23 THE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, MAY 12, 191ft. POTATO CROP LESS Acreage in Oregon Is Only 86 Per Cent of Last Year. FEW COUNTIES SHOW GAIN Demand la Thl Section It Ira proTtnc Slightly, With British Colombia and Montana Draw lag oa Stale for Supplies. With planting tun fast approaching. It Bew appeare that Orcoa will ba far be Blagt la Ita acreage of potatoea thta year. Tha Ooesminent made a crop aad tana la ser nmr recently and received raporta eavsrtaa; 3.XTI.0M tent af tha lit lad laad la tha Mu. Data complied fraat tha f.r- araa hy la Baraaa ef Ore Estimates ehew that tha acreage ta aa pleated ta potatoes taha year ta an 17 M par cant at that planted Uat year. Tha farmers af Baftar. Daachataa. Dou'.u, Harney. Klamath. Lincoln, aher nam. TUlemeos. Cmaitlla and Wheeler ara ota la far tcr eased acreage, bat tha athar a eoenirJea af tha atata ara planning ta ladaee their plantings. Thaaa flgarea ara eased apaa tha partial arena; eocsttd la taa 13.00 raporta re- trtd hot the? ewvec all porta of taa atata aad ara preen mod ta rapraaoat tha tntea ttaaa af tha crewera. If a almtlar late nt la made all ever tha Culled State. It vill maaa aa immease reduction la tha crop "tbia year, for taa raaaeaa First thara la tha rod action af acreage. Second.' tha eeoa try harvested ha hamper Meld af patataoa mat yoar. averaging five baahala par aera asve tha ordinary yield for tha wbola N tloa. If tha mow should ba la tha Uaat aararaa ta tha potato crap. It win ba very aaa far tha production ta fall free ar aroa taa baahala bahtad por aera. which, accom panied By a dacraaaad planting, wtll maaa aaathar short crop aod atuadaat hJfh thalr form or status, acd mannfactarera. deal ara aad aaara mar handle them without ob taining a license. Tola action waa takaa following aa Inttstlgstlon which coaTlncad tbo Government officials that tha danger of atiiislng chrome greene and chroma yeliow la tha maaafactura af aaploelvea waa not aafrtcloat ta warrant tha requirement of a Ucanoa for thatr aala" Kac Market Rolda Steady. Egg hsrtag la sot aa haaa aa aarllar la tha month, hot tha Burbot bolda ta eteady aaala, aa racalpta ara gradual 7 de clining. Tha do man d for battor keepe pare with tha laeraaaad make aad era boo rnlo firm at M coata far extras and If casta for prima flrata Poultry waa firm, with modarata racalpta Potata aBrparata Smaller. Potata ahlpmanta war Debt yesterday, only throa cara bolnc roportod loaded In thta tata. oaa aach for Salem, Btocktoa and AJo. Arts. Washington ahlppad ana ear aach ta Blocs, too, liavro, Itonu aad Wallace. Idaho. Baaa Clearlage. TUnk clearings of Northwestern cities yes- tarda wara aa follows: neerlnge. Portland (S.T.I47 Pesctle o.A-.A-" Tacoma .............. e.ln.11 SDoksne l.R0.Ma Clesrlnao of Portland. Roatlio and Tacoroa for tha week and corretDoading week la former years were Bilinwt 4U- Oil 180. 7 as tSO.OOT Maotawtnc tha markat far tha paat weak. at 1. Ringer, la charge af tha local e fries af tha Btzreaa af Markata, aaya: -W bJla ahlpmaata af aid patataoa da otoasod aharply ta paat wot a. tha aombor af tha saw crap moving ta market In rrtatad by aeety a )V cent. Florida ml moro thaa twtca aa many potato toot wooh aa any other atata Alabama. hltaataatppi aad Booth Carolina entered the markat d arta a tha period aad Georgia wl! a tha toatof week, Tha figure empha oto tha aera try of snoring old atock very ?lekry ar aatenac It aa a total loan. The demaad tor petaceea la thla aoctloa ta tmpreelac allcbtly. bat not eaaach ta beeet tha prlcoo autartalty. Local condi tion ta tha Korthweat and tha eceady ma of the eeaporatera la roducias tha anpply a that flrat-claa latere ar la demand la a limited way. Koataaa aad Brttlaa Co lombia are both drnwtna oa Oreaoa aad Woohlactaa tar euppUea At Taklma tha prtoa la ratlaa croa areasd 120 par ton. eneae blahar. Lecaliy tha aapply la ptentt fol. raltag moatly arwaad Ht por cwt, aochad. with boo being pa!d aocttlonalty. Tba Boathara market! ara cheaper thaa a week aga Oregoaa are bringing enly I l.U 1 3 ta Beaetea. Tea. tsatead af 12.11. Tha growera la Plortda are accepting 1123 1M par barrel far thatr bow atock la ataad af M aa a weak ago. Wlecaaalaa ara off again ba Chicago, going at LU0L:o, aarked par ret. aa agalaat IU) laat week. "tar Jot ahlpateata compare aa follawe: Falpped Total Laat Kay !-. to fo e a ta xae. 0010. Apr. :a l1S. iai7. Ibid... 11J... 114... 191. .. 1912... 111... 110... 1... 1... I"T... lOo... 10 J... Port lar d. ...21 R4T.7T .... 17.87S.1JI .... 1.:17.M .... l').003.U ... 10.110.3M ... ll.lMD ... 11.510 Ml ... lo.l.a ... 10T8 847 ... .t40 7 ... 1.6WS. lt0 ... T.ist.esj .. 4.- Xl-l ... .o;a.ftoi Seattle. 35.6.0.S01 ;0.Jt.03l Hl.S"l.a7 II.HJ.IIJ 11 is.:o 13.41R.0.1.1 11.4.t.4KS ll.14o.t7 I0.0j.l0 1.4U.13 7.5f." .4l.:35 6T0.TC4 tITlWl Tacoma S4.S31.V24 t.v.a .H.7.7 1.V74.4M J.r7. J.773.S.1S l.KSi.4'4 e.6A.o:4 t.r.M.i1:! 4.00.S74 t.tos.os g.702.147 . 200.027 (aurorata. .14 7.w .t4 reloraao... -T5 ll.'i a i 1-1 Ua .......... 317 .,a &.71t Maine 3"9 1J l'H HKl allcbigaa...... 417 7.P14 5-7 Mlnneaota............ ill 10.A..2 Moatana. ...... ...... IS :l I'l Neoraaaa....... ...... t.BAj e.l0 ilattdt S4 1.370 a-tl NteJtnty 11. M lS.-ii Leng It and. N. T. .... 4 tO a..v Otaor New lark...... bo 4,.U S.&.-.7 Oregoa Aa 1.713 S.V.a r.nnrrlTaata........ -4 ami i.o71 tfaenlnrtoa.... ...... M 3.4.40 S.tlia Wiecor tin.. .......... 21 llaxj atlt Othera aj rOBTLAXD HlIIII QCOTATIO.-48 Grain, near. Feed. Kta. March ante Ex chasg a. noon tttolna Viae dallverr: Bid, Oate. No. 3 white feed $41.00 Thirty daytr Oa-a. No. I 61.00 fcaatera aala aad cara la bulk! Oata. No. I white M M) St-pound clipped white ............... BJ 00 Corn. No. yellow so.00 Corn. No. mlaed AW.00 1 Thirty daytr Oata No. 81 60 Oata. eiloped 2.00 Corn, yei.ow ......................... 60. 00 Cora, mixed ftU.OO WHCAT Balk baala Portland, for No. 1 grade: Hard a Beat Kiuaetem. Carly 11 art. Allea Otlgtlua. Martla Amber. i0i. Soft white Paiouaa biueaiem. fortyfoid. White Valley. Oold Coin. White Kuaalan. $2.04. White clob Utile rlnh. Jenklna club, white hybrtda aoaora. Ii.01. Hod Walla Red Haaaiaa. red Bybrida J on re life, cappel. I1.W. No. g grade. 4c leat; No. grade, at a. Otber araino bandied by aamplea FLOL'R Pateata 10i Valley. u; whole wheat. ao; graham. JO; barley floar. gl4oTl-ba per barre; rye fiour. 4iao9 1X73 per barrel; certfflttl, 114.10 13.oU per bar- BEEF LEVEL LOWER Overstock of Off-Grade, Thin Cattle Unsettles Market. AVERAGE PRICES CHEAPER Common Quality Two Dollars Cnder Former Quotations Strictly Good Steers and Cows Still Command Firm Rates. Totala .. New eloc lattmt .. 1 Florida 1S Loultiaoa. .S Mlaaletippl. .......... I Koutb Carolina. ...... 3 Ttaaa 17 .M ll.9v .... 1.4T1 Totala .. 1 i44 : 1 7 S.454 1.4i; OATS rtlCU AJtX bTTLL DECLLMNG Offara far Cara Ar Ala Lower a Mer. rhaata Fx change. Oata prtcee warhed lower yoaterday. blda at tha jiarchaata Exchange aa N't 1 while feed being dowa IL at U while Eat tarn balk oata were $IM cheaper. Blda for yellow cara ware redacad fS aad mixed cara UN a taa. Broom ball raporta: Argeattaa weather aaadltlona taearabta alalia harraat la prog reaming. Wheat la moving freely and preparaUeaa far tha sew crap are making eauafacterr program. Vlalblo atacka of wheat total more thaa 1.&00.000 aoartera Aaatralta. etatenabla ralna ara reported la Kew Boath Walea Official eatlmate of the Vtter!aa rrep, laraad daring the week, waa ah eat aa expected aad generally tha po oltloa aa regarda anppllea remalaa without ahange. Terminal recelpta. la cara wore reported by the Xerchaata Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Floor Oata Hay rortlaaa. Bat...... t T a Tear aga 1 1 3 a eaeoa ta data. 143 ISO Uss 144 Year aga W41 Taooma. Frl... zt Ttar aga...... 47 oaaoa to data. BSC Tear ago lt Beartla. Frl Tear aga 37 Beaaoa la date. 471 S Tear age......444 T 3 340 1U4 SJO 2i.1 .... .... .... 3 .... .... s 1 .... 33 l4o I-a .... alg 170 d .... .... .... T I 14 I3 107 17 Sons i 111 iai ;oo STbAWBERBT ttptxt coxes rx LATE Monday Memimg. Tha Caltfarala Expraea waa Uta yoaterday aad tha berry abtpmeata did not arrive nntU after tha oaaal cloalng hear, bat tha Fiorina wore practically all oold to arrive at s:i . crate. Tha earning work will see beaey receipts from tha Boath. bat It h not Mkely that prtcoa wUl bo much cheaper, aa tha markets ara eary firm at skipping potata Another half -cent ad t sees la baaanaa will go lata afreet Monday morning to moot tarreassd coata at tha seaboard. Dealers ara alee sdeteed that they caaaot got their orders filled la falL It la reported that ba. aaaas are going ta waste In Central America 'or lack af ateaiaaia t transport them ta tba Called atataa. which la taa principal cases af tbo advance. Tha asparagus market waa firm at tha tea af tha week h .coata f the coaler woathor her aad redacad shipments frora Cairfsrala. Cud tomateeo ara scares, bat a car la dwa Utter ta tha week from Florida. Call, ferala tematsea ar aot motored eaeogh yet for market. Chsssso Cades Xst Bohjoet to llttaaa. ' tarealars have been dlatrloatod to deal ers throng boot the coantry advising them that aadar tha new ex pi eel vo rags latino law It necessary to havs a llmntt In order ta el. If ILL FEED Not mlllfoed prices, ear lota: Braa. tJ por toa: aborta. H2 per ton: mid dllnga, g3p; mixed cars and leee theo car loads, boo moro: reUed barley. tH9i: rolled oata CORN Wbola. (7: cracked. 177 per taa HAT Buying prtcoa. Lab. Portland: Eastsra Oregon timothy, 11930 per ton; Vailey tlmetny. 1020. alia. fa. 124 a 24.id: Valley gram bay. t-'4. clover, til. straw. fwi. Dairy aad Ciaatry Prod at a. BCTTER Cubes, extrna. S8 0 Sc: prima flrsta. 37 Sto: prints, stirs. 44c; cartons, la extra: btmerfat. No. L 04a dtUvered. LOviB urecoa ranch, enrrent recelpta lit. candled. 44c: set acta. S7e per dotes. CU1K.SE Jobbers baying prtree. L o. b. dock. Portland: Tillamook triplets. 33 Ho; teuog Americaa, 34 Ha per pound; Cooo end Curry. L a a Myrtle Point: Triplets. 24c; Young Americaa 34a per pound; long, horns. 34c per pound: t discount to Petf land I rede. POLXTRT Hena ITS Mr; Bprtngs. J: broilers. 45; ducks, nominal; geese, aoml aal; lurktya Ua. 21 -c; areoted. 7a per pound VEAL ltBiac per poand. POR1C Fancy. ::3 1o por pound. rrmrta aad TcgoteMee. tcsl ebblng aotatlona: FRI.ITS uraages. Vaiaaclaa. IS7: Iem- ena gwilt7 per box: baaanaa 7S4TSC per pound: grapefruit. a.o; appiea Il.iot.3 7S per box; ttrawberrlea. 3.Sao3.eO per crsta VEOETABUto Tomatoes. ga.oO-3.Z3 per tie; cabbage. SVttyse per pound: lettuce. I2.;3a. 3.34 per crate; cucumbers. 91.2393 per doxea; artichokes. TSe per doses: garlic 7c: celery. 4 por crate; peppora, 33gjSsc per pound: rhubarb. S1.23U17 per box: ss par as ue. tl.ij gl.7j per doasa; spinach. Atyac per pound, peat. aw10a per pound; beans. 17Sc per pound. hACK VEGETABLES Carrots, fl.fiOS3.13 per sack; turnips, II ?; paranlps, tl.2i. beers. 12. PuTATOKS Oregon Bnrbanka T5c1.2J per hundred; aew California, 4tr9c psr paund. UNIONS Oregon. 101He per Pound; crystsl wsx. 3 per era a. Btapl Craccrlaa. I.oral Jobbing Quotations: bl'iiAR back bssls: Fralt aad berry, 77S; beet. 17.77); extra C $7.47; powdered, la barrtlt, laBTa; cubaa. la bar rtls. I177H. NUTS Wslnuta NHe; Braxll nnta. ISO 21c; filberts. 34033a; almonds. lS023c; pea auta 13 lac: cocoanuta. (LIU psr dossn. UKANs California Jobbing pricee: umall white. 14c; largo white. 14c; bayou. 10ac; lima, la St c ; pink. 8o. Oregon (ittns. buy. tng prlcea: Whita be; colored. 7a COFFEE Roasted. In druma, 17023c. 8 ALT Granulated. 10.7s per toa; half, ground. 100a. (lb por ton; oOe. 1 par too; dairy. l.il per toa RICE Bout bora head. BStMe por pound; Blue Rooo, Sc: Jspaneeo ttrla. Stiajas. uiutll rnuiio appirt, lec; peachea 11 012O; prunes, Italian. 110 ISc; ralalna. tic 4 per oox; datea dromedary. 33.2bS.0 per box; currants. lc; llgt, L3Jv.o0 par box. rroTtalows. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All times, cnoics. 34c; standard. Ik; ealnned. 2-c; plcnlca, 24c; coltaga rolL 31a LARD Tierce baala, standard para. 3go; compounu. itt. BACON Fancy, 4S0roc; standard. 44 4oc; cholca 40 w 43c. DRT BALT Short clear barks, 30S3o; exports. ewJ4c; piatca -4itJc Bide aad Prlla HIDES Baltad hldea 23 Iba aad up. 13c; aalied ataga, 60 Iba and up, 10c; saltsd and groea kip. 13 to 23 Iba. 12c; aalied and green calf. 10 to 13 Iba, 21c; green hides. 23 Iba and up, o; gresn stags. 30 Iba and up. c; dry Clint bides, lie : dry IUn, M1, Sac; horse hldea. 1JI30L3O; salted horse hidea ejxta PELT a Dry long-wool pelts. 40c; dry thort-wool polta 330Sva; salted pelt a. April loAsoff. oJa. Bepo. Wool. Etc HOPS 117 crop. 13?lo par pound; con tra rt a. 17910. WliOL Kastern Oregon. eSnSoc: v.ll- 339 70c per pound. ' MOiuin urtita a aw cup, 43a par pound. CASCARA BARK New aad aid, y,0ba per pound. TALLOW Ve. 1. 14a por pound: Na 3. 12c per pound. OUa GASOLINE Bulk. 31c; angina dleUllete. ba.a. 13c: kerooeaa bulk, luc, cases. 2uo) Z2c. LINSEED OIIltaw. barrola SLOT: emsee $177; belled, barrels. l.W; casea l7b TturiMiMi to tent a. ac; casea TSa Natal Slant a SAVANNAH. May 1L Tnrpentlna aalet- 47c; eslea Bono; recelpta btt barrele; ship menta 37; ttocka. Z3.4:ia. Roe In. firm; aalao. 424 barrola: rooetota. SSI; thlpmeata too; stocks. Quote: B. D. E. F. 3d.o00a.o3; U. H. 4.S0 0.ft0; I. fa.l59.er: K. M. ItMOtli; N. 37: WO. 31.20; WW. 17.35. 1st r tat t La Sorpra Bear aa NEW 70RK. May 1L Tha aetoal eoadl. Ilea of clearing-house banks and trust com- penleo for the week shows that they hold S102.o07.730 reesrve ta axrtaa of Isa-al ra- ; autrements. This la aa in or ease of $ti.- There waa very littla business at tha stockyarda at tha close of tha week, the only sales of 1 in porta ncs being a load at hoga and a bunch of lambs Hogt were steady at tha wlndup. but tha tone of the cattle market waa easy. Receipts wara lbi cattla and tl hoga the latter driven In. shipper ef tha cattle were: J. W. Oghura. Cottonwood, Cel.. 1 car; C. M. Sevier. 2 cart; F. A. Htggcdom. Dixon, CaX, 3 cart. Tha days aales were as follows: Wt, Price I Wt Price. Tlboge. .. Km 17.2S Bdlamba.. 6 iaoo 4 hoga... 113 l.00i Sowet.... ISO 10.00 4 hoga... 3il 16.231 Syearl'ga 120 14.00 Reviewing tha cattla sllnatlon at the yarda tha Livestock Reporter aaya: The weak baa brought forth a good many chsngee la taa cattla market. There baa been a deluge of off-grade thla cattla bera which always Baa Ita effect on the whole market. While good cattla have not auf fared a loaa to any great extent, probably 60 cant sines the high tlma off-grade, thin type have taken a decided drop. Prlcea today oa these grades ara close on to 33 por hundred wtignt lower thaa when they were brlnatnr nnaeard-of ortcea Thla nat orally excited the farmers, and they let moat every kind of bovine to. which cause a the drop. Ae they always ssy. Wbat goes dp moat come dowa' Looking over the trade, it looks aa If good cattla ara going to bold ud fairly stssdy. with a big mar aln between these and the common gradea Tha eproed between fairly good and strictly good cattla will no doubt also show a much bister anread than In ordinary umea What few good cattla wa have naa nera thla week got a good turn. One bunch of prime steers sold at 313.23. Outside of this bunch, the highest sale In tha beet ateer division waa at (14.30. one load or very good steers getting this flgura Several loads of lust decent killers sold from 312.000 13.30. with tha medium gradea down to 31L30. Off-grade, thin and light atuff sold 00 an 38b 10 ranaa "While a few odd bunches ef good, heavy cowa. all getting tha 13-cent flgura there have not been enough of these gradea here during the week ta teat valuta A very good grade la celling at 112912.30, with medlnm klnda going on a 1011 ranga Anything selling under this la finding hard-to-auote market, although deellnee are from 3L60 to 32 por hundredweight Ordi nary cow atuff la eelllng frora 7 cents op. with tha common and bldo-aad-rlb sort from f4HS-50. "Bulls price have also dropped off con tldershly. Best heavy bulla ara getting from 3 S05 10 rvo, with the fair to good bulls getting from Step. Common off-grade kinds sold from 3407.6O. "Prime light veal calvee ara still quotable from 312013. with heavy and thin calves from 37 0 10.- Prlces current at tha local yards ara as follows: fettle Prlcea Prime steers 31 3. 23 1 3 SO Oood to cholca steers 14.oodl0.l0 Medium to good steers -12 OOil 13 .00 Fslr to medium steers SOfJ 10.50 Choice cows and hrlfera 12 00a 13 00 Med. to good cowa and heifers. 6 00 ft 10.00 Csnners 3 50 9 3 .10 Bulla 41.50-9 10.5O Calves 8. JOftf 13.00 Hogs Prims mixed 17.S-J91T30 Medium mixta 1 tr 1 i.-o Rough heavy J0.001 1H.2J Pise 14.30 a 13.30 Sheen Em of monntarne 17 SOie30 Valley lamba 17 On It 00 Tearllnga 15.-.'.vu 13 30 Wethers 13.0013.30 Ewss 12.00012.30 DESTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED Shipments Ea Route ta Leading- LI restock Markata af Country. Destlnatlona of livestock losded May 10 (double decks counted aa twa cars): Cattle Horses Mid. calves Host Sheep mules stock. Boston . Buffslo Chicago Clnclnnstl ..... Clevelsud Cudsuy ....... . t?t. Louis Kort Worth.... Indianapolis ... Jersey City Kansss City.... Los Angeles.... Loulsvilis Msson City.... New York Orden Oklahoma City. Omaha ........ Philadelphia .. Portland St. Joseph Kelt Lake City.. St. Paul San Francisco.. Hesttlo Sioux City Sioux Kails..... Spokane Tacoma ....... Wheeling Various . T 21 SMI 12 ii 2d 7 ;i 73 30 5 1:1 27 S4 1 21 Yi 82 "53 I 1 .. 907. ...1337 One week ago..l3t.1 Four wka ago.. 1 140 107 42 12 A 10 ht 113 42 20 1 ""A n 23 "i tu "2 I l:l 1 13 3 1 sn 2ii 10 ""ii 1M 3 1 1 11 1 6 "4 3d 1 24 8 1A 18 41 Totals 1337 124 327 lft5 M0 1317 233 Ktste erlKina of livestock loaded May 10 For Portland HI 81 139 J 29 HIS 132 California Idaho Totals One week ago.. Feur wka ago.. For 8eattl Idaho Oregon Totala One week aga. Four wka aga. T 12 19 23 20 12 10 either hoy ea aell dry chrome yellow ar dry ckrem greaa. Thla ruling hss been changed as outlined ta tha following dispatch from Washington, made public by W. P. Fuller A Ca: "Chrome green aad chroma yellows have hta removed fram the explosive Uat by tha mrootsr af tha Boreas of 3llaea sad these aalBta hava, accordingly, beea reatered to I OOS.130 from last weak. Dried Fralt at New York. NEW YORK. Msy 11. Evaporated ap piea quiet: prun.a. firm: aprtcota and peaxhea quiet; raltlna firm. Hope, Etc, at New Terk. NEW TORK. May 1L Hopa hide and wool, aacaangod, Dressed Meat Trade Conditions. Weekly report of meat trade conditions for week ending Msy 10; general market conditions: Boston A continued dull, slow retail trade demand resulted In fully 76 per cent of week's steer receipts going to the frees er. Tha market remain dull under aa un usually slow demand. New York Tha first hot days of tha Summer aeually reeult In a lighter demand for meat thaa any mid-summer daya W'e have had our first hot dsys this week and we certainly have seen a poor trade. Philadelphia Ordinarily the Western dretsed meats received on this market this week would be called only a normal quan tity, but, owing to tha lack of demand, the coolers at all times presented an appear ance of having a liberal supply. This ex tremely slow marget tent good cattla to the freexen and caused big sseriflces to bo mads In other clssses of moata Los Angeles The markat for tha week hss been characterised by a light demand sccompanled by a sharp lucreaee In price oa beef and pork and with steady to firm prlcea ob all other producta Market Closing. Boston Nothwlthstsndlng tha fact that all available freeser epace Is being made use of. the market will not clean up on beef. Most all coolers ara fairly wol sup plied with both steers and cows this after noon and tome cars remain on the track not yet ualooded. The heavy movement of steers to the freeser. while tending to etesdy the market, has not resulted In nny ehsnse of prlcea Severs! lots of Ism be unloeded during tha morning remain untold. Some low salea or veal were made in order to set out clean. Pork Is cleaning an at slightly lower prlcea New Tork This market t closing firm oa beef for Government contract, but weak and draggy on other Klnda Oood vral calvse era firm, pork la wsak and lamb and mattoa very weak and draggy. The market la not Cleaning up wel. bat Uie earrv over la not heavy. Trade hes been eo light thst there Is not much stuff 01 stor- sge rails. Phlladslphla Several tola of medium to choice cattle wll be froxen and a few lata cart will bo carried over. Cows were sac rificed' to clesn them up, A large quan tity of veal will remain unsold. Most sll nork cats unsold win go to the rreexer. Nearly all lamb and mutton ar oold. Loa Angeles ery nine stock slaughtered tor thla wash's trade remains untold, leav- : lng the coolers la good condition. Prlcea oa all producta remain firm. Chlcaga livestock Market. CHICAGO. May 1L Hoga Recelpta 15. 000; weak: mostly ZOo under yesterday averaga Bulk. 317.63017.80; light, 17.40 n.Vi; mixed, 17.30fr 17.85; heavy, 314300 17 83; rough, (1S.3O01A85; pigs. $14,250 17.45. Cattle Receipts. 1000; weak. Native eteera Slow 17.50; atockera and feeders, $5.10012.75: cowa and heifers. 3&.8O0 14.10; caivet. 8jl4. Sheep Recelpta 2000: weak. Sheep, $12. 10 if 16.30; Iambi, $13.50 0 20.60. Omaha livestock Market. OMAHA. May 11. Hogs Recelpta B700: market steady. 59 10c higher. Heavy, $17.20 17.45; mixed. $17..10&17.40; light. $17 300 17 30: pigs. $11, 50y 13.30; hulk of salea $17,30 0 17.40. Cattle Receipts. 100: market steady. Na tive eteera $11.30017.30: cowa and helfera, 3D a 13 50; Western tteert. $9.500 14.60; Texss steers. $9(S12 2."; cowa and helfera 9i 11.60: csnners. $7.5009; stockers and feeders. $3013.6.1; caivet. $10012.75; bulls, etasa etc. $9013. Sheep Receipts, 1O0; merket stesdy. Tearllnga $17.500 18.75: wethera $15017; ewea $14 016; lamba $18.23 0 20.25. Small Demand far Coffee Futures. NEW TORK. May 11. Tha market for oof fee futures opened unchanged to 2 point higher on reports of a firm tone In tha Bra xiiisn markets. There was very little de mand, however, and tha early Improvement was lost, with the close net unchsnged to 1 point lower. September sold at 8.45c and March 8.79c Closing blda: May, 8.88c; July. 8.84c; September. 8.44c: October. 8.49a; De cember, 8.57c; January. 8.66c: March, 8.76c Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7a lc; Santos 4a 11c No freth feature waa reported In tha cost and freight market. The official cables reported aa advance of 75 rels In Rio. Ban tot spots were 100 rets higher and futures were unchanged to 73 reia higher. Braxlllaa port recelpta 89.000 baga CORN MARKET SLUMPS SELLING ISDCCED BT LATEST FED. ERiL MEASURES. FARm STOCK LARGER More Wheat Remains Unsold Than Year Ago. COARSE GRAINS ESTIMATED Steps Taken to Reduce Price of Substi tutes Counts Againat Bolla la .Chicago Pit. CHICAGO, May 11. Announcement br the Food Administration that floor substl tutes mutt aell 10 cents below wheat coat had a depressing Influence today on tha corn market. Largely aa a result, corn closed unsettled. 2'tc net lower to Mc ad' vance. with May $1.27 and July $L43H to $1.43- Oata lost 1U to 2o and pro. visions 82c to 60c Notice of the fresh measures which the Food Administration waa putting forth to curb high prlcea of cereals cams oppor tunely for the bears at a tlma when de mand for Immediate delivery of coame grama waa limited. Likelihood that plant. ma wtll not be in full awing next week counted also In turning the corn market downsrade. Oats duplicated the weakness of corn About the only shipping business reported was on a 60-day bssls at relatively low fix-urea rTovislons aroppea wita nogs ana grain. Leading futuree ranged at follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. ..$1.27tt $1.27 $1.27 ... 144 Vs 1-44 't 1.42 S OATS. y .. .7S .73 .T24 .. .65 .60 .61 MESS PORK. ..44.70 44.75 44.70 45.60 LARD. ..25.47 35.53 ..23.77 25.60 SHORT RIBS. ..24.13 24.15 23.93 . 24.60 24.60 24.40 raah oricet were: r-nm No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 8 yel- i. X16HL60: No. 4 yellow. $1.4001.30. Oata No. o wane, itaidc; ittaatra, 73 0 3!c Rye Na 2, s. Barley $1.3001.60. May Juiy Mar Juiy May Ju.y July bept. July Sept. 45.15 25.25 25.60 Close. 1.27 1.4 J J? .DO 44.70 46.13 23.27 25.60 23.92 24.40 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 1L Flax, $3,800 $.92. Barley, $LlB&Loa Bit FRANCISCO FRODCCK MARKET s Prices Current on Ef (a. Vegetables, Freeh Fruit, itc, at Bay city. KAN FRANCISCO. May. 1L Butter Ex. tree. 4OM042O Per pound. Kggs rretn extraa extra lints. SOc; flrsta sue: fresh extra pullets. 36c, llrtta pulleta eiftc. Cheese New I irate, .wc Poultry Hens, Leghurna 31033c; broil- era. 3SlS40c: fryera 43048c; squaba 400480 plseons. $2.30; geese, ouc; lurseya. live, 2a w2ac; roooiera jouug. uw- Veeetablee Oreen peas, Shi 04c: aspara gus. 6&7c; squash, cream, 46055c; hub. nard. $L25: Mexican Summer. $1.2501.50; eggplant, 10017c: peppera Mexican green. chllea 10015c. Mexican bell peppera 12 t17Hc; tomatoea ai.ouwt.a; lettuce. i..o 1.30. celery. $1.3002; potatoea $L50 fa 1.65; sweet, $507.50; new, 2i03c; onlona Australian Drown. $1.1301.23; new Hermudat, $1. 101.40; garlic, o0tc; cauimower, wtp 60c; beeta 7aci; carroie, soc; turnips. 75c0$l: rnuoaro, Buctjei.iu; caooage, nc; arlichokea $34; cucumbera $203; string beans. Southern. 8lllc. Fruit Lemons, 14(0 a. ou; graperrult, $1.75 0 2.25; erangea Valencia. $o.oO0o; navels. 14 50&6.2S: bananas, Hawaiian, S06c pineapples, $3 doxen; apples, California $1.25 0 1 75; ntrawoemes. euirai aniomia, sy loc; cherries, 10312140; loganberries. South ern. $1.25. . Receipts r lour, .10. quarters; oariey. 10.907 centals; beans. 20 sacks; - potatoea 1713 sacks; onlona 300 sacks: hay, 170 tons; hldea 266; wine, 36.600 gallons. Grain at Baa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. May 1L Flour, $10.80 per barrel. Grain Wheat, Government price, $3.50 per cental; barley, $3.45 0 3.55; oata white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow. $3.85. Hay Wheat and wheat and oatt, $23024; tame oat, $24 026; barley, $18 0 20; alfalfa, $17019; barley straw, 60080c Mlllfeed Alfalfa, carload lota $36; coooa nut. $42. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, May 11. Batter, unchanged. gas Recelpta 23.366 caste, unchanged. Dolnth Linseed Market. DTJLUTH, May 1L Linseed, $3.884 0 S.94H: arrive, $3.88Vi; Msy, $3.88; July, $3.92 asked; Ootober, $3.69 bid. Raymond to Have Y. M. C. A. RAYMOND. Wash.. May 11 (Spe cial.) Raymond ia to have an Indus trial branch or the Y. M. C. A. At a meeting; held recently details were agreed upon and a budget of from $10,000 to 112,000 will be raised at once. It Is possible that the Commercial Club rooms will be used for the present. Honor Flag" Takes Air. TENTNO, Wash, May 11. (Special.) The honor flag; received by the Te nino district for oversubscribing Its quota to the third liberty loan is fly ing; over the business section of the city. There were 423 subscribers in the Tenlno district, total subscriptions being- 42.300. Of this amount, $2660 was subscribed In Bucoda, and. $6660 in Mcintosh. Centralis Man Passes. CENTRALIA, Wash.. May 11. (Spe cial.) Georg-e Ipe, residont of Cen tralis and vicinity for the past 29 years, died Thursday nighL Mr. Ipe was 81 years of age and Is survived by four children. They are: Mrs. Libble Steph ens and William Ipe, of this city, and Charles and Prank Ipe, of Fords Prairie. Food Offices to Close Saturday P. M. From now until September 1 the Fed eral Food Administration headquarters, fourth floor of the Northwestern Na tional Bank building, will be eloaed on Saturday afternoons, announcement was made yesterday. Read The Orcgonlan classified ads. Flour Holdings Are 84 Per Cent of Last Year, but Supply of All Sub. etitutes, Particularly Corn, Has Increased Heavily. WASHINGTON, May 11. Commercial stocks of wheat reported . to tha United States Department of Agriculture in a food survey dated April 1, 1918, amounted to 29.124,278 buxhela according to a atatement lust Issued by the Bureau of Markets. This amount was held by 8876 flrmt, consisting of elevators, warehouses, grain mil It and wholesale grain dealers and was slightly less thaa 8s per cent of the stocks held by the same firms on April 1. 1917. The com mercial visible supply figures for the near est data as published by the Chicago Board of Trade, namely, April 6, 1U18. showed only 4,695,000 buthelt, as against 47,363,000 bush els a year ago; while Hradstreete reported 10.180,000 bushels on hand March 80. 1918, as against 43,525.000 bushels for tha same date a year earlier. It ia pointed out that the comparative flgurea thua shown for ths commercial stocks of wheat this year and last should be con sidered In connection with tba stocks stit! remaining on the farma No figures are available with reference to ths. estimated stocks on farraa for April 1. However, flg urea previously issued by the department show that the estimated stocks on farms for March L 1918, were greater than for the tome date a year earlier, being 111,650,000 buthelt. as sgainst 100,650,000 buthelt. , At tha a&me time, the movement of wheat to tha 11 primary markett, according to trade figures, waa considerably greater in March, 1017. than In March thla year, being 20.062.- 000 butbels, as against 5.804;o00 busbela These figures Indicate, it Is stated, that tne stocks of wheat remaining on farma April 1 thta year were greater than those of a year ago. The stocks of other cereals reported were. In round flgurea: Corn, 33,000,000 buthelt; oata 46.000,000; barley, 14,000.000, and rye, 4,000.000. These figures represent the fol lowing percentagea of the April L 1917, stocks: Corn, 104 per cent; oata, 76 per cent: barley. 142 per cent, and rye, 130 per cent. Hence, while tbo commercial stocks of wheat and oata wara considerably less on April. 1. 1918. than on April 1. 1917. tha commercial stocks of corn, barley and rye were larger. The wheat flour. Including a small quan tlty of whole wheat and graham flour, amounted to 2.818,847 barrels, reported by 8483 firms This amount was 84 per cent of the stocks held one year ago. The stocks of wheat-Hour substitutes, namely, of flour and meal from gralne other than wheat, were all considerably larger than thote of a year ago. Of these wheat-flour substltutea the stocks of corn flour and meal, amounting to a total of 35,000,000 pounds, is by far tha mott Important Item. This amount repre sents nearly 200 per cent of tba commercial stocks of corn flour and meal on hand April L 1917. MORRIS BROTHERS INCORPORATED The Premier Municipal Bond Bouse of Oregjoa. Established 25 Years 201 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON C MUNICIPAL BONDS i 5,000 Portland. Ore., Improvement.. 6,600 tNorth Bend, Ore.. Improvemer 2,000 'Astoria, Ore., Water Rate Maturity Frice Tield . 2,961 t Astoria, Ore., Imprv"t Series No. 11 7,000 tAstoria Ore., Imprv't Series No. 12 1.88S tCity of Cornelius, Ore., Improv'mt S.775 tCity of Cornelius, Ore., Improv'mt 6,000 'Ontario, Ore, Water Serial 6,000 "Ontario, Ore., Water Serial 6,000 'Ontario. Ore., Water Serial 5,000 'Ontario, Ore., Water Serial 6,000 'Ontario, Ore, Water Serial 6,000 'Ontario, Ore., Water Serial 5,000 'Ontario, Ore., Water Serial . 6.000 'Ontario, Ore., Water Serial 2,000 'Ontario, Ore., Water Serial 1,000 fToledo, Ore., Funding 600 tAthena, Ore, Water 14,000 'Nez Perce County, Idaho. Waha Tammany Highway District 1,600 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida., Refunding.. .. 1,500 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida., Refunding.. . . 1,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida, Refunding. . .. 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida., Refunding. . .. 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida., Refunding. ... 2,000 TCoeur d'Alene, Ida., Refunding. . .. 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida, Refunding. . .. 2,000 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida, Refunding. ... 2,600 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida, Refunding. . .. 2,600 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida, Refunding. . .. - 1,600 tCoeur d'Alene, Ida, Refunding. . .. 30,000 t'Province of British Columbia. . . . 43,000 'Victoria, B. C, Gold Bonds 9,000 tGreater Winnipeg, Water Dist. . . . All the above bonds are direct Hens of the Municipalities issuing same. i . CANADIAN GOVERNMENT BONDS Rate Maturity Price Tield $5,000 Canada's Victory Loan Gold Bonds... 6 J&D 1922 $98,875 6.76 6,000 Canada's Victory Loan Gold Bonds. .. 5 J&D 1927 98.876 6.64 6,000 Canada's Victory Loan Gold Bonds. .. 6J,j J&D 1937 98.875 6.59 . 2,000 'Dominion of Canada Two-Tear Gold Notes 6 F&A 1919 96.25 8.25 tDenotes bonds of $500 denomination. Denotes bands of $1000 denomination. . IDenotes bonds of $100, $500 and $1000 denomination. Denotes bonds of $50, $100, $300 and $1000 denomination. Telegraph or Telephone Orders at Oar Kxpense Telephone Main 3408 Financial Details of Above Issues Will Be Furnisherf Upon Request. F&A 1918 $100.26 5.125 6 J&D 1923 103.04 6.40 6 J&J 1937 100.00 6.00 6 F&A 1913-23 To Net 6.25-30 6 F&A 1919-28 To Net 5.25-40 6 F&A 1919-38 To Net 5.25-60 J&J 1920-28 To Net 5.50 6 J&J 1920-28 To Net 6.60 C M&S 1929 104.22 6.50 5 M&S 1930 104.48 6.50 6 M&S 1931 104.73 5.50 6 M&S 1932 104.95 6.50 6 M&S 1933 105.17 6.60 6 M&S 1934 105.38 6.60 6 M&S 1935 105.57 5.60 6 M&S 1936 105.76 5.50 6 M&S 1937 105.94 6.60 6 A&O 1937 100.00 8.00 5 F&A 1916-25 100.00 6.00 6 J&J 1933-35 To Net 6.50 M&S 1923 103.26 6.25 6 M&S 1924 103.83 6.25 6 M&S 1925 104.35 6.25 M&S 1926 104.85 5.25 6 M&S 1927 105.33 6.25 6 M&S 1928 105.78 6.25 6 M&S 1929 106.21 6.25 6 M&S 1930 106.62' 5.2S 6 M&S 1931 107.00 6.25 6 M&S 1932 107.37 6.25 6 M&S 1933 107.73 6.15 5 A&O 192S 90.81 6.26 6 &f&S 1928 93.92 6.85 6 F&A 1923 92.68 6.75 STOCKS CLOSE HIGHEST PRICES OF YEAR SCORED BT NUMEROUS ISSUES. Marines. Oils, Sugars and Tobaccos Are Also Strong Features! Ralls and Metala Are Backward. NEW TORK. May 11. The atock market ended an extremely busy week, as It began, on a wove of bullish enthusiasm which car ried numerous special Issues to highest lev els of the year. There were some orfaettlng zeaturea eucn aa the relative heavlnets of rails and cop pers, but these were more than overbalanced by the strength In all other quartera United statea steel was again to the fore front, advancing from its low price of 107", to 108 within a small fraction of its current maximum. Oils, sugars, tobaccos and shipping, the latter represented by Marine preferred, were the other conspicuously strong featurea Backwardness of rails and metala resulted from disappointment at the failure of the Washington autnorities to announce higher transportation ratea Sales amounted to 330,000 sharea The new liberty i!i per cent bonde con tinued to fall, declining from Friday's low of 98.40 to 98.20. Of the older liberty Is sues the first 4s equalled the year's low at 93.64, the second 4s also showing heavi nesa Total bond sales (par value) aggre gated $3,730,000. An actual loan increase or about sts,- 000,000 and an expansion of more than $63,- 000,000 in excess reserves were the note worthy features of the weekly bank state ment. New Xork Stock List, Closing bales. 1.100 3,600 6,200 4.200 2,400 4.400 300 200 7.400 Isle Boyallo Lake Cop .. . .. 22HI Winona .. ... 6Wolverlno IK 27 K Money. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, May 11. Mercantile paper, 4 end 6 months. 6 per cent. Sterling, 0day bills, $4.72: commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.72; commerclaj 00 day bills, $4.71; demand, $4.75tt; caoiet, J4.7 7-ls. Franca demand, 5.71S: cables, 5.69V. Guilders, demand, 48ii; cablet, 48. Lire, demand. 9.04 cables, 9.03. Rubles, demand, 13H; cables, 14, nominal. Bar silver. 99H& Mexican dollars, 77c. Government bonds, heavy; railroad bonds, steady. LONDON". May 1L Bar silver. 49Vid per ounca Money, 2tt per cent. Discount ratea short bills. 3tt per cent: three-months' bills, 3 9-16 per cent. BESOUBCES ABE LARGELY INCREASED Gold Holdings of Federal Reserve Bank! Also Show Gain. WASHINGTON, May 11. Resources of the 12 Federal reserve banks Increased $224, 472,000 during tbe week, and gold reserves increased 823.193.000, the reserve board's weekly financial statement showed tonight. a.-..!, The condition 01 me xa osnas at tne ciose of business last night waa aa follows: Resources Gold coin and certificates in vaults $ 480,360,000 Gold settlement fund. Federal Reserve board 4.17,444,000 Gold with foreign agencies 52.500.000 Club is working in conjunction with the Grand Army of the Republic and Women's Relief Corps in preparing a memorable programme for the occasion. More Whitman Men Knllnt. WHITMAN COLLEGE. Walla Walla. Wash., May 11. (Special.) Two more of Whitman's men have . joined the colore, these being Werner Baumeister, '20, and Walter Evans, '21. Both en listed recently in the navnl reserve and are on their way into active service. Tc Ell Mill Flies Flag. PB FLL, Wash., May 11. (Special.) A service flag containing 48 stars flies over the sawmill of the Yeomans Lumber Company. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Yeomans made the flag in honor of tba ycung men from the plant who have enlisted in the service. Total gold held by banks $ 970,324,000 Gold with Federal Reserve as-endes S 885,027,000 Gold redemption fund 117.584,000 700 SOO 1,600 900 "'soo l.ooo 900 Am Beet Sugar. Am. Can Am Car A Fdy. Am. Locomotive Am SmeU A Ret Am ttusar Ref.. Am. Tel A Tel. . Am. Z.. LAS Anaconda Cop.. Atchison A.O. A W.LS.8.L 1.000 Bait A Ohio... 000 Butte A Sup Cop CaL Petroleum.. 4,300 Canadian Pac... Central Leather Ches. A Ohio... C, M. A St. P.. ChL A N. W.. C..R.L A P. ctfa Chlno Copper.. Col Fuel A Iron Corn Prod. ref. 18.200 Crucible Steel.. 7.700 Cuba Cana 8ug"r 17,800 Distillers' tsecur. 3W.uu Erie 600 Gen. Electric... 600 Gen. Motors.... 7,800 Gt. North, pfd.. 000 Gt. N. Ore ctfa 1.W0 II. Central ns. Copper ... 10.000 ut. Mer. Ma sr lH.nou Int. Nickel .... 6.000 nL Paper S.ioo K C 6outhern Kennecott Cop.. 1.200 Loula A Nash Maxwell Motors Mexican Pet.... 13,200 Miami Copper.. Mo. Pacific Mont. Power .. Nevada Copper. N. T. Central . . N.T.. N.H. Sc 1L Norfolk A Went. . Northern Pac... . Pacific Mall Pac. Tel A Tel. . Pennaylvanla .. Pitta t-oei Ray Cona Cop. Sno Reading 10,700 Rep. I. A 8 7,900 Shat. Aria. Cop Southern Pac. 2.1O0 Southern Ry... 900 Ctudebaker Corp .3.000 Texas Co. TTninn Pacific. U. S. Ind. Alca 2, S00 V. S Steel ....116,000 do preferred.. Utah Copper... 1,400 Wabash pf. "B" 700 Western Union. 90O Westing. Elec.. i0 High. Low 74 7fc 74 45 60 4 67 H 62 114 98 Vt 154 67 "si ihiM 03 Vt "l8 147t, 68 Vt 58 Vt 42 Vt "H" 4314 43 42 70 82V4 BOVt 15 348 123 91 31 'iihi 94 42 V 43 7SV4 66 81 112 98 15 ' 67 'a iooU S3 "if" 146 67 . 676 41 '20 4 a 4.1 4(1 H 88 ' OOH 68 Mi 15Vs 148 119 lVt 30-, "53 y 92 Vt 2? 41 1,500 200 1.400 4.900 83Vs 32K. 99 97 22 Vt 67 Vx 22 67 Vt 84 Vt 400 31 200 25 M 66 Vt 8S "85 23 V. 37-4 1.KO0 151 8.51X1 124Vt 131 A 109 Vt 'sis 23 Vt 94 Vt 4a 72 83 81 25 85i 67Vs "c.-.vi L'O 37 149Vi 123 130 107 82i 2314 94 Vi Bid. 74 45 79 . 66 81 113 98 15 67 84 109 53 18 17 146 67 68 41 92 20 42 43 41 6'J 82 13 148 121 H4 80 85 54 93 30 41 16 82 114 25 98 28 Vi 22 Vi 7 20 7' ni 108 . 64 31 20 43 53 25 86 87 83 22 H7 150 123 130 109 110 82 23 94 42 Total gold reserve $1.8S3.135,OO0 Legal tender notea silver, etc.. 59,003,000 Total reserves Bills discounted for members and Federal Reserve banks... Bills bought In open market... Total bills on hand.. ..$1,942,500,000 United States Government long securities United States Government short securities All other earning assets 939.041,000 286,036,000 $1,225,077,000 40,116,000 106,762,000 1,844.000 Total earning assets $1,373,709,000 Due from other Federal Keaerce banks, net Uncollected Items Total deductions from gross de posits Five per rent redemption fund against Federal Reserve notes All other resources.... 6.904,000 462,220,000 435,726,000 403,000 66,000 Oil Royalties In the ll fields few to'lny buy oil -ttocka. Thoy buy Oil Roy alties. Yon gt a Warranty I?et for an undivided interest In oil lands. No Stock. You feet. In proportion to your interest, of all the oil. Th ProtlucInK Company, who leases the land and pays all expenses of drill ini? and operation sets . You get your royalty cheeks twfeo a month. You are protected by Stats laws. Cost of a Royalty Interest depends on potential and actual returns to the Investor. One Royalty, whlrh w handle, sold a year ago for $50: It now pays at the rata of 84 yearly on the present selling price of '2o0. Write us for Royalty Bargains and complete Information about this cream of the oil investment Une. Currier A Co., IHrarrttt II Id Kojrally Dept. 4, Kansas City, Mo. fBsWTjTTB-ls Total resources $3,772,403,000 Liabilities Capital paid in $ 75,118.000 Surplus T 1.14,ti00 Government deposits 133,529,000 Due to members' reserve ac count 1,548,137,000 Collection Items JOtt.Tid.ooo Other deposits, including xor- elgn government credits 110,611,000 Total gross deposits $2,107,050,000 Federal reserve notes In actual Hrriilfltlon 1.500.618.000 Federal reserve notes in circula tion, net liability 7,878,000 All other liabilities 11.697,000 Total sales for the day. OoO.OOO shares. BONDS. U 8 ref 2s re:.-97 do coupon D88. reg 99 do coupon .. O 8 4a reg. do coupon Atch gen 4s ... 62 J D A R G ref 6a. 67J4 N T O deb 6s.. 93 s Nor Pae 4s .... 62 Nor Pac a .... Pao TAT 6s... 914 Pa con 4 Vis .... 97 O P 49 H8 U S Steel 6a.... 99 8 P cv 6a 93 Anglo-Fr. 6s ... 94 U 8 Lib 8 Vis... 99 TJ 8 Lib 1st 4a.. 95.82 V 8 Lib 2d 4a... 93.76 TJ 8 Lib 4V4s....As Bid. alining stoats at Boston. BOSTON, May 10. Closing quotations: Alloues 4 Monawa Aris Com 12 North Butta ... Calu A Arts.... 9V,l01d Dom Calu A Hocla...434 Oeceo4a ....... Centennial 12 Qulncy . Cop Ranga .... 47H Sup Boston.. East Butta S,nhn?,n Franklin , 4V4Utah Con ..... 62 V4 10 41V4 46 70 Vi 43 10 Total liabilities 63,772.498,000 Ratio of gold reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve note uaoumes comnuwo, K. rn r,nf Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities combined. 60.3 per cent. STEEL MAKES GAIX OF 18 rOINTS Favorable Tfar and Domestic Developments Hava Effect on Stock Market. NEW TORK. May 11. With littla Inter ruptlon. despite incessant selling for profits. and on a ateadily increasing volume ol op erations, this week's stock market registered many high records for tbe year, while here and there actual new maximums were es tablished. ' .... Better war news, the vote ef confidence extended to tbe British Ministry and tha encouraging industrial outlook were among the factors wnicn contriouiea to ino sua- ,,iul nn.ilinir. Bank clearings attained unprecedented proportions and general oueinets improve m.nr vi, in keerjina- with this showlnjr. United States Steel furnished not fewer than 1.400,000 shares to the week's total of about 3,200,000, making an extreme gain oi 12 potnte. Heaviness of liberty bonds, including the 4 4 at a discount of I 4-5 per cent, was without appreciable effect on the invest ment market. BENEFIT EXTENSION URGED Bill to Amend War Risk Insurance Law Reported. WASHINGTON, May 11. A bill ex tending: the war risk insurance law to broaden payments of benefits to rela tives of soldiers was reported favor ably today by tbe House interstate and foreign commerce committee. i The bill eliminates the restriction I for benefits to widowed mothers and proposes to take In all mothers who are dependent. It also would Include payments to fathers of soldiers who are dependent and removes insurance privileges from conscientious objectors discharged from the Army. OVERBEGK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Etc 216-217 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Correspondents of Logan A Bryan, Chicago and Kcw York. MEMBERS New Tork Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Boston Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Kew Vork Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange New x'ork Coffee Exchange New x'ork Produce Exchange Liverpool Cotton Ass'n . 3 MONTHS FRiiE OIL PRESS Issued twice a month- Illus. ; latest oil news from Mid-Continent Fields; new companies; stock quotations, etc. Devoted exclusively to Interests of oil stock Investors present and prospective. To introduce 3 months' sub scription free and postpaid. KRnlar price J 150 per year. Oil. ti(E39, 634 Scar rill lildff., Kansas City, Mo. OIL MAP-4 STATES Map showing- trend of oil fields across Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Okla homa, and holdings of I. X. K Oil & Re fining Co., sent without cost. Address W. S. Tarbell 335 Den ham Bids;., Denver, Colo. Chehalls Lawyer to Speak. CHEHALIS. Wash., May 11. (Spe cial.) John T. Walsh, a well-known Snith Renrl attorney, has accented an invitation to deliver the Memorial Day rfIeAt;,i"i"i-,,r?f5 address in Chehalls Thursday. May 30. 55 xhlrd Bl por.iand. or Uenera OIL INVESTORS ONE MONTU TKIAX I' REE WKSTKKN OIL. WORKD is the only le gitimate publication of its kind printed In the Rocky Mountain State; prints re liable information, stot.-k quotations and latest news on drilling operations from all the fields. Belter be safe than sorry. This offer Is free without any obligations lo you. THE WESTERN OIL WORLD tTB, CO-. Boston bldg., Denver, Co'o. TRAVELERS' OUIDK. AUSTRALIA Honolulu. Suva, Now Zealand CinlOlW MSTMUSIW ROYAL KAIL IIKS I i aAmmlrrga rtf t Vt A fhalialla CtW.mnm iln BtAenH sesM ea tsr L'anoAnvant H 4TL sbV VVUUMtttV; VAj wawasBg,ste. -w we.. m gsAVeltt sTBV aaWVU Niaj w amyewi aw-v vt