TIIE SUSDAY OKEGOMAN, PORTLAND, JIAY 12, 1918. - 7 ML EaTATsT- tar Baals. M. Ttvr at nioitT pricks. I IHAi:i.RoV( KCALTY IO.P Our m4c.na at J.mr earvtc tM lima i sVa Dion. r;s-.f the r- .o,R : I A' KM Kul..E. NT TAHoR CAR. To. a l a ao-i huuM. lot ia 1 MA, Iota hnabsary sad fr-ft. I rooma. Bate lull Uaya, iit Pric yw. do a a- f a-noo norJE. itunoi Th rl.it houa lor lre famt!r. VMBva ba,:a. asctrie lia-hta. let bobimj with ..v. aw l-uit. inmotwrr, as.-ries. gar- i-rt kl-aer aTtn; Hawthorn cat. 1'rtca .soot s-xa dw a. j.- dowx ox rrKVT'iiro hocsr. 4-ro.xxt tfxiM. lot 50x10". fruit and gar atsn. rt. Jonne 4.ri.-u Prlc w:t I r- B.iar $ima. .'- alow a. WKT XTR BARrJAfX. T-avaoava -Jd aa Nrlhml lot mJj.i. r-ric tor quick . twuu. -ROOM BWK. r0). TM-d bargain, avaat a7t at.. reraa. laetsred. atx lu. lighte. bearing fruit, gerags. lot vox, Caaa prlc 'r Quick a, a BAROAIV TJROADWAY CAR. lnprvTmia'a lo and paid: a baut!ful lot 7ixlol. T raomli h-r-lwood floor, fur Bare, flrsplac. a:c. I'nw liuw, best lama la InufWi district. aV-ROOV FURNISHED BUNGALOW :00. A aiftv t-igon douVe constructed bua ra.aw. b-atn, a 1 bu:.t-la nBmnnDtl, full it. I b.ucK cearr prtea for quick a. a witb a.l furmitur ay $-vO. Let thaw yon. W ar at your aervlc. 21 A KiiKOV a REALTY Cu. i'aoaa Broadway 4JSL ATTRACTIVE H"MB BUTB. $1150 6-rx) rn houa. bath, basement, cor ner lot. La lor chickens; i.v tun W. W. car. 11500 i-roorn boua. nwly tinted: vacant r-ulirul corner lot. wnn w a - .--... i t,u-ar t w. W. car. 1800 S.nn h'ouar. frull. berries, 3 blocks to Al rta car. 0r leav- ln city; $- caau. $15 and ant. monthly. 11300 and J bongalowa. arg lota, Hawthorn car: ama.1 caau ij rr-er.t huya lther. a-, i-. 1 1. n fc: a- LXiiLEHART. Kara 7-.. Uvnry b!d. REAL rTATr. roc Male Ho sea. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Haaata. GilUeSI A DOW.VET-B 8NAP LIST. t-rom conaca. bath. al;iri Ity : I . lot 4i I la. on Xandini and Ban croft. M aat atltl ILial cajl M00 t-rtn rino cotiaca. lull lot. parad I at., fruit. .Nubraaaa BL. Waat ula. tZHO Tai (ood A-rouna houaa. lot iix I luu, paal atraat. aaaiklnal dlalaoca, I a ittA at.: biff anap. 12530 3 -room bunaratow. plrfaton. naar 4tn: tiou caah. par mooUa. tnclulinj Interval. I--30 1-rwttn lino huuaa. Strapaon. near Ilnnaola. ar. carotraa. -l'-KJ caah. 2a30 a roam houaa. corar lot. pavaU atrial. Oram! ava. and baUuiora. ary aaay tartna. $3Z0O t-roorn moclara bungalow, oak floora. flrp:aca. atr. . atilwaukl at.. aar H'ligata: $4M caah. f 2 30 ff-room m boma. walklnv tlla- taoco, E. .ath. nar Ankanr: Irrma lltOO 7-roora flaa koaaa. lath. Baax Alberta, coal $an. aaay larma. WS30 a-room fuva buncalow. K. Mala. ar J 1st.. furoA4.a, pavad atraat; larma. IH0O- room atHctty modem houaa la l.aurihurl. 410OO caah. f 4000 a-room fin horaa. cortiar lot. pavad atrvot. paid; PtcHlmont. on iiork to car: 1100 caah: anap. $ 1000 -room good houaa. aOxli0, K. Sth. baar Broadway: anap: Jioo caah. $4200 T-room houaa. otrjtHHi, pared treat. ?aid. Irvtnffton: !. 6ta naar homDaoB. ll-'uO caah. t4730 -room fin houaa. hot water heat. araara. etc.. lauralhurst: terma $5000 T-room tnodaro houaa, 0 ColleS at.. Weat bide: terma $3250 T-room fine bunaralow, am Willam ette lliajhta: any torma tiRt.l a K)W.NLr, 114 Board of Trade. Main TM ALL, GOOD BUYS. Vodern 6-roora houaa. full erment baae inent. SOiloo lot: all atreet Imp. In and paid, lorated hear th and WaahVoaTton. trie $.'tUO; terma Modera room California bunralow fireplace, cement baaement: ROxltHl lo wita an atreat Imp. In: located near 3 and Litvlaloa. This la a claaay-lookln noma, a'rica $:430; terma v a-room modern buntalow; all atreet Imp. in and paid: located near 42th and nawtnorna. I'rlc terms. 8-room modern bun ira lo w, hardwood rioora, fireplac. bullt-ln convenlencea: lo cated In Wavertt-y Uta.. near 3od and Atrooklya ata trie $J750; terma. -mem modem bunaalow with all built In convenlencea full cement basement. waah traya. wood lift: 4L'J I7th ave near 6d at., eouth of Krankhu Hick School. Price iinxi; liOO caab, balasc liat reou 4-room modern cottaare: 80x100 lot: block to Alberta car. Price $130; $3U1 caan: oalanta fJO month. Inc. lntercst. KALPH ACKLE Y LAND CO.. 210 liulnchlld bide REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. I10O DOWN. t- MONTH $luod. PAKKKOSr I-KOOM Hul'SB- ' FULL lIALr" ACRE 1230 POW.V, $25 MONTH 4-KOOil BUNGALOW 1.14'HI Hardwood floors In mala rooms, fire place, rurnace, uutch kitchen, biff aiuc pwrcn, oeautirut lawn. liowers. J. L. 1IAHTMAN COMPA.NV. No. 7 Chamber of Com mere B11. Main 208 A ilojo nun. lay only). iJranca oflica 4ith Bandy Blvd. I Ground all Id cultivation. 1H blocks to I vandy aiivq.. bis utmc-room. kitcnen. pantry, bath, aith pmmblnff. oa first I floor. S bis bedrooms uoalalra. boua scaled, wall tfullt. biff front porch. Ideal I for tha mai who works In city: cut I down llvtnc expenses: th bous will need I a nit e iniiur up. but it s a dandy. J. L. HA HTM AN COMPANY. Nik T Chamber! of Commerce Bids. Main A tJ..CXI. AUIIKDA PARlf X.i.ir.ii Large Itvlns and dlnlnff-rooma; caoinet aittneo. oath and tao bedrooma do stairs; sleeplnff porch; sewlnff-room and large oeuroora upstairs. Hot-aater beat Inff p!ant: cas snd electric llarhta A nice. coay liltie home. Boaes. shade trees, nice laen. Lot oaxluO. Comer. Has only been oa the market a few days and will not be lonr un'll soldi See Air. Eaton with THB FitED AV. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 6th St. Main 6 IlEtt Tin-L HOME. JACniriCE PRICE. ruorna a.d aeplrg p.rch. full c snant baaament. furnace. 2 fireplaces, bath and two lolleta. yaa and electric llgnta ffood aarae. xlJ tot, air lawn anruobarv. aome bartnaT fruit tree l-aanoerriee. v hUat Ma n St . betareeo litn and lo'h. Pr.c $o;i: $J7d caah. aa.anca $ or $ years per ccau Ah M. Broen. TUB SHAtr.FCAR COM PANT. I"J Fourth COMPLETKI.T FVRVIHED PEN1N Ki l.a niiiTkh'T Nine rooma, flrep.aee; corner lot 100x100, several ate fruit treea and laara. Clear f ail incumbranrea Very convenient, lor salpa-orkara Price Jjoou. larnia r. A. Warnnar, RtTTEH. LOWE aV CO.. 2t-5-7 Board of TraJa PflBTUxn HEIGHTS BARGAIN. -room reauden.e. IJuO. hardwood floors. arrreolara new Lnolaum kltcaea and paa- try. fuil cement baaement. laundry tub only It blocks ear. This property eanuot I b duplf-ated for $.Vh. Irr.madiat aal I price .liua: caaa payment tvt. and IOol per yar. a rar crnt interest. .Main .-o. Koai CITY rAKiL. lUoxlCO. CAKAGEL A genuine Itocne and built te last: hss I Vhat yota want, including music room, a I bedreoma on first Xioor. and s.eeptng porrti: tnla la res ly good: only ItlOou. tluboe l A Son.. -d and andy road. $.0 EAST :iTH STREET. llfRRATMEAD. 2 etorlea 7 roona and aleeptna; porrh. Modern bouaav with firala Faces wrau I Hnuire houaa. whih makes rood rooma i I'rtc lvo. Occupied, but can ahow by I appointment, be Mr. ratlin, wita THE IKtD A. JACOBd COM PANT. 1Q4 &th atr-et. Mala Hurt. fcc.Iit.KN" bunralow. built by architect for bla borne. 7 rooma the lovelteat fruit all tod sad your friends can poeeioiy use. nard-aurfsced street. nalghbrhood charm I Ins home: arte S.i). f "HI caah. bal ance rr.ontaly. H car. j . 6et$i st- Alala 71. SIX-HOOM DI'XGAI.OW. UAWTHORXB DiaTKICT. Tnla la ona of fhs moat attractive! bomes la Hawthorne dlatrlct; furnace, I large fireplace, hardwood floors, cove I ceilings In Uvinff and dining-room. den. I with French doors, bookesaes, beautiful buffet, hand docarated bedrooms, while I animal kitchen, bullt-ln Ironing board, I etc. electric fixtures to riatcn interior. beautiful lot. rosea ahrubbery. streets I Paved and paid; price f CloO; slta0 down. I balance terms; shown br sppointment I only. Pea Mr. Thomas, tX7 Chamber of I t.ommerce bldff. Mala 71U2. FOB SALtl J.'OOU. PARKHOSK. Modern bungalow, half acre, garage ; city convenience, polished floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, psnried dining-room, full basement; fenced In; bearing fruit, shade trees and rosea: very atirarm; taks Boss City car to snd of Una, Parkroaa car lo and of line: & minutes from cerUne. 2 blocks frera Sandy blvd. J. HANSON. Clarnto. near Preacott. ;j EAttT 17TH. CORNER FKEMuNT. You have probably admired thla bun galow. It must b sold to close the estate Ona and a half stories. 7 rooma price $1ou. Look at tha exterior and pbons for sppointment. Also ths bungalow at 72& fc-ist l.tn street North tor sals si at. no Where can you find two bungalows Ilka theaer v Mr. liatlla with THE FKED A. JACOBS COMPANT. 14 K-h 81. Main . NO MORT1AOE -$? MONTH. INCLUDED INTEREST IJiiO. Rose City car. A-room bungalow. nit tree, larr chlcken-houae; only 1 block to car lino: terms V)0 down, bal ance stralgbt Contract. J. L. H A HTM AN I I'OHPAM. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce IilJg. Main 2w A 2U.10 Sumhs only). Branch office 40th ax bandy Blvd. $lH0 COSY HOME 12'WO. " WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. ' Hsre Is the neatest b-room cottar that you would wish to own, with built-in conveniences throughout, besutllul electric fixtures and las, rooms newly tinted, not a cent of expense, lot Siix90, with roeee, 10 beatinr fruit treea small outbuilding for garage; $500 down, balance easy terms: snowa by appointment only. ee Mr. Thomas, 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7101s. SUN N Ye I D E HAWTHORNE. See what $11000 will buy on very easy terms: 6-room bungalow with hardwood floors In every room, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, bulit-la writing desk, Dutch kitchen, full attic. All street Improvements In snd paid. $.100 caah will handle. .N mortgage to aaaume. Exceptional car serv Ice. Why buy a house less modern? "Wi have the bargalna." A. ".. TtUF'E CO., 26 Ktark St., near 3d. Main 3510. 1100 DOWN. 110 MONTH. 4-room plastered house, nicely tinted, large attic, 4oxi00 lot: IVSO. $100 DOWN, fit MONTH. 4 -room plastered house, gas, electric Ifrhta basement, chlcken-houae, etc; lot boxioo; lVi blocks south Rose City Park car; su. S1S0 DOWN. IIS MONTH. 4-room plastered house, bath and toilet. rine aot, euxAuu, naar vtooaatock achooi tins. $150 DOWN. $10 MONTH. 4-room plastered bouse, bath, toilet, etc; beautiful lot. B-cent carfare, near Agents School; $1100. $300 DOWN. $15 MONTH. 4-room plastered houae. bath, toilet. etc; beautiful lot, BOxlOO, lota of fruit treea oniy zt blocks from Kern Park, -cent carfare; $1X50. $150 DOWN, $15 MONTH. 4-room plastered house, bath, toilet. Dutch kitchen, Montana ava. near Port land blvd.; $13iMA. We Accept Liberty Bonds. GEO. T. MOOKB CO.. Abington Bldg. LITTLE MONEY TALKS BIG. Tou're looking for a comfortable little borne that the rent money will buy; here's youe opportunity 6-room bungalow, near car, at Treraont station, lljuu. An other one near Division and 50 th ata.. for $10oo; both modern and in nice nelgh borhooda near car; $3ou caah will handle. Juat phone and we'll call with auto and how you. THE CROSSLET-VIGARS CO.. Specialists In Horn Properties. 2T0 i-tark at. Main 3052. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORN E $1'700. SMALL HOUSE BARGAINS. I have concluded to sell three -room houses located in the beat sections of Laurelhurst and Rossmere for best prices obtain able. Terms. Call at my home today, G0 E. 40th at. N., be tween Knott and Braxee sts. Tabor 80 for particulars, i C E. BROWN. BARGAIN GARAGE. Just think of It! 5-room bunralow with hsrdwood floors, fireplace, built-in book cases with leaded glum sloors, swell buf fet, built-in china closets, Dutch kitchen with every conceivable bullt-ln conveni ence such ai irpning board, cooling closet, canopy over kitchen range, etc.; cement basement with wash trays; splendid fur nace. rarage; located block from car: can be handled en terms; why pay $11500 or more for a home leas complete? Mind you. all this for $2750. A. G. TEBPE CO., 204 Stark at., near 3d. Main 3516. REAL ESTATE. For Sole Houses. BEAT, ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SOME REAL BARGAINS. 4-room cottaare. ML Scott dist.: lot 40x 125. ' Only $750, $-00 cash. Worth more money. 4-room, modern bunr., cost $1400 to build. Cor. lot lOOxlOH. "Chance for war garden." A snap at $1T00. $200 cash, $15 , per montn. o per cent, 6-room, mod. house, cor, lot 60x100. Close to car. stores, etc Price $lGi0. Formerly held at $2500. 5-room bung., R. C. P.; fireplace, bullt ln features, $2000. Easy terma -room, modern house. Alberta dlst,; cor. lot SOxlOO. bearing fruit, and garden. Close to car. Exceptional Dai gala at a.suu, terma 7-room. modem house: furnace, cement bsmt., wash trays, etc. Close in, Haw thorne disu Extra fine location; aoouu. See this. 6-room, classy bungalow, river view prop erty, Sellwood disc, cloae to car. Paved St., etc You can't beat thla for $2000. R. M. OAIEWOOD & CO.. 105 H Fourth street! ARE you looking for an attractive houseT If so. Investigate this. On account of ill ness am selling at a sacrifice; location one of the best- residential sections In city; fine open view; house modern and very ut ' tractive; large living-room, sun purlor, dining-room, kitchen equipped with built in Bohn siphon refrigerator and extra large gas rang of best manufacture; four bedrooms, sleepinr porch, large bathroom and bails; house finished in white en amel and hardwood Moors; extra larire fireplace, all windows equipped with metal window strapping, making- them air tight; large garage. Let me have your offer. 'Will sell furniture or not. AM 321, Ore-tonlau. FINE IRVINGTON PARK HOME. B-room, double constructed house; cor aer lot 100x100. full cement basement, fu nace, garage, nice fruit trees and sh bery. Three blocks from School, on car- line and bard-surfaced street. Clear of all Incumbrances. Price $G000. Terms. C. A. Warrlner, BITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. WHY NOT BUILD? Oat in artlstlo borne according te you ewa Ideas by responsible firm. Prices are some higher than normal, but they will not b lower for aome years. W deslg and build residences, apartment, anything. Assist to finance same If aeaireo. Is. H, BAILEY CO.. INC Contracting Architects. 24 Northwestern Bank Bldf. ROSE! CITY PARK BUNG.U-OW. New and modern, livln a-roonr with m as slv fireplace, bullt-ln features, hardwood floors, a bedrooms, full cement oaaemeni stationary tuba, fine bOxluO lot. room fo garage, hard surface street, trice so-u street assessment s.uo. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 2T0 Stark St. Main 3052. $200 DOWN. BALANCE $20 PER MONTH, PRICE 11500. Look at 1113 87th ave. S. E : 6 rooms. ares and electricity: lot 50x100: frul trees and garden; do not bother tenanta. Also 1140 E. Yamhill: price $3500; $500 cash, baianc terma; runy modern; if in terested, see ua for Inspection. BARK, Main 222 C. of C Bldr. $250 DOWN. $25 MONTH 5-ROOM BUNUALOW 83450 Hardwood floors In main rooms, fire- : place, furnace, dutch kitchen, biff attic, porch, beautiful lawn, flowers. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Llldg., Main .08 A 2U50. Lii V I N G Ti N Na alnatlsnd colonial. 713 aMasl 19'h St. N. : 7 rooms, wbit name f.ntx, hardwood f.oora, plate , fira- p. ace. fus-nac. laundry, ftn ehed attic breakfast a.Li a. A apiandid buy. reason- a -. a larma. F. E- Bowmaa as Ccv. 313 ' of C. b.JaT Main H AWTHORN K DISTRICT. well located, cloae In. 1 bioek le car. '. bicka te echool: nail be ao:d quit k to cioa aa aetata: prar 82-). t.iod caah will hsn.ll It. C. M. Ixrr. lluO N. W. Bank b'rt c. Mala 9iT. M AOBKtI. ottlv 2'a-mtnut rid bualneaa sec tion en bard-eurfacsd road: all klnda of I fruit and barrta: 7-roo a houw, fireplac. rull b-smnt. etc: newly painted and tint ed: aa ldal country bom. Prlc Is I rM Terms. KiuniaiU ax Kumma.l. 274 Stark at. WFSTMORKLAND. $.13nA. rvems and sleeping porrh. fan I atsamcot, EuruA'- aad fireplac. oak I f.oora atreet pave Cost $a three vsrs a so. and I aa rood aa nw. Ke enly by ippoiDtmaBt. p ft. Clayter, Jla I Chirnt-er of Com. Mar. zmh. 4'l CA.11I l.-M-O SWELL BLN'.ALOW $2O0. hawthorn dial. practically aaw; ai roar.; 8 b.k car O C OOLI'ENBKRO. Ablrgtoa P'4e. "SI Tears in Portland " Main ONLY $7.0 PLASTERED 5-ROOM ULN I1AW and full lot. near Eaat 32d and Multaomab. luat the plac for mechanic who can fish lab bous spsr time; easy terms Phon vninga. Tabor b27. er call 51$ Henry building. BUNGALOW, dlatrlct NO MORTO AGE. -IM MONTH INCLUDES 1NTERI 32451. Roa City car. 5-room bunralow. fruit 1 r ess. larg chlckea house. Only 1 block to car line. Terma IVtO down, bal ance atrslght contract. J. L. HARTMAN CtMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bide.. Mala Sua A 2050. BY OWNER, no asent's com. to pay 6- roem. modem bous. Bleeping porch, uutco kltrhea. reception ball, full concrete baae ment. lower floor covered witn carpei. hich aoea with (he boure: rarag. cor ner bat. test Irvlnrton. Will accept pay. er take ama.l buniaow as pari pay. si.uu. Also 6-room ct tare on Alberta St., lot Ox 100. price $J5od. Will accept pay menta Last TI41, er Broadway 173L TOUR LAST CHANCE. Completely furn.sbed 5-room bungalow. double construcied: clear of all incum brances; 1 blocks from acnoot, ons-naii block from car. 2nd and Alberta. Price $5u0. terms. Don t mlsa this. A. vaarriner, RTTTER. I.OWE CO., 2"3-5-7 Board of Trad. 130 CASH. BALANCE 6 PER CENT. suo'tt nu.tf. run s .-.. Pullv modern. 7 rooms and glaaa sleep- lr. w norch: oak floora mahoaany and whit enamel finish, mirror door, fire-1 place, bot water beat, cement walk and I hard aurfac all paid, all clear: no rnort- I rata to assume. Main 118a. 223 C of C. I bidff. VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME. S75O0. AS Eaat Taylor St.. comer 20th : lot lOtixltIO with choir ahrubbery. pleasant surroundlnss: residence of 7 rooma. fin ished In white enamel; aleeplng-porch; penaiv light fixture; prlc Includes car- pete inn nansinaa. liULiUAKU at i r. I'Kit. rv. xas atara MODERN Rose City Park borne will be sac rificed by owner, furnished or unfurnished; on tha hill Just off Alameda drive: two bedrooms below and two above; nnrowooa floors, Orepisce, bullt-ln buffet -snd book- casra, run cement baaement. garage, etc.; muat sell at once: make me an offer; will be at house all dsv aiundsv. 5'.!'! East 4!flh North. Phona Tabor elJ'J. This Is the biggest bargain on this page. $1000 CA.MI. BALANCE TERMS. PER CENT. IRVINGTON- HOMES ALL BELONGING TO ONE OWNER T and 8 -room modern: $5500. Halsey, near E. 15th: $sooo. Broadway, near E. 8th: $0000. Broadway, near E. 8th. with double garage; also three others like the aiMive. ilAHit, ill g, m c bluff. Alain 1 1 . ROSE CITY PARK. $?S.10 5 r.. oak fir.. 46th St. $UH5i 7-r. CaL bungalow ; .artlstlo. ' :i.-,iMi3 r., very attractive; 43d. $421X1 7 r.. all on 1 fir.; a JeweL $4eou r.; exquisite htingrtlow; 45th. O. C. GOLDEN HE KG. "33 Years In Portland." J1B-216 Ablnrton bids; Main 4903. COUNTRY HOME. On-balf acr of Improved land. 4-room houee, and bara: three blocks from Sandy boulevard. In Park Rose. Prlc $luou, $300 cash, balance easy. C. A, Wsrrlner, FITTER. LOWE at CO., 203-3-7 Board of Trade. A-room modern. Hawthorn ak floora fireplac. buffet, book esses. Dutrh kitchen, large attic, full baae. nail, vary convenient: x. terma jonn eon Dodeon Co., tU4 Northwaatara Bank bldg. luH alALE tvoxlOO. 2 houa-a 7-room and roovn. modern; 7-room boua completel furnished. Die neighborhood: on bloc from two earllnea; awavsrented: rood In come, or a fin horn; rady to move Int A 21 a. Orrnnlal. KOtiG CITY PARK BUNGALOW. rooma breakfaat -room. 3 attic rooma waved atreet: will take light auto as flrat payment, balance terma. AC 329. Dra goman. Hawthorn e dist.;.-. molem a-room realdcace. built-in affects, futl-slse con creta baaement. furnace; can give lm mediate possession: $31.o. terma J. C. COKBIN CO.. 30i-7 Iwis bldff. $.'rv4 BUYS a 7-room. modTB boua. 2 Iota. and all klnda cr fruit and berries; so min iate from business per lion. .t-o down, baianc term. Kummeii A slummsll, 374 Stars St- (cilL) I OR SALE, by owner. 6-room house, $2300. M.Mlera. basement and furnace, cloae In, Bear ahlpyarda: terma $1H) down. 1'hon 4io5. er call at 6-0 Liberty sir est, acar a- lft: a. at Pekum Jr'- f-RKM moil'ri house In rood condition. lot 50x5l. 3.S3 Frederick St.. all Improve ments la snd paid, tor 3-oOO. s:iuo down, rest ea easy terma Se ownr at 373 East 3'Xb at. South, before 11 A. M. IHV INGTON Dutch colonial. 7 rooma fire place, hardwood floors, mahorany paneled d'ntr.r-room. Dutch kitchen witn nui.t-ina ro-d home In f:ne location. p. E. Bow man Co.. 211 c. of C. bldr Mann .;. BrTTF.R HURRY 5 rooms, corner lot. hard a rest. Buil'llng Is In goo 1 cond'tion, but Interior needs repair Cost $wHJ, but win sell fur $I40. .'' cosh. P. S. Clay tor. 513 Chamber or lam war, y.vta. ROSE CITY CAR. 4 rooms, at 714 E. 73th at. North, with gas. slectrtelty. water. AOs 100 lot. large coirkan-kouae. rarden. fruit, laws; prlc $.. trrras. owner. ts . i wood s BVArnn-L modern bunoalow. Hawthorne district. S rooms, bullt-la bu"et. bookcaae. oak floors, swell: $27.vt. $0 down, easy paymenta Jobnsoa Dod son Co.. .!! N. W. Bank bldr- K"!K CITT PARK 5-room bunsrwlow. $1250. Fine lookln. furaar. fireplace, oak floor, bullt-ln buffet. Also several other good buaa Let me shew you. F. Vaaduya. 515 Chamber Com. Mala la IRVINGTOM BARGAIN Cbarmlnr -room house. eotr halt. 7xl5. Bear 24th and Hancock. 10 ooa. .-eunauao ax a-e.. i N. W. Bank bldr. ALBERTA. $2"o T-r-om. modem bnn- rKlow. full bssemant. rrvpiar. bnllt-la frattsrea xlta lot. Terms. Atununall at Rummell. 274 Ftar St. llt'HANU In service. Income property, bungalow, wall located- Investigate. Wood laen 321 NTHLY pevment plaa. Furmahed. mod. as. Iwa lota, shrubbery. Taber e-n. I T41. Fv R a1 a LE A fine 5-room bous. corner. o r'at'lnff nr Wi iiama ava Call Wood.awa U'J. Owner Ni asenta 4-KMM bona, faivloo lot, fruit tree and srda for aaa for caah: muat leav city; -i!- action. raono peitwoooi 3t . lRVINiIvN' BUNGALOW. $sn. be.1 ronma siee p ir. s pore a. Bear Brasee at, Nsuhanaen sa a'o. aOLF-KNV-roota bouse. fr10 lot, 3 b.ocks frona rariine. near 2 ahlpyarda for pru $j-xx 321 rifth st. Msr. luia. . 1 ST SIDE a-rwom boua. fractional cor t -t a ! 4ii i nimaaf Ber lot, ws.ainff nataira; price $tu4; r er t ommerce. jh,vjw A-Ri to M mdm bangalow. Rom City aUaUKt. favsuBSba term. JbsUH 4Ue, ALBINA DISTRICT. tl.too PIVE-RiMlM BUNGALOW $2,100 T nia la a pretty iitti nom in a iwi location; furnace, two bedrooma Dutch kitchen. Beat living and dining-room; thla horn la In fin condition: on of th prattleet lots you mr looked at; $750 caah. balance terma See Mr. Thom.ia 332 Chamber of Commerce bldr. Main 7102. ALAMEDA PARK. 9-roora Colonial bungalow, story and al half, lot I'HixloO. facte eouth. located at I IMil Dunckley ava Prlc $7.V0; worth I aally 3U500 Muat be seen In order to ap- I predate. Shown by appointment only. See Mr. Battin. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 114 6th St. Main Hil0. LAURELHURST HOMES. 1 have several excellent bargalna In 6, T and 8-room houses located in best eec tloa of LAURELHURST for sale on rent like terma Call for keys at Laurelhurst Tract office. E. Ssth and Gllsan. Tabor 8133 dally between 10 A. M. and 5 P M. J. PflLAIIl NTI. Bvenlngs. fcast -no. S9 STEPHENS ST., corner of Eaat 25th I street, lirtck and piaster; (-room ana sleeplnr porch. Modern, up to the minute. I Don't overlook this new home. Nothinr like It la Portland. Payments csn be ar ranged within raaaon. bee u.-tttin witn THE FHEU A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 6th St. Main -;. LAURELHURST HOME. Two-story, 7-room house in excellent location and condition. 1 block east of Laurelhurst Park. $4350; $300 cash, bal ance easy term; key at Laurelhurst tract office. East SDta and Ollsaa sts. today. Tabor 8133. J. DELAHCXTT. A r.ENI'I.VE KAECA1N. 40S Prescott St.. corner Grsnd ave.: lot 100x100: both streets paved ana psia; houae has 8 rooms and bath, furnace. beautiful lawn and ahrubbery; Immediate possession: price $3650. UUU11ARD & WIKDRICK. 248 Stark. ALMOST new modern 5-room house. Wit sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, while enamsi interior; ouiit-in conveni encea and cabinet kitchen: full cemen baaement and furnace; close In on East Side; corner lot; fine view.- Way below cost; only $J250; easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTT CO. Suit 212 Lumbermen Bldg. D E1!!, Rim'.lIV PKlfli;LA. ft-room house "lot AfivlOO: nice frultt trees; few feet from hard-surface. Clear of all Incumbrances. Close to shipyards on Princeton, v Price $2000. Easy terms. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. 203-3-7 Board of Trade. rtjl5E.l- 11T.ST sinE COTTAGE. 6 rooms, close to shipyards, two blocks from car, clear of ail incumorancea. -nc $2000. Will consider trad for modern bungalow at rigm price, auu C. A. Warrlner, BITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. ONE OF LAURELHURsrS FINEST a Hai ia.istinotive home of character and class. Colonial style. If you are looking for something high-class, sometninr auove mi ordinary, see this. Our autos at your erv Ice. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark rt.. near 8d. Main 8016. RF.AI. BUY. ROSE CITY PARK. Out-of-town owner must sell. Six rooms, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. Choice location of Rose City. 46th and Sandy blvd. Price $.1400. C. A, Warrlner, FITTER. LOWE Ac CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 57sn ROSSMERE 33750. One of the niftiest 6-room bungalows rsriih ,.n.i in city: 1 block to car: beautiful yard, trees, shrubbery, every thing complete; treet assessment Paia. J. DELAHUNTK, 270H Stark St. Main 1700. evenings fcast . aujo. Slur insi -it and buy nearly an acre. ML Scott district, city limits, all clear. Bull Run water. 6c fare, small hous and outbuildings: io". small cash payment, bslance month y In stallments like rent. Inquire 416 Plttock block, or 4t4 B. Alder St. Telephone Broadway 7I4 or Esst 640. lDUIVlTnV HOME. 10 rooms, strictly modern, nice loca tion, three blocks from car. Clear of ail Incumbrances. East 1-tn, naar Price $6000. C. A. Warrlner. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. - . !., i -on p.t:vs modern a-room nouw w,... concrete Daaemenc. on near Holgate street: all atreat Improve ments paid for; house Is furnished; rsound Is 44x88; this la a snap; must be Sen to b. ippriclated. Call for parUcu lars at 4o4 Piatt biilg. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Our modern, well-built. 6-room house, practically new. fireplace, full cement base ment, built-in conveniences, lot 60x100, rosea lswn. fruit trees, garden, paved it, garage room; cost $3600. now $3200, terma No sgent. no traoe. taoor $55(0 o2S EAST 24TH STREET $5500. Beautiful Dutch colonial. Situated amongst the finest homes in Murraymead. Living-room, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooma and aleeDinar norch: garage. If you are looking for something artistic at a moderate price don t fall to drive by ana pnone for appointment to see in terior. Doa't disturb tenanta See Mr. Battin with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 6th St. Main 6o6f. NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Half block off Sandy boulevard; fin neighborhood, asohalt street. all large rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors. This I Is no little "dinky" bungalow, but a roomy, very attractive nearly new home. Plenty room for garage. Price $4200. with street Improvements all paid. One I Couldn't' duplicate this home today fori $1000 more $1000 cash will handle THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 70 Stark st. Main S052. DON'T LOOK ANY FURTHER. Five-room modern home; fireplace, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet, canopy over kitchen range, sleeping porch, plas tered, finished attic; practically new home; all improvements paid; worth $3650; for Immediate sale, price $2850; terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 814 Stark St. Main 583. PORTLAND HEIGHTS AND RIVER. Beautiful modern home, centrally lo cated on Heights, near cars, school and club; large grounds, superb views; also beautiful suburban residence at Rivera. 20 minutes out on 4th-st. electric; acre In lawn 'and fruit; all city conveniences beautiful views of river and mountains surrounded by fine homes. Owner. 1000 Spalding bldg. Main bdrt or 1042. X3fl.-.n LAURELHURST. 33o50. A fine home with nice surroundings for I a little money down. The Increase in the value of this property will net you more money tnan your salary: o rooms, an i beautifully finished. Furnace, fireplace. h.th Iminitrv rravs. hardwood floors. All built-in features; cement basement, paved I street; near Rose City car. Think this over and call up Mala 6869 and aslc fori Mr. ronton. $4200 MODERN IRVINGTON BUNGA LOW 14200. 8 rooms on one floor. This la not one of I the -old bungalows you nave seen, airai time advertised and well worth Inspec-1 tlon. Situated amongst finest residences In I Irvington. Has garage. Sea Mr. Battin 1 with THB FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 6th St. Main 6809. T roomi, strictly modern, corner lot 100x100. all street Improvements In ana nsiri nar of all Incumbrances. Price $5500. $500 cash, balance easy. C. A Warriner, BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trad. .ttc-Dxr k BOOMS HAWTHORNE. $2400 $300 down, $20 per month: best buy in tne city; una -uii , Xh ,.,. .vatem. build-in conveni ences; less than a block from Hawthorne car. See this at once for i. ' -"' quick. H. F. Feemster, 309 Abington bldg. SNAP. SNAP. New 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. all In white enamel, sleeping porch, lot 60x100, garden in, 1 block to Miss, car, close to Peninsula Park; prlc $2350, iirmi U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 607 Teon bldg. Main 241S. tiTdti ci ADC1 MT TABOR. Thoroughly modern 7-room house, built for home; furnace, laundry trays, sleep ing porch, built-in dining-room and pan try; hardwood" floors downstalrj; grounds 100x118. fine bearing fruit, berries and flowers; good neighborhood; terms ir de sired, owner, 'lapor ". CLOSE-IN BARGAIN 82850. Including Improvements. A beautiful bungatow of 5 rooms, finished In old Ivory, fireplace. beautiful buffet. bookcases. Dutch kitchen with canopy over kitchen range. You would expect to pay $3500 or I more. Locatea on j-a st, price 14830. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. aiain ooirj. ROSE CITY PARK. CORNER 1W. . B-ROOM BUNGALOW. NEAR CAR. PRICE INCLUDES PAYING. $3300. HTJBBELL ft SON. 62 D AND SANDY ROAD, 334 EAST 25TH ST.. Murraymead Addition. Clad to give the number for we are not ashamed to have anyone look at this home. ot the genersl order of house advertised. Two stories: plastered house, with garage; moat modern; very artistic and practical. Price $5750 terms. See Mr. Battin with THE FRED A JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main Ss69. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. . Six rooms, corner lot 100x100; nice ahrubberv. Clear of all Incumbrances; 1 blocks from Rose City car, 22d and East Irving. Price $40lo. terms. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE AVE. bungalow, containing 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in buffet, Dutch kitchen, faces east on 63d St., full busement. sewer and hard- I surfaced street Included In price of 2sou. Better see this at once. U. 8. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 607 Yeon bldg. Main 2418. ROSE CITY PARK, modern bungalow, never been occupied, can give immediate pos session: living-room, dining-room, two bedrooms. bath, sunroom. and Dutch kitchen first floor, bullt-ln effects, three Jedrooms. second floor, concrete basement. furnace: S4H.i0. terma J. C. CORBIN CO., S05-T Lewis bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 5 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, nil cement baaement. street paved ant nald for. Located In highly restricted resi dential dlatrlct. Lot 48x100. Yours for $2750 and ynu will admit it's a bargain A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark at., near 3d, Main- 3old. A WTHORNE BUNGALOW, opposite Mt. Tnhnr nark, reservoirs and near r-rank- Un High School: 5 Immense rooms, with space to finish 4 more upstairs; lot 00 x 114. hard-surfaced street, garage, etc.; will sell 81850 under actual cost. Further particulars, see owner. 410 E. 60th st. FRED H. STRONG, 617 Chamber of Commerce. WILL FURNISH LOT AND BUILD HOME. $1850 AND UP. Substantial Initial payment required. F. K. Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. ' Mala 8517. Evenings. Marshall $770. Office Hours 10-1. I1P.TO.DATL WELL-BUILT HOUSE. Six rooms, bullt-ln convenience, hard wood floor downatalra. full cement baae ment. furnace, fireplace, good garare. nice I lawn, shrubbery and .In best of condition In every respect. R. C. P. dlatrlct. Price $3500; terma E A. LINDOREN. Savon Land Co.. N. W. Bank Fldr. 1350 BALANCE. I'F.It CENT. SH5II4 FOR 84250. Fully modem. 7 rooms and glassed-in I sleeping porch; cement walk, hard sur- I fac. all paid! no mortgag to aasum; oak floors, fireplac. No. 1 beating sys tem: this Is a bargain. Cleveland, C oil C. bldr Main llxv. CLEVELAND. PIEDMONT. 85000. T - rooms and sleeping porch. Fully modern; this plac Is worth Investigating! if you want a nnm in pieumoni. ii.irin. Alain llw. Office L'-ls c. of J. Ping. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Having all built-in conveniences, newly tinted and varnished throughout, white enameled kitchen and bath, large front porch, large rarar. on block to car. Only 631.10. Tabor 1093. v- .- w ... .1 . , F, - room bungalow, ail uum ' . ..n n . I.. i in conveniences iun c.m.i... ----.-j Eaat Morrlaon St., one block to Mt. Tabor car: reatrlcted district. Would coat $2u00 to build. Sacrifice $2250; easy terma. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTT CO. Suite isis LumuamifiiB pma HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Eight rooms, modern except furnace; . iinn fn. nnlrk sale. 63675: no mort gage to asaume; Improvements all In and paid; investigate 1 " - 1 V ' J. A WICK MAN CO.. 814 Stark St.. Near 6th. Main 683. jcKMi 8-rm. lot. 100x180, ar. Greeley and rtoiman; terma $4hx 7 rma, 2 baths: store; 80x100 lot; Bentoa and Broadway; terma $S5oo g rma.. completely furnished; Kn tons cnoti-est district; terma O. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ablngtoa Bldg. "83 Yesrs In Portland " M tin 4MJ3. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Classy nearly aaw 6-room bungalow I with garage, right id to the minute: muat be Bold today: terma: further par- I llculara and Bey at laurelhurat tract or- f ir today. E. 3sth and Ollaen. Tabor 433. J. DELAHUNTT. 115O0 SURURRAS HOME II'.OO. -room, plastered house. In Brentwood, on Mt- Scott line: boxloo. with fruit trees. berries, garden apac. woodahad ar garage $250 cash: sin per montn FRED H. 8TRONO. 617 Chamber of Lomm 1J7.V HAWTHORNS'. 4k27-o. 6-room bungalow. All modern I.upibinl. fireplace. run cement Dssemeat. nam. wood floor. Bullt-ln bookcase, cabinet kitchen, buffet. Eaat front. Can be shown any evening by appointmsnt. ca.i- n ooa lawn 4HA4 Sunday. B7I RALEIGH. WEST SIDE SNAP. New t-r. Colonial btinaalow; every morf rrn con v. Incorporated : about 13 m in. oa car: superb view: exclusive dlst. U C GOLDEN HERO, Ablngtoa Bldg. "33 Yeare In Portland " Main w8. ROSSMERE BARGAIN. $IVX will buy etrlrtl modem T-room residence: furnace, fireplac. hardwood floor. Bleep, porch; corner lot with pave ment pain GOPDARD WIEPRICK. S4 Ptark. IRVlN'i.TON home: modern. 7 rooma: plenty or riowera; large gurdea- prlc atiou. Pboa owner. Eaat- at35. This la a snap and worth wall inveallgatlng. L IJa, Oregon Ian. $3130 OVERLOOK 88160. T-r. mod. rea, hardwood firs., furnace, bullt-lns; grand val., reduced from $4000; only 845ti casn. ti. C GOLDENBERG. Ablngtoa Bldg. "85 Years In Portland." Main 4 03. IRVINGTON. Wish to mak quick sale of my 6-room Irvington house; beautiful yard, trees and shrubbery; might' taks In go.id clear lot or smaller house. J. DELAHUNTY. East 2ceai STRICTLY MODERN. 83300. 7 rooms snd sleep, porch; hardwood floors; paving paid; faces east; owner non-resident; tsrma. $750 cash; baianc monthly. GODDARP A WIEDRICK. 248 Stark. 3-'00 DOWN. 8200 DOWN. Buya 3-room modem bungalow cloae to beat car servlc In city. lot ooxioo: prlc $2400. baianc Ilk rent: no Incumbrance. U. S. MUHTuAvib at AN V. LU, oOT Yeon bldg. Main 24 H. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6-room bungalow, oak floors, fireplac. all built-in conveniences, street 'improvements In and paid, only $3350: 67110 cash and terma. Tabor 1 tt3. COBBLESTONE BUNGALOW. iOo"" Modem 6-room bungalow with flre- .. place, near Alberta car: a aplendtd buy. tpiAni at vi icukil h., titan. BARGAIN'S In houae. all alsra. prices and locations; easy terms; let us snow you. TAI.LMADGE REALTY COMPANY. 61 Henry Bltlg. Marshall 853. $4500, TERMS Modern 8-room house with 2 lota best location la St, Johna 939 E. Salmon. 8-ROOM house. 94 79th street; one block from csr. Call at bouse, between 4 and 6, . or at ."QO noiiaaay ave. FOR SALE New. modern bungalow: hard- wsjod noon ana furngce. itjo Division. Call Tabor 3330. IRVINGTON. Swell horn. 21st and Tillamook. $8500. East 161. LAURELHURST Price reduced from $5500 to $4.iOO; SIX rooms, aracutaiij we, " J conceivable convenience, garage, all street Improvements In and paid; terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st-, near 3d. Main 85 16. ROSE CITY PARK horn, with hardwood floora ana . mouern uginDuwin-us " " block from Rose City Park School for 3 10(H) lot 00x130; out of town owner In structs us to sell at this low price. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. GREAT bargain by owner; modern 6-room hOUSa. Darn ana cnuaen mums.1, and brry ouanes. ah unaer cultivation vu 1 acre of ground. At 2138 Hassalo St. Phone Main 2070. $1100 BUYS a 4-room cottage, with garage. ana ouxiou lot. a mto ..hoi iomo huiit-in conveniences: roa, eiectnc lirht. water. 5-cent fare; ten minutes I ride on car. Be Prentiss at 404 Piatt bldg. LAURELHURST. - Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laurelhurst. the show place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO.. 2701s Stark St. Main 1700, A 1515. HAWTHORNE. flVI.T 11 HOI) 1300 DOWN. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, 40xl00-foot lot. hard-surface street, paid in run. i-aii any day before noon or after 6 P. M. F. FULTON. MAIN 8170. MODERN 7-room Irvington residence, 100X 100 corner lot, all free and clear of In cumbrances, worth $8000; will sell for $001)0; liberal terms to right party. Phone Monday. Main 4u. a-oor hunsnlow. full slxed lot. fireplace. basement, gas, cur wie, biw.u ,iH.w some fruit, on S-cent fare. West Side; a dandy buy at $2300. See Prentiss at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE House and lot. 2H blocks from a, i h ,i . .- .in minutes waia uuin smw- ya'rd; $S00; $2,"0 cash, balance $10 per month. Apply 2)2 fessenaen St., ueiween 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. 50X1004 ROOMS, furnished, gas, phone, t.miiii orchard. Price. $850, only $150. haliince montllty payinnmw. ,uhwoiimi .ai.,.-io. inveetiarata this for a bargain McClure 6t senmaucn. 010 uerniistir um. MUST sail 7-room bungalow, fireplace, book iMiir.i. 1 j 11 1 1 11 aiLcnen. teiuciii u.n- ment, laundry trays, lot 50x100. fruit treea 1019 E. 23d N. Vemon car. Sea thla $2600; $000 down. Tabor 1811. VERY nice, modern. 6-room bungalow. 20 minutes out on oeliwooa canine, lor sale on monthly payments; may take clear lot In first payment. Addreas owner, box Forest Grove. Oregon. FINE 8-room modern horn in Westmore land: must bs seen to o appreciated: al most new; will msk a special price for i-ssh or mav traae for improved acreage. 6CANDINA VIAN-AMERIC AN REALTY CO. Suite i A-umuermena oiog. rose CITY PARK modern horn, complete, 6 rooms and sleeping porcn. narawooa floors all bullt-ln conveniences, full base ment. furnace, garage, lawn, trees and shrubbery. Owner. Tabor 2620. 9 ROOMS, modern, good condition, corner 100x100, fruit ana oemes improvements paid, 1 blk. to car; $lb00. $250 cash. $20 pr. month. Including interest, o. o. Blet ten. nr. A01-; res. main duii. voh kale. In Rose City Park, by owner. modern bungalow, o rooms, aresaing room and bath, price $2S00. terms. 737 E. 6Sth st. N. Call Tabor 4155 Sundays and after 6 P. M. weekdays MODERN 6-room house sleeplnr porch cor ner, easy walkmr dlatance; central .ast Side; terms. Will take lot or small house In rood district as part payment. Phone Owner, r-ael 1010. NEW, up-to-date bungalow, furnished or unrurnlsnea; ouiit-in eitecis; large garage; west of S. P. carshopa 560 Reynolda Sellwood 542. ROSE CITT PARK. Vice bungalow finished In white enamel, taatefuly papered, ftreplare and furnace. a eeping porch. Bice shed, vary pretty. s-'Ju: -.' cash. Tabor 1PT K'.oO HOME at Tremont Plac ea Mount P-ott cariin for $i00: owner forcd to anload an account of mortgag for closure. Sea owner's attorney at 404 Piatt bldr. BUNGALOW, HEART OF PIEDMONT, $1000 cash, baianc terma to suit; rooma fully modem: juat pot on mar ket. BARK. 2--J r. of c. bMr Mala lis TOTAL PRICK. $.173. Two-room ahark. lot I'XixiiM. on MthaL GODDAiU) W lEDRiCiv, 34$ Stark. NICE, modern, almost new 6-r. bungalow. by$lH00 BUYS 6-roora modem bungalow In woouinwn aectioD cioa 10 coion ave. ana Wooduswn car; easy terms, x or parti culars call at 404 Piatt bldg. owner, at low pnee. 3Vi 42d au s. E block from w. a. car. sellwood 2210. FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow. 3 blocks from S'liwooo car. 735 E. 14th at., corner of Rhons St. A-ROOM bouse. 2 lots, garden, fruit, llano. part caah. balance Ilk rent. Call 510 Alle gheny IL, Bl. t uii ns. MODERN bnnealow. furnace and fireplac. garage. $3300. 1830 Hawthorne ave. JTroOM house. 61 W. Jeaaup; eaay terms. owner. ' "a am ar.. Vancouver, wash. $2950 FOR 10-room house on KUUngaworth ave. near union; line conaitiou. euitaoie for 2 families, easy terms. owner, 611 E. Ash st. pnone test o.-.is- MODERN 6-room houe for sale, corner Graham and Borthwlrk; fruit trees; walk ing .distsnce; no raasonabl offer refused. Woodiswn 2042. FOR SALE 6-room hous. $1200. Inqulr aa in. l i nmei si. , near iota $1575 t ROOMS and bath; all Improve- menta in ana paia; siou casn, io lounm ly: no mortgage. J. A Wlckman Co., 814 Stark at. Main 688. MolERN 5-room bungalow. 1 ."'-' 2. MS Brooklyn at. Owner, SelL 7-ROOM, modern. 100x200. beautiful home. near r lrland. Tabor 0130. IRVINGTON Nice stoma, 5 roomj, $2500. Il-'oO EQUITY In modern, 7-room house, for East 1347. I $909 caah. Tabor 1622. it.ni:RTi dlstrldt bungalow. 6 rooms, full size baaement. lot auimv, uaiu, "i"-"i lights, gas; $2650, $500 cash, baianc monthly. . , J. c. CORBIN CO., 808-7 Lewl bldg. KTTTtfNYSinE. $3150. $600 down, very good modern. nearly new 6-room oungaiow, una ioca ,nn ln.. tot hlsr barsrain. H. H. Btaub. 1027- Belmont. Phone Monday. Tabor 219. WOODLAWN SNAP, 5-room bungaiow. with garage, lot 60x100: price $2000, Including streot improvements, terma, U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 607 Yeon bldg. Main 2418. BURRELL HEIGHTS. Beautiful home. 8 rooms, 75x100 corner, $14,000 for $oo0, easy payments. Sale by Delahunt. East 1347. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. A coxy little home, with hot water beat. Only $2900; terms. W. H. ROSS, 1100 V. W. Bank bldg. SIX-ROOM bungalow, located well, fine, con dition; improvements all paid; will sell reasonable or trade for Improved Seattle property. AV o32. Oregonian.. IRVINGTON CHOICEST CORNER HOMES. 810 E. 17th N. 774 THOMPSON. See Adv. In "New Today" Column. A NICE five-room modern house close In on Cook ave. for $1100, much less than cost; also good borne next door for $2500. Call Main 7070. Ask for Mr. Buchanan. FOR SALE 4-room house. Portland, East Side; $s00, fourth casn, balance to suit. For sale or trade, izu acres iiorrow louh ty. Oregon. Owner, box 67. Salem. EXTRAORDINARY' BARGAIN. Irvington palatial home. U rooms, three Bleeping porches, billiard and maid's room, dining room in' leather and silk tapestry, beautiful reception hall, living, library, den and secretary rooms. 4 bedrooms in white enamel, all rooms are decorated by Grafe. the French artist; plate glass windows. 3 fireplaces, hot water heat, Dutch kitchen, cold water cooler and all built-in conven iences; garage; lot 66 2-3x100; velvet car pets, silk tapestry hangings, Brussels ret curtains go with the house free; 50c oa dollar. Delahunt. East 1347. No agents. TWO IRVINGTON HOMES. $5000 East 2t!th St., 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, white enamel lin lsh, garage; house In excellent con dition: hard-surface strectts, all paid In lull; lovely home, close price. $3000 K. 24th St., choice modern 6-room home with sleeping porch, fireplace. gooa piumDing, nicely nnisned. ga rage; tine location; a real bargain. A. H. BIKU.ELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4118. SUNNYSIDE7 DISTRICT. 8-Room House and Sleeping Porch. Owners must leave the city at once; a beautiful home; has been wall taken care of; bedrooms white enamel, house would cost $5500 to build, can sell house and lot complete for $4000; street paved and paid for: one block from Sunnyside car; a splendid chance to make $2500. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington Bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. This 7-room home la on one of the best etreets In Irvington, sightly lot 70x100. streets all paved. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors downstairs, and a sleep ing porch. Price only $4000. $1000 will handle, balance easy terma See Mr. ' Thomas, 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. H VALUE. ' " 4-room hous with large attic, plumbing; lot 50x100. on corner; hard surface on both aides that cost $750, paid for: 3 blocks from Irvington cur, N. K. corner, 12th .and fchsver. $1400, easy terms. JORDAN & GARBADE, 212 Allsky Bldg. SUMMER HOME FOR SALE. A beautiful 4-room rustlo bungalow at Gearhart; new and modern, completely, furnished; wide verandas, sleeping porch, breakfast-room, all bullt-ln features; for quick sale will take $1500; this place will rent for $50 a mo. See photo at our office STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak St. Phone Broadway 3644. . SAVE RENT. This little bungalow in Grovalani Parle ! attractive. In first-class condition, close to carline and for sals on terms almost equal to rent. See It today, 1434 E. Lin coln st. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 21T Northwestern Bank Bldg, Marshall 4114. A 4118. FOB, KENT OR TRADE. LOT 80x155. T large cherry trees, long rows of logan berries, rases, lawn. 10 rooms, newly fin ished and arranged for two families; garage- macadamized street and two blockfl to car. Take lot, acreage. Phono East BOOS. AJ 220, Oregonian. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $2S00. Hawthorne district, modern 6-room bun galow and garage; fine corner lot on 06U1 near Hawthomo ave. J. L. KARNOPP. Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. $30 CASH and $15 per month buys a small house and lot on Alberta streot- A real bargain. Price $500. See Mr. Graham, THE BRONG COM PANT, 267 Quit atreet. 15 MINUTES FROM POSTOFFICE. 4-room modern bungalow. Sellwood car line, $1400; $150 down. $13 month. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington Bldg. HAVE beautiful modern corner house, best location In Portluud, near carline, with double garage and extra lot; will sell for the lowest prlca for cash; have to leave for the East. It Is rented for 840 a month. Call Main 3S32. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $.'!250. A modern 6-room bungalow In good condition; lot 50x120. 27th near Wasco. J. L. 1CARNOPP, Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. SIX-ROOM bungalow, furnace, fireplace, gas radiators, new furniture to match in terior finish, garage to match bungalow; , Alberta district; for sale by owner; $.1(1110. $31100 down, balance terms. It 210, Oie gonlan. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Close In. East Side, modern and well built; $2250; easy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington Bldg. 1 SEE this 7-room house, besides large; bath, sleeping porch for two full-size beds.' large attic, two toilets, two fireplaces, furnace, cement basement, lot 50x1011; on Broad way carline. Price $7500. 7iltl East Broad- w u y. call .Monday, xaat ant . 5-ROOM modern bungalow, few blocks! south of Hawthorne; corner lot, hand surface streets and all paid. This is a pretty hnnia ' and at a bargain. Terms. Owner going to war. Walker. Main 3517. IDEAL home, modern 6-room bungalow, ce ment basement, rox turnnca, jimxiuu cor ner lot, near Franklin High School, gar den, fruit trees, roses, shrubbery, one blk. to car. See owner, 3727 64th st. S. B. trlct at that price, a. y. 5R0OM houso and lot, garage. $3000; hi TEEPE CO., 204 Stark t-. near au. m down, balance monthly: will trade for 5 to AU auu, nouoe. I'-ini, moj.i. . wood, pasture, near school; about 8'mllos from Courthouse. No agents. Tabor' 32110. ALAMEDA PARK 0 large r., sleeping porCll, attiC. Willie enamel ri;oii M'fc- rootn and dining-room; magnificent view, garage; $5500. similar house without ga rage, $1050. Owner, Woodlawn HHP. 3-KOOM house, modern, on Commercial St.; hard surfacs streets an paiu; 11110 imio nient; lot 60x100. fruit and garden; $1700. Very pretty little home; $4U0 cash, bal ance $20 per month. Walker. Main 8517. I FOR SALE 6-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, ouni-in conveni ences, paved street assessments paid. Terms. Owner. 237 E. 00th, near Haw thorne. $100 DOWN. 8 rooms, on full lot. one block of ear ana Peninsula Park: fine location; price $1300. R J. iMcGUlRB, 545 Union Ave. N. . n 1 no l IV Owner called tft WaShngtOnl must be sold. 5-room shack, hot and cold water, gas, oatnroom, j iota, u.t berry bushes, garden planted, convenient to 2 carllnes, about 80 minutes from town. Price $1400. $900 cash, $500 mort gage, all assessments paio. -- lawn 8913. towis ricq TT. Must sell modern 7-room hoiiia, two lots, comer. Irvington: $6000. present cost house alone; we give you throw In improvements. h. . E. 8. Jackson, 207 Railway Exchange bldg. THE VERY CHANCE a flna investment for party wishing a good home wJiere they can keep a few boarders. 7-room house, entirely modem throughout, with garage full '0;,l0,cai" in Irvington. walking diatanc to town, 34500 $1500, balance like rent; tuia -good buy. AR 333, Oregonian. ""SPECIAL. SPECIAL. SP.E" AL".r,fl 5-room modern bungalow at 43d and Sandy; price $3300. including at. 1P"J ments. small payment down, balance like "n,TJ. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO., 607 Yeon bldg. Main 2416. T nvl VGTON. T-room house, located on 21.1 ; atreoL near Sous, modern and in perfect condition.) Price $xoo. See. Mr. aiun. THE FRED A JACOBS COMPANY 10.1 no, st Main 6S6O. S..1I n . ,.....,...., n.vail and I -- . ...v-r- so.l? A rooms within 200 . . . TT . L ,' t , . . . . iVl 115 -", HAW i nyons,. ,, Vo -inn it ll feet of Hawtnorne, tun uow - street Improvement, paid. You who have looked around, have you found anything .drT375005.UAKaGOTEkpECO::o4 Stark St.. near 3d. main oo.iv. See H. F. $1500 EASY TERMS, a.om house, lot 100x100. nice garden and lawn, near Mt. Tabor car. Le8- H. A. DYER. The Acreage Man. 610. Lewis x iug. ..... .ui-.f.tr- tioup VFin TV .,51111 I Modern 8-room house with attractive 12SOO SUNNYSIDE INVESTMENT $-800 Interior, in good district. Double garage, Good .roora house on Belmont St., au full lot, nice back yard, walnut and cherry I jolnlng brick business block. Lltl in w treea $2300 caah. I now and Improve it for business later. $1000 cash i-pen TT STRONG, BIT Chamber of Commerce. - . ocv IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. K and den. strictly modern: at- laofiiv Int: all atreet nupruc"- pldV 19th.' near Knot,nePr,cs ,UUUu. RITTER. LOWE & t.".. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. BARGAIN BARGAIN. BARGAIN. BAllUAW. . B.room ottnge on lot50xl4"l blocks from Union ave. close to Walnut Park, reached by S car- 1'neI7. ' S, MORTGAGE iNCO. 607 Yeon bldg. Main 241B. right near Aioerta, wnn Dim. ALBERTA 12th St., RARE OPPORTUNITY. BEST PART R03B CITY PARK.. H fjHFloTS' MOR TG AGE; TIFUL .FULL LOl. i POSSESSION. PRICE 1200O; ijiim""" . rj-HOOX modern bungalow zmn si. ---., y,. all clear furnace: a very pieasioa of debt, for " - lritnient. ,,. terms, pnone r 'y-1 v cover. 64 Union ave. YOUR LAST CHANUia KJKn AJnu , , to buy this six-room mooern cemTnt .men;r"rep.ace; $2250; down. $2 n-;'co 814 Stark St. full $100 Main 583. . . ,t-.ai c- cir U'T-: Ti . r some nice bungalows In -very do rab?e "aistrlcta. on or two completely .ra'bleSrlc ad terms on some ofthc. J? B Holbrook. 214J:liaajnaldg: goOO a-ROOM. thoroughly modern noma, fireplace, furnace, etc.. 1 Woe : from E. Bsffliii-fiia lower priceuiioo"- ALMOST new 4-room moaern ""; withf large, suit, ----," V,, place and bunt-ins; r-aat am " WAVERLEIQH-RICHIIOND bungalow. 613 , E 3t)th, cor. Kelly. A bargain; $2150. Terms. Metcnlf, 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshnll 2432. IV, ACRES, 6-room house, barn and chicken-houses, on Improved street, near car. for sale cr exchange for houso arid lot, 615 Cham, of Coin. bldg. Main 116ft. 4-ROOM cottage, bath, toilet, electricity, full lot. paved street, oiocivs vi ... kvu - N. t-i.a fiir.no. easv terms. t ictortTriwTc r,45 Union Ave. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 6 ROOMS, modern Rose , C. t.AssAva. LUmbermens Bldg. cement ba.ement. If Int euite -1- , rlce an,i ter City Park, flraplace. terested, can lanor 1BS2 for price and terms, or traae tor smaller place. C 232. Oregonian. 5-ROOM cottage on Mississippi ove, near O.-W. . at car -aiuj, - f --,. -,nsE C1TY PARK furnished bunga- lot poxjuo. pia- ,' , to suit: T low n rooms, furnace, fireplace, oak floors. -..ino! a snap at o'u; lewon w ;.n,r leaving town. For partlcuiara can at 404 Piatt bldg. SUNNYSIDE. 1900. with $600 down, very good 6-room hou.o on 33d t.. near Belmont; a snap. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Phon Mon day, Tabor 219. all bullt-ln features, terms. Rummell. 274 gtara at. Rummell MODERN 8-room residence, one of the best sections roruauu, , , , hard-surfaced streets, shade and garage, J.'C?' CORBIN CO.. 305-T Lewis bldg. MODERN, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hot- water heat, fireplace, ount-ln ourret, ana bookcases. Mt. 'la Dor, is Clock from car, Owner. Tabor 3765. 4 BOOMS, $S00. 5 rooms. $1800. 6 rooms. $1300. All on easy terms, u. -'. i-teanck, 1032 Chamber 01 commerce. ROSE CITY PARK, 4th St.. 6-room strictly modern house, screens, street paved, paid; price $3750, terms. Tabor 6441. WEST BROADWAY 50x100 with 2 good Income houses, oy owner, am 030, ure gonlan ' ' HOUSE, outbuildings and 1 acre. Metsger, berries ana iruit tree.; some casn, bal ance to suit. Phone Tabor 9020. -ROOM1 l-.tory house, E. 15th N., Irving ton; $1000 down, balance montniy pay ments. Main 5212. FiVE-ROOM cottages, handy to yard. Marshall 1000. ship- SACRIFICE 8-room bungaiow. 2 lots, cor., ana garage, pavea sts, neoaiawn ooui. ST. JOHNS CAR. $2700 Some bargain; 7 rooms, exceptionally wen " ...... 1.0 . . - as.i,mi.v vnu would expect to Dll 5-ROOM house, lot 70x100, fruit and garden, woodshed and chicken house, atreet Im provements paid; small cash payment, bal ance a. rent. Walker. Main 3517. ROSE CITY PARK, best section, unusually attractive, thoroughly modern 8-room bun galow, sun parlor, elegant fixtures. Call Tabor 4.-.l'.. or 444 E. 4tith N. SUBURBAN home, Rlverwood, 20 minutes from city, on S. P. red car; hi acre. 7 room Dutch Colonial house: reasonable terms. Phone M. 240 or E. ."S. ments' to assumeT you would expect to pay sjgoo MODERN 7-room two-story -hottse, $3500; easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 lnt 72x142. East Davis st.. close n; fino Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3516. view. good terms. Dubois, 723 Chamber 3500 6-ROOM modern home, near Haw thorne and E. 20th. easy terma. .j000 7-room house, E. Ankeny, near IS. Z4tn. paved Bireeia, imi, ichu u. F. W. TORQLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. of Commerce. Main 1434. FOR SALE BY OWNER. rnnv.ni.nt bungalow. 5 rooms and bath. built-in bookcases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen SNAP 5 ACRES, half mile from Rose City Psrk with 5-room house; price $3500, terms. Call 417 Chamber of Commerce, BEAUTIFUL Hawthorne bungalow, modern, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, turnaee, fire place. Harrison. Gerllnger bldg. Eaat 25tn St. .Mortn. 1 ,.;.' . s E FOR SALE or trane; -ropm nous, ana 1 wo - , ,d 1 acre, with chicken lots in Uend. or.; value iouu: nouaa - ,.. ,,,,,,,, rented; no agents. Address S 253, Ore gonian. SUNNYSIDE. . $3000 Lovely modern 6-room house, well furnished. . H. H. Staub, 1027 Bel mont. Phone Monday, Tabor 219. i-ROOM, modern bungalow, near E. 30th and Hawthorne ave., for sale by owner, on monthly payments. Address Box 1, For est Grove, Or. SNAP Waverlelgh Heights 6-rm. bungalow by owner. Sellwood 0-40. house and garden; 6c fare; x-'oou, terms Owner. East 178. ' ' ' 5-ROOM house, $100 down. $15 month, 6 per cent Interest; improvements paid. In quire 349 51st. $1000 4-ROOM house and two lots. 41133 E. 7th st. S. E. Terms. Phone Main 43SS. or call at 506 Stock Exchange bldg. CHOICE 100x100. S. W. cor. 12th and Hall sts. Tabor 3432. evenings. EAST and West Side flats and cottages, close In, terms. Owner, East 7722.