TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APItHj 21, 1918. ALASKAN RAILROAD HELD BACK BY WAR Completion of Government Line Into Far North Will Re- - quire Several Years, COAST WORK NEARLY DONE Construction Inland Is Beset ' With Difficulties and Working Force Hare Been Seriously Re el ace J by Conflict.' WASHINGTON; April . Construe tlon of the Alukti Railway Is bclns; omivhit delayed by ths war, and com pletlon mar bm deferred aomawbat beyond ths 1)1 or 120 data originally projected for It. While mora tbaa 990 men wars era lo7d In the field during- 117. a force of perhaps IOOB la probably all that can be maintained throuab the Summer of 111. and. thouca the t4O.S00.00s under taking staada at a stase S per cant to ward - completion, the remainder may take somewhat longer to construct than baa the two-thirds so far built. A linking- up of rapa In the coastal section and the pushing of main rail nads soma 40 or 60 additional miles toward the Interior la the limit of con struction which the commissioners feel certain that tbe shortare of men. ma terlala and shipping" will allow them to attain. "Tiil will be Alaska's share of the inevitable sacrifice war entails," said William C. Ed ft. chairman of the Alas kan tnatneerlns; Commission, discuss ing: estimates and uncertainties con nected -with the enterprise, "altHoorh soma of the delay would bare Inter Yened even tinder normal conditions. Coast Werk Nearly Ftatahed. - "During the last two seasons we bars. practically completed the coastal sec tions of the line, alone which we were enabled by transport conditions, to work simultaneously at a number of pen ts. In the future we shall be con-I struct inr stralfrht up Into the Interior. extending the Una at most from only two points. Assuming that the usual Conirrea alonal appropriations become available. the commission, which etlll has some doubts about Its ability to secure even half the labor force It had a year ago. will center Its effort during the coming tiummer upon the completion of the main line from Seward to Anchorage both of which are Pacific Ocmn porta on the Alskan southern seaboard, be tween which a rail gap of 17 miles now exists. Main railheads In addition will be pushed some 40 or 60 miles toward the Interior terminal, which Is Fairbanks, opening the line approximately from Mile Si to Mile distance estimated from the ocean terminus at Reward northward. In Alaska, except In c-r tain places and on certain types of work, the commission has found that construction Is only practical during the Summer after May la. The Alaakan Railroad, stretching op Ms mltea In trunk and branches to ward the Arctic Circle, la literally farthest north la railroad building en terprise, and as It stsnds todsy has !i miles of rails laid, baa grades and cuts completed far ahead of rails, and loca tion engineering entirely completed. It does not quite touch the polar zone, for Its northern limit at Fairbanks Is lit odd miles south of ths great circle, but Its tracks cut across an area where the sun shines for 13 hours a day in June ard Chairman Edes admits that the daylight saving prescribed in lbs United States will appear trivial from aa Alaskan viewpoint. imrirwlt Problesaa Solves). Engineering and transport problems of no mean magnitude have been solved and are being solved In the construc tion of the line, for Its locatera and even its grade crewa must hold them selves abreast and ahead of the pioneer settler. Ith work proceeding from both ends of ths line ths transport line Is being built up to supply the Interior terminus stretching from ths United States throurh the Pacific and Arctic oceans to the port of St, Michaels at the mouth of the Tukon River. Steel. powder, food and equipment must go thousands of miles by sea. ba trans shipped to river boats, forced upward against ths currents of ths Tukon and Tanana rivers, and then overland by a last painful stage of pack and wagon train to Fairbanks Until last November tbs commission nad a steamer, an Army transport bor rowed for the work, but then the Army took It hastily back for the more tm porrant duty of carrying soldiers. The commission will now depend upon com mercial transport facilities, already greatly restricted, to deliver 5000 tons f freight this year over ths circuit, whose magnitude can be comprehended from any metx Supplying the southern termlnua will present lees difficulties, for the sturdy ocean tugs can still put out from t'uget pound and go safely up the "Inside passage." sheltered by Inlands from the faciflc winds, and bring ths clumsy, heavy laden barges Into Reward and Anchorage. Building the line Itself, across tun a wilderness, smiling valleys and sharp-edged passes alike of the Arctic coastal range, ths commission has- met rondttiona and problems strange to the railroader. For a part of lis distance It skirts a living glacier, and a glacier, as Mr. Kdsa remarks. Is "a ticklish thing." Claeiera Always Dsstmsa "Ton never know quite what ft Is going to do." ha says, "and from It always look for trouble. We don't actually run over the ice, but wa have to skirt the gravel of the terminal moraines. And In ths Summer the tee recedes, loosing a veritable flood of water, while in ths Winter It pushes slowly forward again. Just now we run the line upon a trestle, high above the gravels, but ths glacier, working away, baa always the capacity to change the entire topography of the country, ft I II. the difficulty Is not un aurmountsble." As wss dvne at Panama, ths commis sion bss proceeded to Its task without any Intervening contractor. Ths actual labor has been performed by "station- men." a hardbitten set of old hands. who have coma through ths era of railroad constructing in ths West. Each of them, or perhaps a pair or a trroup. agrees to construct 100 linear fret of the grade, whether It involves cutting down through a hill, building tip from a swamp, or blowing out tbe hard rock, at a pries bse-ed on quantity and type of material moved. Then they ri their own psre and their own hours and bterallv work wonders. The com-t-jeir commissary, tools and equipment. "Our figures indicate that the av erage scale of wages ws paid during 1 1 7 would work out around I1&00 a year." Chairman Edes said, "but It actually doesn't run a year for mors than a part of the men. because of the seasonal character of the work." Aa a side Issue to railroading ths commission operste. on a small scale, coal mines at Ma tan us as, on a branch Itns It miles from ths rrunk. snd Is doing some port dredging at Anchor age, and building docks and coal bunk era at Anchorage and fee ward. It is aloa operating sections of ths line. In a sketchy sort of a fashion, incident to ths construction, with a passenger rate of ( cents a mile. SZ3.S70.Ooe great te Date. To data S23. 70,000 has been spent upon ths enterprise, out of a 135.000. 000 estimats for the total cost, which estimate Secretary Lane 'has raised to t40.000.0O0, because of higher costs of labor and materials. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Mears, borrowed from the Army for I'anama railroad purposes, was a member of the commission, but haa recently been returned to, the Army for railroad building in France, and his regiment has "Included an appreciable' number of the men of ths Alaska com mission's staff. Thomas Riggs, the third member, has been named by the Presi dent to be Governor of Alaska. One stretch of the main line, amount ing to 70 miles, was purchaaed for a little over $1,000,000. while mors i cently - the commission acquired for 1300.000 a 45-mile stretch' of narrow gauge road, running out of Fairbanks to Chatlnaka. All of ths rest baa been or will be built. Aa to whether the read will pay, the commission ventures no prediction, and considers present traffic no guide to possibilities. "Since the United States took close to 1 from Alaska, ths Gov ernment baa adopted the policy of mak ing this return," Chairman Edea re marked, "and probably does not worry about ths results. All our construction amounts to pioneering. Both- ths mln erral and agricultural possibilities of ths srea opened are quantities virtual ly unknown, and the railroad Itself must be the final factor required to prove or disprove their value." SEVEN PROVE LOYALTY SPHAGNUM ABUNDANT OJff NORTH BEACH PENINSULA. SPOKAim PEOPLE REPORTED Al "SLACKERS BUT BONDS. Mrs ( Large ftrmnm Said tm Be Aaaeag Theavs Called Before United State Officers far laveatlcattoa. SPOKANE. Wth April St. (Sps- clal.) Following their appearance be fore United States Marshall James Mc Uovern. after they had been reported aa liberty bond slackers. L. B. Whitten snd A. A. Barnett made aubstantlal pur chases of the third Issus todsy. Mr. Whitten subscribed for 11100 worth and Mr. Barnett to ' 1500. Valentine Reynolds subscribed S50 for a bond. The grand jury took no action In the casta federal officers expressed the opinion there was no legal method by which the men could be prosecuted. Those questioned were Mr. Whitten, Mr. Bar nett. Maurice Llndbolm. John BrawL Stewart Lrelbelbls. Herman Links and Valentine Reynolds. After a committee of cttlzena Interested In- soliciting for liberty bonds hsd appeared before United States District Attorney Gar recht yesterdsy. Deputy Marshals were sent in quest of ths seven persons al leged to have refused to purchase bonds, although aald to bs amply able to do ao. Some are men of large bold inga. Ths cases were then brought betore the federal grand Jury. Thoss In tbe list submitted by ths commutes were L. B. Whitten. H. A. Barnett. Maurice 8. Llndholm. John PrawL Stewart Drlebelbla. Herman Llmks and Valentine Reynolds. ALBANY PASSES PRIMARY No Party Nominations Will Be Made s No Candidates Filed. ALBANT. Or.. April 10. (Special.) Albany will have no city primary elec tion this year. The time has passed within which to file petitions and no candidates filed. This means that no party nominations will be made and that all candidates will be nominated by petition and appear on the ballot as Independents at ths general election. Thla la the planwhcihETAONU N IN Thia la the plan which has been fol lowed here the past few elections. It was discovered that thep rimary in the city elections was an unnecessary ex pense ao by common consent no candi dates have filed petitions, which obvi ates the expense of printing ballots or having election boards. The only ef fect hash een that party nominations were m possible. HOOD RIVER BOY ABROAD Fordbam B. Kimball Reports Safe Arrival In France.V HOOD RIVER. Or April 20. (Spe cial.) Waiter Kimball, chairman of ths waya and means committee of the Hood River chapter of the Red Cross. hss received word from bis son. Ford ham B. KlmbalL who announcea his safe arrival in France Mr. Kimball enlisted with a regiment of heavy ar tillery last Summer. He trained at San Antonio. Tex. Mr. Kimball, who baa been assigned to special service abroad, la well known In Portland social circles, his engage ment to Miss Alice Oilman, of that city. having been announced recently. Qaaatlty aad Qaallty ef Moss Grown ' Hear Uwaee Declared Best In V. S. by Experts. 1LWACO. Waaru April 0. (Special.) Professor J. W. Hotson. superintend ent of moss dressings for the North west division of the Red Cross, has received a wire from Washington, D. C, asked for 500,000 sphagnum packets by July 1. Professor Hotson, who holds the chair of mycology at the University of Washington, haa relayed the appeal to Ilwaco and has asked for active co operation from the people of "this re gion In the endeavor to meet the de mand. Harry James Smith, formerly director of sphagnum dressings for the United States, visited the North Beach Peninsula a week before bis fatal auto mobile accident in March, and after In vestigating- throughly, reported that the moss growing here was the Dest ne naa seen for surgical dressings and that It could be secured In larger quantities here than In any other locality in North America, with the possible ex ception of Alaska. There are 123 species or sphagnum moas, but only four of these are useful In surgical work. The three most val uable species grow In abundance here, the Imbricatum. considered the best, predominating In tha Ilwaco district. Dr. John A. Hart well, or ueuevue Hos pital. New Tors, haa proclaimed sphag num an nnequaled substitute for cotton dressings. ' Each sphagnum packet weighs ons pound when completed, or one-fourth of ths weight In its moist, shipping state. In order to secure the buo.uov packets It will be necessary to ship 1000 tons to beattle. ELECTION HELP IS SOUGHT Persons Who Will Act as Clerks and Judges Are In Demand. There Is an Immediate need for more election Judges and clerks In practical ly every precinct of the city. People who ars willing to serve in this ca pacity at the coming primary and gen eral elections are urged to notify County Clerk Beverldce by' letter, tele phone or in person as early as possi ble thla week. Mr. Beveridge said yesterday that several hundred persons will be unable to serve as election officials. Some of those who were appointed have left the city, while others, and many of them, have sent In letters stating It will be Impossible for them to serve. Those who desire to serve ot the election boards -jhould file their appli cations at ones and they will receive regular appointments good for two years. MRS. M00NEYG0ES SOUTH Presence in San Francisco Court To morrow Morning Is Required. Dus to an eleventh-hour change In a San Franclsoo court schedule, Mrs. Rena Mooney will not appear at tha Municipal Auditorium thia afternoon. W. D. Patterson, of San Francisco, representing the defense, will recount ths history of the Mooney case. Dr. C. H. Chapman, of Portland, and Ed ward Launer, of Oregon City, will also address the meeting. Mr. Otto Hart wig, president of the Oregon State fed eration of Labor, will act as chairman. Mrs. Mooney was to have been placed apon trial May 11. A change In the plans of the prosecution requires her appearance In court tomorrow morn ing. The meeting at the Auditorium today will be under tha direction of the Cen tral Labor Council of Portland. Albany Guard Auxiliary Formed. ALBANY". Or, April 10. (Special.) Preliminary organisation of a women's auxiliary to the local Home Guard com pany waa effected at a meeting held at the Albany Commercial Club last evening. The auxiliary will develop various plana to assist the Home Guard In Ita work and particularly will form motor corps to drive sutomobiles to carry the members of the company In nearby trips in the event of a call. Mrs. Perry A. i oung was chosen chairman and a committee on permanent organ- xatlon consisting of Mrs. Wiilard L. Marks. Mrs. Charles H. Cusirk, Miss Kate Stewart. Mrs. J. H. Simpson and Mra George E. Sanders wss named. AUTO SCHOOL HELD MYTH Spokane Man Charged With Using V. S. Mails to Defraud. SPOKANE. Wash.. April 20. (Spe cial.) George J. Vorderfer, proprietor of the Jordan Automobile School, was Indicted by the Federal grand Jury on a charge of using the mail to defraud. According to the Indictment Vorderfer offered a complete course in automo bile Instruction for 160 and guaranteed to prepare his students for positions paying from 3100 to 3150 a month. His only equipment, it is charged, was desk in the granite block and a shop at 317 West Second avenue, containing two worn-out automobiles. The evidence submitted showed Vor derfer bad received 31000 in the two months prior to his arrest. Lebanon Cannery Incorporated. ALBA NT, Or., April 10. (Special.) Following a recentre organization of the company which has been conduct ing a fruit and vegetable cannery at Lebanon, in which considerable outside capital was Interested, article of Incor poration were filed In the County Clerk'e office here yesterday for the Lebanon Canning Company. The capi tal stock Is 325,000 and the incorpora tors are T. D. O'Brien, J. O. Scott, A. Rupert. Roy Fitxwater and J. C. Mayer. Thla cannery proved a success from the first and the new capital which has been enlisted In the company means further development of the plant. San Francisco Fire Injures Two. SAN FRANCISCO. April 20 Two firemen were burned, one seriously, the other allghtly and damage estimated at between $50,000 and 575.000 was caused here today by a fire in the plant of the Reiber Laboratories, Inc., man ufacturers of X-ray equipment. Ise1te far All Makes) Ma chine Fully Gaaraateed. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS I'nderwoods, L. C Smiths, Royal, Remington, Smith Premier, Mon arch, Emmerson, Hammond. E. W. PEASE CO. Corooa Dlntribotor, HO SIXTH STREET. I QUALITY OUR POLICY j S DAYS ONLY I j STARTS TODAY. PAUIINE II XV TTTT TTYTV TTTJV TT V&YT W HI S II II 11 I J V II II El ft IIS M I "JN . J . nil .11 )) ?! I I HI f II Issssstta I w" I !ssaafl B 1 III I S" I I I I I y-f lV LM C IW . I F V 22V I 111 . ;'v V- ' 1 1 . -L" '-' --VJw; . By Victorien Sardou I N - '-TNiwstX , ; . a I C.r- ,ri A mighty picture with a mighty H frf' ' ' t. ' star. The world's greatest and n ' v , ' r-J j most tragic heroine brought to Q j.a.j'y " j .the screen by an emotional artist f - -.s,-. : OirVfA current events, I rltr Vv?n- "VV LW INCLUDING the latest 1 k - Yv . aV; Wl snapshots from 1 Jh&l . "t7 Vx'l -.t?J 4 VA "OVER THERE" . ' III ixX" A sS SfeZ I w - ' k t:i4ir . j in IVfji llMM HIM 1 , j MR. FIX-IT " IjMHJ B32S Ready for the Flock of. June Brides June weddings draw near. Wo have bride's silver here in wondrous array everything from a dainty spoon to the most elaborate service imaginable. If Cupid has whispered to you any of his secrets, select your gifts now and let us lay them away for you. And before the wedding come diamonds! There's many a maiden wearing an Aronson diamond right now who will be a matron come June. Special values in engagement rings at $25, $50, (75 and ? 100. The world has speeded tip an hour! How's your time? We show the leading makes of watches at the right prices. Expert watch repairing American - And Swiss. Expert eye service by a skilled optometrist. ARONSON'S WASHINGTON AT BROADWAY, rail The N0RT0NI A HOTEL Where quiet dignity, home-like comfort and perfect service predominate. The many pleasing features of this hotel make it especially desirable for residential guests. Attrac tive permanenf rates, either American or European plan. Eleventh and Stark Streets Off Washington iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii It Pays to Advertise Not-long ago forty manufacturers were asked, "Does ad-, vertising increase the consumers' cost of your product?" Each one declared not only that the cost was not increased, but went further and stated that it was actually lessened. About eighty per cent of the failures in business center among firms who do not advertise. ARE YOU IN THIS CLASS? The Photographic Card is the most efficient means of di rect advertising in the field today. Ask our salesman to call. The Photographic Card Co. Broadway 52. 302 Oregon Building. TlIIIIlIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIUIIIIla UNION MADE Work Shirts COTTON OR FLANNEL For Men of Action Give Satisfaction ft ACINE Old ReliableWorkShirts let muscles play in every way. Work wonders for wonder workers. You'll like their honest, broad-shouldered comfort, cut full, not "skimped.'' Re-inforced where the strains come. Continuous facing on sleeves making them rip-proof dirt-proof non gapping. Buttons sewed on to stay. Racine Flannel Shirts are tough as pig skin hold their shape and color. The kind you always hate to throw away when you finally wear them out. The Racine reputation has been made byusing Quality Goods combined with 1 expert workmanship. I TKeCha&4lshtilGr7vfGx "SoA Shirt Sptciali9t9 fr 94 Ym" If ftm 4o sol find tha fUehM Shirt promptly, writ and tell at tbs rum of roar tuwtxitm deaiitr and w wili un jvm ft aoppuw. uwiu am tarn nacw. fw9 mm T ".tLsv. 4 JrdZzM, V X r r -5T S If' S ii iiiiiir iiwiiililliMiriHTi in "Hi A