10 THE SUNDAY PRECOMAX, PORTLAND, MAY 12, 1918. TO EXCHANGE KML ESTATE. FIRST-CLASS EXCHANGE For exchange 10 icm blahly Im proved farm. Wtlkln County. Minn., all ti.lab, and in crop but 40 Acre rented for ha.f to crop; 7-roora boue tad large bra and sowing arteaiaa wy.i; oil deep b tch loam. c.ay sub-soil; lies tevei; prlc f pr aero, Incumbrance $13.5ou. 6 per ni. i years: trad lor farm In Oregon r Wua. or good. 10 com a property. For aa'a Too-aer stock ranch Bear Fo STene: 1 sm acraa In cultivation: -roora plastered houaa and barn, balance paatura and timber; im through ranch; pric ft2v per acre, tar ma reasonable; boat bur la Oregon. For aa!a or xehans F.o Snoo-arr awt vaak In Tana I '.mnl T an railroad. aish.y improved and equipped, wall watered: prlca $-! per acre; exchaurj for iwul , rn. . . r V'nrt n(4 or Portland In coma property; muat ba good. Write P. to R. Wa ker. I.a'n. or. S1H KILE OK KXl'IUXGE FIv green- koiim and flower atora connected, fully stacked and no debt: tabli.h-d 20 years average daily ealea $2u. principally casn. reads- eala for doubia thla amount: man and wit capablo of managing tba buel- Beee can claar $ .UMMj lo t-uiW par annum from preaeaa e.les Cub prlca $75o. h-h la lae than amount Dald In idrr- tielng in tba 2u yaara; would mclada other Irvrome real eatat lo th amount af -.- or $.10. now II neceeary. tor aaia oa a.av I r m a me arlll lchlflfl foT Claar icrMi or modern bungalow; raaann far erraring. old aaa and wane to ratlra; give full description of property la firal letter. Addreae AV T13. Oregonlaiv, .1J.O-A. K KwUIPPED HSAT RANCH oat arras la cultivation. SAO acres ta wheal. v acres la bariay. 2-4 oi wltb al; baiaaca paatnra. good spring and wall, food bauaa. barn. 11 hores la s-bottnm cane p.owa. a wagons 1 hesner. M fcMlr boiri a aactloa barrow, black' nut loola. $-ki an acre Exchange for grata ac boa farm In WHIametia al.ar. atom cish. long lima oa balancs 4 par caot re ham liaway at J. L. HART MAN C'M PA .ST. No. T. Chamber ( Com' ruarca b.ug.. 4th and Stark ata. tV-ACRE homo an . P. rad alactrlo carlloa. balaaaa Aloha and Tobias, houaa quit aw. with a rooms, bath and aun poren an first floor. 2 bedrooms Malm- room and attic aacond floor, electricity and gas living-room baa ftraplaca and library built-in boobceeaw: big thicken and pigeon bouse and yards barn, watar a) at am ana aaoilna aoctna. barrlaa and young or chard, baianca af land tindar plow; ad- i fining la 4 acraa fraa paatnra. Trica tarma ta aulL. laUd aetata to. t on-rtrd bMc " H.L. aail or trada 4-acra farm, ailuatad 3 milra from Chacalla. W Mh . on bard-aurrarad rnad. for Portland proparty ut la axcaa-l "'0. S acrra undrr bleb tata a? ru tlrallon. tba baianca la baat grada paatura; a-room, mo-l-rn houaa, wlta a.actrlc ila.tta. watar Dloaa to nouaa; cncrata a.lo. good barn. yajna orchard and plant of barriaa, farm macnlnary, 10 ouira 1. ilruaar, d0 Clackaovaa. Eaat a.w. CA.VADIAV WHEAT RANOK. S5on acraa. 3M0 acraa In wnaat. I ?A OOO f anulpmant. Including trnrtor, thraahlng marnina. blndara. ate. ao boraaa. ruitv ataippad: prlca f.Ml.outt; mortgaga ao.o.a) at a pr cant; wia conataar incoma or quity. FPTOX aV McLEI.t.A V. Vi!a .ML ill Ctambar of Coro. 14 it Taa-a Co. wbaat ranch. R. R. atatloa oa a. oca. manlna watar: ltliM andar cull.. bout S In wb.at: ownar racaivaa S of crop: larra farming outfit. Ownar a ahara hou:d rar at laaat i.o.itoO thla rlummar. 1'rica lloo. wm&. Conaid-r part In othar good proparty. 1. i4oora. SI? Board of Trada. V, IL.L. TRADE acraa. 3 In cultivation, bat paatura aad timbar. cood butldlnaa. ranalai watar. aa good county road, near lava and K. K. baa it. r. 1-aa. H. A. DRTKR. Tha Acraaga M a. 10 l.aar la Bidg. TO EXCHA.XG E-RHL TSTATK. AN IDEAL. IRR1UATED bUNNVSlDE. Aail . UU1E. Cxchanga for good farm. A paying proposition to ratira on; L'U. 14 acraa: 1 acraa baaring orcnard applet, peara. charrlrg and grapaa: acraa In alfalfa: land la of tha beat; 8-room houac. larga barn. Sx2m; packing houaa. tool houac lsx a" larga ciatarn. ail outbuilding mtlntcd 101T ctopXwaa Touu boxca appiaa. loi0 boaaa pcara. ;on pouuda chcrrlca. SOotl pounaa grapaa. 00 tona alfalfa, ..1 tona po tatoaa. a torn corn. Thia year1 a crop bou.d aacead laat yaara. Prlca I2I.0OU. want farm aama valua or gmallar placa. pait payment. Watch our ac'a. Wa (at raaulu. A. O. Bander. RITTER. L.OW at CO.. ')3-5-7 Board of Trade. '"UK KXCHAN'OE Bualnraa demanding my return taat. will trada I-tl acraa. of which 15 acrea producing orange grove; big crop fruit now aettlng; abundant water up!y from own pumping plant; equipped with tractor, aix head atock. laxming Im plement!, attractive alx rooma and bath cement bunaalow. barn, two cottagaa for employe. Ideal orange climate, practically fruat.aaa: theee arovea will ahow buyer good profit on laveatment; yaiue 921M1.UOO; mortgaga StJu.tMMJ; want aatern or North ern Incoma aad little caah: can dlrlde; eubmit full particulars Wallers. la7 Manhattan PI., ap Angela. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, near Beaverton. all ouilt-ln eone-n icnc-a. aunt a years, mod ern In every respect, city watar. bath, ga. remeat baaainent. waah trays, two acres. S cleared, ktoma garden In. baianca plowed ready for planting: fruit treea. berrtaa. lawn, chlcken-nouee; for city property: li mia. oa Kad Electric, R 21L, reconian. TO EXCHANGK REAL ESTATE. PROFIT AND INDEPENDENCE, "CITT FARM HOME" (4 ACRES). ALL, CITT CONVENIENCES. DESIRABLE "HOME PLACE" AT WOODHL'RN. OR.. TWO BLOCKS FROM MAIN 8TREET AND ELECTRIC CAR. A CLEAN MODERN SCHOOL AND HOME TOWN. (POPULATION ABOUT 3OO0I. HIOH-CLASS HESIDENCK. 7 ROOMS. GOOD ORDER. BATH. FURNACE. ETC ESPECIALLY GOOD BARN. ARRANGED FOR COWS. HORSES AND EQUIPMENT, THIS PLACE SUITED FOR FRUIT, GARDEN. CHICKENS. PIGS. ETC. OWNER IS OBLIGED TO SELL. PRICE FOR QUICK TURN .-.T.VJ (LITERAL DISCOUNT FOR HALF CASH 1. EASY TERMS. OR WILL EXCHANGE AT FAIR VALUE ON OOOD RANCH OR PROPERTY IN OR NEAR PORTLAND. AND ASSUME (OR PAY CASH DIFFERENCE. ADDRESS E. BURK1TT, OWNER. 2" SELLING BLDG. I 1 ANT a modem aix to elaht-room bunga low, local a a in Laurelburet, irvlngton or other good reaidenca aacllga on tha Eaat Vide: will take tha aama as part payment oa my apartment-houee. located aa 4th at., oa the Meat bide, wbicn I am offering (or e!4.oM). Can show a good Income. Only ownera Bead a pp.. , Fur particulars call at Plstt bids. alY OWNER Modern, equipped 25-a. farm, 14') cn.tiTated, 1 beaverdam. 40 good umoer. aatance openr paature: near z alec trie roads, 2i miles Portland: sood bulid Inga; river through place: all machinery, new tractor, teama. cowa. bora aoata. eoea Ideal for dairy, hogs, gardens. Will take mooera city Dome to xmmm) caah and terms Adfirese box Forest Grove, or. WHAT HAVE TOU TO TRADE? 8EB OUR LIST BLDC.8.. APT. HuUSES. FARMS. HOMES. LOTS. ACREAGE. fHO.ttoo brick, good Incoma, for California. tiio.noo West Side, for alfalfa. $40,000 building and bualnesa. for farm. - S-3 acres, brownavllla: take part houaa. 10 acraa. Improved, Lenta, for Portland. 290 acraa, Slaklyou County, Cal and resi dence In Yreka, ftlSUO, for Portland or Central Oregon. IS.HIO Portland property for Berkeley, Cal. San Dlega, Point Lomt district, for Port land. t.1.voo apt. bldg., for Valley farm. $73,000 buslneae property. 3.YOOO mtg. ; take amaller property for equity. Woodburn. Or.. 2 houses and S acre, for Portland. Washington or Alberta. Eugene. Or., cottage for Portland. Spokane houaa for Portland. Tacoma lot for Portland home. CHAS. Rl.NGLER at CO.. 2-9 Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCEIXAXEOrS. 1913 KNOX chassis, Al condition; also 1812 Stoddard-D&yton ,7-passenger; either or ootn iraae tor acreage. 4ug Aiaer sc. troadwsy 2531. w ILL exchange furniture, bicycles, guns. musical instruments and pianos lor ot goods Hall 4c Cassidy, 128 First at WANTED To trade 300 steger piano for o-passenger auto, A-i conaition, r ora pre lerrea. itpcr 774. 40 ACRES, near Portland, trade for good auto. Box lil, G res ham, Oregon. ONE Eastman 3-A postcard kodak for good oicycie. u. wells, hi. 3utn St. REAL ESTATE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. IMPROVED ACREAGE. acrea, highly Improved; good hooae ana oar a; riant at station on Oregon Electric and close to Pacific Highway; Meal location: 40. minute run with auto; wut last bungalow aa part payment. W. K. KASLK. Main glT8. I7 Corbett bldg. CH'.H'K IRRIGATED WHEAT AND AL- mua UA.Mk-l acrea under W. L. I. lo. canals; 40 ACRES IN WHEAT; all the crop goea with tha land; oaar an- liatecj. cannot harvest crop: will accept CLEAR Portland, preferably residence, for half; (Juoo crop la sight. J 4. Ore gon tan. FOR SALE OR TRADE lO-aere tract In nana Walla Valley. 3 acres sub-Irrigated T acrea watar pumped ta Irrigate, aprlng running acroee place, a acrea in prunea and .inep appiaa, a acraa in airaira: a niL from Freewater. 1 mile from Interurbaa cariiaa. want small acreage near Port- 'aaa: win aaaunie. AH 2:.. Oregonlan. CHICKEN RANCH. .3 acraa In email town near Portland; 4 -room house, good well.- large chicken- nouaes, aeverai small ones, incubator and brooder: a kinda berries fruit treea; no Incumbrance; worth g2.tO0; trade for houaa m city. M. O. oil. 4J11 Chamber of t.ommerce. Main 25. J4 ACRES ON TAQUINA BAY, AT OTS- ...... ... .aan ,bn rum, ni.aiJaa.ri Raa'OHT. This ranch hss waterfront and oyster bed. flret-claaa house and barn, all fenced, plenty of grass the year around; Ideal placa to live: prlca 7ov0; will con sider bouae for part. w. H. iiurley, bsS Irving at. Marshall 293, o K'RU 100 WHEAT LAND. hurrouoded by blab-c.asa. Improved eanchaa kmt arhaol and d hone : all trac tor plow land: will conalder well located small bungalow ap to t iood, baianca alx years time. Addreea owner, lock drawer No. 20. Islington, or. ONE or more ulncumbered Aatoria lots to exchange for r.abual. roll-tup desk, motor boat, vacuum cleaner, electrio washer or other furniture: will add other property to goOOu for (arm within SO miles of Port land. Colby. 412 Fourth sL, Oregon Cliy, Or. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, aaa merit and as for exchange or ala. call or wrlta full particulars, no In- f ated values conaldered; have flrat-claae l:at ta select from. Ia P. Ilanry. 3. Henry b tig. Fef. Portland Realty Board. TalN acres cloaa to town on Co.umbla High way: 4 a. In cultivation; trult trees barry bust's etc.. fins eoil. water at 22 feat; for 447' 0. g2Vo rash, or win accept buncalow. free of incumbrances up 1 ." aad $00 caah as first paymaat. AJ Oregon. an. 4W ACKal-H. la cu.tlvatad. lo eaai.y cleared. house. Bstrn. archard. spring. 2 7 mllea from Port. aad. a milea to atatu.n. Price el1, terms or nsed car. or small houaa aa part fiavmeat. Owner. ata ata. tk A, evea. pgs. A SNAP. T rooma and garage, corner Glena avs I and ilaat salmoaL city Ilea all paid: a ma trada. Don t baas thia up. It la a I Roaa. HOP X. W. Bank bldg. , gvK DALE or aachanaa. hoiwa and lot. irv. inf as I'arb, Portland. 4i acraa fruit land. k.ttitas Va.ley. WaaMng'on. iio aharaa Pacific Cnaet Grpeum Company atock. of- f.cee at Tacoma. mines at A.aaa.a J. stal er. Taaoo Cly. M aatsappl. HAVsi yaw aereage. Improved or unim proved, yen will trade for one-half block al Nawbarg. with all kinda of fruit, a. inoa houaa. bath, etc.; worth gjooo. sand f.a.1 asd lesei deaertptioa. Thoa. F. Fair banks Rend. Oreg.in. 4W A.. PCIF1C Highway. 2S mL Grants Fee. I J a. andar m.t.i wire fenced : ema.l l.rra. bouaa. baraa. wells free water for i-rla-etioa. claar. Trada for acreage nr. Firi.end, or bungalow op ta 9aM. Might aaaume. rwner. AJ 1. l.r..alas STOCK ranch, loso acres Central Oregon; placa well renced: buildings; paid water right for SOU acres main canal through land: lota of outrange; Improvements Price 2u 000: want Portland properly. John Ferguson. . buv Gerllnger building. owner. ACKKS about I'S miles south of Eu gene; moatly timber, fine for cord wood and ties; new house not quite finished; new barn finished; all fenced with woven wire; good auto road: will consider a house equity In tha city. J. G. Gustaff. HOI tierl nser bldg. ALMOND ORCHARD f SPLENDID ASSET). T,i)ODXOH HILLS (10 ACHESV. TREES WELL CARED FOR, YR.. OLD. SOME CROP DUE Wig. S MILE TO P. O. AND STORE. MONEY VALUE $1.-,.xi. MAKE OFFER. WHAT HAVE VOUT ALSO 4) ACRES PROVEN DISTRICT ""CRANBERRY LAND" NEAR OCEAN PARK. WASH. SKLLINO NOW $.-,no TO 4iV PER ACRE. MY PRICE FOR 4 ACRES (AND CHEAP AT) IlOvO. CLEAR. ALSO 8 ACRES NEAR EVERETT. WAPH. (CLEAR.) SPLENDID HOME SITE, FELL TERMS (OR EXCHANGE 1. CHEAP AT 0. MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS OWNER. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. CLE A RED LAND IN WILLAMETTE VALLET IN EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND HOUSE EQUITIES. AM or part of 1&.1 acres. 40 miles from Port. and. close to two railroad lines: all level and all cleared. Good aixe town two mllea and good achools Thla la the best of fsrmlng land and especially adapted to loganberries One of the largest Loran berry farms in the state la close by. This land will be delivered aa a whole or In small tracts with perfect title, clear of encumbrance, for your house equity If priced right. Fine for truck gardens No jung win do considered. Call at our office lor price and tee d at. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO.. 3"2 OAK FT. BARGAINS HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGONS. 16 head of grading atock. all warranted sound and good workers A few described as xonowa: Bay and white mare. 2300 to 2400 lb. a little thin from bard work; $65 for both. Black and steel-gray geldings 260O to xiw ids; in good order; gioo. Span of grays 2JOO lbs; good order; S1UO. Pair of browns. 2400 lbs.; good order Span of gray. 2500 lbs: fat; tlSfa. Bay and brown, 2300 lbs.; U0. Blsck gelding. 13o0 lbs.: J 80. 8-year-old mule, at, 1150 lbs; see any time; gia. Roustabout team, 2100 lbs; good pair ITS. Bay mare, good single or double, 1050 to lloo lbs; 150. Sorral driver, about 1100: rangy built, fast pacer, very gentle, perfectly safe for aoyoouy; eio. Also several other good work horse chesp. Remember, they are all work horses fully guaranteed and money back If not as represented. Several chain harnesses 1S each. On wagon. $13. One light farm wagon, $25. Also sum good spring wagons with en closed tops, very cheap. All of the above mentioned stuff can be seen any day at tha Russell-street Tranafer Barn, corner Russell and Vancouver ave nue, cne block west of Williams svenue. A NO. 1 fin team of mares, weight 2200, harness and farm wagon. Price $S5. 3 horses 4 sets of harness double and ingle, and a good cow for aale very cheap. Call on Sunday If possible. Take Woodstock car to 29th and Powell Valley, 8 block eaat to &. RACE HORSES, young prospects, sound and beautiful, rial rs ana otner dioou tor saiv at a song. We eell them at a hundred or two, they go Eaat and are worth $20,000 In a year. See Hal Boy. 2:01: Oregon Hal, 2:04Vj. Have trotters and pacers. Merrill. 86 Broadway, evenings SEVERAL sood work mares and horses and harnaaa cheaDt welKnt VUU IO 1-tuu IDS priced from $30 to $10. These horses have been working on a grade and plowing lots In th city, ana now we are inrousu wiin them: must sell, avj n-noiu ft oioca oas of Union ave. FOR SALE. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments A CONDENSED LIST OF TODAY'S BEST CLASSIFIED OFFERINGS. Hero Is a Decker Bros, old model: not mucn or a Piano when comDared with others we have, but we'll fix It up; the price ts i:o. It's really a shame, but wo must sell early Monday this mahogany self-playing Aeolian for $50. Monday we will sell a mahogany player piano, standard make, nearly new, worth $000, for $326. A mahogany Pease piano will go very early at el-o. $S0 takes a good nrartlra unHa-hr niano. A Story & Clark mahoga-ny, thoroughly overnauiea, lor giss; looks like new. Kimball mahogany piano, needs re pairing, but is a sift at S14.',. Let us ahow you the best player-piano vaiue in me city at 4So: terms. Shipbuilders' instruments. The best is none to gooa for you; beautiful Hobart M. Cable pianos right from the factory: our store is upstairs, but our prices are uown. FOLEY A VAXimrp Owners Piano Dept.. Graves Music Store. 100 4tn and 2S5 Morrison St. FINE KROEGER PIANO Handsome rose- wooa case, splendid tone and good a uev. a.oir. MAHOGANY "G A T L O R D" Cottage Piano. $1W. "MASTER" VICTROLA, big and hand some, complete witn 12 record albums. t. . una, almost new records; cii auu jaiue ceai. rne outfit com plete $150. several other used talking machines at auoui price. r.asy terms. GEVURTZ FI7RV I TP R Bt r.nnw 185 to 111 First st.. near Yamhill Public AtarKet. SECURITY STORAGK rn r-mci-v-n ai-t aauo nonier as nonier, upright, cash $ 75 $400 Lelsnd upright, nearly new, cash $145 Ir v"i"au, laige upngnt. ior cash $iou $o7i 1917 model, mahogany, cash $190 $425 large 1917 model, walnut, cash $ '15 $4;J lull model, mahogany, cash $2H5 $j..0, 1916 model, finest style, cash $290 f.'i9- l"19 model player piano, cash $315 I . jjucinwica, o octave organ, cash $ $95 Bridgeport parlor organ, cash $ $80 phonograph and records, cash $ $90 phonograph and records, cash $ 109 4TH ST. AT WASHINGTON ST RECORD EXCHANGE. We buy. sell, exchange and rent phono grahps and records; expert repairing. VERN L. WENGER. 142H 2d St, (upstairs), near Alder. Main 7244. 60 LOTS In Klamath Falls clear of Inmm orance. to exchange for city property or acreaaa 2-acre farm, with rood Improvements ZS milea from Portland. Want good house oa improved street in city. Going hardware business In good coun- xry town, doing better than $i.i,oH a year. Will exchange for business or Income prop erty in rortiana. MORRIS. 431 Chamber of Commrrca SUBURBAN HOME FOR BUNGALOW. Nice ft-room bungalow on 3 acres land on Eaat Side, near Powell Valley road; cosy little country home, aurrounded by trees Value $3000. Want bungalow In town. l.EUDDEM ANN COMPANY. V13 Chamber of Commerce. COMFORTABLE furnished worklngman's horn, garden space, chicken yard and houaa: only few minutes' walk from ship yard aad factory district. Will exchange for any Ford In good condition, preferably iwie. inveettgate. AC 237. oregonlan. I WANT FORECLOSED PROPERTY. If you have a houaa or farm on which th mortgaga has been foreclosed and your time or redemption aaa not run out wtu give you a good trade for your equity. r r 11. oregonlan. and NEAR CITY LIMITS. 10 acres all In cultivation, fruit, ter, good buildings near achool church, on good road. Will exchange for city property, oee ri. r. Lee. H. A. DRYER, The Acreage Man, 510 Lewia bldg. 7 ACRES, with ft-room house, barn, ga rage, etc., fruit trees all in cultivation, 1 mile from city limits of Albany. Oregon. Want to exchange for 6 or 7-room huuse In Portland with plenty of room for gar dan and chickens Woodstock district pre ferred. Geo. T. Moors Co., bin Abington building. W A NTED II to 30 million of tie timber must re well located on R. R. or within abort flumlng distance of R. R. Will ex. chaage Very deelrable Portland Income property for same, r . E. Bowman ax Co., 13 ihemuer of commerce. FOR SALE or trade, bueineaa location In mill town In tha heart of the Willamette va.iar: a good opening for a saneral elure I.I ronaldcr a small farm. AV bjl. Oregonlan. FORCED SALE in s. ftneat rad shot land. 4 miles from Portland: fin neighborhood. roads water, wonderful view; 4000 cord original growth fir; want vacant lota In Seattle or Portland. A ac.4. Oreeonlaa WANTED Ftve-paea, auto to exchange on bouaa ana two lots; car muat Oa in good condition and ll or '17-8 modeL This Is a snap it taken at ones. Phono Tsbor 101. IRV1NOTON. Wish to make quick sale or my -room trvtnctoa fco'iee. beauf'ful yard, treea and Shrubbery. Xl.fbt take in sood. c.ear lot ar smai.er houaa. J. I'elaaiunty. Faat 2v.s WILL exchange -ro m houaa, aaJx floor, fireplaca. buffet, garage, fruit, barrios In IUtaraa dietrtrl: will take a email haaae aa part payment; would aasome. BC s. oreson'sn. IlNt. modern horns Willamette lite, larga grwun.ls a esan view. Conelqer olber property la part, balance) long time, s par eaat. ! aw. Moore. Hi Board of Ttla Owner GAKl'KV HOME. Coraptete'y modern 5-ro.ira hams with ware b-aatlfil acra tract, all convealances at llafUa time. For eppviatoaeat ta.i up o. uerden Mome. l-l-T yoiar prwrart.Va with oa. large I. at farms acreage tracts and City properties lor a, la an1 -t.-r. r.ee. TAI.I.V AIM",,: P. KALTT COMPANY. At H-n-r Ilul .ling Marsha I J -5 EXCELLENT TRADES. Hsv all kinds of good legitimate ex. chansea; sew us. Schemers and hot air peddler atay away. F. Fuchs 420 Cham per or c om. rilllK AND CLEAR lAO A. on Waahotigal rtiver: unlimited outrange; good auto road Portland : untmproved. Price $$oimi: taae rortiano. a. 1 or part, w 14a, or man. TKAl'fe, lor automobile; muat ba In good condition: lot aosioo: a good house, all kinds of fruit: beat corner lot In country town la Toledo, Wash. 1'bone Broadway f'etrLAND Improved lota fraa af Incum branra. u'n $.'i-,o v trade for Chicago propertT. aaumohi or anT"iint "f value In Chicago. A'l-treea T. Daffy, 415 Sottta Wahtenaar avs. Chlcags trlt,L or trada my $'" a-iitr In $aa mo. 1 era T - room bungalow. Finest location; (.replace, s.eeplcg porcn. oaa alca aad room aa first fl.tor. Wnat bava yon, to give? 1 207 K. tamhlll. owner. loRTLA.NtX Or. lot. value $IS0u7la ex change for Oakland. I'al , i"t or ama.'l bunsa.ow. V. Peterson, -7 224 at-. Oak land. Cal. X-l.-T your proparty With us for reeulta. ea-cnans-e ef martti eatabllehe-S 11 years Tha brnaat Yoonxer Co, l';o-lo7 Park at, between Waa.tlnct.io an J htark ats Lo-A K al Improved diversified Ores" a farm, worth $2. bnlncumberad. axi hange for Portland residence eual value. 612 ftoyal bldg. sTiat SALel ar exchange for Portland In coma property. 7 acraa on electrie llns wttn butl.tiuga and partly cleared. Ownar, Tabor HI. g liAVr. clear lot $.l'io. H.a.aata aad Kli, Inraworta: will tra-te for auto. Wbat have you? J. I. Nemmlnge. Morris at., city. ClUMlH wi.l cooeiuer good lot In R. C. or vicinity for equity in modera a-r. bunga low. AC 2.25, oregonlan. , TVs ACRE- aet "to fruit trees near Albany, adjotna large orchards for city properly. A J l"l. Oregonlan, 10 Ai'KKs fine f ull land. Columbia River Highway, between Moaier aad The Dallas far lot. A K 2. Oregonlan- BO Al HW U acraa bottom Uad. creek, on rock road, cloaa to K. R. aad town, for city proparty. BD 105, Oregonlan. RESIDENCE FOR AfSElfli: Hate good reaidenca. rented for s?3 Bar enonin. 10 irnoe i.r 1 to a acres wltn buildings an Interurban carllna: value ll"a K. r reamater. 3'IS Abfngtow blilg. lir. acraa on Lanf Heach. with large 4-room houaa and barn, a beautiful tract of land which I will exchange for Port land prnper'v. For particulars sea me at a, i r.an rinr ISO ACRES. 42500 W'lll exchange owner's a-',-ie) equity for near vacant i"ii or nouaa an. lot eaulty. oeorge r- cogieaart. 024 lie nry bldg. Main T?c,a 15 Ai'kE.H Juat outside city limits of Oregon City: good roads and achool: all In culti vation, aani modern nouss In good dl trut Oiv particulars la first letter D 20. Oregonlan. 120 A OK Ed near Eugene, PO under plow: machinery, crops stock, for small farm or losa horns Sell for $15,000. AO iOL. Oreconlan. SOME TRADE. Fin modera resident In Holladay Ad ditaaa. W. H. ROSS. HAVE 10 a. Irrigated land near Kenne wtck. Waab, Will exchange for Portland property. Lovgren. t14 Dekum bldg. Phono Main 7U. sJO-ACKE Improved stock or sheep ranch, with unlimited outrange: will exchange for city proparty or acreage up to XOOO value. Owner. 615 Cham, of Com. bids. CLE-IS cottase to trada la oa burgalow. valued aadee s25ajL Wood.aaa AJ2U. 71 E. 12th at. N. ' TOUR new flats corner I-oa Angeles on car Itne. for acreage or ranch in Oregon or Washington, a 1n3. Oregonian. J'Kt'PflKTT Portland. Seattle and Califor nia for proparty are atata United btates; give pheae. AJ lo5. oregonlan. J" of SALE 14--lb, dapple gray bores K. Franklin. Fairmont blvd. and Caea peaks at. Coooctl Creat Park. r-ROM modera houaa In good diatrlcl to trad for acreage or small farm. Arnold. - H-ery blJg. FOR SALE or exchange. 10 acres with 4.w.U4a feat of timber; 75 per cent white cedar. 2i yellow fir: prefer Portland r."irri'. rt .vi. ivfrannB. TO TRADE lad acres In Waahlngtoa Coun ty, considerable timber, for ft or 4-room modern houaa, Portland properly. Phone Mam 75 or write AC 226. oregonlan. 1J ACKE.H. ft miles from Vancouver. Waah.. on canine, value $2400. clear, for Portland noma or in en me property: will aaaume or pav can iniierenee. owner. 295 Morrison LOT 80 2-3x100 33 1-3 ft. from comer, suit able for garage, apartment or flats near the railroad bridge, old hiose. price $10, 000; will trade for Valley farm or wheat land; If good wheat land will assume. Alao Improved acreage, value $25no; will put In on good farm. Address G 216, Oregonlan. SOME extra good dairy cows some good family cows 4 to ft gallons all Just fresh; sell or trade for beet cows 1160 Macadam at foot of Richardeon ave.: south port land car, end of llns thre blocks south. one block esst- 22 HEAD of horses young, guaranteed aa represented, will hire on long terms to re sponsible parties, will trade for mules or b g mares, must oe soia oy aay n. 000 Front st.. cor. Montgomery. Phil Suetter, Townsend Stables. WAGONS FOR SALE CHEAP. Twenty w a iron a. all in first-class con dltlon, suitable for most anything, will take one-tenth actual value: no further use for them, all hand mads Call 263 Russell st. FOR sale or exchanre. Percheron stud black. 4 years old June 12. weighs 2000 pounds, broke to work, kind among other horses, can work with any horse, subject to be registered. 30 Front t-. cor. Mont gomery. Phil suetter. WE ARE In a position to furnish you with any size horse weighing from 1200 to lTiin lbs., von desire. All stock guaran teed. Fraxier A McLean. 240 E. Mb, and Main sts WE have 6 bead of different sized horses weighing from 1000 lbs. to 1400 ids; price from $50 to $140 each; these horses have all been hired out ana are reaay mr n work. Model Stables oth and Davis. FOR SALE at bargain, pair of seal-brown geldings 8 and u years oiu, wr, oauo 10s; good, true workers; Just the kind for legging team. win sacruice tor ensu es n be seen at 240 E. 8th and Main. ON Monday and Friday at 10 A. M., will hava auction saia ot norses anu wrkuiii alva ua a trial, best of references, for 11 years In Portland. Columbia Commission and Auction Stables. 302 Front at. xvEt an riiacontf nulna the use of horaea have a apan 01 mares weigiung ,w ids for gt 6(1. Central Door ae Lumber Co.. 12th and Gllsan sts Ask for Evans, ship ping c.erk. A GOOD team which I have no use for, as I rented farm, will sell cheap. Tabor tM. Residence on Section Line road, 6 miles eaat of 2d st. A. M. Allshouse. ALAMEDA PiOME Modern, nine rooms with garage; 100x100, fine shrubbery house nearly new; will consider Irvlngton or Laueihurat lots free and clear, or smaller house to $7000. balance mortgage, 6 per cent. J. G. Gustaff, 601 Gerllnger Ding. WHEAT RANCH. 2600 acrea located In Klickitat County: will accept part In Portland property, balance crop payments; an opportunity for someone. W. R. KAPER. Main 6178. 517 Corbett bldg. ROCM1NG-HOUSE and theater In Clataka nle. Pries flsOOO. Trade for improved farm. -room house anl B lots In Clatskanis Trsds fur spartment-houae I. O. HOLM EN, Hotel Alder. BAKER, OREGON. 4-roora cottage, full corner lot, near business center, will exchange for small suburban horns In Portland. Phone E. 271. DOVE GARDNER. 410 Board of Trade. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION. Good money-making country store, value about $11,000. Take some Portland Property, some caah and rest terms F. 'uchs 420 Chamber of Com. ON ACCOUNT the scarcity of help am forced 10 sell one team, weight 3000: one team. weight 26O0; can be seen all day Sunday at Package Delivery Co.. I3th and E. Oak FOR SALE Single lop buggy, new auto tup. new shafts and new wheels lee than a year old. 302 E. 30th st,. near Haw thorn avs CHEAP Gentle sorrel horse, good condl Hon. also wagon, harness; good for light ranch work. can alter o r. u. ou. Kcrby st. ENAP 1 horse snd wagon for sale; new harness: been driven In city 8 years: gen tie and reliable; $75. Woodlawn 1004. TEAM bava. horse and mare: about 1000 Iba. Double harness; $90, or trad for cows Box 6-A. Mllwaukie. A SPAN of horses, weight 2400 pounds, fur sale cheap. Call Mr. Thomas at ilult nomah station. Main 4537. TWO extra good Jersey family cows Just fresh. 1490 alacaaam St.; r uiton car to Idaho St., one block east. LIGHT team, good light farm wagon and harness, xus. it. naramonu. nrooxwua tits, Sprlngwater llns or Mllwaukie, Rt. 2. WILL exchange my small farm, all in culti vation, one hours rice from Portland on aire llns for good house or other Port land propertylJwnerMaln 9451. FOR TRADE, by owner. 2 good 5-room houaea and five lots well located, for Im proved farm. Will consider Idaho. No agents 4146 66th at 8. E, Portland. Or. Foil SALE or ex?hange. 1 to ft acrea on Columbia Highway, near Hood River, for small acreage with ft or 6 -room bungalow near Portland. BF 1U0. Oregonlan. 320 ACRES. AO acrea In cultivation: house. tarns 2 wells partly fenced, clear of In cumhranree; trade for good automoblls Mlllershlp. 431 Chamber of Commen-e. lull EXCHANGE or sals 160 acres Harney Valley. Oregon: clear title; 411 acraa In cultivation: houaa. good water and ail fenced. Call 4o:l Carlton Hotel. AM leaving Portland. I have a team of horses. 7 and 8 years old. work single and double and sound, for $100. 554 E. Oak at. GOOD team, harness, delivery wagon and buggy cheap. Mllwaukie Merc Co. Phon Mllwaukie. IP GOOD EXPRESS BODY, complete, while they last, from $5 to $10. Call at David Hodea Co., cor. Broadway and Flandera at. FIRST-CLASS riding or driving horaes from 1OO0 to 120O pound. Sell very cheap. 103 Falling at. Take Mississippi car. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood- lawn 20. $274 FOR $174. Ono of the finest Edison phonographs, elegant mahogany case and 21 double faced records with It: cost $274: will be old to the first caller who will give $174 for it Thia instrument 1 exactly like new, superb tone; comes from one of Portland finest homes See Mr. Cordner, Ellers Talking Machine Compauy, Broad- May anu Amur. USED FURNITURE AT GADSSY'S 1 oak extension table, massive leg. .$18.00 4 oak chair to match above 12.00 1 sanitary couch, good aa new 7.50 1 quartered oak library table 13.50 I oaK dresser, good as new 12.50 16X12 grass rug. slightly used 8.50 WM. GADSBY A SONS, First and Washington ats. FOB 8 A I.E. Furniture for Sale. BIGGER VAX.UES THAN YOU EX PECTED. 8x13 woolen bungalow rug $1- .50 8:3x10:6 Axminster rug 27.50 8:3x10:6 Brussels rue? 22.50 7:6x9 Brussels rug 15.25 0x12 Velvet rug 22.30 8x12 wool and fiber rug 10.00 Thiee-quarter size iron bed 4.25 Full-size iron bed 5.25 2-lnch continuous post steel bed.... 23.25 2- l-nch poBt brass bed 17.,'eO Coll braced mesh top spring 4.00 Steel frame link spring 7.2.1 4o-pound Sleepwell mattress 12.00 Golden oak dressing table 13.25 Golden polished dresser 12.50 3- drawer commode 4.73 Golden polished chiffonier 30.25 Folding mantel bod 12.50 Folding mantel bed 19 50 Golden oak stand table S.OO Velour upholstered couch 10.00 Genuine leather couch 22.50 3-plece mahogany parlor suite 25.00 Solid oak arm rocker 6.00 Blrdseye maple rocker 6.73 Tapestry upholstered rocker chair... 4.00. Quarter-sawed flush rim too dining 1 table 27.50 Square polished top dining table.... 9.00 Golden polished buffet 21.50 Kitchen table with bins and drawers 6.75 4-hole cabinet base range 42.50 B-nole leg base range 45.00 2-burner gas plate 3.50 2-hole oil stove 8.00 51-pioco Bet of dishes (as Is) 6.75 62-plece set of dishes (as Is) 13.75 EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak. A Good Place to Trade. Select One Piece or a House Full. Your Credit Is Good as Gold. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. SPECIAL NOTICE. We would especially call the attention of the buying public that we have pur chased the entire stock of W. T. Alao, McMlnnvlile, Or., at a great sacrifice. The stock consists or gooa, nign-sraue juini ttire. carpets, rugs, linoleum and many other useful household goods, we are dis Doslnar of in many cases for less than wholesale price. We quote only a few prices on the following: J-our-plece high-grade decorated Ivory bedroom suite, regular $130, now $1)0; tupestry over stuffed rocker, snrinc seat, loose cushion, regular $40, now $27.50; Oo-in. fumed oaic buftet this Is an elegant piece of furni ture, large, good style regular $100, now $45; o'cedar polish and mops at huif price. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. KKi-165 First St. REMOVAL SALE. REMOVAL SALE. wo nave outgrown our present location and are moving into larger quarters at 188 to 190 1st street. To reduce our stock before moving wo offer great reductions In all lines. Note the following: $32.30 quartered oak dresser at $26.50. $24 quartered oak dressers at $19.50. $22.50 oak dresser at $17.85. $18 dressers at $12.75. $05 bed davenports at $56.50. $55 bed davenports at $46.50. -$45 Unifold davenport at $115. sin 00-pound felt mattresses at 111.0. $9.75 "Good Night" mattresses at $7.1 $20 seamless Brussels rugs, 9x12, VITANOLA Factory sample, golden oak case, automatic stop; this machine 1 brand new and has a lovely tone; $75 model, but will sell for $70 and Include ju ju-in. L. u. records; we have only one of these and first party gels It; fully guaranteed; easy terms. Edward Co., blh and Oak Bts. BRAND-NEW COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AT CUT. PRICES. $15, $18. $25. $45, $55, $75, $85. $100 and $110 machines; with each machine from $25 up we will give $5 worth of records absolutely free. Also $57.50 vlctrola for $50; $215 victrola for $175, easy terms MISH FURNITURE CO, 3S4 First St. S1B.75. 3-burner gas plates at $3.95. 2-burner gas plates at $2.75. Other bargains too numerous to mention. A money-saving opportunity. Your credit is good. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 1st St. USED SEWING MACHINES CHEAP. Fine "White Rotary" $30.00 New "Portland" 115.00 7-drawer "2lth Century" $15.00 Cabinet "Kenwood" $15.00 "Singer" $10.00 All in guaranteed good condition. Easy terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First St.. near Yamhill Public Market 100 REMNANTS of second-hand carpet. Wilton and tapestry included, at 25c per yara ana up. 100 yards of cocoa matting hall runner, one yard wide, first-class condition, mult be sold at once. A new shipment of Feltex rugs In beau tiful designs, assorted sizes, to be sold at great bargains iiline s Furniture Store, 192 First st NEW AND OLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. OKI FURNITURE COMPANY. 209 Second St Phone during day. A 1209. Main 0331; at nignt, a boat, Main Lisa. BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES for coal gas and wood. Bake with any fuel; warm in Winter, cool In Summer. Save space and expense. We have them without warming closet as low aa $0; with warm ing .closet $S5. We also have a few used combination ranges: one a NUgara Serv ice $05, and one a Champion for $10. We take your old ranae or aal raiilte in ex change and balance easy. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, ISO to 191 First St.. near Yanihlii public Market. WALNUT BEDROOM SET Wonderful- bej". dresser and tripie-p'.ate mirror dressing table, Adams design, steel spring and luxu rious silk floss mattress: right up to the nilnute; almost new, cost a few weeks ago $2u0;- now for $133.50. Terms. -No interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 1S3 to 191 First st, near Yamhill Public Market. A SLIGHTLY used A. B. gas range, of laie model. It has the elevated oveu ana broiler, four cooking burners and slm merer, also canopy top, which carries a.l the odor from the gas up through th.i chimney. Absolutely guaranteed. A $57.50 range ior only $35. Kasy terms MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S4 First Street. GENUINE MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM SET 10-lncll dining table. Colonial style, mas sive pedestal, 3 magnificent Colonial ch.ii-s and carver to matchlg upholstered in lirst grade genuine leather. The set cost $15c; in splendid condition. $75; terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 1S3 to 191 First Bt.. near Yamhill Public Market. RELIABLE GAS RANGE. 6 burners, 4 ovens. In perl'ect condition, suitable for hotel, restaurant or larne family. This range new would cost iur in excess of $100. We will sell for $35. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 First Street OWL SELLS FOR LESS. We have a big lot of used carpets, stairs and room sizes, in Axminsters and Wil tons, at the very lowest prices. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 First Street. FOR auirk sale: fine player piano, eatab- llsned make, Dencn, caoinet ana ou rolls music; original cost $050; will now sell for $000. one-hair cash, balance $25 per month. This Is some ouy iz you want a stanuura. hlgh-graae player, k. 2u., oregonlan. FINE dictattnr and transcribing combina tion dictaphone, electrically operatea. pedestal, blanks, etc., all complete, like new; cost $105; price $55, $10 down, $5 I V. ... LI ..... rr-ll,ln.. U.nhln. t'n I Morrison. FINE $110 model Pathe phonograph, used very little, plays pathe, Victor and Co lumbia records; price $75, $15 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking machine CO., 331 Morrison, FOR SALE Player piano, bench and 40 records In good condition. a2b0. call A. M., 927 E. 21st st North, phone Woodlawn 4726: business 73 North 3d st. phono B aoie. - WANTED The uae of a piano for Its care by young couple owning their own nome in Irvlngton; no children; best of care guar anteed; best 01 references, mono .cast 751C. I AM IN THE DRAFT. Will sell my $5oo piano and several other nice pieces of furniture cheap. Call at 1303 r.. Ain at, nr wooaiawn car. BUSH A LANE player-piano, style 20, good as new. Compelled to sell. Make best cash offer. Cost $900 new. Mr. C S. Spltzer, Shaniko. Oregon. VICTROLAS We have Just received a large shipment of all models of Vlctrolas, dif ferent flnisnes; special terms. iiyaii Talking Machine Co.. 331 Morrison. BEAUTIFUL fumed oak Vlctrola. with records; will exchange for piano ana pay cash difference, or sell on easy terms. Soule Bros., 166 10th st. NICE little practice piano, in fine condition. made by one ot tne most responsible lac tones: exceptionally gooa tone ana action; $115. on terma. lau nu pen st. FINE Kimball organ, splendid tone, cost $135; price $35. (.ou aown, si montniy. Hvatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Mor rison. NEW tur.O electric phonograph for $200; plays all recoras Aiain xa- or room iwj i imperial notei. FORTY pounds new layer felt mattress art ticking; regularly SI8.0O; ior quick sale $14; spiral spring beds, made of 108 oil tempered spirals; the very best grade; Bells usually for $12.50: yours for $9.00; wo have only a limited number of them at that price. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 First St. Between Yamhill and Taylor. $175 ROYAL TURKISH RUO FOR $92. Beautiful 9x10.0 royal Turkish rug. "She-raz" design, in those rare, pleasing colors that you never find In common rugs. This rUK cost alio t year ago: uuya It, easy terms. Come and ate It You are bound to like It. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. USED CABINET TALKING MACHINE Plays any make disc records: lull, rich tones;, a $90 machine for $35: also one $10 machine for $19.50. Lsea Columbia Gral- onola, $.!. size, for $20. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First st.. near Yamhill Public Market. GENUINE leather duofold. golden quarter oax, m iirst-ciass conoiuon; also a line curled hair mattress; original cost $12.1; these aro practically new; to be sold fur goo. KLINE'S FURNITURE- STORE. 192 First St. Between Yamhill and Taylor. TIME FOR REFRIGERATORS. We have them. A fine assortment in various sizes, both new and slightly used; come' and look them over; we can Burely save you money; cash or terms MISH FURN. CO., 134 First Street. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds. $1 up. Springs. $1 up. Mattresses, $1.50 up. Chairs, 75o up. Dressers, $5 up. Dining tables, $3 up. 204 First Street. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. 9x12 seamless Brussels rugs, in popular all-over designs, and very pleasing color effect: o d rrerent patterns to cnoose irom; special, while they last at $10.75. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 14 First Street. , FOR SALE Oak buffet, $15; andirons an. I screen. $4.50; 3-qt. ice cream ireczer. $1. Belle Court Apts., 52 Trinity place. Apply to janitor. ALMOST new range, polished steel top, and thermometer oven door. Phone E. 3021 morning. GARAGE and furniture for sale; have ga rage rented: good proporfltlon. Call Sun day bet. 3 and 6 P. M 544 Flanders. GARLAND wood and coat range with hot water coll, praotically new; 20. labor 3S44 Monday. FLAT for rent, 5 rooms, furniture for sale. i-.ast 2tiui. DINING table, carpets, small kitchen treas- ure. pictures, cheap. J 2.tu, orotronlan. FURNITURE for 5-room house at 1701 E. 9th at S. ONE 3-pjece oak bedroom suite, rocker and nun rug. labor OjiO. OAK desk and chair; also large fluff rug. 308 Dekum bldg. A LARGE variety of refrigerators from $ up. Oki Furniture Co., 209-11 Second st. FURNITURE and Vlctrola for sale. Mun. or Thurs. 1391 14 Sandy blvd. Dogs, Birds and Pet Stork. RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT We 1 neigians, flew ir.eaiana iemisn t,iaius. English Lop Ears and White English, all ages und sizes': utiliuy- stock as well a fancy pure-bred." Write for prices an catalogue. Routledge Seed A Floral Co., 145 Second st. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Beautiful canary hints; niai orders promptly filled. The Bird Shop, 1151 East 28th at. N., Portland. Phou C 2217, WANTED Setters and pointers to board and train. Hlgn-ciass all-age ana aerny pro; pects for sals Field trial ilops my ape clalty Mu-nger. rilllhurst. tvash. ROiiB CITY CATTERY Homo of "Sunburst." Kittens for sale. minutes' motor from city. 1250 E. MorrI son Tabor 72 1 4 FOR SALE Two high-class Boston bull terriers, also several other small breeds call 101 11th st. N. TWO choice Belgian hare bucks. 8 mouths old. $u: others, past 3 mouths. $i.o0. u 2S4. Oregonlan. rinMALha. ready for mating, cheiip: one yellow -St. Andrewsliurg; good breedli.i; cage. Phone East 600. FINE rabbits with litter: also yuung does Don t pass thIB up If you are uwuko. AC 6, Oregonlan. BELGIAN harea and Flemish Giants; good stock: reasonable. Mouticellu Habh.try, corner owtn ana t.ast stark, rorunnn. THOROUGHBRED Alrdale bitch, year old, $.; trade for chickens or pig. loul 1-.. 15th St. North. AIREDALE TERRIERS, the dog of all work. 51cKenna Park Kennels, McKenna ave. and Lombard at. REGISTERED Airdale terriers, 5 1110. old. H. D. Burrows, Vancouver, Wash., R. b D. No. 4. tun PHONOGRAPH and record outfit: used I leBB than two months, lor aio; pay so peri month. 104 loth st. OWL SELLS FOR LESS. A six-hole Monarch range-. 18-ln. oven, pin water coil, as good as new, $43. This Is a snap: can eariy. OV u tltt.MiinEi t-o., 204 First Street. 'OR service, registered Persian oat No. 3; for sale, rabbits. 1 Alt. oregunian. ENGLISH bull pup for sale; fine pedlgres 941 hi. Ullsan. A'none u 2343. NEW $215 talking machine and records to trade for your gooa oia piaau. xiaruiu o. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st. H. P. NELSON PIANO; sell hm price. Take liberty bonds or real estate mortgage. 11a E. 18th. $12 CASH. $6 monthly, buys $375, new. 1918 model. Improved upright piano for $281.25, Schwan piano Co.. ill rourtn ati KURTZMAN player piano, beautiful ma hogany case, bench and music, oniy souu. Soule rJroa., 100 lutn si. LIGHT-COLORED registered Holsteln bull calve for sale cheap by Jack Apple ton. Deer Island, or. 2 BERKELEY. Cal.. restricted res lots sell ing prlca $25H. Inc. $mh. w hat have vou to offer for lha $1700 equity here I 321 Vl Water at. PORTLAND Buburbsa property, alao Wil lamette alley, aooat -""u value, c ear. for Eastern Oregon. Idaho or Montana land. b Draper, 401 Board of Trada. TO EXCHANGE 5 acre 10 mile from portlano. between Haee Line ana section Lin roads; no Incumbrance: exchange for house and lot K 208. Oregonlan. NICE building lot E. Division, on 53d at. or a-room summer cottage at Ait rioou, $400. Eaat f356. BUSINESS corner, some Income, my equity of S30OO tor mouern nouss or screage. L 19S. Oregonlan. ONE nice bay mars no reasonable offer re fused. State Laundry Co., owa Xi. uroaa way. WANTED Top buggy; must b good and a bargain. Address R, L, Box 171, Oregon City. FOR SALE One single wagon with covered top. Phone National Market. East 42. $05 BUYS apan of ponies, harness and spring wagon. 203 Russell t A-l JERSEY cow and calf for sale. $80. Tabor 811. WANTED by property owner, good young family cow on terms. Call Tabor 8512. DEAD stock taken quickly: we pay the most for dead and crippled atoclt Tabor 4203. 24O0-LB. team and harness for sale cheap. Inquire 105 E. 11th or phone East 178. 95 FOR a good used piano, well worth 1275: must sell, as I don t want to snip out of Portland. G 2ol, Oregonlan. FISCHER, amall mahogany $187 Mendelssohn, splendid tone, like new. 238 Harold S. Gilbert 384 Yamhill. $400 GOOD upright piano, plain case, good I lone, auf.ou. di. trurccBicr oiua- day. FURNITURE SACRIFICE. Whv buv of the furniture store when you can buy furniture ot a a-room nome for $150? Opportunity knocks but once. Phone Woodlawn o.no. bl west Ainswortn. VERY bis: assortment of refrigerators for restaurants or nomes, irom o up; Dig bargains. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 First Street. DUPLEX Alcazar combination steel range. burns wood or coal, gas, periect con dition, used short time, leaving city East insii A LIMITED number of new window shades one sale at o-c eacn. mines rurniture Store. 102 First St., between Yamhlil and Taylor. LAWN MOWERS. A big assortment from $1.50 up. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 First Street. FOR SALE Two tlouble-oven Jewel gas ranges; good order. 306 First st POINTER pups for sale. Address W. Laug- worthy, Beaverton, Or. REGISTERED female BuBton terrier puppy. $25. Broadway 2ub6. GOOD singer and cage, orange female. Call Broadway 2.1111 BOSTON BULL PUPS Pedigreed stock. King Albert Apts., apt 11. BOY, leaving town, wishes to dispone of his dog. 17U4 hi. itn at. s. senwoou iwio. CHOICE St. Andreasberg roller: also beau tiful singers and cages. Broadway 28-. YOUNG thoroughbred New Zealand rabblls for sale. 821 Garfield ave. ST. ANDREASBERG singer for sale cheap. Woodlawn 4-i31. SCOTCH collie pup, male, 8 months. Trot ter, J015 Woodward ave. hellwoort liv WILL exchange new Vlctrola, Grafonola or Edison phonograph and recoras tor piano. Hyatt Talking Machine to., 331 jiorrison. $S00 FIANO. can't tell from new. $150 cash. nest oargain oii-y. n oo. oii:uuiiiu. LUDWIG upright piano, Soule Bros., 106 10th Bt. sacrifice. $165. Main 28211. GRAFONOLA. latest cabinet style, like new, lota of recoras $02.00, Jiaranau u-to. $95 CASH buya $350 Ernest Gabler uprighl piano, security storage t-o, i"e am at. $175 BUYS fine piano In good condition. Sell wood 31126. TO SELL for cash, $450 piano. condition, for li2o! L. 2001. JUST arrived: 10 head fresh dairy and fam ily cows, all breeds. 751 East Aeh MODERN 5-room house. Portland; will ex change Tor property In Vancouver. Give full details OwniJ lS7,Orrgonlan. FOR BALE or trade. 160-aere cattle ranch In Arlaons Good mountain range the year around. . G 240. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE fins Hood River acreage for Portland horn. Will assume small mort gage. C 236. Oregonlnn. FoK SALE or trad. 6-room houaa. lot 5x loO: trada for amall placa cloaa to city, or eell. part caah. baianca long tims R :2. FOR SALE or xrhang. a beautiful real uen.iai 101 m Vancouver, wash.. Tor an aotomobl.e. Portland property or acreage near Portland. AC 222. oregonlan. I i-L b.ock of lota, planted In fruit Uses wnn i-nn-Tii nouas near vvoocllawn car. all free and clear; ralut $My: trade for arm, y. . n. iiuriey. cap Irving. Mar. 3063. For TRADE Modern iwo-etory houaa on Sixth, near Alberta, for email houaa In Mt Ttbor or Beaumont district. Se owner lift E 53.1. or call Tabor ftljl. WANTllO A modern house In Portland In exchange for leo acraa af Improved tlll aba land, va'u $4000. In Harney Valley. Woodlawa -'". siAKE tra a'far an lot southeast corner 15th an I K'lckltal etreete Usui, lis Eaat 2''h. I'h n East l!-.T W HAT have you t evrhange for Tina anook beach lots? Address BD 14L ors- $7 EQUITY In I75x2, R.llevlew sta tion, for grwvi aatot or what hava yoa? Phoos D lovl. $) A'K4 In a am, h -ue and barn, va'u i.o.0ug. for farm. Svs liia at Mala ava. TO EXCHANGE with ownar. 40 acres of ran sa. for houas For particulars call Fast 552. EyUITT ft-r. modern buagalow. Richmond claar lot. Laurelnurst. for claar home: value ap to $!' Tabor 4134 TWO lota to exchange for amall acreage Addreea N. B. Golden. Sherwood. Or, R. L FOR SALE Al family Jaraey row. J0J3 Hawthorn avs Phon Tabor $4P9. WHAT hava you for loon acre wi;d iand 1 C.ear. Ownar, AR Stai. Oregoalaa, OVER 300-aera homestead. $2 per acre. Chatfleld. 128 14th at Phon Broadway ' S.'olO. FOR SALE or trade. lOOxlOrt. E. 19th and Stnnton. for houaa In Irvlngton. East 4741. . 820-A HOMESTEAD trade. What hare you? Layman, 145 BroadwnyJ 40 ACRES farming land. Oregon valley, for horn equity. AG 202. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES, clear. In wheat district, for something here. H 246. Oregonlan. LOT as first payment on bungalow, about $3000 valuation. O 20S. Oregonlan. INCOME property let st. to trade for nice home about $750O. AC 236. Oregonlan. HORSES for aale: will pay you to look Into this. 27 N. Front. Broadway 1780. DEAD horsea taken; caah paid for dead cows: phone calls paid. Mllwaukie 69-J. PASTURES for rent, near Portland. Main 83. WANTED 2 good milch goats; stats price nd breed. P 221, Oregonlan. FINE saddla pony fur sals good driver, young, cheap Main 7323. BARGAIN at $25; nice medium-sized driv ing mare. Call Sellwood 476. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Grad. New eng. conservatory. BEST bargain in second-hand piano in the city. 104 nun st. CONN cornet, bargain. Call Sunday be tween 3 and 6 P. M, S44 Flanders. I PAY CASH for used pianos Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill Bt. SEVERAL good organs, 15. $22.50, $30 and $-lT.oti. 104 loin at. EXCHANGE good mandolin and autoharp for good banjo. Eaat 2i25. FOR SALE Fin violin, bow and case. C Main 6962. FOR SALE Good family cow, large Jersey Durham. Tabor 1993. TEAM ponies with hsmess and wagon. Em plre Transfer Co.. Broadway 155. GOOD fat dry cow. Just past Hillsdale, Bertha Station, Sullivan. WANT team and man to yard wood, near city. Morgaln. Main 6479. FRESH, young, large Holsteln, also freah Jersey. U. S. Stables, Front and Madison. FRESH Jersey, 4 gals and rich. Main 6137. Good milch cow. 499 Holland t, Woodlawn. clear. 160 ACRES timber land. Curry Co.. for residence property Eaat 632. FOR TRADE SH acre of close-in land. Call after o'clock. Marshall 0046. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. A 4xft CAMERA, plats or pack, and a good-aa-new Smith Premier typewriter; trade or aals AB 243. Oregonlan. WINCHESTER 35-35 rifle or Remington automatic 12-gauge shotgun for Evlnrudo motor. 494 East 5 2d St. North. SEWING machine to trade fur a chiffonier and Iron bed and springs for sals Call East 35U3. WANTED Second-hand, teal Irom privat pari. ataa. sviai. Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments LOHMER baby grand for sale. Call Tues. or FrL MM) Columbia bldg. FINE French 'cello, very good tone. Ask for Alex. Marshall 4300. PIANO and cabinet grafonola with records. Empire Transfer Co.. Broadway 155 Furniture for Sale. GOOD used 8x12 Whittall's Anglo- Persian Rug $50.00 Good used 8-3x10-6 W hittall s Anglo- Persian rug $50.00 Handsome uxto Bigelow Wilton rug, new price $125. same as new, pink center and green border, a won derful rug $50.00 Several other rtne used rugs and carpets. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First st.. near Yamhill Public - Market MASSIVE weathered oak dining set. 54-ln. pedestal table, o cnaira in real learner; marie of selected Eastern oak. A beauty. Can't be duplicated. Terms. Main 5330. : : a T.irtGE assortment of gas ranges ana plates cheap. uui furniture to.( .uu-11 Second St. RRtn riavennort. cotton mattresses. L. B. table, rugs, hall mirror, tan Z4U staaton street. BEAUTIFUL oak dining-room set, good as new. Including nurret, cnina cioset, rouna table and Blx chairs. Last 1101. FOR SALE Furniture of 3-room house, terms: 3 weeks rent pain, garoen in. eluded, move In at once. 18SU East 45th. PEERLESS cabinet, walnut, letter file. 21 drawers, index mo witn eacn arawer. Price $25. Call 417 c ot c. otag. FURNITURE of 8-room house. Including 2 sew ns; machines mays oicycie. auo r 38lh st N. Tabor 4012. - RANGE with colls and linoleum on floor for sale: bungalow tor rent, ouo itn N. C 1S94. 9x12 AXMINSTER rug cheap. 9x12 Wilton rug cheap; also a variety 01 sizes oki Furniture Co.. nun-it oecona st. 4 HEAVY brass bed, springs and mattress; excellent conainou. cuuw uu o it m our home. Tabor 62. 9. r: a ranire. rugs, heater, rockers, bookcase. lounge, baby oea, pictures, stair carpet, 371 r'acitic St. a for SALE Solid oak bedroom Bet. dresser. mirror 24X3U. aua atoms at or can .ast 4C03. KVJ1RY kind of second-hand furniture want ed, highest cash price paio, call Main 6331, A 1209. FOR SALE 8:10x9:6 Wilton rug. Broad- way f2. ono rioyt sr. FOR SALE Sanitary couch and pad, or will trade, boa r.. toucn at FOR SALE Cook stove, heater and dresser. Call 327 Wheeler st Poultry. BROWN rug, 8x12 8471. price $20. Phone East HARDMAN piano for sals reaaonable. Main 2787. $950 MAHOGANY player piano $500; almost new. 5510 60th st S. E. COLUMBIA disc phonograph with records, $20 cash. 125 4th st FOR rent or sals upright piano; terms given. Broadway 0289. PIANO wanted; will buy, aa I hava cash. East 5014. PIANO wanted If bargain. Call Main S589. $90 PIANO bargain. Woodlawn 4216. MUSIC cabinet for gal. Seilwood 42t. FOR SALE Price $30, large White Moun tain refrleerator. cost $50. little used: holds 10O lb. 4135 79th st. S. E. Phon GOOD second-hand furniture for sale. reason- Tabor 1997. GOOD furniture (6 rooms) and fine player piano, all or separate, very cheap; call mornings 86 West Park. GUARDIANSHIP aale of most of the furni ture of five-room cottage. 340 Grant 1 able. Phone Eaat 5453 after Monday. KITCHEN range, complete, with hot-water back; also reservoir. Phone Main 2274. GOOD gas range for sale, $15. Phone Ta bor PISl. ROUND waxed oak dining table and 6 chairs. Wilton rug. 8x10. Tabor 8063. FOR SALE Furniture for four rooms, most ly oak; act quick. 450 W. Baldwin st $4.50. 141 K 11th st FLAT oak-top desk and showcase, sale or trade. Fbono Sellwood ihoo. GOOD range with coll. sanitary base, used 39 mo. $22.o0. Tabor 7(54 before 2 p. M. 2 PORCH rockers Broadway 2563. FOR SALErrrRange, Call .Monday, C 1727. FURNITURE for four-room house, mostly oak. Inquire 4n0 W. Baldwin. Act quick. FOR SALE $45 White Reed baby carriage. ilk new, am. auo uarrison. MAGUIRE'S BABY CHICKS. O. A. C. Barred Rock and li. I. Reria $20 per 100. White or Brown Leghorns $15 per 1U0. Vigorous, heavy laying, Hogan . ized stock. None better. EGGS FOK HATCHING. J. R. 51AGUIRE. 87S Oregon St l'hone Enst 1S05. SEVERAL varieties Bourbon Red. Wliito Holland. Mammoth Bronze turkey egg, 25c each; White Nursery (quackless) duck; eggs, $1.50 per dozen; lute Guinea, Black Minorca and Houdan eggs, $1.50 per 15; each variety first-prize stock; egBS by parcel post, 200 extra per shipment. Mrs. B. Hocking. Guasto, cal. INSURE your chicks by feeding Pratt's Chick Food for the critical llrst tnrea weeks; then add Pratt's Poultry Regula tor to a good developing ration and watch em grow, satisfaction guuiauiceu 01 money refunded. i-irst-ciass ueaicia eve ry where. BARRED ROCK eggs and chicks, seventh vear continuous trapnesting: nens rec ords 160 to 204 eggs per year; males from high-record hens. Send for folder. Al bert Kastner. rtoute 1. lacoma, vvasnJ A GOOD INVESTMENT. Pen of 10 Barred Rocks, tha kind that lay, moderate price. Cail Mon. or Tues. H. A. neCKenquri, 100 r.. uniBwonn. LAYING White Leghorn and Ancona pullets and young nens, 41.-0 eacn. feast l3U-. TS7 Oregon Bt. HATCHING eggs from fine layers. t Whita legiiurii i,.i 101 u iui ii'n, luiat. Broadway 1058. 210 Oregon bldg. PORTABLE chicken-house, almost new. 11 hens, one rooster, in cnicKS, all good stocii. 1296 Halsey. or phono Tabor OHIO. FOR SALE Chickens: a 1-year-old Barred Rock cockerel ana 4 hens. Call hi. 222. Call after 3 P. M. Sunday or Monday. WANTED 50 Buff Orpington baby chicks. I. A. Whipple, Box 132 ii . Route No. 1. Mllwaukie Or. CHICKS, White Leghorn, free range, trap nested foundation stork. .Master Incubator Co, 315 Jessup St.. Portland. Wdln. 4311. STERILE eggs wanted, fresh, clean and unwashed, for preserving. CI110 47th St. S. I-.. portlana. SILVER CAMPINE eggs. $2.50 per 15. Grace Barusiey. Kenton station, woodlawn 31H. R. I. R. eggs for sals $1.25 per setting. 760 Mllwaukie st. MASSIVE Light Brahmas. eggs 13 $2. J. Dolan. 146 E. Wyandotte. KtotkUm. Cal. SIX White Leghorns, $1.25 each. CalPsiTn day between 3 and 6 P. M., 544 Flanders at. Launches and Rontfl. WANTED Canoe, one with motor preferred; kindly state price. AP 155, Oregonlan. GOOD fish boat, .with engine, suitable Ior.