The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 21, 1918, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 75

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can expeditionary forces, in a letter to
his mother from England says: "The
Mrs. Minnie Monroe, of Portland. Ia Proud Mother of Two Boys in Set-rice of Their Country Letters From
Overseas Praise Work of the American T. M. C A. Bo; a Anxious for Battle.
more I see of England the better
love America, and England in a pretty
good place at that." Corporal Randies
Is a graduate of Jefferson High School.
Corporal A. J. Watts, a member of
Company B. lS2d Infantry. A. E. F.. has
written a number of interesting letters
to a Portland friend. He makes inter
esting mention of the fact that Ameri
can books cannot be purchased in
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C. A. Peterson, a former Portland
boy. Is now executive officer aboard
the U. 6. 8. W-90. a submarine chaser.
In a letter to his brother, he describes
his present position as seeming quite
dangerous, but well worth while.
John Helmer Is a member of the
164th Field Hospital Corps and Is now
stationed at Camp Lewis. He is a
former Portland boy.
Corporal Erie Huson. with the Amer
ican expeditionary forces in France.
writes to hfs mother that he finds
life in France very Interesting, al
though quite different from that In
America. He says: "It Is rather
strange, but as soon as a fellow gets
over here his views change entirely
and . he knows for certain that he Is
not sorry he came, and he sees his
duty plainly." Corporal Huson Is
member of Company B, lS2d Infantry.
Before his enlistment he was a stu
dent at Washington High School and
for a number of years an employe of
the Peoples Amusement Company and
the Columbia Theater.
Mrs. Minnie Monroe. 529 Linn ave
nue. Is the proud mother of two boys
In the service of their country, one in
the Navy and one in the Army. Del-
bert Lea Hamilton is In the electrical
division of the United States Navy and
Is on the U. S. S. Oklahoma, and Cor
poral Lawrence Hamilton is a member
of Machine Gun Company, l2d Infan
Delbert, befors his enlistment, was
employed by the Foster Klleser Sign
Company. He enlisted at Boston, Mass.
James worked with Local No. , grain
handlers, on the docks of this city.
Previous to his enlistment, however, he
was employed by a Canadian firm, but
came here to enlist.
Delbert Is very enthusiastic over the
Navy and says he is very well fed and
well cared for.
George Arthur Bartel. sono f Mr. and
Mrs. Walter H, Bartel, 6630 Forty-first
avenue Southeast, and a member of the
378th Aero Squadron, la now stationed
at Garden City. Long Island. He is
graduate of the Buckman School, and
former Oregonian route agent. He
was also omployed as a teller by the
Security Savings & Trust Company
while lnth is city. Since his enlist-
ment he has been stationed at San
Antonio, Tex.;W aco, Tex, andi s now
waiting to "get somewhere" at Long
An idea of some of the sights Ore
gon soldiers in France are seeing is
given in a letter received from Wag
oner J. Mulholland. formerly a fire
man at Engine Company No. 2. now a
member of Company E. 117th Regiment
of Engineers. The letter was received
My Kmprens, by Marfa Moachenow. $2.50.
Illustrated. John Lane Co.. New York
It Is almost like a stage play, with
its lightning changes of social condi
tions between each act, to read the
swiftly changing life pictures, as nar
rated in these 258 pages, which illus
trate the dramatic life of the celebrated
Czarina of Russia or rather the royal
woman who once bore that title and
who is now a prisoner in Siberia.
Our author is enabled to give an un
usually intimate view of the unfor
tunate Alexandra of Russia, for she
was Alexandra's first maid-in-walting
for 23 long years. The acquaintance
ship between the Empress and our
author began at the former's marriage
when she was known as the lovely
Princess Alix of Hesse. It was then
the custom at the Russian court not to
allow any Princess marrying into the
imperial family to bring with her
maids from her own country. Marfa
Mouchanow was a widow at that time,
her husband having been a Colonel In
the Russian army.
The Empress impressed her critics as
possessing a disagreeable natural mel
ancholy, and it was noticed even in
those early days that her mouth was
her most defective feature In an other
wise almost perfectly beautiful face.
"The mouth had a determined expres
sion, which even then could be un
pleasant, and the chin was decidedly
heavy. But the general impression sbe
produced was that of a superb woman.
The deep mourning which she wore
suited her and heightened the natural
whiteness of her lovely complexion.
I remember thinking that I had never
yet seen anyone more beautiful than
this sirl about to become my Empress."
In general, the character of the Em
press is carefully sketched, but In a
kindly way- It seems the Empress at
first listened to baa advisers and
obeyed them by affecting a haughty.
autocratic manner, and holding herself
aloof. She was deeply religious and
superstitious. She found it difficult to
make friends, and was spoken of as
The German" at court, and was bated
first by one court party and then other.
The Czar is described as a man of
singularly weak character and weak
mind. The family life of the Russian
court Is interesting described. The
dark days that followed as the revolu
tion fell, when Nicholas II became plain
Nicholas Romanoff, are written about
In a tone of respectful pity, and the
book will be received as one of the
singularly frank biographies of the
Here is on notable quotation:
In the Czar's absence with the ftnn'm at
the front, the revoijtlon took place. The
Czar, surrounded by traitors, was not ap
prised of what was taking place. Two
urgent telegrams, dispatched to him by the
president of the Duma, never reached him.
"There Is A 'Power ' Behind The Crown
Grea ter ThanShejCrown Jjtself 9
by his mother in Portland along With I The Empress also was not Informed of the
a 1.
3a it vi tur'.&.lJk
OTTAG E GROVE. Or- April St.
U Special. Cottage Grove has its
first golden star for Its service
flag. Although a number of men from
this village are ea French aolL the
first to make the supreme sacrifice In
the service of bis country was Jesse E.
UrDolt. Sergeant la the 3Jth Field Ar
tillery, at Camp Lewis, who died March
Zf. af ler a sever siege of pneumonia
and an operation. Sergeant McDola was
trn la Ivuglaa County, and would
have been 24 years of as bad be livd
vntll the nineteenth of this month. He
waa the youngest son of Mr. and M
J. M. MclNjle. f Cottage Grove, and Is
survived by hi father, two brothers
and two alster.
The funeral was held April t. and the
services were befitting to sa snemorsbl
vent. They wer held at ta Chrtauaa
Church her aad the basin houses l
th town gave sn hour of their time In
nenor of th young snaa. Interment
was mad at th Haw ley Cemetery, and
tk body waa buried bsld that ( th
Privates Floyd O. Oil arch, son of
Captain J. O. V ho red, 7 Holly street,
aad William N. Pavts. son f Mr. T. M.
Iavls. ! Fifteenth street Scllwood.
are members of Company E. 124 lafan
try. iktmewher In Franc. Tbey Joined
th colors at their country's first calL
He for their enlistment, both boys at
tended th High School of Commerce.
Privat W. K. Jskawe. a antbi
th llth Telegraph Battalion. Amer
ican expeditionary forces In r ranee,
ailed from San Francisco through the
J'anama Canal to New York on the
teamshtD Great Northern, which he
rata has been rebuilt to a great extent.
Before hie enlistment he was an em
ploye of th Pacific States Telephone
Company In this city.
e e
Herman Llndqulat. a Cathlamet
Wash., boy. has returned to America
after two successful trips to France.
He Is a member of th I'nited States
Navy and Is aboard one of the convoy
battleship. H recently received pro
motion to th position of first fireman
Before his enlistment Mr. Llndqulat was
a student at Oregon Agricultural Col
e e
Albert Johnston, a member ef Com
pany C. If2d Infantry, with the Amer
ican expeditionary force In France,
aaya . he is becoming acquainted with
the ways of the Frenchmen and that he
has a great deal of fun conversing with
Sergeant Fred O. Wleden. son of Mr.
snd Mrs. F. Wleden. 13s Cleveland ave
nue, pioneers of this city. Is doing the
ame work in Franc as he waa In
Portland, and aaya that ha wouldn't
trade the best Job he ever held In the
tales for th on he holds now. Ser
gesnt Wleden is s member of Company
K. ISth En g lasers. Railway, with the
American expeditionary forces In
Charles D. Jones, son of C A. Jen.
Feverly Apartments, ia a member of
Company A. 20th Engineers, and Is sta
tioned at Camp American University.
Washington. D. C. Jones la a fersner
Oregon Agricultural College etodent
and a graduate of Washington High
jM-hooL 11 was, before his enlistment.
with th Stste Highwsy Commission,
lis Joined the colors February :, 113.
Daniel J. Flnnucane. of Oregon City.
4 member of Company A. 1(24 infantry.
121 v A I
l J i A -I
In Prance. In a letter to his father, says
that he has dlscoverd thst home Is the
l place on earth, and all the boys
over there know It-
L. Fergmaon. of New Era. who baa
been In business la that town for many
years, has received a letter from his
only son. Oliver, a mechanic with Bat
tery IX First Antl-Aircraft Battalion.
somewhere In Franc. Ferguson, be
fore enlisting la 117. had a great deal
of Army experience, having belonged
to the Regular Army for a number of
Frank Talham. sen of Mrs. D. H.
Tat ham. 301 Montgomery drive, says
111 In Franc is very Interacting, snd
thst be Is situated comfortably. He la
member of Supply Company. 148th
Field Artillery, with th America Ex
peditionary Forces in France.
e e e
Monte C Walton, a member of the
original Oregon Naval Militia, who left
Portland with that body a year ago.
is In this city for a few days last
week, visiting his wife and baby at 474
Jefferson street. Mr. Walton la now a
third-class Quartermaster aboard the
U. S. S. South Dakota.
e e e
Warren Hicks, of Woodburn. Or., Is
In France with Company I. Kid In
fantry. American Expeditionary Force.
Mr. Hicks, known to his friends as
Buck." for several years befor hi
enlistment, waa coach of th football
and basketball teams of Portland Acad
emy. "Buck" expresses his views of th
war as follows: "If th French people
hsve held them off for four long years,
what will happen to those slaughter
ing Huns when the Tankeea get after
them. Th I'nited States soldiers sre
almost twice as large aa the average
r renenman.
"The American Red Cross sure does
deserve th support of every good
American citizen." Is the phrase In
which Milo Frederick, of Hood River.
sums up the work of that organisation
at th front. Mr. Frederick is with th
British forces In Italy, and his letters
home are full of praise for workrs of
th Red Cross and for the Italian peo
ple,, who. he aaya. ar looking forward
with great enthusiasm to the time when
the Americans will come to their coun
try, and aid them In ridding; themselves
f th Hun. He Is th son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Frederick, of Hood River.
Howard W. Woodruff, son of Walter
W. Woodruff. (8 East Eighth street. Is
being fed so wll in Franc that the
seams of hia clothing are bursting. He
says that he mends them himself. Mr.
Woodruff is with Headquarters Com-
pany. Ilfth Engineers. American Ex
peditionary force s.
James A. Linn, son of James O. Linn
and Mary L. Carter, who enlisted in the
17th Engineers about a year ago, died
March 2. at Walter Reed Hospital.
Takoma. D. C. He was born January 4,
1393. at Currlnsrille. Or., and was a
member of the Modern Woodmen of
e e e
Cecil E. Cobb, son of S. B. Cobb, of
of the Standard Box Lumber Com
pany, who enlisted In the aviation sec
tion. Officers Reserve Corps, expects
to be ordered to report at Berkeley,
Cat., some time this month, to attend
ground school there. Mr. Cobb is a
former student of Portland Acedemy
and the I'nlverslty of Oregon, and
member of the Multnomah Club. He
was prominent In sthletics while at
tending school. Before his enlistment
he wss employed by the Columbia
River Shipbuilding Corporation as ma
terial storekeeper.
Mrs. L. R. Hadley, of this city, has
received word from her son, Frank
IX Higbe. now stationed at a Pacific
port, that he has won a commission as
ensign In the United States Navy and
has been assigned to a ship. He is
23 years of sge snd Is one of the young
est men In the Nsvy to receive a com
mission as ensign. Ensign Higbe has
served four years In th Navy.
e e
Glfford L. Osborne, a member of Band
Headquarters Company, lS2d Infantry,
with the American Expeditionary
Forces In France, has spent more than
two months since his arrival in that
country at a base hospital. Mr. Os
borne has 10 cousins in the American
Army over there. He is the son of Mrs.
F. E. Osborne, of Newberg, Or., and a
former student of Oregon Agricultural
Edward L. Stafford, son of Mrs. E. E
Stafford, of. Sheridan. Or., who came
to Portland with 11 other Sheridan
boys to enlist In the Navy a year ago,
has been transferred to the Aviation
Division. Since his enlistment he has
sttended Harvsrd University and grad
uated from the radio school there. Hs
expects to be flying an airplane in
France within 10 weeks Mr. Stafford
has a younger brother, Philip, who is a
member of Company H. II2d Infantry,
and is now In France.
e e e
Corporal Eugene Doeneka, son of
Mrs. E L. Deneka. organiser and presi
dent of Company H Auxiliary, in a let
ter to hia mother, says that he is en-
Joying life la England and that his only
regret In being there Is that "Camel"
cigarettes are very scarce. Before his
enlistment Corporal Doeneka was em
ployed by Max Houser. the grain man.
He la a member of Highland Congre
gational Church and of the Multno
mah Club. He enlisted April 3. 1917.
In Company H. l2d Infantry, and is
now at Southampton. England.
Lebany. a small town near Raymond.
Wash., was the home of three brotheifc
In the service of their country, one of
whom was lost with the Tuscenia.
Wesley WOUam Hyatt enlisted Decem
ber 10. 117. in the 20th Engineers and
went down with the Ill-fated troop
ship. Ira Irving Hyatt enlisted in the
37th Company. Seventh Regiment,
United States Marine, and Is now sta
tioned at Cuba. Bland Bertram Hyatt
enlisted In Company I, 44th United
States Infantry, and is now training
at Camp Lewis.
is picture taken in field uniform.
In describing aa airplane ngnt ne
says In his letter: "I saw a pretty
fight between a French airplane and
the Boche. The Frenchman was the
fastest snd he ran the Hun all over.
extent of the revolt, and It was only through
one of her servants that she at last got an
Inkling of the truth. She sent for Count
Benckendorff, the head of the household,
and asked him to get her all the informa
tion possible.
The count, who throughout this sad epl-
He wonld diva and din. turn clear over I sode behaved with the greatest loyalty to
and then tear loose with hia machine I his sovereign, tried to go to Petrograd, but
run The la-t 1 uw of them thev dis- I tt Impossible because the railway was
gun. The i last I saw or tnem tneyais- alrMd, , tn. ot tne revolutionaries,
appeared behind some clouds. I used to I a1 h. to obtain what news he could
mine a prizeiignt was interesting, irai 1 by telephone.
(hey can't compare with the airplanes." I The Empress, almost mad with anxiety,
Ia telling of the uniform he wears walked to and fro tn her apartments, wring
he savs: "The picture ahows our new- I 'ns her bands and repeatedly exclaiming:
style hat. How do you like the looks
of it? They are all the rage In France
and all the boys wear them. The small
parcel which looks like a knapsack is
a gas mask. They also ar very pop
OREGON CITT. Or., March 2.
Among the Clackamas County young
men "over ther" Is Privat Elvin W.
Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith.
of Parkplace. His father enlisted dor-
"I know Nicky has been killed, and they
don t want me to hear it
At last she sent a telegram to General
Roussky, who was then supposed to be loyal,
Inquiring after the Emperor. In about two
hours she received a reply, saying that the
Czar was on his way to Pskot and was ex
pec ted to arrive there that algttt. This
somewhat allayed her anxiety.
Soon afterward the Grand Duchess Oiga.
who had the measles, became suddenly
worse: pneumonia declared itself; and then
Alexis, who had been removed to another
wing of the palace, sickened m bis turn,
and the unfortunate czarina bad still an
ing th Spanish-American War. and his I other anxiety to fight, which was perhaps
grandfather. Captain W. H. Smith, of
Parkplace. a well-known Clackamas
County pioneer, fought during the
Civil War. The old veteran is proud
of his grandson.
Smith is of splendid physique, weigh
ing, when he left this city. 193 pounds.
He celebrated his 31st birtbdav annl
. Q . D.t.A,. II I .
' " ' n ,,'., iri I I got up Instantly and found an old groom
member of Company B, 116th Engi- I o( tn chambers standing outside with a
the best thing that could have happened
to her, since the necessity of attending to
her children prevented her from brooding
over what was happening to her husband
About midnight i left tne impress, wno
had been persuaded to retire the Princess
Dondoukoff having promised to watch the
children end lay down in a room adjoin
ing the bedchamber of my mistress. At 3
o'clock there was a soft knock at my door.
Corporal Guy A. Randies, son of Mrs.
C. G. Randies, 4 Rodney avenue, who
is with the 28m Aero Squadron, Ameri-
neers, 41st Division.
Harry L. Jaeger, aon of J. P. Jaeger,
310 East Twenty-fourth street North,
in now tn active service on submarine
chaser No. 41. Since his enlistment Mr.
Jaeger baa taken a six weeks' course
at Columbia University and has been
machinist's mate at New London. Conn.
Before Joining the colors he was a stu.
dent at Hill Military Academy and for
a short time at Oregon Agricultural
Mrs. Ada J. Farmer, of 321 East
Forty-fourth street, has four aons who
are enlisted In various branches of tne
service. The oldest son. Lieutenant H.
D. Farmer, Is with the 318th Engineers
at Vancouver. Wash. He was employed
pale, frightened countenance.
"Something tearlul nas nappeneo.- ne
whispered. "The Emperor has abdicated!"
'What?" X asked, not believing my eara
"The Emperor has abdicated." he repeated.
and began to sob.
I dropped Into a chair aad thought that
the end of the world had come. And
indeed It had of a certain world at least.
"How shall we tell the Empress?" was my
first thoua-ht.
Just then I saw count Bencaendorrr
com In r. He had Just heard what had taken
place at Pakor a few hours before ana was
hastening to communicate it to my uaior
I went back and roused her. She was not
sleeping, and got up immediately when told
that Count BencKendont wlsnea to speaa
with her. Convinced as she was that he
waa going to tell her the Czar had been
murdered, the loss of ber throne seemed a
small thing In comparison, and her first
in the roadmaster's offic previous to feeling waa one of relief at finding her ap
. . . . . , T L- i I prehensions groundless. But she could not
his enlistment. Arthur J. Farmer
with the supply company of the 65th
Artillery and Is now on his way to
France. H was a student at Frank
lin High School previous to his enlist
ment. William J. Farmer is with the
0th Aero Squadron and Is now in
understand why the Czar had not abdicated
In favor of his son.
"There must be a mistake: it Is Impossi
ble that Nicky has sacrificed our boy's
claims!" she kept repeating.
At last compelled to believe that such
the case, she gave vent to an expression ot
anger which showed how thoroughly she de-
France. He was formerly employed by I -,-rf w.k-mlnded man to whom she
tne weinnara company. Anotner son.
Carl E. Farmer. Is with .the Ford ship
ping plant at Detroit.
Mrs. Farmer snd her two daughters
knit from one to two articles apiece
each week for the Red Cross Society
and for their boys. Each week they
also entertain for enlisted men. 'and
soldiers and sailors in this city who
are lonesome are always sure of a wel
come there.
was bound. "He might at liiast In his
fright have remembered his son!" she ex.
These words. It seems to me. are the most
cruel condemnation the cowardice of
Nicholas II ever received.
When the Czar and his family left
for their Siberian prison-like home In
Siberia, the services of the faithful
servants who had'een with them for so
many years were dispensed with, and It
was then that our author parted com-
ri nxr with Vi o Fmnr.Ml
xvv R-.ow Much tact has been used in prepar-
Sinee the outbreak of the war New lne this biography, and Russian politics
Zealand has increased its com storage are wisely not touched upon,
canacity from 2.400.000 refrigerated car
eaaaaa to 4.400.000. and hones to shortly Seven Leaa-ncs Acrase tne sea, ny Samuel
have a caDacitv of 3.000.000 carcasses. Murray. 2.r.O. Illustrated. Moffat. Yard
A Co., New York City.
I had secured a second-class ticket
to Buenos Aires, Argentina, by way of
England, this marking the first of sev
eral legs pf the worm over wnicn I
had planned to travel. Thirteen hun
dred and fifty dollars, representing
years of economical living, was the
mm rimii a neresRArv to eemm.
The Britisn islands are Better pro- pUsn wnat t had proposed doing. By
For short distances the salmon is the
swiftest swimmer of any fish: it can
travel at the rate of 25 miles an hour.
e e e
Moslems under the protection of King
George V number over double the entire
population of the British Isles.
estlng book, and on page 404 we learn
that Mr. Murray left New Tork City
February 9, 1910, and returned there
May 1, 1913. a period of 1176 days.
He had 31350 in savings when he start
ed on his trip, his earnings as printer
while touring here and there amounted
to 32475, and he borrowed 350, mak
ing a total revenue of 33875 for a dis
tance traveled of 73,689 miles.
Mr. Murray's adventures are many.
and his free and easy conversational
style in relating them is charming.
His book is well described as "the
story of a printer's trip around the
world, with little more than the clothes
on his back and his union card."
vtded with rivers than any other coun
try of the same size on the globe.
The estimated cost of new factories
and extensions begun last year in
Sheffield ia 33.750.000.
Burnt sienna is a paint manufactured
from the neutral earth obtained near
Sienna. Italy.
There are upwards of 20,000 soldier
priests in the French army.
Coal Is cheaper in China than any
where else In the world.
Imitation Ostrich-
Coarse silk floss Is used on imported
bats to simulate ostrich feather trim
ming, the illusion being complete when
the long strands of floss sre veiled in
mallne, says the Dry Goods Economist.
A bright touch of Spring is given many
new hatsrwhen trimmed with slender
wreaths and bunches of field flowers.
uch as daisies, buttercups, ragged
sailors, poppies, forget-me-nots and
trade I am a printer and linotype oper
'Since Benjamin Franklin's day it has
been a custom with printers to travel
from place to place, and as some of
the devotees of the 'art preservative
of all arts' had covered, large terri
tories of the world from time to time,
I wished to be numbered among those
at the top of the list. A union printer
has little trouble getting work in the
United States, by reason of the large
Sunday newspaper editions requiring
extra men during the latter part of
the week and by vacancies taking
place through the 'moving spirit' of the
workers, which has always character
ized the printing trade."
Such are extracts from a frank In
troduction to this cheerful, racy story
of a printer's trip to many portions of
the world. South America, South Af
rica, including Zululand, Tranavael
and Klmberly; Australia, South Sea
Islands, Portuguese East Africa. Ger
man East Africa, Mombasa, Nile River,
India, Himalayas, Calcutta, Ceylon, the
Orient, Singapore, Canton, etc.; Manila,
Shanghai, Japan, Hawaii.
There are 404 pages in this -r.
Film Folk, by Bobert Wagner. $2 Illus
trated. The Century Co., New York City.
How often as we view moving pic
tures and grow enthusiastic over their
glories do we wonder what are the pri
vate lives of these "actors of the films."
Where do they "live? What are their
real names? Do they eat, dress' and
pay their taxes, as" other beings do
Here is a bright, witty story that
peeps behind the scenes in the moving-
picture business, and tells real secrets.
It is also worth reading.
There are eight chapters, and in each
the author tells of different characters
in the moving-picture world; of the
handsome film actor whose beauty is
fatal to his comfort; of the child won
der; the studio mother; the camera
man who "shoots the films"; the scena
rio writer; the "extra" man and worn
an. whose numbers are as the sands of
the sea; the publicity man, who "rin
the bells," etc., etc All the stories are
located in or near Los Angeles, Cat
a section more densely populated with
makers of films than any other sec
tion on earth. The author lives there,
he has been in sympathetic contact
with these votaries of this new art
since Its beginning, and his- statements
are stated to be entirely trustworthy,
In the first story, "The Film Favo
rite," the hero is a spoiled darling of
fortune, who tried to be an actor, and
was hooted. So he angled for the
films. Today, as he passes certain
store windows. he sees pictures of him
self as "America's Favorite Film Ac
His "lovely hair and cow eyes" fitted
him admirably for heroic roles, and his
piping voice was no longer a handi
cap. He didn t have to act. If so he
would have failed miserably, which
goes to show what glory and honor
await the young man with long, curly
hair and cow eyes," provided he be
ambitious. He thus describes his first
experience in love-making before the
'I went through the regular formula
for love at first sight, which consists
in enlarging the eyes to 'indicate won
der, then a smile, suffusing the face,
to register satisfaction, ending, how
over, in the pointed brows, the sign by
which one interrogates. The next spasm
is the heaving chest, to indicate that
the heart has been stirred to its neth
ermost depths. Now 'determination to
win her at any cost' must be shown.
This is accomplished by a toss of the
head, a forward thrust of the chin and
tense clutching of the fists." He
apologizes for "pulling this sort of
stuff." knowing it to be idiotic, but it's
what the great American public wants,
and the great American public must
have, etc., etc.
We are informed next that the mov-
ng-picture lovers are the kissiest peo
ple on earth": "We kiss letters, lock
ets, flowers, fans, fur coats and any
other props that happens to be lying
around or are concealed beneath the
bosom of the sentimental lad orslass,
And when we arrive at the happy end
ing well! It is technically known as
the 'clinch, and ends the film in a slow
dissolve. The action begins by a coy
ness on the part of Hortense and a lan
guid yearning on the part of the lad.
Finally we rush together in an attitude
resembling the first hold in the bunny
hug. Then slowly she raises her face
to mine, and I bend to my duty, the
picture dissolving out in a long, lan-
gourous kiss that leaves the onlooker
wondering how long he stuck it out."
The handsome actor in the films con
fesses that in all phases of the silent
drama, subtle comedy is the most dif
ficult of expression. It is his opinion,
also, that while our best comedians
have made miserable failures in the
photoplay, "low" comedians and the
clowns enjoy a tremendous vogue,
"while the fellow with the rubber face
or the one who can submit to the great
est anatomical assaults, seem to win
the heartiest approval" (p. 64).
The Psychology of Marriage, by Walter M.
Galllchan. xl.50. Frederick A. Stokes Co.,
New York City.
This is probably an English book.
Whoever Mr. Gallicban is does not
appear, but he writes as one who has
considerable experience in discussing,
scientifically, the important problems
of love and marriage especially their
mental and physical aspects.
In his preface Mr. Gallichan says:
"Knowing from my own experience in
life, from the confidences of many per
sons of both sexes and from 40 years
of research and inquiry, that most per
sons meet with problems in marriage
and that almost all suffer some doubt,
if not distress, in the conflict between
the passion of sex-love and the numer
ous necessary inhibitions of society. I
have written this book in the sincere
hope that my words may be helpful."
This preface was written in Oakdene,
Gildea Park, Essex, and dated 1917.
Mr. Gallichan writes courageously
and gives plenty of good advice as to
sex matters. He discusses: The supreme
impulse; before marriage; choice in
love; problems of conjugal love; the
husband; the wife; an ancient social
problem; parentage, sex and the com
In his book Mr. Gallichan is kind to
women and puts most ef the blame on
men especially husbands for the
emotional disturbances of women. At
times the book is too morbid. After
reading some of Mr. Gallichan's reve
lations about the woes to be expe
rienced in marriage, one need not won
der that the hardened bachelor may
thank his stars that he has found an
other argument against marriage.
Three Books. Published by Philip Goodman
Company, New York.
"A Book Without a Title," 90 cents,
by George Jean Nathan, consists of
74 short essays bubbling over with
sharp wit, humor and satire. Many of
the sketches reflect charming senti
ment also daring.
"How Is Your Second Act?" by Ar
thur Hopkins, 90 cents, is written by
one who is recognized as one of the
ablest producing theater managers in
this country, one who has given much
encouragement to the work of the
American playwright. This wise little
book of 65 pages is. skillfully written
and sheds light on many of Xhe prob
lems affecting modern plays and mod
ern theaters.
"A Book of Calumny," by H. L. Men
cken, 90 cents. Here we have 49 short
essays on auite a variety of subjects-
essays daring to a high degree, some of
them "shockers and many undeniably
Prester John, by John Bncban. 31.35. George
H. Doran Company, Siew York City.
Colonel Buchan has written us a
sparkling tale of galloping adventure
and romance which In texture recalls
somewhat the charm of Haggard's
"King Solomon's Mines."
David Crawford, a young Scotchman,
has an uncle whose influence secures
him a position as storekeeper in a sta
tion called Blaauwildebeestefontein.
somewhere amongst the wilds of South
Africa. David hears a wild tale of "a
great diamond pipe" which is an elon
gated vein of diamonds. He becomes
a raider, and Joins in wild adventures
with bad men and brave men. and faces
an uprising of the blacks.
L stirring story with a millionaire
Glorious Exploits of the Air, by Edgar Mid-
dieton. si. rfo. illustrated. i. Appieton as
Co., Now York City.
Our author has long been a member
of the British Royal Flying Corps and
knows every detail of the service. Out
of his many aerial experiences Mr.
Middleton has written a graphic, un
usual book. He tells of all sides of
land and water aviation, gives the
complete story of an airman's life, and
furnishes a chapter on the German
air service that is said to be founded
on absolutely reliable information.
Stealthy Terror, by- John Ferguson. 31.40.
John Lane company New York City.
An amazingly clever story of haunt
ing, puzzling interest sure to keep
you awake o' nights.
Hugh Abercrombie, a Scotch medical
student finds himself in Berlin, Ger
many, a few months before the war,
and he gets mixed up with the German
secret service. He is accused of being
an English spy. The love element in
the story is charming.
Flashlights, by Margaret Babcock. 31.25.
127 well-written poems of serious Import,
nd singing the faith and hope of Christian
Science; Th Supremacy of LJfe. by W. 81
Harrison. $1.25. a splendid poem In Mlltonian
vein, contemplating the wonders of life of
God, the earth and Its numberless counter
parts, sin. salvation, heaven and hell; and
The Call of the Mate, by C Francis Burton.
31.'Vi, an emotional, dramatic story of love
and adventure in the goldfields of the
North, a story of good, healthy influence
(Sherman-French & Co., Boston),