU milker, experienced In cert ified ma
chine milking, wants Job. A. Miller, 233
Burnside st. fnone uray. -.iu.
POSITION wanted; single man; good gar
dener, experienced In fruit and Irrigation.
W 250, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. A-l refer
ences; above draft; state wages. AV 785,
MAN and wife wants dining-room work out
of town; can take charge. X 248, Ore
PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging by ex
perienced workman; estimates furnished,
Marshall 16.
MAN. experienced In civil engineering and
general construction woric wants engage
ment. BJ 333. Oregonian.
WANTED Tallying and car loading by con
tract by two expenencea men; Xioormg,
siding, etc. O 261, Oregonian,
MAN, wife and daughter wish place In log
ging camp; woman good cook. M 3G6, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED grocery man or dry goods.
agea -s. not in Army a rait. ji. j. w.,
8127 Woodstock ave. S. E.
EMPLOYMENT In bank. Experienced ra
country and city banking. O 277, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED Ford truck driver wants
Job. Call Malq 7343. Apt. 1.
BY first-class sausage maker and
meat packer. A M 354, Oregonian.
Al CARPENTER; take any kind of contract-
lng or building line. AJ 3U6. Oregonian.
MAN want Janitor work in apartment.
1 6.
eluding outside work, slain 4!o., roor
CAMP cook wants work about June 10. beat
01 rererences. av wbu.
EXPERIENCED warehouse man. or general
work of any kind, w 2..1, oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced, midde-
aged man as janitor. AC 240. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. above draft age. wants po
ll : ion as janitor. v to. oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wishes light work In even
ing oniy. a r oregonian.
PURCHASING agent, large experience, with
legal training. Jt2. oregonian.
DICK BRINGM AN for lawns and garden
s-ork, 4Qv an hour. Phone Broadway 2213.
CHAUFFEL'R and mechanic wants, private
position. East 35 n.
vork; right
painting and tinting,
prices. Marshall 24i'3
BY active, elderly, educated man. wiib. road
experience. A, 13U, ores ham. Or.
Painting and tinting wanted, out and
in city. Phone Main 5453.
Book keepers. ?Meiw;rmpherm Off tee.
EXPE RT accountant and tvpist" married,
family, site 2H, wants clerical or executive
position July 1. Can accept sooner if neces
sary; thoroughly conversant with up-to-date
accounting, including machine ledger
posiing systems. Seven years with one
corporation. At present on road. Best of
reasons for change. Recommendations
from present employer. Will not consider
anything but first-class clerical or selling
position. CaJl Tabor 7574 or write R, H.
Thiers. 1116 Clinton st.
ACCOUNTANT, credit msn. office manager.
mMdle-aged. with business experience and
ability, desires position where there is
opportunity for promotion. N 864, Ore
gonian. Pot-ITION by an experienced bookkeeper
and ail-around office man: past draft age;
A I references. 634 Y. M. C A. bldg.
Phone Main 6 TOO.
RELIABLE and experienced manlnof fice.
sales, correspondence, advertising. etc.,
open for engagement; references. BO
Oregon inn.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office
man, stenographer. above draft. AN
240, Oregonian.
Ol"NG married man. with R. R. traffic,
clerical and office experience, desires po
lamn. Woodlawn 2.k4.
TEACHE R. grammar school, wants to con
tract for next school year; 1 1 years' ex
perience; sny puce In Ore it on. rural or
town: third grade state papers; recom
mended by Supts. of Benton or Lincoln
counties. Only high saiary considered.
Write Hox 43. Newport. Or.
GOOD plain cook, chambermaid and kitchen
helper or dishwasher, wish position to
gether in hotel or camp; state wages. Ad
dress C. I . 113 14th au N, Portland.
Phone Broadway 2110.
CAPABLE business woman wishes position
of trust. Had charge of large estate, car
ried on two real estate corporations, and
munaged a first -ct ass hotel ow ned by
parents' estate. Y 3To. Oregonian.
REMINGTON typist, fair speed, accurate,
wishes position or typing at home: Is well
educated, industrious, quick at figures and
a good penman; moderate salary. Box 23 S,
Salem, Or.
WOMAN of ability wihes clerical position;
weil educated. enerRetic and refined: uses
typewriter, writes pood hand, is accurate
at ilures and likes work, P. O. box 23ct,
Salem, nr.
CAPABLE and reliable girl wishes to do
housework half day ; can wash, cook and
' turn off work quickly and well; $6 a
week; West Side. X 27S. Oregonian
W ANTE D Teacher wants work for Sum
mer months; willing to do any kind of
work where I am needed to take a man's
place. A E 234. Oregonian.
WANTED To accompany elderly person. In
valid or children to California for travel
ing expenses, about June 20. AE 233, Ore-
CAPABLE, neat woman wants Janitor work.
Would prefer doctor offices, as under
stand sterilizing instruments. Hospital
experience. P. O. B.. 648.
A COMPETENT, experienced telephone op
erator, with best of references, desires a
position with hotel or business house, AE
2JS Oregonian.
LADY would answer phone part time In
small hotel or apartment in exchange for
room. Would answer phone all day at
small salary. AE 239. Oregonian.
viini.K-A(;KD ladv would like work
" where husband and wife are employed;
no objection to children. Alain bii on
Sunday only, or call 711 E. 79th at.
WORK wanted on farm or in camp by
woman and helper; strong, capable. An
swer Mrs. A. Bucknor, Gen. Del., Port
land. Or.
BUSINESS college girt wishes work In home,
morning and evenings; experienced, and
will exchange references. AB 274, Ore-
go nia n.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, widow, wishes
housework; no children; two adults, no
washing; tn or out of city. Phone Tabor
Hu44 or 711S ."3d avenue.
YOUNG ladv attending business college
wants place to work for room and board;
prefers elevator or cashier work. Phone
East 47:12. ask for Ms.
BUSINESS woman wants position as man
ager of hotel for industrial workers or
others. Can take entire charge, Y 373,
PERM VNENT position, comptometer and
office work: references. W 261, Orego
REFINED, capable lady wishes position as
forelsdy of alteration room; expenencea
he-tt of references. K 2-1,
EXPERIENCED woman will cater or serve o inner pururo,
banquets. prices reasonable. P.ast
W ANTED Work in forenoon; no tounnay
work: prefer pantry or cooaing. v.i
6l2h Monday, .room 2.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, nign scnooi grad
uate, wishes position 01 trust ana rwjwuB
bllity. AF 361, Oregonian.
LDY emp'.oved will be company for or care
for child evenings for evening dinner ana
Pleasant room. AJ 3nl. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPING beginner will work three
hours mornings gratis
K 234,Oregonian.
.t v- fA iiit worK in camp: man
good cook; wiie as waiuw -
TKACHER especially successful with excep
tional children wisnes privmo -lem.
Or. Box 23S.
Kovemess by experienced
school t
cher. with excellent references.
willing to leave city
v .1 1 , L.reK"nian.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes
"position as P. B. X. operator. Phone Bdy.
R13. .
SINGLE woman over 30 desires clerical po
sition or bookkeeping, experience. AV
W ANTED Place to take care of children
evenings while mother Is away; refer
ences. Woodlawn 1611.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
STc an hour and carfare. Phone Tabor
HOUPECLE ANING and washing wanted fo
homes or apartment- Call 7 P.
men :
M. 4":
4th. Marshall 005ft.
WANTED work or other work In
office : am accustom- tc meet ins- puoiic.
state sa
AE 235. Oregonian.
TEACHER who can use typewriter wants
position In clerical work. AB 2 03. Ore
gonian. LADY will take entire charge and care of
Children during narenta absence In even
In: rf. Mar. 34.
LADV wishes position as elevator operator.
Phone Marshall 6QH.
YOUNG woman wants position as governess.
S 25". Oregoniam
AE 225, Ore-
CLERICAL work for the Summer. AE 231,
Oregonian. t
A WOMAN would like about 6 hours a day
t i g ht work. Phone C 2327.
YOUNG woman wishes position telephone
operator. M ls Ferguson. A 6038.
XEAC H E r7 22 vesrs old. wants business po
sition. Call Sell. 300.
WORK answering phone, no typing, by
young lady ; references. Woodlawn 1611.
A JAPANESE girl wants housework, small
family. U 21S. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanere girl wants situation, small
family. AC 25ft. Oregonian.
TEACHER wants business position.
Oregon lan.
6 286,
HAIR dyed at home, reasonable, by expe
rienced Udy. Main RSTtt.
BOOKKEEPER wishes t of books to keep
at home: references. K 23S. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady will assist dressmaker; 20c
per hour. Tenor go o.
STENOGRAPHER with office experience
wishes position. rnwic Aaoor pjjo.
LACE curtMina laundered. 15 years' experi
ence. Tabor waj. airs, pcou. v oi. --o.
PASTRY work wanted, good pay.
Woortlnwn 2142. bet. 9:30 and 10:30.
COMPETENT woman wants day work. East
Yol'NG ladv. Inexperienced but willing,
wants position. O 253. Oregonian.
GIRL wants position In doctor's office.
26. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by a lady cook or house
keeper, city or country, uroaaway inn.
FIKST-CLAS3 laundress wants work. Phone
East aim.
LAUNDRY work or day work. Call Broad
way 3441. room a.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
Monddy, 1 uesoay, 1 nyraaaeeiiwooa iwi
Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office.
YOUNG lady wishes position in office with
opportunity to learn aienograpny. rnoni
Tabor 95.
STENOGRAPHER, capable taking dictation.
wishes to locate in city; eigm years ex
perience: state salary 8 Oregonian.
TEACHER, accurate with figures, wants
work in ortice. av oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lsdy clerk wants position
in dry goods store. A v v 7. oregonian.
EFFICIENT stenographer and bookkeeper.
5 years wun one iirm. Main zsw
STENOGRAPHER Copy work dona reason
able at home. Marshall 423.
POSITION wanter at general office work
or clerical work. A. ureguniaa.
Boo k k ee pers. S leoograpners. Office.
WANT ED- Young lady good personality,
positively reliable, wants work in office or
would consider something else; can use
Underwood tperiter. What have youT
X 275. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by young woman ex
perienced In bookkeepig and typing,
would like position with small concern
or s assistant bookkeeper. AE 244. Ore
toman. BRIGHT, experienced Uaw stenographer
desires chance 1st of -month. Moderat
salary for light work and rlprht place.
Underwood operator. Phone Sunday Mam
EXPERIENCED and expert law and lumber
stenographer, working knowledge book
keeping, desires position. AB 2SS. Orego
nian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and cash
ier or general office work by thoroughly
competent young woman: can also operate
typewriter; references. P Oregon Ian.
PERMANENT, reliable tenant wants four
or f ive-room nicely furnished or unfur
nished modern bungalow; moderate rent.
Telephone Sellwood 2M.
EXPERIENCED clerical typing and assist
ant bookkeeper; beginner in stenography;
willing to start at $00 a month. Mar
shall 067.
HOfTPL clerk. bookkeeping, experienced,
competent, married woman. W 206. Ore
gonian. HONEST, reliable girl with some experience
wishes position as cashier. AV 74S, Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady, good personality. desires
clerkship In office or hotel in or out of
city. K 2-16. Oregonian.
experience, wishes work part of day; best
of references. Broadway 2732.
ST F NOGUAPH E R, neat and dependable,
with good rate of speed, desires position
AC 274. Oregonian. .
LA DY bookkeeper, employed during day.
win keep small set of books nights or
Sundays. K 2.M. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer wishes position,
legal and commercial experience. Main
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable,
home or day. IOjV 4th. room 23. Mala
2 .Vv
CORSET making taught at reasonable rates.
X 272. Oregonian.
. Nurses.
TRAINED nurse In her home has a private
room or sleeping porch for paralysis case
or convalescent; doctor's references. Ta
bor 2'7.
YOUNG woman, experienced with children,
will take entire charge for Summer; good
opportunity for parents desiring to travel.
AJ 304. Oregonian. .
NU RSE Quiet home. confirmed Invalids,
unfortunates; references. Oreabam, Or.,
Route A. Box 111.
NrKSE wants to care for mother and baby
mornings. Woodlawn 574. AE 203, Ore
gonian. POSITION de-lred by refined girl as child s
nurse. X 277, Oregonian.
Phone Tabor S464.
hospital experience.
NKAT. middle-aged practical nurse. Sellwood
30s. .
INVALID gets room, care trained nurse,
home comforts: city ref. Tabor 2213.
EXPERIENCED, practical maternity nurse,
607 Union ave. N. Phone East 7704.
HOUSEKEEPER wishes position with smll
family or lady occupied during day. C. S.;
very fond of children, reliable, good refer
ences. N 33. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper, by
woman of 40; good cook and neat: have
girl of 5. Address A, M. Gray, Linnton.
WIDOW with daughter wishes position as
housekeeper: give best references and ex
pect best references. In answering, give
phone number. AE 243. Oregonian.
LADY, with little girl ." years old. would
like to keep nouse ior wnrmnp ihm
child or two. in city. Address Mrs. Lillian
lJavis. ien. i'ei.. i ornmivi. v-
WANTED Position by experienced woman
to take charge of hotel or rooming-house
or as hous keeper or working housekeeper.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as
housekeeper in modern family; good cook;
has furniture for 5 rooms. AP 221, Ore
YOUNG woman, capable, good cook and
worker, wishes situation with couple; 1st
class people; adults; wages $30; references.
AG 50, oregonian.
COMPETENT, reliable, economical house
keeper wants position In up-to-date home,
cltv or country. AN ISO. Oregonian.
HOLLA NDISH widow wants work as house
keeper or anv other occupation. Dolstra,
J15 Ea?t Salmon st.. city.
POSITION as housekeeper In small rooming
house, able to take full charge. Marshall
Roho. evenings. .
EXPERIENCED young woman wishes
housework by day. AE 223. Oregonian.
WOMAN with child two years wants house
work in widower's home. E. 3463.
Domest Irs.
LADY desires chamberwork : small hotel or
rooming house. Phone Broadway 2o4ft.
WANTED To rent either furnished or un
furnished 8 or lO-rooined house, well lo
cated and modern; advertiser from out of
town, can furnish excellent references. AC
UttM. Oregon lan.
TWO adults want 6-room unfurnished mod
ern nouse year or iuurti . "
hood, close In; lrvlngton preferred; mod
erate rental: desirable tenants: excellent
care or property. " "--
W ANTED 5-room bungalow with garage or
k.-.u. -o ...t,.i. VI v huv luat
space to ouuu , auui ' -- - -
be good car service. Will lease lor year.
Phnnn Wnodlawn 4891.
WANT a furnished or partly furnished
m 00 ern Dunniu . ... v,.. . .
City Park district: reasonable; two adults.
PK 196. Oregonian.
IN 1 RV1NGTON. Alameda or Rose City
Park by adults couple, strictly modern
6 or 7 -room house or bungalow. East
WANTED to rent 3 or 4 room modern houne.
with bath and electric lights, reasonably
cloe In on East Side, by three adult
ladles. Phone East 14 n. during day.
FOR BALE By owner. 5-room modern
bungalow in Richmond district. Sellwood
H; or call at residence, l4l Clinton, be
tween 9 and 12 A. M.
WANT to rent, privilege buying, furnihhed
house up to $5000 or $600u; will consider
any size If absolute bargain. AH 2i2. Ore-
FOUR or five-room furnished flat, wun
sleeping pore n. oy iwu "
Side preferred; must be reasonable and
modern. M 4u7. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished house, about 5
or 6 rooms; Wfsi Oina pieieiiro. "
mer-Kelly Co., 416 Pittocit Bik., Bawy.
FURNISHED or partly furnished 6 or 6-
room house, preieraoiy wanting; uinw,
" 0y refined widow and daughter; references.
AE 24S, Oregonian.
VERY desirable tenants, young couple, no
children, gooa reierences, want, to iev
or rent small bungalow or house by June
15. Tabor 53S8-
WANTED To rent & or 6-room house in
good neighborhood, oy woman wim iwu
children. Phone E?"t 639.
WANTED To rent a 5-room furnished flat.
close In; must De clean ana reasonari. oy
permanent parties. Phone East 3SJ5.
WANTED Medium-sized modern house.
reasonable; auuita; perroaueuu A.uuvaw
M 417. Oregonian.
FOUR or 5-room furnished house, housekeep
ing rooms or fiat, on East Side; W'averly
dlst. preferred. Sell. gtl4. ,
WANTED TO RENT 2. 4 or 6-room modern
aieam-hated. furnished flats. West Side.
Adults. Marshall 1512.
RESPONSIBLE party wants unfurnished
modern bouse, about 6 rooms; can give ref
erences. Tabor SJW5.
WANTED To rent a 6-room furnished
house with modern conveniences, close In
on the West Side. X 276, Oregonian.
WANTED By June L furnished house. 5
or 6 rooms; adults; references. M 405,
STRICTLY modem, furnished 6-room house,
Irving ton. Broadway, or West Side pre
ferred. Adults, jaarsnan o.
fiot'SE Place with fruit and berries; Ore
gon Electric or S. P. Une preferred. Call
Tabor 2533.
LIST your house and lot with J. J. Oeder.
We collect rents in all psrts of city. J. J.
Oeder, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
5 6 OR 7-ROOM modern house, furnished
'or unfurnished, within SO mkn. car ride.
East side preferred. Sellwood 2644.
COUPLE want to rent small flat or hous
furnished or unfurnished. Wood. 2227.
WANTED To rent, furnished houseboat by
June 6. K 242. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished ft-room modern house
and garage. Call Tabor 12.
RESPONSIBLE family of adults want 7 or
6-room modem house. Call Main SQ76.
WANTED To rent 5 or 6 rooms, all or part
furnished. BJ 337. Oregonian.
TO LEASE a 5 or 6-room house for re
Al references. Call East 2776.