8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 28, 1918. RE.IL KJTATE. HOUSES FOR SALE. 13230 wra. 2-trry heui. 84x100 lot. tine fruit, berrle sad roe; Port. bta.. 3 btork from Johu nr. ttplwndid location. A snap. $5oo "aO will handie. 2.694)-d-ioora aous-. loxo lot. fin frutt and rgsaa, Avast 2AU near Clin Lou; trmi J250O &rowtn buiTkw. fireplace, full basement, oxr :.7t and Haw thorns avc $iuuv cute. balanco long time. flOOO -ii-room boase. lrx biNmn 5'tI'i let. largs bftnn fruit tree. rvAa, UmI ivii district. X bloc as xrom xire station. 1W wih, bal snr-w io stilt. Many e'her from $"- up. JfilllJA V tdl-2 LttBbermn bldg . 3tti and Slnrk. "MT UP AXU TAKE NoTIi E." TOL WANT A NICK. M DERN HOME ron LITTLE tMiit And here la your opportunity: Modern -r.om bou. located on splendid xlM. north ,st romer 44h and Thomp-1 mnt m-m. ; i 3 t aspnaa pvtncnt. frtaaily cost $7oO. th b!iar ! out i-ivtns-room with flrep.ace. reeea- Loo-haiL. diflinf-room. altt ben. thre bed- b ana oatn. run rcmtni twmtn(. esc lanu't. ub trays, etc. l.ot a'on la worth $I.ou. prfe onlv I.hjmi; $; C4ih. titac like rent. Mouse will be pen for i&specLon today (rota 12 noon to I . M THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS PO.. T0 H.ara Main 3hr, . 3-ROOM Bt'NOALOW Ros k nrv I'ahk- SMALL DEN tll3A Pared stret. only $113 at. !m- I ruimtnu; hair block Co "ar; ail floors I kardwood. concrete porch. vtn-a. rosea: 43th ml.: k this. J. L HAKTMAN COM PANY. Nx T I'hlfflbfr of i'mmrr b dr, 4th sad Stark sis. Mala 2". A -o. (un- I days only at branch office, 4ata and I ady vo.; uo p&oaa.j LITTLE MO.NET TALKS BIG. Toit'r locking fur comfortable l!tt! torn that the rnt money will buy: hers your opsrtunlty : o-rorn bunniuir, near I car. at Tremonl station, f Another I on near Division and nh . for $lm, bo i a n-xlrn and in totem pvchborhoodf. ar car: $-Ho cash will hand.. Just puoQ aad we 11 call vim auto and enow WI"TK OROSSLET-VIGARS CO HL-ectaliata in Homo Properties. 7 --tar at. Main S0."2. $."- $;. CASH. GREATEST N A P lF ALU T-r. mod., well bui.t r:. Just west of I Frank! In H.gh S-hoo;. Iis 1 bedroom I downstairs, u ufMtalrs, furnace. 1$. P.. awts p.unthlnr eiegant lot. block car. Just I outh of lMitoQ. worth r'.owm to $3w. lieoa for swr. e:r.. are mi.t. . c. golden in; in:, auington bltxj. Yars in Port ..i nl. .Ms In 4Q3. FOR rfALE. MODERN UL'NGALOW. $JJ. Haf-acre trct. grase on place, ail Improvements, gaa. a.ectrlr-lty. fuil base ment. a-eplng porch. poUvhed floors, ftre- p.ace. Iv4!htr paneed dtning-room. f rult I treea. berries, roses, fenced In. no Inrum- braaces. borks from Handy road. Takai Itoao City car to end of line, then Park I ruse car to end of line. Sundays only. J. Han ran. Clarnle road, near Pre ott. A HOME OK COMFORT. ftroom modern bungalow. wi;h all built-j la conveniences, f. replace, full cement base- snent. stationary ihtgbi. lot ilo. Price $-4. Including sewer and street improve. Siients; down, balance Ilk rtnu ties Mr. liUStal eon I. . MORTGAGE A 1NV. CO.. T Yeon Reig Main 241. m HAHGAINd ONLY. Cffi.:a of Reliability. tl0O Large modern house, fall lot,! Glenn ave.. near Alberta car; terms. $. House and lot. -4th and Alberta. $! Beautiful i-fwom bungalow, near I Preocott "t.; worth $--". term. KENNEDY A MILLER. 330 tialmon. near Broadway. t ELL WOOD CAR W EST M OR ELAND. $U ). Tow who are looking for a real fin a. modern bungalow, by all means ae this. Inisued tn white enamel. Let us shoi yoo. Why not live in tula beautiful ro trie ted district n-sr Keea College . A. G. TEEPB CO.. 54 Stark at. nr. d. Main 5316. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. 4-room. 2-story, lrge. airy rooms. Ilk I new: 443.100 lot. garage, on a goon street. a blocks from Hawthornr: one of the best vaiuea In this district. Price $J15u; $5vu I cash, ail I nip. in and pat a. C. M. DEKR. Mini N. W. Bank Bldg. M.n 37. )-ROOM soicliy uiodt-rn bungalow, on Mar- guerua ave.. lot 5i.ll3. fruit, berries, lawn. Wide, paved street, ail imps. paid. Cement basement, best furnace. rirrpce, htlw. I. our a Fine, well-butit home. Pries $i53u, with Sl.4 cash. THE BADLEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, 44 Northw es t era Bank Hldg. CHEAP HO M E. T rooms and sleeping porch, comer lot. n E. 3kth ave. and -4iri st. S. k. ; rur- c heat, gas and eiectrio lights, om block from car: price $2&MA. For terms aw E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 12 Fourt h street. ST. JOHNS SNAP. Modern 4 -room bungalow, lot 63x100. on pvei wtreet. close to shipyard. Pries I $.'4u. $3ou down. baL to suiU Mr. Gusts f son. F. S, MORTGAGE A IX V. CO.. o7 Yeon B.d. Metn4tS. A SNAP S-rwm house, modem. In fine shape, lot (M-3xliK. full basement, on hard surfaced street. 10 fruit trees in bear ing. This la a very desirable place, close to I P nlnsuia snipyarus. I'rice ery reaon abie; $.:0i. some terms. W p. Rich- ards. 4Ti Lombard st- Phone Col. 103". f-lO'oM bungalow. Laurel w ood station on I Mt. cott car: this is a classy, well but. t bungalow, priro only $2HH: $i00 cash. J? ; JS-nri cM. W.UyBan'k bide Wain K7. WEST SIDE. JOHNSON ST. NEAR CT.D. Modern ll-roim residence, furnace, fire- etv. hardwood floors, 0 beu rooms, lot 1 woxtM Price $t2.3Nt. lioDPAHD A WIEDRICK. 24 Stark. rrirt ROSE CITY PARK. $I7rA. Bunga'ow. 3 rooms, mo. em. hardwood I floors, fireplace, furnace. bu::t-ln effects, j shad treea. garden. Only $750. Tabor lir.q. VoH haI.K Uv uartv living out of modern !-rum buugvlow wi:h hardwood f.aura and furnace. 5oxl' lot. with fruit trees. 17V5 Division at. This is a grnuine sa rr: flea and must bo sold at once. Price $.'4". prick s.:"3 $." InjW N. 4-roorn tiauw. bath. stnk. city water and aarn. Price. $323. $30 down. No. 5.2 Hth t, 3 blka. N. of Mount Svott car. Go lok. FRANK L. 3ICGL1KE. AtHAUlO.'S M". AbACKlFlCG BY OWNER. Modem hoiii on the A lametla : grand lew. 2 tots, garage. Must be een to e pprectatcd Price $i-ou. Call aveutnga ftcr w Tabor 7270. ALBERTA ft NAP. T room, modern, with ieplng-porch ; oO feet of A.bcrta car; $5uO cosh will hand. It. K. J. McGuire. 343 Union ave. N ; FINE PIEDMONT HOME $3.W. 7 rooms. strictly moderu. hardwood floors, furn.tce. ftreplace. faces east; lot 731im: pawing pti: srsira on nuy. tlOi'PAKD A W1EDRICK. 24J Stark. $14Mt 5-Ki HM house. Mloo corner and alley; fruit and entire lot in garden; 4 Mas. Mt. S--v.it car . tern. Kunimcll A Rummeil. 274 Stark U SiiVEN-ROOM hcue. Wet SiOe. In need of aome repairs, w l.l rent on easy irrm. taking r--nl In repair w ork. Main 5ej '?tm. of fpm. T-R" M houjN. fur lots, various kinds fruit full bea-ing: very detrab:e home. $20 onlv. $.h vash. baiance to suit pur . 'la-e-. Aft ""- oreg-n;an. Kor-K CITY PARK, car 2 bl.ks. --f.m platere1 h"UM. large lt. cement walk: only SstHk. $13 cri. P. S. I'lavtor, 315 'hmthT f Commerce. Mar. 2 ."--i l. -Kion cottage. 3 bl.tcks to Twohy Bros, shop, a.l Imp. tn and paid: $ 1 01. Why pav rent1 C. M. Derr, lluo N. W. Back b.dg. M-.n yr.7. 4VROOM house. large lot. Walking d.stance to Northwest Stec. price ngUt: and 7-room house, fuil lor. St. Johns, for sale by owner. Phone Main 4i:'2 .4.m -HtM modern bungalow. 1ml feet from A-berta St.; good buy. tregon Invest anenc a. :g. Co. 202 S:o:k Exchange N:dg Marshal! 2u'. , LA RGA IN A-room modern as. near Williams av.; C 202. Oregon ian. house. 3ia5 Ivy $24v0. terms. , ACRE. aroom house. In i:y. near car. lo'a of fruit, berrie. etc. Johnson-Dod-son Co.. tk4 N. W. Bank b:dg. FOR " SALE $1iko. 4-room bungalow, la Sunnvstde. near Laure. hurst Park. Owner. K. 4-M3. JX K SALE Modem 5-room bungalow, with garage. Bear e bool and cariine; cash or trma Tator W. A-LAMEDA strictly modern 7-room on st-; $i: ansp. st 1347. IttUST sell ft-room bouso. attic, lot closo In. 23Q Ivy at.. East 47. ' MODERN. 5 rooms, partly furnished rea sonsble terms. Brosdwsy T;t-"-V CHOICE home property for sale by owner. M"a Powen. 74 Ruuell st. TILLAMOOK ST : srsp: Irvington fine horn, rented for $43; $-V. Eat 1 4 7. 1 VE-KCM DO'l'rn buntnbe. Rose City Park. $-:wO, Mndaj. Broadway iHi. REAL ESTATE For Sale Htam. JIT UP AU TAKE NUTU'E."' You to been house hunting and you're I tired out; you are looking for a nice mod- I ero noma in a neich&ornood that is very d'Ctraoie; you want a modern home for a little money, where tbera la a no "roditsh artio-racy. " Here's your oprortunny. Midcrn d-roora bous-. splenUid iuzlvO N. K. cor. 44th and Thompson ats.; 1M I it. apnalt pavement, ong.nai coat w. the haiauc la but it v mg -room wltn n re p. ace. reception hall. dining-room, kite bra, 3 bedrooms and bath. lull cement basement, not furnace. ah trays, etc.: lot liono worth floou; rKICE ONLY S-lu. e cmtii. ba.anca Itke rent. HOL'SE VI1.L HS OPEN Kurt INSPECTION TO- I ZAT FROM 1-' NOON To a P. M. THE ('RuttSLET-VWARS PO, J7o Htark t. Main $-i?r.o ROSE CITY PARK R OO M P U NO A LO W SLEEPING PORCH AH floors hardwood. S mirror doors, oo- tranf ha.l. attic, full drea cement De- mrnt. fireplace, furnace. J. L. HARTMAN t'OMPANV, No. 7 Chamber of Commerco bids.. 4th and tark sts. Main A -.o. i Sundays only at branch office, 4iih and I CMady bivd.; bo paone J-A' Hi; home en S. P. red car. aiectric line, between Aloha and Tobias; nouse quit n w. with & roonts. bath and sun porch first floor; two bedrooms, sewing- room and attic second floor; electricity and gas: living-room has fireplace and library, buiit-in bookcases; big chicken and DiiMD-hAuiM and Tarda, barn, water sys- tmm with eaao.lna enxinel berries and jouni orchard, balame of land under Binw Artl.iinin- la A acres free pasture; price Stxi. terms to suiu Ladd Estate 'o.. Cnnrord bid ST. Ml'RKAYMKAD. $00 BEAt'TIKl'L RESIDENCE WITH iMii ni.K i; a kAii n. rooms, vestibule, iiv.-room. 2"ht2; din. -room 14x14. I'urch kitchen, library, hardwuod floors, second f.oor has 4 bed rooms and bathroom, sleeping porch, attic with one room finished, furnace and fire place, corner lot 70il0u. paving paid; terms, ha.f cash. GQDIARI A WIEHRtCK. C43 Stark. ROSE CITY PARK o-KOOM UL'NGALOW $.1V.0 fptaro orcupl-d only 1 month. S rooms, strirtlv modern, attic, living and dining-rooms papered; terms $luO down.! J. U HARTMAN tMPANt. No. 7 Cham- i ber of Commerce b.dtf., 4Ui and Stark ats. I Main Cus. A .000. FINE IRV1NGTON PARK HOME. a rooms, double-constructed house, cor ner lot. loom l WO; full cement oasement. furnace, aarace. nice fruit trees and snruo- bery. Three b:ocks from school; on carltn and bard-ur:a-e atreet. Clear oi ail in cumbrances. 1'rlce $w0. Term. C. A. Warrtner, RtTTER. LOWE A CO. 2J-o-7 Board of Trade. BY OWNER -room modern house. A-l condition; 4 lots: Mt. cott aistrtct. i blo-k to rir; large piot planted potatoes, early ganlen up. plenty space later gar den. SI ?:; $7 do-vn. balance $15 per mo.. Inciudina 6 per cent Int. Also wi.i sell rhrio to burrhaser for cash oO young chlrkena. lw rabbi Ls. snap. AE 177. Ore gon lan. -L"T BE hoI.O AT o.N'i'K KLllAKK AKI.K KAH Al. Fine H-roon houe. five blocks south Of Jefferson lllch fir hool. all Improvements I In and paid, full bearing cherry and other! fruit trees, splendid location ana a reai i snap. tt K MF.VEFKE A CO.. 414-417 Railway Eschnge Bldg. Main 4013. PKXtxsn.A I I STRICT HOME. 4 r.w.ma mtiA Kalh nli-e fruit trees, ber- Ties and flowers: one bio k from car. Clear j of all incumbrances. nm consiaer iri-n for buniciluw and aiime some; itoao city prsferrvd. Price $--. . A. varriner, RITTER. LoWK A CO. 'Jo3-3-7 Board of Trade. I FOR SALE Bungalow. 5 large rooms and den. fiulta new; furnac. nrepiace ana an conveniences: faces east. 1 block from nn Miimiuki ave.. in Westmoreland. restricted dlctrict ; plenty oi room n-. garage; price o4KJ. ea terms, worm IUmmi mora than the prl.e asked; In line condition; painted lam I-all. n toe, 404 tont'oru oiug. jiai. FOR BE XV OR TRADE. I A T Km 1 33. br?reV U 'lu rm.. newly fin- l,hed and arranged for two families; ga- rage, macadamised street ana two oiocss to car. Take lot. acreage. -nun num. UM2. AJ 22, Orrgonlan. x - v a w 1 hhi i--h will buv a 4 -room bouse. toilet and bath, lot aixii". a oiocaa rrom AlPerta car tne on lUth si. onn. or win il for Si loo. $400 down, the oaiance $15 sr month at 6 pur cent. See ownrr ; mi n.t-l Tn-vM 11th and Stark Phone Broadway l7i. t an t seen trom ai io a a i few daye. E. A. hipp.c THK owner must have money and has in structed us to sell iwxioo. souineast. cui ner East lttth orUi ana Ma in on si.. in t...n ..r ih. vrv b; i. art of lrvlncton. ail Improvements paid, only $2550. You an make SltXHJ on tnis in months. R. E. Mcnefe A Co.. 41V-4H Railway Exchange bldg. Main -tu.iJ. K.HTl.ivn HKICHTH BARGAIN. s-room resiuence. .-fw. uaiuowu flruplace. new linoleum kitchen and Pn" I try. fuil cement basement, taunury tuos, 1 only 2 DlotKS car. jnis prwiwrtj vaitv duplicated for $5oi0. Immediate sale ice Zitw: cash payment $:.o0. and $5o0 r year. 0 Per cent interest. Main 2112H. . tv-.-t be price i-iiwv IV I.1RHARKE STREET. 7 rooms In good shape; on hard-surface and rarline. No. 2Ml La IT a bee at. laae a look. Price $50u: terms. A. v arrir.er, RITTER. LOWE A CO. 23-5-7 Board of Trade. $J50o STRICTLY modern tf-room bungalow. on East 4 . t h St., in nose e iy 1 on Eoit 42d V In Hawthorne ave: .d.::.riVV.-, v-r rtVV ....... 1 I ifh A A 213. FOR SALE 2-room house Jarge clothes closet ana oam. wovuw4 ? . 7 - I It shis. basement and woodshed. Improve- 1 ments paid: beautnui iawn - - .nin.iiti neisnoorooou ... T.' , TTih 3 blka. 1;mhl s.iou casii. V. .. southwest. No. of house tt.4. $1S3 UP. tirvnil iW RARGAlNS. ir.va iir modem bungalows and ?ot- tsgfS. different parts rny. i-ww i s-iw. $;o to $." cash required. Come quica.y. They're going like "not canes. A. K. ft 1 1.1. ' " - r... . i Tti-i i .ir.m mndarn oungaiow. ate. ei i irt . J .11 I kinda of fruit and bernes. rine garueo. block to Hawthorne cariine. m .in w.il ail or Dart, by owner, la bor t:.474. after 5 P. M. MODERN home. 14de Vlltard ave.. St. Jonni ...rim. Mil 1 IM- TIWII lOI. I. IV B.J -L-lr-i price $22 -o: will t tR s-.u aown. oibii- 6 per cent monthly pnyments. eay lerra- I4d 2d st. Phone Mo In 1644. WEST S I D K. '.rt a t pRiiPKHTT. V.ip N.,nhruD and 2;id : each flat has five rooms and bath: purchaser can obtain 1 $rfl per month Income. c ou. liOPPAM' at wir.i'nn rv. -- .imn. 5-ROOM furnished house. modern, new. e n ta car. in line neignooi-:inm. aarnen. chicken run. flowers, etc.; $1550. or $350 rash. $lo lr mo. Phone Tabor 6173, or call 7427 50'h ave. S. K. -ROiM modem houso In good condition ; lot 5o34; 3"a Frederick st. ; all tmprnve t -n.i nuiri for: SJ..OO. $5Mk down. rest on easy terms. See the owner at 373 East 3.th 0t. South before 11 A. M. MODERN V-KOO.M HoUSE, In Mt. Tabor rim rt. t : cement basement, ftrep.ace. etc.: sightly location: owner nun-resident. $iho rash, balance tong time or Installments. fecott Bo-orih. 7"2 Spaiding bldg. GOOD buy. equity In 6-roora house. lox liMi. cor.: Pienty iruis auo throw in furnirure: good garage. Owner, l-'W E. Stark st. D YM. I 6-room house, a fine lots, bearing "fruit trees, at Laurel wood : prl-a $1'0. terms $.u0 cash or liberty bonds. E. J. Gelser. 417 Chamber of I'ommnrf. ROSE CITY PARK, best section; unusual iy attractive, well-planned, thoroughly mod ern b-roora bungalow and garage; by own. er. Tabor 45 W. WANT 5 or tt-room modern house In ex change for 1 acres of timber and bunch grass land; clear for clear. AM 314. Ore gonian. ; lo-R. HOUSE, partly furnished, near ship yards, garage, fruit, lot luOxlOO. Trade for farm or sell, clear for clear. Owner only. BO 1.1. Oregonian. 5-HikM modern Portland home, close to car. 20 mln. out. for sale by owner; tow price and easy payments to right party. Address box 1. Forest Grove. Or. FoR SALE by owner. 4-room house, close In on good cariine: a bsrgain If you can act quick. T 213. Oregonian. 4-ROOM modern house with sleeping porch and garage m inivcrsuy rtrx Aaauion. Phone Col. Ss7. FOR SALE Modem 7-room house In de sirable locality; must oe seen to do ap preciated Phone Main 3172. BEST 6-room bungalow in lty for $2-2U, on term. Largest first payment offer to take It. BP 149. Oregonian. BUNGALOW', strictly modern. Hawthorne district, unincumbered, lot 50xl2o. Owner. Tabor ft44. FOR SALE By owner, a 5-room bungalow, free from all Incumbrances. Tabor 5665. FIN E residence propsrtyi close In. rheap. aOT Wehiigton at Vancouver, WaX KEAIi ESTATE For hale Houses. J4.-.00 Ul'RELHUKDT HOME $4500. rlna modem bungatow of d roomi and attic with full cement basement, furnace and all modern conveniences. No. 10W East rmr. SHisy terms. $W0O BLY MY EQUITY S9000. will sell my equity iu fine 8 -room house In best part of Irving ton for 1 1 'oO cash, balance of fToOO on time. This place cost S14.0OU and is worth the money, but will sell for WXM. swell neighborhood, one oiock io canine. JljO BLNUALOW WITH GRAND VIEW $3150. S-room. new, modern bungalow, with full cement basement and furnace, on &c cariine. for sale on easy terms; grandest view in the city and only one biock to car. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 41 Plttock block ROSE CITY PARK fciUO IK) WN. $30 MONTH $400 3 big bedrooms. Inclosed sleeping porch, huge living and dining-rooms, hardwood floors, pasa pantry, kitchen, cement base ment, furnace, J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and btark eta. Main L'0!. A -OOu. Sun days only at branch wHice, 40th and Sandy 4ivd; bo phone.) FURNISHED HUL'tiE FOR $J3oo. 5 rooms. bath. toilet. cement basement, laklik attic, carpets, linoleum. curtains. heating stove. ur)d range. living. dining and bedrooms furnished ready for family to step in. garden in and coming up. on o,;d street. 4 BLOCKS FROM MT. SCOTT CAiC; .tu CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT. NO. 4-ltJ. BEE GORDON. CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. MAIN C445; FOR SALE OR RENT o rooms. fiUxloO lot. close to o canines, to shipyards and walk ing distance to other. Tills house ls dou- o.e constructed and papered, bevei-cng a plate glass front windows with art giass and beveled p.ate in the reception nait, all rooms are large; there Is a fireplace and furnace and every modern conven ience to make tne nouse a real no me. Win make terms to suit the most desira ble purchaser. Phone Est 7023. FINE 1RVINGTON BUNGALOW. Owner In California, must sell; 6 rooms. Sleeping1 porch, hardwood floors, fireplace. built-in conveniences, full cement basement and furnace. Ail street improvements in and paid. Two blocks from car; E. 13th North, near Thompson. Price $Jou. C. A. Warrtner. RITTER. LOWE at CO. i't3-j-7 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE bungalow, opposite ML Ta bor nark, resorvoirs una uear tranmin High School, hard-surface atreet. lot 50 xl!4. house 3x40. strictly modern, ga rage, etc.; for business reasons am anxious for another location ana win sen less than lluoo under actual cost. Inspection and further particulars, see owner, 419 East out a st. m $4830 IRVINGTON SACRIFICE $4&30. o-room nouse in neari ui inmnuu vreat aacrtf Ice. 3UxlUU lot. Worth half of purchase price, all improvements paid, house in excellent condition, large rooms, hardwood floors, beautiful Yard. Close to car; $ioo cash or liberty bonds will han dle, balance like rent. C. W. BROWN, Main 17oi; evenings. Tabor u'J. $jlC0 BRAND NEW $M0. H-r mlnnfal bunsalow. all built-in con veniences, fireplace, hardwood floors, fine cement basement, oOxUhi lawn, nut and clean, never lived in: sewer and liens all paid: 3 blocks car. near Del. and Willam ette blvd worth SU30: terms. g. c. golden i! e kg. abington bldg. 'S3 Years In Portland. .Main "... MODERN HOME bargain. Haw LUorne district, ti large rooms, full cement basement, every modern conveni ence: an Ideal home, ready to move into. In strictly firsi-ciass conaitlou. '. $1000 handles, balance monthly payments iess than tne nome win rem ' . auto at your service. K. . nugnes, Ockley Hotel. Phone Marshall L'30tf. ROSE CITY PARK. BRAND N EW EAST 4tST A TILLAMOOK- Just finishing one of the sweilest homes In district, if you want the best see this, ca.i t be equalled. Ail large, light, airy rooms with large windows and closets mi, .iaH t u. biorks north of car: Has front lot. Owner. PHONE TABOR iwo. STANTON ST. AT BORTH WICK, s-toii nntt'V PRICE Si. t.erutm modern house. 4 minutes wal to shinvanla and R. R. shops; large 1 no mortgage or llena. Auto at your aerv Ice. seo . FRANK U TO Ht Y Ot-R HOME, AtilMi 1 I J.N ih vivgton home at lacrltlce. central! located, owner leaving cny. v-ry uiuun In every retpect. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout: will giv eth no rt v a good opportunity for quic ctlon; mignt consiaer pari tn trade. Call Alain aunuay, 11 i or Monday. 1150 5-ROOM bungalow, living-room, din in g -room with fireplace. 2 good-sixed bed with hiiih neiween. iuii teiii-n basement, full-sized lot. right on paved airect and cariine. located on E. Cilsan KMh at Terms slou cas.t. balance suit. See owner. 1. J. Gordon. 732 Chambe of Commerce. iut,E fxuukA PPHAISHD AT $45U0. j.storv 7 -room modern house, near E. oih t1(t Ivos Waverietcrh Heights dtst. nrlce $2:Ht0. easy terms, get uuj , your service, aee your service, bee FRANK L. MfGCIRE. ABINGTON BLUU, TO BUY YOUK liOAlc. FOR SALE Most beautiful modem 5-room stone bungalow Mt. Tabor, i ine v ew of Mt. Hood. St. Helens, etc.; lot oOX'JO cor- ner, hardsurfaced street; owner leaving for the East, will sell at big sacruice 1410V: a rare buy. H. IL Staub. AU. iJCi mont. rion lauor iu. F0RECT,OSURE. Trvinrton handsome 8-room home; a .i rini.h- hiaiurri and servants room garage; 6k; on dollar; $8uw net. half n. Liut FoR SALE-Sellwood modern S-room bun niaw: stationary wawhtubs ana an mou rn conveniences. x-i ivv ' payments: will take lea for ash. See owner. 4Ui Clatsup ave. Phone Sell- wood 406. for SALE By owner, practically new tt- room bungalow In Irvington. Old ivory and white enamel finish, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all built-in con veniences. 1 W blocks to the Irvington car. Call Tabor 3840. 1": H V i T OPPORTUNITY To own a piece of Inside property, oniy $1730 buys 00x100. H Pald wltn " room cottage. No. 6 East 9ih. bet. Stark ami rtulr mm FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BL1KJ. ti-uvi.uvn nt'SCAl.OW SNAP. r.-f-.nm hun-atow In good neighborhood, completely furnished ; $21100. terms : also unfurnished 7-room house, fair condition, $14u0. S. W. Leonard, -Jain nw. even ings. Tabor i mo. IFOR SALE By owner, good 7-room house, on corner lot 73x125 feet, across from school building and near J carnne-s. oarn and rruiL trees, rnrr .'. ut 35 E. 7Sth. cor. Pine. Tabor 2t5i. --. u iWTHORXE DISTRICT $37d b k x. of iiaw tnorne ; wii cohbi-.-ji fi-rm. house as part payment up to FRANK L. JdcUL. live, aoi-w v. .. rill '0 MONTH $2230. ft-room house on the Peninsula: ru!t trees, berries, grapes, rosea, flowers, etc., chicken park: lot looxliW. Johnson Dod- jLO.,Urt A. v. duii iui: iDV-f MODERN HOME. svn rooms, aleeping-porcn. narawooa f onrt both floors; nice location : a bar-a-atn nrlce $5ikyj; terms. J. Haas. 300 Chamber Commerce. A CORNER lot with three houses in the center of tne city, onoin w " r !- tnan tne ioi i - i Abington bldg A SNAP. House and full lot. $oo: scnnier st.. Waverlv-Woodstock car; owner on premises from 10 until 4 today. $2450 5-RM. bungalow, never offered be- lore; uanienurm, u-t i ittrniuui, .v ...... G. C. UIIL1J1".. ocnij, Auiuiiuu Yrs. In Portiana. jiain ijv.. SHIP workers, look this up: modem bunga low at JIUHHOm-ll m m l ,111. ... uiii.-is . iu from Suth I'ortiana snipyaros. ior raBy terms, from owner, at 4o4 Piatt bldg. MODERN 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water neat, nrepiace, oum-in out iei anu bookcase. Mt. Tabor, H block from car. Ower. Tabor 8705. IRVINGTON See 036 East 21st st. North today; 7 rooms, stnctiy moaera; tne price I am asking Is considered a bargain by real estate men. Owner. $33oO 5 ACRES; handsome bungalow: fruit, berries. 10 blka. electric, auto road. Tuala tin Valley; crops in; bargain. Main 657-!. McFariaTid. 003 Yeon bldg IISOO S-ROOM bouse. 2 lots, god location, close to car. actually worth $3'X0. Forced to sell; $1150 cash, balance terms. 223 Lumber Exchange. 4-ROOM modern house, 2 blocks from car line. $20H: only $101 down. $2u per mo. 617 Cham, of Com. Mar. 24.12. FOR sale, cheap, 10"xl90. small house, gas. electricity, hot and cold water, fruit trees and chicken park. Phone Tabor 7234; GOOD BARGAIN 5-room bungalow on paved street. H block from Alberta car line. HK:1 E. 13th st. N. OWNER, nice 7-room home, with garafte. tioxloO comer, close In: $oOOO, $100o cash. Phone Woodlawn 561 H. MODERN 7 rooms, spndid home, large lot, well located: price $3500. terms. 123 W. Liberty st., St. Johns or Kenton car. BUNG ALOW Four rooms, furnished, only $2mo, $800 cash; terms. W 176, Orego- REAL ESTATE. For bale Houw CALIFORNIA OWNER HERE TO SELL. $ku9 home for $4oO, on terms from e.t.iu io Siuu aown, oai. your own terms; this Is fully modern, 7 rooms and large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, etc ; it nss a hot-water heat ing system, radiator In every room, paved street paid for. no mtg. to assume, de ferred payments at o per cent; on 3Sth st. - blocks from Beaumont car. fin location. .W hen lumber and materials were cheap this house cost 4S0 to build: this Is an opportunity to buy a fine house ni aoout wc on the dollar. CLEVELAND, Main ll.stf. 2 c. of C. bldg. . ALAMEDA PARK. 6 rooms $o0uu. Lot 300x10". Due to foreclosure, this piace is being offered away below cost. AH modem conveniences- Three fire places, ideal location, surrounded by flno homes. A. O. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark at-, nr. Jd. Main 351 BIG FRUIT TREES. 1075 TILLAMOOK ST., AT 36TH. Place In dandy condition. 0 rooms, full cement basement and furnace, paved St., paid In full, house newly painted and tinted throughout,' nice district. Rose City car. J. L. Hartman Company, 7 Cham ber of Commerce, bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main 1'oy, A $2100. 5-room bungalow, bath, toilet, wash house, laundry trays, bookcase, buffet, cabinet kitchen, basement, fireplace, ga rage, attic, close to car line; will make terms. See Eaton. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 3th street. Main HJ. $3250 WEST SIDfc: WILLAMETTE HGTS. You have been waiting for a real bar gain in a Went Side home; here It ls, on Willamette Heights, adjoining Westover; 7-room. strictly modern house, overlook ing Forestry building and river. Lot S3 1-3x100. 349 I'Sth. 1 block south of car. FRANK L. McGUiRE. ABINGTON BLDG. LAURELHURPT BEAUTIFULHOME Near park; $i!50O cash, bal. terms; price $5300. Elegant home, fully modern. 8 rooms and garage. You can't beat this for price and location. Also have another fine homo near this one at $3000. $1000 cash, bal. to suiL BAHR, Main 11U. -22 C. of C. bldg. $100 buys a Home. Best bargain ever offered If you are willing to walk 12 minutes from cariine. Lot oOxlOO; bungalow of 5 rooms, city water, near good school. Sold four years so ior ijuu. v 111 sen ror .ou, with first payment of $ioo. balance like rent. Address P. O. Box 3a i. EAST SLOPE, MT. TABOR. $6500 home for $4030, lot 50x147, 7 rooms, 8. P.. full basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc This la an exceptionally well built house with beautiful view, located at 1886 East Yam hlll. Dorr E. Keasey A Co. GROVELAND PARK. Hawthorne car to 54th and Lincoln ata., one block south, 1470 Sherman St.; 5-room modem bungalow with hardwood floor, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, largo attic; this ls an Ideal location and will sell It on easy terms; open today (now vacant). Main C882, Main 5436. $2300 BUNGALOW, H Acre Ground. Fruit trees, garden, 6-roora modern. Near school, 00th st. nnd 52d ave. Mt. Scott car. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. 2100-ROSE CITY PARK $2100. 6-room bungalow, bafh. toilet, wash powi, caoinei kitchen, bookcase, garage, furnace, close to Sandy blvd; $200 cash. iHimmc mommy. iee ka iu. with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th street. Main 6369. GREAT BARGAIN. $3000 house and lot in So. Portland for $l8uo. $2M cash. $20 month; house alone cost ana is nearly new. CARL E. FUGGLE. 414 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 4543. $1250 DAMAGED BY FIRE $1250." Here is a good 8-rm. house on E. 15th st.. waiKing distance, that has been dam aged by fire; all the plumbing Is in; 50x 10 lot. No Hens. Great buy. Act quickly HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. R2d St.. L block from Hawthorne, hemi. tlfui, modern bungalow; hardwood floors. wum-iu conveniences, improvements all in anu paid, $ou; s.too aown. $25 per month. n. r. ra.wtn-ftK, l'U Auington Bldg. X WANT to sell my fine home, close in, good uiBinci, o targe ugnt rooms, aen and pan try, garage, a fine large cherry trees. My price $55MU ; wort h $0300. Terms; take bonds. 126 East 28th st. East 5002, Main $10O DOWN 90 72d N.. $1350 C rooms. $50 down, 763 E. 21st, BL car, $950 4 rooms. $25 down, 4904 E. 85th St. S. E., $850 9 rooms. Owner. Main 7129. IRVINGTON Y O t a REAL BARGA L'H LAST CHANCE to get itS. Leaving May 1; must SACRIFICE attractive, modern home, 609 E 17th. near Siskiyou street. PRICE and terms RIGHT. See today from 2 to u. r.asi ai'. .Main UiS. SlOO DOWN PRICE $850. 50x100 N. W. cor.. E. 20th and Cora ave with good tent-house, walls and floor, gas aim eiec. ; sina anu water. owner ai home Sunday. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG, $200 CASH. $27 MONTH $2750. 8-room moaern house, firenla.ee. fnmaea buffet. Dutch kitchen, linoleum In kitchen and bath, finished floors, lot 50x100. Take oonus, owner, oo4 w. Hank bldg. 0-ROOM cottage, in fair Condition, nice cor ner lot, 2 blocks to car. all imp. paid, short distance to uaureinurst -"ark; price $1500. lerms. c. ai. jerr, liuo is. w. Hank bldg. $2700 BUNGALOW COST OWNER $3700. strictly modern, 2 bedrooms. 2 finished upstairs, hardwood floors, fireplace, cmt biml., 50xlO0 lot; terms; Hawthorne car. inAa. Kl.NGLEK A CO.. 228 Henry Bldg 41875 5-RM. BUNGALOW'; TERMS. 5 rms. on 75xlo0 lot, adj. Eastmoreland : Reed College dist. ; photo at office. We have several others, on terms. FRANK I McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE $250 cash, balance terms; 4- room nouse, lot ouxioo, ctose in, all city Improvements In and paid tor. Price $12o0. Hatfield & Crabtree. 165ft 4th IL room 39. Main it 323, A 3007. BEAUTIFUL Rose City Park bungalow. 7 rooms, ouut ror a nome, - modern, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, and it is a real snap. J. Bobbins, joi Railway Ex. IRVINGTON SNAP Modern, well-built home, oak floors, choice location, near Knott; cost $75O0, sell $5500; terms. Neu hausen & Co. NEAR ALBERTA AND E. 20TH. Very attractive 7-room residence with fireplace nnd 4 bedrooms. Price $2050 GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. $3250 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3230. a-rm. mooern oungaiow on ti. 32d st., nr. Hawthorne ave., liens paid. Terms. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. $2300 CHURCH ST., NEAR UNION AVE. Bargain Stop Paying Rent. 6-room bungalow, fruit trees. Terms. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 228 Henry Bldg. ATTRACTIVE. large 6-room bungalow. built -In effect s, furnace, fireplace, large veranda, flowers; $3000; terms. Wood lawn 27S5. ALBERTA district. C-room modern cottage. lot oiixiuo. terms: also corner, lOOxlOO, suitable for apartment-house or business. By owner. 234 Burnside st. QUICK SALE: $250 cash buys equity in e-oou moaern nome. si;u incumbrance. lOos 4th st. room 30. Main 0323, A 3007. Hatfield A Crabtree. CHEAP house, five rooms. 75x100 lot. out. buildings. 2031 East Main. Mt, Tabor car to 2rt. owner, v ia.H. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict: only $2100 if sold this week. BJ 227. Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-room modern house. Rose- mere Add., 2 blocks from car. Call Ta bor 5611. FOR SALE Equity In house in Laurel wood Park, on Alt. scoti line; $oOO, terms. Ta bor 1101. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room up-to-date modern nouses ana garages, reasonable; Ladd'a Add. Phone Sellwood 3547. FOR SALE or trade, easy terms, 6-room cottage, warning aistance or shipyards, bath and gas, etc. AE 112, Oregonian. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Attractive mod ern: center hall. S bed rooms, well located; $5000. Neuhausen & Co. !250 8 rooms, bath, one bedroom down stairs; terms to auiL J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark st. Main 5S.'i. -ROOM modern house, all built-in conven iences, corner lot, garage. 840 Glenn ave, North. j FOR SALE BY OWNER 3-room house, lot doxioo, - diocks rrom bt. jonna car. fBOO, terms to suit. 1456 Wilbur, near Bryant. FOI SALE By owner, modern 7-room house, near canine, lot aoxioo. easy terms. Eaat 1399 from 2 to 4 P. M. HOUSE and lot. 1406 Burrage St.. modern; price iuo, easy terms. Auareas lalZ Franklin at.. Vancouver. Wash. IRVINGTON HOMES. WE HAVE THE BARGAINS. SEE NEU HA USE N A CO., N. W. BANK BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, sites and acreage; a few bargains. BROOKE Mar. 4827, A 3S39. FO R houses, see us, all sixes and prices ; terms. LAYMAN. 145ft Broadway. EARLY NEW 5-R., Lents district, $l."!ut; terms. Also a-room ana garage on Will iams ave. See owner. 314 Cham. of Com. !.f DOWN and $25 month for 7-room house. Montavifla; 50x100 lot; $2000. Why pay rent? 5L Chamber Commerce. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. l BARGAIN Beautiful five-room bunga low, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, eight bearing frufit trees, lots of garden In. chicken house and run. lot 165 by 100, on easy terms. Apply Aionaay, rnone COL 1 . For Bade Kuslnesa Property. REINFORCED concrete garage and fine re pair shop for sale; capacity 60 cars; it is on 100x100 lot and always has rented at from $1500 to $1800 per year; the place ls valued at $10,000, but will be aold cneap, as owner has removed from Port land: only S3OU0 to StiOOU reauired tt handle this, balance on mortgage; owner has returned to Portland to close out property and can bo seen at 1421 Sandy blvd. Tabor 2101. $30.000 HALF BLOCK. East Side, close In on bridge street, partly Improved with good buildings; will jay aiau per montn. CARL K. JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main $699. FOR SALE Fine business lot oOxluo. on principal business street of Astoria, con venient to railway and water transporta tion; will sacrifice at reasonable terms ac count leaving city. Address Al. T. C.t 724 Irving ave., Astoria. $17,500 MUST BE SOLD, two-atory brick ouiiuing near xamniu st. market, rents for $150 a month. Price reauced $2 per day trom April 1, 1018, until sold. In quire 202 Ger linger bldg., or phone Main 4853. $5730 UNION-AVE. M $5750. 100x100 corner with trackage. Union ave. near Hawthorne; some income; great bar gain; worth $10,000. FRANK L. McGL'IKE. ABINGTON BLDG.. FORCED TO SACRIFICE A VALUABLE CORNER DOWNTOWN IN THE BUSIEST BUSINESS DISTRICT. 1 WILL SELL AT JUST ABOVE ASSESSED VALUE. W. L HURLEY, 083 IRVING ST. MAR. 2003. TWO 3 H -acre tracts on Columbia Slough adjoining Kenton mrg. district ; for sale or lease. Address owner. A 160. Ore gonlan. STORE and flat bldg., 35th and Yamhill; good income. Price $5500; terms; bargain. FRANK L. MCGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. $650 SPOT CASH buys dandy $1000 corner vonrectionery, ngn t groceries. 4 &u .as( Ankeny. Open Sunday. NEAR Broadway, facing on Wili- a venue., ooxloo: hens nald. XK L. McGL'IKE. ABINGTON BLDG. Income property for sale or lease by owner. Jh. 17U, oregonian. Suburban Homes. ONE acre, all In garden; fine land on tne cariine, with a nice tour-room bungalow. close In to the center of the city; tnii place Is being offered on account ot tne owner's Illness at a great bargain. All ot the conveniences, such as electric llaht. run nlng water, gas, near the school, right on the place. Any person wishifig a home on the cariine with lota of iand, chicken- houses., etc., this will suit them on sight. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. GARDEN HOME ACRE HOMES. On Oreaon Electric. 7c commutation fare 7-rm. modern house, fine acre, $2700. $800 cash, bal. easy. W orth $3250. Dandy modern bungalow, close to sta tion. $3u00 ; easy terms. A beautiful home. Three acres and 4-rra. shack bouse, $2700; your own terms. Also some dandy half-acre tracts with small houses. Phone McCormlc, Mair 9318. COUNTRY HOME. Fine country home, a modem 8-room bungalow, with gas heating and all city conveniences, together with 2- to 8 acres to suit customer; near Milwaukie Station; will take house in city in part pay. JOHN W. ALEXANDER, Owner. 1305 Northwestern Bunk Building. Phone Milwaukie 80. Main 2600. CLASSY COUNTRY PLACE 10 acres, improved to the highest point; ' modern bungalow, fine orchard and ber ries, good lences, plenty outbuildings; owner in Canada, must sacrifice; price $0500. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Country home of 10 acres, fenced and tiled; good well, fruit, berries. 200 prune trees, 0-room bungalow, barn, wood and chicken houses; near Albany. Or., and Oregon Electric and S. P. Hy. station; fine neighbors; $3000, easy terms, or exchaago for Portland residence. W. T. Cook, lo2te S. Jersey et city. HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON Modern bungalow, large chicken-raising establishment; water tower and gas en gine; this ls a real place; land all in cul tivation; high-grade orchard; price $6500. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN, CLOSE IN. Hair acre, nice o-room cottage, wnn basement, gas for cooking and electric lights, close to station on interurban, 6 cent fare, book rate; $1300, $500 cash, balance 7 per cent. See E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth street. BEAUTIFUL ft -acre tract at Jennings Lodge, improved with fine, practically new 3-room bungalow, woodshed and poul try house. This property sold for $1800. Go out and look It over and make me an offer either cash or terms. G. A. SARLES, 404 N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFULLY situated 15-acre home 7 miles out uy macaaamizea roaa. zine view of mountains, 5-room house good as new, bath, toilet, laundry, furnace, fireplace, city telephone, rural delivery, $0000; terms. Owner, J. O. Jamieson, route 1, box 160, Oswego, Or. Telephone Main 4S06. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE who want a flrst-clasa home. Two. tnree or rive acres, highly improved. Modern house, full ce ment basement, furnace; fruit; private water system; garage; 80 minutes from Portland ; terms. Owner. T 215. Orego nian. 3-ROOM house and 2 acres, half cultivated. on good sidewalk, half mile to .eiectric station, graded school, stores, mountain water piped past premises; $1000; cash, $250; balance easy terms. G 7, Orego nian. SUBURBAN 7 acres at Oregon Electric sta tion ior sate; part cieaieu. swu ioi uuu, small fruit, onions and other vegetables; well, house, barn, chicken house, etc., woven wire fence. Price $2200, some terms. Phone owner. Tabor S61. - HOUSE AND ACRE, ONLY $800. i Mostly In cultivation; water, light, some fruit; o-room house, close to electric sta tion, only 30 minutes out. Easy terms. Call at 300 Concord bldg. NICE 5-room home, 1 or 2 acres, lots or young fruit, berries, garaen ana snruo bery; a fine view, good location; 5-cent fare. Telephone, light, gas, and price is reasonable. Multnomah Sta, Just off of highway. Main 5430. THREE acres at Multnomah station on the Oregon riiectnc, oeauuiui wouuuu n ui on auto road, $4500; a dandy suburban home site, city water, gas and electric light available; terms to suit. See owner at 404 Piatt bldg. RIVER front home. 7-room house and 1ft acres, with an Kinas iruit ana snaue trees, near paved highway and on electric car line, six miles out: far below value. Ad dress owner. A 179. Oregonian. ROOM modern bungalow with all city conveniences and nearly one acre, Ore gon City line. Oak Grove; near car and river, ft hour's ride to Portland. Nelson, owner. Phone 8W. Oak Grove. WHY PAY RENT? Live In country, work In town; 6ft acres ae Highway, good small house, chicken house. $2500. See Mrs. Bolton, Witch Hazel station. S. P. Electric. 3 ACRES 6ftc FARE. 6-room. modern bungalow, garage, barn, chicken house, fruit, berries, pure run ning water, best car service; terms. R. F. Feemster. 2O0 Abington bldg. THREE acres rich cultivated; land with new 5-room house. wooasnea, eic, cement walks, gas, telephone, stores, graded school half mile, sidewalk to station, $3500; cash. $1500; balance on terms. N 11. Oregonian. AT Oak Grove, a beautiful place with 1ft acrea of land, all kinds of fruits and flow ers; the price on this place ls so low that I will not mention It. M. J. Clo hessy. 415 Abington bldg. SUBURBAN ACRE. S-room plastered bungalow, fine view, boating and fishing, water and lights. Price $1750; terms. Call at 500 Concord b 1 d g.. 2d and Stark. OSWEGO Lake, half acre and small house for $550; must be sold to close aji es tate; want $300 cash, balance can run. See attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres, fine 7-room house. fruit, etc., running creeK, near canine; cheap. Call at third house north of Rlsley station, Oregon City car. 5 ACRES, ONLY $1000. 9 miles from Courthouse; good level land, fine for chickens, berries, garden; easy terms. See owner. 500 Concord bldg. 9-ROOM modern house, ground 80x225 feet. shade and fruit trees; large garaen, -nou, terms to suit. 1903 Division, near 73th. Tabor 3252. Owner FOR SALE Two acres; fine seven-room house; XiUit, etc , running creen; near cariine; cheap: call at third house north of Risley Station: Oregon City car. OSWEGO LAKE homesite, only $340; rock road, close to station; water ana ugnts, telephone; only $5 per month. 500 Con cord bldg. Mr. Allen. FOR RENT 3 acres with orchard. West Side: very aesiraoie ior summer nome; chaap rtnL 606 Morgan bldg. I HAVE some nice suburban homes for sale and exenange ior city property. J. B. HOLBROQK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACRE HOME. Four-room house and acre fruit at city limits; 5c fare. AP 130, Oregonian. -k-.n Tiro vi a a BrtL improved rood '. . - i i in n.iaiia fii7 nm Cham, oi look Aiusu-iu -io.. gOW REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Nine acres, very highly improved, three acres of full bearing orchard, consisting of good variety of apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums and prunes, largest grape vines in Oregon, all kinds of small fruit; all well cared for and in finest condition: fair house and stone basement, large barns, good outbuildings; only eight miles from Portland on West Side, good auto road; all lies high and sightly; one of the best country homes around Portland; have gone Into other business, will sacrifice for $5500; wortft $7500. Phone appointment and I will take you to see it at my ex pense. McCormick, Main 9318. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. One acre, two minutes to Oregon City car, s-cent fare, fine garden soli, ail kinds nigh-class full bearing fruit trees, beauti ful shrubs and flowers, large poultry house, cosy 6 -room cottage, one large bedroom downstairs and three small rooms upstairs, every city convenience and a picture spot. If you want an ideal suburban home, look this up. I have Invested over $5500 In this place and will sell for $3800, on terms, to right party. Business affairs force me to sell. Particulars, G. A. SARLES, 404 N. W. Bank bldg. For Sale" Acreage. FINE SUBURBAN COUNTRY HOME. 40 acres, located south of Sandy on main highway to ML Hood, 15 acres in crop, fine spring, water piped to house ana yara, 48 fruit trees, berries, good 5 room bungalow, fireplace, built-in book cases, new barn, poultry-house to accom- moaate oou cnickens, a cows, l heifer, l fine horse, 75 hens and ducks, 2 farm wagons and all farm implements; this place has a wonderful view of the moun tains; price $5000. VIEW PROPERTY BELOW VALUE. Owner must have money and will sell his beautiful 7 -acre tract located on Clackamas Heights, mile from Oregon City cariine, has a fine spring and a won derful view of the river and mountains; must be seen to be appreciated ; price only $1000. Owner has adjoining 2ft acres which he will sell for $600; this land all aold originally for $S00 per acre. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME SITE 7ft acres located on the Portland-New-berg hard-surface road. mile to elec tric station, has fine spring and dandy trout stream, beautiful trees ; price only $1600, more land can be had at a. reason able figure. HOME ON OREGON CITY CARLINE. 7ft acres on the Oregon City cariine, good 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, electric lights and gas, good fruit trees and ber-' rles, large chicken-house; price $3750. JOHN E. HOWARD. 315 Cham, of Com. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE UNDER VALUE. 5 acres at Rockwood station, just off of Base Line road ; only $1500, on very easy terms. 10 acres, located on the Section Line road, 5 miles from city limits, with six Acres In crop, 2 acres In berries, fine , grove, small buildings; price $3500, easy terms. John E. Howard, 315 Cham, of Com. PRICE $4230, WORTH $6500. 14 ft acres at Can by sacrificed to save foreclosure, must sell, all under cult., deep, rich black soil, 5-room plastered oungaiow ana otner Diags., lamiiy or chard. 2 acres strawberries, should pro duce $500 this year: $2000 or more cash this is the finest little piece of acreage In the country. Call owner, BARR, Main nw. c. or c bldg. FOR SALE Don't miss this bargain; 40 acres, lo mites from Portland, hard-sur face road within 3 miles of place. 20 acres orchard, rest stum page, smaU' house and barn; cheap for cash or small payment down and easy terms for balance; hustle and get a buyer, and earn a premium. W. B. Wolfe, W31 E. Davis. Phone E. 74o0. FOR SALE My improved 5-acre Place nea Portland, an in high state oi cultivation, buildings, orchard, lots of small fruits, horse, cow. poultry, tools and crop, li acres adjoining rented goes with It, 6 acres In- cultivation; If you have $2000 casn we can oo Dusmess, Daiance ion time. H. H. Bassindaie, Hillsdale, Or. route z. SMALL FARM HOME. 12 acres, 1ft miles east of Hlllsboro, on Oregon Electric, 11 in cultivation, 7 -room new nouse, gooa wen. Darn ana small out buildings; on R. F. D., milk route, all fenced, part in crop; good soli, good drain' aer: $3700. with good terms. THE BADLEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, 404 -j Northwestern Bank Bldg. 230 ACRES FOR SALE 2 miles east of . Halsev.. Linn County. Or., on BrownsvHl road; would make one of the best dairy ranches in the country; about lto acres In cultivation, balance pasture. Price per acre; make your own terms within reason. Will take $5000 or $0000 in lib erty bonds. Owner. 3 1 1 Multnomah sL Portland. Or. SALE or exchange 5 a.. Hood River, fin orchard or berry land. Good road, school and store ft mile. Part cleared and in cultivation: rest light brush. No build Ings. $500 cash, or will take good used car. W. H. McClaln, 910 Columbia st.. Hood River. Or. FIVE ACRES, walnut and cherry tract, Eola Hills, near Amity. Oregon, In 10th year and bearing. In excellent condition, always hav . lng the best care; will sell for $2000, easy terms. $ooo casn; uoerty oonas accepted. r. loo, oregonian. MUST be sold to ctose an estate, two an six-tenth acres at Concord on Oregon City cariine, about 500 feet from station; all . cleared and in a splendid district; a good buy; $1500. R. E. Menefee & Co., 416-417 Railway exchange - otag. Main 4U.io. 500,000 ACRES wheat, alfalfa and stock lands, improve a ana unimprovea. in Mon tana. Now is your opportunity. Low prices, easy terms. For further Infor mation -see Herman Peper, 520 Union ave. N. 15 ACRES FOR SALE Close to Woodburn Or., on Pacific Highway: all in cultivation and a real bargain at $2500; make your own terms within reason. Will take $1000 to $1500 In liberty bonds. Owner, 31 Multnomah at., Portland. Or. 17ft ACRES rich. level land: 12ft cult! vated: on good road; running water, gas, etc.; electric station mile; $3500, cash $500, balance on Installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth street. 40 ACRES of Rood agricultural land on Grays River, opposite Astoria; will make good rancn; price .iou ior me wnoie thing. W. ti. Buney, oho irving st. Jiar. 2U63. ABOUT 23 acres, unimproved, near Base Line road, excellent future, close in. electric station; sacrifice price and easy terms. Immediate sale: might take some trade. Address AL 208, Oregonian. 6& ACRES, half mile from city limits on Base Line road. All in cultivation and berries, large barn, spring suitable for Irrl gatlon. Bull Run water; $4500, terms. Y 227, Oregonian. WOODBURN. OR. 20 acres, on Pacific Highway; no better location anywhere for country home, owner leaving state, wants to sen. v. j. oupai, Eugene. Or. (owner). SACRIFICE In country home, 7 miles from Portland on racinc ignway, oerween Multnomah and Tlgardville. Two acres all in cultivation. I air buildings. Main ooi. E. B. Holmes uo. TROUTDALE ACREAGE. acres in Troutdale add., level, cleared, fenced; road on two sides; no buildings. Price $1230. can it. jones co. 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699. REEDVILLE 30 acrea choicest, highly Im proved, fully Mocked and equipped; $1500 in stock; worth $10,000. take $7O00; take $4500 house. isecK, nenry oiag. 1 1 ACRES. Tigard. fenced, tiled, plowed, 2 a. wheat, 4-room house, barn, creek, suitable for dairy. East 374. Gol E. Morrison st. 26 ACRES, highly improved, near Forest Grove, on Oregon Electric, for sale cheap and on good terms. Address L. F. Header ion. Hood River. Or. QUARTER acre at Multnomah station ready for cultivation, for $750. city water, gas and electric light available; easy terms. See owner at 404 Piatt Didg. 4ft ACRES, 2 miles east of Oregon City, 2ft acres cleared, balance in wood: terms. Address Mrs. Caroline Smith. 670 East 62d st. X. EIGHT acres, mostly in cultivation, within the nine-mile circle of the Courthouse on Oregon Electric $2500; terms. See my rep- resentative at fiatt oiag. FINE improved half acre on main boule vard between Portland and Oregon City; snap for cash. R. F. Detre. Jennings Lodge. BUILDING site adjoining ML Tabor Park; acre, good soil, splendid view. AJ 225, Ore gonian. THREE acres and 5-room house at Orenco. close to station, for $1900, easy terms. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Big ft acre, oc fare, water, lights, hade, $485. 209 Mohawk bldg. A BARGAIN 71 acres, part cash. In Look ing Glass Valley. Or. Address Julia A. Palmer. 4536 33d ave. W., Seattle. Wash. 11 ACRES on Clack. River; fine location; part cultivated; auto- road; good house: $1500. Owner, 4oS Hall L Marshall 34o3. $1200 WILL buy 50 acres of land, all In crops, near Gervals, Or. AO 563, Ore gonlan. 160 ACRES and 420 acres, Clarke County, Wash.; only $ per acre; nait casn. Dai. terms. AK 304. Oregonian. GARDEN HOME, very choice acre, gas, etc BP 176, oregoniaru lft ACRES at Rockwood, 1. blk. from car iine. Ar IW, cgm"g". ON the highway, close in, bargain; one acre to 40o East obtf-T. ONE acre at Vineyard Sta., Oregon City car- j MY line; cneap. wm-. c. m. 1 a r-D srt niltivnlpil. X:tl.80 ner acm. Hugh Magee, fitotta Mills, Or. k REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. , MAY WOOD COLONY AT CORNING. - (SACRAMENTO VALLEY CALIFORNIA. . Is a settlement of about 5000 population where fruit culture and diversified farm ing predominates. When all features are considered a man can get more value for his money here than elsewhere in Califor nia. Come, see and be convinced. Following are a few desirable properties now on the market; 200 acres of good grsta land, all clear, gently rolling; 40 rods from Pacific High way, reached by two good roads, only I ft miles from depot at CORNING and ad joining the olive grove of the H. J. Heintz Co. Alfalfa on adjoining land proves this soil choice for altalla as well as for wheat and barley. Price for linaK ed time is $75 per acre, as a whole or in 100-acre lots. A splendid buy Ior a grain farmer. 40 acres of choice Sacramento River bottom land. 25 acres of which is par tially covered by oaks, and the very best of soil for corn, potatoes, graden truck and fruit trees. Of this block aiiout 15 acres lie on a bench from 5 to JO feet above the bottom land, and is adapted to cereals and hay. On a good county road and but ft-mlle from public school; elecl trie line for light and power alongside this land; also telephone and rural mail service. Price is $4000. or $100 per acre; a good buy. 10 acres adjoining- city limits of Corn ing, with 5 acres of olive, almond, apricot, prune and peach trees. Roomy house of 6 rooms; house well and irrigating well; vacant land Is used for grain. Price only $3ooo. Choice place for big family be cause of its convenience to schools, churches and employmenL Beautiful home of 10 acres, ft mile from Corning, on good road; electric, phone and mail service; good 6-room house, liberal porches, 2 barns. 5000-galloa tank, tank house, electric pumping plant, fended; 5 acres bearing apricots, almonds, apples, prunes, peaches, cherries, oranges. lemons, figa and grapes. Spleniid yard, trees and roses. Price $4500. A real fine home place. - Free printed matter illustrating and describing this American settlement sent on application. W. X. WOODSON. CORNING. CALIF, CHEAP ACREAGE. 5 acres. $250, $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acres of Jand between Portland and Centralla, on the main line of 3 rail roads, lft miles from a town of 800 popu lation, sawmills and shingle mills, soino partly cleared and some all cleared, run ning stream, some bottom and some bench; can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. WHEAT RANCH BARGAIN. 1SS0 acres In one of the best wheat dis tricts in Eastern Oregon; lSuO under plow, 1200 acres in crop. 2 sets of fair buildings, fine water, 7 miles to warehouse; all lies fine; 4 crop goes to purchaser delivered, possession this Fall if wanted, or give 1-3 crop delivered. Some cash, good terms or crop payment on balance. Price only $:0 per acre. By owner. This will not be on the market long. A snap for someone. W 1S4, Oregonian. 16 2-3 ACRES, all in cultivation, with & good orchard, on West Side, within 7 miles of Courthouse, for sale at a bar gain, or will trade for Portland property or larger farm. This land is situated where values are much lower than anywhere else wltnin such short distance from Portland. The soil is extra good. The land has a gentle slope toward cast and south, and lies along a county road. Se owner, Norford Co., 618 Pittock bldk. Broadway 673. 350 ACRES, 100 cultivated, 10(1 bottom, 35 beaverdam, 22.i brush and timber, no white land, practically all tillable, living water, river front, 35 miles from Portland; must be sold; $85 per acre. 640 acres, millions of feet cf saw timber, lies well, affords good grazing, living water. 3 miles of sawmill on the railroad, only $15 per acre. Owner, room 1, 341 State St.. Salem, Or. FOR SALE 1 ft acres at Metzger Station; price $1200; terms. Phone Mar. 4441. Homesteads: Relinquishments. HOMESTEAD LANDS OPEN TOMORROW. Latest maps, showing exact location of 4S0 homestead claims, containing PLOW LAND, in Josephine, Jackson and Klamath counties. Special rights to Spanish-American War Veterans and those in shipyards. Office open Sunday. FREE INFORMATION. Josephine Co. map. $2; Jackson and Klamath Cos. combined, $2.50. ANDERSON & ANDERSON, 4111 Chamber of Commerce. , MAPS OF THE STATE OF OREGON showing the entire Oregon and California land grant; 3OO,0u0 acres in Jackson and Josephine counties classified as agricul tural and grazing land will be opened to homestead filing on and after April 29. Maps $1 postpaid. ROWLAND MAP CO., 411 Henry Bldg. FOR, SALE Homestead lellnquishinent, well improved. Address J3ox loJ, h-iamaia .tans, Oe. FREE booklet, state and U. S. land, maps; bargains. write josepn ciara, oacra mento, Cal. WE CAN locate you on a good homestead in southern Oregon very reasonaDie; see us at 35 North 2d st, Sunday. For Sale Farms. 84 ACRES WASHINGTON CO. $12,000. ft-mlle from store and postoffice, near Hlllsboro; 60 acres in cultivation, lies al most level, running" water in 3 fields, ex celelnt sol. New 5-room plastered house, large barn, brick cellar, hop-house, nil buildings new. and painted. Terms $4000 carh. balance 6 per cent. No trade. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. FOR SALE Ranch, 250 acres, 8 miles from Astoria or Gearhart; railroad passes through ranch, with spur and depot; also county road ; 25 acres good timber land. 40 acres cranberry land, all cleared, with sand and water; remainder' fine farm land; 35 bearing holly trees, also fruit; new, modern 7-room bungalow, close to good schools; low price, reasonable terms. Ad dress M. T. C, 724 Irving ave.. Astoria. FORECLOSED property. Will sell for costs. 8o acres 4 miles west or wniaminu, or. 40 acres cleared; 1.000,000 feet of first class timber. One mile downhill haul to sawmill. Good cattle farm. Adjoins 45.000 acre reservation. Good grazing. Twin houses, large good barn, water, etc. A good property if properly handled. Lib eral terms. Main 538. F. H. Boulan. GET THE COUNTRY FEVER. Several choice suburban homes. 2 to 20 acres. at bargains. Also unimproved acreage. Have list of Willamette Valley farms at bedrock prices. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 404 East Alder St., Cor. Grand Ave. Portland, Oregon. STOCK ranch for sale. 180 a., about 60 a. seeded to clover, timothy, alfalfa, balance easily cleared; unlimited free water, un limited range, stock, tools. lurnuure. roru in Al condition with place if wanted. House, barn, outbuildings, fine fishing and hunting, located at head of Metolius River; particulars, write owner, S. E. Parks, Sisters, Or. 40 ACRES, 30 acres under cultivation, lo cated u miles from Vancouver, on gooa auto road, close to school, store and -streetcar line, comfortable house, 2 barns, gran ary, chicken-houses, other necessary out buildings, 1000 prune trees in full bearing, with fine crop in prospect. Price $5250. Easy terms. THOMPSON & SWAN. , 5th and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Good Yamhill Co. farm, 232 a., 140" cul tivated, balance half open pasture, some oak timber, well watered, fair buildings, good fences, 3 miles town and R. R- rural mail, near school, $" per a., cash and terms. No trade. Address or phone. F. J. Miller. Forest Grove, Or. 40 ACRES. 18 miles out, the best stocked ana equippeu. o reg. noisi;in. grade Jersey cows. hogs, chickens, fine span of young mares, water piped to house and barn; will consider a good 6 room bungalow as part payment. J. Rob bins. 301 Railway Ex. BEST FARM NEAR PORTLAND. IMPROVED 60-ACRE RANCH, Extra good soil, house, barn, fine young orchard, 2 horses, 3 cows, farming Implements, wheat, oats and clover crop. Price $9500, terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 CHAM. OF COM.. FARMS, all sizes and prices, houses and lots In Gresham. witn isuii nun waiet, lights and gas; best land and best roads In the state. See me before you buy. Now ls the time, get In on the ground floor. John Brown, Gresham. Or. Phone 174 FARMS OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. No matter what you wish to buv in this line, we have It and assure you et good value for your money and a square deal. F. Fuchs, 420 Ch. of Com. $3000 FOR 119 acres Lincoln County stock ana aairy rancn. uoou noute anu ui n , stock Included. Owner, 505 Jefferson, apL 15. Phone Main 6394. 68 ACRES, 25 acres In cultivation; also .18 acres, nair in cultivation ; euner pmio per acre; $75 down, long time on balance. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 50-ACRE farm, all cultivated, 26 miles BOuth of Portland, near station, muni do sold quick, only $&. per acr; terms. Would aell hair. - Owner, Main Wiui.