T17E SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 12, 1918. 13 MLMVrv 7V MFV. Larfvat iiutituttoa of It kind In th w wanta Mrril hthclj MWniN h cab th a -im oX oto pr at rprnttiv. wbo r earn in ml ih rat of bttr tho f T :) pmr rr. trvtua prtn; In v.ling pc1ille an iivnt. but not ntil If jtoh kv Mlltnc Bnm. a ci r-rd and r wilung to work nHr oar direction. Writ for prriunai tnt'rvt-. slving n. up iirM ul pha tuubtr. JdL Crg'a.n. IF ltd ARK A hf'E' ULTT MAl.KSUAS eapabl of earning mr than SJ'Mhi pr r. ambttiu fur bigger tain. bv cpnin fur to lake car of our rapMllir IncrtMtmf tutlnM. bf Juat conp.iM mo-t modra f ctry in A mr- a fur mj.nuf.tur of art calvodar. Biontbtr r ir. tncrivtH (rttlnii, p-n t.i. pihc.lera and othr r"claU. fur lvri:tinf . at th prwnl lime mm hv fnii j irnory vitbl in Urffun, alirornla and fr r other avttus. Apply by mail. glng full particular, to J. M. andni Mlemnir, H lane hard Co.. urra. III. Al.K"iir:N Tha Mr a--? Rcitr Co. dir i ha rr of vra hlgft-grad. r--l- specialty Mlnmin, capable of makioa tr taroinn a m ry MtUftc t'rT rommmiuH rraofmnt, to ll thtr tffia, ! book. fir proof aafva, etc ; commuama dnrd itiy ; prrrac giwa ppiirania who h automobiiM . a f-w good pnlnv fur mmn who ca qual f ; writ in coondac. gUlng a. x prtnc. knAwiedgt of cc un t and r-t-tu.ng. If any. and tncins a poatcard Jh t . to R. C. Cr an, d is t rtet naugtr, 'I rhMa b?dc, Han Franttaco. aA-E and mtrtlry manufacturer want nrc-uc a.mn to carry urong and at tractiv I '.am. Imported rood. Inc.url-.ng -drrh.r an4 drM gtMxl. Only first- raa wita staOiinft connections ad apply. Liberal commlwiun pa.d e-:y and fipnM account. Addr The A. utt Cv. lac, U 'tfuroi r City. Nw ULRSUKV and rJ. m-n New c-rwr-tur fur Kurd curt, Simple, not a moving PrT. int ai.ett In jo mmuiii. guarotrd to dotabl )our Bill'-tc and trt In a-f thr without htuiic or priming. 1 dy frt trial. Writ r. J. Carburvtor tu, x w. Jackawa tWd-. Chlcau. AvArHLLKNT poatttoa: oalablUhvd ronvrrn nw. c rone prupoaiilun, atapl Dim ; bt niand. ipah; man fur trcn. on ati to am tbia yar. pWndid cmimiwion contract. st.tt apTtan. 1. K. VV waamA, luw llaclid avc. Clwviaad. 'hi- Tvt expert aalme manir for regon AMhington-ldaEio territory. Standard talking mar bin ln t'ommlation of g-M-1 mn awrag SI.3 Mkly, UJi mmm ml apply. Waty advance against rmntKM o iregonian. mcB'jr making aid tin for am ru-o travwling n mli but th Urrl cltl-a a leg our n w ball gum vending and ! - voting machine. No snttf.a. $9 i a a-n a. Ad-Lc Novelty Co., ! pc WANT an Al el'r stsmaa fr mil tapp r house. s:at prieac la first letter. K trego.aa. AM AZIN r New Invention, marvelous add ing mar bin. K-Cai a $ t Adl. sub tracts, biu upll. Doe work of ma cltine. rl-y var guarantee. lf flro tora, factorWa. buy from on to dovn. Enormous d-mnd. Ewry demonstration 4.a Write oulk for trtl offer and pro- t-t4 trrrttory. Iw.pt. Calculator 1 orpwrattun. tirand Kapda Mlcb. stfU.L, grtrst ru: iery bargain ever offered for II U Valuable premium to vry ct lomr. W mill ail dniifni to your cua turn.'Sv MDil.nt you big commission chek vry i:ura jy. busy now aad make b m prnfita No money renuired. Caecad Merrbndia Corporation, oW L. C. fcmltb MEN or woman, btggeet moo' y - ma kr vr offered, wonderful new pearl painting en titled "I". K btar of Liberty"; appal to every mother, resaonabi prlc. xr lu st v territory, big profits, write quick. 'ulvr Art 'o., WeStrvlU. O. AMERICA and th great war for humanity and frevdom. Just th Information every American wants. Profusely illustrated. Low price. ltig profit. $ J-i guaranteed. tUmpio free. International Press, Phila dciphi. AuKNTS N'w Invention pussies auto world. Mooderful cb mical cloth, on rub over fain. snow-blurrvj sriadehleld. presto! ?ia.a stays rkr Z hours, can't blurr. 'utnam made $l flrt week. Security tfg. Co. 14. Toted. . Ohio. WAXTE1 I-ie agent) to distribute Na tional Honor tabita In Portland and sur rounding territory , commission .O per rent: can cam $- per day easily. Writ V. 3- Army Recruiter. s Market street. Sag Francisco, for further particulars. SELL Mexican diamonds, spar time, beau tiful ptMket sam pie case make sale on s:ght; nav rainbow fir genutn diamonds, f-ot experts, stand teats. writ today. Mexlraa Diamond Importing Co., Las 'rucea New Mexico. I MAKE $'M to $200 weekly In small per manent business. Mxn or woman start snywher. V.tteria' cost 74 cents, retails for 4a 1 ig demand, needed In every home, hotel sod restaurant. Particulars ree. Cra yrmff, Fresno. Cal. 1V1H U HIKLU IN IV Six silver teaspoous free with bar box of fncy toilet soap, sell ing Ilk wild at c. Bnitlnal bargains, sells at sight; your pruflt lo per cent. Postal today. E. M. leacuo, 100d Tblrd, CtO' ianatl. Ohio. PATRIOTIC pictures icolorsi. "Pershing In 'ran-e." luty Calls.' Her Fcr If i .' Her lin or liust. M 'Knisers Finish." "Col ored Man No Slacker." ttnmpl free. Also portrait catalogue. Consolidated Portrait Company. tta.C.l J2.Chlcago. AoKNTS make big money. Free an m pies and catalogue. New goods. qul'k sale, big profits. No tiperipm- or capltnl neces sary. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell. i'htcago. 111. A J K NTs Quick selU-r. big profits, no 11 rena required. well. fUshy sample get th mney. Agency open. Writ today. Mission lie ad Co., Factory 21, Loe An g v le e. Ca L lAX'AL and general agent, sell th great est In enttun ever patented for Fords; ave 4 per rent gasoline, help fiv other war: money. back guarantee. Cample free. Conic fc. ."v E. 1st St.. Lo Angeles. Cat. A OOOD hv young man with auto, ac- ouainted with th city, to sell real ta wul mak a good proposition to right person. rev T. Wor u, Abington bMg. AR'iR manufacturer wants representative ! sell shirts, underwear, hosiery. drea. wsltff. skirt, direvt to home. Writ for fre im pie. Madison Mill, fio4 Broad way. New York City. S3 PER month soiling Strnnky' new Dal er.ted fuel vaporiser for Ford, sav np to z per rent or gkoiin. No drilling neces sary. Money I ar g guarantee. . A. h'runky. Pukwana. tf. lak AGENTS Btg poy and automobile furniahod huatler Introducing wonderful conum-t-al fuel product to automobile owner. Sampl oatflt free. B. iia.iy. 621, Sta F. Loutsvili. ky. A, K NTS l' to $! a week. Fre am pie. iioid augu b-ttera for iore and ef fle win.low Liberal offer to general agent TsLaUie Letter Co.. 4J5 N. C.ark. Ihivase. TUE AU leer's Flalah.." just off th pre. Other patriot to picture that ell ik hot cake. Smpe free. Also portrait, frame. Catalogue. People Portrait Sta. Ik Chicago. A.iEN'Ti WANTED to represent newly tab I.ahe.f uap manufacturing concern. Call M-mday between 9 aad 12 o'clock. 4o5 Vlttoca bio k AC E NTS wanted Farmer" Record. Ac count made aay for ln-ome tax. Selling f t. l-(K ral rommlsMion. Advertising Novetty Co. Newton, Iowa. f ANTED, to sell our fin soap, perfume. t'ilt artlctea, extr-tA, epic, cream, etc. Sam pi fre. Writ quick. Lai-aasiaa 1. bo ra tone. Pe pt. 12 St. Lou la. Mo. K A I S K K' S FIX IS H." "Coloren Man No S-ack-r. Irtxptrtng patriotic plfture; sam ple free. 1 eople Mfg. Co.. Sta. D., Chl- age. C4UIT COAL Our burner make ga fire la any coal stove; get our nt big money, making after. Wndr Burner Co., Dept. l'tth. Columbus, iihio. JIST out. anlt-thermic We wrapper; pre serve and keep tee from melting; sample. . Ntvtat-uul Product Co, San Ft aa- PATRIOTIC PICTURES -perahlng In Franc." "Kaiser's Finish.- "Duty Calls. -W ant 5l loal agents at one. $3 day. ' a 1 1 roc m 1 V y .vt S Washington, gtEND no money, learn of big profit sup plying perfume to famille. Lfflr Co., "12 Wait on at., 8L Loo la. Mo. TWO girl or woman, light work, will start you in at $2. 2a. H hour. See us today. Portland labor Agency. 11 N. 3d st. WANTED Helper and flnlxher a gowne. 33 Northwestern Bank bldg. AGENTS, at one. Sll &oc per month ho pita! ticket. 206 Corbet t bldg. HF.1F WANTEIe FKMALR. IEN'GRAI'HEH, rpabl and efficient, wi.iing worker. Furnish refsrvnc. Good salary. AO iX Cresonlan. WANTED Ex perined bookkeeper and stenographer for responsible poeitloa out of city. S 24. Oregonian. E.X PERIKNCkU WaiUe Bursstde. wanted at MEi.r WAvrrrv female. TELEPHOXB OPERATORS. Our rapldlr crow in r butlnesA af ford an unuaoal opp.tuntty at thl tiro for younv a omn a bo diro to tak np taifphon work. W do not riuir prviou xpnnc. but. will loatrurt you and pay you from th bainninc Many young woma In Portland ar now nirad In thi lntprtin( work. They find It plaa ant and profit a bl. Kalari ar uod and advance mnt rapid. W iuc aTt that you com and talk th matter over with Mia Thomas at th employment offtca biwcca 8:3d A. U. ud ft.Ju P. M. Call at TELEPHOXB COMPANY, 8iih Floor. Room Hoi,. Park and Oak e treat. GIRLS, 1 OR OUR, TO WORK IN BAG FAC TORY; GOOD WAGES; STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO, 13TH AXD HOYT STS Tii KKK neat-aparing. at tlv girt fur dtnlng-rovm work, one day off each wek. work A hours per day and aa lat as U P. M. : Inexperienced girls start at first month and advanced lo lf fifth , month. bard Included; experienced girls start at $4i per month and advanced to M th third montn. board Included. A p- i- v t th Washington th offlc of the llagalwood, 394 St. BERRY PICK ERA Hood. Wah fmm Hood River; 3 famille of four peo ple each, good pay, pleasant camping grounds. 1 lo I wreks; picking commence front in rnrn; a two z pacicers. PUBLIC KMPTUYMKNT BUREAU, Davta Street. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper fur whole- sal work; permanent sad good chance for advancement; must be bi to do au kinds; state fully wage expected, where last employed. All application strictly confidential. AJ 23. Oregonian. MA LE stenographer with some experience. I for position in office of Isrg lumber manu- I facturing ronrtra. country town, cln T Aroma. Fair stiary le start and mor merited. Addr Colon Lumber Co., Union I Miiis. Wa-n. WoMAN over & to work In sash and door mrg., a hour. - per hr. and up. Can uae houaeaeeplng flat. furnished, with light. wmm1 snd water f r. out of city. A-id re A v 91 Oregonian, REFINED. Intelligent young ladies, who faav nigb arhovl education and live at home, a usher. Short hours, good sal ary. Apply Liberty Theater Sunday, May li at i r. m. DANCER wanted, young lady, good ball room dancr, a attant teacher a eve. I each wk- Call thl Afternoon. ieiton- v lanclng Academy, 23d and Wi Ington. WANTED At one, a middle-Aged woman to tAk ear of guy wtf. who baa a nerv ous break -do w n. Apply Sunday be for 10 A. !. or after r. M. barman pre ferred. I. Via East Flanders L IOINO woman for clerical position la of- fir; on familiar with t pew r Iter pre ferred. Aisttr ra own handwriting, giv ing ag. salary expected and tephon number. l iiii. urrgonian. WOMEN'S Prolrctlv Division, located al room u Folic Headquarter. 2d and Oak sta.. will furnish information, giv protect too and aasistAnce free to worn nd girl. Interview confidential. WANTED Experienced. f irst -class book keeper and stenographer lor lumber of- ftc. must b accurat In f igurea Writ In own handwriting. Lady pre tarred. J Oregonian. WANTED 3 young ladles, ale appearing. must be over in years or Ag; via to - per week. Call before 10 o'clock. 3dv Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED Competent young lady for sub urban dry good store; stste experlenc end salary expected first letter. L 199, Oregonian. WANTED Good, reliabi lady, quick lis urea, for caahler in office of Uaks Amusement Perk. Must give bond and have good city re fere nee a U. K. LAP1V EXPERIENCED help for manicuring and bair-draaaiog parlors. Apply superintend ent of lice, to 10 A, M-, Old, W ortman A King. WANTED A reliabi woman employed part of day to Cook and erv break fAt ana 3o dinner snd wash the dishes for room, board and $15 a month. Phone Main 610. WANTED Girl for cUrk In office who has some experience keeping time; good wages to th right person. Stat g. experience nd wage rxpectrd. H 231. Oregonian. MCLTIOHAI'H I electric I operator; must be exoert: good salary to competent person. U rit giving reference, etc AK $13, Or-I gonian. TYPIST wanted: must be accurate operator with fair speed. Apply stark st- WANTED Matron for small general hosol- tal: must h trained nurse, good salary. South Bend General Hospital, South Bend. Wash. WANTED Ft rat -class bookkeeper; must be experienced and have good references. I Call at office of Oaks Amusement Park I between 3 and 4 o'clock. D. R. LA ID. GiRIJI wsntrd to fold circulars. Apply at one. 222 Stark st. WANTED Woman with businea ability to take position to Portland a aa leal ad y for Ulrn corp. AC --L'regonian. rriMPKTKNT book keener and stenograoher stat vxperlence and aalary expected. L ll. Oregonian. CONGENIAL housekeeper wanted by widow er. Ca.l evenings. 5 to S o'clock, loth or i-ld -t. car. T.'l York st. OIRLS wanted, steady employment at good wage. Apply Troy Laundry Co. . 10th and Pin streets. WANTED Experienced girl to work la randy kitchen. Call 1S73 Hawthorne ave.. near 4ih st. WANTED Girt to saw mattress ticks; on who 1 experienced on power machine. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Maradam. WANTED Toung lady, with experience In working ball rack concession show. Apply 1 m5 M ala St., Vancouver, waan. MARRIED woman w An ted for chmbr work: good wage. Ml N. 21st C Phon A 2e or Bdwy. g72. WANTED Woman for light work la fac tory; working condition good. Apply Cot Culvert A r turn i.e., Kenton, WANTED School girl to go to beach this Summer, have car ox g-yar-oia Doy. Telephon E. 312. WANTED Able-bodied women and er M year old at American Cai 14th And Front its glrlg CO., EXPERIENCED head, dressmaking depart ment, permanent work. 2O0 Broadway, a era a from Heiiig Theater. DIMN'e-ROOM glrL Derby st. Wood law a 2915. 1751 CHAMBERMAID. Derby at. Woodiawn 215. 1751 DISHWASHER, by street. Woodiawn 291$. 1751 Der- THREE gtrs wanted at Tcome Restaurant. SO . H'l st. LADY druggist wanted; good position. AV 73. oregoniAn. WANTED Flrat-claa skirt and waist fin ish era. 205 Columbia bldg EXPERIENCED seamstreae, also good coat maker. 413 Hdwy Dldg. EXPERIENCED hemstitch operator, good wages. McCreery Mfg. Co., 6oO Royal bldg. WANTED Woman cook. 427 H Waahlng- EXPERIENCED waltrraa. good wage, shift. Acm Returant. PI N. 6th st. day EXPERIENCED waitrtu wanted. Call after 11 A. M.. sanaann caie, ana Morrison. KITCHEN helper aad waitress in hoUlTcc lumbi 653. PRIVATE borne for children. 3 to 12 year old; 15 year exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. MRS. PHIL Bo WEN. communicate with H. D. ie i. n roan way. city. CHOHl'i GIRLS Hlgheat wage, long n- gagmept. no traveling, casino Theater. WANTED A skirt maker and jacket fin isher, by H. jonason. aus Stearns bidg. WAITRESS wanted at one. 143 Park sL Central t si. LIVT5 solicitor, big money. See Roe, Clif ford Hotel. M on a ay A. aC GIRLS to make button. Art Embroidery am mutton cow Aiorg aa Diag. HFXF WAXTED-TKMAtE. WANTED. YOl'NU WOMEN TVIth trpina; rxpertrnre preferred BETWEEN IS AND 30 VEARd fr Offlc Position With Arfrtnrmnf EXCELLENT 'PPOKTt'NITY TO LEARN TELKORAPHY. Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR. WESTERN t'NION. 5th Floor Worcester Bids. Third s nd Os k. GIRLS VaNTED TO WORK IN PAPER BOX FACTORY; STEADY POSITION. APPLY AT F. C STETTLER MFO. CO., EAST END STEEL BRIDGE. YOCNG LADY for piivat d!nlnroom at m lumoer company Doarains; nous, wait on el;ht or ten poopl and take car of about sam number of rooms. $.". M and board. Pacific Employment Company, Burnslde street. 9 LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the serv ice or several t noroua h I y experincea saleswoman for all departments. Must bs able to furnish th best of references. Per manent positions and good salary offered to ihns who can qualify. Apply super intendent's office, seventh floor, Monday , morning between 0 and 10. THREE neat-appearlns;. actlv girl for din- ins -room work, on day orr eacn week, work 8 hour per day and as late as 12 P. M. ; Inexperienced irtrls mart at $33 first month and advanced to $M the fifth month, hoard Included. Experienced girls start at S45 per month and advanced to .u in third month, board included. Ap ply at th office of th Hazel wood, 39tf aanu ding ton st. STENOGRAPHER and general office work clerk In country bank close to Fort i And ; VAluabl actual experience and opportu nity for beginner willing and anxious to learn th work. 8tt occupation, expe rience and furnish references first letter. Must be able lo take dictation. F t!9, i rrgonlsn. DRAPERY sew era. Apply between and 11 A. M.. ftupt.'s office, basement baicony, Meier Frank Co. FCLLY qualified stenographer, with ex perience In general off ic practice. Must b competent stenographer and possess initiative. Oood salary and desirable po sition. Stat age. experience and names of thre previous employers. AC 2-'3, Oregonian. WHOLESALE brokerage firm require serWces of a flrat class stenographer at good salary. Fbone Broadway 1240. GIRtJI wanted to addreaa envelopes by band. Must be good, speedy writers. Ap piy at. once, otark su OOoU opening for a specialty aalman an particularly ao it you opera t your ow car. r in territory and liberal contrar Worth whll Investigating. Address BJ 2HO. Oregunlsn. SEWING MACHTNB OPERATORS FO WAIST MANUFACTURING. BALL MFG. CO., 4 Til ANU COLC11. $14 n EEK, expenses .advanced. No can vaasing. women to travel appointlu agent for flavor In tuives. Experlenc uiinecetMary. RU Able Mfg. Co., 714 Como Mdg , cn.cago. TRANSPORTATION Co. wants experienced stenographer who hag had some expert ence on dictaphone; working condition) satisfactory; salary $75. Call Monday, i vsorrrster bldg. lUL.vu ladies or good appearance ca: earn good money selling our special tit. If you ar rmng less Chan 10 or lo a day see u at once. Auto Specialty Co. nth st. WANT young girl to assist with housework wages according to girl. Apply Mrs. L R, riaiiey. ia Aiameua ave.. corner a., eitn, Phone Tabor 2tH. Experience not ncs sary. GIRLS wanted to fold circular. Apply a office. 22a Stark u WANTED Girl to learn and work in post card studio, steady employment for right girl. Call Sunday, Arcade Electric Studio, i N. Third st. YOUNG lady, for soda fountain. Must thor- ougly understand the business and be poa Itlvely honest. State salary, with room. Permanent position. BF 187. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer for law office, afternoon only, btate age. experience, phone, salary lust received. BF 193, Ore gonian. $2.5o PER DAY paid one lady lu each town to distribute rree circulars tor concent rat ed flavoring In tube. Permanent posi tion. F. E. Barr Co., cnicago. YOUNG girl or woman wanted as nurse maid for 2 children, one 3 yrs. and one 14 months. Good home and salary. Irvington district. Phone East 714J. TYPIST wanted: must be accurate operator with fair spa. Apply zz stark su COMHETENT bookkeeper, stenographer, ex nerit need. reference, lavids, jeweler, o43 WAshlngton at. TAILOR ESS Flrt-c!as pant operator alao finishers. Cba. Coopey at Son, Koyai bldg. WANTED Good, motherly woman to c for baby in own home while rnotner works. AV bv4, Oregonian. WANTED One chambermaid and one Jan- Urea at Ramapo Hotel, 14th and Wash ington sta. . HIGH SCHOOL girl wishing place for Sum mer to work tor room and ooara ana sit month. rhono feast ivuo. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Keacu Home, ay? jlaai lath L N.. or phone East 13. TWO women for work In chair factory Must be used to work. Oregon Chair Co., lluo Macadam st. lake ulton car. TWO girls 16 to 20 year, for work In chair factory. Oregon Chair CO., J.AW Macadam st. Take Fulton car. ASSISTANT housekeeper on farm; good home to right party, Swiss preierreo. al. S.. Ituisboro, or., K. x, oox ot. WANTED Lady handy with the needle for work In bet and umbrella a tor. lbo Fourth st. GOOD woman cook for small hotel; om short orders. Call Mr. Hisi. Conguun Hotel, Ores ham. oi WANTED Good, plain cook for hotel; mid die-aged woman preierreo. can air a Ho, Columbia 125, for particulars. WANTED Helper In boarding house; good wage, good place lor nuaband and wile, clue by shipyard. CoL &7! WANTED Ftrst-cla coat ftniaher for la dle tailor. Apply A. Lippman, lu uroaa- way. Marshall 4022. TYPEWRITER operator for addressing. temporary. Apply a a. ax. eiu bpaiuing bidg. WANTED A girl In confectionery, fruit end cigar store, ivortaeast corner second, anu Morrison sta I WANTED On J an Urea and one chamber maid. Kamapo Hotel, Attn ana v aan- Ington sts. WANTED An xperlenced stenographer, Call Saturday loronoon. en cnamuer of Commerce. IvXPKRIaNCED girl to assist in hemstitch ing snd button shop for few dsys. App4y 3(2 Morrison st.. Mondsy noon. WANTED By widower with small family and nlc horn, a neat housekeeper; good plain cook. O 240. Oregonian. ! CHAMBERMAID wanted. Med ford Hotel. 122 N. fttn st. I GOOD cook for privat family. Call 421 lata av. EXPERIENCED tailor on ladles' suits. M. Pratt, ladles' tailor, 011 Ellers bldg. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., E -.tn and Hoiilday. PASTRY helper to work from 3:30 to 7:3 P. M. Main 7. WANTED ChAmbermald. Hotel Muller, 25 North Sixth su WANTED A hall woman, or man; $50 mo. and room, riaimer rtotei. BILLING clerk for wholesale house, P 240, Oregonian. WANTED Waltree. New Western Hotel, 342 Otisan st. WANTED Schoolgirl a companion. Phone Main 704a. WANTED Experienced markers, and sort ers. Stare Launarjr lo., 3vt K. Broadway. WANTED Bright girl for shop work. Pa cific Coast Stamp v. ork. od Broadway. I WANTED Waitress and store glrL Royal Hakery, 9-te 3iorrison st. WANTED Woman for cleaning bathrooms at the Portland Hotel, call at room 2oO. CHAMBERMAID, wage $1.50 per day. Call Abroad way vta aitex iu a. h. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TEN girls, between 16 and 20. for appren tices to tak up salesmanship In various departments. Good opportunity for ad vancement. Ten girls, between 16 and IS. for In spection, auditing and wrapping depart ments. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., superin tendent's office, basement balcony, Meier A Frank Co. WANTED An experienced stenographer who can tnke dictation rapidly or who can do billing or bookkeeping; excellent posi tion if you can deliver. Cnll or write the Vinton Co, ?12 Central bldg- 10th and Alder sts. COMPETENT cook; references; wages $45 to j: nave laundress and second gtri four adults. Mrs. R. Koehler, 112 N. lttth st. r-non Broadway 5iu. WOMAN over Ii3 for a good position with permanent house; no office work; ex perience unnecessary ; must be well groomed. AR 331, Ore go man. WANTED An experienced stenographer. Cill Monday forenoon. 411 Chamber of Commerce. FKEE rent, large - furnished housekeeping room, n Ice house, for little work each day. Sb7 12th. Main 47tf. WtMAX flunky, $15; woman dishwasher, for logging camp. Apply 21 N. Sec ond, early. COMPETENT bookkeeper for wholesale house; state ability and experience; also furn ref. Oood salary. BC bl, Oregonian. WANTED Baker And kitchen helper la a Airy luncn. r juo, oregonian. FIRST-CLASS manicurist wanted. Waldorf riarber tthop, 10 J Broadway. W an t ed Do m est ics. LL g wages $S per week; prefer one who can remain during Summer vacation; answer with age and other particulars. C 224, Ore gonian. W ANTE I J Good plain cook for small fam ily; one willing to assist mother in the care of children ; wages $50 a month ; advancement if satisfactory; nice home. Phone Marshall 40H1. A OOOD home awaits one who la willing to assist in household duties in an attrac tive modern residence and become member of family of four; C. S. preferred. East H34. V A N TKU Experienced girl for general housework; must be good cook; small fam ily; good wngea. Inquire 3 It 3 I'd at. North Marshall V:i. WANTED A good, reliable girl for house work, 4 adults; will have afternoons and evenings to herself. 71 Trinity Place. Call evenings. GuoD homo for middle-aged woman or young woman to assist with housework; small salary; 2 adults in family; must be highly recommended. Fhon Tabor 43o. NEAT housekeeper about 85 years, widow er's home; no objections to a small child; work not hard, that will pay $M to $25. Call Woodiawn 1314 after 10 A. M. Sunday. UIRL w Anted to assist with light house work at Summer cottage, family of two, no laundry. Phone Broadway 5239, or call Henson Apts., Xvo North 20th st. WOMAN or girl for general housework, must be good plain cook : can sleep at horn easy place; 2 adults In family. 50th St., near Sandy boulevard. Phone Tabor 43t0. A YOUNG girl for light housework; good wages; no washing; one who Is willing to go to Seaside beach for the Summer, Apply at once. 344 10th st. WIDoWER, unincumbered wants house keeper not over 40 years of ag to go to the beach; oue who like outdoor life and a home preferred. AV 835, Oregonian. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of 3-year-old child, good home. Apply In forenoon. Mala I06L 7b2 Kearney st. WANTED Girl for general housework, off duty on Thursday, also Sunday afternoon and evening, uood cook, good wage. Ap ply 111 Lauding Court. Tabor 2620. GIRL or woman for general housework, small home, 2 In family, good wage. Mam V;M. GIRL for general housework, phone Main 74V6 or spply morning or evening at 739 Main st near vista ave. WANTED Young woman over 30 to keep houae for widower with S children. Call St. Charles Hotel, room 237. GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good wage. Apply Troy Laundry Co., E. 10th and Pine sts. WANTED Wat res: muat be experienced; good wages, room and board. Mallory Ho tel. 1 1 1 L.ownsdale. WANTED Woman or girl to aaeist In housework; good Christian home. Phone Tabor 141. GENERAL housework, good wages; second girl kept. Marshall o077. near GUsan. 111 N. 22d, COMPETENT maid for general housework. family of &; no washing; wages ou. 471 Montgomery Drlve WANTED Woman between 60 and 60 to take care of elderly lady; good home and small wages. Call W ood lawn 2700. WANTED By May 20, experienced girl for general housework. No laundry. Mrs. Wilder, Sellwood 2464. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and serve table ; no cooking. Apply East 8173. WANTED Competent girl for cooking, small family; good wage, hone Mala oiu&, or 721 Main St., cor. St. Clair. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work in family of two; wagea le. Phon Tabor B074. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework, 6 rooms, no children, good wag eg. 827 Marshall st. Main 5021. A GIRL for general housework: no washing no care of children; good wagea. loot Thurman st. Mala 450. GIRL for general housework for two; small house ; good wages ; references. rhone Marshall 763 mornings or evenings. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; will pay good wages for right party. Call at 104 Cor bet t st.. South Portland. SCHOOL girl wanted, very little work ex pected. Call by 2:ou, boo noyc au Aiain 4715. WANTED By small family in apt. -house. woman for ngnt nouseaeeping; - nrs. a day and evenings off. Mar. 1873. GiRL to assist with general housework and care or children, no wasning, wages so per week. Call mornings. East 1W. WANTED Girl to assist with housework half days and care of child when absent; $15 a month. East 1702. WANTED Girl or woman for general 1U64. housework; no wasning. Tel. WANTED School girl to assist with house work, stay all Summer., can luast wit. YOUNG girl to assist with general house work. 475 rtoiiaday ave. YoUNG girt from 16 to 17 yrs. to assist with housework; must nae cnnnren. Alain edo-i. WANTED Girl for general housework. Main 4 A GOOD, plain cook In private family; good wages, fhone tasi wy.-. GIRL to aaslst with light housework; good home. 23" North X4tn. Marshall 1321. WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework: no washing. Woodiawn 309!. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, working man, no objection to one chiia. tsj 284, oregonian. WANTED A girl for light housework. Call Woodiawn aiod. IRL for housework; no cooking. 704 Love joy GIRL wanted for housework. 766 GUsan street. GIRL for housework, no cooking and Sun days off. Main 108&. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Main 5316. bba uroauway st FARMER want housekeeper. Vancouver, Route 3, BoxlM. WOMAN to stay with children, mother employed, good home. Main azid. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing, good horn. 7W1 Kverett st. NEAT GIRL, family 3, youngest 11 years; good home. Sellwood 6do. GIRL to assist with housework In small fam- ily : good wages. East 227 WOMAN to assist with housework and car of lady. Phone Tabor GIRL or woman as nurse or mother' helper. Phone Main l3s. JANITRESS by the month; no heavy work. Phone Broadway 1200. WANTED Good, plain cook In private CoL 1058. boarding house; good wage. CHAMBERMAID at Elton Court. 415 Yam hill st.; good wagea to right one. GIRL for light H. K., 8 or 4 hour day for H52, Apt. 84. IO days. Main l GIRL for light H. K., about a week. Main rWi2. Apt. 34 EXPERIENCED maid; reference. Phone Main 7738. WANTED Cook for private family; 343. Telephone . 8126. , HELP WANTED MALE. OR FEMALE. TEACHERS needed for 1018-19. Clark Teachers' Agency. 412 Chamber 01 Com merce bldg.. Spokane, Wash. WANTED A man and wife to work on ranch. Tabor -i4: WANTED Dishwasher. 4S2 Wattk. l cor. 14th iU Alan or laay. HELP WA NTEP MALE OB FEMALE UNL'SCAL OPPORTCNITIES FOR LIVE BUYERS Offered by one of the most progressive department stores In- Its section of the country, in need of the following; A BUYER FOR Notions. Leather goods. Toilet goods and drug sundries. Stationery. Jewelry. A BUYER FOR Infants' and children' department. A BUYER FOR Muslin underwear, house attire and corset department. A BUYER FOR Art goods, grft shop, knitting mate rials, etc. A BUYER FOR Silks and dress goods dept. These are od positions commanding attractive compensations at the outset and fine chance for the future. men anu women of ability can- well afford to an swer this. All replies treated with strict est confidence. AV 913, Oregonian SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK, GOOD PAY. OREGON CUTX WUULii atli-a-o. OREGON CITY. WANTED Partner, man or woman, with I some experienceto go In with me in the I D holograph business in a gooa. ave town; must have reference. 1113 Maiiory lave., City W A NTKI1 Reannnaihlo nartles going Minneapolis to lake charge of 3-year-old boy. Address ML liooa uotei, jiooa xvxver, ur. ; room o. WANTED First-class bookkeeper, small town, near" Portland; good salary to right party. AP 1H2, Oregonian. STUDENT to operate switchboard, 3 to 7 P. M. 733 Washington WANTED Janitor and Janitress In Selling bldg. Call room 321. Beat wages. TEACHERS All' kinds of teaching posl- tions. M. e-333. Flak, Teachers' Agency. KDVCATIONAL. BURPELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL, YOU have the position oiierea you. i have ability and have bUHlnesa experience in a general way, ana only need a little special training to be able to accept. THINK what thla means to you. We can give you this training. Individual Instruc tion, day anu evening cmraeu, fBnmnft im rnnid. Our school ha UP-tO' tlnta methods. Like office work. Short hand, typewriting. Bookkeeping. Reming-ton-Wahl. Office Training. Spelling. Busi- Vnvlt.h Addlns- Machine. All cor- Lumbermen Building. Fifth and Stark Mies F. Buraell, Principal. HELP Help your country; thousands clerks trantel at K BBhineion imraeoiBieiy, mvu. woman. IS or over: flOO month, . 7-hour Hbv- r-lrlnl work, common educa tion sufficient: helo your country, live in -Waahinffton during these stirring war Writ, immediately free list po sitions open. Franklin Institute, dept. 32 K. Rochester, rs. v. MEN. WOMEN, learn the barber trade: mUnrta r nf harhera all over the country; hie war-- as to SI0 Dff week earned while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL Phone Broadway lT.il. ilOHLLK UAMiJr-i; LEGE. 234 Burnslde st. OLD hats made new; reblocking. 50c; trim ming. 23c up hemstitching. 10c per yd; button making: first-class work. We glv S. A H. green trading stamps. Mack's Mil linery, o42 union ave. is near xiuaaeu. East zsbi. nRir.iVAi. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded In 1893. Trade taught In eight weeks: tuition earned during the course, get you a position, furnish tools, scholar ship transfer card. Write for free cata logue, 234 Burnslde St. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mecnamcai arawmg, marhina.ahon Dractlce. oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. . Seattle. Wash. LICENSED TEACHER Lincoln High School night classes, teacher of r rencn ny con versation, topics of the day; classes now being formed, day and evening Instruc tion, private lessons., ouj, v-urucu oiu. Main 1026. LEA RN auto and taactor trade In a big school, courses complete, practical; we h.in ttiHnta tarn llvlna: illustrated cata log free. National Automobile School, Los Angeles. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE- r.RAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work; heavy demand for operators, $75 to $S5 to start. Fuller's Telegraph, School, Allsky bldg. WANTED Women a Government clerks at Washington, 100 montn. 1 nousanas wanted. List free. Franklin Institute, a School, Dept. 704D. Rochester, N. V FRENCH conversation taught .auackly. Les sons In English branches, topics or tne day and general information, ieiepnone morn ings. Miss erris, i-.ast doM-i. RAILROAD telegraph and station course complete, taught oy an expert ranroau man; class now forming. Worcester bldg., 1 room 217. SPECIAL classes now starting in automobile repairing; positions guaranteed. Hempniii Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne ave. at 20th street. ' SPECIAL OFFER. 10 days only. Tuition fee half price. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 374 Wasco St.. Cor. Union Ave. Call, write or phone E. 7445 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. UNCLE SAM needs 10.000 stenographers; enroll now for snort nana, typewriting. bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Allsky bldg. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening, 90 month. 200 14th. near Jefferson. Main 381)3. MRS. HANNUM'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL day and night. Tillamook ana uanten- beln. East 360. TELEGRAPH, steno.. bkpg.. board, room. tuition may be earned. catalogue free. MacKay Business College, Los Angeles. PRIVATE instruction In bookkeeping and; business methods, evenings. Inquire ,307 j McKay bldg. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free. wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade fre Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration, vll-12 Broadway bldg. Main 674. FRENCH CLASSES. 301 Corbett Bldg. Main 1026. Armstrong-Holmes Business College, Flledner bldg., day and evening. Broadway 18L'1. FRENCH and piano lessons; European teach ers; nignest references, lou bowniaue st. SITUATIONS WANT ED MALE. FIRST-CLASS florist, landscape gardener and agriculturist wants position; nrst- clas references. E 231, Oregonian. MARRIED MAN. 50. steady, reliable, ref- ences; business experience; janitor watch- man. 560 Borthwick st. MAN. 35. wants work mornings or after P. M.; room and board or wages. BJ 279, oregonian. V"'n,"i ha"'iSf JS ney. A-l WJ.N'DOW trimmer and hw card writer I wanta position; experience in all llnea. V 2S, Oreionlan. ; WANTED Position aa permanent watch. man; American; Can give security and ret erences. Af 1VU, oregonian. BICYCLE repair man, 40. wanta work in Ford carage; can run Ford a little. A 226. Oreiconian. STEADY married man. 46. wants work where honesty and promptness count. D 'JH'l. Oregonian. NIGHT watchman, experienced with steam and electric switchboard. li U. M., In ternational Hotel. Portland, Or. WANTED By capable boy of 18, a suitable place to work for board and room. Call after 6. 1 11th st.. city. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging by ex perienced workman, estimates furnished. Marshall Its; evenings. Main 6H7. YOUNG man with some office experience wishes position, best or references fur nished. E 180, Oregonian. HOU&E and garden work. A 1147. Broadway 2894, A JAPANESE music tion In muiilc store. tudent wants posi- air im, oregonian. A JAPANESE wants short-hours Job, 6 to B P. M. G 24S. oregonian. CARPENTER Leaky roofs patched or re- shingled. Marshall 1072. JANITOR wants Job after 7 A. M. to 11 or 12 A. M. AL 278. Oregonian. WANTED Work forenoons, clerical or la bor, lie 73. uregonian. WHAT have you for experienced laudscape gardener by the day? s 248, Oregonian. A-l CARPENTER builds and repairs by contract. Call woodiawn 126. RELIABLE chauffeur wishes position. H 245, Oregonian. CAPABLE young Japanese wants a position ' E-rs- in mj. o-o vi, viegvMn-ii. WANT work few hours every day; handy I at almost anything. L, oregonian. I YOUNG man wants Janitor work between! 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Sellwood 24S0. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FARM OWNER. Myself and son, practical farmers, ex perienced in general farming, stock, or charding, operation and. care of farm ma chinery, construction and upkeep of farm buildings, fences, drainage, etc., offer our services to operate your farm as a paying Investment, either on salary or part share. Thoroughly familiar with the selling end of farm products. If your farm is fer tile and well equipped, good buildings and machinery, accessible to good mar kets (location In Willamette or I'mpqua valleys preferred) and you wish It han dled to get maximum results, we can strike a mutually profitable bargain. If it does not- come somewhere near these requirements, please do not reply. Per sonal intervxiew and Inspection of farm necessary. My intention is to buy a farm after becoming acquainted with true val ue and best locations. Address AC lo, Oregonian. OPENING DESIRED AS SALES MANAGER with charge of the advertising and sale of a locally manufactured product, for . which aa expanded market., may be developed. BOX J 120, OREGONIAN. SUCCESSFUL organizer and salesmanager open for organization of legitimate propo sition here or elsewhere. Don't want to waste time negotiating unless proposition is right, with ample capital to advance for pre-organfzatlon and building agency force. Have raised millions of dollars In high-class scientific way for large going concerns, all dividend payers today. AM 333, Oregonian. I THOROUGHLY competent business man with offices in Portland, which are equipped with typewriter, duplicator, 3 autos. good stenographer and other help, wants work that will take about half of his time; could manage a building, take care of property or keep books and collect for most any business; bank references. AO r99. Oregonian. FARMER and orchardlst wants position as foreman or superintendent, thoroughly competent to handle any sized place, un derstand all phases of modern farming, ranching and fruit growing. I am pre pared to handle cooking, can furnish best of references and am a worker; size of place not material if conditions are right. AY Kltt, Oregonian. SALESMAN, no order taker, to call on coun try business and professional men to pre sent hisrh-Krada business service:' commis slon basis with guarantee; our men make S3UO to saw, clear per moptn; ciean-cui, legitimate proposition, well established and favorably known. Write postoffice box 723, Portland; give phone number. HARDWARE MAN with eiffht veara' perience, is open to position witn gnou hardware firm where anility ana am gence are recognized. Knows the business from the ground up. and capable of tak lng management of retail business, but prefer position as salesman; best of ref erence. Address niu, oregoniun. EXPERIENCED lumberman, thoroughly capable In the lumber trade, aa foreman, buyer or seller. At present am general Yard foreman for one of largest plants this district handling from 125 to 130 men and familiar with all grades and kinds of ship lumber; can furnish best of re fa. Personal interview on request. AP 11, Oregonian. EDUCATED, sober, reliable, conscientious. married man. age aw. desires position, superintendent or foreman, where ability and experience In handling men will avail and result In advancement: capaoi or as suming full charge; splendid references. Request Interview oy addressing aj zai, Oregonian. A TOUNG man has all day Saturdays an Mondays and a few hours every day. ill work inside or outside. Have done lots of gardening work, handy at almost any thing; board and room or wages. A 234, Oregonian. BUSINESS man. thoroughly experienced 1 handling land deals, also practical farme: and orchardlst: capable or euccessiuu meet in a all classes of people, wants con nectlon with reliable land company. A J 289, Oregonian. I WANTED Job managing, clerking in store. hotel or anartment house. timekeepe watchman in store, lumber or shipyards gilt-edge references; above draft. Ed, care Oregonian. SPECIALTY salesman desires a change; 10 years experience In this territory; has ex perience also in buying; no objection to commission ; best or references. j aa, Oregonian. EXPERT TRAFFIC HELP SCARCE. Send us your railroad overcharge, loss and damage claims or other traffic trou bles. INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC BUREAU, Room 1, 208 Alder st. Marshall 1043. A STEADY, reliable man wants a position as night watchman, or position in whole ..sale house as packer or anything that will pay moderate salary. -tiu, ore gonian. CAN spare 4 hours each day taking care of lawns, flower beds, or whatever there Is to do around home; prefer work on East Side, A-l references. Phone E. 55 between 9 and 3 o'clock. FIRST-CLASS meatcutter and shop man wishes position: above draft age. witn best of references; good shop manager. Phone Marshall 5tk)7. EXPERT timekeeper, etc past draft age, at present employed with large logging camp, desires change of employment. E li!, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED logging camp timekeepe and commissary man wants position; rer erences and bond if required. AC 220, Oregonian. civil ENGINEER. 15 years experience In railroad location and construction, win oe available shortly. First -Class references. R 203, Oregonian MARRIED man above draft age wants posi tion a automobile driver near some sum mer resort ; can furnish best of refer ences. S 254, Oregonian MIDDLE-AGED man with good references wishes position as salesman ; nave naa years of experience in general mercnan a 1 bo worK. Hi in-. regoiiiHii MIDDLE-AGED man, careful and experi- nri driver, would Ke position as cnaui- feur evenings and Sundays. Address M 384, Oregonian. ' v.YPRRIENCED shlDPlng clerk desires post tion; will give references, a o, orego nian. v vpi'.ri ic. vr R T salesman, now employed in side, wishes outside city position; Deut ref erences. A 230, Oregonian. SIGN and pictorial painter, middle-aged and has slowed down some, wants em- ployment. P 240, Oregonian. WANTED bv middle-aged man, American, work around store or waicning. a o. Oregonian. WANTED Position as hardware and Imple ment salesman ; am married. AM. 023, Oregonian. JAPANESE, experienced worker, wishes any kind of position after l to o r 1. BF 188, oregonian. GROCERY clerk. 10 years' experlenc. wishes position, 2 years in gen. mdse.; 00 years ox age. Phone St. faui notei. oeo. uore. MI D DLB-A G ED man want, ll.be day work. Address Willamette Hotel, Cth snd Stark, room 14. r . J. Al, Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. YOUNG man experienced as private secre tary. alao in general onice wora, aesire. making connection wnn ngnt concern; beat of references. Apply AR 339, Oro- gonlan. OFFICE MAN. 33. married, now employed wants a position wnere executive aDiniy and attention to aetall woulrt Be appre ciated; seven years in present position; give full particulars. K 218. Oregonian. EXEMPT, expert oVfice man and accountant. experienced In wholesale ana manufactur ing lines, would change position May 15. Reference as to character and ability, my present employer. C 1M4, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED executive wants adminis trative position or as treasurer ana credit man: law trained, expert office aystem- atlzer and factory organizer: 20 years' ex perience handling men. AV "titi, Orrgunlan. BRAINS, ability, energy, unsurpassed busi ness experlenc. and honesty to exenange for your gold on the basis of proven AC yT Orprnnfan. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced logging camp booKKeeper: experienced scaler. Duy er and timekeeper; not subject to draft. AR 275, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED In clerical work and of fice management, not suDject lo draft. Applicant desires permanent position and personal interview. J 20, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Very able, competent book keeper, seeking better connections; years of experience; accurate and rapid. AJ 284. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper-stenographer, ex ecutive, wants position; in years experi ence; $150 month, no less; A-l references. AV 907. Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced in manufacturing end lumber business, desires position out of Portland as stenographer and bill clerk; exempt. AV os, oregonian. WANTED -Clerical position by honest, re liable man. 27 years or age; exempt, ref- erences. Tabor 8317. EXPERIENCED office man and salesman desires permanent connection; satisfactory references. BC 5, Oregoulao, SITUATIONS WANTED MA L E. Bookkeepers, Stenograph era. Office. YOUR BUSINESS should be so Intelligently kept that you qan report correctly to the Government. I will write up your books dally, keep bank account In balance, audlc and prepare your bills for payment, make up your payroll, take trinl balunce month ly, attend to mulling hills to customers each month, make difficult collection when desired, furnish a comprehensive statement of your operations periodically. Price reasonable, references first-class, experienced. J 233, Oregonian. A SALESMAN with 10 years' acquaintance In Northwest territory; 4 yra. sales mana ger; now manager for Oregon with Co. which Is unablo to get deliveries and clos ing Oregon office. Open for high-class po sition, with sales record and references of the best; willing to work for moderate sal ary with line that has opportunity for advancement; prefer salary and commis sion; will be pleased for an Interview with firm needing high-class man. X 227, Ore gonian. YOUNG man, 16 years experience manu facturing, construction, purchasing and. sales, possesses high executive ability, alert, aggressive and resourceful, has made study efficiency in operation and produc tion with exceptional results, accustomed to handling help of all kinds; open for connection with live concern with good future ; exceptional references. L 18&, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and fair stenographer de sires permanent position in or near Port land; U years gen. mdse and hardware, 4 years in National Bank and 2 years rail road office, experience; excellent refer ences. Phone East 6S20. RAPID, accurate office man, employed days, desires employment several nights per week and Saturday afternoon and evening at office work or as salesman: absolutely responsible; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Main 012-V BOOK KEEPER, credit man, office manager. thoroughly experienced, with ability; hard ware stoves, furniture. A 23, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, rapid and ex pert; over draft age, nrst -class reier ences. A 217, Oregonian. YOUNG man with some office experience wishes position, best of references fur nished. K 1M, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer, tf years' experience, class 4-A, wants position.' 2t5, Oregonian. BY experienced collector, salary and com mission, tor insurance oi jiiubw, aj uwi Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. BABY wanted to care for by lady of experi ence: have pleasant home in country, 'jil miles out; will give the best of caro and a mother's love. Write to Mrs. William Williamson. CLERICAL position In office by young lady. IS; good penman and quick to learn; a!ei proficient In typing: a sensible person, who pays close attention to work: can start work at once. 2S2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady, refined, neut housekeeper, good cook, wishes position lit homelike family of 2; best city references. Woodiawn S272, -12. CONTRALTO desires quartet work in churcli choir, experienced, references. Phon. Tabor S42. LADY and daughter would like work In country I hotel or Summer resort. X 204. Oregonian. WANTED Position, care semi-invalid or housekeeper, among refined people. Phon. Woodiawn 1241. EXPERIENCED woman wants washing. Ironing and cleaning weekdays; call even ings. Phone Main 7315. TEACHER desires two hourn' employment mornings, teaching or clerical. AL 27. Oregonian -. WANTED Position, by excellent pianist, or companion for some lady, by reliabi. young woman. L Oregonian. PRIVATE lessons In English to grown peo. pie, elementary or advanced. AL 27 1. Oregonian. COMPETENT, refined lady would like po sition in or out of town as manager of first-class hotel. J 220. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, capable ot taking full charge of home, can take posl tlon flrat of June. C 249. Oregonian. A COLORED woman would like curtains to do up or would take washing home. CuU East 135S. Mrs. Webb. YOUNG lady wishes position as assistant in physician's office, or clerical work; littl. experience. Woodiawn 1617. WANTED Light housework by girl li, without washing, or win care lor a cnuu, in Portland. BC CO. Oregonian. KXPER1ENCED girl wtints cooking er gen. eral housework: adUitB: wages io to o". West Bide. Wdln. 2431. EXPERIENCED waitress attending school wisnes waitress or uasiuri .ui "' P. M. Marshall :ilS, room 8. EXPERIENCED private exchange operator wishes position; can ao clerical num. Marshall 2230. WANTED Place to take care of children evenings wnue motner is away, ences. Woodiawn 1811. RESPONSIBLE woman wishes six or eight hours work. 30c per nour, car ir. 233. Oregonian. KINDERGARTNER desires regular after- noons with children, n -'- u-tani-i. WORK by the hour; experienced; ironing specialty. Broadway la-. LACE curtains laundered, 15 years' experi ence. Tabor f!W.i. Jim. .con. COLORED girl would like to get a cham bermaid Job, call ria.'- w.-n. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work, Mon., Tues., Thurs. Sell. 1032. POSITION In office of eoni kind; quick to learn. Ki uresummi. MEN I will do your washing and mendiiie reasonable. 40- 4tn st. r-none jaar. mw. STRONG young woman wishes to run ele vator, 'la nor . HAIR dyed at home, reasonable, by expe rienced lady. Main aam. WOMAN wants work by day, o50 hour ana carfare. Woodiawn t'.nt. GIRL for light housework, small family, 1217 Hawthorne aye. xaoor gi'io. LADY wishes dny work. Efist S408. Bookkeepers. Wtenographf rs. Office. AN A-l stenographor desires position of soiuo responsibility wltn respeciaoie nuuae. vny reliable and conscientious: good worker and dependable. Also dictaphone oper ator; salary not less than 100. Refer ences. BJ 292, Oregonian YOL'NU business woman, with two yearw valuable experience ttirouKii lemiwmi? i sltlons: quick, accurate and neat. How ever, this is no adv. for a temporary po sition, but means business. . ll7, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER University graduate, sev eral years experience clerical aim graphic work, at present employed, de sires change where there Is chance for ad vancement. Broadway 4U15. CLERICAL position wanted by young woman with college education ana anowieoge os. stenography; some experience, energetic and quick to learn. AM S32, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, all lines ofi office work; can turn out wor satisfac tory in quantity and quality. Marshall 4400. apt. 4. OSITION as office clerk by lady with sev eral years' experience as invoice cleric and bookkeeper. Good references. AM 320, Oregonian. --( BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT wishes work- part Of dav. will woris oy iiuui i y ,j u . office or at my office. Rates reasonable. Best of city references. Broadway 2732. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, stenograoher and cashier desires permanent position; leu. years' experience; beat of references. Ad dress P. O. box 204.. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, good po. sltlon for experienced, competent person? references; pleasant surroundings. H 238. Oregonian. COUPLE hours' stenographic work even ings, Saturday arternoon. nrage pre ferred. Experienced. Sellwood 2203. YOUNG lady bookkeeper wants work for two or three evenings eacn wet. aj at. Ore gon ion. RELIABLE young lady desires clerical work. inexperienced, but willing to learn. AV 014. Oregonian. OUNG woman would like answering tele phone or other light work. Broadway 2H04, room 2. OUNG lady, with experience, wishes po!. Tion as cashier, evenings. u 83, Ore gon lan YOUNG lady typist, good penman, wants a. couple of hours extra work each day, ad dressing or copying East 7208. OUNG lady bookkeeper wants work for two or three evenings each week. BC 67. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young lady experi enced In general office work; references. T 2o8, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent stenographers, Wdln. 4244. correspondence specialty. ADDRESSING envelopes or copy work? to do at nome on tpcwrlter. beuwooa 111-. BOOKKEEPER wishes set of books to keep home; rerere-ce. C -4. oregonian. YOUNG lady just out of business collego wants position. Marshall 1251. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER, experienced all kinds of fancy work. $2. Main 3482. SEWING wanted: prices reasonable. Bush. 312 Cherry. C 2327. Mrs. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress; will sew by the day. East 6817,